#The Little mermaid debate
derekbnerdy · 2 years
I guess people are still having at the little mermaid debate. There was a TikTok video I commented on about this topic back in November and this dude recently started a thread with me about it in the comments and this is one of his comments...
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This is one of the most absurd arguments I've ever heard. Idk man maybe you got called a racist because you were probably being racist about Black Panther. I know plenty of people who didn't like the movie and they never got called racist because they weren't being racist about it.
Also let's discuss why Ariel's skin color in the live action is insignificant. The whole purpose of the original little mermaid story is that it served as a love letter from Andersen to a man he had a major crush on but got rejected by. Ariel is simply the vehicle or representation of this love letter so it really doesn't matter what color she is. She could be green but still serve the same purpose the book was written for because the book is simply one man telling another "I love you."
Now this guy brought up the same argument I've seen and heard time and time again that if they race swapped Ariel then a white guy should play Black Panther because it can work both ways. The difference with BP is that he's a cultural icon as a black superhero just like Black Lightning is an icon as a black superhero I mean it's in the fucking name. You couldn't cast a white guy as BL because BL is black and he has lightning powers hence the name.
Now I'm not trying to say that Disney doesn't "black wash" as some call it, because there are times where they definitely do. All I'm saying is that overall it doesn't matter if Ariel is white, black, yellow, Brown, purple or whatever color you want to throw in. What's important is that she has the characteristics of what make her Ariel minus skin color, and that she still serves the purpose of being a representation of the authors love.
Another thing to think about is that the actress who is playing the live action Ariel was chosen primarily for her singing not her color. They were afraid that she wouldn't be able to act but she apparently did fine and that's why they casted her. We have to remember a lot of these Disney remakes are part musical so singing is a very important factor.
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ecsta-zi · 2 years
I've been a little mermaid fan since infancy
I had one consistent thing in my life that has followed me from infancy all the way to adulthood. That is my love for the little mermaid. Every single household item you can think of it is Little mermaid theme I have tubs of Little mermaid collectibles because every tiny little mermaid themed thing my mom found she bought for me I have a Hallmark ornament from every single year since I was a child of The Little mermaid. My transition from adolescence to childhood is very similar to Ariel's story. I even have a tattoo of her on my arm.
Ariel from The Little mermaid was my Disney princess that I have loved unconditionally my entire life.
Speaking of entire lives I have waited for the live action remake of The Little mermaid my entire life. I have patiently watched Disney make every live remake of every popular Disney classic out there except The Little mermaid. Now that there is a possibility for me to finally see The Little mermaid in live action it turns out to be a huge controversial issue. Just breaks my heart.
Imagine being so excited and waiting your whole life for something just to see all of the nasty things that people have been saying and the nasty things that people have been making about it.
I will judge this movie like I judge every movie. I will judge the actress on her ability to not only sing but to portray Ariel and her story correctly. I will be critiquing the amount of energy and CGI work they've put into this movie. I will pay attention to dialogue and I will pay attention to the details of the movie that I would for every movie.
If you're a little mermaid fan who is so devastated over the fact that the lead character is black you were never a Little mermaid fan in the first place.
If you were a real fan you would know that there are numerous mermaids that have melanin. I have watched all the movies and have seen the show there are mermaids of color.
The argument "that mermaids can't be black because there's no sun underwater so therefore they can't have melanin" is the most dumbest excuse I've heard
The most rational one I heard is oh she's Danish it's based on a Danish story. I personally don't give a fuck it is not the end of the world to me. I just want to see the movie I've waited my whole life for.
I thought it was common knowledge but yes the sun does reach underwater. Another thing is if you watched The Little mermaid all of their movies including the show you would understand that they are up at the surface a lot. The story behind Ariel's mother's death proves the fact that mermaids like to hang up on the surface sit on rocks and sunbathe that is how Ariel's mother got caught and killed. So how many times have we seen Ariel hopping up on rocks and shit and going up to the surface and how many mermaids are up at the surface. Point is mermaids get sun bro. Therefore the possibility of there being a dark-skinned mermaid out there makes sense.
But we're speaking fictionally here: but if you want to get down to facts- if mermaids were real they would look nothing like Us they would not have half human skin half fishtail... they would have reptilian like skin everywhere. They wouldn't have hair they wouldn't even have the same eyes as us.
I'll be more than happy to elaborate more on this when I'm not tired and not fighting through my sleep meds
So do a us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Nobody cares that you're not going to watch the movie we will do just fine without you.
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The "finest Disney princes/men" debate always has these five as either the winner or the runner-up's 😂
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This is kinda the female equivale to dudes discussing who's the best waifu in anime communities. We never reach a common ground because we all have different tastes!!! 😩🤭
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scarapanna · 3 months
genuinely curious, so like mermaids or already half animal cookies do they get some birdie features?
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Faeries, gem mermaids and other cookies that already share animal characteristics remain mostly the same in the au!!
I'm still debating as to wether give them certain qualities from different species of fish or insects since that would be pretty fun, but as of now they don't have many bird-like qualities compared to normal cookies in canon
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leece-brooks · 2 years
Anyone who says they don't like the rings of power because the black and POC cast members don't conform to Tolkiens lore does not understand Tolkien's work. Tolkien was a student of mythology who understood that myths change with each generation of storytellers. He wasn't making holy canon never to be changed. Anyway, the central themes of the books are about finding the beauty of the world and the love in one another. Don't you think focusing the ethnicities of the actors flies in the face of Tolkien's point? He was a veteran and had seen the outcomes of letting our differences and fears divide us to the most extreme extent. Can you put aside your racial prejudices a second and appreciate how beautifully made the program is? We should be greatful that we have such a vivid depiction of Tolkien's work. We can accept that it will never be perfect or replace the original source material but when are films and TV shows better than the books? Just appreciate it for what it is.
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fairytale-enthusiast · 2 months
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saturndivine · 1 year
After watching the little mermaid, I have come to terms that Ariel is a libra sun, sagittarius moon, with a pisces rising
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avalondesigns · 1 year
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Avalon’s ice cream parlor 🍦🪸
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answrs · 11 months
okay but what's the average lifecycle of a typical tynamo→eelektross look like? they (at least appear to) start out as tynamo in chargestone cave, but their evolved forms seem absent from the environment. do they migrate as they evolve? what makes them so rare in what seems to be the only place the species is endemic to? where do their different stages fit into the food web? what do they eat as they grow? what eats *them*? would they be cannibalistic? are the young parasitic? are there mons (and a few concerned lost trainers) wandering around with circular wounds but otherwise unharmed, ala lamprey/cookiecutter shark? do eelektrik and eventually eelektross move out towards the ocean or rivers, only rarely returning to breed, or do they sink deeper into the depths of the caves where the water pools deep?
look im pretty sure im at least mildly sick at this point but suddenly this is the worldbuilding i NEED to think about right now immediately
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misterbaritone · 8 months
I often forget that Lilo and Stitch was a movie, as in a whole ass theatrically released film, before it was a show.
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theajaheira · 10 months
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worked more on the novel today, realized i have a very new and specific vision for certain characters, & subsequently got home and had to make the girls in the sims...
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thebunsquad · 2 months
So I look up the reviews to guide us and throw caution to every warning sign. I'm sure there'll be bad films that'll find us but we will watch them all one at a time. So I make this wish, to watch something good, better than this.
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she-is-27-i-checked · 2 months
People being very very clever about something very very silly is just...so joyous to me...
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queensparklekitten · 4 months
btw the reason i showed you guys another pic of my seahorse shaped butter knife is that my mom pointed out that with the metric ton of large ferns in our front yard, it kinda looks like we're in a kelp forest, and now i'm mentally larping as a mermaid
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v3nusspeaks · 5 months
I had a long day :)) I'm such a yapper that I need Grammarly to stop me from talking nonsense. IT COULDN'T BE ME UH O.O
For starters, I won that debate I was excited about!! :)) I was so nervous about everything, but it was easy for me after I got into it. The other team didn't stand a CHANCE compared to my group. Also had theatre today as well! We're doing the little mermaid at our school!! Speaking of, on the 2nd night of our shows, we're doing a sensory-friendly night for autism awareness month!! We are even incorporating different signs to keep the doors open and make everything quieter for everyone!!! I'm super excited for it!!! I got home, passed out, and didn't wake up until 8 PM. Then, I had to do some homework, but I am finally going to bed!! Thinking about writing a book possibly. For the past couple of years, I've thought about making a book on what my life is like being autistic and having ADHD, as well as neurodivergence itself. I never got to it, but I think I might soon. I also have maladaptive daydreaming, so I have this reoccurring storyline with so many playouts and endings, so I'm confident I could write a whole series on it. Today is pretty chill. I'm gonna head off to bed!!! Talk to everyone tomorrow <333 (oh yeah, tomorrow I plan on writing some facts about ASD and ADHD or maybe sharing different like- stories!!!:))))
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ponderlyapp · 11 months
Do Disney Princess movies give children a false sense of reality? 👑👸 As @disney celebrates its 100th year, how do you reflect on the legacy of the princess movies?
Read the analysis at @ponderlyapp where Michelle and Haley discuss the impact of the princess
🎥 @thedisneyprincesses
✨✨ Weigh in and vote yourself
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