#The 7 Best Butter Keepers
The 7 Best Butter Keepers
A butter keeper, also known as a butter dish or butter crock, is a kitchen container used to store and keep butter at room temperature. It is designed to maintain the spreadable consistency of butter while preventing it from spoiling or becoming rancid. The traditional butter keeper consists of two parts: a base and a lid. The base is a shallow dish that holds the softened butter, and the lid acts as a cover to seal the butter inside. Some butter keepers may have a water seal or an airtight design to create a barrier between the butter and the outside air, preserving its freshness.
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hazyange1s · 3 months
MC: Ronan Sharp
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Full name: Ronan Finley Sharp
Nickname(s): Ron (pronounced with a hard o), Sharpie, Prince Charming (by Sebastian)
Gender: male
Species: wizard/Selkie
Date of birth: September 21, 1874
Nationality: English and Irish
Blood status: pureblood
Wand: laurel, unicorn hair, 13 in, reasonably pliant
Hair color: dark auburn
Hair style: loose, short waves with some curtain fringe
Eye color: hazel
Skin tone: fair; often with a light tan
Height: 6’1”
Body type: lean and toned
Clothing style: wears all colors (but especially loves light neutrals, warm tones, and black), prefers comfortable and unique fabrics (flannel, cashmere, fur)
Wears the Sharp family signet ring
Enjoys the occasional hat
Keeps his mother’s picture in his pocket watch
Other distinguishing features:
Freckles (of course)
Scar over his right eye (tried to Apparate at thirteen and splinched himself — still has poor vision in that eye)
Traits: friendly, enthusiastic, fun-loving, clever, sarcastic, perfectionistic, bossy
Likes: shakespeare, comfort food, medicine/biology, fall, making people laugh, generosity, genuineness
Dislikes: superiority complexes, dishonesty (from himself and others), large birds, flakes
Hobbies: chess, healing, charm creation, archery
Fears: the BIRDS man, abandonment, not being good enough
Enneagram: 2w3 (268) so/sp
Zodiac: virgo sun, cancer moon, sagittarius rising
Temperament: sanguine
Archetype: the Caregiver
Similar characters: Apollo, Cedric Diggory, Richard Gansey, Lily Potter, Padme Amidala, Derek Shepherd
Father: Aesop Sharp
Potions master and Slytherin alumnus
Stern with high expectations but well-meaning
Married his step mother when Ronan was five
Mother: Kassady DesRosiers (Fallon)
Dragonologist, Gryffindor alumnus
Killed when Ronan was 15 — he never got to meet her
Sibling: Raegan DesRosiers
Half-blood (same mother, different father)
Technically twins — Ronan was conceived and born first, but they shared a womb for 7 months
Don’t meet properly until their sixth year
Pet: Apollo (tawny owl)
Received after his Hogwarts letter
Sort of the “communal owl” that all of his friends “borrow”
Gets into fights with the other owls oops
Friends: Poppy Sweeting, Diana Blackwine, Arthur Plumley, Adelaide Oaks, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Leander Prewett, Natsai Onai
Boggart: ostrich (lame)
Patronus: seal
Polyjuice: turns light green and tastes like fennel
Amortentia: lemon, butter, sage, frankincense
Special abilities:
Selkie blood — passed down from his father’s side and dilute enough to present rarely in a bloodline. Allows him to hold his breath underwater for extended periods of time; great swimmer, affinity for sea-dwelling creatures
Does not possess ancient magic
Exceptional and instinctual Healer
Ronan was born in Cambridge, England in secret. His mother Kassady had hidden him from her abusive husband — as well as the fact that he was the product of a love affair with her former suitor; Aesop. Ronan grew up not knowing his birth mother (or the fact that he had a half/twin sister); raised by his father until Sharp married when his son was five.
He had a relatively happy childhood, though Ronan always felt slightly out of place. He was not the overly studious, serious type, which caused misunderstandings between him and his strict father… especially when Ronan is sorted into Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin (the Sharp family’s ancestral House).
But as he grows and learns more about his past and his family, he begins to come into his own as he becomes a Charms prodigy and a guiding light for the next generation of Keepers 😉.
Best Subject: Charms, Magical Theory
Worst subject: Ancient Runes
Favorite teacher: Ronen and Kogawa
Least favorite teacher: Sharp (he’s harder on him than the rest oop)
As a student:
Very popular and personable; gets along with pretty much everyone (but isn’t a pushover)
His dyslexia causes him some trouble. Overall his intelligence and hard work helps him find ways around it
Mischievous — sort of a “thief in the night” that nobody suspects
Career: Mediwizard
Ronan desires to make something of himself; to make a difference and be somebody useful in society. After seeing the impact that the goblin rebellion had on people and watching his sister/friends struggle with all manner of ailments (both mental and physical), he changes his career path from an Auror to Mediwizard.
He’d always had an interest in biology and medicine. The job allows him to dive deeper into those fascinations while giving him the adventure and variety Ronan secretly craves — he winds up traveling around Europe after Hogwarts under the employment of St. Mungo’s. Specializes in curses and mental illness.
Future spouse: undecided for now (side note: I’m always open to MCxMC ships! Ronan is pansexual so we’re not picky 😂)
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holocene-sims · 8 months
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august 17, 2021 1:30 a.m. paradise hotel
[grant] it drove päivi insane and i just try to be considerate. like i've been dealing with this for years, but i'm very well aware it's not pleasant that i wake up sometimes because i'm pain and that when i do, i get up out of bed for a bit so i don't end up so stiff that i can't stand up at all in the morning.
[henry] shit, i didn't think about that. i'm sorry.
[grant] why are you apologizing? you didn't do anything wrong.
[henry] i don't know. because i feel great 24/7 and i'm privileged enough to forget that others don't?
[grant] well, that's not really your fault. it's not like i'm good at acknowledging being chronically ill in any overly serious way. honestly, it's just easier when people forget anyway!
[grant] talking about it is never not a little bit awkward.
[henry] yeah, i wasn't aware it was bad enough to interrupt your sleep.
[henry] i knew it was bad, you know? bad enough some doctor finally cared to figure out the mystery suffering and that it need surgical intervention, and i remember the exact day something first changed in you when we were kids, but that's about the end of my awareness.
[henry] man, you are also a chronic hider of information.
[grant] that's me! your hopefully favorite secret-keeper.
[grant] i don't mean to, like, keep you in the dark about this. it's not personal. especially not these days. i'm trying my best to be open. it's just...it's just awkward.
[grant] i've had enough bad responses to being sick in my lifetime that i just feel inclined to never mention it, you know?
[grant] have you tried yoga? have you tried CBD and essential oils? but you're young and look fine, you can't be sick, you're making this up! have you tried religion and cutting out all the ingredients like gluten and sugar that make food actually fun to consume? no, no, those things are poisoning you - haven't you read that gut health is the #1 cause of autoimmune disease? it's definitely not chronic stress plus your long family history of busted immune systems! check out this carnivore diet website, you totally won't get fatal heart disease from all that red meat and butter instead, bud!
[grant] or i get pity. or assumptions of what i can or cannot do.
[grant] you want to bash your head against the wall after a while. no one really gets it but they think they do.
[grant] not that you've ever done those things! or that i think you would! or that i think you don't get it! sorry, that was a lot. it just came out all at once. i think i have some insane pent up rage about this whole thing. but no, really, you're the same as my family; they don't respond badly either. i just, well, you know. again, forgetting unless it's relevant is probably preferable. i like it that way.
[grant] i don't want the awkwardness. or anyone to worry about me.
[henry] i wish you weren't afraid of telling me about all this.
[henry] you know everything about me. even the not very good parts. you're one of the only people i talk about having depression with and that's excruciating to bring up. people don't respond well to that either. maybe not with pity or assumptions but definitely obnoxious suggestions. sunshine and exercise do not fix me. lexapro and therapy sessions kind of.
[grant] and i'm glad you do! i do personally understand mental health issues, but even if i didn't, still, i'm glad you feel safe opening up to me about it. and i always want you to. and i'm always thinking about you and hoping you're doing well enough and if i can do anything–
[henry] oh, grant. you scramble my brains sometimes. that self-hating demon is still trapped inside you.
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illicien · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @hiddenxplaces-blog
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel. Specifically TFATWS at the moment.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
Time-Lost (IronStrange) Fathomless (IronStrange) Scribbles On Our Souls (DrPepperony) Heart of Gold (IronStrangeFrost) Persistence (IronStrange)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost every time. Sometimes I get a bit caught up or delayed, but typically I respond to comments pretty regularly. I love chatting with readers!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I've actively posted the fic with the truly angsty ending, yet, so I think the closest is probably a bittersweet ending with Still Here. (IronStrange / Stephen & Peter)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well this one took a sec. Keeper (IronStrange), probably?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh not typically to my face, no.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover:
I don't really do crossovers, so really the only crossover I can think of plainly is the DRoP/IronStrange fic we did, Heart of Gold.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've seen so far.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A fair few of them. 💓
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep. A few!
14. All time favorite ship?
"All-time"? Time hasn't ended, I could hardly say. 😏
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point? Embraced. And I'm so sorry to everyone who was waiting for more.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Wait you want me to say nice things about myself? Goddamnit. I used to think dialogue was a weakness of mine, but I think I've improved a lot over the last couple of years since writing scripts necessitated writing solid dialogue, so I'm pretty confident in that, now. I'm also fairly strong where creating lore and histories are concerned; you want me to explain the magic in a universe? I've got you. You want to know the history of a region? I've got that down, too. World-building in general is my bread and butter.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Does "actually finishing a story" count? The reality is, I lose motivation really easily. I function best when I have someone to consistently bat ideas and things back and forth with, otherwise I get severely in my head about things to the detriment of whatever I'm writing. I also rely more heavily on degree modifiers than I should, and while I'm aware of it I still suck at minimizing it.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I find it highly dependent on whose PoV the story is in. If the PoV character doesn't speak the language, I love being just as confused as them by not knowing the language. If the PoV character does speak the language I can be a little more picky about it, unless it's simply a singular word of endearment or something, because those can be difficult to translate even if you know both of the languages. But I have a love of and fascination with languages.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Uh.... Yu-Gi-Oh!, I think?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
What an excellent question. I'm actually really proud of (Loss Of) Control (WinterBaron). I set out with some really specific goals for what I wanted to accomplish with it, and I mostly succeeded. There's definitely a section that's weaker than the others, but I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and made an effort to tackle a trope I'd never written in fic, and to tackle an element of that trope that I felt like I wanted to see handled more in depth. And I'm proud of the result.
Tagging -> @descaladumidera @atypical-snowman @amethyst-noir @jeromesankaraao3
@the-elle-kat @kiki-shortsnout @turtleoftheabyss
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
The Keepers Masterlist
 I FINALLY got around to putting together a masterlist. With all my new readers this is here for you to navigate my fics! I'll try to update it as I move forward with more fics and one shots. My masterlist is also linked in my bio! Enjoy!
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(★) - Smut // (♥) - Fluff // (♦) - Angst
Being Shuri’s Best Friend // ♥
Shuri Headcanons SFW & NSFW // ♥ // ★
All Shuri Prompts //★ // ♥ // ♦
   [One Shots] 
Your Highness // ★ // ♥
Royal Surprise // ♥
Pretty Distracted // ♥
When It Was Me // Part 2 // ♦ // ♥
Bathroom Break // ★
You Were Never A Burden // ♥
Close Quarters // ♥
Night Terrors // ♥
Our Future // Part 2 // ♥
At The Body Shop // ♥
Her Heart // ♥ // ♦ // Ongoing
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 //
Riri Williams
Dating Riri Williams // ♥
All Riri Prompts //★ // ♥ // ♦
[One Shots]
I Got You // ♥
Erik Stevens (Killmonger)
   [One Shots]
Starting Over // ♥
Scars & Cocoa Butter // ♥
At What Cost // ♥ // ♦
His Keeper // ♥ // ♦ // Complete
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Finale
All Namor Prompts ♦ // ♥
   [One Shots] 
Crashing Waves // ♥ // ♦ // Ongoing
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 //
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especiallykenny · 2 years
South Park WOWOW Japanese dub
I remember someone asking years ago if there was a place to watch the Japanese dub of SP, so here's a masterpost of all the episodes I've found so far. Links go to NicoNico Douga, the quality isn't the best but this is the only place I've found them.
SP has three Japanese dubs, from what I can see: the WOWOW dub (seasons 1 - 7), the Fox Japan dub (season 8), and the Netflix dub (seasons 15 - 23). If I find any more, I'll update the post!
S1 Cartman Gets An Anal Probe Volcano Weight Gain 4000 Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig Death Pinkeye Damien Starvin' Marvin Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo Tom's Rhinoplasty Mecha-Streisand Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
S2 Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut Ike's Wee Wee Conjoined Fetus Lady The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls Clubhouses Chef Aid Prehistoric Ice Man
S3 Tweek vs. Craig Cat Orgy Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub Jewbilee Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery The Red Badge of Gayness Rainforest Shmainforest Spontaneous Combustion
S4 Chef Goes Nanners: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30705955 Fourth Grade: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30929504 Trapper Keeper: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30348936 Wacky Molestation Adventure: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30349143 A Very Crappy Christmas: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31008074 Fat Camp: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30516034 Quintuplets: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30356271
S5 It Hits the Fan: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30124613 Terrance and Phillip Behind the Blow: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30083139 How to Eat with Your Butt: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30921495 The Entity: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29808088 Cripple Fight: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30018362 Super Best Friends: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30617392 Cartmanland: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30538922 Kenny Dies: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28735933 Butters' Very Own Episode: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30090561
S6 Jared Has Aides: ?? Asspen: ?? Freak Strike: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920499 Fun with Veal: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30462646 The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920999 Professor Chaos: ?? The Simpsons Already Did It: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920542 Red Hot Catholic Love: ?? Free Hat: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30929378 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society: ?? Child Abduction is Not Funny: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30645677 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30931754 Death Camp of Tolerance: ?? My Future Self n Me: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30092199 The Biggest Douche in the Universe: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201541 Red Sleigh Down: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30124798
S7 Cancelled: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28743918 Krazy Kripples: ?? Toilet Paper: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201795 I'm A Little Bit Country: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26685470 Fat Butt and Pancake Head: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29870596 Li'l Crime Stoppers: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201694 Red Man's Greed: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201849 South Park Is Gay: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29808088 Christian Rock Hard: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30392155 Grey Dawn: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30068528 Casa Bonita: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201759 Butt Out: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30110514 All About Mormons: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30648800 Raisins: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30414330 It's Christmas In Canada: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29872351
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texastrophyhunters · 1 year
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Redfish on the Half Shell
By Will Leschper
Redfish on the Texas coast are prolific and tasty. Here’s an easy recipe to enjoy one of our best-eating game fish if you have success at the jetties!
• 4 to 6 redfish fillets with skin and scales on (one keeper-size fillet is good for at least one person)
• 6 tablespoons olive oil
• 2-3 lemons, halved
• salt and pepper, to taste
• *Paul Prudhomme’s Blackened Redfish Magic seasoning blend (You also can use fresh chopped herbs such as basil, mint or parsley in place of an all-in-one blend; there’s also Tony Chachere’s line of seafood spices that work great)
• *Compound butter mixture with the fresh herbs (optional, in place of olive oil or in addition to oil)
Preheat your outdoor grill. Take your redfish fillets (with skin/scales still on one side) and drizzle/brush with olive oil. Sprinkle your seasoning mixture and salt and pepper on top of the oil.
Grill the fish, flesh side down, over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Flip the fillet so the scales are on the grilling surface and cook for another 5 to 7 minutes, or until cooked through to your liking. Squeeze a lemon half over each fillet. You also can spoon the compound butter mixture on top as well. Spoon out the flesh that should release easily from the skin and serve by itself, with pasta or accompanying your favorite sides.
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nixines · 2 years
RANKING SOUTH PARK EPISODES FROM uh BEST TO WORST BUT ONLY RANKING SEASON 1-15 because those are the only ones i watched
season 1:
Cartman Gets An Anal Probe (best)
Weight Gain 4000
Cartman’s Mom Is a Dirty Slut
An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride
Starvin’ Marvin
Tom’s Rhinoplasty (worst)
season 2:
Spookyfish (best)
Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson!
Cow Days
City on the Edge of Forever
Cartman’s Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut
Terrance and Philip in Not Without My Anus
Chef Aid
Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka
Summer Sucks
Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls
Ike’s Wee Wee
Conjoined Fetus Lady
Prehistoric Ice Man (worst)
season 3:
Cat Orgy (best)
The Succubus
Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics
Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub
Tweek vs. Craig
Hooked on Monkey Fonics
Rainforest Shmainforest
Spontaneous Combustion
The Red Badge of Gayness
World Wide Recorder Concert
Are You There God? It’s Me, Jesus
Sexual Harassment Panda
Starvin’ Marvin in Space
Korn’s Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery
Jakovasaurs (god i hate this episode)
season 4:
Fat Camp (best)
Cartman’s Silly Hate Crime 2000
The Wacky Molestation Adventure
A Very Crappy Christmas
Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?
4th Grade
Trapper Keeper
Helen Keller! The Musical
Cartman Joins NAMBLA
Something You Can Do with Your Finger
The Tooth Fairy’s Tats 2000
Cherokee Hair Tampons
Timmy 2000
Chef Goes Nanners (worst)
season 5:
Butters’ Very Own Episode (best)
Scott Tenorman Must Die
Super Best Friend
Kenny Dies
How to Eat with Your Butt
It Hits The Fan
Terrance and Philip: Behind the Blow
Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants
The Entity
Here Comes the Neighborhood
Cripple Fight
Proper Condom Use (worst)
season 6:
My Future Self ‘n’ Me
Jared Has Aides
Red Sleigh Down
Free Hat
The Biggest Douche in the Universe
Red Hot Catholic Love
Child Abduction Is Not Funny
The Return of the Fellowship of the Rings to the Two Towers
Fun with Veal
A Ladder to Heaven
Freak Strike
Professor Chaos
Simpsons Already Did It
The New Terrance and Philip Movie Trailer
Bebe’s Boobs Destroy Society
The Death Camp of Tolerance
season 7:
Butt Out
Fat Butt and Pancake Head
Casa Bonita
Toilet Paper
All About Mormons
Lil’ Crime Stoppers
It’s Christmas in Canada
South Park Is Gay!
Christian Rock Hard
Red Man’s Greed
I’m a Little Bit Country
Grey Dawn
Krazy Kripples
season 8:
Woodland Critter Christmas
The Jeffersons
Good Times With Weapons
The Passion of the Jew
Cartman’s Incredible Gift
Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
Up the Down Steroid
You Got F’d in the A
Quest for Ratings
Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
Douche and Turd
season 9:
The Death of Eric Cartman
Ginger Kids
Follow That Egg!
Die Hippie, Die
Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow
Erection Day
Trapped in the Closet
The Losing Edge
Best Friends Forever
Free Willzyx
Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina
Bloody Mary
season 10:
Smug Alert!
Make Love, Not Warcraft
The Return of Chef (god i miss chef)
Cartoon Wars Part II
Go God Go XII
Go God Go
Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
Cartoon Wars Part I
A Million Little Fibers
Hell on Earth 2006
Stanley’s Cup
season 11:
Imaginationland Episode II
Imaginationland Episode III
Imaginationland Episode I
Le Petit Tourette
Night of the Living Homeless
Cartman Sucks
The List
With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
Guitar Queer-O
More Crap
The Snuke
Lice Capades
Fantastic Easter Special (not even a bad episode, it’s a 7.5/10 honestly)
season 12:
The China Problem
Super Fun Time
Elementary School Musical
Tonsil Trouble
The Ungroundable
Over Logging
Pandemic 2: The Startling
About Last Night…
Eek, a Penis!
Canada on Strike
Major Boobage
Breast Cancer Show Ever
Britney’s New Look
season 13:
Dead Celebrities
Dances with Smurfs
The Ring
The Coon
The F Word
Whale Whores
Butters’ Bottom Bitch
Pinewood Derby
Eat, Pray, Queef
season 14:
It’s a Jersey Thing
Coon vs. Coon and Friends
Crème Fraiche
Mysterion Rises
Coon 2: Hindsight
Poor and Stupid
Crippled Summer
You Have 0 Friends
Medicinal Fried Chicken
Sexual Healing
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs (not even a bad episode, gets a 7 from me)
season 15:
Ass Burgers
City Sushi
Crack Baby Athletic Association
You’re Getting Old
The Last of the Meheecans
The Poor Kid
A History Channel Thanksgiving
Broadway Bro Down
Royal Pudding
Bass to Mouth
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mariacallous · 4 months
My not-so-healthy Jewish food resolution for 2020 sounds simple: Eat more blintzes. But, as with the best blintzes, it’s a little more complex than this simple statement. 
My grandmother, Mama Pearl, was 99 when she passed away last February. She was my baking buddy and Crisco guru. She taught me to make apple pie when I still had to stand on a stool to reach the counter, and I’m now the keeper of her index box full of sweet recipes for everything from Passover apple fritters to pecan chocolate pie. 
One thing I never learned to make, though: her blueberry blintzes. 
No restaurant, diner, Jewish food emporium, or synagogue has ever served me a blintz that looked like Mama Pearl’s. The dough was so thin it was nearly transparent, and the whole blueberries in the filling — never jam — pushed up almost to the point of breaking through. Forget any tightly folded blankets of barely filled dough, these looked more like children’s sharp elbows poking up under the sheets.
How do I remember what they look like so clearly? I’ve got the last one in my freezer. She made it as part of a batch in the summer of 2018, and I held on to it thinking I’d wait until she made more. Now I’m too emotionally attached to either eat it or throw it away. The only thing I can think to do is to master her recipe and create more to keep the “one” company, so I don’t have to continuously check to make sure no one has eaten it or defrosted my freezer in the night.
But how to go about making a blintz that’s mostly a memory?
To the recipe box I go. Only, there’s no recipe here, and I’m not really surprised. A blintz is the kind of instinctual comfort food women of her generation made simply by the memories in their hands.
So, to the internet I head, but as with my restaurant quest, I can only find “fresh blueberries” that have been cooked down into jam. 
Then my mom saves the day with a recipe she wrote down by watching over my grandmother’s shoulder, and it’s exactly how I remember it.
I head back to my own kitchen and pull out my frozen keepsake, which I’ve been too emotional to do before now. The blueberries have shriveled from being in the deep freeze for two years, and there’s a layer of frost on one side that nearly brings me to tears. 
In fact, everything about my New Year’s blintz project makes me verklempt. I don’t want to be the only holder of the last blintz, what I truly desire is impossible: for my grandmother to make me a cup of coffee from her 50-year-old percolator and ask me to take out the garden furniture while she fries up her sweet summer specialty.
But a funny thing happens as I pour and swirl the batter in the frying pan: My own hand memories start to kick in. I can picture mama in the kitchen, and I know I’m going too slowly. The only way to get a thin, lacy blini is to make the pan hotter, pull it away from the heat quicker, and swirl it more deftly, like she did. 
In the end, my pancakes are a bit thick, but my blueberries are lemony and delicious, bursting with flavor and still whole.
The first batch was good, but there’s room for improvement. And that, I think, is the best part of having a New Year’s resolution to eat more blintzes: I still have the whole year to get it right. 
Note: You can freeze these blintzes once they’ve been prepared (see Step 7). When you’re ready to eat them, defrost, then fry them on all sides in butter in a nonstick pan until golden.
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3xm-draconic · 6 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 7: The Return.
Cicero sat in a field of nightshade with Mattilda, just the two of them in a meadow of the violet blossoms, he knew he needed to tell her…but he didn’t want to.
He wanted to keep her, she was his special friend…his companion…
He didn’t want to lose her or see her get hurt.  
“Hey Cicero?…” she turned to him, he nearly jumped at her voice. It had been so dreadfully quiet, “oh yes dearest Mattilda?” He turned to her looking into her silvery eyes…sweet Sithis he had grown to adore the shimmering color of her eyes, bright like a well burnished blade.
“I…have something to confess to you”, “oh?...well…Cicero dose too” he sighed, better to get it over with…
She turned to him with a slight awkward and shy grin on her face, “Cicero…” she softly said, her voice was as lovely to him as cool rain on a hot summer night “your special to me…” she hummed sweetly “and I wanted to ask you if…perhaps…you’d like…to be my boyfriend?”
The words came before Cicero had time to process them…
“YES” he shouted.
Only then did he realize he’d dug himself into a deeper hole…
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
Cicero sat in his room dreading bringing Mattilda into the brotherhood, she wouldn’t like it here, she would hate it and she would grow to hate him…
He remembered something…a loophole…
She was part of the Thieves Guild, he remembered Astrid and the Guild have an alliance worked out…that means if she found out about him…he wouldn’t technically have to force her to join the brotherhood.
But it still ment he had to tell the others about her…
The rest of the brotherhood had settled down to dinner together when Cicero appeared before them, “well looked what the cat dragged in” Astrid mumbled.
“Finally having dinner with the rest of us?” Nazir eyed him “I’am shocked”, “oh be nice” Festus grumbled “here have a plate” he tried to offer the keeper a plate of roasted venison with apple jam but Cicero politely declined it.
“Cicero has something to tell you all” he took a shaky breath “Cicero…has…been seeing someone”
Astrid immediately leapt from the table and stuck a knife to his throat “I KNEW YOU WERE A TRAITOR!” she hissed, “Astrid wait!” Babbett cried “let him finish, it’s not what you think”, “Babbs?...you knew?” she stared in disbelief at the unchild, “he told me to keep it a secret” she shrugged.
Astrid let him up “Alright Fool…what is your secret?” she hissed venomously at him…
Cicero was quiet at first “...Cicero…has been seeing this girl…she likes Cicero and Cicero likes her…”, “well that's complete bullshit” Arnbjorn grumbled. “ARN!” Babbett snapped, “there ain't no way in the void there is ANYONE who would romantically wanna be involved with him” Arnbjorn shrugged, Veezara nodded “your story is a little hard to believe”.
Arnbjorn laughed “the day you have a girlfriend is the day Night Mother chooses a listener!”
Cicero began to laugh hysterically “GOOD!” he howled
(The next day)
Mattilda was overjoyed to be meeting some of Cicero’s folks! 
She had used some of her saved up gold to go all out on beauty supplies so she could look her best, gotta make a good first impression after all.
“It looks like a soup” Mattilda said as she fished a flower out of the bubbly bath, it had a little milk and tea in it too, “a soup that will do wonders dear, afterall we don’t want you smelling like a barn” Kit’Tay chuckled as she unceremoniously tossed her into the bath.
She then poured soap onto her hair and viciously started to scrub it into Mattilda’s scalp “OW!” she yelped and pulled away from her, “oh quit being a big baby, pain is beauty”, “if pain is beauty then I’d rather stay ugly” she groaned. 
Kit’Tay then took clay, charcoal, salt, a little honey and butter. 
She mixed it in a bowl and into a paste, she then took a hard scrubbing brush and proceeded to scrub the paste into Mattilda’s skin like she was trying to scrub grease off a pan.
After what felt like hours of this torture the bath had finnaly finished.
Mau’Mau then applied makeup to her face, using delicate hands she enhanced Mattilda’s face by lining her eyes in black and shadowing them with deep browns and golds to accentuate the silvery–blue of her eyes, her lips were then painted a soft red and her cheeks blushed.
Lastly was the dress.
Mau had it specially shipped from Radiant Raiment in Solitude, a slim black dress that hugged the curves and accentuated the bust. When Mattilda slipped it on she felt…fierce.
She had always hidden her appearance…now…she was showing it off. 
“So just who is this mystery man?” Mau’Mau asked her, “Cicero, his name is Cicero”, Mau paused a dreadful look on her face “short imperial man, red hair?...jester?” she gawked, “yeah…how do you?” Mattilda pondered.
“Sugarbean…be careful…he…is part of the dark brotherhood”.
A cold sweat ran down her spine.
“Cicero? An assassin?” she scoffed “you're joking”, Mau shook her head “Astrid told us of a new arrival, he fits the bill to a T” she purred sadly.
Mattilda started to laugh.
“well…I guess I wasn’t the only one keeping secrets”.
(At the Dead Man’s Drink)
Arnbjorn, Nazir and Vizarra were sent to see about Cicero’s “girlfriend”...
“50 septimes he just pulled our legs” Veezara yawned and sipped his mead, “100 septims says he hired some poor woman to pretend to be his girlfriend” Arnbjorn snickered. 
Cicero stood outside the tavern while the others waited inside, the moment he saw Mattilda his heart skipped a beat, she looked so…beautiful…especially dressed in black.
Nazir looked over and nearly spat out his mead “GUYS” he said as he tapped Arnbjron’s shoulder, Veezara and Arnbjorn looked over and their jaws dropped…
Cicero walked in with a cute little thing in a black dress, she was short and built a little like an acrobat but with very powerful and long legs, she was…an elf?...of some sort, a brunette with pale skin and big blue eyes.
She was laughing with him and not in a forced way…she…genuinely…seemed to be enjoying his company, “well I’’l be…” Nazir gasped, “there is no way he landed that, just look at her” Veezara murmured, “welp we're about to find out” Arnbjorn grinned.
“Matti these are Cicero’s half brothers and his family friend: Nazir, Arnbjorn and Veezara” he introduced her, “hi she excitedly beamed, I’am Mattilda Vid-” before she could finish introducing herself Arnbjorn stopped her.
“So Mattilda, what’s your line of work?”, “oh…well…I’am currently more of an adventurer right now but I use to be an alchemist in Helgen” she answered rather awkwardly, Arnbjorn nodded “uh huh…tell me”  he got close to her enough to whisper “and you can be honest, how much is Cicero paying you to be his pretend girlfriend?”
Mattilda gawked “what?!” she gasped, “oh come on” Arnbjorn muttered loud enough for Cicero to hear “did you really think we’d fall for this little joke of yours?” he turned to Cicero, “honestly where'd you find a pretty thing like this? Certainly not in whore houses here-” as soon as those words left his lips he was sent backwards by a powerfuck kick to the face, one strong enough to make him skid across the floor for a few feet.
Veezara and Nazir spat out their mead and gawked in utter shock at what had happened, Cicero grabbed Mattilda and desperately tried to pull her away.
Arnbjorn got up and glared at her…
“How dare you” she hissed “I am no cheap whore and how dare you for insulting Cicero” she growled, “you just signed your death warrant girly” Arnbjorn snarled, Mattilda smirked, showing off her bosmeri fangs “just ask Maven Blackbrier about the name Viddarson, then we’ll see who’s death warrant is signed” she leaned in “and tell Astrid I said hi”.
Chills ran down Arnbjorn’s spine…
Who was this chick?
Mattilda took Cicero’s hand and led him out of the tavern.
“What did you mean by that?” he looked at her, she smiled at him “you don’t need to worry about your family coming after me is all” she chirped, “what how?” he scrambled for words, “I know” is all she replied be for looking into his deep hazel-amber eyes and asking him one simple question.
“Mau and Kit are away “visiting friends” in Riften…would you like to share a bottle of wine with me beside the hearth at my house?”, Cicero pondered, if he was going to spend one last night with Matti before all Oblivion broke loose it would be tonight.
“Cicero would love too” he chirped.
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
“Viddarson” Astrid said the name with a twinge of fear in her breath, “I know but what does it mean?” Arnbjorn asked her, “it means, darling husband of mine…THAT YOU FUCKED UP” she screeched.
“Viddarson is Maven’s personal guy, her PERSONAL guy. If she wants something made to look like a message or an accident she sends us or any other guild member…if she wants somebody GONE OFF THE MAP or their name sullied into poverty she sends Viddarson” Astrid hissed “you just insulted the daughter, no excuse me, the niece of Skyrim’s FUCKING BOOGYMAN”.
Astrid grabbed Arnbjorn’s face and bright it to hers “you are going to apologize to her or so help me Sithis…”, “Astrid I thought we were Skyrim’s boogymen?” he pondered, Astrid sucked in a deep breath “listen to me, Viddarson makes us look like a bunch of weirdos in black pajamas…he is not to be FUCKED with…and nither is his family”.
“now…GO APOLOGIZE!” she snapped.
(next morning)
Cicero awoke next to Mattilda in her bed…with nothing on except his jester hat.
He lovingly gazed at her sleeping form beside him, her little soft snoring and the way her body was curled up next to him reminded him of a bunny rabbit, he cuddled her not wanting this moment to end…not wanting what was to happen…happen…
He wanted her to live.
A knock at the door awoke her from her slumber and Cicero cursed whoever it was, Mattilda looked at the naked jester in her bed…and at her own nude form. She giggled, “I…hope I wasn’t too…well…” she embarrassedly looked at Cicero “it was my first time”, Cicero chuckled and kissed her “it was Cicero’s too, he loved it”.
The knock came more vigorously this time.
“JUST A MOMENT” Mattilda called, “you better get out of here in case it’s Mau or Kit”, “but what if it’s Arnbjorn?” he worried, “like I said you don’t need to worry about that, now come on your clothes are around here somewhere” she chuckled.
Cicero left through the back door when he bumped into Arnbjorn, “look before you go crazy I’am not here to hurt her…I’am here to apologize to her”, “oh…well good serves you right for what you did”.
Mattilda got on her robes and opened the door, there before her was…
“DAD!” she shouted happily as she hugged him tightly.
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unwritrecipes · 3 years
The Book on Pie's Blueberry Clafoutis Pie-Famous Fridays
Happy Friday, my friends! Who’s ready to bake some pie?!! Today we celebrate renowned baker Erin McDowell and her wonderful and extremely comprehensive cookbook, The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies. Whether you’re an expert pie baker or a complete novice on the pie baking front, as long as you ❤️ pie, this Famous Fridays is for you!
There are tons and tons of amazing recipes for pie in this book and it would have been extremely difficult to pick which one to feature but for the fact that my fridge is full of farm-fresh picked blueberries right now, so choosing this Blueberry Clafoutis Pie, was a no-brainer (told you I’d be unleashing a storm of berry recipes!!)
But before we get to this lovely summery pie, I just want to talk about how truly terrific and aptly named this cookbook is. In addition to a slew of fabulous sweet and savory pie recipes, you will learn everything you need to know about crimping and braiding and the lattice technique, how to blind and par-bake and dock, what special tools and pie plates to use and all different sorts of pie toppings, from streusel to nut butter whipped cream to dark chocolate drippy glaze! And everything is written so clearly with helpful little tips and accompanied by stunning glossy photos that you feel confident that no matter which recipe you try, you’re bound to succeed. In other words, this book is a keeper that I really think you’ll use for years and years!
And now finally, onto Blueberry Clafoutis Pie!!! Traditionally, a clafoutis is a homey French crustless dessert made with cherries that has an eggy batter that gets poured over the fruit and baked. Here, Erin brilliantly translates that into pie form, so that the blueberries get surrounded by a light custard AND you get the magic of an all-butter pie crust. So many great flavors and textures!!
Once you’ve put together and par-baked your pie crust (take a look at this post for how to do all that), you brush it with a little egg wash and fill with your berries
Next you whisk together the custard, pour it over those berries
And bake! Easy-peasy and done!
The filling is slightly creamy and perfectly balances out the juicy berries and crisp golden crust!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a cut piece to show you because I brought it to my sister’s house and it sort of got pounced on and disappeared before I could get my camera out, but that only shows how much it was loved, right?!! And sure, I could make this again (and I will) but I wanted you to have this asap since we’re really in the middle of blueberry season right now. In any case, I hope it inspires you to make your own!
So…get yourself a copy of The Book on Pie as soon as you can—with all the fresh fruit around, now is such a great time to bake pies and have a wonderful, safe and pie-filled weekend!!xoxo
The Book on Pie’s Blueberry Clafoutis Pie-Famous Fridays
Makes one 9-inch pie
Prep Time for Crust: 15 minutes, plus several hours chilling time, rolling out and par-baking. Prep Time for Filling: 10 minutes; Bake Time: 45-55 minutes
For the crust
1 ½ cups unbleached, all-purpose flour, plus extra for rolling out
1 ½ teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons (½ cup) unsalted butter, cut into small cubes and chilled
⅓ cup cold water
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
Ice Cubes
1 large egg whisked with 1 tablespoon cool water, for egg wash
For the filling
10 ounces fresh blueberries
1 vanilla bean, cut lengthwise
½ cup sugar
¼ cup unbleached, all-purpose flour
1 cup whole milk
⅓ cup heavy cream
3 large eggs
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
Pinch of cinnamon
Confectioners’ sugar for dusting, optional (I didn’t use)
The Recipe
1. For the crust: Add the flour, sugar and salt to the bowl of a food processor and pulse a few times to blend. Add in the chilled butter and pulse a few times until the butter has become the size of small peas.
2. Into the ⅓ cup cold water, add the vinegar and stir. Then add enough ice cubes to raise the level to ½ cup. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixture to the flour mixture and pulse a few times to incorporate it. It will look very crumbly. Then add 1 more tablespoon and pulse again a few times. You should see the mixture start to come together in a shaggy way with lots of crumbly bits. If you absolutely think you need to, add one more tablespoon of water. I never need to—it’s better for your dough to be too dry than too wet.
3. Turn the crumbly dough out onto a very lightly floured surface and gather it all into a ball. Make sure to scrape out the bowl of the processor—sometimes some of the wet parts of the dough get a little stuck and form the whole thing into a ball. Then flatten into a disk, wrap well in plastic wrap and chill for several hours and even better, overnight.
4. When you are ready to roll out the dough, flour a board or counter with a little flour and flour your rolling pin too. If the dough is very stiff (mine usually is) let it sit out on the counter for about 20 minutes till it seems pliable. Roll out the dough, rolling from the center out and to a corner, then lifting the dough off the surface of the board and giving it a little ¼ turn and rolling again, repeating the process until you’re rolled the dough out into a circle that’s a couple of inches wider in diameter than the pie plate.
5. Fold the dough in half and transfer to the pie plate, unrolling it and then carefully easing it down onto the bottom and sides—no stretching! Fold the overhang over and crimp/decorate the edges any way you like. The easiest way is to just use the tines of a fork pressed into the dough to create a little pattern. Now prick the bottom and sides all over with the tines of the fork.
6. Place the pie plate in the freezer for 30 minutes.
7. Meanwhile preheat your oven to 425ºF. When the 30 minutes are up, line the pie with a piece of aluminum foil or parchment paper and either pie weights or beans. If any of the edges stick out, cut little pieces of foil to fit over them. Bake about 15 minutes and then remove the foil and weights. Return to the oven for about 2-4 minutes more until crust is golden brown and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
8. To make the filling: Place a rack in the bottom third of the oven and preheat oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the cooled pie shell onto it. Brush the pie shell all over with the egg wash and then fill with the berries, spreading them out evenly. Set aside.
9. Place the sugar in a medium bowl and scrape the seeds out from the vanilla bean into the bowl (discard the pod, or add to some sugar to make vanilla sugar). Use your fingers to rub the vanilla bean seeds into the sugar so that the sugar gets infused with the vanilla. Whisk in the flour. Then add the milk, cream and eggs and whisk well to combine. Whisk in the salt and cinnamon. Pour the liquid over the berries in the crust and kind of spread it around if it doesn’t distribute evenly.
10. Bake for 45-55 minutes, until the custard is set at the edges but the center is still a little jiggly when you gently shake the pan. Let cool on a wire rack and either dust with the confectioners’ sugar or not and serve. You can serve this while it’s still warm or at room temperature. Like all fruit pies this is best on the day that it is made.
Note: Recipe adapted from The Book on Pie by Erin Jeannne McDowell. I used this pie crust recipe because it’s been my reliable go-to for years now, but I have used Erin’s too and it’s also terrific.
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Living in Costa Rica - A First Week of Adventures and Shopping
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I'm encountering Costa Rica starting from the earliest stage - in a real sense. Because of my semi-far off area and the way that I don't yet have a vehicle implies I'm putting my soles to the ground and getting a move on all over a mountainside looking for day by day necessities. During my first week, the entirety of my time from waking to resting was spent dealing with easily overlooked details to cause another house and area to feel like home.
We are living in Las Nubes de (the billows of ) Coronado, Costa Rica. To get to our area; start in the Focal Valley of San Jose, go Northwest up into the mountains past Guadalupe, through Moravia, at that point through Coronado lastly up to San Rafael/Las Nubes. For better reference, an online guide is accessible here: Las Nubes de Coronado, Costa Rica, C.A..
We're up here in the mountains where the climate is continually Spring-like, the hummingbirds go to day by day to the blooming trees, Junior picks from the trees nectarines and bananas and from the brambles red and green peppers. 500 meters beneath us is a functioning dairy farm total with bull pulled trucks for moving around feed grasses and keeping in mind that we stroll by both milk cows and chickens nibble street side. The evenings are cold, yet we have an extraordinary huge chimney that keeps us warm and comfortable ... we simply need to discover a hotspot for more kindling (one of the many, numerous things on my extremely, long plan for the day)
The transport from Coronado runs around each half-hour and the last stop is 400 meters underneath our home. Junior and I have been bringing the transport down and back from Coronado day by day at an expense of 310 colones ($00.62) every route for the two of us. In Coronado we generally invest energy at a Web bistro, eat a supper and do some looking for family things like food and cleaning supplies. At that point it has returned to the transport terminal to get our transport for the ride up. The last 400 meter climb up to the house with our rucksacks and packs of buys can leave you short of breath.
One of our more critical excursions to Coronado included my discernment that all ATM's are made equivalent. In the states I never stressed over how minimal expenditure was in my pocket because of the immense number and dependability of ATM machines. In Coronado there are just two ATMs that I am aware of: one at Banco de Costa Rica (BCR) and the other at Banco Nacional (BN). Without giving an excessive amount of consideration I spent my way down to around 100 colones and when I went to the ATMs for more cash, I was denied admittance to assets by both. Junior and I gazed toward the peak, realizing that some place near the top was our home ... so away we went - strolling roughly 7 kilometers up and up and up and up .... furthermore, up! About 90 minutes after the fact we were home and sore - and yet, it was somewhat fun. All things considered, many travel from around the world to climb the mountains of Costa Rica and we had the posh issue of expecting to finish a climb only for returning home! See here Dairy Farm Residences
Friday, February 29th we got an opportunity to see somewhat a greater amount of the space on account of John's companion Arne. Today Junior and I took a taxi to San Antonio de Coronado (a territory underneath Coronado) to meet with Arne for a little shopping. The nearer you get to the capital city of San Jose, the really shopping assortment you need to browse. In our movements we went to stores in the barrios of San Pedro, Guadalupe and Moravia.
In Costa Rica there is an assortment of store (tienda) decisions going from minimalistic living space front stores (in a real sense) to the immense markdown and club outlet center (like a Sam's or Costco).
* Home-front stores regularly marked as a "pulperia" or "abastecedor" are typically situated in the front part of a construction or building that is generally a home. A basic sign out front or simply a sign painted on the structure indicates this sort of tienda where you can get a speedy bite fix like a pack of Funions and a Coke.
* Supermarkets can likewise be little owner shops up to bigger stores frequently alluded to as "Scaled down" or "Uber Supers". A basic food item chain comprising of medium sized stores in numerous spaces of Costa Rica is designated "Pali" (possessed by Wal-shop, articulated: dad LI). Pali is like U.S. based Aldi Food Stores in that they give essential staples like milk, beans, rice, snacks, cleaning supplies, and so on - complete with a sack it-yourself administration. Basic food item chains that more take after standard U.S. supermarkets are MasXMenos (another Wal-store possessed chain), Smaller than normal Uber Super, Uber Super and others. In these stores you will discover most all that expected to stock your home - even Jif crunchy peanut butter!
* Claim to fame Stores can again be little owner shops or corporate retailers that sell a specific kind of product like garments, furniture, gadgets, pet supplies, and so on, and so forth
- I bought a PC APC Back-UPS flood defender/battery back-up (model # BE350R) for $40.80 from a PC/gadgets chain called Group3C (Grupo3C) that has stores in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and El Salvador. The name of the Costa Rica store is called COC.CO (I think :o) situated in San Pedro.
- Subsequent to shopping a few bargain retailers (see underneath) I wound up tracking down a more ideal arrangement on a microwave at a forte store called El Verdugo in Moravia. My buy was a Haier 1,000 watt treated steel microwave (model # MWM10100SS) for $101.80
* Rebate or Club Stores offer the shopping experience of a Sam's Club or Costco. Hiper Mas (a completely possessed Wal-shop auxiliary - seeing a pattern?!) and Value Savvy are two of these sorts of stores ... be that as it may, anyplace, shop these stores against one another and claim to fame stores for cost and item. Actually like a club offering free beverages and comps, the way these all inclusive resource stores work together is to draw you in for some limited items while charging distribute more for different things. All in all, in case you're not cautious - net increase goes to the house.
- Value Shrewd club store model costs (Moravia store, 02/29/08):
+ Philips 50" Plasma - $2,600.00
+ Frigidaire Clothes washer (model FWS9333FS) - $475.00
+ sofa set (Sovereign sofa-bed, bed skirt, 3 little ornamental pads, 2 cushion cases - no sheets) - $70.00
+ cover (a delicate sovereign measured) - $38.00
+ sharp cheddar - $13.00/2lb bundle
+ bed pad (standard) - $10.60
+ sofa cushion (little delicate square) - $14.00
+ pistachios - $9.20/2lb bundle
+ sausages (enormous pack) - $8.00/37 franks
+ trail blend - $7.40/2lb bundle
+ Land-O-Ice Nectar Ham lunch get-together meat - $5.20/1lb bundle
+ Land-O-Ice Turkey Bosom lunch meeting meat - $5.40/1lb bundle
As illustrated, costs for specific things in Costa Rica might be higher than in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and so forth - however work and administrations are typically a lot less expensive in Costa Rica than somewhere else. Unfamiliar occupants, retired folks, and so on wind up purchasing the costly clothes washer and grass hardware at that point pay homegrown workers to run them (ie: employ a house keeper/cook/grounds-keeper ... indeed, even on an unassuming or retirement pay).
* Private Bilingual Essential (grade) School - $200.00/month (with many included additional items; soccer group, acrobatic, dance, cheer driving crew, math club, and so forth)
* Exercise center Enrollment - $13.00/month (complete with Vigorous exercise, Step Preparing, Turning, Tae-bo and classical loads and hardware)
* Hair style - $3.00 men and $4.00 ladies
* Supper for 2 - $10.00 including some espresso or soft drink each
Because of the greater expenses for some 'once buy' things, numerous unfamiliar inhabitants that live, have second or summer homes or simply invest a lot of energy in Costa Rica decide to make specific acquisition of gadgets, machines and different things somewhere else on the planet and bring or have them delivered to Costa Rica as an expense reserve funds measure ... yet, be cautious!
The absolute most ideal approach to carry anything into the nation is to actually convey it in your gear when you travel. Nonetheless, Costa Rica has sorted this out as well. In the wake of showing up in Costa Rica, your sacks will be x-rayed for un-announced things (indeed, I said in the wake of showing up - as in, after you have recovered your baggage and before you leave the air terminal!) So utilize your best judgment in rounding out those traditions statements. You are permitted a specific dollar measure of new things per each such countless months too utilized individual things with no traditions charges. Knowing this, on the off chance that you are bringing any new thing into Costa Rica and you don't anticipate announcing it as new and available, it is ideal to eliminate the new thing from its unique bundling before putting it in your baggage.
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crdenhart · 5 years
15 for ‘19: My Favorite Films of 2019
Here are my top 15 movies of 2019 and my brief thoughts on each or better yet, my attempts to say more than just “this movie is really good and you should check it out.”
15. A Marriage Story
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Stellar performances by Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson and the rest of the cast. Quite realistic depiction of a married couple going through a divorce.
14. Rambo: Last Blood
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I like how this film changes the formula a bit from the past several Rambo movies by having Rambo at home in America and not sent on a one-man-army mission to a foreign country. Stallone gives another great performance as John Rambo even in his old age, and I would like to see him continue the franchise.
13. Us
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Creepy, edge-of-your-seat thriller! Interesting commentary on the differences between social classes. I actually have vacationed in Santa Cruz where the film takes place so it was cool to see it on screen!
12. The Peanut Butter Falcon
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Shia LaBeouf (who has not starred in anything significant for awhile) gives a good performance. Heartwarming story and fun to watch! There needs to be more “small” movies like this that are just about the adventures of “normal” people and not big spectacles all the time.
11. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
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Tarantino brings the 1960s alive by perfectly recreating the look and feel of the era! When I first saw the movie, I wasn’t sure what to think of it, but after dwelling on the movie since I have come to realize it is a brilliant film.
10. The Two Popes
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Incredible performances by Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict XVI and Jonathan Pryce as Pope Francis! I like that the film displays the religious ideological differences between the two popes and presents history of Pope Francis I did not know.
9. Richard Jewell
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One of director Clint Eastwood’s best movies in recent years (it’s incredible he able to still produce such great work at nearly 90 years old). Intriguing true-life story I knew little about before the movie!
8. El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
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An immensely satisfying continuation to the Breaking Bad series! Aaron Paul gives yet another fantastic performance returning to the role of Jesse Pinkman. Also, this film marks legendary actor Robert Forster’s final performance; may he rest in peace. I am anxious to see how the events of this film will impact Better Call Saul and future entrees in the universe.
7. Under the Silver Lake
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I really like how the movie is essentially a modern Alfred Hitchcock thriller with similar style, tone, and music to films like Vertigo and The Man Who Knew Too Much. Andrew Garfield gives a good performance as well. I would like to see more cryptic mystery thrillers like this film.
6. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
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Yet again more great performances by Adam Driver and Jonathan Pryce. I myself am an independent filmmaker so I gravitate towards films like this one in which filmmaking is a major plot point. Filmmaker Terry Gilliam (Monty Python, Brazil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) continues the style and tone of his previous work, so if you like his films, definitely check this out. The film had been in development for over 20 years so it is wonderful to see it finally completed.
5. Toy Story 4
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I have followed this series since I was 2 years old, so these films are very important to me. Toy Story 4 is a very satisfying conclusion to the series (assuming this is the last one)! It was so emotionally enthralling when Woody and Buzz decide to part ways in the end. I also like how the film continues the series’ tradition of pushing the boundaries of computer animation with this film having the most realistic CGI I have ever seen.
4. Doctor Sleep
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When this movie was first announced, I screamed “No, please don’t ruin the legacy of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining!” Boy, was I happily surprised to find Doctor Sleep to not only be a great movie but one that enhances the original film! I love how the film is stylistically identical to Kubrick’s Shining in many parts and that it uses spot-on lookalike actors instead of resorting to uncanny-valley CGI replacements (i.e. Carrie Fisher in Rise of Skywalker). When this movie eventually comes to home video, I want to watch it back-to-back with The Shining to see the “complete” work.
3. Joker
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Joaquin Phoenix deserves awards for best actor for his powerhouse performance as The Joker! I also like that the film reminds audiences of the Occupy Movement since politics/media in recent years has tried to make everything “ant-Trump” instead of focusing on issues related to income inequality, which I believe is a more realistic problem our nation needs to address.
2. Parasite
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One of the best modern Asian films I have ever seen! Really captures how desperate people can get to improve their livelihood and how people of different socioeconomic classes perceive life.
1. The Lighthouse
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Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson give incredible performances as keepers of a lighthouse in the late 1800s who gradually descend into madness. The cinematography is incredible with its use of black-and-white and 4:3 aspect ratio to make the film appear like it was shot in the era in which it takes places. Movie also is rich in symbolism and esoteric meanings that I will need watch again and again to pick up on. Definitely best film of the year!
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tumbleranch-dorm · 4 years
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“I do not care what other’s say about their pointless excuses. Now.....focus on you’re work and GET MOVING!”
Name: Clinton Hollingsbeck
Japanese: クリントン・ホリングスベック
Romanji: Kurinton Horingusubekku
Other Name:
C (Ferd)
Four-eye bastard (Eb)
Weasel (Leona & Ruggie)
Monsieur Occupé (Rook)
Sardine (Floyd)
Voiced by Jun Fukuyama
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: September 22
Starsign: Virgo
Height: 177 cm
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Coffee Brown
Homeland: Town of Iron Pistol
Family: Father, Mother, Grandfather
Dorm: Tumbleranch
School Year: Second
Class: 2-B Student no. 03
Occupation: Student and Vice Dorm Leader
Club: Boardgame Club
Best Subject: Magic Analysis
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Melted Butter Corn
Least Favorite Food: Toffee
Dislikes: Dawdle
Hobby: Preserve Mini Trains
Talents: Arithmancy
Manipulate speed of time: back, forth & freeze time from his pocket watch because that’s where his power source comes from. The effects will lasts within 5 minutes short or so depending on how much magic the user’s would hold a grip. Although, with much instability will consequently lead to have black smudges in his magic pen. This must always be guarded with him at all cost and of course, will not use for a personal gain.....especially fall to the wrong owner.
Clinton is a very intelligent and strategic individual able to solve problems both real life & magic without breaking his sweat that many claimed he’s one of the smartest student in 2nd year class which of his classmates immediately ask or approach him for cheat codes. He also had a strict attitude too strict to be exact but not a tyrant as Riddle taking the responsibility of vice, he would take this attentiveness and never overlooked from his duties too very serious claiming he’s a perfectionist doing the things in his own way to be exact perfect. Clinton would feel ashamed of himself or rather over dramatically won’t forgive himself making such mistakes whether it’s minor or not it must always be perfect for him! which most people find him very troublesome sometimes however he’s mostly calm.
With that seriousness, he does give off a solemn expression as if he’s displeased on something, well technically it is and that’s his natural expression which is mainly because his impatience and couldn’t forgive anyone who’d slack off from their respective duties. His impatience would grew more while he’d likely would teach someone a lesson of those who couldn’t do their job seriously especially to troublemakers. He’s also sane as Ferd, Clinton wouldn’t want himself to get involved in any unnecessary events except got dragged by others then ended up blamed for their cause which mostly the head and vice are the ones cleaning up the messes. His desperate wish of his peers needs obedience and this chaotic dorm to be NOT chaotic. He’d rather find friends who aren’t dangerously chaotic while in exchange, he’ll treat them less harsh but friendly towards them.
In secret, he has a cute side of him that he likes to collect mini trains and making DIY miniature land but he hides his embarrassing dorkish side from everyone’s beliefs and wouldn’t let his guard down when people have high expectations of him being the serious type or else he’d feel a bit vulnerable. The only one who knew about his obsession of trains is Ferd. Although, most people find him very odd everytime he shared his short-term predictions to anyone even to reveal someone’s plans when they’re in unusual situation. For example, If someone think about secretly causing mischief as drawing graffiti on the 7 statues then framing other students of doing it, Clinton was able to tell them the possibility of their devious scheme would end up badly as they found out the smudges of paint were exposed from their shoes which makes them to clean up the statues then get expelled from Headmaster Crowley. With that, he was well-prepared to prevent those troublemaker scheme after he warned them about the consequences. How did he predict the bad omen beforehand? Who knows. But it seems he have seen the misfortune outcome before
His family, mainly his father (works as a CEO) and grandfather (a former president), runs their marketing cooperation “H. Beck” in Town of Iron Pistol. The cooperation used to be a big time industry but due to its recent bankruptcy, his father & grandfather were often busy leaving Clinton with his mother‘s care at home so his mother raised him wholeheartedly and the only parent who’s ever been there for little Clinton except between Clinton and his father had not enough time for father & son bonding then later on, both grew apart from conversing each other rarely except in dinner. It’s not that they have an argument but his father often caught up work over spending time with Clinton. It wasn’t last long when his father called out his mother to help him the issues in the company and without a choice to leave little Clinton in a caretaker’s care in the house. Being isolated by his parents affected him often studying by himself learning advance magic in order to work his best to gain much knowledge just like his parents without an interest making friends or enjoy any children s play at a young age. None of the family wouldn’t notice the loneliness he’s been through, thought it was ok for him without a complaint.
Until one day, his father luckily had a negotiation with the mayor of the town, who is actually Ferdrick’s father, to work alongside him in order to save the family’s business. Both fathers have slowly become close colleagues believing their cooperation won’t last but to continue their long-term business partnership. While for their sons: Clinton & Ferd had their first meeting which Clinton found & made ever first friend with the son of the influenced mayor then both quickly became friends. That time his point of view have changed him a bit thanks to Ferdrick’s companionships but still what he wanted his parent’s to take notice of him. Still.....it couldn’t be helped. At least this time Clinton’s grandfather was in turn to look after him. He did cared for his grandfather very much as he treated Clinton heart-kinded like his mother and like a real father to him, not like his real father who’s never been there. The most precious object that his grandfather gave to him is the family’s hairloom pocket watch.
According to his grandfather, the old pocket contains a powerful magic that enables to manipulate timespeed. So powerful that if you made a single change can cause the effect of the future. Every male heirs has to pass it on to the next heir, to be the keeper of the artifact. It was supposedly his father ‘s turn but didn’t get a chance due to his overwork and instead, he handed to Clinton. Not only to pass it on but to remind himself the pocket watch, itself has much love for Clinton from his family including previous generations
He’s twisted version of Mr. Wesley the businessman
Him and Ferd are childhood friends
The pocket watch was made by his grandfather
He secretly has a miniature land and collections of small trains kept in his room. It was just a rumor but no one ever confirms it
Other than his duty as vice, he does do other minor work like a househusband doing much of cleaning, cooking and fixing
Wants to become a businessman someday. He’s well prepared knowing how to manage finances and running a business. With that, he and Ferd had a good-term business friendship
Clinton can count money quicker with just a glance
He knows about all Heartslabyul’s rules because strangely he was fascinated by that
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minuutti · 4 years
tag game 50 q’s
thanks @icantwritegood for the tag! 😊
what is the color of your hairbrush? black & i also have a pink one
name a food you never eat: bananas, something about the texture just gives me the heebie jeebies
are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold most of the time
what were you doing 45 mins ago? showering probably
what’s your favorite candy bar? wispa but you can’t get it where i live & it makes me sad :(
have you ever been to a professional sports game? i don’t think so
what is the last thing you said out loud? i was singing if that counts? if not it was probably when i said thank you to the cashier at the shop
what is your favorite ice cream? i’m not the biggest fan of ice cream to be honest? i prefer sorbet and stuff
what was the last thing you had to drink? water
do you like your wallet? i recently finally got a new one to replace my old one that i’d had for over 10 years and that was absolutely falling apart so yeah, it’s nice to have a cute one now!
what is the last thing you ate? a chocolate bar
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no
what’s the last sporting event you watched? i don’t... watch sports
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? just good ol’ salt and butter!
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend :)
ever been camping? once or twice when i was little, don’t remember much about it! i would like to go again at some point now as an adult
do you take vitamins? iron supplements but i keep forgetting to take those more often than not
do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
do you have a tan? i might have had a slight one in the summer but now definitely not
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? i love both! depends on the mood
do you drink your soda through a straw? not really unless i get it at a fast food place or something
what color socks do you usually wear? black or white, i’m boring
do you ever drive above the speed limit? not on purpose........
what terrifies you? the state of the world. but also like. bugs
look to your left, what do you see? my vase of flowers i got over a week ago & they’re still going strong!
what chore do you hate most? vacuuming probably just because my vacuum is so loud and awful
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i love it honestly!
what’s your favorite soda? any cola drink
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? go in, drive thrus stress me out
what’s your favorite number? 7 or 9!
who’s the last person you talked to? in person? the cashier
favorite cut of beef? i don’t eat beef
last song you listened to? while we’re young by jhené aiko
last book you read? finished? i started the canary keeper but haven’t finished it yet. the last book i finished was probably if you come softly.
favorite day of the week? saturday! chill vibes
can you say the alphabet backwards? if i tried really hard i probably could?
how do you like your coffee? with a bit of oat milk. no sugar
favorite pair of shoes? i don’t really have one? i recently got a pair of boots i really like though
time you normally get up? somewhere between 6.30 and 7
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets because when i’m awake at sunrise i’m rarely in the mood to appreciate it lol
how many blankets on your bed? just the one
describe your kitchen plates. white with black stripes & i also have a set of super cute patterned ones with a bunch of colours
describe your kitchen at the moment. a mess but my plants are thriving
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? it depends on the mood honestly, so not really
do you play cards? very very rarely. so rarely that whenever i do i have usually forgotten the rules to every card game i’ve ever played and people have to keep teaching me them again every time
what color is your car? a dark grey
can you change a tire? in theory? yes. in practice? uhh
your favorite state? i honestly have no idea i've never been to the us
favorite job you’ve had? there’s always been something i’ve liked about every job i’ve had even if it wasn’t necessarily my dream job, but i like what i do now the most!
tagging: @its-just-cherries @virfujiwara & anyone else who would like to do this!
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rose-demica · 4 years
44, Burn
Fandom: Doctor Who, New Doctor Who
Series: Something of a Bother, 100 Prompt Challenge,
Pairings: The Doctor (Ten) / The Lady, Master (Simms) x The Keeper
Warnings: Swearing, one 2nd degree burn, 
“OWW FUCK!” The Lady screeched, a loud clatter following afterwards, The Doctor quickly jumped out of bed, throwing on random clothes and racing for the kitchen.
“Fuck! Fuck Fuck! OWW!!” She swore, holding her right hand loosely in her left.
“My Lady?” The Doctor asked, crossing over to her side, one hand wrapped around her waist, the other trailing up her arm to look at her hand.
“I wanted to make you all breakfast.” The Lady whispered, and the Doctor pressed a kiss to her cheek softly.
“1 being the least, 10 the most how much does it hurt?” He asked softly, noticing the tears pooling in her eyes.
“7” She replied, the Doctor lightly ran a finger over her hand, and she bit her lip tightly to prevent screaming, but the tears streamed from her eyes.
“Alright.” The Doctor lead her over to the tap, and lightly ran cold water over the skin,
“Does it help?” He asked, and the girl nodded, tears still streaming down her cheeks.
“This must be the first time I’m ever thankful that you’re not only a light sleeper, but that you were also forced through medical school.” The Lady smiled, ignoring the tears.
“I have to agree my lady.” The Doctor replied, drawing his arm away from her waist.
“Just keep the water running over your hand alright, I think I have a burn kit in the pantry.” He kissed her cheek again, before walking over to the pantry, unfortunately, like everything else in the Tardis, it was much bigger on the inside.
“Tardis, Burn cream and bandage please.” The Pantry whizzed around the Doctor, stopping with one shelf right in front of him.
“Thanks.” The Doctor picked up the bandages and Cream, heading back out the door.
“That was quick.” The Lady commented, wincing as the water heated momentarily,
“On it. ” The Gallifreyan rang through the room.
“She hates seeing you hurt just as much as I do.” The Doctor put the cream and bandages on the bench, turning off the water.
“This is going to hurt for a little while alright?” The Doctor pressed his lips to her temple, before shutting off the water, and gently towelling her hand dry.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered, knowing the pain she was in, and unable to help her. Ever so gently he rubbed the icy burn cream over her hand.
“I went to New New York once or twice, I got this cream, It’ll heal your hand soon, okay, better in a day or so rather than the weeks it’ll take to heal these second degree burns, second longer and it would have been worse.” The Doctor lifted her up to sit on the bench, gently reaching for her hand, and wrapping the bandage around her hand.
“Now it’s gonna hurt like a bitch, and when it does, you come back to me and I’ll put more cream on.” He smiled at her, and she nodded, the tears no longer streaming down her face. The Doctor reached up and wiped the remnants of her tears away, and as he was about to pull his hand back, the Lady’s good hand reached up to stop it, and she rested her head in his palm.
“Thank you.” She whispered, pressing her lips to his palm, before gently tugging his body closer to hug him.
“It was my pleasure my Lady.” He replied, holding the girl tightly.
“Doctor I-”
“Why on earth was my water freezing cold?” The Keeper demanded, entering the room.
“Your shower heated the water in here, and my lady burnt her hand, we needed icy cold water.” The Doctor stepped away from the Lady, picking her up to place her back down on the floor, he slipped his arms around her waist.
“Lets go sit you down, and I’ll finish making breakfast.” The Doctor pulled out the chair from her, kissing her temple.
“There’s pancake mix in the seat, and the pans... on the ground over there.” The Lady said sheepishly,  the Doctor smiled,
“Pancakes and Bacon it is my lady.” He smiled
"and you've already done most the hard work."
"How did you burn your hand?" The Keeper asked, watching her best friend closely.
"The butter wasn't melting, so I checked to see if it was working and hot." The Doctor turned,
"Sweetheart, did you use this here?" He asked, holding up something that looked alot like butter, the lady nodded.
"Oh, sweetheart, this is a metal replica of butter, it wouldn't have melted." He abandoned the food to cross to the Lady's side, and The Keeper took his place.
"I'm sorry." The Lady whispered,
"It's perfectly alright sweetheart." The Doctor smiled,
"When you're all healed we can go beat up the Master for switching them, alright?" The Lady smiled,
"Really sweetheart." He kissed her forehead softly.
"Hand feeling better?"
"Much, thanks Doc."
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