#Thank you so much for this gift chewy
So sometimes, like we all do, I get targeted advertising on websites. And sometimes, like an idiot, I lazily scroll through the products to see what they wish to offer me.
Usually there is nothing good. Nothing notable. BUT TODAY. TODAY THEY OFFER ME THIS LITTLE CHUNGLY BOY
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rookthorne · 2 years
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 | 𝐉.𝐁.𝐁
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Pairing ➷ Baker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader Word Count ➷ 965 Warnings ➷ Fluff, pet names Author's Note ➷ My third and final submission for @the-slumberparty's week 2 creator challenge - and it is also my late contribution to Valentine's Day... so happy Valentine's Day to y'all!
Slumberparty Masterlist
𝑪𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑰𝑬 𝑻𝑰𝑵  : ̗̀➛ a sweet biscuit having a fairly soft, chewy texture and typically containing pieces of chocolate or fruit.
There were very few plans you had come up in your life with that rivalled the sheer brilliance of what you decided to do - ‘twas the belated day for it, anyway. 
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Time had slipped through your fingers, so much so you hadn’t realised Valentines Day had already passed by with not even as little as a notice, nor a message. It was the curse of working so hard; late nights, early mornings, so on and so forth. 
Your morning commute didn’t differ in its crowds - people bustling back and forth, rushing to get to their 9 to 5 jobs, or rushing to get to class on time. Though, you did not mind, your thoughts were too occupied on whether you truly were going to pull off such a brazen idea.
It wasn’t reckless per se, but it was out of your norm. A bakery on your usual route to work had signs out, declaring their cookies and treats to be the best in Brooklyn. You didn’t disagree whatsoever, but it wasn’t thoughts of the baked goods that your mind was clouded with, no–it was the baker that occupied the counter. His smile was beautiful, bright enough to light up even the dreariest days, and you couldn’t help but be pulled under the swell of his ocean blue eyes. 
Subconsciously, or instinctually, you found yourself before the very doors to that bakery with no recollection how you had got there, though you weren’t sour for the thought. You could see him talking with customers, bagging up fresh loaves of bread and slices of cakes with that same damn smile that enchanted you. 
The door opened with a whoosh and a tinkling of the bell, and you were inside.
“Have a nice day, ma’am,” he said, his voice smooth. The woman smiled and waved, leaving the bakery with bags and bags of sweet treats.
Another customer stepped forward to be served and you browsed the selection, a little overwhelmed; chocolate this and chocolate that, strawberry this and strawberry that, it was a wonder there were so many ways to use the same flavour in entirely new ways. You were no connoisseur, but you knew baking was an art. 
“Hey,” he called. “Whatcha after today?”
You turned and smiled brightly, trying to will your heart to slow the tattoo it beat against your ribs. “I’m not sure actually,” you offered, sheepish. “I lost track of time and…” A better idea struck you. “I didn’t have time to get a gift before Valentine's Day, so I have to make up for that.”
The man laughed and rounded the counter. “Alright, now that is something I can help with. My name is Bucky, by the way.” You offered yours, and Bucky smiled. “What does your partner like?”
“I want to surprise them, see, they don’t have a favourite–I just know that they love your sweets.” It was a wonder you kept a straight face at the admission, your plan depended on it, and the delighted smile on Bucky’s lips almost broke your facade. 
“The choc chip is by far the most popular, and not to be biassed–one of my favourites.” Bucky directed you towards the clear glass jars where a label was connected with twine, neat script defined ‘chocolate chip’. “And then there’s these,” Bucky continued, pointing towards a cream coloured biscuit with a heart shaped indent, filled to the brim with jam. “They are a safe, but still loved, classic for Valentine’s; even if it is belated.”
“Do you like them?” You asked, peering closer at the dusted sugar and how it sparkled under the soft lighting. 
Bucky nodded next to you. “It was my ma’s recipe.”
“Perfect,” you sighed happily. “I’ll take some choc chip ones and these,” you pointed towards the heart biscuits. “Thanks, Bucky.”
“No worries, doll,” Bucky grinned. Oh, the things you would do to see that smile all the time. 
A few moments later you met Bucky at the counter to pay, a shy smile on your face when you felt the slight crinkle of paper in your hand. Under the guise of digging through your bag, you wrote your phone number on a loose piece of paper and prayed to whoever would listen that this would work. 
Bucky gave you the total with a happy smile and you waved your card. “Here you are,” Bucky said, handing you the bag full of the sweets he had ever so carefully packed. “I hope they like them, be sure to give my thanks for such high praise.”
“I will,” you rushed, grabbing the bag. Bucky turned to the box behind him and fiddled with something, and you took your chance; the slip of paper with your number fell neatly on top of the sealed boxes, its placement obvious and impossible to miss. “Actually, Bucky?”
“Yeah?” Bucky said, turning with a raised brow. “What’s up?”
Taking a deep breath, you offered the bag back to him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Bucky stared. Shock, bewilderment, and amusement flashed in his pretty eyes as they flicked between you and the offered bag, before finally settling on endearment; a smile and wide eyes softening his features. 
“Oh, doll,” Bucky breathed, taking the bag back and brushing his fingers against yours. His gaze flicked into the bag and his eyes grew even wider. 
Before he could say anymore, you squeaked and skipped to the door. “Enjoy!”
Not even ten minutes later, your phone chimed as you walked through crowds to get to work. You pulled it free and let out a breath. It was an unknown number and an attachment, though what it contained told you exactly who had messaged. 
Thank you for that, sugar. 😘
The attachment, much to your utter delight, was a selfie of Bucky’s bright smile, blue eyes, and he was holding up the piece of paper with your number. You floated on cloud nine for the rest of the day as you worked; giddy, excited, and happy.
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↠  𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ↞
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avatar-anna · 2 years
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just a little blurb about pre-one direction harry on valentine’s day. enjoy!!
“It’s not much, but I thought it would be nice to make something instead of buying a gift,” Harry said. “If you think it’s stupid and you don’t like it, I’ll totally understand.”
Harry looked so nervous. When you greeted him at your locker this morning, you didn't understand why he wouldn't meet your eye and kept stumbling over his words. He was generally quiet, but you could normally have a conversation. it wasn’t until he offered you the paper plate stacked with homemade brownies cut into hearts that everything clicked. You’d asked him who the lucky girl was, and Harry just blushed and said he was kind of hoping you would be.
You didn't know Harry all that well, about as much as you knew any of the people you grew up with in your small town. But you had last names that were close together in the alphabet, so you’d become used to seeing him often in school—sitting next to each other in class, next to each other on picture day, and when you were old enough, having neighboring lockers. He was nice, if not a little quiet, and you both had your own friend groups. All you knew about him really was that he had an older sister and was in a band with his mates, and you were pretty sure Harry would only be able to come up with a few small details about yourself as well.
Exchanging of pleasantries had been the norm between you and Harry for years, but now he was flipping the script, and you were honestly quite stunned. As far as you were aware, Harry had never made any indication that he liked you, yet here he was offering you homemade baked goods on Valentine's Day.
“I—I don’t think it’s stupid,” you said. “I’m just surprised, is all. I didn’t think you...liked me that way.”
A blush formed on Harry’s pale cheeks. “Really? My friends have teased me relentlessly because I’m shit at hiding it.”
How did you not know? You weren't upset by any means. Harry was kind and cute. He always lent you an extra pencil in trigonometry, he let you copy his notes when you fell a little behind, he asked to you about the books you would sometimes read in class, and one time he—Oh.
So maybe there were signs, but you just thought he was being friendly.
“I’m really flattered, Harry. Thank you,” you said, meaning it. It couldn’t have been easy to muster up the courage to do something like this. “Can I try one now?”
“Oh, um, sure. I guess.” Harry looked scared, like he worried you were going to spit the brownie out the second you tasted it.
Carefully, you took one of the brownies off the plate. They were all decorated in pink and red frosting with sprinkles on top. Just by looking at them, you could tell that Harry put a lot of time and effort into making them for you. It honestly made your heart flutter. No one had ever gone out of their way to do something like this for you before.
You took a bite, covering your mouth a bit as crumbs began to fall. The brownie was chewy and soft on the inside, the frosting soft and sweet. Around another bite, you said, “These are delicious, Harry!”
He grinned. “Thanks. I—I work in a bakery on the weekends, so I have a bit of practice.”
“You work in a bakery?”
“Yeah,” Harry said, scratching the back of his neck nervously. “I mostly work the register, but sometimes I help in the kitchen. And everyone there is really nice. Well, they’re all older women so of course they're nice, but the gossip’s good, though sometimes it’s embarrassing because—Sorry, I’m rambling.”
“That’s okay. I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard you speak,” you joked. You honestly didn't mind the way he rambled. It was cute. Then, realizing you didn’t have anything to gift Harry in return, you said, “I feel a little bad, though. I haven't got anything for you.”
“That’s not why I—I’m not expecting anything from—You don’t need to feel bad,” he managed to say. “But...maybe we can sit together at lunch?”
You grinned at him. “It’s a date. See you, Harry.”
Before either of you could think anything of it, you kissed Harry on the cheek, right where you knew a dimple appeared whenever he smiled. When you pulled back, his entire face was red, but that only made you smile wider.
Without another word, you took the plate of brownies from Harry and turned on your heel and practically skipped to your first class of the day.
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echo-goes-mmm · 9 months
Ambrose and Elliot #23
Warnings: implied past non-con
Ambrose was up earlier than him, and the entire downstairs smelled like cinnamon and sugar.
“Good morning, love. Help me with this? Go on, have a taste.” He gestured to a bowl on the counter. Elliot grabbed a spoon and tasted it. It was amazing, warm caramel and nutmeg swirled together.
“Alright?” Elliot nodded, licking his lips, and Ambrose laughed at him a little. But he didn’t mind. Master Ambrose had a kind laugh, not like others he heard.
“Would you mind making more flowers after you’ve had breakfast? I’ve got my hands full with pies at the moment.”
“I don’t mind.”
Elliot grabbed the basket of fabric scraps and got to work as he ate. 
He tied the flowers with twine, making roses the best he could. Elliot couldn’t remember making flowers for the solstice before, but his hands somehow knew what to do.
That couldn’t be right. He’d never been allowed to join until this year, but that didn’t sound right either.
At some point he’d done this before, but when? 
He munched on his apple and finished the string of roses.
“Thanks, love.”
He helped Master Ambrose hang them up above the doorway. 
“The party starts at seven. Plenty of time for people to get supper before coming,” he explained as they hauled up a cask of wine. “And plenty of time to have some fun before midnight.”
“What’s at midnight?”
“Bedtime,” winked Master. “I’ll be too tipsy to be up longer than that.”
Elliot wasn’t sure what Ambrose was like when he was drunk, but it couldn’t be worse than his old master and his friends.
After the decorations were made, there were cookies to be baked. Gingerbread, soft butter cookies, chewy chocolate chip, jam-filled, and even a chocolate thumbprint cookie with silky ganache. The ganache ones were his favorite.
And after the cookies were cool and the oven aired out, there were breads to be cut, cheeses to slice, and fruit to wash.
Elliot and Ambrose ate the leftover cookie dough and crusted bread and small uneven bits of cheese and fruit. It was work, but simple, easy work, and Master Ambrose didn’t mind if he messed up on purpose for a bit more cheese and sweets.
Seven came faster than he expected, but he was excited for it. Or was it fear? Both, maybe.
The party was going well. It was an open invitation of course; he wouldn’t exclude anyone from showing up. At least not explicitly. 
James was still banned, but there were more cheerful things to do than think about spoiled brats.
Ambrose looked over to see Elliot. He was chatting with Katie, or rather she was chatting with him, and there was a genuine smile on his face.
He took a sip of wine. Good.
The drinking games went well, but Elliot refrained from alcohol and sipped on water instead. Fair enough. The boy even won two games, and Ambrose was pleased to see him having such a good time.
Ambrose tapped his fingers, his mind going a bit fuzzy. He didn’t care much for getting drunk, but the softness of a glass or two of wine was pleasant enough.
And he wanted some liquid courage anyway; the party was winding down and soon he would give Ellie his present.
He wasn’t quite sure what to get him at first. Elliot was a reserved man, and even a taste of caramel was the best thing in the world to him.
He was hard to buy for. What to get for a man who loved everything and never spoke about wanting?
Ambrose thought about the gift he wrapped up. It seemed fitting weeks ago, but now he wasn’t sure.
He glanced at the grandfather clock. An old solstice present from J- no that wasn’t important- eleven o’clock.
Might as well make it now.
He went upstairs and got the box from his shelf.
“Ellie,” he called. “I, um, got you something.”
Elliot’s eyes lit up and he offered him the box.
“For me?”
“Uh huh.”
Elliot carefully pulled the ribbon, and painstakingly unfolded the paper so it didn’t tear. He opened the lid, and he smiled wider than Ambrose had ever seen.
He lifted the bear out of the box.
Master had gotten him a present. He sort of already knew he had, but seeing the box really made it sink in.
The bear was perfect, soft and plump with stuffing, shiny black button eyes and brown fur. There was even a scarlet ribbon around its neck.
“Do you like it?”
“I love him,” he whispered. He hugged it tight, and it was just right. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” 
“Oh!” He ran upstairs, put the bear carefully in his bed, and grabbed the two packages.
Elliot had gotten him two gifts. A kettle and a teapot, both of which he needed but never took the time to buy. 
Ellie was so thoughtful. He teared up a little; Ambrose blamed the wine.
It was eleven-thirty, and everyone was gone to their own homes.
“We’ll clean up tomorrow,” he said. “I’m too tired to worry about it now.”
The door opened, and Ambrose turned. But instead of someone he recognized, it was a stranger. Clearly a traveler. 
“I’m looking for a room,” he said. 
“Of course. Name please?” Ambrose pulled out the record book from behind the counter. “And how many nights?”
“Horneswood. Two nights. And I’ve already eaten, no need to trouble yourself.”
“Very well.” Ambrose noted down the stay, and took the payment. “This way, if you please.”
Elliot ducked into the kitchen. It was only a glance, but he knew that man.
Knew him as well as Master Ambrose’s kind hand, knew him as well as his old master’s whip. Elliot knew him; his whole body knew him.
Mr. Horneswood, one of his old master’s friends.
And he was staying for two nights.
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @starfields08000 @littlespacecastle @mylovelyme @whump-cravings @zeewbee @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @keepingwhumpwiththekardashians @fanastyfinder @roblingoblin285 @whumpzone @snakebites-and-ink @astrokea @magdalena-writes
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Hi Miss Owl, I hope you're doing well !
I was wondering if maybe you had any headcanons about Din learning early on in his relationship with Luke that he got his fair share of abusive lovers, and how he would react to it, knowing that Luke seems to believe he deserved mist of the things he went through ?
Hello! I am doing decent, thank you for asking! Hope you are well too!
Ooh ok, so tw: discussion of previous unhealthy and abusive relationship.
Luke was a pretty naive and very easy going guy growing up. He was always eager to please and even though he is sassy, can be whiny, and hard-headed, he is someone who could be pushed around a bit and be convinced it was fine. When he is younger, he is also so invested and needy for attention and is adventurous and romantic...so of course, he is eager and looking to find his soulmate and others take advantage of that.
Biggs was someone who he was with off and on but the man was never abusive. The worse he did was be a bit unsure on their relationship and how serious Luke wanted to be and would ask to be just friends for now and see about exploring more later (and there sadly would not be). Luke never held it against him. Given their age, what they were going through, and all that, he knew the man was right...it still just broke his heart on how it ended.
The other two...well, they were not good. They used Luke up for his connections and fame, gaslit him, did everything they could to break him down to try and control him. It always ended painfully for him...and them. Because they would always try to pull him away from his friends but he would never choose a man over his family and eventually they would find out what's happening and, well, Chewie, Leia, and Artoo are NOT pleased. Han just sits back with Luke, Lando, and Threepio to watch as they go feral on the bastard. It did help Luke feel better...but he always would feel so foolish.
He just sort of gives up. It just hurts too much and he didn't trust himself to find the right person.
Until Din.
Din who is loving, giving, protective, soft, strong, and adoring.
And very, very feral over Luke.
To the point when he finds out what happened, he is bribing Artoo for all the information possible to find those that did Luke so wrong.
Din is a good guy. A sweet and loving guy. But he is a vengeful and overprotective sort. He will leave people hanging upside down to be eaten alive, he will make a person drop from nearly a hundred feet in the air to crunch on the ground, he will slice people in half, he will stalk people in a way that would leave them wetting themselves and ensure they remember and are haunted over Mandalorians for years to come, he will happily make your ship explode...all for trending against him or those he care about wrongly.
Him finding out his Luke who is the most giving soul in the galaxy was treated in such a horrible way? He's on hunter mode. He is going to find them and, if he decides to keep them alive, will make sure they feel haunted by nightmares at all moments.
He would then go super loving and Daddy Dom with Luke. Spoil him rotten with words and care and gifts. Lots of affirming touches, non-sensual kisses, opening conversations to just hear about Luke himself and not about Jedi Skywalker, offering to remove some burdens, just doing whatever possible to ensure Luke feels adored and special.
They are so happy and it makes Luke understand this is what a relationship should be like and that he didn't deserve what happened before but doesn't have to worry too much about it cause he's with Din from now till the end of time.
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stars-tonight · 29 days
hihii! :D
I recently got sucked back into the haikyuu rabbit hole, and I've been reading quite a few of your matchup series. They're so well written and thoughtful! If it's possible, I'd like to have one long romantic matchup too (and a short platonic one as well, but if it's too much, then just a couple one would be amazing!!)
1. no special preferences, I like surprises
2. female, any pronouns, would like to be matched with guys please
3. Ideal partner: caring and observant, comfortable to be around. Would tell you if you're making a not so ideal decision. Would sometimes partake in stupid ideas. Gap moe 🤭. A bit possessive. Intelligence is hot.
4. Personality traits: quite clumsy, quite forgetful. Shy and quiet around strangers, talkative and clingy around the (few) people I'm comfortable with. Very easy to make me admire someone. Absolutel useless in social settings. Somehow does well in school despite basically being an idiot. I've also been told I'm silly so that's that. I would try my best for other people. My internal energy depletes real quick and I get tired easily.
5. Hobbies: Drawing (I can draw for you if you want ;;; Which character do you like ;-;), gaming, collecting notebooks and stickers but never using them, reading fiction books and manga, cosplaying. For sports, I like playing volleyball, badminton, and ice-skating
6. Giving: acts of service, gift giving (e.g. random rocks I find) | Recieveing: any and everything, I'll take what I can get ;-;
7. study date!!
8. INFP :D / Likes: chewy foods, sour foods, cats, chinchillas, whale sharks!!! / Dislikes: big crowds, noises, foods that are too sweet or too salty, bugs that are not in cages, cilantro (I don't think it tastes like soap, I just don't like it)
I hope you have a nice week!! congrats on 100 followers and take care ^ ^
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🥛 i feel like while tsukishima can be satirical and sometimes rude, he's not overly intense (in fact he's almost too passive sometimes) and thus wouldn't be nerve-inducing to be around
🥛 especially if you're already friends or partners, moments with tsukishima will just be spent often in comfortable silence
🥛 but he'd definitely tell you if you were making a stupid decision lol
🥛 and ig what really made me lock in tsukishima for you was that "a bit possessive. intelligence is hot" statement
🥛 because you can't tell me tsukishima isn't intelligent or wouldn't be possessive of his partner
🥛 he'd always scold you for being clumsy or forgetful
🥛 but he'd do things to help you silently
🥛 for example, if you constantly forget a hair tie, he'll start bringing one in his pocket when you hang out together in case you needed one
🥛 you're both introverts so you'd probably spend most of your time indoors and alone together
🥛 or at least somewhere private like a quiet library or a corner of a coffee shop
🥛 he'd definitely like it if you came to his games (he's not about to beg you though) and he'd definitely pull the "i'm not coming to your game i have better things to do" but then show up at your game
🥛 oh my goodness if you ever drew him and showed him he'd be such a blushing mess!
🥛 lowkey charmed you thought he was worth drawing and is impressed at the amount of time and effort you spent on the drawing
🥛 of course, he will say none of this out loud
🥛 he pretends to not care about gifts you give him (like your rocks) but secretly keeps them all in a box in his room
🥛 since you're both pretty good in school you'd definitely have study dates often
🥛 tsukishima would definitely tutor you if you ever asked, although you'd have to suffer some sassy remarks
runner up for you was iwaizumi hajime!
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A/N: hi! i ended up doing a lot of matchups today so i was able to get to yours :) also thank you so much for offering to draw for me! no rush at all but i'm super excited lol your platonic matchup came out in a different post
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dooksofearl · 5 months
Monthly newsletter for Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
Happy April and Greetings to Everyone!
Much excitement at our little rescue this month and I can't wait to tell you.
Thanks to my income tax check coming in our fundraising goal for between now and May 1st is only $768.00
That will cover
The rescues regular bills like; utilities ($280 on average since our HVAC is still out, but we are hoping someone is coming to fix it soon), and pet foods ($488). I have managed to raise enough to cover the other bills and supplies from my income tax check. And of course, none of this is for me personally nor do I get paid for the work I do. It's not about me, it's about these animals and making their lives amazing for however long they have left.
Other needs that the rescue has not included in this list are:
As always, Pine pellets from Tractor Supply Company, we go through about 30 bags a month.
The blue dishes we got last time will be added back to our list because they are working so well for our sweet seniors and tiny ferrets in helping them eat in a more natural position.
We still have a short wishlist with links to these items on Amazon. The pine pellets I just listed tractor supply gift cards because they don't sell the pellets through Amazon for delivery.
I also want to remind everyone that you can pick us as your Walmart.com round up charity and that you can send gifts from our Walmart registry and Chewy Registry if you'd like.
We still need fence panels for an outdoor dog kennel yard if anyone has any locally they'd like to drop off. And if you are throwing out any 13 gallon kitchen trash cans or plastic bins of any size we would be thrilled to have them.
We currently have 11 ferrets in amazing foster homes so our population here is becoming very manageable for me AND we have 4 new volunteers!!!!! We are so happy to welcome Michael, his wife, and his mom to our team. They will be coming soon to help me get things back to tip top shape and I greatly appreciate it.
And an amazing girl named Michal who came yesterday and spent the day helping me. The ferrets were crazy about her and you know Keiko was too. The bunnies warmed right up to her but they are very friendly girls. Mr Maru gave her the tour till his house was finished then he had to go see what I had done and grab snacks. Cal the sugar glider, slept through it all. But what delighted me most was Mr. Spooky. Our shy, bite first ask questions later guy, went right to her and cuddled her. WOW He is still having a hard time with Justin not being here. Ferrets grieve just like us and he was really close to his dad the Ferret King. He gave me kisses and now this. It makes me so excited and emotional for him.
There was a minor set back for me medically as I have a new allergy, possibly to Stevia. Of course I try to do something good for my health and now I look like I have rolled in bees. If you don't know, this is not a surprise. Lol But I got some medicine for the hives and hopefully will be feeling much better very soon. Until then if you see me dancing against the doorway like a bear, just walk away. 😂
I'm through infusion 3 of 8. YAY! And I have a surgery consultation coming up finally so I am hopeful that it goes well and we can get a date for surgery. 🤞
I have a potential part time job as a virtual assistant and I am truly excited about that. And we are looking at setting up the trailer for a rental so that I can generate a little income and start paying off old debt and getting back on my feet again.
The three month anniversary of losing Justin was really hard on me but I want to thank everyone for their abounding kindness and support. Some days you and these rescue babies are all that gets me through to the next day. I am so grateful to have you in my life.
I also want to mention if you don't get a thank you note and receipt for your donation or some sort of confirmation, please check with me to make sure we received it. I always send a thank you note if it lets me and if you use cashapp I send a heart.
You are awesome and amazing and greatly appreciated. I could not do what I do if you weren't here supporting us and cheering me on. I hope the blessing that you are comes back to you ten fold. Have an amazing month!
Shelly Breeden-Conner
Executive director
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
Tax ID 88-0945277
Donations can be made in app at:
Zelle and PayPal
Venmo @DooksofEarl
Cashapp $dooksofearl
Checks or money orders can be mailed to:
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
4826 US HIGHWAY 70 E
BROWNSVILLE, TN 38012-8412
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gingerteaonthetardis · 11 months
Apple cider, and any variant of Tucker and Rose you’d like (I know you have a couple lol)
thinky! thank you so much for this prompt. i once again just sort of started another au with it, because i have no self control. i just love putting these two in Situations. or three, rather. wilf showed up in this one, for some reason. hope you enjoy (when you get your internet back, lol)!
read on ao3 here. or send me a prompt here!
something for nothing
"Hot," Rose asked, thrusting out her hands, "or cold?"
In each was a paper cup, the left one gently steaming while the older man glanced back and forth between them with his usual consideration.
"That depends. Is it chocolate?"
"Coffee, then?"
"No." She failed to stifle a grin. "Sylvia would have my head and you know it."
An extremely unnatural-looking scowl made its way across his face. "It's not one of those fancy 'steamer' things, is it? Those always end up tasting like plain old spoiled milk."
Rose shook her head in fond impatience. "Just pick one, will you? Or they'll both be cold."
His eyes narrowed beneath his bright yellow bobble hat. "Fine, then. Hot," Wilf finally declared. "But this had better not be like the time you put chewy stuff in my tea."
"Boba," she corrected. "And don't worry, only liquid in there. And some spices, of course."
At this, Wilf took a long inhale, his nose hovering just above the thread of steam. It was endlessly endearing, how dubious he was about the whole exercise.
Then again, she had just been a stranger who walked up and offered him eggnog, that first time.
It had been nearly a year ago, around the holidays, and she'd been leaving after another long, tedious shift at the café across the way. Her manager had given rare permission to close up early after Rose pulled a double, but she'd not taken advantage: instead, she'd satisfied an intense exhaustion-fueled craving for eggnog by whipping it up right there in the shop.
But she'd made a bit too much, and with no one to share it with, she'd spied the old man at his newspaper stall—such a merry figure, like Father Christmas himself in a heavy red-and-white striped scarf, packing up his stacks of paper like gifts bundled in twine. He'd looked so cheerful and so cold, with his red nose and fingerless gloves, that she went out and offered him a cup of still-warm eggnog. He'd kindly offered a copy of Radio Times in trade, and suddenly they were talking like old friends.
That had been the beginning of a ritual which she held to after nearly every shift she worked. She never emerged without two cups of something to share, and he always held aside a paper or magazine he thought she'd like. They didn't always chat, but they did undeniably enjoy one another's company.
Rose thought of him almost like an adopted grandfather.
She watched with amusement as he put his eye to the narrow hole in the lid like it was the lens of a telescope, trying to see the colour of the substance within. She bit down hard on her lip. "What can you see?"
"Not much," Wilf admitted.
"Drink it! I promise there's nothing odd in there—well, too odd, I mean."
He shook his head at her, but he was smiling as he went to take a sip. She waited, holding her breath—and was delighted when his eyes lit up.
"Oh, that's not bad," he proclaimed, "not bad at all!" As he took another sip, Rose finally lifted her own cup to her lips.
Ripe apple, cinnamon, nutmeg—a faint hint of smoke—even cold, it all burst over her tongue, evoking a sense memory disconnected from anything she'd ever personally experienced. It reminded her of campfire nights after crisp autumn days, falling leaves and waning grey skies. Days so perfect they could really only exist in films, or books, or daydreams.
"It's cider, but with a little—something! Very good, Rose," Wilf added warmly. "So, what's the secret?"
"An infusion of lapsang souchong while the cider's warming up." She was a little proud of that one. "And all the usual suspects—clove, cinnamon, a tiny bit of anise… I have more," she said, patting her thermos where it stuck out of her messenger bag. She'd planned to take it home and sip it with her feet up in front of the telly, but seeing how eagerly Wilf drank from his cup made her want to share more instead. "Want a refill?"
"Let me see to what I've got first," he said, after another savoring sip. "It's good stuff! Is it going on the menu?"
She scoffed. "Of course not. Nobody around here wants fussy cider. They just want tea, or else coffee, black, no sugar—god, if you only knew how many red eyes I make in a day…"
"Well, it is Westminster," Wilf reasoned, looking around at the street which, while presently quiet, was crowded with buildings still fully lit up at long past six. "There's always some crisis they're perverting."
Rose hesitated. "You mean averting?"
"I meant what I said," he replied with a chuckle. "Takes a lot of energy to play at running the world."
"Yes, well, I just wish they'd get a bit more creative with their drink orders while they do it. Civilisation won't end if one of them branches out and adds a shot of vanilla to their latte! And," she went on, voice hushing dramatically, "then there's the peacoats. They all wear the same bloody shapeless things. What is with that?"
"Speaking of peacoats…" Wilf coughed, clearly covering a laugh. "Evening, Mr. Tucker!"
Rose tripped over her own feet whirling around to see who he was talking to, and then nearly stumbled up again when she saw who it was.
Malcolm Tucker.
The Malcolm Tucker.
The scariest man in British politics, and possibly in Great Britain generally, stood about a foot away from her.
She recognised his face from Wilf's newspapers and the occasional clip on telly: fair eyes, humped nose, harsh lines bracketing a restless mouth, head crowned with tarnished silver hair. Under the flat, unforgiving light of the street lamps, he looked hyperreal. But even someone who didn't know his face would see evidence of his hand everywhere. He ruled the media with it. He puppeted the ministry with it.
And he was shaking Wilf's hand with it.
"Wilf, how the fuck's business?" he greeted, breezing right past her, smiling with the kind of familiarity that couldn't be faked. It even looked sincere. He brushed close enough that she could smell the wool of his coat, and she winced.
"Better, now that your mug's back out of the papers, sir!" Wilf laughed, and strangely, so did Tucker. "What'll it be today? We've got the New Statesman, fresh out this morning. There's an interview with your man, that baldy economist—"
But the other man brushed him off carelessly. "Oh, please, none of that, I'm off the clock."
"What brings you round, then?" For a second, Wilf's eyes darted sheepishly her way, and she could only goggle back in confusion. It was like he didn’t want to give something away, something secret. To Tucker, he said, voice low, "Celebrity Skin?"
Rose's jaw dropped. "Wilf!"
"Now, now, Rose, you can hardly fault the man! Just because he's in government doesn't mean he's made of metal."
"It's not him scandalizing me," she shot back with a laugh. "Wilfred Mott, I learn something new about you every day."
“Got to keep you interested, don't I?” Teasing though his tone was, there was also a glint of genuine pride as he added, “Or else I'll stop getting the best hot drinks in London hand-delivered to me!”
They were so busy sharing smiles that it took her a moment to remember they had audience. A rather intimidating audience. One of his iron-dark eyebrows was arched in something like humour. “That so?” Tucker said, eyeing her up and down.
“She’s more than just a pretty face, she is,” Wilf replied, and she felt herself flush. Whether it was from Wilf’s blunt, overenthusiastic praise or the assessing look she was receiving from the Prime Minister’s media enforcer, she couldn’t tell. “You should—oi, Rose, why don't you give him a little of that cider stuff? Mr. Tucker looks cold. Or maybe that’s just his personality.”
She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, amused by the blatant ribbing. He’d accompanied it with a wink, and Tucker didn’t seem offended. In fact, his smile was back, spreading slowly, like it was foreign to his mouth.
“Not sure that's a good idea, actually,” she said.
“Why not?” asked Tucker, locking eyes with her for the first time. There was just something about his face; she knew she ought to be intimidated by him—and maybe she was, a little—but she was at least equally fascinated. He looked just like a man, ordinary.
Except not.
His gaze was too intense for that. Like it was used to cutting right through people. All day, people with glazed-over eyes muttered orders at her—barely seemed to even notice her. It was a startling change, to feel so… observed.
She blinked. “Do you usually risk drinks from strangers?”
“You're saying you wouldn't, if you were me?”
“If I were you—there’s an idea,” she dared with a breathless laugh. “If I were you, we probably wouldn't have quite so many bald, boring blokes in office. And things would probably get a bit more West Wing. But I wouldn't risk poisoning, no.”
“You're clever, then.” The smile that played around his mouth was a shade off the one he’d offered Wilf, but she liked it all the same. “Cleverer than me.” Her eyebrows jumped, and the corners of his lips only ticked higher. “I'd love a warm drink, if you can spare one. It's been a… very long day.”
And she didn’t know quite how, or why, or anything at all, but her hands just started moving on their own, sliding down the strap of her bag to the pouch with her thermos. She was actually going to share her drink with the Hitman of Downing Street, the thing that lurked under the beds of the ministers she saw on television.
You couldn’t make this stuff up.
“Easy, now,” Tucker drily warned. “No sudden moves. I might get clever.”
She chuffed a laugh. “Not likely.” But she slowed anyway, attention bouncing momentarily to Wilf—who was watching their exchange with a rapt and wildly amused expression—before she turned back to Tucker.
His eyes were more reflective of the colour of the sky than she’d ever imagined eyes could be. So blue and grey that it was like looking through the clearest water at the river stones beneath.
She couldn't quite shake off the observation—couldn't manage an appropriate amount of detachment as she withdrew the thermos and twisted it open. Concentrated steam burst free, smelling sweet and enticingly sharp, and she extended the mug out to him.
He took it. And when their fingers brushed over the warm metal, it hit her.
What she was feeling was attraction.
Her first thought was oh, Mum’s going to brick herself if I tell her. Which, of course, Rose wouldn’t. After Jimmy Stone and the complete fiasco he’d created in her life as a teenager, she knew better. But what would Jackie Tyler say about Malcolm bloody Tucker? He'd been working in politics for practically half Rose’s lifetime.
She could just imagine her mum's face, the repulsion and horror, and the picture was incongruous enough that it successfully pulled Rose out of her stupor. She withdrew her hand, feeling the cold snap of air instantly, more fiercely than she might have.
With a tense eye, she watched him lift the thermos to his lips. Watched him drink, slow and contemplative. He didn't seem particularly slow or contemplative by nature, so it must have been for her benefit. Her fingers made fists, which she wedged into her coat pockets.
He took another sip. Then proclaimed, “That's very good. Is that tea I taste?”
Her smile bloomed without thought or permission. “Secret recipe,” she said. “Now you owe me four pounds fifty.”
Those eyebrows leapt again before resettling even lower than before. He looked very intent. “You charge our mutual friend,” and here, he glanced at Wilf, “for cider, too, or is it just me who pays for the privilege?”
“Well, you know what your sort say—no such thing as a free lunch. Or cider,” she added, realising exactly what was about to come out of her mouth and doing nothing at all to stop it. “Wilf pays me back in magazines and good conversation. So what'll you give me, Malcolm Tucker?”
And god, she was actually doing it. She was flirting with him.
Beside her, Wilf was laughing into his fist. Part of her was embarrassed—or would be later—that she was making a fool of herself in front of the old man. He’d certainly rub her nose in it the next time she popped out with a drink. That was just what family did.
But there was another part of her, a much deeper and more untameable part, which insisted on saying, What the hell? Why not?
After all, this would probably be her only chance to tease one of the most powerful men in England. The prospect of pushing him, even a little, felt dangerous, rebellious. Deliciously improbable. And if there was a little extortion involved, well—he was hardly a man with clean hands.
One of those hands, she noted, slid into the pocket of that ridiculous peacoat—which was, she could admit, beginning to grow on her a little; it contrasted sharply against his skin and hair, so pale and severe—and he withdrew something small and white and rectangular. He extended it to her, but before she could take it, his hand snapped back. He seemed on the verge of smiling again.
Then, tipping back his head, he took another long drink from the thermos. A long, long drink.
She grinned, watching his throat bob. The bastard was draining the mug. Getting his money’s worth, she supposed.
She found she didn't mind. Her evening was shaping up to be substantially different than she’d expected.
Only when he'd finished with a faint hum of appreciation and returned the thermos did he give over the proffered card. It was simple, unremarkable white cardstock with crisp black text.
Malcolm Tucker
Director of Communications for the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
10 Downing Street, Westminster, London
Below were two phone numbers. One was crossed out, the smudged ink suggesting he’d done so recently. The second number was indicated as his personal line, and her breath caught. Was he mad, handing out this information to a veritable stranger? Did he know the trouble she could make for him if she started, say, making copies and handing them out with every cup of coffee she sold to his more politically repellant enemies? Of which there were many?
“Don't get clever,” he warned her, and there was a trace of real threat there. She felt it. It made her spine straighten and something senselessly warm unfurl in her belly. Then he said, mildly, “Call it an IOU.”
She looked up at the man before her and wondered if he was mad—or perhaps just fearless—or possibly, she guessed with a tilt of her head, he was lonely.
But whatever he was—and however much she needed to get her head checked for being so intrigued by it—there was only one way to find out.
Rose slipped the card into the back pocket of her denims, meeting his unwavering eyes the whole time, smiling to herself. She bit down on the tip of her tongue to prevent it spreading.
“Well,” she said, trying to sound tough, “it’s not exactly four pounds fifty. But it’ll do.”
Tucker smirked. And—oh, yeah, she thought. Mum’s definitely gonna lose it.
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pumpkaboo-princess · 1 year
i need to know your hcs for little akito/nf i will take them and never return them >:D mwahahahaha
hehe :)
Sorry it took me so long to get around to this!! ;w; hope you like it!!
Pumpkaboo's Akito regression headcanons!!
-Okay hear me out,,, I get pet regression vibes actually? Like, I think Akito is definitely a lil puppy boi UwU
-I definitely think for the longest time, he didn't really understand or know about his regression; he had no idea what to call it and never told anyone about it (although I feel like Ena may have had sneaking suspicions that she kept to herself)
-He definitely sort of ignored/faked through his moments of regression in the past, never really indulged them
-It was pure coincidence that he found something online explaining different types of regression, and he started to connect the dots
-He refused to admit it even to himself at first, but gradually caved and realized that yes, he regresses, even if he's strangely ashamed of it
-This boy is starved for physical affection; if Toya holds his hand, or Kohane gives him a hug, he immediately feels like he's gonna melt
-Eventually he decides to tell Toya about it, and it makes Toya incredibly happy he was brave enough to tell him; he tries his best to take care of Akito if he sees him slipping
-Not like Akito particularly needs to be cared for, he can definitely still function fine on his own, but as stated before, he adores the affection, and Toya thinks he's extremely cute when he's regressed
-After a while, all of Vivid Bad Squad has caught on, although An and Kohane won't mention anything about it until Akito tells them himself
-Once he finally allows himself to indulge properly in his regression, it becomes pretty obvious that it leans pretty heavy into puppy regression
-He doesn't talk as much as usual when he regresses, mostly just making various noises, or an occasional couple of words
-He either gets really energetic, or really sleepy, there is no in between
-Needs a lot of stimulation and gets bored super easy; even when he's sleepy he insists on putting something on the tv or his phone to "watch" (he absolutely doesn't watch it, he just starts snoring)
-Really likes to spend time outside when regressed, and likes playing around like a kid!
-Has definitely had impromptu games of tag with the entirety of Vivid Bad Squad (he almost always wins; Tag Master)
-Plays lots of other games with VBS; hide n seek, the floor is lava, one they simply call The Arena (it's kind of just gladiator fighting inside of a trampoline, Kohane usually sits this one out LOL)
-He lives for headpats and for taking naps in somebody's lap (especially if he's napping right after running around n wearing himself out, those are the Best naps)
-He also buys himself one of those chewy necklaces cuz he realizes that he'll bite his nails or the ends of his sleeves when he regresses
-He winds up with several other kinds of fidget toys gifted to him as well; he loves them even when he isn't regressed, but especially when he is!
I'm kind of runnin out of ideas but! Thank u for the ask!! <3
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thetoaddaddy · 7 months
((@storiedocs Chitose))
“Happy Valentine’s, Jiraya! This is for you!”
It’s a plush frog holding a heart (though the heart could be removed and replaced with any number of small items so as to be an all-season decoration). There’s a little tag that says “handmade with love” attached to one of the seams (though the bandages on her fingers already attested to many, many needle pricks).
Along with the frog is a little cellophane bag of sweets: crunchy-chewy fruit-flavored kohakuto gummies in heart shapes and Valentine’s colors, as well as a selection of simple chocolates. (Everything’s immaculate, as expected from a food service worker.) The bag is tied with a red ribbon.
“Do you know when a plushie’s birthday is?” Chitose asks with a smile.
“It’s the day you tie a ribbon around it and give it a name. And if you name it after someone you love, it’s said that that person will always return your affection. Pretty neat, huh?”
A childish legend from an occasionally childish person.
“Heh how cute.” Jiraiya says.
He takes the plush from her. It was very adorable. And as far as he can recall this is the only time anyone had gotten him something so nice.
“Really? I’ll have to come up with a good name then, won’t I?” He flips the frog around and holds it up against his chest. “I think this is the nicest gift anyone has ever gotten me. Thank you, Chitose.”
It seemed a shame to ruin a perfect ribbon tie but he pulled on it to get to the goodies inside of the bag. While sweets aren’t his favourite he wouldn’t turn down something that was put together with so much thought.
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ithinkabouttzu · 5 months
Hello dear Mac how are you? Hope everything is well, soooo I'll have the honour and pleasure to make you a special gift for the HBOWar Exchange thingy. I've been a fan of your works so I'm so thrilled to get to know you better to make you something nice! Okay so first of all I saw that you are a kpop girlie huh? I know only a little bit about the idol culture and stuff so (if you want) could you rec me some songs from your fav groups? Have a nice day/week :)
p.s I will definitely come and bother you more hehehe
-Your anon friend
AHHHHH OMG HELLO SWEET FRIEND!! I’m so excited to see what you have in store for me!! Thank you sooo much for reaching out!! 💗
I definitely grew up as a huge kpop stan LMAO 😭 I was such a huge Twice stan and I still really like their music now! Fun fact~ My username is based off of one of the Twice members, Tzuyu! (pronounced Chuey or Chewy) Some of my favorite songs of theirs would probably be Fancy, The Feels, Strawberry Moon, and Talk that Talk!! All of those songs are so upbeat and happy ☺️ they remind me of summer!
For boy groups or male artists I would have to say I love TXT!! They make the best studying music I swear by it!! Some of my fav songs by them are Blue hour, Sugar Rush Ride, Tinnitus, and Do It Like That!!
And some of my other little favorites are: Just one day - BTS, Only - Leehi, and Boy - Treasure! All of these are the cutest little love songs 😭
Thank you for reaching out and asking!! Please feel free to come bother me anytime you’d like 😆 You have a wonderful week! 💕
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doughnutdaily · 6 months
The Aldi Doughnut
Welcome to the first ever not-daily Daily Doughnuts review. I'm sure you're all here because you love doughnuts and want to know exactly where to get the best ones. After a tough day, I took myself off to the second closest shop to treat myself to doughnuts. Thankfully, these were much better than the doughnuts from the closest shop.
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Where from?
This doughnut come from Aldi in the UK. I was lucky to find it. The baked goods section was deplete of doughnuts. This pack was among the bread having been discarded in exchange for a tortilla. The doughnut gods smiled upon me today.
Initial thoughts
These doughnuts are shiny. They have a distinctly plastic look to them which doesn't fill me with the greatest confidence. If you told me these were polymer clay earrings that fell into the gaze of a enlargenator, I would believe you.
The Bread
Let's not beat around the bush here. Doughnuts are bread. And these doughnuts have some excellent bread. They have a nice bite to them. A little chewy but not an effort to chew. They're soft and buttery. The cross section shows a perfect crumb, dense and fluffy. It is just the right amount of sweet to be flavourful but remain light. I could eat all four.
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The topping
Topping can make or break a doughnut. The bold, rich colour of these doughnuts very quickly revealed itself as being all for show. It is bland and mostly flavourless. I like the smooth texture; I think it compliments the fluffy bread very well. But nothing to write home about. The sprinkles are the same icing so add nothing to the overall experience beyond aesthetics. Overall, while the topping has very little to give, it does well not to detract from the deliciousness of the doughnut.
Final Verdict
These doughnuts are light and inoffensive. They'd be a great addition to any bring-and-share party. They look the part and certainly won't upset anybody, even if they don't change lives. 7/10
Thanks for coming along this journey with me. Do you have any doughnut suggestions, questions or ideas? Reply to this post! And you can support by sending a gift card to your favourite doughnut shop using this email: doughnutdaily.blog [at] gmail [dot] com (UK based only at this point, thank you!)
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Mistletoe kiss
Pairing: Han Solo x GN reader
Description: At a Christmas party with the rebellion, you and han share a long awaited moment together
Warning: Minor swearing
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You walked in the base holding presents jumping around like a little kid excited to give your close friends their presents. "Merry Christmas everyone!" you yell as everyone cheers as you walk by giving side hugs until you see Luke and R2 jogging to them patting R2 on his head hugging luke "Hey I was wondering where you were" he says as you hand him his present smiling "Let's go find Leia and Han" you say grabbing luke's arm before he can try to open his gift r2 following behind chirping christmas songs happily, you find leia beside 3po who seems to be talking about all the lights around base and even some strung around his shoulders and head "Leia there you are" you say holding out her gift as she smiles sweetly "You didn't have to!" she says taking the gift ready to open it "Wait we gotta find han" luke says as you all look around until r2 beeps causing you all to look seeing han and an annoyed chewie wearing a big christmas sweater "Hey guys!" he says seeing you all as you laugh at chewie in the sweater being greeted with a mildly annoyed hi by him as you giggle. You hand han his gift "For me? really?" he says surprised as you turn handing a tiny present to r2 as he chrips thank you handing a gift to 3po and finally chewie "Open them" you say smiling as everyone opens their gifts "Oh my you shouldn't have" 3po says holding metal polish so he can remain golden and shiny followed by chewie roaring excitedly hugging and lifting you as you laugh, you feel r2 bump your leg after chewie put you back on your feet holding his new crossbow you rub r2's head getting down hugging him as he says how much he loves his new body stickers "This looks just like the one Ben gave me" luke says holding the plane you got for him smiling warmly thinking of ben kenobi "Oh my god how did you find it" leia says holding the dress and flower headpiece you saw at a festival that she wanted and got from the seller after giving her your old clothes for her to sell "Holy shit how did you get this?" han says holding a heavy pistol in more new condition than his old one that couldn't really shoot well anymore "Thank you" they all say as you giggle. "We have gifts for you too" leia says as she hands you a small baggy full of old traditional naboo jewelry followed by chewie giving you a gift of a small box full of crystals R2 hands you a gift of incenses that you loved 3po stands beside R2 handing you a gift of charms to symbolize yourself and the group to wear on your wrist luke gives a basket full of different scents of shampoos and soaps, you look over seeing han standing beside leia holding a gift walking to you slowly handing you the gift as you smile opening it seeing a picture in a light yellow frame of you and han on a trip to Naboo him holding you on his shoulders hearing the others giggling as you look at them confused seeing them point above you as han steps infront of you as luke grabs the photo holding it for you. You look up seeing mistletoe above you and han as you turn bright red as han laughs "I have one more gift for you" he says leaning in wrapping your arms around his neck as the others cheer as you both laugh with everyone running and hugging the two of you "Been waiting for this since I met the both of you" you turn seeing Lando holding a camera and a rebel fighter as you give lando his present him immediately putting on the new cape "Now picture time" walking over you all pose as the rebel fighter takes a picture of all you that you get coped and framed so you all have the picture to look at and smile and at the memory that Christmas.
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ok buckle up because I'm going to go on a Stargate Atlantis gush so long I'm not going to bother turning it pink
this series is EXACTLY WHAT IVE BEEN NEEDING ok ok listen yes it has scary monsters and fight scenes and blowing stuff up BUT it also has substantial fluff
we get to see the characters making a home in small ways from a favourite food in the cafeteria to rc car races in an unused hallway
the words "we can't tear this family apart" in life threatening situations give me life and they are said a bunch of times
the creators hate killing characters off as much as we hate losing them so a lot of mc deaths get "well, actually"d in a way that made sense (such as getting really upset that my fave Carson died only to have his clone be rescued half a season later and be reintegrated into the mc circulation)
and the series finale was AMAZING. spoiler alert skip this paragraph if you don't wanna read details about the finale. it gave a reasonably hefty threat for a finale, but everyone survived (other fave Ronan got well-actually'd and I'm thankful because he's the teddy bear protector and I would've cried) and found a home. atlantis is on earth, the family is together, and it ends with the well-loved all mc's are on a balcony overlooking a beautiful view and saying that theyre each other's home and there are always going to be other adventures. - end finale spoilers -
even the bad guys are personified. you mightve seen my post about Todd, and Todd is The Original Funnyman. this guy has the best sense of humour in the whole show. then there's Michael, and you feel for him. the replicators... uhh... yeah most of the replicators are unremarkable personality-wise, but hey they're robots.
now for mc's. this is a no-rodney mckay-hate blog, so if you say anything hateful about him I'll stab u. yes he's arrogant and a know-it-all and he thinks he's better than everyone and has the social skills of a stale cracker BUT he has GROWTH and is slowly RECOGNIZING AND TRYING TO TREAT PEOPLE BETTER and he's My Boi so fite me 9/10
Sheppard is hilarious and is responsible for the awful placeholder names for individual wraith. he has serious Burnt Out Gifted Kid Vibes and is definitely smarter than he lets on. atlantis crew is definitely the first Family he's had and feels safe with. I love him 11/10
Teyla is awesome and would absolutely kill for her adopted earth family. also turns out to be Best Mum 10/10
Ronan. my beloved puppy Ronan. played by the absolute unit that is Jason mamoa. he is a man of few words and many guns. atlantis crew saved him and he's the last of his people and now the base is His Home. Sheppard calls him "chewie" affectionately and Ronan smiles every time. 20/10 I would absolutely feel safe with him around
Dr Carson beckett. a Scotsman who will even try to heal his enemies. besties with Rodney McKay and keeps him in check. he's so lovable and sweet 11/10 his clone goes away for the Pegasus galaxy version of doctors without borders 9/10 I'm just glad he's back
Radek zelenka. his most common subtitle is [mutters in Czech] he's so soft and squishy I love him. he shares a braincell with Rodney and they finish each other's sentences it's like they're very competitive twins 10/10
Elizabeth weir. not quite the Mum but definitely the Older Sister In Charge. I miss you so much. rip 11/10
there are a lot more that I love but I'm just gonna leave it here. you should absolutely go watch it.
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philialdevotion · 10 months
"Well then, not here to scold us for our invitations, are you?" A tease – it had not been that long since the incident with the Angel of Love who had sent them such poorly written verse, but the young professor's eagerness to jump into the fray after the troublemaker had endeared her to Sigurd immediately.
Not least of which because it was in his nature to be so opposite, to take things without caution or guile, and to gently poke fun where he could.
He laughed brightly, bringing his hand forward for her to shake. "Apologies, I couldn't help myself – of course, if you were, I would take it, and offer you a drink anyway. Oh, speaking of which, here. A gift – some small things from my home. I do get nostalgic sometimes, for all that I am ill-equipped to put those feelings to paper."
He handed her a bag from the nearby table of goodie bags. The bag is of a plush sapphire velvet with braided gold drawstrings. If she were tempted to peek inside, she would find the festive goodies of the typical Chalphy holiday season: roasted nuts coated in a caramelized warming spice mixture, a hand-pulled twisted peppermint stick, decadent candied orange peel, and a holiday cracker to be pulled later with little knick-knacks within.
"Please, my friend. I hope that you enjoy yourself, in whatever way that looks like for you. Come find me if you are at all ill at ease."
On the off, but oft considered, chance that someone were to advance and launch an inquiry into the specific traits best befitting a pegasus knight, Phila would have said organisation was a neglected imperative.
She rather liked that turn of phrase. Its creation had shaved a few hours off of sleepless sitting in her office. Head pressed into the gnarled bite of slightly rough wood, her lips had worked their way around the familiar syllabic grooves: rendered inaudible both by a fear of some other nightless wanderer hearing, and an impulse which said any sense would fall apart the second it was spoken.
It was a shame that the fact of her life rendered those words but wind. Her desk had a bustling ecosystem of scattered lesson plans, letters with no address, notes, love-verses from that scourge the Angel of Love, lists, and lists and more lists: all ink-blighted and dog-eared. They had proven prime foil for the invitation, resting unblemished amongst the scraps, covering one of the Angel's particularly obnoxious literary excursions.
She had hesitated, and could not blame her hesitance on her mess; though that would've been much easier. What had prompted the man before her to extend an invite had been part of the issue. They didn't know each other really. They were merely united by a goal, one that she suspected she had been more fervent in seeing-through than he had. But then again, a shared goal was still something. And it was that tenuous connection, bolstered by memories of the advice box, that had stopped her from crumpling the leaf before her.
She sickened of paper connection: she needed to see people, needed to look them in the eye and eat their food. As one of the hosts approaches, she directs an awkward glance towards the loaf jammed into her side by a tense arm. It hadn't come out quite right, a little too chewy. Well, it could soak up soup well enough.
'Fortunately, the contents of your invitation far exceeded the work of our Angel.' She responds, inclining her head as if in recognition of the memory he produced. Conveniently, it hid the small smile that crumpled the stoic stillness of her features too.
He laughs heartily, that is the only way to describe it. As if the chambers of his heart were echoing some irrepresible store of joy. Practically engineered to be contaigous to all; except those schooled in the art of a stern front.
The proferred present is recieved and she holds it close to her, not quite willing to open it yet. 'You are a good host, I can only hope to prove an adequate guest. To go to such effort in these fraught times is greatly appreciated. Thank you.' Phila smiles, and lets him see it this time.
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sam-glade · 1 year
I think you've gotten asked just about everything on this ask game lol but how about
🎨 [Palette] If your WIP was a color, which color would it be?
🍩 [Donut] What's the weirdest thing someone eats in your WIP? What's the best thing?
Hi Rose, thank you💜
From this ask game.
🎨 [Palette] If your WIP was a color, which color would it be?
Gifts of Fate: ashen grey The Prince's Shadow: red brick Prodigal Children: sky-blue
The Truth Teller: light grey, like dirty plaster on buildings
🍩 [Donut] What's the weirdest thing someone eats in your WIP? What's the best thing?
Ok, I'll eat pretty much anything at least once, so it's hard to say what counts as weird.
And I just remembered something! To the general audience, I guess a flame-roasted chunk of either aurochs or European bison is pretty weird (Lissan can't tell them apart. I'd like it to be an aurochs). I can only guess what an aurochs tastes like, since the species went extinct in the 17th century, but I can confirm that a European bison just tastes like chewy, heavier beef.
But to the characters themselves, things like strawberries, lemons, and white sugar are pretty unusual.
(In The Fulcrum, my birdfolk eat all sorts of roasted insects and molluscs - is that weird? I can confirm though, they're tasty.)
But as for the best things, in The Truth Teller, it's got to be RIlna's pies and cakes, and Mouse's hot chocolate. In Days of Dusk? Hard to say. There are a couple of balls hosted by the princes, so the buffet there probably wins this round.
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