#The Millionaire Detective Balance x male reader
heylookitsyc · 3 years
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Pairing: Daisuke Kambe x Reader
Anime: The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited / Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Jealousy is something that your boyfriend Daisuke has never experienced before. What happens when you and Haru get a little too close for his comfort?
Warning(s): None
Story is down below!
You were unaware of the blue-gray eyes that stared at you as you stood in front of the stove, a serious look on your face as you did your best to not burn the fried chicken that you were making. Haru stood next to you, telling you to be careful since the hot oil might splash onto your hands.
Daisuke was sitting on the floor, sipping on the cup of tea that you had made for him earlier. It wasn’t the best quality, but for your sake he drank it anyway as he watched you and his friend’s interaction.
The three of you were currently in Haru’s apartment, both detectives having just returned from an overseas trip regarding the illegal selling of adollium. Being a childhood friend of Haru's, you had offered to watch over his apartment whenever he was gone for long periods of time.
It was because of this that you were able to meet Daisuke Kambe; despite his cool demeanor, you had been quick to warm up to him. You were similar to Haru in that you were both sympathetic and a hard worker, but you had much more patience compared to your childhood friend.
“Haru, relax! I made sure that the heat is low, so the oil shouldn’t splash,” you said, shaking your head at the older male’s warnings. “Seriously, you worry too much.”
“I’m just looking out for you, (Y/N),” Haru said. “I know you’ve been cooking your whole life, but I can’t help but remember the accidents that happened whenever we would cook together…”
“I’m older now,” you laughed, giving the detective’s shoulder a playful punch. “Don’t doubt my cooking skills. They’ve improved a lot.”
You turned your attention to Daisuke, who was now staring at his cup of tea.
“Isn’t that right, ‘Suke?” you asked, earning a nod in response.
You beamed at his approval, a bright smile on your lips as your focus went back to tending to the chicken.
“You cooked this in oil.”
“Yeah! That’s what makes it crispy,” you said, picking up one of the fried chicken pieces with a pair of chopsticks. “I made sure that it’s boneless so that it would be easier to eat.”
Haru, who was already munching on his third piece, watched in amusement as you held the food item up to Daisuke’s lips.
“Come on, say ah~” Your voice sounded almost like a song now. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise.”
“I don’t understand why you think it’s necessary to feed me,” Daisuke muttered, staring at the piece of chicken presented to him. “Why don’t you feed yourself?”
“Because I enjoy feeding those I care about,” you huffed. You waved the fried piece in front of him. “Now eat it while it’s still hot, ‘Suke. I made this with extra love, just for you.”
Haru let out an exaggerated gagging noise, and you just rolled your eyes.
“Fine, I’ll feed you instead, Haru-”
Daisuke’s hand suddenly grabbed onto your wrist, preventing you from moving the chopsticks towards Haru’s mouth.
“No. That piece is meant for me.”
Both you and Haru’s eyes widened at the billionaire’s words; this was uncharacteristic of him. Though Daisuke’s expression remained nonchalant like always, his voice carried just the slightest hint of irritation.
“Oh. Uhm…” It took you a moment to understand what just happened. “Alright, then. This piece is yours, ‘Suke.”
You fed your boyfriend the bite, a nervous sweat forming on your brow as you noticed that his gaze was on Haru the whole time.
What’s up with him? you thought, picking up another piece of chicken. They’re such good friends, aren’t they? Then why does it seem like-
“It’s good,” Daisuke said. “Though I think a different oil would have been better.”
Haru scoffed. “Of course you’d say that,” he said. He then gave you a kind smile, head nodding towards the kitchen. “(Y/N), do you mind getting some beer from the fridge? I bought some to pair with the fried chicken.”
As you got up to get the drinks, you failed to notice the slight tension that now filled the air.
It was difficult for Haru to hold himself back from smiling.
No way… is Daisuke actually jealous?
Daisuke had picked up the chopsticks that you had placed down, popping another one of the fried chicken pieces into his mouth. The billionaire seemed to be deep in thought, chewing thoughtfully on the piece of meat.
Well, there’s only one way to find out.
Haru snickered, causing the younger male to stop chewing momentarily.
“Is there something on your mind, Haru?” Daisuke asked.
“No, nothing at all.”
“I’m back with the drinks!” you announced, holding three cans of beer in your arms as you returned to the dining table. “I didn’t bother getting any glasses, since usually we drink out of the can, but-”
“Actually, (Y/N),” Haru interrupted, just as you placed the drinks down. “I could use a glass.”
“Really?” Your head tilted slightly. “But whenever we drink beer, you don’t usually-”
“I feel like using one right now,” Haru insisted. “Do you mind getting one for me?”
“Uhm… sure, I guess.”
You went back to the kitchen, and to your surprise, Haru followed right behind you. Before you could ask him why he was with you, however, he had opened a cabinet nearby.
“Ah, there they are!” The detective pointed at the glass cups that resided on the very top shelf. “Get me one of those, please?”
He was fully capable of getting it himself; the both of you knew that. Nevertheless, he was your friend, and you didn’t really find a need to question him.
With a small sigh, you crawled on top of the counter. With shaky legs you managed to stand perfectly upright, one hand holding onto the cabinet door as the other obtained a glass. Just as you were about to lower yourself back down, you suddenly felt a small pressure on your foot- enough to make you lose your balance.
“Gah!” You found yourself falling backwards, and you would’ve smacked onto the ground if Haru wasn’t there to catch you. “!?”
The sharp sound of glass shattering rang through the kitchen, causing you to flinch. Haru, on the other hand, didn’t look fazed by the noise at all; there was a grin on his face as he held you in his arms.
“You alright?” His hold on you was gentle, yet strong. “You should be more careful, (Y/N).”
“I’m fine,” you said. You realized that after dropping the glass, your hands had instinctively reached out to grab onto Haru’s shoulders. “Though I dropped the glass…”
“Don’t worry about that.” The detective looked over at the mess you made. “It can be replaced.”
Daisuke entered the kitchen, only to pause at the sight of you in Haru’s arms. His eyebrows furrowed together immediately, and he would’ve approached you if it weren’t for the glass pieces in the way.
“How did this happen?” he asked, though he didn’t really need an answer. The sight before him was enough to tell him what had occurred.
“(Y/N) was clumsy, like usual,” Haru said, giving a laugh. “Do you mind cleaning the glass, Daisuke? We can’t move around with all these pieces…”
With his hands now clenched into fists, the younger detective gave a stiff nod before looking for a broom to sweep with.
“He didn’t even drink that much…”
You placed a blanket around Haru’s shoulders, removing the unfinished glass of beer from his limp hand. He had fallen asleep not long after starting on his second serving of alcohol, cheek pressed against the hard wood of the dining table as he snored lightly.
Daisuke, who was sitting on the sofa, was close to falling asleep himself. His head was struggling to stay up by the time you finished cleaning up the last of the dirty dishes.
His eyes were just about to flutter shut when he felt your soft touch on his shoulder.
“‘Suke, why don’t you just sleep here on the couch tonight?” you suggested gently. “I’ll try to take Haru to bed-”
Your words were interrupted by him unexpectedly pulling you into his lap, his arms wrapping around you as he buried his face into your neck.
“H-huh!?” A heat rose to your cheeks. “‘Suke, this isn’t like you-!”
Perhaps it was the alcohol influencing him, for he didn’t make any move to let you go. A faint pink coated his cheeks now, looking as serious as ever.
“Just leave him here,” Daisuke muttered, giving you a kiss that landed just below your ear.
“He’ll wake up sore if I don’t-”
His hold on you tightened. “Then let him.”
His breathing suddenly slowed, and you turned to see that he had fallen asleep. You couldn’t help but smile at this, your fingers barely dancing over his skin as you brushed some loose strands of hair away from his face.
You planted a sweet kiss onto his forehead. “I don’t get you sometimes, ‘Suke…”
You eventually dozed off as well, too far gone to notice the way that Daisuke’s fingers unconsciously intertwined with yours.
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animalanie · 2 years
*casually slides in your asks 🤸‍♀️🕳*
Lol hey :D. I'm new to your blog and i really like your Daisuke fics. Idk if ur requests are still open but Can I request for a Daisuke Kambe x f!Reader like she's a rich detective too. Just all fluff? My 1st request lol I'm sorry if something is wrong in the request. Okay that's all, have a good day 💙
Hey, anon! Thanks a lot for the request! I'm glad you liked my oneshot! ^_^ So, here you go with another one! And sorry for taking so long to respond!
Oneshot - The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited [The Rich and The Richer]
Fandom: The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited
Title: The Rich and The Richer
Pairing: Daisuke Kambe X Female! Reader
Word Count: +1.6K
Warning(s): Mention of site-bombing
If you enjoyed my work and want to look for more, here is my masterlist. Or you could request here from any of these shows!
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"Why do you think we came here?" A voice entered through the intercom as you looked up from your paperwork and to your security footage.
"I doubt they would be able to help, that is all I'm saying." A smirk formed on your face at those words, feeling ready to surprise them with your expertise on the case.
"Should I let your clients in, ma'am?" Your assistant spoke up, and you pressed your finger against the answer button.
"Yes, please." With a delicate tone, you responded and focused on the double door that led to your office. Soon after, a knock echoed through your room and you got up from your chair to saunter over to the entrance. With a smile, you opened the door to see two gentlemen standing next to each other.
"Hello, there," You greeted the taupe-haired detective before turning your gaze to the other as his blue-ish eyes widened. "Long time no see. Please, come in."
"Hello, my name is Haru Kato, and this is Daisuke Kambe. I suppose you already know that, though, right?" Haru asked as he walked in with Daisuke following closely behind.
"Yes, that I do. On the same note, I suppose you know my name already due to the files we were given, but proper introductions are still in order. My name is [Y/N] [L/N]. It is a pleasure to meet you both." With your hand out for a handshake, you made eye contact with both men as Haru took your hand in his before Daisuke followed suit.
"Take a seat, please. Let's get right into the details." You waved your hand over your desk to motion them to sit down as you did the same on the opposite side. Your eyes shifted towards Daisuke, who was currently looking around your office decor, taking in all the files and books on the wooden shelves, the neatly stacked papers and your shut-off laptop resting on the polished Dalbergia table. Finally, his curious gaze settled on you, trailing up your form to meet your eyes.
"Am I... interrupting something by being here?" Haru spoke up, hesitation clear in his voice. A smirk formed on your face before you turned back to the fidgeting detective, who had already taken his seat.
"No, my apologies. Your partner seems quite interested in this office, so I was merely fascinated. Let's get started, shall we?"
"Yes, please." He sighed and signalled the black-haired male to pay attention.
"Through a few sources of mine, I have been able to find a few witnesses of the site-bombing. Though, as expected, they are keeping shut about it."
"Wait, you've already found witnesses?" Haru looked up from the file you handed him, his eyes wide from surprise.
"Why, of course! Why do you think they hired a freelance detective such as me? I do hope I continue to surprise you; it's quite amusing to see your reactions." With a smile, you leaned back in your chair and began to explain how you made such progress. Needless to say, their reactions were your sole source of entertainment at the moment.
"Then, how do you plan to make them talk? Surely, they have someone they fear. There is no other reason for all witnesses to act similarly."
"Anyone will talk with enough money slapped in their faces. All I have to do is prepare a couple cheques." With a dismissive wave of your hand and a shrug of shoulders, you looked up at the two. Both men glanced at each other before turning back to you.
"Did this guy teach you that too?" Haru asked as he jabbed his thumb in Daisuke's direction.
"You always seem to assume I am the bad influence." A small frown formed on Daisuke's face as he turned to his partner, his disappointment clear as day.
"Actually, I might be the one who taught him that instead." You looked over at him once more and smiled genuinely. "Anyway, I think we should meet up at the crime scene tomorrow at noon. This file contains some more details that would be best looked over again." You tapped on the folder that lay on the desk in front of Haru.
"Sure thing. Let's meet up later, then. I'll let you know if I find some more information."
"That would be great! Thanks," You said and began to stand up so you could see both men outside when Haru spoke up once more.
"Um, since we are done with business, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you." His hesitation did not go unnoticed by you but you nodded, nonetheless. "How do you two know each other, if you don't mind answering."
"You were nervous about asking that?" Daisuke stepped in after getting up from his chair.
"Well, I didn't know if it would be rude of me!"
"Oh, you don't need to be worried about any formalities. Please, feel at ease. We may be working together for quite a while so it's better we get comfortable with each other." You smiled to reassure the nervous detective before continuing, "To answer your question- our meeting wasn't really all that interesting. The first time we met was simply due to our parents at a very young age. But, I suppose they didn't intend for us to be friends, considering their reactions when they found out." You chuckled as you thought back to the memory while a small smile formed on Daisuke's face.
"You would always cling onto me and call me out of nowhere. It was only a matter of time till they found out."
"I did not!"
"You did," As expressionless as ever, he stared at you to indicate he had won the argument. He wasn't wrong, but you didn't want to admit being that way in your younger days. Before you could continue, a ring tone echoed within the room and Haru reached into his pant pocket to pull out his phone.
"I need to take this, I'll wait outside for you two to finish. It was nice meeting you, [Y/N]." He bowed before walking out.
"Nice meeting you too," You replied before turning your attention to the remaining detective. "Well, don't I get a reunion hug, Daisuke Kambe?" You spread your arms in anticipation, and he shook his head before walking over. The smile on your face widened as his arms wrapped around your waist, and yours secure around his neck. With a relieved sigh, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and closed your eyes, relishing the moment for as long as you were allowed to.
"I missed this," You mumbled before feeling one of his hands trail up your back, the feather-like touch of his fingers travelling up your spine before reaching the back of your head. His fingers spread between your hair, caressing each strand they touched, as he cradled your head and pushed it closer to him.
"I did too, and I missed you as well." He spoke into your hair and closed his eyes. You bit your lower lip at his forwardness and tightened your grip on him. "I see your style still hasn't changed. What happened to your equipment?"
"I'm not going to reveal all my secrets just yet." You pulled your head back enough to look at him with a smug look. "Plus, it's not like you show me your computer at your house. Why should I show mine?"
"Correction: you've actually seen my computer."
"That's because Suzue showed it to me, not you," You countered and stuck your tongue out at him. A smirk formed on Daisuke's face as he pretended to lean closer and bit the air, making you pull your tongue back in before he could actually catch it.
"Daisuke!" Flustered, you hit his chest and attempted to pull away from your hug but he only tightened his grip. Taking this opportunity to hide your flushed face, you pressed it against his chest when you felt it vibrate due to his chuckles. "I will get you back for this, just you wait."
"You can do that now; what are you holding off for?" Your breath hitched at the question and you reluctantly looked up to see him looking down at you. His hand found its way to your nape and gently stroked the skin, causing goosebumps to form in response to his touches. Before you could reply, you felt a buzz in Daisuke's jacket pocket. You both pulled back as he took his phone out and looked at the screen.
"What a timing, huh." He sighed and declined the call before stuffing his device back in and looking at you. "Haru's calling, he's probably done with his phone call. I should get going before he nags at me."
"Right," You agreed and cleared your throat before crossing your arms. "I'll see you out." Noticing your lack of expressions, he smirked before following you out.
"I'll be waiting," He said as you exited the building, making you look at him in confusion. However, once you caught the look in his eyes, all your questions disappeared and you attempted to hide your embarrassment through laughter.
"Waiting for what?" Haru spoke up as he looked from his screen and back and forth between you and Daisuke.
"Just- tomorrow! You know, for the investigation." You answered a little too quickly and slapped yourself mentally, before regaining your composure. "Alright, then, I'll see you both tomorrow."
"That we will." With a confident look, Daisuke turned around and followed Haru down the street, leaving you to deal with your mind in a mess.
How can you be so unfair?
With that, you walked back into your building, hoping tomorrow would not test your limits.
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thera-daydreams · 3 years
° m a s t e r l i s t + t a g l i s t s °
[on temporary hiatus until i pass and get my professional license this 2024, wish me luck please 😔]
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hello! i'm thera, a fanfiction author who writes for multiple fandoms
she/her | 22 | FIL | aquarius | infj | person who needs sleep, happy hormones, and a real-life nanami kento | ko-fi | quotev | deviantart
❦ this is a list of all my previous works, what i have in my drafts, and everything I'm planning to write, which is why some works may not have links yet since they're a work in progress; if i get an idea, i'll add it right here <3
❦ i don't have a schedule so updates may be inconsistent or on n' off; i only write when i'm inspired and when i have time. also, because of university and life, i'm super busy. just so you know. :)
❦ my older works are also on quotev and deviantart, thus some links may redirect there. still thinking about making an ao3 account, though.
❦ my stories are generally SFW or just a tad suggestive with a fem!reader, but maybe in the future (when i get the guts and the talent), i'll write some actual NSFW.
❦ just message me if you want to be added to my taglists for ongoing fics!
∞ - full stories, ↳ - oneshots or twoshots,  ✿ - imagines or headcanons
° not taking requests! °
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∞ INDAY [Crispin/Basilio/Maliksi/Dominic x Skymaiden!Reader] (completed)
✿ shorts & spinoffs (still ideas as of the moment)
↳ PLUS ONE [Maliksi x BestFriend!Reader] (completed)
↳ PLUS THREE [Maliksi x Reader] *sequel of plus one*
↳ POMEGRANATES [Dominic x Reader]
↳ UYAYI [Basilio x Mermaid!Reader]
↳ KABILANG BUHAY [Crispin x Ghost!Reader] (completed)
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∞ THE SWEET OLD LADY IS A WITCH [Nanami Kento/Gojo Satoru/Ryomen Sukuna/Fushiguro Toji/Geto Suguru/Kamo Choso x ScarletWitch!Reader] (ongoing)
↳ COFFEE & TEA [Nanami Kento x Reader]
↳ 241 [Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru x Onesided!Reader]
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∞ WISHING FOR WINGS [Male!Yandere Simulator x Ayano Aishi!Reader] (discontinued)
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∞ LITTLE MISS ANCIENT [Hetalia x Reader] (completed)
↳ WEDDINGS? YOU SURE? [Hetalia x Reader] (completed)
↳ MAN CORSETS [Austria x Reader x Prussia] (completed)
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∞ IMMORTALS [Erwin Smith/Reiner Braun/Miche Zacharias/Jean Kirstein/Levi Ackerman/Zeke Yeager x Various!Immortal!Isekai!OCs]
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∞ SCARLET & SHADOW [Darkling x Scarlet Witch!Reader] - ◤MCU x Shadow and Bone◢ (ongoing)
∞ VICTIMS [Wonder Woman x Captain America | Supergirl x Winter Soldier | Zatanna x Quicksilver | Starfire x Loki] (on hiatus) - ◤MCU x DCEU◢ (discontinued)
∞ GODKILLER [Gabriel Reyes x WonderWoman!Reader x Jack Morrison] - ◤Overwatch x DCEU◢
∞ ITERUM [Madara Uchiha x Sakura Haruno | Sasuke Uchiha x Erza Scarlet | Mirajane Strauss x Itachi Uchiha | Neji Hyuuga x Kagura Mikazuchi | Tobirama Senju x Ur | Izuna Uchiha x Ultear Milkovich | Shisui Uchiha x Minerva Orland | Kakashi Hatake x Irene Belserion] - ◤Naruto x Fairy Tail◢
∞ QUEEN OF THE DAMNED [Alucard x Akasha Bloodriver] - ◤Hellsing x Rosario + Vampire◢
∞ SUN & MOON [Sesshomaru x Queen Serenity] - ◤Inuyasha x Sailor Moon◢
∞ MYSTERY OF SILENCE [Phantom x Siren!Reader] - ◤The Phantom of the Opera◢
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i don't write for many of the other fandoms i'm in, but feel free to chat or interact with me!
. trese . jujutsu kaisen . attack on titan . mcu . dceu . the old guard . free! iwatobi swim club . kuroko no basket . yuri! on ice . naruto . fairy tail . millionaire detective: balance unlimited . black butler . hellsing . castlevania . rosario + vampire . vampire knight . inuyasha . sailor moon . hetalia . pretty rhythm . cells at work . way of the househusband .
. yandere simulator . overwatch . earth defense force . phantom of the opera . hamilton . miss saigon . les miserables . jekyll and hyde . bram stoker's dracula . twilight . a court of thorns & roses . shadow and bone. wandavision. crazy rich asians . game of thrones . the remarried empress . dangerous convenience store . exo . twice . red velvet . (g)-idle . exid . itzy . k-drama . k-variety shows .
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Please don't copy or repost my works somewhere else! Thank you! ©2015-2024 (@thera_daydreams)
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undercover-trio · 3 years
This is Mod Crow and I’m here to tell all of you that Requests are OPEN but as of right now, only for me.
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Here is a list of all that I will write for:
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Bungo Stray Dogs
Twisted Wonderland
Obey me
Black Butler
The disastrous life of Saiki k.
Assasination Classroom
The millionaire detective balance: unlimited
I am willing to try to write for any of the characters, though I may struggle with some things.
I’m not going to do character x character but I may do poly.
I don’t think I have the heart to do anything with writing about an abusive relationship or anything of the like, these are my comfort characters.
Won’t do smut
Mainly open for:
I can do Fem!Reader and GN!Reader, I can try my hand at Male!Reader (Don’t get mad at me if I didn’t do well)
There is no definitive character limit but if I feel there are too many characters listed for me to do I may cut some. Main groups like ‘dorm leaders’ from twsd are cool with exceptions expected from time to time.
Reblogs are welcomed and encouraged!
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despicablepenguin · 4 years
Highly specific manga recommendations please!!!
I've been trying to find a manga for awhile but I don't know where to look. It's like I haven't read a lot of manga so there's so much more to look at but it still feels like I can't find any. It might be because I'm super picky.
Ok, here we go. This is my tastes. Just because I haven't read much manga, doesn't mean I haven't watched any anime so I at least know what I like.
- DO NOT recommend me any manga that has already been adapted as an anime because I've most likely either have watched it, planning to watch it or am not going to watch it and every time I search up best manga, all the shounen animes pop up.
- slice of life hate it. Also, fantasy, hate it with a passion including all fantasy. I think it's this surrealism where I want to place myself in the situation so it can't be not on earth or in a fantasy kingdom but also don't want to live my everyday life. Usually I like things on earth because I can sympathize with them more. I feel like I hear some far away war in the premise a lot and ngl, I start skipping real quick. Of course there are exceptions to all of these but rarely.
- Romance is honestly eh for me. I don't think I can really read romance after reading Horimiya because it's so fudging good and I hate waiting so long for the couple to get together. It also needs some kind of premise besides romance or I snooze. I'm fine with romance in the story but I'm not fine with romance only being the story.
-on a similar note, this is gonna sound super homophobic but I don't particularly like much BL, yaoi, yuri, etc. This is particularly because I can't put myself in the shoes of the main characters which makes romance much more unlikeable than it already is. When I read romance, it's usually for indulgence for myself. That doesn't mean I definitely can not have BL, yaoi, yuri or anything, it's just if it's the main focus, I'm out. Like for example, I'm currently reading, "A World Where Everything Definitely Becomes BL vs. The Man Who Definitely Doesn't Want To Be In A BL," which honestly the story is kind of lacking which I get but also this is going to be a snooze fest if you use the same joke constantly. Anyway, I liked that the guy in this book literally has to navigate a world where every boy falls in love and I think that's hilarious. I also want to watch banana fish, not read it because it sounds interesting.
- Horror is a no. I can't even stand horror movies
- I think I love supernatural and sci fi so much because it keeps popping up on my anime list. From Haruhi Suzimiya, a certain scientific Railgun, assassination classroom, jujutsu Kaisen, kokoro connect, bunny girl senpai. Of course that's kind of broad so that one's kind of hard to pin down too...
- I fudging love spy things, assassination, detectives, etc. I love things like james bond which is why I love spy x family, assassination classroom and millionaire detective balance: unlimited. If someone could recommend more, please do! I wish there was more assassin or spy manga or anime. I don't know why but I love them. Also, I forgot great pretender.
- I don't particularly like anything psychological or if you try to sell me on sadness, i probably won't read it. Now if you didn't tell me, it's fine but once I hear sadness, I don't want to read it because I already have depression, I don't want more depression!!! I like reading for entertainment purposes, not to have an existential crises or to think the meaning of life or whatever.
Sorry this is super long and I think this is too picky for anyone to recommend so I probably won't get any recommendations. I just know that there are a ton of mangas out there that I probably don't know because I'm not in the manga community like I didn't know Horimiya existed until the anime came out and it's so freaking good. I love the friendships and are attached to all the characters and I wish the manga wasn't ending soon. I also love spy x family so much and would binge read it if I could but it's still ongoing. It's perfect for me because it has an esper (supernatural), spy and assassin which I all love. It's also super wholesome which I like since my favorite anime is assassination classroom and it also has action in it too.
I should also say the manga and manwha (manwha is accepted too) I have read although you probably know most of it:
- Spy x Family
- Love is War
- Rent a Girlfriend (dropped)
- Horimiya
- Act age (read until it got cancelled)
- A World Where Everything Definitely Becomes BL vs. The Man Who Definitely Doesn't Want To Be In A BL (caught up)
- supersecret (finished)
- Omniscient reader's viewpoint
- Her summon (dropped)
- I stole the male lead's first night (dropped)
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badboysdoitbetter · 4 years
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for matchup rules, please click [ here ]
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- please let me know if you’d like a scenario or headcanon!
scenario : one (1) character limit
headcanon : three (3) character limit
- be sure to include a summary of what you’d like!
scenario : please be specific! that makes it easier for me to write, and hopefully makes it more enjoyable for you to read.
headcanon : an idea, or simple concept is a-okay (e.g. “his s/o gets hit on” or “how he comforts his s/o after a hard day) but if you want something specific, that’s cool too!
- general do’s and don’ts!
i do write : character x reader pairings, reader-inserts (male!reader, fem!reader, gn!reader), LGBTQ+ pairings, NSFW (mentions of sex, non-descriptive smut, kinks), sensitive topics (mental illness, suicide, bullying, sexual assault, abuse, etc.)
i don’t write : character x character pairings, character x oc pairings, blatant smut (as in, that’s the whole idea of the scenario/headcanon), anything promoting/joking about sensitive topics (see above)
- hunter x hunter
- kengan ashura
- one punch man
- haikyuu
- durarara!!
- great pretender
- the millionaire detective balance: unlimited
- naruto
- death note
- sword art online
- fairytale
- bleach
- one piece
- ouran high school host club
- banana fish
- given
- tokyo ghoul
- parasyte: the maxim
- blue exorcist
- food wars
- black butler
- attack on titan
- the disastrous life of Saiki K.
- the devil is a part-timer
- free!
- kiss him, not me
- devilman crybaby
- diabolik lovers
- yuri on ice
- fullmetal alchemist
- fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood
- back street girls
- jojo’s bizarre adventure
- jujutsu kaisen
- vinland saga
- high rise invasion
- erased
- my hero academia (ONLY appearance)
- reborn! (ONLY appearance)
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note : if you don’t see an anime on this list, chances are, i’ve seen it and am willing to do scenarios/headcanons for it anyway! request and find out :)
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