#The Owl House Fanfic
clovariia · 5 days
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we can finally post our pieces for @huntlowfanzine!!! this project was so much fun. i was the beta reader mod, i wrote a fic, and i drew spot art for several people's fics/poems. thank you SO MUCH to @skeptical-rainbows for drawing such beautiful spot art for my fic!!! 💚💛
🔗 https://archiveofourown.org/works/59088022
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you can see more of the spot art doodles i made for other people's fics and poems below the cut.
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thank you to the many authors who allowed me to work with them! i'm so glad i got the opportunity to beta read and draw art for so many fics. :)
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kipkoh · 12 days
Owl House prompt!
Human Darius carrying baby Hunter in a chest carrier. I love the art you did of that and would love a fic for it.
Also available on AO3.
The winter air was brisk as it caressed the visible skin on Darius’ face. He took a sip of his coffee as he waited for the bus, sighing at the warmth spreading throughout his body to combat the chill threatening to overtake it from the outside.
Thankfully, Hunter didn’t seem to have a problem with the cold – all bundled up and swaddled in the warmth his father radiated, comfortable enough to have fallen fast asleep with his cheek pressed to Darius’ chest. He was getting a little too old for a carrier, but Darius couldn’t deny how easy it was to carry around an overactive toddler in a sling soft enough to frequently knock him out. The positive reactions he’d experience from those observing him wasn’t exactly a downside either.
“Aw, how cute!”
“What a good dad.”   “That baby looks so sweet…”
Darius took another sip of his coffee, choosing to pretend he didn’t hear the whispers. If someone wasn’t talking directly to him, then he wouldn’t insert himself into the conversation unnecessarily.
“I wonder where the mom is… That poor baby.”
“That child is going to freeze to death! Clearly that man isn’t fit to be a father.”
Of course, not all the whispers were always good. Darius especially went out of his way to ignore those kinds. He didn’t need baseless critiques from strangers to cloud his mind and ruin his day.
He finished his coffee, threw away the cup, and checked his watch, starting to grow impatient at how late the bus was that morning. It was a good thing Hunter was asleep or Darius might have felt bad for having to feed him a later lunch than usual. 
When the bus finally arrived, Darius clambered on with the rest of the crowd, frowning at how little space was available for him to squeeze into. The seats were filled and so he stood up close to the front, hand gripped onto the handle above his head, trying his best to make sure no one bumped into Hunter by angling him away from everyone as much as possible. The jostle of the bus as it sped through traffic made that goal that much more difficult, and Darius considered himself lucky when at one point, Hunter’s carrier accidentally bumped one of the seats, but aside from a small murmur, Hunter did not make any indication his sleep was disturbed by the contact.
As dense as the crowd was, Darius would have held Hunter anyway had he not been in a carrier, but having his hands free to play defense against the bombardment of movement and people was a lifesaver. It would be a shame to have to get rid of it eventually, but Darius was going to make sure to use it for as long as he possibly could – whether that be when Hunter outgrew it or when Hunter was no longer small enough to want to do anything but run around in blissful freedom, unconfined to a fabric prison.
Darius exited the bus when it reached his stop, sighing in relief at the fresh air and unoccupied space all around him. He began walking to his destination, steps careful and calculated to make sure the stride was as even and uneventful as possible so as to not disturb Hunter. The last thing Darius wanted was to trip on a crack in the sidewalk and frighten Hunter awake with a fall.
It was a short walk, but the way the breeze picked up made him worry, and so just to be sure, Darius pulled his glove off just enough to press a finger against Hunter’s cheek. It wasn’t warm, but it didn’t feel to be uncomfortably cold, and Hunter’s sleep still appeared to be peaceful enough to where Darius could assume he was fine.
Being a father was a strange experience, and before, Darius never would have imagined himself in the position he was currently in – a single man with a toddler dangling from his chest that brought him constant worry alongside an overwhelming love. It wasn’t as if Darius hated kids in general, but parenthood had never been something he considered for himself until Hunter came along.
He certainly didn’t regret it. That sweet little boy with his face tucked into the fabric of Darius’ jacket was Darius’ entire world. He tried to imagine himself in that instance without the weight hanging off him and had to stop at the sense of mourning the idea brought about. A life without his son was a life he no longer wanted now that he’d experienced the love his presence brought about.
“I love you,” Darius whispered, leaning down to kiss the top of Hunter’s head.
He wasn’t sure if it was coincidence, but just after, he heard Hunter mumbled something and watched as he slowly came to, opening his eyes and yawning as he reawakened to the world.
“Have a good nap?” Darius asked.
“Mhm,” Hunter hummed, still groggy as he looked around to take in his new surroundings.
Darius smiled and continued walking down the block until he reached his destination, opening the door to the bakery and stepping inside, immediately getting assaulted by the warm heat of the building and the smell of freshly baked bread. Hunter experienced it all the same, realizing where they were and wiggling to indicate it was time for him to be let out. It would have been impossible for anyone to tell he’d just been sleeping with how much energy suddenly engulfed him in that moment.
Darius obliged the silent request and lifted Hunter from the carrier, setting him down on his feet on the floor and watching as he quickly ran up to the display case to take in the sight of all the sweet treats Darius knew he’d try and get him to buy.
“I want that one, daddy!” Hunter practically yelled, just as Darius expected, while pointing to something inside the case.
“Are you sure you want that one? You’re only getting one so you might want to look at everything first,” Darius reminded.
“One,” Darius gently said again. Hunter wasn’t a big eater and probably wouldn’t even make it all the way through one pastry.
“One,” Hunter whispered to himself, his face so close to the glass his breath fogged it up. Darius put a hand on his shoulder and directed him to take a step back.
It took a few seconds but Hunter finally decided, pointing to a different pastry than the first and excitedly announcing, “That one.”
Before he could change his mind again, Darius bought him the pastry along with one for himself and ushered Hunter over to a small table by the window, watching him climb onto the seat and waiting in case he needed help. When Hunter was situated, Darius took his own seat beside him and handed him his treat, which he happily began to consume like he hadn’t eaten a big breakfast just a few hours prior. 
Darius loved moments like that – moments where he could just sit somewhere peaceful and enjoy a domestic moment with his son. He was a busy man with a busy job, so he wanted to be able to take every opportunity possible to be there for Hunter to make up for that. He wanted Hunter to grow up knowing what it was like to have a parent willing to take him out and just enjoy a small treat with him every so often. Darius was careful to make sure Hunter understood he was loved, but he wanted to make sure he expressed it in all the little ways he could think of and not with just a simple statement followed by an aura of indifference that might possibly suggest otherwise, because that wasn’t what Hunter deserved.
“Is it good, daddy?”
Darius was pulled out of his thoughts, his eyes drawn to Hunter’s finger. He was pointing to the pastry in Darius’ hand, only a few bites taken out of it.
“Yes, it’s very good,” Darius assured, taking another bite as if to prove that point further, “Do you like yours?”
“Mhm!” Hunter hummed after taking another bite of his own, smile wide on his face and his little legs kicking under the table in glee.
Surprisingly, Hunter did end up finishing his food, but didn’t ask for anymore. He just sat and chatted Darius’ ear off while Darius cleaned up the table and tossed their garbage into the bin behind him. Then, Darius helped Hunter out of his seat and made sure his winter wrappings were still snug and warm around his body as they prepared to once again trek through the cold.
“Do you want to walk or be carried?” Darius asked.
Hunter thought about it for a few moments before tapping his feet against the floor and reaching up to slip his hand into Darius’.
“Walk,” he announced, body practically vibrating with pent up energy, barely even able to stand still.
Yeah, the carrier was a long shot, but Darius could still try. Maybe once they’ve walked enough, Hunter would get bored or tired and request to be carried, but until then, Darius squeezed his hand as they walked out the door and journeyed onwards to their next destination.
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wastokins · 11 months
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Everyone is so mean to Phillip.
Art commissioned from an AMAZING artist, @Oonpiturn on Twitter!
The 50th (FIFTY!!!) Chapter of my Owl House fanfic, "Kindness & Forgiveness", is out! Please go give it a read! <3
(In short, this fic is about a hypothetical Belos redemption arc. What that would entail, and what it would take to get there.)
| Likes/Reblogs very much appreciated! |
AO3: https://www.archiveofourown.org/works/47474935
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1347209438
FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14237718/
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trebol-negro · 2 years
A bedtime story
Based on @idoodlestuffsometimes ' AU
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Original painting: Reflection in Blue by Eva Bonnier
Mad Lord Metanoy had never been someone to fall asleep easily. Everyone in the castle knew that. During this past week in particular those who guarded Metanoy's room would hear more footsteps and more broken pottery than usual during the night. More screaming, more throwing books.
Nobody knew what caused this sudden change in behavior, but the guards seemed to enjoy speculating about it.
Hunter knew. That last mission was tough. He knew he should have done a better job covering those new scars he had. He knew how his father usually reacted to him getting hurt and now he had to deal with the consequences.
He hated having to hear everyone around him talk about his father as if he was just a hassle, but most of all he hated knowing that he was the reason why his health was worsening.
He knew that going into his room without the Emperor's permission would surely grant him a punishment. Maybe he would be sent into another dangerous mission. Maybe he would be forbidden from seeing his father for a month. Maybe he would have to experience the physical consequences of one of his uncle's outbursts. He didn't care. The only thing in his mind was making sure that his father was alright.
When he opened the door he thought for sure that his father must have initially mistaken him for one of the guards. He saw his expression quickly change from anger to relief to concern.
- Hey, dad.
- Hunter, my fledgeling, what are you doing here? Did your uncle give you permission to enter?
Hunter paused
- Yes. - He lied. - He told me to check on you. To make sure you were asleep.
Metanoy knew he was lying. His brother would have never allowed him to visit without his supervision. Hunter noticed this and fearing he might get kicked out he quickly tried to convince his father.
- Dad, please.- his expression clearly concerned - You haven't slept for more than a week, please let me help. I know you're worried about me and because of that... - A tear started rolling down his cheek - It's my fault you've gotten worse and I just want to make it up to you, so please let me help you. I...
Soon more tears came out. Metanoy, who was sitting on his bed reached to Hunter's face with his hand and wiped away the tears with his thumb.
- Hunter, my boy. My beautiful fledgeling. Please don't say that. It's not your fault and it never will. I'll rest if that's what you want but please stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong.
After tucking himself into his bed Metanoy looked around his room and pointed to one of the few books he hadn't thrown out of the shelves.
- Maybe I could use a bedtime story.
Hunter, now more calmed, grabbed the book. He recognized it, it was his favorite book from when he was a kid. It wasn't a story book, but a book about birds, filled with pictures and fun facts about different species.
He sat down next to his father and started reading. Maybe it was because this was the first time they had been together without the Emperor controlling every single one of their interactions, maybe it was because of all those sleepless nights, but Metanoy soon started to relax himself, his eyes slowly closing and a small smile appearing on his face. He was thinking about all the good memories he had shared with Hunter, about how much he loved his son.
After a while Hunter started to feel sleepy himself. He looked around the room trying to keep himself awake. He looked at his father, now peacefully asleep. He looked at the candles, illuminating the room with their warm light. He looked at all the books that his father had thrown out of the shelves. He looked at the book he was holding, wondering why it wasn't on the floor before, and then it clicked. The reason why it was the only one well placed on the shelf.
- I love you too, dad - he whispered looking at him before completely closing his eyes too.
In the morning his uncle would find that he was not in his room. In the morning his uncle would punish both of them for disobeying orders. But for now, they were together. They were asleep. But most importantly, they were happy.
So, this was my first time writing what could be considered a short fanfic. Hope you all enjoyed it. If some sentences seem weirdly structured to you please remember that writing isn't my thing and that English isn't my first language.
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taruchinator · 3 days
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🌳 General Audiences
🌳 3k Words
🌳 Written for the @tohgrimoire
🌳 Spot Art by @/biankatdraws
Alador smiled at the display.
To think that in a matter of months his children would become so strong, not only using the magic tracks he and Odalia had assigned to them at birth, but also other types that he'd never even considered before.
He was proud of them. So very proud. He could only hope it wasn't too late for them to know that.
“Alador Blight basking in the sunlight? Never thought I'd see the day.”
This is a story I wrote for The Owl House Grimoire about a year ago, so forgive me if the writing is a bit rusty.
I wanted to focus on the relationship between Alador and his children—have him reflect on everything he did over the years because he followed Odalia's lead, and now he fears the ones he loves most won't accept his apologies. Thus enter Darius! With his own traumatized kinda-but-not-really adopted kid, Hunter!
Thank you to everyone for supporting this project!
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“We leave at sunrise.”
Raine Whispers ended the briefing with that statement, removing their hands from the single wooden table in the room and encouraging everyone to disperse and prepare for the battle to come. And so, they did.
Everyone did, except for Alador Blight.
Alador wasn't really sure of where he should go, or what he should do, if he was being honest.
He'd already given all the information he thought would be useful regarding the Abomatons before the briefing—everything from their strengths to their weaknesses. He was also able to work alongside the Construction Coven Head a few days prior on their hideout's defense system, which was quite lacking at the time. He'd even helped in mundane tasks such as treating the injured and scouting for supplies.
The man had given everything he could for this cause. It was the least he could do after aiding the Emperor in his conquest to erase magic. Unknowingly, sure, but still assisted in some way.
Before he could think much of it, he let his feet guide him to wherever he should go next, as he left the safety of the hideout looking for some fresh air, and eventually found himself in a small field behind the abandoned building. Patches of grass that hadn't yet been affected by the Collector's magic surrounded him, and reminded the man of home.
Suddenly he heard voices which immediately put him on high alert, until he turned to see who they belonged to, and his heart couldn't help but squeeze somewhat painfully.
In the distance he could see his children, doing what could only be described as training, along with the human—Luz—and the Golden Guard—Hunter.
Edric and Emira were using their illusion magic to create multiple opponents for the others to fight, Hunter moving at high velocity as he evaded and went on the offensive when he saw an opening. Meanwhile, Luz was utilizing glyphs to amplify his daughter's attacks, which was a great strategy as multiple illusions were being erased in an instant thanks to the purple slime coming from Amity's pouch.
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Alador smiled at the display.
To think that in a matter of months his children would become so strong, not only using the magic tracks he and Odalia had assigned to them at birth, but also other types that he'd never even considered before. Glyphs, Healing, Potions, Beast Keeping.
He was proud of them. So very proud. He wanted nothing more than to let them know that, and be sure that they knew it every day of their lives, and to apologize. Titan, he had so much apologizing to do.
He could only hope he wasn't too late for that.
“Alador Blight basking in the sunlight? Never thought I'd see the day.” A deep voice suddenly rang on his left side, which immediately sent the engineer into a fight or flight response as he summoned abomination slime from his pocket towards the stranger.
Before it could make contact however, another magical force interfered with a slime barrier of its own. The annoyed scowl behind the counterattack was one that Alador knew far too well. “Relax you buffoon, it's me.”
Alador must have been more tired than he initially thought. To not notice someone's presence so close to him would've been a mistake that could cost him his life, even if it was just an ally. That was probably the best word he could use to describe his and Darius' relationship: allies with a common goal. Still, that didn't mean he had to pretend to be friendly with him. “Leave me alone.”
Both men released their magic at the same time, with the brunet deciding to return to his previous task as if nothing had happened. He sat down on the patch of flora with his back turned away, yet he could already feel the indignant glare sent his way. “You know, most witches would at least have the decency to say hello. Although I suppose you've never been one for formalities.”
“I'm not in the mood, Deamonne. If something went haywire in the control room, I'll fix it once I'm back.” Alador let out a sigh as he combed a hand through his hair in annoyance. What other reason would Darius have to come and bother looking for him anyway? A moment of silence went by, and for a second he thought the other man might've actually left.
However, that option was quickly shot off the table as Alador dared to look to his side once more.
The Abomination Coven Head was still standing there, although if Alador didn't know any better, he seemed rather fidgety. His expression kept shifting from the ground the engineer was sitting on, to the view on the horizon. Seemingly making up his mind, Darius inserted a hand into his pocket and retrieved a lavender colored piece of cloth. He couldn't be serious.
“Really? A handkerchief?” Alador quipped with a hint of amusement in his voice as the other man placed the piece of fabric on the floor, and hesitantly, sat next to him.
Darius was not making eye contact, but the brunet could still see the blush tainting his cheeks. “I thought you weren't in the mood to talk. Make up your mind, hack.”
Taking that response as a small victory, Alador couldn't help but roll his eyes with a soft chuckle escaping his lips. Just like that, silence overtook the air once more as the sun began to set, leaving a beautiful glow in its wake for the duo to see.
Despite how much he hated to admit it, Darius was right. It had been far too long since Alador had taken the time to admire nature at its finest. The intricate designs in a flower's petals, the strength of a carnivorous plant while capturing its prey, the resistance of hard oak wood to the elements. It was all incredibly inspiring for an inventor such as himself.
It wasn't until Odalia convinced him to use his talents for machines instead, that he forgot how much he enjoyed experimenting with all kinds of materials in his youth.
There were plenty of things Odalia convinced him to do.
“So this is why you were so distracted during the meeting.” Darius broke the silence with a statement rather than a question, staring straight ahead and causing Alador to turn to where the other was looking.
His eyes landed once more on the young teens, who'd apparently decided to change their roleplay this time by having Luz, Amity and Hunter as the offenders, while Edric and Emira deflected. The twins were holding on surprisingly well considering they were outnumbered.
The engineer would have admired it more comfortably if he was alone. Yet alas.
“I wasn't distracted. I guess that nasty habit of sticking your nose into people's business is still going, then?” Alador replied with an unwavering gaze towards the training session.
Something similar to a snort escaped the other man's lips. “Please, an infant could tell that your mind was wandering. It also becomes my business when someone could potentially jeopardize the mission. We've spent too many resources on this for it to fail.”
“I am aware. I'm the one who was able to find the location of those resources.” Alador spared a side glance towards his companion just in time to see him roll his eyes. He carried on as if the engineer hadn't said anything at all.
“In any case, I should be grateful that my inkling was wrong. To think I thought the cause of your brain fart was something important, not your little ‘family drama.’” Darius vaguely gestured in the teen's direction with a dismissive hand.
The words he'd said, however, were anything but dismissive to Alador. A strange and impulsive feeling overtook him for a moment, causing him to turn around and face the other man with a scowl that could have terrified Emperor Belos himself. Anger caused his face to flare and his tone to rise. “My family is far more important to me than anything this rebellion stands for!”
Darius stared back at him with mouth agape, and it was only then that the brunet realized what he'd said. His own eyes widened as he turned to look at the ground beneath him instead, refusing to look anywhere else.
He shouldn't be dumping his problems on others. Especially on Darius of all people.
As for the Coven Head, he seemed to be fidgeting in that awkward way from earlier, playing with the hem of his gloves and tapping one foot quietly. His voice wavered for a moment. “I… I didn't mean to imply-”
“Don't. Just forget it. I don't need your pity.” Alador's voice mumbled firmly. If there was still any dignity left for him to defend, he didn't know. But he definitely wouldn't give the other man the satisfaction to see him like this.
Like the failure that he was.
“I… I know it's not exactly the same. But I can somewhat understand what you're feeling, Blight.” Darius didn't back off, because of course he wouldn't, and instead replied with that statement while trying to meet the engineer's gaze.
However, the words that were spoken served as more fuel to his rage, in which Alador scoffed and lifted his head to look at his old friend with furrowed eyebrows. He reached forward and took hold of Darius' collar with all the strength he had left. It wasn't much. “Understand? You're the last person who could understand what I'm feeling right now! I know I wasn't a good husband— Titan knows I wasn't a good father, either! But for you to be rubbing it in my face like that-!”
“Oh shut up and listen for once, you idiot!” Darius raised his voice in return and went to try and remove Alador's grip from his neck, eyes filled with anger of his own. “You really think I couldn't possibly understand?! The constant feeling of regret because you could've done more and yet you didn't?! Always wanting what's best for them, only to realize too late that what you thought was best wasn't enough!”
Alador's eyes widened at the sudden lashing of rage, but even more so at the words coming from Darius' lips. “How do you know that?”
Seeming to have realized what he'd said as well, the man pulled away from the brunet's grasp and turned elsewhere with an unreadable expression. Following his line of sight, Alador found himself even more confused.
They were staring at the kids in the distance once more, this time seemingly taking a break as they remained sitting down and exchanging drinks. Light banter and laughter could be heard, and the brunet had to admit that it was a lovely sight. But following Darius' gaze more closely, it almost seemed like he was looking at…
“The Golden Guard?” The question left his lips before he could stop it, but the way the other man's shoulders seemed to tense up in response was enough of an answer. It was perhaps against his better judgment, but he was intrigued. “Did you talk to him much when you were in the Emperor's Coven?”
Taking a deep breath, Darius proceeded to pinch the bridge of his nose as he let out a shaky sigh. “Only for official business. It wasn't just me— everyone just talked to him when needed or if they wanted to relay something to Belos. Completely unfazed by the fact that they were talking to a literal child.”
With a quick clench of his fists, Darius turned his attention to the sky above. The red and orange hues signaling the arrival of nightfall were breathtaking, but Alador could tell that the other man wasn't looking at that. His stare was long and far beyond anything the engineer could imagine, and if he was being honest, it almost looked as if there were tears in his eyes.
“After the previous Golden Guard disappeared, I grew curious.” Darius continued his tale, this time with a hint of what could only be described as melancholy in his voice. “By the time I found out the truth, Hunter had already been chosen as the next. I knew what that man was doing to him. I saw it every day, and I did nothing to stop it.”
A choked laugh went past the Coven Head's lips as he shook his head in disbelief. “I thought… as long as I was there, I could protect him if things got out of hand. And look how that turned out…”
Silence fell between them, and for the first time in his life, Alador didn't know how to fix it. The way the other man expressed himself and spoke about the blond boy was something the inventor never thought he'd see, and yet here he was, looking at a man who didn't seem like a Coven Head and instead resembled his old friend from many years ago.
A man who found something much more valuable than his pride.
A man very much like himself.
Before he could stop himself, the brunet reached into his left pocket and retrieved a folded piece of paper, which he wordlessly handed over to Darius sitting next to him.
He merely blinked as he stared at Alador's hand. “What is that?”
“Just take it.” He encouraged once more with his arm, and finally felt the other grab it after a few more moments of hesitation. After hearing the rustling from the paper being unfolded, Alador closed his eyes with a sigh.
Once he'd reunited with his children and learned of Amity's travels in the Human Realm, he was surprised with a gift from his youngest daughter in the form of that same piece of paper that Darius was holding.
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It was a family portrait.
His dear Mittens wasn't the most artistically inclined, but he could tell that she'd done her best with what she had. Smiling versions of himself and the twins were staring back at him from the crinkly paper, and the way Amity excitedly talked about where she'd been and everything she'd seen just melted his heart on the spot.
Even now, thinking back on the purpose of the drawing was enough to get him choked up. “When the children were trapped in the Human Realm, they drew pictures of their families to give them the strength needed to not give up hope. Amity gave it to me once we found each other.”
Turning his attention to the sky, he carried on, finally allowing himself to let it all out. “My daughter spent months trying to find a way home to us. To me. Her poor excuse of a father who didn't dare stand up for her because he was too afraid of her mother, and left her to fend for herself. I could've stopped it— I could've stood up to Odalia sooner, but I didn't! And yet,” he raised his head to look at the smiling girl on the horizon, “she's still willing to forgive me. Titan knows why…”
These thoughts had plagued his mind for a while now, but he'd been dismissive of them and focused on his inventions instead, trying to avoid confrontation while convincing himself that it was all for a better cause. In reality, he was running away.
But he didn't want to run anymore. Not ever again.
“For what it's worth… they seem much happier. It doesn't make up for what you did, but I think it's a start.” Darius handed the family portrait back to its owner with the ghost of a smile. “All we can do is try harder.”
“And hope we get it right this time.” Alador found himself concurring with the statement, returning the friendly gesture as he held the poor picture of the people he loved the most in his hands. He couldn't help but chuckle. “Never in a million years did I think you'd be giving me parental advice.”
As quickly as it came, any hint of sympathy for the engineer was wiped off Darius' face as he turned to look ahead once more. “Well, don't get used to it. I just need you in top form if we're gonna pull this whole stunt off.”
“Oh of course, whatever you say…”
Amity's voice resonated in Alador's ears, bringing an instant smile to his face as he turned to face the teens walking towards them. He quickly stood from the ground to receive them. “Kids! Nice training session! You're getting better every day!”
Emira sheepishly cocked her head to the side, the others only falling behind her by a few steps. “Wait, you saw all of that? Sheesh dad, how long have you been spying on us?”
“It's not like that, I-”
“We noticed you were missing from the rest of the group and came looking for you. It's getting late, so you shouldn't be wandering around by yourselves.” Darius quickly made himself known as he injected into the conversation, sparing Alador of any embarrassment. He'd have to thank him for that later.
“Please, we can handle ourselves just fine! We've been to the Human Realm, which for your information, is in fact very dangerous.” Hunter joined in as he glanced at Darius with skepticism.
“Oh I'm sure that you can, Little Prince! It was actually so nice of you to let the Blight kids overpower you like that! Give them the confidence they need by taking down an elite~” Ruffling the boy's hair affectionately, Hunter began squirming and swatting away with a blush decorating his features, complaining for the older man to cut it out.
As he looked around the laughing group, Alador couldn't help but sigh in content.
There was no telling what the battle to come would bring. But if there was one thing for certain, it was that no matter what, he wouldn't be going at it alone.
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bornspellcaster · 1 year
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The illustration for my next chapter of Little Firefly (and why the next chapter is taking so long, because I plan to put this in it lmao)
Every chapter is going to have an illustration, like a graphic novel. I don’t think they’ll all be this detailed though (because this took five days)
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a-flaming-idiot · 6 months
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Titan Spawn Luz is NOT gaming!!1!!1
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The original
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kess-i-guess · 11 months
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All Roads Lead To Home Update!
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“Let me explain it for you: you didn’t capture our palismen. Meaning Waffles and Ratador have totally alerted everyone by now. You kidnapped Darius Deamonne’s boyfriend and kid. And when Willow gets hold of you?” He shook his head, letting out a low whistle. “Ooh boy.”
“What? The Park girl?” Kikimora scoffed, trying to dodge the mention of Darius, which finally had her flinching. “What will she do?”
“Hm, yes, whatever will one of the most powerful witches of her age do?” Alador scoffed.
“Not to mention she’s super protective,” Hunter said. “It’s very cute, honestly.”
“You two are very sweet together,” Alador said.
“Aw, thanks!” He turned back to Kikimora with a smirk. “See, I think Willow’s great. Absolutely amazing, the best person I know. And, get this: she loves me. So, I’ll enjoy what she does when she gets here. But you?” He tutted, letting out a low mock-sympathetic hiss. “Yyyyeeeaaahhhh, no. You’re not gonna like what happens next.”
Kikimora's poor attempt at kidnapping Hunter and Alador quickly goes south for her. Rule number one: don't ever mess with Willow's boyfriend. At least Hunter's going to get plenty of cuddles out of this.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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⁂ starry eyed ⁂
✦ Hunter X Collector!Reader ✦
[Chaoter Three: I’m Sorry]
previous chapter > next chapter
[a/n: if theres somethings wrong plz dont get upset with me im going througha lot this week and month and luckily was able to get this out despite my current condition]
 [Y/n] smiles, as she holds Hunter’s hand, and suddenly the platform on the Titan’s head starts to shake, surprising everyone. “Huh?” Everyone says. Ghost hisses, and then pink strings drop down from above and wrap around Gus, Willow, and Hunter’s arms. 
“Huh?” Hunter says confused, Willow and Gus gasp and scream as this is happening. [Y/n]’s eyes widened as she briefly reached upward to keep hold of Hunter’s hand, but got dragged upwards. “Hunter?!” She cried out, tears in her eyes. 
Camila wraps her arms around the palismen and gets pulled upwards as well. “Mama!” Luz shouts, as pink strings wrap around Amity and drag her upwards, causing her to cry out in surprise. Luz tries to reach out her hand to Amity. “Amity!” Luz cries out, and a bright flash suddenly appears behind Luz. She turns around to look at it and is forced to shut her eyes.
[Y/n] clenched her fist, she was sick and tired of her little sibling doing stuff like this. Being childish all the time, hurting people, and now hurting her friends. She finally reunited with Hunter, who she thought was dead. Finally, telling him how much he means to her.
[Time Skip]
[Y/n] smiled, seeing the reunion between Luz, Eda, and King. “Oh! I thought I'd never see you again! How did you get back to the Demon Realm?
“It's a very long story, I wouldn't know where to begin. There was Belos in the Human Realm—” Luz said, and [Y/n] kept a smile on her face watching the reunion. 
“There was what?” King and Eda shout, 
“Then, we saw Kikimora, she uh, was a lot to deal with—” Luz said. 
“I can imagine.” King said, unsurprised. 
“And then my mom decided to - WOAH, how did that happen?” Luz points to Eda’s missing arm, covered in a bandage.
“Ah, it's a shorter story. Oh! Is that your palisman?” Eda says, as Stringbean sits on Luz’s shoulder, Owlbert appears and the palismen greet each other. 
“Hey, hey, all I wanna do is hear both of you talk over hot chocos milk, but first, we gotta find a way outta, whatever this is!” King says, 
“I don't get it, King. I really don't get it. I thought you loved playing our games. Why do you choose these itty bitty spiders over me?” The Collector says, as he floats down. 
“Because your games stink, squirt!” Eda says. 
“And spiders are awesome!” Luz says, activating her staff and aims it at the Collector. “Yeah! Especially the itty bitty ones!” King says. 
“Ah, you act like I'm doing something bad. But I'm just having fun.” The Collector says. 
“Trapping people and scaring them and controlling them? That's not fun, Collector.” King says, looking at him. 
“And everyone nearly died from the Draining Spell!” Eda says, looking at him. “So? Toys break all the time, you just fix them.” The Collector says,The Collector creates a doll of himself and splits it into two. The pieces fall to the ground and fixes
themselves,“Do you... not understand what death means to mortals?” Luz asks, looking up at the Collector worriedly. 
“Well, don't worry 'cause I don't wanna scare you anymore. I think we can all be great friends. So, let me show you some of my favorite games!” He says, looking down at them. The Collector levitates into the sky and starts to summon something. 
Eda, Luz, and King playing the Collector’s game. First is based on Pac-Man, where the Collector’s enlarged head chases the trio through a maze. The game ends when Stringbean stings the Collector’s tongue after trying to eat Luz. 
Annoyed, he snaps his fingers and the game changes to Marbles, with the trio trapped inside them. When Eda and Luz are knocked out, King charges and makes the Collector fall by tripping on the marble.  
Next game is Jenga. Eda sends the blocks flying towards the Collector when the tower starts falling. They angrily gets up, but his face saddens. The group is then transported back to their original location. “Thank... whoever. I think I barfed, like, twelve times.” King groaned, and Eda looked towards him. “Wanna make it a lucky number thirteen?” She askes, and smiles as she licks him up and throws him in the air and he lands back in her arms.
“Eda!” King shouted, and The Collector was alone in a corner. Luz hears him crying and makes him go to him. “Luz.” Eda says, “Eda, let her go. If anyone can talk some sense into them, it's Luz.” King says, and Luz smiles at the two and walks to the Collector, and just as she did so, [Y/n] landed down beside him.
“Collector, you know this can't last forever.” Luz said, as the Collector wipes away his tears, “Why, 'cause you know you'd lose?” He shouts, looking at them. Eda and king come behind Luz, and the Collectors face saddens again. “I just wanted a friend who wouldn't lie to me, or trick me. But everyone's the same! King lied, Belos lied, even they lied.” The Collector says, 
“Who's they?” Luz asks, [Y/n] looks at them sadly.
“The Archivists, my siblings. "Oh, let's play a game", they said.” He angrily clenches his fists, "Let's play hide-and-seek." He shouted. Luz, Eda, King, [Y/n], hear thunder rumbling in the sky. 
 “"You go down there and see if the Titans wanna play!"” He says, still recalling. 
Everyone looked up to see an image of The Collector’s story in the stars. The Archivists guide The Collector and Y/n down to the Titans. “So I played, and it was great.” The Collector says, as the stars move to show the Collector playing the the young Titans. “The baby Titans were the cutest, just like King!” They said, while he says this, the stars move to show the young Titans surrounding a joyful Collector.
“And they were all so welcoming! But the Archivists were scared of their power, so one by one, they disappeared, until there was one Titan left.” While he says this, the stars move to show the hands of the archivist seizing the young titans and taking them away. The Collectors’s now alone a large pair of eyes stare at them. 
“And he thought we were the bad guy.” He says, and the stars move showing the last Titan holding, The collector now imprisoned and placing them away. 
“He hid his egg from me and trapped us.” He said, 
“But I showed all of them. Even when those trapper jerks started acting weird. Even when Belos lied to me! I found King! I found the last Titan, and he's my friend now!” He shouted, looking at King.
“Collector—“ King says, sadly.
“I know it's just pretend. I don't care. I'll pretend as long as I want.” The Collector shouts, as he says this he angrily rubs forward to Luz, sending a breeze in her direction. 
“ But that's not what you want, is it?” Luz says
“What do you know?” The collector says, looking at them. 
“We know what it's like to feel alone.” Eda says, looking doing.
“And abandoned—“ King says. 
“And misunderstood. Hey, what if we showed you how we became friends?” Luz says, looking at him. 
“King already told me about your adventures.” The Collector says, 
“It's different when you can see them.” Luz says, Luz pulls out a stack of the memory pictures that showcase her, Eda and King’s adventures. “What do you think? Can we tell you our stories?” She asks, looking down at the Collector. 
A shooting star flies past the Owl House and finally landing in front of it. The Collector then makes the star vanished. He is followed by Luz, on Stringbean, Harpy Eda with King, and [Y/n]. “Wow, I thought we would just, like, flip through these.” Luz said
“So it all started at the birdhouse.” The Collector says, and Eda looks at the Owl House in shock, “The Owl House. Speaking of which, what happened to it?” Eda asked, ands he flies up and views the current state of the Owl House. 
“You, uh, haven't been here in a while.” King says, and Luz looks at a picture of her at the Owl House. In the picture, she is sticking her tongue out and smiling. Eda is standing by the door, arms cross and smiling. King is sitting on top of a smiling Hootu, waving at the camera.
“For me, it started in the Human Realm. Things were not great, but I found my way here, and I met Owlbert, Hooty, and Eda the Owl Lady.” Luz says, while she said the latter sentence. Eda flies back down to the ground and places her hand on Luz’s back. 
King jumps into Luz’s arms, “And the King of Demons!” King says, “None of us felt like we fit in. So we decided to not fit in together.” Luz says, “It was that easy, huh?” The Collector scoffs, and folds their arms across their chest. 
“Not really—” Luz says. 
Luz sets King down and shows The Collector a picture of Luz and those who deceived her,  “I had a lot to learn. But after a little while, I met more people who helped me.” Luz says, While saying this, she flips through more pictures, which include Luz trying out to be a Hexside student, Willow and Gus supporting Luz, and Luz playing Grugby with Willow and Amity against Boscha and her team. 
“Whoa! That game looks fun. I wanna go there!” The Collector says, seeing the picture of the Grugby field. 
They all fly to Hexside’s Grugby field, Luz, who is now holding Stringbean in her dormat form, and Eda who is carrying King, stand at the top, while the Collector and [Y/n] hovers above their star. 
“This is where we play a game called Grudgby.” Luz says “The ball can bite you, the rules are nonsense, but it's still kinda fun.” King says, as they look down at the Grudgby team. 
“Nonsense? Ha! Hexside lets you play any magic sport these days. Grudgby was all we had and we made the best of it.” Eda says, and Luz places her hand on her right shoulder.
“And you were the star player, we know, Eda.” Luz says, 
“Did you know Lilith was their captain?” King said, and Luz looked at him curiously. 
“Really? Now that's a spinoff I'd watch.” Luz says, and the Collector’s mouth closes, and their facial expression becomes serious. And they look ahead to see, Jerbo, Matt Tholomule, and Moon girl, all hiding from them. The Collector uses their star to glide over to the trio. 
“Hi, I'm The Collector. Wanna be my Grudgby buddies?” The Collector says, grinning. 
“It's him! Run! Go, go, go, go, go!” Matt screams, and runs with the rest. As they run, everyone else make their way to the Collector.
“I wanna go somewhere different.” The Collector says, as his grin turns intoa frown.
Luz holds out her deck of photos, and The Collector takes a photo of the Knee. “I'm really glad you picked this place, Collector. It's really special to me. It's where Eda helped me make a connection with the Isles.” Luz explained, to the Collector. 
Luz draws and Ice glyph. She activates it, and it takes form into a small block of ice that raises from the glyph.“A baby could do that. Still, I've never seen an itty-bitty spider do it that way. Not everyone can recognize Titan magic.” The Collector said.
“He must really like you if he showed you this much. He never told me about it, though.” They said, as they put their left pointer finger above the snow and creates a snow sculpture of a Titan. 
“Did you force him to be your friend, too? Like, uh, what are their names— Lilith and Amity?” The Collector asked, and [Y/n] shook her head, “She didn't force anyone to do anything.” King said, and [Y/n] walked over and placed her hand on her younger sibling, shoulder. 
“Yeah, people are complex.” [Y/n] says, looking down at then, “And sometimes they just need a little kindness and forgiveness.” Luz says, looking at the Collector. The Collector looks down at the ice Luz made and then looks back at Luz, Eda, King, and [Y/n].“Kindness and forgiveness, huh?” The Collector says, looking in the distance.
[Y/n], Luz, and Eda smile at The Collector. Suddenly, there is heavy breathing in the distance that draws all their attention. [Y/n] stomach drops, and her and The Collector begin walking toward the edge of the Knee, “Do you hear that?” The Collector asks, and Luz looks in the direction they were. 
“Hear what?” Luz asks, the breathing continues louder. Trees shake, birds flee, water begins to recede, and rubble falls from landforms. [Y/n]’s eyes widened, “Breathing.” She shudders, and Bel’s glowing eyes shine and continues to glow. 
“Those eyes—don't tell me it's—” The Collector says in shock, “Belos.” Luz says. 
In the alleway of Bonesborough, a rat runs through a large crack. Tinella Nosa appears to be throne out of that crack. Seeing the dangerous branches spreading throughout the alley, she screams and runs away as they follow her. On a railway in one of the Knee’s tunnels, three Coven Scouts are sitting around a fire. They are interrupted by the branches of mold that sends them fleeing. 
As Luz, Eda, [Y/n], King, Stringbean, and The Collector fly above, they see the branches violently spreading throughout the Boiling ISles. “t's coming from the castle.” Luz says, and flies downward. Belos has now taken on a massive, monstrous form. His eyes continue to glow blue, and he now has wings. 
Belos growls, “Finally! I can cleanse this perdition... MYSELF!” He growls, three times, he unleashed blue fire upon the land. Luz, Eda, King, Stringbean, [Y/n], and The Collector arrive at the scene.
“Is that Belos?” Eda says, in shock, “How'd he get here without a body?” King says on shock, and The Collector steps on Raine’s earring. He picks it up, visibly worried. 
“What do we do? There's no way we can stop that!” King says, and The Collector looks up, “Yes, there is.” They say, and begins glowing, “And I know how.” They say, the Collector flies through the air, cutting away at the moss. He stops short of Belos’ face. 
“No, what is he doing?” Luz says, and [Y/n]’s eyes widened in horror, “I get it now. You just need kindness and forgiveness, huh?” The Collector says, and hugs Belos’ skull. As Luz, Eda, King, and [Y/n] have exasperated expressions on their faces, Belos blinks in confusion. 
“Luz, Y/n, look! We can all be buddies now!” They say, and Belos prepares to fire at The Collector, Eda, King, Luz, and [Y/n] watch in horror. “Collector!”  [Y/n] shout, Luz watches as [Y/n] flies towards him. 
“No!” King shouted, watching as she flew off. As Belos fires, the beam heavily collides with a purple flash of light. [Y/n] has flown in to save The Collector. “Huh? But I thought I was doing the right thing.” The Collector says, confused, looking up at the two. 
[Y/n] looks down at her little sibling and places her hand on their cheek, “No, no, you did good, Collector.” She said, smiling softly at him. 
“But this is a little more complicated. Don't worry, I think it—missed—me.” She says this, and realizes that the branches have already hit her fingers and they slowly take over her body.  Her body slowly becomes tiny stars. 
[Y/n] groans, as the moss slowly reaches her shoulder and hits her back.The single wolf ear on [Y/n]’s ear fell off her head, and floated to the ground. Her body slowly becomes a particle of stars. “Y/n? What's happening?” The Collector asks, worriedly looking up at them in shock. 
[Y/n] smiles weakly as she stares at her little sibling, “Hey, looks like I’m not going to be able to watch over you anymore.” She whispered, placing her hand on their cheek once more, they looked at her in shock. 
She slowly lifted up her head, and looked towards Luz, Eda, and King. Luz stood there in shock, “Luz? I’m so happy to have had you as a friend as well everyone else. Hunter, tell him I’m sorry.” She said, smiling weakly, and Luz gasped tears welling up in her eyes. 
“Big sis?” They whispered, he watched as her body slowly became star particles, “I should’ve played with you more, I’m sorry I wasn’t a better sister.” She said, almost fading away completely. 
“I love you,” She said, planting a kiss on The Collector’s forehead before her entire body was covered by the moss. [Y/n] splits into several stars. The Collector holds on to her hand and he catches one of the stars, holding it tightly. Luz’s eye’a widened in horror. 
“Where'd she go?” The Collector asked. Eda and King are too stunned to speak.  and Tiny stars flowed through the damaged areas. They travel by Hexside, where students are terrified of the moss. They finally reach the Archive House, where Gus, Willow, Hunter, and Amity observe, confused. “What is this?” Amity says, a tiny star landed on Hunter’s lap, and something in him he just knew somehow.
@tinkerbellsgf @supernerdycookietrashblr
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sprites4ever · 3 months
Inspired by Team Fortress 2
Intro Theme
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(Camera focuses on Luz, who sits on a wooden chair in the Owl House, looking at the camera excitedly)
LUZ: Hi! My name’s Luz Noceda, I’m 14 years old, from Gravesfield, Connecticut and I’m learning how to be a witch!
(Clip of Luz trying to mix a magical potion, causing a massive explosion)
LUZ: It’s not easy…
(Clip of Luz waving a wand, with it then spewing bolts of electricity in random directions while Luz tries to fight the recoil, screams being heard from off-camera)
LUZ: ...and really dangerous.
(Clip of Luz running from a ginormous monster made of tongue tentacles and teeth while screaming)
LUZ: But I’ve got friends to help me out!
(Clip of Luz, Eda, Amity, Willow and Gus running from the tentacle monster while screaming)
LUZ: Yeah…
INTERVIEWER: That’s not why I’m filming you.
LUZ: Oh, really?
INTERVIEWER: You’re supposed to explain who will pay for all this damage.
LUZ: Uhh…
EDA: Surprise headbonk!
(Sound of wood hitting a head, camera falls to the ground and feed cuts)
Outro Theme
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clovariia · 12 days
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we can FINALLY post our pieces for the @tohgrimoire zine!!! i wrote a fic about luz and her family visiting her father's grave. it's a tragic but healing time for all of them.
thank you so much to @astrolavas for drawing the devastating spot art and the zine's writing mod @taruchinator for helping with beta reading!!! all the zine contributors and mods were so sweet and encouraging. i'm so grateful that i got to be a part of this project! thank you to everyone for all the support!!!!!! 🦉💕
🔗 https://archiveofourown.org/works/58919038
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kipkoh · 1 month
Pre canon Hunter getting sick but having nobody to take care of him.
Also read on AO3.
Warning: Emotional Hurt/No Comfort
There was an orchestra inside his head; uncoordinated and cacophonic yet confident in their tone, pounding away at their instruments enough to oddly time their abuse of his skull with the sound of the rain hammering against the window.
Hunter wasn’t scared of stormy nights, per say, but there was something about being sick that made them feel more sinister. He was weak; vulnerable; pathetic; and the shadows cast by the unstable moonlight took advantage of that, wrapping around him and hugging his feeble form tightly enough to restrain him to his bed, making him barely able to move without them digging their claws into his skin to push him back down. The boiling rain set a putridness to the air that seeped through the cracks in his window and into his lungs, setting them ablaze as he continuously failed to choke out the smoke. The lightning outside was nauseating as it passed, bright and intrusive behind his closed eyelids at regular enough intervals to make falling asleep become a cumbersome task and ensuring he couldn’t just rest until the sickness finally subsided.
Sometimes, he wondered what dying felt like, and if it was much the same as to how being sick felt. As he lied there in bed, soaking the sheets with rolls of sweat and tears, he wondered if death might even be preferable. If he died, there would be no more suffering, no more pain, no more worry. If he died, he would never have to spend another miserable night in the still quiet of his bedroom, all alone with no one to feed him warm soup and tell him stories to keep his mind off the ice storm weathering through the veins beneath his skin despite the fact the room outside his diseased vessel felt just as boiling as the rain.
Sometimes, he envied kids in stories – kids with moms and dads who hugged them and kissed them and soothed their fevers. Sometimes, he imagined his mom, whoever she might have been, and wondered if she would have done those things for him had she gotten the chance. He imagined her wiping the sweat off his brow, or tucking him in, or lulling him to sleep like a baby with a soft, hummed lullaby that would reverberate around his head as he drifted off into a restful, dreamless sleep. He imagined her soft hands stroking his cheek and her lips on his forehead and could just almost trick himself into thinking it was real.
But Hunter didn’t have a mom. He had Belos, and Belos played a different role. Hunter understood that. The Emperor had been kind enough to take him in, shelter him, and feed him, but of course he couldn’t drop the weight of an entire empire on his shoulders in order to wipe snot from his nephew’s nose. That didn’t mean that Hunter didn’t sometimes wish he could. It didn’t mean there were never times when the door would crack open and he’d get his hopes up just for it to be dashed by yet another nameless scout bringing him his rations.
He’d tried once, and only once, to seek out his uncle’s comfort during a harsh bout of illness when he was much younger. He’d tiptoed across the castle and managed to evade the scouts somehow to slip into Belos’ room. He should have known better. It should have been obvious that disturbing the Emperor’s rest was disrespectful, especially for such a stupid and childish reason, and yet Hunter’s mind had been so clouded with thoughts and desires he had no right clinging to that he hadn’t been thinking clearly. Of course Belos wasn’t just going to let him crawl into bed and cuddle with him. Of course the Emperor was just going to send Hunter back to his own room, albeit with a new, searing pain on his cheek to add to his discomfort.
Hunter couldn’t keep wishing for someone to baby him. He was the Golden Guard, for Titan’s sake! He was meant to be strong willed, powerful, and brave, but everytime he got the sniffles it was as if he’d regress into a child. He certainly felt that way now as he curled into a ball under his covers and hugged his plush toy crushingly against his chest, the poor thing absorbing the wettened emotions careening out of his eyes.
He had to be stronger. It wasn’t like he’d never been in pain before, so surely a small fever shouldn’t be able to render him useless, right? His body would fight it off and in the meantime, he just had to power though and prove he was as strong as Belos wanted him to be. That was why he couldn’t see the healers, nor take any potions, because if he battled the ailment on his own and came out the victor on the other side, then he could confidently say he was worthy of… whatever it was he was meant to be. And, if he wasn’t strong enough, well, he just supposed it wouldn’t be a problem anymore.
He wanted to prove he wasn’t a child. Adults surely didn’t imagine their dead moms babying them over nothing more than a case of the sniffles. Adults could surely handle the waves of nausea and the blinding migraines with ease all on their own. Adults surely didn’t sob in agony over the hammer under their skin slowly chiseling away at their muscle. Adults surely didn’t hold tightly onto childhood toys for lack of other options in the hopes it would bring them even a minuscule amount of comfort.
In a fervent daze, Hunter sat up and forcefully chucked the stupid plush across the room, watching as it hit the wall and slid down to lie in a heap on the floor. He glared into its eyes until he realized what he’d done and immediately changed tone. He wasn’t sure if it was just the illness making his rational thought hazy, but he could’ve sworn the toy looked stricken by the abuse, and he understood the feeling.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he muttered, choking out the words past strangled sobs as he wobbled out of bed to go pick up the toy. He dusted it off and carried it back to the bed, carefully tucking it in beside him as if he were its parent. At least one of them could have that.
If he allowed himself more expression, he wondered if he really wanted to be an adult after all. It would make Belos happy if he acted like one, and his maturity would surely mean respect and adoration from the scouts and Coven Heads. But why couldn’t he have any of that regardless? Why did he have to age beyond his years just to gain anyone’s approval? How was it fair he was forced to become a man before he’d ever even gotten the chance to be a boy?
There was yet another crack of thunder outside and he buried himself underneath his covers as if the thin fabric would do anything to protect him from the monsters cast by shadows on his walls. The night seemed never ending, carried on by the storm, and Hunter wondered if it was possible to get through it alone. He’d done it before, but every time felt worse than the last, so it was impossible to say if he could persevere again. For all he knew, it was worse than just a mild bug and he’d somehow managed to catch a deadly illness. For all he knew, that night really would be his last.
Maybe he was more scared of death than he originally thought. He didn’t want to close his eyes and have to face the unknown. Would anyone even mourn him? Would Belos regret not taking the time to make sure he was okay? Or would no one care at all? After all, he was just some pathetic kid leaving behind no legacy whatsoever, sure to be replaced the second his body was extracted from his bed. 
He couldn’t die. He didn’t want to. He wanted someone, anyone, to acknowledge him – to help him like the child he really was. He wanted someone besides himself to care whether or not he survived.
He started humming to himself, low and out of tune, wishing he knew even a single lullaby. He’d never actually had someone sing him one, and so he just made up a tune and went with it, relaxing ever so slightly at the reverberations in his chest. He wondered what it would have been like to feel those vibrations from someone else as they hugged him close and swayed him to sleep. Would he still hear their voice in his dreams or feel their warmth wrap around him like a blanket in his sleep? 
Why did he have to be so alone?
He curled himself tighter into a ball and clenched his eyes shut in a feeble attempt to block out the light of the storm. He forced himself to focus on his breathing instead of the itching of his flesh and prayed that the Titan would take mercy on him and allow him to recover. 
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sillysistersusi · 1 year
Style It The Way You Want
I made this little story for the second day of the dadrius week 2023 (fashion), it's a little late but better than never🥰😊 I hope you like what I did
You can also find this story on my ao3 and wattpad accounts
So here it is:
When Darius had asked Hunter if he wanted to live with him, Hunter hadn't been quite sure why he was asking. Did Darius perhaps need someone to help him with the household chores? But Hunter quickly realized that wasn't the case. When he first wanted to do the dishes, Darius had only said that he would always have one of his abominations do them and that Hunter could just relax and do something else.
So why did he want Hunter to live with him? What did he want from Hunter if not to do the housework for him?
It all really confused him and Hunter increasingly didn't know what to make of certain situations he was thrown into.
Whenever Darius asked him about his interests, Hunter evaded and said he didn't have any or he was still thinking about things. It was better not to stand out too much in case Hunter liked something that Darius didn't like. He certainly didn't want the abomination coven head to kick him out again just because he couldn't just be quiet and pretend to be an ordinary and undamaged kid.
But Hunter especially tried to keep it a secret that he loved to wear colorful clothes. He had never seen Darius in colors other than purple, black, and white.
Besides, he and Darius had been at the market in Bonesborough the other day and there had been a sweater hanging on one of the stalls that Hunter had liked immediately. It had been light blue and had had flowers and different colors and shapes and in the middle of the front had been a big orange heart embroidered on it.
But Darius had just wrinkled his nose and asked a little disgusted, "Who would buy something like that?
And so Hunter had decided not to wear anything that Darius would call ugly. He loved fashion and Hunter knew that Darius would probably kick him out if he wore something Darius didn't think was good enough.
Hunter had once tried to add something more colorful and individual to his golden guard uniform. It had been a simple colorful flower patch that he had sewn onto his dark trousers rather poorly, but Belos had not been at all pleased by the idea. He had freaked out immediately when he had seen the colorful patch on Hunter's pants.
So when Hunter and Darius went shopping a few days into Hunter's second week at Darius' house, because one morning Darius said, "The four outfits you own can hardly be called a whole closet." Hunter tried to ignore everything he thought was beautiful.
They were already in the second store. In the first, Hunter had chosen the two plainest pairs of shoes, although he would much rather have had the bright red ones they sold there as well.
Now Hunter pulled everything off the hangers that looked like something Darius would wear, only a little plainer, after all, Hunter didn't want Darius to think he was trying to replace him or anything.
But no matter what Hunter did, his eyes kept wandering over to this one colorful skirt that was hanging on a hanger on the wall a little further back.
It was a pink skirt with different colored dots on it and Hunter really wanted to try it on, but he knew there was nothing about it that Darius would like and he didn't want to upset Darius.
Hunter had had one more scar on his leg as a result, when Belos had been mad at him back then, because Belos had lashed out with the green goop and ripped the patch off his pants, though he hadn't been very careful about it, so Hunter had limped back to his room afterwards with tears in his eyes.
Hunter didn't want Darius to have a reason to be mad at him, because Hunter really liked living with him. He didn't want Darius to kick him out, because it was really nice to have someone there to ask him every morning how he was feeling and if he slept well. And he just didn't want to lose that.
But Hunter tended to do things he shouldn't. So he took a quick look around for Darius, and when he was sure the man was busy, he sprinted through the rows of clothes to grab the skirt. He pulled the garment off the hanger and hid it among the rest of the plainer clothes he had already picked out.
Hunter wasn't planning on actually buying the skirt, he just wanted to look in the dressing room mirror and see what it looked like on him. And he probably could risk that.
Hunter walked over to Darius, who was struggling through a collection of purple pants and was looking at one of them as if he wasn't sure if he should buy it or not. That's when he noticed Hunter. "Oh, little prince, did you find something too?"
"Yes, I was going to suggest that we could go to the changing rooms now. Of course, only if you're ready, too. "He added the last sentence quickly, so as not to seem disrespectful, after all, he owed Darius at least that, even if he still didn't quite understand why Darius would want Hunter to live with him.
But Darius just nodded, "It's probably better that way. If I keep looking for clothes, I'll take more home with me later than you will."
Hunter opened his mouth briefly to ask what would be so bad about that, but then closed it again without having said anything.
"I say that because we're here to restock your wardrobe, not mine, little prince," Darius said, who seemed to have Hunter figured out. Hunter pressed his lips together and tried to look as emotionless as possible. Belos had always used it against him when he knew what Hunter was thinking or feeling, and Hunter didn't want to find out if Darius would do the same.
So they headed for the changing rooms. On the way they passed several dresses, pants and sweaters that Hunter would have liked to take with him and try on instead of the plain clothes, but he had to stick to his plan. His heart sank more and more the closer they got to the changing rooms, as if he knew he was making a mistake.
In the changing room, he first put on one of the plain outfits and showed it to Darius. Darius said that it would fit Hunter, but he didn't seem to 'feel' it. But Hunter had no idea what that meant. And anyway, wasn't the real purpose of clothing to fit him?
Hunter only understood what Darius meant when he tried on the skirt second, along with a purple T-shirt. He seemed happier immediately, like a completely different person. The skirt fell fluffy and airy around his legs and Hunter grinned childishly to himself as he turned a little and the skirt moved with him.
"Hunter? "That was Darius' voice, "Show me the next outfit. Judging by your laugh, you seem to like it a lot."
Hunter slapped a hand over his mouth. Had he laughed without realizing it? Apparently he had. But now Darius expected him to present an outfit that he 'felt'. But everything else Hunter had taken into the changing room with him was stuff that didn't really excite Hunter. Besides, he didn't have time to put on another outfit without it looking weird.
"Hunter, dear, is everything okay? "Darius sounded concerned, but somehow that only made Hunter more nervous.
He needed to get out of here. Everything seemed so tight all of a sudden. Even the skirt. Hunter took off the clothes and threw them on the floor. Then he reached for his familiar clothes and frantically put them on.
At that moment, he heard Darius' voice say, "Try to breathe, Hunter. It's all right."
It sounded like Darius stepped back from the door to give Hunter some space, and Hunter took that opportunity to rush out of the changing room and head for the exit. He heard Darius call behind him, "Hunter! Wait!"
But then he was already out of the store and running down the street, past confused looking witches and demons.
He didn't know where to run at all. The only person he could think of, except for Darius, but he wouldn't have been an option in this situation anyway, was Camila. But Hunter knew that Camila would tell him to just talk to Darius about everything.
So Hunter stopped and leaned against a cool stone wall in a side alley and slowly lowered himself to the ground. What on earth had he been thinking? He didn't even want to imagine how mad Darius would be if he found him. Or maybe he wouldn't look for him at all, but simply decide Hunter wasn't worth the trouble.
He pulled his legs to his chest and buried his face in his arms. Only now did tears well up in his eyes and he began to cry.
Hunter had no idea how long he had been sitting there when he heard Darius' voice ask, "Hunter? Is it okay if I sit with you?"
But Hunter was not able to register the words at all. When he looked up a few seconds later, face tear-stained and eyes all red, Darius had crouched to the floor some distance away and seemed to be making himself as small as possible so as not to tower over Hunter in a threatening manner.
"You need to take a deep breath, little prince. "Darius said, his voice sounding incredibly soft and little more than a whisper.
And only then did Hunter realize he was hyperventilating. Slowly he stretched out his fingers and did the counting exercise Gus had shown him.
"It's going to be okay." and "You're doing very well." Darius whispered in between, which helped to calm Hunter down even more.
After a while of trying to breathe deeply, he started to feel a little better.
Darius smiled softly, yet somewhat sadly, and nodded to the asphalt next to Hunter. "May I?"
Hunter just nodded and Darius slowly and carefully sat down next to him.
"I'm sorry. "Darius said softly and as Hunter was about to say something in reply he continued, "I seem to have made you feel like you can't talk to me about anything, and for that I am truly sorry. Whatever it is that made you run away, you can tell me. Really."
Hunter avoided Darius' gaze and looked down at his feet, which he scuffed a little nervously across the asphalt. "I- well- " He took another deep breath, literally feeling the air rush through his lungs. So he tried again, "I didn't want you to be mad."
"Why would I be mad at you, little prince?" asked Darius gently.
"Because- "Hunter looked up at him and blinked away tears that threatened to burst from his eyes again.
"It's all good. Take your time. "Darius said.
Hunter avoided his gaze again as he asked softly, "Can you hold me? Just- just for a second I- never mind. Forget what I said! That was really stupid, I- "
But Darius stretched out his arms and looked at Hunter with a loving, concerned look. He put one hand on Hunter's back and pulled him closer. The other hand he used to gently caress the back of Hunter's head.
"What is it that's troubling you, little prince?" asked Darius, but his voice still sounded just gentle.
"I don't understand why," Hunter began, tears running down his cheeks again. He snuggled closer to Darius and held onto the front of his shirt, afraid Darius would let him go again, "I don't understand why you took me in. I don't understand what you want from me."
"I- Hunter, I want you to be okay. In the last few days before the day of unity, I really realized how wrong I've been all this time and what a wonderful child you are. I wanted to prevent you from being hurt again. I'm sorry, I should have made my intentions clear from the beginning, little prince," Darius said, gently rocking Hunter back and forth.
"I thought- I thought it would be a good idea in fashion- well, to stick to what you're wearing. B- Belos, he- he never liked it when I- well- when I tried to be myself. And I guess I kind of thought you'd react similarly. "Hunter murmured, closing his eyes as the soft warmth of Darius' body made him feel safe.
"You can wear whatever you want," Darius said, gently stroking a hand through his hair, which was still disheveled from his hasty escape, "but I figured it was something like that."
"How- "
"The colorful skirt on the floor," Hunter could hear Darius' smile in his voice, "I bought that skirt, by the way. Because judging from your laugh, you liked it a lot. And tomorrow we'll go out shopping again, and I want you to choose whatever you like, not what you think I might like."
Hunter broke away from the hug and looked at Darius with a wide smile that showed the gap in his teeth.
"I- thank you Darius. "he said, feeling his ears turn a little red.
Darius pulled him into a hug again and nuzzled him gently. "I want you to know that the only thing I want from you is for you to be happy."
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sweetcici-123 · 6 months
I’m gonna be sharing my Owl House Wips and Aus for a while now that it’s over and I’m definitely hyper fixating on them. (I’m bringing this back lol)
The Children’s House AU
Eda basically turned her house into a mini orphanage by accident after she adopted her first human. She takes in witches and humans alike and takes care of them with the occasional help of her parents. Gwendolyn is much more active and has an easier time coming over compared to Dell who sometimes stays back at their family home when he can’t make the trip. Basically Eda grows to love kids and can’t stand to see any child in any unfortunate situation. They’re all one big found family.
Luz is her newest child who is the first that wasn’t technically brought in by someone, she wandered through the portal and convinced Eda to let her stay because she “didn’t want to be sent away.” And the story goes from there.
(We are not discussing the moral implications of taking kids without going through any legal processes. I wanted a huge found family and this is how I’m making it. Legality can screw itself.)
Also Luz is 10.
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trevorendeavors · 2 years
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January 1, 2023. So this year I kicked things off by doing THREE FREAKIN DRAWINGS in one day because the brain rot for "A Port in a Storm" by @smile-dearie is freakin REAL. This fic is incredibly bingeable and if you're in the market for some Noceda siblings fluff, angst, and hurt/comfort, this is your one stop shop. Artwork is for Chapters 4/5 and 8 respectively. Also the fic just updated yesterday so go!!!! CHECK IT!!! OUT!!!!
ALSO Also the sketch for these drawings was provided by the ever-elusive, ever-talented Bon on discord:
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