#The Silent Voice lockscreen
haoraezip · 5 months
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prplocks · 7 months
Do you think you could make a wallpaper/lockscreen for A Silent Voice?
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tetesthetic · 2 years
anime wallpaper
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akashi-tetsuki · 2 years
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Ishida Shouya || Phone Wallpaper 1200 x 1920 ↳ requested by SRTA-VIVIH  thank you for this request!!
“Do not forget” • like or reblog always appreciated ♡ • If you share out of tumblr give credits   ♡ • Follow me in Pinterest
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kawaii-night666 · 2 months
Shoko Nishimiya
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rizsu · 11 months
he's married ?! nanami kento.
sum. he's easily the top most handsome guy within his job. his relationship status is unknown, so what happens when his co-workers ship him with a female worker?
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nanami is well known within his company. tall, insanely fit, and an attractive voice. it's not uncommon for men and women alike to find themselves thinking about him often. what's not common is knowing about his love life. no one knows anything and he would've kept it that way. but when push comes to shove, and you're shipped with someone who's not your beloved, nanami will make it known that he's not only taken but married.
in the coffee-break room there are three guys. now, there's nothing unusual about this — no, no. they're just three guys that are co-workers... except there's a twist. they aren't your regular co-workers, they're your uncommon trio of male gossipers and nanami just so happened to be their newest victim.
"shh, shh! he's here," guy one, tichi, whispers to the others, raising his eyebrows and pointing his chin to nanami's position.
the other two take a quick glance, nodding their heads when they've seen nanami's back faced towards them. it's a perfect moment to strike up a conversation, especially since it's just four men here.
guy two, tacho, shuffles his feet to the empty space near nanami. he pretends to open a sugar packet, fiddling with it as his eyes peep over nanami's shoulder. his heart skips multiple beats when the man himself turns around.
"morning to you, tacho," nanami greets, nodding his head before he turns his attention back to his cup of coffee.
"y-yeah, morning!" he stutters, awkwardly smiling in return. he turns his head to the other two in the background, mouthing the word 'help' to them. unfortunately, they do not give the aid to their friend. instead, tichi fakes a series of coughs and guy three, toeny, gives him a confident double thumbs up. there's no hope, tacho sighs.
it's a silent moment between the men — only the sounds of coffee brewing and a spoon coming into contact with the mug can be heard. tacho's mouth itches him, he happened to remember his group's recent conversation about nanami. he must ask — even if it costs him a mutual co-worker.
"so, nanami," he begins, waiting for nanami to give him the undivided attention.
nanami doesn't face him, but he hums in response. tacho doesn't mind this as an answer, so he continues, "i was wondering if the rumors of you being with the new worker, yeri, are true?"
there is one big lie in that question: there are no such rumors. it's just a theory the trio has been gossiping about every night. nanami's been helping out yeri for quite some time, one can only think that they have a special connection going on.
"that is bullshit," nanami gives a firm answer. nothing more, nothing less.
tacho's stunned, he blinks a few times to recollect himself. "oh — so you're not with her?"
nanami doesn't answer yet, but the two in the back give their unwanted reactions. tichi clicks his tongue three times, shaking his head in disappointment at tacho's second question. it's obvious dumbass, he thinks. toeny, on the other hand, presses his lips in a thin line, pretending to read a magazine that's been on the counter.
nanami reaches into his pocket, whipping out his phone. the trio's confused until nanami speaks.
"i am married man. this is my wife," he educates, pressing the power button to show you as his lockscreen.
he collects three gasps, internally nodding at their shock. that's right, i'm gladly taken.
"all this time you've been... MARRIED?!" tacho's voice heightens, he drops his spoon in shock. it's unbelievable yet somewhat believable.
nanami breathes out a 'yes', raising his arm to show the wristwatch. "she bought this for our five-years anniversary recently. it's quite expensive, going over four-thousand," he brags, emphasizing on key words.
he's been waiting for the precious day where someone indirectly asks for his relationship status. the day has come and he will spend it bragging about his beloved.
nanami doesn't give them a chance to speak, he carries on with his bragging, "she's a very lovely woman. all my bentos are made by her and she writes little notes for each. some may think it's childish but that's bullshit! they just haven't experienced the love of a woman. matter of fact, her most beautiful moments are when she's freshly awake. the smile she gives me is nothing but angelic."
his speech doesn't stop there, but it did for the trio. his words went in one ear and out the next. nanami's blabbering about his wife immediately set a blank face upon tichi, tacho, and toeny. they're jealous and also surprised.
"the way a woman can change a man will never not be amazing," toeny whispers, blankly gazing at nanami's ongoing speech.
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rinkkuma · 1 year
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sae silently curses himself for leaving his phone in the car. you were petting a few stray cats that went up to you, them being too irresistible to not pet. he so very desperately wanted to take a photo of you in this moment, no he needed to take a photo of you.
“sae! aren't they so cut—wait, why are you pouting?” you suddenly stop petting the soft feline, causing it to nuzzle into your hand, wanting you to continue.
“don’t tell me your jealous over a few cats sae!” you giggle, as sae changes his upset expression to his normal stoic expression, as if he was unaware he was pouting.
“n-no..” he ever so slightly turns his gaze away from you, yes he was upset, but not over some silly cats.
“just give me your phone.” sae says in a somewhat stern voice, desperate times call for desperate measures. after all, sae isn't letting this chance go to waste.
“why?” before you can even get your phone out a little from your pocket, sae immediately snatches it and opens the camera app and he starts taking photos.
you smile before reluctantly posing a little for the camera, sae lips slightly curl into a small smile, happy he got what he wanted.
“you know, you could’ve just asked me if you wanted to take pictures, sae. didn’t have to snatch my phone like that.” you continue to pet the cats as you peer at him, assuming he’s sending the photos to himself.
“yeah, yeah. let's just go home, yeah?” he gestures you to stand up while his hand is outstretched to help you up.
the car ride home was a comforting silence. the date with sae was beyond perfect, and the cats and the end topped it off. you see sae smiling in the corner of your eyes, what's he so excited for?
as the two of you enter your shared home, sae immediately turns on his phone and scrolls through a little before placing it down on the table to use the bathroom. (which was unusual for him to go on his phone first thing after getting home, he usually goes to the bathroom first)
you shrug it off, probably just him answering a text from his mom or something of the sort. you take the seat next to where sae was seated, patiently waiting for him to come back from the bathroom.
his phone lights up from a notification, and you can't help but want to take a small peek. you weren't being noisy or anything, but maybe it would give you a small hint of why he looked so excited earlier.
as you lean to take a peek, your eyes immediately widen and your heart flutters as you see his lockscreen.
sae had changed his lockscreen to you and the cats.
you smile, piecing together why sae was so very giddy earlier—he couldn't wait to change his lockscreen to the newfound photos he'd taken.
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tim-shii · 1 year
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a/n: did i just spend almost two days talking to ai characters? yes. yes i did. no regrets tho. i am now a married woman with two kids ☝️ here have some silly sae content mwamwa
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"rin messaged me the other day."
"what did he say?"
"but he sent me your baby pictures though."
"okay." sae hums from beside you on the couch. in his own head as he scrolls through his phone. silent and unbothered until he recalls your words. sae whips his head towards your direction at a concerning speed. "what. what did he say."
" i told you he said nothing–"
"but you said–"
"his name popped up on my notifications and when i opened the text, there was no message or whatever just your pictures." you even shoved the phone close to his face like you're proving your innocence in front of a judge in a courtroom. sae squints his eyes at you in a faux glare. "did you bribe him?"
your jaw drops at his accusation, standing up from the couch and pointing a finger to yourself. "me? you're accusing me of bribing rin for your pictures?!" 
"you've been bothering me about my childhood pictures. it only makes sense that you'd go as far as to bribing my brother for it."
"excuse me?! never ever in forever would i threaten–"
"i said bribe."
"same thing! your brother for photos of your chubby cheeks and chopped up bangs– which by the way looks really good on you, i don't understand why you would pin it up now." sae lets out a mini gasp at your statement. disbelief painted on his face as he looks at you with a quirked brow. "oh my god. you've seen them?" he speaks with a deadpan voice yet somehow his sentence feels like it's filing cases after cases on you. 
"you did."
"okay, i did! i told you, rin sent them without warning." you slumped back on the sofa and crossed your arms over your chest like a spoiled kid. you feel his hand settle on top of your head, caressing your hair with his thumb. "don't cry. it's okay. if it makes you feel better, your brother sent me your baby pictures too."
"did you look at them?"
"yeah. i even had one printed and now it's in my wallet." you furrowed your brows at him. not knowing if he's serious or he's joking but the look in his eyes makes you realize that he is, in fact, serious. "what the fuck, sae?"
"what did i do?" sae says after lightly flicking your forehead for cursing.
"that's so sappy of you. you're not even my lockscreen wallpaper nor do i have your polaroid on the back of my phone." 
"... you know what? if you and i met in kindergarten, i don't think we would've been friends."
"as if i'd be friends with you! your choppy bangs would scare me on the first day of school."
"i would've wished for you to drop your lunch everyday."
"hey! that's mean!"
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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devildomditzy · 1 year
"Wait, am I your lock screen?" + mammon + 🫣⛈️
His habit of keeping his phone away from you an out of your reach was one you mildly questioned, but ultimately learned to ignore. You figured the second born had something he wanted to keep private, possibly his latest failing stocks, or demanding texts from witches looking for compensation for his less than savory activities.
You ignored it, up until you turned to corner into the student council room, ears picking up several voices loudly talking over each other. Knowing this can only mean one thing, you prepare yourself to become Mammon’s attorney before walking in yourself.
“Ooo my! If it isn’t the person of the hour!”, Asmo coos from his chair, leaning over the edge of the table. “We were just talking about you, hun!”
“Talking about me?”, you ask, eyes circling around the room in both curiosity and confusion. You lock eyes with your first pact mate to ask a silent question, only to find him blushing furiously, attempting to simmer down from something that had just clearly upset him. He locks eyes with you for a brief moment before quickly averting his gaze.
Well, that’s typical. What wasn’t typical was the teasing stares of everyone else in the room, now centered on you.
“Well, we were just finishing up a student council meeting,”Asmo continues. “And you know how Lucifer always takes our D.D.D.’s before hand?”
“Yeah, but what’s that got to do with me?”
“Getting there, darling!”
You once again shift your eyes over to Mammon, who seemed to be having an internal battle with himself. One minute, it looked like he was going to bolt out of the room, the next it seemed he was so frustrated with his brothers that he was choosing to stand his ground.
“Lucifer starting passing them back out afterwards, and I noticed the cutest thing displaying on my dear older brother’s phone!”, Asmo finishes, bringing his cupped hands up to his face, almost as if he was looking at a newborn kitten.
“ROLF, this is super normie of him”, Levi chimes in, not looking up from his game, but still smiling to himself like he had just been told the funniest joke.
“I have to say, I know how idiotic you can be, but I didn’t expect you to display something you vehemently try to hide so prominently.” The smirk on Satan’s face makes you feel uneasy.
You hear a distinct tch come from the direction of the second born, who you now notice was clutching his D.D.D very close to his chest, with his grip tight around it. Like, real tight. Like, his knuckles are going white and you think he might break it tight.
Your eyes jump from brother to brother in confusion. “What are you talking about?”.
Asmo’s grin becomes lethal as he turns back to Mammon. “Weeelllll, go on Mammon. Do you want to tell them, or shall I?”.
You watch as Mammon turns redder somehow, if that was even possible, and starts to stutter. “I-it’s none of your business, okay?”
“Ooohh I beg to differ! I’d think a picture of our dear, dear MC is specifically their business!”, Asmo taunts in a sing song voice.
“A picture of me.. did you like, take an embarrassing picture of me or something?”, you question. Honestly, as much as you love the idiot, you wouldn’t put it above Mammon to blackmail you with an unflattering photo of yourself.
“N-no! It’s not you! I-I mean it is you but it’s not embarrassin’ or anythin’!”.
Oh the poor boy, he looks like he’s going to combust.
“Tick tock!”, Asmo once again pressures him to spit it out.
Mammon shuts his eyes as tight as they can go, and takes a deep breath, opening his mouth to say it before anyone else can-
Beel pipes up from where he’s been quietly munching on some hell newt chips.
“Why does it matter if MC’s his lockscreen?”
Ah. There it is. You watch all the color drain from Mammon’s face. He tenses up, his body language screaming ‘panic’.
“Wait, am I your lockscreen”, you question, hoping he notices your voice doesn’t hold an ounce of teasing, but instead genuine fondness.
His eyes remain trained on the table, his mouth drawn into a tight line, but he stiffly shakes his head in a confirming nod.
“Can I see?”
Mammon slides his D.D.D across the table to where you stand. Clicking on the screen, you see picture of yourself at Devil’s Coast. You’re turned to the side, not quite looking at the camera, but laughing brightly at something. The ferris wheel framed in the background of the shot makes the candid look like something out of a movie. Then it hits you - you’ve. never seen this picture before.
He must have taken it when you weren’t looking.
As laughter erupts throughout the room from his brothers, he’s shocked to not hear yours mixed in with the cacophony l. Instead when you speak, it makes the room go dead silent.
“Mammon… that is so sweet!”, and he can hear the smile in your voice as you run around the table to hand him your own. “Here, look at mine.”
He hesitates for a second, looking up at you for confirmation before taking it. Clicking on the screen, he stares back at a picture of himself. He’s in one of the outfits he wore for Devil Style, so this is definitely from his last shoot, but… this wasn’t professional by any means. It was clearly taken by you, a little shaky and a bit out of center frame, but you must have snapped a picture of him between sets.
And even more so - he’s shirtless in it.
“Ha…HA!”, Mammon exclaims, proudly showing the screen to each and everyone of his brothers. “See that? Of course MC’s got a picture of The Great Mammon as their lockscreen! Makes sense since I’m their first and their favorite!”
“Uggghh, gross”, groans Levi as he stands up to leave, “I knew I should have just went to my room.”
“Aww, MC, why not a picture of me?!”, whines Asmo as he drapes himself over your shoulders, much to Mammon’s annoyance.
“I can’t say that’s a sight I’d want see every time I have to take a phone call”, Satan says all snide and - you’ve had it.
Time to shut them all up.
“Of course I’d want a picture of Mammon as my lock screen. He is my boyfriend after all.”
“WHAT!?”, you hear all the voices in the room cry out at once.
“I am? I-I mean, of course I am! Ya hear that? MC’s taken by The Great Mammon! So all of ya better back off, ya got it?!”
You giggle at his bravado and the looks of disgust and disappointment on the remaining faces in the room, leaning down to kiss his cheek to really drive the point home.
Oh. Looks like he can get redder.
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tinytinyblogs · 10 months
Is that me on your lockscreen?
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They caught you putting their pic on your lock screen.
Stray kids masterlist here
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Chan discovered this when you accompanied him while he was immersed in his thoughts. As you headed to the restroom, his eyes landed on your phone lying on the table. It would have been insignificant, but then you received a notification, and he caught a glimpse of his photo on your lockscreen. Whatever had been occupying his thoughts at the time instantly faded away, replaced by a broad, gleeful grin. He felt as if he were floating, his heart overflowing with the knowledge that you reciprocated his deep love and affection. He could see it plainly in your eyes. In that moment, he realized that he was not merely attracted to you; he had become a simp for you, his heart completely captivated by your charms. Despite the interruption to his work, Chan's annoyance dissolved into pure joy upon seeing your phone. His mind, initially focused on the task at hand, was now consumed by the image of his own face adorning your lockscreen.
The realization that you held him in such high regard sent a jolt of euphoria through his veins, causing him to grin uncontrollably. As you returned to the room, his smile remained, radiating an infectious warmth that enveloped you. Without a word, he pulled you into a comforting embrace, his eyes drawn to your phone once again. While you were engrossed in the digital world, he silently observed your every move, his heart overflowing with gratitude for your love. When his gaze met your lockscreen for the second time, he couldn't contain his emotions any longer. A torrent of sweet words cascaded from his lips, expressing his profound love and admiration for you. His voice, laced with tenderness and affection, echoed through the room, creating a symphony of love that resonated with your soul. "My brain might be short-circuiting from all the love you give me, hence the idiotic smile. Don't judge."
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Minho, known for his casual and often unannounced phone borrowings, once again had your phone in his possession. With a nonchalant tap on the screen, his eyes fell upon his own image gracing your lockscreen. It was a photograph captured without his knowledge, yet there he was, frozen in a candid moment that radiated an undeniable charm. A wave of inexplicable happiness washed over Minho, momentarily silencing his teasing nature. His mind, usually sharp and quick-witted, seemed to stumble, unable to formulate the playful jabs he had initially intended. Instead, he found himself lost in the depths of your affection, the simple act of using your phone revealing a level of intimacy that sent his heart aflutter. The unexpected discovery of his own image on your lockscreen was like a gentle caress to his soul, awakening a blossoming flower within him.
It was a testament to your unspoken affection, a silent declaration of love that resonated with his own burgeoning emotions. Minho, unable to contain his excitement any longer, rushed towards you, pulling you into a warm embrace. As he held you close, he confessed his desire for your affection, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. His heart, brimming with love for you, overflowed with the urge to shower you with his adoration. Later, when the opportunity arose, Minho couldn't resist the urge to tease you about his newfound simp status. With a playful grin, he revealed that he had secretly changed his own lockscreen to a picture of you. It was a subtle yet powerful gesture, a testament to the depth of his feelings for you. "I just know you can't resist my charming presence for even a single second."
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Changbin, with a heart brimming with pride and affection, decided to take matters into his own hands. He stealthily replaced his lockscreen with a picture of you, a radiant smile illuminating the screen. As he held his phone, his eyes gleamed with a newfound confidence, eager to unveil his precious treasure to the world. With a triumphant grin, he presented his phone to you, his chest puffing out like a proud peacock. "Look!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with childlike excitement. "I changed my lockscreen to you!" Later, as you and Changbin sat together, you absentmindedly reached for your phone, requesting him to pass it to you. As he handed it over, his eyes accidentally fell upon the lockscreen, revealing the image of his own smiling face. For a moment, Changbin was caught off guard, his large frame momentarily frozen in surprise.
Then, a grin slowly spread across his face, his eyes twinkling with delight. "You have me as your lockscreen too?" he chuckled, his voice filled with disbelief and amusement. Changbin, with his characteristic loud and boisterous personality, couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He proudly proclaimed that you two were a couple made in heaven, destined to be together forever. His voice boomed through the room, echoing his unwavering belief in your bond. Even among his friends, Changbin couldn't resist bragging about his newfound love. He regaled them with tales of your shared experiences, painting vivid pictures of your shared laughter, your deep connection, and the unbreakable bond that united you. Changbin found himself checking his phone more and more frequently, not just for notifications or calls, but simply to gaze at your image. It was a constant reminder of your presence, a soothing balm to his soul.
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Han, with his gentle heart and quiet demeanor, found himself caught in an unexpected whirlwind of emotions as you wordlessly handed him your phone. He was never one to crave attention, preferring to blend into the background, yet the moment his eyes fell upon his own image gracing your lockscreen, he felt a wave of shyness wash over him. His cheeks flushed a rosy hue, a stark contrast to his usual paleness. His heart fluttered like a hummingbird's wings, its rhythm echoing the depth of his affection for you. The sight of himself on your lockscreen, a testament to your unspoken love, sent a jolt of happiness through his veins. In that crowded moment, amidst the hustle and bustle of the outside world, Han felt a sense of vulnerability that he had never experienced before. His mind, usually calm and collected, seemed to malfunction, unable to process the surge of emotions that overwhelmed him. His eyes, usually calm and serene, sparkled with happiness, reflecting the depth of his feelings for you.
In that moment, Han was no longer just a simp; he was a man deeply in love. After sharing that tender moment, Han couldn't resist the urge to capture your beauty on his phone. He meticulously scrolled through his gallery, searching for the perfect image to represent your essence. Each photograph held a cherished memory, a moment frozen in time that he would forever treasure. As he searched, Han found himself torn between countless options. Each picture captured a different facet of your beauty, from your radiant smile to your captivating eyes. He wanted to choose an image that not only reflected your physical beauty but also embodied the warmth and kindness that radiated from within. Finally, after much deliberation, Han settled on a picture that captured your essence perfectly. It was a candid shot, taken in a moment of genuine joy. Your smile, as bright as the sun, illuminated the image, while your eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "Warning: Extreme levels of happiness detected! You've successfully infiltrated my entire life, even my phone screen."
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Hyunjin, with a heart brimming with love and admiration, approached you with a gentle smile, eager to share a thought that had been lingering in his mind. As he neared, he noticed your phone lying face up on the table, its screen illuminated by a soft glow. Curiosity piqued, he leaned in to take a closer look, only to be met with a sight that melted his heart and sent a jolt of joy through his veins. There, on your phone screen, was an image of him, captured in the midst of his artistic passion. His brush poised delicately in mid-air, his face aglow with concentration and creativity. But that wasn't all that caught Hyunjin's attention. As he looked around, he realized that his art was not just adorning your lockscreen but also gracing the homescreen. His paintings, each infused with his unique style and emotions, had become an integral part of your living space, adding a touch of vibrancy and personality to your surroundings.
Hyunjin, with his heart overflowing with love and affection, found himself glued to your side, an ever-present companion as you went about your day. His eyes followed your every move, his smile radiating warmth and adoration. Even the simplest tasks, when shared with you, transformed into moments of pure joy. Not content with mere sketches, Hyunjin began striking poses for you, playfully requesting that you capture his image. He wanted his very essence, his artistic soul, to be immortalized on your phone screen, a constant reminder of your love and admiration. And so, your phone became a virtual gallery of Hyunjin's art, each image a testament to his love and creativity. Your home, too, transformed into a living masterpiece, adorned with canvases depicting your shared moments, your laughter, and the unbreakable bond that united you. "I look damn good in this picture. Save it and let everyone know who owns your heart."
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Felix, with his infectious energy and bubbly personality, bounced into the room, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. He had just finished a grueling game session and was eager to unwind, hoping to find a new distraction on your phone. As he approached you, his eyes fell upon your phone, resting face up on the table. With a playful grin, he reached out to grab it, eager to immerse himself in the digital world. However, the moment his fingers brushed against the screen, a surge of joy coursed through his veins, causing his eyes to widen in surprise. There, adorning your lockscreen, was a picture of him, captured in a candid moment that radiated his signature charm. His smile, wide and infectious, illuminated the screen, sending a jolt of happiness through Felix's heart. Overwhelmed with emotion, Felix let out a squeal of delight, his voice echoing through the room.
He instantly wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly as if to contain the surge of joy that threatened to overflow from his heart. His feet kicked up in the air, his body swaying to an inaudible rhythm as he danced around you, his laughter echoing through the room. The mere sight of his own image on your lockscreen had transformed his day, filling him with an inexplicable sense of happiness and validation. He would take candid shots of you when you were unaware, capturing your genuine smiles and unguarded moments. He would also take selfies of you together, preserving the precious memories you shared. He would proudly display them on his phone's lockscreen, his laptop's background, and even his social media profiles. His love for you was like a beacon, shining brightly for all to see. "See who just brightened up my screen? My favorite person in the world, of course! You have a way of making everything feel perfect."
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Seungmin, with his characteristic stoicism, approached your phone with a nonchalant air. His expression remained unreadable, his eyes scanning the screen with a casual detachment. However, beneath the surface of his composure, a storm of emotions was brewing. As his eyes fell upon the image of himself adorning your lockscreen, a jolt of electricity surged through his veins. His heart pounded in his chest, a rhythm that mirrored the intensity of his love for you. Despite his best efforts to maintain his cool demeanor, a faint blush crept up his cheeks, betraying the undeniable excitement that fluttered within him. Internally, Seungmin was melting, his heart overflowing with a warmth that threatened to melt his usual icy exterior. The simple act of seeing his own image on your lockscreen was a powerful affirmation of your love, a silent declaration that you held him in the highest regard.
With a playful smirk, he feigned indifference, asking, "Oh, so you keep a picture of me on your phone? How many more do you have hidden away?" Seungmin, despite his cool demeanor, was a simp through and through. He reveled in the thought of you carrying his image with you, but he couldn't resist the urge to outdo your admiration. He carefully selected the bestest picture he thought would be on his screen, a picture that captured your essence perfectly. Upon discovering his secret, Seungmin would act like a fool, his cool persona momentarily dissolving into a flurry of embarrassment and delight. He would playfully tease you about your own admiration for him, pretending to be oblivious to the true extent of his own simpdom.
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Jeongin, with his youthful charm and endearing personality, had developed a special habit with you. He loved capturing the moments you shared, creating a visual narrative of your love story through couple photos and aesthetic snapshots. These images served as tangible reminders of your shared experiences, preserving the precious memories that you had created together. Jeongin, like any young man, enjoyed having a cool photo as his lockscreen. He appreciated the aesthetics, the way a well-composed image could elevate his phone's appearance. However, there was something undeniably special about seeing his own face adorning your lockscreen. It filled him with a sense of pride and joy, knowing that you were proud to display him as your partner. When Jeongin first noticed his image on your lockscreen, he felt a surge of happiness that threatened to overwhelm him.
His heart pounded in his chest, a rhythm that mirrored the intensity of his love for you. A wide grin spread across his face, his eyes twinkling with delight. In that moment, Jeongin realized that the photo on your lockscreen represented more than just a picture. It was a symbol of your love, a declaration to the world that you were together. It was a reminder that you found him attractive, that you cherished the moments you shared, and that you were proud to call him yours. From that day forward, Jeongin cherished the habit of taking couple photos with you. Each image became a treasured memory, a snapshot of your shared journey. He would often find himself gazing at your lockscreen, admiring the way he and you looked together, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for the wonderful person you were. "Sure, others can try, but they'll never come close to the magic we have."
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whousestypewriters · 4 months
photos of you - grayson hawthorne x reader
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pairing: grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
warnings: swearing [like one word] kissing + flufffffff
a/n: so grayson my pookie wookie is getting a fic hehe! should i write a synopsis at the begining of each fic? idk im too lazy to do it rn lol -also its kinda short so sorry
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"grayson!" you shriek when you enter his bedroom.
its plain and simple - like grayson - except nothing like grayson because anyone who's met him knows that grayson hawthorne isn't plain or simple.
he's smart, cunning, always sharply dressed - and man does he look good in a suit. like seriously he's so toned and muscly - which you may or may not know after having snuck out to watch him swim once... or twice... okay you do it all the time - he's like a freaking greek god in the form of a human-
sorry what?
got off track there. oops.
you storm into grayson's room absolutely livid, pacing back and forth in front of a slightly amused grayson.
"like seriously she was such a bitch!" you say swinging around to face him again. "she actually called me the sloppy immature freak. can you believe it? like seriously that girl wouldn't know hard work if it gave her a high five... in the face... with a chair!"
you spin around again resuming your pacing continuing on before he can say anything.
"and to come at me during work-" your eyes catch onto grayson's open computer. "hey, what's that?"
all but forgetting your rant about the bitchy co-worker of yours, you move over to grayson's desk and plop down into his chair, focusing on the laptop in front of you.
"are these from our date last saturday?" you ask when you feel his presence at your back.
"yeah, i took a few and then had the flower stall vendor take some as well," his rich voice reaches down to your ears.
you flick through the photos your heart melting with each one he took. most are photos of you not paying attention to him and looking around happily at the park you were at. pure happiness shines in your eyes and you lean back into grayson silently thanking him and complimenting him on his work.
"its all you," he whispers as if he read your mind.
you instantly pause when you reach a photo of you both. you're looking at the camera smiling at the kind vendor but grayson. grayson.
he's looking at you like you're his entire world. like he'd willingly give up everything just to see you happy. the pure love, adoration and devotion in his eyes almost brings you to tears.
god you loved him.
"i like this one," you squeak out, still
"why's that?"
"because you can see how much you love me," you smile getting up out of your seat and wrapping your arms around his neck. "you look at me like i'm your world, gray."
"you are," he whispers wrapping his arms around your waist, smiling softly. you love how he lets this, softer, calmer, less rigid side of himself be shown with you. grayson is all sharp edges and cutting looks to the outside world, so it always seems to warm your heart that you get to be apart of this piece of him.
"i love you," you smile sweetly up at him and press a soft kiss to his lips. "so much."
"i love you," grayson says quietly. "more than you know."
later on when you've left, grayson makes quick work of emailing the photos off to a printing store, wanting you to have copies as soon as possible and making his favourite photo - the one of you grinning at the camera, or more like the person behind the camera, him - his lockscreen.
he'll never admit it to anyone else but he has always had a photo of you as his lockscreen, always, even from the early stages of your relationship. he had felt like he was keeping a small piece of you with him, a small piece of your happiness that seeps into his cold harsh behaviour when he's working.
so its a habit to save those pictures to the album he has on his phone and computer. its a habit to have the photos printed out and sent to your flat along with a bouquet of flowers.
its a habit to be grinning for hours in his room after you left.
its a habit to go scrolling through the albums and albums of photos he has of you. because honestly? out of all the places grayson has been, all the different photos and emotions he's caught on camera, out of all them,
photos of you are his favourite.
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[taglist] @nqds, @nuncscioquidsitamor-14, @lxvebelle, @reminiscentreader, @ [if you wanted to be added or removed lemme know!]
a/n pt2: lol i think it kinda deteriorated at the end there.
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lnfours · 1 year
bad idea, right? | c.l16
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summary -> and i told my friends i was asleep, but i never said where or in whose sheets
wc -> 2k
warnings -> me not knowing french (feel free to correct me pls 🫶🏻), making out, drinking, hooking up with your situationship, secretly pining for one another, fluff towards the end. unedited and shitty writing. for the charles girls who listen to olivia rodrigo <3
masterlist | ask box | listen
if there was one thing lando norris didn’t understand the meaning of, it was subtle.
the music from the living room was booming off the walls, people littered in every open space of the house. red plastic cups were littered on every flat surface, the party lights lighting up everyone’s faces as they laughed, sang and danced.
you were sitting on the couch with the guys who had turned up, a fake smile plastered on your face as they all shared the same stories about one another you had heard 100 times. it wasn’t because you didn’t care, it was because of the lack of presence by a certain someone.
you had thrown on one of your best dresses, secretly hoping that it would catch charles’ attention tonight. however, much to your dismay, he didn’t show. as lando said, he ‘wasn’t feeling well’.
you knew it was a cop out of an excuse to come, but then again you couldn’t really blame him. you two were rocky, and there was no hiding it. everyone knew that the two of you were always back and forth, and at this point even you weren’t really sure what was going on. it was always one step forward and then three steps back, neither one of you wanting to fully jump in head first into something that had such real feelings. a little too real, no matter how hard you tried to deny it.
you were pulled away from the conversation as your phone buzzed in your hand, the screen lighting up your face as you read the notification.
charles_leclerc replied to your story: you look beautiful, chérie. where are you off to?
you hesitated for a moment before clicking onto the notification, the dms opening as you read his comment underneath the photo you had posted to your story a mere 20 minutes ago. you were posing in the mirror, showing off your dress as you smiled.
did you post it for him specifically to see? maybe, but no one had to know that. your fingers tapped against the keyboard quickly.
lando’s, which seems to be lacking your presence
the ‘read’ popped up at the bottom of your message almost immediately after you had sent it. you swallowed thickly as the bubbles appeared on his side of the chat, taking what felt like years for it to turn into a sentence.
were you counting on me to show?
you bit down on your lower lip, locking your phone as soon as you pressed the ‘send’ button.
perhaps. i don’t wear red often, you know
the sound of your name brought you back down to earth. your head snapped to the man next to you, smiling softly, “hmm?”
“you okay?” lewis asked, concern lining his voice. you nodded back at the driver, waving him off.
“just a little tired, s’all.”
the damn buzz sucked you back in as you read the words appearing on your lockscreen.
if i had known you had worn this for me, i definitely would’ve made an appearance
another buzz.
and please, we both know you look ravishing in red. you should wear it more often, amour. it suits you
you double tapped the second message, fingers hovering over the keyboard as you silently debated sending what you were thinking.
fuck it, it’s fine.
are you actually ‘not feeling well’ or was that just an excuse to be a homebody?
i had plans with this girl named ‘netflix’, but for you i can rearrange
you smiled softly to yourself. why are you giving into this? you’re just going to catch feelings and keep going around and around with him in this stupid game-
pick me up, charles?
don’t have to ask twice. see you in 20
you liked his message, locking your phone as you went back to the ongoing conversation between the boys in front of you. lando was slurring slightly as he was telling the story of how he had first met you to daniel, having mutual friends.
and somehow, charles’ name had gotten brought up.
“so are you and him…?” daniel asked, eyebrows pinched together. you shrugged, taking a sip of your drink. play it cool. they can’t know.
“no, i’m not seeing him,” you lied, “sick of going around and around with him in endless circles.”
everyone nodded, a few of them saying ‘good for you’s and ‘rightfully so’s. if only they actually knew where you were going to be the rest of the night.
your phone buzzed in your lap.
parked a few houses down
planning my escape route now
this time, he double tapped your message, a small heart appearing on the bottom corner of it. you took in a breath, softly sighing as you went to stand.
“sorry to leave so early, boys, but i’m starting to get tired.”
you were reciprocated with ‘boo’s and ‘cmon, stay a little longer’s, but you laughed and shook your head.
“sorry, stass is already outside waiting for me.” you hated lying to them, but it was the only way.
stass, your roommate, would kill you if she really knew who was waiting for you outside and where you really were going.
you said your goodbyes, making your way through the sea of people as you headed out the front door. you looked to the right, spotting charles leaning against the hood of the red ferrari sitting underneath the streetlight a few houses down. you made your way over, smiling softly as you watched his eyes shift from your head to your heels. you were standing in front of him now as he looked at you with soft eyes, a smile on his face.
“as i suspected,” he smiled, “that dress is even better in person.”
you smiled back, pointing to the side of your lips, “you’ve got a bit of drool there, char.”
you both snickered as he placed his hand on the small of your back, leading you towards the passenger side door, “fermez-la.”
he opened the door, letting you climb in before he shut it after making sure your feet were all the way in. you watched as he walked around the front of the car, opening his own door before sliding inside.
he looked over at you, eyes taking in your figure again, “tu es belle,”
you smiled again, your heart pounding as he reached out and brushed a strand of hair from your face. you fought back the urge to nuzzle into his palm, his green eyes searching yours. you weren’t sure who leaned in first, but in what felt like a matter of seconds, you were leaning over the console as he kissed you passionately.
your fingers found the back of his neck, carding them through the strands on the back of his head. his had cupped your cheek, and everything about it seemed so right.
you found yourself shifting in your seat, slipping your heels off as you climbed over the console and straddled his lap. his hands gripped at your waist as you wrapped your own around his neck. his pupils were blown, lips puffy from kissing, hair fluffy from you running your fingers through it, and everything about him right now just looked so so good.
you leaned back down and met his lips, his soon traveling to the corner of your mouth, your jaw and eventually your neck. you sighed contently, leaning your head the opposite direction to give him more room. you went to shift your weight to get more comfortable, but you had accidentally grinded down on his hips. he groaned against your skin, sending shivers down your spine as his teeth grazed against the skin on your collarbone.
“my place?” he breathed out, leaving wet, open mouth kisses against your skin. his accent was getting thicker with each passing second your hands were on him, a sign that he was on the same page as you.
you nodded, “stass would kill me and you if you walked through the door.”
he chuckled softly, “yeah, i’d like to make it to see 26,”
you laughed softly, climbing back into your own seat and clicking in the seatbelt as he started the car. the rest of the drive was relatively quiet, except for charles’ playlist playing softly through the radio. his right hand found its place on your leg, his thumb moving slowly up and down the skin absentmindedly. you smiled out of the window, sure morally this wasn’t the best idea, but he makes every wrong decision feel so right.
once you arrived at his building and parked the car in the underground structure, the two of you made your way up to his apartment. he fished for the keys out of his pocket, you leaning your head on his shoulder, basking in the smell of his expensive cologne and the smell of his shampoo, the same scent that would linger for days whenever he’d sleep on your pillows. a smell you could never get enough of, the smell of home no matter how hard you tried to deny it.
once the door was opened and he placed his things by the door, the two of you were kicking off your shoes. you squealed as his arms wrapped around you, picking you up off the hardwood floor as he carried you down the hallway.
“charles!” you laughed. you could hear his chuckles as they echoed off the walls, his bedroom door opening as he placed you down softly on his sheets.
“i love it when you say my name,” his smirk sent shivers down your spine, his eyes scanning over your features for maybe the hundredth time tonight, “say it again.”
“charles,” you smiled back, his own smile lighting up his face, dimples making themselves prominent.
“again,” he urged and you laughed, shaking your head.
“no, i’m not saying it again.”
“please,” he pouted, “it sounds so good coming from you.”
you rolled your eyes playfully, giving in, because who could say no to him?
“charles,” you said it dramatically this time, “there. happy?”
“je t’aime.” he didn’t mean to say it, it kind of just spilled out of his mouth without a second thought. you blinked at him, waiting for him to mumble a ‘i take it back’ or ‘i wasn’t supposed to say that’, but his green eyes searched yours, a small smile on his lips.
was it worth going around and around in circles with him just to hear him say it? maybe, just a little bit.
okay, maybe a lot.
“char,” you whispered, he shook his head.
“i know you’re not ready, i’m not asking you to say it back right now, i just really needed to get it off my chest.”
the thing was, you loved him, too. you weren’t sure how to say it, but it physically hurt how much you loved him. it was like you were starved of oxygen before you met him, like he was your sun and you were beaming and glowing whenever he was around. you’d follow him anywhere, as long as he was yours.
sure, admitting it out loud was scary, but it was something you had already come to terms with. no one knew you like he did, and no one knew him like you did.
“i love you, too.” your arms linked around his neck as he smiled back down at you, a genuine smile. a smile so warm and bright that it made your heart beat a little bit faster.
“sois à moi,” he mumbled softly, “for real this time. no more 2am texts, no more circles, no more complications or sneaking around, just us. together, like how it should’ve been in the first place.”
“i’ve always been yours, charles.” it was true, wether he knew it or not.
“let me take you out,” he said, “a proper dinner, something you deserve.”
“only if you take me to that restaurant in the city,” you said, “the one with the fancy candles on the table.”
“anywhere you want, chérie,” he said, “as long as you wear this dress again.”
you smiled, “i suppose i can make that work.”
he leaned down and slowly kissed your lips, “so we have a deal?”
you nodded, your nose bumping his, “deal.”
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moonlight-hwa · 7 months
Sunset with you ~ J. WY
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Synopsis: A day in a life with your boyfriend Wooyoung.
Pairing: bf!wooyoung x fem!reader
Genre: established relationship, fluff like so much fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 2,668
A/N: hehe first fic on tumblr is of course going to be about the one and only, Jung Wooyoung…because the brain rot continues and I want him so bad.
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The warm glow of the morning sun seeps through the curtains and basks the room in hues of orange and yellow. You and your boyfriend lay asleep in your bed, breathing in steady synchronization and hearts beating in slow paces; your head rests atop his chest and your right arm laid across his abdomen, while his left went around the back of your head and that hand lightly grazed the exposed skin of your waist. In conclusion it was peaceful and perfectly silent, the only sound being the occasional wooshing from the air vents…that was until the blaring sound of your boyfriend’s alarm cut through the peace and quiet.
   You flinch slightly at the sudden sound, all the while Wooyoung remained completely unmoving and undisturbed by the sound. You bury your face in his side as your hand softly patted his stomach “Wooyoung…baby, your alarm is going off.” You spoke, sleep very evident in your voice. Wooyoung hummed in response, still barely awake as he didn’t quite catch your words “Your alarm is going off.” You said a bit louder, which finally seemed to register in his tired head as his other hand fumbled across the nightstand, before he eventually put a stop to the horrible sound.
        And once the sound had ceased, silence had enveloped the room once more as Wooyoung moved to lay on his side, his other arm going around your waist so he could pull your body closer to his. His eyes then open ever so slightly gaze locking with yours, a small smile forms on his lips “Mmmm…good morning, beautiful.” He spoke, voice also thick with sleep as his eyes closed again. You smile as well “Good morning, Woo.” You replied, nose slightly bumping his as you pressed a light peck to his lips.
    A brief silence falls between the both of you, before you begin speaking again “What time is it?” You asked him and not a moment later Wooyoung answers with a simple “Nine thirty.” You hum in response “We should probably get up.” You say, feeling the effects of sleep wash over you again and he simply hums also feeling the same effects. A peaceful silence fills the air once more and the both of you find yourselves asleep again.
     An hour passes before your eyes open again and Wooyoung was still out cold beside you. You laugh softly “This man…could sleep forever if he wanted to.” You muttered to yourself, gently moving strands of his hair from his eyes. A smile then forms on your lips as you lean closer to him and gently press your lips to the mole under his eye. At that Wooyoung moves to lay on his back, muttering something incoherently as he did. The smile remains painted on your features as you stretch your limbs and rub the residual sleep from your eyes.
   You then move to sit on the edge of the bed, before you grab your phone from atop the nightstand; the screen lights up, revealing a picture of Wooyoung you had set as your lockscreen and the time that read ‘10:33’. You breathe out a soft sigh, looking over your shoulder to see Wooyoung still peacefully asleep; he’s worked hard this past week, he needs the extra sleep, so you decide to not wake him up.
    Once you’re out of the bedroom, your legs naturally take you to the kitchen, where coffee was waiting to be made. You let out a yawn, hands trying to tame your messy bed head, before you eventually tied it back with the hair tie that was around your wrist and soon enough you were standing in front of the coffee machine.
   You open the cabinet above the machine and take out two mugs, along with a bag of coffee grounds and a filter. And once you start the pot of coffee you step over to the fridge, to see what you could make for breakfast; you open the fridge door and you’re met with not a lot sitting atop the shelves. “We definitely need to go grocery shopping.” You muttered to yourself, your gaze bouncing between a carton of eggs, side dishes Wooyoung’s mom gave to you and things that probably needed to be thrown out. “Guess we’ll just have to make do with what we have for right now.” You concluded, grabbing the eggs and the containers that held the side dishes.
     While you were stood in front of the stove, with a couple of eggs in the pan, a light from behind flashes and that causes you to whip your head around toward the source; standing there is Wooyoung, with his new camera up to his right eye. Your eyes widen as your hands go up to cover your face “Wooyoung! I’m not even dressed.” You complain, as another flash of light happens. You hear him laugh lightly “Oh come on baby…you look beautiful every day.” He says and you roll your eyes, before peeking through your fingers, making sure that he wasn’t holding up the camera anymore; he wasn’t, so you remove your hands from in front of your face and turn back to the stove, removing the two fried eggs from the pan.
    And not even a moment later, you feel Wooyoung arms wrap around your waist and his head dip to the crook of your neck “I’m not lying when I say you’re beautiful every day.” He spoke softly against the skin of your neck, as his arms tightened around you slightly.
   You breathe out a soft sigh, a smile grazing your lips as you lean into him “I know you weren’t, Woo…I just wasn’t expecting the camera.” You say, both hands moving to rest atop his. He hums halfheartedly and you could feel the pout that had taken form on his lips “But I love taking candid photos of you…you always look so pretty in them.” He confessed truthfully. You chuckle softly “Okay…just don’t show them to anyone.”  You reason and you feel him nod his head “I promise, I won’t…maybe.” He said, quickly pulling away from you. You whip around while exclaiming “Jung Wooyoung you better not!”
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  Soon enough, the two of you had found yourselves sat at the dining table, eating breakfast and enjoying your cups of coffee as a comfortable silence surrounded the both of you, but sometimes silence was better than talking…especially when it was someone you loved dearly, because that’s how comfortable you were with Wooyoung; you didn’t feel the need to make conversation with one another…why would you when being in each other’s presence was more than enough.
     And after you both finished eating and washed the dishes, you found yourself on the couch, pen in hand as you wrote down what you needed to get at the grocery store. “What do you want to do today, love? Your choice.” Wooyoung spoke from the hallway, which caused you to turn to your left at the sound of his voice and your gaze eventually locks with his.
   His hair was wet (telling you that he had just taken a shower) and he had changed into some real clothes. “Well…we really need to go grocery shopping, so we can make it into a little date if you want. I know it’s not the most ideal date…but I think it could be fun.” You trial off, gnawing on your bottom lip as your gaze lowers, almost feeling kind of guilty for not doing anything more special for a date. A slight frown tugs downward at Wooyoung’s lips as he stepped closer to you, before eventually crouching in front of you. He takes your hands in his “Baby…look at me.” He said softly, thumbs moving across your knuckles.
   Of course, you listen to him and lift your head, gaze locking with his once more “I don’t care what we do for our dates…you could take me along to your doctor appointments and I’d still love it.” You couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle “Wooyoung, I’m serious.” You say a small forming on your lips and Wooyoung also found himself beginning to smile “And I’m serious as well. As long as I’m with you…nothing else matters.” He concluded, love and adoration filling his eyes as he looked at you…as if you had hung the stars in the sky.
    You felt your face become warm at his words and intense gaze…even after three years of being together, Wooyoung still somehow made you feel so flustered at times. You let out a breathy chuckle “You’re such a charmer, aren’t you?” You question playfully, trying to cover up the fact that you were flustered in that moment.
   A playful grin takes the place of the smile on his lips “Well…I would say that it is my greatest trait.” He answered, stealing a glance down toward your lips. You roll your eyes slightly “God…you’re insufferable.” You say through light laughter as you begin to take notice Wooyoung leaning closer to you.  “And yet you can’t help but love me anyway.”  And before you had the chance to respond, Wooyoung’s lips were on yours.
    His lips move in a slow and delicate pace as his left hand traveled up to cradle your jaw, angling your head slightly so he had better access to your lips and not even a moment had passed when you responded with the same pace…as if it was second nature to do so. Your hands stayed on your lap, along with Wooyoung’s other hand that had naturally intertwined with one of yours. Your heart pounded erratically against your ribcage and your face was warm…Wooyoung never failed to make you feel like a flustered schoolgirl, kissing your crush for the first time.
    “I love you, y/n.” He spoke pulling away slightly, before pressing his lips back on yours. You can’t help but breathe out soft sigh at the confession, lips responding to his once more “I love you too, Wooyoung.” You said between the kiss and at that you felt a smile tug upward at his lips, causing a fluttery feeling to fill the pit of your stomach.
   The kiss only lasts a minute or two longer, before Wooyoung finally pulls away from your lips…even though he’d rather not and just kiss you for the rest of time. The smile remains painted on his features as he says, “I love you so much, sweetheart…like you have no idea how much I love you.” His forehead resting against yours and nose slightly bumping into yours. You chuckle softly, eyes fluttering shut as you basked in the feeling of having Wooyoung so close to you “I could say same thing about you.”  You said in response, causing him to also chuckle softly and with one final peck to your lips, Wooyoung fully pulls away and you instantly miss having him so close to you.
    “Anyway…I might also have something we could do today.” He said, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, before that hand went back down yours. At that your curiosity is piqued “And what is that?” You asked him. He gives you a small smile, before replying with “Well, I was thinking we could go to the nearby park…and I test out my new camera, by taking photos of my favorite model.” You smile, almost bashfully, because you knew his favorite model was you “Okay…can we watch the sunset while we’re there?” He hums, while nodding, smile still etched on his features. “Of course we can, baby…anything for you.”
   But what Wooyoung didn’t tell you, is that he’d take his camera to the grocery store as well. You’d push the cart and Wooyoung would be standing a bit behind you, occasionally snapping photos of you…and not once did you tell him to stop, because you knew how happy it made him taking photos of you and you couldn’t bear to ruin his happiness. But after all you were his muse and you had zero problems with that.
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      After heading back to the apartment and putting the groceries in their respective spots, you and Wooyoung eventually find yourselves parked in an empty spot at the nearby park…but instead of immediately getting out as you normally would, Wooyoung had insisted he take photo of you, because you looked so beautiful and such beauty was meant to be photographed…his words not yours. “Okay…can I get out now?” You asked the moment you heard the shutter sound and saw the flash. Wooyoung laughs softly, lowering the camera from his face “Yes, you can get out now baby.”  He answered, at that you swing the door open and finally get out his car as you shut the door behind you.
     Wooyoung stays behind in the car, a fond smile forming on his lips as his gaze stayed on your moving figure and not very long passes before you turn around (realizing Wooyoung was not beside you), your gaze immediately finding his. You smile, before mouthing the words “You coming?” Wooyoung nods in response as one single thought crossed his mind, one of how much he loved you.
     You stay in the same spot on the walkway, waiting for Wooyoung to catch up to you as you enjoyed the cool fall breeze blowing past you, along with pretty hues of yellow and orange painting the sky. You’re so entranced by the beautiful scenery that you barely register a hand slipping into yours, only a soft voice saying your name was able to snap you out of your entranced state.
    Your head turns to your left and your gaze locks with your boyfriends, slight worry paints his features “Are you okay, baby?” He asked softly “Yeah, I’m good…just enjoying the peacefulness and the beautiful scenery.” You reply and he nods “Okay, just making sure.” He says as the two of you began walking on the walkway.
     “What are going to do with all of photos of me anyway?” You asked after a few moments of silence, while you turn to look at Wooyoung. A wide smile begins to take over his features “I’m going to make a photo album.” He says nonchalantly and that causes your eyes to widen slightly as warmth rushed to your face “Of just me?” You question, not quite believing him. Wooyoung hums in response “Just of you.” He confirmed and you still find it hard to believe.
    “But…why?” You asked further and he thinks for a moment before answering “Well…for one, because I love you.” You feel your heart rate pick up “Two, because you are the most beautiful women, I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” A fluttery sensation invades your stomach, face becoming even warmer “And three, because when I’m old and wrinkly…and my memory isn’t as it used to be, I want to at least be able to remember who the love of life was.” You stop abruptly as tears begin to well up in your eyes and that causes Wooyoung to also come to a stop. A frown tugs downward at his lips, as both of his hand go up to cup either side of your face “Why are you crying, sweetheart?” He asked, gently wiping away your fallen tears with his thumbs.
    You breathe in sharply “God…I love you so much, Wooyoung” His heart skips a few beats as a soft smile formed on lips “I love you too, baby.” He replied, before placing a gentle peck to your forehead and pulling you into his embrace; soft sobs leave from your lips as your arms wrap tightly around his waist. You both stand there until your sobs are nothing but soft sniffles, Wooyoung pulls back to look at you and another soft smile paints his features as he wipes away the residual tears from your skin.
     “I’m so happy to have you my life, Woo.” You say before connecting your lips with his as the sun begins to sink below the horizon and the kiss shared between you promised future sunsets with Wooyoung.
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A/N: Finally after five days of writing, it’s finally here…my first fic on Tumblr. I do really hope you enjoyed reading Sunset with you, just as much as I enjoyed writing it💗
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theglitterypages · 10 months
Keep A Part Of Me
Nanami x Reader
Warning: Sad, Unedited.
Yuji was trembling as he held the box in his hands. He closed his eyes tightly and utter a silent prayer, hoping that he'll wake up from this nightmare and see another reality where the Shibuya Incident never happened.
Everyone who was present at Shibuya have prepared their last will, and messages for their loved ones in case that they won't be back. Sadly, Yuji had to be the one to deliver Nanami's last message because he promised to do so.
Yuji's footsteps were heavy as he opened the bakeshop's door. He ignored the "Sorry, we're closed." sign and went straight in.
You were cleaning the bakeshop when you heard that somebody walked in. You sighed, sometimes people don't really get the sign "closed". When you rushed to see who walked in, you saw a pink haired teenager carrying a small box in his hands.
He looks miserable, the poor teen still have some bruises and cuts and his eyes looks like he's seen more than what he should've. You have a soft heart for youngsters, maybe it was because you had a younger sibling who had passed and seeing a young boy like this one looks broken just makes your heart tight.
"Hey, I'm sorry but we're already closed." You started, "But I can still give you something, what would you like to have?" You asked him sweetly.
Yuji gathered all of the courage he could gather at that moment to step towards you and hand you the box. Before you could even talk, he went down on his knees and cried.
"I'm so sorry but I have to deliver this for Nanamin."
You froze upon hearing your boyfriend's name and your knees gave up, Yuji was able to catch you and helped you to sit on the chair nearby.
"W-What do you mean? Where's Kento?" You asked, your voice shaking as you look at the box in front of you. A part of you already knows, you've always known that this might happen, but you can't believe that this is the reality now.
You know about your boyfriend's job as a sorcerer, you don't understand a thing or two about it but all you knew is that it's dangerous. Kento would go home with bruises sometimes, but you didn't mind, you were worried but as long as he comes home alive, you can deal with it.
"Nanamin fought bravely until the end. A lot of lives were saved because of him." Yuji said. He has no idea how to say it straight. How he can make you feel better, how he can say it in a way that won't hurt but he knows that's not damn possible.
Tears escaped from your eyes before you even knew it. You were crying like a child in front of a stranger as you hugged the box that he gave you.
Yuji was crying as well, he couldn't do anything to make you feel better because there's no way he'll feel better about this too.
You opened the box and saw some of Kento's belongings, his tie, his phone, his wallet, a letter and a velvet box.
The first thing that you did was unlock his phone, you're his wallpaper and his lockscreen. You opened his video folder and saw a recent one.
You played it and your heart broke when you saw his face on screen.
"Hi my love, I would never want you to watch this video. Not at all, but if you're watching this...that means I failed to keep my promise to you." Kento removed his glasses and fixed his tie, smiling sadly at the camera.
"I didn't want to do this, you know? But I need to leave something in case my luck has run out." He sighed and paused, breathing heavily as if he's fighting back his tears.
You held the phone tighter when he looked straight at the camera with teary eyes. "I wanted to spend all of my years with you. To come home and smell the cookies and cake that you're baking, and see that smile of yours." He smiled bitterly as he clenched his fist.
"I will do my best to come home, safe and sound. So I could kiss you and keep you in my arms, but if I don't...forgive me my love."
Yuji's heart was breaking every moment that he listens to Nanami's voice and while watching you break down as you listen to his message.
"If you're watching this, god, I truly hope you wouldn't have to but if you do. I'm so sorry, forgive me for the pain that this will cause you my dearest."
You could see that he couldn't continue, you know he didn't want to record this at all. But apart from that you see the fear in his eyes and you could hear the worry in his voice.
"This will be my last mission. If I survive, I would lay my weapon down and live the best of the years with you." Nanami smiled at that thought, that's the plan, this is one last fight till he finally rests and live without the fear of not making it home to you.
"However, if fate decides to be cruel. I want you to move on. Take the tiny box and open it, love."
You did what he said and your heart was broken even more into tinier pieces if that's even possible.
There was a golden ring inside the box with your birthstone on it. Your eyes went back to the screen and you see Nanami smiling sadly. "Keep this ring as a sign of my devotion to you even in the after life." He chuckled, biting his lower lip as he looked at the camera.
"Please find someone else and get married. And my wish is that you use this ring so that even if I didn't have the honor to marry you, a part of me would still be with you. But if you don't wish to, please keep it for me and look at it to remember me."
You wore the ring and kept on watching his message.
"I love you and I want nothing but your happiness. So please don't cry for me, I want you to smile whenever you remember me because I would never want to be the reason of your tears."
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feyhunter78 · 10 months
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Chapter Five - You find Miguel's sister-in-law on Instagram, and Miguel asks you for help with his phone. Ch 6
You trail your fingers over the hand shaped bruises on your thighs, gently, not wanting to press into skin and further irritate the broken blood vessels, as you scroll through your phone. The bathwater around you is still warm, lavender scented bubbles covering the surface, a glass of wine on the flat edge of the tub.
You’ve been trying to find something, anything on Miguel’s family, and finally you’ve done it. An Instagram page pops up, @MinaQMorris, a stunning woman with long wavy red hair and dazzling hazel eyes. The first picture that comes up has her in an elegant, slinky black gown, her arm wrapped around the biceps of a taller man with tan skin and dark eyes, the caption reads: Another successful charity event with my love @GabrielOHara, make sure to sign up for our blood drive next month! Link in my bio!
It’s clear he’s Miguel’s brother, the resemblance is uncanny. Sure, Gabriel is a little skinner, and not as tall as Miguel, but they have the same smile, the same piercing brown eyes.
You shiver at the idea of a blood drive, you hate giving blood, the needles, the sight of it leaving your body, it’s painful and always makes you anxious.
You go to Mina’s tagged photos, finding Miguel’s Instagram quite easily. He has six photos, and it looks like either she or Gabriel forced him to post them. You laugh, it’s so like Miguel, you swear he’s technologically inept, he’s always asking you for help with his phone or his laptop. The only technology he does understand is in the morgue, and you wonder why he finds the morgue equipment so easy but his cell phone confusing.
A notification pops up at the top of your screen, and your eyes flicker up.
Miguel: Y/N, can you help me with my phone tomorrow?
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, as they say. You laugh and shoot back a quick response before continuing to stalk Miguel’s page.
Y/N: Sure, what’s wrong with it?
Miguel: Not sure, the sound stopped working.
You roll your eyes. He probably forgot to update the software again.
Y/N: I’ll look at it in the morning.
Miguel sends back a thank you, then the conversation falls silent, and you put your phone on the counter, closing your eyes and relaxing in the warm water.
The next day, you find Miguel waiting outside your office, phone in hand.
He has the latest phone, a sleek but clearly protective dark blue case on it. The lockscreen is a landscape with a gothic-looking manor in the background, and five or six people standing in the foreground with their backs to the camera. You never pegged him as a dark academia guy, but everyone has their thing.
“Okay, let me see it.” You say, taking a seat at your desk. Your office is cozy, covered with plants and brightly colored decorations, you're surrounded by death all day, you figured you might as well celebrate life in your own office.
He opens it and unlocks it before handing it to you and taking a seat in the plush rolling chair. Smiling up at you is Miguel, Gabriel, and Mina, they’re all dressed in dark colors, their outfits ostentatious and clearly expensive, glasses of crimson wine in their hands.
“Did you guys take this on Halloween?” You ask, motioning to the photo.
“Yeah, it’s Mina’s birthday, so her family throws a huge party every year.”
“That’s cool, now okay, did you check for updates?” You ask, going into the settings.
“Yes, and I made sure it was fully charged.” Miguel says, looking like a kicked puppy, as he pulls a rolling chair next to you.
You scroll through his settings, until you come to audio. It’s connected to his earbuds.
“Found the issue, it’s still in Bluetooth mode.” You tell him, swiftly disconnecting it and turning to hand the phone back to Miguel.
A woman’s voice comes through the speakers, and you all but throw Miguel’s phone at him. “Fuck, Miguel, oh baby, please, I need your big fat cock inside me—”
He scrambles to turn down the volume. “Shit, I—that was just a friend of mine, she—”
You hold up a hand, wanting to crawl out of your skin from embarrassment and strangely…jealousy? For a brief second you wanted to be that woman, be begging Miguel to fuck you, to feel him deep inside you, his chest pressed to yours, his lips against your ear whispering sinfully things that make your toes curl. “No, no, no need, what you do in your free time is none of my business.”
Miguel is stiff, curled inward, seemingly just as embarrassed as you. “No, no, y/n, I mean it, she’s nobody.”
You laugh, not at him, to break the tension, but the sound falls flat, and you wave your hand dismissively. “Miguel, seriously, it’s no big deal. Yeah, I’d be a little embarrassed if I knew my boyfriend’s coworker heard me moaning about how much I wanted him but, really, it’s fine, it was an accident.”
There’s a shift in him, his eyes darken for a fleeting moment, and he leans closer, his phone face down on your desk. He towers over you even while you’re both sitting, and your breath hitches in your throat.
“You moan like that for him?” His words are so quiet you barely hear them.
“What?” You blink at him, stunned, frozen.
Miguel’s voice is still quiet, a slight purr to it that sends goosebumps scattering across your skin. “Lo dudo. ¿Cómo podrías hacerlo cuando te deja tan necesitada? No princesa, solo me cantas así.” Trsl: I doubt it. How could you when he leaves you so needy? No princess, you only sing like that for me.
“I don’t speak Spanish.” Is all you can manage to say, a throbbing starting in your core at the way he watches you, the curl of his tongue around the accented words.
He blinks at you, slowly, like a cat, then pulls back. “You shouldn’t send him voice messages like that, it’s not safe, what happened here is a prime example of that.”
You nod, dumbfounded.
“Thanks for your help.” Miguel says suddenly, standing and leaving your office, seeming completely unfazed.
You can’t help but catch the way he pulls his lab coat closed as he leaves, and you catch a quick glimpse of budging fabric that makes you swallow hard.
How the hell does that fit into anybody? Fuck, who cares, I’ll let him make it fit, he can rearrange my fucking guts if he wants.
You hear Miguel choke, then start coughing as he walks away, his footsteps growing fainter and fainter.
I know Miguel is good with tech, he's scheming don't yell at me in the comments
TL: @obi-mom-kenobi, @poutysprouty, @oharasfilipinawife, @laysmt, @cicithemess, @unabashedcroissanttreefan, @lynxslokley, @thedevax
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iluvshinytwink · 1 year
do you think you’d end this series of painful angsty stories all which sort of correlate to “are we still friends” by finally giving us a big fluffy angsty story where Jude caves in and goes to see the reader and they have a huge fight or wtv but then turns out they’re obv still in love w each other or sumn bc i didn’t think it was possible but you keep tugging on my heartstrings w these angst filled updates every week give my man a happy ending please 😭
"Can't say goodbye."
Synopsis: You break up with Jude so he can focus on his career as a football player but he can't get you off his mind and neither can you.
Now Playing . . . ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? by Tyler, The Creator
a/n: SEASON FINALE ‼‼ (not really expect more angst to come.)
This is related to.. jesus christ do i really have to list them all? "Sunny Days" "Are We Still Friends?" "Can we be more than friends again?" "Hair Tie" "Just for me" "September" check them out if you'd like 💔
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Feelings could no longer be ignored. The more you try to run away from something, the faster it'll come back to you. The more you ignore something, the faster it'll haunt you. The more you try to forget, the more you remember. The more you deny, the more you ache.
Jude lived everyday with an aching heart, an aching heart that yearned for you. An aching heart that would stop aching for one person and one person only, you.
Nights were cold and empty, filled with memories that could only be replayed over and over. Late night thoughts were composed of nothing but you, questions with no answers, doubts with no reassurance.
Jude's eyes grew heavy but yet he couldn't sleep. The room was silent and was occupied with nothing but his thoughts. Suddenly, a question that made his heart drop suddenly came to his mind.
Had you moved on?
It's been months since the two of you departed so why hasn't he moved on? Why couldn't he live his hours without being reminded of you?
Every waking hour he finds himself remembering you, but do you?
Did he impact your life as much as you impacted his? Did he make you smile as much as you did? Did he make you love him the same way he loved and still loved you?
Before he could bombard his mind about these cruel thoughts he forcefully closes his eyes, wanting to go to sleep to forget about this. To forget about you.
Jude shuts his eyes closed, his eyebrows knitting into anger. Finally, a tear slips down his cheek.
You scrolled through your camera roll, your past pictures were filled with you and Jude. Your eyes grew heavy as you stared at your phone. You click on a photo.
Jude had his tongue out in the photo, you were in the backround typing on your laptop. A smile appeared on your monotone face.
You missed him, you really did. You missed his smile, his laughter, his voice, his touch, his hair. Everything. Like him, there was a question you had in your mind that you couldn't find an answer to.
Had he moved on?
Was he smiling for another girl the same way he used to smile at you? Was he laughing with another girl like the two of you used to?
Was Jude loving another girl that wasn't you?
You blink out of your thoughts, closing your phone.
"He's surely moved on." you thought to yourself. "So why can't I?" you placed your phone on your bed side table with a sigh.
"Why can't I forget?" you thought. You closed your heavy eyes, drifting to sleep.
Jude looked out his window, the moon glowed in all its glory. The crickets around him chirped and everyone around him was probably fast asleep. A rush of cold wind meets his face, a deep sigh releasing his mouth. He tapped on his phone again, checking the time.
3:11 am, the phone read. He found himself staring at his lockscreen wallpaper which was unironically, still you. He blinked at it, looking away quickly before he could overthink it.
Jude walks away from his window, taking his phone and grabbing his airpods. He wanted to go somewhere far away, away from the memories, away from the pain, away from you.
Jude walked out of his house, the cold wind sending a shiver down his spine. He didn't know where to go, he didn't know why he wanted to go, but he just did.
Jude started walking, he didn't know where he would end up but he did so anyway.
Jude stares at the ground, his shoes, the pavement, and the patches of grass below him. His hands were dug deep inside his pockets, a weak sense of warmth comforting him. His airpods were tucked deep in his ears, the world, the crickets silencing before him.
A few minutes pass and Jude finally stops in his tracks. Jude lifts his head that was staring at the ground and gazed at the sky. The moon stared back along with the many stars the sky was dusted with. An aura radiated the moon, in a moment of probable sleep deprivation, he swore the moon stared at him back with a soft smile.
Jude brings his head down from the sky and looks to his right.
His heart drops to his knees, sending a fast pain into his entire body.
It was your house.
No matter how many times he would try, he would always go back to you. Intentionally or unintentionally. He was forever connected to you, like following a string, or following a trail, he would always end up with you.
He wanted to end up with you.
The gods above were playing a cruel trick on him, he hated it. With a heavy heart, he walks back home.
One night, something in him snapped. Even if everything in him was already snapped, the last string that held him together, that held his feelings together, snapped. He couldn't take it anymore.
He hated crying every single night, wishing those memories he kept remembering happened again.
He hated your presence that seemed to follow him wherever he went.
He hated your smile that kept flashing in his mind.
He hated your laugh that kept replaying.
Jude hops in his car, he wanted a final answer.
He wanted to know if you were truly over him, so he could force himself to be over you too.
He wanted to know if you've forgotten about him, so he could forget about you too.
He wanted to know if you hated him, so he could hate you just as much too.
Jude's grip on the stirring wheel tightened as he blinked rapidly to keep the tears away.
A part of his mind wanted to go to your house purely to see if you were done with him, so could finally sort out the mess his feelings were tangled in.
But another part of his mind simply wanted to see you again. So his mind could get another glimpse of you. So he could see if you were as beautiful as he left you.
Jude stares at the red light, composing his thoughts together. He knew this stop light all too well, this was the stop light closest to your home.
And just like that, Jude's mind fades into another memory.
Jude stares at the red light as the music coming from the radio played softly. One hand on the stirring wheel, and the other on the cup holder.
Suddenly, he feels a hand touch his. He looks down at his hand and finds your finger's intertwining with his. Jude looks over to you, your seat was reclined and your eyes were on your phone that flashed to your face.
Jude stares at you, holding his breath. Your eyes slowly meet his, a smile curled your lips. Then, your eyes broke away from his, and to the street light.
"The light's green, baby." your voice whispered. Jude looks at the street light, the bright light flashing green.
Another goddamn memory. Jude thought.
Jude breaks his momentary gaze from his stirring wheel and onto the street light which unironically flashed green.
Jude's head paced into his ears. Any second, his heart would've leaped out of his throat. He was nearing closer and closer to your house. There was no way he could turn around now. He had to do this, he should do this.
Jude looks to his left and saw your house. His heart drops. He was really here.
Suddenly, rain started dripping from the dark sky. Jude looks at his window as it slowly becomes coated in raindrops. Jude clicks his tongue, putting his hood on and getting out of his car.
There was no way out now.
Jude jogged his way over to your doorstep, his hood getting dripped on by rain. He felt his heart drop several times. He should turn back, he could turn back. But he couldn't.
Jude stopped on your doorstep. Jude's hand was rolled into a fist, ready to knock on the door.
The rain pittered on the ground, somewhat cheering him on. Jude swallows a lump in his throat before his hand makes contact with the door.
Seconds after, a pair of footsteps descend a flight of stairs. There was really, really no way out now. Jude takes a deep breath.
The doorknob twists open and once more his heart drops. The door creaks open and there revealed you.
Jude held his breath. You looked straight at him, your eyes widening.
"Jude? What're you doing here?" your voice said, trying to keep the nervous tone deep in her throat. Your eyes wandered, looking at anything but him.
If you had looked at him, you thought you would fall in love all over again. Your heart raced out your chest.
"I just.. want to ask you something." Jude said, eyes trying to meet with yours.
"Sure, Jude. Come inside." you said, making way for him to enter. Now had he realized that he missed the nicknames you called him. His heart ached at hearing your voice say his name, and not one of the many nicknames you had for him.
You close the door, the rain muffled for a moment.
"What's up?" you asked, eyes on the floor as was his.
Jude's body instinctively neared yours.
Then, Jude threw his arms around you. You flinched, but your body quickly melted to his touch.
"Have you moved on?"
His voice cracked. It quivered in fear.
You didn't know what to answer. Your mind wanted to say yes, but your heart wanted to say no. Because you knew you missed him. Even though your mind wanted to say that you've moved on, your mind also knew that you missed him.
Your mouth gapes open, trying to find a response.
"Tell me that you've moved on, so I can move on." He pleaded, arms tightening on your body.
"I have, Jude. I've moved on." your voice whispered. Jude's body tenses up.
That lie was as poisoning as venom. That lie disintegrated his entire heart.
"Now, go. Get out." you shouted weakly, arms trying to push him to no avail.
So you have moved on.
His nightmares, his overthinking, were true.
The memories he kept remembering, you had already forgotten.
"Jude, please." your voice weakened. "I love you too much, I need to forget you." you whispered into his chest. Your arms wanted to hug him back, to remember the feeling of euphoria every time you hugged him back.
"I love you too." his voice sounded broken, like a glass purposely dropped from a counter. Like a vinyl smashed to the ground. "I still love you." he cried.
"But why can't I forget you?" he mumbled, almost incoherently. Jude finally unwraps his arms.
You looked at Jude. And you were right. You felt the sense of falling in love all over again washing over you. Your heart ached at the sight. Jude's eyes were puffy, but there was something behind those eyes that told you his eyes were puffy for several days. Jude's eyes glistened with tears, a new tear falling down his cheek.
Jude turns back, ready to walk away from you. Now and forever.
Suddenly, your hand reaches out to his. Jude stops.
Jude's head turns to you, your head was aimed at the floor but he could see your shaky lips.
"I can't forget about you, either." you whispered. Jude's eyes widened, a sense of relief and joy rushed through his veins.
Your hand lets go of his, both of your hands were brought to your face to wipe your tears.
Jude embraces you, his hands finding its way to your hair.
If you did this now, you knew that you would've officially loved him again.
Your arms wrapped around his body.
I knew that once I fell for you, I would've never let you go. I had you, and you had slipped away, but now, I will never let you go.
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