#Thats not even fucking everything. The others are begging for your sake if you hate us like that just leave. Please.
antihero-petnames · 2 years
Mm.. please stop mentioning her in your pinned it’s creepy.. /lh /nm
... "nm"... you sure?
he made that a long time ago. its not like he recent went "ooo I'm gonna pretend shes still my lover!". dont act like thats what it says.
I dont think you should be here anymore. Youre the one who said they wanted to go without talking at all. "OI DUMBFUCKS READ THIS ESSAY" and a block, is that not what happened?
Shadow isnt here and wont be ever again, sorry. I understand bpd-caused mania isnt an excuse, but its whats happening. Currently trying to deal with it.
I'll change it if i have the time or enough fucking care not to delete the account all together, once Shadow is fully unconnected to front.
I dont feel like making things worse, so really if you believe what you believe please just leave us alone. Sorry we hurt you in ways we werent even aware of, but youre hurting yourself by sticking around. Last thing Shadow wishes to say is he hopes you well. Sorry for that too i guess. Good day.
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syscultureis · 11 months
Plural culture is I just dont get it...why do endos want to be this? and why do people think others want or are faking all of this? Plural culture is I cant LIKE anything anymore. Plural culture is even if im ACTIVLY TRYING to not split and to ignore it all and just keep on keeping on and pretend my system isnt there I STILL split. I cant sit down and enjoy my day because my brain will take SOMETHING, ANYTHING, NOT EVEN A PERSON SOMETIMES and if I got enjoyment or even suffering out of it then its just THERE now and a part of me is missing. Plural culture is missing parts of yourself, loosing a skill or talent you loved that shaped who you were, forgetting the faces and voices of your loves ones, getting your memories rewriten for you, blinking and missing days or sometimes years. And thats just MY experience as host! Others in my system having to live their lives in the backseat, never being able to have one of their own or feeling like their hole point of existence is to make me happy or make sure we dont die. Sometimes I see how tired and drained the protectors are, how strung out the care takers are, the gatekeepers putting on a brave face for the good of the system to make us feel like maybe at least ONE of us has SOME kind of control only to find out that even they dont know everything or have control over it all. I see alters who are dating in our system wish and beg for a body just so they can hold hands like normal. Or others still who have had relationships outside the system wish they had a body independent of this one to go and be with who they want and do whatever they want. Its NOT all suffering and disorder yes of course and thats so very valid but like...even the most well adjusted systems deal with flashbacks, triggers, panic attacks I mean for fuck sake its not just some fun game or even a coping skill! Id RATHER NOT split or disassociate to be able to cope! Honestly id MUCH RATHER do things myself then switch but unfortunately I simply CANT no matter how much I want to! I HATE how low our split tolerance is because SPLITTING ISNT FUCKING FUN even when its painless! Even when its so subtle you dont notice! Because you loose something, a memory, your feelings, your sense of self gets rocked off its balance and honestly sometimes not knowing a split happed is WORSE cause youll just randomly start feeling like your not you anymore with no explanation as to why! Its so frustrating to see a bunch of people emulate the "fun parts" of my disorder and then when I get RIGHTFULY upset and say "hey its not like that it actually kinda sucks" they turn around and emotionally manipulate a group of people who are NUTORIOUS for not being believed by saying "Well because no one believes you then you should believe me because everyone has a different brain so actually I say that you dont need to be traumatized and have any of the bad shit your talking about and I get to have all the cool parts of it and your trying to oppress me by not letting me in your spaces" like???? Okay, so sorry for the rant and talking about endos and systemcorse and all. Sometimes it just all seems so ridiculous to me. When I see people say "real systems arnt hurt by people faking DID" and like??? no??? dont fucking speak for me???? Like yes stop fakeclaiming but like no dont say endos arnt "real systems problem" like I guess in practice sure but no and also BIG NO cause enods directly HAVE caused me problems so no, fuck that.
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p-o-t-g · 2 years
How to love someone?
How to love someone without regrets, hesitates?
How to love someone, if you don’t know how love feels like.
Even tho everyone showed you a lot of love since you first borned. How come someone don’t know what is love.
In fact, how to accept your feelings if you are scared to hurt?
It just happens, i can’t ignore the pain anymore.
Here it is, that hurtful feeling in my chest. Like someone stabbed me with a fucking dagger. After all of these years, here it is again.
It hurts so much.
Is it jealousy?
Its humiliation.
How come i get in this pathetic position.
Its been a month, i couldn’t tell anyone. I am scared, and i am scared that they would think i am a terrible person.
I am scared of a lot of things actually.
Everytime he says he is gonna break up with her because this wouldn’t go much longer, i can feel the hope slightly lightin up inside me, and then, its all good again. They talked and its all good.
I feel gross when i think his little touches while he trying to convince his girlfriend that i am just a friend.
That is right.
I should be a friend.
I shouldn’t feel this way.
I can’t feel that much pain because of love.
I don’t want this anymore.
I just wanted few months to learn how fell in love feels like in good terms.
But fucking damn it, it just hurts anymore, nothing is enough, nothing is good enough, my body, everything i do is not enough for anything. Its not important, its, nothing, nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing is enough to cover my terrible personality and fuck it there is no one would love like who i am because honestly, i don’t even know who i am. But if i act like the person inside of my head, begging me to come out, everyone would fucking hate me so much and, i am scared of it now.
I want some people to stay with me even tho they don’t know me.
I am pathetically like him and fucking sucker for his little touches, in my arm, hair, shoulder.
Because it is gross when he is just doing this as a friend and i am looking from a whole different view. For God’s sake! He have a girlfriend. And its not important how much i want, its not going to change.
He is the only person that make me feel like this in my life.
I know i shouldn’t get lost in my feelings for him. I knew it but i thought i could ignore them like always.
It didn’t worked.
I want him for myself so bad.
I was so sure that their relationship was toxic and will end soon.
But he loves her.
I heard from his mouth a lot.
“I love her.”
I know he do.
Everythings looks so good when he is in it.
Include their relationship.
I like his laugh, i like it a lot.
And i hate to say it so much but i think i fell for him at the first sight.
He was so... I don’t know. I really don’t know.
I am so tired.
I thought my mom proud of me but, i don’t think thats the case.
Her mom didn’t (never) told her that she is proud of her so she is feeling good when she told her kids, its something make her happy.
I am hungry.
But i want to be like other girls.
I want to be someone that peoples can like.
With my scars.
How possible is that?
I would want to feel it man.
I wanted feel someone kissing my scars.
I really did want that.
And the only guy told me he will, just like that left me with telling me he never liked me.
Of fucking course.
Who would like me?
I don’t want to relapse but its getting hard.
I don’t wanna dissapoint anyone, plus, everyone would pity me if they saw it.
Look at me like i am the terrible creature on the world, needy, pathetic, weak.
Because maybe,
Thats still who i am deep down.
0 notes
1+3 from the quarrel prompt?
#1 - You should have told me! + #3 - No, stop it! I don’t want to hear it!
“...you should have told me...” John mumbled beneath his breath. Despite being in a hushed, secluded room somewhere in the studio, Paul could scarcely make Johns words out.
“You should have told me.” He said a little clearer, though Paul still couldn’t make him out. Noticing Pauls silence, John aggressively repeated. “For fucks sake Paul - YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!” He finally shouted; he always was quick to anger.
Paul knew what John was referring to, but in trying to elongate the unavoidable argument approaching them, Paul asked innocently, “Told you what?”
“YOU KNOW WHAT PAUL!” It was a tension that had only just been released, though Paul - despite not having seen John in days - had known it had existed for days. Ever since he’d married Linda the other week, he’d known John had something building up inside of him. Jealousy perhaps? Or betrayal? Abandonment for sure.
Paul only remained silent in response to this, turning his head away from Johns eyes.
With a strained and cracking voice, he begged, “Well say something for fucks sake!”
“Well what am I supposed to say John? I got married - ive got a fucking right to, dont I?”
“No!” He sounded just like a lost and lonely child - Paul supposed that John had never really outgrown the child in him really. He’d never seemed to emotionally mature in a way that allowed him to think and behave rationally; always he was teetering the line of every emotion - always unstable and ready to shift. “Ye don’t have a fuckin’ right to Paul!”
Paul had nothing to say to this, John was being ridiculous, of course, but he did understand him - perhaps not fully, but he did know and understand John better then most people, and so he could practically feel the upset radiating off his former partner.
John interrupted the silence with a whine off,“Why’d ye have to go off and marry her? You can fuck off and just abandon me, but ye don’t have to rub it in-“
“I didn’t bloody abandon you John! In fact, I haven’t abandoned you, cause im right here! Im trying to maintain some sort of relationship with you, y’know, but yer making that real fuckin’ difficult.” He hated the words already as they were leaving his mouth, but he seemed to be incapable of stopping them. They were only partial truths, and Paul knew this. “Besides, it was you who fucking left me first, wasnt it.” He asserted. “Fucking of with Yoko and that, not being able to go two bloody minutes without. Fucking replacing me with her.”
“Fuck off Paul!” He was spiteful in a way that would cause the majority of people to risk pissing themselves - but Paul tended not to be so afraid of John (even at his most emotional) but rather pitiful of him. Pitiful of the abandoned child so present in him. Pitiful because he was incapable of feeling truly loved and worthy. What a pity it is to go through life so scared everyone is just ready to leave you, or use you, or deep down resents, and even hates you. “I didn’t replace you with shit, I just moved on after you left me in fucking India.”
Paul passionately stood up, and retorted, “I DIDN’T FUCKING LEAVE YOU; I WANTED TO BE WITH YOU.”
John stood up too, and made his way closer Paul, retorting, “Yeah? Well you also wanted a fancy lady too, to give you kids and shit; I wasnt fuckin’ good enough for ye.”
Bluntly, Paul stated, “Fuck you John. Your an arsehole, y’know.”
“At least im not a fucking straight like you.” He spat back. They were mere centimetres apart by this point.
“D’you know - I don’t even need kids from you, cause you fucking are one. Y’know, you cant expect me to smother you in love every second of every day. Im only human.”
Hurt, John replied, “I dont expect that...”
They looked away from one another, Paul contemplating how he could take back the things he said, John trying to suppress the intense rage building up inside of him.
“Shit. John im sorry, im an arsehole-“
John interrupted, angrily spitting, “You don’t even love her; ye cant fucking love her!”
Paul had managed to bring his emotions back down to earth, and so responded calmly, “Yes. I do, John. And d’you know what, I still love you too.”
“No, stop it! I don’t wanna hear it!”
“Well its true.”
“Yer just manipulating me, McCartney. Yer only saying that to get yer way.” Though the things he was saying were ridiculous, there was an earnestness in his voice.
“John...you know thats not true. And you know that I love you. Ill always love you; every day, for the rest of my life.”
With a cracked and weary voice, he whined, “Then why are you with her?”
Paul couldn’t answer this, not without hurting John even more; and when John was hurting he made sure the rest if the world revelled in his pain with him. Eventually he choked out, “I...I cant answer that John. You know I can’t.”
“Fine.” And with that he left the room, leaving Paul alone. Nothing solved. Nothing resolved. Everything still a bloody mess.
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 5: One Man's Weakness is his Own Wife
The preparations for the Dionysia was underway; maenads, satyrs and villagers decorate the streets with flowers, purple and gold ribbons. The amphitheater was being prepared for this year's theme of "The Downfall of Troy", a theme that Apollo earlier in the month repeatedly objected towards but Dionysus completely forgotten why Apollo didn't approve of....until the Dionysia.
Dionysus was helping his theater troops with the set. "A LITTLE TO THE LEFT!" Dionysus shouted to two stage hands movie a large crude cut-out of a very angry Zeus, "NO THE OTHER LEFT!" he shouted again.
The stage hands were at this point a little confused on where to go, so the both of them just stand completely still to see if Dionysus actually noticed. Dionysus tilts head head to see if the angle is right and stares at the cut-out. "..... perfect, now all need to do is fix the curtains an-" he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder, he turns around and sees Apollo we a stern look on his face with Ariadne next to him with a look of concern.
"Um.... Dionysus....is THAT supposed to be dad?" Apollo questioned as he pointed to what basically was the equivalent of a child's drawing of Zeus with sharp teeth, a unibrow and a few inaccurate details that would be obvious to most people.
"Um yes. Yes it is.", Dionysus defended the depiction with all his heart, "I made it myself....with Kale's help, he's been extremely helpful." He points to Kale, who ironically is the director of the play for Dionysia, helping with choreography with a group of maenads. He turns back to Apollo and Ariadne, he steps past Apollo and goes straight to Ariadne, romancing her with the same vigor as if it was still love at first sight.
"Ah sweet pea, you made it" he gives a small kiss her hand, "-listen I have been dieing to get your opinion on the set up for act 3 ," gives another kiss up her forearm, "-the maenads have helped with casting pretty well so far buuuut I may need-" kisses again up the arm, "-someone to fix the costumes for Ares and Heracles though, mostly because it's a little too small for the both of t-" again Dionysus was interrupted mid sentence with Ariadne placing he finger on his lips. As much as she adored Dionysus's courting and him in general, she also equally adored her subjects as any queen would. She lets out a sigh and gives Dionysus kiss on his nose.
"Dionysus, love, we need to talk.", stated Ariadne, "It's about the festival, we HAVE to call it off and continue on another day." she continued. "Apollo told me everything about what's been going on. If it's not safe for the public to be out as soon as the sun goes down, than we must postpone the festival." she argued.
He couldn't believe his own ears, first his brother and now his own wife attempts to convince him to cancel a celebration. So he attempts to continue his 'counter measure', he continues to woo her. He picks her up in his arms. "Oh don't worry my little pomegranate seed, things aren't THAT bad, it was probably the cats being naughty.", he tried to convince her as he started to nuzzle her neck. His stubble tickled Ariadne, she lets out a few giggles, suddenly the two are now locked into a battle of dodging the topic and inappropriate amounts of "pda". The two went back and forth on topic of canceling the event for the safety of the residence. It was between the traditions to party hardy or to prevent a possible mass animal attack that has yet to be resolved.
Meanwhile Apollo is standing three feet away completely growing tired kf the two's public displays of affection, mostly because he personally feels not only is this a massive waste of time but also it makes him feel internally irritated knowing he doesn't have anyone to do this with at moment... subsequently feeling left out. "You two DO realize it's four hours until sunset, I need to at least know you two will be safe before I leave." He interjected.
The two were currently locking lips with each other, Dionysus knew full well this couldn't go on much longer. Dionysus finished his kiss with Ariadne.
Like most men, he didn't like his mind or his plans changed. "How about....we make it during the day?" he suggested, he reasoned that since the attacks have mostly happened at night that there was plenty of time to celebrate.
Ariadne nodded her head no, "No, Apollo had mentioned some these animals have attacked during the day too. He's seen them occasionally, we have to postpone. Maybe during a day that..." She thought about her request...." No nevermind.", She blurted.
Dionysus was confused, was there truly a way out of this annoying cancelation? "... nevermind what?" He asked.
Ariadne has set her trump card, "oh, maybe...just to make the people feel a little bit safer... invite your father to the Dionysia?", she bashfully asked.
Dionysus stood there with a blank expression, a few seconds later, he started laughing. "Ahahhahaha, oh Ariadne, that's really fucking funny hahaha!" he laughed continuously, he looked up and saw Ariadne's face, she wasn't very happy. "Ohhhh you're serious." He realized what she was suggesting wasn't a joke, but a genuine suggestion. "Look, I'm NOT going to bother my dad to babysit us. Delphi honestly isn't in any danger, and we've had two attacks....in three months!" He argued. The conversation started to get a little more serious.
Ariadne let out a small huff, "I know you want to keep the festival going but the safety of people are a little bit more important than tradition right now. I don't care if it was two, or three or a thousand attacks, you know very well that the festivities will be ruined if someone gets hurt.", she told him. "Please I beg you, not just for my sake but the sake of whomsoever might get hurt. It's either you get your father to come over to make sure nothing bad happens....or no sex....for a year, plus no cuddles either. Seriously Dionysus, if someone gets killed over this I swear I probably won't talk to you afterwards!" She was at her limit, if Dionysus was going to be stubborn about festival, than she was going to be stubborn with him.
Dionysus was at an impasse, he couldn't risk making his ultimate wine-wifu upset and to top it off he could not stand the idea of being ignored by her for such an undisclosed amount of time. He also couldn't just CANCEL one of the most important holidays in Greece, mostly Dionysia was also a performing arts contest, and Delphi has been going strong for several years against Delos and Sparta so his ego was on the line. He turned around and pondered to himself, hoping to figure out a way he could make both parties happy. "What if I raised the defenses around the town?....what if I can make wine bombs....that makes wolves too drunk to attack people?" he suggested,.
Ariadne stood there speechless, trying to decide if she was shocked or not to hear this from Dionysus. She motioned to one of the maenads to hand her a prop. A maenad handed her a peacock feather, mostly she didn't want to be responsible for any injuries the Dionysus could probably sustain from this. Ariadne with a gentle smile, worked with what she got, started whipping him with the feather. "YOU. ARE. SO. DAMN. STUBBORN. WINE. CAN'T. SOLVE. NOT. BEING. ALIVE." She shouted as she 'mercilessly' hit his shoulders and back.
Dionysus couldn't help but defend himself by curling up and blocking his face. At this point, he was already in hot water with Ariadne, so he decides to pretend to actually be hurt and start screaming.
Apollo was now just sitting on a director's chair that was provided but one of the stage hands, in fact the whole amphitheater's staff and volunteers were watching this incredible marital dispute. It was rare to see Dionysus and Ariadne fight, some even started to provide snacks to each other. "HOW ABOUT THIS-" Apollo announced.
Dionysus and Ariadne both stop and looked at Apollo. The two pausing midway through their dramatic theatrics.
Apollo stood up and let out a long sigh, "look, if it makes you feel better Dionysus.....as compensation for losing a day-" he said mid sentence.
"A WEEK" Ariadne shouted, she hoped to at least wait a week to make full sure what ever has been going would be solved within the week.
"NO. THATS TOO LONG!" Dionysus furiously responded but was again getting pelted by Ariadne's peacock feather. "AAAH NO NOT AGAIN!" he shouted.
Apollo continued on, "..... loosing a week of the Dionysia, I will make it sunny....for a whole week....just so that you celebrate...none stop...for a whole week." Apollo knew he was going to make BILLIONS of mortals completely confused, ruin many people's sleep schedule...but all to convince the god of wine to cancel a party.
Ariadne was very happy about the idea but it was something. "DEAL!", she shouted, she stopped whipping Dionysus with the feather. Dionysus stood up, not even feeling anything, with his ego a little bruised having had his will be bent. He begrudgingly decided to the agreement, "Fine. But I better get a summertime blow out during that week dude." He conditioned.
Apollo could breath a sigh of relief, he had at least avoided disaster for the citizens of Delphi. Now it was off to Delos to arrange some defenses around the countryside. Delphi may not have any 'wolves', but he was worried of Delos did. "Well, good to see we're at an accord. Dionysus, please be careful tonight and good luck to you, Lady Ariadne." He waved as he went to find his chariot.
Ariadne and Dionysus waved goodbye to Apollo. Ariadne looked up at Dionysus and tried to tickle him the the peacock feather on his neck. He tried to not crack a smile but he couldn't resist being ticklish let alone be mad at his wife. "Hahahehehe, ok ok, sorry sweetie. I just really hate canceling anything." He apologized.
Ariadne chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "it's ok, but your brother is right you know." She assured him. "Come on, I'll help you pack a few things up." She went on to help put away some of the decorations. Dionysus turned around, "Ok pack up the small stuff everyone! Dionysia is cancelled for the week!" He announced. The staff and followers were all shocked and some started to comment amongst themselves. "Don't worry, the party will continue next week with a full week of sunshine and hardcore partying. As of tonight...um...just like... don't go out at night. Stay home and get wasted indoors my dudes." He finished off his announcement, turned to went to help with putting away some of the things.
Kale had finally comeback from a 45 minute wine break and was completely confused as to why everyone was putting away everything. "Ok seriously I need to lay off the marlot because WHAT THE FUCK did I just FUCKING nap through the Dionysia?!" He shouted. A satyr walked up to fill Kale in, "um nah brah, Dionysia is cancelled until next week....after that its party time on steroids." Kale at first was frustrated because he worked on the dance routine for the play, until he realized there was a whole week to make some changes. "GASP! I must go, improvement awaits!" He dramatically left to come up with another part of the scene.
End of Chp5
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theholyyuunoaduck · 4 years
Reasons why i hate mikaela hyakuya
@gurensangel @chaoticgaymess sorry i know you wanted me to repost your post but its easier just starting my own and making my own hashtag so incase anyone else asks me about this i can just look for the hashtag and send them this
Mikaela is honestly one of those characters i desperately and i mean desperatly tried to love i mean his kid self was so so easy to love and want to protect and hell i cried a shit ton for him and his past his problems everything but the reality is mikaela is a toxic person and here im going to be explaining everything as clearly as i can though im sure that everyone has heard most of these arguments i also have some most people wouldnt even consider
Why is mikaela toxic? Well simply said when you have one person and only one then its obviously going to be an underlying mental health issue now you could say other characters are similar to mikaela within that regard like every other vampire but heres the thing we dont get to see much of the other vampires so im more or less apathetic to those vampires and their actions however in accordance to mikaela we have watched his actions since day one and his chemistry with the rest of the cast of owari no seraph what grinds my gears isnt the fact that mikaela acts with violence and distrust towards everyone but the actions that the rest of the cast have taken towards mikaela and his inability to react differently towards those same exact characters aka shinoa squad
Shinoa squad has never once treated mikaela with prejiduce with agendas or anything of ill will since day one the fact that shinoa basically is the cause of death of many of her comrads during the nagoya arc where mikaela attacks the jida troop (and yes it is a troop considering that after reading pannel after pannel theres upwards to 20 soldiers who the majority of which are equiped with standard blades unlike the protagonists you know basically cannon fodder) but my problem is the fact that in that chapter shinoa instigated their betrayal to save mikaela from the rest of the troops shinoa's life was threatned straight after acknowledging that this could be the last she ever layed eyes on yuichiro by letting mikaela escape with him first threatened by a random soldier and then right after rika inoue and by her superior narumi makoto and shinoa the fucking chad she is just took all the punishment because she knows damn well that it is her fault her comrads died because of her distraction to allow mikaela to escape eating away the precious time guren baught his soldiers to run away and escape and how does mikaela respond? He tells yuu to abandon them it doesnt take a genius to say that betrayal especially to the hiragi family is met with death even if mikaela doesnt understand the rules and regulations of human law i doubt vampire law is much different meaning he knows damn well shinoa could lose her life for betraying the army for his sake and not just shinoa but her entire squad
I already know what youll say "but but mikas a vampire he has no emotions" bullshit absolute pure fucking bullshit of an argument considering the fact yoichis mention of the word family/freinds was cause for pause for mikaela and not just mikaela look at ferid look at crowley theyre all so vibrant and brimming with personality and emotion and i am damn well sure no one disagrees this could just be kagami's writing and forgetting about this plotpoint
The fact that despite this mikaela is a manipulative fucker we all know yuu is a dumbass no one can deny this the fact that mikaela is willing to point his sword towards yuichiro and threaten him his so called beloved speaks volumes about mikaelas ego his straight up ego thinking that he's the only one that could be right after all mikaelas the wisest of the bunch right i mean after all everyone of his other decisions was followed through with outstanding results anyone? Anyone? Thats right not once has the squad or especially yuichiro listend to mikaela and do to that fact everyone is alive and kicking examples? (This is also an example of manipulative mika) Mika: Yuu abandon shinoa because if she's as great as you say us sticking around will only cause her trouble you cannot tell me that isnt mikaela trying to twist yuu's feelings for his family to abandon them because had they listened to mikaela shinoa would have been impaled by the chains kureto produced to awaken the seraph of the end
And almost right after that same situation upon mahiru injuring yuu awakening abadon mikaela high tails and runs away carrying yuu and we actually see a pannel of shinoa squad scrambling for saftey straight up abandoning them again and going so far as to yell that he is yuu's only family despite all the other shit
Alright so lets play into the whole mika doesnt have feelings dont you think that having no feelings would make your sense of judgement all the better? And if so with all the evidence and actions of shinoa squad why in Gods blue earth would he basically act like an actual dick towards shinoa who saved his life risked her life for him as if shinoa is the sole reason yuu is in the prediciment of being possessed by yuu?? Isnt that the least bit infuriating??
On next of we shouldnt listen to mikaela in the same arc again mikaela suggests lets leave shinoa squad to face off against crowley AND FERID with this bullshit of "theyre after us theyll just ignore them" i mean are you kidding me? Ferid the man youve been with for 5 years is going to not have the time of his life killing a bunch of teenagers for the simple fact that if yuu is running away and leaving them.they must not be important to him therefore easy pickings for him
Lets not trust guren after all he's just using you he doesnt care the man loves that boy like as if he was his son and you can argue against me with this some time later but alright lets give mika the benifit of the doubt so obviously in mikas infinit wisdom his set course of action is killing him infront of yuichiro??? Really??? In front of him?? Killing his father infront of yuu man that just speaks volumes about how mikaeala only cares about the feeling he gets with yuu rather than carring about yuu as a person
Imo mika cares about how yuu makes him feel rather than who yuichiro is what do i mean by this? Its simple mika doesnt give a damn what makes yuu happy hell mika would cage yuu up if it ment keeping him safe and alive but is that really living? Its cruelty if i adopt a dog feed it and give it water but never play with it and isolate it thats basically animal cruelty
Anyway back to mika trying to kill guren just right there yuu begs mika to stop and grabs his arm pulling him back and what does mika do? What does he do? He lops off yuu's arm the one that was holding mikaela back from attacking what makes this scene even worse is i had so much hope for mikaeala because the last battle they won mikaela said the thoight of losing his.comrads made him dizzy what happened to him not having feelings? I lived loved loved that statement i imagined uncle mika to yuus kids being the best man to yuus wedding begging to be the one to make the wedding cake so so so so so many au's based off those little words and right after removing yuu's limb from him kimizuki and yoichi step up for guren weapons drawn and mikaela threatens them?!?!?! I mean honestly how fucking hypocritical can you be how big is his fucking ego???
Ill end it with this point because i have work in the morning i Still have another 20 bullet points i want to add but im starting to think i have artheritistis in my hand because my fingers hurt so much but anyway my point being mikaelas character contradicts yui's in an unhealthy way while yuu's character trait is to run towards danger to be a hero mikas is to run from danger its basically a tug of war and the thing is the story so far has actually turned out well for the cast running into danger for yuu made the 6th angels trumpet to grow silent destroying all of the four horsemen monsters and letting humanity take a huge step towards rebuilding but had it been mika's way theyd have run right out of that building never to see it again my point is if someone pulls and runs towards something and another character ties a rope to them and runs the other direction that tension will cause nothing but problems instead of running forward with the protagonist in order to keep them safe and actually contribute into the success of the mission
Also like the hashtags say this is only part 1 because as i said i have to sleep and my hand is killing me i should have done this earlier when i had more energy in order to bring along all the sources like the chapter and page where you can find these exact moments along with photos of said arguments/bullet points
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zhuhongs · 4 years
Here’s my long ass review of TGCF that literally no one asked for it i have opinions and I have no one to tell them too so i must write them out and post them. (also part of this is abt the mdzs novel bc i can’t not compare them and I have a lot of thoughts abt that too)
This is very very long so it’s going under a read more. Spoilers ahead!!
Okay so first off this book was a fucking behemoth i can’t believe i read all of that (minus the extras) in under a week.. what the fuck. I definetly got reading fatigue halfway thru book 3.
I’m gonna separate my thoughts into sections bc i  have a few points that don’t all relate
firstly, overall writing and organization:
I said it earlier but tgcf is a lot more structurally sound than mdzs imo. My biggest criticism of the MDZS novel (minus the bad sex scenes, homophobia, and general I hate mxtxness of it) was the way the flashbacks were presented. 
Like OH MY GOD they were presented so badly. I hated that the flashback was told intermittently and only when one of the characters invoked the past. For example, when WWX meets Jiang Cheng and a second time, Jin Ling distracts JC to release “Mo Xuanyu” bc he saved his life in the Nie Ancestral hall earlier. WWX then proceeds to be the self sacrificing dude he is and take away Jin Ling’s curse and put it on himself. When he escapes and returns to LWJ, LWJ offers to carry him.
 If you watched CQL, you know exactly what LWJ is referring to when he says smth to the effect of “You once offered to carry me too, remember.” HOWEVER in the novel you don’t know what he’s talking about. This is because the flashback wasn’t been revealed to you yet. The next chapter goes to tell the flashback. I think that this takes away all of the emotional depth away from the scene. But in CQL, having the flashback already be known, you make the connection on your own and are like “awww wangji remembers that.. even 16 years later.“ Its a lot sweeter bc you know what the two have gone thru. At this point in the MDZS novel its barely the 30th chapter or so and you have no real idea what wangxian have been thru together or what reasons wangji has for loving wwx. You just think, well obviously they like each other bc this is a danmei novel and they are the two leads, ofc they have to like each other. But in cql, you learn through watching them that they’re in love. It’s not just like”well they have to be!! its a bl!!”
Okay that was a rlly long side tangent but it makes me so angry. So what did any of that have to do with TGCF?? well tgcf doesn’t have this issue. In fact, i believe that it gains a lot from having the flashback withheld from the reader. 
I really liked how the flashbacks were contained to books 2 and 4 respectively because it adds a layer of mystery. Hua Cheng is a very secretive man so it makes sense for us to not know everything about him upfront. The way that the author teases and hints little things at you make you want to know more, making it all the more satisfying when the truth is revealed. Because in a way you Know that Hua Cheng meets Xie Lian before and you know that he’s the child XL saved during the God Pleasing Ceremony but you don’t know all the details. Like obviously since Hua Cheng is a ghost you know that he’s died and it was likely for Xie Lian or Xian le’s sake but you probably never expected that he actually died twice. Once on the battle field and second when he took the human face disease. I think the difference between these flashbacks and the flashbacks in MDZS result from the length. In TGCF you get two long concise flashbacks that make sense to be placed where they are. Book 2 because you already have a feel and hint at what the characters have been through and book 4 because the White No Face appears again so then you learn how he and Xie Lian met before. It wouldn’t make sense to place book 2 any earlier bc there is no emotional impact. And it doesn’t make sense to place book 4 earlier because you don’t know what the white no face’s deal is so it’d be confusing. In MDZS, you get numerous short flashbacks happening alongside the main story and it makes it hard to piece together the timeline in a way that feels satisfying. Ik a lot of ppl grill cql for having a confusing intro episode and having a rlly long flashback but its much better than the mdzs novel. However the mdzs donghua handles the flashback in the most concise way imo.
Overall i think the way the story is structured is very good and is a step up from mdzs. Also the horror aspects of tgcf are rlly enjoyable and honestly i think mxtx should just write short horror stories at this point. like enough long ass novels chock full of fetishization. just write some fun horror with no romance and call it a day.. pls
Side Characters:
okay so straight up, i think the side characters arent used as well as they were in mdzs bc mxtx wanted to focus on hualian and didn’t want to give the side characters as much focus. This is a weaker point of the novel.
I’ll get into it more below but i think hua cheng was done dirty as a character by having him rlly only care abt xie lian. Since he doesn;t have any real relationships with others outside of xie lian this takes away from having more depth in the side characters. They’re really only related as far as xie lian’s relationship with them. Though thankfully xie lian gets rather close with a few officials and the ones we get to see more of are rlly interesting. I especially loved the reconciliation of mu qing, feng xin, and xie lian at the end of book 5. honestly their relationship was one my favorites and i’m glad they finally said what they had to say to each other after 800 fucking years. Also Shi Qingxuan is a delight. we stan sqx in this house.
The characters i wish we had seen more of were yushi huang (although she didnt rlly want to be there, good for her), Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu. I very much wish yizhen and yin yus story happened earlier on and we had more time with them. It felt strange to have their subplot occur towards the end and it was sort of out of place but i liked them a lot!! i wish there was more to it. and that there was a reconcilation but mxtx hates happy shidi’s doesnt she, (glares at novel jc). Also man yin yu did NOT have to die like that i’m sad.
Also, honestly.. i don’t think qi rong added to the story whatsoever and i have no clue why he and guzi were there. qi rong just pissed me off the whole time and added literally nothing.
going back to yushi huang, i’d like to say for the millionth time that i hate how mxtx uses any of her female characters. like we get it.. u hate women being useful... im still pressed but what i want to say has been said many times before so ill leave it at that.
I really really did like hualian at the end. They had a truly epic love story and it was so beautiful, especially when hua cheng repeated his words as wuming to xie lian as he started to disappear. But, I said it once and i’ll say it again. I don’t think Hualian is a super healthy relationship. As fiction its fine (i firmly believe fiction impacts reality but let me finish), i guess bc literally nothing about their situation can be replicated irl and none of it ended up containing manipulation or abuse or anything bad but there was a potential for it to and i’m really glad it didnt go that route.
Hualian is a highly idealized and romanticized relationship full of some truly troubling feelings of self worth. While its “beautiful” in a way that hc really was xls most devoted believer, it wasnt healthy for him to live for xl like this. Nor was it healthy for xl to feel so unworthy of hua chengs love.  
Hua Cheng’s devotion to Xie Lian is a little too extreme and it bothers me. When the truth was revealed abt the Temple of 10,000 Gods I had the same reaction as Mu Qing and Feng Xin. I was like... HEY WHAT THE FUCKK that’s a little uh... thats NOT HEALTHY,, dianxia PLEASE say smth. But ofc Xie Lian didn’t say fucking anything and and i was so pissed. Like the whole thing of Hua Cheng living his life solely for XIe Lian is really kinda fucked up and not romantic. I was holding out hope that at some point XIe Lian would sit him down and be like “Hey! I love you and i’m really grateful that all these years you’ve still believed in me when no one else did. But you can’t just live your life for my sake. You deserve love from many other other people and deserve to have a life and happiness outside of me. I still want to spend the rest of my life with you, but you need to not only think of me.” or something to that effect
It bothers me that after Xie Lian learns the truth he doesn’t once reassure Hua Cheng that he didn’t have to make Xie Lian his reason for existence. Like.. idk i just think that’s rlly kinda unhealthy. Like I understand why Hua Cheng is so deeply devoted to Xie Lian-- he saved his life twice and was the only one to ever show him kindness and he’s seen xie lian suffer a fate worse than death multiple times. I get that he wants to protect him and make his life easier, but to not let anyone else into his life and spend 800 years looking for xie lian is just overkill. Like if the whole 10k statues thing never happened i’d be 100 percent fine with hualin but the whole devotion to that extent... uhhh yea.. no that put a bad taste in my mouth. Obsession should not be romanticised. I don’t think any reader of tgcf is going out and deciding to live like hua cheng obviously but still.
Also Side note, the whole 100 swords scene.. bro i felt for hua cheng, the way he screamed seeing that, i don’t blame him. I was so horrified reading that chapter. i don’t think i’ve been so horrified by a piece of media like that in a while. Poor fucking xie lian.. oh my god. I understand the intense reaction he had and how seeing that prompted such a degree of loyalty but still.. 10k statues?? the cave that mu qing and feng xin saw... thats a little too much obssession... like please.. dial it back.. im begging u.
I was talking to mary (liviahyes) and she said smth abt how Hua Cheng doesn’t have a character outside of xie lian. And she’s right, he kinda doesn’t. If Xie Lian didn’t exist neither would Hua Cheng. I get that that counds kinda romantic but in practice i don’t think its a good things. Especially because Xie Lian has a story outside of Hua Cheng, hehas goals, he has friends, he has something. Hua Cheng said it-- his only dream is Xie Lian. Which is romantic but very very unbalanced. 
THAT BEING SAID, i still rly liked their relationship and i think theyre cute they just have issues they need to work through. I mean they have time but yea. It wasn’t perfect but eh. overall i’m bitter bc they couldve been THAT COUPLE but theyre so many bad implications as mentioned above and i.. smh. They still have amazing moments. Like the lantern scene, the alter scene, the “what matters is you, not the state of you”, the end when hua cheng helps release the shackles on xie lian, the scene where hua cheng disappears, the way xie lian waited for him, like they were so close to being THAT COUPLE but then mxtx and her fujo ass just had to make it uncomfortable like that. i’m so bitter. Like the reason why i wrote out all of this is bc this novel could’ve been great but so many little things added up and made the experience far more sour than it shouldve been.
MXTX did hua cheng SO DIRTY by not giving him a character much outside of loving xie lian and being good at everything. Like when I first learned abt how Hua Cheng beat 33 heavenly officials at what they excel in best i was like WHO IS THIS LEGEND but honestly.. he rlly doesn’t have any motivations outside of helping xie lian and I wish he had more to him . Like if we had more situations like the one where hua cheng dug out his own eye to save the group of mortals on mount tong’lu then he’d have been a much more well rounded character. Honestly, that’s rlly the only instance where he seems to have taken xie lians ideals to heart. I wish we had more of that bc that scene was so cool. i wish it hadn’t been revealled so late and there was more than one occasion where he defends others (minus xie lian ofc) without anything for himself to gain that.
To contrast hualian with wangxian, i think wangxian work so well bc at their core, they have the same life goals and same ideas about people and the world. Where in hualian, xie lian has core principles and morals and hua cheng is just like, anything for xie lian. SMH they couldve been great but overall i think hualian falls flat for me because of my own fear of dating someone who doesn’t have a life outside of dating me. Moreso, my parents had this sort of unbalanced relationship towards the end of their marriage and it ended very badly and yea, i just can’t whole heartedly love relationships that in any way resemble this, even if it ends differently. that’s a personal thing tho.
I don’t think Hua Cheng has ANY bad intentions towards Xie Lian or ever will. I don’t think he’s ever manipulated xl or tried to force him to love him. But again, it’s my own personal feelings that makes me feel kinda.. ehh conflicted abt hualian. There was potential but again.. fujoshis ruin everything... smh. Overall i think the way it ended redeemed the issues it had but still there were issues and i really wish xie lian like,, reassured hua cheng about living his life freely at some point but whatever. 
TGCF had the potential to be better than mdzs, it rlly did but it was bogged down by the authors own toxic mentalities abt love, and mlm relationships, and treating women like ppl and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I enjoyed this book, truly i did (otherwise i wouldn’t have stuck through and read 750k words of it) but there are some flaws that cannot be glossed over. I hope that tgcf when it does get adapted, goes through the same miracle that cql did and makes the characters more like ppl and less like tropes but i doubt it. Also i highly doubt that a live action tgcf is feasible given the supernatural aspects of the series but we shall see. I’m excited for the donghua when it eventual comes out but i will continue to be critical of the novel bc..well.. you see why. idk if i’d reccommend this book tbh bc like yes i would, no i would... well.. </3. yea. overall, it sure was something that i enjoyed in spades. especially the last 5 chapters. I generally liked it but had many issues with it at the same time, but honestly, yea thats the standard fair for a mxtx novel. 
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ad1thi · 5 years
meri pyaari tony
okay so @iam93percentstardust got me rly excited about this new au and even though im never going to write it i just wanna write a lil so enjoy everybody!! (hopefully this will clear up what i meant by not a happy ending but also not an unhappy ending)
The phone rings once, twice before it cuts off, and James’ back stiffens.
On the table, his mother’s fingers have stilled - frozen in the action of pushing the birthday card for his 10 year old nephew into an envelope.
The phone rings again, just twice, long enough to be unmistakable but too short to actually answer.
He looks out to the heaving rain, and without even thinking of reaching for an umbrella, he’s already sprinting across the grounds of his house, uncaring of how soaked he’s getting as he pushes himself up and over the gate of the neighbouring house and into the attic.
In the molten, rusty room, on top of an old suitcase that he’s seen Tony sit on countless times with his feet swinging off the ground - is a 6 year old boy; fiddling with the buttons of his jacket.
James runs his hands across his face, wiping off the water that’s collected in the creases of his forehead, and walks over to the kid.
He must look a state to the kid, sopping wet and uncharacteristically happy despite said dampness, but he can’t bring himself to care.
“I’m really hungry,” he says to the boy, grinning, “do you think I can borrow one of your fingers to eat?”
Instinctively, the boy puts his hands behind his back, shaking his head fervently and James pouts, “not even the one? You have 10!”
The kid is saved from answering from a call of “Peter!” ringing outside the attic, and James turns, watching Tony fumble with closing an umbrella and he pushes into the attic.
Its a scene that James has imagined a thousand times over, watching Tony meet him in the attic where their childhood selves because friends all those years ago - and yet his imagination somehow didn’t do justice to the scene in front of him.
It takes Tony a couple of seconds to realise that James is there, and his face splits into a hesitant smile thats over-run with a frown when the kid barrels into his leg.
Tony runs his finger through the kid’s hair, “go find your Papa Peter - I’ll be down in a couple of seconds”
He waits until the kid’s disappeared down the stairs to turn back to James, “so, are you guys bestfriends yet?”
“No,” James says, smiling that private smile he’d reserved for Tony, “but you know me - I grow on people”
“Its good to see you Rhodey,” Tony says, and its only the fact that he’s carrying his bodyweight in water while Tony is wearing an expensive suit that keeps him from crossing the room and wrapping his arms around Tony.
“I forget,” Tony says, settling down on the suitcase his son vacated, “was it 2 rings or 3 rings? Our emergency code?”
“2,” Rhodey says, lifting up his fingers, “but then again - everything was an emergency for you so we never had any other code”
“Dad told me you’d stopped by,” Tony says, “didn’t realise you cared so much about this old dump”
Rhodey chooses not to answer that, “So you’re finally taking Major Stark to your house huh? Took you long enough”
“I know,” Tony huffs, “we’ll be at each other’s throats by the end of the week, but what can you do?”
Tony gestures around the attic vaguely, “I wanted to give Peter a chance to see this house before he sold it though - let him see where his Dad grew up”
“Peter?” Rhodey raises an eyebrow, “like Peter Pan? And here I thought your child would have one of those weird names with an unnecessarily pretentious pronunciation”
Tony raises his hand to swat at Rhodey, and for a second its just like old times.
Rhodey settles down next to him, shoving him with his hip until Tony shifts enough to make space on the suitcase for him.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment?” Rhodey says softly, “I’ve imagined it 1000 times over. ‘Course, in my version you were in distinctly less clothing, on your knees begging for forgiveness while an epic revenge tune played in the background”
Tony chuckles, eyes crinkling into familiar crow’s feet, and Rhodey thinks that for all the years he spent hating Tony - nothing can compare to the decades he spent loving him.
“So, New York Best Seller Writer huh? You finally did it Rhodey,” Tony leans in with a conspiratorial look on his face, “I walked out on you way too early”
you shouldn’t have walked out on me at all, Rhodey thinks, but this isn’t the right time for that conversation.
(he wonders if there ever will be a right time for that conversation)
Instead, Rhodey asks, “have you read any of them?” and Tony scoffs, “have you met me?”
“I can barely get through the first couple of pages of essential stuff like manuals, do I look like I can read?”
“That being said,” Tony says, “with a cover that says The Wild Washerwoman will wash you away, and - fuck what was the other one?” he scrunches up his nose in thought, “Tricycle - it will puncture your life, how could I resist?”
It warms something dead inside Rhodey that Tony reads his books, that Tony knows them well enough to recite the gaudy catchphrases his PR team used to sell them.
“Yuck man,” Tony says, “honestly how far have you fallen for a couple of sales. I gotta say though, extremely entertaining”
“Yeah well,” Rhodey shrugs, “horror is easy. I’ve been trying to write a love story for the past three years now and I’m not sure how to end it”
the why goes unspoken, hanging in the air and making the room thick with tension.
Tony reaches out and cups his cheek, and it takes everything in Rhodey to not lean into it.
“you’ll finish it,” Tony says softly, “You’re my Rhodey - ‘course you’ll finish it”
Rhodey pushes off his seat suddenly, making it half way to the door before he remembers to turn around and tell Tony to “stay put, don’t move I’ll be right back”
And he runs through the rain again, ignoring the shouts of his father and his manager to grab the manuscript on his bed.
He pushes it under his jacket roughly and runs back, where Tony is still sitting on the old suitcase - legs dangling just above the floor.
He puts the manuscript in between his hands, and says in one short breath, “read it”
and so Tony does - though he does flip through large portions of the book and crucial plot points.
Its okay though, because Tony lived through those moments, so he’s allowed to embellish and skip to the end.
When he flips the last page and looks back up at Rhodey, there’s tears in his eyes - but Rhodey’s known him long enough to know that these are happy tears
“This is your version Rhodeybear,” Tony says, “mine would be a little different”
Rhodey shrugs delicately, thinking about the night he tore through 10 pages trying to get that final last first kiss right, “a happy ending sells right? Why - what would be different in your version?”
“Does it matter?” Tony’s voice is wet, “I like your version better”
“But you found your Mr Right,” Rhodey says matter of factly, and Tony just shakes his head, “more like Mr Right place right time”
“But,”  Tony wipes away the stray tear on his cheek, “he gave me Peter so I can’t complain. You should see me as a dad platypus, it’s like I was made for this role. Being a dad, thats the one thing I’m not a disaster at”
Tony holds out the manuscript, but Rhodey pushes it back gently shaking his head, “I don’t want anyone else reading this. Not my manager, not your husband, nobody else. The story in those pages, that’s ours, just ours.”
Tony leans up and presses a soft kiss on Rhodey’s cheek, featherlight but its what makes Rhodey reach out and say.
“I can still take you away if you want. Just say the word and I’ll carry you over my shoulder - away from all of this”
Tony opens his mouth to reply, but he’s cut off by Peter barrelling in, making grabby arms at his father.
Tony hefts up his son, arm caught around Peter’s waist and he looks at Rhodey with a mixture of nostalgia and regret, “I think I might be a bit too heavy for you now honeybear”
Tony leans in and rubs his nose against Peter’s cheek and in Rhodey’s mind, he’s right there with Tony - arms around the two most important boys in his life.
But in reality, there’s a distance between them, a space that try as he might, Rhodey can’t cross.
For the first time in almost 5 years, that doesn’t make him sad anymore.
you should see me as a dad platypus, Tony had said, and Rhodey’s seeing it now.
Oddly, it doesn’t hurt quite as much as he always thought it would.
“We have a party to get to right?” Tony says finally, setting Peter down so that they can walk down the stairs, “your nephew’s 10th birthday is it?”
The rain hasn’t let up, but in all fairness to his family - neither has the party because Rhodey and Tony make their way down to see a gaggle of uncles and aunts dancing in the grounds anyway, music coming from a speaker hidden away safely from the porch.
Peter runs across the field to a man with blue eyes and blond hair, who instantly bend down and picks him up - spinning him around and smiling when Peter shrieks about how wet he’s getting.
“One dance?” Rhodey asks, extending his hand out to Tony, “for old time’s sake?”
The look that Tony sends his way cannot be described as anything but pure adoration when he accepts Rhodey’s hand, giggling when Rhodey uses the momentum to pull him in close to his chest and snag an arm around his waist.
He’s consciously aware of the weight of the metal band around Tony’s finger pressing into his as they sway to the music, but it doesn’t bother him anymore.
To the rest of the world, he’s always be a Mr someone - but to Rhodey, he has and forever will be, his very first love, Tony.
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Ali & Ronnie
Ali: [The day of but later] Ali: I convinced that man not to press charges or anything, the one that got involved Ali: so you don't need to worry about that Ronnie: wasnt Ronnie: tell someone who is Ali: 'course Ali: talking isn't the most useful thing for me to do right now so I'll pass Ronnie: go be useful then little girl Ali: I'm sorry he brought you Ali: that's fucked up Ronnie: course you are Ronnie: youre all well sorry now like Ali: For you, not myself, or ourselves Ronnie: no shit pity works with the rest of your brothers and sisters Ronnie: youre fucked up Ali: How so? Ronnie: show and tells over Ali: I hope it made you feel better Ronnie: bullshit Ronnie: none of you give a fuck how I feel Ali: yeah I do Ronnie: wheres it been Ali: you're meant to wait for the kid to make the first move, that's rule #1 Ronnie: if you wanna play by the rules Ali: so I've lost points, that's fine Ali: you don't want us to care, right? Ronnie: the way your family is im almost old enough to be your ma Ronnie: bit fucking late yeah Ali: You do have a solid decade on her, yeah Ali: I'm a late bloomer, clearly Ronnie: ill leave it to her to be proud Ali: a big ask, but I'll survive without Ronnie: like I said Ronnie: fucked Ali: Yeah, a fair bit Ali: nothing to shout about, or that hasn't been now Ronnie: you wanted a first move Ali: It was a choice Ronnie: nah Ronnie: a reaction Ali: That too Ali: like I said, hope it was what you needed it to be? Ronnie: ask him Ali: you just did it for Joe? Ronnie: why else Ronnie: none of you mean shit to me Ali: but he does, yeah Ronnie: connect the dots Ronnie: I bothered to carve each one out Ali: I can tell he loves you Ali: do you love him Ronnie: hes that fucking soft Ali: you do Ali: alright, that's something Ronnie: fuck you youve known him all your life and you dont Ronnie: theres no telling me how I feel Ali: I don't know him or I don't love him? Ronnie: have it both ways Ronnie: he tells it either way Ali: I probably don't know him now Ali: I'll allow that Ali: that's how he wants it so you don't have to defend him like I'm saying I do Ali: or that I'll force it, when he's been so clear Ronnie: hes the last person I can be arsed to defend Ronnie: but no shit he gets everything he wants Ali: What were you after Ali: we disown him Ali: or strongarm him into rehab and therapy Ronnie: yeah Ive got everything crossed for sobriety Ronnie: fucks sake Ali: disowning then, he's done it to us Ali: it won't happen the other way 'round, sorry to say Ronnie: give him your fucking sorry Ronnie: he was the one begging me to ruin it all Ali: close enough that he should still be happy Ali: I'm not sorry for him Ali: I already said, he shouldn't have used you like that Ronnie: thats what happens theres no fucking 💘 and 🥀 Ali: no one deserves that Ronnie: I am no one Ali: You aren't Ali: don't have to be Ronnie: people like their junkies part time or useful or repentant Ronnie: fuck that Ali: that's not your whole gig Ronnie: you don't know shit Ronnie: youre not under my skin or in my head Ali: I know enough to know that's bullshit Ali: if anyone was just their addictions and vices, you wouldn't need them Ronnie: yeah youre the smart one Ronnie: he told me Ali: He's the one at the fancy arts school Ali: how does he reconcile that with being the junkie one Ronnie: youre 16 theres no uni thatd take you yet Ronnie: happy birthday for whenever the fuck it was Ali: Thanks Ali: about a month ago Ali: extend the invite next time Ronnie: dont Ronnie: I wont show Ali: you haven't heard how great my parties are yet Ronnie: I aint a childrens entertainer Ali: be cool if you were Ali: have a heart attack when you showed up Ronnie: next time I need a few quid ill try and remember Ronnie: make you proud of me Ali: probably leave that to Joe, and your friends and fam Ali: but I know how to make balloon animals so hmu Ronnie: course you do Ronnie: youre the target market for hippy crack Ali: awh Ali: how true Ronnie: no shit Ronnie: how long you been in the youngest ones adhd meds Ali: not really my thing Ali: need to calm my brain, not stimulate it harder Ronnie: 💔 Ali: how'd you know about that Ali: doesn't seem like the sort of pillowtalk he'd be about Ronnie: i was in care i know what an kid with adhd looks like Ronnie: and theyve tried to diagnose me as everything but a west little bastard Ali: he's shit scared right now Ronnie: be fucked if he werent Ali: yeah Ali: he doesn't really know Joe Ali: was like 4 when he went to Uni so Ali: proper boogeyman shit Ronnie: mckenna will love that Ronnie: real boner for the misery Ali: someone should get something out of it Ali: he can pay for his therapy later Ali: more meds, whatever Ronnie: ill tell him to put in his will Ali: try not to die Ronnie: itd be the ultimate misery boner Ronnie: why should he stop getting what he wants now Ali: yeah, you do love him Ali: but hate him too Ronnie: 💘🥀 Ali: Is he worth it? Ronnie: youre describing freckles and the princess you know that yeah Ronnie: me and her dont share every dysfunction Ali: Nah, they don't hate each other Ali: loads of other stuff, people Ali: very them vs everyone Ronnie: she hates that she needs him Ronnie: that he makes her soft Ronnie: close enough Ali: You reckon? Ali: Hmm Ronnie: first rule of tortured kids club Ali: it's why she loves him too Ali: you'd understand if her sister had been there Ali: she's got no one to make her soft, I tried but Ronnie: gutted she werent there then Ali: you wouldn't like her any more than she'd like you Ali: it'd be fitting, but no fun Ronnie: thats the fun Ronnie: I hate you all Ali: I see the appeal Ronnie: have a go Ronnie: hate me Ali: I see your appeal Ali: why would I hate you? Ali: Fraze does and he's having the least fun of all Ronnie: you see what you fucking wanna Ronnie: youd have to know me to know if I had any appeal Ali: Then I'm a spoilt hippy brat, as you like it Ali: you'd have to do worse for me to hate you Ali: not my MO Ronnie: not wasting another flight on it Ronnie: kill your own ma Ali: then I'm good for it Ali: sorry again Ali: you did what you set out to do, making me 💔 wasn't part of it Ronnie: stop fucking apologising Ali: it offends you? Ronnie: I did what mckenna cant do for his fucking self being a useless pussy from cradle to grave Ronnie: he is under my skin and in my veins like it or not Ali: yeah, and my apology is worth a damn when you've got problems that big Ali: alright, I won't say it no more Ronnie: if it was for me Id have done it at 10 14 fucking 18 even Ali: 'course, you got fucked over at birth Ali: no other straws needed Ali: his is more of a slowburn of bullshit Ronnie: yeah Ali: I don't know what he's told you, or how much you care about it Ali: but they've always been like it, Fraze too Ali: we have no idea and they went through so much more Ali: but Joe's only got 5 on me, so that says all you really need to know Ronnie: thats lads for you Ronnie: cant handle any pain unless they glorify it Ali: or co-opt it Ali: if you don't wanna be like them, tell him to get his own Ronnie: Im not like them thats why he likes me Ronnie: it aint my winning smile Ronnie: helps that I look like you and your ma course hes that sick Ali: He's hated them both ever since Bea came around, then when we moved her, like it was for her Ali: he's spoilt, like you said Ali: but I really think he is sick, too Ronnie: no shit Ronnie: were both sick Ali: yeah Ali: maybe you'll wanna get help someday Ronnie: for what Ronnie: theres no happy ever after here Ali: to not be sick Ronnie: nice try little girl Ronnie: not gonna get cured Ali: yeah, well has to seem better than sick Ali: that's a big ask Ali: I can't imagine not getting to do the drugs I do, and that's everyone Ronnie: it's like being in a relationship yeah sometimes it makes you feel good sometimes it dont Ronnie: cant fix shit though Ronnie: the rots too deep and its already set in Ronnie: long before I took a hit Ali: That's medication for you Ronnie: thats pain for you Ali: Yeah Ronnie: if I cant cut it out Ill cut her out of me Ronnie: her face outta mine Ali: It's DNA Ali: everything and nothing Ronnie: if she's in my blood ill spill it all Ronnie: theres fuck all point keeping it on the inside Ali: It's a waste of you Ali: the you that ain't her Ronnie: I am the waste Ronnie: ive had enough kids scraped out of me it aint hard Ali: She believed in the happily ever after you don't Ali: more fool her Ronnie: she got it Ali: she wanted it with you Ronnie: bullshit Ali: She did, she loved your biological dad, basically as many years as she'd been about Ali: she didn't just not get an abortion because she was scared Ronnie: she wanted it with him then Ronnie: I was along for the ride til I got dumped out Ronnie: if she wanted me id fucking be there Ali: she could've tried Ali: yeah Ali: you would've got taken away though Ronnie: so what Ali: just that, she wasn't allowed to keep you, she was a 14 year old with no parent, they'd have separated you and put you into different care homes Ali: happened to her friend Ronnie: I was a 14 year old with no parents either Ronnie: and a 4 year old Ronnie: 4 months Ronnie: however the fuck far back you wanna go Ronnie: I still found ways to get shit that I wanted Ali: Yeah, I know Ali: you had enough to eat and a bed with a roof over your head Ali: you wouldn't have if you'd had her, if that was even possible, somehow Ronnie: no I fucking didnt Ronnie: not always Ali: if you were in a home Ali: more than a squat where no fucker pays the bills or gets groceries over smack, you know the situation Ronnie: I know it helps her sleep at night Ronnie: this story Ali: you don't have to add it to your narrative if it fucks with your peace Ali: ask Joe Ali: if he reckons he remembers everything back in Liverpool, he'll remember Ronnie: I dont need to ask him cos his story is that she blinked and her life was so fucking sorted that she pushed a shit ton more kids out Ronnie: where the fuck was I Ronnie: nowhere Ronnie: youre my fucking replacement is why Ali: she could've got you when she got Bea and Ro Ali: I don't know how old you were then, 13? Ali: they might've said she was sorted enough, maybe Ali: it was more, this girl has been abused and you're a friend she trusts who is willing to foster her so let's shove her at you and get her out, it wasn't happy families Ronnie: no need when theres already loads of shiny white kids to mother and 2 less shiny to play saviour too Ali: I could ask Ali: I was a toddler, and it wasn't my bedtime story too, believe it or nah Ronnie: luck of the irish Ali: I'll take 50% Ronnie: her sob story is as fucking useless to me as mckennas misery boners are Ali: 💔 Ali: very convincing performance in that case Ronnie: fuck you Ali: why Ronnie: if you have to ask youre not listening Ali: I meant the part where you necked on with him Ronnie: why not Ali: 'cos his boners are a letdown, obvs Ronnie: I dont need him to make me feel good Ronnie: and he fucking wishes he could do as good of a job as the shit that does Ali: thank God Ronnie: he wanted the shock factor thats me baby Ali: assumed that was his intention Ali: he stopped showing up as himself ages ago though, that was, not more shocking but impactful, let's say Ali: if he wasn't so obviously out of it, he might've known that we knew Ronnie: he wanted to stop showing up full stop Ronnie: til he gets shipped back in a ⚰ Ronnie: and reckoned thatd be the final nail for you all us fucking Ali: and us younger ones are dramatic, hilarious Ali: who doesn't want to get away from home? Ali: Tommy has been since he was 11, Bea went to Cambridge, Ro will too, Fraze only didn't because Bea told him he wasn't allowed to follow her Ali: I'm planning on Singapore, myself Ronnie: hes too pussy to handle being away from me Ronnie: or what I get like when he isnt in my fucking face Ronnie: that bit wasnt about you lot as much like Ali: it's how it goes Ali: that's why people get knocked up, get married, get fabulous careers, so you can have an excuse for why you can't make this weekend, will try to pop in for this event but end up just sending a card Ali: it's weird it's you, of course, you're both sick, duh, but look at it objectively Ali: it's your version of 2.4 kids and a dog Ronnie: he dont want me to slit my own throat or anyone elses but his more fool him Ronnie: cant knock me up or marry me thank christ Ronnie: I like that the dog is smack thats well poetic Ali: I'll have a go at writing it Ali: if you want a null and void illegal wedding too, I'll write those vows and all Ronnie: ill stick it in a song if you want better than happy birthday Ronnie: fuck that i belong to no one Ronnie: theres loads more fun illegal shit to do Ali: you write songs too? Ali: just don't let Joe play cello on it Ali: if depression had a 🎵 Ronnie: id lose money if i begged with him Ronnie: fucking hell Ronnie: looks pathetic enough but thats all Ali: very child actor vibes, or rockstar's kid Ali: you had it all and you pissed it all the wall Ali: not here's a couple of quid for a warm cup of coffee and a sarnie, no Ronnie: i can see his face hearing that Ronnie: id have to take a brick to it Ali: yeah, he probably hates me Ali: not as much as Fraze, didn't have the toddler clout to make us move to Dublin, bit rude Ronnie: you're in his way Ali: of what Ronnie: 💉 Ali: that's his hangup Ali: like I said, no one is forcing him to do shit here Ali: guilt's part and parcel of 💚 and 💉 ain't it Ronnie: youre not telling me shit I dont know Ronnie: hes the one shitting himself hes gonna get chucked in rehab Ronnie: nobodys coming to take me nowhere Ali: I get it Ali: she's shit at turning up Ali: tell her to work on it Ronnie: do what you want Ronnie: far as sisterly advice what ive got is dont ask me for a shot unless youre after a habit Ali: lecturing ain't my gig rn, she loves a bit of it so honestly no need when her 🧠 will be full of the 💔 Ali: cheers, I'll stick to the just saying no of it all Ronnie: get the money up front when you are gigging Ronnie: and take care of the kid when you aint Ali: I will, I do Ali: he's got a few years to grow before I'm going anywhere Ronnie: yeah Ali: and my wife might stay and they're best friends Ronnie: she was the one trying to rival us for most high Ali: ✌💚💉 Ali: it was a party before you walked in Ali: which I'm aware was very much the idea Ali: can I give you a tattoo I'm good Ronnie: go ahead Ronnie: not gonna be here long like Ali: where do you wanna meet, my rig is way portable Ronnie: [a place nearby wherever they are cos god knows but I doubt Joe wants to see Ali and she aint gonna tell him that's where she's going LOL] Ali: 👍 Ali: about 25 on my 🚲 Ronnie: reckon i can stay alive til then
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zanesgirlfriend · 6 years
Different Things | Scotty Sire x Reader x Kristen McAtee
Description: Scott and Kristen break up with the reader, but she has some very surprising news that Kristen doesn't like so much.
Requested?: yes by anonymous : Hey idk if you’d do polyamory or not, but could you do a Scott x reader x Kristen, where they break up with the reader, maybe because Kristen wants a baby or to get married, and then two months later reader realises she’s pregnant? But by that point they’ve already burned their bridges with her so it’s awkward?? Thanks for considering it, obviously it’s fine if you don’t want to write it
A/N: idk why i love writing about scott and kristen so much but i realllllyyyy enjoyed this!!
Warnings!!: This got incredibly negative and violent at the end and i dont wanna spoil it but the end is really fucked up and sad and i hope yall know thats not actually what i picture kristen to be like, i just think it was a cool twist, so please consider that as you read, thank you.
Polyamory wasn't for everybody, which is exactly why they kept it from the fans. Scott, y/n, and Kristen did everything in their power to keep the fans from finding out. They double and triple checked videos, avoided PDA with y/n, kept tweets and Instagram comments strictly professional, and never posted pictures with her.
Sometimes she wished she was there first. It started as Scott and Kristen, and the fans could never think anything else. Y/n wanted so badly to just kiss one of her partners in public. To hug and hold hands and dance on her partners in somewhere other than Scott and Kristen's or David's house. She also never found it fair that she had to live in the little side house they had. She always just seemed like something added on to the relationship, never a true part of it.
However, she could never break up with them. They were all she had, and all she wanted.
Too bad they didn't feel the same way.
"Scott, I can't do this anymore, can you please just talk to her?" Kristen begged him for the hundreth time. He always loved Kristen more than y/n, and always did what she asked.
"Shouldn't we do it together? She is dating both of us." He knew he wasn't as good with words as Kristen was, and he couldn't bear to do it alone.
They ended up having their final threesome that night, two of them putting all of the attention on y/n, as they knew it would never happen again. They acted as if pleasing her sexually would absolve them of the guilt of breaking up with her. It made them feel better to pretend they were being generous before ripping away the only thing she cared about.
We just want different things.
She couldn't remember which one of them had said it, but it repeated over and over in her head as she cried herself to sleep.
She spent the next month and a half moving out, getting a dog, and getting her life together. She started hanging out with a different group of YouTubers and avoided all questions concerning the vlog squad. Y/n did whatever she could to not think about the happy couple. Well, until her she missed her period for the second time.
She thought it was just the flu at first, all the puking and hot flashes, and shortness of breath. But deep down she knew. Why did she even waste her money on 5 different types of pregnancy tests when she already knew the answer? Probably for her sanity. Some kind of peace of mind or assurance that she wasn't crazy. That her body wasn't just making it up to force her to think about Scott and Kristen.
She was pregnant, almost two months pregnant. With Scott's baby.
She hadn't seen or spoken to them since the end. She found it too awkward to even like their pictures on instagram, so how was she supposed to tell them?
Of course, she could just keep it a secret and become a single mommy vlogger and have play dates with Colleen Ballinger. But she had no idea how to raise a kid, let alone raise the kid by herself. Brand deals were good, but could she really afford to raise a child in LA?
We need to talk, can we meet somewhere?
Her messaged popped up on his phone, catching him off guard.
"What is it?" Kristen asked through FaceTime. She noticed his face change.
"I just got a weird text from Zane, it's nothing." He lied to his girlfriends face. He texted her back and she sent him the address to her apartment. He ended the conversation with Kristen quickly, pretending David needed him for a bit.
I'm on the way.
He responded and told his friends he had to go somewhere, slipping out virtually unnoticed. The drive to y/n's apartment was nerve wracking. What could she want? Did she want to get back together? Did she want to see him secretly on the side? A million scenarios passed through his mind as he followed the instructions of his GPS.
She was just as nervous, answering the door before he even had a chance to knock. Her puppy barked and wagged his tail at the new visitor. It was strange to think how someone she knew so well and for so long was just another random stranger to the dog.
They hugged awkwardly as she invited him inside. The positive pregnancy test was burning a hole in her back pocket as the pair sat on her couch.
"It's good to see you." His attempt at small talk was futile. They both just wanted to get straight to the point.
His ears seemed to stop working after the words left her mouth.
I'm pregnant. It's definitely yours.
She blabbered on about how she didn't want to force him or Kristen to help her, but that they needed to know. He was too busy trying to understand what she'd said.
"What?!" He laughed, his natural response was to assume that this was some sort of sick joke.
"We don't have to explain anything to the fans, we can just igno-" She blabbered on again, but he was still stuck. He interrupted her ramblings as he pulled out his phone and called Kristen.
"What's up, baby?" She asked, bright and happy and unsuspecting.
"Y/n is pregnant." His words didn't seem real as they left his mouth, and Kristen didn't understand it either. Her heart ached, but she needed to put on a brave face, for the the sake of her and Scott's relationship. She thought the entire drive to y/n's about what they should do.
They spent the next three hours catching up on life and figuring out the best options. It was too hard to keep it a secret.
"We need to film a video." Kristen suggested once everything was worked out. Y/n knew she was right, but wanted nothing else but to hide under the covers until the situation went away.
An Explaination.
The thumbnail was the three of them on the couch, holding hands and staring into the camera.
"Let's talk about polyamorous relationships." Kristen started. The other two stayed silent, only interjecting when they felt it was necessary. Y/n revealed the pregnancy, and Scott talked mostly about what the plan was when the baby was born.
The video was heavy, and the air around the trio felt thick. They'd planned everything out so quickly and filmed a video so suddenly, but there was still this awkward air around them. Y/n was having Scott's baby, and Kristen wasn't. How was Kristen supposed to deal with that? She made Scott break up with y/n so the two of them could grow their relationship, and now y/n was growing his child. Of course, Kristen had never wanted kids or marraige, but she wanted Scott. And she thought she'd had him.
Everything was screwed up, and she didn't like it.
Their friend group took it well, putting on very happy reactions for the camera as they told everyone. It seemed as though everyone in their friend group was filled with positivity.
They waited two more months, y/n hiding her growing stomach as much as she could as Scott continued to add clips to their explaination video. Kristen was sour towards y/n, but Scott was excited.
He was going to be a dad.
Y/n was going to be a mom.
And Kristen was supposed to be what?
She struggled to follow her own plan, only gaining resentment for y/n.
The video was posted, reactions were overwhelmingly positive. This only fueled Kristen's hate.
Scott was busy on the day of the next ultrasound, but Kristen accompanied y/n, promising Scott she would get some pictures of the baby.
"Are you her sister?" The nurse asked Kristen as y/n waddled over to the chair.
"No, I'm kinda the baby's second mom." She tried to explain, only making it sound like they were in love, which couldn't be further from the truth.
Y/n smiled at the growing bean in her tummy as it appeared on the screen.
"Would you like to know the gender?" The nurse asked as she searched for a heartbeat.
"Yes!" Y/n exclaimed, smiling up at Kristen. The way Kristen looked back at her made her uneasy, though. As if Kristen wanted to be nowhere near y/n or the baby.
Kristen walked slowly next to y/n as they left. It was quiet between them, and y/n felt as if she was about to cry.
"Do you have a problem with all of this?" She finally asked, looking Kristen in the eyes.
"Yes, actually, I do." Kristen replied, her rage building.
"You don't have to be invloved, I can take care of the baby myself." Y/n tried to justify Kristen's feelings. She hated making people mad or upset.
"Scott wants to be involved." Kristen was short as she devised an impulsive plan, acting upon pure cruel instinct.
"But you don't have to be! No offense, but I don't want your negativity around my sweet little baby bo-" Her words turned into a scream as Kristen shoved her down the flight of stairs.
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yukhheis · 6 years
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part 10/10 {previous/next}
In which Jaehyun is the lead singer of a small town band who’s a notorious playboy, and y/n is the attractive bartender at a place they’re playing.
You approached the door the Jaehyun's apartment warily, unsure of your decision to talk with him. Before you had the chance to back out and walk away he opened the door with a somber expression on his face. He had been waiting for you. "Come in," he said as he opened the door just wide enough for you to enter, but you declined. "I think its best we stay here, you only have 10 minutes after all." You replied to him with a small smile, trying to lighten the situation a bit. "Please, Y/N," he insisted and you couldn't turn him down again, no matter how upset you may be with him.
The inside of his apartment was a mess to say the least, it mirrored his own image. There was music sheets strewn about and instruments placed haphazardly. "Talk," you broke the silence, but his response was to just look down in shame. "Jaehyun, talk to me," you said as you approached the boy. All he could do was pull you into his arms and let out a loud sob. "I'm so sorry." He kept repeating it like a mantra, you couldn't exactly tell who he was saying it to. Despite the obvious tension in the room you comforted him, clearly he needed it. "I'm not going to say it's okay, so don't expect me to. Because what you did was seriously fucked up and I'm still really hurt." "I know," he responded as he lifted his head off your shoulder and pulled himself away from you.  "I'm a horrible person, I know that." "You can't try to play the guilt card Jaehyun, that's not what I came over to hear," you replied trying to keep your composure. "I'm not.. that's not my intention, I just.. I don't know how to express my feelings well. I'm just sorry," he stumbled over his words. "Well you're going to have to figure that out, if that's all you have to say I'm leaving." You started to get up off the couch and walk towards the door, afraid you'd lose your patience with Jaehyun in such a fragile state, but he grabbed your wrist before you could go any further. "Please don't go, everyone always leaves," he looked up at you with pleading eyes. The rage built inside of you,"well you do that to yourself, Jaehyun. YOU are the one who drives everyone away. Nobody here is to blame but you. I cared about you, I loved you for fucks sake. In the short span of just a month I fell so hard for you Jaehyun, and YOU fucked that up." You hadn't realized how loud you were yelling, and the tears that welled up in your eyes, until you finished. At this point he had joined you in standing amidst the mess in his living room. "I can say sorry a million times and I know it's not going to change what I did, it's not going to change how I made you feel," he started, "but please just for these few minutes hear me out." It almost sounded like he was begging at this point, and although still angry, you gave him the benefit of the doubt. "I hate myself for what I did to you, hell I hate myself for what I've done to any girl I've ever been with. Something about you is so different, and I know that I've said that before, but I mean it. And for so long I couldn't figure out what it was, then we slept together. That night everything in the world felt right. Having you with me in bed, not even the sex, just having you lay on my chest and fall asleep made my heart drop to my stomach and I knew. I have feelings for you, real fucking adult feelings. But I'm an asshole who doesn't know how to express these things, I didn't know what to do so I just ran, and it was the worst fucking decision of my life." By now he had tears streaming down his cheeks and his words were becoming hard to understand. You tried to keep your composure, you really did, but you couldn't help but get angry. "You're fucking kidding me right? You lead me to believe we were on our way to being in a relationship and then had sex with another girl because you couldn't handle your feelings?" By now you were yelling and slowly making your way closer to getting in Jaehyun's face. "You are an adult Jaehyun, and you're telling me you couldn't handle a fucking crush? To the point where you decided it would just be best to hurt the other person? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?" "Yes I fucking realize that, Y/N. I realize that my logic was far from right. I realize that I am an absolutely horrible person. I realize I fucked up. I realize all of this. I hurt you and I can't forgive myself for it, I don't think I'll ever be able to get to a point where I can just move on from this. I love you, and I'm fucking sorry for it," now he was yelling back at you, tears streaming down his face and fists in his hair. "I'm not asking for forgiveness, I don't deserve it. You however deserved an explanation. Whether you choose to believe it or not is your decision, just know that with every fiber of my being I am so fucking sorry." You softened your stance slightly, letting out a large sigh. "Calm down please," you said as you reached to pull his hands into yours. "Take a deep breathe and take a minute. I want to listen to what you have to say but it's difficult to do when we're both this worked up." You lead him back over to the couch and sat down, letting his head fall into your shoulder as he sobbed. "I had feelings for you too Jaehyun. I ignored every warning anyone gave me about you because I just wanted you. I wanted to know you, Jung Jaehyun, not the asshole band guy everyone thought you were. And let me tell you, I did get to know him, and he's pretty great. He just has some shit to sort out," you said softly as you rubbed his back to calm him. "I don't know what's wrong with me," he replied in a soft whisper against your shoulder. "There's nothing wrong with you, Jae."  He finally peeled himself off you and wiped his puffy eyes. "Yes there is. I can't handle emotions, I am literally incapable. I'm so terrified of feeling everything I've just been drinking and fucking myself into oblivion and I don't want to be this way anymore." "Admitting it all to yourself is the first step in changing," you replied with a soft smile. "I really don't deserve you in my life at all," he had tears welling up in his eyes again. "Give yourself more credit, would you? Am I still angry with you? Absolutely. Am I going to hate you forever? Probably not. I know you're a good guy behind this whole persona, you've just got to find a way to separate the two. I want to be here to support you Jae, you've just got to give me time to heal too." He nodded and stayed silent for a moment, thinking about what to say next. "Are you saying we could maybe be friends in the future?" His words were hopeful but his eyes still held so much sadness. You only nodded in return. "I really hope you find someone who treats you like his entire world, Y/N. It's what you deserve," his face, although still sad, brightened a little with this statement. "You're going to make some girl very happy one day, Jung Jaehyun. I'm sorry it couldn't be me."
AND THATS THE END OF THAT WILD RIDE LADIES AND GENTS heheh im not sure how happy i am with it but hey, here it is. also im super not confident in my actual writing skills so pls be nice. anyway this was such a journey and i really hoped you all enjoyed it!! ilysm
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carmencarmen0 · 2 years
am i not allowed to feel a little bitter? a little selfish? even my last breakup was not like this. it was a perfunctory thing, we still loved each other when we broke it off. now this time around we broke it off because im in love with someone who doesn’t love me back. and somehow thats worlds worse. its a mess. and still, after everything youve said, i just cant force myself to fall out of love with you so easily the way you did with me. which is fucking funny since i have so many reasons why i shouldnt love you. youre full of yourself. entitled. judgmental. impatient. short tempered. apathetic. i could use all this and more to get myself to hate you. but im so used to embracing those things about you and loving you despite them that it’s difficult to unlearn. thats the fucked up part. i cant stop caring about you. i want you to never ever fucking speaking to (or of me again for that matter) and at the same time i never want you to let me live another day in my life in peace without you.
i just dont understand why you waited so long. you said you had stopped caring about me maybe more than a month ago and yet you continued to tell me obligatory i love yous and calling me stupid pet names, pretending to care about me. getting my hopes up when i was so fucking paranoid all the time because whenever you started to slightly be affectionate towards me, you withdrew. you could’ve said something earlier but instead you let me make a fool out of myself for weeks, trying to get you to love me, to act like you cared about me. but i could always count on you to keep it to yourself to the ugly end. to never open up. never emotionally available even when it really counted.
im never ever going to forget your apology to me. “im sorry you felt that way” youre sorry that i felt bad. not “im sorry i made you feel like shit on purpose.” mot “im sorry for pulling away when i shouldve talked to you instead” not “im sorry for pretending to care about you for so long when i actually didnt and never will!” no responsibility taken. its all on me again. never good enough. always a waste of your time. you mustve known how you were making me feel those last couple of weeks. how could you not? you mustve known.
i hate how willing i was with you. how understanding i could be with you and you could never be that way with me. you are the first person to make me feel like an adult. because those feelings and that anxiety and heartbreak was some adult grade shit.
i hate that i cant drop you so easily the way you did with me.
maybe theres some blame on me too. i just wanted you to like me back. but it just became apparent as more time went by that id have to change for you to actually love me, to keep you interested, to keep you around. and i changed so much about myself. i wanted to be everything you wanted. i just wanted you to love me back. and it was never enough. never enough for you. will anyone be enough for you? or will you always find something to beg them for? some identity for them to take on? some interest or appearance to force on them? for their sake, i hope you change. i hope you grow up and go outside. because i know you have the capacity to be a nice person.
all that want and yearning for you to want me around just lead to anxiety and the knowledge that id never be enough for you. that youd always find something distasteful in me no matter how much i cared about you and listened to you and tried to understand and sympathize with you.
you were right about something though. whether wed stay together or break up, i dont know which one id regret more. im unhappy either way. some sick part of me thinks (IT KNOWS) that even in the relationship, even if i was unhappy, i could tolerate it if it meant i could have you. but at this point i dont know what i want anymore. doesnt matter anyway. no matter which one i want, i wont get it.
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
bae jinyoung|best friends to lovers|part 1
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member: bae jinyoung genre: fluffy summary: you were best friends with jinyoung but you wanted to be something more but in your mind that’s never gonna happen. but the wanna one boys have a plan to set you two together without either of you knowing let’s hope it won’t be end in a complete disaster requested: yes!! soccer + best friend (can have romance) part 1 | part 2 (final)
you look at the soccer field watching the boys team practice
and you can’t help but smile as jinyoung scores a goal
you cheer for him loudly trying to embarrass him
he looks at you blushes and gives you a heart warming smile and a small wave
you wave back frantically with a huge grin your face
you can see seongwoo lightly nudging him and smirking him while whispering something into his ear
you roll your eyes you’re sure he’s teasing jinyoung about you two again 
and on cue jinyoung blushes bright red
seongwoo looks at you and winks while you just flip him off 
he smirks and chases after the ball once again
jinyoung gives you one last glance and smiling at you which makes your heart flutter 
even tho you’d never admit it did at least not to him
but the game continues and you keep on watching the boys practice
and your thoughts wandered
you and jinyoung were best friends
you had been since primary school 
you both loved soccer with a passion and you were both the star players in striker position of your separate teams (1 all girls, 1 all boys)
it all started when you wanted to join a game of soccer with all the boys
but they wouldn’t allow you to
cause you were a girl and girls have cooties plus they’re not as good as boys
prove them they’re so fucking wrong sister
but jinyoung convinced them to let you play and picked you for his team
he told you “i’m sorry about the other guys, you can take centre attack, prove them you’re amazing okay?”
making you blush and giving him a dazzling smile at him while nodding 
you felt sooo happy that even without jinyoung knowing about your skills at all he still convinced the guys to let you play picked you on his team and gave you the centre spot
you played excellently scoring 3 goals and your team won in the end
as you scored the final goal from half way 
all the guys jaws dropped at your skills
you rushed up and hugged jinyoung tightly whispering into his ear
“thank you for letting me play”
he automatically hugged you back tightly
“of course what are friends for? but i also need to thank you for making us win” he whispered back 
you both break apart smiling and you both knew you were gonna be best friends jinyoung still wanting to stand up for you basically shouted at all the guys
he grinned at you and you couldn’t help just at that moment but admit even then as a primary schooler your heart fluttered just a tiny bit
all the guys grudgingly respected you and in the end you became close friends with all of them by middle school
but you were closest to jinyoung of course 
you both became inseparable 
all classes you had together you sat with him
you became basically another daughter to his parents
and him a son to yours
son in law more like it
you both were each others best friends
he was there for you and you were there for him in every way possible
if you had a breakdown jinyoung could calm you in an instant
if he was upset you could always cheer him up
he’d bring you snacks before and after your soccer practices
and you’d attend as many of his practices cheering him on as much as possible
you both never missed a game when the other was playing
you literally were best friend goals
you guys would help each other out with school, friends, family, relationships everything
both of you had no idea where you both would be without each other
but as you got into high school you weren’t sure your feelings towards jinyoung were entirely just friendly
you just couldn’t think any guys could match up to him 
he knew you inside out back to front
all your secrets, quirks, weird things you do 
he knew all of them 
jinyoung was the sweetest guy you knew and a complete gentleman
always opening doors, trying to buy the meal and you always refused making you guys split the bill
but you didn’t know he never did this with anyone else just with you
you thought that was just him as a person
he always could make you laugh and you had the best time with him
he was also extremely handsome and so many girls liked him it was ridiculous 
but he really didn’t pay attention to them especially when you were around 
but of course you didn’t notice that
you knew he was out of your league 
and he could pick and choose and girl he wanted
which destroyed any and all hope of ever being more than best friends with him
plus he probably only saw you as a sister
mhmm sureeee he did
but all this didn’t stop from you having feelings for him 
they weren’t like constantly in your face since you guys are best friends and you spend so much time with him but they like popped up when 
things happened like 
whenever he went on a date or told you he liked a girl which was still basically never
your heart felt a weird twinge
but you always ignored it 
or whenever you hugged him or he complimented you 
you heart would flutter 
but you were happy with just being jinyoung’s best friend 
hoping your feelings will go away eventually but you were very doubtful you would get over him before high school ended 
you tried to get over him so many times but it never worked the dates the very short relationships could never even hold a candle to you and jinyoungs friendship
as you were totally lost in your thoughts you didn’t realise practice was over
you were snapped out of your thoughts with someone picking you up and putting them on your shoulder 
you automatically knew it was woojin 
he always did that when he wanted something usually money or food
“YAH WOOJIN LET ME DOWN!!!” you screamed while hitting his back
“ONLY IF YOU AGREE IN BEING A CHEERLEADER FOR OUR FINAL GAME” he shouted right back being clearly amused by your antics knowing he won’t let you down 
you groaned at him “for fucks sake woojin you know i hate being happy and perky”
the cheerleaders basically offered you a one game position for the final where you could cheer for the boys 
since you were known to be so close with them
but since then all the guys pestered you about it constantly begging you to agree
but they all had a reason for wanting you to be a cheerleader
they were the ones who even set up a special position for you with a little date bribing and they were done!
how i wish i was good looking how easy my life would be smh 
so basically after they won the game cause they were 100% sure they would
cocky dicks
they were gonna have you and jinyoung in the middle of the field and they’ll start chanting “KISS KISS KISS”
and literally everyone would join cause 
1. people were sick of you two not getting together but being more couple like then actual couples
2. hey who doesn’t like a kiss at the end of a game its cheesy and cute
then y’all kiss get together AND BOOM NEW RELATIONSHIP
also daniel mentioned the other reason for being a cheerleader soon after woojin picked you up
“but you know jinyoung would love to see you in a uniform something short and tight” daniel cheekily butted in 
“FUCKKK OFF DANIEL” you flip him off while he just chuckles at you 
you see all the guys knew of your crush on jinyoung
but they didn’t tell him and you loved them for it
little did you know jinyoung had a crush on you and begged them not to tell you
so they decided not to tell either of you and be good friends 
AND play matchmaker happily 
“awwww y/n pwetty pleaseeee can youu be a cheerleader its only for oneeee game can’t you do that for me” daehwi said cutely with a lot of aegyo and puppy dog eyes
“stop acting cute it’s not going to work you child demon” you scoff back still slumped on woojins shoulder 
“i give up she’s so fucking stubborn” daehwi complains 
“you barely even tried??” guanlin says
“shhhhhh” daehwi shushes him
“LANGUAGE DAEHWII!!!!!” jisung scolded daehwi
“oh come on lay off it jisung he lives in the same house as us” minhyun said with an amused smile 
“he’s still young minhyun!” jisung said scolding him also for his care free attitude
“if you say so” minhyun said while shrugging
mother and father goals 
“IM STILL HERE PARENTS!!!” you say obnoxiously 
“and there goes our least favourite annoying child” jisung sighed 
“of course there is, its you and the favourite is me” guanlin says smirking at you
“why the hell are you the favourite??” woojin asks trying to face guanlin
which meant spinning you around and all the guys trying to dodge your head
“cause he’s the swaggy rapper. duh.” jaehwan says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
“NEVERRRRR” jaehwan screams 
making everyone wince at his vocals
in the mean time jinyoung, seongwoo and jihoon come over 
“whats all this about?” jihoon asks 
“basically we’re trying to make y/n agree to be a cheerleader for the final game” woojin says again spinning you around again making you dizzy
“STOP DOING THAT!!” you shout 
everyone laughs and you just pout 
“ahhhh so cheerleader y/n, is this for her to be in something short and tight for jinyoung???” seongwoo said suggestively 
making you and jinyoung blush so hard
but neither of you deny it lol
“HEY THATS WHAT I SAID!!” daniel said grinning brightly 
“YEAH ONGNIEL IS SCIENCE YO!!!” seongwoo shouts happily back
and they do their secret handshake which takes soooo long with the weirdest details like both their butts rubbing against each other, weird faces, complicated hand motions and they finish it with a bro hug 
“i should be part of that, ongnielhwan is science sounds soooooo much better” jaehwan said disappointedly 
“but you have meeee” minhyun said cutely while hugging jaehwan 
“ew get the fuck off” jaehwan bitch glared at minhyun but he still clinged onto him
“y/nnnn please agreee so these idiots can all shut up” jihoon pleaded 
“WHO ARE YOU CALING IDIOTS???!!!” all the guys chorused 
“can y'all just shut the fuck up” jihoon says grumpily
“LANGUAGE!! AGAIN!!” jisung scolded jihoon this time while glaring at minhyun daring him to say anything
minhyun just put his hands up in defeat with a “i didn’t do anything wrong” face
“teenage bloody hormones” sungwoon said rolling his eyes at jihoon 
in the midst of all this mess jinyoung gently lowers you down from woojins shoulder
making you extremely close to him 
everyone’s watching intently like it was some sort of rom-com
and everyone knew you were gonna agree to being a cheerleader cause 
he’ll ask you 
and of course you’ll say yes
and you were also basically in love with him
and all of the guys were just smirking at each other knowing their plan will work out since the hardest bit of it was for you to agree to be a cheerleader
“guanlinah get me some popcorn” sungwoon ordered
“hell no do it yourself” guanlin replied  S.A.S.S.I.L.Y
“F-” sungwoon started to speak but he got interrupted very quickly
“SHHHHHHH” shushed the rest before sungwoon could go on a rant about how the younger generation should treat their elders with respect
and then guanlin would mention something about height
and sungwoon would go full on hulk mode
but you weren’t paying attention all you could hear was your fast beating heart 
jinyoung softly pleaded to you with his adorable chocolate brown eyes staring right into yours “y/n will you please please please be our cheerleader for the game? for us? for me?”
you knew you couldn’t say no to jinyoung especially when he was looking at you like that
“fine” you bitterly said 
which resulted in loud cheering and whooping from the guys
and the most heart warming smile from jinyoung
jinyoung tightly hugged you spinning you around
making you squeal a little and his heart warming at your cute antics 
you hug back with you eyes closed 
you love his hugs so much 
you part with everyone smirking at you two
before you could say anything daehwi comes between you two and hugs jinyoung 
“hes mine” he says cutely poking his tongue at you 
with jinyoung shyly grinning and blushing at you
you can’t help but smile at the two guys you loved them both heaps 
“BUT YOURE MINEEE DAEHWI” you say loudly while grabbing daehwi and tightly hugging/squishing him 
he squealed and laughed while saying 
“i love you too y/n”
everyone but you could see the glint of jealously in jinyoung’s eyes 
even daehwi so he parted with you quickly and silently mouther a sorry to jinyoung
and jinyoung visibly relaxed and mouthed back it’s okay
you were completely oblivious to all of it though
“but you guys better win and you also need to buy me pizza” you warningly say to all the guys 
“DEAL!” they agree happily 
you all prepare to leave and jinyoung wraps his arm around your shoulder while whispering in your ear 
“really thank you for agreeing”
“it’s all good” you say smiling at him 
“i’ll be your cheerleader” you chuckle a little making a cheerleading gesture 
which makes him smile widely at your adorable chuckle and cute pose
“just my cheerleader right?” jinyoung asks 
“just yours” you say sweetly back
BACK FROM MY UNOFFICIAL HIATUS W A CUTIE JINYOUNGG!!!! if y’all want info about the reasons for hiatus, fics to come and MY NEW SERIES please click here. anyways i love jinyoung and there will only be a part 2 to this scenario which will be the game and it’ll be shorter than this and ill be releasing that eventually. BUT THANK YOU FOR READING LOVE YOU ALL FOR STAYING WITH ME AND DONT BE AFRAID TO SEND ME A MESSAGE OR AN ANON!!!
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gaarfielf · 7 years
my list of lupin movies ive watched for the sake of keeping track and making sure i dont rewatch some
Castle of Cagliostro (10)
favourite Lupin movie of all time. Fantastic art, cast, plot, everything.
Blood Seal: Eternal Mermaid (8.5)
Really good animation and really interesting plot. Another ‘Lupin has to babysit’ movie but it was treated in such a way that set it apart from other ones. He gives her a lot of good advice and overall I really enjoyed this one even if it’s kind of underrated.
Burning Memory - Tokyo Crisis (8.5)
Surprisingly good like I wasn’t expecting a 90′s Lupin movie to come for me like this but the animation is really solid and the movie itself was really funny. I also liked that Maria and Zenigata weren’t a thing like that cleared my pores.
The Bloodspray of Ishikawa Goemon (8)
The animation is fucking stellar but there were odd gaps in the movie that were really inactive. I liked the two subplots going on though like they were both interesting.
Bye Bye Lady Liberty (8)
The classic convoluted subplots worked well here tbh and the Goemon romance stuff was gunshot noise gunshot noise cash register noise. The animation had this weird glow to it but it was (almost) the 90s lol
Hemingway Papers (8)
They really got me with Goemon and Jigen going against each other and Lupin being in a relationship with someone aside from Fujiko (a relationship that was genuinely romantic) was actually pretty well done. That whole bit at the end with the karaoke machine? Amazing
Return the Treasure (7)
Another one that was really close to being perfect. The only loose ends was that the “treasure” wasn’t really explained very well (but i mean, the lead up to it was very good) and i could’ve done with more scenes with the whole gang (it seemed like there was a lot of times where it was lupin jigen and fujiko or lupin goemon and fujiko, but not enough of all of them together)
From Siberia With Love (7) 
The usual amount of humour and action from a Lupin III film and the art is pretty standard. Goemon got a few nice quotes in and Fujiko talked to a woman. Could’ve done without Rasputin but thats just me.
Elusiveness of the Fog (7)
Lupin offering Goemon to the princess was kinda funny and I actually really liked OG Mamo (not the short freak) being revitilized bc his episode in the original series was really entertaining. The history of where they were was a little wonky but I’ll give it to them this time.
Pilot Film (7)
That shit was wild i liked how jigen was introduced as the gunman and then beat the shit out of 3 police officers with his bare hands. also goemon i guess dedicates his life to killing lupin so thats fun, like he’s on zenigata’s side i guess. could’ve done with fujiko making an expression at any given time but yknow what? it was funny and it was only 12 minutes long
Another Page (7)
Surprisingly not that bad. To summarize the film as a whole I’d say: it could have been worse. The plot made sense which is more than i can say about most lupin movies and they stuck to two subplots that were both interesting and meshed pretty good by the end. And the two lady characters that got introduced didn’t betray anybody AND didn’t die.
Farewell to Nostradamus (6.5)
The animation was pretty good and I liked the whole ‘we gotta protect this kid’ thing but I always mix up this one and Bye Bye Liberty Crisis like this movie is it’s less interesting twin. Both of them have kids they need to protect but Bye Bye Liberty Crisis was just better. I feel like this one had a really good ending but aside from that the movie wasn’t that memorable for me.
Fuma Conspiracy (6.5)
i liked Goemon being in a relationship bc it was really sweet, i just wish there wouldve been a better balance of romance to plot. Also terrible voice actors but that just affected my enjoyment not really the plot or anything relevant.
Sweet Lost Night (6)
I like time shenanigans and my only two critiques are the inconsistent art quality and they seemed really hesitant to embrace time skipping. Like “he’s limited to twice before he becomes brain dead” was a little bit of a small window. If anything they missed out on a good opportunity for a classic lupin montage of him time skipping way too often. Maybe if they changed it to “you skip time every 12 hours, to every 6 hours, to every 3 hours, etc” until he stops existing?? like that seems more in line with a lupin plot not to mention a little more suspenseful.
Dead or Alive (6)
The new art style is kind of neat and didn’t really affect the personality of the characters like I thought it would. The plot itself was complicated and hard to follow but I mean, it wasn’t awful. Nothing I really hated and nothing I loved.
Jigen Daisuke’s Gravestone (6)
Handsome Jigen was cool but tcm i’m begging you to drink your Respect Women Juice. Also Goemon wasn’t in this one what the fuck was up with that. Lupin looked like a crispy toenail in the new art style but again the animation is gucci so I can’t really complain on that front.
Napoleon's Dictionary (6)
Reminded me a lot of Mamo except with more respect in women. Just kidding Fujiko was kind of a crapshoot in the end and the ending was more or less just. cut off?? like they crashed into the ocean after lupin ruined zenigatas marriage and the credits started rolling. it was weird bc it had a lot going but i guess they ran out of time for a proper ending?
Mystery of Mamo (6)
Respect Women Juice needed and also why was Goemon purple. The pros to this movie was the overall aesthetic being really attractive BUT the plot was sketchy and didn’t make a lot of sense. The only remarkable scene I remember is Jigen shooting the can by Lupin’s feet like I wish that emotion would’ve carried through the film and not ended there.
Red vs Green (5)
Really good animation, no fucking idea what happened in this film.
Walther P-38: Island of Assassins (5)
They missed an opportunity to be a little more psychological and the lady of the week dying was meh but I will say the plot stayed on course like they didnt try to do too much at once like they tend to do. I wish they would’ve delved more into lupin’s past with the doctor because that seemed kind of random but the more lethal, edgy plot was handled decently. I’ll probably forget this one in a week tbh.
Dragon of Doom (5)
I like learning more about Goemon but his girlfriend was really distracting and uneccessary. Like, if you want to introduce Goemon’s childhood friend sure its whatever but she only showed up to either threaten lupin or flirt with Goemon. And it was very obvious she was going to betray him so all her build up was pointless. I will say though, the plot was pretty cool which was surprising.
Voyage to Danger (4)
tcm I’m begging you to let Jigen talk to a woman and not have it be like ‘this is Jigens girlfriend now’. Sometimes women be talking and they aren’t thirsting for a man triple their age. It just be like that sometimes. Thats literally all I remember about this film.
First Contact (4)
I remember being excited for this like ‘oh wow their first ever meeting’ and i s2g this film was boring. And also a giant plothole. With no real redeeming qualities. I don’t even remember the animation being that good.
Columbus Files (4)
This film was at least funny bad but my hand to god I’d never watch it again. This is the first time I’ve ever watched a movie and had to watch the dub bc the sub was boring me to death. It was just... so bad... Especially when you’ve seen Wings of Death like this ain’t the Fujiko I know please leave.
Seven Days Rhapsody (3)
The comedy in this one was so weirdly incorporated and featured another really good ‘here’s Jigen’s dead girlfriend’ that i just could not care less about and then finished off with this what like 13 year old girl asking to be Lupin’s girlfriend? fuck outta here. The ONLY good part was Goemon slapping Lupin across the face.
Alcatraz Connection (2.5)
Really, really boring. The content wasn’t necessarily bad but they had 4 subplots going on that were equally uninteresting and some scenes went on for so so so long. It deadass took me 5 hours to watch this movie bc i kept pausing to do literally anything else. The art was unpleasant and by the time they got the treasure i didn’t really care anymore. Not to mention the plot was way too complicated and tin-foil hat for my liking.
Missed by a Dollar (2.5)
Made very little sense and in general was really annoying. Between Goemon being a born again Christian and the plot briefly derailing so Lupin could establish an oil company it was like can we pick something to focus on? By the end of the movie I was like wait when did they get the broach? What does the broach do again? And then he gives it to someone random and its like??
Gold of Babylon (2)
This one if the definition of being cursed and Pink Jacket deserved so much better than this nonsense. Like Lupin III isn’t known for its coherence, sure, but this movie had absolutely no structure. Upon finishing the film I was trying to remember anything that just happened and my brain refused. It kept the good cartoonish animation but god at what cost.
Angel Tactics (2)
TCM PLEASE DRINK YOUR RESPECT WOMEN JUICE. The art was just. Stunningly bad. Bad to the degree where about a minute thirty in I already regretted starting it. Not to mention the classic “we don’t actually wanna draw this part so we’re gonna jam cgi in here”. Also the most awkward use of “hey heres 3 women hey heres 3 men lets shove them together”.
Harimao’s Treasure (2)
nazis and transphobia which was extremely unfortunate considering the opening was actually one of the stronger ones I’ve seen from Lupin but immediately after the villain was introduced the quality of the film dropped about 90% and i wanted to die for the entire last half of the film. if they had changed the villain it would’ve solved 90 of their problems.
Twilight Gemini (2)
this was one of the only films in the entire lupin series where i was rooting for lupin to fucking perish. not only was goemon only in this film for 26 seconds, jigen was there for about 30 seconds and im not entirely sure if fujiko was there at all. not to be that guy but when they make lupin to be the most intolerable piece of shit in the world for this movie, don’t give him all the screen time. having to stare at this asshole for an hour and a half was exhausting.
Princess of the Breeze (2)
How a movie where Jigen has to carry a baby around in one of those funny baby-carriers turned out this fucking goddawful I have no explanation for. This movie was like an AU where all these other characters no one cares about happen to exist in the same universe as lupin. and when lupin does show up, i want him dead. Just horrifically boring and lazy art mixed with bad cgi. The only upside is that it isn’t Return of the Magician.
Return of the Magician (1)
I’m giving it a 1 on the principle that this wasn’t even a movie. It was a little less than an hour long and my god i’ve never seen a film so full of pad-time that if i can be so bold, there was more pad time than plot. What little plot they had made absolutely no sense and the art used cgi in the most bizarre and ugly ways. i’m pretty sure the credits played twice at the end. if there was a world record for lowest budget in a film, Return of the Magician would win hands down.
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astownd · 4 years
So lets start off with in the ends it is all completely and utterly my own fault.I should have been able to see the signs. I should have been a better person, friend, fiance, man, and most importantly a dad.
Where do I even begin?
I felt like I worked so hard for my family I was creating in my own way, making money in my own way. Got a house with the beautiful mother of my little boy, things were good for awhile, than rough, than covid, than bad. But before that we lived in an apartment, and the things i was doing and the substances (alcohol and adderal) were my coping mech. I would stay up for days, not eat, constantly trying to make every dollar I could to make sure we had a place to live freely. ( we both grew up in not so good broken homes). She made little mistakes one that completely don’t matter and are way overlooked, love her with all my heart. 
but the drugs and alcohol started getting to me, i became irritable constantly, never wanted to leave, hated everyone. I was always mad, always needed my way. Than I cheated once and thank god that she took me back even after that. Honestly she did a ton and most of all the work. She is one of the most dedicated and hard working woman/mothers I have ever come acrossed. She never stops making sure our son has everything he needs plus more, working constant hours at terrible jobs, sometimes with terrible people. I didnt see the stress it was putting on her, the constant cries for just down time for herself, or her need to want to go out and do things. I held her inside and caged away. ( not literally lol) I really should have been showing her off and paying for her countless nights to go out and have fun with her friends because honestly she fucking deserves and deserved it. I couldn’t be any happier that, that woman is the mother to OUR beautiful little boy. After my first few mistakes I just started tumbling downhill. Never stopped making them. I am so fucking sorry and truly dislike the person i became over all of it. After all that we had our son, and we put down a down payment on a home. We moved in things were good for awhile, than rough because of my laziness and lack of will to do anything ever. It was a mixture of that but also a mix of me actually being comfortable where I was at for once in my life. I finally had a place I could call a home, I FINALLY HAD A REAL family I could call my own. So i just got more lazy, I just began to lackadiscally relax all the time and do nothing, didn’t help unpack, barely got stuff done around the house. The stress built on her alot, and I saw it. She wanted me to get a job, a real job. So I would be a man. And I agree with her, I was not a man, and honestly probably still not, but I am trying to be for our son. I wish her too but I know I lost that part of me. She would come home and just want to relax, but would have to cook and take care of our son. She needed time alone but also out, and I never gave her either. Im so dumb for alot of things, but honestly losing her has to be by far the dumbest thing I could have done besides trying to take my own life after the fact. I wish we could have fixed it, I wish we could have communicated better. We both have mental issues, more me than her by far, and hers were probably caused by me in the end. But we got super bad right around christmas time, real bad, i was basically staying upstairs in my gaming room, my clothes were in the dressers anymore, they were up there. But like two weeks prior of one of the worst days of my life, things started to seem almost better. We were getting along again, I was seeing a smile in her face that I haven’t seen in so long. I feel so deeply, and honestly from the start of our relationship/ friendship her smile has always been my most fav thing about her. She even came an said to me “ why don’t you put your clothes back in the dresser, you have a family here, and we love you” because we got into an agruement over me being constantly needy and clingy. I was begging for her attentions for months but I didnt realize she didnt want to give it to me because I wasnt a man but I also was just ruining her along the way.  So that night I didn’t move my clothes becasue it was late, but I got off the couch went downstairs and got into bed with my beautiful family. A week or two passes. I could tell she was being a little off. and at night one night she looks over to our son while were all in bed together and says I think daddy and I are better just as friends. Right away I teared up and began to cry because im so broken down at this point but purely because of my own causes. She says to me “ what you dont like the sounds of beings just friends” I said no, I love you, and so much more. She didn’t want to hear it, she didnt want to give me an ultimatum, or tell me what I had to work on. But she was in the complete right by far. So I eventually get quiet roll over and fall asleep crying. the next early morning I wake up to her flustered trying to pee. Our son wakes up so easily, so immediatley he gets up and follows her to the bathroom, its probably 630 am so Im dead asleep. I wake up and go right to the bathroom and she yells at me because she can’t go pee alone ever. In no mean tone or nothing I just said baby wake me up and Ill grab him for you anytime, and immediatley it started a fight because of the lurking thing from the night before. She said that we were toxic, that if we continued to be together now and longer that we couldn’t fix it and that we would always stay toxic. Clearly I didnt agree with that, begged and pleaded. It turned into the most heated agruement I have probably ever been in with some I have loved. I regret everything rotten and mean thing I said in my angry judgement. I didn’t mean any of it. I love every part of that woman, still even after all the things that have happened. and that she has maybe or maybe not done. But I was kicked out that day with nothing but my computer, xbox, wallet, monitor, and a handful of clothes. That is the day I LOST EVERYTHING my entire world. My entire dream, everything I began to strive but also wanted in my life. A home, a family, a beautiful wife, mother, and children. I went into a complete and utter psychotic break and was nuts. still am. I made her life hell, I scared her, I threatened her with taking our son away from her. So many things I did not mean but I would never do. Our son needs both of us, but most imnportantly he needs his mother. She worked and works so hard for him day in and day out and takes such good care of him. Sorry I needed to let it out somewhere, everyone near just says go fuck someone go do this. BUT NONE OF THAT is going to make me feel better, none of that is going to bring back my family, none of that is going to even help progress, if anything it would make things worse. So I sit and I remain forever loyal to who I would love to call my fiance still.  But where I wanted to get at is WHAT the actual FUCK do you do when you lose EVERYTHING.She was my bestfriend, my everything, honestly probably the only reason geniune person I had in my life for a really long time so It was even worse, I had noone to turn to. No where to go. Noone wanted me . Noone wants me. I was just angry bringing everyone down around me after. Constantly drinking and just being stupid. Im really trying to get a better handle on things now though for my son. What kills me the most is before we had Wesser bean, she got preg before and had a miscarrage. Which kills both of us mentally, but more her than anything. That is her body, and that beautiful child was growing inside of her. We weren’t going to try again for the sake of our sanities after that. But on some of our long talking nights with one another we agreed that we wanted to try again, we wanted a family. But we promised to each other that we would never NO matter what let our children grow up like we did. In a broken home, a broken family. I want my son to be able to wake up next to his mother and father every living day and be able to enjoy all his little ups and downs. But I ruined that. I caused everything, I am the reason I lost everything. I am still so utterly confused and dont know where to go or what to do. My mind is always worrying about those two because they arent in arms reach and I cant be there quick enough. I still worry about her a ton even though everyone tells me I shouldn’t but that was my best freaking friend from almost the instant she curved me the first time. Thats the woman I loved, the woman I wanted to marry, the one I called fiance, but most importantly the mother to our child. So I will never stop worrying, or caring about it. I wish I had anyone, anyone that wouldn’t just push me off, or just give me some petty advice to go do some petty stuff like its going to slap her in the face? No becauses it not, she doesn’t love the piece of poop I am, nothing is going to slap her beautiful face. I would give anything to go back, fix some mistake, and be a man for them. Honestly I over think, thats my biggest issue. I love this girl to death, and I know im not adequate and she hasn’t had time to have fun or do the things she wanted too. But no matter what she has done, said, did, or didn’t do I would probably still take it like a grain of salt and do anything to immediately be back in her home, what I used to call home with them. To be a man, to be better. To be a dad. To be everything. Her and my son are my only lights, without them I just see darkness and it consumes me and just makes me want to do nothing, but it should burn a fire in me. I want them near by, cheering me on, but also helping me steer back onto the right path when im going astray. Its been three months now since I have been home, Since I have been able to sleep next to my son and wake up to his little smiling face. To be able to feel the warmth and hear my best friends voice on a daily basis. Shit three months since I have even slept on a mattress. about 2 months ago I took a estimated count of 32-45 pills of multiple different varieties. From pain killers, to adderal, to anti depressants, and sleeping pills. All one big mix. Got stupid drunk on top of it and tried taking my own life. I went to go lay down finally about an hour after I finished all the pills because I didnt feel well. The second my head hit the pillow I started throwing up really bad. I could not stop, I could not breathe. And the whole time All I could see Is my sons face. crying. not knowing where I went, What happened. Or why I was such a coward I would do that. about 5 minutes into me hurling I started to really not be able to breathe, I almost couldn’t choke the words out from the back of the trailer, I screamed as hard as I could from an ambulance. My mom came running in and looked at me and asked seriously If i needed it or not. I looked back and told her I would die if she didn’t. She called, I ended up waking up 3-6 hours later in a hospital bed completely and utterly confused but so fucking ashamed. They had a therapist or someone in there waiting for me to wake up, I guess I said somethings in my delusions of substance. But about after 15 minutes of talking to him and him seeing my sit. He looked at me told me they pumped my stom, and that If I didnt make that call My son wouldn’t have a father. Hearing him say that still kills me. I messed up big that time. they released me within 25 minutes of waking me up. no shoes, no shirts, puke covered pants, no cell phone at 630 am. What a wonderful hospital right? Try to take my life and they save it, but let me go just like I was nothing. I got to a near by store called for a ride and waited. Showed up home at my moms more ashamed and more sad because of yet another terrible choice I made. Tonight is the first night aubs have let me have our son alone for a time period. And for a solid 15 minutes I Couldn’t stop but also wanting to apologize so much to my son. He just came up to me gave me a big wesser hug, layed on me, and let me sing to him for 30 mins just like mummy used to do so he could fall asleep.  I never felt a love like I do for my boy, loving a human like aubrey is wonderful and beyond one of a kind, but loving your child and their love back is something words alone cannot describe. I can’t ever be so sorry that I ever tried that, that I ever would do that to my son. He deserves so much better. I am slowly trying tho too. Not alot of people know because noone cares and I just want to be alone but I scraped together the last remainder of any cash or any value I had left and got 4k. Didn’t sell our wedding ring or anything for that money. (its worth is 4.2-5.5k) I be holding onto that thing like its my life, I constantly catch myself grabbing it and wearing it still like a loser lol.Went and looked at a little trailer today, needs gutted almost, decent amount of work. Guy was asking 4k. with the work it needed I went balls deep said 2, he hit me with 2.5k If the mobile home park accepts my background check hopefully Ill finally have a little place I can lay my head. Its been a rough three months, homeless I would say, couch hopping, place to place. I am done now. I am fed up with myself but with everyone and everything around me. I need to be better for my son, so this is my start and my little way I guess. I have been applying countless places, All I want to do is dive all my time into some form of work/ works and be alone unless my son ( his mother included one could wish) is the company. My bills would be utterly dumb cheap. I just want to work and help her out to provide but keep the beautiful home she chose for her future family. I want to be able to make sure I can reassure her she won’t lose that roof, or that she can go out and eat, or wes can have that toy. She works to damn hard to lose it. It was like a movie too, third house on the realtors listings. We walk through the front door threshold, immediate second she turned around with the smile I fell inlove with and said this is the one. AND BY god when this woman says she wants something or is going to do something, she fucking does it, does it well, sticks it to ya, and does it kick. Immediately she got an offer in and she got her home. I’ll never be able to fix the mistakes and wrongs I did. Never be able to give back all the time and tears and heartache I caused her and her family countless times. But I want to be able to be part of my sons life, to atleast try to atone for the terrible things I did. I want 0 pity by the way. This was soley for me. For me to let stuff out. I will forever love aub snuffalfugus. and of course our beautiful boy Wesley. I would do anything, give anything, forgive and forget anything this second to see her walking up to me holding our little man and say “does daddy wanna come home” or “ dad come home” or “ i think its time dad comes home”. I understand I never will get that chance and by far I never will get that chance. I understand I did this, I created this, and I am the one to blame. I pray to god every night that maybe right now just wasn’t the exact time or what we needed. That he will lead our path back together one day. I see glimmers of hope in dumb things, but thats my over thinking. I love that freaking beautiful furrowed browed woman and our son so much. and with me being gone, I can’t tell if shes struggling, I can’t tell if she cares, I can’t tell if she thinks about us, our old family, or the things that happened. She has such a good poker face, shes so good at holding things in. But she has been glowing, has been looking more beautiful than ever with her hair all curly and down. She is constantly in her phone texting and smiling, and when I say that I in no form care who or about what, I care that the fact that the smile is there and its the real one. She seems happier, healthier, and more together than ever and I hope that its not a front, not that it matters because shes a strong ass mom and she kicked thru it. I love seeing her happy. I love seeing her look good. i absolutely adore the fucking smile. I am trying to come to terms that maybe I wasn’t the right one, That I couldn’t make her happy, but I was placed there to get her through a time , but also for her to have our beautiful son. Now that he has come, she has seen that I wasn’t much of really anything, so she bettered herself. But even if shes not with me, as long as she is safe, our son is safe, they have a warm roof above their heads, and full tummies than I can’t complain. That is what im striving for. To just be able to simplify their lifes but to see her smile again, and I have been seeing it and she rockkkkk that shit. Everytime I see her I get into my feelings, but tonight hit me for some reason. Tonight really had/has me thinking. Forever stay our beautiful little chunk Wesser. I love you both. 
ok done word vommiting, think im ready to cry if off in the shower lmao. 
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notimeliketoday · 7 years
queen-geee replied to your post “@queen-geee These answer your question. As for everyone else Is this...”
That is an assumption because he even said that naruto changed him! And if he only retains some aspects of his former ideals which ones did he retain and which ones did he not? You don't know so you can't hear canon that he's trying to reform his clan your still wrong He didn't keep some of his former ideals that is a big headcanons you have no proof of that he never wanted to be shadow hokage that's basically what naruto appointed him
I said he was reformed and free of hatred that’s why his ideals about being a shadow hokage has changed drastically. He didn’t change his stance about being the shadow hokage right? He didn’t change the fact that he will “rule” from the shadows right?
As you said, his hatred is the one prompting him for his ideals to drastically change the shinobi world.
He wants to gather all hate and focus them on himself. He wants everyone to unite against him.
He will rule everything in the shadows.
That’s the list so far. So let’s check how that has changed after Naruto defeated him.
He is defeated and gave up on his revolution.
He wants to atone for his sins.
He wants to protect the village from the shadows.
He is essentially the Shadow Hokage because of the above and thus “rule” from the shadows.
Naruto didn’t appoint him to it. Fact.
Those are not headcanons and I am not wrong on that reformation. Did you see him pester Sakura to follow tradition with the fire release? Did you see him do the same to Sarada?  Did you see him changing his stance about wearing the crest? No? So then, stop with the headcanons.
Since we’re on the subject of assumptions. Let me remind you of the following statements you said:
Yo I’m crying at that hinata and naruto are more capable of wearing the uchiha crest without shame 😭😭😭😭 
All kishi did was let sakura wear the crest that STILL doesn't make her an uchiha any poser can wear a crest hinata isn't an uzumaki sai isn't a yamanaka and temari isn't a nara like why do you find this so hard to understand? And how does Sasuke beg to differ? He doesn't even where the crest anymore he doesn't give a shit about sakura or what she does he has his own mission to worry about 
are you dumb?? We're talking about CLANS!!!! SAKURA ISN'T APART OF THE UCHIHA CLAN SHE CANT EVEN DO A SIMPLE FIREBALL JUTSU this isn't coming from me this is from the original manga that the original Arthur wrote! This came from the head of the uchiha clan HIMSELF you can say whatever you want but in CANON sakura isn't an uchiha she can have the last name that's her right as a married women but that does not make her a TRUE uchiha she doesn't have the uchiha blood running through her 
what do you mean it doesn't change facts? That manga panel is a fact the panel came BEFORE gaiden and that OP blocking you is not my problem they still served you facts on a plate with that manga panel sasuke dad was the head of the clan he ran the clan! He makes the rules for the clan so your gonna disregard what he says? Just so sakura can be a uchiha in your eyes?
Please sakura is not a real uchiha get over it, It's not that big of a deal that's the worst of your worries about this ship lol 
That's not what the uchiha clan cares about though just because sakura is strong doesn't mean they would want her in the clan there's a lot of strong shinobi that doesn't mean they would just allow them all in the clan!
The uchiha clan never gave a fuck about the hokage are you dumb they wanted to do a coup to get rid of the people in office that's the reason there dead! Please read the manga they never cared about getting closer to 'the seat of power' they just wanted to be treated fairly like every other clan in the leaf village 
also,  SASUKE NEVER STATED THAT SAKURA WAS APART OF THE UCHIHA CLAN can you show me where he said that? Sasuke doesn't even seem to care about the crest anymore because he doesn't wear it himself so if he doesn't care for it would he really care if sakura wears it? 
Madara and obito were gone when they decided the coup and the ONLY reason sasuke wanted the position was to change the shinobi system and sasuke NEVER made sakura wear the crest can you stop wth the headcanons? 
And madara and obito wanting to be hokage doesn't mean the WHOLE CLAN cared about the hokage or government officials 
when you can give me facts FROM THE MANGA then I'll listen to your argument but right now your stating head canons your just assuming everything your assuming sasuke made sakura wear the crest or take his last name she COULD'VE said no 
Your assuming that the uchiha's cared about the hokage when clearly they didn't they just wanted to be treated equally your assuming that sasuke marrying sakura would get the clan closer to the seat of power but news flash they were one of the most powerful clans in the leaf! 
I'm not contradicting myself your saying it like the WHOLE uchiha clan waned to be hokage or wanted someone in there clan to be hokage that's far from the truth only because 3 people in there clan wanted to be hokage doesn't mean it matter to the rest of the clan because it DIDN'T the uchiha's just wanted to be treated equally THATS IT!!! 
Also if sasuke wearing the crest would make him a target wouldn't it be the same with sakura and sadara wearing the crest? If he REALLY cared he WOULDN'T want sakura or his daughter to wear the crest even in boruto didn't sakura tell sadara not to show her sharingan because that would make her a target but sakura dumbass got the child wearing fucking uchiha crests everywhere she goes and sakura does the same! 
And where is that stated in the MANGA??? I've never seen a panel that even suggested that only madara obito and sasuke wanted to be hokage but they don't make up the whole clan so you saying that the WHOLE uchiha clan wanted to be closer to the seat of power is false because out of the whole clan only three people wanted to be hokage 
What do you mean what I'm talking about? Just because they live in a village doesn't mean they are safe from attacks if they were sakura wouldn't have asked sadara not to use her sharingan 
She stated that in boruto! And boruto is canon 
It is canon just because you don't believe it is doesn't mean it's not and that's besides the point all of this is distracting to the real reason why were arguing the uchiha's don't care about hokage sasuke marrying sakura wouldn't necessarily make the uchiha get closer to the seat of power they were already one of the most powerful clans next to the hyuga's and sasuke never forced sakura to wear the crest also sakura is not a REAL uchiha 
But the uchiha didn't do the coup to become hokage THEY WERE SICK OF THE RACISM FROM THE LEAF VILLAGE!!!! They wanted to be shunned from the village that doesn't mean they wanted 'a seat of power' 
Sasuke didn't give sakura the crest!!!!!! WHERE DID YOU SEE THAT HE GAVE IT TO HER?!?!!? There is no proof of that! The proof is that sakura is married to sasuke and she carries his last name but shes not a true uchiha and once again that's not coming from me that's coming from the former head of the clan HIMSELF!!!!!!! She can wear the crest all she wants but she's wearing it IN SHAMEEEEEE!!!!! 
And do you really believe that sasuke marrying sakura would bring one of the uchiha's closer to becoming hokage? That's not true they shunned the whole clan and said the clan was deemed to be 'cursed by hatred' sakura marrying sasuke would've made that all go away? No if danzo and all the other government officials were still around they wouldn't want an uchiha to be hokage so sakura wouldn't have done shit for an uchiha to be hokage 
She's wearing it in shame because she can't do a simple fireball jutsu that's a canon fact from the manga
She's wearing the crest because she WANTS to when did sakura ever really care for what sasuke wanted? She does what she wants sasuke a REAL uchiha doesn't even wear the crest anymore and you can say he doesn't wear it because that would put a target in his back but was that stated in canon material or one of your other headcanons? 
Okay that still doesn't mean that the whole uchiha clan wanted one of there own to become hokage that's your own head canon you just think they did and the elders play a huge part into picking the next hokage the hokage can't just will who they want into power doesn't work that way 
But that's what you believe but that doesn't make it true! Who are you to say that her reputation is enough to allow her to wear the crest? You are not apart of the clan!! YOU ARE NOT HEAD OF THE CLAN WHAT YOU WANT DOESN'T MATTER she will always be wearing the crest in SHAME because she can't do a fireball jutsu why are you disregarding CANON!!!!!! 
Did I say the crest didn't matter? And when did sasuke ever let anyone wear the crest? He never did!! Not even sakura!!! Because we never seen him tell her she can wear it!!!! 
And are you an uchiha? I didn't know you get a say in there clan business and what THEY decide what qualifies someone to be an uchiha or not because if you haven't read the manga the HEAD of the uchiha clan had already came up with a way to determine who would be worthy of   wearing the crest or not and what the head of the clan decided was that you have to be able to do a fireball jutsu to be able to wear the crest proudly 
She can wear the crest I didn't say she can't BUT SHE IS WEARING THE CREST IN SHAME
YOUR the one disregarding canon because it's canon that you have to be able to do a fireball jutsu to be able to wear the crest proudly that's CANON even before gaiden came out ! 
And your right I have no say if her reputation is or isn't enough to allow her to wear the crest proudly because I'm not an uchiha just like you but the HEAD OF THE CLAN already determined that if someone can't do a fireball jutsu they can't wear the crest proudly so it doesn't matter what she does sakura does she could've even revive the whole clan for fuck sakes but if she can't do that fire jutsu she will ALWAYS wear the crest in shame 
And that's the point! Sasuke dad already came up with the rules regarding the crest and sakura breaks them so that means she is wearing the crest in shame 
Yes I can claim that because we never saw sasuke do it If we don't see if it's all just head canons 
Your head canyoning that sasuke allowed her to wear the clan crest proudly but WE NEVER SEE THAT! 
Also sasuke is now the head of the clan but when do we ever see sasuke refute his father words about wearing the crest proudly? He doesn't so you claiming that sasuke lets sakura wear the crest proudly is once again a head canon 
You know what's not a head canon though? The head of the clan saying that if you can't do a fire ball jutsu you can't wear the crest proudly you know who can't do a fire ball jutsu? Sakura you know you can do a fire ball jutsu? Madara obito sasuke itachi to name a few and they are allowed to wear the clan crest proudly! Because they can do the fireball jutsu! 
The ONLY thing I'm saying is sakura is wearing the crest in shame THATS not a head canon 
No it's not a head canon because sasuke doesn't need to apply the rule because THE RULE WAS ALREADY APPLIED BY THE LAST CLAN LEADER!!!!! 
The rule was already set in place before the genocide of the uchiha clan before so it applies to any new and up and coming uchiha's down the road only if sasuke lifts the rule but WE NEVER SEE HIM LIFT THE RULE so it's still canon that if you can't do the fireball jutsu you wear the crest in shame 
Are you dumb? It's not a head canon because sasuke never lift the rule it's a rule WITHIN the clan why would anyone that's not an uchiha care about there rules it's there clan there business 
I'm not saying sadara isn't an uchiha that's not sasuke dad said!!!!! He said if you can't do the fireball jutsu you are not a full fledge uchiha you wear the crest in shame so that means that sadara isn't a full fledge uchiha until she can do the fireball jutsu sorry I don't make the clan rules I'm just telling you the clan rules 
Sasuke dad didn't reprimand him either he was telling him! That mean Sasuke dad allowed him to wear the crest but he still isn't a real uchiha just how sasuke allows his daughter to wear the crest but she's not a real uchiha until she can do the jutsu Sasuke dad doesn't beat him belittle him or anything he's just tell him that he will not be a full fledge uchiha until he can do the fire ball jutsu! 
No you think that's a new canon!!! Just because you think it's a new canon doesn't actually make it a real canon you THINK he doesn't apply the rule anymore we never seen him lift it and if we never seen him lift that means the rule is still in affect
Now, read your statements again. I can clearly see many headcanons and assumptions here. The most prominent is Sakura wearing the crest in shame.
Where in the manga was that shown?
At any rate, I will properly break down this statements in a future reblog. I don’t have time for this yet.
If someone is kind enough to nitpick statements, be my guest.
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