#The pumpkin bread is appreciated though
whotookmysenbon · 5 months
*slides a box of hair and self care essentials, as well as a loaf of pumpkin bread*
Work at the bakery down the road, and the kids mentioned ya'. Biggest hoot they've had in awhile. If you went through hell, they didn't mean it. Just excited to meet a cool cat from the sound of it.
Sure hell is an understatement, but a couple mentioned they were sorry for the noise. This was their idea. I'm just a messenger.
Cheers m8, have a great day.
Again with the hair care? There is more to my personality than the amount of work I put into my appearence!
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witheredallium · 4 months
Feeling Feminine
(I don’t know where this would be on the timeline or if it would exist on the timeline, but here you go. Also, I’m calling Patient 66, Christy. AKA the one where Alex deals with gender issues.)
The day was off to a rough start. Alex had woken up and immediately knew that something was off. Alex huffed in front of their bedroom mirror, even trying to put on their favorite black and orange pumpkin sweater, but it didn’t do anything to help. Alex was thankful it was Saturday and didn’t have to go to work feeling like shit. Christy was visiting for the weekend, so when Alex went downstairs to make some toast, she quite quickly noticed something was off.
“Good morning,” she said, looking up from the newspaper she was reading at the dining table.
“Morning. Glad to see you helped yourself to my fridge already,” Alex noted the dirty plate and pan of scrambled eggs.
“Of course,” she smiled, setting down the newspaper. “Food always tastes better when you steal it from a friend’s fridge. You seem off. What’s up with you?”
“Eh, I don’t know,” Alex shrugged, plopping two pieces of bread into the toaster. “Just feel kind of weird today.”
“Weird how? Is something wrong?”
“Oh no, nothing’s wrong. I just feel like I don’t look right today.”
“Mm,” the woman hummed. “I understand that. What doesn’t look right?”
The bread popped up in the toaster and Alex began to spread the butter. “Well you know me, I’m not really a feminine person often. I mean, I do wear dresses from time to time to make me feel more feminine. But I didn’t really want to wear a dress this morning and my sweater didn’t help and I feel wrong. Like, I don’t feel feminine enough.”
Christy stood up and offered Alex a hug. They set down the butter knife and gladly hugged her. Christy’s hugs were the best and Alex hardly ever said no to them unless they didn’t want to be touched. After the hug, Alex grabbed their plate of toast and brought it back to the table to sit with Christy.
“I was going to paint my nails later anyway, so I could paint yours as well. Or, I brought along my eyeshadow that I could put on for you. Would either of those help?” Christy offered.
Alex lit up at the thought. They hadn’t tried either of those before, but it was definitely worth a shot. 
After they finished eating they cleared off the table. Christy had brought some light green colored nail polish, which Alex was pretty excited about. Although their favorite color was orange, green was a close second. Christy gently took one of Alex’s hands into hers. She hummed in appreciation for their healthy long nails and gently shook the nail polish bottle in preparation. Taking the cap off the bottle, she carefully covered each of Alex’s nails in the green lacquer. The paint was sort of cold at first before Alex got used to it. It was sort of mesmerizing for them to watch Christy paint their nails. Other than the awful smell, causing them to open a window, having their nails painted made Alex feel quite happy.
“Do you feel a bit better now?” the woman asked as she noticed their small smile.
Alex nodded, “A little bit.”
“Do you still want the eyeshadow?”
“Yes, please,” Alex nodded again.
Christy only had some bright blue eyeshadow with her and she knew it would look absolutely awful with Alex’s pumpkin sweater, and told Alex this. They shook it off, just wanting the experience of the eyeshadow than the actual look. Christy opened the small palette, took the small brush out, and filled it. She asked Alex to close their eyes and began applying the color gently. Alex chuckled softly, the brush tickled a bit and it was kind of weird not being able to see what was going on. Just as quickly as it began, it was over. The two got up from the table and went to the bathroom so Alex could see how they looked.
“Oh, man. Those colors do look terrible together,” Alex laughed with Christy softly chuckling along. They were happy though, because if you ignored the clashing colors, the eyeshadow did look nice on them.
Thanks to Christy, Alex felt quite a bit better now. They figured they would have to buy some nail polish and eyeshadow the next time they went out to the store. Alex thanked Christy by making lunch for the two of them. The rest of the day was spent chatting and chilling. There may or may not have been some wine shared while the two complained about work. Once Clyde had woken up for the evening, it laughed at Alex’s makeup for a solid two minutes before complimenting the nail polish and going outside to hunt. Overall, though Alex had a rough start, it was a pretty good day.
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So the devs for the Arcana actually posted the recipe for Selasi the Baker's pumpkin bread on their YouTube channel four years ago?!?
@helshollowhalls sent me the link because they know I like to make my own bread on my days off. Read below the cut for pictures of my attempt and my in depth review!
First off, this is an involved recipe. You can expect it to take 4 hours start to finish (for context, my normal weekly baking for 2 loaves of whole wheat bread takes about 2 hours). There's the dough itself, the pumpkin filling, and a glaze to go on top.
Here's what it looked like right out of the oven, before the cinnamon glaze:
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Here's what it looked like with the glaze on (please ignore the mess):
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And here's the loaf cut open:
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The original recipe says that the result should be a mildly sweet, mildly spiced bread. I'm sure that it normally is. However, it seems Asra and I share certain experimental tendencies when it comes to making food, because I ended up more than doubling the spices in the pumpkin filling.
The result I got was honestly one of the best sweet breads I've ever eaten. There's cinnamon in the dough, the glaze, and the filling, so the whole thing tastes really warm and comforting and homey. Don't let it fool you though, because (at least the way I ended up making it) the spices liven it up. It has cloves, all spice, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg besides the expected sugar, salt, and vanilla. It didn't call for cardamon but I added a respectable chunk of that anyways because it was sitting in my spice rack with all the others and I didn't want it to feel ignored. (And also because it was referenced as being in the rice pudding in Asra's route.) I also like making pumpkin soup through the winter, so my filling came out a little more watery than it normally would because I like to steam and freeze my own pumpkin puree.
The result I got was rich, sweet, soft, and flavorful enough that I was still tasting it after I brushed my teeth. The smell also lingered in my kitchen for days. The dough is enriched, meaning that it has eggs and milk and butter in it, which makes it somewhat like a cinnamon brioche. It would be like if a cinnamon roll and a pumpkin pie had a kickass loaf baby. The cinnamon glaze on top definitely added sweetness, but what I appreciated about it was how sticky and gooey the texture became because of it. Be prepared for delightfully messy eating.
If you're thinking, brainrot, the only reason you like this so much is because it makes you feel like you're sitting across from your beloved in the marketplace on a sunny Vesuvian afternoon, I'd say you're not wrong. It's a whole experience. However, after I had my first slice, I took it over to my family's place to share and fell asleep right after. By the time I woke up the whole thing was gone. My mom and younger sibling on their own admitted to eating at least two thirds of it before my dad could get to it. The other younger sibling got all of one (1) slice, poor dude.
100000000/10 will absolutely be scheduling four hours into my next day off to make it again.
(Side note - if you're looking for a trans malewife who cooks/bakes for fun and cleans up after himself and will spend four hours making something just because it's referenced in a romance game, I am right here. I desire cuddles.)
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kedsandtubesocks · 11 months
erika i am so curious about baseball player gojo..... like.... omg 😳😳
Sel… I am going to chase after him with a baseball bat…
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00: Foul Ball.
You run into the tallest man you’ve ever seen in your life at your favorite local coffee shop.
Literally, while moving to your usual seat this giant of a man, not paying attention on his phone, smacks right into you spilling both his and your hot drinks all over you.
It burns, thankfully not that much. Mainly embarrassment and annoyance burn you more. Frustratingly you try to dab away the mess with the pathetic wad of napkins the guy shoves at you.
“Look! Please let me pay for another drink and anything else you want!” Your mystery man
“No it’s fine.” You seethe trying to gather your dignity.
“Aw come on! Those pumpkin cheesecake muffins look pretty good! Don’t you want one?!” He cries almost desperate.
Turning up you’re about to snap at him when you finally get a very good look at your current enemy.
He’s tall with striking cloud white hair. Sleek modern sunglasses slide down his nose as azure pool eyes stay focused on you. And of course he’s absolutely gorgeous.
To save your sanity your eyes dart to the bakery display and spot those muffins he mentioned.
“…okay fine. But I also want a croissant.” You mutter.
He buys you two of each.
You’re also surprised at how adamantly he drags you to sit down at a table.
“We can break bread together over our temporary peace treaty.” He beams.
The man is annoying charming, like a song you find annoying but can’t help but still bop your head to.
He’s new in town, actually moved here all the way from Japan.
“That’s a long way from home.” You admire genuinely. “What brought you out here?”
“Work.” He says simply and with a shrug.
Your mystery man rapidly and eagerly jumps to ask about you, where you work, what you do.
It feels…like a pity conversation. As easy as it is talking to him, you know this is unfolding simply because he ran into you and is trying to just smooth things over.
“Look,” you sigh picking at your croissant. “We don’t have to do this.” You wearily wave your hand between the you and him. “The pathetic small talk and all that. I get it, accidents happen and I appreciate the apology muffin. But you can head out.”
“Don’t forget the ‘I’m a clumsy and unaware idiot’ croissant I got you.” He adds and your lips twitch.
“And come on. I’m not that boring to talk to am I?”
He isn’t and it annoys you even more.
“Besides, who says I maybe just wanna chat with the cute stranger I accidentally spilled various drinks on?” He smile wide at you and it’s dangerous.
He’s dangerous.
Mystery man vows to run into you again same time next week and he is true to his words. In his hands are more pastry treats and your drink order, because of course he remembered.
It’s then that you finally learn his name.
“Gojo, Satoru Gojo.” He introduces himself. “Though you can call me cute coffee guy.” He smoothly adds.
You refuse to call him that and he playfully cries.
Again, it shocks you how just easy it is talking to him. Conversation is casual and so effortless. Gojo eagerly listens to your recommendations about places to visit, restaurants to try out.
“As long as you go with me! I need my own cute tour guide unless I’ll get lost.” Gojo pleads.
You roll your eyes and hate how fast your heart beats at his words.
Then his phone goes off. Sighing Gojo answers it. You give him privacy by looking at your own phone. However, you can’t help but catch bits of the conversation. He talks about a photo shoot scheduled for the end of the week and how his agent will be making any adjustments to the time slot.
And it clicks. He’s a model. He’s definitely a model.
“Sorry, work being dumb.” Gojo apologizes as he hangs up.
“No worries.” You reassure him casually. You realize you never fully asked about his job last time.
“So, what do you do?” This time you make sure to.
Gojo’s wide sky eyes flicker to you as he takes a sip of his tea.
“Oh I’m a professional baseball player.”
He answers so casually while setting his drink down, like he just told you about the weather. For some reason you can’t help but laugh. Because model made sense, but a baseball player?
“What?!” Gojo cries playfully. “I’m serious look!”
Suddenly he grabs his phone again. He quickly types something on it and turns it to you.
What he did was Google himself. Because of course he did. Low and behold, you discover he is indeed not a model.
Instead, you see his broad shoulders, his tall frame, looking infuriatingly gorgeous in a uniform -
And you learn that your mystery coffee man, Satoru Gojo, is in fact a very real and actually very famous professional baseball player.
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sotisha · 1 year
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Only one week until the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, when night and day are at equal length. It is a time of great balance, a time to centre and ground ourselves to the earth.
Mabon is a Pagan festival called a Sabbat, it is the final harvest of the year, because after this day vegetation will begin to wither and die. Farmers will harvest their crops and fields will become dry and barren. The leaves on trees are starting to change colour ready to fall, while fruit and nuts start to drop from the branches. Even though it will begin to feel colder and get darker, all around us we are surrounded by the warm colours of fire such as reds, yellows, oranges and browns.
Mabon is also a time of making family feasts and stews and of sharing food with friends, family and neighbours, add lots of root vegetables with a choice of meat (leave out the meat if you're vegetarian) to a slow cooked stew and bread. Drink cider and apple juice, also apple, rhubarb, pumpkin, berry or meat pies are customary with a pentacle carved or added onto the pastry before cooking.
We celebrate Mabon by setting up an alter to honour the season. On the alter put anything you can find that will represent Autumn, such as fallen leaves or branches, acorns, pine cones and nuts. Add fruit and vegetables like pumpkins, squash, carrots, turnip, grapes, berries etc, Add apples by cutting them horizontally to reveal the Pentagram in their centre. You can also add corn bundles, wheat bundles or corn or wheat dollies. Light candles with Autumn colours of red, orange, white, purple and brown or gold. The alter will bring luck and protection, it will honour the season and the God and Goddess who bestow the gifts upon the earth. When lighting the candles ask the Goddess for her blessings and the God for protection for the colder, darker months to come.
This coming Mabon is a time to give thanks for the abundance of food and the harvest, to thank the God and Goddess for their gifts and their sacrifices. It is a time to appreciate what we have in life and give thanks for all our blessings no matter how small they may be.
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 4 months
The Arcana M6 Learning How to Crochet
This man does not have the attention span to crochet.
Sure, they love to lay in bed and watch you do it, sure, he'll try, but after about thirteen and a half stitches he gets distracted and decides it's naptime, or he needs to reorganize the spice drawer, or that you don't have enough pumpkin bread, or–
Once you sit his ass down and make him actually retain knowledge they actually do pretty good
Has tons of ideas for what he'll make next, will probably never get to any of them, he is the ultimate procrastinator
Loves to buy you the most random yarn, if it catches his eye it's going with him. Even though they aren't necessarily aesthetically pleasing, you love your drawer of tie dyed, bejewelled, and glittery yarns
He makes Faust a snake sweater (sock?) and declares she will never be cold again
Listens to you intently, super eager to learn and immediately become the best
Completely silent. Doesn't say a word to you until she's figured it out, determined to please. She keeps trying, an ambitious fire in her eyes. You ask her if she needs help a couple of times but she's insistent that she'll be okay
That is, until the middle of the night when she crawls into bed with you, seething
Why did the hook keep slipping out? Why did her knots keep coming undone? This was clearly a defective ball of yarn, what even is a "factory knot"?
The next time she's free you sit on her lap and talk her through the process
Unfortunately as much as she adores the countess, Chandra wouldn't be caught dead in anything either of you make
Please, MC, I have the steady hands and patience of a doctor. I appreciate what you do but really, how hard could it be?
Oh, how wrong he was
Skip to him sobbing into your lap and profusely apologizing for underestimating you and your talents, you are so, so, talented and he wants you to know that, can you ever forgive him? Do you st-
Oh and Portia, he realizes he's been doing that to her oh God what has he done to you both he's so horrible and oh no oh no oh no
You and Portia sit through several one man plays, ballads, and interpretive dances featuring the both of you (or rather, julian in wigs pretending to be you)
Malak doesn't care for crocheted bird clothes but he certainly likes to steal your buttons and shiny metal hooks, forcing you to opt for the wooden ones
Oh, she already knew how to crochet
Believe me, if you were crocheting she would be doing it right next to you if she had the time to
The thing is, Portia isn't just okay at crocheting. She's good. Amazing, even. The first time you crochet together, one glance at her soon turns to you dropping your hook (and your jaw)
Even though she is the supreme crochet champion, she still showers you with compliments and adoration
The type to crochet and read at the same time, gets super into the book and stops focusing on her project completely yet somehow manages to crochet flawlessly
Pepi loves to roll around in your buckets of yarn, whenever you want to make something all your yarn is frizzy and full of cat fur (you will have to physically wrestle Pepi to get a garment on her)
Convinced he'll be bad at it before he even tries
Begrudgingly accepts your offer to teach him anyways, he mumbles something about having clumsy hands and looks away
He takes a while to learn, but after he gets the hang of it he does really well. At heart, he's an artist, no matter how much he tries to deny it
He had watched you crochet before, but now he watches you extra, extra carefully to learn more without intruding
There is now a shelf designed for all your amigurumi plushies placed just next to the one for his wood carvings
When winter hits, you notice all the chickens have been tucked into sweaters, as well as an extra toasty looking Inanna, which is enough to make your heart melt and send you into cardiac arrest (rip MC)
After a brief explanation and a quick tutorial he picks up the hook and gives it a go
Holy mother of what is this trickery
He's shocked about how difficult it is, and yes he is being resilient for you but god he wants to scream and chuck the hook into the woods and never see it again
He can snip yarn with his metal arm for you though so that's pretty sick
You're pretty sure you catch him glaring at the hook when he thinks you aren't looking
He's super proud of you for being able to crochet though, he thinks you're the coolest ever and brags about it to everyone who will listen
Mercedes and Melchior love the sweaters you inevitably make for them and Lucio pulls all sorts of shit so you'll make him one too
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tea-moon-ster · 1 year
O'Knutzy Week day 3
character credits to @lumosinlove, prompts and hosting credits to @oknutzyweek2023 .
Prompts: Cooking Mishaps; Dance; Smiles; Cookouts.
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“What if we just leave them here?”
“Finn, no.”
“What if we leave me here?”
“Finn. Go put on your socks.”
A long, suffering sigh.
Finn detached himself from the wake of the muffins on the counter and disappeared into their bedroom. Leo stared at the them a moment longer.
He appreciated the effort. He sure did. When he’d started taking out the ingredients for the muffins, Finn had immediately jumped to help. The fact that he’d compromised the whole recipe was only marginal to Leo. Just like the wobbly form of his poor, poor pumpkin muffins.
They could almost pass as cute. Almost.
They’d tasted one together before leaving, just like his Mama always did. And now Finn didn’t want to leave the house with them.
Leo knew deep in his heart that there was something fundamentally wrong with those muffins. He didn’t think Finn could mess up that much, honestly, but there they stood. But they were also the muffins for team dinner, and Finn had helped, how cute was that? Leo wouldn’t say a thing about them.
He hoped the team wouldn’t notice and pester him too much.
The Dumais’ house was welcoming and vibrating with life as always. Logan would always look back with affection at his bed in the basement, the nights on crumpled couches for movie night and constantly having four kids to play with. But he sure wouldn’t complain about his current situation. No sir, he though, Leo’s hand pressing against his lower back as they entered the house.
They were met by cheers, various yells of “Cubs!”, and a few sloppy kisses on the cheek. The off-season hadn’t been long. The team had met under every pretext, from basketball nights to vacations together. Falling back into routine, together, felt good, and right.
The kitchen was filled with pots and bowls coming from every family of the team. Everybody brought something, that was the only rule for team dinners. Leo had, for once, given up his salty dishes position, sticking to desserts with Lily, Chris and Evgeni.
As soon as Leo placed the muffins on the kitchen isle, Finn disappeared, muttering something about setting the table. Leo couldn’t blame him.The muffins were immediately under attack by a crowd of hungry hockey players and kids. Sirius happily took a bite, only to start chewing less and less confidently after a few times.
“Leo…what happened to your muffins?”
“Finn happened!” Logan called.
Leo rolled his eyes. “Finn tried to help but put baking soda instead of baking powder. And…some cheese fell in. I…yeah.”
“It’s not…bad,” Remus tried, studying his half-bitten muffin with indecision.
“Y’all can hide them,” Leo sighed. “Just don’t let Harzy see.”
Celeste put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll try to mask the taste with chocolate frosting.”
“Merci, Celeste.”
The backyard, their designated dinner place, was impeccable. A long, long table ran under a series of string lights, filled with baskets of bread and unmatched chairs. People were moving around to set the table, turn on the barbecue and catch up after summer. Katie was carefully putting vases of flowers from the garden in the already crumpled place in between the plates. Leo had missed all this. The moments outside of the rink that strengthened the bond in their team.
Somebody put music thought the speakers Pascal was so proud of installing on his own, and the smell of the barbecue began to fill the air. Dumo had announced it would be him and his garçons to take care of the grill that night. It was heart warming to see him explaining to Sirius, Logan and Cole how everything worked. But it was even cuter to see three grown hockey players following his every move with big eyes, nodding quickly and asking questions.
Soon, the long table in the garden was soon filled with chatter, laughter and hands passing plates and bowls. Leo tried to distract Finn from all the teasing about the muffins, and Logan smiled proudly every time they took a bite of the meat and vegetables grilled by him. He seemed to remember every single piece.
After dinner, the music in the yard turned slower and softer. Pascal was the first to pull Celeste in the middle of the cleared grass, making her laugh and spin. The others were quick to follow. A grinning Thomas, letting Noelle lead. James and Lily, smiling and chatting softly. Remus was melting against Sirius in a gentle rocking back and forth.
It was the kind of hopeless romantic moment that would have had Finn standing up in the bat of an eye, ready to dance with his boys under the gentle eye that was the moon. And he was. As soon as the sweet notes of a love song filled the yard, he was smiling and tilting his head at Leo. But the blond simply smiled back and pointed at something behind Finn’s back. Finn turned, perplexed, only for his eyes to widen in surprise.
Logan rolled his eyes around a smile too big. He stood straight and composed, an arm behind his back and the other still in the air, in front of a shocked Finn. He kept it up and visible, not faltering in the long moment Finn only stared at him. But it was alright. He’d wait eras for Finn.
“Mon rouge,” he smiled, feeling heat travel up to his cheeks. A wonderful kind of exposure and wait filled the space between them. The kind of adrenaline of asking out on a first date, or a school dance. He felt at the edge of a cliff, at the mercy of wind and waves. But it would be alright, because he was looking at Finn. And Finn had always been his lighthouse. “Shall we?”  
Finn’s smile always lighted his nights.
Their eyes never left each other as Finn took his hand and stood up, letting Logan bring them to the middle of the improvised dance floor.
Finn was an elegant, old-fashioned boy at heart. He knew how to mix them cocktails and read poetry with the right stops and rhythms. And of course, he knew how to lead Logan in a slow dance. He eased a hand on his waist, gently moving them in well-practiced steps. The other hand was clasped to his, and his head tilted to the side. But Logan could see his eyes, sparkling with happiness. A happiness that, he knew, would turn into a vacant, distant stare for just a moment during their dance. A brief but inevitable thought of the past. And then Finn would return to him, dopey smile and wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. The past was something they could talk about anytime, now. And they’d understood and forgiven each other. It had all turned out in the end. But Logan also understood that in a little corner of Finn’s wonderful mind, there were scars that wouldn’t fade.
Logan was doing best to be visible lately. Taking their hands during their walks, choosing fancy, romantic restaurants for dinner instead of a nameless pub, where the world would only see them as friends. Restaurants where he could hold their hands on the table and feed them bits of his dessert. Finn was loving it as much as Leo did. Both Finn and Leo presumed that, together with the love, there was an effort to compensate for the wait, the lack of before. Both had reassured him multiple times that there was no need, no need at all, because they’d been happy before and they were happy now. But Logan was on a self imposed mission of romanticism, and Finn wouldn’t be the one to stop him.
Logan was quick to fall into Finn’s flow. It was after a twirl that he nudged their noses together. “You know, I used to be so scared of people seeing and watching,” he said. “But now…the only thing I want is to show you and Leo all over the place.” Finn left a gentle kiss on his lips before letting him continiue. “I’m still nervous around people, I guess that’s just who I am. But here…I know that these people want to see us happy, and together. I love being that with you.”
Finn had to rest his cheek against Logan’s temple after a deeper kiss. He looked around. The string lights hanged around the garden shined in soft lines that framed the night sky. Leo was looking at them and smiling even more brightly. He’d surely taken a few pictures of them. He’d show them lately that night, while getting ready for bed, like he always did. Logan shifted, maybe so he could get a snoop of Leo, too -Finn wouldn’t blame him.
Around them, the atmosphere sweetened the edges of people. James and Lily went back to their seats. Sergei made his wife laugh. Kasey and Natalie were dancing in a quiet corner, a phone balanced on a glass pointed at them. A video, Finn realized. For Alex.
Logan shifted a little, pressing a hand into his lower back. “Hey,” he whispered, without stopping the gentle rocking. “I want this song at our wedding.”
Finn stopped.
“What?” he breathed faintly.
Logan just shrugged, without letting the hand on Finn’s back falter. He smiled, a devastating half-smile that was melted gold in the low, warm light of the garden. Unaware of the turmoil those words had caused in Finn. “Ouais,” he nodded. “I like this song.”
He heard Finn’s breathing breaking into smaller, quicker fits. Logan frowned, but what he feared would be the start of tears was followed by Finn’s laughter. Low in his chest, vibrating against the hand steady in between his shoulder blades. Two hands were grasping Logan’s shoulder and shaking him before he knew.
“Logan. You can’t just say that to me.”
“Nom.” Finn passed a thumb on his cheek, eyes wide and a little glossy. “You can’t.”
“Dommage.” Logan kissed him. “Because I will.”
They let the next song pass in a gentle hug. Finn’s arms circling Logan’s neck, temple drawn together. Logan could feel Finn breathing against his neck. He never wanted to move.
“Hey. We should do it more often,” Finn whispered, as if afraid to disturb their little bubble of bliss. Logan nodded. They swung around the grass some more, and then decided that they needed Leo to dance.
They didn’t find him at his seat, but he came back a moment later with a beer. He turned to look around, a hand on his hip.
“Y’all, we need a yard. I want to host these cookouts.”
Logan laughed, nodding. Finn took Leo’s hand, pulling him close.
“Sure, baby. We’ll get you a big yard. Come here.” Finn guided him on his lap, lacing his arms around the goalie’s waist. He sniffed a little. “All the yards you want.”
“Finn, were you crying?”
A knowing smile from Logan made his frown disappear. “I told him I wanted to dance the song from before at our wedding.”
Leo’s expression softened. He cupped Finn’s face with his hands, leaving a soft kiss on his temple. “Oh, honey. Yeah, that’ll do it.”
For a while, they just watched the rest of the team dance and talk. “Yeah,” Leo repeated after a while. “I want a yard. A big yard. Like my parents’.”
“Oh, that’s a really big yard,” Logan said. Leo raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t like my parents’ yard?”
“No, I’m just saying. That’s a lot of space. It’s not a yard that you find in the city. Rimouski’s yard is optimal.”
“That’s not as big.”
“Hey, it’s not big, but there’s plenty of space to have fun. Size isn’t everything. It depends on how you use it.”
“Please stop making erotic references while we talk about our future yard.”
“What do you want in our big, big yard, Peanut Butter Better Butty Baby?” Finn song singed.
Leo tilted his head. The way his eyes shined with the string lights did all sort of things to Logan. “I want a place for the barbecue. A big patio so we can read outside when it rains and a garden to grow our own veggies. And, you know…place for some sort of playground, one day?”
Logan’s eyebrows shot up. Finn groaned, hiding his blushing cheeks into Leo’s shoulder. “Did you two decide if was Let’s make Finn cry night? Was this premeditated? You should be thankful I’m not wearing any mascara.”
“Finn, you don’t own a mascara.”
“And thank God for that. I’d be a mess by now.”
 Logan sighed, leaning in for a kiss. “You’re so weird. Come here.”
The yard gradually turned less and less crowded as people began to call it a night. There were pats on the back and, finally, a lot of “see you on Monday”’s. But three chairs hadn’t moved in almost an hour, and three pairs of eyes were staring at the night sky. Three pairs of hand were busy holding each other, or stroking gently a leg here or a strand of curls there. Low laughter came from three sleepy smiles.
“…And we also need a pool,” Logan yawned. They’d been talking about sweet nothings all night, but the mental image of that yard, one day, big and filled with love, and people, little people he hoped, hadn’t left him all night. “Because I like swimming and I like seeing you two in swimsuits.”
He didn’t add that he’d build a big slide so their kids could have fun in said pool.
Leo nodded, suppressing a yawn of his own. “I rectify: we need an outdoor pool for the fun, and an indoor pool because I like you two even more without swimsuits on.”
“Oh, ouais. I like that. Let’s just get pools.”
“Yeah,” Finn nodded against Logan’s shoulder, a hand passing through Leo’s hair. “I’ll get you two all the yards and the pools you want.”
Leo sat starigher to cup th eback of Finn’s neck. Soft lips met his. “I know, sweetheart.” And Leo knew. Finn always had that sparkle in his eyes, that pressing hand against his back. That veneration that made him remember about a starless balcony, and the promise to light up Leo’s nights in every way he could.
And he had.
He brought Finn’s hand up to place a gentle kiss on it. “Harz.”
“We’ll get you everything you want, too, baby. Everything.”
Finn was aware of his inability to accept words and acts of kindness in a normal way. He felt a need to earn them, otherwise the guilt would take over and he had to scroll them off. It took a lot for Finn to believe he deserved good things. But he was finally feeling like he could let go a little. The ropes they used to build their relationship would not get loose if he relaxed into Leo and Logan as he so ardently wished them to do with him.
They’d build the good things together.
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zukoromantic · 17 days
Dietry aspects that help you if you suffer from thyroid issues, specifically hashimoto's disease:
Avoid gluten. It sucks, yeah, but every source i found so far agrees on this. People with thyroid issues are more likely to be straight up gluten intolerant! If that isn't the case, you absolutely don't need to cut gluten out of your life. However, you should try to reduce the intake regardless. But not to worry! You can find brands that have pasta, bread mixes, pizza dough, even little snacks as gluten free! Alternatives are also always rice or corn for a lot of things. If you like to snack on crunchy things like cookies i can really recommend rice waffles. They even come with chocolate and other flavors a lot of the time. And as for the bread mixes don't worry, at least the german brand i get has the lowest effort kinda stuff. As in, put water, stirr, form on tray, oven, done (and i found one that is SO delicious to me even!)
Avoid pork. Also got this one from multiple sources. Like with gluten, it can be a problem if you're out a lot, BUT there is usually plenty of other meat. My go to is chicken or turkey. Beef is great too, but naturally it's more expensive than chicken etc. You don't need to cut out stuff like salami either because these days there's a lot of alternatives to pork in those regards
Veggies, veggies, veggies! I mean, who doesn't this apply to?! Vegetables are great and have so many vitamins. I try to eat a salad a day and have some veggies in my lunch. There is so many different vegetables, there's sure to be SOMETHING for you! In my salad for example i put grated carrots even though i don't like them apart from that. I also put apple to make it more sweet and delicious! (Note: for salad you should put some oil, otherwise your body can't absorb the nutrients that well. I love pumpkin sees oil bc i'm picky and don't like olive oil. But there's more you might like too!) Potatoes count as well for your vitamins. Put anything with some meat or in a stew or with rice, it doesn't really matter how you make them
Fruit is less helpful than veggies, but it's still great! Especially berries, apples, oranges, peaches, plums and more are helpful. That's because they have less sugar that for example pineapple, banana, grapes, or mango
Seeds and nuts. They can help you as well. I usually put sunflower seeds in my salad, but you can also put something in cereal or yoghurt or your lunch! They're nice and crunchy and can be great additions to some food
Less (cow) milk. Milk is fineee, but you shouldn't overdo it. Especialy with things with a lot of fat, like cream
Most fish. Most fish is great, salmon and tuna for example. In general, fish is really healthy. I don't like it but i know many do! So definitely keep eating it! :)
Eggs. Eggs are always good, get your protein! Many lovely ways to make eggs. Just make sure you don't always eat them with too much fat, so be careful with your fried or scrambled egg
Those are things i was told by a doctor or things i found from different sources on the internet. Some is obvious like you should just so in general get protein and vegebtables!
But for example, i've had hashimoto's disease for over six years now and only THIS YEAR i was told by a doctor that i should avoid gluten
So i wanted to make a little post for me and for others to have a quick check list regarding one's diet with thyroid issues! If you know/think of anything else, please share! It'll be much appreciated!
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moonstruckme · 14 days
MAE!!!! First of all Happiest of birthdays! Hope you are having a wonderful day, and I wish you the best year ever that you get all you want that you are surrounded by love and joy because you deserve nothing but the best of the best, you are so appreciated I'm so happy you exist! Send you lots of hugs and kisses and hope you're eating a fantastic cake :)
Now I want to thank you for the request I sent and you finally wrote (don't worry it took you this long, I know you are a very busy person I feel happy you took the time) it was so wholesome having James being so worried and so attentive and so lovable ugghhh I need him in my life.
Also congrats on your 7k you legend! If it's not too much to ask can I get the pumpkin bread please? A playlist with either of the Marauders or Peter Parker with the vibes of a walk in the park stepping on crunchy leaves, holding hands and smiling at each other? Thank you and ugh congrats again!
Will be back soon, I've been so busy working and adult life kinda sucks but anyway. Send you all the best vibes! xx
Thank you, and I’m glad you liked the fic! This is so fun haha, i decided to do it with tasm Peter because of his immaculate early 2000s vibes :) (though they’re not all from then)
suddenly i see - kt tunstall here with me - dido kiss me - sixpence none the richer warm glow - hippo campus dreams - the cranberries apple pie - lizzy mcalpine hey there delilah - plain white t’s
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dynamic-power · 10 months
Weekly! Tag! Wednesdaaaaaay!
Thank you for tagging me, Evie @energievie Kat @mybrainismelted Sky @skylerwinchester and Ajax @transmickey! I appreciate all of you 💜
Name: Dyno 🦖
Age: one number away from being allowed to refuse answering that question. 🤣
Location: Northern California!
Do you own a robe? Describe it. I don't. Never have.
Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. I don't lol. I have a favorite pint glass though. It's got the name of my favorite beer from my favorite brewery, Deschutes. Totally worth a try if you are a beer drinker. The whole brewery, not just the one beer.
Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. It was a gift when I graduated high school. It's thick and it was super soft when I first got it more than a decade ago. It's got the mascot on it in blue and white. Go vikings lol
Coffee or Tea? Coffee. Gimme that dirty bean juice.
↳Hot or Cold? If it's a good dark roast, hot, French press, black. Otherwise, iced and drowning in sugar and cream.
Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? Fuzzyyyy
Gloves or Mittens? Gloves
Fireplace or Campfire? Campfire
Sun or Moon? I think the moon is very pretty, but I'm gonna have to choose the sun. I'm Californian, 75°F with my windows down, my music playing obnoxiously loud, and the sun on my face is a stereotype I will happily play into.
Chocolate candy or Sugar candy?
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Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? Savory
Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? Peppermint
Go to bed early or Wake up early? Wake up early. Nothing beats the sunrise.
Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? Cold cereal
Potatoes or Bread? This is the only one where I refuse to make a choice.
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And Finally…
Gallagher or Milkovich? Gallagher all the way
Tagging more people I appreciate! @spacerockwriting @stocious @ian-galagher @deathclassic @creepkinginc @callivich @jrooc @juliakayyy @m4ndysk4nkovich @krystallouwho and anyone else who sees this, because I appreciate you all. 💜
If you don't want to, take some cake before you go! 🍰
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the-whumpening · 7 months
The Caged Tiger | Part 9
Prev | Masterpost | End [Bonus Rescue Scene]
CW: blood, dehumanization, captivity
With his spirit broken, Ash’s life as Ozmund’s prisoner gets significantly easier. His pile of hay is replaced with a small cot—with blankets and even a pillow. His meals get larger and heartier; some nights, he might even receive a sweet pastry or extra fruit. Some of his belongings are returned to him as well: his clothes, his boots, his books. For a moment, he begins to feel . . . almost human again.
There are reminders all around him of his station, though. Although he now follows every command to the letter—without complaint, without resistance, without even a shred of emotion—Ozmund is quick to point out that his compliance is the price of his comfort. Every time he does as he’s told, some kernel of dignity is returned to him, bit by bit. But every time he slips up, every time some wayward sentimentality rears its head, those privileges are revoked.
Although infrequent, Faye is permitted to visit him once again. Now that Ash is “domesticated,” Ozmund allows her to keep him company from time to time. Sometimes she “sneaks” him sweets from the kitchen, other times she puts his head in her lap and reads to him. Her kind disposition and gentleness are a relaxing reprieve; between the intense boredom and constant fighting, he appreciates these quiet moments. And though he knows her affection is limited, at least she respects him when he looks like a human.
“Just keep this our little secret,” she whispers in a giggle as she hands him a tiny slice of pumpkin bread. “I know it’s your favorite.” Of course, she’d never defy Ozmund; Ash suspects she was instructed to bring it, to see how he’d react.
Still, he takes it graciously. The smell plucks at strings of memory deep in his mind, but he forces a placid, stiff smile. As he nibbles on the moist, cake-like bread, a lump begins to form in his throat. Stop it, he chastises himself, but tears are already trickling down his cheeks and onto her lap. Look at what you are; look at where you are. All of that is in the past.
Just be good, and everything will be fine.
“. . . Do you miss them?” Faye asks quietly, a flicker of hurt in her voice. After a second of pause, he nods sheepishly; he’s never been a good liar. Despite all that he’s been through, all the pain he’s endured, it’s still hard to deny his love for his friends. His love for Evius.
She strokes his short, messy hair. “You have to put it behind you,” she murmurs in a monotone. “Just be good, and everything will be fine.”
After his outburst of emotion that day, Faye doesn’t come back. With that moment of weakness, he loses his only friend.
From then on, he remains a good, obedient pet, and Ozmund finally seems pleased. When Ash returns—unescorted, unrestrained—to his cell one afternoon, he finds a leather-bound journal placed neatly on his cot. On the front cover, the letters OZ are etched in a gold circle. He picks it up and flips to the inner cover. Written in shimmering emerald ink is a dedication:
This book belongs to Ash Apprentice of Ozmund Greenthorn
The black hole in his gut which he thought had swallowed every emotion suddenly bursts forth. Hatred swells in every cell of his body, spilling out from every pore. He grasps the book in each hand and tears it in half across the spine, rending the symbol in two. No matter how much he wants to live, no matter how desperate he becomes, it’s clear to him now: this is a line he will not cross.
When Ozmund finds the shredded book the next morning, his punishment is swift and brutal. Ash's eye swells and blood dribbles from his lip to the cold metal collar. Treated yet again as an animal, his nightmares only grow more and more vivid—he wonders if he will ever truly feel human again, and if it was foolish to hope in the first place.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
I am truly depraved for your scarecrow and I love him, just the way you write the rogues is chefs kiss and that's the first thing I wanted to say
Second thing is a request with said scarecrow (its spooky month why not yknow?) Wondering if you could write wax play with a male reader please (not at all because Ive been burning pumpkin spice melts pfhaha)
Hope you have a good October and wish you well n all as always Finnie !
Arkham!Jonathan x Male!Reader, word count: 1.2k oops uh oh guess who else has pumpkin scented candles ready to use on his partner 👀 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: wax play, nudity, tiny bit of fear play, sensory depravation, reader has a dick and is referred to as a good boy
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The room was dark and dusty, the feeling of unease that came with it not having been occupied in an indeterminable length of time. There were so many rooms in Arkham like that. Abandoned, forgotten, whole wings that were left to rot. And now you were in one, laying back slightly on a medical chair, waiting. Obviously, the intentional anticipation was meant to leave you uncertain, nervous. Afraid. That was the bread and butter of your expected partner though, the underlying pleasure for him in all of your activities.
As if on cue, you were aware of a flickering light from the corridor, which was now dimly lit in the glow, shadows shifting on the walls as the source of the glow came closer to you. Until Jonathan was there, standing in the door frame, holding a small plate upon which the candle stood.
“Very scary.” You tried to sound almost insolent. You’d found that an element of misbehaviour was something he appreciated, and it worked. Letting down his usual stoic visage, Jonathan Crane allowed himself to smile.
“Is that…Can I smell pumpkin? Are those pumpkin scented candles, Jon?” He nodded lightly, beginning to approach you. The room felt better with him in it. Perhaps because of his company, but more likely because Jonathan was now the scariest thing in the room, and you trusted him implicitly. “How very ‘on brand’ of you.”
Scoffing at the remark, he brought his dry and calloused fingers across your wrists, letting his fingernails drag delicately along them before he began strapping your arms under the degraded leather restraints, rusted buckle clanking as he tugged to make sure everything was tight. Once your arms were done, he moved to your legs, allowing himself a brief moment to gaze over your body from where he stood at the slightly angled chair, admiring your commitment to being completely nude here, vulnerable in the dark.
“So…are you going to stand there and stare at my dick or are you going to get on with it?” You winked at him, aware that maybe you were being a bit too much of a brat. Jonathan was a man of few words, and so when he only nodded silently in response, you let yourself lean back into the chair, gasping as he kicked the lever and brought your body down flat, a soft giggle emanating as you settled into the new position.
“You enjoy the element of surprise?”
“Immensely, as well you know, Jon.”
“Then, might I suggest a blindfold? Sensory depravation might heighten the pleasure…or the pain.”
“Do it.”
Reaching into the pocket of his tattered pants, he produced a small slip of dark material. As he lifted your head up to wrap it around, he pressed a soft, cool kiss to your forehead, before tying the scrap of fabric tight behind your head and laying you gently back down. In the darkness he had created, you waited, body responding positively to the lack of stimulus, as goosebumps formed and your swiftly stiffening cock twitched in anticipation.
A sudden drop on your chest, warm and pleasant, but shocking enough to have you arch as much as you could past the restraints. Jonathan stood to your side, shushing you softly and stroking your arm to soothe the nerves he so loved to inflict upon you.
Three more drips before you could ascertain that it was wax from the candle he held. Here in the darkness, it was the sole source of light, warmth, and was teasing your skin. The closer he held it to the skin, the warmer it felt. Jonathan was controlled though. He was aware of your responses, even if you weren’t in tune to them yourself. Immensely pleasurable, carefully orchestrated, he let a long trail of drips travel from your chest to your abdomen, letting it stop just as it came close to your now completely erect cock.
“Jonathan…” You were so aware of how breathy your voice was, how desperate you must have appeared writhing under the restraints, desperately trying to ask for more without sounding too needy.
“Please, Jon.”
His cool hand, almost clammy, rubbed the ever-sensitive head of your cock, pressing it down to lay your length flat. Starting from the base of the shaft, he dripped the wax, closing the distance between where he held the candle and your body as he moved up closer to the tip. The increased heat, no time for the wax to cool down, had your breath hitching as you pursed your lips against the moans that tried to come out, aware that the echoes of the almost empty room might alert any lingering staff to your location, interrupting your sordid little date.
As he kept his palm firmly on your head, he picked at the other drops along your length, teasing them from the skin now that they had cooled in the frigid air of the room. Delicious notes of pleasure rumbling from his chest at the way you bit your lip at the feeling of the wax teasing at the skin. But before you could get used to the gentle caress, Jonathan pulled back.
“Do you trust me?”
His presence seemed to disappear from the room. He was completely silent, to the point you weren’t sure if he had left. There was no breath, no shuffling, not even the sound of fabric moving.
Foolish to expect you might be able to tell from the echo whether or not he was still there with you. Panic began to set in as you considered that he might leave you here, tied up, blindfolded, completely at the mercy of whoever, or whatever, might find you.
“Christ!” You jumped, ratting the buckles of the restraints, the bed shifting under you as you shook in terror.
Before you were able to speak again, your breath was lost when the searing heat of the wax hit your throat, apple’s Adam the target first before he began to let it drip up and down, allowing some of it to pool in the gap where your collar bones met the bottom of your neck.
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course.”
You stayed silent, lips pressed tight together against the pain, which stung and then subsided as the wax dried. Aware of the growing adrenaline, you could feel yourself tensing up, a familiar knot in the pit of your stomach surging as Jonathan placed one hand against your cheek, still shushing you, soothing you against the tingling, smarting, deeply arousing touch of the wax against your now surely reddening skin.
“Good boy.”
The growl under the words was all it took to set you off, cock twitching hard as you came, hands-free, spilling onto yourself, staining in white against the orange of the wax. You mewled pathetically as he drew the candle down, a clink as he set the plate to the side. His nails, lightly scratching your temples as he pulled back the blindfold. You looked up into his clouded eyes, searching for emotion, but you were met with his signature stoicism again, before he pressed a silent kiss to you and began unbuckling the restraints while he hummed a soft tune.
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makemeanangelpure · 6 months
March 22, 2024- again.. I’m chicken shit to weigh because I know there’s no progress.
I have to start somewhere.
I threw up this morning because I ate again after throwing up last night, so drunk, I just ate with the full intention of purging after because I knew my partner was passed out. I’m hungry now obviously because I threw up again, and I’ve had 4 saltines, a green monster and bread and butter pickle juice. I want to eat to make the feeling go away, but I’d feel like a fatass for eating. I made them macaroni and grilled chicken from the freezer because they’re hungover today and that’s what they wanted so I scooped a ton into their bowl, and just now put the rest in a tuba-ware. I smelt it like 4 times, made myself think I didn’t want it but typing about it, thinking about it I want to go over there so bad and just eat it cold. They kept putting their hands under my shirt to warm their hands and eventually I had to say “ please don’t touch my stomach right now.” Which lets them know where my brain’s at even though I already assured them I was fine today. I know if I eat that, I’ll want to throw up again and won’t be able to, so it’ll be better to be hungry and sleep in a few hours rather than eat it, because they can eat it. Because they are off the next two days and I shouldn’t have any because it’s theirs now, I made it for them.. and I ate all the croissants this morning and purged like a moron. I feel so guilty.. I love been drawing since I cooked, trying to organize an old playlist and distract my brain, finish my monster, I tried to go over and kiss them while I was cooking and be affectionate.. but I’ve been very introverted today since they’ve been home.. they said they missed me and I got slightly annoyed because I’ve literally been over here for an hour just doing my thing- one night we haven’t watched something on tv together and suddenly you need attention when you said if I need time, I need time.. I don’t know and I put away my stuff like I was gonna go sit with them and stop drawing and now she’s asleep. Which they need to be to rest from the hangover.. god dammit I still want to eat it. Kill me I hate the way the saliva builds in my mouth.. I hate being a binger.. it’s being weak. It’s being fucking weak.. and tomorrow we’re supposed to go to this cafe with board games and I already don’t really want to go because I want to wear clothes but I don’t look the way i want in them and over half my closet doesn’t fit.. I can’t wear bras or panties or skirts or shorts or certain shirts without being reminded of how fat I got. They want to invite friends and I said no so fast because 5 years later and I’m still not seeing my friends because I’m trying to lose a crazy amount of weight first. And I keep thinking I should just eat today to give myself something to go off of.. start tomorrow.. I’ll have coffee.. I WONT order anything to eat at the cafe.. I can’t I don’t have money.. I’ll appreciate a coffee.. that’s what I get.. FUCK AM I EATING IT..
I ate it.. I hate it.. half way I wanted to be done but I’d put Cajun and pepper all over it and they eat it if I do that . So I also ate all of the lemon bread they got me and left one so they can have it.. and of course I’m full and feel sick and gross and horrible and god bad shivers.. so nervous the whole time they’re gonna wake up on the couch and they just did for a second while I’m eating bread..
I’ll get something tomorrow that keeps me under 42 for the day.. and for dinner I’ll have 2 cucumber slices and plain tea. Fuck.. it’s so hard to pick something a cappuccino or a latte are both gonna be about 100-150 as well as a cold brew.. I could just have a cup black and bring my own zero sugar sweetener and have pumpkin flavour like that.. might do that.. then I could have milk in my tea or something or maybe there’s creamer singles I can grab in there hell I don’t know.. anyway fasts started wooo
Staying under 50 cal I’m sitting for 44 hours should be easy especially with these first two days being 42’s.. and I can do it.. I’d rather drink slightly more bitter coffee and keep under my limit than have foam and OR OR OR I could do my fix it fast out of order and do a 442 tomorrow
ALRIGHT and I work 4 days coming up,, so in accordance hereS how it’ll be ( moons for work days )
Sat: 442
Sun: 742
🌙Mon: 42
🌙Tues: 42
Thurs: 742
Fri: 742
🌙Sat: 42
Sun: 742:
Mon: 42
Tues: 42
Wed: 42
Okay after next Sunday I don’t know yet if I work on mon or Tuesday but either way it doesn’t matter cause work days would be 42 and ITS PERFECT TO END THE fix it fast because will be burning so much fat on 4 days at 42 cal.. ughhahahahajaajaj
Okay okay.. this will be good.. tomorrow rises a skinny bitch and soon my body will show for it.. especially after this.. I don’t know.. guess it makes sense to try and aim for losing 7 pounds soo assuming I’m 113, goal is 106 on April 4. 113 is probably where I’m at since after purging I’m weight 115 ish.. and a day or two of fasting would put me at a more accurate 113.. alright 106 in 12 days. And 12 is soul’s number… it’s PERFECT. I’m doing closing shifts so that’s perfect too. I work right through dinner, and I can come come and make it a ritual to have green tea or the peppermint one.. I’ll write down my stretches and mini workouts to do.. maybe on my off days I’ll wake up steadily earlier and earlier.. and go on morning walks for 42 minutes.. ah I’m excited! This will be good. I can do this.
Oh my god I estimated and by his birthday June first by keeping all this up and togther I’ll be 93.. 1 pound below my old low weight.. after all this time.. and for his birthday! PROGRESS progress and by my birthday I’ll be 87 a pound under my old UGW before it dropped to 84 and 84 I’ll hit a week before July ends!.. I’ll be getting so skinny through spring.. and spend the beginning of summer, going from 89-84 pounds.. good god.. I have to do it. I don’t care. I don’t care. I’m ready to be toned and strong again. I’ll put in the work on my own to strengthen my core, and being consistent with work will help with that too. I’m going to be able to pay for things and make it everyday without b/p because I’m above that. I’m an Angel, I’m going to make my partner the best death weapon.. 3 months and a half we’ll have victory. I have to be strong, pure and sound, if we’re going to be the best we can be. By example it’ll inspire soul to work harder too. Match wavelengths. My hair will be back longer again too.. by end July it should be back down to my collarbone.. which means my hair should be long enough for pigtails again! I’ve missed them so much!
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bingos-buttons · 1 year
hey again! hope you don’t mind my swift return. haha! was wondering if i could request a carekit? not super picky about what you include really, but would love if you included a snack or two (i’m big on apple, carrot, and pumpkin bread/cakes/pastries) and i’ve grown fond of roll-on perfumes (scent can be anything really, but i’m not big on sweet scents. earthy, fresh stuff or things like old books are more my speed). only thing i really would appreciate you not including would be slime. aside from that, include whatever! thanks! -🌾🪶
p.s. i liked the fashion kit quite a bit, thanks for making it for me!! though i hope it’s not too much to ask, but could you use the pic of philza’s season 2 skin from the osmp wiki for my requests? just a bit more accurate to my canon as the fanart you used was of season 3 philza! /nm!
Hello! Welcome back. Enjoy your carekit!
(apologies for the mix up with the photo!)
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X - X - X
X -🌾- X
X - X - X
Requests are open!
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sweetestlittledarling · 8 months
A Long Walk
Rating: PG
Pairing: Muriel x Lark (He/They Apprentice)
Part of @monthly-challenge 2024 | Long Walks
Summary: Every summer Muriel and Lark go on another long walk...
(Side note: this takes place in my own head Cannon of three sibling apprentices, so it mixes a bits of Julian's, Asra's and Muriel's story line all together. Trust me it's been a hell of a time working it out, but this takes place after everything)
They started out early in the morning. Inanna was ready to go as she led the way. They had a breakfast of spiced pumpkin bread Sparrow had sent along as ‘have a safe trip’ kind of thing. Lark rolled his eyes when he read the note his sister had left him in the bag with the bread. “She says don’t get into trouble,” he snorted tucking the note back into his bag as they walked, “I don’t get into that much trouble.”
              Muriel’s lips turned upwards as he spoke. “Yes, you do.”
              “Seriously, you’re taking her side?” Lark asked with a small sigh. “I gotta stop letting you hang out with her, she’s a bad influence on you.  Next thing you know she’ll have you doing research and talking about the newest plays coming out.”
              Muriel snorted. “I wouldn’t go that far,” he said, as he took Lark’s hand in his.
              Lark smiled as he laced their fingers together. There was something truly magical about the forest in the early morning, with all the bird song and morning dew on the leaves. Up until a while ago Lark had never truly appreciated all these little things but with Muriel it was now easy to see. They walked in silence for a while, just enjoying the surroundings and each other.
              They made good time walking. Nadia had offered them horses, but they preferred to travel by foot. It just felt better that way. When night fell, they camped with no tent. They did their best to travel during the drier seasons, so rain wasn’t an issue. They made a fire though Lark still found himself cuddling close to Muriel with Inanna either at their feet or in Muriel’s lap with Lark. The big man made no objections, sneaking in a kiss or two to Lark’s hair as the smaller man talked. Lark had borrowed a book about the stars from the royal library, which allowed him to point out the many constellations in the night sky as well as the myths behind them. At night they lay together, Lark resting on Muriel’s chest being calmed by the sound of Muriel’s heart.
              It’s funny but the walk seems much faster than before, as it has been every time, they have taken it. The funny little in keeper knows them by name now, always having a room ready. “You boys are my best customers,” the little man jokes.
              Lark raises an eyebrow. “How many customers do you actually get around here?” He never really gets an answer which he can’t decided it that’s a good thing or not.
              The rest of the walk is pretty much though they do notice little changes here and there. Time continues on in both nature and city, with old things being torn down and new things being built. As they came to the final leg of the journey Lark paused up atop a hill, taking a moment to breathe in the air filled with the scent of forget-me-nots. Soon they can see the circles of stones, marking the resting place of Muriel’s people. Muriel is silent but his mood seems less heavy every trip, his face seems less pained. They place flowers on the graves of Muriel’s parents and Khamgali before going into Khamagli’s hut. They want to spend a few days there before heading back home. This is the long walk they make every year and one they plan to make for a long time still.
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awkwardlyaaron · 10 months
Random highlights from a night you probably didn't attend
I did it! I threw a party! And people showed up! (First and last time I tried litterally no one showed up so it's been like 10 yrs) better friends make all the diffrence
I threw a Onsie party, yep, adults in animals onsies hanging out and having fun!
I spent 3 days on a paper mache pinata to stand up to adults and it worked! We took almost an hour busting it open and out of over 10 adults who broke a croket racket and a large branch on it it with held the whole time!
It was jam packed full of candy, like over 5lbs of solid candy shaped into a hard formed Dino swinging around wildly. That fucker hurt! It was wacking people and getting it's fair fight in before we bashed it open at the end! It spilled candy out into the neighbors yard and into a dry ditch. Of course we did it at night i had to find the rest of the candy this morning to limit sugar fueled squirrels rampaging. We only missed 4 things!
I made a ton of snacks for it. No bake cookies, rice crispie treats, Naan and GF Naan, a cinnamon strudel cake, puppy chow, and pumpkin bread. It was demolished and I have barely left which is great it was way too much food. I did make the mistake of too many sweets though. Whoops
A freind brought by a whole DJ system to mix music and had a whole room decked out in black lights and colorful little disco balls and brought party favors
I couldn't have asked for a better night
I was so happy I almost cried (might be again now, just almost) I was so nervous about shit. Me and my housemates busted ass cleaning the day of and cooking and prepping and it went fantastic
I was always super stoked to go to parties in highschool and hang with friends and do what I've just done but never got to and it was a downer but I'm so stoked I've been able to kick things off even better than I could have fathomed I could in the past.
If you've for some reason read this far I hope you find friends who love and appreciate you and show up ready to throw down and make any event a blast just by showing up. It feels so nice to be loved by people who aren't in it for anything that favors them other than a good time and I could only hope everyone finds that in life. It may not come when you want it to to but with age and experience some of the best shit can happen (and worst but you just gotta work on more good memories to overwrite that shit)
I know it's not something you can have on demand and it may not come for years on end but I hope you surround yourself with lovely people
Sorry rambling, it's been a long night and I feel so blessed by the people I know now days
Oh my god I'm fucking crying
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