#The doorway to a thousand churches
lajulie24 · 1 year
First and Last Lines
rules: go to your last 5 fics and share the first and last line with no context :)
I borrowed this one from @walkawaytall who took it from @gloriousclio - thank you, this looks fun!
1. Another time
First: This briefing felt like it had been going on for hours, but Leia was doing her level best to at least appear to be paying attention.
Last: And there would definitely need to be another time.
2. The doorway to a thousand churches
First: Han felt Chewie’s soft fur against his forehead as the Wookiee patted him, Han’s body steadied with a firm arm holding him upright and clasped to Chewie’s chest.
Last: “I’m here,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
3. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
First: Leia’s eyes blinked open, and it took her a beat to remember precisely where she was.
Last: “I love you,” she said, and kissed him.
4. If we survived the great war
First: Luke took a sip of his kaffe and made a face.
Last: “Yeah,” he said, watching her mirror his own smile as they pulled apart. “Yeah, I think we do.”
5. One Half Won’t Do
First: Carlist Rieekan’s head was still reeling. What the hell happened? When did I lose control?
Last (so far, this is a WIP): “Yeah,” Han said. “Yeah, that’ll do nicely.”
Tagging: Please consider yourself tagged if you write fics and would like to do this one! And if you do, tag me so I can see?
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freemorphmemes · 6 months
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lupinqs · 1 month
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PROLOGUE ━━ Beginning of the End
☆ ━ pairing: hopkins!paige x oc (dani callan)
☆ ━ word count: 3.8K
☆ ━ warnings: small mention of homophobia, underage drinking, think that’s all idrk
☆ ━ links: my masterlist, take me to church masterlist
☆ ━ author’s note: hi!!!!! this is the prologue to my new hopkins p fic and i’m so excited cause it’s taken me so fucking long to actually get this whole fic cooked up but now it’s here and the chapters shouldn’t take too long to come out. anyways you could lowkey probably read this as a one-shot but i have so much more planned for paige and dani so if you wanna keep reading, just be prepared for lots of angst 😊
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DANI CALLAN sits at the desk, curling the last remaining pieces of her hair, her irritation simmering just beneath the surface. It’s late May, and the warmth of the Minnesota summer is just beginning to set in, but the night air outside does little to soothe the sheer annoyance that has gripped the girl all day. Tonight is the last night she has with Paige before her best friend is whisked away for the summer due to her thousands of basketball obligations. And guess where they’re going?
A party.
A party. Dani fights the urge to scoff at the thought, jaw clenching.
Paige is excited, though. She’s been excited ever since her basketball buddy told her about it earlier this week, buzzing with energy. “It’ll be fun,” she said, her blue eyes shining with that infectious enthusiasm that makes Dani melt every time. “One last hurrah before I’m off to camps and Thailand and everything else.”
Dani tried to muster some enthusiasm, tried to match Paige’s smile, but she could feel her own fading before it ever really took hold. Because she doesn’t want to go to a party tonight. She doesn’t want to waste the precious few hours she and Paige have left together surrounded by a bunch of people they hardly know, shouting over music, drinking cheap alcohol, pretending to have a good time. Dani wants to be alone with Paige, have her best friend all to herself. She wants to talk. To laugh. To maybe, just maybe, get the courage to tell her what’s been weighing her shoulders down for months now.
But instead, they’re going to a party.
Dani sighs, turning the curling iron off as she catches her reflection in the mirror. Her hair falls in long, loose waves down her back, light makeup coating her face. She wears a simple tank top and jeans—nothing special. She doesn’t feel special tonight. She feels like she’s being cheated out of something, and she can’t even put her finger on what it is.
“Dani! You ready?”
Paige’s voice rings out from the hallway as she opens the door to her bedroom. Dani grabs her phone and looks up and over at Paige, who stands in the doorway with a radiant smile on her face. She’s dressed in all black—black leggings and a black long sleeve—with her favorite pair of lavender dunks on her feet. Her blonde hair’s been done up in its usual ponytail, and she’s got a little bit of mascara coating her lashes. She looks effortlessly beautiful, like she always does, and for a moment, Dani forgets all of her frustrations.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” Dani lies, forcing a smile.
“Great, c’mon,” Paige says, grinning as she takes Dani’s hand, the pair of them leaving Paige’s house through the front door.
As they walk down the street, Dani can’t help but feel a pang in her heart. She’s grown up next to Paige, and this street, this neighborhood, has been their playground for as long as she can remember. Every corner holds a memory, every crack in the sidewalk a story. And, now, with Paige leaving tomorrow, Dani feels like she’s about to lose a piece of herself. Sure, after the summer they still have the entirety of their senior year together. But after that? Nothing. Because Paige will have summer sessions and be at UConn and become a basketball star and Dani will still be here. Of course, there’s been short, hopeful conversations about Dani going to Connecticut, too, so that they can spend their college years together. But Dani knows it’s unrealistic—her dad wants her to stay in Minnesota so she’ll stay in Minnesota. And Paige will be a thousand miles away, starting a new life that doesn’t involve her childhood best friend.
“Who’s all gonna be here tonight?” Dani asks as they walk along the sidewalk, trying to start conversation.
“Oh, everyone, I think,” Paige says, bobbing her head enthusiastically. “I mean, y’know probably like the same crowd from New Years. Maybe more, since some of Luca’s college friends are back. Ion know, prolly whoever’s in a five mile radius that’s wanting free booze. I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
Dani nods and bites her lip, trying to swallow down her disappointment. “Yeah, fun,” she echoes, trying to sound convincing.
They walk in comfortable silence for a little while, Paige sometimes purposefully walking into Dani and making her stumble a little. Dani watches the blonde out of the corner of her eye, heart banging against her chest as if it’s a jail cell, forced to hold inside everything it longs to say. She wants to tell Paige that she doesn’t want to go to this party, that instead she wants to spend their night together, really together. She wants to tell Paige that the idea of losing her for three months—and then, once they graduate, for forever—has been tearing her apart inside.
But most of all, she wants to tell Paige that she loves her.
The thought has been haunting Dani for months now. It crept up on her slowly, in quiet moments and stolen glances, until now it’s become all she’s able to think about. She’s tried to push it down, tried to convince herself that it’s just a phase, just confusion. But the more she tries to ignore it, the more it seems to consume her.
Dani’s never been in love before. Sure, she’s dated boys in the past, liked them enough. But it’s never felt real, not like it does with Paige. Because Paige makes her feel alive in ways that no one else ever has. And that? That fucking scares the shit out of Dani. It scares her because she knows exactly how her dad would react if he ever found out. It scares her because she has no idea if Paige feels the same way. But most of all, it scares her because it’s not right—her liking another girl like this is wrong and it’s bad.
(Sometimes, though, it feels so right.)
And yet, tonight, with Paige leaving in the morning, Dani feels like she’s running out of time. Maybe tonight she can find the courage to say something—anything. Maybe tonight she can find the words.
(She doubts it.)
The party is already in full swing when Paige and Dani arrive. The house is packed with people, the music blaring so loud that the Callan girl can feel the bass thumping in her chest. The air is thick with the smell of alcohol, weed, and sweat, and Dani fights the urge to turn around and walk right back out the door. But Paige is already pulling her inside, their hands linked, her excitement palpable.
The pair make their way through the crowd, Paige greeting people left and right, voice loud and grin never wavering. Dani tries to keep up, tries to match her best friend’s energy—but she feels like she’s drowning in a sea of noise and bodies and it’s making her anxious.
It’s at times like these that Dani realizes just how different her and Paige are. Paige is outgoing and extroverted, a ball of energy and enthusiasm and it’s hard to ever keep her in a single place at once. She talks and talks and talks and she’s so charming she could probably make anyone fall in love with her. Dani’s the exact opposite. She’s introverted, preferring a small circle over a large one. She’s more withdrawn and quiet, and likes to listen instead of speak. She’s reserved and she doesn’t mind it—except when she’s at places like these.
“Hey, I’m gonna grab us some drinks,” Paige shouts over the music, leaning close to Dani’s ear.
“Okay,” the Callan girl nods, watching as the blonde disappears through the crowd.
Left alone, Dani takes a deep breath, glancing around the room. She recognizes a few faces, people from school, but none of them are close friends. None of them are Paige. She briefly talks to the boy that was her Chemistry partner for the majority of last semester, before excusing herself and gravitating towards a corner of the room, away from the chaos, where she can at least try to collect her thoughts.
As she stands there, watching the party unfold around her, Dani’s mind begins to wander. She thinks about how different things are gonna be this summer, without Paige. She thinks about the way Paige smiled at her earlier, how her touch sent shivers down Dani’s spine. She thinks about what it would be like to kiss her.
She blinks, snapping out of her reverie at the sound of her name. She glances up to see Paige standing in front of her, two red solo cups in hand and a concerned expression painting her face.
“You okay?” the blonde asks, handing Dani one of the cups.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” the girl replies, taking the cup and offering a weak smile. “Just… thinking.”
Paige’s concern doesn’t waver. “You sure? You seem kinda, like… Ion know, off tonight?”
Dani hesitates, the words on the tip of her tongue. She wants to tell Paige everything. She wants to pour out her heart right there, in the middle of this stupid party, and finally let her best friend know just how much she means to her. But the words don’t come, stuck in the back of the brunette’s throat. She can’t bring herself to say them.
Instead, Dani takes a sip of her drink—some sort of vodka lemonade, she thinks—and forces herself to smile. “I’m good. Just a little overwhelmed, I guess. Big party.”
Paige studies her for a moment longer, blue eyes searching her best friend’s face for answers. Then, she seems to accept it, her grin returning as she leans in closer.
“Okay,” she agrees. “But lemme know if you need a break, yeah? We can always go out back on the swings for a bit or somethin’—just you and me.”
Just you and me. Dani’s heart skips a beat at the words, and she feel the tips of her ears beginning to redden like they always do when she’s flushed. However, before she can respond, someone calls out Paige’s name from across the room. The blonde girl glances over her shoulder, her smile widening when she catches sight of who’s beckoning her.
“Hey, I’ll be right back, okay? Don’t go anywhere,” Paige says, giving Dani’s arm a reassuring squeeze before heading off to greet some tall boy that Dani can only assume is another basketball player.
The brunette watches her best friend go, feeling a pang of disappointment settle in her chest. She’d been so close to saying something, so close to telling Paige how she really feels. But now, the moment is gone, swept away along with Paige, leaving Dani alone once again—albeit, with a drink this time.
The night wears on, and Dani tries her best to keep up with Paige’s energy, but it only seems to be getting harder and harder. Paige comes and goes, sometimes bringing Dani with her, sometimes not. She moves through the whole party, laughing and talking with everyone, her charming smile never faltering. For a while, Dani follows along with her best friend, almost like a lost puppy. It then dawns on her just how pathetic she is as she endures Paige’s conversations with basketball bro after basketball bro. Eventually, Dani can’t take it, excusing herself. As she walks away, it feels like it’s Paige slipping from her grasp, even though it was Dani that left the blonde girl’s side.
Dani finds herself in the kitchen, making herself another drink to keep busy. And then she downs it. And repeats the process. It makes things easier, more bearable.
She keeps going for far too long before a voice calling her name interrupts the ongoing process. Dani turns to see Thaliah Sommers, and, when her eyes set on the girl, her shoulders automatically relax and she breathes out a sigh of utter relief.
“Oh, thank God,” Dani whines, leaning into Thaliah and resting a head on the girl’s shoulder.
Thaliah has known Dani and Paige since the fourth grade, when the trio had to share a table for half the school year. It sparked a long-lasting friendship, and Dani and Paige would both probably tell you that other than each other, Thaliah is their best friend. And Jalen Suggs, too. Even though he goes to a different school, Paige and his basketball connection ended up becoming more genuine and the blonde had introduced the boy to Dani and Thaliah, which basically became history. The four clicked almost instantly, and they’ve been great friends since. But Dani knows Jalen isn’t here tonight—he’s out-of-state, for basketball. He won’t be back til the end of July, she’s pretty sure.
“You having fun?” Thaliah asks as she wraps a friendly arm around Dani’s side, letting the drunker girl lean on her. Dani shakes her head, pouting childishly. Thaliah chuckles a little at the sight. “Anxious?” she adds, knowing the Callan girl well.
“And disgusted,” Dani nods, watching a boy chug from a keg across the room, beer spewing around him.
Both girls laugh at the sight, and then Dani’s had enough, eyes flitting away from the scene to a different one. She wishes she would’ve kept her gaze on the boy instead. Because this is much worse.
Over, near the back door, Dani sees Paige. Paige Bueckers, clear as day, in the flesh. And she’s kissing someone. A girl. A pretty blonde girl that Dani doesn’t recognize. The sight hits Dani like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of her.
She stares in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest as she watches Paige pull the girl closer, their bodies pressed together, their lips moving in perfect sync. Dani digs her fingers into the side of her solo cup, crumbling it slightly; she feels like she’s going to be sick.
“Even more so now,” Dani mumbles, referencing her last comment.
Thaliah’s eyes widen, starting, “Dani—”
But Dani won’t hear it. She won’t hear anything. Without thinking, she turns and practically bolts from the house, her drink forgotten on the counter as she pushes her way through the crowd. She needs to get out of here. She needs to breathe. She needs to get as far away from that sight as possible.
The cool night air hits her like a splash of cold water as she stumbles out onto the front lawn, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. Her mind races, a jumbled mess of emotions that she can’t untangle. She feels betrayed, hurt, angry, but most of all, she feels stupid.
So fucking stupid.
Stupid for thinking that Paige could ever feel the same about her. Stupid for believing she had a chance. Stupid for letting herself become enough of a mess to not only like another girl romantically—but for that girl to be her best friend.
“Dani! Danielle, wait!”
Paige’s voice calls out from behind the girl, and Dani feels her heart lurch. She doesn’t want to stop. She doesn’t want to face Paige right now, not after what she just saw. But her feet betray her, slowing to a halt as she reaches the sidewalk.
Paige catches up to her, slightly out of breath, her expression a mix of confusion and concern. “Dan, what the hell? Why’d you just run out like that?”
Dani turns to face the basketball player, and the anger she’s been holding back finally begins to boil over. “Why do you think, Paige?” she snaps, voice trembling slightly as she tries to keep her eyes from swimming.
Paige frowns, clearly taken aback by the venom in her best friend’s words. “I don’t know!” she replies, throwing her hands up. “That’s why I’m asking! What’s going on with you tonight?”
Dani lets out a bitter laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. “What’s going on with me? What’s going on with me? You seriously don’t fucking get it, do you?”
Paige’s confusion only deepens. “No, I don’t! Dani, please, just talk to me—what happened? What’s wrong?”
Dani clenches her fists at her sides, trying to keep her voice steady. “I just watched you make out with some random girl, Paige! That’s what happened! That’s what’s wrong!”
Paige’s eyes widen with realization, her baby blues flitting across Dani’s face in almost a panic. She takes a step closer to her best friend as she quickly says, “Oh… oh, shit, Dani, I’m sorry. I didn’t think—”
“Exactly!” the Callan girl cuts her off, her voice rising. “You didn’t think! You never think! You don’t think about anyone but yourself!”
Paige recoils as if she’s been slapped, her face falling. “Dani, that’s not fair…”
“Isn’t it?” Dani shoots back, anger spilling over once more. “You didn’t even care that this was our last night together! You didn’t care that I wanted to spend it with you, just the two of us! You only cared about going to this stupid party and kissing some random girl! Like I don’t even matter to you!”
Paige’s eyes fill with tears, and she reaches out to touch her best friend’s arm, but she jerks away. “Dani, please, that’s not true. I promise you it’s not. You matter to me more than anything. I just… I don’t know what to say.”
The brunette’s anger begins to wane, instead replaced by the overwhelming sadness that’s been building inside her all night. Her eyes swim and blur as her voice softens, shaking with emotion. “Then why does it feel like I’m losing you? Why does it feel like if I don’t hold onto you as tight as possible, you’ll slip away from me?”
Paige stares at her, eyes shining with unshed tears. For a long moment, neither of them say anything. The only sound is the distant hum of the party and the rustle of leaves with the breeze. Dani’s heart pounds in her chest, her pulse quickening with each second that passes.
Finally, Paige takes a deep breath and takes a step closer to Dani, her voice barely above a whisper. “You’re not losing me, Dan. I promise you, you’re not.”
Dani stares at her, vision blurred with tears, voice breaking. “Then why does it feel like I am?”
Paige stands still for a long moment, shutting her eyes tightly. When she opens them again, tears begin to spill down her cheeks. “Danielle,” she starts quietly, and Dani’s eyebrows furrow slightly at the usage of her full name. “Danielle, I have been in love with you since the sixth grade.” The statement makes the brunette’s eyes widen, jaw going slack, as her own tears finally begins to fall. “Remember when I got that concussion, at my game? You— you came to my house as soon as you found out, and you were crying at the thought of me being hurt. And I was the one that had to console you. And— and then you”—Paige sniffles and swipes a hand across her nose—“you kissed me on the head and told me that you would always take care of me. And that was when I knew. I knew that I loved you and that I could never ever really be with anyone that wasn’t my best friend, Danielle Lizzie Callan. I knew it then, and I—I know it now.”
Paige pauses, and then her voice breaks even more when she starts again, “But I’ve been so scared to tell you. I never thought you liked girls, I always thought you were straight. There was no way you could love me back, right? And I—I know how your dad feels about it all, and you know how long it took me to even tell you I liked girls because I was afraid that you felt the same way towards it that he did. And even when I found out you didn’t, I still thought that a girl being in love with you—that me being in love with you—would disgust you and you’d hate me for it. So I never said anything.”
Paige ducks her head as a sob cuts through her throat. Dani takes a step closer, reaching up to cup her best friend’s face in her hands.
“I don’t hate you, Paige. I could never hate you,” she tells the blonde sincerely, keeping her voice even. “And I could never hate you, because I’m in love with you, too.”
Before Paige can say anything, Dani leans in and presses her lips to the blonde’s. The kiss is soft at first, tentative, as if they’re both waiting for the other to pull away. Even if Dani feels her cross necklace begin to burn into her skin, she can’t stop. She won’t.
All the anger, all the hurt, all the confusion seems to melt away in that moment, leaving only the overwhelming relief of finally, finally knowing that Paige feels the same way. Dani keeps on kissing her, hands slipping from her cheeks to the nape of her neck as Paige’s hands find their way to Dani’s waist.
It isn’t perfect. It’s messy, and frantic, and a little sloppy, but it’s real. And it’s them.
When they finally pull apart, both of them are breathing hard, their foreheads resting together as they try to catch their breath. Dani feels like she’s floating, feels like she’s dreaming, and she doesn’t ever want to wake up.
“I love you,” Paige whispers. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.”
Dani feels her heart swell up with so much happiness it might just burst. “I love you, too, P. So much.”
They don’t go back to the party. Instead, they go to Dani’s house, where they planned to have a sleepover anyways. The walk is short, and they do it hand-in-hand, swaying a little and giggling a lot. When they get to Dani’s porch and the girl begins to shuffle for her keys, Paige takes the opportunity to peck her neck from behind over and over and over again, whispering in the girl’s ear, “I love you.”
It’s so refreshing to hear Paige say it that, for a moment, Dani forgets about her keys and pulls her best friend in for another kiss on the mouth, closing her eyes and savoring it.
Eventually, they do get inside and find their way up into Dani’s bedroom. They change, and shuffle their way under the covers, bodies close, skin touching. Dani tries not to think about her father in the room beside hers, or the bible on her bedside table.
“I don’t want to leave you tomorrow,” Paige murmurs against Dani’s collarbone, sighing.
Dani’s heart slows at the thought, a deep pang, but she knows that there isn’t another option. “I don’t want you to leave either. But we’ll be okay. We’ll miss each other, but we’ll be okay.”
Paige nods, looking up and letting her eyes flit across Dani’s face as if she’s trying to memorize every detail of it. “Yeah, we will.”
(They won’t.)
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actual-changeling · 10 months
I think we all should appreciate the fact that it was Crowley who walked away first and not Aziraphale.
Can you imagine? Aziraphale turns around, ready to go, ready to leave, and Crowley knows that this is it—if he steps through that doorway he is GONE.
"Aziraphale," softly, at first, almost inaudible, but he knows he heard it, sees the twitch in his fingers.
"Aziraphale," louder now, and Crowley balls his hands into fists and takes a few steps towards him, almost shaking with bitter, twisted relief when he stops. He does not turn to face him, simply stands on top of the circle rug with tremors running through his shoulders, down his back.
It's a warning, a plea, a 'don't you dare run away from me'. It's 'don't leave me, please'.
"What do you want me to do?" Aziraphale whispers, his voice wet with uncried tears, and he hates all of this, hates the Metatron for showing up, hates Gabriel for getting what THEY should have had, hates Nina and Maggie, hates humanity, hates every single being in heaven and hell.
Six thousand years and this is their reward? This is what they get?
"Say no," he gives back, biting his tongue until he tastes blood, and inches closer. "Tell him you've changed your mind. Stay.
"I can't. I need to try to-"
"They don't care about you, they never fucking have," and oh, he is yelling now, and it is the fury dripping from his words that finally makes Aziraphale face him. "I care about you, I have been right here for six thousand bloody years, angel. By your side, waiting for you to be ready."
"Come with me!" Anger glints in his eyes, steel-blue and burning, almost drowning out the heartbroken desperation.
"If you really think there is anything in this universe that would get me to return to heaven then—then you don't know me. You never have."
Electricity sparks on his skin, red, powerful, urging him to find release, and Crowley feels tears stinging in his eyes, blinking until they roll down his cheeks. It doesn't matter now, does it? He takes a deep breath, tries to channel the good memories, the hope, the last few years of not-really-pretending.
"Then there's nothing more to say," Aziraphale spits, and the worst part is that they both knew it was going to end this way sooner or later.
The distance between them disappears as he catches up with him, leaning in, pressing in, until they are breathing the same air, crying the same tears.
"Aziraphale, if you leave this bookshop I-," his voice breaks, unwilling to give shape to the thought begging to be spoken, "I will not be here when you come back. If you come back. I'm done waiting."
Time freezes, and his eyes widen while his body shakes with the bitter mess of emotions churning in his gut.
"You don't mean that." He doesn't. Someone knows, he does not mean a single word of it, but right now he needs to mean it, needs to believe it, or he will jump head-first into the nearest church and drown himself in holy water.
"Try me," Crowley whispers, and suddenly hands are grabbing his shirt, pulling him in, making the world disappear. Familiar lips silence him, and he kisses back because he needs this to matter or he will regret it for the rest of his sorry existence. Don't leave, he prays into the kiss, wrapping his arms around him, don'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleave.
Don't leave me here alone.
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autisticandroids · 21 days
free space: medium-sized destiel
so in my reclists for @spnficrecfest i haven't been including many fics that are very "big destiel."
this is partly because i've been trying to keep the kudos count lower (though obviously this hasn't been absolute), and also because i actively did not include any "post empty destiel fix it" type fics in the dabb era reclist because they're kind of a genre unto themselves. nor have i intentionally made space in other reclists for fics that have a particular destiel romance novel vibe. obviously there's some, but those tend to dominate reclists, and i wanted to highlight smaller fics.
so this is my "big destiel" reclist, except i still did not include anything that had >2k kudos, because those are generally speaking pretty well known already.
some of these fics are small and just have the big destiel vibes, but a lot of them are more in the 1k kudos range than the hundred kudos range, on account of being big, or medium-sized, destiel.
in order of word count:
ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by everytuesday, 1k
a couple of takes on the confession scene. very special to me.
rot and grace by extemporaneous, 3k, violence warning
cas watches dean murder the world. corruption kink.
some dying star looks dull in the light by sp8ce, 4k
heaven angst with a happy ending, post-empty.
one step closer by rhinestoneangels, 4k
an empty rescue. i love the empty geography in this one.
i didn't feel it on the first day, and now i got it in the worst way by wintertree, 6k
meg pov on a post-widower arc destiel.
the doorway to a thousand churches by sonatine, 6k
cas and the deans from goodbye stranger.
if you try sometimes, well you just might find by jenthesweetie, 9k
cas pov on dean's wants.
godot ain't got nothing on me and my baby by ilovehowyouletmefall, 10k
post empty, cas became death. the only way dean could see him is by dying.
before and after breakfast by spocklee, 10k
a silly little case where cas and dean realize how they see each other.
solitudes by ilovehowyouletmefall, 21k
cas sees dean see cas die. a wonderful little melodrama. i actually really liked how it handled dean's alcoholism (not really as something to be solved but just as a... reality to be dealt with) and i'm OBSESSED with the director's commentary. if this had been published in 2021 instead of 2023, every heller would have read it three times over.
powerless in dreams by calicoyak, 24k
a post-empty fic. i really liked some of the cas stuff in this one.
between a rock and a hard place by amidsizefrog, 24k
dean's dick doesn't work. also cas is dead. maybe the two are related.
every single thing by thestoryinsideme, 37k
a charming and goofy season nine fic. dean is a shitty little man in a very canonical way that is also deeply sweet and adorable.
a light above descending by hedderstheowl, 38k
a mark of cain fic with chefkiss angel stuff. a recent favorite of mine. really put this author on the map for me.
with understanding by apokteino, 427k, chose not to warn and noncon warning
yeah it's with understanding. you've heard of it. go read it now chop chop.
and if your wondering which fics (that you've probably read) got the axe for having too many kudos: it was on labor, the bee movie fic, time has come today, and r/supernatural. that's my taste. if you were curious.
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the--rebel--fae · 7 months
Stereo Heart
A/N: This was actually an idea I found from a post by @animequeen4 and I decided it just had to be written. This was a lot of fun, to be honest. I just hope I did the characters--especially a certain TV overlord, justice!
Pairing: Vox x Reader
TW: Swearing, but that's really it.
Word Count: 1116
Stereo Heart
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Velvette let out a sigh as she saw Vox pace back and forth in the main living room that the three of them usually like to hang out in. “Vox, love. Just go over there and tell her how you feel. Stop pacing back and forth worrying what to do like a pussy. You’re an Overlord for Lucifer’s sake!”
Vox sent a glare towards his fellow Vee and finally stood still for a moment. The growing whirring of his fans could practically give away how stressed he was. “Velvette. It’s not that simple. This girl’s different. She’s just–just-bzzt” He buffered slightly trying to figure out the right words to describe her.
Velvette chuckled. “You are so whipped.” Vox crackled with electricity and she shrugged nonchalantly and rested her chin on her hand while still typing away on her phone with her other hand. Velvette glanced back over at Vox as he started to pace again. “If you’re really trying to woo your little Cinderella and just doing things how you always do won’t work–”
“They won’t.”
Velvette set her phone down and crossed her arms. “Do you want my help or not Vox?” She was truly sick of how borderline pathetic Vox was being. 
As much as Vox hated that he was even asking for help, this girl was something special. He’d never seen someone that he was actually willing to court and woo instead of straight-up manipulating to get on his side. No, he couldn’t do his usual thing. He had to go bigger, better! And even if he had to get past that old timey prick at the hotel she was staying at. 
Vox let out a groan and ran a hand down his face. “Fine. what do you have in mind?”
Velvette smirked. “You said this girl died in the eighties yea?”
Vox groaned as he walked up to the tacky little hotel Alastor was staying at. If he was lucky, he wouldn’t have to deal with him. “Velvette you better be right about this or I swear,” he hauled the heavy-ass boom box up on his shoulder and hit the play.
Inside the hotel
You chuckled at a joke Angel Dust told you as the two of you hung out on the hotel’s balcony when you suddenly heard a song from back when you were alive. Wait…was that…
I get so lost, sometimes
Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
When I want to run away
I drive off in my car
But whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are
All my instincts, they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside 
Angel Dust’s eyes widened. “Is that song In Your Eyes?”
A smile stretched across your lips spreading into a dopey grin. It was the perfect match for your currently flushed cheeks. “You know it too Angel?” 
Angel smirked. “Course I do toots! I ain’t that ancient. Cut me some slack would ya?” He joked goodnaturedly. 
You chuckled as well and continued to smile as you heard the lyrics of the song.
In your eyes
The light, the heat
(Your eyes)
I am complete
(Your eyes)
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
(Your eyes)
The resolution of all the fruitless searches
(Your eyes)
I see the light and the heat
(Your eyes) I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light
The heat I see in your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
Now where could those lyrics be coming from? It sounds like it could be from some kind of sound system. The grin you had on your face hasn’t slipped once. That song was an absolute classic when you were alive. It came from a famous rom-com after all.
“Uhh, (y/n), you might wanna see this.” Angel Dust said as he peered over the balcony railing.
You stepped forward but you found yourself gripping the railing to calm your quicking heart. “V-vox? Is that really you down there?” You asked, your voice taken down to a breathless whisper. 
Vox immediately looked up at the balcony the second his speakers picked up on your voice. “Heh, hey doll. I take it you like the little surprise?”
“My, my is the annoying little picture box actually using a classic form of music consumption?” Alastor suddenly said, cutting you off before you could respond to Vox. 
Vox’s grin immediately turned sour and he had to prevent himself from destroying the stereo on his shoulder. “Al-bzzt-astor! Would you ju-bbzt shut the hell up! I’m trying to do something here you old outdated fossil!” Vox’s screen kept turning various colors from blue to red and then back to normal as he faced his long-time rival.
Alastor just chuckled as he walked forward from the balcony door and rested on the balcony railing as he looked at Vox with an amused grin. “You know, this seems like a decent little tune but I think it could use a bit of flare. Don’t you think so my dear?” Alastor said as he sent a glance your way.
“Alastor what are you about to do?”
All you got in reply was a simple snap of his fingers and instead of In Your Eyes, the stereo started playing Baby Shark, a newer little tune that some of the younger sinners have been singing lately. 
That was the last straw for Vox. As soon as he heard that tune he buffered continuously and his grip on the boom box became so strong that he split the poor thing in half. “Agh! D-bzzt-amn yo-bzt-u Alastor! Fuck you!” He cursed. 
Vox was damn near close to overheating and almost shut down from his anger until he heard your sweet giggles. “Hey Vox! Don’t worry about it! That was really sweet actually even if a certain someone decided to mess with you.”
Alastor shrugged nonchalantly at your pointed look and with a small wave goodbye, disappeared back into his shadows.
Vox finally calmed down but his screen was glowing a light pink under his eyes as if the TV overlord was blushing. “Really? Heh, of course, Doll. I did this for you after all. In fact,” Vox smirked and tossed the boom box aside. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
You felt your cheeks warm at Vox’s confession and it took a light nudge from Angel dust to snap you out of your reverie. “I’d love to Vox!” 
Vox’s smirk widened into a full grin. Maybe coming out to this shitty hotel wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Welp, hope you enjoyed! I know I had fun with this one. Have an awesome day/night my little Rebels!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Hazbin Hotel!
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intheholler · 1 month
brought up in the rolling hills of greater appalachia, there were scarce times, there were good times, and there were rough times. just like anywhere else. but at all times there was hope and community, no matter the circumstance.
as many negative things as i hear about the place i live and as many experiences i have had that align with such criticisms, there were a thousand more instances where i was blessed with an enchanting, community enriched childhood. i will never forget or under-appreciate the closeness of neighbors despite our long lengths from one another.
what i mean to say is, appalachia, they could never make me hate you.
my Daddy is a pastor and my Mama the most down to earth pastor’s wife to walk this sweet, dark-soiled land we are so blessed to live on. even though my father and i don’t always get along, my mother and i are and will forever be the most kindred of spirits. through her wit, her will, and her wisdom, many traditions of appalachia have been passed down to me.
your porch ceiling best be haint blue, and you had better never close another person’s pocket knife. always gift a hand-quilted or crocheted blanket at every baby shower you ever attend. sprinkling salt at every doorway while squeaking out a hushed and hastened prayer for protection.
even those are just a few traditions that i can credit to my culture and my mother who instilled it in me. and that installation is so incredibly important. so as not to lose our rich, beautiful, and complex history.
the first rumblings, the soft spot
an important experience that i would argue helps many appalachian children to realize their culture and heritage is when they, for the first time, listen in to the kitchen talk among cousins. how Papaw can’t read so well because he never got to finish up school and why Uncle Rick got this new job manufacturing cars. how Meemaw lost her baby to scarlett fever and how Miss Deretta down the road worked at the children’s home where your cousin Thomas got dropped off in a cardboard box after a flood that demolished the apartments uptown. slowly, piece by piece, your young mind starts to understand the ebb and flow of unspoken community support. the gentle hand holding taking place through the entire mountain range. the interwoven families that aren’t any kin.
running interference
as you grow up, unfortunately, the world seeps in, slow and clever as a fox in the hen house. making your own out to be some sort of gnawing hillbilly that don’t know their ass from grass. and suddenly when someone asks where you’re from you’re ashamed to admit it. the only thing that you and friends talk about is getting out and seeing new places, away from the parents and the gossip pew of your respective churches. on friday night you all meet up in the Dollar General parking lot and carpool to your school’s football game so that you can shout wildly inappropriate cheers at the rival of the night from the student section. you run into Mrs Connor while washing your hands in the restrooms behind the stadium and when she tells you vibrant stories of your Pa in high school, skipping for deer hunting season along with half of the class of ‘68, you appreciate her. and you don’t know it, but every interaction like that, grows your mountain heart bigger, making more room for story after story.
one of my friends is now engaged to the man who was their starting quarterback. the two of them are the sweetest of couples. the world is perfectly small here.
weeks-long revival and a singing every night
after an innocent turned passionate kiss in your church crush’s car, you find space on the pew with the rest of your youth group, leaving room for jesus, of course. Aneoumes (an-nay-mus, unique name, i know) the church Dulcimer player brings out his fine jnstrument with Mrs Dorothy, the pianist and the previously mentioned Mrs Connor on the organ to do their own mesmerizing renditions of When the Roll is Called up Yonder, I’ll Fly Away, The Gloryland Way, Mansion Over the Hilltop, He Set me Free, Heaven’s Jubilee, and the baptist favorite, Amazing Grace making for a beautiful night of harmony among voices. anymore you weren’t sure what you believed (not that you dared to tell a soul, or even say it out loud) but you knew good and well that church brought people together and helped those in need, and both of those were things you could get on board with. of course the politics were messy, but you could mostly keep your lips sealed. your home church certainly did more to feed the hungry than the government officials who were supposedly all libbed up, or at least that is what they’d pushed.
suddenly, this place didn’t seem so bad. you were worn smack out but only because of the late company, which you certainly didn’t mind in exchange for a typical night of hot, early sleep. when you got home Todd Lee your neighbor was still cutting hay and so the putputput of his tractor lulled you off to sleep. he told you “it keeps the sugar in, seeing’s that it’s nice and cool out in the dark” he had told you when you let him know that his lively tractor sounds put you at peace every night.
something about this place felt more special, fonder, than what you had understood in your younger teen years.
the first leaving
your dad received a stimulus check during the pandemic and decided to go visit his aunt Barbara on the northeast coast. being away from home a whole week felt like a pig being gutted and packed, still warm in the patties. it was awful. every night you cried, holding your younger siblings who did the same, no one here smiled or talked to you and the rain didn’t smell right, the food was bland and blended all together in taste, worst of all there was nowhere to be that wasn’t covered in concrete and where there was, you had to pay for access. when the mountains finally came back into sight, your heart leaped and tears fell from your eyes. that moment was as close to divine intervention as you’d felt since your baptism. gratitude overwhelmed your senses and you thanked jesus for being born where you were. where people were friendly and food was good and friends were close and everything was wide open.
for a moment you wondered if when David wrote “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.” if he too was experiencing the peace of returning home after a tumultuous time away.
the second leaving and the enthusiastic return
now, you’re headed off to college. it grips at your heart that you won’t be with the supportive community around you that you’ve always had. but this time the leaving makes sense. you’ll educate yourself on how to teach and help others, you’ll take extra, unnecessary classes on heritage and both cultural and natural history. upon your return you get to take all that hurt from being away and pour back into the place that has loved you so well. and you get to be the next generation to tell your own kiddos to keep the haints from their houses and their hands to the knives in their own pockets.
hopefully your loving will look a bit different, cast a wider net so that those kids who weren’t as lucky as you feel accepted in the community of people around them.
most importantly when you return with your degree and your license to teach, you can instill pride in those children, let them know that these lush hills and woods and creeks and mountains they call home really are some of the most wonderful places this world has to offer up. encourage them to believe that professional speaking is not removed from their dialect but rather in their clarity of conveyance. uplift the idea that time spent with family and friends, neighbors and strangers alike is to be valued. and most importantly in my book, teach them to appreciate the stories they are told, to remember them whether mentally or by doing some manual record keeping. our stories are our testaments to the fulfilling life that can be lived here. and the stories of our neighbor may have a great impact in our thinking.
what i’m trying to say is, appalachia, they could never make me hate you.
(i got totally carried away, sorry it’s so long)
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
I have been sick and crampy and PMSy the last like six days, but today I woke up and feel like a whole new human.
Here's a snippet from my Eddie goes to confession fic. I restarted it after the last episode and I am very please so far with it, even if it's extremely introspective and I'm kind of using it as my own therapy.
The front doors to the church are heavy and when he opens them and steps inside he’s suddenly 5 attending his youngest sister's baptism. It’s important, that’s what Abuela says as she sits with him in a pew at the front of the church, the scent of incense that is no longer burning making him sneeze.  And he’s 8 taking his first communication and not really understanding what it means, only that it’s important. That eating this stale, dry cracker is supposed to change something inside of him, but he doesn’t feel different.  And he’s 13 the Bishop is dipping his thumb in the oddly sweet smelling chrism and saying “be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” and Eddie is saying Amen. This is the moment where he’s supposed to be choosing to commit himself to God, but he didn’t have a choice of being here, not really.  And he’s 18, freshly graduated from high school watching as Shannon walks down the aisle toward him in a hand-me-down wedding dress, the bump of her stomach just barely starting to show. His suit is too big and too small at the same time. The smell of sale church air, of dying flowers and decades of prayers breathed out to a god Eddie isn’t sure exists feeling like a vice around his neck.  And he’s 26 carrying the casket of the only woman he's ever loved, the smell of burning frankincense tickling his nose and prickling at his eyes even though he hasn’t cried, not since the hospital.  And he’s also 31 standing in the doorway of an empty church that he’s never been to before but has somehow been in a hundred, maybe a thousand times. Because that’s the thing about catholicism - it never really leaves you. It burrows deep, into the very marrow of your bones and leeches the life out of you if you let it.  It riddles you with guilt for sins you haven’t committed. It tells you that you were born a sinner and you’ll die a sinner and every moment in between should be spent in penance. That unless you follow the church’s teaching exactly you’re condemned to an afterlife in hell. That anyone who doesn’t accept the church is condemned even if they’re the best person to ever exist. It doesn’t leave you - it chokes you and makes you hate yourself. It’s made Eddie feel like less than for his entire life and when he takes in the first lungful of air he can taste thirty some years of guilt on his tongue.
Tagged by @elvensorceress @diazsdimples @tizniz @spotsandsocks @jesuisici33
@dangerpronebuddie @wikiangela @cal-daisies-and-briars @goforkinard
No pressure tagging @tommykinards @spagheddiediaz @neverevan @inell
@monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @thekristen999 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming
@wildlife4life @devirnis @butchdiaz @911-on-abc @rainbow-nerdss
@steadfastsaturnsrings @underwaterninja13 @watchyourbuck @actualalligator @rosieposiepuddingnpie
@acountrygirlsfun @honestlydarkprincess @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @fortheloveofbuddie @bi-buckrights
@shitouttabuck @theotherbuckley @loveyourownsmiilee @hawkbutt @epicbuddieficrecs
any anyone else who wants to share!
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supernaturalkickparty · 3 months
Thinking Stanford era thoughts today.
Today's is-Sam going through an earthquake for the first time.
He's been through floods, tornados, and they were in Florida once during a hurricane, but he's never experienced an earthquake before.
It's sophomore year, he and Jess are already talking about moving in together and it's been a good day in general for them.
He's spending the night in her dorm since she hasn't been assigned a roommate this year and he sleeps better when she's around.
Granted he still has nightmares, from his life before her, he's dreaming him and Dean are in a church, they're older, but he'd recognize his brother from anywhere.
They're in a broken down church and there's bright lights outside, like thousands of stars are falling and the ground is shaking and he wakes up. The dorm room is violently shaking and his first thought is something other worldly.
"Sam, we gotta move now." Jess moves them both from the bed into the doorway.
He's full on panicking, Jess is holding him tight, reassuring him it's ok. It's an earthquake, everything is going to be fine.
It's only a minute if that but it feels a lot longer to Sam.
He's still shaking after and Jess sees how much this scared him.
Neither one is able to go back to sleep after that.
The earthquake and the images of his dream haven't left his thoughts.
Jess is wondering what he's been through that he was terrified this was something more than an earthquake, and why he called out for his brother in his sleep.
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bylrlve · 2 months
i lay my heart down with the rest at his feet (bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet) - an adult byler playlist
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Fever - fever when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight
False God - i know heaven’s a thing, i go there when you touch me honey, hell is when i fight with you… religion’s in your lips… the altar is my hips
High Infidelity - do you really want to know where i was april 29th? do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
Movement - when you move i could never define all that you are to me
Would That I - i’m set alight, and i blink inside your blinding light… in awe there, i stood, as you licked off the grain, though i’ve handled the wood, i still worship the flame…
Medicine - the boys and the girls are in, i mess around with him, and i’m okay with it… i’m coming down, I figured out i kinda like it, when i’m all out i’ll think about the way you… (ride it)
Angst in My Pants - it’s just a passing phase, it’ll go away… give it a thousand years, it won’t go away
Just What I Needed - i don't mind you comin' here, and wastin' all my time, ‘cause when you're standin' oh so near, i kinda lose my mind…
Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) - a moment’s silence when my baby puts the mouth on me… when reason comes on the common tongue of you loving me
Bedroom Hymns - this is his body, this is his love, such selfish prayer and i can’t get enough
Dinner & Diatribes - (our) friends are a fate that befell me, hell is a talking tide, scarcely can speak for my thinking what you’ll do to me tonight… honey, i laugh when it sinks in, a pillar i am upright… let there be damage ensued and tabloid news… that’s the kind of love i’ve been dreaming of….
Talk - the voice that urged Orpheus when his body was found… so i try to talk refined for fear that you’ll find out how i’m imagining you
Like Real People Do - honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do
NFWMB - if i was born as a blackthorn tree, i’d wanna be felled by you, held by you, fuel the pier of your enemies
To Be Alone - honey, when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes, i feel like a person for a moment of my life… god, it feels good to be alone with you… i know that you hate this place; not a trace of me would argue, “honey, we should run away,” “oh, someday,”
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene - freshly disowned in some frozen devotion, no more alone or myself could i be… i lay my heart down with the rest at his feet… bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet… jarring of judgement and reason’s defeat, the sweet heat of his breath in my mouth; i’m alive
It Will Come Back - i know who i am when i’m alone, i’m something else when i see you… can’t be unlearned, i’ve known the warmth of your doorways, through the cold i’ll find my way back to you… i warn you, babe, each night, as sure as you’re born… you’ll hear me howling outside your door. can you hear me howling, babe?
My Love Will Never Die - you��ve done me wrong for a long, long time, but after all you’ve done i never changed my mind (my love will never die)… pick a blossom and hold it, hold it, to your breast, and you’ll know that’s my love bursting loud from inside (my love will never die)
Work Song (Live) - i’d never want once from the cherry tree… when i was kissing on my baby, and he put his love down soft and sweet, in the low lamp light i was free; heaven and hell were words to me
Take Me to Church (Live from London) - should’ve worshipped him sooner… he tells me “worship in the bedroom,”… the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you… my lover’s the sunlight… something meaty for the main course.., that looks tasty, that looks plenty, this is hungry work… when the ritual begins, there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin… only then i am human, only then i am clean, amen, amen, amen.
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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The Grave of Meg Shelton
Lancashire, England
In the late seventeenth century the people of Woodplumpton, a small village in Lancashire, England believed a woman called Meg Shelton to be a witch. They claimed she would steal the milk from other people’s cattle and transform herself into animal form at night as she carried out her mischievous deeds. According to legend, when Meg was crushed to death by a barrel that pinned her to a wall when she was buried the town took extra precautions to prevent her and her powers from ever rising again. The townspeople buried her vertically, head first in the ground in a small, tight shaft so that if she tried to dig her way out she’d be going the wrong way. They then covered the hole with a large stone so that she may never escape. The stone remains to this day in the churchyard of St Anne’s Church accompanied by a small plaque warning visitors that the Witch of Woodplumpton lies buried beneath. This seemed to work as she was never seen again, although in the 1920’s a young boy said that he had seen a woman dressed in funny clothes wandering in the graveyard.
The famous Eye of God carved into the tower at Newchurch near Pendle Hill was said to keep evil at bay and similar symbols can be seen in ancient houses in the area. At a cottage in Rawtenstall is a witch’s post designed to stop evil coming down the chimney.
Many of the stories associated with Meg tell of her ability to change her appearance and how she would use this ability to cause mischief and steal from the local farmers. On one occasion a farmer became suspicious when he discovered that he had more sacks of corn piled up than there should have been. He grabbed a pitchfork and began to prod the sacks. Suddenly one of the sacks let out a scream and turned into Meg.
On another occasion a farmer looking into one of his fields where he kept his cows saw an old woman with a goose which was feeding on the grass. He thought nothing of it until he noticed that from the goose’s bill was dripping a white liquid. He rushed into the field and kicked the goose at which point it shattered into a thousand pieces spraying milk everywhere. Meg had been stealing milk and had turned her jug into a goose to fool the farmer. Meg screeched with rage and flew off.
One day a farmer saw a hare in one of his fields and set his great black dog after it. The hare moved like the wind but the dog was even faster and a desperate race ensued. Gradually the great black dog moved closer and closer but mysteriously the hare headed straight for Meg’s cottage and escaped through the front door but just at the last moment the dog managed to nip one of its hind legs. From that time on it was said that Meg walked with a pronounced limp!
So if you think someone has given you the evil eye, here are some remedies: 
If you are bewitched
a cross made from rowan twigs is said to be effective
A lump of metal, such as an old key or sickle, put under the threshold stone or a broom laid across the doorway will keep evil at bay
Horseshoes nailed onto doors keep the luck in
Stones with holes in them, called hag stones or hex-stones, are very good when hung up at keeping out witches or devil-doings
In old houses have been found glass jars filled with bent nails. These were designed not only to ward off spells but to return the evil to those who had sent it
If this doesn’t work try salt. The purifying properties of salt are renown for destroying a witch’s power
Don’t forget to crumple old eggshells to prevent witches using them as boats or hiding in them
sounding church bells is a sure way to stop witches flying on their broomsticks.
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littlelesbinonny · 9 months
The Devil's Den
Chapter 38: In Which The Daylight Is Fading
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
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::!TW!:: *brief depictions of blood/gore*
There was still a hint of the sunset radiating in through the stained glass of the church and Alcina winced at the tinge of pain in her bones that came with it. At least it would be gone soon, but truly she had something much more pressing to deal with than that of the setting sun. Still, the haunting color of the darkening amber to red was ominous.
A coldness set in as she had followed the priest with haste; hope beyond hope, she was sickeningly praying to any God that may exist that she wasn't about to walk into what she thought she was.
But she did.
A mutant had been here.
At her very doorstep. It had made itself known. 
But how many? One? A handful? A hundred?
A boiling rage and fear began to pour down her spine; a thousand and one thoughts slamming to the front of her mind while she look upon this mangled human.
This boy the priest had so hysterically been crying over was splayed out on the ground in a large, spattered pool of blood and entrails. His flesh was torn apart from his face to his belly. His skull was visible through the damage as was his ribcage. If she hadn't known better she would have guessed a tiger had escaped a local zoo. She shuddered internally as flashbacks of her own altercation raced through.
He lay near the deacon common hall doorway near the exit she so often took to escape into the human world, an easy location for this attack to happen; the predator would take no notice until the deed was done and scatter off in the blink of an eye.
Father Sullivan was there, as were two other priests, a deacon, and now Alcina, three of her men, and the priest who'd come to fetch her.
The humans were pale as death; sickened to their stomachs as they were not used to the sight nor the smell of a freshly carved up body. The rank, metallic smell of blood affected the vampires in a very different way than it did the clergymen, but this was more than a somber, disturbing manner. 
The men stared at Alcina and her men with blank faces. Pure shock. Sprouting anger, perhaps, and utter disbelief this was taking place. Alcina and her men were no better; blank stares, void of visible reaction.
"Send for Donna," she whispered over her shoulder to the vampire on her left, "immediately."
He left in a blink.
"W-what h-have you to say for yourself?" Father Sullivan finally uttered, his tone drenched in a whisper that bore the depths of pure hatred masking the fear, keeping any semblance of power he was desperately grasping for.
"That the enemy that slaughtered this boy is also ours, Father. Be careful with your quick judgements; don't you teach at great lengths about that?"
"H-he had just turned 17!" 
The priest holding the most upset about the situation chimed in again, breaking the stare-down between Alcina and Father Sullivan.
"What are we going to tell his mother?" 
He droned, kneeling next to the body, his mannerisms in a fit just as much as his rambling.
"H-how?! How can this be?"
His eyes darted back to Alcina, his lips twisting into rage as he clenched his fists; "you don't have enemies! Vampires have no enemies - you lie! You lie through your sharp teeth of death!" he rose haphazardly, his sight never leaving the vampires before him, "y-you devils - evil - pure evil! The church's alliance with you has never made sense to me! I knew - I knew! Something was going to happen - none of you can be trusted - how can the House of God make deals with the Devil Incarnates!?"
"Father Archer!" Father Sullivan shouted, "enough!"
"No, no! I won't be silent! I won't - I have to say my piece! God would not have us -"
Father Archer was silenced as Alcina, quicker than their sight, grabbed him by the neck, hoisted him into the air and slammed him into the neighboring stone threshold.
She bore her teeth, scowling detested, silencing him with not only her dangerous visage but her strong grip around his throat.
"The mutant beast who did this, the one you so vehemently brand to belong to us, is not of our sect!" she spat, "I'll have you keep your bullshit behind your lips or I'll take your tongue with gladness! You know nothing of what you speak and I'll prefer your silence to your barrage of misinformed prejudice! And if it comes down to tit for tat, Father Archer - I - and my vampires, my lycans, have kept your pitiful little church and all your people safe for centuries which you should be ever so fucking grateful! You all live so freely above us with no returned services but the use of your church to the entrance of your world. Do you really think to be so much better than us you could evoke smite to the underworld with your pitiful excuse of self-righteousness?!"
"Please!" Father Sullivan interrupted, fitful and bothered, "please, can we stop this?!"
Alcina held her gaze at the kicking, struggling, crumpled-face priest in her grasp as she silently heeded Father Sullivan's request. She was about to lower him when she felt a presence that froze her solid. A presence she never, ever, in a million years that could be her existence, wanted to feel lingering near the doorway to her right.
You took Monday off from work because, well, you were far too preoccupied with magick than sitting at a fucking desk for eight hours.
Your crow family had not left your balcony all day as you sat in your room alternating from your bean bag chair to your bed, reading and practicing, mindfully staring out your balcony doors, and pondering the entire earthquake that had reshaped your entire life. Whenever you grabbed yourself a snack, which was becoming more and more frequent as you worked up such an appetite while you practiced your magick, you shared with your crows each time. They cooed and purred and made all sorts of sweet noises each time you came out. If it weren't cold outside you'd leave your door open and see if they'd wander in. But, they seemed content to be where they were and you couldn't help but smile every time you looked up to find them there.
The vampire memoire, as you were beginning to call it, was full of so much information. The further you got into it, it started to give way to information on vague locations of vampire covens all over Europe, Africa, Asia, and now North America. Not to your surprise, it mentioned the covens in New York, right under your feet. Nothing was terribly revealing, as the author of course was much too smart for that, but it mentioned the the Basilica of Saint Patrick's Olde Cathedral not far from you. That piqued your interest greatly and you decided to pay it a visit later today. 
This book also went into decent detail about how the truce and coexistence between vampires and the church began. There had been a stalemate take place in Romania; a vicious, bloody battle was waged in a village between a large coven of vampires and a church back in the 1600's. Eventually only one priest and one vampire were left. They both lay nearly at death with each other in the demolished courtyard after the bloodshed, and agreed that their kind could benefit each other if they could come to an agreement, otherwise they'd wipe the other off the face of the earth, and in the end was it worth it? The priest allowed the vampire to feed from him which revived the vampire, the vampire took the dying priest and bled him, turning him into one of them to solidify the truce. Then the two of them approached the neighboring churches to explain what they had done and to plead their case. It had been a compelling argument and the church, and vampires, agreed to cohabitate. The vampires promised to never attack and kill anymore clergy, and to protect the churches from any enemy, lycans mainly, that might attack, and the church offered dark safe havens for the vampires to dwell in during the day, and allowed entrances from covens underground passage into the human world peacefully.
Crazy shit what goes on in the world and no one knows the wiser.
You assumed that Saint Patrick's Cathedral must be one of the many entrances to the human world for the underworld. Who knew how many times Alcina used that very church to come see you, the thought made you smile.
When you bundled up and left your apartment to go find something to eat late afternoon, your crows loyally followed you overhead. Sometimes they'd swoop down to hop along a high stone fence you trekked along, cooing and cawing and otherwise making you grin from ear to ear gaining you off-hand looks from the other passerby's. You didn't care. You were a magickal creature, of some sort, with your own little army of crows and they were boring, plain old humans - they could suck it.
The evening was becoming beautiful. The breeze had stopped, which made the otherwise biting cold now very bearable, though you almost perfected the warming bubble you'd used on the plant and you weren't so bothered by the cold so much anymore. And now you were off on your last adventure for the day after a wonderful warm dinner.
You heard as you walked through the dispersing and meandering crowds on the sidewalk.
It came again several strides later.
You couldn't help but look around you, seeing if someone was speaking to you directly or if you were simply hearing a passing conversation. But nothing.
Ebony and the rest were hopping along the fence as they had been and you brushed it off, taking another turn down a block to the cathedral.
The warning came in louder this time, almost inside of your head and you looked up to find all six of your crows were huddled much closer together and now taking to the sky above you. Setting your sights back on your path you began to wonder if this was not the same voice you'd heard when you named them all, that resounding, yet soft, 'yes' reply was eerily similar to you.
Not yet a handful of buildings away from the stone wall to Saint Patrick's, you were suddenly being bombarded by your crows. They were dashing in front of you, blocking your path, cawing at you, almost colliding with you as you ducked.
"What the hell! Quit!" you halted and merged yourself to the fence beside you, watching their strange behavior with apprehension.
Then once more;  Careful - Careful!     Careful!   C-careful!                         Careful, careful!  Careful!  C-careful!
And then they were gone.
What the literal fuck? You thought as you watched them scatter to the sky and fly down the street, taking a very sharp turn towards the basilica and disappearing.
Suddenly you were very still and silent, feeling the wave of sharp uncertainty takes it purchase in your heart for a long moment. 
Were your crows... warning you?
So you had heard Ebony speak that day, just as you had heard them now, plain as day.
While you were in excited disbelief to think they could possibly telepathically communicate with you, you were still pretty shaken by their upset. What on earth had made them act in such a way?
Against your better judgement, you continued on and found yourself at the entrance to the large, beautifully ornate Saint Patrick's Old Cathedral.
It looked welcoming, a thing you never really experienced from a church. And perhaps that was because you associated it with your Lady of the Night, her kind, her easy ability to come see you from such a close distance because of this building, right here.
As you walked slowly along the well kept black iron fence to search for a possible opening for you to enter and explore, you noticed the large forest green door that you assumed lead into a courtyard of sorts, was open. Everything was locked up tight, so it shouldn't have been, should it? And from there you could heard what sounded like shouting.
Without much real control of your own, your feet took you through the threshold, almost ignoring the beautiful large trees and dead grass of the courtyard, and found you were being drawn to a warm amber light spilling out from another open door where the voices had gotten sharper and louder, and then silent all together.
You were not prepared for the sight that met you.
And you were unsure what you saw or comprehended first.
The pool of blood. The absolutely mangled body in it. A clergyman standing there, still as a statue. Or Alcina, holding up another clergyman by his throat against a doorway, her white turtleneck covered in blood.
Like a magnetic pull, her eyes were drawn to yours and your sights locked.
It was palpably disconcerting.
No, this couldn't be.
Her lips seemed to move as if uttering your name breathlessly, the look on her face twisting between emotions you couldn't decern. And you just stared.
Surely she had not done this, surely this was not what it looked like. It didn't make sense. This didn't make sense. You were caught in a time loop where the same phrases continued to replay causing a spinning hectic argument within your heart and mind.
No. No.
The bickering became so loud you began to stagger away. You couldn't think, you could only move, and moving you were. Quickly.
She couldn't have done that. She wouldn't have done that. Alcina isn't a mindless brutal killer. This isn't right - this isn't right! 
Had blood-rage taken her over like it had the other night in my apartment? Had she snapped unwillingly and someone unfortunately got in the way? Had she lost control? 
No! No!
You couldn't stop the barrage of thoughts and you began to run. 
You weren't sold on what you were hearing, but it sounded like Alcina was calling after you, and though it was getting closer it sounded so far away.
You knew her. You knew her. There's no way she had done that. She was a protector; a woman you loved so deeply; a woman who had never hurt you even though she had more than enough capability. She hadn't done it. 
So why couldn't you stop running?
The cacophony in your head nearly had you screaming for silence as you slammed your door behind you, slumping into it letting the cool of the steel chill your overheated face. You don't even remember getting to your apartment. You don't remember flying up the hundred stairs since you couldn't wait for the elevator.
Once more you heard your name and you spun but kept your back flat against the door.
In the darkness of your hallway was a familiar silhouette that would normally make your heart sputter with glee, but this time it was fear and complete uncertainty and you hated that almost more than the thought of Alcina being part of whatever the fuck you walked in on.
Alcina was apprehensive as hell, panicked at the whole of this situation, dreading this moment with fervor. 
"Please," she said softly and as calmly as she could, "please, just listen to me before -"
"Did you have something to do with that?" you blurted, anxious and uneasy, letting the demon of blame take hold. 
Alcina halted in her approach giving you the space you were silently demanding, twisting a painful dagger in her chest.
"Were you involved with whoever was slaughtered in there?" you asked sharply.
"You weren't meant to see that -"
"No fucking shit?! You think?! Did you? Did you?"
You were so overwhelmed. 
Alcina was overwhelmed. Maintaining it much better than you were.
She had to take pause and a long breath in and out as she tried so hard to figure out how to navigate this conversation. You had every right to be upset and confused and blame her for what you saw. Which you never should have. The fates were playing cruel tricks on her in a time she absolutely did not need them. You were never supposed to see that! Why were you there to begin with?! Of course you were going to have a thousand questions, questions she couldn't answer. She couldn't tell you what you rightfully needed to know, not yet, not now, it was all too much.
"Of course I didn't!" Alcina finally barked, not so much at you but at how annoyed she was at this fucking situation.
You could see how she was trying to hide her despondence. It gave you a little hope of your own that you were, in fact, overreacting. But then, were you really?
"I know you are hell bent to keep what happens underground a secret from me, which ok, fine, but it seems like it's no longer under the ground and I think you owe me a goddamn explanation."
"Draga mea, I -"
"No, no, don't you draga mea me right now - I am - upset, I'm scared, I'm - wanting that scene expunged from my motherfucking brain!" you blurted as you walked into your living room.
Turning halfway there, you looked to her. She was still so eerily beautiful even though she was covered in blood and it made you angry. You wanted to just fall in her arms and forget everything but that was not happening.
After another bloated pause, realizing she wasn't going to offer up anything, you flopped your arms at your sides, "I want to know what is going on."
Alcina's visage turned hard, her breaths apparent as she took her time to keep calm, "I cannot tell you that."
"Is this another one of those won't's disguised as a can't?"
"For fuck sake draga mea!" she replied as her hands flew into the air, her eyes showing a most unusual form of defeat, "You must understand it's not out a spite for your asking! There are simply things I just cannot and will not tell you right now! Telling you will implicate you in a danger I refuse to push you any closer to!"
"So I am in danger?" you shot back.
"You certainly could be."
"But that's not something you thought might be good for me to know?"
Alcina took a visibly steadying breath, lowering her hands at her side as her fists clenched slightly, "you're already too close to this than I ever wanted you to be, draga, I am trying to protect you."
You huffed, trying yourself to calm your unrest, "did it ever occur to you that maybe what I need is for you to be truthful and open and honest with me? To, I don't know, not leave me in the dark and instead fill me in on some threat that might be lurking around the corner when you're not here? What am I supposed to do if you're not here and I walk into this blindly?"
Oh you were infuriating. You weren't allowed to counter such a valid argument when she clearly wasn't prepared and not in a place to tackle this right now. She had so much on her plate as it was and this was going to send her overboard.
"Draga please, I just need you to trust me!" she pleaded as she reached the end of her rope.
"It's not so much about trusting you Alcina! I'm absolutely petrified of not knowing what to expect now. Why can't you just tell me what the fuck I might be facing so I can defend myself?"
Alcina's face dropped and she stepped towards you, reaching for your shoulders and gently taking them in her grasp, "don't be absurd," she nearly whispered, her eyes dark and stern, "you absolutely could not defend yourself against it..." the look on her face growing more severe, "do you remember what I looked like when I came back to you many months ago? Do you remember the scars, the gashes, the wounds that should have healed through me with ease? Do you?" she asked harshly, "I nearly died, draga mea... I was almost killed. You are no match for this foe, that I know for certain. This is why I need you to trust me. Please, please leave this be!"
You swallowed involuntarily, feeling the unease getting worse as she spoke. Of course you remember. Your blood was what healed them.
"And do you remember what healed you?" you questioned right back, your palms now resting on her forearms, "I healed you. Which is something I want to talk to you about very soon... I'm... changing. Drastically. I still don't know how or what, and neither does Malka, but -"
"Who the fuck is Malka?" Alcina asked briskly, releasing her grip on your shoulders as her jealousy shot through her veins, a lesser of her finer attributes.
Oh boy. 
"Uh, she, she's an older lady I've known for years. She's been helping me - she's a Jewish Mystic - "
The spikey energy prickling off Alcina made you throw your hands up and you stepped back, rubbing your face as you paced a few times through your groans, "she is not what we're talking about right now! We're talking about me!" you relented, facing her once again, "please! Alcina... please, I need you, I need you and your guidance and support now more than ever. I'm so scared about so many things that I currently, at this very point in time, am so beside myself I do not know what to do... please... I will trust you, if you'll please just give me a little in return. Please."
Alcina felt her heart sputter, and not in a good way. That look in your eyes, that pleading uncertainty made her wince.
She approached you again and took your jaws in her cool, soft grasp, "I... tomorrow I will come back to you and we will talk," Alcina spoke softly, "I promise. I will listen to you. And I will tell you more."
You nearly melted into her touch as she caressed a loose piece of hair from your face, that familiar visage of the caring, nurturing, loving woman you need so much returning giving you some semblance of peace.
"For now I must return to what I left. Please, I want you to stay put, stay here, don't leave at night if you can help it, not until I return to you, alright?"
Your nod was a little hesitant, "o-ok... I won't."
"I love you draga mea, more than I think you understand. Please keep yourself safe."
"I love you too... you stay safe too, ok?"
She nodded and leaned to kiss you, pressing her lips reverently to yours, breathing you in, savoring the last it of silence she would have for a great while she was sure. Alcina still held your face as she pulled away, burning the image of you into her memory, the fear still lingering in the pit of her stomach making her uneasy.
"I must go."
Her parting left you cold and unsure. Something still didn't feel right. Not at all.
You grabbed your phone and dialed.
"... Malka?"
"Ketzeleh! ...what is wrong?"
"I uh, I need to see you, I need your help."
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weirdprophetess · 2 years
Re-reading gtn right now and I just realized I never really paid attention to this part on like page 3 that describes what the main Ninth church looks like
"Gideon peered down at the bottom where shadows gathered over the cold white doors of Castle Drearburh, stately in the dirt, set into the rock three bodies wide and six bodies tall. Two braziers stood on either side of the door and perpetually burned fatty, crappy smoke. Over the doors were tiny white figures in a multitude of poses, hundreds to thousands of them, carved using some weird trick where their eyes seemed to look right at you."
I just kind of assumed everything on Ninth was black but this reminded me of the doorways at the Notre Dame that have all these people carved into them
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So maybe it was inspired by this design?
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bellemorte180 · 7 months
WIP Wednesday ~ 300 Miles of Good Road Sneak Peak
The English Gazette
October 3rd, 1813
My Dear Readers,
What is spontaneity? Is it really the devil sitting on your shoulder and whispering temptation in your ear? Or is it something else? The church and society would have you believe that wants and desires of any kind were horrid and blasphemous. I disagree. Spontaneity is a gift. It is the chance at happiness, reaching and taking it. 
Pushing down those desires and following the trend, always doing what you’re told leads to nothing but misery. It's a lifetime of dancing to the tune that others set but all of that can be changed simply by making a choice. Happiness isn’t found in money or status, its found in those you love and surround yourself with. 
Happiness is found in moments of spontaneity. 
My advice, dear readers, is that when you have a moment to take a leap of faith and into the unexpected, do it. Cast aside the judgements of the Ton and fall into whatever unexpected adventure awaits you. 
Lady Davina Claire 
It was late as Klaus hurried through his home, hoping to not wake Rebekah and Enzo. Part of him hoped that they were not at his townhouse at all, having retired to their own home but he was not surprised that they had come home from some event and dined without him. So, as Klaus packed his trunk, throwing all his belongings in half haphazardly, he tried to be as silent as he could. He winced each time the floorboard creaked or silently cursed when he dropped a book to the ground. 
His heart was hammering in his chest, adrenaline pumping through his veins at an hour that should have found him in his bed. He paused for a moment, peering around his bedchamber with realization that this was the last time he would be in it for some time and the next time he slept there, he wouldn’t be alone. The reality of it did not feel real, part of him was still shocked at the turn the night had taken. Noting the way his bedding was perfectly made, his maid had done it for him and wondered if Caroline would allow them to continue doing it. He imagined it would be an argument they would have.
Klaus could not wait. 
He couldn’t help but imagine her sleeping in his bed, her long blonde hair spread out among the pillows as her head rested against his chest. He couldn’t fathom the concept of them sleeping apart. She was so close now, that once he fully had her, he did not know if he could part from her, even for the night.  A thousand daydreams fluttered in his mind as he looked around the room, peering at the curtains to the paintings to the book he had resting by his morning chair. Even now, Caroline was etching herself into every fraction of his home.
Wonder what she will want to change? Or should we live somewhere else? The unknown didn’t bother him like it had merely hours prior. Months had passed without her, a bleak image of a life alone; growing old and wondering what could have been. There wouldn’t have been anyone else. Only Caroline. A world where Elijah had gotten his wish, Caroline banished from his life and society all together, was something worse than hell.
“Mother would have a fit if she saw the state of that trunk, she would have words with you.” Klaus whipped around, seeing Rebekah standing in his doorway, a silk robe wrapped around her shoulders. Her hair was down, hanging around her shoulders and in the candlelight, Klaus could see the sleep in her eyes. 
“Mother? I believe you’re confusing her with our governess. She taught us how to pack a trunk.” Klaus countered as Rebekah stepped into his room. She looked down at the trunk, bending down to pull one of his waist coasts that had been tossed in. The worry was evident on her face, making him feel guilty for his plan to slip away without a word to her or Enzo. He silently cursed himself, the struggle to be better was always far more difficult that he had realized. “It will wrinkle but I don’t mind. It's just a coat.” 
“Where are you going?”
“You were going to go to Leeds without telling me?” There was a pitch to her tone that made Klaus wince. The weeks she had spent caring for him, ensuring that he did not fall further into the pit of depression had been living in for the majority of the season had been forgotten, as was the pain he knew he put her through. “Why? What happened? Is it Elijah-”
“No. Elijah has nothing to do with this and I said North, not Leeds. I’m not going home.” The confusion on Rebekah’s features was like an open book, it was easy to see every suspicion passing through her mind. “I saw Caroline tonight, after Stefan and Elena’s wedding.” There was a flicker of understanding but the conclusion was just out of reach. “She is coming with me. Tonight.”
“North? How far north?”
“Scotland.” Rebekah’s eyes widened and her lips parted in surprise. Words failed her but she could not look away from him. She reached for his hand and gave a squeeze before pulling him into a tight embrace. It lasted only a moment and when she pulled back, Klaus noted the smile that had overtaken her lips. “We want to leave quickly, without suspicion and get married before Elijah can get wind of anything. By the time he learns of it, it will be to late.”
“Let me wake Enzo. We’ll go with you.” Rebekah turned, moved to rush out of the room but Klaus gripped her wrist gently, spinning her back around to face him. He knew that she meant well, that it would be a privilege to have his sister there, watching him utter the vows he so desperately wanted to since the moment he laid eyes on Caroline. “Nik-”
“No. I need you and Enzo to stay here. If we all leave London at once, people will notice. No one will think twice that I left for Leeds and no one realized that Caroline had returned. I need you to remain, for a week or two at most.” He could see that Rebekah wanted to fight him, to tell him that she was coming with him whether he liked it or not; but he knew that he couldn’t risk it. “Please.”
“You’ll write to me immediately once it is done?”
“Absolutely. The second I take my vows I will pull out a quill and-” Rebekah pinched his side, causing him to laugh. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him, playfully shaking her head. “Yes. I will write to you and let you know what our plans are. I don’t know that yet. Just that we are leaving tonight. Now actually.” 
“Where is Caroline?”
“We already packed her things and it wouldn’ have been-” Rebekah did not let him finish before turning around and racing out of his bedchamber. His shoulders slumped and he shook his head, feeling even more pressed to finish packing. He gathered the last remaining pieces of clothing he could shove into the trunk and shut it. Gripping the handles, he began dragging the trunk down the hall, no longer caring if he woke anyone as he was sure Enzo would know of his departure soon enough. 
Once he reached the top of the stairs, Lucian who had been waiting patiently at the bottom sprung into action, raced up the stairs to take the trunk the rest of the way. At the doorway, he could see both Rebekah and Caroline deep in conversation, the former arms were crossed while Caroline simply nodded, wearing an enduring smile on her lips.
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conjuremanj · 5 months
Is This The Most Dangerous Spirit Board Ever?
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Read the whole post and comment on what you think of this board.
Ouija Boards a spiritual item that is commercialize as a board game the whole family can play.
In my opinion this item can be spiritually and physically dangerous.
Their are some thing that beginners shouldn't mess with or even do even I won't play with this.
.1 You should never offend any spirits especially if it's spirits you are not a part of.
.2 One shouldn't mess with ouija boards because you don't know for sure what's on the other side of it.
Why? Because it's a playground for demons like Zozo, Mama and any other dark spirits. Playing with it you are inviting a something in to come through.
.3 No Pendulums. Like Ouija boards there are another way to contact spirits and you really don't know truly who you are speaking with. Despite what other people may say about this particular item in the hoodoo tradition We Believe that spirits can often tell lies, they can tell you some truth too to get in good with you because they like the attention.
Most religions even cultures like the Egyptians knew that as long as you speak the spirits name they will truly never die they will always be remembered so they will always be around. So they would do or say anything they need to to keep your attention focus on them. (Aka Zozo)
Now I did give a working a while back how to make a pendulum out of High John Root so you can contact and ask him questions you know who you're speaking too. But a Ouija board / Spirit board are not you do not know it's not a good idea.
So I was looking at a YouTube video and while I was watching I couldn't believe what I was seeing with this board.
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It's called THE TABULA MORTEM translation
(The Tablet Or Table To The Dead..)
On the inside the first picture you see is a black guy wearing a top hat, gloves, has a cane.
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Now when you open the board up it's your typical looking spirit board.
In the middle of the board you'll see a symbol the symbol is a vodou veve of Papa Legba.
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It also have letters and the alphabet arranged in a circle. The alphabet is backwards which is correct because because in the spirit world is supposed to be a mirror image then what we see.
It also have what they say is Cave Hieroglyphics these are real symbols written thousands of years ago but no one really knows exactly what it means.
There a little book on the bottom of left of the above photo to that has as wiccan passage on it.
Now it does come with a planchet to use on the board but get this y'all; The planchet doubles for a pendulum. But look y'all the planchet doesn't have glass in it and if you seen a Ouija board before you know it supposed to.
What? Because the glass is a window to look through to see the other side, it is of what separates us from this world and the spirit world. The glass make sure that the window doesn't become a doorway. Makes sense.
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Now this is what I believe is the worst part in the little booklet it says how to make offerings to the Lwa. (Vodou spirits) it's crazy because the booklet refers to the Lwa as a IT not spirits.
This board is disrespectful to voodoo or any African religion and is disrespectful to the people who practice other spiritual faiths such as paganism, wiccan, etc by having all these things mixed together.
Now what the guy said and I agree 💯 is that there maybe so many people that can get hurt playing with it. A board like this should never have a voodoo symbol, cave ruins that you don't know what exactly they are numbers and they all arranged in a circle with a planchette that doubles as a pendulum. That can be a combination of All Hell Can Break Loose.
Now we can really see why the Catholic church and other faiths are starting to train more and more exorcist because of stupid things like this.
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igotsnothing · 1 year
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"In your eyes The light, the heat (in your eyes) I am complete (in your eyes) I see the doorway (in your eyes) To a thousand churches (in your eyes) The resolution (in your eyes) Of all the fruitless searches (in your eyes)"
"In Your Eyes"- Peter Gabriel
Starry eyes by @obscurus-sims in collaboration with @astya96cc
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