#The lemon taste is something you choose to add
stillwinchester · 11 months
They're in the Dean-Cave, watching some TV show about preparing the wedding. The couple is choosing the cake. They tried chocolate and vanilla flavours, and now they taste the lemon one.
“Come on! Why is it always the wedding cake?! We would have the pie on ours!” shouts Dean, focusing on the screen. Cas gives him a confused look. What did he just say?
“We?” he asks, but Dean ignores it, talking about the pie details.
“Yeah! You know, the fancy one. Three-tiered pie, crusty, five flavours, you can even put these little dudes on top... A little masterpiece! And definitely not a cake!”
Cas is looking at Dean, surprised. Of course, he dreamt about something like this many times, but he knew Dean doesn't feel the same way. It might be a nice thought, but it's impossible to come true. He had to mean his wedding with someone else, of course, not with Cas.
“And we would have beer. Not just champagne!” adds Dean.
“It would be outdoor. A warm Saturday in May or June. I would choose gardenias and peonies,” says Cas slowly. He doesn't know why. Maybe he just wants to be a part of it. A part of the beautiful dream. But this is the moment Dean realizes what he said before. He looks at Cas back and opens his mouth. No word escapes it first. They're just staring at each other, like many times before.
“I would fix your bow tie,” he whispers eventually, continuing this weird game between them.
“I would kiss the groom.”
They don't know who closes the gap, but Cas thinks that the kiss is worth sacrificing the most wonderful wedding cake in the world and having pie instead of it.
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slutforsnow · 7 months
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Chapter 11 :3
TW/CW: Talk of Sunni's dead dad/talk of O.D. (overdosing)
“You're not gonna tell me are you?” Sunni eventually asked, yawning as the sun slowly started to rise. It was around 6 am now and the duo had been playfully rolling around on the bed, teasingly wrestling for the past 45 minutes—mainly for Sunni to try and get whatever was bothering Coriolanus out of him. Currently, she was being quote unquote ‘crushed’ by him as he was half-way laying on her, but he wasn't putting his full weight on her, or so she thought it wasn't his full weight, but didn't mind it as the cuddly position reminded her of how she'd come cuddle her dad while her ma was out doing something.
Sunni was a big cuddler growing up and when she had lost her father, she stopped looking for cuddles and began to give people cuddles whenever she got a feeling someone needed it. And to her, Coryo needed cuddles.
“Nah, not now. You don't need to worry about it,” Coriolanus told her, pressing the cold tip of his nose against the bridge of her nose. He could practically taste the lavender and lemon scented shampoo & conditioner she used for her shower hours earlier.
“Alright, alright, but before everyone else wakes up, can I show you a place? Pretty please?” She asked, pushing him onto his back and resting her head on the back of her hand.
“It's six am,” Coryo began before pausing. Sunni was looking so beautiful in the morning sunrise. Her hair was mildly messy, in a loose braid over her shoulder. Wisps of her hair cascaded down her face, almost blending in with her freckles. “You have freckles..”
She smiled at his sudden change of words. “I do indeed have freckles, Cori. You just noticed?”
“Never gotten the chance to truly study your face without it being considered weird,” He answered, shrugging and sitting up so his back was against the headboard. He brushed a strand of her hair out of her face, smiling a bit. He liked being really calm around her; not having to worry about something she'd say, raising his pulse because she was so easygoing. So sweet and cautious of her words and how he'd react. If he thought about it, Sunni was the only non-family person who didn't know about his I.E.D. and treaded lightly to not anger him but didn't keep herself guarded. She truly trusted him.
“Alright, yeah, that's true cause for the past 2 months I've been up Festus’ ass and we're always around Sejanus. But could we take the opportunity to get out so I can show you something?” She inquired, laying on her back. Resting her hands on her tummy, she looked up at Coryo, smiling at how… angelic he looked. From her angle, Coryo looked absolutely ethereal, and she couldn't believe he was real. She felt like she was in a dream or a fairytale; everything felt too perfect to be real right now.
“Okay, yes, you can show me. As long as we're back before anyone else wakes up,” He agreed, earning a large smile from her.
She chirped a little yay and went to her closet to choose an outfit for the day. Meanwhile, Coryo got up and stretched, smiling at the ruined bed that they had tangled themselves up in and out of. He could almost cry; this hotel bed looked more lived in than his own bed back home, and he wasn't mad about it because Sunni brought him to life. She gave him a reason not to be angry.
Silently getting his phone, he waited for Sunni as he watched the sun continue to slowly peak over the mountains as far as the eye could see. Coryo smirked; he wondered if Sunni was named Sunni due to the immense heat or the blistering sun. Then he frowned.
‘No, no, her parents would've picked a more sophisticated reason for her name. Maybe she has another name but goes by Sunni as a nickname,’ He thought to himself.
Hearing the bathroom door open, he perked up and smiled contently at her outfit choice. She was wearing what seemed to be a ruffle asymmetry A-line saffron maxi dress; her heels were gold wire type of heels that did not add much to her height. Coryo had seen Tigris make something similar, so he assumed he was right and by the looks of it, even in a dark hotel room, he was.
“You ready, Cori?”
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Coryo was very much not ready to be brought to a grave. Especially not one as beautiful as this.
“It's my daddy's grave,” She told him softly, tucking her dress under her knees and sitting on the dirty grounds beside her father's tombstone. Coryolanus was speechless. He didn't think Sunni would bring him here and he certainly wasn't expecting Sunni to be raised by a single mother without any signs of gaining a step-father. “I come here every morning to visit him, ya know? To be closer to him.”
Coryo looked at Sunni, seeing as she took off her heels and let her toes wiggle in the dirt. The tombstone itself was maybe the width of the shower back home and was probably made of granite or something similar to show respect for the late Mr. Plinth.
“How'd he die..?” Coryo questioned slowly, watching Sunni pick a weed out of her father's tombstone vase and toss it aside.
“Drug overdose,” She told him, leaning against her dad's tombstone and shutting her eyes. She felt closer to her dad when she did this and it made her feel like his ghost was hugging her from the other side. “He was stressing about finances and he went for a walk… daddy never came home that night. They found his body few miles out by the train tracks and discovered a bunch of puncture wounds—one new, a bunch old. No one suspected a thing. Had his funeral right here… a week before I turned 6”
“I'm sorry, Sunni.”
“What are you sorry for, Cori?”
“That you had to deal with that so young,” He replied and she shrugged softly.
“It's okay. I think without daddy's death, I wouldn't… I wouldn't live up to my name.” Seeing Coriolanus’ puzzled expression, Sunni continued. “Daddy always told me to smile and focus on bein’ happy with myself before tryin’ to make others happy. Even in the saddest of moments, there's still something to smile about. Like sunflowers. Even in the harshest of rains, they still rise and grow… I'm glad ma and daddy named me after sunflowers. It's very fitting, don'tcha think?” She added, looking at Cori. He was stunned. Sunni always seemed like the kind to have the perfect life. Perfect childhood; both parents, only child so there was no fighting over the inheritance, perfect cousin, lots of money, perfect friends, with a perfect lover (one he'll replace, but that's taking time).
“Your parents chose the perfect name for the perfect woman,” He simply said with the faintest smile crossing his lips.
“Mhm. Sunni Girasol Alvarez-Plinth; it's a mouthful, but it's me.”
“I'm sorry, your middle name is Girasol?”
“Yeah, it's Spanish for sunflower!” Coriolanus snickered; girasol sounded more like a car part than the name of a flower, but he let it go.
“C'mon, let's head back before the rest get suspicious,” He said, pulling Sunni to her feet. She grabbed her heels, whispering a soft ‘adios, papá’ to her father's tombstone and walking side-by-side with him to the hotel.
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"Where were you both?" Sej asked, raising an eyebrow at Sunni and Coryo as they snuck into the lobby to the complimentary breakfast being provided by the hotel.
"I took Cori to meet dad," Sunni answered, joining her cousin sliding into a booth as Coryo slid in next to her.
"Ah, gotcha."
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion
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dr-trafalgar-law · 5 months
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Trafalgar Law X CisFem Reader
Every nine inch round pan you owned was out on the counter. Four perfectly iced cakes sat on the kitchen table. Each one a different flavor profile, different style of icing, different color. You were focused at what little space was left on the counter working a marshmallow buttercream with your favorite offset spatula over the fifth and final cake.
"We've talked about bringing work home with you." you were so absorbed in the cake you didn't hear your fiance get home.
"Ha-ha." you murmured back, turning as he entered the kitchen, "It's not for work."
His tired eyes scanned the room as realization settled in
"Oh, no." his gaze finally landed on you, "We talked about this too, F/N-ya."
"I just need help choosing," you gave him your best pout, "please?"
"I don't eat cake." he deadpanned.
"You haven't even tried. Just a taste?"
"Isn't this a waste, if you're just tasting them?"
"We're." you corrected, "And I can sell single slices at the shop."
He watched you add the newly finished cake to the table and then start to rearrange them by flavor. The small smile on your face as you concentrated and hummed tugged at him. It was very apparent that this was something that made you happy.
Who was he to deny you that?
Even with all of the trouble the two of you had - the thought of upsetting you stung.
He was starting to hate this feeling a little less.
"You're mad?" your pouting voice broke his train of thought.
He blinked realizing he'd been staring,"No-not at all. Give me a moment to change and we can tackle this."
The smile you responded with was unfair. Not only that, it was incredibly rare. In your short arranged relationship he'd only seen that smile twice. This was the first time it was directed at him and he didn't know what to do with that. For him to be the source of an expression that was so pure and joyful? He never thought he'd see the day - he never knew he wanted to. 
You continued to cut and plate the cakes while Law dipped out to change. He returned wearing tapered black sweats and a navy slim-fit long sleeved shirt.
"So, why are there so many?" he sounded more amused than annoyed as he took a seat.
"I can't pick a flavor and I want to narrow it down. Also this cake is representing us, so it should be something we like."
His eyes followed your movements as he tried desperately to not react to what you'd just said. How were you suddenly being so nonchalant about everything?
That probably wasn't quite the right term for it. After meeting Rocinante and exchanging numbers, Law noticed a shift. He wouldn't go as far as to say you were excited about planning - but you definitely weren't as disinterested as you had been.
"Ok… we've got -" you began pointing at the cakes while naming them, "lemon cake with a blueberry compote and lemonade buttercream, strawberry shortcake with a whipped marshmallow buttercream - my personal favorite, raspberry white chocolate with a cream cheese frosting, classic vanilla bean with a vanilla bourbon swiss buttercream, and finally double chocolate with an American buttercream." you hummed, "We could do a German chocolate cake I guess. The caramel is good but people can be weird about the coconut."
"I can see why there are so many now." your fiance murmured, "You don't have to keep adding to the list F/N. Why don't we just pick the one that's your favorite?"
"Maybe it's stupid, but it's important to me that we choose it together and not just because I like it." you looked up at him with big doe eyes.
He had to be sure you were never made aware of how dangerous your facial expressions were.
"Alright, let's get this started then. We'll save the strawberry for last." he reluctantly pulled the vanilla cake toward himself.
You let out a short laugh, "You don't have to look so upset. If you absolutely can't handle the cake then I'll just choose on my own. Also, I made you some onigiri for after."
"Thanks." he mumbled picking up his fork.
Your hopeful gaze was absolutely crushing him. He knew he'd feel guilty if he truly didn't like it. But he had never actually had cake that he could remember. He just knew the ingredients could be similar to bread which he didn't find appealing. Desserts weren't something he needed or really craved either.
How he managed to be paired with a pastry chef was beyond him.
The fork slid through the cake with ease. He took a deep breath before closing his eyes and taking the first terrifying bite.
You looked on with amusement. This fully grown man with a full medical degree was eating a slice of cake the way a six-year-old would eat green beans. You were surprised that he didn't gag.
Law was surprised to find nothing about this unpleasant. The texture of the cake was a little like bread but moist - not off putting as he had expected. The frosting was smooth and balanced.
"Be honest," you said, taking a bite for yourself.
He paused for a moment in thought, "Maybe a bit too sweet? I… don't hate it." a small simper tugged at his lips.
You nodded, taking mental note,"Maybe something tart would be better for you?"
The tasting moved on like this. Law was less reluctant with every slice. Each time he gave an honest critique. He liked the juxtapose of the tart lemon and sweet blueberries, but the lemonade frosting didn't land the way you'd hoped. The double chocolate was too rich, he wasn't a fan of chocolate really anyway. So far the raspberry white chocolate was his favorite.
"I'm so glad this is the last one." he sighed, "I'm not sure I can take much more."
"I'm sorry for torturing you, you poor baby." you chuckled, moving the final piece between you.
Last but not least was the strawberry shortcake. The way you had layered the slices of strawberries between the layers of cake was like something he'd seen on TV. It was more dense and as he examined the piece on his fork there were bits of green. Mint? The sponge also seemed to be soaked in pink liquid. You watched him as you were already on your second bite, wondering what he was analyzing so hard. Finally he ate it and hummed.
He hummed!
Not his usual incredulous tone.
He sounded surprised.
And he was… pleasantly.
The strawberries were sweet and tart, the cake was buttery, the marshmallow was light and just sweet enough but it all came together with the floral hint of basil - not mint.
Your eyes widened as he took a second bite.
"This one." he placed his fork on the half empty plate.
"You like it?" you asked standing with more energy than he could recall ever experiencing with you.
"I really do, as much as I hate to admit defeat," he chuckled,"this wasn't so bad."
You couldn't contain your excitement. Having Law like the food you made him always made you feel good, even when things were rough. But this felt almost like you'd won a Michelin star.
In your little celebration you'd moved forward and wrapped your arms around his neck. Law let out a surprised "oof" and hugged you back. This was the first time you had ever hugged him. Realizing you were basically in his lap, you pulled away slowly, the apology dying on your lips as he caught your gaze.
Had his eyes always had that little swirl of gold? How had you never noticed how beautiful they were? For a moment you just quietly stared at each other while the air around you shifted. As Law's left hand came up to wipe some frosting from your cheek the doorbell rang sending you to your feet. 
"I-I'll get it."
You could have just combusted on the spot. Quickly you straightened yourself up as you opened the door.
A young pink haired man stood next to a taller blonde. They both wore black suits and trench coats.
The younger man looked at you with a soft cordial smile, "Miss F/N L/N, we're with The NWO. We've got a few questions for you if you have the time."
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byhees · 2 years
strawberry jam.
엔하이픈 정원 ・ female reader + word count 1000 genre fluff roommates au college au warnings not proof-read — more
a/n. blank
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with the tip of your toes softly smacking the wooden tiling of the floor, muted echoes bouncing off the four walls of the living room, you grasped that you’d better stay quiet. it was one in the morning, and you had no business being up at this hour, knowing full well that you had a fully packed schedule ahead.
in your heart, you were channeling some inner gremlin, snooping around your dorm like some rodent. however, your stomach made the call, growling and gurgling horrendously loudly in the break of dawn. you weren’t going to ignore its cries for food any longer, because it was starting to get more distracting, preoccupying your mind with mindless thoughts, when you should have been fast asleep.
for you, at least, weird cravings were always popping up in your mind, clouding your concentration whenever you were doing something that was genuinely important. a recent one was strawberry jam.
you were always a fan of strawberries. with every bite, there would always be an explosion of an addictive hint of tartness, combined with the flavourful sweetness. the taste alone was capable of a fully fledged strawberry addiction.
as of late, you started being more adventurous with strawberry products, choosing to buy things like strawberry ice cream, strawberry gummies, strawberry flavoured drinks, and the like. unexpectedly, you never really experienced that same mind-blowing ‘click’ that’d usually come with natural strawberries.
understanding your own palate preferences only strengthened the belief that you hated artificial strawberry flavoured things. hence, you resorted to the world of youtube tutorials, and decided to make your own homemade strawberry jam.
it sounded simple. crush the strawberries till they’re mashed, add the sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan to begin stirring over low heat, boil the mixture, and store it in a cool, dark area; you had never expected for a seven minute video to be this life-changing, but you had been making your own strawberry jam for the last four months, fridge stocked up with jars of the jam.
feet cautiously tapping against the smooth tiles, you gingerly snaked your arms to grab onto the handle of the fridge, the shape fitting nicely in your grip.
this was the hardest part; opening the fridge without causing a ruckus. from past experiences, where you boldly swung the fridge door open, creating the most deafening noise, fracturing the fragile veil of silence, you learnt that you had to do the complete opposite.
you remembered the mortified look on your roommate’s face as he turned the corner, expecting to see some robber jacking his air fryer or something. he was visibly relieved, yet appalled, when he caught sight of your fluffy winnie-the-pooh pyjama pants, because in his opinion, there was no way a thief would steal something in such a ridiculous, eye-catching outfit; your roommate, jungwon, who couldn’t resist telling you off, nagging at you like you were committing a felony for eating buttered popcorn at two in the morning.
your previous experiences taught you well, because according to yourself, you had mastered the skills to silently open a fridge.
you began to grip on the fridge handle tightly, your non-dominant hand applying a bit of pressure on the door, as the side of your dominant hand slid itself in between the fridge door and the fridge body. fingers carefully and slowly tugging at the seal of the fridge, you felt your heart thumping and pounding as though it were a train on tracks, the sound blaring into your ears.
as your persistently pried the fridge door open, you could see the faint streaks of light peering through the opening, ‘inflaming’ the abyss-blackness of the kitchen. gently, you tugged on it for a few more seconds, the fridge door swinging open slowly without much resistance.
giving yourself a small pat on the shoulder for how successful your attempt was, you now relished in being able to munch to your heart’s content.
timidly, you reached for the familiar glass jar, which had a big sticker label pasted diagonally on its surface. it read ‘y/n’s jam. DO. NOT. TOUCH’, so it was pretty self explanatory. the vermillion red hue of its contents seemed so incredibly tempting, even under the dingy light of the fridge. upon touch, you softly winced at the coolness of the material, your grip being rather frictionless with the gradual trickling of condensation droplets. you could feel victory approaching with fastened steps. just open the lid and grab a spoon, easy!
wrapping the lid of the glass jar with the hem of your shirt, you twisted it with much effort. to your dismay, there was a ‘pop’ that splintered the peaceful silence, fading into tintinnabulation. you could just sense jungwon stomping down the hall with his disheveled hair and his striped pyjamas.
the chilly air emitting from the open fridge now nipping and tingling against your chilblained feet, you could hear the vague sound of approaching footsteps.
jungwon had been sleeping rather peacefully actually, until his slumber was rudely disrupted by a sudden ping. he was half-awake, and still regaining his consciousness, as he stumbled down the dimmed hallway.
when he saw nothing that was particularly alarming in the living room, he turned to the only other place left— the kitchen.
the second he walked round the corner, he was blinded by the unpleasant burst of light. from the harsh squinting of his eyes, he could make out a glowing figure, which was frozen in its position. if he hadn’t recognised those neon-green mike wazowski shorts, he would’ve thought it was an angel, who was, for some reason, raiding his kitchen??
safe to say, jungwon gave you one long chiding for your occasional fridge scavenge, and he even went as far as to judge your preference to eat strawberry jam on its own, proclaiming that it was too thick and sweet to be consumed alone.
a night that was supposed to end with a pleased stomach, now ended with a debate regarding how one should eat jam.
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sol-draws-sometimes · 4 months
Lime vs Lemonade
Okay, as someone who grew up with limeade, every time I've had lemonade it always tasted off to me. At first, I thought it was the amount of sugar... but nope I'm pretty sure my dad adds a SHIT TON of sugar so I think I just prefer it with limes. (I may or may not have thought that lemonade with actually yellow lemons was just something people did in shows... yes you may insult my intelligence) ANYWAY, I GOTTA ASK!!!
Edit: My ass can't spell, apparently it's limeade. Anyway, that's all, continue voting! Also if you vote for pink lemonade/other, try to specify in the tags if it's not pink lemonade(that's on me forgetting to add that).
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Okay so im a massive tea snobdrinker. Love me my leaf juice. I love everything from old school Chinese to full English drowning in milk. If the OM cast had a signature tea, what do you think they would be?
Personally I can't see Mammon drinking anything but coffee, and Lucifer has a thing for premium aged Pu-er, but the rest elude me. Earl gray seems a little obvious for barbs, so I thought I'd ask an expert 😉
Also congrats on the 50k+ word fiction. Can't wait to read it! I'm seriously thinking of ways to put Pandora on page properly, of which you have her thanks.
Oh, thank you! It was never meant to be that long but here we are 🙃
I do hope you write Pandora's story if you're inspired to!! For me, it's truly the highest of compliments when someone says I've inspired them to write or create something... I hope you enjoy the journey!
Okay, okay, so tea.
I'm kind of a snob too but I also drink coffee... I like all kinds of fancy drinks! But I haven't really considered what I think the characters' signature might be so now I'm curious about it.
Lucifer is interesting because he's canonically a tea drinker - his and Barb's chatroom is called Tea Demons lol. And I think you're right, he's gonna go for the rare or more involved type of tea and the way pu-er is made that checks right out to me.
I kinda think Mammon would drink chai tea lattes. I don't know why, but something about that combo of spicy sweet just makes me think of him.
Levi doesn't strike me as a tea drinker much at all. He gives off massive energy drink vibes. But I could see him maybe going for some southern style sweet tea or like... an Arnold Palmer or something. An obvious exception would be if there was some kind of tea specific to an anime he was into lol.
They don't really talk about Satan drinking tea, but he absolutely strikes me as a drinker of tea. One of his hobbies is latte art so I could see him experimenting with tea lattes. But I think just for regular drinking, he would probably go herbal. Chamomile or mint or maybe lemon.
Asmo likes pretty tea so I assign him hibiscus tea. Either hot or iced, it's this gorgeous dark red. I also think he'd like to dump sugar into his tea and that actually makes hibiscus tea taste delicious imo. I also see him going floral in other ways like maybe having traditional black tea but flavored with rose or lavender.
Beel strikes me as a citrus guy. Orange spice tea. I could also see him enjoying something like peach tea. Or teas that are specifically made for like... giving you energy and such. You know for workouts?
Belphie probably drinks Sleepy Time tea lol. I mean that's probably too on brand but it'd be funny. Still, something soothing like chamomile is probably best for him.
I kinda get the sense that Diavolo will drink whatever tea Barbatos serves him. And I think he probably prefers Devildom varieties. But if he was going to have something from the human world, I'd have to go with acai berry tea. It's also dark red which gives me Dia vibes, but it's naturally a little sweeter than hibiscus so you don't have to add a ton of sugar.
Ahh Barbatos. I'm flattered you think of me as an expert. But it's hard to choose one for him because he seems to appreciate the flavors and uses of many different blends. However, if I was going to choose something, it'd be Jasmine green tea. Simple, elegant, with a subtle flavor profile that's easy to mess up if you don't brew it right, and a hint of floral. I could also see him particularly enjoying silver moonlight white tea - rare and harvested only beneath a full moon. That just feels like the kind of mysterious vibe Barb would like lol.
I think Simeon seems like he would also enjoy a variety of flavors, but I'd give him oolong. It's like in between black and green, smooth and sweet, just kind of perfect, like he is.
Solomon is the Earl Grey drinker. Classic and robust, with its black tea flavor enhanced with that little burst of bergamot. He might drink it black too but he likely puts milk in it. Though I can see him also enjoying it in latte form. I'm just imagining Satan making him London Fogs with cats drawn in the foam~
Mephisto probably drinks only Devildom tea lol. But if I'm gonna say what I think he'd be into rooibos. It's another red tea, so we've got his flamboyance, but it's more earthy in flavor than either hibiscus or acai which I think would fit his palate. Plus we know that he dumps sugar in his tea and I think a good rooibos could handle that.
Raphael strikes me as an English Breakfast tea drinker. Give him the classic black tea blend with some milk, but no sugar. I don't know why, it just feels no nonsense like him lol.
Lastly I give Thirteen matcha tea. Thirteen is different in many ways - the only female in the cast, the only reaper, etc. And matcha is tea but it's different and it has a unique flavor. And matcha powder can be used in all kinds of things, too. It's versatile. And I think all of that fits with her personality.
Oh dear I seem to have written an essay on tea. It's fine, it's fine, I'm totally normal about this I promise.
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Ultimis’ Favorite Things! (What Makes Them Happy)
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Tank Dempsey
A big chunk is revealed in his World at War bio. “Hand him a loaded weapon, a good woman, and something it shoot at and he’s happy.” Dempsey appreciates the simpler things in life. Anything that includes ass-kicking and a lovely lady by his side is enough to keep him grounded. A nice, cold beer would be nice as well!
Cats! He's a total softie about them. Tank actually owned several in his lifetime. As a kid, he had a calico cat named Sadie. She had a cat sibling named Mason, who’s fur was black and white. And then there is his orange tabby back home named Rocket. Rocket finds himself into a lot of mischief easily. Having zoomies around the house and stealing socks (and once munched on Tank’s $20 bill), he eventually calms down and Tank feels at ease having him purr on his lap.
Believe it or not, Tank does have appreciation for the great outdoors. He has a lot of fond memories about his Dad. A big majority of those memories take place camping in late summer. He finds it easier to ground himself when on a long hiking trail, birdwatching, making a campfire and canoeing. No fishing though, he will fistfight a mackerel.
Takeo Masaki
Peace and quiet. Complete solitude. He’s very introverted, perhaps to the point it’s been concerned that he’s a hikkikomori. But that won’t stop Takeo from finding a place with gentle atmosphere. A bonus if he can have a cup of tea as well, lemon ginger with a spoonful of honey to be exact.
His hobbies give his mind distraction. He enjoys tending to his small garden of flowers and a small bamboo plant. If he had to choose, he would say African daisies are his favorite flower. Takeo also loves Lily of the Valley, but knows they can be poisonous so he doesn’t have them. Other hobbies include meditation, reading, working on his memoir, keeping sharp on his combat training and his new interest in woodworking.
Takeo will light up if you have his specific type of witty humor. He isn’t always thrilled by crass comments. But there have been a few times he let it slide by for the sake of making light of a situation. The best I can describe it is that it tends to be a little snarky with some situational humor. It’s what helps him connect a bit better with Dempsey.
Edward Richtofen
I think it goes without question that he is a huge bookworm. But his taste is not what you’d expect. Aside from nonfiction involving scientific topics, he also enjoys romance novels. But he’d never confess that to anyone! One of his all time favorites is a theory written about the concept of time and quantum gravity research.
Edward has always dreamt of traveling. Technically, he is with the teleporter. But it’s not the same as having a getaway vacation like a train ride to the Swiss Alps or exploring a bustling city like New York. He recalls a few times where he tried to make a vacation out of traveling abroad for Group 935 and illuminati related purposes. And his family had visited Italy a few times in past summers as a child. Perhaps someday, he’ll be able to make this dream of his a reality.
Success, of course! Isn’t it obvious? When you’ve had so many colleagues und oppressors order you around, it’s enough of a drive to finally take control in your hands and to do things YOUR way! He’s a highly ambitious doctor. There is always a plan accompanied with a goal or purpose in the long run. The smoother things go, the more gleeful he behaves. Is that why he was so happy at Camp Edward?
I’m mad because knowing him, there is definitely one way to relieve his stress that we will NOT speak of. Ach, primitive simpelton! Instead, I’ll add that he has a soft spot for jazz music and stuffed animals (both real and the teddy bear kind)
Nikolai Belinski
There’s more depth to him than just your standard vodka answer. But we’ll kick things off and say yes he does enjoy a good drink. His favorite besides vodka is Țuică. But it’s SO strong he saves it for special occasions. And he has to drink it at home because he got kicked out at one of the bars he used to go to because of it.
Believe it or not, he’s an excellent cook! He can win the hearts of many with a warm meal. Nikolai enjoys making comforting stews to pelmeni to even bread baking every now and then. It was more frequent when he was sober but he still gives it a shot every now and then. Just as long as he’s regular drunk and not super drunk. Super drunk makes everything a bit disastrous.
Nikolai loves stories. He has many good ones to tell. But he also loves hearing from others about their lives. Nikolai also enjoys card games like blackjack or war. He’s an incredibly skilled player so if he asks you to play, know you have a real challenge on your hands
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claudeng80 · 1 year
How the cookie crumbles (Hallmark AU)
“What exactly is a cake tasting, anyway?” Obi drops his coffee and Shirayuki’s mostly-chocolate impostor on the table, then one of the shop’s signature giant cookies. This one has M&M’s in it.
“The last thing the baker needs to know from us is what flavor the cake should be.” Shirayuki breaks the cookie in half, ever so careful to make the sides exactly equal. “I picked my two favorite options from their list, and we get to go try them before choosing.”
“Fancy. What time do you want me to come back for you?” If it’s at least half an hour, that would give him time for a run to the grocery store- his empty pantry is generally just the way he likes it, but she said something about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yesterday and he’s been craving it ever since.
But his visions of peanut butter fade as she frowns. “Won’t you come with me? It would be so much nicer to have someone to share the experience with, and that way the decision isn’t just what I like.”
“You’re the bride, the cake is supposed to be what you like,” he growls, then cuts himself off with a sip of coffee. It burns his tongue, just like not saying that this is a job for her fiance, not his executive assistant.
“Come on, Obi, it’s cake,” she wheedles, and he crumbles like an M&Ms cookie.
“If that’s what you really want,” he answers, and she lights up like he’s said something that really matters. He stares into the depths of his coffee so she can’t see how happy that makes him, against his will. “Hard to turn down cake.”
She’s still bouncing as they walk the two doors down to the bakery. “This place has so many flavors, I was so proud of myself narrowing it down to just two. I think you’re going to like them!”
The bell over the door tinkles sharply and a wave of sugar-scented air rolls over them. He likes sweets as much as the next person, but it’s a lot. She owes him hot wings after this, and he’s going to make her eat one because it’s too funny not to.
He lingers by the window while Shirayuki talks to the lady at the desk, but she waves him over to a tiny table they have off to the side. There are only two chairs, and the white tablecloth has ruffles. It looks romantic.
“I’ve got samples of all four of the options you picked,” the baker says. “Any of them will work with the decorations you picked out, so that’s not a factor, you just need to let me know which you want. Different layers can be different flavors, too, if you prefer.”
“Four? I thought I only sent you two.”
“You did.” The baker nods to Obi with a slightly disappointed look on her face. “But so did he.”
This is where Obi usually objects. People flatter him with the guess simply because he’s the one standing behind her when she talks about weddings, but he knows where he ranks. He’s just the driver, the buyer of coffee, and the carrier of packages. The fiance is elsewhere. Busy.
But just this once he doesn’t leap to speak up. He meets Shirayuki’s eyes, waiting for her to set the baker straight, and she just smiles. Smiles at him, and then smiles at the baker. “He didn’t tell me that, but of course we have to try his preferences too. Thank you,” she adds, and the woman softens a bit.
“I’ll be right back with the samples. They can all be decorated the same, so we’ll talk about that after you’ve picked a flavor.” The baker chatters on, all her attention on the bride now that the groom’s opinions have been dismissed, and Obi has a moment to just sit back and watch.
Shirayuki has a smile that’s nearly impossible to resist. She thinks people look happy all the time, because when they’re facing her they can’t help it. Obi can’t help it, and she thinks the best of him too. It’s intoxicating.
The baker leaves, and Shirayuki turns back to Obi, grinning from ear to ear just because they can put a raspberry filling in the yellow cake Zen picked. He grins right back, helpless to resist.
He doesn’t even like lemon. But oh, he likes her so much.
The baker leaves the plate with another scowl at Obi. He shares her opinions of Zen’s taste in cake options, but holds his tongue until she’s gone. “Please tell me I don’t look like a vanilla cake kind of guy.”
Shirayuki sticks her fork into the white cake with a little more force than necessary. “I don’t think it’s fair to generalize…” Her gaze at the scoop of monochrome dessert she picks up is dismayed. “I don’t know what Zen was thinking, though.”
Obi gets his own bite, a fraction the size of Shirayuki’s. “Cheers,” he says, raising his fork, and together they eat cake.
“It’s, um…” Shirayuki puts down her fork with a sense of finality.
“Very white,” Obi finishes.
“The icing’s tasty,” she adds.
“Not too sweet,” he agrees. He likes a sweet cake as much as the next person, but sometimes it’s too much.
She’s trying not to say something, but he waits. A minute of silence and the truth comes bursting out. “I really don’t want a wedding cake that’s this boring!”
With one finger, Obi spins the plate sitting between them. “Good thing there are more options.”
One slice is the lemon raspberry. Another is a pale color, not quite white. “Rum spice,” she says, and Obi takes a closer look.
“Sounds good to me, but I thought you’d want your groom awake-” He shuts his mouth on any mention of the wedding night. Zen’s gotten tipsy on candy before. Cough syrup knocks him out. As delicious as it sounds, any alcohol in his food is a risk.
“Oh, I forgot.” Shirayuki slaps a hand over her mouth. “I guess it’s out of the running, then.”
“Did you forget you have no alcohol tolerance either?”
“I can handle cake.” She doesn’t bother with a fork, just breaks off a chunk with two fingers and sticks it in her mouth. “Mmm.”
The chance to be the civilized one is too good to pass up. Obi takes the next fork off the stack, delicately cutting a straight-edged piece off the rum cake. Shirayuki watches every move, so he takes his time about it. It must be good, the way she looks like she’s going to snatch it right out of his hand, but it makes it to his mouth without incident. He can’t help a moan too.
“I know, right?” Her face is red, but she reaches for the next piece of cake. This one’s speckled, a kind of brownish-orange, and he has a bad feeling about it.
“Mmm.” Shirayuki’s eyes roll back, and Obi bites his tongue. Things like that are not for him to notice and certainly not for him to comment on, but it’s not crossing the line to just enjoy the sight. Her eyelashes are crimson against her skin as she savors the bite, throat working at last as she finishes it, but they snap open again, catching him watching. “You have to try this carrot cake, Obi.”
“Oh, no. Vegetables are vegetables and cake is cake. I’m not crossing them.” His fork clatters against the plate, decisively.
“But it doesn’t taste like vegetables, it’s good-” she takes another bite, small like she’s saving it for something.
“I’m glad you like it. Is that the wedding cake, then?”
Her jaw sets. “I don’t think it’s a fair contest if you don’t taste all of them.” She sets aside her fork, scooping up a sizable bite with her bare hand. She leans forward, half out of her chair, holding out the piece like a treat for some kind of reluctant pet.
“You aren’t serious,” he says, but in the depth of his gut he knows better. She’s so stubborn, and she’s got the look in her eye again. She’s going to do something rash. He laughs, because sometimes that defuses her, but no-
“Try me.” Her knee slides forward onto his chair, bracing between his legs, and his laugh falls to nothing. Her free hand grabs his shoulder, and she pulls herself half into his lap, waving carrot cake in his face.
This is more than he can be expected to take. He shakes his head, weak in the face of her, and she laughs and presses the attack. As in she presses the chunk of cake right against his lips. Her hair is wild around her face and her eyes are dancing, and he can’t deny her when she wants something from him that badly. He opens his mouth.
More cake than he would like reaches its destination, but still it’s only about half of what she’s trying to force on him. The rest falls to crumbs against his lips, and without thinking he tries to catch them with his tongue.
What he catches, instead, is her hand, smooth and hard against the flat of his tongue.
She snatches her hand back, and crumbs cascade to the floor like a handful of sand. They patter to a stop in the sudden silence, but he can't tear his eyes away from hers.
She sees him. The facade he's built lies in shards among the cake crumbs. Every time he's held his tongue when she's sad Zen is neglecting her hangs around his neck like a stone. It's as though he's said out loud, "I would never treat you like that."
Her elbow flexes, pulling her closer for one heartbeat that skips beneath her fingers, not daring to imagine any outcome but flight, and then she springs back from his chair. Her hip sends the cafe table rocking, her foot tips over her chair, and she pauses out of reach and poised to fly.
"Is everything all right?" The bakery door bangs against the wall and Shirayuki bolts upright.
"Thank you but the wedding's off!" She shouts, and she runs.
Obi swallows the carrot cake in his mouth, moist and sweet and yet somehow dry as ashes. It takes another minute for his heart to beat again, the dull thudding in his chest all too familiar. He may not understand, but he knows what comes next. He's never smiled a faker smile, set the chair back up with such care. "What was that all about?" asks the baker.
"Nerves," he answers, hating every word. "The carrot cake was her favorite, though." He stacks plates, putting on a show of unconcern while every moment she gets further away, then picks up the bag she left behind.
"Go, go," the baker says. "I see this all the time. A nice apology and everything will be fine. It's probably not even your fault."
"If only," Obi says. He looks from her down to the cake leftovers scattered across the serving plate. “Can we take the rest of this to go?”
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cakenbakes02 · 11 days
Discover the Sweet World of Cake N Bakes: Your Go-To Bakery for All Occasions
 If you're on the hunt for delicious, handcrafted treats, look no further than Cake N Bakes. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, hosting a special event, or simply craving something sweet, Cake N Bakes is the ultimate destination for all things indulgent. Specializing in a variety of freshly baked cakes, cookies, and pastries, this bakery has earned a reputation for quality and creativity. With a wide selection of flavors and custom designs, Cake N Bakes offers something for everyone, ensuring that each bite is a delightful experience.
Why Choose Cake N Bakes?
Cake N Bakes is more than just a bakery; it’s a place where passion for baking meets artistry. Every cake and dessert is made from scratch, using the finest ingredients to ensure a delicious and memorable treat. The bakery’s commitment to freshness is evident in every product, from its fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth cakes to its crispy, buttery cookies.
The team at Cake N Bakes understands that a cake is more than just a dessert – it’s the centerpiece of your celebration. That's why they work closely with customers to create custom designs tailored to specific themes, whether it’s a birthday, wedding, baby shower, or corporate event. Their attention to detail, coupled with their artistic flair, sets them apart from other bakeries in town.
A Menu That Leaves You Spoiled for Choice
One of the best things about Cake N Bakes is its extensive and mouth-watering menu. From classic flavors like vanilla and chocolate to more adventurous options like red velvet and lemon zest, there's something to satisfy every palate. Their cakes come in various sizes, from small personal cakes to multi-tiered masterpieces, perfect for large gatherings.
In addition to their stunning cakes, Cake N Bakes also offers an array of other baked goods, including:
Cupcakes: Perfect for parties or small gatherings, these bite-sized delights come in a range of flavors and can be decorated to match your event theme.
Cookies and Brownies: Indulge in chewy, gooey cookies or rich, fudgy brownies, made fresh daily.
Pastries and Tarts: Whether you're looking for a flaky croissant or a fruit-filled tart, Cake N Bakes has it all.
Custom Dessert Tables: For larger events, Cake N Bakes can create a custom dessert table filled with an assortment of their best treats, designed to impress your guests.
The Perfect Cake for Every Celebration
At Cake N Bakes, no request is too big or too small. Whether you're envisioning a simple yet elegant cake or a grand, multi-tiered showstopper, their team of skilled bakers and decorators can bring your vision to life. You can also add personal touches with custom flavors, fillings, and decorations to make your cake as unique as your event.
Their portfolio includes cakes for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and corporate events, each one crafted to match the occasion perfectly. Cake N Bakes offers convenient online ordering, ensuring that your dream cake is just a few clicks away. And with their reliable delivery service, you can rest assured that your cake will arrive fresh and on time.
Quality, Freshness, and Customer Satisfaction
At Cake N Bakes, the customer always comes first. Their team is dedicated to providing not only delicious baked goods but also top-notch service. They take pride in exceeding expectations with every order, ensuring that each cake is a testament to their commitment to quality. All products are made fresh daily, guaranteeing a superior taste that will have you coming back for more.
Whether you're planning an intimate gathering or a large event, Cake N Bakes promises to deliver the perfect centerpiece that will wow your guests and satisfy every sweet tooth.
Order Today from Cake N Bakes
Ready to elevate your celebration with a stunning cake or delightful dessert? Visit Cake N Bakes today and explore their range of products. Whether you stop by their bakery or place an order online, you'll find a wide variety of treats that will make any occasion special.
In conclusion, Cake N Bakes offers the perfect combination of artistry, quality, and flavor. With their wide range of custom cakes and baked goods, there’s something for everyone. Don’t settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary – trust Cake N Bakes to create something unforgettable for your next event.
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tea-and-stories · 23 days
2.  A spoon full of syrup…
Hi, it’s me again… I honestly don’t know why I bother with this, but I just can’t stop to think about that mysterious tea shop… And, no, before you ask, this has not become an obsession… yet.  It just pops in my mind every now and then, like when it’s getting boring and tedious in class or when I’m making simple syrup with the flavor of earl grey tea instead of reading my books and taking notes. It’s quite simple in fact, here is my recipe in case you wanted to know:
1 part sugar
1 part water
1-2 teaspoons of loose-leaf tea (in this recipe it’s earl grey or choose whatever you like)
lemon juice (optional)
A container of some sort, like an old jam jar.
First boil the water up, and let it cool for a while.
Then add the loose-leaf tea in and let it steep for a while, or to your taste.
Sift out the tea leaves and bring the tea-infusion to a boil and add in the sugar.
Let it boil up and make sure all the sugar is dissolved.  Add lemon juice if you want a bit more sourness to the sweetness.
Let it boil for a little while or longer if you want a thicker syrup.
Let it cool down for a bit.
Pour it in your clean container and cool it completely down before you can store it in your fridge or use it.  It is supposed to be shelf-stable for about 6 months.
And I’m procrastinating again, I should be studying. Eh… who cares.  Any ways... you all are here probably to get updates on that tea shop. Well, I’ve been looking and looking... I even tried searching it up online, but without an actual name of the store, and without being sure about the location it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Completely impossible.  
To be honest, it was probably me daydreaming along, or maybe I just convinced my self to believe something like that existed. I was really exhausted that day, and if you’re tired, your brain can be pretty creative sometimes.  I still have some hope left to find it so this is not the last you will see from me. I will continue this search, and I will let you guys know what I’m doing along the way…  err... not everything though, this is not a report or a very personal diary. See it more like I’m writing letters or a blog of sort to someone out there I never have met, telling a story someone might like.         
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botheringlevi · 11 months
Hello Levi, I hope you’re well. For the ask game, I’m very curious about 16 and 20.
Thank you! ☺️
Right. I'm fine, thanks.
16. name the one meal you are an absolute pro at making, bonus points for sharing the recipe 
I cooked before, for all that's worth. Back then, it was just a side effect of my experiences. When you can barely find a crumb of food, and it's not just laying around—and even then, you can't say it's not rotted until you get your hands on it—you learn how to make something out of nothing. That's all I did, but once I had the money to buy ingredients, it got to my head, and I made something on a whim. For Underground standards, it wasn't bad, and I had it so much when I was a kid that I should've been sick of it at that point.
I never heard it called anything else other than boiled cereal. Rice, or buckwheat if I could ever get my hands on any. It needed salt and a lot of water. But if you wanted it to be any good, milk. Obviously that was worthless. Blink, and it'd go bad.
To make things worse, it needed to be boiled for six hours. It didn't taste like anything, but it was filling. That's all that mattered.
It was better with milk. So much that I was drowned in compliments. Hange would somehow track me down at least three times a day and beg me to make more.
Actually if I remember right... after Hange became Commander and the Scout Regiment was seven or eight members strong, it was as good a time as any to update personnel files. Next to my actual rank, Hange added 'chef' in the smallest letters imaginable thinking I wouldn't notice. Obviously I'm talking about it now.
I could still go to some gourmet restaurant and pass boiled cereal off as something edible. Onyankopon isn't a fan, not that I blame him. He tried.
So I figured out something everyone could stand. It was a pain in the ass because the only vegetable Connie seriously enjoys is broccoli.
So it came down to chicken divan. It's technically a casserole, so I don't have to slave away making it over and over again for just one dinner.
I never measure ingredients. So I had Falco looking over my shoulder and this is what he came up with.
2 cups of cooked chicken. Slice them into chucks.
Grease a casserole dish. Boil 1.5 pounds of broccoli and use them for the base. Then take 2 cups of cooked chicken, slice them into chunks, and add those.
Mix together 2 cans of cream of chicken soup, a cup of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and 1/4 tablespoon of curry powder. In a bowl.
Pour all of that on top. Make sure it's even.
Top it with a half-cup of grated cheese, bread crumbs, and three tablespoons of margarine. It tastes better than butter.
Having an electric stove has helped for the last step. Bake it at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. If the breadcrumbs are burnt, you cooked it too long.
20. if you have a lucky item, what is it
I don't believe in luck. I don't think I ever did. Because of that, I worked harder to achieve my goals even when it was as simple—…ha, simple now—as surviving.
Obviously... almost everything outside you or me is out of our control. Sometimes you're one cent more broke if you'd just looked at the other side of the street, sometimes chance is deadly.
If I had to choose… I’d choose a sliding knife.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Can I have 🍄 and 💦 for Aisling, Raina, and Alyra? :3
Of course you can! :D
Tis the ask game
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Aisling: She's a sweet tooth. Her ultimate favourite thing is lemon custard cake, or anything with citruses. Or anything sweet with a memory linked to it. Embrium buds (sweet as per my headcanon) because she and her big brother ate them together, cookies because she... Well, Sera bakes them and she helps her cooking. Nectarines are her favourites too, she says they "taste like home" because she always ate them with her clan. She is a bad cook, can cook a couple of very basic things that will keep herself and others alive, but only on a campfire, and it's not anything you'll remember. Put her in front of a stove, leave her unsupervised and she'll either set the kitchen on fire, make the oven explode because "stuff wasn't cooking so I got impatiens and helped it with magic". Invent a Rage Demon to blame for her lack of talent.
Raina: Cotton candy because Malcolm used to buy it to her at festivals, to cheer her up when she was sad, and just to make her smile. She gets emotional for cotton candy. She loves Orana's cooking, and particularly how she makes tomatoes and her bruschette. Orana always makes one bruschetta more, and that's always for Raina because it's her favourite. She maybe could learn to cook, but has not the patience for it. She can cook only ONE thing and that's the "Grand Hawke Stew". Which was Malcolm's idea to convince Leandra that they won't starve after they ran away and stayed a family tradition. It's basically a soup made from "whatever is in the pantry at that moment, pour everything inside". Raina somehow always manages to make it taste nicely. Even if you see her pouring a whole jar of peanut butter inside. She really has no patience for anything else, maybe she can grill, but baking? Nope, she's terrible.
Alyra: Halla cheese. It's not something you find in human settlements, she's not so sentimental but she misses that and makes her feel good. She has a soft spot for Alistair's prized grey lamb soup. She is a soup girl. Something warm and earthy, full of herbs, and she'll settle down with a smile. It reminds her of home, it reminds her of the Blight and of meals shared with her friends. Soup is nice, soup is a warm hug. She is the best cook of the three, she'll tackle cooking as she tackles everything else in her life: methodically and with a purpose. She'll get a recipe and follow it, add some spices of her own, measure timings precisely. She'll get you nourished and she'll get you happy with what she serves you. She'll be better at cooking than at baking, but purely because she strongly prefer savoury dishes to desserts.
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
Aisling: Already answered here!
Raina: In canon I saved both twins. It's not that I don't like starting it with a death, it's just... I saw Leandra blaming Hawke and that was a little unsettling for me. Again, Raina is the blorbo I accidentally poured too much of me into (except I can cook and I can bake and am still learning knitting) and... Again, see Aisling, I'm ok with the drama, but there's a couple of things that... Are too much. That thing is something I'm deeply uncomfortable with and I think she would have come crushing down way before the ending of Act 2 with that on her shoulders as well.
Alyra: So, this is basically me not thinking through things when choosing dialogue options, LOL. But basically: Alyra facing the Landsmeet and saying that oh no I'll be the Queen, Alistar we can marry. In front of everyone. And Alistair needing to remind her that eh. You know. Wrong ear shape. That's... Not something I would have personally dismissed so easily as a writer, necessarily (maybe keep the option open to work through it... I'm speaking of years of machinations to make it plausible for everyone, and only available as an options on certain conditions, but still.). And realising it wouldn't have been a feasible option... That is basically Alyra's core fear condensed into one wrong dialogue choice, I kept it out of trust to my game but eh. I don't think she would have done it and in that shitshow that is the breakup with Alistair if you make him king and aren't a Cousland... That is the one thing I'd spare her, LOL. (Instead I'm evil and we keep it.)
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ferrishrtsloane · 1 year
We all love to bring home freshly cut flowers now and then, but regularly buying and maintaining real florals year round can be a big commitment, and that’s without even mentioning the cost.
With the range and quality of faux florals ever increasing, plastic or paper flowers offer a range of benefits compared to fresh flowers, including longer lasting beauty, little to no maintenance, and cost-effectiveness.
In this article, we’ll explore two different ways that anyone can brighten up their home with faux florals: centrepieces and garlands. Whether you’re looking for a pop of colour in your living room or a festive touch for a special occasion, we have ideas and inspiration for you to bring the beauty of flowers into your home for years to come.
Why not add some colour to your bannisters or mantelpieces? Garlands are often overlooked as a way of adding some botanical beauty to the home. And creating them isn’t as hard as you’d think.
Firstly, a good garland should include a strong foundation of grapevine or other trailing elements – enough so that your feature flowers have something to cling on to. You can tie bundles of faux vines together with twine until you’ve achieved your desired thickness or length.
Once you’ve created your base, it’s time to add some greenery. Artificial ivy and ficus offer a base layer that helps the colour of your feature flowers to pop. Try to get some good coverage here – tie enough on so that most of the grapevine you added to your base is hidden.
Last but not least, add your feature flowers. These can be anything you like. Want cherry blossoms that last all year round? Or perhaps you want to bring a taste of Italy to your home with Sicilian lemon picks. Anything goes here, and you can be as neat or as wild as you like. Try spacing your flowers out irregularly throughout the length of your garland to achieve a more natural look. Longer stems like bougainvillea are also great if you want some of your flowers to hang down. These can look especially beautiful draped over the tops of windows or doorways.
Why not check out the pre-made garlands we offer on our Etsy store? We use only the highest quality faux florals, so you can rest assured that you’ll have a garland that looks just like the real thing, but without the short lifespan of real florals!
Table centrepieces
Faux florals can help you to create beautiful low-maintenance table centrepieces that add a touch of class to the dinner table. Whether you fancy yourself as a bit of a florist, or whether you’re making your first foray into flower arranging, the process is surprisingly easy.
First, choose a container – a vase, a bowl, or even a hamper basket left over from Christmas will do. Next, select your florals and foliage. Choose something that complements the colour scheme of your home. You’re spoilt for choice with the faux flowers available on the market – even metallic or neon colours are available if you’re looking for something a bit more ‘out there’ that will really grab the attention of your guests. Make sure you also gather some secondary foliage elements to make your feature flowers pop. Plants like ivy and eucalyptus make particularly great companions to your feature flowers, as they offer some beauty without stealing the show from your dahlias, daisies and daffodils!
To begin making your arrangement, start by placing taller flowers in the centre of your container, and arrange shorter flowers around the outside. Any empty space can be filled with your more leafy secondary foliage. Adjust the arrangement until you’re satisfied with the look. Don’t be afraid to experiment here – the longevity of fresh flowers means that you can tweak your arrangement periodically throughout the year. Nothing is permanent, so… go wild!
Last but not least, add any decorative items and accents to your heart’s content. Think ribbons, candles and other decorative ornaments. With Easter fast approaching, why not create an arrangement with miniature decorative baskets and eggs?
So there you have it – two easy ways that artificial flowers really excel in bringing life to your home. Why not check out our range of garlands on Etsy? They’re made from the highest quality faux flowers and look just like the real thing!
Have you put your skills to the test and beautified your home with any of our tips? Post your photo to Instagram and tag @ferrisheartsloane_ to let us know!
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
ik you're sleeping but i wanna talk about my fav enstars songs unit wise cus I love talking about songs
fine: The Tempest Night (very original i know /s) and Neo Sanctuary
Ryuseitai: their music is not my style. but Ryusei Hanabi. so so feel good
Eden: how do i choose,,,,,it may not look like it but Eden's music is the one i dig the most i love LOVE EDM,,,,,sigh. Eden's Psyche Butterfly.
Crazy:B: Honeycomb Summer,,,, even though all of their songs are bops
UNDEAD: both Nightless World and FORBIDDEN RAIN. but like. in different ways. to me Nightless World is Fireboy and FORBIDDEN RAIN is Watergirl (both gender neutral). do you get it
Ra*bits: sorry Ra*bitsP I don't vibe w their music at all. FALLIN' LOVE=IT'S WONDERLAND
Akatsuki: earlier i liked Kengeki no Mae before i got to know of the imperialism,,,,so Akatsuki Iroha Uta it is
Knights: sorry they aren't my type as well,,,,Mystic Fragrance or Knights the Phantom Thief
Switch: Romancing Cruise or Omoi no Kakera. their music is so *chef's kiss*
Double Face: =EYE=
Fusion Units: YORU NI KAKERU!!! closely followed by Artistic Partisan <333
this turned out too long LMAO im sorry
THE THING IS i don’t want to rank my favorites by unit because i’m literally biased and half of my favorites are just crazyb songs and like. none of them are akatsuki for ex.
anyways you don’t mind if I judge your taste!! right (it gets suuuuuper long)
fine: yeah no you’re totally right!! I respect you. I went and listened to the first few seconds of neo sanctuary and I feel like it’s a song I could definitely like?? pending judgement. I’ve got owaranai symphonia stuck in my head recently though,,,
Trickstar: …what song is that? (< clearly not a TrickstarP) I only know I really like rebellion star and I looove playing the beatmap of infinite star
Ryusetai: girl I know like One (1) song of their by name and it’s like comet HALATION or something and the only reason I know it is because of the last event
ALKALOID: HELL YEAH VERMILLION!!!!!!!!!!! but let me add kiss of life because it was like the first alkaloid song I listened to and I was like HOLYFUCKINGSHIT THIS SONG BANGS!!!!! set off my era of learning abt alkaloid and the main story. (living on the edge gets a mention as the honorary aira center song)
Eden: hey EDM and eden sound kinda similar dontcha thi(gets shot) ANYWAYS. I keep hearing about psyches butterfly but I’ve NEVER LISTENED TO IT !!!?!! sorry i’m basic but , THE GENESIS SWEEP !!!! don’t ask me how I remember but that song was the FIRST beatmap I played on eng.
Valkyrie: HEY ETERNAL WEAVING LIKER!!! I loove the little talking parts in it and the spam of notes at the start. also acanthe has my heart
2wink: LITERALLY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i’m a liiittle biased towards play tag cause I keep pfcing it and also LEMON SQUASH CHEERS (bc crazyb!!)
UNDEAD: PERSONALLY i’m in love with valentine eves nightmare cause it was the first undead song that made me like them (THE GUITAR SOLO!!!!! DO YOU HEAR IT))x nightless world is fun to play but a not really my thing.., I hear forbidden rain is really good though.
Akatsuki: you are speaking a Different language and I have no idea which akatsuki song is which. help. sorry tbh they all sound the same to me.
Knights: OKAY phantom thief isn’t too bad!! IT SHOULDVE WON THE POLL BTW im partial to silent oath cause its my event grinding song b I don’t actually like it that much. HAVE U HEARD PROMISE SWORDS THOUGH AAUUGUGHHHHHHH I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS ABOUT IT THAT MAKES ME GO DHJFKGNGKFFNFJ (aaand. grateful allegiance it’s the one ingame song I like rn)
Switch: SHUT UUPPPP OMOI NO KAKERA IS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD /lh . I Like switch a lot but also their music AND THE FUCKING DANCING is BYE. the ONLY one I like is Magic for your switch. natsume’s “shunte utsumuiteru my girl” HAS BEEN PLAYING ON LOOP IN MY HEAD THE WHOLE DAY HELP
MaM: Nods. but I mean,,,, as a solo unit his solo song should count too right???? so I’d have to say see you again is my favorite, sorry
Double Face: YEAHHHH THE VOCALS THE STAGE THE OUTFITS THE DANCING EVERYTHING IS CHEFS KISS !!!!! Stippling has my heart though <333 (god. the piano)
Shuffle Units: NEVER SHUTTING UP ABT MY ATOZ AGENDA!!!! I don’t get what’s so good about moonlight disco help. (also i’m gay so noir neige)
Fusion Units: YES.
HAHAHHA IMAGINE. MY RESPONSE BEING LONGER THAN YOURS. ok thank u this was super fun to read and reply too!! even if it took like three days. oops. anyways
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link1builder · 4 days
How to Choose, Customize, and Enjoy Your Perfect Cake
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Choosing the right cake for your event can be a game-changer, transforming an ordinary celebration into a memorable occasion. Best seller cakes, with their proven appeal and exceptional quality, are an excellent choice for making any event special. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of selecting the perfect best seller cake, offer tips for customization, and share ideas for making the most of your cake at your celebration.
1. Why Best Seller Cakes Are Worth the Hype
a. Proven Popularity
Best seller cakes have achieved their status through widespread appeal and consistent quality. These cakes have been tried and tested by many, ensuring that they deliver on taste, texture, and presentation. Choosing a best seller cake means opting for a product with a proven track record of satisfaction.
b. Exceptional Flavor and Quality
What makes best seller cakes stand out is their exceptional flavor and quality. These cakes are crafted with high-quality ingredients and meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every bite is a delightful experience. Their popularity is a testament to their ability to impress both visually and gastronomically.
c. Versatility
Best seller cakes come in a wide range of flavors and designs, making them suitable for various occasions. Whether you’re hosting a wedding, birthday, or corporate event, you can find a best seller cake that fits the theme and mood of your celebration.
2. Choosing the Right Best Seller Cake
a. Identify Your Event’s Needs
Consider the type of event and the preferences of your guests when choosing a cake:
Weddings: Opt for a classic and elegant design, such as a multi-tiered cake with sophisticated decorations like fresh flowers or intricate piping.
Birthdays: Choose a fun and festive design that reflects the personality of the guest of honor, such as a vibrant Funfetti Cake or a cake featuring themed decorations.
Corporate Events: Select a cake with a refined and professional appearance, such as a simple Chocolate Fudge Cake with subtle branding or clean lines.
b. Explore Popular Flavors
Popular flavors often make the best seller list because they appeal to a wide audience:
Classic Choices: Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Fudge, and Red Velvet are timeless flavors that are loved by many.
Unique Options: For something different, consider flavors like Lemon Blueberry, Matcha Green Tea, or Salted Caramel.
c. Consider Dietary Needs
Ensure the cake accommodates any dietary restrictions your guests might have:
Gluten-Free: For guests with gluten sensitivities, opt for a gluten-free version of a best seller cake.
Vegan: Choose a vegan cake for plant-based diets, ensuring it still delivers on taste and quality.
Reduced Sugar: If health is a concern, select a cake with natural sweeteners or reduced sugar options.
3. Customizing Your Best Seller Cake
a. Personalize the Design
Add a unique touch to your cake with custom design elements:
Custom Toppers: Use personalized toppers that reflect the theme of your event or the guest of honor’s interests.
Themed Decorations: Incorporate decorations that align with your event’s theme, such as edible flowers, themed figurines, or color-coordinated designs.
b. Experiment with Flavors
Enhance the cake’s appeal with creative flavor combinations:
Layered Flavors: Combine multiple flavors in a layered cake to offer a variety of tastes, such as Chocolate Hazelnut with Raspberry Cream.
Filling Options: Add interesting fillings like fruit compotes, flavored creams, or chocolate ganache to surprise and delight your guests.
c. Choose the Right Size
Ensure the cake is appropriately sized for your event:
Guest Count: Estimate the number of servings you’ll need based on your guest list. Most bakeries can assist with determining the right size.
Cake Tiers: Multi-tiered cakes are ideal for larger events and can also serve as an impressive centerpiece.
4. Creative Ways to Showcase Your Cake
a. Stunning Displays
Create an eye-catching display for your cake:
Decorative Tables: Set up a dedicated cake table with elegant decorations that complement the cake’s design. Use coordinating tablecloths, floral arrangements, and cake stands.
Lighting Effects: Enhance the cake’s visual appeal with soft lighting or spotlights to make it a focal point of the celebration.
b. Themed Accessories
Use themed accessories to enhance the cake’s presentation:
Custom Cake Toppers: Add toppers that align with your event’s theme or message.
Matching Tableware: Use tableware that matches the cake’s design for a cohesive look.
c. Interactive Elements
Engage your guests with interactive cake experiences:
Cake Cutting Ceremony: Make the cake cutting a special moment by coordinating it with a toast or other celebratory activities.
Mini Cake Stations: Offer mini cakes or cupcakes with various toppings, allowing guests to create their own personalized treats.
5. Where to Find Best Seller Cakes
a. Local Bakeries
Local bakeries are a great place to find high-quality best seller cakes. They offer the advantage of fresh products and personalized service. Visiting local bakeries allows you to sample cakes and discuss your needs with experienced bakers.
b. Online Cake Shops
Online cake retailers provide convenience and a wide selection. Look for reputable websites with detailed descriptions and customer reviews to ensure you receive a quality product.
c. Specialty Cake Shops
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Specialty cake shops offer unique designs and customization options. These shops can help you find a best seller cake that perfectly fits your event’s theme and requirements.
Final Thoughts
Best seller cakes are more than just a dessert—they’re a key element in making your celebration extraordinary. By choosing the right cake, customizing it to suit your event, and showcasing it creatively, you can ensure that your cake is not only delicious but also a highlight of your occasion. Embrace the joy of best seller cakes and make your next celebration truly special.
Have you had a standout experience with a best seller cake? Share your stories or ask for more inspiration in the comments below!
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hookahflavour7 · 5 days
Best Hookah Flavour in India: A Complete Guide to Top Choices and Trends
Hookah, a centuries-old tradition with roots in the Middle East and India, has gained immense popularity worldwide. The art of hookah smoking is not just about the experience; it’s also about choosing the best hookah flavours that enhance the pleasure. In India, hookah lounges have sprung up in major cities, and an increasing number of people are indulging in this social activity.
In this blog, we’ll explore the best hookah flavour in India, the trends in the hookah industry, and tips for selecting the right flavour for your taste. If you’re a hookah enthusiast or new to this world, read on to discover the top hookah flavours that are winning hearts across the country.
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The Rise of Hookah Culture in India
The hookah culture has evolved significantly over the years. Once restricted to traditional households and select cafes, it has now become mainstream in urban settings. Hookah lounges in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Pune offer a wide variety of flavours, catering to different preferences.
But what exactly makes hookah so popular in India? Several factors have contributed to its rise:
Social Experience: Hookah is often enjoyed in groups, making it a social activity that brings people together.
Relaxation: For many, hookah is a way to unwind after a long day. The relaxing ambiance of hookah lounges, coupled with soothing music, adds to the overall experience.
Flavour Variety: The availability of various hookah flavours has significantly contributed to its popularity. People can choose from fruity, minty, sweet, or even herbal flavours depending on their mood.
Now that we understand the popularity of hookah in India, let's dive into the best hookah flavours that you should try.
Top 10 Hookah Flavours in India
India is home to a vast array of hookah flavours that cater to different tastes. Whether you prefer something sweet, minty, or exotic, there’s something for everyone. Here are the top 10 best hookah shisha flavors in India that are a must-try:
1. Double Apple
Double Apple flavour is one of the most iconic and widely popular hookah flavours in India. The perfect balance of sweet and sour, it combines the taste of red and green apples with subtle anise undertones, which creates a unique and refreshing experience. This flavour is often the go-to for seasoned hookah enthusiasts due to its rich and full-bodied taste.
2. Mint
If you’re looking for something refreshing and cooling, Mint is your best bet. Mint-flavoured hookah gives you a cooling sensation with every puff, making it perfect for those hot summer days. It is also commonly mixed with other fruity flavours like watermelon or lemon to enhance the smoking experience.
3. Pan Rasna
For those who enjoy traditional Indian flavours, Pan Rasna is an excellent choice. This flavour is inspired by the Indian betel leaf (pan), offering a sweet and spicy taste. It’s perfect for those who want to explore unique Indian flavours while enjoying a smooth hookah session.
4. Blueberry
Blueberry is a favourite among those who love fruity flavours. It offers a sweet and slightly tart experience, with the rich aroma of blueberries filling the air. This flavour is especially popular among new hookah users who prefer something light and not too overpowering.
5. Lemon Mint
Lemon Mint is a great combination of zesty lemon and cooling mint. It’s a refreshing flavour that’s perfect for those who prefer a citrusy twist in their hookah session. This flavour also pairs well with other fruity flavours, making it versatile for different tastes.
6. Grapes
Grapes is another fruity favourite in the hookah community. This flavour is known for its sweet and juicy taste, reminiscent of fresh grapes. It’s a smooth and mild flavour, perfect for those who want a relaxing and pleasant hookah experience.
7. Watermelon
If you want to feel like you’re in a tropical paradise, Watermelon is a flavour you can’t miss. It’s sweet, refreshing, and light, making it perfect for casual hookah sessions. Pair it with mint for a more refreshing experience.
8. Peach
Peach hookah flavour offers a sweet and juicy taste with a slight tartness, similar to biting into a ripe peach. It’s perfect for those who enjoy mellow and fruity flavours. Peach also blends well with other flavours like mint and berry for a more complex taste.
9. Strawberry
Strawberry is one of the most popular fruity hookah flavours, offering a sweet and tangy experience. It’s a great choice for those who prefer a light and aromatic smoke. The flavour is often mixed with mint or cream for a more enhanced hookah experience.
10. Kiwi
Kiwi is a unique and exotic flavour that stands out for its sweet and slightly tart taste. If you’re looking for something different from the usual fruity flavours, kiwi is a great option. It’s light, refreshing, and perfect for a summer hookah session.
Flavour Blends: A Trend in the Indian Hookah Scene
One of the biggest trends in the Indian hookah scene is flavour blending. Rather than sticking to one flavour, hookah enthusiasts are experimenting with various combinations to create new and exciting flavours. Some popular blends include:
Mint with Fruity Flavours: Mint blends seamlessly with flavours like watermelon, lemon, and apple. The mint adds a refreshing touch, making the overall experience more enjoyable.
Double Apple with Cinnamon: Adding a dash of cinnamon to double apple creates a spicy and sweet combination that’s perfect for those who like bold flavours.
Blueberry and Peach: This fruity mix offers a sweet and smooth experience, combining the richness of blueberry with the lightness of peach.
Flavour blending not only enhances the hookah experience but also allows for creativity and personalization. Many hookah lounges offer customized flavour blends, allowing customers to experiment with different combinations.
Herbal Hookah Flavours: A Healthier Alternative?
As concerns over health and wellness rise, many people are turning to herbal hookah flavours as a healthier alternative to traditional tobacco-based flavours. Herbal flavours are made from natural ingredients like sugarcane, tea leaves, or herbs and do not contain nicotine. Some popular herbal flavours include:
Herbal Mint
Herbal Rose
Herbal Pan
Herbal Blueberry
While herbal hookah flavours offer a similar taste experience to traditional flavours, they do not produce the same head buzz since they are nicotine-free. However, they are gaining popularity among health-conscious individuals who still want to enjoy hookah without the harmful effects of nicotine.
Choosing the Best Hookah Flavour for You
With so many flavours to choose from, picking the right one can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Here are some tips to help you choose the best hookah flavour for your preferences:
1. Know Your Taste Preferences
Do you prefer sweet, fruity flavours or bold, spicy ones? Knowing your taste preferences can help narrow down your choices. For those who enjoy fruity and sweet flavours, options like Watermelon, Blueberry, and Peach are ideal. On the other hand, if you prefer something more traditional and bold, Double Apple or Pan Rasna might be a better fit.
2. Experiment with Blends
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavour combinations. Most hookah lounges offer customized blends, allowing you to mix and match flavours. Some blends, like Mint with Lemon or Strawberry with Cream, can offer a completely new and refreshing experience.
3. Consider Herbal Options
If you’re concerned about the health effects of smoking hookah, consider trying herbal flavours. While they may not have the same nicotine buzz as traditional tobacco flavours, they still offer a pleasurable smoking experience.
4. Ask for Recommendations
If you’re visiting a hookah lounge for the first time, don’t hesitate to ask the staff for recommendations. Most lounges have knowledgeable staff who can suggest flavours based on your preferences.
Hookah Lounges in India: Where to Find the Best Flavours
India has no shortage of hookah lounges where you can try these amazing flavours. Some of the top cities for hookah lounges include:
1. Mumbai
Mumbai is home to several upscale hookah lounges offering a wide variety of flavours. Some of the best spots include:
Sheesha Sky Lounge
Shisha Café
2. Delhi
Delhi’s vibrant nightlife is perfect for enjoying a hookah session. Popular hookah lounges in the capital include:
Soho Delhi
Zo Hookah Lounge
3. Bangalore
Known for its trendy cafes and lounges, Bangalore offers a great hookah experience at places like:
The Boozy Griffin
House of Commons
4. Pune
Pune’s hookah culture is growing rapidly, with top lounges like:
Café 1730
Afraa Hookah Lounge
Conclusion: The Best Hookah Flavour Awaits You
Whether you’re a seasoned hookah enthusiast or just starting your journey, India’s hookah scene has something for everyone. From classic flavours like Double Apple to refreshing blends like Mint and Watermelon, the choices are endless. If you’re looking for the best hookah flavour in India, start with our top 10 recommendations and don’t be afraid to experiment with different blends. Happy smoking!
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