#The sandman facade
orionsangel86 · 1 year
I’m really sorry people are being dicks in your inbox.
Curious if you have thoughts you’d like to share on Facade (the story from Dream Country). I don’t think it’s going to get adapted: the show is sticking closer to Morpheus’s story and I feel like that would be incredibly difficult to adapt well both from the perspective of Rainie’s character design as well as handling the difficult subject matter. But that was a story that got very lodged in my brain and I returned to mulling it over for years and years after I read it.
Thanks! I was very touched by the number of lovely asks I received that day following the weirdness in my inbox!
Facade is a delicate issue, that covers some very delicate topics. I have read that a lot of people view it as one of their favourite Sandman comic issues, which I guess makes sense if you relate heavily to concepts like isolation, loneliness, suicide ideation and putting on masks to hide your true identity... I'm not sure if the show will adapt it or not, but seeing as I view it as an early foreshadowing of the end of the Kindly Ones I would be interested to see if they DO adapt it. I agree that Rainie's character design will be difficult to bring into live action - but then I think the same thing about the entirety of Orpheus' arc, as well as quite a lot of A Game of You, so I doubt its impossible and they will figure out some way to do it if they truly want to.
I can't say that I personally enjoyed Facade all that much. I struggle with the topics mentioned above, and I'm very much of the view that life is always worth living and can always improve (aka the Hob Gadling outlook of life). Unless you are in constant agony all the time and have absolutely zero quality of life... but I don't want to turn this post into a debate about assisted suicide. I didn't view Rainie's situation as one that was worth dying over. She wasn't in agony, she was just lonely. She clearly didn't have a support network and even her only friend was more interested in talking about her own predicament as the pregnant mistress of a married man than to take any time to find out how Rainie was doing - partially because Rainie would not remove her masks (metaphorical and literal) to reveal just how badly she was struggling... anyone who has read through to the end of the Kindly Ones now may start to see the similarities.
There are so many themes to explore in this issue that tie into the wider themes of the overall story. She did not want the power she received, instead it was thrust upon her by an ancient god as part of some ancient battle that was already long since over. So the role she was literally created for was already redundant. Ra not realising this - because the old gods are still so set in their ways and in the Sandman universe this is partially the reason why they are slowly dying out (take characters like Pharamond for example who learned to adapt and change with the times therefore ensuring his own survival) - is just another example of how change and accepting the changing times of the world benefits everyone. Rainie was just another victim in the chaotic world of gods and monsters and powerful entities that care so little about the lives of the mortals they affect. So now she is stuck with a power she did not want or ask for, for a purpose that was over 3000 years before she was born.
I also found this issue to be the best example of how Death is not an entirely good character (as people often attempt to make her). She is completely and utterly neutral in all ways (the true neutral on the alignment chart should always go to Death imo). Whilst Death does try at first to get Rainie to see a brighter side, she doesn't exactly put in much effort, and in the end she gives her the information she needs to get what she wants, though I note that Rainie does NOT ask Ra to kill her, she asks him to make her normal again, though I think the point of it is to show that deep down her wish was just to die at that point, but I guess that's up for interpretation. Death is just that. Death. She is not the person to talk you off the ledge. She is the person who will be there for you after you jump. She saw that Rainie was in a terrible place, and she decided to be there for her whilst she made those decisions. But Death isn't really going to convince you either way. "your life is your own Rainie, so is your death."
I also note that the show used some of Death's speech in this episode in episode 6 when she is talking with Dream, so that's also worth considering when speculating on whether they will adapt Facade or not.
I think for the comic its an important issue and ties in heavily with the comic themes, but as I have often said, the show appears to be taking a different direction, and I don't think Facade fits with the more hopeful, optimistic route that they are taking. But we shall see.
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 6 months
proposed change-up for "facade" for netflix
abandoning old dc references, we get urania blackwell, a woman depressed and isolated after developing an untreatable career-destroying (career being modelling / acting / anything that relies deeply on keeping up w conventional beauty standards) chronic skin disease. she tries different ways to kill herself but always chickens out last minute until, in her frustration, death actually heeds her call. death promises to take her like she wants... after a year. urania is furious, cursing death for prolonging her agony.
but then things start to just... get better. urania learns her friends and family don't hate her for changing and instead love her more strongly for it. she finds a community of those with similar afflictions and forms bonds with them beyond the hurt they share. she discovers a new talent she uses to excel at a new job she enjoys and basically expands her identity beyond her looks and shame.
and then death keeps her promise. except urania doesn't want to go anymore. but death keeps her side of every deal, always. urania mourns what would have been a long, fulfilling life ahead of her and settles for being grateful she was granted another year to be happy and loved again.
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freytful · 1 year
So Death tried to leave, couldnt, and came back. And now she's doing the best with what she's got. That makes sense. That makes perfect sense actually. She Clicks for me now. Yeah ok
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fidel-guevara · 1 year
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The Sandman - Issue #20 - Façade
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the sandman but i've never read or watched it
Hello this is the Good Omens Mascot and I am currently being kidnapped again. Into the Sandman fandom. Forcibly. Brutally. By several people. There will be bloodshed. There will be livestreams, probably, when I watch the show. My struggle is Endless and I can only Dream of an escape (I'm hilarious). But before I watch it, I'm legally obligated to make this post. Soooo... here goes, based on like two edits on YT I watched:
@neil-gaiman created it. Of this at least I am sure.
There is Dream/Morpheus, and he is a sad wet cat of a man.
He has a sister Delirium, and apparently I remind everyone of her. This concerns me. Also, she used to be Delight.
I am not sure what these people are but they are Endless.
I'll tell you what's Endless, it's my gayness, because MY GOD, Dream is beautiful.
The sad wet cat of a man has a friend (/homoerotic) named Hob.
Hob is also a sad wet cat of a man.
Dream has a raven. The raven dies.
Someone is blamed. But Dream says it's his own fault.
Dream's family thinks he's deserted them. Dream also thinks this is his own fault.
I'm started to think Dream maybe has some repressed trauma.
Despair and Desire look gay for each other. Or they're siblings. Idk. Despair was in Dead Boy Detectives. That I do know, because FUCK YEAH DBDA.
Death exists, and she's kind. I think. She was also in DBDA.
It's gay. This I am assured of.
What's gay? Who's gay? I don't fucking know. But it's gay.
Did I mention I'm gay? Because god I'm now a sucker for yet another sad pathetic wet cat of a twink.
There's someone with glasses who tells Dream stuff. idk who they are but they seem important. So uh. They exist.
Dream cares a lot. But he Hides It Behind A Facade.
Did I mention he's fucking pretty?
...Please don't kill me Sandman fandom I was kidnapped here I swear I'm innocent.
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dinlukeandothers · 1 month
The best fanfictions i ever read! slow burn by arahir - hob gadling / dream of the endles [ the sandman ]
who wants to live forever? by ranchdiip - hob gadling / dream of the endles [ the sandman ]
just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by bizarrestars - james potter / regulus black [harry potter]
how (not) to meet your son's boyfriend by fifteenminutesoffame - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
unintended consequence by itsmylifekay - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
the rorona fruit by stark_black - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
who did what now? by dancing_homestuck - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
k'diwa: a steamy novel of interspecies romance, by jim kirk by branwyn - james t. kirk / spock [star trek]
part timer by 8ball - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one pice]
wrong number by dangit - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
the curse of 100 kisses by fanfictionaddiction23 - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one pice]
where there's a will there's a way by xiaq - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
naberrie blooms by zombified419 - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
where hope is persevering by shyowl - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
a sequence that you never learned by annataylor - james t. kirk / spock [star trek]
what the star let in by shyowl - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
facade by hazel_athena - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
what matters by junimokarter - jayce / viktor [arcane]
vitya by applesharon - jayce / viktor [arcane]
mother tongue by nightlilly - jayce / viktor [arcane]
retrograde by hazel_athena - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one pice]
so wise we grow by deaster - james t. kirk / spock
always got your back by sydneyxface - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke
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Disco Elysium / uncredited / Embassytown by China Miéville / Marcille Facade and Moabiter Himmel Painting by Helge Windisch / i think i'm going to leave my phone at home tonight by the Narcissist Cookbook / Spacial Bodies by AUJIK / The Sandman #51 / The Gothic Arch by Giovanni Battista Piranesi / I Am In Eskew
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi neil! how are things, everything well?
I'm coming here to ask you something about a very specific thing from one of the sandman comic books, you see I'm currently doing my thesis project and I'd like to quote some lines Death said in "The Sandman #20 Dream Country P4: Facade", and while i managed to write it already, I still need to make the citation, and unfortunately I'm having some bad luck trying to find information like publishing location, it's ISBN code if it has one, and other smaller details for it, so I ask: would you have a link to somewhere where I can get this info of? In the meantime I'll keep looking, but It would help me immensely if you could help me out on this! ::)
Sure. If your Thesis allows you to use Wikipedia then all of that is laid out for you in the Wikipedia article on Sandman: Dream Country.
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theravenmuse · 8 months
CW: Slightly painful intercourse, some mildly rough handling, light dom/sub dynamic.
While this is not technically dub-con because Crowley is fully aware of what he's doing, there are self-deprecating thoughts related to his actions that are reminiscent of dub-con. Also Desire is a manipulative b**** playing with Crowley's heart, but what else is new?
Crowley/Desire of the Endless (The Sandman)
Crowley has spent the last several thousand years keeping Desire at bay. He's had to. But after a certain night in 1941, when Crowley's defenses are shot and Desire comes in the shape of his angel, the demon at last gives in to a temptation of his own making.
“You’re not Aziraphale.”
NotAziraphale laughed again. “Of course not. You could never have this for real; not with him.”
“What are you?” Crowley growled. “You're not a demon…”
“No, darling. I’m Endless.”
Crowley’s eyes widened. “You…”
“Could give you everything you ever Desired,” the Endless finished for him, grinning behind the facade of Aziraphale’s face. “Come on, darling, are you going to be a real demon and take what you want, or are you going to toe the line the way sweet Aziraphale has been teaching you to do for all these years?”
Crowley lifted his lip in a silent snarl, ready to throw Desire out on its arse like he’d been doing metaphorically for so many years; then Desire smirked in that ‘just enough of a bastard’ way that Aziraphale had mastered, and Crowley lost it.
The demon surged upward, locking lips with his darkest Desire and toppling it backwards onto his bed.
Continue Reading Here
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ashtxeman · 8 months
Punch-Out Relationship HC's!
I must clarify.. most of these are PLATONIC relationships! I'll get into the more fun stuff another time.. huhuhuhu. Minor Circuit
Joe and Kaiser are of course together, and have been for a few years now. Alongside this Joe's also great friends with Disco and a nice pal to Hippo when need be (he was previously afraid of Hippo but outgrew that fear).
Kaiser isn't one to make friends but is one to have a boyfriend ironically, who is Joe. He likes Disco and Hippo but only sees them as work friends, rather than personal friends. Hippos growls also tend to startle him, so he's always on edge around him.
Disco is super friendly and considers everybody a great friend, but Hippo is 100% his bestie.
Hippo returns the favour to Disco! He appreciates Disco for everything he does and values their friendship. He also likes Kaiser because he quite likes his moustache but isn't aware that Kaiser actually fears him quite a bit. With Joe, he's more of a work friend who he enjoys playfully mocking from time to time.
Major Circuit:
Hondo is on good terms with everybody, and isn't one to hold a grudge. He'll call everybody a friend at least, and that's true even for Don who he isn't as close to. Alternatively he's besties with Hugger, and even though he is good friends with Tiger he knows he's afraid of him deep down for some reason..
Hugger is like Disco in the sense that he just likes everybody! He thinks of all his fellow circuit members as great friends even if it isn't a mutual opinion.
Tiger is fine with everybody, except Don who he constantly argues with and the rest of the time just manages to tolerate.
Don has a sort of superiority complex over the rest of the circuit which weighs down his opinions on them, but he doesn't actively hate any of them.. he's just annoyed by Tiger 90% of the time and mildly inconvenienced by him the rest.
World Circuit:
Aran is obviously complicated for everyone. You love him, you hate him, or you're about to hate him. But he has opinions too! He tolerates Macho on the rare occasion he isn't loving him being the easiest boxer to tease and play pranks on, on account of his himbo-ness. He quite likes Bull because of how rowdy he can get, and as for Soda they bond quite well due to their shared interest in drinks. As for Sandman, Aran thinks he's too big for his boots but has learnt not to cross the line around him lest he get his ass kicked.
Soda is an overall nice guy who just likes everyone, considering everyone at least a pal to him. Bull is his bestie, and Aran is a close second.
Bull barely tolerates anybody.. except Soda. He finds Macho annoying, he finds Aran aggravating and he's just fine with Sandman, because he's quiet.
Macho is an odd fellow. He acts like he's above everyone else but in reality he often sees himself as an inferior person. When Bull is being Bull, he's terrified, but any other time he's just fine. Soda is good enough to meet his standards, and Aran makes him cry all the time so he's very low on the Macho list of recommendation. As for Sandman.. well, the cupid isn't far away from those two, let's say.
Sandman does his best to be nice to everybody outside of his work facade, but unfortunately some people make that very hard. He likes Macho when he volunteers to help with jobs (which is a weird amount) but finds it hard to attain that when he's.. being Macho. He finds Bull fine, but wishes he'd get his anger sorted, and he thinks Soda is a very nice man who doesn't get enough credit. Like anybody.. He lives his life with Aran in it just fine.
Joe is obviously afraid of Aran, but Aran does go on to treat him better and he gets a little more neutral. As for Aran to Joe, he likes him because he's fun to tease.. but he also likes his cooking.
It's clear at this point, Aran and Hondo are besties.
^ This also goes for Tiger and Aran oddly enough! They have chaotic energy on opposite ends of the scale, and it balances out.
Kaiser and Soda seem to get along nicely, and often have interesting conversations about their histories with each other. There's a nice sense of privacy between them. However, Kaiser is scared of yet another person.. that being Sandman, but he'll hopefully get over that fear. Kaiser is also on good terms with Bull, and is surprisingly good at calming him down.
An odd relationship between Disco and Tiger, as Disco doesn't really talk with Tiger because.. Tiger avoids him. For some reason, Tiger is afraid of Disco Kid. But alternatively, Disco is very buddy buddy with Sandman! Sandy gives Disco boxing tips, Disco gives Sandy dancing tips. 
Hippo quite likes Sandman because he usually brings snacks in for him, but Sandman just does it so Hippo won't pester him. Close to Sandman though, there's Macho, who like a shocking amount of things is scared of Hippo. He has a fear that Hippo might try eat him (Sandman assures him this isn't true obviously). 
Macho and Don really don't like each other. They both accuse the other of being selfish and egotistical (or an eggo which is what Macho says). They're both right. However, Macho does want to get some advice about something from Don.. 
Another with Macho, he and Hugger are the type of people to walk past each other in the street and tilt their hats. 
Aran and Don? Enemies till the end. Don hates Aran for taking his spot in the World Circuit, Aran returns the hatrid because he likes how annoyed it makes Don.
Sandman has a lot! On one hand, he'll gladly stop to talk with Don or Hondo if he goes by them, but on the other hand he's great friends with Hugger over a shared love for animals and great friends with Joe because of the classic big guy, small guy dynamic. However, he dislikes Tiger for a particular decision he made that is also the reason Hondo is always uneasy around him.. Hugger, Hondo and Sandman know about this incident, and specifically keep it away from Disco's ears.
Hugger and Bull.. just call them the bald bros! Hugger is another person who's good with getting Bull calm, mostly with animal talk. Hugger also finds himself interacting with Macho quite often because Macho sees him as a fountain of knowledge, and always has a million questions.
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mrsdesade · 8 months
1 character x 10 songs x 10 headcanons
The Corinthian (Sandman)
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Songs that I think they might be perfect for Mr. Teeth for Eyes because of the lyrics or the vibes, I'm dropping here just because, maybe I can make you discovering new music? I also leave THE CORINTHIAN PLAYLIST I've created for him!
A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold
Baby, don't cry.
You had my heart, at least for the most part. […]
Ripped her heart out right before her eyes.
Eyes over easy, eat it, eat it, eat it.
hc: The lyrics is self-explanatory I must say... the whole song is screaming his name and his love story with someone.
2. Bite - Derivakat
Allow me just one little bite.
Eternity is so rewarding. [...]
Darling, stay with me.
These fangs are my only proposal.
hc: After many years of bonding and sharing feelings, he propose to you to share the eternity, trying to convince you to come to the dark side of being a nightmare like him.
3. You and I - Aryia
The story begins with a boy and a girl,
she loved the way he was stronger than her
But that sick little fuck, no, he didn't stop.
He took away her voice as she screamed NO!
A killers mind behind the face of God,
The devil's disguise is the great facade.
Mistake manipulation for a thing like love.
Started with a kiss but ends in blood.
hc: Ouch, you got the bad ending, he had fun with you, but the story ends in blood and ofc no one can help you against him. You trusted him, but he just played with your feeling.
4. JENNIFER'S BODY - Chris Grey, PLVTINUM & Dutch Melrose
She's out for revenge,
My baby she's out for revenge ah,
Her hands 'round my neck,
Fuck around and you might just be next.
I need to put my hands on Jennifer
Everybody runs away, but I run to her.
hc: You're deranged as him, that's what he likes about you. Sharing murders and crimes with his lovely half, what a dream for him. He loves watching and kissing you when you're covered in blood.
5. Love Me To Death - Nikki Idol
Love me to death, baby.
Until the end.
You're romantic, diabolic, hypnotic.
You do it so right baby , you make me cry.
We're fucking so hard that we might call this art.
It's like a movie.
Sex, liquor, roses.
hc: What can I say, that's the kind of song that he's gonna play when you two are alone at night in the comfort of your bed. His touch is that of a devil in love, delicate as velvet, warm as a supernova, suffocating as cigarette smoke.
6. Ride - Chris Gray
Lil baby wanna ride, in the backseat pull over the car.
No she don’t give a fuck if we’re caught,
Runnin’ my hand on her thigh.
She said “I’m all yours for the night”
She came for the ride.
Le'ts fell in love for just a night.
hc: This song is giving me city night vibes, the endless hours that you two have spent taking aimless road trip in his car, free and unregulated, always end with a night of passion. And he loves it so much, you've no idea.
7. MASOCHIST - Ellise
It's bitter and sweet, oh, he's pretty and mean […]
My baby's a freak, yeah.
And I'm a masochist.
I'm stuck in his teeth, yeah.
There's poison on his lips, 'cause the bad ones love you better.
hc: Impossible not to fall for him, you accepted being his property and somehow saved your life... what you don't say is that you're having maybe too much fun in this dangerous situation.
8. Eat your Young - Hozier
I'm starving, darling,
Let me put my lips to something,
Let me wrap my teeth around the world,
Start carving, darling.
hc: Quite obvious as a choice, but the text speaks for itself. In a courtship he would be really sly, he would make you feel extremely flattered and desired, the outcome will then depend on how interesting you can be for him.
9. DANCE! Till We Die - 6arelyhuman
I wanna dance until we die, bitch I'm blinded by the lights
Yeah we do this every night!
Swear to God, I'm living fast, but everything movin' slow.
Wanna lock into my eyes, see the Devil, that's inside.
hc: He can hunts victims also in nightclubs, because he find it fun, and this song takes me back to scenes like that. Imagine dancing with him in the disco lights and being unaware that you are so close to the most dangerous predator in the city.
10. Mary on a Cross - Ghost
We were searching for reasons.
To play by the rules,
But we quickly found,
It was just for fools.
Your beauty never ever scared me.
hc: Predictably I couldn't leave this song out, the final phrase makes me weak for happy ending with him. When you discovered the secret behind his glasses, instead of running away you stopped to observe better, with sincere curiosity, caressing his cheeks in a caring way.
That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to suggest more characters, when I'm done with my comfort characters I'll be delighted to please you with music about yours 🤍
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hello, could i request a part 3 of the one-shot you wrote about corinthiano having a crush on Dream's s/o
Lucienne asked Morpheus what rumors were circulating that made him have Corinthian eyes on the queen? I want to know how Morpheus would react?
[PART 1] | [PART 2]
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[MASTERLIST] | [Sandman-inspired playlist]
Bizarrely, Lucienne looked over her shoulder before approaching Dream. The throne room was empty, as always, but this time, with the newly-found knowledge, she couldn't help the whispers of suspicion clouding her judgement. Yes, the chateau simply reeked of nothingness but did it really? There, in the corner, right where no one bothers to look, was it actually a shadow or a set of prying eyes?
"I wanted to inquire about the rumours, lord Morpheus," she spoke quietly. Strange - it wasn't like the walls of the palace had ears or anything close to that.
His thoughtful gaze lifted to look at her. "What rumours?"
"About your spouse, my lord?" she coaxed. Morpheus remained silent, his eyebrows only knitting closer together. Assuming that it was part of the facade, Lucienne sighed as she decided to reveal her cards. "I heard there's possible... animosity among creatures of Dreaming. I came to ask if there was anything I could do."
Still sitting on the hardly comfortable steps, Dream straightened his back. Lucienne knew something was afoot when he intertwined his hands. "Who told you that?"
"I stumbled on Corinthian, when-"
"Where is he?" he cut her off. Morpheus rose to his feet, his demeanour suddenly changing. His shadow twitched and curved. Lucienne's eyebrows raised. If she wasn't so baffled about the abrupt shift, she might have retorted something equally challenging.
"I don't know." Her voice came off absent. "Is everything alright?"
"No, Lucienne," he nearly gritted through his teeth. "Nothing's right. He thinks he can lay hands on something that can never belong to him."
Without further explanation, Morpheus marched through his palace. The echo of his rushed footsteps sounded nearly sinister and soon enough he had disappeared around a corner. Lucienne's eyes lingered on the hall in which the king had disappeared. After a moment of tense silence and no sign of his return, she decided to carry on with her duties: whatever avalanche she had accidentally started, she was sure to hear its climax and conclusion as soon as they happen.
At the same time, you were happily strolling through a meticulously cared-for garden - unaware of your husband's frantic search for you. The day was absolutely gorgeous, without clouds or a cold wind. It seemed that early spring had arrived in Dreaming, too.
Taking a deep breath, you could smell the faint aroma of nature being reborn: first flowers were blooming, bees and butterflies shyly peeked out of their winter hideouts. A sparrow flew past, her flight high and proud, unafraid of rain as it was nowhere in sight. Small, forest critters run threw the neatly kept shrubbery in the gardens, making the shaped hedges shake slightly. With timidness that befits all that is genuine and innocent, nature was waking up from its winter slumber.
"Thank you for coming with me, Corinthian." Affectionately, you gently squeezed his arm. It was adorably old-school of him to offer it to you while going for a walk; it was one of those times when you could notice Morpheus's essence in his own creations. He was akin to an artist, leaving their characteristic quirk in each of the works, not always on purpose.
"The pleasure's all mine, your majesty."
A heavy sigh left your lips. The spring, the 'rebirth' of the world, Corinthian's sweet persona... It was all awfully nice but it wasn't exactly what you wanted. Although it might sound crude, this whole situation was like buying knock-off pralines which taste only reminds one of how much different the original is. I wonder what he's doing, you thought. Perhaps he'll be done soon. But that was merely wishful thinking.
"Is something the matter?"
Corinthian's voice shook you out of your own pondering. The sudden call to reality nearly made you trip over your own feet but he was quicker, protectively putting his arm in front of you - ready to embrace your waist should you lose your balance. Perhaps, he even wanted you to.
You looked at him but your gaze fell equally fast. A pang of embarrassment hit your ribs. It wasn't exactly nice of you to spend time with someone all the while thinking about another. Corinthian deserved to have his efforts appreciated. Despite that, your heart continued to yearn. "I know he's busy and that if he could choose, he'd spent time with me but I can't help it..."
At that moment, it was difficult to believe that it wasn't you who had no eyes. There he was, right in front of you, literally risking his neck just to be in your presence, putting aside his supposed duties to make sure you're not sad and alone. At the same time, you're wondering about a man who gives you his attention only when it's convenient for him. How noble of a king.
"I'm afraid I can't relate but I do understand. You just miss your beloved." The word nearly made him audibly gag. How could you not see this whole perplexity for what it truly was: that you were settling? What demon had to possess you at some point to make you humbly accept mere scraps?
One of them would create a whole world for you while the other would gladly burn a world if only you asked. And perhaps that has made all the difference.
"I should probably talk to Morpheus about that but I know that there simply isn't much he can do about this," you spoke while continuing your walk. Noticing that you were staring at the ground beneath your feet and not the blooming saffron, Corinthian's chest tightened uncomfortably. He relaxed his hand when he noticed he had been holding it clenched into a fist. "He'll only worry, you know how he is. He's got enough on his plate as it is."
Yes, a disagreement would be quite convenient... But could he actually do it? Promote himself from a stranger in the audience to one of the pieces on the board? Actually, it was a little too late to ponder that and Corinthian realized it only at that moment. He was falling down a chasm and as it befits a freefall - he was only gaining speed. Some part of him, however, wished not to stop.
"That's generous of you," the nightmare praised. A strange thing to happen, truly.
With a soft smile on your face, you looked up at him. It was obvious he was trying his best to better your sour mood. Honestly, the sole thought of his effort made you happier. No matter how awful he was supposed to be by design, he cared. Perhaps his insidious design made that all the more heart-touching. "You really know all the right words to say, Corinthian."
"A vice I must accept."
The joke elicited a giggle from you. Although it was a short burst of happiness, he basked in it like a contented lizard soaking in the sunlight. You were to him as spring is to the world, shaking him awake from the bitterness of winter.
These seconds of careless bliss made both of you miss the sound of steadily approaching footsteps. The day of judgement must always come.
"Corinthian," Morpheus called out in a low, stern voice. His skinny face and thick eyebrows already gave him a strict appearance but at the moment, some inexplicable shadow made him look nearly sombre. "I need to speak with you. Leave us, my love." It was an order, not a question.
The nightmare continued to smile despite his days being counted. He was unsure who he wanted to fool more: himself or the Lord of Dreams. After all, both of them could tell he reeked of fear.
_____ A/N: Been going through some kind of fanfic allergy. Can't read them or write them. At the same time, I've been feeling more inspired and/or motivated to write more of my original stuff so here's a snippet of "Before dark falls":
But she's not sad anymore. She's staring into the red-orange flame consuming the wood and the corpse. In some twisted osmosis, that same fire starts within her. It bites into her sore muscles, warms cold bones. Wreathes inside her chest, blowing apart her lungs and ribs, whispering disgusting deeds unknown even to the gods of war. Líadan is furious. She demands revenge.
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elena-mayfair · 2 years
Letting go
Paring: Morpheus x f!reader, Sandman x f!reader Warnings: swearing, horror images, adult themes, reader discretion is advised Summary: The hardest thing one can do is to let go. But some feelings are not worthy of holding onto them. They drag one down, making it unable to move, to live. Is love one of them? Can Witch truly love the Dream? Word count: 6.3k Note: Gifs are not mine, credit to the authors.
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Series Masterlist Part sixteen: Dreams that came true
Morpheus watched as Y/N silently donned a black dress, black high-heeled shoes, and pulled out an elegant handbag and jacket from her closet. She hid her amethyst pentacle amulet and a vial of sand under her dress and hung a delicate elegant chain with a silver star and moon around her neck. She put her hair up in a loose braid, single strands of hair kept slipping out and dancing around her face. She did her makeup delicately, classy, it matched her outfit so well. As he observed her once again, he began to wonder if he actually knew humanity as well as he thought he did. Or perhaps in his hubris, he thought he did, but in fact, he had stopped paying attention to the complexities of human nature. For here she stood before him, elegant and beautiful, like the brightest star shining in a black sky, and in her eyes he saw a sense of relief mixed with torment.
"Beloved," he began in a gentle voice, "although I understand your feelings I do not think this is a good idea."
She did not respond. She secured the silver earrings in her ears in silence and slipped a bracelet and watch on her wrists. She didn't even flinch when he spoke to her, as if she had tucked all her feelings, the good and the bad, deep at the bottom of the well of her soul.
"Y/N," he continued, "I know you consider his death a direct result of your actions and my words have no meaning for you now, but…"
"They do have meaning to me Morpheus," she interrupted and looked at him, "but they can't change my mind. I'm going to his funeral. Yes he was a monster, yes he almost brought me to ruin, but he didn't deserve such a death." She sighed heavily and reached for a cigarette, "His mother will be there. I knew her, I spent few years with him," she paused and exhaled the smoke, "I hated the bitch but I owe her that much. After all, she's about to bury her only son."
"What about your feelings?" Morpheus asked, "You keep talking about what's appropriate, what you should do, what you owe to others. Tell me, my dear, where are you in all this?"
"My feelings don't matter," she replied coldly.
Morpheus stepped up to her then took her hand and drew it close to his heart.
"For me, they are the most important," he said and looked deeply into her gleaming eyes.
"If I allow myself," she began in a quiet voice, "if I allow myself to feel, they will consume me, flood me and drown me…" she swallowed her tears, not letting a single one escape from her eyes. "I hate funerals, they remind me of…. of everyone I buried."
"You should not hide your feelings, especially from me," he said softly, "I have seen your nightmares. I know what haunts you."
"All the more reason you should understand that I can't afford feelings now. Any feelings. If I open this door… it will destroy me," her barely audible voice sounded distant, cold as if emptiness had consumed her soul and mind and everything beautiful about her.
"I will not allow this to happen."
She was silent for a moment, gazing only into the endlessness of the universe in his eyes. He could see her emotions under the facade of calm. Boiling anger, rage, relief, happiness, shame. He wanted her to allow herself to feel, wanted her not to try to stifle them inside her at all costs. "After all, to feel was so very human. After all, she doesn't have to hide, not from me."
"John is also going, they knew each other for years. He promised to come and pick me up," she finally said, "you don't have to worry. I'm sure you have more important things than my ex's funeral."
For a moment, Morpheus felt hurt. "How can she think that I would let her go alone, even if accompanied by a friend. How can she think that I could leave her."
"Do you not want me to accompany you?" he asked.
"Of course, I want to I just…" she hesitated, "I thought maybe you would prefer, I don't know…fuck! I don't know what I wanted to say. Sorry..."
"I won't let you go alone."
They both turned their heads at the sound of a quiet knock on the door. Y/N slipped her hand from Morpheus' grasp and with a frail smile on her face went to open the door behind which Constantine was leaning nonchalantly against the frame. To her surprise, he had abandoned his tan coat that he always wore. He was dressed in a dark gray pin-stripe suit with a white shirt and black tie. "He looks elegant," she thought at the sight of him.
"Ready love?" he asked with a cigarette hanging at his lips, "Chas is waiting for us downstairs."
"Let me just get my blazer and purse," she replied, "are we driving Chas’ cab?"
"That stinky old junk? Nay, it doesn’t seems appropriate," he replied, "just as it's not appropriate to look so devilishly good at the funeral of an ex who blew his brains out," he commented sarcastically on her outfit, "have you seen yourself in the mirror?!" he called out after her entering the apartment, "you look damn fine love."
Morpheus upon hearing his words emerged from the living room and entered the hallway. He filled the entire space from floor to ceiling with his presence, causing Constantine to take a step back in surprise. He gave him an icy stare and the stars in his eyes lit up menacingly. Fear ran across Constantine's face.
"You should not comment on what is appropriate John Constantine," he said in a tone that froze John's blood in his veins. He would not tolerate such comments about her. He disliked the closeness they shared, and didn't believe in his intentions. He had known the Constantines in the past and knew that neither of them could be trusted.
"What, maybe I should look like a grieving widow?" Y/N sneered as she approached them with her purse in hand. It didn't escape Morpheus' attention that she had painted her lips dark red, "I'd rather look like the whore he was so eager to call me than like a sad weeping wouldn’t-be wife," she snarled then walked out of the apartment forcing them to follow her.
"How remarkable people can be. Death was right. Perhaps I had spent too much time away from them. Perhaps I isolated myself from them for far too long." Morpheus shifted his gaze from Y/N to Constantine then to his friend Chas. On the radio 'Unforgiven' by Metallica was quietly playing, everyone was silent and he could quietly observe them. An incredible palette of emotions was painted on each of their faces. Chas was visibly unnerved by his presence, glancing in the rearview mirror every now and then and fleeing with his eyes when he met his gaze. Morpheus could clearly see the droplets of sweat that formed on his forehead. John, on the other hand, looked seemingly calm, his fingers were tapping against his thigh to the rhythm of the drums as he let out smoke through the slightly open window. Morpheus, however, saw a grimace of displeasure and unease in his reflection. It was as if Morpheus' presence was clearly irritating him. He too glanced in the mirror every now and then only that his gaze stopped on Y/N. And she just stared numbly at the streets passing by outside the window. Her face expressed nothing, neither nervousness, tension nor sadness. She was turning the pentacle amulet unconsciously in her fingers, while Morpheus watched with fascination as faint sparks, invisible to human eyes, flashed from her fingers every time she touched it. "The wouldn’t-be wife…" he repeated her words in his mind and felt anger in his heart. Anger that someone else, someone as despicable as he was, could even have planned to call her his wife, envy that perhaps she was planning to call someone her husband. "I want to call her my wife…." he thought after which with a gentle motion he stopped her fingers dancing on the amulet. She looked at him and her face softened as he intertwined her fingers between his and clenched them tightly. She smirked but the smile did not reach her eyes. Ignoring the company of John and Chas, she moved closer to him and let him put his arm around her.
"Better?" he asked in a whisper.
"Mhm," she muttered and closed her eyes.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the surprised looks of his companions every now and then glancing at their reflection. Once again he felt within himself the desire to take her away, to take her away from prying eyes, away from the questions he was sure would follow in a moment. However, he knew that was not what she needed.
"When we get back," she began quietly, "I'd like to talk to you about something."
"About what?"
"Later," her gaze met the reflection of Chas' eyes in the mirror, "Chas! The road if you don't mind!" she snapped at him.
"Hey don't blame me! It's not every day that I have the opportunity to drive one of the Endless in my back seat!" Chas defended himself.
Y/N just sighed heavily and closed her eyes again allowing herself to drift off for a moment in Dream's safe embrace.
"At the funeral, there will probably be a lot of people who know me," she began after a moment, "I'm sure they will give you strange looks and ask uncomfortable questions."
"As apparently people are in the habit of doing," he replied, narrowly suspending his gaze on John's reflection.
"I hope the whole ceremony won't last long. It's not a party I'd want to stay at any longer than necessary."
" You should be worrying about that old crazy hag love," John turned around and gave you a wary glance.
"Maybe she's already forgotten about me, maybe she won't recognize me," she wished weakly.
If only Morpheus could make that dream come true.
You so badly did not want to go to the funeral yet at the same time you knew that it was the only right decision. "It's because of me that he's dead," the thought was circling in your head. You heard what Morpheus was saying to you, you heard his reassuring words, but you failed to register them in your consciousness. You knew very well what he had done to him. You knew why he did it. You knew that you were at the center of it all. If it hadn't been for you if it hadn't been for your nightmares if it hadn't been for your memories that Morpheus had discovered none of this would have happened. You didn't blame him. You couldn't find a shred of anger in your heart that you could direct at him. "He only wanted to protect me, only he knows what he saw in David's nightmares. He is not human, he does not feel and does not think like a human. I knew that from the beginning." You accepted his extended hand and let him courteously help you out of the car. Suddenly you noticed that his plain black t-shirt and tailored coat had changed into an elegant black Italian-style shirt with a high collar fastened under the tie with a silver pin and a perfectly tailored three-piece plain black suit.
"Stylish much?" you winked and for the first time allowed yourself a sincere smile. Morpheus only chuckled quietly after which, as was in his habit, he guided your hand under his arm.
"If needed I have a few tricks up my sleeve that are sure to rock the party," Constantine stepped to your other side and took a drag on his cigarette.
"Dancing zombies with holes in their heads?" you quipped.
"Can be done," he winked with a smile, "Alright let's get this over with. Shall we?" he asked after which he made his way to the entrance of the chapel.
Your wishes faded the moment you entered the chapel. People were few, after all, David was not a very likable person. You hadn't even had time to head toward the darkest and most distant corner of the chapel when your gaze met that of your wouldn’t-be mother-in-law. She was as cold as ever, the icy stern gaze of a hardened woman who had never known love in her life, who had never taught her son to love. Although her gaze made you want to run away, you saw that her eyes were red, she was crying. You squeezed Morpheus' shoulder lightly and he immediately led you away from the gathered people.
"She never liked me," you murmured quietly.
He answered nothing but placed his hand on yours. His closeness and warmth made you feel somehow lighter as if he was taking a stone off your heart with his mere presence. You wanted to tell him how much it meant to you. How happy you were that he was here with you even though you were convinced that he probably didn't want to. How complete your life has become since he became a part of it. How complete you felt even here, in the chapel, at your ex's funeral, having him by your side.
"John, for fuck sake we're in church," you hissed as you saw John reach for a pack of cigarettes.
"What? It's not like they give a fuck, or like I give a fuck!" he snarled.
"But I do give a fuck!" you hissed, "lets at least keep up the pretense that we're fucking sorry for his death."
"It's a very human affliction to focus on keeping up appearances." Morpheus commented, "Why lie? Why present a false face?"
"Oh, for once I agree with Sandman," John nodded but eventually hid his cigarettes seeing your annoyed looks.
"A woman is burying her own son," you snapped angrily.
"A mean bitch if I remember correctly," he snorted, reminding you of your own words.
"But still a mother! Sorry ass mother but still a mother!" you furrowed your eyebrows, "I don't even want to imagine what a mother burying her own child must feel. No parent should bury their own children. It's not the natural course of things. It's not right."
"Everyone gets exactly the same thing," Morpheus spoke quietly, "A lifetime. However, a lifetime doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. When their time is up Death comes for them to lead them away from this world."
"And what next?" you looked at him and your voice sounded more pleading than you would have liked, "What next Morpheus? Where is Death taking them?
"I do not know that my dear," he replied softly, "I think even Death itself does not know that."
The pastor, however, claimed otherwise. The pastor confidently stated that David would be judged according to his deeds. He asked those gathered to pray for the salvation of his soul. "If I had prayed, I would have begged for you to burn in hell," you cursed him in your mind.
"This is not what I wanted," David wept, "You did this to me.! This is not what I wanted!"
"You wanted to escape the Dream of the Endless. You got what you wanted," a melodious voice sang in response.
"I wished to escape not to die," he could not hold back the tears that fell on the black floor mixing with blood.
"And you did escape. Exactly as you desired."
"I'll go pay my respects," you stated and moved toward the woman whom you once thought to call mother. You didn't want to do that. You didn't want to look her in the eye knowing that it was because of you that her son was dead. You despised her. Your contempt for her was only slightly lesser than the contempt you had for her son. For in truth, she knew what a monster her son was. She knew. She knew he abused alcohol, she knew how he treated you, she saw the bruises and scratches on your body and did nothing. The only thing she once managed to say was a short "You should leave him. He will never change." The only advice she ever gave you. Over the years of your relationship, she watched passively as he abused you and did nothing. You didn't know if it was out of fear or perhaps denial. Maybe she didn't really want to see her failure in her own son. After all, looking away was much easier. When you looked at her closely you did not feel contempt, you felt compassion.
"My condolences Grace," you said and hugged her awkwardly, "I'm really terribly sorry."
She reciprocated the hug. A brief, cool, conservative one.
"Spare me your sympathy," she replied with disgust in her eyes, "I don't know how, I don't know what you did but I know that it's because of you that my son is dead."
"Grace…" you began in an apologetic tone. You didn't have to turn around to know that Morpheus was already measuring her with one of his icy glares. "David and I split up years ago," you said.
"You left him," she interrupted you, "you broke his heart. He was never himself again. He started drinking more than before, I think he was using. He never stopped loving you."
"Grace, forgive me, but you don't have a picture of the whole story," your throat tightened trying to swallow tears of anger.
"And now what? You come here with a new guy pretending how sad you are about his death. You have no shame," she spat sourly through clenched teeth. "Perhaps it's a good thing that your mother is dead. She would be ashamed for such a daughter."
Your hand twitched impulsively as an unstoppable desire to slap her across the face took over you, and only Morpheus' strong grip on your hand prevented you from making a scene.
"I believe you have said enough," he said in a grave tone.
"Forgive me Grace…" you tried to speak softly but in your soul, you wanted for your screams and curses to echo throughout the chapel.
"Oh for fuck sake! Fuck courtesy," Constantine growled with annoyance, "Listen lady, your son was a piece of shit, a fucking sadist and sociopath! He got far less than he deserved. People like him destroy the lives of others with a smile on their faces, they blow through the lives of good people like fucking tornadoes leaving ruin and destruction! So yes, the world will be a better place without him. Or at least Y/N life will be!" he lit a cigarette ostentatiously, " Let's go! Nothing here for us. We need to open a bottle of whiskey and celebrate the death of the scumbag!"
Some part of you wanted to deny it, wanted to stop the stream of words pouring out of Constantine's mouth however you didn't. The other part of you smiled with satisfaction when Morpheus took your hand and led you to the exit. You knew you should apologize, you knew you should do something. But instead, you raised your head proudly and only threw her a fierce look. You felt sorry for the woman who buried her son, but you had no sympathy for the woman who stood by passively and ignored his abuse toward you for years. You didn't even say goodbye. You clenched your hand tightly on Morpheus' hand and, as you left the chapel, you left the past behind.
As you lay on the bed cuddled up to Morpheus, you felt calm, you felt safe. He laid on his back gently caressing your shoulder and hair, you knew he was watching as you breathed calmly with your eyes closed letting all the stress and tension drift away into oblivion. You listened to the steady beat of his heart as it carried you back to the shore of the ocean of Dreaming and, like its waves, washed away all your cares, it took away every worry with its every beat. He didn't ask anything, he didn't push, he was so understanding for which you were immensely grateful to him.
"Thank you for going with me," you said quietly, "I know you didn't approve of that decision but I needed it."
"There is nothing to thank for," he replied while his deep husky tone of voice brought a pleasant shiver to your skin.
"I can't believe he's gone, something…" you searched for the right word, "something doesn't seem right."
"I thought human death was nothing strange to you."
"That's not what I meant. Something…I don't know, I have a strange feeling," you clumsily tried to explain.
"You are a Witch," he said as if that would explain everything, "Your kind has always had keen senses for things unseen by others, sometimes even by us Endless."
You fell silent again. Your mind began to spiral thoughts again so instead of letting him do so you focused on Morpheus' heartbeat, on his breathing, on the touch of his gentle fingers brushing your shoulder. You desired nothing more than to disappear than to escape from the world and hide in Morpheus' endless night. "Desire" the memory of the red chamber of golden eyes and enticing smile made you snap your eyes wide open. For you realized that you had not told Morpheus about it, there was no time or opportunity.
"Earlier, you called yourself his wouldn’t-be wife," Morpheus began, and you could almost swear that you heard a trace of concern in his voice, "I would like you to tell me about it."
"I thought you knew all my dreams and nightmares?" you replied surprised by his question.
"Not all of them," he explained then continued as if knowing that this was not enough for you, "During my imprisonment, I was disconnected from the Dreaming, people still dreamed but I could not see their dreams. Including yours."
"Then how did you find out about me and David?" suspicion crept into the tone of your voice.
"I have read their records."
"Forgive me Morpheus but you'll have to give me more than that," you moved up to a sitting position and measured him with a suspicious glare. Morpheus only sighed with resignation.
"There is a library in the palace containing the records of all dreamt stories," Morpheus also picked himself up and sat leaning against the wall, "every dream and every nightmare of every living creature is written on the pages of the books that are kept there. But not only dreams and nightmares. Every story, every tale, every fantasy that has been conceived is written on the pages of the books in my library."
"So you mean to tell me that you have read my entire story for yourself?" you furrowed your eyebrows angrily.
"No," he replied calmly, "I have not read your entire story. Only the parts that coincided with David's dreams period. I had to confirm my assumptions, the human mind can be very treacherous." The stars in his eyes searched for understanding.
"You didn't have to, you wanted to," you corrected him, "You wanted to check it, you wanted to find out."
"Yes, I wanted to. I already explained it to you, he had to be punished," in his eyes and tone of voice you didn't find a hint of regret.
"And now he's dead," you commented coldly.
"Do you blame me for his death beloved?" the starlight dimmed as if disappointed by the implication of your words, "I find no remorse or regret for his death. The only thing I regret is that he did not suffer longer, that he found escape in Death. He should suffer for decades and centuries for the harm he caused you."
"How can you say that…" you whispered and your voice sounded more fearful than you wanted it to.
"That would be the only just punishment," the stars shone coldly.
So rarely did the realization of the power of his being actually reach you. You absorbed every new experience he brought you like a child delighted in discovering a new world. Although subconsciously you knew and understood that he was not human you rarely really noticed. Everything was beautiful and magical. It was so easy for you to forget that Morpheus was not only the King of Dreams but also of Nightmares.
"How can you be so loving and kind and yet so harsh and cruel at the same time?" you whispered in disbelief.
"And how can you be so compassionate and simultaneously so cruel?" the endless night gazed into your eyes, "You have so much compassion in you for others and at the same time you can be cold and merciless to those who, in your judgment, do not deserve compassion."
"My actions are nothing compared to your power."
"Which does not make them inferior. Which does not make your nature less complex than mine," he explained kindly, " Do not diminish the significance of your actions just because your power does not allow you to do what I do."
"I wish I knew what it would be like to be able to do what you do," you whispered in reverie.
"Would you have acted similarly then?" he asked.
You didn't answer immediately, you only smiled faintly, and stretched out on the bed again. Morpheus remained distant from you, so you extended your hand invitingly and he accepted it. He stretched out on the bed again and slid his arm under your head.
"Worse," you replied resting your head on his chest again, "Much worse."
Morpheus brushed your hair away from your face and kissed the top of your head.
"Everyone around me is dying…" you murmured into his chest, "Like I'm cursed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sorry about his death, maybe it makes me cruel, but I can't grieve over this," you said while Morpheus only listened in silence, "I just can't get rid of this feeling that everyone who comes in contact with me dies sooner or later. Usually sooner. My mother, father, both grandmothers, people I couldn't save, now David. It's like death is following me taking everyone I ever cared about. It's as if there is no room in my life for anything else but a constant struggle, a constant fight against the Despair that lurks in every nook and cranny of my life."
"You are not cursed."
"Then how do you explain it? I don't want to make myself a victim or feel sorry for myself, people have it worse…"
"Comparing yourself with others won't make you nobler, it will only make you more bitter." he interrupted you gently.
"I know, it's not a point. I have accepted the fact that my life is what it is, but…" you sighed deeply, "I can't help but wonder about the nature of it all. Death, suffering, Despair, dreams…. I'm dwelling on the meaning of life cuddled up to the personification of Dream and a million questions are bouncing around in my head."
"Then ask them," he encouraged.
"Well, because if you exist in…hmmm…physical form, as a person with feelings and desires and free will then I have to accept the fact that Despair, Desire, and Death are similar to you. That they also have thoughts, feelings, and plans, they also take actions based on their will. But if I accept this fact, it is only natural that further questions will arise," you felt Morpheus' hand tighten on your waist and draw you closer to him.
"I understand where these questions come from, there is a reason why most mortal beings do not know about the existence of Endless," he sighed, "We exist because humans exist. We exist because humans subconsciously know that we exist. It is, in a way, a symbiotic relationship. If people did not desire, despair, die or dream we, the Endless, would not exist. But if we didn't exist people wouldn't be able to experience these feelings."
"But is the fact that we experience these feelings your doing?" you continued, "Is it, for example, that we desire because Desire wants us to, or do we desire arbitrarily while at the same time causing Desire to exist?"
"I do not know the answer to that question," his low voice sounded distant, sadly even, "Even we do not know what came first egg or hen."
"It's so frustrating!" you exhaled and sat down again. You pulled your knees up to your chin and gazed into space "You have free will! You make decisions arbitrarily of the nature of your existence. So if I accept that, then I have to assume that Despair is similar to you. Does that mean it can intentionally bring suffering into my life? For some reason to cause all these nightmares in my life? If Desire is like you then are my feelings even real? Is the love I feel for you real or is it just the result of manipulation? I love the Dream and I question whether this is even possible." You spoke quickly, pensively, without taking a breath or thinking about the implications of your words. Only when Morpheus leveled his gaze with yours you understood. The stars in his eyes shone with a radiance you had never seen before. Intense, piercing you to the core, full of hope, full of longing and love.
"Say it again…" the request emerged from the abyss of night.
"That night you said that if I let you, you will love me until time ceases to exist, " you looked into the endlessness of his night but you were not nervous, despite the questions crowding your head you felt calm, you felt certain. "But I said I don't know if I can love again…." As you gazed into the glittering stars in his eyes you made the decision that they would become your beacon, that you would follow them even to the end of the world and time and existence, "…that was a lie," you smiled seeing the splendor of the stars burning more intensely, almost blinding light, your calling, your calling to let go and let yourself be carried away by your dreams. "I love you Morpheus. I cannot let you love me because my heart, body, and soul already belong to you."
"Say it again…" his face was so close to you that you could share a breath.
"I love you."
A passionate kiss stole the words from your lips as Morpheus closed the space between you. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you as close as if he wanted you to become a part of him. He didn't have to say anything, words meant nothing when his actions said everything. Every kiss, every touch was a silent declaration of devotion and love. His endless night surrounded your senses when, in the rapture of love, you became part of him.
"It's not fair how much I love you…" you whispered as your skin ignited under his touch, "How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do. Be good to me…" you pleaded.
"You are the earth of me," he whispered in your ear, "I know exactly what I want. I want this life that I can create for us inundated with the fated thought of you," he silenced your quiet moan with a kiss, "My Heart, I am old but know that I exist to press my head between your shoulder blades at night when light is fading. Be my love, my Queen, my undoing."
"How can it be, I am so flawed…” you wept.
"My Heart, don't cry," with a kiss he brushed a tear from your cheek, "I am here, all yours. It's what my heart just yearns to say in ways that can't be said. It's what's engraved upon my heart in letters deeply worn. Today I somehow understand the reason I exist. Be mine…"
"I am all yours…"
When you call to me asleep Up the ragged cliffs I scramble A single thread hangs limply down And I breathe not now, not now And I find you all unwoven Trying desperately to sew I know the kindest thing Is to leave you alone
When your seams have come unknitted And you cry out to the sky "I've run out of my words, my song Just let me die, me die" The rockrose and the thistle Will whistle as you moan I could try to calm you down But I know you won't
All the pins inside your fretted head And your muttered whens and hows All your mother's weaves and your father's threads Let me rob them of you now 'Cause I'll darn you back together When you think that you're bereft And you'll wail, you'll scream, but I'll never stop 'Cause it's all that I have left
I wake and hear you calling And up those cliffs I climb And I find you with a thimble weeping May I, I ask, may I? And you gently gift it to me 'Cause you've no clue how to sew And I know the kindest thing I pray to god it's the kindest thing I know the kindest thing Is to never leave you alone
"Your soul sings in your sleep," Morpheus smiled at her and drew her close to him. Her arms and chest were marked with fresh stitches of colorful threads, with which Morpheus stitched her back together. The wind howled between the cliffs on which they stood but Morpheus only wrapped her tighter with his cloak protecting her from the menacing gust, "Is this how you see me? As someone who can stitch you up again? You are not treated beloved."
"Just because I can mask the tears in my soul doesn't mean they don't exist, " she replied, "but you, you mend them every day and every night. Before I met you, I didn't think it was even possible." She freed herself from his grasp and stood on the edge of the cliff. She was dreaming, and he, the Lord of Dreams was with her, there was no threat to her, "And even though it hurts sometimes I am grateful for your grace Morpheus."
"I think we both darn each other, like in your song," he replied, "I see why you like it so much, the lyric could not be more accurate. At first I thought the kindest thing I could do was to leave you alone. Now I know that the kindest thing is to never leave you alone."
The wind blew harder making her lose her balance for a moment.
"What would happen if I fell?" she asked looking into the abyss beneath her feet, "Would I die?"
"Sometimes you wake, and sometimes, yes, you die," Morpheus replied, "But there is a third alternative…"
"Which is?" she asked, stretching her foot over the edge of the cliff.
"Sometimes you fly."
She knew he wouldn't let her die so she leaned her entire weight forward and let her body fall weightlessly into the abyss. She felt wonderful, light, blissful, so free, so liberated. The world around her blurred into a shapelessness of images and voices. Colorful threads sprang from space and began one by one to weave marks on her body. Each needle sting released droplets of blood that formed images, memories. A sting of the needle and she saw the faces of her dead grandmothers, they were waving at her as if saying goodbye. A stab of the needle and the image of the Jefferson family formed, they were smiling, enjoying family life after death. There was no fear or dread, just the warmth of family ties. The needle stung again forming the image of the Turners, they cried with joy at Jessica's wedding. Whole, complete, surrounded by love and warmth. Jessica beamed with happiness when her heart's chosen one put the ring on her finger. The needle pierced again making a silent cry of pain escape her lips. Blood hung in the air only to form an image of David a moment later. David as she met him, handsome, charming, caring, sober. He looked at her and smiled kindly, silently uttering Forgive me. She wept. She kept falling into the abyss and her black silk dress flew in the wind like wings. She saw her own tears suspended in the air as a ripping scream cut the air when the needle pierced her skin again. From the tears, blood, and screams, an image of her parents emerged. They danced hugged in an embrace of love, smiling carried by the sound of music. There was no sickness, no pain, no death, no tears. Dad gazed at Mom with eyes filled with love as on their wedding day, and Mom smiled dreamily, loved. Morpheus could feel her pain as the needle pierced her skin time and again, mending the wounds, he heard her quiet crying when her parents stopped dancing and looked at her, "It's time to let go daughter, my darling daughter," said mom. "You have your whole life ahead of you don't waste it looking back. Remember what I told you, life is only moments, enjoy every one of them. Live. It's time to let go."
And when the needle pierced her skin one last time sewing up the last wound she let go. Morpheus caught her in flight and carried her in his arms. She threw both arms around his neck as he slowly made his way toward the ground carrying her like a bride. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes.
"Never leave me alone…" she whispered.
Part eighteen: The horror and the ruin - Part 1
~~***~~ Author note: When I originally sat down to write this chapter it meant to go in a completely different direction. It even had a completely different title. But somehow story let me here and here we are...I'll be honest I got slightly emotional writing the last part. I want to make this clear, I did use fragments of songs by the unbelievably magical band The Amazing Devil in the dialogue in the second to last scene. Songs that I incorporated are Fair and Marbles and the whole lyric is of the song The Rockrose and the Thistle. I love them so much and their music is a huge inspiration for me. If you are interested you can find them on Spotify, iTunes etc. Their music is pure magic. Anyways, I'm gonna stop my ramble. I do hope you enjoyed the chapter. Dream Lord only knows that I enjoyed writing it, even though it was hard in parts. For now, as always Dear Reader, I thank you for reading. ~~***~~
Tag list: @mycrazyfandom @unavoidabledirewolf @calicoevening72 @uzumaki-mj @thegreatestsandwich @parabatai-winchester @munsonmunster @consistentreader578 @jupiterclipse @fangirlmary @clown-princesa @galaxypox @dilfsandtherapy @kc-265 @midnxghtblue @sallysal9 @0shippingtrashaway0 @lu123sworld @octo-octopie @asmallhobbitruinedmylife @xxbeckybeexx-blog @jesllianaquilesrolon @dollfaceyourfear @shaewithyou @heavenmaycare @moon-enthusiast @home-of-disaster @xmxrfx @missnightingale1971 @lilfoxyqueensworld @fate-huntress @bionic-donut @kaifloof @mischiefmanaged71 @beakami @mm2305 @redbircl @floatingintheupsidedown @chaoticmessneutralplease
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thenightling · 5 months
Another reason I find the Afterlife Lost and Found jarring and unnecessary in Dead Boy Detectives is Death told us she's omnipresent in The Sandman: Dream Country, The Sandman issue 20, Facade, (Chapter 19 of The Sandman audio drama.
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fidel-guevara · 1 year
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fancy-rock-dove · 2 years
Chapter Head Art for Maybe Sprout Wings (Full set)
I have had just, So Much Fun working on these. This story really is built on such a great concept, and with such fantastic worldbuilding, and with action so thoroughly in tune with its themes that it really does reward digging into. @moorishflower's writing kills me in the best of ways (and in the sleep deprivation kind of ways but I have no regrets), and designing them was a great time. And on top of that, everyone here has been just, so lovely, so I'm very excited to post the full set of chapter head illustrations!
Stylistic consistency continues to elude me, but hopefully these look like a matched enough set regardless. Cursive titles are the chapter titles, block print is my own title for the illustration. Just for fun, and in tribute to the (probably truly unhinged) amount of time I spent thinking about Symbolism while making these, I'm including one selected Fun Fact relevant to my thoughts on some part of each of these at the bottom of this post in case that interests anyone!
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Ch 1: Baobabs are some of the oldest living flowering plants on the planet and can live up to two millennia. I have a lot of feelings about the sheer volume of life these trees can contain (both spatially and in time) and what that means for how we look at them.
Ch 2: If Abel were looking to avoid anachronism, he could still absolutely have left out books that were machine-printed with moveable type, but they'd probably have to have been in Chinese or Korean, from somewhere that had already widely adopted the technology by the 14th century.
Ch 3: Homer's works contain what is believed to be the first written mention of apples in Ancient Greece. Its writing is about as many centuries removed from the events of the Odyssey as the events of this chapter are from the first recorded mention of apples in England.
Ch 4: An ink quill is definitely more aesthetic, but graphite had actually been discovered in England and pencils invented in the decades prior to Shakespeare's first writings. It's entirely possible he could've been jotting down quick notes with a pencil like any stagehand today.
Ch 5: Though Corinthian style architecture is named for the Greek city of Corinth, with which it's associated, its inventor Callimachus is actually thought to be Athenian. The spiny, curling acanthus leaves used in its motifs are generally associated with long life, immortality, and rebirth. Go figure.
Ch 6: Symbolically, clovers are a sign that others are thinking of you. They're associated with good fortune, and apparently also male energy, and seen as a sign of protection. Excellent Fiddler's Green groundcover here.
Ch 7: Three-masted, fully-rigged ships became common in Europe by the 16th or 17th centuries during the Age of Sail because the extra space for sails became more necessary with the increase in open-ocean voyages. Making them the go-to type of vessel for both trade and exploration.
Ch 8: The simple but effective design of drop spindles is largely unchanged from their first documented use in the first century CE. there's evidence of their use for spinning (making a single, stronger thread from many disparate fibers) dating back at least to the advent of agriculture, some 10,000 years ago. Definitely what I picture Clotho using.
Ch 9: The fractal, branching structures of roots, lightning, and Lichtenberg figures are all self-similar: you can get much closer and they'll still appear very similar or identical to the way they were at a distance.
Ch 10: The throne room scenes of Sandman were shot in Guildford Cathedral. The Dreaming's Castle was intentionally designed to be a mashup of a whole ton of architectural styles, but the facade and throne room definitely feel gothic or neo-gothic. It's been a classic for centuries and the gothic-style window is definitely the kind I picture Hob's room having, at least on days the castle's feeling a bit fancy.
Ch 11: The item at the front left there is a weaving shuttle. According to Artemidorus, while dreaming of most kinds of looms indicates that you should expect rest, dreaming of a warp-weighted loom -- the kind which was common in bronze-age Greece and enables multiple people to work together on the weaving -- indicates an upcoming journey.
Ch 12: I feel like I've already talked about the symbolism of this one elsewhere, so for this one, instead of a fact, a comment (that I found fun): The binding circle in this only shows up in areas covered by the puddle of the Dreaming Sea, the means by which the nature of the "gilded ring" was elucidated. :)
Ch 13: Greek ships often had eyes on their bow, which among other things, was intended to imbue them with some will and ability to avoid obstacles. The Argo famously had eyes and also some innate awareness/intelligence, and could actually speak to the crew.
Ch 14: While Calliope, muse of epic poetry and eloquence (and the one invoked at the beginning of the Odyssey) is associated with a book, scroll, or tablet, Erato, muse of romantic poetry and love stories, is depicted in crowns of rose and myrtle. My title for this one was very nearly just (Invocation pt. ii). Also, I have a headcanon that Dream has only seen very bad performances of the Odysseyif ( he's seen any at all) since antiquity. Any show that literally begins by calling his ex is something he's not gonna stay for unless he's really sure she won't actually show up.
Whew! thanks to anyone who actually read to the end of my rambling here! Clearly this whole story has been really, really fun to just turn over in my mind. Cool stuff just keeps falling out of it! Since I would literally be two photos under Tumblr's limit on this post otherwise, how about a couple bonus alternate versions at the end here? Because why not?? I added some red accents to a couple of these for fun, and though it doesn't fit the for the chapter headings, I do think it looks cool!
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