#The final roundup!
georgiacooked · 11 months
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In which our tale reaches its conclusion.
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fluffystevefest · 3 months
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Thank you so much to everyone who participated in Fluffy Steve Fest and made it the best week ever! 💙
By request, the AO3 collection will be open until the end of the day on July 22, which is also the last day to post your personal masterlist to be reblogged.
Without further ado, here's the round-up of all seven daily masterlists! Remember that it's never too late for likes, kudos, reblogs, shares, and comments 💙
★ Day 1: Affection ★ ★ Day 2: Hurt ★ ★ Day 3: Eras ★ ★ Day 4: Birthday ★ ★ Day 5: Bedroom ★ ★ Day 6: Clothes ★ ★ Day 7: Steve's... ★
We had an astounding total of 91 works, including... ★ 58 fics ★ 18 rec lists ★ 6 gifsets ★ 5 artworks ★ 4 moodboards
Here are some more fun facts from the event: ★ The most popular day was Day 4: Birthday with 18 works 🎂 ★ The most popular pairing was Steve/Bucky with 15 works 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ★ The biggest contributor was @darthbloodorange with 28 works, who created a work for every prompt every day 🥳 ★ Creators who created works for every day of the event were @bulkyphrase, @mercurial-chuckles, @ephemeralbutterfly, and @meidui 🥰
Happy Steve Birthday Month and thank you again to everyone who made Fluffy Steve Fest happen by contributing works, supporting those works, and signal boosting event posts!! 💙
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 6 months
The Quarter-Final Round Roundup
Before the start of the Semi-finals later today we say farewell to the fallen four Hot Jane Austen Men who must retire to the country as their season ends.
In a matchup of men who mothers dote on the voters were persuaded that despite being a loveable labrador of a man Mr Bingley (1995) was still too easily lead and so will not be returning to Netherfield Park as you instead chose the constancy of a Colonel...
And not just that of a Colonel but a Captain too as the never inconstant Wentworth was rewarded with your votes as you rejected the rakish ways of Willoughby (1995), disinherited him from Combe Magna and sent our very last Jane Austen fuck boy off in search of a Miss Grey and her 50,000 a year.
While Edward playing pirates with a younger sister may mean you think very highly of him - that you greatly esteem him when his opponent can one-up him by saving a younger sister from absolute ruin, pirateering is not enough. Which means you declared that whether as a Daniel Cleaver or a Edward Ferrars (1995) Hugh Grant can never defeat a Mr Darcy.
Our hardest fought battle this round was of course between the last of our post 90s men Mr Tilney (2007) and Mr Knightley (2009). Though you conceded that Henry Tilney would dance with you at a party where you know no one, talk to you about your favourite books, tease you and flirt with you even risk disinheritance after you accuse his father of murder - he is after all still for the church so for the second time this week you said who wants a clergyman when you can have an estate? And so it is Mr Tilney (2007) who watches on as we speed past him in our gig right into the Semi-finals!
Our two Semi-Finals will be posted in the next few hours so if you have any propaganda that you think will take your man all the way to the Hot Jane Austen Man Final send it in now!
But before you do join me once more in saying...
Bye boys!
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 24 days
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Annnd this marks the official end of Stricklake month 2024! Thanks again to @rexnanorum and @seekerofblades for helping me out with the graphics for each week, you really brought the month to life! And of course, huge thanks to everyone who participated! I'm still blown away by the amount of content, so it's likely I'll see hopefully most of you again for next year, fingers crossed!
As always please let me know of any errors to the post, and of late additions! The month may be over, but a couple days late submissions are still more than welcome!
🎉Week one🎉
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15. Curse — @albentelisa
16. History Repeats Itself— Another badly timed Stricklake compilation: Downed Dragon — @toodrasticallydumb
Special mention:
17. Stricklander’s secret — @deerdrawingbook
Link to first roundup post is HERE.
🎉Week two🎉
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15. Mystery of the Island — @albentelisa
16. Shipwreck/Resort — @littleladybaker
17. History Repeats Itself—Another badly timed Stricklake compilation: These Strangers like Me — @toodrasticallydumb
Link to second roundup post is HERE.
🎉Week three🎉
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14. Moonlight — @littleladybaker
15. Sun/Moon — @ollie-alooffloof
Link to third roundup post is HERE.
🎉Week four🎉
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13. Blood — @miniature-giant-space-degu
Special mention:
14. I Won't Say I'm in Love — @yavannah
15. Pie back time — @rexnanorum
Link to final roundup post is HERE.
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meushell · 1 month
Tok’ra Actors on Andromeda 1
Winston Rekert
(Cordesh on Stargate • Zeus on Andromeda)
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JR Bourne
(Martouf and Lantash on Stargate • William Ataturk on Andromeda)
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How can black clothes be that gaudy? That collar is just silly-looking. Was it supposed to look that bad? You would think a Nietzschean would have a better style.
He looks like a mirror version of Martouf, so he is my Mirror Martouf in my fic collages. Apparently, Mirror Martouf has a lousy taste in clothes.
By the way, I enjoyed all three episodes.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 9 months
finally after a whole year, starting at Giotto and ending with Bel and Rasiel, we’ve now celebrated the birthdays of every KHR character who had one shared with us by Amano! here’s a time-lapse of me editing every single one, which overall amounted up to 3 hours and 42 minutes, and 65 characters! all compacted into a 5 minute video! thank you for celebrating their birthdays with me! 💛
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(Michaels-Roundup) Michael runs up just barely stopping in time to not crash into everyone "Hi Flicker! It feels like FOREVER since I saw you last!" there's a thunk as Jeremy smacks into the tree behind him "Michael! You said you'd help me walk!" Michael: "Oh...right, sorry Jeremy!" Jeremy manages to make his way over and plops down "Ugh, my nose..." Michael: "Who's the deer and monkey?" Jeremy: "There's a deer??"
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klaineadvent · 9 months
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hspolls · 2 years
Well, everyone. There it is.
(Lowkey continued from @sliami 's replies)
Jade and Serenity sit at the table that presently constitutes as the centre of all of existence. There is a growing air of tenseness, especially from Jade, who, with her close ties to thefabric of space itself, can feel the collapsing of the universe as if it is in her very bones. The feeling is intensely claustrophobic, like being locked into a coffin buried within miles and miles of the concrete of nonexistence.
Jade looks at Serenity, then up at the monitor displaying the tournament progress, then back at Serenity, sadly.
"I think its almost over," she says. Serenity looks back at her sympathetically.
There are a few beats of silence, followed by a sigh. "Serenity, I... I miss everyone so much. Not just my friends. Not just the people I liked! I miss everybody! I just have no idea whats happened to them, or what's going to happen to..."
She trails off, but Serenity understands. "I'll remember all of this for you," she beeps with her insect behind. "Whatever its worth, wherever I'm going."
Jade smiles a bit, but them something seems to click in her mind. Instinctual. Not an animalistic instinct but something... more. More expansive.
"Serenity... I think there's something I'd like to try," Jade puts down her cup and opens a palm to the firefly, who understands the gesture and flies over, landing in the middle of her hand.
"What is it?" The bug beeps.
"I think... maybe I can fix this. Maybe I can put everything right... somehow."
Serenity thinks for a moment. "What if it doesn't work?"
"Well, what do we have to lose?"
Serenity nods, but before she can get comfortable, Jade interrupts the moment of silence and adds, "I just... I'm..."
She trails off, collecting herself before continuing. "Serenity, I... don't know if you'll... survive it, though."
"What makes you say that? What are you doing?"
"I don't know, Serenity. I don't even know how I know to do this! And maybe you will survive but... it won't hurt, okay?"
"You are being very vague, human. I don't understand."
Serenity crawls forwards on Jade's palm and Jade turns her hand to keep Serenity up straight.
"This whole time... You've been observing all of us, haven't you? Watching us and remembering, carrying on where the rest of us couldn't."
Serenity nods. "Yes, I could sense the way everything was falling apart, so I just wanted to do what I could for everybody..."
"I'm going to try to use that. Take what you remember and... remake everything."
"What? That doesn't make any-"
"You are going to be our new universe Serenity."
For once, I proper silence falls.
"I don't know how," Jade answers the question that wasn't asked. "I just feel it. The universe wants to survive. I feel it speaking to me. I think I can do this Serenity. No- I know I can do this! There has to be a reason that all these people let me survive this long, right? It's because they believe in me, and what I am capable of! I have to- I have to..."
At this point, Jade is holding two hands out in front of her, cupping the bug in her hands, the only being left to keep her company. Quiet sobs fill the room - or at least what is left of it. The walls are starting to deteriorate now. There isn't much time left. Serenity looks up at her sadly, knowing that there isn't much for her to do besides be with her.
"Stay with me, Serenity." Jade says, in a hushed voice. "The collapse is culminating towards me. If you stay with me, you have a chance, even if this doesn't work."
They both know this is nonsense, and isn't the way that this works, but neither of them say anything to dispute it.
They sit, sadly, for what feels like an eternity. Jade's sobs being the only noise as the clock and the monitor are both swallowed by the great darkness of entropy.
Gradually, too, they fade. Swallowed not by the darkness, but by the Hero of Space, steadying herself.
"Serenity... are you ready?" She asks, her voice shaky, but stronger now.
"I'm ready," Serenity responds.
Jade closes her eyes. She stops takes her focus outwards, into what little is left of the space surrounding them, and the will that she feels with it. Out into the first guardian instincts that became a part of her when she'd fused with Bec, all those years ago... or was it just a few days ago? It all seemed so confusing now, but- No! She had to focus.
Serenity, clasped in the girl's hands, watched as the darkness around her swelled into a kailedoscope of green light - blinding. She flew out of Jade's hands as she opened uo her fingers, and as the bug found herself growing too big to comfortably rest in her grasp. What came after that - well, it would be hard to describe from the firefly's point of view, as everything after that felt like an indescribable metamorphosis. Like everything was melting down and into itself. Not just her body, but the universe around it - even the darkness too. Everything growing, melting... birthing a new universe within her increasingly eldritch body.
And Jade was right. It didn't hurt. It felt beautiful, yet impossible to describe in the words of physical and mortal life.
Jade kept her eyes closed, just focusing on whatever this process that was occurring was. The will of the universe, and... her friends. All those memories that existed within Serenity, like souls waiting to be brought back to the physical realm. Jade focused on those, her own memories, her own bonds. She just had to focus. She just had to focus. She just had to-
Suddenly, she was waking up. Disoriented and dizzy, she opened her eyes, only to raise a hand to block the sun pouring in from the sky above. Was it all a dream...?
"Jade. Jade. Jade, hey, JADE,"
A familiar voice was beside her, jostling her awake, and forcing her to wake up properly.
"Ugh, Dave, what is it!" She responded, in a half jokingly annoyed tone, as she tried to make sense of the situation.
"Oh thank god she's awake. GUYS! SHE'S AWAKE!"
Jade flinched at the yelling in her ears, but admittedly, was so incredibly relieved to hear his voice, and to hear that others were here too.
"Jade, what happened? Everything was disappearing and I was trying to save every body but I couldn't and- Was it real? Do you know? Is everything okay now? What was all of that about?"
"Hush. She only just came to, she's going to need a moment to come to her senses. It's like none of you have ever experienced a "coming back from the brink" experience before."
Jade sat up, overjoyed to have her closest friends all here beside her. She laughed. And she kept laughing. She was so happy! How could she not?
"Uhh, Jade... Are you okay?" John/June asked in a tone that expressed worry, but was just so funny to the Harley right now.
"Of course I'm okay!" She yelled, perhaps a bit too enthusiatically. "I didn't know if that was going to work, I thought I'd lost you all, yet... Is anyone else here? Is it just you guys or... did it really work?"
"Everything seems to be back in working order," Rose responds, perhaps a bit cautious for Jade's mental state after such an ordeal. "What in the world did you do?"
"It was incredible! You're not going to believe this..."
And so she shares with everyone what she did, the universe exists once more, and the firefly comes to be revered with much love and respect from all.
Thank you to everyone who participated in polls. It was a joy to host this, especially with the enthusiasm that so many of you brought to the table! And now we have our grand winner, Jade, who would do anything to make sure the joy of her win was shared amongst all the people she cared for. Congratulations Jade, and all of her friends and supporters!
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slasheru · 9 months
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this scene is so sawyer coded
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m1dnitefloat · 6 months
igloo :]
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AO3 Link
Summary: In Cybertron’s war-torn southern hemisphere, Elita One and her team prepare to defend the final Autobot outpost in Sector S-19 – if they can learn Shockwave’s plans before it’s too late. In the ruins of an ancient city, Shockwave creates what will be the last weapon the Decepticons ever need – if he can control it before it turns on him. And deep underground, an Autobot spy far out of her league makes contact with someone so old the planet has all but forgotten him...  
Continuity: AU Transformers Bayverse (not including BB18) Rating: M / R Relationships: Greenlight/Lancer, Hound/Mirage, Chromia/Elita One Characters: Elita One, Chromia, Firestar, Red Alert, First Aid, Prowl, Shockwave, Mirage, Riella (OC), Electron (OC) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (canon-typical for Bayverse but treated as people damage and not robot damage), Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Dubious Medical Ethics, Moral Dilemmas, Bittersweet Ending
Now complete, after eight years of work! I haven’t had time to crosspost it to Dreamwidth yet (that’s a project for later), but all thirty-one chapters are finally up on AO3, with a nice shiny new summary that reflects the fic a little better than the original and some updated tags.
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 6 months
The Semi-Finals are Over!
The results are in and the two men you have chosen to go forth and prepare for a final duel to prove once and for all that they the hottest Jane Austen man are Mr Darcy and Captain Wentworth!
Colonel Brandon fought a hard campaign but when up against Mr Darcy it seems he is just the kind of man whom every body speaks well of, and nobody cares about; whom all are delighted to see, and nobody remembers to vote for.
If you loved Mr Knightley less you may have been able to talk about it more though with the amount of propaganda sent in I'm not sure that would have been possible but before we say goodbye to these two men they must fight one more time to see who is the third hottest Jane Austen man. This poll will be 24 hours and starts now!
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
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Week four of Stricklake month: Water
Barbara Lake once thought she was dating a normal man. Until she found out Walter Strickler was actually a shape-shifting MerTroll.
Now that she and Jim are moving away from sea at the end of summer, Barbara realises she wants Walter to come too. The only thing is, could Walter part from the ocean for her?
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sysig · 9 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: 2023 Art Purge (Original Doodles)
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: 2023 Art Purge (Fanart Doodles)
2:30 PM: Handplates
2:30 PM: Handplates ft. Fellplates
2:30 PM: Sona reacts to Handplates
2:30 PM: Handplates dream +4.20PM Bonus: Cleaning comparisons Behind-the-Scenes
2:30 PM: Handplates
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
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august ninth
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