#Top 7 Butter Keeper
The 7 Best Butter Keepers
A butter keeper, also known as a butter dish or butter crock, is a kitchen container used to store and keep butter at room temperature. It is designed to maintain the spreadable consistency of butter while preventing it from spoiling or becoming rancid. The traditional butter keeper consists of two parts: a base and a lid. The base is a shallow dish that holds the softened butter, and the lid acts as a cover to seal the butter inside. Some butter keepers may have a water seal or an airtight design to create a barrier between the butter and the outside air, preserving its freshness.
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illicien · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @hiddenxplaces-blog
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel. Specifically TFATWS at the moment.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
Time-Lost (IronStrange) Fathomless (IronStrange) Scribbles On Our Souls (DrPepperony) Heart of Gold (IronStrangeFrost) Persistence (IronStrange)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost every time. Sometimes I get a bit caught up or delayed, but typically I respond to comments pretty regularly. I love chatting with readers!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I've actively posted the fic with the truly angsty ending, yet, so I think the closest is probably a bittersweet ending with Still Here. (IronStrange / Stephen & Peter)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well this one took a sec. Keeper (IronStrange), probably?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh not typically to my face, no.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover:
I don't really do crossovers, so really the only crossover I can think of plainly is the DRoP/IronStrange fic we did, Heart of Gold.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've seen so far.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A fair few of them. 💓
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep. A few!
14. All time favorite ship?
"All-time"? Time hasn't ended, I could hardly say. 😏
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point? Embraced. And I'm so sorry to everyone who was waiting for more.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Wait you want me to say nice things about myself? Goddamnit. I used to think dialogue was a weakness of mine, but I think I've improved a lot over the last couple of years since writing scripts necessitated writing solid dialogue, so I'm pretty confident in that, now. I'm also fairly strong where creating lore and histories are concerned; you want me to explain the magic in a universe? I've got you. You want to know the history of a region? I've got that down, too. World-building in general is my bread and butter.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Does "actually finishing a story" count? The reality is, I lose motivation really easily. I function best when I have someone to consistently bat ideas and things back and forth with, otherwise I get severely in my head about things to the detriment of whatever I'm writing. I also rely more heavily on degree modifiers than I should, and while I'm aware of it I still suck at minimizing it.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I find it highly dependent on whose PoV the story is in. If the PoV character doesn't speak the language, I love being just as confused as them by not knowing the language. If the PoV character does speak the language I can be a little more picky about it, unless it's simply a singular word of endearment or something, because those can be difficult to translate even if you know both of the languages. But I have a love of and fascination with languages.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Uh.... Yu-Gi-Oh!, I think?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
What an excellent question. I'm actually really proud of (Loss Of) Control (WinterBaron). I set out with some really specific goals for what I wanted to accomplish with it, and I mostly succeeded. There's definitely a section that's weaker than the others, but I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and made an effort to tackle a trope I'd never written in fic, and to tackle an element of that trope that I felt like I wanted to see handled more in depth. And I'm proud of the result.
Tagging -> @descaladumidera @atypical-snowman @amethyst-noir @jeromesankaraao3
@the-elle-kat @kiki-shortsnout @turtleoftheabyss
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texastrophyhunters · 1 year
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Redfish on the Half Shell
By Will Leschper
Redfish on the Texas coast are prolific and tasty. Here’s an easy recipe to enjoy one of our best-eating game fish if you have success at the jetties!
• 4 to 6 redfish fillets with skin and scales on (one keeper-size fillet is good for at least one person)
• 6 tablespoons olive oil
• 2-3 lemons, halved
• salt and pepper, to taste
• *Paul Prudhomme’s Blackened Redfish Magic seasoning blend (You also can use fresh chopped herbs such as basil, mint or parsley in place of an all-in-one blend; there’s also Tony Chachere’s line of seafood spices that work great)
• *Compound butter mixture with the fresh herbs (optional, in place of olive oil or in addition to oil)
Preheat your outdoor grill. Take your redfish fillets (with skin/scales still on one side) and drizzle/brush with olive oil. Sprinkle your seasoning mixture and salt and pepper on top of the oil.
Grill the fish, flesh side down, over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Flip the fillet so the scales are on the grilling surface and cook for another 5 to 7 minutes, or until cooked through to your liking. Squeeze a lemon half over each fillet. You also can spoon the compound butter mixture on top as well. Spoon out the flesh that should release easily from the skin and serve by itself, with pasta or accompanying your favorite sides.
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ellcrys · 2 years
fb memories man
snapshot of joanna from 14 years ago looooool
Let others know a little more about yourself. Re-post this as your name followed by "ology" IF I TAGGED YOU, PLEASE PUT THIS UP ON YOUR PAGE AS A NOTE AND TAG SOME OTHER PEOPLE! ***********FOOD-OLOGY*************** What is your salad dressing of choice? Caesar What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Dude, are you forcing me to choose? Food you could eat for weeks and not get tired of it? Anything that’s not a vegetable What are your pizza toppings of choice? Cheese and pepperoni What do you like to put on your toast? Butter! **********TECHNOLOGY*************** How many television sets are in your house? 3 What color cell phone do you have? RED! ***************BIOLOGY****************** Are you right handed or left handed? Right Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Umm… I don’t think so… What is the last heavy item you lifted? 30 lbs. during gym (weightlifting) Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Nope :D ************BULLCRAPOLOGY************** If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? NO! That would be so depressing... If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Destiny (My fellow Keepers know why :D) Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? No. Are you kidding me? You’re gonna die if you do that… I like life. ************DUMBOLOGY****************** How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? Way too many to count Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Never Last person you talked to: My mom Last person you hugged? My mom **************FAVORITOLOGY**************** Season? Summer Holiday? Christmas Day of the week? Saturday Month? January ***********CURRENTOLOGY***************** Missing someone? Not at the moment Mood? Relaxed What are you listening to? Everything Burns (artist: Ben Moody ft. Anastacia) Watching? The computer screen Worrying about? Well, since I’m relaxed, nothing at the moment but once I get off, prob gonna be SATs, scheduling, and college shit ***************RANDOMOLOGY***************** First place you went this morning? Bathroom Do you smile often? I would think so QUESTIONS 1) Do you always answer your phone? Yup! Unless I’m busy or whatever and can’t get to it. 2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? Someone who is clearly crazy 3) If you could change your eye color, what would it be? I love my eyes the way they are 4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Sonic? What the heck is that? 5) Do you own a digital camera? No, but we have a family one that we share 6) Have you ever had a pet fish? Yeah, but they kind of died on me… lol 7) Favorite Christmas song? Can’t decide 8) What's on your wish list for your birthday? Nothing at the moment 9) Can you do push-ups? Are you talking actual push-ups or crappy ones? 10) Can you do a chin up? Like, one. Hahahah, I’m so weak! 11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Um, depends on the topic 12) Do you have any saved texts? Yeah… 13) Ever been in a car wreck? Nope and hope I won’t ever be in one 14) Do you have an accent? My friends all say I do but I dunno… 15) What is the last song to make you cry? You expect me to remember this? 16) Plans tonight? SAT crap I have to do 17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? No comprendo la pregunta…. 18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week. Lunch (at school), and that’s about it 19) Have you ever been given roses? lol, nope 20) Current worry? Stupid college shit, SATs, what AP courses to take next year, and school in general 21) Current hate right now? STUPID COLLEGE PLANNING!!! 22) Met someone who changed your life? All of my dearest friends have in some way changed me. LOVE YOU GUYS! <3 23) How did you bring in the New Year? I think I was sleeping… lol 24) What song represents you? I don’t think I’ve found the right one yet :D 25) Name three people who might complete this? Don’t really know. I’m doing it just because 26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Sleeping 27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? My weird dream that I can’t remember 28) What did you dream of last night? Again, can’t remember 29) What’s your biggest fear? Umm… honestly, I don’t think I have one right now
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agirlneedsgoals · 3 years
Lazy Girl Food: Everything Ham Grilled Cheese
I managed to make an actual lunch for myself a couple weeks ago, with actual food. (The chips in the pic are chili mango but they're not great, sadly.)
Grilled Cheese is my go-to comfort food. If you can't stand for 7 - 10 minutes in front of a stove, just get a chair. Choose what bread, cheese, and fillings you want, I'm not your keeper. I often make a bastardized Cubano this way by putting mustard on the inside of the bread and adding pickles. You can put mayonnaise on the outside of the bread instead of butter to brown it. You know, if you're gross and disgusting. You do you.
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Everything Ham Grilled Cheese
Everything bagel seasoning
If you wanna get fancy, you can spread a little mustard on your bread. I used crusty Italian bread but any bread will do, just keep in mind that, generally, the darker the bread, the faster it toasts. Layer cheese (I used American bc I'm a heathen but any melty cheese will do), ham (I used ham cut from an actual ham but lunch meat is good), and (yes, more) cheese on a piece of bread. The more ham, the longer it takes to cook the middle. The more cheese, the more mess you're gonna make but, mm, melty goodness. Top with the other piece of bread.
Butter the outside of your bread, both pieces, then sprinkle the outside with the everything bagel seasoning.
Heat a non-sick skillet on heat that's just a touch higher than medium. Once hot, throw your sammich in and immediately turn it down to just under medium. Leave it alone for 2 minutes, then flip it. Adjust the heat and time for your stove.
Continue flipping every 2 - 3 minutes. If it's browning too fast and the cheese isn't melty enough turn the heat down.
Once browned and melted to your desired level, remove and serve. You're welcome. 😋
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unwritrecipes · 3 years
The Book on Pie's Blueberry Clafoutis Pie-Famous Fridays
Happy Friday, my friends! Who’s ready to bake some pie?!! Today we celebrate renowned baker Erin McDowell and her wonderful and extremely comprehensive cookbook, The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies. Whether you’re an expert pie baker or a complete novice on the pie baking front, as long as you ❤️ pie, this Famous Fridays is for you!
There are tons and tons of amazing recipes for pie in this book and it would have been extremely difficult to pick which one to feature but for the fact that my fridge is full of farm-fresh picked blueberries right now, so choosing this Blueberry Clafoutis Pie, was a no-brainer (told you I’d be unleashing a storm of berry recipes!!)
But before we get to this lovely summery pie, I just want to talk about how truly terrific and aptly named this cookbook is. In addition to a slew of fabulous sweet and savory pie recipes, you will learn everything you need to know about crimping and braiding and the lattice technique, how to blind and par-bake and dock, what special tools and pie plates to use and all different sorts of pie toppings, from streusel to nut butter whipped cream to dark chocolate drippy glaze! And everything is written so clearly with helpful little tips and accompanied by stunning glossy photos that you feel confident that no matter which recipe you try, you’re bound to succeed. In other words, this book is a keeper that I really think you’ll use for years and years!
And now finally, onto Blueberry Clafoutis Pie!!! Traditionally, a clafoutis is a homey French crustless dessert made with cherries that has an eggy batter that gets poured over the fruit and baked. Here, Erin brilliantly translates that into pie form, so that the blueberries get surrounded by a light custard AND you get the magic of an all-butter pie crust. So many great flavors and textures!!
Once you’ve put together and par-baked your pie crust (take a look at this post for how to do all that), you brush it with a little egg wash and fill with your berries
Next you whisk together the custard, pour it over those berries
And bake! Easy-peasy and done!
The filling is slightly creamy and perfectly balances out the juicy berries and crisp golden crust!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a cut piece to show you because I brought it to my sister’s house and it sort of got pounced on and disappeared before I could get my camera out, but that only shows how much it was loved, right?!! And sure, I could make this again (and I will) but I wanted you to have this asap since we’re really in the middle of blueberry season right now. In any case, I hope it inspires you to make your own!
So…get yourself a copy of The Book on Pie as soon as you can—with all the fresh fruit around, now is such a great time to bake pies and have a wonderful, safe and pie-filled weekend!!xoxo
The Book on Pie’s Blueberry Clafoutis Pie-Famous Fridays
Makes one 9-inch pie
Prep Time for Crust: 15 minutes, plus several hours chilling time, rolling out and par-baking. Prep Time for Filling: 10 minutes; Bake Time: 45-55 minutes
For the crust
1 ½ cups unbleached, all-purpose flour, plus extra for rolling out
1 ½ teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons (½ cup) unsalted butter, cut into small cubes and chilled
⅓ cup cold water
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
Ice Cubes
1 large egg whisked with 1 tablespoon cool water, for egg wash
For the filling
10 ounces fresh blueberries
1 vanilla bean, cut lengthwise
½ cup sugar
¼ cup unbleached, all-purpose flour
1 cup whole milk
⅓ cup heavy cream
3 large eggs
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
Pinch of cinnamon
Confectioners’ sugar for dusting, optional (I didn’t use)
The Recipe
1. For the crust: Add the flour, sugar and salt to the bowl of a food processor and pulse a few times to blend. Add in the chilled butter and pulse a few times until the butter has become the size of small peas.
2. Into the ⅓ cup cold water, add the vinegar and stir. Then add enough ice cubes to raise the level to ½ cup. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixture to the flour mixture and pulse a few times to incorporate it. It will look very crumbly. Then add 1 more tablespoon and pulse again a few times. You should see the mixture start to come together in a shaggy way with lots of crumbly bits. If you absolutely think you need to, add one more tablespoon of water. I never need to—it’s better for your dough to be too dry than too wet.
3. Turn the crumbly dough out onto a very lightly floured surface and gather it all into a ball. Make sure to scrape out the bowl of the processor—sometimes some of the wet parts of the dough get a little stuck and form the whole thing into a ball. Then flatten into a disk, wrap well in plastic wrap and chill for several hours and even better, overnight.
4. When you are ready to roll out the dough, flour a board or counter with a little flour and flour your rolling pin too. If the dough is very stiff (mine usually is) let it sit out on the counter for about 20 minutes till it seems pliable. Roll out the dough, rolling from the center out and to a corner, then lifting the dough off the surface of the board and giving it a little ¼ turn and rolling again, repeating the process until you’re rolled the dough out into a circle that’s a couple of inches wider in diameter than the pie plate.
5. Fold the dough in half and transfer to the pie plate, unrolling it and then carefully easing it down onto the bottom and sides—no stretching! Fold the overhang over and crimp/decorate the edges any way you like. The easiest way is to just use the tines of a fork pressed into the dough to create a little pattern. Now prick the bottom and sides all over with the tines of the fork.
6. Place the pie plate in the freezer for 30 minutes.
7. Meanwhile preheat your oven to 425ºF. When the 30 minutes are up, line the pie with a piece of aluminum foil or parchment paper and either pie weights or beans. If any of the edges stick out, cut little pieces of foil to fit over them. Bake about 15 minutes and then remove the foil and weights. Return to the oven for about 2-4 minutes more until crust is golden brown and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
8. To make the filling: Place a rack in the bottom third of the oven and preheat oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the cooled pie shell onto it. Brush the pie shell all over with the egg wash and then fill with the berries, spreading them out evenly. Set aside.
9. Place the sugar in a medium bowl and scrape the seeds out from the vanilla bean into the bowl (discard the pod, or add to some sugar to make vanilla sugar). Use your fingers to rub the vanilla bean seeds into the sugar so that the sugar gets infused with the vanilla. Whisk in the flour. Then add the milk, cream and eggs and whisk well to combine. Whisk in the salt and cinnamon. Pour the liquid over the berries in the crust and kind of spread it around if it doesn’t distribute evenly.
10. Bake for 45-55 minutes, until the custard is set at the edges but the center is still a little jiggly when you gently shake the pan. Let cool on a wire rack and either dust with the confectioners’ sugar or not and serve. You can serve this while it’s still warm or at room temperature. Like all fruit pies this is best on the day that it is made.
Note: Recipe adapted from The Book on Pie by Erin Jeannne McDowell. I used this pie crust recipe because it’s been my reliable go-to for years now, but I have used Erin’s too and it’s also terrific.
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ZAI! For your comfort thingy! Can I have number one for atsushi please? You don’t have to if you don’t want to Ofc!
A/N: Hello Haruu!! So sorry this is so late. I'm working on getting the others out as well. I hope this was worth the wait! Take care~ (*´ω`*)
Bonus: I actually put in a real recipe in here (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Word count: 979.
Prompt 1: “You don't need to hide your tears from me.” — Atsushi + Crush
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“I'm afraid..of being alone. What if I never get stronger? What if he just thinks I'm a big crybaby and a nuisance?”
You hugged your knees, attempting to hide yourself from the world. Maybe if you could just make yourself disappear or change yourself entirely, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe if you didn't cry over every little inconvenience you could become stronger. You wanted to be strong willed like your friend, Atsushi. 
Every time he was faced with adversity, he overcame it instead of allowing it to overwhelm him. You admired him so much for that. It's one of the main reasons you developed a small crush on him. Someone who faces their problems head on with a positive attitude made a beautiful person. 
It was a bad habit of yours to always lean on others for help. You became dependent on having others do most of the work for you, and in the end it only made life harder on you. Atsushi was the most involved in your life, always coming to help you with every little thing that you couldn't figure out. 
“Well not this time.”
You wiped away your tears and stood up to brush yourself off. 
This time, you'll do something on your own. For yourself. Walking outside, you noted that maybe repainting the fencing around your home would be an easy start. You went off to buy paint and it was overwhelming already. 
“Why are there so many different types of paint?! Ahh which color should I even pick.. what if it looks horrible with my house?!!”
Your mind was already racing and you felt your eyes well up in tears. This was hopeless. You couldn't even make a simple decision like paint. 
You left the store with supplies in hand, courtesy of the sweet shop keeper who helped you pick almost everything out besides the actual color. Except she helped you narrow it down after nearly thirty minutes of reviewing colors.
When you got down to mixing and setting up to paint the fence, you felt a little more confident in what you were doing. Maybe this isn't so bad. 
“Alright, it's all done and I did it myself!” 
A smile graced your lips and you felt happy with your work. Pulling out your cell phone, you called Atsushi to come over and look. In the meantime, you wanted to bake a pie all by yourself just for the two of you. The happiness that overcame you from painting the fence made you want to do more on your own. 
The kitchen was nicely set up with all the ingredients to make a key lime pie. You read the directions carefully on the box and began putting the ingredients together. 
“To make key lime pie you need..”
Graham Cracker Crust
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/3 cup granulated sugar
6 tbsp butter melted
Key Lime Filling
28 oz sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup light sour cream
3/4 cup key lime juice
zest from 2 regular limes or 4 key limes
Whipped Cream Topping
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Okay, easy right? It shouldn't be too difficult. You preheated the oven to 375° F (190°C) as directed while mixing the graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and butter in a small bowl. Filled up the pan and baked it for 7 minutes flat before taking it out to cool. 
The rest was easy as whisking the remainder of the ingredients to create the filling for the pie then put it to bake for 10 minutes. Except you made the mistake of keeping it in too long and it didn't look exactly edible. 
“Maybe it will… look better after I chill it in the fridge?”
You tried to remain calm as you placed it in the fridge to wait for Atsushi to come by. 
The doorbell rang and you quickly got up to answer it. You smiled nervously at Atsushi and he returned the gesture. 
“Your fence looks nice. Did you really do that on your own?”
You nodded and pulled him in, excited to show him the dessert you prepared. He was taken aback by your sudden burst of energy. But nonetheless, it was cute to see you all giddy. 
“So I even baked you a pie when you came over! All on my own.”
You said proudly as you pulled out the pie from the fridge. It looked a bit better after cooling down. Or maybe that was just the massive amount of cool whip you added to hide the really burnt areas. 
Atsushi sat down as you cut both him and yourself a piece of pie. You took the first bite, it was really tart and hardly any sweet. Nervous about what Atsushi would think, you were now staring him down. He had already taken in a mouthful and looked happy with the pie. 
“Atsushi I'm sorry.. it tastes really tart doesn't it.. you can say it does.”
You were already crying and covering your face. A soft hand pulled away your hands and you saw Atsushi's mouth covered in crumbs from the crust. You couldn't help but giggle a little but you still had the urge to hide your face. 
“Hey, hey.. you don't need to hide your tears from me. I really do love the pie. I think it's delicious because you made it.”
Heat emitted from your cheeks and the tears continued to stream down your face. He liked the pie because you made it. You'll never forget those words that came from him. Atsushi gently wiped away your tears and leaned in to give you a small peck on the cheek. 
“It's not good to hold in your tears anyway. So when you need to cry, just come to me. I'll catch every tear.”
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Living in Costa Rica - A First Week of Adventures and Shopping
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I'm encountering Costa Rica starting from the earliest stage - in a real sense. Because of my semi-far off area and the way that I don't yet have a vehicle implies I'm putting my soles to the ground and getting a move on all over a mountainside looking for day by day necessities. During my first week, the entirety of my time from waking to resting was spent dealing with easily overlooked details to cause another house and area to feel like home.
We are living in Las Nubes de (the billows of ) Coronado, Costa Rica. To get to our area; start in the Focal Valley of San Jose, go Northwest up into the mountains past Guadalupe, through Moravia, at that point through Coronado lastly up to San Rafael/Las Nubes. For better reference, an online guide is accessible here: Las Nubes de Coronado, Costa Rica, C.A..
We're up here in the mountains where the climate is continually Spring-like, the hummingbirds go to day by day to the blooming trees, Junior picks from the trees nectarines and bananas and from the brambles red and green peppers. 500 meters beneath us is a functioning dairy farm total with bull pulled trucks for moving around feed grasses and keeping in mind that we stroll by both milk cows and chickens nibble street side. The evenings are cold, yet we have an extraordinary huge chimney that keeps us warm and comfortable ... we simply need to discover a hotspot for more kindling (one of the many, numerous things on my extremely, long plan for the day)
The transport from Coronado runs around each half-hour and the last stop is 400 meters underneath our home. Junior and I have been bringing the transport down and back from Coronado day by day at an expense of 310 colones ($00.62) every route for the two of us. In Coronado we generally invest energy at a Web bistro, eat a supper and do some looking for family things like food and cleaning supplies. At that point it has returned to the transport terminal to get our transport for the ride up. The last 400 meter climb up to the house with our rucksacks and packs of buys can leave you short of breath.
One of our more critical excursions to Coronado included my discernment that all ATM's are made equivalent. In the states I never stressed over how minimal expenditure was in my pocket because of the immense number and dependability of ATM machines. In Coronado there are just two ATMs that I am aware of: one at Banco de Costa Rica (BCR) and the other at Banco Nacional (BN). Without giving an excessive amount of consideration I spent my way down to around 100 colones and when I went to the ATMs for more cash, I was denied admittance to assets by both. Junior and I gazed toward the peak, realizing that some place near the top was our home ... so away we went - strolling roughly 7 kilometers up and up and up and up .... furthermore, up! About 90 minutes after the fact we were home and sore - and yet, it was somewhat fun. All things considered, many travel from around the world to climb the mountains of Costa Rica and we had the posh issue of expecting to finish a climb only for returning home! See here Dairy Farm Residences
Friday, February 29th we got an opportunity to see somewhat a greater amount of the space on account of John's companion Arne. Today Junior and I took a taxi to San Antonio de Coronado (a territory underneath Coronado) to meet with Arne for a little shopping. The nearer you get to the capital city of San Jose, the really shopping assortment you need to browse. In our movements we went to stores in the barrios of San Pedro, Guadalupe and Moravia.
In Costa Rica there is an assortment of store (tienda) decisions going from minimalistic living space front stores (in a real sense) to the immense markdown and club outlet center (like a Sam's or Costco).
* Home-front stores regularly marked as a "pulperia" or "abastecedor" are typically situated in the front part of a construction or building that is generally a home. A basic sign out front or simply a sign painted on the structure indicates this sort of tienda where you can get a speedy bite fix like a pack of Funions and a Coke.
* Supermarkets can likewise be little owner shops up to bigger stores frequently alluded to as "Scaled down" or "Uber Supers". A basic food item chain comprising of medium sized stores in numerous spaces of Costa Rica is designated "Pali" (possessed by Wal-shop, articulated: dad LI). Pali is like U.S. based Aldi Food Stores in that they give essential staples like milk, beans, rice, snacks, cleaning supplies, and so on - complete with a sack it-yourself administration. Basic food item chains that more take after standard U.S. supermarkets are MasXMenos (another Wal-store possessed chain), Smaller than normal Uber Super, Uber Super and others. In these stores you will discover most all that expected to stock your home - even Jif crunchy peanut butter!
* Claim to fame Stores can again be little owner shops or corporate retailers that sell a specific kind of product like garments, furniture, gadgets, pet supplies, and so on, and so forth
- I bought a PC APC Back-UPS flood defender/battery back-up (model # BE350R) for $40.80 from a PC/gadgets chain called Group3C (Grupo3C) that has stores in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and El Salvador. The name of the Costa Rica store is called COC.CO (I think :o) situated in San Pedro.
- Subsequent to shopping a few bargain retailers (see underneath) I wound up tracking down a more ideal arrangement on a microwave at a forte store called El Verdugo in Moravia. My buy was a Haier 1,000 watt treated steel microwave (model # MWM10100SS) for $101.80
* Rebate or Club Stores offer the shopping experience of a Sam's Club or Costco. Hiper Mas (a completely possessed Wal-shop auxiliary - seeing a pattern?!) and Value Savvy are two of these sorts of stores ... be that as it may, anyplace, shop these stores against one another and claim to fame stores for cost and item. Actually like a club offering free beverages and comps, the way these all inclusive resource stores work together is to draw you in for some limited items while charging distribute more for different things. All in all, in case you're not cautious - net increase goes to the house.
- Value Shrewd club store model costs (Moravia store, 02/29/08):
+ Philips 50" Plasma - $2,600.00
+ Frigidaire Clothes washer (model FWS9333FS) - $475.00
+ sofa set (Sovereign sofa-bed, bed skirt, 3 little ornamental pads, 2 cushion cases - no sheets) - $70.00
+ cover (a delicate sovereign measured) - $38.00
+ sharp cheddar - $13.00/2lb bundle
+ bed pad (standard) - $10.60
+ sofa cushion (little delicate square) - $14.00
+ pistachios - $9.20/2lb bundle
+ sausages (enormous pack) - $8.00/37 franks
+ trail blend - $7.40/2lb bundle
+ Land-O-Ice Nectar Ham lunch get-together meat - $5.20/1lb bundle
+ Land-O-Ice Turkey Bosom lunch meeting meat - $5.40/1lb bundle
As illustrated, costs for specific things in Costa Rica might be higher than in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and so forth - however work and administrations are typically a lot less expensive in Costa Rica than somewhere else. Unfamiliar occupants, retired folks, and so on wind up purchasing the costly clothes washer and grass hardware at that point pay homegrown workers to run them (ie: employ a house keeper/cook/grounds-keeper ... indeed, even on an unassuming or retirement pay).
* Private Bilingual Essential (grade) School - $200.00/month (with many included additional items; soccer group, acrobatic, dance, cheer driving crew, math club, and so forth)
* Exercise center Enrollment - $13.00/month (complete with Vigorous exercise, Step Preparing, Turning, Tae-bo and classical loads and hardware)
* Hair style - $3.00 men and $4.00 ladies
* Supper for 2 - $10.00 including some espresso or soft drink each
Because of the greater expenses for some 'once buy' things, numerous unfamiliar inhabitants that live, have second or summer homes or simply invest a lot of energy in Costa Rica decide to make specific acquisition of gadgets, machines and different things somewhere else on the planet and bring or have them delivered to Costa Rica as an expense reserve funds measure ... yet, be cautious!
The absolute most ideal approach to carry anything into the nation is to actually convey it in your gear when you travel. Nonetheless, Costa Rica has sorted this out as well. In the wake of showing up in Costa Rica, your sacks will be x-rayed for un-announced things (indeed, I said in the wake of showing up - as in, after you have recovered your baggage and before you leave the air terminal!) So utilize your best judgment in rounding out those traditions statements. You are permitted a specific dollar measure of new things per each such countless months too utilized individual things with no traditions charges. Knowing this, on the off chance that you are bringing any new thing into Costa Rica and you don't anticipate announcing it as new and available, it is ideal to eliminate the new thing from its unique bundling before putting it in your baggage.
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crdenhart · 5 years
15 for ‘19: My Favorite Films of 2019
Here are my top 15 movies of 2019 and my brief thoughts on each or better yet, my attempts to say more than just “this movie is really good and you should check it out.”
15. A Marriage Story
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Stellar performances by Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson and the rest of the cast. Quite realistic depiction of a married couple going through a divorce.
14. Rambo: Last Blood
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I like how this film changes the formula a bit from the past several Rambo movies by having Rambo at home in America and not sent on a one-man-army mission to a foreign country. Stallone gives another great performance as John Rambo even in his old age, and I would like to see him continue the franchise.
13. Us
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Creepy, edge-of-your-seat thriller! Interesting commentary on the differences between social classes. I actually have vacationed in Santa Cruz where the film takes place so it was cool to see it on screen!
12. The Peanut Butter Falcon
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Shia LaBeouf (who has not starred in anything significant for awhile) gives a good performance. Heartwarming story and fun to watch! There needs to be more “small” movies like this that are just about the adventures of “normal” people and not big spectacles all the time.
11. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
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Tarantino brings the 1960s alive by perfectly recreating the look and feel of the era! When I first saw the movie, I wasn’t sure what to think of it, but after dwelling on the movie since I have come to realize it is a brilliant film.
10. The Two Popes
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Incredible performances by Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict XVI and Jonathan Pryce as Pope Francis! I like that the film displays the religious ideological differences between the two popes and presents history of Pope Francis I did not know.
9. Richard Jewell
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One of director Clint Eastwood’s best movies in recent years (it’s incredible he able to still produce such great work at nearly 90 years old). Intriguing true-life story I knew little about before the movie!
8. El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
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An immensely satisfying continuation to the Breaking Bad series! Aaron Paul gives yet another fantastic performance returning to the role of Jesse Pinkman. Also, this film marks legendary actor Robert Forster’s final performance; may he rest in peace. I am anxious to see how the events of this film will impact Better Call Saul and future entrees in the universe.
7. Under the Silver Lake
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I really like how the movie is essentially a modern Alfred Hitchcock thriller with similar style, tone, and music to films like Vertigo and The Man Who Knew Too Much. Andrew Garfield gives a good performance as well. I would like to see more cryptic mystery thrillers like this film.
6. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
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Yet again more great performances by Adam Driver and Jonathan Pryce. I myself am an independent filmmaker so I gravitate towards films like this one in which filmmaking is a major plot point. Filmmaker Terry Gilliam (Monty Python, Brazil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) continues the style and tone of his previous work, so if you like his films, definitely check this out. The film had been in development for over 20 years so it is wonderful to see it finally completed.
5. Toy Story 4
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I have followed this series since I was 2 years old, so these films are very important to me. Toy Story 4 is a very satisfying conclusion to the series (assuming this is the last one)! It was so emotionally enthralling when Woody and Buzz decide to part ways in the end. I also like how the film continues the series’ tradition of pushing the boundaries of computer animation with this film having the most realistic CGI I have ever seen.
4. Doctor Sleep
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When this movie was first announced, I screamed “No, please don’t ruin the legacy of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining!” Boy, was I happily surprised to find Doctor Sleep to not only be a great movie but one that enhances the original film! I love how the film is stylistically identical to Kubrick’s Shining in many parts and that it uses spot-on lookalike actors instead of resorting to uncanny-valley CGI replacements (i.e. Carrie Fisher in Rise of Skywalker). When this movie eventually comes to home video, I want to watch it back-to-back with The Shining to see the “complete” work.
3. Joker
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Joaquin Phoenix deserves awards for best actor for his powerhouse performance as The Joker! I also like that the film reminds audiences of the Occupy Movement since politics/media in recent years has tried to make everything “ant-Trump” instead of focusing on issues related to income inequality, which I believe is a more realistic problem our nation needs to address.
2. Parasite
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One of the best modern Asian films I have ever seen! Really captures how desperate people can get to improve their livelihood and how people of different socioeconomic classes perceive life.
1. The Lighthouse
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Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson give incredible performances as keepers of a lighthouse in the late 1800s who gradually descend into madness. The cinematography is incredible with its use of black-and-white and 4:3 aspect ratio to make the film appear like it was shot in the era in which it takes places. Movie also is rich in symbolism and esoteric meanings that I will need watch again and again to pick up on. Definitely best film of the year!
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marvelsbetch · 5 years
Peter Parker’s ultimate Bithrday gift.
Pairings: Tony/Pepper, Peter/Harley
Warning: Metions of death and sad boi Peter.
-Peter POV-
Today is the day. My 16th birthday, my first birthday with no family. My parents died when I was 6, Uncle was killed when I was 14 and Aunt May a few weeks ago. I have no biological family to celebrate with, granted I lived at Avengers tower (Mr Stark was 'fostering' me so I didn't have to go to a home) but none of them knew my birthday. I feel tears threaten to fall as I think back to my birthdays of previous years, parties, zoo trips, presents and think about how I won't get any of that this year.
I sit for a minute, trying to get my self together, before leaving my bedroom and prepare to pretend nothing is wrong. This'll be interesting.
-Tony's POV-
"Sir, it seems Mr. Parker is in slight distress." F.R.I.D.A.Y announced as I was in my workshop preparing the project me and Peter were gonna start.
"Why?" I asked putting the blue prints on his desk.
"I believe it is his birthday today." F.R.I.D.A.Y informed making me drop the pen in my hand.
It's the kids birthday? Why didn't I know about that? What do I get him?
A lightbulb went off in my head as I thought of the perfect present. It was something I had been meaning to do for a while but never found the right chance to give it to him. Now's the perfect time.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y make reservations at the Thai place Peter likes for everyone. Then inform everyone to be there for 7:00pm but keep it a secret from the kid." I instructed frantically searching for the present.
"Who do you mean by everyone?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked with slight sass. Can an A.I have sass?
"Me, Peter, Steve, Pepper, Bucky, Rhody, Clint, Nat, Happy, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Thor, Loki, Sam, Harley, Morgan, Scott, Hope, Cassie, Strange, Shuri, T'Challa, the guardians, Danvers, Clint's family, Ned and MJ." I listed off hoping I didn't forget anyone.
"Done sir. Everyone has been invited and told not to tell Mr. Parker." F.R.I.D.A.Y told me. Yay, this could work.
After a few seconds I started to make my way up to the main living area where I knew most people would be. Peter was eating a bowl of cereal with Morgan on the couch, Steve was drawing in his sketch book, Pepper was just behind the door yelling down the phone at someone (I'd hate to be them), Nat was punching Clint for Hod knows what, Loki was sat in the corner reading a book near the window, Thor was trying to get someone to play an outdoor game with him, Harley was in the process of trying to remove cremated toast from the toaster without hurting himself and Bruce was on his tablet looking over Chemical formulas. Normal morning for the most part.
"Daddy!" Morgan yelled putting her cereal down and running towards me. I swiftly picked her up in my arms and cuddled her for a moment.
"Hey Kiddo, go finish your breakfast then I need your help with something." I told her before putting her back on the couch to finish her cereal.
"Hey dad, what've you got planned today?" Harley asked putting two more pieces of bread in the toaster.
"Nothing much but I need you in the lab after breakfast. You and Morgan need to help me with a decision." I told him.
The decision was what else to get Peter from him and Morgan, I didn't want my gift to be the only one he got but from the looks of everyone else they were preparing to go out for the day. Probably to buy Peter a gift, we all work best last minute anyway.
"Cool, what decision?" Harley asked.
"I'll tell you later. Top secret stuff and all that, make sure to check your phone." I reminded him before forcing the toast back up to stop burning.
"Coolio." He spoke and started to butter his toast.
"Hey Tony, we're gonna go out for the day. Don't know when we'll be back." I heard Steve inform.
I turned around and saw him, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Clint, Nat and Pietro stood with jackets and bags on.
"Cool, don't cause too much damage." I told them receiving a few laughs before they headed towards the elevator and leaving.
A few seconds later I received a text message from Sam asking, 'What does a super human want on their 16th birthday?'. I smirked a little before responding with 'something sciencey or spider themed'.
"Hey Pete, you got anything planned for the day?" I asked as he walked into the kitchen to clean his now empty bowl.
"Nope, probably just hanging in my room or the lab if that's okay." He spoke.
"Course it is, why don't you get your daily training session in now and we can spend the rest of the day in the lab." I told him trying to buy myself some time with Harley and Morgan.
"Cool, I'll go now then. See you in about 2 hours." He said before walking off to his room to get ready.
"Okay kids, what do we get Peter for his birthday, we're gonna have to be quick so we can get it in time." I informed and dragged Harley to the living room to speak with Morgan as well.
"Well, I'll get him a card and some cheesy boyfriend thing, make sense for me. Why don't I take Morgan out with me and we can buy it out." Harley offered.
"You're a genius, I knew there was a reason I liked you. Morgan, go ask Mommy to get you dressed and ready to go out with Harley. Harley, take a shower, you smell like teenage angst." I complained while taking Morgan's empty bowl to the kitchen.
"Come on Morgan lets get ready. Also, Tony, are you giving Peter the thing tonight and do you want to get him anything else?" Pepper asked picking Morgan up.
"Yeah, a car but we probably won't be able to get him one on such short notice." I realised.
"I'll see what I can do while these are out. Make sure you respond to people's messaged otherwise this won't go as planned." Pepper warned before leaving the room closely followed by Harley. This left me with Thor, Loki and Bruce.
"Is the Man of Spider's birthday today? Why were none of us informed?" Thor asked.
"Because none of us knew until today. Anyway, we're going out for a meal tonight at 7:00 so if you want to buy him something then I'd advise going now to get something good. Also, do not tell him anything, he doesn't know that we know." I warned Thor knowing he's not the best secret keeper.
"Why not?" He asked offended.
"Because its a surprise to buffoon. Now, let's go and buy him a present. What to misguardians want for their birthdays?" Loki asked putting his book back on the shelf.
"Just get him a card and and some funny small things, not weaponry or armour." I informed the two gods before they disappeared.
"I'm gonna head off to. Might get him some stuff for the lab or his car since you're getting him one. See you later Tony." Bruce spoke before putting his shoes and jacket on.
"Bye Bruce, you're by far the one I trust the most." I told him as he left.
-At 5:00pm-
Me and Peter had been in the lab all day with out any hiccups. Well, he was wondering as to why my phone was constantly going off with texts from everyone we knew. Everyone who I invited informed me that they were able to make it and planned to be at the restaurant for 6:50 so when we got there at 7:00 he was truly surprised by his whole family.
"Hey kid, why don't you go and put something fancy on. We're going out for a meal." I told him putting my tools down to look at another photo sent by Thor. He was really excited to buy things for his 'Misguard Nephew'.
"Why? What's the occasion?" Peter asked tensing up a little.
"Nothing much, just thought it was time we all went out somewhere, as a family. Me, You, Pepper, Harley and Morgan." I told him smiling.
"Okay then, what time are we leaving?" He asked putting his tools away, the kids so neat.
"6:30 so I'd get a move on if I was you." I informed.
"Kay, see you in a bit." He said and ran off upstairs to shower.
Just as he left the room I got a call from Pepper.
"Hey Pep, did you get it?" I asked referring to the Mercedes-Benz we had decided to get him.
"Yeah I did, it's in the garage now, are we driving it to the restaurant or not? I need to know if we need to hide it." Pepper asked.
"Now, we'll take the limo and give him the cars in the restaurant. Don't bother hiding it, I'm sure he won't notice." I informed her as I started to make my way upstairs to get dressed for the night.
"Okay. Bye, Love you." She said making me smile.
"Love you to." I said before hanging up.
We were all ready and waiting in the garage for Happy to come and pick us up, he had also gone and bought Peter a birthday gift with Harley and Morgan. Me, Pepper, Peter and Harley were in suits while Morgan was in one of her 'princess dresses'.
Happy soon pulled up in the Limo and opened the door for us all to get in. I had given Steve the presents and cards off us so Peter didn't question what why we had a massive back with us and realise why we were going out.
-Outside the restaurant-
Once we pulled up to the restaurant we got out of the car and Harley put his hands over Peter's eyes so he couldn't see everyone in the restaurant. This is supposed to be a surprise after all.
We slowly made our way in as everyone got ready to yell at Peter. As soon as Harley removed his hands from Peter's eyes we all screamed 'surprise' and Peter got all red and his eyes started to water.
-Peter POV-
When everyone yelled surprise at me I got a little overwhelmed and embarrassed from all the attention. Everyone's eyes were on me but after a second or two I realised everyone was here and started to get a little chocked up.
"Oh Baby, come 'ere." Harley cooed and pulled me into his chest for a hug as tears started falling down my face. Soon Tony and Morgan were joining the hug and everyone was concerned.
"Pete, what's wrong?" Tony asked pulling away.
"I didn't thing I would be celebrating my birthday this year because I've not got a family. How did you all even know?" I asked as tears continued to fall down my face.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y told me this morning. That's why they were all out, they were getting everything ready for this and buying gifts. And you do have a family, we all love you so much and will support you through everything thing. We're you're family Pete." Tony told me pulling me into a solo hug before giving me back to Harley.
"LETS FEAST!" Thor yelled diffusing the emotional moment by making everyone laugh.
"Birthday Boy goes first." Harley announced and pushed me towards a massive buffet of all my favourite foods, most things on the menu to be honest. I hope the cooks got a bit tip for preparing all of this.
After food and pleasantries I was placed in a chair and faced with a mountain of presents ranging from too big to fit on the table to so small I could barley see them.
Most people were fighting to get me to open their presents first which amused me before an order was decided.
After almost an hour of opening presents and cards I was almost all the way through the pile with only Harley, Morgan's and Tony's left. Here's what everyone got me:
Steve- A pair of spider man high tops
Bucky- A silly string gun set
Clint (and family)- Fart bombs and bottles of liquid ass. (Tony confiscated them immediately)
Pietro- A new gym bag and clothes for working out
Wanda- School supplies (I always loose them, no matter what I'm doing)
Scott, Hope and Cassie- A FREAKING DRONE!!!
Rhodey- Beats headphones
Sam- A photography camera
Shuri and T'Challa- A vibranium bow staff (again, confiscated immediately)
Guardians- Vinyls of my three favourite almbums
Thor- a Spider key chain and joke spiders to put around the penthouse (the joke spiders were confiscated as well as Tony and Pepper despise them)
Loki- A vinyl player (upon hearing of the guardians presents) and a spell book (also confiscated)
Nat- Spy glasses that record everything and check to see if people have weapons (I will never take those off)
Bruce- Some car fresheners and a steering wheel cover, designed with a spider web (don't know why, I have no car)
Carol- Some cool alien things from various planets (will be studying those for a while)
Ned- The millennium falcon and three funko! Pop characters (Rick, Morty and Mr. Meeseeks)
MJ- A what do you meme party game
Happy- An Eiffel Tower Lego set.
"Oh my god guys, this is all amazing. How did you manage to get this stuff on such short notice?" I asked baffled as Happy started to load the car with the presents.
"It's New York and we had the whole day. Some of us also had access to other planets." Rhodey explained.
"You're not finished yet anyway. Here's Morgan's present and card, she picked them both out herself." Tony spoke handing me a rather large present wrapped in iron man wrapping paper. Wonder who did that.
The card was a big brother card making me smile widely as I started opening the present. Inside was a Star Wars pin set, a doctor who blanket and a tardis hoodie in XL. The size was probably chosen by Harley, I love oversized sweaters.
"Thanks Morgan. I love it." I told her giving her a big hug as Harley put the blanket around me, he knows me too well.
"Open mine." Harley demanded and shoved two gifts infront of me along with a card.
The card was a bit inappropriate, it started on the front 'Happy Birthday, scratch bellow to see your gift'. I scratch where it told me to and underneath it stated b**wjob. Tony glared as Harley smirked and I just went red.
"Just open the gifts now." Harley told me and placed the card face down on the table.
"After the card I don't think I want to." I spoke making me laugh a little bit still shove the boxes in my face. "Fine, Fine, just give me some space." I said pushing them away from my face.
In the first box was a supernatural backpack with patches on it, three pin sets (one of Spider-Man, one of iron man and one of supernatural), a pair of Sam and Dean sneakers and a Castiel Key chain. In the second box was a doctor who mug, a pair of rainbow heat high-top sneakers, a chord bracelet that says 'gay' in morse code, another bracket that says 'f*ck off' in morse code, a panic! At the disco long sleeve shirt, a high hopes tank top and finally, a panic! At the disco hoodie in XL.
"Aside from the card, I love it all. Thanks so much." I told him smiling before pulling him in for a quick kiss.
"Hey, no PDA in front of Morgan, how many times do I have to tell you. And you still have two more presents. Here's one." Tony announced handing me a small box from his pocket.
I opened it and inside were keys. Car keys. Car keys to a Mercedes-benz. Holy shit balls.
"Pepper went out today and bought you your very first car, we'll get you lessons soon but at least you don't have to worry about a car." Tony explained.
"Oh my god. That must've been so expensive. Thank you so so so so much Tony. And Pepper." I thanked and hugged them both.
"No problem kid. Now, one last thing." Tony informed handing me an envelope.
I opened it to find a small pack of papers inside with one word sticking out. They were Adoption papers.
"Now that you're 16 you'll also need to sign the papers so me and Pepper can officially adopt you. I've had those papers forever but I just never found the right time to give them to you. I hope you're okay with this, I would never try to re-" Tony started but I cut his off swiftly by pulling him into a bone crushing hug. He went silent and just hugged back as tears started to flow from my eyes.
"Thanks Dad, so much." I cried into his shoulder.
"No problem Kid, you're practically my son anyway, this just makes it official and easier in the long run." Tony explained as I pulled away to hug Pepper.
"Does this mean Peter are now Harley are brothers?" Cassie asked.
"Technically but as long as it's not biological then they're okay." Tony explained as I pulled away from Pepper and went back to Harley's arms.
"Now, ITS TIME TO PARTY!" Thor once again yelled.
"Will you shut your trap for once. Not everyone is deaf." Loki complained making everyone laugh at the two.
"Come on everyone, we're heading back to the tower to party and celebrate." Tony announced. "Ted, AJ you can come in the limo if you want. Also, your parents agreed to let you stay the night and dropped off clothes for you." Tony explained.
"Ned and MJ." I corrected earning a few laughs.
"Potato, poahto." Tony brushed off as we all left the restaurant and headed to our card to head back to the tower.
Safe to say, this was the best birthday in the history of birthdays.
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centeris2 · 5 years
Token Pics Chapters 4, 5, 6 - Rough Guide
Note: there are no pictures, this is more a rough guide to help you look in the general area. Under a read more for those who want to find it on their own.
The guide has all locations broken up by chapter. For the first 3 chapters check out my other guide here! 
Chapter 4 - 
South Hoof:
1 - South Hoof Peninsula on a root to the south of The Singing Yew 2 - South Hoof Peninsula north west side on a rock, up from the beach where the ponies were abducted 3 - Hermit’s Cottage in the carrot patch 4 - South Hoof Beach on the boat by the Hermit 5 - South Hoof Lighthouse on a box by the house 6 - South Hoof Lighthouse on the lighthouse steps 7 - South Hoof Peninsula by rocks on the way to the lighthouse 8 - South Hoof Farm on a hay bale by the horses and cows 9 - South Hoof Farm by laundry in a basket 10 - South Hoof Farm on the stable ramp 11 - South Hoof Farm by the well 12 - South Hoof Farm on the steps of the inn/overnight  13 - South Hoof Ferry landing on the railing
14 - Birk’s Grange on a doorstep 15 - Old Jorvik Highway by the bridge 16 - Mistfall in a mushroom patch in the little park near Dundull 17 - Mistfall on a fence of one of the little horse paddocks in Dundull 18 - Dundull on a barrel on the dock 19 - Dundull on the big circular rune statue 20 - Dundull on Kit Shorthouse’s doorstep with foxes 21 - Dundull on a wheelbarrow by the horses for sale 22 - Dundull on a fence by the stable 23 - Kora’s Cottage on a box 24 - Berry Hill on a rock  25 - South Mistfall Ranger Station on a fence 26 - Bramble Gorge on a rock by one of the white and red trees, up the path beyond the wolves’ den 27 - South Mistfall Forest on a rock in the lake in the tunnel area 28 - Bramble Gorge at the campsite/bbq spot overlooking the lake  29 - The mountains of Jor on the fence at Peregrine Trail overlook  30 - South Mistfall Forest on a stump by the fork in the road
Chapter 4 reward - James’ spare sneakers and James’ spare jeans
Chapter 5 - 
Dino Valley
1 - The Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur by upright ice sheets off the main path toward Nic Stoneground’s camp, near a dig site 2 - Nic Stoneground’s Camp on the ground by Nic 3 - Frozen Vale Lake on a stump by the lightning capture unit 4 - Frozen Vale Lake on a rock on the little island by the dinosaur 5 - Icepeak Island in the ice cave above the dinosaur 6 - The Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur on a rock by the geysers on the north side of the valley 7 - Icengate on the steps 8 - The Valley of Frozen Mist on a fallen tree by the dead forest, pine forest, and bush area 9 - The Ashen Steep on the railing of the broken bridge 10 - Ice Forest on the ground by the helicopter crash
Golden Hills
11 - Eastglade on a rock to the east of the pumpkin patch
12 - Jasper’s Pumpkin Farm in the potato(?) patch
13 - Goldenhills Valley on a stump past the Smuggler’s cave by a fishing dock
14 - Goldenleaf Forest on a rock along the racetrack
15 - Southsea Acres on a rock by the little shack down the cliff, past a fence
16 - Shadowy Hills on a stump east up from the road to the swamp
17 - Goldenleaf Stables on the ground on the northeast side of the island, tucked away off the racetrack, it’s around little black berry bushes
18 - Goldenleaf Stables on a horse 
19 - Cape West Fishing Village by the lighthouse on the ground
20 - Cape West Fishing Village on a fence post by a blue house
Western Epona
21 - The Harvest Counties by a rock in a field near the Poison Pond
22 - Shipwreck Shore on a little hill on the north west side
23 - Epona River/Lake on a rock along the lake, past Frederik
24 - Crescent Moon Village on a barrel by the horses for sale
25 - Crescent Moon Village on one of Pamela’s beehives
26 - Butter Hill on a stump by the Buttergood’s home
27 - Old Ridgecaster on flowers on Butterhill in the area right below the gate to Junior and the Buttergood house
28 - Mirror Marshes on a stump on the hill before the bridge to the marsh, on the left side of the road near the water
29 - The Great Thunder on the broken bridge over
30 - Mirror Marshes on the stone fence where Professor Hayden’s camp used to be
Eastern Epona
31 - Observatory 12 on the railing on the viewing area
32 - Dew’s Old Paddock on the fence
33 - Dew’s Farm on one of the little square walls around a tree in the courtyard
34 - Dew’s Farm wood fence at Dew’s Farm, near a dig spot
35 - New Hillcrest on the ground in the blue flower field to the left of the road down to New Hillcrest Stables
36 - Winter Street on the stone fence by the road to New Hillcrest Stables
37 - New Hillcrest in a lawn chair on a backyard of one of the homes
38 - New Hillcrest on a flower bush by the road into New Hillcrest
39 - Sunset Island by a picnic area under a tree
40 - Maria Road on a fence by a sunflower field on the road to New Hillcrest
41 - Jarlaheim Road on the hill by the middle gate into Epona, by the vineyard
42 - Stormgarden in the chicken pen by Li Jian
43 - Jarlaheim Road by the cows by Li Ming Yue
44 - The Graydew Mountains through the gate by Li Ming Yue of the path to the left on one of the paths along the cliff overlooking the marsh
45 - Seahorse Beach on a log along the shore
Chapter 5 reward - Token plush
Chapter 6 - 
(includes coordinates for Pandoria locations to help)
1 - Pandoria on the ground among mushrooms near the picnic spot by the entrance (527, -93) 2 - Pandoria in a tunnel with a split (523, -110) 3 - Pandoria by crystals in the white weeping willow looking trees (534, -100) 4 - Pandoria near an edge by purple and white-spotted mushroom trees, by the island with white weeping willow looking trees (527, -113) 5 - Pandoria on those spiky vine trees surrounded by shadow seekers (535, -103) 6 - Stonecutter’s Vault in the main chamber 7 - Stonecutter’s Vault in the hallways on the right side, in the room with two columns, a broken column, and an empty pedestal. It’s invisible on the pedestal, look for the hand icon 8 - Pier 13 along the edge of the pier 9 - Pier 13 inside the warehouse in the laboratory 10 - Valedale Village in the house hiding the Druid Jail 11 - Valedale Village in Justin’s cell 12 - A secret and mystic place, only for the Keepers of Aideen aka in Fripp’s room on a table why is the location name so long I mean honestly. 13 - Nilmer’s Highland inside the circus tent 14 - Silverglade Manor in the library 15 - Valedale on a flower bush by the spiral to the Secret Stone Ring 16 - Silverglade Village in the clocktower 17 - Silverglade Castle inside 18 - Pi, the witch’s house in a cauldron 19 - Firgrove at the bear’s cave 20 - The ancient tree aka The Sleeping Widow in The Forgotten Fields 21 - Jorvik Stables by the stairs 22 - Fort Pinta Cafe on top of the center tower 23 - Jarlaheim in Thalia’s Theater 24 - Mistfall by the lamppost tucked away above the Ranger Station, hidden behind bushes 25 - The mountains of Jor in the cave at the end of the Peregrine Trail 26 - The Eastern Slopes at the campsite before Guardian’s Dale 27 - The Cauldron on a broken column 28 - Observatory 12 inside 29 - Twilight temple on a bench 30 - Unsuccessful Gift, on the side of Ingun’s Cliff
Chapter 6 reward - Shutterbug Saddlebag
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thefilmsnob · 5 years
Glen Coco’s Top 10 films of 2019
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2019 was one of the better movie years I’ve experienced. It was no 2007 or 2013--we all know that--but it was pretty damn good. People who say ‘they just make crap nowadays’ probably aren’t really into movies and are definitely out to lunch. Dammit, now I want lunch. Anyway, here are my picks for the ten best films of 2019 which, as always, follow my runners-up and the traditional bonus track...There’s always a bonus track. 
-Booksmart Full Review: https://thefilmsnob.tumblr.com/post/185427895290/booksmart-out-of-5
-Ford v Ferrari
-The Irishman
-Joker Full Review: https://thefilmsnob.tumblr.com/post/188571262775/joker-out-of-5
-The Peanut Butter Falcon
-The Two Popes
And here are my top 10!
#10b. (Bonus Track) Avengers: Endgame
Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, the rest of Hollywood
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Maybe, like some people in the industry, you don’t consider Marvel films to be ‘cinema’. Well, that’s a legitimate and long debate for another time. But, you can’t say that weaving a narrative through 22 related films isn’t an impressive feat. That’s what Marvel Studios did and with the help of the Russo Brothers, and despite the countless moving pieces, they ended this chapter of the franchise almost perfectly with just the right balance of action, human drama, twists, turns and some surprisingly poignant moments. If you didn’t get goosebumps--and maybe even pee your pants a bit--when those portals opened up at the end, bringing to mind Gandolf’s triumphant entrance into the Battle of Helm’s Deep, then maybe movies just aren’t for you, my friend. 
Full Review: https://thefilmsnob.tumblr.com/post/184694412545/avengers-endgame-out-of-5
#10. Marriage Story
Director: Noah Baumbach
Starring: Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson
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Ironically, Marriage Story is actually about a divorce. But, writer/director Noah Baumbach imbues this civil-turned-nasty separation with all the complexity and aggravation that come with being married with child. He treats the divorce like the grueling process you’d expect it to be, one which involves real, flawed people whose needs and desires don’t align, making the situation increasingly distressing for all parties involved. In turn, Driver and Johansson make this distress increasingly palpable for the audience until it feels like we’re in the room with them during one of their several heated arguments. Both actors give some of the best work of their careers, yet it still may be overshadowed by Laura Dern and Ray Liotta who shine as the two ruthless lawyers representing them. Baumbach has been churning out these gems for years, but his latest, which may be his most accessible, may also be his best so far. 
#9. Jojo Rabbit
Director: Taika Waititi
Starring: Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson
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What do you get when you mix Nazi Germany, the ghost of Hitler and a poor Jewish girl trying to survive the second World War? You get one of the funniest and most touching movies of the year, of course. The surging writer/actor/director Taika Waititi, who specializes in quirky films filled with quirkier characters, hasn’t made the typically grim melodrama about Nazi Germany nor is he doing anything close to promoting Nazi culture. Instead, he uses the tale of a young boy who attends a Hitler Youth training camp to highlight the absurdity of this horrible movement while promoting tolerance. He delivers this powerful message by introducing a young Jewish girl who seeks refuge in the home of Jojo and his mother, played by Scarlett Johansson (who clearly had a good year). This leads to Jojo’s crisis of conscience which is complicated by his imaginary friend...who happens to be Adolf Hitler! Yes, the movie is different.
#8. Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie
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It’s no surprise that Quentin Tarantino would make a film about 1960s Hollywood starring one of the most prestigious celebrity trios in the business; the guy’s passion--obsession even--for film is unmatched. Here, he uses the medium to take a horrific moment in history like the murder of Sharon Tate at the hands of the Manson Family and gives it the stereotypical Hollywood happy ending. In doing so, he showcases the wish fulfillment of the movies and their power to comfort us with optimism while simultaneously warning of their ability to shelter us from our cruel reality. DiCaprio and Pitt give brilliant performances as characters who add to the perception-vs-reality theme, DiCaprio playing the huge movie star full of anxiety and doubt in real life who relies heavily on his stunt double, Pitt, who’s the actual confident hero. All this and much more takes place in a meticulously recreated Hollywood of the ‘60s that sweeps you up in nostalgia and immerses you in a world of make-believe.
#7. Knives Out
Director: Rian Johnson
Starring: Ana de Armas, Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Christopher Plummer 
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Yes, there have been many murder mysteries. No, Knives Out isn’t just like the rest of them. Writer/director Rian Johnson does a masterful job at crafting a labyrinthine story that’s just complex enough without overwhelming and strikes a perfect balance of suspense and comedy. Featuring one of the greatest casts assembled in 2019 playing a dysfunctional family of despicable yet intriguing individuals of means, the story is full of truly surprising twists and turns and, more crucially, some well-integrated and astute social commentary. This isn’t a two-hour lecture, though; the film is undeniably entertaining. The stand-out here is detective Benoit Blanc, played by Daniel Craig with a delightful southern drawl and an attention to detail that rivals Sherlock Holmes. Craig transcends his James Bond persona while the film itself transcends a genre. 
#6. 1917
Director: Sam Mendes
Starring: George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman
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If this were a few years ago 1917 would be, without question, my #1 pick. However, as the long, uncut tracking shot has become more common over the years, it’s also lost a bit of its luster; 2014′s Birdman, one of the best films of the decade, also had the appearance of a single take. Nonetheless, to make a war film, with all its tricky choreography and pyrotechnics, look like one long take is still a phenomenal achievement and an absolute marvel to behold. And, although it obviously couldn’t be filmed in one shot, Sam Mendes and master cinematographer Roger Deakins still had to shoot long takes and stitch them together digitally while stealthily hiding the seams. It all helps tell the story of two young soldiers tasked with traversing treacherous territory to warn a Battalion of British soldiers about an impending German ambush. We follow the pair in real time amidst a story of remarkable bravery, enhanced by the fact that we’re with them every step of the way, at once experiencing everything they do up close while being reminded of how removed we really are from the danger they face.
#5. Uncut Gems
Director: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin Garnett (hey, why not?), Julia Fox
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There are several talented actors in Hollywood who’ve gained a bad reputation for poor career choices. Ben Affleck and Will Smith come to mind. Perhaps the king of this group is Adam Sandler. He’s excelled sporadically in movies like Punch-Drunk Love and The Meyerowitz Stories, but he gives a truly Oscar-worthy performance in this--ahem--gem. As Howard Ratner, he’s a gambling addict who runs a jewelry store in New York’s Diamond district when he gets his hands on a rare Ethiopian black opal which he hopes will help pay off his many debts. In fact, he owes so much to so many people that he struggles to keep track of it all and we cringe every time he does. The tension builds to an almost unbearable level as a host of dangerous men seek payment. If that’s not enough, he’s on the verge of a divorce as he continues seeing a mistress who’s also his employee while owing $100 000 to his own criminal brother-in-law. If you were stressed just reading that, try watching the movie...or being Howard himself. The Safdie brothers don’t let up either, filming it like a documentary to add to its realism and immediacy...as if it needed that extra boost.     
#4. The Lighthouse
Director: Robert Eggers
Starring: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe
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The first thing you notice watching The Lighthouse is that half the screen is missing; Robert Eggers, who also wrote and directed The Witch, shot the film with a 1.19: 1 aspect ratio, making the picture square, like an old-timey photograph. It feels limiting at first until you fully appreciate the feelings of confinement and anxiety it evokes. That’s important in a film about two lighthouse keepers, or wickies, who are forced to live together in insanely grungy and cramped quarters of a lighthouse on a remote island off the coast of New England. Considering the harsh conditions and the fact it’s a horror film, they soon clash and seemingly lose their grip on reality which manifests in macabre images and supernatural occurrences. Or does it? Ha! This is one of the most unique and beautifully filmed movies of the year with the grainy black and white 35mm making it seem like it was made closer to the late 19th century, when the film takes place. Like many recent horror films, this one relies more on mood and imagery than jump scares and is buttressed by only two actors who give award-worthy performances. Alright? So, go to hell; Pattinson can act.
#3. Little Women
Director: Greta Gerwig
Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, Emma Watson, Timothee Chalamet, Eliza Scanlen, Laura Dern
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You might assume that Little Women is a stuffy period piece and even unnecessary considering it’s the seventh adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s iconic 1868 novel, but the prodigious actor-turned-writer-turned-director Greta Gerwig is too adept in her craft to settle for conventional story-telling. She gives this classic story a fresh, modern take with a non-linear approach and a feminist angle that enhances without overwhelming. Like her work on Lady Bird, she keeps scenes brisk and to the point with decisive cuts. She also adds her unique wit and snappy dialogue. Every conversation, no matter how superficial, leaves you enraptured. So, too, do the characters; it’s a pleasure following these complex girls through the ups and downs of their lives as women of little means and even fewer rights. They’re portrayed by a stellar cast, particularly Jo March who’s played by Saoirse Ronan, perhaps our greatest sub-30 actress. This may be a little movie about little women, but the payoffs and sheer enjoyment are truly grand.   
Full Review: https://thefilmsnob.tumblr.com/post/190231754125/little-women-12-out-of-5
#2. Us
Director: Jordan Peele
Starring: Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke 
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I know it’s blasphemous, but I might be the only person on Earth who not only thought Get Out was a tad overrated, but that Jordan Peele’s second feature, Us, is the superior picture. It’s easy to look at this film as merely a unique take on the slasher genre, but it’s so much more than that. Like any good horror, it’s creepy as hell, but it’s also brimming with foreshadowing, symbolism and metaphor. There are three or four ideas that Peele sets up at the beginning that seem disconnected to the story, yet they each have a specific purpose and when that becomes evident, it’s incredibly satisfying. Even more impressive is how Peele turns a movie about a vacationing family encountering their doppelgangers into a brilliant commentary on the current state of America, specifically in regards to class division and its relation to the Nature vs Nurture debate. And the movie’s neat twist at the end isn’t just added for shock value; it’s actually the final puzzle piece and essential in conveying the film’s message. I struggled with ranking Us at #1 or #2, but its over-reliance on slasher film action around the mid-point (a minor flaw) was the deciding factor. It’s near-perfect, nonetheless.
Full Film Interpretation: https://thefilmsnob.tumblr.com/post/184073868405/interpreting-jordan-peeles-film-us
#1. Midsommar
Director: Ari Aster
Starring: Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, William Jackson Harper, Will Poulter
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If there’s one thing for which the 2010s should be known, it’s great horror films, a refreshing development after decades of mediocrity. But, just like movies in general from the ‘New Hollywood’ ‘70s, horror films are more creative and ambitious than they’ve been in ages thanks to a handful of visionary filmmakers. Three out of the top five entries are horror movies and that’s saying something.
Midsommar is a mesmerizing horror film that hearkens back to the 1970s when the genre relied more heavily on atmosphere and pacing and sheer creepiness than on jump scares and gimmicks. It takes one hell of a talented writer/director to make a movie shot almost entirely in daylight feel so utterly sinister, but Ari Aster, who also made the acclaimed Hereditary, does just that with ease. What’s more, the film contains no monsters, nothing supernatural and an astonishingly minimal amount of violence, yet when we do see bits of blood and gore, it’s a complete shock to the system. What Aster does rely on is his mastery of lighting and framing to produce images that are unexpectedly eerie.
This is a movie that starts with a group of anthropology students looking to take part in a once-in-a-lifetime festival at a commune in the Swedish countryside and ends in an unspeakable nightmare. It’s a long and sometimes grueling experience that steadily snowballs into horror, but that slow burn is crucial for this delightfully nerve-wracking series of events. Oh, and it’s also a breakup story...possibly the scariest breakup story of all time. It’s certainly the best film of 2019.     
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jrpneblog · 3 years
Late goal ensures North End cup exit
A very forgettable 3rd round FA Cup tie saw North End out of the competition at the first attempt for the fourth season on the trot with a 1-2 defeat after extra time at The Cardiff City Stadium. No fans inside the ground meant a game played without atmosphere and I feel for both sides it was to their detriment. Cardiff took the lead in the game just before the interval of what had been a fairly even first half without being spectacular. North End levelled things up early in the second half when Sean Maguire was brought down and Daniel Johnson calmly tucked away the spot kick. The game went in to extra time and with just four minutes to go, and the game looking like going to penalties, Harris scored the winner to put the Bluebirds into round four.
Ryan Lowe made four changes from the side that won at Stoke last week with Cunningham, McCann, Ledson and Maguire coming in for Hughes, Browne, Whiteman and Evans. North End started the half well and were on top in the first quarter of an hour without really causing too many problems. Cardiff came back into the game and for a while it was a stalemate in midfield with both sides having half chances with a Davies attempt probably the best chance of the game for Cardiff. North End were slightly sloppy with their passing and were made to pay the price just three minutes from half time when Van Den Berg lost possession and the dangerous Davies cut inside and went round Patrick Bauer before firing home a shot that Iversen had no chance with.
No changes at the break for North End but we started the second half well and within seven minutes of the restart we were level. Brown made a clumsy tackle on Sean Maguire in the box and Daniel Johnson made no mistake from the spot coolly putting the ball inside the keepers right hand post.. Sinclair then came on for Riis and North End looked dangerous for a while through the channels. Again both sides seemed limited to half chances but Maguire had a good chance for North End that went wide. We then saw Josh Harrop for the first time this season as he and Whiteman were introduced for McCann and Ledson. The game petered out really as both sides seemed to settle for an additional thirty minutes.
Into extra time and Earl had the first chance for North End with a shot that went wide. Both team were flagging and mistakes were creeping into the game. Evans then came on for Maguire as Daniel Iversen made an excellent diving save to his left. It looked like being a long drag through the additional thirty minutes and Daniel Johnson was replaced by Alan Browne after suffering cramp just before the extra time interval. Harris shot wide as penalties loomed with North End looking to have settled for spot kicks. With just four minutes left of the 120 North End were dispossessed again and as the cross came in Harris fired home from the inside right position to give Cardiff a glamour trip to Anfield to play the mighty Liverpool in the fourth round. North End had a huge shout for a penalty right at the end but Referee Woolmer chose to waive away Preston appeals.
So Ryan Lowe loses for the first time as North End manager albeit in the FA Cup. North End were far from their best down in the Principality and our passing, particularly at the back and into midfield was not of the high standard we expect, especially from some of the senior players in the side. No real excuses as the home side had several key players missing and probably just about deserved the win on the day. There is no doubt that a tie at Anfield would have been a great day out for the club but that has gone now and North End must quickly get back to the bread and butter of the Championship. Two games at home against Birmingham and Sheffield United give us a great chance to keep climbing the league table starting next Saturday against the Blues.
MOTM: Daniel Johnson
ATTENDANCE    300    
PRESTON             20  (6.34%)
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recipeclips · 3 years
Ingredients for 13" x 4" x 4"  (208″3) / 10x5x3 (150″3) = x 0.72 5 3/4 cups (695g) // 520  King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour 2 1/2 teaspoons (15g // 11 g // 12 g ) salt 1 1/2 teaspoons ... 4.5 g // 3.375... 4.2  instant yeast 1 cup (227g) water, lukewarm 1/2 cup (113g) // 90 ml milk, at room temperature 3 tablespoons (64g) // 48 g honey 7 tablespoons (99g) // 74 gunsalted butter, at room temperature ____________ Instructions Weigh your flour; or measure it by gently spooning it into a cup, then sweeping off any excess. Combine the flour, salt, and yeast in a large mixing bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix and knead — by hand or stand mixer fitted with a dough hook — until a smooth, supple dough forms.Form the dough into a ball, place it in a lightly greased bowl, cover, and allow it to rise for 90 minutes.Halfway through the rise time fold the dough onto itself four times to gently deflate it and add strength.Lightly grease the base and lid of a 13" pain de mie pan (Pullman loaf pan).Take it a step further Loaf of white sandwich bread, sliced, on a cutting board in front of a pain de mie pan. BLOG There's more to this pan than pain de mie BY PJ HAMELTransfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Gently deflate it and pat it into an 11" x 8" rectangle.With the long side facing you, fold the bottom third of the dough up to the center and the top third over (like a business letter). Fold the dough in half lengthwise, and seal the edges with the heel of your hand.At this point the shaped dough should be 13" in length to fit the pan.Place the dough seam-down into the pan, and press it evenly into the corners. Put the lid on the pan and close all but an inch or so in order to monitor the loaf as it rises.Allow the dough to rise until it's just below the lip of the pan, 60 to 90 minutes.Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 425°F.Close the lid of the pan completely, and put the pan in the oven.Bake the bread for 25 to 30 minutes, then remove the lid and bake for an additional 5 minutes. The loaf should be a deep golden brown on all sides.Remove the loaf from the oven and, after 5 minutes, turn it out onto a rack to cool completely.Tips from our Bakers Our bakery loaf is infused with lavender and chamomile. For subtle notes of these flavors, heat the honey and milk to a simmer and pour over 1 tablespoon each dried lavender and chamomile leaves. Allow to steep overnight in the refrigerator, then strain and proceed with the directions as written. Alternatively, brew 1 cup of chamomile tea, allow to cool to lukewarm, and use in place of the water in the recipe, along with 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon lavender oil, if desired. To mix and knead the dough using a bread machine, put all the ingredients in the bucket of your Zojirushi, adding the liquid ingredients first, the dry ingredients second, and the yeast last. Program the machine for basic dough, and press the Start/Reset button. When the cycle is complete, transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface and proceed with the recipe as written. _____________ Ingredient Weight Chart | King Arthur Baking https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/learn/ingredient-weight-chart Yeast (instant) 2 tea­spoons 1/5oz 6 g Yeast (instant) 2 1/4 teaspoons 1/4 oz 7 g Yeast (instant) 1 tablespoon 1/3 oz 9 g
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Sour Cream Chicken Bake
New Post has been published on https://foodloverrecipes.com/blog/sour-cream-chicken-bake/
Sour Cream Chicken Bake
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posted by Kalyn Denny on December 7, 2020
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If you’re not against using a convenience product like canned soup, this Sour Cream Chicken Bake is delicious and easy to make! And this recipe is kid-friendly and super low in carbs!
PIN this tasty chicken dinner to try it later!
Sour Cream Chicken Bake is a recipe I shared in the first year of my blog, and since then it I have revised and improved the recipe a few times. The biggest change is that now I use the method I’ve come to love in several other chicken bake recipes, where I lightly brown the chicken, cut it into strips, and layer it into a casserole dish to be finished with a topping or sauce. 
And if you’re looking for easy recipes to make during this busy time of year, this is absolutely delicious and it’s super low in carbs even though it uses a can of cream of chicken soup! Kara and I made this twice to perfect the slight changes to the recipe, and we agreed that this updated version was definitely a keeper! (Check historical notes below for more about the original recipe and a link to the printer-friendly version of that for anyone who was a fan of the old version.)
How Many Carbs are in Cream of Chicken Soup?
The Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup (affiliate link) I used in this recipe has 22 carbs in a can. But even with those carbs, with 8 servings this recipe calculates at 5 carbs per serving. I didn’t use Gluten-Free Cream of Chicken Soup (affiliate link), so I don’t know if it has more carbs. I don’t use canned soup much, but I do think the convenience makes it good for some people. Here’s a link to make your own chicken soup replacement if you prefer not to use the canned soup, although the replacement recipe has flour and butter, so it will add some carbs.
How to Make Sour Cream Chicken Bake:
(Scroll down for complete recipe with nutritional information.)
Preheat oven and spray casserole dish with non-stick spray.
Mix together the Poultry Seasoning (affiliate link), Onion Powder (affiliate link), salt and pepper in a small bowl.
Trim chicken breasts and rub on both sides with seasoning mixture.
Heat olive oil in large frying pan and brown chicken about 3 minutes per side.
Cut browned chicken breasts into three or four strips each. 
Lay chicken strips crosswise going down the baking dish. 
Measure out the grated cheese; then mix together cream of chicken soup, sour cream, lemon juice, and one cup of cheese to make the sauce.
Spread the sauce mixture over chicken strips, then sprinkle with the other cup of grated cheese. (You can use less cheese if you prefer.)
Bake 35-40 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the top is starting to brown. 
Serve hot and enjoy!
Make it a Meal:
I’d eat this with a green salad and something simple like Roasted Broccoli with Garlic or Roasted Asparagus with Garlic to balance out the meal. You could also serve with Easy Cauiflower Rice, which would be delicious with the sauce.
More Easy Chicken Bake Recipes:
Easy Low-Carb Greek Chicken Bake Salsa Verde Chicken Bake Chicken Bake with Olive and Caper Sauce
Weekend Food Prep:
This recipe has been added to a category called Weekend Food Prep to help you find recipes you can prep or cook on the weekend and eat during the week!
2 tsp. poultry seasoning
2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. salt (or to taste)
1/2 tsp. fresh-ground black pepper
6 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 T olive oil
one 10.5 oz. can Cream of Chicken Soup
1/2 cup sour cream
1 T fresh-squeezed lemon juice
2 cups finely grated white cheddar
Preheat oven to 350F/175C. Spray a 9.5 inch x 12 inch casserole dish with non-stick spray.
Mix together the Poultry Seasoning (affiliate link), Onion Powder (affiliate link), salt and pepper in a small bowl.
Trim the chicken breasts and rub on both sides with the seasoning mixture.
Heat olive oil in a large non-stick frying pan and brown chicken until it's lightly browned on both sides, about 3 minutes per side.
Cut browned chicken breasts into three or four strips each.
Lay chicken strips crosswise in the baking dish. (You may have to stagger them to get them all to fit.)
Measure out the grated cheese; then mix together cream of chicken soup, sour cream, lemon juice, and one cup of cheese to make the sauce.
Spread the sauce mixture over the chicken breasts, then sprinkle over the other cup of grated cheese. (You can use less cheese if you prefer.)
Bake 35-40 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the top is starting to brown.
Serve hot and enjoy!
I used my fresh-frozen lemon juice.
This recipe was adapted years and years ago from a neighborhood cookbook that I no longer have and didn’t write down the name. I've been making this for many years and have improved it a few times through the years. 
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size:
1 Amount Per Serving: Calories: 356Total Fat: 20gSaturated Fat: 9gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 9gCholesterol: 119mgSodium: 703mgCarbohydrates: 5gFiber: 0gSugar: 1gProtein: 36g
Nutrition information is automatically calculated by the Recipe Plug-In I am using. I am not a nutritionist and cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, since many variables affect those calculations.
Low-Carb Diet / Low-Glycemic Diet / South Beach Diet Suggestions: I rarely cook with canned soup any more, but when I was first starting out on the South Beach Diet I did eat this type of dish occasionally, and it didn’t seem to impact my weight loss, so I am tagging this recipe for the South Beach Diet. But even if you use the low-fat ingredients recommended by South Beach, this recipe is still fairly high in saturated fat, so I’d consider this a “once-in-a-while treat” if you’re actively trying to lose weight on South Beach. Even though canned soup has some carbs, everything else here is a low-carb ingredient so this recipe is very low in carbs, although I realize some low-carb and Keto eaters might not want to use a convenience-food ingredient like canned soup. 
Find More Recipes Like This One: Use Kid Friendly Recipes to find more recipes like this one. Use the Recipes by Diet Type photo index pages to find more recipes suitable for a specific eating plan. You can alsoFollow Kalyn’s Kitchen on Pinterestto see all the good recipes I’m sharing there.
Historical Notes for This Recipe: This recipe was first posted in 2005, when I made the recipe with my friend Susan and her five-year old daughter Sophia! It was updated with greatly-improved recipes in 2013, and then updated again and slightly revised in 2020. I prefer the revised version where the chicken is browned slightly before it’s cooked with the sauce, but here is the printer-friendly of the original recipe if anyone is looking for that.
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posted by Kalyn Denny on December 7, 2020
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: A round up of 20 home organizing items to tidy every room in your house, establish good organizing habits, and keep it that way
Don’t read that title as “My house is sparkly clean and everything has its place right now and I’m basically Organizer Barbie.” That ain’t it. We just took down our Christmas decorations last week, and now this house feels totally chaotic. It happens every year. But after cleaning up the same messes a thousand times in this house (mamas, y’all know that feeling, right?), I have figured out solutions that work to give the things in our house a “home”. When it does get messy, it only takes a few minutes to do a quick sweep of the house before it feels sane again. (Pst… need ideas for organizing all the nooks and crannies of your house? Check ’em out here.)  So I thought it would be helpful to round up 20 of my favorite organizing items that have totally saved my tail to whip our home into shape over the years. 20 Best Home Organizing Items for a Tidy Space (Some affiliate links are provided below. Full disclosure here.)  1. Use a Closet Clean-Out Cheat Sheet to Sort Out the Keepers Simply asking myself  “Does this item spark joy?” isn’t enough for me. I need direction and clarity when trying to purge pieces from my wardrobe. Print out this cheat sheet and physically as yourself the hard questions about what’s in your closet. Over time, the job will go faster and get easier. (See our entire closet here.) 2. Display a Calendar, Mail Sorter, and Memo Board for a Command Center or Mail Drop-Zone Have a place for a calendar to jot down reminders and schedules. Use a mail sorter to stay ahead of the pile. Put up a memo board for papers that need immediate attention. And leave room for a key rack and shelf for any items that tend to get dropped at the door. (See our DIY command center wall here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 3. Use Shelf Risers and Drawer Stacks in Sinks, Cabinets, and on Shelves Vertical storage is like getting double or triple the space. (See a tour of our entire organized bathroom vanity here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 4. Invest in Drawer Organizers There are so many great drawer organizer inserts out there, but even if you don’t want to spend the money, you can even cut up cardboard cereal & cracker boxes to do the job. Turn on your JavaScript to view content 5. Use Tiered Shelves Tiered shelves allow you to stack things for vertical storage while seeing everything at once. This matching spice bottle set streamlines our spice cabinet beautifully. (See a tour of our entire organized kitchen here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 6. Go for Matching Hangers It’s amazing how streamlined a closet can feel with matching hangers. These wooden ones are from IKEA, but if you don’t have a location near you, these wooden hangers are comparable. Turn on your JavaScript to view content 7. Use Clear Canisters It’s so much easier to see when you’re running low and you don’t have to play Tetris to get a bunch of odd grocery containers to fit onto one shelf together. I love these clear locking canisters that keep our dry goods completely air tight. (See our entire pantry cabinet here for small space storage solutions.)  Turn on your JavaScript to view content 8. Corral Countertop Cooking Staples into a Caddy I like putting utensils, olive oil, salt and pepper, butter and my Google Home (for music while I cook) in easy reach together in a round basket tray so my countertops are clear for kitchen prep work. Bonus points if you put it on a Lazy Susan for 360 accessibility. (See more tips for decorating kitchen countertops for function here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 9. Place Wall Hooks Right Beside Your Family’s Most Commonly Used Door It’s the designated spot to prevent your entire house from becoming the drop zone of clutter. I love these cute double hooks that look antique and add a little charm to our laundry room. Ours are several years old now, but these hooks and these hooks have a similar vibe. (See a tour of our entire laundry room here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 10. Designate a Toy Basket in the Living Room (We do this since we have a playroom right off of our living room, so I realize not everyone has the luxury of a playroom.) No matter what your toy situation looks like, at least having enough baskets and bins for toys when not in use helps give them a “home” so they’re out of sight. We just fold a blanket or place a throw pillow on top of our basket. (See more tips for toy organization here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 11. Hide Cords with Cord Covers You can paint the cord covers the same color as the wall so they blend right in and you’ll never notice them. Turn on your JavaScript to view content 12. Take Advantage of Pegboards For craft rooms, offices, garages, laundry rooms, wherever… items stay orderly but accessible. These pegboard hooks and pegboard baskets help a ton. (See more cleaning/laundry room solutions here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 13. Use Ironing Board Hooks Keep the ironing board accessible and out of the way without taking up a ton of valuable space in a closet somewhere by putting a hook in your laundry room. Turn on your JavaScript to view content 14. Use Wall Baskets Inside of Closets I like storing gift wrap items on walls in our coat closet so I can quickly grab them when a wrapping occasion pops up. Use wall baskets for storing gloves, umbrellas, or any other accessory too. (See more of our coat closet here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 15. Roll Your Towels and Washcloths and Stick with White Bonus Points: It makes a bathroom feel more like a spa. I love white because they’re easy to bleach too. These towels are my absolute favorite. I LOVE this bathroom tower for vertical storage too. (See a tour of our entire master bathroom refresh here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 16. Use Wire Baskets in Pantries That way you can see food items inside of the wire baskets more easily. (See a tour of our entire IKEA Hemnes pantry solution here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 17. Take Advantage of a Tiered Basket for Produce A tiered basket helps so much to keep fruit from being scattered all over the kitchen counter while preventing overcrowding so they don’t spoil as quickly. Turn on your JavaScript to view content 18. Keep a Glasses Holder and Trinket Bowl on the Nightstand For taking everything off at the end of the day. (See a tour of our entire master bedroom here.) Turn on your JavaScript to view content 19. Keep Gaming Consoles and TV Receivers Behind Mesh Doors They can still receive a signal without being visible that way. You can see our tutorial for building this DIY window seat here. 20. Go Nuts With a Label Maker My little $10 label maker was worth every penny!!! Label containers, doors, drawers, bins, anything to help you and your household know what goes where. Turn on your JavaScript to view content I know there are a bunch of other favorite organizing items of mine too, but those are definitely the top contenders. Here are a few of my favorite past organizing projects we’ve done: Our Small His & Her IKEA Closet Makeover Our Full Kitchen Organization Tour 9 Tips for a Super Functional Coat Closet Our Nursery Organization Tour 7 Laundry Room Organizing Solutions Do you have any favorite organizing items? Spill ’em all! If you want to save this post for later, you can pin it here: The post The Best Home Organizing Items for a Tidy Space appeared first on Bless'er House. #Organizing
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