#The characters are all great in spite of me drawing basically none of them
stormflute · 1 year
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Played both episodes of Coffee Talk and this barista deserves an award.
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feretra · 9 months
Am I going to finally do it? Make the post about why Salome is Sharran? Maybe.
There’s a part of me that feels I need to preface this with the idea that I greatly dislike how both Selûne and Shar have been conceptualized in multiple materials? It feels such an underutilization to take deities who have existed since time immaterial and just throw them under Shining Beacon of Goodness and Petty Bitch Raven Queen like it seems to be so often played. It’s a very basic and, frankly, mortal interpretation of a long-standing conflict. And seems to ignore a great deal of evidence that — particularly in Shar’s case — showcases very evidently that good mortals can and do work under her spheres and aren’t shunned or forced to do it.
I could spend a great deal of time talking about how I personally have taken the path that most of the Sharran cults in Faerûn are worshipping what I think is a spiteful, petty splinter of an already highly fractured goddess, but I somehow doubt anyone wants to hear my hot theological takes on a fantasy series that is older than I am.
What I will say, is that being dark little gremlins in the shadows really misses the point if you think about what Shar is. If you sit and really wrench your brain on the Dark Moon Heresy and the idea that Selûne and Shar are one in the same and the latter is — once all these very human things are stripped away from her — a manifestation of the primordial abyssal. She is not darkness and loss insomuch as simple, calm nonexistence. Selûne is rupture and chaos and light, none of which is bad, but when both are used in tandem they can create greatness and balance the other.
Shar’s anger with her sister likely and truly stems from Selûne’s hubris to create by her lonesome, not together. And as two halves of a whole, one can argue this throws off the primordial balance. And without her input in process, I imagine Shar can only manipulate and not outright control anything under her sister’s purview. She cannot set the scales back to balance, so give or take several thousands of years? Imagine just how lopsided that scale has gotten?
Does she hate the idea of freedom? I don’t think so, but I do think it makes her bitter, and it is the source of the Loss for which mortals have come to see her. She is a deity that cannot be free or individual, because Shar is neither so long as both halves of her primordial self remain in opposition to each other.
To the larger point, why do I write Salome as a Sharran? Especially if she doesn’t affiliate with any of the clergy, cults, or similar? The real answer is complicated, but —
Salome has always been tied to the primordial dark. It would be strange to sever that connection from her. She is chaotic and yet the stillness at the center of chaos, far removed from petty mortal interpretation. In a way, I think that’s what draws certain characters to her; people who see her and are able to recognize that darkness but realize it isn’t like a night spent in a wood surrounded by hungry wolves. It is instead a calm presence that hopes to be warm embrace during the times you are most in need of it.
There’s a reason Salome’s cardinal motifs are white, night-blooming flowers and wisteria. For why she so often wears white. She’s meant to be a beacon.
There were devils in the winds that night
Walking fire among the hills
And many voices called me out to the cliffs
But you held me safe
Salome is Sharran in the sense that her existence as a naturally inclined healer — not a Dark Cloak, or a cultist, or anything else — sets the balance back slightly onto the scales.
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goldlightwriting · 1 year
Shurima Reimagined
I love Shurima's storyline. Despite all my initial resentment for it during the Great Retcon, I've come to grow deeply attached to this region, its characters, and its history. Compared to the Shadow Isles, I think it's one of the best-handled narratives in all of League of Legends lore.
In spite of that, I still have a couple issues. Primary among them is that certain parts of the Shuriman storyline feel extremely disconnected or like they have massive gaps missing. This is most evident in the two-part trailer for Azir's release, in which the second trailer just seems to sort of... Forget the antagonists?
Like, where are Xerath, Renekton, and Cassiopeia while Azir is getting revived? Are they still in the tomb? Have they made it back up to the surface? Does Cassiopeia ever even interact with the mad demigods she set free? And what is Xerath's initial reaction to seeing the city he destroyed ages ago suddenly revived? Evidently he doesn't think to investigate it because Azir's shortstory reveals that he doesn't know anything that happened around his death until he basically uses the sands to Moody Blues his final moments and reveal Xerath's betrayal. In short: at no point are we led to believe that Azir and Xerath have even MET in their Ascended forms yet.
There's also just the permeation of Riot's bad habits that things happen "because magic." Cassiopeia was bitten by a big stone snake and its venom turned her into a snake lady with poison powers... Rather than just killing her, I guess. Azir was revived because Sivir conveniently bled onto the spot he died centuries ago, and he Ascended because a conveniently beam of sunlight struck him from somewhere underground (this is supposed to be proof of his 'worthiness' to Ascended but Xerath's story makes it explicitly clear that this is BS.)
So yeah, without further ado, here are some of the changes I'd make to Shurima. Nothing as drastic as my previous ones, but hopefully you'll all still enjoy.
Fundamental Changes
-Members of the Shuriman royal line have trace amounts of Celestial magic in their veins.
-The Chalicar is a weapon passed down through the royal line since the empire's founding. Legends say it hails from the heavens and possesses a hidden power, though none have been able to wield it to its full extent for ages.
-Setaka was a member of the royal family who came closer than any other to unlocking the Chalicar's hidden potential. It is for that reason she was chosen to Ascend and lead the Ascended Host during her time.
-Azir never planned to release all the slaves. He does, however, free Xerath right before attempting to Ascend.
Azir: "Xerath, you have a been a true friend and brother to me, and now, my final act as a mortal is to at last uphold my promise to you. I know that you shall continue to faithfully serve me, once I emerge from the sacred light."
Xerath: "...No, Azir. I shall not serve you, nor anyone else, any longer!"
-Rather than incinerate Azir, Xerath instead casts a curse to imprison the emperor in stone just he starts to Ascend (Cassiopeia can later get this ability from him.)
-Xerath draws all the power of the Sun Disc into himself as before, causing a violent explosion that destroys the capital.
-Nasus, Renekton and Xerath fight for a time before they resort to using the sarcophagus to try and trap him.
-As before, the resulting power gap causes members of the Ascended host to turn on one-another and war for control of Shurima. This conflict rages for over a hundred years before the Aspects conspire to intervene.
-The war was just fueled by lingering grudges and greed; there was no influence from the Void or hemomancy.
-The Chalicar, a weapon with the power to store Celestial energy, is used to kill every member of the Ascended Host save for Nasus and Renekton by draining the solar magic from them, rather than blasting them with moonlight.
-The Chalicar is returned to Setaka's tomb until it is found by Sivir, who is able to harness the Celestial magics within thanks to the traces of royal blood within her.
-The Tomb of the Emperors is sealed with a powerful enchantment, which ancient writing claims can only be undone by royal blood. Surprisingly, the seal seems to react to Sivir's presence.
-Cassiopeia stabs Sivir and attempts to open the tomb using her blood, rather than the Chalicar.
-The Guardian Serpent springs to life and fills the chamber with poison mist. In desperation, Cassiopeia continues onward, hoping to escape the poison by taking shelter in the tomb, which does indeed open for Sivir's blood. In doing this, she inadvertently sets free Xerath and Renekton (as well as the energy zombies that Xerath apparently made while he was stuck in there.)
-Cassiopeia was transformed into a Baccai via Xerath's magic. His power mixing with the poison in her veins is what caused her to take on a serpentine form.
-Sivir flees the chaos, seeking the Oasis of the Dawn said to be hidden beneath the capital in the hopes of healing her wounds.
-Sivir bathes in the water and her wounds heal. Before she can leave, though, Sivir notices a strange stone figure nearby bearing an expression of pain. For reasons she can't explain, Sivir feels an odd sense of kinship with him, and pulls the figure into the Oasis of the Dawn.
-Sivir is not a direct descendant of Azir, but Setaka (who had children before Ascending.) Royal blood still binds her to him, though.
-Azir is freed from his petrifying curse, and he and Sivir take some time to catch up and explain the situation to one-another.
-Once Azir learns that Xerath is free and the Ascended Host are no longer alive to face him, the emperor resolves to stand against his old friend. Sivir is convinced, albeit reluctantly, to help Azir Ascend using the Chalicar.
-Azir undergoes a modified Rite of Ascension, using Celestial power stored within the Chalicar. Because it contains the power of the Ascended Host slain in Nerimazeth, Azir is able to draw on their collective strength to rebuild the capital.
-Azir's magic allows him to conjure soldiers and weapons of the Ascended Host from the sand; this includes the Ascended themselves, but they lack the same strength and autonomy they once did in life.
-By this point, Xerath, Renekton and Cassiopeia have long-since left the tomb. Xerath promises Renekton vengeance against Nasus, and Cassiopeia even greater power in exchange for her loyalty.
-The War for Shurima begins anew as Xerath and Azir both seek to amass power and influence across the continent, waiting for the day they might meet face-to-face once again.
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mal0dramatic · 2 years
Bachelorette plot wanted!
I really want to do a plot where two or three (maybe even more) of my muses compete for the affection of someone else’s (female) muse. Basically, all my muses are in love with the same muse and they all try to win her heart. And they all go about it in different ways. Maybe your muse falls for one of them. Maybe all of them. Maybe none of them! Maybe some of my muses fight each other over your muse. Maybe one of them goes crazy and tries to abduct your muse to have them all to themselves, and another one of my muses comes to save them. Basically, does anybody wanna do a ridiculous Wattpad style plot with me where your muse is the main character and all my muses are inexplicably in love with them and competing for their love? If so, message me please! My only criteria is that your muse is over 18 and female. I also write on Discord, in fact I prefer it.
!!! Let me know if you’re interested and which muses you prefer !!!
Oh and please make sure your chosen muse is bisexual because I RP male and female muses.
Btw, here are the potential contenders for your muse’s heart:
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Mallory - 21, lesbian + Will love you forever and quietly admire you + Will draw you pictures and write about you in her diary + Will make you flower crowns and cook for you + Super creative + Supportive, caring, calm presence
- Has a severe eating disorder that hinders her self esteem - Occasionally dissociates - Naively optimistic/hopeful
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Holly - 21, lesbian (closeted) + Will ruin your enemy’s life by spreading nasty rumors about them + Will do anything to become the girl you want her to be + Will buy you literally anything with her parents’ money + Super big boobs + Excitable, adventurous, sharp tongue
- Insecure about being gay - Can be obsessive - Spiteful/petty as hell
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Martha - 33, lesbian  + Will fight to the death to protect you + Tough as hell  + Resourceful, will take you anywhere you wanna go + Rides a motorcycle  + Loves animals
- Alcoholic ex convict - Sarcastic - Depressed af
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Rusty - 28, heterosexual + Great at writing/playing music + Can get you any drug you want, no questions asked + Will get you any gift you want (just don’t ask where he got the money for it) + Will write embarrassingly detailed songs about how hot he thinks you are + Always ready to party
- Will probably cheat on you at some point - Severe drug addiction - Massive ego
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Jack - 22, heterosexual + Will try to help you realize your dreams + Great listener, will take everything you say into consideration + Not afraid to try new things with you + Will never, ever cheat on you + Patient, respectful, gentle
- Passive - Overthinks a lot - Tries to fix all your problems
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Out of all the snk shipping fandoms, which one do you think is the best/most wholesome? And which one is the worst/most toxic? Reminder that we’re talking about fandoms here and not ships (btw even tho I hate ereri I can’t help but love your art about it, it’s just amazing and hilarious, keep it up!)
Interesting question! As you might know, we don’t consider ourselves a part of any shipping fandom (or any fandom in general), so we can only talk about how we (and people we know) were treated by them. There won’t be much of an “inside” experience, because well we’re not “inside” any of these. And a lot of it is “people who ship X tend to shit on Ereri absolutely unprovoked at every chance they get, so we really don’t like them” lol
Obligatory and very obvious: loving a certain ship doesn’t make you a good/bad person, and there are a lot of wholesome people in any shipping fandom: we’ve met a lot of very kind, helpful and open-minded folks during these two years. So if any of you read this and think “oh, I ship X too, and this doesn’t sound like me or my friends at all”, chances are I’m not talking about you. But there’s always a possibility that peeps that you interact with in your shipping circle are pretty nice to you, but super mega shitty to others. Whether you ignore this type of behavior or not is up to you. I just want all the harassment to stop, because frankly we’re very tired.
As someone who ships Ereri, we’ve experienced and witnessed a lot lol especially on twitter. The most vocal ones would be Levihan, Eremin and Eruri fandoms I suppose.
With Eruri fandom, we’ve heard a lot of stories about some people bashing Zevi and attacking Zevi shippers + we’ve witnessed the great Eruri vs Ereri war, so of course we know how pretentious and rude they can get. There are people who felt like they were exiled from the Eruri shipping fandom for either shipping any other character with Levi or just seeing characters and their relationships differently (i.e. not seeing them as wholesome husbands or preferring Levi to bottom which is apparently a sin for Eruris too sometimes nowadays???). Although it’s important to mention that I feel like Eruri shippers know how shitty the anti stuff is better than a lot of other communities, so I don’t feel the same aggression from them at this moment.
If we’re talking twitter, based on what we and our friends have experienced, the most aggressive groups seem to be Levihan and Eremins. When I go through my blocking sprees and block everyone who hates on Ereri or Zevi or Eruri (well, mostly Ereri), ~88% of the accs happen to be either Eremin or Levihans. When someone writes a long-ass thread to attack a content creator, it always happen to be either of these two, and I have no idea why. A lot of them are also minors who act like the way they harass others is perfectly justified. I legit see stuff like “besties let’s spoil snk for ereris” and “let’s bully ereris and tell them to kys” every time I search ereri on twitter. And I’ve seen enough of Levihan folks saying shit like Eruris being criminals because Erwin is basically a nazi + spreading misinformation about popular artists just out of spite… extremely annoying stuff. Actually, I think you’re the first LH person who’s been kind to us lol
Also don’t get the idea that there are no toxic people in the Ereri community, because this simply isn’t true. Like I said, every fandom has its own clique and a certain level of toxicity, and it’s stupidly easy to be the “wrong one” here, at least it used to when we just started posting. People who’ve been following us for a while know that we used to get a lot of crap for making Levi a bottom on all of our drawings and not wanting characters to switch. It’s such a stupid reason to get harassed, who the fuck cares whether a character tops or bottoms in a drawing??? And yet we’ve been told that a lot of harassment has happened because of it + experienced it ourselves. I think the only reason we don’t get harassed for it very often nowadays is because of a luxury of being a kind of a big art account. It’s much easier to attack smaller ones who don’t have any power or connections, especially when they’re insecure and want to fit in with the fandom.
Now for some reason some people now think that we (me and Katsu) block people for loving top!Levi or bottom!Eren… this isn’t true. I admit that I can get petty when I block people, but it’s always about their attitude and never about their preferred ship or character’s position. Whether you like something or not is none of our business, and we never criticized what others like, so it’s kind of offensive that people think we’d act that way towards others when we ourselves experienced the same treatment for making Levi bottom every single time. It’s childish and disgusting, and I really don’t want people to think of us as someone who approves of this behavior.
Top!Levi stans act pretty toxic too sometimes, not only in Ereri (well Riren) community. The majority of comments about our Levi being ooc, looking like a child and being too horny and blushy we got from them, they get straight-up OFFENDED by our Levi. We’ve talked about how people are afraid to make Levi into anything but a serious and stoic manly man a lot in the past… And this is the only reason we get defensive when people ask us about top!Levi. But still, we never block anyone because of their preferences. This assumption is very... idk yikes, and more disgusting is the fact that people very easily jump to this conclusion, like... seriously? That’s what you think about us? So much for “uwu our supportive shipping fandom community”.
Shippers of het ships can get quite toxic too, especially after the finale. Some of Eremika peeps got wild, and you’ve probably seen our replies about it and that one Anon who got very upset with our reply about Eren. For some reason, when you post something het-related, there’s always going to be a person saying shit like “NAAAH HE LOVES X, NOT HER”, as if any of this matters. They are the type to whine about Eruri shippers ruining beautiful friendship between Erwin and Levi with their homo sexy stuff. They’re often disrespectful: shit in your comments, belittle other ships with comments like “well THIS is much better than X”, and overall make the experience very uncomfortable. For some reason they just can’t enjoy their darn ships without shitting on others.
Anyhow. I know this reply sounds like “everyone’s a shithead” lol, but once again: sadly, there are nasty people in almost every shipping circle, this is unavoidable. And it’s easier to mark them as “shippers of X”, because they often act like a clique or high school bullies or something. And even though there are a lot of very nice people, I tend not to associate them with any shipping community: it’s just a pleasant and cool person who we had fun communicating with, and who just happen to ship X, Y and Z.
Maybe… it’s fair to say that we dislike fandoms, but talking to people who are kind, polite and excited about the same things that we are, is always great.
Siiigh, hope I didn’t bore you to death with this reply. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to talk about this! And for enjoying my art and being open-minded :)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 279: Here Comes the Airplane
Previously on BnHA: Gigantomachia gathered up the rest of the League and headed off to go help Tomura. Also he is now 80 feet tall. The heroes were all, “whoa this guy is really big, we should probably stop him and maybe even devote an entire chapter or two just to that,” and so they sent three whole people after him, which sadly is pretty much the exact sort of strategy I’ve come to expect from them by this point. Anyway so Mt. Lady tried to hold Machia off but kept getting flung aside, and Kamui Woods tried to catch him but was set on fire by Dabi who is just having way too good of a time setting all of the flammable heroes on fire today, and Midnight tried to put him to sleep but Compress threw a bunch of debris at her and so she fell like 80 feet. The chapter ended with Midnight being all “fuck this” and calling Momo, who ordered the rest of the child soldier squad into action as Machia approached. I’m not really sure what they’re gonna do, but I honestly don’t really care, because it’s Momo, and so, YES.
Today on BnHA: U.A.’s first-year hero students, who apparently had nine hours to prepare their battleground instead of the fifteen seconds we had all assumed, launch a complex multi-staged assault which is actually really fucking impressive because these kids are actually awesome. First they pin Machia down in one of Honenuki’s mud pits, and then they take turns making impassioned attempts to take out the other League members chilling out on Machia’s back. Unfortunately none of these attempts work because of Dabi, who’s working overtime while the rest of the League sits around shooting down each other’s escape plans. Basically a lot of stuff gets set on fire, and then the chapter ends with Mt. Lady pinning Machia to the ground while MINA, YES, MINA, charges at him covered in acid like some sort of video game boss that you need some kind of specific item to defeat. DID YOU KNOW YESTERDAY WAS MINA’S BIRTHDAY YOU GUYS. Anyway so this chapter is basically pandemonium from start to finish, and it’s great. It is a RUMPUS, y'all. A STRAIGHT UP HULLABALOO.
but first, the color page we were promised, in celebration of Six Whole Years Of This Bullshit!!
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oh god oh god so much to love so little time
some of the rowdier characters are making MULTIPLE APPEARANCES IN THIS SHITSHOW, including Kaminari who appears to be in a record-setting THREE of these! who exactly was taking all of these pictures, and why are they so obsessed with him. also how many of these are going to be used as evidence in the latest Kami Traitor Theory posts and is it too early for me to get mad about it
Mirko however is not here, I assume because if she was, Horikoshi would have forgotten to draw all the rest of the characters again. she’s too powerful
Midnight is so sexy I don’t even ksdfnkl
Cementoss’s face is the runner-up MVP and one of the greatest things I’ve seen in my life
half the people here seem to be attempting to flirt with whoever is taking the pictures. I am starting to suspect that the culprit is Momo. change my mind
for some reason I am really shocked to see Endeavor getting his drink on. and he’s literally the only one, too
Bakugou’s half-assed I SAID NO PAPARAZZI skills are no match for Tamaki’s legendary “I WILL LITERALLY DIE IF YOU CAPTURE ME ON FILM” abilities
I literally didn’t notice Deku until like three quarters of the page in. he sure does blend right in there
Tokoyami is approximately 97.3% done and ticking EVER CLOSER to full 100% doneness, and when that happens even I can’t tell you what is going to go down
do I even need to mention how sexy Aizawa’s hair is. apparently I do
anyway, so that was nice! NOW ON TO THE MOMOLOVIN’
oh my freaking god Tokage
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somehow her quirk didn’t freak me out quite this much the last time we saw her. she is really something. has she always had shark teeth
also WHERE IS MONOMA’S GROUP. I immediately want to know!! is he with the Shouto group? or is there yet ANOTHER student group we don’t know about? what would they even be doing
or did Horikoshi actually get three quarters of the way through writing this arc and then suddenly slap his forehead as he realized that if Monoma just casually copied Machia’s powers he would either DIE IMMEDIATELY or else become SUPER STRONG and also grow 80 feet tall and this would suddenly be a very different battle with the scales tipping decidedly in the heroes’ favor. and so he had to quickly write him out of the battle in this very half-assed way
anyway, so while I ponder that, Tokage is peeking the top of her head out over the trees and staring at Machia who is, you guessed it, still heading right their way! just like he’s been doing pretty much this entire time
and now there’s a whole page of reaction panels you guys. this is why Horikoshi tries to avoid these massive Endgame-style battles with every single hero known to man participating. hopefully we won’t have too many of these. like I mean thank you for the roll call and all but I’d like to get to the action now
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Mineta of all people is stealing this entire page with that expression though. he is not fucking around. this is twice in as many chapters that he’s been a page-stealing face-making champ. dare I hope this could be the start of a new niche for him? lord knows it would be so much better than the old niche
also this page is just sweatdrops galore. these kids are so nervous. MANGA GODS PLEASE KEEP THEM SAFE, although I’m honestly not too worried about them compared to the adults. I’m sure I should be, but I just am not
all right so now Momo is explaining what those little canisters are!
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okay but someone please explain to me how it is that they had time to stop and lay all of these traps?? not just Honenuki’s, but Mineta’s and what looks like some of Shiozaki’s work as well?? did Machia just STOP MOVING for like five whole minutes all of a sudden for no reason at all? while they were all sitting out here saying things like “with that speed...”? ????? ????????
also lol wtf. “we’re gonna have to make him eat it.” I still have no idea what their plan is, but it’s getting more entertaining by the minute I’ll say that much
okay so Momo says that if they can get him to swallow just one of these, then that should be enough to put him to sleep. oh my god this chapter is going to be AMAZING isn’t it
meanwhile Mineta is worrying about Midnight. I swear to god if they turn this into something where he’s only worried because she’s hot, I will take one of these canisters and shove it right up his...
okay good, Mina’s reassuring him that it’s gonna be okay, and then we’re just cutting to Machia stampeding in with Mt. Lady and Kamui still clinging to him
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“we’ll just stand here adjacent to him and just kind of watch as he rushes straight at the children.” someone help me, I’m having difficulty finding a synonym for “useless” that carries the full amount of emphasis I want to place on it right now. this requires a degree of language the human race is not yet capable of
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ngl, for a brief spiteful moment I was disappointed he hadn’t actually fallen on them :/
and they’re still JUST STANDING THERE, I CAN'T EVEN?? we’re getting to the point where I honestly think actual civilians might have been of more use in this situation
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also, sorry to keep harping on this, but the juxtaposition of that earlier panel with all of the fully grown and experienced pros just standing in dumb awe, immediately followed by this panel of BRAVE BUT DETERMINED CHILDREN CHARGING IN AND YELLING “GO GO GO”, is just... it really is something. shit. if I was the HPSC and this was what I had to work with, I too might have seriously considered fudging a few age requirements in hopes of finding someone who could actually get the fucking job done
also what the hell is going on down there with Shishida and Satou and that third person? what are those Blackwhip-looking things?? I’m confused
ohhhhh no
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Shiozaki is about to be sent flying through the air courtesy of her own hair vines omg
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I still can’t figure out what the hell those are though lol. did Momo make some steel cables?? I feel like Machia would be able to break just about any kind of rope or chain they could concoct just by sheer brute strength alone
ah fuck
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although I do appreciate how they’re all “U.A.!!” in kind of this “oh shit, these guys we actually have to worry about” sort of tone lol
this look on Toga’s face is a bit concerning! well but Deku and Ochako aren’t here though, so I wonder who she’s gonna fight if it comes to that. huh
(ETA: seriously, does anyone have any idea what Toga is planning cuz I sure don’t.)
Shouji and Ojiro, who I might remind you are normal people with no enhanced physical abilities aside from extra appendages, appear to have somehow circled all the way around to Machia’s back and are now climbing up oh shit
oh and Aoyama’s there too! -- is Shouji carrying him omg
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he’s using him as a human ray gun omggg. this is the most delightful thing I’ve ever witnessed
lds;afksjdl;fkj WERE THOSE JIROU’S EARJACKS??!!
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okay you know what fuck you Dabi. you think it’s funny to set a little girl’s ears on fire?! don’t expect any sympathy from me when Aoyama lasers you in the face
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oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my
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(ETA: it would have laid them all flat in seconds. Kaminari is to be feared you guys.)
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it is sincerely frustrating to me watching the League carelessly toss aside all of their painstakingly accumulated goodwill from the MVA arc in the span of just a few short pages. hey Compress, you think it’s cool to hurl a bunch of rocks at my six-and-a-half-year-old son?? I hope someone rips that cool robot arm off and uses it to punch you in the dick
here comes Sero!! and how are you going to die, Sero
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what in the
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did he just... sneeze them all into space
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okay but hear me out, what if Shouda absorbed that impact. SHOUDA YOUR TIME HAS FINALLY COME. CLASS 1-B’S ASCENT TO GLORY
(ETA: watch this space!! Shouda is here for a reason mark my words.)
meanwhile on Machia’s back, Dabi is soliloquying about Machia’s quirk while his arm is doing... something
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please forgive me for not being able to drum up any sympathy for poor Dabi’s arms right about now. quit trying to set all my kids on fire
wait whaaaaat lol
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so I scrolled back up to the previous page, and... that was fire?? lord help me why am I still so terrible at being able to tell when Horikoshi is drawing fire as opposed to just air randomly whooshing through trees. I have really got to memorize that foossh sound effect
so can Gigantomachia just BREATHE FIRE now?? or was ALL OF THAT Dabi??? if it was the latter then at least he had the decency to wait until all of the kids got blown out of range before setting the whole forest aflame to keep them back. I’ll admit it, that was thoughtful of him as far as villain power moves go
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once again I have to ask myself exactly how much prep time they had here. Horikoshi would have you think it was mere seconds, but that clearly cannot be the case?? maybe they set some of these up beforehand to catch any stray villains trying to flee the area?
lmao Spinner’s all “wait why doesn’t he just dig his way out”, because apparently Machia can tunnel himself under the ground. but Compress is all “um because we would die” and Spinner is all “oh right”
though I gotta say, it’s not like they’re that much better off as things are now, either. pinned down in the woods surrounded by fire and explosives. definitely a conundrum
oh snap Compress has realized that their presence is holding Machia back. don’t tell me Machia is gonna head off on his own and leave the rest of the League to square off with the kids
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there you go, League! free cannon fodder to get you all pumped and confident again!
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“I’m leaving it to you, U.A.’s youngsters!” yeah, you and everyone else. ah well, can’t deny they get the job done
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holy fucking shit this whole arc is just one big Arc Of Ladies Getting To Do Stuff and I am 1000% living for it. THIS ARC IS MY FAMILY. I WOULD DIE FOR IT AND LEAVE EVERYTHING TO IT IN MY WILL. ahhhhhhhhhh
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Askplosion #11:
(note that I know I mentioned a “Voiced Askplosion” last time in the tags for anyone who put a 🎤 in their ask, meaning they wanted to hear me respond verbally to it, but I only got one and it wasn’t anything serious - just a tease from someone I know - so I either won’t be doing it at all or will be holding off)
Asks responding to previous posts:
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(the idea of Sabrina avoiding not only Ms. Mendeleiev, but also Alya, is very amusing to me)
The fact that the special focuses on the love square instead of Sabrina and Delmar is a crime.
(also note that “Need some help?” is rhetorical in this context; Alya doesn’t care)
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Highly recommended, honestly, otherwise it just turns into a big shame because there are shows I really like but with some content that I don’t like, and why torture myself with it when I can cut it out instead?
Just to give a rough idea, here’s my cut of “Desperada”; mind you, this is just my quick cut of it (basically a “beta” version where I just removed everything I disliked without much care for transitioning/having everything make sense; some of Marinette’s friends talking, the guitar scene, Aspik, etcetera), as I’m not comfortable handing over my “perfect” cut of it since it’s like my personal copy.
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Yeah, that’s a super awkward scene. As much as I’d like to imagine that Adrien just doesn’t understand the “guy time” thing (which I still hate), the fact that they use the word “guy” specifically is--ugh.
I wasn’t aware of what he said in the French dub, so thanks! It’s really painful to see her throw so much love his way, openly and publicly and obviously, then be so humiliated for it, only for Adrien to feel nothing for her.
Say whatever you want about Chat Noir’s advances and how sAAAAAAD he is when she rejects him, but her rejections are just that; in private. There aren’t other heroes who are around and Chat is never really humiliated. Even in “Prime Queen,” Chat wasn’t the target - Ladybug was, and then Ladybug shifted it to Nadja - so Marinette is the one taking all the heat in love while Chat gets to sit on the sidelines (plus, then “Oblivio” happened and now people probably all thing they’re a thing).
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Yeah! That’s the group I was thinking of!
Thank you!
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I’m so sorry that happened. ;—;
I’m not aro but I am ace and I’ve gotten the whole, “oh it’s just because--” stuff before, so I know what it feels like to have people put on the pressure/invalidate you.
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I’m not really familiar with how holidays are celebrated outside of the bare basics of Christmas/New Year (which I am trying my hardest to forget lol), so I couldn’t say.
New Asks:
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10/10 thought, would fantasize again.
Though would also accept MC Audrey just doing some “spring cleaning” of the whole staff in general. I have no idea how she’d replace Jeremy since he’s the company’s poster boy but most of the writers have to go at the very least and Jeremy should be given less power.
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I think MC Audrey would appreciate how Kagami carries herself, though potential bonus if - while Tom and Sabine just openly trust whatever Marinette wants - Audrey does a bunch of digging to make sure Kagami is “worthy” of being with Marinette (she takes this all very seriously).
Double potential bonus if Kagami takes it just as seriously, so here’s Audrey and Kagami acting as if Kagami dating Marinette is like some sort of job interview.
Kagami handing over a “resume” of her accomplishments to Audrey. Audrey has already looked all of it up herself but appreciates the effort put in.
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If the question in Miraculous is, “Do we really need a--” and the thing being introduced is something the staff came up with then the answer is usually “no.”
The movie will look pretty and that’s all I’ll expect. It’s just Jeremy’s take on Miraculous. Luka and Kagami probably won’t even be around so I’m not even interested.
I’ll watch it, but I’m also not interested lol.
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Honestly, I’d rather turn into bubble froth.
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oddly specific but... I mean, damn
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I have no idea, and I try not to throw around words like “spite ship” because I know people could genuinely like the ship, though I will say that I went on AO3 and - unless I read from - the first Maribat fanfiction on there was posted after the airdate of “Chameleon.” I think it might’ve started with inspiration from “Marinette moves schools” ideas at the very least.
Non-Miraculous Asks responding to previous posts:
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Oh, I understood, no worries! It was just funny for the split second it took me to figure it out.
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My bad, that’s not how I meant to come off (especially since “magical girl shows” is a little broad; I mean, obviously I don’t think something like Cardcaptor Sakura is aiming for fanservice when Sakura’s--like... ten). I answered all those asks in the last askplosion in the same day so my brain was a little fried by the time I got to that ask.
I’m not even talking about Sailor Moon either; it’s just that I knew there are shows with fanservice and there are certain magical girl outfits where I kind of give the side-eye.
Absolutely zero problem with girls fighting in pretty outfits though. I fully admit that I’m a bit of a prude so sometimes I see fanservice where there might not be any. Super short skirts without shorts, for example, inherently throw me off (shout-out to Saint Tail - which I discovered while looking up “pretty magical girl outfits” - because the main character does have a skirt in “magical girl” form but also tights/boots and a cute hat, which is one of the more unique ones I’ve seen).
Non-Miraculous Asks:
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Do you mean Sailor Moon Crystal? Yeah, the only reason I hesitate on Sailor Moon in general is because I’m not crazy about the transformed designs. It’s not really a matter of animation but more a design choice that takes me out of the experience.
I have seen all of Cardcaptor Sakura anime though, and then all of the Clear Card arc. I like the former, despise the latter, and I tried to keep up with the manga but once one of the big plot details were revealed, I officially dropped it.
As for Revolutionary Girl Utena, I looked it up a while ago and don’t remember what exactly turned me away. It might’ve been the darker tone though if what you say is accurate that it’s a darker take on a magical girl show.
Also, I may or may not have looked up the ending of at least Princess Tutu and I’m sorry, I’m sure it’s a great anime, but if there isn’t a happy ending then I give whatever anime a hard pass.
(note: yes, I realize the hilarity of saying that when I continue watching Miraculous)
(More Madoka Magica talk/salt below!)
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Ohhh, it started a trend? I had no idea since I don’t actively keep up with every anime out there; descriptions need to really pull me in (the only current anime I’m keeping up with is Hanyou no Yashahime, Otherside Picnic, and Cells at Work (Season 2)).
The focus on specific--uh--body parts in magical girl transformations also reminds me that I think that’s usually what kills it for me, not because of the sexualization but because I expect transformations (especially ones that get repeated over and over) to be really dynamic with changing angles and such, which is harder to do when the camera is trying to draw focus to specific places.
Obviously you have to do it for some moments (I’ve always imagined Miraculous transformations like a potential sheep or another one for rabbit, then rabbit!Jean from Leave for Mendeleiev and fox!Juleka from LadyBugOut) because things will be weird if you focus on nothing, but I think there are ways to draw the eye without trying to sexualize.
Not having Ladybug-esque bodysuits is a good start. It reminds me too much of the Catwoman with just a bodysuit so it leaves nothing to the imagination.
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How did I forget about that Sayaka scene? omg (though I dunno if the Bechdel Test is hard to pass if there aren’t really any endgame male love interests? are there rules about that? not saying a pass isn’t a pass but it feels like cheating)
It is nice when fans can respect the opinions of others without having to outright attack. I have had a few people come to me with, “I see your point/respect it even if I disagree,” instead of accusing me/others of--well, you get it.
Fandoms can be really messy, particularly as they get larger. I think there’s a certain balance between small fandoms that all know each other and a big fandom that’s out of control. Then there are things like “loud minority” and it’s just uggggh.
Anyway, back to the asks themselves, yeah, I’m not crazy about taking things that are just meant to be positive/cute/whatever and being like, “OKAY BUT WHAT IF IT WAS EDGY AND SAD.”
n o ,  p l z
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Oh, I’ve never heard of that one!
Sayaka dying didn’t really do anything for me either. It’s hard to explain when I saw it so long ago, but it was just Sayaka’s attitude about the whole thing and it made it feel underwhelming. It was a shame too because I liked her and she had potential.
She was Madoka’s friend so I was just like, “Yeah, she’ll die soon.” Probably didn’t help since I knew what I knew about the show being “dark.”
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Madoka/Sayaka is probably what I’d support the most out of all the potential shoujo ai ships. To my knowledge, none of them are really canon, though I remember a special song after the death Sayaka and Kyoko which I guess makes them the most canon and that did basically nothing for me since their relationship didn’t interest me (nor did I care for Kyoko as a character). The PSP game might have more intimate potential between the girls, but I never played them so I can’t make those claims (I only remember something about everyone potentially living and then a bad ending for Sayaka where part of her body was decayed when they didn’t get her soul gem back in time).
The tomboy argument makes me think back to a conversation with a friend of mine where we were discussing tomboys in anime and... we couldn’t really think of any? At least any that really qualify as “tomboy” for me.
Like, Misty from Pokemon, for example. I knoooooow everyone really likes Misty, but regardless of my opinion on her, it’s hard to see her as a tomboy.
I feel like they try to lean that way by making her super aggressive and violent (because... m E N) and I think Ash makes a comment once about her not being “like a girl,” but... I feel like that’s just how general “aggressive” female characters are written?
I mean, that’s tsundere female characters I’ve seen in general. Really loud (and not in a “gIrlS aRe sO lOuD aND ScReEcHY” way but like... the way anime gives them big heads while they scream at whatever male character they’re mad at), angry a lot, short fuse, etcetera.
But Misty is still crazy about clothes and dolls, she still gushes about cute things and romance, and both of those things seem pretty indicative of what “standard girl character” would be defined by, since they’re all “stereotypically girl thing” (I say stereotypically for obvious reasons since boys can like blah and girls can like blah and gender exclusivity is blah--). I get that she dresses differently, but that’s about it, and it comes off like, “she dresses differently and she’s ANGRY and VIOLENT, so she’s a tomboy,” which... yeah. They even gave her three beauty queen sisters with CURVES and BUSTS as if to say, “See?? These are GIRLS, not TOMBOYS.” (busty females can exist who are also tomboys, thank you have a nice day).
This becomes more complicated in magical girl anime since girly clothes are usually part of that so “tomboy” means that frills and skirts probably wouldn’t be a factor.
I’d also like to see some mixes between personalites and “tomboy” things. Like, non-stereotypical tomboy personalities doing tomboy things. Mix and match, y’know?
This was really rambly, but to answer the question... no, I wouldn’t count Sayaka as a tomboy.
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All of this.
I think it also exemplifies the whole “dark and edgy magical girl show” thing because... ugh, how do I put this...
The “girls are overly emotional” thing is already bad, but then you realize that there not being any magical boys is also because that doesn’t hit the “shock value” threshold as much.
Y’know, because boys equal dark and edgy shows, so if there was even one magical boy it wouldn’t be as shocking when Mami gets her head chomped. They could’ve done, “emotional teenagers are the target because they’re in that vulnerable stage; smarter and more physically capable than children, but not as mature/stable as adults,” but having some boys in there for balance (it makes me feel weird saying that when I’m all for girl power shows with an all female cast, but in this show’s logic, it’s a different ball game) would make the show seem less bright and “girly” and thus lessen the shock value.
Does that make sense?
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Superman & Lois Pilot Script Review
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I’ve been reliably informed that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and indeed as my laptop and everything on it have been unusable for a couple months after a mishap, I went from ‘maybe I’ll write something on the pilot script for Superman & Lois’ to ‘as soon as I can get my hands back on that thing I’m writing something up’. I’m actually surprised none of you folks asked about it when I’ve mentioned several times that I read it; I was initially hesitant, but I’ve seen folks discussing plot details on Twitter and their reactions on here, so I guess WB isn’t making much of a thing out of it. Entire pilots have leaked before and they just rolled with it, so I suppose that isn’t surprising. Anyway, the show’s been pushed back to next year, and also the world is literally sick and metaphorically (and also a little literally) on fire, so I thought this might be fun if anyone needs a break from abject horror. 
(Speaking of the world being on fire: while trying to offer a diversion amidst said blaze, still gonna pause for the moment to add to the chorus that if opening your wallet is a thing you can do, now most especially is a time to do it. I chipped in myself to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and even a casual look around here or Twitter will show people listing plenty of other organizations that need support.)
What I saw floating around was, if not a first draft, certainly not the final one given Elizabeth Tulloch later shared a photo of the cover for the final script crediting Lee Toland Krieger as the director rather than a TBD, but the shape of things is clearly in place. I’m going for a relative minimum of spoilers, though I’ll discuss a bit of the basic status quo the show sets up and vaguely touch on a few plot points, but if you want a simple response without risk of any story details: it’s very, very good. Clunky in the way the CW DC shows typically are, and some aspects I’m not going to be able to judge until the story plays out further, but it’s engaging, satisfying, and moreover feels like it Gets It more broadly than any other mass-media Superman adaptation to date.
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The Good
* The big one, the pillar on which all else rests: this understands Lois and it really understands Clark. Lois isn’t at the center of the pilot’s arc, but she’s everything you want to see that character be - incisive, caring, and refusing to operate at less than 110% intensity with whatever she’s dealing with at any given time, the objections of others be damned. Clark meanwhile is a good-natured, good-humored dude who you can see in both the cape and the glasses even as those identities remain distinct, who’s still wrestling with his feelings of alienation and duty and how those now reflect his relationships with his children. The title characters both feel fully-formed and true to what historically tends to work best with them from day one here in ways I can’t especially say for any other movie or show they’ve starred in.
* While the suit takes a back seat for this particular episode, when Superman does show up in the opening and climax it absolutely knows how to get us to cheer for him; there’s more than one ‘hell yeah, it’s SUPERMAN, that guy’s the best!’ moment, and they pop.
* While the superheroics aren’t the biggest focus here, when they do arrive, the plan seems to be that they’ll be operating on an entirely different scale than the rest of the Arrowverse lineup. Maybe they scripted the ideal and’ll be pared-down come time for actual filming and effects work, or maybe they’re going all-out for the pilot, but the initial vision involves a massive super-rescue and a widescreen brawl that goes way, way bigger in scope than any I’m aware of on the likes of Supergirl. I heard in passing on Twitter from someone claiming to be in the know that the plan for Superman & Lois is that it’ll be fewer episodes with a higher budget, more in line with the DC Universe stuff if not exactly HBO Max ‘prestige TV’, and whether it’s true or not (I think it’s plausible, the potential ratings here are exponentially higher than anything else on the network so they’d want to put their best foot forward) they seem to be writing it as if that’s the idea.
* This balances its tones and ambitions excellently: it’s a Kent-Lane family drama, it’s Lois digging in with some investigative reporting to set up a major subplot, it’s Superman saving Metropolis and battling a powerful high-concept villain, and none of it feels like it’s banging up at awkward angles with the rest. There are a pair of throwaway lines in here so grim I can’t believe they were put in a script for a Superman TV show even if they don’t make it to air, and they in no way undermine the exhilaration once he puts on the cape or the warmth that pervades much of it. This feels as if it’s laying the groundwork for a Superman show that can tackle just about any sort of story with the character rather than planing its feet in one corner and declaring a niche, and so far it looks like it has the juice to pull it off.
* While the pilot doesn’t focus on him in the same way as the new kid, Jonathan Kent fits well enough for my tastes with the broad strokes of his personality from the comics, albeit if he had made it to 14 rather than 10 without learning about his dad being Superman. A pleasant, kinda dopey, well-meaning Superman Jr. - the biggest deviation, one I approve of, is that he can also kinda be a gleeful little shit when dealing with his brother in ways that remind you that this is very much also Lois Lane’s boy.
* We don’t know much about the season villain as of yet, but it’s an incredibly cool idea that I’m shocked that they’re going for right away, and I absolutely want to see how they play out as a character and how they’ll bounce off all the other major players.
* The way this seems to be framing itself in relation to the Superman movies and shows before it feels inspired to me: there are homages and shout-outs to and bits of conceptual scaffolding from Lois & Clark, Smallville, Donner, and more, but they’re all shown in ways that make it clear that those stories are part of his past rather than indicators of the baseline he’s currently operating off of. We get a retrospective of his and Lois’s history right off the bat with most of what you’d expect, and combined with those references the message is clear: this is a Superman who’s been through all the vague memories that you, prospective casual viewer, have of the other stuff you saw him in once upon a time, but this series begins the next phase of his life after what that general cultural impression of him to date covers. It strikes me as a good way of carrying over the goodwill of that nostalgia and iconography, while building in that this is a show with room to grow him beyond that into something more nuanced (and for that matter true to the character as the comics at their best have depicted him) than they tended towards. Where Superman Returns attempted to recapture the lightning in a bottle of an earlier vision of him in full, and Man of Steel tried to turn its back on anything that smelled of Old and Busted and Uncool entirely, perhaps this splitting of the difference - engaging with his pop culture history and visibly taking what appealed from some of those well-known takes, while also drawing a clear line in the sand between those as the past and this as the future - is what will finally engage audiences.
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The Bad
* This is the sort of thing you have to roll with for a CW superhero show, and that lives and dies by the performances, but: the dialogue varies heavily. There are some really poignant moments, but elsewhere this is where it shows its early-draftiness; a decent amount is typical Whedon-poisoned quippiness or achingly blunt, and some of the ‘hey, we’re down with the kids!’ material for Jon, Jor, and Lana’s kid Sarah is outright agonizing. I suspect a lot of it will be fixed in minor edits, actor delivery, and hopefully the younger performers taking a brutal red pen to some of their material - this was written last January and the show’s now not debuting until next January, they’ve got plenty of time for cleanup - but if this sort of the thing has been a barrier to entry for you in the past with the likes of The Flash, this probably won’t be what changes your mind.
* There are a few charming shout-outs to other shows, but much moreso, Superman & Lois actually builds in a big way out of Crisis. Which is a-okay with me, except that what exactly that was is rather poorly conveyed given that lots of people will be giving this a spin with no familiarity with that. Fixable with a line or two, but important enough to be worth noting.
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Have to wait and see how it plays out
* The series’ new kid, Jordan Kent, is so far promising with potential to veer badly off-course. He’s explicitly dealing with mental illness, and not on great terms with Clark at the beginning in spite of the latter’s best efforts, the notion of which I’m sure will immediately put some off. Ultimately the commonalities between father and son become clear, and he’s not written as a caricature in this opening but as a kid with some problems who’s still visibly his parents’ boy, but obviously the ball could be fumbled here in the long term.
* Lois’s dad is portrayed almost completely differently here than in the past in spite of technically still being her military dad who has some disagreements with her husband. There are some nice moments and interesting new angles but it seems possible that the groudwork is being laid for him to be Clark’s guy in the chair, and not only does he not need that he most DEFINITELY doesn’t need that to be a member of the U.S. Military, especially when one of the first and best decisions Supergirl made when introducing him was to make clear he had stopped working with the government any more than necessary years ago. Maybe it can be stretched if his dad-in-law occasionally calls him up to let him know about a new threat he’s learned about, and maybe they’ll even do something really interesting with that push-and-pull, but if Superman’s going to be even tacitly functioning as an extension of the military that’s going to be a foundational sin.
* As I was nervous about, Superman & Lois has some political flavor, but much to my delighted surprise, there’s no grossly out of touch hedge-betting in the way I understand Supergirl has gone for at times. As of the pilot, this is an explicitly leftie show, with the overarching threat of the season as established for Lois and Clark as reporters being how corporate America has stripmined towns like Smallville and manipulated blue collar workers into selling out their own best interests. Could that go wrong? Totally, there’s already an effort to establish a particular prominent right-wing asshole as capable of decency - without as of yet downplaying that he’s a genuinely shitty dude - and vague hints that some of the towns’ woes might be rooted more in Superman-type problems than Lois and Clark problems. But that they’re going for it this directly in the first place leaves me hopeful that the show won’t completely chicken out even if there’ll probably be a monster in the mix pulling a string or two; Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder’s Action Comics may justify Superman punching a cop by having him turn out to be a shadow monster so as to get past editorial, but it’s still a story about how sometimes Superman’s gotta punch a cop, and hopefully this can carry on in that spirit of using what wiggle room it has to the best of its ability.
So, so far so good. Could it end up a show with severe problems carried on the backs of Hoechlin and Tulloch’s performances? Absolutely. But thus far, the ingredients are there for all its potential problems to be either fixed, subverted, or dodged alright, and even when it surely fumbles the ball at junctures, I earnestly believe this is setting itself up to be the most fleshed-out, nuanced, engaging live-action take on these characters to date. And god willing, if so, the first real stepping stone in decades to proper rehab on Superman’s image and place in pop culture.
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myselfsquared · 5 years
I'm so sorry to bother you and feel free to ignore this if it's annoying but PLEASE I am literally begging for more info about Cynthis??? PLEASE???? I LOVE HIM??? MUST KNOW???? ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Literally none of these asks are a bother at ALL, quite the opposite, so please don’t apologize! It makes me SO happy to see people like my art and are interested in my characters! So… I’ll try to cover the basics but if you wanna know more feel free to let me know!
Context: Cynthis exists in two settings, because I am weak for AUs and using the same characters over and over again in different things. First one is my comic “My Superhero Husband” which I made a teaser for a while back and plan on continuing it as soon as I have some free time on the side. Second, the one all the moodboard drawings are from, is a cyberpunk story/RP I’m writing with @reversedkore​—we’re writing it for fun and it’s messy and it’s out of order, so we don’t really have any plans of sharing the full thing, but I can at least share some info, and maybe some pages of Cynthis’ backstory!
This is gonna be kinda long so I’m putting it under the cut, but please don’t feel obligated to read the whole thing!
Setting: We’re in the far future and there’s spaceships and there’s an intergalactic Empire who controls everything, and there’s androids, and it’s kinda dystopian, except most people are queer one way or another, because this is our story and we do what we want. Society is divided in two sides: the Noblus, who are like nobility except it’s a bought title, and they have to pay millions to keep it every year, and the Hands, who are literally everyone else. 
The current Emperor, James, is the first Hand-turned-Noblus to earn the throne. He’s a bit of an arrogant self-centered prick who kinda ends up being the bad guy, but it’s complicated and we love him.
Magik: Due to experiments done decades ago, now a small percentage of people are born with powers that we’re calling “magik” because we are edgy and unimaginative like that. There’s three types of magik: Techs (communicate with technology), Warpers (they can literally warp the fabric of spacetime and do shit like teleport, time freeze, gravity control etc. which is fun but also their powers are killing them), and the most common ones, Shockers (different types of electrokinesis). The Empire doesn’t allow non-Noblus magik users the tech that helps them properly use their magik though, unless they join the military, the police force.
Backstory: So, Cynthis had to leave his home planet at a very young age and join the Fleet (their version of the military) so he could get the tech that helped him control his powers. He comes from a planet where all life is considered sacred, so for many years he refuses to kill. But unlike most Shockers, his power is limited to touch—he can’t send out stuff like bolts of electricity. Nobody really takes him seriously as a kid cause Shockers are like canon fodder and his powers aren’t that great, and purely out of spite he becomes the best one in class. If you have time to kill and you wanna read some snippets of his childhood, you can find them here. 
Forward several years, he’s been part of special forces units, he’s earned some medals, and is considered one of the best the Fleet has to offer. And then the Emperor decides that Cynthis is both skilled and pretty, so he assigns him to be his personal bodyguard, and Cynthis hates this, but the money is very good. Then emotions and morality and a whole bunch of factors get involved and things get complicated.
Personality: Cynthis tends to be flat, cynical and sarcastic. Though he used to be a bit more idealistic, now he’s of the opinion that nothing ever changes anyway, so why even try? He also has a bit of a guilt complex and always tries to blame others for things. Despite that, he’s straightforward and honest, with no taste for small-talk and pleasantries. He is not great at understanding emotions and social cues, and is especially thick when it comes to realizing that someone is flirting with him. You could be handing him flowers and saying “I LOVE YOU” and he’d still be like “???” He has shitty self esteem.
Interests: Outside his job and training, his interests tend to change quickly. He picks up random hobbies all the time, and then some months later drops them: sewing, gardening, snowboarding, knitting, carving, fishing, hiking—you name it and the chances are he’s done it. Sometimes he comes back to them, sometimes he doesn’t. He loves plants though, that doesn’t change.
Mental Health: Though he keeps himself distracted most of the time, Cynthis doesn’t exactly have the best mental health possible. He shuts himself off from other people, and sometimes has self-harming tendencies. He has a lot of guilt surrounding things he’s done, and often goes through long depressive periods. Though he used to be more hopeful, that’s been replaced by cynical pessimism. He’s 33 and he feels old.
Dysphoria: Cynthis knew he was trans since he was a kid, but he couldn’t start hormone treatment till he was 18, because the Fleet did not allow it. He’s gotten top surgery since then, and that’s helped his dysphoria a lot, but doesn’t want bottom surgery. He’s not as bulky as most of the other guys he served with, and he’s not very comfortable with his body in general, but his dysphoria nowadays is more of a background thing, rather than something unbearable. There’s days where he doesn’t even think about it.
Relationships: Cynthis has a boyfriend called Archimedes, who is a Noblus fashion designer, and about 8 years younger than him. Archimedes is the kind of person who says he’ll get a coffee and orders a mocha with extra whipped cream, croissants on the side. I adore him. He’s idealistic, and naive, and sheltered from the world, but he’s incredibly kind. He hates the Emperor and the whole Empire system, but is too scared to leave his family and go fight for what he believes in. The two are very different but somehow click together. Archimedes makes Cynthis feel hopeful again.
Things get more complicated when James, the Emperor, gets involved. Though Cynthis hates him at first, over the years the two grow closer, and they end up having a very intense, somewhat toxic relationship. They bring out the best and the worst in each other. Cynthis can talk to him about things he’s never been comfortable discussing with Archimedes, and James actually begins it trust Cynthis and value his opinion.
A bunch of very messy things happen and plot and blah blah blah, but the most important point is that the “love triangle” turns to an OT3, and you can pry these three out of my cold dead hands.
Oh god this really has gotten long. Okay. I’m going to stop now?? Thanks for the ask and I hope this kinda answered some questions!
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ryuukenden4 · 5 years
Do What Makes You Happy
(Okay fair warning, this is a very long post with some seriously personal stuff in it.)
I know I don't usually open up on here, but I think it's time I finally do it to get it off my chest. This has been a topic I often find myself thinking about. It usually makes me feel really shitty when I do, but I don't ever talk about it with anyone. I think I need to let all of my thoughts air, even if no one listens.
This post is about "cringe culture." Basically, judging someone for something they love. Not criticizing or internally judging, but shaming. This is a topic that sits badly with me on both ends of the spectrum. I both have judged people and been judged, and both sides feel bad.
Let's start off with why I'm even making this post. I've thought for a long time about myself and the stuff I enjoy. I know it isn't normal, and I know a lot of people in my age group can't relate. I love anime, it's been an outlet for me and my weird fantasies (like dragons and swords, not the other kind) for almost 10 years now. Video games are some of my lifeblood even though I guess gamer girls don't exist?? I immensely love making characters, fan and original. Fictional characters are my cornerstones where real people (usually) tend to fall flat. Let me elaborate.
Anime has helped me cope with many difficult things over the years. It helps me connect with family and friends. It gives me a creative outlet for not just drawing and writing, but thinking. Even cliché anime always make me see the world in new ways, and I love it for that. It's helped me develop myself and my style for such a long time that I can't imagine being parted from it any time soon.
From anime especially comes my love of fictional characters. I have always loved them (my first favorite characters were Jim Hawkins and Bilbo Baggins, and I'll never forget that fact about myself), but that love became intensified as I grew older. I don't necessarily see myself in them, but I enjoy getting to know them. It's almost a personal connection with the characters. My favorites are almost always established from their introductions because something with them and me just...clicks. Even if I have no clue who or what they are, there is something there I feel. Like they're an old friend or something. They make me feel not alone, as strange as that sounds. Like for instance, take Mirio, my current muse on here. His sunshiney personality and goofy nature brighten my day. His selfless nature and general goodness make me strive to be a better person. As soon as he was introduced, I knew he was gonna be one of my favorites, I could just tell. He feels like a friend to me, and I really feel a connection with him.
Moving from characters, video games have allowed me to explore new worlds and escape the mundanenss of our own. I'm not trying to sound deep, but having a way to escape this life for a little while is nice. The interactiveness of video games is so wonderful, and it really feels like I'm shedding myself and becoming someone else for a spell. I especially love games that either have an awesome protags who is loveable and you root for them, or ones that you create your own character and save the world.
Which brings me to my last and most sensitive topic; my characters. I have made characters since I was able to. From my warrior cats to my anime side characters all the way up to my completely original ones, my characters have always had an influence on me. Rarely do I make self-inserts, but when I do they are versions of me I wish I was. (My first warrior cat was pretty much me as a cat, I'll admit. And my first anime OC was also loosely based off me.) But I have come so far with them from what I used to do. Now my characters all have their own lives and I'm just telling their stories. Yes this sounds cheesy, but I hear that this is what makes a good character. When you sit down and "chat" with them and they are separate from you. I don't want to say none of my recent characters are like me, because obviously new characters are still forming from MY brain, but I do my best to develop them like functional, separate people and not fictional versions of me. And yes, often I do end up shipping my characters with other characters (my own or canon), but I never make it about me. It's about two fictional characters that are fun to imagine going to see a horror movie or taking a walk or cuddling under the stars.
As much as I love all of this, I'm terrified to talk about my interests with others. This post has been extremely hard to write so far, but I'm forcing myself to do it so I can finally be at peace with my negative thoughts. I find it hard to talk with others for fear of being labeled "weird" or "cringey." And it's not even that I mind their comments, I mind and worry about what they DON'T say. I always get nervous talking about stuff with people because I worry they're silently judging me. And sure, I understand what I do isn't everyone's cup of tea (nor do I expect that literally at all, especially shipping OCs and canon characters). I just worry it actually affects how people view ME as a person from what I like. That's why I hide my interests in my pysche, I try to avoid making others uncomfortable with me, even if I feel uncomfortable hiding myself. It all stems from my lack of self-confidence and fear of being hated. Judging and being judged are very stressful things to undergo, especially for someone not happy with who they are 90% of the time.
I mentioned earlier I've experienced both ends of this. So let me discuss. I had a very judgmental mindset of people for a long time based upon what they liked. I judged people hardcore for liking things that were ridiculous to me. I never said it to them, but my thoughts were mean and malicious. Looking back on myself for that, I find it disgusting, and I'll be the first to say I was wrong. I honestly think my spitefulness stemmed from my own bad experiences I'll describe later. What people like doesn't usually harm me in anyway, and so what makes me the one who dissuades them from doing what they love? I am a devout Christian, and one of my life-changing takeaways from those experiences was to step back and let God be the judge. My judgment ultimately means nothing to someone's life, and so they should be allowed to do as they please and God can decide if it's wrong or right at the end. Again I say, if it makes you happy, DO IT.
On the other end, I have been ridiculed for what I like. It's been little things like disparaging comments from family members or even anon hate (old Tumblr accounts now deactivated). I still remember my worst experience was on a platform called Flipnote Hatena. Basically, you drew little animations, often to music, flipbook-style on your DSi and posted them for others to see. I made a Flipnote for my Spyro fan character (very much a self insert...I was like 10) and Spyro to the song "Listen to Your Heart." I was so proud of my work, and it was my best yet. I posted it, not expecting much, as my stuff wasn't very popular. Then I got a notification for a comment. I was so happy to see what someone said, praising my art. Turns out it was another user telling me I was wrong for shipping my dragon and Spyro because he only loved HER character. She peppered in death threats and told me to kill myself. She proceeded to make Flipnotes about wanting to fight and kill my main avatar (my warrior cat at this point) to prove she deserved Spyro. Obviously I was distraught. I just wanted to share my love for Spyro and what I thought was my best animation, and I got told to die and threatened to be killed all for what I enjoyed doing. I know nothing would have come of it in hindsight, but being a 10 year old, that really scarred me. I caved and deleted my Flipnotes with said characters and never posted them again. I let that person win, and erased a portion of myself from my heart.
This is the event that usually makes me question if what I'm doing is "okay." I get bouts of negative thoughts toward myself and my "weirdness." I find myself wanting to delete all my characters and writings and everything. I tell myself what I'm doing is wrong, and it would make so many people angry and mean if I posted it. And then I tell myself I don't NEED to post it to be happy. I don't need validation on my stuff. I don't need fans of my characters or for people to ship my couples. I just need someone to affirm I'm okay, that I'm not wrong. I need someone to tell me "if it makes you happy, do it." I need to be reminded I'm also a person with feelings that matter. I'm uncomfortable deleting all of my hard work. I'm angry for deleting that character I put hours of research and thought into. I'm mean when I think of someone being so bothered by what a stranger does that they have to verbally abuse them for it. That's why I'm extending that for anyone listening. If you need to hear this, you are valid. If it makes you happy, please do it. Know that someone out there is rooting for you. I am 100% behind you.
That old show you watched with your middle school best friend? Watch it and relive some great memories! That cute idea you have for a scenario between your Naruto OC and Kakashi? Draw it, it's probably super cute! That idea for a for a story based solely upon platonic love and not romantic? Hell yeah, we need more of that content!
Basically, do whatever makes you you. True happiness seems like it's becoming hard to find nowadays, so if you find it, hold onto it. Never change for what you expect people want from you, and that doesn't just extend to hobbies. Be your awesome self. One day, someone will come along who loves what you do too, or will love you for being you. :)
Do what makes you happy.
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doubtbeauty1-blog · 4 years
Film that will leave you speachless
The hottest film via Christopher Nolan (The Batman Trilogy, Inception) is certain to be, for many, the most anticipated video from the year. This is especially considering the affiliate marketing tease of epic intergalactic exploration, the simple fact that it can be shot in a combination of anamorphic 35mm together with IMAX 70mm (and will certainly be projected both in formats), and brings in you behind the McConaissance. This might be Nolan’s most ambitious movie but, as he endeavors to help balance an close existential history about the particular power of love together with their ability to combine individuals and families together with each other across time and room, with credulous scientific hypothesizing about cosmic physics together with a new demanding mission to help save the world. At the same time it is his most intellectually wobbly, narratively goofy in addition to remarkably forgettable. Since interesting as Christopher and even Jonathan Nolan’s ideas can be, and as outstanding while the former’s vision like a overseer is, this will not hold up to also moderate analysis. Failing for you to grasp how the startling final act revelations work is not a deal-breaker for me personally, but I can not reduce the mediocre writing that plagues this film, in spite of the substantial visible beauty and the spectacular depiction of unexplored locations of deep area. Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), a good widowed engineer turned character, is living on an Soil that is slowly becoming increasingly eco-friendly devastated together with uninhabitable. He is dwelling on his plantation along with his late wife’s papa (John Lithgow) and his or her a couple of children Murphy (Mackenzie Foy) and Tom (Timothée Chalamet). This individual is stop your puppy biting Tom to follow inside his footsteps, even though the curious Murphy shares their fancy for engineering. Following a really serious dust storm, which will recurrent the area and are worsening, Cooper and Murphy happen to be led to mysterious coordinates by the strange (but easily accepted) gravitational abnormality in Murphy’s bed room. Your woman believes she has a cat, but a thing has surely been playing about together with her books. These people discover themselves in a top-secret NASA base run by simply Professor Brand (Michael Caine) and his daughter Amelia (Anne Hathaway). As the idea happens, some sort of wormhole offers been discovered in close proximity to Saturn that can connect extensively separated areas of space-time and act as the web site into another galaxy. Manufacturer cible that Cooper sign up for his team regarding scientists on a journey to find a humanly habitable world in a good similar universe. Cooper struggling while using decision to abandon his two children – Murphy is specially unforgiving, offered the fact that he / she cannot promise a return – but he sooner or later makes the decision to join Amelia, Doyle (an impressively bewhiskered Wes Bentley), Romilly (David Gyasi) as well as a robotic identified as TARS (voiced by Monthly bill Irwin) for the mission. Precisely what has grow to be clearer in reflection is merely how poorly spaced Interstellar is. All of us rocket throughout the first action, with almost everything thinly created and the storytelling goals very skewed. By the time Cooper launches off, concerning forty minutes in, what on earth is actually happening to the Planet they is leaving right behind plus the specifics of this mission are usually cloudy. This is all passed in by a Caine monologue. The ghostly anomaly in Murphy’s room also lacks the convincing context to support it. But once the vision starts the film decreases significantly, only to awkwardly get the pace in the ultimate act while the dual narratives (space and earth) begin to link. Similarly with the accessibility into space there will be a extraordinary increase throughout spectacle – their very own entry into the wormhole is just one of some of the virtually all formidable aesthetic examples connected with space to be ever put on film – and this is what viewers will assume. Some connected with this does rival masterpieces like 2001: A Space Journey, Sunshine and Gravity, although this craved vision is usually disappointingly intermittent. Thinking of the film’s gargantuan range, and the pins the fact that go with their selection to be able to examine each entire world – a short span associated with time one, equates to decades on earth for example – it is basically rarely stressed. Nevertheless any time the visual splendour, mental stakes and Hans Zimmer’s substantial organ-heavy report will be all in synchronize it is quite exciting. This mostly comes about pretty late in the troublesome run time. All these incredible moments are segregated by way of clunky science jargon-heavy exposition blocks that have the characters in his or her craft debating the following course of action, organizing all around speculation and producing crude drawings and images to clarify just what will be going on. Since the particular vision is so in short , sketched outside initially, this course of action requires such consideration. The planets they land on will be attractively represented, wonderfully realized industrys. But, what comes about even though they’re there is usually much less given the assurance. This particular is a double-hander in order to confuse matters. Jessica Chastain since the elder Murphy gets to be a central character inside the second 50 percent, reaching out to a good aging Health practitioner Brand and attempting to finish his life’s work while by no means offering up on her father’s go back. The cast is fine, with none of them in close proximity to their best. McConaughey’s persona is the heart and even heart of the film, as well as the most moving occasions can be because of the dog. He delivers his bronzed, weathered appearance and is about as good an everyman rocket scientist when you could expect. Hathaway’s personality is initially really uninteresting but becomes progressively more intriguing, She is a new scientist because we take the woman father’s term for it, and her fancy with regard to one of the previous looking astronauts (and the desire of seeing him again) is the trigger for some turmoil among the crew, and describes one of many key themes associated with the film. I can not recall Eileen Caine getting the brand of normal dialogue. He is either detailing elements of the story, or quoting a graceful passage of wisdom or something or other. Chastain doesn’t really have some sort of good deal to do, sadly. In my experience along with Christopher Nolan films – aside from Inception, Memento in addition to Insomnia, which I actually think are great : they are exciting cinematic experiences that que incluye us into thinking I have noticed something remarkable. But, view them again on home and the thin characters, broadly sketched and heavy-handed themes or templates and often-ludicrous conversation hinder one’s understanding. Nolan has proven to be a far better overseer than screenwriter, and My partner and i would not think it features been whole lot more apparent compared to in Interstellar. Having observed this in IMAX, it has turned out to be able to be one of often the more frustrating experiences My partner and i have had because atmosphere. Even on the planets biggest screen I was not involved in this. My spouse and i was absorbed in display screen, sure, but not in all in the tale. Much of the film looks great. Accomplished DP Hoyte Suv Hoytema (Tinker Tailor Enthusiast Traveler, Her) ensures of which it does not necessarily look like Nolan’s last few movies. Mulan torrent They don’t look terrible – quite the counter – but similar. With that said, the first act (pre-space) seems to be distractingly poor. Im not necessarily really sure exactly why. The was very dim, oranges and browns were over-accentuated and the close-up hefty compositions ended up not necessarily provided well because of the enormity involving the screen.
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Over a closing note, this is the more film. The prospect of humanity is in the hands and fingers of these astronauts, nonetheless there is not the shred connected with awareness regarding the silliness from the plan. Even the attempts with jokes mostly fall flat. This is a video that is seeking very hard to be consumed critically together with provoke a market to contemplate big ideas, but simply by pushing it has the audience to consentrate it reveals its superb camouflaged narrative issues.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
So it is written
Hello and good day.
This will be probably my last post on FYRA for a longer period of time. But I hope to find at least one who would share my interest. Anyways back with a new request! This one will be more specific as it only targets one certain fandom. I have had plenty of amazing original roleplays in the past, but now my desire is slowly favoring canon universes once again. It makes character building (in my opinion) also a greater challenge which I also quite enjoy to be honest. I have a strong penchant for including original characters and ideas that can be added to the pre-existing plot. Also very happy to expand on the given worlds and open to AU’s. Okay so I am a really big nerd when it comes to the supernatural, mysterious, urban myth and fantasy. Love combining those given elements with organized crime, complex characters, cataclysmic events and dark schemes that all unravels as time goes on. 

Just so you know, a little about me.
You must be at least 18+ of age when you want to start original roleplay with this gal here. As I am in my twenties, I prefer maturer partners. I accept anyone, regardless if they are male or female. What I expect is a decent (if not very good) grasp on grammar, the ability and will to write creatively, shoulder a great part of the plotting and responsibility as well as passion for roleplaying. Of course this should be seen as a fun hobby but I really like to invest… I wish for my partner / friend to take equal initiative. 
 Here are my cravings and guidelines! Even though they are only limited to a few, I made sure to filter out the ones I know I wouldn’t role-play anytime soon. So if you are interested in something I didn't mention here, I am afraid I have to decline. Sorry. 

Btw, call me Gil ;) 
 The roleplay I have been wanting to do for such a long time is none other than Devil May Cry. 
Replaying the game brought back some really good and nostalgic feels - but the latest game one was one of the best in my opinion. Such creativity, especially with urban mythology, monsters and other interesting elements. Hence why this game is right up my alley and one of my favourites of all time. If this does not interest you as much, I am also keen on roleplaying Castlevania or next gen Harry Potter! But my main interest still remains with DMC, just so you know. :) 
What it entails:

Alright, so you are writing with some of mature age. I have 11 years of writing experience when it comes to the game. This will be a fair warning that this request is not for the faint of heart. There will be violence, swearing, gore, intimate scenes, uncomfortable subjects, drama, conflict and other dark themes included within the story. I have few limits but I will respect the boundaries of my partner, so do not shy away from telling me. Just so you know, I won’t fade to black or skip out on the nitty gritty. Go big or go home. Interests: My line of interests are very dynamic when it comes to genres. I love conceiving my own lore inside a stories, be it an original or a pre-existing story. Gothic fantasy among others are one of my favourites. I am not opposed to tapping into some science fiction, action, romance, crime, action or thriller genres, in fact I encourage it. Inspirations for me are Lovecraft, Hellsing, Blade, Underworld, etc. As for the fandom inspired RPs, I am more than willing to bend some rules and be a little indulgent. Writing: 3rd person perspective. My writing is wide-ranging and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it highly depends on the given situation and partner. Quality over quantity as they say - but why not both? I love detail in description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. My partner should have a basic grasp on grammar, punctuation and somewhat of an interest in knowledgeable writing. I also double! (preferably, but we can always discuss whether it makes sense for our roleplay our not.) World building and sharing the burden: You should be active and help me shape the world around our characters. Even if we discuss many things during and before the roleplay, how we wish for things to play out and take its course, I am always happy to be surprised with a secret of my partner’s character I didn’t know before. You don’t need to lay out all your cards on the table… keep it a little mysterious and suspenseful. Just enough so we can work with the ideas, but not completely kill off the suspense. Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Whatever floats your boat when it comes to visualising your character and their backstory, I’m on board. Characters should be written as opulent, flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between figures. In other words, don’t be scared of making them ‘human’, even when they are non-human. Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more adept with this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I will ship them no matter what! When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that jazz). I encourage eroticism, but always in a tasteful, sensual manner (that goes for romance as well). The passion must be felt through the screen, even if it’s just a mere description of someone’s deep train of thought. Content: Drama, violence, sex, metamorphosis, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am unbothered by certain subjects that may or may not be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep viewing them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical torture as well as other things. But I also endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments, scenes or characters. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has a beautiful and hideous side. Both should be embraced like Yin and Yang. Communication and friendship: OOC-chat friendly! I love meeting new people and making friends. Plus it strengthens the compatibility between us. Communication is the alpha and the omega. If there is anything that bothers you, or if you think you are left out in some way (be it a mistake on my part or we’re both at fault here), don’t be scared to tell me. Really, it won’t be taken personally - since I know that we slip up every now and then, we’re only human after all. It is also completely sufficient if you only type out a few messages per week. I am super chill about it. It doesn’t bother me re-writing a scene to fit the narrative more. If there are mistakes, they can be corrected - just to get that out there. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. I will also voice my opinion should something arise that could be bothersome. Partnership: An active roleplayer is wanted without a doubt. Can’t do the thinking for two now. Let’s row this boat together Limits: Subject matters I avoid are pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, vore, scat, furries and various other bizarre fetishes. Also no one-liners or text-talk messages. The sentences have to be cohesive, coherent and decently structured. 
Now a little more information about myself.
I live in CET central Europe. My response rate varies throughout the weeks, depending on my schedule. 
I study at a university full time and work a job on the side and both are keeping me fairly busy. My writing will increase most likely during the weekends. If I should hit a hiatus, I will let you know as soon as possible. I understand when you are busy as well and won’t be able to respond, though I prefer if my partner does not ghost me. At least let me know what’s going on so I can adjust and put the roleplay on hold if needed! 
Mediums I roleplay on are email and googledocs. Though I also have Discord in case for OOC chat! 

I prefer if my partner messages me first on email, giving me a brief description of themselves, their cravings as well as ideas. That way I can see if we’re compatible and if it bears any potential. 

Message me here: EMAIL: [email protected] Hope to hear from you soon! Lots of love!

Yours sincerely,
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theculturedmarxist · 5 years
Portland State University threatens to fire Peter Boghossian for authoring “Grievance Studies” hoax
     By    Eric London 10 January 2019  
Portland State University (PSU) professor Peter Boghossian, co-author of the “Grievance Studies” hoax, is under imminent threat of losing his job in an act of apparent retaliation by the university administration.
On October 2, 2018, Boghossian, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay published an article titled, “Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship,” exposing the anti-scientific and right-wing character of identity politics and postmodernist philosophy. The article reviewed how the hoax’s authors succeeded in publishing intentionally absurd articles in a number of postmodernist academic journals, with editors and peer reviewers heaping praise on the faux-studies.
Shortly after publication, PSU initiated an Institutional Review Board (IRB) investigation that ultimately found Boghossian guilty of “ethics violations” for his work on the hoax. His career is now in limbo as he awaits punishment.
“It’s been stressful, I’m not going to sugar coat it,” Boghossian told the World Socialist Web Site. “They will go to great lengths to get rid of me. I have to walk on eggshells. I’ve faced numerous threats. Someone spat at me in public a few weeks ago.”
The university has barred Boghossian from participating in school-sponsored research projects. On December 17, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Mark R. McLellan wrote to Boghossian, “I further direct that no sponsored research proposal or program will be approved by Portland State University where you are a principal investigator, collaborator or contributor in any substantial manner…”
In one of the hoax articles, the authors claimed to have observed 1,000 hours of “dog humping patterns” at dog parks and said the data proved that men needed to be “trained” like dogs to prevent rape culture. This article was selected by Gender, Place and Culture as one of the most important contributions in the journal’s history.
Amusingly, PSU’s McLellan notified Boghossian in a separate letter that the university was investigating whether Boghossian harmed any dogs in the course of his made-up dog park study:
“Because one of your articles…speaks of research into animal behavior, whether factual or not, I find that I must ask the faculty Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to ensure appropriate actions were taken as necessary to remain in compliance.”
But the reactionary implications of academia’s obsession with identity politics are no laughing matter. Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay also secured publication of a feminist re-write of a chapter of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and won peer review praise of a proposal to force white elementary school students to sit in chains to be shamed for “white privilege.”
Boghossian has been ostracized by his fellow professors and lecturers at PSU, none of whom have come to his defense on the public record to date.
On November 9, twelve PSU faculty published a letter in the school paper, the Vanguard, accusing him of “fraud,” “self-aggrandizement” and “academic dishonesty.”
The authors—all of whom remained anonymous—employed the tone of inner-departmental gossip and resorted to personal attacks: “Desperate reasoning, basic spite and a perverse interest in public humiliation seem to have overridden any actual scholarly goals.”
They conclude, “These types of fraudulent, time-wasting, anti-intellectual activities are something we are becoming nationally known for under the guise of free speech or academic freedom.”
Under these conditions, Boghossian has come under threat of physical attack. “One guy followed me into the bathroom recently and asked me what kind of car I drove and told me that he would find me,” Boghossian said. “He called me a fascist—the irony, right? When I offered to talk, he said, ‘I don’t want to talk to you, I want to hurt you.’”
Citing confidentiality concerns for Boghossian, PSU’s public relations director told the WSWS the university would not comment on potential free speech implications of the decision to bar Boghossian from further research. PSU issued a statement saying its findings against Boghossian adhere to federal and state law.
The university says Boghossian violated two ethical obligations by (1) falsifying data, and (2) failing to obtain IRB approval for a test of “human subjects.”
The first charge stems from the fact that Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay did not actually view 1,000 hours of “rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon” as the title of their paper states. The latter charge asserts that the Grievance Studies authors were conducting tests on editors and peer reviewers, though these “tests” only consisted of sending them articles to read.
Notably, PSU is not charging Boghossian with plagiarism, although Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay by their own admission plagiarized part of Mein Kampf. But making this charge would be an admission that a peer-reviewed academic journal published the writings of Hitler, the archetypal identity politician—of the “Aryan race.”
In a letter supporting Boghossian, Alan Sokal, whose 1996 “Sokal Hoax” paper consisting of intentionally meaningless postmodernist jargon was published in the journal Social Text, said “it would be a grave injustice to punish Professor Boghossian.”
Denouncing the claim that Boghossian violated academic ethics, Sokal explained:
“Professor Boghossian and his collaborators have a strong affirmative defense on the grounds that their actions were undertaken in the public interest. At no time did they seek to benefit personally—whether financially or professionally—from the hoax. (Quite the contrary, it appears that the fallout from the hoax has had a profound negative effect on their careers and their personal lives.) Their sole aim was to test the intellectual standards in certain sectors of contemporary academia and to draw public attention to shortcomings they might find.”
None of the Grievance Studies hoax authors challenge the right of the IRB panel to investigate ethical violations against Boghossian, but they are each concerned that the PSU investigation was not conducted properly.
“As the anonymous letter against Peter published by the faculty in the PSU Vanguard in early November indicates, the board may be under political or ideological pressure,” James Lindsay told the WSWS.
Boghossian’s co-authors are calling for his colleagues to come to his defense.
Lindsay said, “I think we’re seeing the academic climate changing, as many of the letters of support indicate, and it remains to be seen where Portland State will fall in this. Certainly, I would expect more outspoken support from his own colleagues, and that’s disappointing, but perhaps they’re nervous to speak up, given the circumstances. They are, after all, subject to the same boards, committees, and administrators.”
Helen Pluckrose added, “Twelve of Peter’s colleagues have already demonstrated a very uncollegial attitude with their hit piece in the Vanguard , but there are some who support him and I’d urge them to say so. Not secretly, by email. Openly.”
Boghossian denounced those who have labeled him as right-wing for opposing identity politics and postmodernism. “We’ve been labeled ‘alt-right,’ which is ludicrous. I have never voted for a Republican in my life. I’m a staunch liberal. Socially, I am pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-immigration, anti-death penalty. I’m a militant atheist.”
He concluded: “All these people who masquerade as left are not left-wing. They don’t believe in grand narratives. There is only subjectivity and individual experience.”
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ratretro · 6 years
NaLu Reincarnation AU - When I See You Again
Title: When I See You Again
Pairing: NaLu
Prompt: Reincarnation AU
Rating: M;
None of these characters are owned by me, they are all owned by the wonderful Hiro Mashima!
Small angst sorry not sorry but its okay I promise
THIS IS FOR @lucielhyung‘s BIRTHDAY
           She’d always loved the stars above her, and they had always been her security. Nights with her mother flashed through her mind; sitting on the cliffside while they stargazed. Her mother teaching her exactly where Aquarius shone in the blanket of midnight. It was the first teachings required to become a Celestial Spirit user since she’d be the one to call the zodiac from their place in the sky someday.
           This was the first life she’d had the power to call upon the stars. Magic was common in each of her previous lives, but she always had a very basic capability. Like wind, or fire. One time she could even control nature itself. This one, though, was new to her. She’d never even heard of this power before this life, but hey, you learn something new every time you’re reincarnated. Right?
           Lucy wasn’t particularly interested in this life. Her father, Jude Ashley, was the same as every other ‘Jude’. Even though her multiple fathers had different names they were essentially the same person. Her mother would die. They would change. An endless warped cycle. She grunted as she hoisted herself to the edge of her window and jumped. She landed in the bushes – just like every other time – and then went on her way to her most precious spot.
           Natsu hadn’t noticed the silence from her room as anything unusual, she was actually such a quiet girl that he found it hard to leave her alone. He wanted to hear the woman’s voice as more than just a hushed whisper, or a greeting. In fact, he hated not being able to talk to her, but if her father caught wind of her being friendly with him then he’d strike them both down. He couldn’t risk her in this life, he’d already done it in their last.
           He started to tap his foot after a while at the irritating silence. By now, he could normally hear the sound of her quill running across paper while she focused on her writing with incredible intensity. But tonight? Silence. What he wouldn’t give for the girl under his protection to be normal. She wasn’t. However, he’d known every one of her lives before now and she was rowdy in all of them. He wanted to run into her room to make sure she was even there, but it was the middle of the night. What would the staff think if he wandered into her room this late?
           They’d think he was a pervert. A long, drawn-out sigh escaped his lips as he thought of Ms. Spetto spending at least an hour scolding him about going into a young lady’s chambers after hours. If she wasn’t there though, that would be even worse than the rumours he could decline if her father asked about it.
           His hands hovered around the doorknob, and his adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped. He was really testing his luck like this. What would he risk to ensure she was safe in her room? Everything, even his life.
           The hinges squeaked as he slowly pushed the door open to reveal the bedroom he had never seen. He put ‘oil hinges’ on his list of things to do at a later time, but continued to his goal. Two things stood out: the room was decked out in pink, and it was empty. She wasn’t in her goddamned chambers. A vein popped in his forehead as he shut the doors behind him. At this point in time, Natsu Dragion was absolutely pissed off at his employer. Still, he needed to find her, and damn it he needed to find her yesterday. He rushed to the open window and peered down hoping to find something. Anything.
           Below him, there were a few crushed shrubs which quickly alerted him to her escape being a jump from the window. Was she trying to get herself killed? He cursed but followed her trail by making that very same jump. Quickly, he moved through the courtyard to her favourite rose garden (the one thing he knew of because she made him go ALL THE TIME) and began searching every nook and cranny. Nothing. He moved on to the next thing he could think of: the other rose garden. Why did this property have to be so large?
           He was starting to think that he should have made friends with her sooner. He should have made any kind of connection, because in moments like this if he knew a single thing about her in the current timeline then he’d know where she was. Instead, he was stuck rushing and praying to have just a little bit of her luck.
           Luck. Lucy hated her nickname. ‘Lucky’ Lucy Ashley. It disgusted her to hear those words from anyone, and when he did it.. well it was like a raging fire had been triggered. Funny, because he was the fire mage this time, but she thought she’d set him ablaze right where he stood. Here he was talking to her like they were friends for the first time they’d met in this life.
            Wind rushed through her blonde hair, but she held her ground and stood on that cliff staring into the starry sky above. Her mother would know what to do. Her mother would soothe her, and then she’d tell her the best way to talk to him. Or just to talk to anyone. She knew ‘prim and proper’ like the back of her hand, but she didn’t know ‘Lucy’. All she knew were the Lucy’s before her. And the training her father gave for this life; still, she couldn’t figure out which Lucy she should be this time.
           It was annoying, to say the least. Maybe she should just – just try and talk to him properly. That was a good idea. That was a realistic goal. She could just talk to him. Maybe. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, and she internally cringed at the idea. Why was this so hard anyway? They’d met in every other lifetime before, and yet they couldn’t seem to get it together in this one.
           “Lucy!” the shout had clearly caught her off guard as she flinched at the sound. Natsu was just happy to have found her. He stopped to catch his breath, and when he finally looked up his breath hitched. She was bathed in the light of the full moon that shone above her. It was like she was a blank canvas, and someone had painted over her using the shine of the stars. Her blonde hair was now a shade of soft white, while her skin was as pale as snow in the winter. Her nightgown was the purest white, and it made her look like a ghost. Wait; was she a ghost?
           “Please tell me I haven’t been guarding a ghost this entire time?” these were the first words he’d spoken to her that weren’t orders from her father. The blonde burst into laughter and held her sides tightly to control the shaking of her body.
           “What? No, of course not!” what was he even talking about? It was then, that Lucy realized how she must look in her white nightgown.
           “Oh! I get it.” She clapped her hands together and then nodded to him in understanding.
           “Thank god.” A large sigh of relief passed through his body before the anger took over.
           “What the hell are you doing out here!?” his voice boomed around her and echoed even over the waves of the ocean behind her. She ‘urked’ and moved back a step.
           “You were being reckless is what!” he cut her off before she could finish her statement.
           “Do you know how—”
           “Shut up!” she screamed at him, and he halted. He’d never heard her be so loud before. It was enough to throw him off the pace of his own tirade. He didn’t even move to speak again. He just waited in the deafening silence. He wanted to hear more of her.
           “What do you even know! We’re not friends. I just wanted to see the damn stars!” her response wasn’t exactly in order, but right now that wasn’t exactly the issue for Lucy.
           “See the stars?” he looked up to the dark sky to find it blanketed in the light of a million shining dots. A mixture of white, purple, and black laid out above him, and it was such a beautiful sight that he froze. He took every single detail into his memory.
           “Beautiful, right? This is the best view on castle grounds.” She was staring back up into space just to breathe it all in again.
           “Why not tell me then? We coulda just come here without me havin’ ta search everywhere.” He was still pissed, but his tone had simmered down to mild aggravation.
           “Would you have listened?” it wasn’t meant to be spiteful – it was a genuine question.
           “Well yeah. Why wouldn’t I? Ya just gotta speak up.” He used his thumb to gesture upward a few times.
           “Do I really talk that low?” she wasn’t mumbling, nor did she sound like ‘Lucky’ Lucy Ashley. To him, at that moment, she sounded like the regular Lucy.
           “Yeah, you’re weird. Everyone talks so loud, but you never talk higher than a whisper.” He wouldn’t say it, but sometimes it was annoying. Plus, her father’s orders had him limited in how to speak with her. In this instance, he just hoped to get her back in her room before someone noticed they were missing.
           “Sorry, must be a habit. Next time I want to come out here I’ll let you know. But don’t tell my dad! He doesn’t like when I come here.” She stood still, looking away from him to the point that a light shadow covered her face. She looked… sad to him.
           “Why?” it was a simple question. So, she gave a simple answer.
           “My mother used to bring me here when I was little. He’s been different since she passed away.” She hoped he’d draw his own conclusion on her father’s idiocy.
           “Sorry.” Was all he said. He’d heard stories of her father before and after the incident that left her mother ill and dying. Before seemed better than after. She was young when it happened, so it must be a hard hit for her in the long run.
           “It’s fine.” It wasn’t. She wouldn’t say that out loud though.
           “Well, let’s get back, alright? If Ms. Spetto catches you alone at night with me I’ll never hear the end of it.” He rubbed the back of his head as she chuckled.
           “She’ll give you ‘the talk’.” He found that he liked her when she teased him. It was better to see her relaxed than to see her tense and boring.
           “Anything but that.” He whined loudly as they walked side-by-side back to the castle.
           “Hey, if ya talk like normal I think we might actually get back without anyone noticing we were even gone.”
           “Rude! I talk loud enough!” she wasn’t about to shout so close to the castle, but she at least talked loud enough to hear.
           “Oh? Do ya? Is that why ya had to talk louder on purpose?” he was teasing back, she realized. She liked this. She liked their dynamic right now.
           “I did not. You idiot.” She muttered.
           “What’s that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me being right.” He ran ahead of her as she tried to kick him in the face but ultimately missed.
           “Hey, if you’re not careful I’ll see your panties. Pervert.” Her face flared a deep red that mimicked the shade of the roses in the garden. He liked it.
           “Pervert!? You’re the pervert. I bet you went into my room, and that’s how you knew I was gone. What were you planning? Going into a girls’ room in the middle of the night.” This time he flinched and looked away from her. It was the exact same thought he’d had, but he wasn’t going to mention that.
           “I wanted to see if it was a disaster, and oh yeah! Check to see if someone went missing. God, almost forgot that part.” Pink flashed in his memory, and he shivered.
           “I’ve never seen so much pink in my life.” He whispered as if he was having some horrific back flash.
           “Your hair is pink!”
           “It’s not pink, it’s salmon.” He crossed his arms over his chest and kept walking. Was he being serious? She decided, yes – yes he was.
           That was the start of their relationship. It began on that cliff and ended on that cliff. Their last act as a couple was a soft kiss under the stars before they were torn apart. Before her dad decided to end the life of her lover.
           If she had the chance to do it all over again she’d choose him every time. Even now, under that brilliant sunlight in that foreboding atrium as his death loomed in front of them -- she knew she’d still choose him. Her eyes locked onto his; milk chocolate meeting mint. Her gaze softened, and she saw relief in his eyes. They hadn’t seen each other since they were torn apart under the stars she used to gaze at with her mother. Now, under these circumstances, it was strange to see that bright smile on his features. Seeing him in front of her on his way to death’s door caused a deep ache in her heart.
           “Dad! Dad, please! I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t take him!” her voice was raw as she screamed her compromise. As she willed with her entire being that he’d accept her request. That he’d see it from her side just this once. There was no response as her father gave his hand signal to commence the execution.
           “It’ll be fine. When I see ya again, I’m gonna win ya over with my charm just like I did this time.” His smirk was cocky even as tears stained her cheeks. Even as his life came to an end in front of her eyes. Blood stained the ground where his body lay, and a choked scream left her throat.
           A scream filled the room as the blonde shot up in the comfort of her bed. She’d had that same dream more than once. ‘Leftovers’ she’d called them; straight from her past life. She had many past lives under her belt, and in every one of them, she fell in love with him. The worst life she’d lived was the life where she was a princess in a castle, and her lover was the man with pink hair. She chuckled softly in her bed, and her cheeks warmed as memories of him flashed in her mind.
           “It’ll be fine. When I see ya again, I’m gonna win ya over with my charm just like I did this time.”
           The worst memory was brought to the forefront, and she held her head in her hands to steady her breathing. Some days were worse than others. Normally, that memory only pained her during the days when the sun was overbearing, and yet today the clouds covered any threat of that yellow hellscape making the light seeping through her blinds a shade of grey. It gave her some relief to see that today would be calm, but it came with the con of rain. There were pros and cons to everything, she knew that better than anyone.
           As soon as she relaxed she pushed herself from bed to continue her day as she typically would. Getting dressed. Eating breakfast. Having her driver take her to campus. In this world she was normal. Well, as normal as the heiress of the Heartfilia Railways could be.
           It appeared that no matter what life she was in she’d have an overbearing, negligent father, and a life of money and solitude. She even had the stupid nickname from back then. ‘Lucky’ Lucy Heartfilia. Luck didn’t save him. The only real change was her last name, and of course the time frame she lived in. She slammed the car door shut with a quick wave to Loke. At least, she had Loke, and Capricorn, all over again; they even took the same roles they’d had in her life as a princess.
           She gasped for air as she ran through campus hoping she’d make it to her first class. Unfortunately, she was already lost on the large campus, and there was no sign of building ‘H’. This must’ve been what Natsu felt like when he searched the castle grounds to find her. In this situation, building ‘H’ was that cliff under the stars.
           Except, at this rate, she’d never find the damn thing. She needed to find a place out of the way where she could check her map. It was then, that Lucy passed by a man with the brightest pink hair. Her entire body came to a halt as she whirled around. The man never turned back, and she didn’t move from that spot. She wanted the man to turn around, and look her way. She wanted him to say her name, but her throat was dry, and she couldn’t bear to hang on to false hope.
           Besides, anyone could dye their hair pink.
           As soon as her back had turned to him, he turned around to stare at the blonde. He’d seen the flash of golden hair and fought his entire body from turning to face her. He wanted to make the girl notice him, but it would be just another frightened woman on his list of ‘girls I thought were my lover from a past life’. He felt blessed to have been born with pink hair, and not have to spend the rest of his life keeping up with that kind of maintenance. He rubbed the back of his head after a moment of waiting to see if she’d turned around, and when she never did he continued his search.
           Building ‘H’ was decidedly the worst building he’d ever had the displeasure of looking for. It was even worse than the time he’d searched the castle grounds for Lucy, and instead, she was on a damn cliff looking at the stars. He groaned loudly as he dug into his backpack for the map he’d haphazardly thrown into it. There! He began to quickly analyze the paper in front of him. Building ‘H’ was apparently back the way he’d come, and then he’d have to cross the bridge that crossed over the small pond.
           Seemed easy enough. He bolted back the way he’d come while simultaneously shoving the map back in his pack. The bridge creaked under his weight, and he slowed down his pace as he panicked at the thought of breaking that old, wooden crossover. How did students manage to not freak out going over this thing at the same time when classes let out? Whatever. That wasn’t exactly important right now.
He lifted his arm to his face as he kept a light jog, and checked the time. It read: 11:46 A.M. Great. The class would be over in 15 minutes, and this was the first day. Was there even a point to going now? Not really. He groaned loudly before looking just in time to collide with another human rushing. He finally made it to building ‘H’ just to knock someone over. It was then that Natsu Dragneel realized this would be the worst semester of his life.
           “Sorry!” the voices overlapped each other with their apologies. Perhaps, they both weren’t looking, he mused to himself. He checked the ground around him to make sure he hadn’t dropped anything. He didn’t see any items from his end, or theirs, so that was a plus.
           “Sorry about that. I should have been watching where I was going.” It was a female voice. Crap, he’d knocked over a girl.
           “Nah, I’m sorry are you… ok..a.y?” his voice trailed off as their eyes finally met. Amber collided with emerald, and both gasped.
           “Natsu?” the blonde pointed at him as she paused from dusting off her brown skirt.
           “Lucy?” he was staring at her. Really, truly staring at her. It was like someone had punched him in the gut, and he could barely breathe as they took each other in.
           Lucy was on the brink of tears, and Natsu was about two steps away from crying himself. Instead, he laughed. At first, Lucy was going to yell at him or chide him, anything for laughing at such a serious moment; until she caught that memorable smile. She couldn’t possibly be mad at that smile, so she laughed too. They laughed for what felt like an eternity before they finally ran out of breath and started gasping for air instead.
           “I told ya, didn’t I? That I’d see ya again.”
           “Yeah, you did.” She wiped at the tears threatening her eyes until his thumb began to rub them from her cheeks.
           “I always keep my promises.” He wasn’t supposed to be making her cry. This was supposed to be a joyful meeting. A reunion. This was their happy ending.
           “Yeah. We’ll be together forever, right?” This was her promise to him. She touched the hand on her cheek, and a small smile graced her lips.
           “You’re always right.” He snickered but touched his forehead to hers. Just as they did in every lifetime. They’d always find each other again.
Aight dope done. So, for her previous life I decided to use the Edolas last names to have a distinction between the two lives
Anyways here we go! This is my friend’s birthday gift! I’m glad I was able to get it done in a day instead of 4 lmao
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une-erreur-inconnur · 5 years
Tagged - Answer 21 questions
I've been tagged by @ninakh a while ago, however as usual I took a while to make it. Sorry about it >w<
Name: honestly I wouldn't advice anyone to give their name on Internet, but maybe it's just my old safe too attached to anonymity ^^' You can call me Mineko though, a lot of people use it (like a real name actually ) but it's the username I go to first generally in any website.
Nickname: I have a lot of nickname but most of them aren't used anymore
Zodiac: Cancer. By the way story time. Last year in uni I met a friend of one of my classmate that I was working with for a group project (we were assigned group by random so it's to tell you how much of a stranger this guy was). And in like 10 mn of discussion (and 10 mn of discussion with me when I don't know you is NOT a lot) the friend of my classmate just blurted out "you're born in July right?" So I just looked at him surprised before saying that yes I was. And then he told me I was acting like a typical cancer, so I guess if you're good in astrology you know now a lot about me? XD
Height: I know I already answered this before, I think it was close to 170 cm but not quite. Too lazy to search -_-
Time: 12:49
Favorite Musician: Stromae. If you don't know Stromae go check any of his song. Some are bellow his average level but otherwise he is a great artist. I know that in English a lot of his play of word are lost but hmm try anyway.
Recently I also had a liking for Chase Holfelder. You know this guy who remade "animal" which is used for amv in every fandom ever xD and it's the same for almost all the song he takes from major to minor keys. His kitchen cover are good too and made me dicover imagine dragon.
Recently, and on another genre Yann tiersen is also a musician I discovered recently and every song from him are beautiful to listen.
Also if you study biology acapella science is really good. It's where I first listened to evo devo- I mean despacito (yes I don't listen to radio) and while in the original song the good rythm is ruined by stupid lyrics, their evo devo version make this song have a great rythm AND being intelligent ! (Really if I had this song back when I was studying embryo development it could have helped at least a bit much x_x)
Song Stuck in my Head: The portrait of Pirate which is an old 2015 vocaloid song that I discovered just now.
Last Movie I Saw: The fantastical beast. I actually watched it in English, it was cool. Even if I was HIGLY disappointed by a certain character while having it coming since the first <.< if watched the movie you know who
Last Thing I Googled: a dandelion because I needed a reference for the last picture I made :3 but generally I don't google thing, I just go back to my three favourite site already saved xD
Other Blogs: mineko-mairhiel that I use to gather my drawings. I could have done that on this blog by tagging properly, but I didn't know how it worked before xp but I didn't post since a while on there. I mean tumblr is great to share fandom stuff but I mostly draw random character, not even OC, it's just, pictures x). But if I obsess on another game/series and the fandom isn't dead by the time I do (mystic messenger was a big exception, I usually start to be enthusiastic about things that people stop caring about xD) I might be active on there again, who knows.
Do I get Asks: It almost never happen but when I do get ask, I answer them ridiculously late (a bit like tag game) I'm sorry for the few soul who dropped by there, I swear it wasn't on purpose.
Why Did I Choose This Nickname: my current url? I guess it's the url since nicknames aren't chosen and generally just "happen" xD Well you know how there wasn't any proposition to chose an url before. And I tried absolutely every damn username I ever used in my life and none of them worked. And I got upset to see that it wasn't even "this url is already taken" but an unknown error happened (une erreur inconnue est survenue). So, out of spite I wrote "une fucking erreur inconnur" without caring about orthograph and it passed. I was so done when I wrote that that I just rolled with it xD Then a few month later I thought "hmm the word fucking in my url make me seems violent let's get rid of that. And I could also get rid of the typo while I'm at it." I'll let you guess why I ended up leaving the typo xD
Following: 102 o.o I honestly think most are inactive user because my blog isn't even centered around anything anymore. But for the few people who are still active and consciously following my blog... I can't understand you but a lot of love for you :3 may the silliness or the beautiful artwork I reblog help have you a good day!
Amount of sleep: If life was fair I could sleep 10 to 12 hours everyday. Since I have to study it's around 5-6. 8 if I don't work as much as I should o/
Lucky Number: 4 it's such a beautiful number. Look at it. Beautiful.
What am I wearing: my 8 yo pyjama that's not even purple anymore but fit wonderfully on me and that will never be thrown away unless it's shredded to piece or my mother come visit me.
My Dream Job: Huh honestly I currently don't know. I don't even have a expected job. I hope I'll be able to program things but life can take 90 degree turn so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dream Trip: either a country where I can witness a solar eclipse or northern/southern light.
Favorite Food: anything with cream in it I guess? Carbs? Fat? I can't choose a specific thing T_T
Instruments Played: well I think the good old recorder is universal. But I also had the chance to learn a bit of guitar (I can do some very very VERY basic song :p)
Favorite songs: this tag game is becoming too much long for what it is so I'll try to just give song without explaining why xD
Défiler -Stromae
Bâtard- Stromae
Quand c'est -Stromae
Basically the whole song track of Hamilton
Blessed Messiah and the Tower of Ai- I don't want to write q.q : Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
Firework (minor key version)- chase holfelder
The portrait of pirate -Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
Sister's mercy -Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
The tree of reincarnation-Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei (gosh I guess he is my favourite composer)
The night series- Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
How far I'll go(minor key version)- chase holfelder
Best day of my life (minor key version)- chase holfelder
What's up(minor key version)- chase holfelder
The willow maid-erutan
Natural- imagine dragon
I think we're good with those! As always sorry that it came that late, but tumblr acted up the first time I wrote it and I lost everything. So I was a bit disheartened. Thanks to @ninakh who still had the patience to tag me, even if I have a talent to answer super late ^^'
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