#The two Brothers
lepetitdragonvert · 1 year
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Die Zwei Brüder / The Two Brothers
Artist : Otto Ubbelohde
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bobauthorman · 9 days
Opposites Attract
Oz and Salem's dynamic is interesting to me because both were crafted to represent a specific quality, but end up personifying the exact opposite quality.
Salem is supposed to be stillness. Her immortality is supposed to render her into a fixed point in time. She does not age, and all damage done to her is undone. She represents the previous era of mankind, wielding sorcery that can never be achieved again.
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And yet, she is the one that has changed the most. She goes from helpless damsel, the Girl in the Tower, to cunning mastermind, the Wicked Witch of the West. By throwing herself into the pools of Grimm, her physical appearance changes heavily. And she not only causes the end of the old world by encouraging the people to rebel against the gods, but she keeps invoking the destruction of the show's status quo through her agents. By her own will, she becomes anarchy.
And Oz was clearly designed to be change. His immortality puts him in different bodies every time one dies. He ages. His mind alters as he and his host/victim join souls, and vice-versa. As (Self-installed) leader of the Huntsmen, he is supposed to represent the current era.
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But however, Oz, by his own admission, never learns his lesson, instead using his troublesome reincarnation as a means of running away from his problems. And while their minds adjust, he and his body's souls soon reach an equilibrium where neither are indistinguishable from the other. And while he is supposed to focus on the growth of Huntsmen and humanity, he relies mostly on the ancient magic and gifts provided by the Two Brothers, having no real faith in the current mankind. He remains in stasis.
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bronzegods · 17 days
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Hor the Elder and Setesh the Elder
Pre-Dynastic deity brothers who fuckin’ hate each other but live together in a Libyan oasis temple anyway, because obviously that’s how you solve your familial problems. Exposure. Or whatever.
In the timeline of Pantheon, their story begins in the pre-dynastic period prior to the unification of Kemet. Hor and Setesh, both royal princes who rule in Nekhen and Naqada respectively, got along fine with each other (aside from general sibling rivalry) until the abrupt death of their father, Andjety, the god of kingship, who drowned in the Nile. His body was not recovered.
Shit hit the fan.
See, there were two problems: first, the brothers encountered their first experience with true death. Not the kind where you go take a visit to the underworld and reunite your ba with your ka, but True Oblivion that comes from dying and leaving behind an unrecoverable body. Without the body preserved, there can be no resurrection.
The second issue? Andjety also didn’t leave a will for his kingdom. Lack of writing systems and all back in those days. So Hor and Setesh, shattered by the loss of their father, both sank into their grief, and both felt obligated to step into their father’s sandals and become the new king.
This resulted in constant warfare between the two Upper Egyptian city-states as their patron gods struggled to handle their loss. In the process, they crushed the kingdom of Abdju between them, sending its gods—Khenti-Amentiu, Anpu, Wepwawet, and Wepiu—fleeing north, where they allied with the Delta gods: Ptah, Sokar, Kherty, and Neith.
Hor and Setesh set aside their differences and united against the common threat. The two, reconciled, steamrolled the Delta resistance. Khenti-Amentiu and sons fled to the underworld through Saqqara, displacing Sokar and Kherty’s family in an attempt to avoid getting killed by the enraged brothers.
But after their victory, Hor turned against Setesh and banished him to a Libyan oasis. He wanted to be the one and only king, and even the mortal kings loved and took on his name. Sure, Peribsen tried recalling Setesh, but Hor chased him away again.
Which worked great, until a new threat arrived. He called himself Ra, and Hor was no match for him. He begged Setesh to help. Setesh told him to go fuck himself. Ra took over the lands by the 3rd Dynasty and banished Hor to Libya as well, laying the foundation for his ironclad rule.
The age of the sun had arrived.
Commissioned work, illustrated by Eaglidots
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lipeg · 5 months
Knight's Tales: Winter Solstice Special (Christmas special )
Ever Alter - Underground
The underground of Ever Alter it was a very interesting and mysterious place, where it keeps many secrets.
Entire civilizations hidden beneath the earth.
In one of the many caves, there was a very peculiar.
A cave that didn't look like a cave, it looked like a country that was buried but the sun continued to appear, rain kept watering the crops. Even though was beneath the earth, life continued normal.
And the seasons passed normally. Even beneath the earth.
The people who lived in this cave were called of Dragronelf. A race of human beings with blue skin, pointy ears and with horns on his head.
They were a peaceful race. But they weren't stupid, they had their warriors to cause a war to happen.
This race worshipped a Dragon God.
Those responsible for creating everything.
But after he created everything, he felt alone, then he split into two parts.
This race has a legend that a traveler who was also a great warrior would bring back their Dragon God back and thus, the Dragon God would unite all the races.
But that day was far from coming.
But they would wait hopefully.
This race was currently celebrating the winter solstice, It was a five-day holiday.
During these five days, they celebrated with their families together, to celebrate the good harvests, unlike other places, this cave, the best season for them was winter. During this season, the fruits have changed, giving them a unique flavor and aroma.
They meet at a lake that has mystical properties or magic.
On the same lake, They take the belongings of their deceased relatives with them, because when the item diving into the water to the incredible happened.
But now let's change our focus.
Near the lake there was a young knight was sitting by the lake.
A young knight with long blond hair, blue eyes, he had a sad expression on his face. The knight had little armor, he had armor no covering his chest and on his left arm.
He had black pants similar to jeans, his boots had a metal protection on the front, on the heel part there was a metal protection.
He had a red sash in his right hand.
He looked at red sash and he gave a sigh tired.
He got up and walked to the edge of the lake.
He knelt down, holding the red sash tightly, put his hand in the water, and released the red sash.
The moment he released the red sash, the lake began to glow. He was blinded by the glare.
As the glow faded, his vision gradually returned.
He was shocked by what happened.
He was no longer near the lake.
He was in a place unlike anything he had ever seen.
The floor was made of water.
It was literally water, he was walking on water.
The sky was in the middle. On one side was the blue sky with the sun and on the other side was the dark sky with the moon.
The stars were very bright on both sides.
There were only clouds around him and gears in the distance.
He started walking.
To look from one side to the other.
He found himself alone in an unknown place.
He looked everywhere to find a way out and to find Pyrrha's red sash.
— Hello again
His eyes widened.
He turned around with his heart beating too fast.
But it wasn't her.
In front of him was something that looked like a mirror. The mirror showed their first date, the first time they met.
He stood still, his gaze fixed on the mirror, and memories flooded his mind.
He began to walk again.
He was unsure. Should he stop or continue walk.
The further he walked, the more mirrors appeared. Showing memories with her.
The expression on his face was both happy and sad.
He hadn't forgotten those beautiful memories, he didn't like to relive those memories so as not to suffer.
After passing through several mirrors, he arrived at what should be the last one.
His last memory with her.
They had a discussion, she wanted to fight against a powerful enemy, but he was against it, saying it would be suicide. While he was arguing with her not to do that, she suddenly kissed him, which was amazing to him, but it was a distraction.
She pushed him into the rocket closet, even he protested, she didn't listen. She went to face a demon and ended up getting killed.
He had his first and last kiss with the woman he loved.
The mirror in front of him shattered like water falling to the ground.
But right in front of him was another surprise.
Your beloved. So beautiful when the day he lost her, without your armor or weapons, just wearing a beautiful white dress with her red hair flowing in the wind.
— Hello again... Jaune
His eyes smell of tears.
He ran out to hug her again.
His desire to have her in his arms again was very great.
But he was blocked.
He fell on his ass on the watery ground and didn't understand what had happened.
He got to his feet quickly and brought his hands to hold Pyrrha once more.
But before him was an invisible barrier.
The barrier seemed to have no end.
Jaune couldn't jump or even move to the side.
His anger began to rise, and then he began to strike out at the barrier.
— Please stop, Jaune
She asked him to stop.
He paused, but his anger still burned.
— Jaune, I can't interact with you
He looked fixedly at her.
Fear was taking over him.
— I'm dead, Jaune. There's nothing you can do to change that, I'm sorry
She saw her beloved knight losing his strength in his legs. Her knight was on his knees, so she knelt as well.
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— I do not have much time. I would like to say though although i have lived for a very short time, the time we spent together was very good for me, you had no idea who I was, so I was happy
She laughed as her knight cried.
— Although you recognized me because of that cereal but seriously, how did you like that cereal, it only had sugar
She lowered it.
— I was sad that I couldn't be by your side, I couldn't see Nora and Ren anymore, that makes me really sad
A tear fell from his left eye.
— When Jaune returns to Remmant and when finds my mother, tell her that I thank her for everything she did for me
Her body began to glow red.
— Jaune, I loved you. I really loved you with all my heart, from the bottom of my soul, I loved you
It broke him.
Despair, rage, indignation, hatred, sadness took over your heart.
He begin desperately hitting the barrier, he wants this barrier to take her in its arms.
His arms were covered in white light.
He quickly started throwing a lot of punches at the barrier very quickly but it was of no use.
Pyrrha's body began to transform into red particles.
— Bye my Love
She disappeared with a smile on his face.
He blinked.
He was back at the lake.
He looked down and a saw red sash floating in the water.
He held the red sash very tightly.
He fell to his knees, he was crying.
Was what happened real or fake?
Who knows?
This has left a very deep mark on him.
He held his own face with his left hand, his hand covering his eyes but not stopping the tears.
The cry of raging and despairing cannot be heard.
The scream was drowned out by the joyous singing of the Dragronelf people.
Amidst loneliness and silence.
The knight on his knees and was in tears.
Pyrrha was watching her beloved crying.
She was in a beautiful place, a paradise where the souls of the dead go.
Pyrrha was worried and sad.
Until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
— Don't worry about him, he will get out of this situation. Either he will get up, or he will remain in the dark.
— How can you be sure he can get out on his own?
— He's going to get out of this completely alone, but he will get out of this situation. After all, he is the only one of my descendants who can bring pride to our family name
— You think?
— I don't think, I know, I've seen the future written in the stars and Crocea Mors is still with him, if he couldn't lift it, he would never be able to pull the sword out of the sheath, after all, I created that sword
These words came from the mouth of what would be the most powerful being ever born in all of Remnant.
So much so that there is no one in this who can surpass him, the only other being able to get close to him was his own daughter.
Ozma and Salem are nothing in front of him.
The most powerful wizard
The man who reached the stars.
The most powerful being that ever exists just below the gods, and the one who dared to challenge the two brothers
The progenitor of the clan of warriors and heroes.
Alexander Arc
The first Arc
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muadweeb · 1 year
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Illus. by Elenore Abbott for "The Two Brothers," Watercolor and ink on illustration board, 1917, sold at auction
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"Folktales, fables and myths show humans talking and working with animals, with trees, with rivers and stones, as if recalling or envisioning a time of easy commerce among all beings ... The trickster - Coyote or Raven or Hare - changes form as rapidly as clouds, reminding us how fluid nature is, and how arbitrary are the divisions between human and beast, between self and other. It is as if through language, the very power that estranges us from other animals, we are slowly working our way back into communion with the rest of nature."
- Scott Russell Sanders, "The Power of Stories" (Georgia Review, 1997).
[Guillaume Gris]
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catnipster69 · 7 months
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etincelleart · 1 year
So when exsacly do you think penny will come back?
So I had two main ideas and moments for her to come back, but I still need to think more about it cause those are just first ideas :
Considering the fact that it was a long time between Volume 4 and Volume 7, Pietro had time to recover her core and rebuild her. So it took most likely 1 or 2 years to make her again. At the end of Volume 9, we see this shot of Vacuo with Amity Collosseum and a lot of ships from every kingdom in Remnant, implying a time skip, but we don't know how many months or even year have passed on Remnant. It surely must need time to take Amity, bring it to Vacuo and repair it, as well for the other Kingdoms to probably go to Atlas, see what happened and go to Vacuo with everyone else (unless somehow they learned about everyone being saved in Vacuo so they went there directly, idk).
I imagine this time skip would be of a few months, I'd say between 6 months and 1 year. Time is different in the Ever After and for the reunion for everyone to be emotional, I guess time must have passed for a bit so it's also impactful for Ren and Nora to reunite with Jaune, for Qrow to reunite with team RWBY, for Winter and the Schnee family to reunite with Weiss, etc. It's also probably be impactful for Ruby to see Winter with the Winter Maiden, and I imagine she won't be able to think about Penny if she sees her using her powers, anyway I digress-
Pietro is probably grieving and mourning Penny since the last time we saw him in Volume 8, and once settled in Vacuo he most likely at least tried to remake Penny. Considering that he needed 1 or 2 years for him to rebuild her, and with the time skip of let's say 1 year, he would be in the middle of the process if he's still trying to create another robot body. Sooo with all of that said, she could definitely come back during the Vacuo arc, I don't know if that would be in V10 cause narratively this would be a big deal, a big climax, and I don't know if that's too soon or too big for the first volume of the Vacuo arc (I mean, if we follow the rules established so far for each arc : 3 volumes per kingdom). Penny could then maybe come back at the end of Volume 12, to parallel the finale of V8, and also it's the same amont of time between V8 finale and V12 than the end of V3 and V7, 4 entiere volumes. I mean I just thought of it when writing it but it would make sense to me. I'm trying to keep a writer state of mind to be logical so my arguments seem valid aha (even if I'm not a pro writer krkr).
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My second idea is that she would come back at the end of the RWBY story, at the end of the series. Not necessarily at THE END end, but during the final arc or the final moments of the story. Why that, because I believe V9 plot wasn't just to explain cute little origins for the two Brothers and for Ruby's development, but of course to set up things for later and probably the big finale. Everything's still up in the air and the two Brothers will definitely be involved, as well as maybe the Blacksmith and the Ever After. I don't know how or when because this is big deal and obviously I'm not in the writers mind and I imagine they have ideas for this big end for a long time now, even if this is not precise of course. The most important thing is that the Blacksmith had Penny's sword (yeah I know that some say that it was just an illusion, but I still think it's odd, and again this weird "nothing, no one is ever truly lost" and then poof Penny appears on the sword, idk it just makes me feel like the Blacksmith knows something and might be involved later. The spirits from the Relic could also be involved too as they were created by the the two Brothers. Ambrosius could even meet Pietro at some point too :]
Anyway those are my main ideas, but I would be curious if anyone had other ideas !
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(I love the Blacksmith)
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Picture books with an international focus
A mom came in today with an astounding heap of children's books. Every one was "presumed lost", so her kids had been enjoying them for quite a while. She wanted to see if the returned pile cleared the card they had been checked out on, but to my amazement, it didn't. She still had about a Benjamin in overdue fines on her card, so we checked her daughter's, which had almost as much in overdue fines! Then she asked me to check her husband's card, where we found about $20 in overdue fines, and she decided to just pay that one. Wow. It reminded me of the women who used to come into Lord & Taylor's handbag department: when one of their cards failed, they'd pull out another until they found one that wasn't maxed out. You'd think if one of your credit cards were maxed out, that would be a warning to stop shopping, but apparently not. At least in this scenario, it's about kids reading books - which I ALWAYS wish to encourage. And she apparently does, too - she returned with another HUGE stack of books to take out on her husband's now-clear card.
In her stack, I found three intriguing items: Reza Dalvand's Mrs. Bibi's Elephant, Minfong Ho and Saphan Ros's The Two Brothers, and Duncan Tonatiuh's The Princess and the Warrior. I'm delighted that she's teaching her children to read about other cultures!
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Mrs. Bibi's Elephant is adorable: a simple story with a surprisingly cryptic ending. My favorite page showed Mrs. Bibi having tea with her elephant, the teacup balanced perfectly on the end of its trunk. The story pits people who have and love pets against people who like things (chandeliers, jewelry, the stock market). The town's children, who love the elephant, oppose the town's adults, who don't care about pets. A delightfully furry (or scaly, or feathered) Marxist message from Iranian illustrator Reza Dalvand.
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I thought I would write about Ho and Ros's The Two Brothers, but there's not much to say about this one, unless you're simply into Cambodian stories. It's a classic fairy tale of the 1001 Nights style; unfortunately, the artwork is pleasing but unremarkable. I much preferred the startling art of Duncan Tonatiuh's The Princess and the Warrior: A Tale of Two Volcanoes. No fable with a lesson here: the princess and the warrior's adventure is remarkable and traditional, but bittersweet and unresolved. The art really sets this story apart. Although I'm sure it exists elsewhere, this is the first time I've seen an artist employ precisely the style seen on artifacts, tombs and temples of the Aztecs, placing them in action sequences like cartoon characters. It's gorgeous, unusual, and faithful to Aztec art.
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sunder-the-gold · 2 years
RWBY: The balance of the Two Brothers’ war
Volume 4, Chapter 8, "A Much Needed Talk":
Qrow: They were two brothers. The older sibling, the God of Light, found joy in creating forces of life. Meanwhile, the younger brother, the God of Darkness, spent his time creating forces of destruction. As you can imagine, they both had pretty different ideas about how things should go. The older one would spend his days creating water, plants, wildlife. And at night, his brother would wake to see all the things that the elder had made and become disgusted. To counteract his brother's creations, the God of Darkness brought drought, fire, famine, all he could do to rid Remnant of life. Life always returned.
So the older brother just wanted to do something that made him happy, and the younger brother picked a fight. The older brother spent every day making a new painting, and as soon as he fell asleep his brother arose at night to burn it to ashes and then scatter the ashes away from sight.
Qrow doesn't suggest the older brother tried to protect his creations. For me, it seems clearly implied that the older brother couldn't.
The older brother acted during the day, but not during the night. The younger brother acted during the night, but not during the day. Generally in mythology, this means that the deities sleep. Even if we assume they don't sleep, it means that each can act so quickly to destroy all creation or to make all over creation over again that neither can stop the other in the act, each can only react. Like how two boxers cannot stop each other from punching, but can only react to each other's punches.
It seems to me that the God of Creation loved making things so much that every day he would exhaust himself making new things, so that when night fell he was so exhausted that his younger brother could act with impunity to destroy everything.
We don't know how long this went on, but Qrow is fairly clear that the pattern repeated reliably, and that means the God of Creation had a window of opportunity.
Just as spending an entire day creating left the older brother exhausted, so would spending an entire day destroying all of creation so that nothing was left. That's why the younger brother couldn't act during the day to stop his brother from creating anew.
So what if the older brother did something different? What if one day, after his younger brother had spent the night destroying everything again, the older brother didn't create anything, but instead attacked the exhausted younger brother?
Qrow: The older brother had finally had enough.
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Qrow's illustrated narration transitions to this image with a flash of light, signifying a powerful action taking place, and when the light fades the older brother is standing dominantly over his brother, who is laid out on the ground with an arm raised to shield himself from further violence.
Though the two brothers stood equal in power, the younger brother had trapped himself into always reacting, and so was not prepared to react to something completely unexpected. He left himself defenseless and his older brother took advantage to deck him to the ground. That's how this scene reads to me.
The God of Creation would gain two other major advantages than just waiting until his brother was weak. Advantages that would only matter to him:
If everything had already been destroyed, then the God of Creation wouldn't need to protect anything during the fight and so could devote his full attention to subduing his younger brother. Indeed, since there couldn't be any collateral damage if there was no world left to destroy, the God of Creation could really let loose and vent his frustration against the God of Destruction.
But after the two brothers came to their agreement, the advantages shifted.
The younger brother knew that his older brother could start throwing hands again. The older brother would never again have that advantage of surprise.
Furthermore, since the younger brother wasn't yet destroying the world, he wasn't doing anything to exhaust himself and leave himself vulnerable. The older brother wouldn't have the advantage of striking when his younger brother was weak.
Additionally, the older brother now had a world to lose. He had a world to protect. And as long as that was true, if they ever came to blows again he could not focus solely on fighting his brother, nor unleash his powers without restraint.
And finally, if the older brother ever again resorted to violence to try forcing the younger brother's compliance, he would lose whatever trust the younger brother still had in him, and they would never again know enough peace between them for the younger brother to ever allow the older brother to create without destroying his creations just like before.
Though from the beginning, the chief advantage had always belonged to the younger brother. The universe was empty of anything but the two brothers by default, so by default the younger brother had what he wanted and could always return the universe to that default. It was always the older brother who was trying to change things, and who could never get what he wanted without persuading the younger brother to change his mind.
You're always at a disadvantage when you don't want the fight that the other guy is always willing to start.
back to my sub-index for the Two Brother Gods
back to my RWBY Meta index
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maskyartist · 1 year
OOH I JUST REMEMBERED TWO MORE CHARACTERS. I *despise* the Brother Gods. They're basically petulant children who caused all the problems in the first place!
FUCK the two Brothers all my homies HATE the Two Brothers
nah but fr this does give me an excuse to ramble a lil about them cause as much as they are to blame for most, if not all, the problems with the characters i will say this-
they're gods
they created Remnant as a world for their own creations to live in. they made plants, animals, life, death, and eventually people, both human and faunus. they MADE everything
but they're still gods. they dont comprehend emotion like the people they created do. humans were probably made to experience these kinds of things that they simply couldnt, and when faced with the consequences of their actions (Salem and Ozma n all that), they tried to replicate what they probably experienced or saw in Ever After, which led to our favorite shit show
tho tbh funniest part of em is that they just fucked everyone over and DIPPED like yall got some BALLS
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year
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Grimm’s Fairy Tales
Edited by Sara E. Wiltse
Artist : Blanche Fisher Laite
The Two Brothers
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bobauthorman · 3 months
Leaps in logic are fascinating. Take Salem in RWBY's "The Lost Fable"; in it, she briefly hoodwinks the Dark Brother which causes the Two Brothers to fight each other. From this, she realizes that far from the perfect, omniscient deities they present themselves as, the Two Brothers are fallible.
She then goes on to assume that they can be physically destroyed, and recruits an army on false pretenses to do that. Result? A mass extinction event.
Lesson? Just because an all-powerful being is a moron, doesn't mean they can't wreck you if you give them a chance.
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shadows-twilight · 1 year
I’m not sure why Weiss is so opposed to the concept to the idea of the Ever After being real. This is like the fifth or sixth fairy tale they’ve found out is real so far
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lipeg · 5 months
The truth about Remnant's origin: Dragon God First part
Before the universe was created.
There was a dragon.
A God.
Of incomprehensible size, there was no limit to its size and POWER.
For thousands and billions of years, the God flying in absolute void, alone.
After thousands of centuries, he decided to create life.
Like this so the first sunrise.
Then came the stars.
And so it was that God created and reshaped his creation.
After 7 days, he created the universe.
Then he made the concepts take shape.
Rusted Knight Jaune: Like this?
Sophia: It's complicated, but look, what is the concept of fire
Rusted Knight Jaune: Burn?
Sophia: Yeah. He was applying this in reality, it's like writing your ideas on paper, executing your ideas in real life. Imagine that the concepts were your ideas, So he executed his ideas
Rusted Knight Jaune: Oh
Soon the universe was was filled with planets and plant life. But life had not yet emerged.
The Dragon stood still in the certainty of its creation, he saw that something was missing in his universe, something was missing, something mystical. So the magic was born.
With magic, then the Dragon decided metaphysical worlds.
He created the world of wonders where magical creatures could live.
Rusted Knight Jaune: So this is a world of wonders?
Sophia: Yes
This world is supposed to be something out of the norm and something full of surprises and wonders, whether they are good or bad.
So he created kingdom of the dead.
Place where souls rest eternally.
Where sinners went through the worst punishments.
Those who have done neither good nor evil will have their souls erased from existence.
For those who had a little evil in their hearts, they are taken to Purgatory to cleanse their souls of evil.
For those who have lived an honorable and righteous life and who demonstrate compassion and humility. They save by taking themselves to the heavenly kingdom, call of Elysium.
Only the Dragon God is allowed in and out.
This kingdom is protected by 7 guardians that anyone trying to enter without permission, will die.
Rusted Knight Jaune: My ancestors... where are they
Sophia: Everything is found in Elysium.
Rusted Knight Jaune: Oh
Sophia: The patriarch of your family is a very eccentric man
Rusted Knight Jaune: How?
Sophia: He criticized Pyrrha for hiding her feelings for you. He said it was possible you two were married before the attack on Beacon
Rusted Knight Jaune: ?
After creating all this, he felt alone.
So the Dragon God decided to split up so he wouldn't be alone.
It should only divide into two parts. But it divided into three parts.
Because he created a lot of things in a single second, his being was worn down.
It was divided into three parts. Their personalities and their power.
Their personalities gave rise to the Two Brothers, but strangely that one was supposed to represent the good side of the Dragon God. Your kindness was lost, your compassion was lost.
His bad side became more perverse, the Dragon God was good but he could get angry, but the anger developed and created a completely different being.
Both sides shared characteristics that the Dragon God had.
The Twin of Light, who was supposed to represent the goodness of God, inherited his deer antlers, his mustache and elongated body.
The Twin of Dark, inherited the second pair of horns from the Dragon God, ram horns, your great wings, and your great arms.
Rusted Knight Jaune: So both brothers, besides being parts of the same being, they inherited characteristics from him. And they developed their own characteristics
Sophia: Exactly
The third part, your power.
Something that was not inherited by the twins, they are nothing compared to your true self.
There was nothing that could withstand such power. If a mortal had any contact with this power, he would die instantly.
Nothing could change this result, absolutely nothing.
That power should have been lost, but it didn't.
But his power was imprisoned in a container.
When both brothers are defeated, the power would free itself and return to its rightful owner.
Rusted Knight Jaune: I'm Excuse me for asking so boldly, but where is this container that holds the power of God?
Sophia snapped her fingers.
Sophia and Jaune were in a cave far below the surface. With her illusion magic that she used to demonstrate where God's power was stored.
Jaune recognized the location.
How could he forget this place, he had already lived in this place for a few years.
Ever Alter or world of wonders
Sophia: There the power of God is stored
Sophia pointed to the large tree in the center.
The Great Tree
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liridi · 5 months
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I was yesterday years old when I found out Jesus had as many as if not more than 6 siblings
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