#That lighting was a pain in the ass to do
Dreams and Nightmares
Summary: You comfort Armando when he wakes up from a nightmare. Takes place during the events in Bad Boys for Life.
Warnings: smut, thigh riding and masturbation (female)
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"Army, baby?" You sleepily stroll down the stairs toward the glowing light coming from the living room. Goosebumps form on your skin from the cold air, Armando's button down shirt barely providing any coverage from the low temperatures at night.
"¿Que haces despierta tan temprano? (what are you doing up so early?) ", you hear his voice carry down the hallway, "Go back to bed, baby", his accent is heavy when he's tired, the blend of Spanish and English flowing out flawlessly. Its more of a command than a suggestion, but you ignore it as you continue towards the sound, knowing its his protective side coming out.
You grip the threshold of the door to his office, hesitating to take a step inside. Its the only room in the expansive house that's off limits to you, and you aren't under false pretense that you don't know what goes on within these four walls.
He's sitting in front of his laptop, the backlight illuminating his frustrated face.
This scene has become a normal occurrence lately, Armando up late well into the night, but you don't dare ask about anything regarding his work, preferring to remain blissfully unaware. You decided to look the other way years ago, and Armando has never made you want for anything since.
"Couldn't sleep?", you say just above a whisper, snatching his attention away from his computer. His hardened face only softens for you, giving you a small smile and a nod, an invitation to come inside.
"Its nothing, I couldn't sleep", he lies with a grunt, reaching out for your hand, and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You meet him the rest of the way, noticing how his body tenses when you place a hand on his shoulder. You massage the knot that sits just below his shoulder blade, but it does nothing to soothe him, only making him tighten up more.
"You're lying", you press, careful of your tone, well aware of his tells by now. He's surprised by your push; you usually don't speak to him like this. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, letting go of your hand and shrugging you off. "I'm not lying. Go back to bed."
Just as he turns back to his laptop, you slowly close the lid, steadying yourself against his chest to mount his lap. His hands instinctively find your hips, pulling you closer. He throws his head back with a sigh as you settle your weight onto his. Your hands encircle his head, nails scratching at the nape of his neck. "Talk to me, baby".
"I said it was nothing, I just couldn't sleep. Some weird fuckin' dream." He wants you to drop the topic, and quickly, his dissatisfaction growing by the second. "Ya terminé de hablar de esto." (I'm done talking about this)
You hang your head in defeat, your attempts to comfort your boyfriend a failure. "I'm sorry, I just..."
Armando moves one hand to your waist, the other to the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss, his teeth pulling your lower lip between his. You gasp for breath as you push yourself away at his chest, temporarily lost in the kiss, but he only gives you a brief reprieve before pulling you back in again, lifting you up as he takes two rough handfuls of your ass, slowly moving you back and forth against his thigh.
The denim of his pants feels abrasive against your delicate inner thighs, but you're so lost in the pleasure of friction against your clit, the mixture of pain and satisfaction is almost too much.
"Army, I-I can't..." you can barely get the words out, grasping onto his biceps to steady yourself, as your hips move back and forth at a blissful pace, your orgasm building in every muscle in your body.
He pulls your head down to be level with his mouth, his hot breath tickling against your ear.
"You can't what? Eres tan hermosa mi amor" (you're so beautiful my love), he sweetly compliments you, a sharp juxtaposition to the rough grip he has on your hips.
He pulls at your hair, yanking your head back, so he has a clear view of your face as it contorts with pleasure, so close to your release, a spot building on his thigh from your wetness. "Come for me, baby."
You're so desperate to please Armando, you guide his hand to bunch his shirt around your waist, exposing your glistening pussy to him. Your hand travels down the front of your body, your fingers drawing lazy circles around your bud. "Fuck, fuck!" You let out a squeal, your tender mound sensitive to the touch, your senses in overdrive as you began to orgasm, waves of pleasure washing over your body as you tense and release every muscle in your body.
"This is better than any fucking dream", Armando whispers against your cheek. You weakly giggle, all of your energy leaving you as you collapse against his body, your chest writhing with each breath. You're exhausted, your body twitching with residual pleasure, but Armando won't let you stop, dragging your orgasm out as long as possible.
"I need one more", he commands, and this time, you can't ignore him as much as you may want to. You weakly nod no, but are too tired to fight him, and admittedly you don't want to. Moans roll off your tongue as he pulls another orgasm out of you, this one coming quicker than the first, but just as thrilling,
"Army, please", you beg, and he lets off, massaging your hips as you try to catch your breath, your forehead resting against his shoulder.
"I love you, my love", Armando rests his head against yours, trailing his fingers up and down your spine, sending shivers through your body. "It was just a dream, nothing more."
You choose to believe him, not having the energy to ask anymore questions.
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majeoeje · 3 days
Beating heart
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Laios x reader
Just please don’t ever go away
Part 2
“Wake up, hey! Wake up!” Said Laios
You wondered why he was making such a ruckus before you looked down and noticed the ungodly amount of blood that came out from an open wound on your stomach. Out of instinct, you hand reached down to press on the wound to try and stop the bleeding, hissing in pain at the contact
That’s right! you were fighting a monster beforehand… what was it? It was shaped like a horse but it was definitely not a unicorn, let alone a kelpie.. now that you think about it, it looks more like a donkey with the elongated ears..
Before you could recall your memory, your attention finally drifts to Laios. There was a peculiar expression on his face, well it wasn’t something comical like how he usually has, it’s quite different. The slight widening of his eyes, the schrunched up brows and the slightly agape mouth wasn’t something you had ever seen Laios expressed in all your years of friendship.
“You’ll be alright.. just stay still.. Im sure Marcille is on her way!..” he muttered “you’ll be alright..”. He pushed aside some of the hair that sticked to your forehead, perhaps an effort to soothe your pain. Not knowing how long Marcille would take to get here after being separated from you and Laios.
Laios held your bloodied hand, squeezing it tightly that he should while your other stayed still on your wound.
By the tone of his voice you would’ve thought he was saying all these things to assure himself. Was Laios perhaps… Worried?..
You weren’t sure. Sometimes the dim litted candle light can be deceiving, you thought, especially in a dark cave like this. Though you know you needed to do something hearing his endless mutterings
“Calm down, Laios” you said, your voice rendering weaker than you assumed. As you tried to sit more comfortably on the rough surface of the cave
“Why don’t you try that healing spell that Marcille taught you?”
“I’m not sure.. i had healed a scratch sure, but this is something entirely different…”
You opened your mouth to say something encouraging, but the blood that you coughed up instead surely wasn’t helping the situation.
“Gah-Ahh!!” He yelled, you found it ironic how he was the one screaming.
“I’m fine dude you..can do it! No pressure..” You said, weakly pointing a thumbs up.
Your ass is far from fine. And Laios wasn’t stupid enough to not notice.
Despite the growing worry that seeps into his mind. But he was determined to help as always, knowing him.
“Okay.. i’ll try”
You let go of your wound, it seems that the blood that seeps out has slowed down faster than you think. With that thought in mind, you guided both his hand to your stomach, squeezing it ever so slightly.
“Alright, just recite the incantation. I can take it!” You said enthusiastically before gritting your teeth, prepared for a god awful amount of pain that comes in healing magic.
He nodded before he starts reciting the incantation that Marcille had worked so hard in teaching.
And painful the spell it was, as you screamed understandably loudly feeling as if you got stabbed once again with no adrenaline helping you in slightly easing your pain. You held onto Laios’ armor the whole time, not wanting to hurt him while he was trying so hard to focus.
After a while, the pain eventually subsided, being replaced by an unbearable itch.
“I need to sit down” said Laios, feeling a dreadful Mana sickness coming his way
You instinctively pat the spot next to you, an odd habit that didn’t take long for your party members to notice. You guessed you just liked to be seated next to him. Well Laios never complained, even now as he obediently sat himself next to you.
“You did well, Good job Laios” it was evident from the closed wound on your stomach that Laios was starting to get the hang out of magic, it would be a lie to say it didn’t fill you with a sort of pride.
Not long after that sense of pride washed away though was when you noticed how awfully quiet Laios had been. You were worried yes but the cling that he has on your arm was what convinced you he was alright. At least he will be once you gave him a moment. Mana sickness surely is a pain, you thought feeling him shift in his seat to lean against you, muttering something incoherent.
“I’m hearing footsteps coming, i’m sure it’s Marcille, we’ll be alright Laios” you said, before Marcille appeared as if on cue
“There they are!!” She yelled, senshi and chilchuck immediately rushed to help you, while Izutsumi scanned the area for monsters.
You were so relieved they had found you and Laios that you didn’t mind the earnest scolding Chil and Marcille was already spouting to you. Maybe it didn’t help the fact that you smiled through the whole thing, well you were just happy to see them!
The rest of the night went smoothly though, your party had found a spot to rest for the night, and a running water. Aside from that, Laios was recovering on his sleeping bag, trying to endure his headache. You didn’t miss the amount of increased staring on his part though, making you wonder what was going on inside his mind.
But you try not to pay attention, as you focused intently on your night watch.
Hours passed, your eyelids were getting heavier to stay open
“You can go to sleep, i can take over from here” said Laios, you could see him a little clearly now that his features were illuminated with Marcille’s light spell
“Laios, it’s not your turn yet” you yawned, noting how you still have an hour left to your night watch
You look around seeing your sound asleep party, the growing love for them that you gradually succumb to was undeniable.
“I know but you just got healed, you should rest more”
“Well YOU healed me and i know there’s still some remnants of mana sickness in your head” you playfully argued
“Just let me do this for you.”
he said, you were taken aback with how desperate he sounded, it was rather emotional. It was by then that you realized this wasn’t just about the night watch
He looked away.
“Is there something you want to talk about?”
You knew something was up, the growing silence that ensued was nothing but a sure evidence of his troubles.
“Tell me what’s wrong, i’m always here for you” you assured, running circles along his back.
He finally turned to face you. You never knew the golden hues of his eyes could glow in such a solemn way until now.
“What if one day, you’re not?”
The question seem to weigh less to you than it did to Laios.
“Huh?” You were confused, was it because of your accident just a moment ago? He knew that wounds and death didn’t have a severe of an impact as it did in the surface, yet the calm collected Laios could not be more worried in seeing you like that.
“What if by some chance i couldn’t heal you… or even worse you die-“ the sudden pick up of his breath was making you worry. It wasn’t long before he started to hyperventilate.
“I can’t perform a resurrection spell!… i can barely heal your wound…”
“Laios!!” You whispered yell as you smacked him across the face, his hurt expression could be read clearly as ‘what was that for?’ Despite your burning desire to yell at him, you didn’t want to wake the other up with Laios sharing the intention
“You need to calm down..” you held him by the shoulder “i’m alright and i will continue to be”
He looked at you
His heart was filled with so much doubt. It’s not like he was unsure in your strength, rather… it was doubt that he could even bear that sight once more. The thought of you in so much pain was sure to haunt his soul than you would ever know.
You took his hand in yours, placing it on where your heart would be. He could feel the vivid heartbeat on the palm of his hand, the continuous beat of the pumping organ was steady, paired with the slow rise and fall of your ribcage, a concrete evidence that you were here, alive, and breathing.
“I’m here”
You didn’t know if it would work but the steady drums of your heart slowly brought him a peace of mind.
His breath eventually went back to normal, which brings you a sigh of relief
He lets go, opting to shift himself closer to place his ear on your chest, he wanted to hear it clearly, closer.. closer to you. The sudden contact startled you as your arm fell to a stiff not knowing where to put it.
“Your heart rate is picking up” he stated as a matter of factly. As of this moment, you didn’t curse his density to took notice in your behaviour.
“Yeah” you coughed rather abruptly, trying to calm the flush on your cheeks. You were just relieved your party wasn’t awake to see you so embarassed.
You gulped down your hesitance, opting to play with Laios’ soft locks as an attempt to distract your mind. You reminiced on the times where he would pay no mind of his appearance thinking it was a hassle, those were definitely not a good phase he went through, but sometimes you did miss his long outgrown hair after he freshly washed it, you smiled remembering how he lets you braid small parts of his blonde hair as a fragrant scent of mint shampoo would emit from his scalp.
Though you do like his more kept style now, Falin worked hard to learn how to trim his hair after all.
Your train of thoughts soon was cut short when you felt the hold Laios had on you tightening.
“Don’t go. Please don’t ever go away.” He said, repeating his swallowed words from earlier, his voice had found its way to be louder now that he’s calmed down, different from back when he healed you.
You felt guilty to say that your heart swelled in content hearing that. There’s something so incredibly precious to have someone care for you to so much extent that they would feel this way, you were lucky to know you wouldn’t forget that feeling as long as you were with Laios.
“I wouldn’t dream of it”
You hugged him,feeling the tightening grip that he has on your blouse, he groaned slightly feeling the warm embrace, though you kept it short, not wanting to suffocate him.
You and Laios weren’t always together . But even so, the unseperated bond that you had over the years was something that he treasure above all else.
Though sometimes he would dwell on the different path you could’ve chosen. What would happen if you were to accept your betrothal, and get married in that small village? What would happen if his father never kicked him out the house? What would happen if he stayed in the military? What if you never went into that ship alongside him?
Sometimes he could still pick up the smell of ocean in his nose when he recall that fated day. He never thought he could miss someone as much as he did you. A fated reunion, as Falin would say, before he would always brush it off and say it was just some coincidence.
He has only a vague idea of what the future will held once Falin is saved, but truly, he knew he couldn’t imagine a future where he wasn’t with you.
“What type of monster that doesn’t have a heart? Can you tell me about that?” You said, drawing incoherent shapes on his back with your fingers
Well, that surely he could do.
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kaisserin · 11 hours
Show me your nails
This is your first time visiting a beauty salon with Sebastian's money. Warning: age difference (student reader), Ferrari! seb, sugar daddy, beauty industry, jerking off to a man, 18+
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You rarely visited any fashionable beauty salons. Or rather, never. All your concern for appearance was reduced to a pair of masks in the morning and before going to bed. You preferred to do your nails at a friend's place. The student scholarship did not allow her to look like a model from fashion week. But everything changed when Sebastian came into your life. Of course, you were embarrassed to ask him for a couple hundred extra euros. You didn't want him to think that you were with him because of his financial condition. Your shyness made the four-time champion smile every time. - Y/n, honey, why do I need a seven-digit number on the card if I can't spend it on the girl I love? So it is this time. You and Sebastian were going to another event hosted by Ferrari. And since this should be your first appearance as a racer's girlfriend, you should look the part. You refused for a long time before Sebastian literally put a wad of euros in your pocket and told you to spend every penny on yourself. You have no choice but to obey this man. Sometimes his persistence got on your nerves and in his desire to spend money on you, he turned into a pain in the ass. No wonder that by the evening you barely recognized yourself in the mirror: shining makeup, styled hair where not a single hair gets out of the hairstyle and of course manicure: scarlet nails with a small white "five" on the ring finger and index fingers painted in the color of the German flag, his flag. Sebastian couldn't help but look at you. Almost all the way to Maranello, he tirelessly kissed your hand, which seemed so small in his large palm, calloused from gloves and steering wheel. Suddenly, he braked a little more sharply at the traffic light. You swayed in the passenger seat and leaned forward slightly. You put your hand forward and by chance it clearly falls on the groin of the Ferrari racer. Sebastian looks down. Your delicate palm with those lovely red nails on his black trousers. He feels like he's starting to tense up under your palm. You've noticed it too, and you can't help but grin. - Sebastian? -Yes, honey? You lightly rubbed the fabric of his trousers, which got a guttural growl. - Sweetheart, we're halfway to the event, I can't just show up there with a boner. - That's right, you can't. You reached for the belt buckle, then for the zipper and his organ is already in your hands. His organ was almost completely ready for action. Your fingers are wrapped around the trunk. The darkness in the cabin made the color of the penis almost burgundy and more alluring. You swiped your finger up and down several times, making Sebastian literally growl with excitement. The red nails slid over the velvety skin, the thumb froze on the oozing head. Your movements were speeding up and slowing down. Sebastian has already started to enter you on his own, wanting to get the necessary release. Sebastian has already pushed into your hand on his own, wanting to get a discharge. Already in the parking lot in Maranello, he poured out, staining your fingers with his seed. He quickly cleaned himself of his tracks, but you didn't miss the chance to lick your index finger, as if there were still traces of your prank. An hour later, you were already beaming at the event as a couple. Sebastian possessively forced you to wrap your hand around his forearm and dozens of cameras captured the moment where your delicate hand with red nails was wrapped around a black jacket sleeve. And no one guessed what this hand with red nails was capable of.
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popquizhot-shot · 11 hours
Ume comfort because my vice principal made me cry onstage while i was anchoring an event💀
If there’s ever one thing that Umemiya hates, it’s seeing you upset.
Whatever you maybe be upset about, when he sees you sad, he makes it his personal mission to get you to feel better. He hugs you and kisses your forehead and cracks stupid jokes to coax even a huff of a laugh out of you.
So imagine the absolute heartbreak he’d have when he saw you sobbing your heart out when he came to surprise you.
He freezes first, face falling dramatically as he takes in the sight before him, your face peeking out and eyes staring at him like a kicked puppy.
A small broken, “Ume.” is what gets him to move and cup your face in his hands, trying his best to wipe his tears away to no avail, since more just keep dripping.
“Oh baby,” he coos when you let out a small sob and bury your face in his chest, “Let it all out, my love.” his hand strokes your back comfortingly.
Each little whimper only shatters his heart even more, he feels such pain to see you so sad. And a festering anger grows in his mind towards whoever made you feel this way.
“Tell me what happened, angel.” he says softly but assertively, pulling back to look you in the eyes, his hands still holding your face.
You hiccup and give in, trying not to break down again when you recall what made you feel so shitty.
Umemiya is pissed at the asshole who made you cry, and as much as he wants to go give them a piece of his mind, and maybe his fist, he needs to be with his baby now.
“Shhh, you’re alright now, i’m so sorry that happened. You didn’t do anything to warrant such a stupid reaction from them. What a dick.” he rolls his eyes dramatically before holding your hand in his and kissing each knuckle, as well as the tips of your fingers, some of which are torn up due to your stupid habit of biting the cuticles off of your nails when you’re anxious.
He looks closer at the skin, raw and red with some light bleeding, and frowns again. Taking your hands in his and squeezing them, he kisses the back of your fingers, “I’m always here for you, okay?” he all but whispers, “I’ll always be here for you.”
Ume hates seeing you cry. There’s nothing worth more in the world than seeing you cry, but a small selfish part in him will always relish that fact that you will always look to him for comfort. Even if you might be normally closed off, the fact that you trust him enough means the world to him.
He hugs you tight, nose buried in your hair. He rocks you a little as your arms tighten around his neck and he hums softly, smiling a little as you chuckle into his neck.
“Thank you, baby.” you whisper.
“Never thank me for things like this.” he answers, kissing the top of your head, “I love you, okay?”
“I love you too.” you smile and he can feel your lips quirk up against his neck.
“Now, should I send Sakura or Hiragi to deal with the ass who made you cry?” he raises and eyebrow and you laugh.
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altvec · 1 day
“You’re not going to die love..” “Yes I am!”
Summary: M!reader who’s sick and is the biggest dramatic ass bitch about it(Reflecting LMAO)and his husband, Simon Riley, takes care of him.
A/n: I’m sick when writing this, I love self reflecting mwuehehehe. Also bad ending and probably bad grammar Lmao
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M/n woke up, a burning sensation in his throat. But it wasn’t one after an intimate night, more like someone’s in his throat with a pitch fork and is stabbing him with it. His eyes widened, as he started coughing, not really trying to be quiet as the amount of pain he was in. He slowly sat up, only realising his left nostril is blocked, his right nostril burning cold with every breath in.
His husband woke up from his coughing, it was a crunchy cough that sounded disgusting. Simon’s eyes fluttered open, quickly he sat up and insisted his beloved. “Are you okay? What happened?” His British accent echoing in m/n ears.
M/n forced him self to stop coughing, “My throat hurts..” he cuts himself off, realising how hoarse his voice is, it’s barely there. Then a moment of realisation came to his face; the sore throat, stuffy nose, coughing, soon he flopped back onto the bed
“Oh my god I’m sick.” He complained like he had the plague. He turned away from his husband, while Simon just looked at m/n with soft eyes. He brought his hand to m/n soft (h/c) hair, gently playing with it. “I’ll get you something for your throat and some water, yeah?” Simon gently kissed the shell of his beloveds ear. M/n didn’t say anything, just nodded.
As Simon got up and left their shared room, m/n looked around the room, seeing the morning light shining through the blinds. He grabbed his phone, the digital clock read ‘7:32am’. He groaned as it dawned on him he’ll have to call in sick, no way he was going to talk to his boss with whatever is left of his voice.
A few minutes later, Simon soon returned with strepsils and m/n water bottle. He placed them gently on the bedside table, soon getting back into his side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around his husband, who was sniffling the snot back into his nose.
“Stop hugging me I’m diseased..” M/n frowned, his voice all raspy and nearly gone. He sat up and popped the strepsil in his mouth, sucking on it as he crossed his arms, leaning his head on Simon’s head. “Stop acting like a person from medieval times who’s dying of the plague.” Simon mumbled into the side of m/n shoulder, his hand went under m/n(simons) hoodie, stopping at his stomach to slowly caress it.
“I think I might die.” The (h/c) man claimed. Simon took his head away from his husband’s shoulder, looking at him like he married a mad man. “You’re not going to die, love..” Simon tilted his head, a small smile of humour on his face, “yes I am!” M/n pouted. M/n hated being sick, maybe it was because he could barely breathe through a stuffy nose, or maybe it was because his throat was always sore and he could do minimum about it.
Simon kissed the pout away from his lovers face. “If you get me sick I’m not forgiving you.” He bantered. “You’re the wan that kissed me!” M/n weakly punched Simon’s shoulder. He passed his phone to him with his free hand. “I need you to call my boss.”
Simon took his husbands phone, finding in the contact of m/n’s boss, calling the number.
After that was dealt with, Simon turned his attention back to m/n. “And you are off for the day.” Simon confirmed, placing the phone back in the bedside table. “Thanks love.”
Then m/n shifted his position, wrapping his arms around his husband’s middle, nuzzling his head into Simon’s shoulder. Then a sniffle came from m/n. “You’re gonna get me sick.” Simon mumbled.
“Shove it up your arse.”
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unknownperson246 · 1 day
can u write a 3some with slash😁
Slash x Izzy x Reader: Fuck Me Clean
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words: 932
warnings: *smut* *p in v* *threesome* *impact play* *daddy kink* *cussing* *degrading* *hair pulling* *cum eating* *rope kink* *fingering* *cheating* *squirting* *hair pulling*
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You were lounging around Izzy's house with Slash and Izzy. You kept messing around with the TV remote and pressing random buttons on the remote. The light of the static on the TV is making you tired. Slash is in the kitchen grabbing beer for all three of you. Izzy is sitting next to you on his red couch with his arm on your shoulders. You think it’s weird since Izzy already has a girlfriend who he claims he adores. You thought maybe it was a friendly gesture. The random idea of Slash and Izzy banging you mercilessly intrigued you. You bit your lower lip as Izzy’s arm was still hanging around you. You know you could try to get Izzy and Slash fuck you tonight since all three of you were in a secluded place. 
“Izzy I’m going to be right back,” You say to let him know you're leaving for a second.
You quietly enter Izzy’s bedroom. You make sure Izzy isn't paying attention and you enter. You change into your black lace lingerie. Izzy enters his bedroom to grab something. He sees you lying on his bed with a seductive look. Slash is back from the kitchen with the beer. He drops the beer and enters Izzy's bedroom where he sees you lying. 
“I want you both to do me,” You say boldly.
“Oh really?” Slash asks with a devilish smirk.
Izzy goes to grab his rope. He grabs your hands and ties you to the bed. Slash starts to slowly approach you. He comes close to your ear. He lightly bites your ear lobe. Slash's hands go down to your panties he slides his hands in and puts his two fingers on your clit. He feels how soaked you are. He slowly slides his fingers inside of your wet hole.
You start to cry out in pleasure.
“You’re such a pretty slut, you crybaby. All your good for is sex” Slash whispers in your ear
“So wet for us aren't you?” Slash whispers.
You don't respond out of the excitement of what is about to happen. Your fantasy about Slash and Izzy is so close to becoming a reality. Izzy comes back with rope and he ties your hands to the bed frame. 
“You're a sex toy” Izzy hisses in your ear.
“Stay still for me slut.” Izzy whispers in your other ear.
You feel his hot breath going down to your neck. Izzy climbs on you while groping your tits. He stops groping your tits for a moment and he nimbly undoes his belt. He grabs the belt and flips you over. He starts to whip your ass. He starts whipping you with his belt gently but with each hit the impact of his belt gets harsher.
“Ow Izzy” You whimper in pain.
“Shut up slut you can take it,” Slash says without being concerned.
“That's not my name,” Izzy says while the impact of his belt gets harsher.
You immediately know what he wants to be called.
“Daddy can you please be gentle, it hurts.” you cry out
“Aw, the slut wants to be whipped gently” Izzy mocks you.
Instead of being gentle Izzy drops the belt completely. Slash undoes your panties. Slash and Izzy are now both completely naked. You could see their cocks throbbing to be inside of your warm pussy. Slash puts his pulsating cock at your entrance and gently slides inside of you. 
“Be quiet and take this you whore” Slash’s whisper in your ear sounds like he is yelling.
Slash starts to grind your pussy with his hardened cock. He keeps hitting your soft spot over and over again.
“Oh Slash fuck” you sob out as he keeps hitting your g spot. 
“I'm a good slut right?” You moan to Slash as he relentlessly fucks you clean of your juice.
“You're a very good slut” Slash says as he groans.
“Fuck” Slash groans as he throws his head back.
Your nails make contact with his back. You feel yourself get closer to your orgasm.  Your pussy clenches around his cock and you both cum together. You start to squirt. Izzy kneels and licks Slash’s come that blended with yours. As soon as your legs were cleaned of the stringy white goo that was the product Slash fucking you Izzy places his cock at your pussy that was still wet. Slash sits to the side. Slash is amused hearing the sounds of You and Izzy fucking.
“Oh Daddy fuck me cl-.” you could barely make a sentence with how good his cock felt inside of you while your nails dug into his back
“Use your words you slut” He says while his hand pinches your ass while he fucks you as a punishment for not using your words.
Izzy's huge cock was pulsating inside you while he kept pounding your quivering pussy. You could still feel the pain from Izzy whipping and pinching you in the ass as a punishment for being a needy bitch. You ignore the pain and you concentrate on Izzy’s huge cock pounding you. Izzy throws his head back.
“Fuck” Izzy groans as he pulls your hair while grinding his cock in your tight hole. 
The ropes that are binding your hands break off from the bed frame from you pulling on them so your nails could go into Slash’s and Izzy’s back. Your pussy clenches around Izzy’s cock and you cum. Izzy spills his cum out and it lands on Slash’s leg. You get off the bed and crawl to Slash’s leg and lick Izzy’s cum clean.
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adirtylittleheart · 8 hours
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Death of me ↣ Watching Chris shaving does things to you...and you're going to do things to him. ↣ Chris x f reader ↣ 18+ Smut. Edging. Oral. Penetration. More. ↣ I'm not going to write in OC anymore, only because writing it in OC and changing to reader takes more time than I have. It also takes away time to write other works. If there are any major mistakes, please let me know since pain meds are kicking my ass. Thank you ia.
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‘’Good morning,’’ you said cheerfully as you walked through the threshold from the bedroom into the bathroom. The dark tiles were cool under your feet as you walked to Chris, standing in front of the basin, a fluffy sage green towel wrapped low around his waist. He had just rinsed his mouth; the smell of minty toothpaste clinging to the air and he was putting his toothbrush away when you smacked his hard, sexy ass.
Chris burst out laughing and shook his head as you giggled and hopped onto the dark top counter between the two basins. You flashed him a big smile as he reached out with his hand, grabbed your chin, and brought your face closer to his, meeting halfway.
‘’Good morning, gorgeous,’’ he said, in a husky morning voice, and planted a kiss on your lips. When he pulled from the kiss, he grinned, ‘’hmmm, coconut today,’’ he said of the lip balm now transferred to his lips.
‘’Yup,’’ you said and reached over to your side of the basin and grabbed a bottle of perfume. You sprayed two pumps on either side of your neck and put it back as looked at you and scratched his stubble, fist on his chin, then carried on scratching up his cheek.
‘’I gotta shave. That new? What’s that called? It smells good,’’ he said, and dropped his hand onto your knee.
‘’Good girl,’’ you replied and Chris let out a rambunctious laugh, making you smile. You loved his laugh – it had a way of bringing light to the darkest of days. It was always genuine, authentic and filled with joy.
‘’Good girl? You’re far from a good girl y/n!’’ he teased and squeezed your knee.
‘’I…I…yes…I can be,’’ you said feigning shock and stuttering a little making Chris laugh again, as he raised his brows in disbelief
‘’Okay,’’ Chris said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, ‘’stay there, I’ll be right back.’’
‘’But…but I can be,’’ you called after him as he left the bathroom. You got no reply as you started swinging your legs and secured your towel wrapped around your body, tucking it in tighter. A minute later Chris walked back into the bathroom, giving you a big grin, and put a piece of paper on the lid of the closed toilet lid.
‘’We're just going have a normal conversation...you and me…I’m gonna shave and you’re going to tell me why you always walk around for half an hour with your towel wrapped around you after you’ve showered and brushed your teeth and you do…all the things you woman do,’’ he said, and waved a hand around before he opened the tap and splashed water onto his stubble., then filled the basin with water.
‘’I didn’t think it bothered you,’’ you said, tilting your head slightly to the side
‘’Oh, baby girl. There is nothing you do that bothers me, especially walking around in just a towel knowing you have nothing under there. How many times have we fucked because of that?’’ he said and grabbed his tin of shaving gel and shook the can. ‘’I could fuck you every time, but I try to be a good boy sometimes and see how long I can hold out.’’
‘’Yeah? How often does the good boy win?’’ you asked and bit your bottom lip
‘’Not often,’’ Chris said with a laugh and popped the lid off the can. He cupped his left hand and sprayed a blob into it, the colored gel expanding as it turned into a while foam.
You curled your bottom lip between your teeth and placed your palms flat on the counters edge on either side of your legs. Your fingers curled around the edge and you gripped it firmly as the scent of the shaving foam drifted your way. The masculine, clean notes filled with a spicy undertone was arousing to you while you tried to pull your eyes off of him as he rubbed his hands together and then lifted them to his face.
You had always found Chris shaving sexy as fuck. It was so… incredibly masculine, so raw. It was the way he concentrated. It was the way his muscles flexed when he lifted the razor and pushed it lightly against his flesh. It was the way he glided the razor over the stubble, the contours, and chiselled jaw to leave softer-than-soft skin.
‘’What?’’ Chris asked with a smile looking at you in the big mirror before him as he smoothed the cream onto his cheeks.
‘’It’s…strange how I never know if I prefer you with stubble or without,’’ you replied
‘’Good thing you can have both ways every day,’’ he said and rinsed his hands
‘’True,’’ you said and grinned when you saw his eyes travelling up and down your body in the mirror.
‘’It’s kind of hot in here from both of us showering,’’ you said and watched as the corners of Chris mouth twitched after he had licked his lips.
‘’It is baby girl,’’ he responded and picked up his razor
Fuck. You pushed yourself off the counter just as Chris put the razor to his face and you began making your way to the door.
‘’Uh, where are you going?’’ Chris asked and quickly put his razor down and stepped to the door. Since he was closer he got there first and he pushed the door closed.
‘’I’m going out. Leaving the bathroom. So you can shave,’’ you said and flashed him a grin.
‘’I want you here though. Don’t you touch that door,’’ Chris said and stepped back to the basin. He picked his razor up again and began shaving.
‘’Oh?’’ you asked softly and pulled your towel loose, letting it drop to the tiles. Chris’s eyes flicked to your reflection and he stopped shaving, holding the razor perfectly steady in place. A smile curved on his lips. He moved his gaze back to himself and continued shaving.
‘’You’ve never told me how you keep your little pussy so damn smooth,’’ Chris asked
You waited a few seconds before answering, knowing he would look at you if you didn’t answer immediately. Aaaand, there it was. He shifted his eyes to look at you again and you gave him a seductive smile as you slid your finger between your slit.
‘’Oh, lazer hair removal,’’ you said and Chris flinched ever so slightly when saw your finger at your pussy. You knew he had nicked himself, but you also knew it wasn’t bad – he never cut himself badly. It was, if he did, the tiniest of nicks.
‘’It’s not gonna work, baby girl,’’ Chris mumbled ever so softly under his breath. It was so soft you weren't sure if you had actually heard him correctly, but when his eyes moved to you again, you knew you had heard right.
You let out a breath, a smile on your face as you padded back to the counter and hopped on again, Chris’ eyes following you. The second your ass hit the top, he pulled his eyes away and looked at himself again. You lifted your leg closest to him and put your foot on the counter, then you turned your head and rested it on your knee, your cheek a makeshift cushion.
He really was a sexy fucker. You had studied him many times, like this or while he was sleeping and you lay away with insomnia. From his hair still damp at the tips to the tip of his nose, his lips, his jaw, his earnings just catching the light…he was perfect. You watched as he moved the razor to his cheek closest to you and a shiver ran down your spine as he dragged the razor. He then lifted the razor, brought it down to the basin, and rinsed it, the sounds of the water reminding you of…
You closed your eyes and squeezed them shut, breathing in the scent of the shaving cream again.
‘’Chris?’’ you said softly
‘’Yeah baby girl?’’ he asked and clearly looked at you because you heard him put the razor down quickly and then you felt him gently placing his hand on your leg. ‘’You okay babe? What’s up?’’ he asked, concern filling his voice
You opened your eyes and looked into his. They changed from worry to relief to love in a matter of seconds as a smile crossed his gorgeous lips.
‘’Drop the towel,’’ you said and Chris let out a short laugh and pulled his hand away from your leg bringing it to his waist. You watched, your heart beating faster as his fingers grabbed the fluffy material and gave it one good tug before it fell the short distance from his body to the floor. A groan escaped your luscious lips and he grinned at you before picking the razor up again. He only had two more strokes left.
You lifted your head and let your leg drop back down to dangle off the counter again. Chris's eyes swept over you again before he put the blade back to his face but not before he had to shift on his spot. You grinned, as every nerve in your body tingled with pure pleasure. He had a perfect ass, not to mention a perfect dick that was coming alive with every breath.
You tired to ignore the rapid wetness between your legs but you couldn’t ignore the little pulses as you bit your bottom lip. ‘’I want to see your dick. I want to watch it drip pre-cum while you’re busy.’’
‘’I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight,’’ Chris said with a laugh and looked at you as your hungry eyes tentatively looked at his dick.
‘’I don’t know how much harder we could get. You fuck me senseless most of the time, Chris. How do you get hard so fucking quickly?’’ you asked
‘’It’s what you do to me. That’s all you. It remembers where it’s been and wants to go back. It’s like…home. Can’t blame it, really’’ Chris said throwing you a grin, and threw the razor into the sink with water, making a plopping sound.
He turned to you and wrapped his fingers around his shaft and stroked himself slowly and a moan escaped your parted lips as pre-cum formed on the tip of his dick, glistening in the light.
"Oh fuck," you moaned, and lifted your hand, curling your pointer finger, beaconing him,‘’Chris, baby…come here.’’
Chris grinned wider and stepped over the towel, as you shifted yourself and opened your legs even wider. When he stopped in front of you, sliding between your legs, you smiled at him and lifted your hand, then gently placed it on his soft, smooth cheek and brushed some foam off the tip of his nose.
‘’So smooth,’’ you said softly and tilted your head only slightly to the side and pressed your lips softly to the tiny nick on his cheek. ‘’I’m sorry,’’ you said, whispering this time.
‘’Just like you,’’ Chris said huskily, his hands gliding up your thigh, ‘’and I’ll take a million cuts for you.’’
"Turn around,’’ you murmured with a smile
Chris raised his brows, a curious look on his face, but his smile grew as he twisted, amazed at the power of so few words. With Chris between your legs, he felt your breasts press softly into his back as you wrapped your arms around him, sucking slowly on his neck. Your fingertips danced over his nipples, as you sunk your teeth into the flesh of his neck, drawing out a groan from him. His hands gripped your legs as you slid your hands down his torso, down his stomach and his dick twitched, the tip glistening with pre cum, anticipating your heavenly hands. Wanting desperately to taste him, you slid one of your hands over the head collecting his pre-cum, and you brought it up to your mouth as your free hand took over, grabbing his dick, your fingers curling around his thick, hard, long shaft.
Making sure you were close to his ear, you licked your fingers, softly, moaning, sending a shiver running up his spine, and good bumps running down his arm.
‘’You taste so fucking delicious,’’ you whispered and began pumping him…slowly at first but progressively building it up to where he dug his fingers into your thighs and bucked his hips in rhythm with you. "Ohhh, ffffuck." he moaned, his breathing starting to labor, his grip on your thighs increasing. "Don't you cum," you whispered into his ear, squeezed harder, milking his dick, "Don't you fucking cum. Ride the edge, baby."
Chris was moaning, lost in the overstimulation. He felt his orgasm rise from within himself, his head falling back onto your shoulder and his body went rigid, his orgasm was about to swallow him whole. You knew all the tell-tail signs and you smiled, then released your hand around his dick. "Not quite yet, baby,’’ you said, wrapping your arms around him, as he turned his face so he could kiss you. You smiled at him, at his eyes completely glazed over and lost in the moment. His lips curved into a smile before he captured your lips, sliding his hand back into your hair and pulling you closer as his other stroked your thigh.
When the hungry, frantic kiss ended you giggled, "I'm sorry, baby. I want your cum in me. In my pussy." Chris turned back around, his dick trailing pre-cum as it dragged along on your thigh, his hands cupping your titties as he smiled.
‘’You’re gonna be the death of me. I fucking love you with an ache I’ve never felt before,’’ Chris said and dropped his hands onto the tops of your legs. He gave you a cheeky, devilish grin before he gripped them tightly and yanked them open, making you gasp. You pushed your arms back to steady your self, your hands flat on the counter top as Chris ducked between your legs. Looking down, Chris’s eyes slid up your body before his eyes met yours, his mouth just inches from your pussy. You both smiled and Chris’s eyes dropped again. He sucked in a breath when a drop of your sweet juice made a tiny rivulet and ran down your pussy, tempting, teasing him. He restrained himself from taking his dick and pushing into you, instead, he lifted his eyes again and slid his tongue over you. Your face scrunched up while your smile folded, parting your lips as you let the pleasure course through your body. Chris was a master – he knew exactly which spots to tongue fuck, lick, kiss, and suck.
‘’Oh fuck yes!’’ you moaned, rocking your hips, rubbing your slit over his mouth and tongue as he worshipped you, devouring your pussy. Chris groaned biting softly before pulling away slowly, but you lifted a hand off the counter and planted it on the back of his head, not wanting him to stop.
Chris laughed and shook his head slightly, hooking his arms around your thighs. He pulled you hard, your ass sliding on the counter top, bringing you even closer to him so you were melting into him. He lifted your ass off the counter and nothing could have prepared you for the way he ate you out.
‘’Jesus, Chris,’’ you moaned, throwing your head back as he reached your clit. He nudged it with his tongue and circled it over and over, drenching it in saliva before placing his lips on it, sucking wet and hard. You were gushing in his mouth, panting, searching desperately for your release. He placed your one leg over his shoulder to free a hand, bringing it to your pussy. He slipped them in and released his lips from your clit for a second to smile – you were so tight and so wet, but he got back to work the second you ground your hips and moaned loudly.
‘’Yes, yes, yes Chris!. Fuuuuuck. I'm gonna cum,’’ you groaned and he pressed his face harder into your pussy. Moan’s bubbling out of you as your body quaked with pleasure and then went rigid. He slipped his fingers out as you ground your pussy into his mouth and gushed your wetness into it.
Chris sucked and swallowed, moaning as he drank your cum down all while making sure he had a good grip on you for when you came down from your pure bliss. When your legs started shaking, Chris pulled away from your pussy and watched you, enjoying watching all of you while making sure you were okay. "You eat pussy so fucking good," you said between breaths coming down from your high, smiling like the cat who got the milk. Almost. Soon. Chris gently lowered your leg as you slid back, and up into place, still shaking a little. ‘’Only for you baby,’’ Chris replied and placed his thumb on your chin, the rest under it, tilting your head up. ‘’You okay?’’
‘’More than. It’s time to fill my pussy,’’ you replied with a smirk
‘’I’m with you and more than happy to oblige,’’ Chris said and in one quick, smooth move he easily scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder while you squealed in surprise.
You laughed, draped over his shoulder, as his arm held your upper legs while you kicked with your lower legs as he turned, ‘’I unlocked the caveman!’’ you said through your laughter and smacked his ass.
‘’Fuck!’’ Chris said through a laugh and smacked your ass back, only harder. He knew it too, because he gently rubbed it as soon as the whack sound reverberated around the bathroom. He absolutely knew you could take it though – more than.
Chris wasted no time and threw you onto the bed as soon as he reached it. You squealed again, bouncing slightly, but you steadied yourself with your hands and feet on the cloud-like comforter. Chris grinned as he got onto the bed and steadied himself between your legs.
‘’I have a surprise for you. Let me up when you feel you’re at around the half way mark,’’ you said opening your legs wider
‘’Half way mark? Fuck, babe, how -’’ Chris said as he burst out laughing
‘’Just try,’’ you said, lifting a foot and putting it on his chest and pushing him playfully, chest heaving with excitement, eyes filled with need and lust, pulling your foot back and putting it on the bed again. Chris grinned, then grabbed a fistful of your hair, tilting your head back hard and kissing you roughly. "Alright then."
You winked at him when he pulled back and sat between your legs, his knees digging into the bed, grabbing his dick, slowly pumping it, knowing you loved it.
‘’Just fuck me,’’ you said gripping the duvet with anticipation and Chris grinned. He spit on your pussy making you close your eyes and drop your head back, as you took in a sharp intake of air. It was so fucking hot when he did that. Your eyes snapped open though when he pressed the head of his dick into you, also lowering himself to kiss you. Your pussy clenched on his dick head and you moaned into his mouth as he slid slowly into you. Your pussy squeezed and squeezed, then slowly relaxed as he pushed deeper into you, inch by inch.
This was Chris’ favorite part. You were ecstasy to him and when he was inside you, he was one with you. He raised his hips and pushed fully into you, moaning at how good it felt. The way you hugged and squeezed his cock…then he pulled back and started thrusting like an animal in heat. He plowed into you without reprieve, the room growing warmer each second. You clung to the comforter like your life depended on it, almost nonstop moaning and growling with pleasure as he bottomed out inside of you with each hard, savage thrust.
He had no idea how long he had been ploughing into your and neither of you really cared when his orgasm rose in him like a demon.
‘’Ohhh fuck, Chris,’’ you said through clenched teeth as your own orgasm reached new hights as he rammed balls deep into you, slamming into your cervix. Chris looked at you, his eyes locked, breathing hard not knowing what to do. You were about to cum and he would never deprive you…he adored when you came but he knew you wanted to tell him when the half way mark was…he was far beyond the half way mark.
You reached out and grabbed his forearms, digging your nails into his flesh as your eyes grew wide, your lips parted, drawing in air. Chris saw your lips move but he was lost in his own orgasm push forward. When you closed your eyes and let out a scream to deafen the deaf, and you’re juices splashed again him, Chris's orgasm hit hard, filling you with his cum.
He kept pumping into you, even as his body instantly wanted to relax. His dick was still hard, so it only took a minute or two before his body started reacting the way he wanted it to. You felt him fill you up but said nothing when he continued pumping inside of you. You could never get enough of him and it only meant you would cum again soon. Chris sat back after a few more minutes though and took hold of your thighs, just behind the knees, as he slowly pumped in and out, in and out before he came to a stop and pulled slowly from you, making you groan with the absence of his big dick in you. "You are so perfect," he said, admiring your naked body, ‘’I’m sorry baby. When you started cumming, I -’’ "You’re perfect," you said, cutting him off, your eyes smoldering with desire. ‘’Don’t worry about it…just let me on top.’’
‘’I…’’ Chris said with a laugh and you looked down at his still hard dick, covered in combined cum and you tilted your head.
Chris burst out laughing and grabbed his harder-than-steel dick and gave your pussy a smack, ‘’alright. Let’s go,’’ he said and then slid onto the bed, next to you, on his back. You grinned at him and threw a leg over him and immediately impaled yourself onto his shaft, causing Chris to groan and reached for a tittie with one hand as the other grabbed your hip. Everything about you excited Chris and he knew your body so well, but each time he was with you it was like exploring new territory.
‘’Baby,’’ you said after a few minutes, ‘’you ready?’’
‘’For what?’’ Chris asked, quizzically
Your answer was to give him a sly smirk and lifting yourself off his dick but kept the tip in. With all the juices you were soaking and it was easy to turn, spinning yourself around before dropping down again. The maneuver was quick and efficient, leaving Chris stunned and more than impressed. You wasted no time as you began working your hips up and down. You stretched forward and grasped Chris’ ankles as you leaned forward, giving him a fantastic view of your ass and his dick sliding in and out of your tight pussy. Chris groaned and smacked one of your ass cheeks, then dug his fingers into your flesh. "I wasn't ready for this view," he groaned out. You smiled to yourself, and bit your bottom lip – he had no idea what was coming. You looked over your shoulder at Chris wanting to see this play out, so you sat back up, pulling your hand up his legs and then, his thighs to massage his balls. You stopped moving your hips; he was nestled inside your pussy and wasn’t going anywhere. ‘’Ah that feels so fucking good,’’ Chris murmured but he narrowed his eyes slightly when your lips curved up even more. He knew you too well and knew you were up to something but he still wasn’t prepared for what you did next.
Your fingers found a spot at the base of his scrotum, and along with your pussy squeezing along his shaft, it sent him right over the fucking edge. It was like a sudden punch to the stomach, taking his breath away and shocking all his senses. Before he knew what was happening, he was pouring a tidal wave of seed into your pussy.
You watched as his eyes rolled back and his head fell into the pillow, his lips open, moaning so loudly as his fingers gripped your hips, sinking into your flesh. A few minutes passed while he was in an almost vegetative state. His eyes focus again, as you lay next to him, your head propped up on your hand as your elbow dug into a pillow. A smile hadn’t left your face and you raised your brows. You could almost see Chris’ brain rebooting. "Jesus y/n, I told you, you were going to be the death of me," he said, clearly exhausted but he pulled you into a hug and you folded into his arms, pressing yourself into him. You reveled in his warmth and pressed a kiss to his lips.
‘’I fucking love you,’’ he said kissing you back
‘’I love you more than I have loved in my life,’’ you replied and Chris started laughing
‘’What?’’ you asked him
‘’Told you, you were anything but a good girl…but I wouldn’t want you any other way,’’ he said, and pushed his lips to yours once more before getting up.
‘’That’s what I want to do to you every time I see you shave,’’ you said smiling as you watched him walk to the bathroom.
‘’Then for the first time, I’m so fucking happy I have to shave everyday,’’ he said from the bathroom and emerged with the piece of paper he had written on earlier. He handed it to you and you took it gingerly, as you sat up.
You unfolded it and read, ‘’I'm writing this because I know you’re going to want to fuck me before we leave the bathroom. GOOD GIRL.’’
You grinned up at Chris, ‘’you won your own bet and I’m still a good girl. How good was that…that just happened?’’
‘’Ah fuck,’’ Chris said with laugh, ‘’fine, you’re a good girl and it was amazing. I definitely want more of that…for the third time today, you’re going to be the death of me. Come on,’’ he said and grabbed you, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder again, ‘’time to shower.’’
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and you are loved and appreciated!
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0mystic · 2 days
Toxic Werwolf Ex.Bf X Gn. Reader
Decided to get back into writing but more into stuff that I’m into because I think im like maybe semi decent… idk you guys tell me
Tw: Toxic relationships, Blood mention, Nsfw mention, Drinking, slight yandere themes.? Think that’s about it
You had been broken up with your ex for awhile. It wasn’t a shocker to most he treated you like trash and and made it his goal to bully you in front of his pack mates at all time, that paired with the fact that anyone around you could see you were unhappy with the relationship people were just counting down the days till you guys broke up.
Which lead you to where you were right now wearing your skimpiest outfit your friends could shove you into and sitting at this bad with your friends. Don’t get it wrong you were all for the free drinks this cute harpy was providing you with but it just didn’t feel the same. With a bit more encouragement from your friends you find your grinding up against him in a secluded corner.
You were laughing a bit your body feeling light with the alcohol in your system. You turn to face him your arms draping over his shoulder feeling his hands roam over the nice landscape of your ass. Feeling a bit more confident you let go and decide to have some fun you deserve that much at least. You mange your pull his head down placing a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles a bit before diving back into the kiss.
Maybe you were absorbed in the kiss or maybe it was the alcohol but you didn’t hear the step until he was behind you. You jump at the sudden feeling of a hand on you wrists a hand you know all to well. You turn not at all surprised to see your Ex looking as pissed as ever. The smell of alcohol came of him in waves; you scrunched your nose a bit attempting ti pull your arm back.
“Well looked what we have here, should have known a slut like you would take the first chance available to whore yourself out” he leered looking down at you through clenched teeth. You looked to him more specifically his canines looking just as sharp as ever, you could almost feel a phantom pain on your neck just looking at them.
The harpy standing behind you decided to finally intervene with a a leisurely tone he spoke “woah hey man, let’s not call people names now” he reached over and attempted to remove his hand from you only for a deep snarl to be released from your Ex’s throat. “Shut it bird brain this has nothing to do with you why don’t I go give you something shiny and you go fuck off” he growled squeezing his hand around you tighter his nails breaking into your skin a bit.
You let out a whimper as you move to squirm out of his grasp only for him to let out a warning growl. Refocusing in you. “Why don’t you just fucking come back already, you had your fun already whatever stupid shit you’re upset over right now I’m sorry now let’s go” he spoke in a low tone. “I’m done with you, you don’t even know what you’re apologizing for” you seethed wrenching your arm out of his grasp and cradling it towards your chest.
“You heard them knot head why don’t you just go chase a ball or better yet your tail” the harpy mocked pulling you closer to them as they went to inspect your wound muttering out soft words as the use feather light touches to check. You stand there almost in a peaceful state at care the harpy was showing you completely forgetting about the werewolf.
Until he lounged at the the harpy, pouncing and and holding down the male as he thrashed around trying to get the upper hand. All while your your Ex smiled in an almost sadistic way feeling the way the harpy blood cover his hands. Once he felt as though he had his fill he stood up turning towards you with a glint in his eye.
“Oh cmon don’t tell me your scared” he spoke as you backed up a bit looking up to him in fear. “You were speaking in such a righteous manner just a second ago where’d that go” he smirked look down at you. “Poor poor little mate I’ll excuse you this time maybe you just don’t know your place yet” he quickly threw your frozen form over his shoulder placing a quick seat over your ass as he walked out the bar.
“Don’t worry we have all night for you ti get just where your place is”
How was that I literally haven’t like written written in what feels like ages so this was fun. I have tons of thoughts so I would be open to doing more of this they all need names though I do have some appearance ideas for both of them though and ummm yah that’s all I guess toon in for more ^^
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bullet-prooflove · 2 days
The Professor: Jack Dayton x Reader (NSFW)
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@mandy426 I don't know what happened to the ask but it disappeared from my ask box hence the fic format. Wow this one got away from me completely!
Tagging: @foxfables @scorpio-1357 @livingonthehems @tess-love
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You’re a feisty little thing, it’s one of the things that Jack loves about you. Jack thinks about that when he finds himself in your office with the lights off, his back against the wall. He’s been teasing you all night during the university’s Donor Celebration event. His hand brushing over your ass as he moves past you, lingering in your proximity at the bar. The two of you barely exchange more than a couple of words but it’s the look in his eyes that ruins you, the heat behind it.
“My office, three minutes.” You’d murmured and that knowing smile had played across his lips as he drained his glass of top shelf whisky. He’d excused himself from your colleagues less than a minute later because he simply can’t wait any longer.
Jack both loves and hates the secrecy of your relationship. The clandestine meetings appeal to the risktaker in him, they give the sex a dangerous, exhilarating edge however he hates not being seen as your partner at events like this, that he has to hide his feelings.
He understands the reasoning. You’ve spend your entire career fighting to be taken seriously in a male dominated field. If it gets around that you’re sleeping with one of the donors, even if it’s one that doesn’t donate to your particular field of expertise, it’ll shatter your reputation.  
You bite his lip, the sharp burst of pain bringing him back to the present. He groans into your mouth because Jack, he likes a little spice with his sugar. You guide him towards your desk, tugging at his tie and he uses his hand to swipe the items residing there onto the floor. You laugh as he sits you down upon it, his hips slotting perfectly between your legs. His palms ghost underneathe the hem of the dress your wearing before he smiles against the curve of your throat.
“Did you wear these for me?” He whispers into your ear as his fingertips trace over the lace of your stockings.
“Hm.” You murmur as his teeth graze that deviant spot just underneath the hinge of your jaw, the one that makes your breath hitch. “I know they make you a little crazy.”
You aren’t wrong, the last time you wore thigh-highs he’d spent the entire night with his face buried between your legs, running his hands over them.
“No panties either.” He tuts as his fingers brush over your wetness. “My, my professor you are a naughty girl.”
“Only for you.” You tell him.
And those words, you know exactly what they do to him because Jack, he’s territorial, especially when it come to his woman.
“Do you think you can be quiet for me?” He asks you, his thumb trailing lightly over your lower lip.
“I may need a little help.” You tease as you take his hand, guiding two of his fingers into your mouth. He watches them disappear between those pretty red lips and his cock, it fucking aches for you.
“You’re filthy.” He whispers as he unfastens his trousers.
You moan around his fingers as he fills you. Your tight, wet cunt enveloping his dick as he fucks into you inch by tortuous inch. You bite down on his digits and it unleashes something inside of him, something raw, something wild. He thrusts into you hard, fast, deep and your nails scratch down his back through the fabric of his shirt. That sensation, the intermingling of ecstasy and agony, it gets him right to the edge.
The thing is Jack knows he’s seven shades of fucked up, he can’t get off without pain, it’s ingrained somewhere deep within his psyche. He’s lucky you get that, that you love him in spite of it.
“I need you to hurt me.” He’d told you that first night, his cheeks colouring. “It’s the only way…”
“Tell me how...” You’d whispered, your lips brushing over his. “And then we can play a little, make sure I get it right.”
He draws his fingers out of your mouth, his palm wrapping around your wrist before guiding your hand to his throat.
“Please.” He whispers and you squeeze just enough for your fingertips to dig into the hollow of his throat. You can feel his pulse thundering underneath the pads of your fingers, his hips stuttering as he looks into your eyes. There’s an intimacy in this moment, an exchange of trust.
The boundaries between pleasure and pain, life and death blur, and it’s like a narcotic chasing through Jack’s veins as you tighten around him. His fingers tangle in your hair, yanking it and it sends you hurting over the edge as he spills himself inside of you.
He holds you close in the aftermath, his hands chasing all over your sensitive skin as he kisses you with a tenderness he reserves only for you.
“Do we have to go back?” He asks you, his nose trailing over yours. “Can’t we just stay here all night doing this?”
“We’ve already been away too long.” You say regretfully as you straighten his tie. “They’re going to send a search party if you don’t get back soon.”
“Will you come over after this?” He requests, his thumb tracing over the line of your jaw. “Spend the night?”
As much as he enjoys the sex but he loves the intimacy more. The nights he falls asleep holding you, the mornings he wakes up to the sound of you singing in the shower.
“You know I will.” You promise because you treasure those moments just as much as he does. “Now go, be schmoozed by some awkward academics. I’ll follow you out in a sec.”
Love Jack? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Tell Me
Past =-= Next
Author's note: Karlsor's next part in Husbandry
Summary: Since he's Chaos Aligned (he'd like to argue that's grox-shit) and Not Very Chaos Twisted/mutated, he gets the dubious pleasure of being in Public Relations. (Since when do they have/need Public relations?!) Karlsor would like a refund. This is a shitty duty shift and he hates it a lot.
Warnings: Swearing. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
After following after the totally-not-scary Death Guard Apothecary Hura, and getting more explanations from his fellow Night Lords about Everything. And how Hura wasn't blowing smoke up his ass, that they really are on Ancient Terra, the information starts to sink in.
Much to his dismay, he has to be checked over by an Apothecary, and isn't it oh so convenient that Hura is right there to assess his health and what he might need. He begrudgingly allows the smug fucker to tend to him. He's given a relatively clean bill of health, which is fan-fucking-tastic.
He's sent off to the training salles to see what he's good at and other sorts of boring as testing to see where he'd fit in with the others on base for duty shifts and what not. New Postings, especially ones where your file isn't there for the Command to read, or has your current Command with you is such a pain in the fucking ass.
Some of these Chaos Fuckers are really fucking ugly to look at. And sometimes staring at some of the truly twisted one's hurts is brain, and he does his best not to look at them too much. To his greatest displeasure, he's supposedly going to be one of the more "front facing" of the Chaos Astartes in this base.
When he demanded why he had to do such an Ultramarine Fucker Job, it was said that since he lacked Chaos Mutations, among other things. He pointed out sourly that he's a fucking Night Lord and he's not an Officer, nor does he particularly care about being nicey-nice. He's not trained for it and he doesn't want to do such a shitty as job.
He Challenges the fuckers and loses. So, he has to do the shitty ass grox-shit ultramarine job of "public relations". Throne above! It makes his skin break out into hives as he scowls and stomps after the other poor bastards that were suckered into this job. He doesn't care to listen to what the Ultramarines, and other uppity fuckers say about some thing or other.
God, he hates briefing meetings. They drone on, and on, and on. Or they got interesting when Father went bug-fuck nuts and started killing people. Or one of the High Raptor Lords got stabby and then everyone was every man for themselves and trying Not To Die from The Command going bug-fuck nuts.
He rubs his face and groans a little. He's got the Curse of the Eighth quite strongly. Psyker... and trained at that. With wretched Future Sight which only ever showed him the most miserable and fucked up shit that made sleeping so hard. The Ultramarines are droning on and on and fucking on. He didn't mean to close his eyes, but he had, he's listening, but the power point presentation with the bright fucking lights is hurting his dark-adapted eyes something fierce.
He's got a fucking migraine that makes light feel like poisons and acid that drip into his eyes and across his skin. Sinking in like fire burning a corpse. He punches the asshole that jabs his side as he hisses at his fellow 'chaos' astartes that he's not asleep, he's listening to the fucker talk about some-random-grox shit that he doesn't particularly care about.
If it was truly important his Sight would be screeching at him about the danger levels. He does like that his Sight has gone mostly quiet and still. He's been able to sleep a lot better... sort of. He doesn't trust any of the fuckers in the base worth a damn, but even with how limited sleep an Astartes need, they do still need sleep.
He'd never thought he'd have to do public relations because 1) He's a fucking Night Lord. 2) He's 'pretty'. Which makes him cackle. No, he's no Blood Angel or Emperor's child. He's a survivor of Nostramo, and he's got the looks to prove it. Sickly pale skin, night dark eyes, and greasy-looking black hair that he keeps short. Also, he's got scars from previous battles that go all over his body. A few on his face, scratching up his features to make him even scarier to most base lines.
And yet, despite all that and the fact that he's a trained Psyker of the Eighth legion (which means, he knows that they think he's bug-fuck nuts) he's to be one of the front facing dip shits because he needs less warp fuckery to make it so he's more Normal and Shinier compared to others in the base... Given what he's seen of them, he can't argue as much after he sees just how twisted or 'blessed' some of those nightmare-inducing shit heads are. He still tries to argue and bitch his way out of the shit duty shift. Not that the fuckers listen to him.
He remembers hearing of one of his fellow fuckers in the Eighth legion being tortured by getting stuck in a room with bright lights constantly. For days. Throne, that sounds like a really shitty way to torture someone, especially since it didn’t cause any, or much suffering for anyone else. His hands clench into fists and then he relaxes them a bit. He wishes he could put his helmet back on as that would help filter out the light. But nooo he had to show ‘trust’ or whatever fucking grox shit the others had said… Also because he was one of the few ass holes in the Chaos Base that could take of his helmet… and all of his armor.
He wonders what sort of fucked up shit happened that being fused to ones armor did. Sounded… Horrifying, yet also comforting? Armor is a part of you. It protects the squishy bits and is almost like a second skin. He cracks open one of his eyes a sliver and notices when some base line humans show up and start chittering at them and he mentally groans about how this meeting keeps continuing on until fucking eternity. The human pauses as the Ultramarine translate what they says. Fucking perfect, until the little human stops their speech, which is going to make this at least twice as long because translation makes things so much fucking slower.
One of the other humans approaches him, which has him turn and squint down at them, and give a razor sharp grin filled with teeth as he flexes his hands. The talk at him in that same language the other human was speaking and had slowly pulled out something in a box. Which has him growling a little at them. They freeze in their movements and the eyes of all of his cousins are on him as the human unfreezes with an insulting swiftness as they open the box and he sees astartes sized strange looking google things. They were tinted, they gestured at them and then up at him.
He scowls at the room and back down at the human, slowly grabbing the goggles he puts them on and tries not to collapse into a pile of relief. Almost wanting to cry at how much better he feels now that the dreaded, hateful, cruel light is now mostly blocked because of these tinted goggles. Humans calls it “Sun Goggles.”
“Thank you,” He says to them, he means it to. He is not going to give these back and will kill someone to keep them. Multiple even.
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summertidesorrow · 3 days
'Shared Sorrow Is Half A Sorrow'- Chapter One
A 18+ Proxy (Masky, Hoodie and Toby -with a hint of Kate) x Reader Fanfic .
Summary: After a short ride in a car, you arrive at the destination of your first 'job'.. lets hope it goes well.
Notes: 1.3k words, sorry if it's too short 🙏😔
Warnings: Injuries (bullet), minor insults, Toby being an ass and sad reader.
Minors DNI! There will most likely be future smut in other chapters, alongside darker subjects like drug/alcohol abuse, murder/torture and manipulation.
The objective wasn't a far drive, in fact it was only twenty minutes away. But, due to the atmosphere in the car the ride felt like it was taking hours, the tenseness was suffocating- your first ever mission, the first time these men would count on you and it was making you feel sick. What if you failed? What would they do to you? What would the Operator do to you? Perhaps death was not as bad as the torture you might be put through if you messed everything up…
The title of ‘Proxy’ weighed heavily on you, and you knew that the future sights you would see would do the same too. Toby made sure that you were well aware of what your new ‘job’ entailed, his weird glee as he gave you a thorough example of a previous kill had you on edge (especially when he decided it would be funny to fling a hatchet your direction right after he sensed your tenseness, luckily he made sure to aim the weapon so it didn't hit you).
You slumped back into the car seat, looking at the window to your left. The towering trees and long grass that you passed used to look so welcoming, because you never knew of the danger that stood just behind the trees watching your every move. With a sigh, you closed your eyes only to snap them back open immediately later when Toby tapped your leg. Looking at him, he gave you a wide grin.
“You know you shouldn't fe-eel too bad ‘bout this mission,” he whispered as he stretched, clicking various areas in his back, “it's pretty easy-”
Immediately you snapped back, “Yeah? Well that's easy for you to say-” You stopped yourself from continuing, biting down on your tongue until you could taste blood. Hearing the giggling from the young man next to you, however, made your blood boil. You wanted nothing more than to spit at and on him. Taking in a deep breath, you looked at him as he laughed. “You know I've never done anything like this before.” You said, your tone more calm and friendly.
“Aw? Really?” Toby pouted mockingly, leaning into you and grabbing your face with one hand, squishing your cheeks. He gazed at you with a slight amount of admiration as you glared at him. “I-Is the little lady worried, hmm? Scar-Scared?”
Before you could even retort, Masky reached back with one hand and without looking, gave Toby quite a nasty punch on the knee. While Toby couldn't feel the pain from the punch, he definitely knew it was a sign to stop teasing and he let go of your face. Once he let go, you stretched and rubbed your cheeks, wincing at the surprising soreness.
Masky huffed, lighting his third cigarette of the night and rolling the window down. “You haven't got any right to talk, Tobes. The amount of times you got freaked out because you thought an animal rustling around was a person..tsk.”
In response, Toby groaned and kicked the back of Masky’s seat, “It's not called being scared, asshole! It's cuh-called being vv-vigilant!” His words earned a light laugh from you and the two others in the car, and your laughs earned you all an angry glare. “Maybe you should try it, Masky. Considering you're the one who got a blade two inches deep in his ass-”
“That's enough!” Hoodie interfered, raising a hand to tell the two grown men to stop arguing, his other hand on the wheel, “do y'all want me to crash or something? I'm trying to concentrate on the road..” Placing his hand on the wheel, he made a sharp turn left. “Not far now.”
You caught yourself smiling at the antics of the men around you and immediately put on your best poker face. There was a noticeable bond between the three men despite them sometimes arguing, they have had to been around eachother for years and it made you feel a small, sharp pain in your chest. The emotion was easy to pinpoint, it was envy: the green vines of jealousy were wrapping around your heart and digging its thorns in deep. You had friends while growing up, but they all eventually left for one reason or another. Whether it was an argument or them moving to another country, it all ended the same way with a piece missing from you and your life. If you were a puzzle, how many pieces would be missing? Would you ever truly be complete?
Biting your tongue, you kept quiet for the rest of the ride with your face looking as somber as greying clouds. Hoodie stopped the car at the hidden clearing, and everyone in the car slipped their masks back on as they exited the vehicle quietly. As discussed, you and Hoodie moved together towards the destination and Masky and Toby stayed within the fields and woods, their main role was to warn you and Hoodie of any approaching danger (or to rid of it).
Crouching down in long overgrown grass, you and the man you were partnered with stared up at a looming, lone Victorian-styled home (with an estimated amount of three people inside), watching as figures paced behind the window’s curtains. The house was well illuminated, it would have made for a perfect lighthouse. As you started to sneak forward, your left side was gently grabbed by Hoodie’s gloved hand and you were pulled back into the sharp blades of grass.
“Don't be too hasty, it's a good way to get yourself caught,” he whispered in your ear, hand still lingering just above your hip, “and a good way to get yourself possibly killed too.” Raising his hand from your body, he pointed towards a small wooden shed just beside the home. “My guess is that the power box is in there. We'll cut the power out first for this mission, too may god damn lights..” He began sneaking towards the shed and you followed just behind with a low groan, carefully avoiding any lights in the big garden. Finally reaching the door to the shed, Hoodie tapped you lightly and signaled for you to try and open it. With a gulp you placed your hand on the door and easily opened it, immediately hit by a foul smelling stench.
“A goddamn outhouse?!” Hoodie spat out quietly, closing the door silently as you stopped yourself from gagging. “And the fuckers still use it too, god fu-”
A shot echoed out from the right of you both, and before you could even register where it exactly came from the sound of another shot was heard, then Hoodie slumped right next to you with a pained whimper. A bullet from a rifle was lodged in his right side, and neither of you knew how far it had dug into him. Mouth wide open in shock, you made a quick decision to open the outhouse door and push him in there as he got back up, while grabbing his gun from his back pocket (while still being shot at, bullets whizzed past you but it seemed that whoever was shooting was bad with the rifle, they had just managed get lucky with hitting Hoodie).
Closing the outhouse door after pushing him, you left your fellow proxy to bleed and fend for himself as you ducked and dived to the back porch, cursing to yourself as you clocked the electricity box just next to the porch itself. You jumped up onto the porch after hearing the shooter approaching and without thinking clearly, burst into the house at slamming the backdoor behind you. The stranger with the gun shouted out to you as you scurried behind the bar counter.
“Get out here, I saw you bitch!”
No matter how scared you were, or if the people you worked with died or got injured. The mission couldn't fail.
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fanficshiddles · 2 days
Eternally Mine, Chapter 14
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‘I think I’m still stuffed from yesterday’s meal, I don’t know how I’ll fit in another one today.’ Claire groaned as she fell flat on the bed, waiting for Loki to button up his shirt.
‘I’m sure you’ll manage once you get a sniff of dad’s Christmas dinner. It’s amazing.’ Loki grinned.
‘Oh I am looking forward to it, you’ve talked it up so much.’ Claire said. 'I'm just not promising that I won't fall into a food coma afterwards.'
‘I’m really honoured that you wanted to spend Christmas with me yesterday, instead of with your parents and Louise.’ Loki said as he finished buttoning up his shirt.
‘Of course I wanted to spend it with you. Our first Christmas together, just the two of us. I’m glad your dad was happy to have us today instead of yesterday.’ Claire said as she rolled onto her side to watch Loki’s devilish fingers folding down his collar.
‘Dad tends to prefer going all out on Boxing Day, says Christmas Day is for relaxing and doing nothing. He will have gotten a Chinese takeaway last night, I know it.’ Loki chuckled.
‘Fair enough. He’s probably had enough from dealing with you as a kid on Christmas day anyway.’ Claire smirked and sat up.
‘Cheeky.’ Loki growled at her.
‘It’s a shame Louise isn’t coming back until New Years. It would’ve been nice if she’d been able to join us too.’
‘I know, but I bet she’s delighted she’s managed to get home for Christmas this year.’ Loki smiled.
‘Yeah, she is.’ Claire nodded.
‘Though Chris is going to be a nightmare today, I can just feel it in my bones.’ Loki huffed.
‘What makes you say that?’ Clarie frowned.
‘Well, Louise won’t be there. So he’s bound to be in a pouty mood in the first place. He’s going to be a pain in the ass, mark my word.’
‘I’m sure he won’t be too bad.’ Claire laughed.
Loki was right. Chris was in a bit of a brooding mood, though still not as bad as he used to be before he and Loki reconciled. He was just a bit snippy before dinner now and then, making the others do a lot of eye-rolling. Though he was still much better to be around than he used to be.
Loki managed to escape for a short while to go help Lucius in the kitchen with the last preparations for dinner. Leaving Claire with Chris in the living room with some wine. Though she had hoped for a bit of alone time with him.
She reached into her bag and pulled out a photo album. Chris raised an eyebrow at her when she scooted across the sofa to sit right next to him, with the album on her lap.
‘What’s this?’ Chris asked.
‘Some old photos I wanted to show you. Thought you’d like to see them.’ Claire grinned and passed the album to him.
Chris put his wine down and curiously opened up the album. Claire saw his face light up instantly when he saw Louise in the picture. It was of her and Claire when they were teenagers, at Claire’s birthday party.
He slowly flicked through them and laughed at some of the goofy pictures.
‘Louise had an emo phase, did she?’ He chuckled.
‘Wasn’t really a phase… I think if she hadn’t met a certain someone, she likely would be looking quite different to how she is now.’ Claire said quietly.
In the pictures for a good few years Louise had different colour hair or strips of various colours. She also had earrings and looked to wear a good amount of make-up, that she did really well.
Then there was a picture when they were a bit older, it was a family meal for what looked like Christmas. Though Louise didn’t look quite the same, the sparkle in her eyes was gone and her hair was her natural brunette, she no longer had earrings in either or wore much make-up aside from a bit of foundation.
Chris noted that the guy sitting next to her at the table was blurred out.
‘I love this photo because it was our last proper Christmas meal together, though for obvious reasons I needed to blur him out…’ Claire explained.
Chris flicked over the page and there were just two pictures left, though they both showed Louise not looking her happiest like in previous pictures. An underlying sadness.
‘The light in her eyes disappeared when he came into the picture…’ Chris growled and closed the album.
‘Certainly did… Though look at this.’ Claire pulled her phone out and flicked through her photos, she showed Chris a picture she took of him with Louise at the Christmas ball. They were dancing and the picture clearly showed that sparkle back in her eyes.
Chris didn’t realise that Claire had taken sneaky pictures of them dancing, but he adored the picture. The way Louise was looking up at him with her arms around his neck while they danced made his heart flutter.
Claire flicked to the next picture, one that he knew she took as she had them both pose together.
‘You can see her eyes are full of life again and the light is back when she’s with you.’ Claire smiled.
Chris swallowed a lump in his throat and the biggest smile spread over his face.
‘Wow, you managed to get him smiling, at last.’ Loki teased as he walked into the room.
Chris glared at him and picked up his wine glass. ‘Seeing pictures of Louise, of course I’m smiling.’ He huffed at his brother.
‘Come on through, dinner is ready to be served up.’ Loki chuckled.
Everyone went through to the dining room and the smell was making Claire’s mouth water. More so when Lucius gave her her plate, it looked incredible.
‘Sorry Loki, you did a brilliant dinner yesterday but this looks to be even better.’ Claire said as she picked up her cutlery to begin once Lucius sat down.
‘I’ll take second place as a win, because dad’s Christmas dinners are always fantastic. Like I said.’ Loki said as he reached over to squeeze her knee.
During dinner they all chatted about what they got for Christmas and other various things. Though after they finished eating, the conversation turned a little heated.
‘At least there won’t be a hunt this time.’ Loki said, when they’d just been speaking about rogue vampires.
‘What do you mean there won’t be a hunt?’ Chris raised an eyebrow at him across the table.
‘You can’t possibly be holding a hunt?’
‘Why wouldn’t I? It’s tradition.’
‘You already had one at Halloween, don’t you think that’s more than enough?’ Loki argued.
‘That wasn’t the proper hunt. Of course I’m planning one.’ Chris argued back.
‘Have you told Louise this? What would she think?’ Loki hissed at him.
‘Do not bring my soulmate into this. She knows what I am and what I do.’ Chris growled.
‘So, you have told her? That you’re going to be kidnapping innocent humans and tossing them into the woods so they have to run for their life, till they’re caught by viscous vampires that will tear into them?’
‘It’s not all going to be innocent humans there.’ Chris snapped, trying to justify it.
‘Boys, that’s enough.’ Lucius said firmly.
‘No, dad. He’s being ridiculous if he thinks that Louise will just turn a blind eye at this. Right, Claire?’ Loki’s voice was getting higher and higher.
‘Don’t bring me into this.’ Claire said as she sunk into her seat and tried to hide behind her glass of wine.
‘If you don’t tell Louise, then I will.’ Loki yelled at Chris.
‘You have no right to. I will tell her. Not that it will effect her, anyway.’
‘Of course it will! It effects all of us vampires, plus our partners. What kind of message are you giving the hunters if they find out you’ve kidnapped a bunch of innocent humans again? There’s always an influx of hunters that come here after the hunt. And it’s your fault, every damn time!’ Loki shouted at him and slammed his fist down on the table.
‘I’m outta here. I thought you were trying to accept me for me, but clearly not.’ Chris snarled and stood up abruptly, the chair screeched across the floor behind him.
‘Thanks, Dad. It was lovely… Thank you, Claire, for showing me the pictures.’ Chris said as softly as he could before he quickly downed the last of his wine and stormed out of the room.
When Loki, Claire and Lucius heard the front door slam shut, Claire and Lucius both groaned and face-palmed.
‘You couldn’t have just avoided that subject for one day?’ Lucius sighed and shook his head as he began gathering the dishes up.
‘It doesn’t matter what day it is, he’s in the wrong.’ Loki huffed and folded his arms over his chest.
‘We all know he is trying lately, but getting the hunt out of him is going to be a tough one.’ Claire sighed, she was trying to be sympathetic to both. She understood where Loki was coming from, of course. Though she also knew that it wouldn’t be easy for Chris to change his ways completely so soon.
Chris was furious, he went for a fly around the city, looking for someone to bite. He eventually found one, a rogue hunter that was walking alone from a meal out. Not exactly an innocent human, though he didn’t know for sure if the hunter was one that just went after bad vampires or not… but he couldn’t wait any longer.
He swept down on the hunter and took her out easily and quickly, because she was intoxicated and unsuspecting. Though he still felt on edge and pissed off after the feed, it did help a little bit.
‘It needs to happen. It’s tradition. Louise will understand, I’m sure of it.’ He said to himself as he paced back and fore over the hunter’s body. ‘What if Loki’s right, though? What if she hates me for it?’
He growled in annoyance as he stopped and ran a hand through his hair.
‘I hear you’re in a bit of a dilemma.’ Came a familiar voice from behind him.
Chris turned around and narrowed his eyes at Toshi. ‘Of course you’d appear. If you don’t mind, kindly fuck off. I’ve had enough of a lecture from my brother tonight.’ He snapped.
Toshi folded her arms over her chest and shrugged. ‘If you don’t want to hear my plan to help your hunt go ahead, that’s fine.’
She turned on her heels and started to walk away.
Chris clenched his jaw and ran a hand down his face with a sigh. ‘Toshi. Wait... Let me guess, Loki messaged you to find me and stop me from hunting?'
Toshi stopped and turned around to face him with a little smirk. 'Close. Claire messaged the group chat saying that you two had been bickering over the hunt.'
Chris ran a hand down his face with a groan. 'That damn chat you girls have.'
Toshi laughed and walked closer to him.
'Look, I get you want to keep going with the tradition of the hunt. I won't try and stop you if there's no innocent humans taken.'
'Like you'd be able to stop me anyway.' Chris gloated as he folded his arms over his chest.
'Perhaps I could, perhaps I couldn't. But I think deep down you'd rather do it a better way, a way that wouldn't risk anything with Louise.' Toshi said knowingly.
Chris just glared at her for a minute, then his phone pinged. He pulled it out and took a glance. It was a text from Louise.
L: Hey, heard things were a bit rough at dinner with your brother. Just checking in that you're ok? x
Chris slid his phone back into his pocket and looked at Toshi, who was waiting patiently with a hand on her hip for him to say something.
Chris sighed. 'What did you have in mind?'
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To Me, From Me
Pairing: F! OC Evelyne “Snake” Gray x Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
CWs: Insecurities, ANGST with a happy ending, disassociation, poor self esteem, hints to abuse, mentions of pregnancy, slight pregnancy complication, Kyle is a sweetie, this is sad because I said so.
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At 17, Evelyne never saw herself getting married, let alone having children of her own, but at 27, she cherishes every moment with her girls. She finally had the life she wished for, an amazing husband, her sisters by her side, a daughter, and a second child on the way. She didn’t ask for anything more, so why did she get thrown into this situation? What the fuck did she do to piss off God so bad that He did this to her?
Scarlette’s piercing cry breaks Evelyne out of her thoughts, turning her head to see Kyle comforting their daughter. Claire stands up slowly to go make a bottle for the girl, passing a worried glance at her, and then to the man sitting smugly in her living room. A man she never thought she’d see again, who abandoned her at 17, running off to god knows where. “Nellian, what have you done?”
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“I reached out to him first, Ev, I swear! Its not his fault, he wanted to see you- he feels bad for not stopping what dad d-”
“Nellian,” Kyle’s voice broke through the young woman’s rant, “Go upstairs with Claire and Scar,”
“Uncle Ky please just-”
Nellian frowns, but heads for the stairs, Claire following behind her with Scarlette wiggling in her arms. Andrew sits there, calmly, eyes trained on Evelyne’s heavily pregnant stomach. His eyes flick to Kyle when the man comes up to sit next to her, turning his body to slightly block her from her brother’s view.
“Mars,” Andrew calls out, voice slightly raspier than before.
“Lorris,” the nickname rolls off her tongue easily despite her anxiety, as if she hasn’t not said it in 10 years. “You better have a good fucking reason to be here, Andrew. And you’ve got 10 seconds to make me believe your bullshit story.” Andrew scoffs at her husband, rolling his eyes. “Nellie had reached out, said she wanted to meet with me, so I did.” “Now,” Kyle leans his elbows on his knees, blocking Evelyne entirely from Andrew. “I know that’s bullshit, because you didn’t just meet with Nellian, you drove her back to my home, and walked through the fucking door like you paid the mortgage. Try again.”
Andrews leg bounces, a tick she will never forget of his, while glaring at Kyle. A wave of pain crashes through Evelyne’s body like lighting, causing her to inhale sharply. Her quick breath doesn’t go unnoticed, however, as Kyle immediately turns to her, brown eyes full of panic.
“Are you alright, love?”
Evelyn’s goes to nod, not wanting to cause a disturbance, but another wave of pain pulls a groan from her throat. It doesn’t feel like Braxton hicks, no, it feels exactly like when she went into labor with Scarlette. Kyle seems to notice her internal panic, standing up and grabbing Andrew roughly by the collar, dragging him to the front door. “If you ever show your ugly fucking mug here again, I’m putting a bullet between your eyes.” Kyle slams the door, rushing back to Evelyne, who is now surrounded by her three minions, meowing away at their mom.
“C’mon love, we’re going to the hospital.”
“But Scar,”
“Claire and Nel have her, we need to make sure you’re both okay.”
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“Well,” the OBGYN takes off her gloves, “I don’t see any reason to panic, it looks like stress caused minor pre-term contractions, but you’re not dilated, so just make sure you’re resting.” She reassured them before smiling and saying her goodbyes.
Evelyne relaxes at that, squeezing Kyle’s hand as he rests his forehead against hers. They stay like that for a moment, before he brings his other hand down to her bare bump, thumb brushing against old scars.
If only 17 year old Evelyne could see her now, belly the size of a beach ball, married, and so in love. The brat would probably laugh her ass off in disbelief.
As Kyle pulls her shirt down for her and helps her sit up, Evelyne wonders if she could have ever lived without him. If she would still be here, or if she would be living life through a lens, only alive for the sake of her sisters. If she would still see color in this world.
This time, a harsh kick to Kyle’s hand on her belly breaks her out of her thoughts. She laughs at his look of offense from being kicked by his unborn daughter.
“Not even born yet and the little shit is already causing trouble, huh?”
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braineater444 · 2 days
To Be a Princess
Chapter 5
fem!reader x kokonoi/bonten
TW: Rape, Victim Blaming, Poor proofreading
A/N: Short and sweet cuz writer's block was kicking my ass :)
Tears roll down your temples. He pecks them away as he works himself into you.
At first, the head nudges at your entrance. Not gentle, not rough. He pulls away. Only to spit on his hand and work it around himself. Then, more easily, but not without struggle, the head pops in. The burn that accompanies it brings more tears. He pushes in only a little, then pulls back and almost all the way out. There’s a brief, stinging halt before he plunges all the way in and stops again.
Electric shocks go straight to your extremities. Your eyes squeeze shut. You ball your hands into fists. There’s only a squeak of pain from your mouth.
“Open your eyes,” Hajime demands.
You do as you’re told and hesitate to let the tension out of your body.
“Kiss me.”
You crane your neck upwards to lock lips with him as he starts moving inside of you.
Every thrust is a punch to the gut. Every time his hips connect with your bare flesh, a sound of agony bleeds into your kiss and down his throat. 
He pushes you down, effectively separating your lips from his. He trails kisses up your neck and onto your jaw. He beats into you more punishingly. All you can do is take it.
“Fuck.” He swears breathlessly. “You’re so beautiful.”
The burn between your legs starts to become unbearable. How can this feel good for him?
His nails dig crescent imprints onto the skin of your hips. He’s grabbing you so tightly you can feel it against your bones. Every plunge carves out a deeper hole in your psyche.
The courtesy oral he offered could never defeat the ache between your legs right now. No amount of his tongue sliding against and prodding at your genitals could have fought this. This is your body rejecting him. 
You reject him. You lay there and let him have his way with no reaction. 
To think this used to bring you pleasure and joy. Now, it’s a painful waiting game. You wait out his release. It doesn’t come fast enough.
He drags your body into multiple positions, every single one more painful than the last. When he’s finally done, when he’s emptied himself inside of you, it’s not over. He lays sweaty, and tired on top of you.
It’s important that you go to the bathroom afterward. You have to dig him out of you.
Dull acrylic nails drag against your walls as you scoop out his semen. EVen with dull nails, the drag hurts, and when you look at your hands, there’s blood mixed in. You don’t know if it’s your fault or his.
When you’re done. When you’ve done the best you can. When it’s too tender, too sore. You stop. You wash your hands and let your white,cotton dress fall back into place.
You’re wrapped up in thick, too hot blankets. Silent tears have soaked the cotton duvet that smothers you.
The guest room has blackout curtains, and a bed never slept in. 
Even if you’re not hiding, it feels like you are when you’re alone in the dark.
There’s three knocks at the door before light floods in.
The bed dips under the weight of a body. His hand rests gently in your hair. You exhale through tears and a shiver wracks your frame.
“Please leave me alone.”
“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. Please, get out.”
Talking to him makes the lump in your throat unbearable. It makes the patch of light you see against the curtains blur through your watering eyes. Your body won’t rest like this. It can’t.
“It’s our first time in a really long time… I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Hajime sounds scarily sincere. “I told you. I really think a baby could fix this. Just bear wi—”
“I don’t want a baby!” You cut him off with a harsh, unsteady voice.
“A baby will take your mind off of things and give you something to do. And since I want to marry you, we could be a nice family.”
“I will never marry you, Hajime.” There’s no sternness. No conviction. Nothing. “I want to leave.”
“I don’t think you’re in a mental space to understand. That’s it.” And he leaves, shutting the door behind him.
There’s nothing but you and the darkness.
You’re awakened by the force of someone shaking you.
Haru’s voice rings loud and clear. “I’ve been here for an hour. You cannot sleep the whole time.”
It must be nighttime.
You’re sweaty and gross and brutalized. You don’t want to move. The yellow room light forces you to open your eyes. You turn to look at Haru.
He looks like a dissatisfied child. Upset, you won’t come outside and play with him. His arms are crossed, and he’s frowning at you.
“Rin said he wants to see you.”
You turn back over. You don’t want to deal with this.
“Whatever.” He says before turning the light off and leaving.
Not long after, Rindou comes. He’s not supposed to be here, but you’ve never told Hajime that Haru has the Haitians as covert guests. They’ve been really good at hiding it.
“Are you okay?” He asks. It’s been a while since you’ve seen him. The last time being…
You don’t turn to face him.
“He raped me.”
“Like… for the first time?”
“Yes.” The lump in your throat is back. Not that you hadn’t been disgusted at the thought of having let him inside you in the past before. But at least then, there was consent.
“Oh.” You can hear him suppressing something between shock and amusement in his voice. It’s clear he doesn’t actually care, but it’s nice to pretend you have someone. There’s a beat of silence.
“Well, I think, if you drink with us, you can feel a little better.” 
You take more convincing than that. He talks to you like a good friend, but you know in your heart he’s not. He’s just like the rest of them. It’s twisted. You’re starting to separate him from his actions. That’s why you’re convinced to drink with them.
Everything is a little blurry and still, the soreness between your legs doesn’t quite go away even when you’re drunk. Maybe the drinking is making it worse? Or perhaps it’s sitting on the floor? You can’t even remember what card game you’re playing or if you’re still playing.
Rindou refills your glass. 
“You’re going to kill her,” Ran remarks. His cold eyes flicker over Rin, who’s sitting next to you.
He might be right. It’s getting hard to hold yourself up.
“Who cares? You know, he raped her. I’ve heard women say they’d rather be killed.” It’s almost sarcastic sounding.
It takes a moment for you to process what he said and when your head turns to look at him, slack-jawed with hurt, hazy eyes, you see he’s already looking at you. 
Why would he tell them?
He stares at you with unnerving blankness, but maybe you’re crazy. It shouldn’t be unnerving. He hasn’t been a full person in a very long time and you know this. His hand comes to your chin and his thumb glides over the bottom lip of your open mouth. Then, with his palm under your chin, he shuts your mouth, “Right?”
You nod.
“Bullshit. Can you even rape someone you’re with?” Ran asks, then shakes his head. He sounds disappointed.
Haruchiyo bursts out in laughter.
“We’re not together.” You mumble.
“Yeah, Ran.” Rins statement comes up off the back of a giggle.You can tell he finds amusement in his brother’s careless words. He pulls your body into his. You’re both so warm. This is making you sweaty.
“You can rape people you’re in a relationship with.” You add meekly. Your nose tingles, and your throat hurts. Rindou nods.
“Sure. Whatever. I guess it’s a new feminist thing.” Ran dismisses with a flick of his wrist.
“You’ve definitely raped me before.” Haruchiyo chimes in.
“You’re a grown man.” Ran looks confused.
Before you know it, the conversation is drowned out by Rindou bringing the glass he poured for you to your lips. He all but pours it down your throat until it’s empty.
“No more. Please.” You practically beg when he grabs the bottle to refill it. He chuckles and nods while rubbing your back.
“Get a room.” Haruchiyo scoffs.
“Did it feel good, though?” Ran asks. At your confused look, he clarifies, “When he raped you?”
You were burning up before, but now there’s three spotlights shining down on you. Rans eyes bore into yours as he waits for your answer.
You look down at your lap. Rin’s arm is its own unique weight on your shoulders. “No. It really hurt.” You can barely hear the last part of the sentence coming from your own mouth.
“Does it still hurt?” He prods even further.
“Yes. A little.” You play with your fingers. Even without looking up at him, you know he’s looking at you.
“Did he hit you? Or like choke you or something?” Ran sounds amused.
“He wasn’t violent?”
“Then how is that rape? Doesn’t sound like you were forced?”
“Ran…” A single tear hits your finger tips.
“Stop acting like that.” Haruchiyo pipes up and slaps Ran’s arm.
“I’m just looking for clarification. Sorry.” He chuckles.
There’s a sharp, throbbing pain at the left side of your head. Your eyelids are heavier than they’ve ever been, and it’s a fight to open them. When you do, Haruchiyo is looming over you with a look of concern.
“I told you she wasn’t dead.”
“Concussed maybe?” Haruchiyos’ words come well after his mouth starts moving. He’s talking to a distorted voice behind you. Deeper than anything you’ve ever heard.
You look up. It’s Ran. Your head is in his lap.
You touch your head where it hurts and groan loudly at the ache as it worsens. It reverberates, bounces off of your bones, and makes you cry. You bring your hand in front of your face only to find it coated in blood.
“Ah…” You turn over. “No. I’m blee-ding.” It comes out slurred through hiccups. 
“No, you’re not.” It’s the same weird, nasty voice coming from Ran. He turns you back over.
“Yes, I am!” You wipe the side of your face and slick your hand with more blood. “Look.” You show him your open palm.
“You’re just sweaty.” He pushes your hand away. Ran makes a confused face and looks up at someone. You follow his gaze. Rindou. You show him your bloody hand too, but he doesn’t react.
Why doesn’t he care?
You push yourself up and off of Ran’s lap. He doesn’t stop you. 
“Help.” You mutter, attempting to stand. Your legs don’t seem to work right. They shake violently as you push yourself up from the ground. You can only stand for a brief moment before you collapse.
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yourfavoritecascade · 10 months
Motivation had blessed me today, have a Pebsi.
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Grey is probably next even though I’ve gotten farther along w/ Ino’s design but shhhhh
I kinda imagine this would be Pebbs seeing that sky for the first time, even though him and Moon are tied more to the earth and ground in this au, it’s just nice to think abt
the depressed robots deserve a break : )
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lupinsmissingnipples · 11 months
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