#Thena's like you don't have to
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
in your latest piece of the receptionist au thena feared that gilgamesh would fall in love with somebody else one day. what if gil has a business meeting with a woman who wants to lay a hand on him. and one day thena wanted to grab something from her desk and has to see how this woman is kissing gilgamesh and Thena runs upstairs, tears in her eyes. and after gil is done with his crime business for the day he wants to spend some time with thena but she's avoiding him. he tries to talk to her but she's so angry and sad and so scared. she thinks gil has enough and doesn't want her anymore. some angsty fluffy drama :)
Thena taps her pen on the desk. Gil is in a meeting with some woman who runs casinos...or something. They have profit shares to discuss, and Thena has no reason to barge in on them.
No excuse, really.
She doesn't want to feel this way. It's not as if she would have any reason to feel insecure with someone as wonderful as Gil. For a hardened criminal, he really is the most wonderful partner she could imagine having.
Maybe that's it, though--the criminal part. Maybe she worries that he misses this life. He's been thriving since they came back to Korea to do some business again. So much so, that they extended their visit. And Thena can see some of the worries that settled into him since moving to London lift off of him.
Does he miss being a crime boss? Does he feel too suffocated in London, stuck in her flat all day, playing househusband for her?
Thena stands abruptly, determined to just...just...just ask if he needs anything before she runs out to the store. It's a lame excuse, but he's been a meeting with that woman for an hour, now. And Thena saw clear as day the way she looked at Gil.
Thena knows very well that Gil is a desirable man. She doesn't expect other people to be ignorant to it, after all. But it would be nice if she hadn't seen the woman literally lick her lips at the sight of him.
Thena opens the door, ready to ask if he wants a convenience store drink or something. But what she sees - before the door is even all the way open - is that woman, freely and happily leaning over Gil in his chair. Her hands are on his arms, and she's...she's kissing him.
Thena turns. She walks towards the elevators, practically sprinting the second half of the way. She slams her fingers against the buttons, desperate to escape what she just saw.
It's burned into her mind, though. That woman's silken black hair, the perfect ivory of her skin, her petite and willowy form. Her lips on Gil's. Her lips touching Gil's lips. Her hands on his arms--arms he uses to hold her every night, after work, after dinner, in their shared bed-
She storms off the elevator into the penthouse above his office. She feels absolutely sick, her breath coming in short gasps and her tears stinging her eyes. Her hands are shaking. She walks through the penthouse and directly to their bed, throwing herself onto it and pulling the covers up over herself. She curls herself up into a ball, trying to ignore Gil's half of the bed with his scent still clinging to it.
She doesn't know how long she lies there for. Obviously she's not doing a very good job as his receptionist, but fuck that. Fuck all of this. And fuck that woman for kissing her Gilgamesh like she has any fucking right.
She used to think about this, she reminds herself. She used to feel like such a lost little fawn when she first moved to Korea, literally trying to rebuild her life from the ground up. And then as she fell in love with her boss, her life got...rebuilt around that--around him. And the thought of having to see him fall in love with someone would plague her when she was harbouring those quiet feelings from afar.
She wonders if it would be as painful as this is now.
Thena sniffles, staying wrapped up in her cocoon of sheets and duvet. She could have left the building, she supposes. She could have locked the bedroom door and told him to go fuck himself. But why didn't she?
"Thena," Gil calls out softly as he walks into the bedroom. He takes cautious steps, trying to gauge how she's doing. "Sweetheart, will you look at me?"
She stays closed off. She doesn't hear him walk away, though. "Why?"
"Please, Gongjunim?" he tries again, with a different petname for her. He moves closer, sitting on her side of the bed at her feet. "I don't know what you saw-"
Thena stretches out her legs, giving him a bony kick right in the hip. She hears him grunt and finally pokes her head out. "You mean that associate of yours kissing you?"
Gil nods, and she wonders if she expected him to try and deny it or not. She wonders if she wishes he had at least tried to deny it a little. "Before I kicked her out?--yes, she did kiss me."
Thena throws herself against her pillow again.
"Baby, please," Gil sighs, leaning over so he can push the duvet down and brush her hair away from her face. "You know I don't want anyone but you."
She does know that, but she doesn't feel any less stupid over it.
"I told her to get away from me," Gil whispers, pressing light kisses wherever she'll let him. "That I'm very happy in my relationship with you."
Thena slowly turns over to look at him.
He sighs, more able to see now that she's been crying. He pulls her up to him, brushing his thumbs over the reddened corners of her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Thena. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."
She does know that.
"I love you," he whispers, kissing her softly, one hand on her waist and the other tangled in her hair, just the way he likes it.
Thena pulls away from him, and the devastated look on his face is almost enough to wipe away the vision of that woman all over him. "I can still see her, leaning over you-"
"I'm sorry," he whispers again, obviously prepared to keep on apologising as many times as it takes. "It came out of nowhere!"
Thena levels a look at him that makes the hardened crime lord shrivel. "Nowhere, Gil?"
He catches her meaning and offers her an impish smile, "come on, Sweetheart. You know what I'm like with that kind of thing."
Yes, she has extensive experience with how dense he is to someone having feelings for/being attracted to him.
"You really didn't notice," Thena glares, crossing her arms at him. He rests his chin on the hand on top of her knees, looking like a dog being scolded. "The hand brushing, the light arm touches, the eyelash fluttering?--none of it?"
Gil stares right up at her with those big dark eyes of his, "no. You think I can notice anything about her while you're in the room?"
Thena rolls her eyes in a huff, determined to stay strong and not get all charmed and fluttery over his cute little remarks. "You're terrible."
He winces, drawing up his shoulders, "a terrible boyfriend, maybe. But I'm telling you the truth, Naekkeo. I had no idea that woman was going to come onto me. Because I only have eyes for you."
Thena leans back against her pillows again, still crossing her arms and now pouting. He's so good at making himself at home in this heart of hers. She gives him a frosty side-eye. "You know, most women wouldn't care for your explanation. They would see you kissing another woman and that would be it."
Gil looks at her with hope in his eyes. He keeps his arm wrapped around her knees as he holds up a finger, "y'know, I don't consider it a kiss. She...put her mouth on mine."
Well, it does sound a little better when he puts it that way.
Thena takes in her loyal, devoted househusband, looking at her with puppydog eyes and a pouted lip. He knows she won't make him sleep on the couch. The only other time she'd tried it, she just brought him back to bed - because she couldn't sleep without him - anyway.
Gil senses her defrosting and leans forward, "I'm all done work for the day--what do you wanna do? Anything you want, baby. Are you hungry? D-Do you want me to take you to the spa?"
Thena cracks half a smile, if only at the sight of Gilgamesh - a major crime lord of Seoul - suggesting cute little things he can do to earn his forgiveness. She's going to make him work for it, but still.
"You name it," he smiles eagerly as she sits more upright against her pillows.
Thena maintains her right to withhold kisses from him, crossing her arms again and raising a brow. "I suppose I am hungry. I was about to ask if you wanted to order something when I walked in on you-"
"Okay, you got it!" he rushes, scrambling to stand off the bed and lean down to kiss her cheek and pull his jacket on all in the same second. "I'll get your absolute favourite, baby, you stay here--relax! Why don't you get into your comfy clothes? I'll bring food, and some wine, and we can spend all night here, okay?"
"Mm-hm," she smirks at him as he dashes out the door.
"I love you!"
Thena curls up under the blankets again. She will get changed into her comfy clothes, and she knows he's going to come back with a massive floral arrangement, and chocolates, and probably even more than that to go way overboard. She pulls out her phone, laying it on his pillow as she types.
I love you too. Hurry back xo
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moon-child-goddess · 5 months
When we say goodbye Pt 1
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Pairings:  Druig X LightBender!Eternal!Reader (Fem) 
Summary: Druig and readers time together before he leaves the group. The beginning of her descent into darkness. 
Warnings: MCU Violence, Blood, Fighting, I used Fem pronouns, some fluff and angst. Time Jumps
Author's note: I watched Saltburn and then Eternals, got an Idea so here we are my first ever thingy thing. This is part one. I got carried away…. I hope you all enjoy it! 
Part Two Part Three
Intricate gold patterns trailed up Y/Ns arms as she used the sunlight around her to create a massive hawk. It took off, sinking its glowing talons into the deviant’s eyes. The creature let out a strangled shriek before biting the bird. The golden creature dissolved in its jaws. Y/N pulled more light together, throwing it at the ugly monster. The ground rumbled under her feet as it fell over.  It held the force of a mini earthquake. She used all the strength in her legs to keep from toppling over. Usually, Y/N had to have help from Thena or one of the other Eternals help her take the deviants down. She could wound them but hardly ever executed. 
A deviant that was hidden in the tree line focused on the Y/H/C-haired girl. She stood over its friend, a  wide victorious smile on her face. And did a small dance, proud of herself. It huffed out before taking off toward her. The creature now behind Y/N raised a clawed hand, slashing it through the air with the force of hurricane winds. An ear-splitting scream passed her lips while the deviant’s razor-sharp nails ripped through her flesh. Cutting right through her like a perfectly done steak. A searing heat of pain ran through her body. 
"Y/N!" Druig cried out. Within a heartbeat, he took off running to her. Leaving Kingo and Thena to fend for themselves. He knew they were more than capable of handling their situation.  After all, Thena could take three deviants down in the blink of an eye. 
Gilgamesh neutralized the deviant attacking the girl, effectively preventing it from killing Y/N. More deviants came out of the trees to defend their fallen, pulling him back to Thenas side. There were more of the creatures in this area than anywhere the group had been before. They were multiplying like bunnies in the spring.  
Druig knelt in Y/N's blood as it soaked in to the forest's floor and carefully pulled her head to his lap. His eyes flitted over the crimson wounds, muttering a sorry when a whimper escaped her. Through the blurry haze of pain, she could make out a deviant coming toward the two of them. No one besides Y/N seemed to notice the thing. Without another thought, she used the small patch of sunlight by her fingers directing the stream of light to blind the monster. Cerci took care of the rest.
"Saved my ass again, my sunshine." He smiled that breathtaking smile, pushing her hair out of her face. Druig took a deep breath wiping any emotions he showed off his face. He didn't want to worry his friend. 
"I think we are even now," she spoke, inhaling sharp breaths with each word.
Ajak got down by the two, placing her hands on Y/N. A numb, tingling feeling ran through her. It felt like her limbs were waking up after sleeping on them wrong. Even with how many times Ajak has used her abilities on her, it was a sensation she would never get used to. Once Ajak was finished,  Y/N thanked her.  Honestly, the group would have been dead if Arishem hadn't given them Ajak.  
Y/N got up to her knees and faced the black-haired menace she called her best friend. She bit her lip, not finding the words she wanted to say. ‘Thank you…I love you.’ Instead, she hugged him.  Druig buried his face in her neck, inhaling in her smell overwhelmed his senses.  A reminder she was still there.
“You’re still here,” he murmured against her neck, causing chills to run down her spine.
“You would miss me if I was gone. Who would accidentally hurt Ikaris for you." Y/N joked, pulling away to look into his beautiful blue eyes.
"You don't even know." He responded. Ruffling her hair before helping her up. 
Thena dodged at Y/N. They were training in a secluded  area of a beach. The girl side stepped out of the way effectively blocking the blonde warrior. Thena tried a right hook and Y/N used her arm to block the hit. That was the fourth time in a row. Which was a major improvement. 
“See I can fight” Y/N giggled as Thena threw another punch at her. 
“You have some things to work on, for your safety.”  Thena responded. She was doing this for Y/N, but Druig had begged her to help. He never asked for anything so she gladly complied. 
Y/N managed to hook her leg over Thena’s. Effectively pulling  her down on the sand. She straddled the warrior with a victory smile. Sounds of claps met her ears from a distance. Looking up it was Makkari cheering her on. Thena used the distraction to flip over and pin Y/N down. She wore the victory smirk now. 
“You cheated” 
“You lost focus.” Thena pulled her up.  
“Did you want me to kill you?” Y/N asked exasperated. 
“No, but let's go again. This time I won't go easy”  
“Easy?” That was outrageous.
 Y/N made the first move this round of sparing. Thena effortlessly dodged the attack knocking Y/N down. She glared up at the women, more determined to win. She got up and tried again only to be knocked on her ass once again. Grains of sand fell into her clothes, and stuck  to her sweat. Her hair was all over the place too she knew she had to have looked crazy. Her chest heaved as she began to catch her breath. 
Thena put an arm out to help her up but dropped her halfway up. The blonde woman smiled down at her. Y/N  heard a laugh this time. She knew that laugh like it was the air she needed to breathe. He must have made his way over with Makkari. Those two were attached at the hip lately. 
“Shut up Dru.”  she called out to her dark haired friend, and bit down on her lip. 
Thena helped Y/N back up and got her to her feet this time. Nodding at the girl to go again. There was a moment of hesitation before she lunged back at her screaming. This time she grazed Thena with her fingers, and escaped the movement the warrior made to grab her. There was at least 7 feet between them now. They both waited for the other to make a move. Thena started to go for Y/N’s right but swerved for the left taking the girl for surprise and once again putting her on the sandy floor. 
Y/N huffed out, defeated and done for the day. She covered her face with her aching arms. This hit was going to bruise. Druig laughed again. 
“Once again, shut up Dru.” He apologized but his tone was joking. She knew he was too amused to mean it.  
“You are doing well. In another week you will be able to defend yourself flawlessly.” She pulled Y/N back up to her feet. Signing to Makkari to join her in the city. 
Druig was distracted by the sweat glinting off Y/N’s body as she made her way to sit next to him. She dug her bare feet into the warm sand resting her head on her knees. He rubbed her back watching the ocean's waves roll on to the shore. 
“You are improving sunshine.” She grunted at his words. 
‘Lies’ she thought leaning in to him. Her body hurt all over. 
Y/N ran through the crowded town square knocking into some people. She ignored the glares thrown her way, too focussed on finding her friend. She wanted to show him something exciting. He was going to love it. It thrilled her to know she was going to see that soft smile of his.  
“Druig!” Y/N yelled when his head of hair came into view.  As soon as he heard her voice, he dropped what was in his hands, looking for her.  A small smile fought its way onto his face as she ran towards him. She quickly closed the remaining distance between them before he could even step forward.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
"Yes, my sunshine?" His smile widened as he watched her bounce on the balls of her feet. Obviously excited about something. 
"Come with me. I want to show you something." Y/N grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. She whisked him off toward the forest. He didn't have the opportunity to say no. Not that he would have denied her anything. He would have walked across hot coals if she so much as asked.
They came to a halt in the middle of a clearing of varying purple colored flowers. Y/N stood, so she was right in front of him, stealing his attention. He used their joined hands to pull her closer. A sparkle crossed his eyes as he rested his forehead against hers. He glanced down at her soft lips. Their lips were a breath away from what they both wanted, but they were too stubborn to do anything. 
"Ok, close your eyes, no peeking." she bit down on the inside of her cheek, untangled their fingers, and took a step back. Druig frowned. And reached out to her. She shook her head.  
"I swear, Y/N,  if this is a trick. I will not talk to you ever again." That was a lie. Even if it wasn't, she would wear him down. She knew all the right buttons to push to get his attention. A soft musical laugh escaped her before she responded. He yearned to bottle that sound up for a cloudy day. 
"Dru, it's not. Now place your hands over your eyes, and no using your powers." He poked her in the side, straightening up before complying with her demands. It earned him another laugh. 
Druig could sense her tongue sticking out. Y/N had always done that when she was concentrating. He knew her better than he knew himself. He paid attention to every detail for centuries and stored them in his memory. Druig could read her like an open book. Sometimes he wondered if she knew all her little quirks. How she tousled her hair when she was stressed or when her nose twitched when she wanted to yell.
After a couple minutes, Druig's hands were tugged away from his face. He kept his eyes closed, waiting for her to be truly ready. Afraid to ruin her surprise. Y/N once again laced their fingers together. Druig squeezed her palms, rubbing his thumb across her soft skin.  He could stay like this forever, just the two of them. Although, he would prefer to actually see her. 
"Open." It felt like an eternity before he did as she asked. 
The scene in front of him was ethereal. Thousands of gold butterflies fluttered around them. Y/N watched as Druigs sapphire blue eyes followed the movements of her creations. There was a lone black one that flew past his face. It looked more like a moth than a butterfly. It landed on a rock before vanishing. 
Druig’s whole body was relaxed for the first time in a while. He stared at the spectacle in front of him in utter disbelief. With an extended finger, he coaxed a butterfly to land on it. It spread its wings out as he pulled it up closer to examine. There were delicate patterns on the wings. They looked like any regular butterfly, just dipped in liquid gold. 
Druig set the thing on Y/Ns nose and dragged the finger past her lips pulling at her bottom lip and rested on her chin. Her nose scrunched up as the insect walked across her cheek. An affectionate smile took over his face, and his eyes dilated. His finger lingered on her chin a second longer, watching as the butterfly disappeared.  
She had butterflies; anytime he touched her or simply looked her way. With that look, he reserved for her alone. It was softer than he ever looked at Makkari. Butterflies were there at the thought of him.
"How is this possible? You can usually only create one thing at a time."  Druig pulled them both down. He sat on the cold ground and her on his lap. He snaked an arm around her waist, holding her close. He rested his chin on her soft hair, keeping his gaze on the moment playing out before him. 
"I'm not sure I was playing around, and bam. Butterflies." Y/N paused, making an exploding gesture with her hands. She looked like a kid on their birthday, giddy.
“Not the most frightening thing. But hey, I did it."
"This is wonderful. My beautiful, beautiful sunshine." Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, watching the glittering butterflies disappear with the sunset. Druig played with her hair absentmindedly, placing a soft kiss on her temple.
Y/N stood in the forest with everyone listening to Ajak lecture Druig about controlling the humans. Thena began to twitch and mumble inaudible things next to her. Y/N truly thought it was another insult toward Druig, but she couldn't hear anything as Phastos began yelling. Thena  started to speak a little louder this time. 
“Thena?” Sersi said, turning to us looking concerned. “Are you ok?” 
“Everyone is going to die” Thenas eyes went a foggy white, and she summoned a polearm ready to attack. 
“Sersi!” Y/N cried out trying to get in front of her before Thena could attack. Makkari reacted instantly before the rest of the group knew what was happening, and pulled Sersi out of the warrior's way. Druig focused on Y/N’s cries. 
Chaos broke out instantly. The golden weapon managed to hit Phastos. Y/N tried to summon something but there was no light available to pull from. The darkness moved slightly casting shadowy lines on the ground, but she couldn't gain control of them.  Druig yanked her out of the way as Makkari took off with Thena.  
Before Druig could even try to stop her, she went running after them.She ran as fast as she could trying to have half the speed Makkari had. He called out to stop her, but she was too far gone, trying to protect those she cared about.  
Makkari was hurt on the forest floor. Thena waved her weapon around frantically, nicking the girl in front of her. Drawing blood. Y/N let out a hiss. Was it dumb to run after someone when she can't fight? Absolutely, but she wanted to protect her family.  Thena was about to make a fatal blow, but Ajak stopped it with her hand. She showed no emotion as she stared the warrior down.  It was chilling.
 Y/N used the distractions as her opportunity to get to her friend who was laying still. She put pressure on Makkari’s wound to slow the blood loss.Throwing her whole weight on it, which caused the girl under her to flinch. 
“It's ok. We will fix this.”  Y/N spoke, trying to keep calm while waiting for Ajak to come. Hoping Makkari would understand her. 
Druig knelt next to her putting his hands on top of A/N’s. A worried look flashing through him as he caught sight of the cut on her arm. Ajak was over in no time working on healing them. Gilgamesh stood by looking absolutely guilty for what he had done to Thena. 
Druig pulled Y/N to a river washing her hands in the cool water. It was slowly grounding the girl back to reality. He murmured gentle affirmations to her as he scrubbed at her skin. 
Once again, Druig and Ajak were arguing about the humans. They were all in the confines of a pyramid now. Ikaris involved himself always acting as if he was the one incharge. He threatened Druig. They frequently fought about something stupid and made empty threats. Normally Y/N would defend him. But she was overwhelmed with the dry blood that remained under her nails and Thena laying in front of her. Y/N had found it easy to tune them out through the centuries, turning them into background noise. Her second favorite person was hurting, and she couldn't fix it. This wasn't fair, she thought. Ajak couldn't even truly fix it. Her powers had limits, just like the rest of the group.
Intense words continued to be traded amongst the group. A malicious tone was hidden behind every spoken thought.  Ajak stayed calm; she was the only one with a level head. Y/N stood stark still in a corner, keeping quiet. She tried to become one with the wall behind her. Her eyes were glued to the colorful walls, begging internally for them to calm down and stop. 
Eventually,  a stark silence took over the room. Cries of the innocent outside seemed to disappear through the walls. Y/N glanced up,  examining the small space. Druig was rushing out. No one moved from their place to stop him. They just watched. 
Y/N began to hyperventilate; the air was thinning out. Dru wasn't going to say goodbye? Was our friendship a lie? Did he only put up with me for entertainment?  Poisonous thoughts raced through her head. Her feet had their own mind and made her take off after him.
"Druig!" Y/N Shouted, bolting down the stairs. She wanted to beg him to stop… to come back and say it was all a sick joke. She yearned for him to tell her he would never leave her behind. 
‘Stay with me, please.’ She begged him subconsciously.  Her thoughts were so loud that she was half convinced he could hear them when he flinched. Y/N knew it was selfish, but she needed him
A choked sob escaped her as her feet hit the flat ground. It felt as if her heart was making its way to her throat. The thing beat rapidly against her ribs like a stampede of gazelles being chased as prey. It was almost painful.
"Dru, please." He didn't respond, only walked at a faster pace. Y/N yelled out again. One last desperate attempt to get his attention. 
This time, he stopped surrounded by the people under his control. Y/N blinked back the tears, threatening to fall. She placed a hand over her mouth, smothering a sob. Druig’s hands clenched into tight fists. He watched the people in front of him, all unmoving not even a blink. 
 "Please- Please don't leave me."  Y/N’s voice cracked. Deep inside her soul, she knew this was goodbye. He turned to face her, eyes dilated. Instead of sapphire blue, she was met with black pools of obsidian. She stepped forward. The people were already on the defense with her movements towards the Eternal. Druig stopped them immediately she was no threat, and no harm would come to her at his hand. 
"My beautiful, beautiful sunshine. I have to go. Arishems plan is not for me.” Druig cautiously wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. He never wanted to be the reason for those tears, but this was what was best for her. She would regret leaving with him, and he couldn't ask her to leave the people she loved so much. Y/N closed her eyes. Tipping her head up to the starry sky, she let out a depleted laugh. 
“You are going to do wonderful things." He mumbled. Before he could stop it, he pulled her in for a hug. Druig held on tighter than usual. She wrapped herself around his frame, taking in the comfort of his hold. He buried his face in her neck. They fit together perfectly. As if they were sculpted for each other. They were two pieces of a puzzle meant to be lost. He pulled away slowly and tucked loose strands of Y/N's hair behind her ears. Then placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose before resting his forehead against hers.
"Please." she choked on her tears, reaching out to cup his face. She held on to him like one would hold an injured bird. Druigs eyes flashed through emotions before going blank.  Oh how he wanted to be selfish, but he couldn't ask her to leave. He wiped away another tear, yearning to stop her pain. Their lips were mere inches apart. He could take the one thing he's wanted since he met her on that ship.  But he couldn't do that to her. He was a selfish man, just not when it came to her. 
"You need them, and they need you." He took a step back and locked his jaw. It took everything in his soul to not reach out and grab her. He forced himself to walk away. 
"No." She whispered as she watched him retreat through the flaming city. Her heart shattered with each step he took with his new followers. A darkness began to fill in the cracks.
"I-I need you." she whispered to the air once he was gone.  
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redheadspark · 6 months
Hawuuuu again can I request 8. Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own? And 20. "I'm so so sorry, you don't deserve that," with Druig
I kinda imagine this scene taking place in Tenochtitlan scene just when Druig was leaving
A/N - HAWUU! Thanks for the request, my friend! I love this for Druig!
Summary - Druig thinks he's going to be alone out in the jungle. He was proven wrong.
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Warnings - Angst and Fluff mixed in!
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“Druig…Druig come on talk to me,”
“I’ve said what I needed to say,” 
“No, stop,”  You placed your hand on his arm to stop him from walking further away from you, seeing him sigh in both frustration and in anger as you both were hidden under the towering trees of the jungle.  The night air was chilly and the adrenaline of the night’s events was still at an all-time high.  You were still reeling over what happened: Thena having Mahd Wy Rhy, watching a group of humans being murdered with no way of stopping it, and now the fragment of your own Eternal Family.
Seeing Druig walk away from your family was heartbreaking, but it was more heartbreaking to see through his eyes the pain he had to endure as genocide was happening with him being able to stop it.  You could see the betrayal in his eyes, heard it in his voice, and when you saw him walk away from you all, it felt like you were feeling the heartbreak yourself. 
You had to go after them, even after hearing Ikaris simply tell you to let him run off.  You ignored him, chasing after Druig as he and the soldiers under his control were going deep into the rainforest.  All you could think about was Druig and how he was feeling.  He left in such a state it was hard to get a reading on him or simply talk to him.  
You finally caught up to him at a small clearing, the cluster of soldiers that followed him were simply hanging around with their haunting yellow eyes.  You could still read the hurt on his face, wondering what you could do to help him.
“Look, all that happened back there…I’m sorry,” You simply said to him, not knowing what else to say to him as he was still stiff in his stance and the anger was on his face.  This was not that Druig that you knew, who would crack a joke to lighten the mood or have a good intuition on what the humans needed.  Deep down he had a good heart, though it was rare to see with the others on The Domo.  So to see him like this, lone out in the jungle after walking away from all he knew, it scared you and made you wish you could change what happened.
“I’m so so sorry, you don’t deserve that,” You kept saying to him, seeing him watch you and some of that festering anger start to melt away, “I understand how you feel, you love the humans so much.  I’ve seen it over the years, and I wish the others loved the humans as much as you did.  If you need to leave, then you can.  But just know that….that I think you made the right choice—“
He hugged you, making you go quiet in shock.  
Druig was never a hugger, he rarely did and would rather use his words for affirmation than physical contact.  This was new, awkward a bit but really new.  You did feel the hug, almost like his own soul and energy was melting into your own.  It was surreal to feel it, to almost feel his heartbeat against your own, a simmering warmth was now in your belly as you hugged him back gently.  Perhaps he was still reeling from what happened and was now realizing what he did, or he was simply feeling alone out in the middle of the jungle.
But you knew one thing, he needed this contact.
He pulled away before you could say anything, seeing him wipe his tears with his fingers before you could see it as you let your hands fall at your sides again.  Seeing this side of Druig, open and raw with no one around to see or witness this image of Druig, 
“You don’t need to do this, Druig,” you reminded him as he was shifting a bit on his feet, “You can go back and try to explain to them what you’re feeling,”
“I can’t,” He replied, his voice hoarse and almost broken as he was clenching and unclenching his fists, “Not after what happened and how they did nothing to stop it.  I have to do this on my own and—“
“Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own, Druig?” You asked him suddenly, Druig going quiet and looking at you as you gazed at him, “All the time I have known you, you always think you had to be alone in what you wanted to do.  You shouldn’t have to, not when it comes to something like this,”
“What are you talking about?” Druig asked you, having you pause and look back in the direction where the city was.  You knew it was up in flames, no longer having any evidence of life.  In fact, it was almost symbolic of what was happening in your family at that moment.  How the humans were evolving on a path that seems both thrilling and dark at the same time.  You could see the cracks already forming amongst the others, whether it was in meetings or simply being around each other.  The last thing you ever thought you could experience was those cracks.  
“I’m coming with you,” You said to him, seeing his eyes go wide as you sounded so sure of yourself.  He searched your eyes, thinking you were joking or wishing him to feel better.  But you were not going to be swayed in what you wanted to do, thinking about from the moment he chose to go down the stairs of that temple.  He was your friend, and seeing him suffer was hurting you from the inside out.  You are willing to go after Druig rather than let him go alone.  
He had more heart than anyone you knew.
“You….I can’t let you leave them to come with me,” He said in a stammer as you shrugged.
“Why not?  You need the help with these soldiers,” You explained, gesturing to the soldiers that were still standing around in the area, “And the last thing I want for you is to be alone.  Plus, they don’t need me,”
Maybe that part hurt when you said it between the pair of you, but you knew deep down that you had no more part with the others back on The Domo, let alone in a fight.  You were not strong like Ikaris or Thena, nor were you popular like Sersi or Kingo.  You felt out of place for a long time, only needing to put on a brave face for Ajak and protect the humans.  
Perhaps this was your sign to finally spread your own wings.
Druig took your hand in his own, you feeling his fingers lace with you and his warmth.  He didn’t have to say a word, but you felt it in his touch that he understood and that he was grateful.  You smiled, seeing him smile back for the first time that night.  
The End.
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Hurt and Comfort Prompt Session
237 notes · View notes
vanillawurld · 1 year
༊*·˚West Coast
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✧.* Pair - Miguel O'hara x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Smut, a little bit of fluff, swearing, kissing, teasing, fingering, sexual choking, slight spanking, degrading and praising, unprotected sex, Y/N's on the cream team, private sex (you'll see what I mean), crying, and creampie. (let me know if I missed anything)
✧.* Summary - Every spider-person in the building assumed that Miguel had left the building to complete a mission since they were unable find him, but little did they know he was too busy secretly fucking his favorite girl behind closed doors...
✧.* Extra - Reader is hinted to be from the West Coast of the U.S. Reader is hinted to being Latina. Reader is hinted of being a variant of Thena from the eternals. Miguel is a tiny bit out of character (and by that I mean a little bit nicer).
✧.* Word Count - 2,256
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Miguel never really saw or thought of himself getting close to anyone. It's canon that every time a spider person gets close to someone, they get put them in an immense amount of danger. That's the sole main reason why he never wanted to get close to someone. Until he met her.
"You know Miguel, you're so negative. Why can't you have fun for once?" Y/N asked.
Miguel just ignored her snarky comment. He always said he didn't have time for stupidities and that he had too much work, he couldn't be distracted. There are some moments that people would think he was absent from the building because he's always locked in doing his multiverse work. and this was one of the times people thought he was away.
"Hey, come on. You need a break. You look like you haven't slept in day-"
"That's because I haven't." Miguel interrupted Y/N in an angry annoyed tone.
Y/N just looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows, " Ay, pero no te 'nojes. I'm just suggesting what's best for your health."
"I don't have time for your dumbass comments, Y/N. If you don't have anything useful to say, then don't say anything at all." Miguel replied and continued looking at different scenes from different dimensions.
Y/N just stayed quiet and sulked in the chair she had set next to Miguel. She hated when Miguel would get mad at her, especially if it was her fault. But oh how she loved how hot he looked. Her stomach would twist in guilt at him yelling at her, but she couldn't deny that she would get a little aroused.
A few minutes went by of pure silence. The only noise being made was the noises Miguel's devices were making. Y/N looked up at Miguel and smiled.
"You know, down on the West Coast, we have this saying... How did it go again? Shit, era como 'Late afternoon on the West Coast ends with the sky doing all its brilliant stuff.' " Y/N said. She missed her home in the West Coast. She missed the beautiful beaches and sunny skies. Miguel just looked at her and smirked just a tiny bit. He had forgotten she was pulled from the West Coast. He pulled a chair behind him and sat down to face her. "The West Coast, huh? Escuché que es muy bonito ahí."
Y/N's eyes went wide at him saying that. "Nunca has ido al West Coast?!"
Miguel only shook his head.
The two sat and talked to each other for quite a while to the point where they ignored anyone who tried calling them form their little watch devices. It was strange. Having a full civil conversation with Miguel without him insulting her or getting mad at her was very peaceful to say the least.
The tall male couldn’t deny that he enjoyed his conversation with Y/N. He always admired how courageous she was on her earth. For the love of Aphrodite, her hero name is inspired by the goddess of war and wisdom herself, Athena!
After the two stopped talking, they just looked at each other. Y/N’s eyes gleaming, attracting Miguel.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He whispered.
"Like what?" she innocently said to him.
Miguel stood up from his chair and got closer to the girl. He grabbed her jaw and leaned in, analyzing her face. She was a pretty girl, no doubt. He saw how some of the spider-people would stutter when speaking to her or how they would find anything to compliment her, whether it was her pretty eyes, funny jokes, or elegant fighting skills. They would do anything to make her smile.
That's what pissed O'hara off the most. He always told himself that he was just angry at other bullshit that was from a mission, but the little voice in the back of his head would be telling him he was angry because he was seeing other people trying to get to Y/N. That little voice was always the loudest. Miguel got tired of just staring at her. Their faces were so close to each other. Both O'hara and L/N closed the gap between them and started kissing like crazy.
It was sloppy.
The kiss was sloppy. They didn't have time for all of that slow lovey dovey bullshit. They needed to taste each other. Y/N stood up from her seat to fully experience the messy kiss. Lips moving aggressively. Tongues being shoved down each other's throats. Hands were wandering on each other's bodies.
Miguel pulled away from the kiss and made Y/N sit on a counter so he could stand in the middle of her legs. He started leaving small pecks on her lips all the way down to her collarbone. He loved hearing her whimper. It turned him on even more.
He started stripping her out of her clothes. He needed to see her in all of her glory. Y/N got a little embarrassed at the fact she was fully naked and he was still in his spider-suit, so she rested both of her hands on her private area to cover up a little bit. But Miguel didn't take that reaction very lightly.
He forcefully took her hands away from in between her thighs and slightly bared his fangs. "Don't try to cover now, slut." Miguel snarled.
"It's not fair that im all naked and you're not..." she said in response.
Miguel smirked and stepped back. He started to take off the top half of his suit. His buff figure was insane to Y/N. It's like he was molded by the gods. Miguel went back to kissing her collarbone, but this time his hands started wandering down to her most sensitive area. His fingers immediately started rubbing up and down on her wet pussy, making Y/N whimper.
Miguel looked at Y/N's face and gave her a smug smile. He needed to see more. He immediately shoved two fingers inside her wet hole and started fingering her, loving the sound of her arousal and moans.
"Te miras muy bonita, moaning for me." he whispered in her ear.
Miguel made Y/N fall into tiny pieces whenever she's with or around him. She couldn't help it. His broad strong shoulders and muscular back made her melt like ice cream and his muscles made her face warm like the morning sun.
Y/N's erotic moans made Miguel solid hard. The more she moaned, the faster his fingers kept going. She kept getting louder and louder. She couldn't take it, she needed him inside her, pounding into her like a crazy man and Miguel knew she needed him. He just loved to tease her.
"Miguel, please. I need you."
"What do you need exactly, princesa.
"I need you to fuck me~ Use me however you want~ I'm all yours..." She moaned out.
Miguel pulled his fingers out and stuck them in Y/N's mouth, making her taste her own arousal. He groaned at the sight of her sucking on his fingers, looking at him with those precious eyes that were begging him to fuck her.
He pulled away from her mouth and started taking off the bottom half of the spider suit, leaving him in his underwear. Letting his pretty girl in front of him drool at the sight of his bulge. He pulled out his hard cock and started stroking it a little bit in front of her, teasing her a bit.
"Get off the fucking table and turn around." He demanded, to which Y/N willingly complied to.
He forcefully grabbed the back of her neck and made her bend over, making her whimper at his strength. He lined the tip of his dick on her pussy and slightly pushed in. He knew what he was doing. Don't get him wrong, he wanted the same she wanted. He wanted nothing more to just pound into her until she forgot her own name, but he loved to see her all worked up.
Y/N started backing up a tiny bit so she could feel more of him inside her, but Miguel didn't like that. He slapped her ass cheek to make her stop, making Y/N moan at the impact. "You can't wait to get fuck, huh chiquita? You want me to fuck you? Yeah?" he teased.
Y/N whimpered and kept telling him yes. "Please fuck me, I need you inside m-" she was cut off by her own pornographic moan since Miguel shoved himself inside with no warning. He groaned at the feeling of her walls hugging his dick so tightly.
He started pounding into her, making her moan loudly. He suddenly remembered that people in the building thought he was absent from the building, and if they hear Y/N's sweet moans from inside his working headroom, they will know something is up and barge in. Miguel leaned forward and grabbed Y/N's throat and pulled her upper body towards his chest.
"Shut the fuck up. I don't need anyone barging in on me fucking you. Unless you want that to happen since you're moaning so fucking loud like a whore." he groaned in her ear. Y/N could only moan in response. The pleasure she was feeling in her body was too good.
"No? You don't want to listen?" Miguel started pounding into her even harder, making her scream in pleasure. The pleasure was starting to become too much for Y/N to the point where she started feeling tears build up in her eyes. Her vision started to become blurred so she closed her eyes and felt the tears fall from her eyes.
"You're such a good girl, baby. Taking me so well like a fucking slut." He praised. He started to leave little kisses on her cheek and had his unoccupied hand travel down to rub her puffy clit. He looked down to watch his cock disappear and reappear with every thrust he made and with every thrust he made, he realized Y/N was creaming more and more. To the point that it started reaching his fingers that were rubbing her clit.
The sight of Y/N creaming made O'hara's thrusts more aggressive. His groans started to become louder and louder. Everything was going smoothly and full of pleasure until Y/N's little watch started ringing, indicating someone was calling her. Miguel's thrusting didn't slow down though, he didn't care.
"Answer it." he demanded.
Y/N's eyes widened, "B-But-"
"But nothing, answer it or I'll stop fucking you."
Y/N's shaky hand pressed the button to answer the call and answered it like how anyone would answer a regular phone call. "Y/N, it's me." A voice called out.
Ben fucking Reilly.
The Spiderman that would take his flirting with Y/N a little too far for Miguel. "H-hey Ben! Is there a r- oh fuck - reason why you're calling?" Y/N tried answering without sounding suspicious.
Ben let out a dramatic sigh, "Yes, there is actually." He dramatically said. Ben was a very dramatic Spiderman. Some spider-people would call him a wannabe anime character from how much he exaggerates things.
"Well what is-" "I just wanted to-" they both spoke at the same time. Ben let out another dramatic sigh, "Y/N, please. Don't interrupt."
Y/N brought her hand up to her mouth to try and hide the moans she wanted to let out so badly. "Y/N, I wanted to call you and ask you out on a very amazing date. I think you are the woman of my dreams and I need a strong woman like you by my side." Ben dramatcially said.
That was the final straw for Miguel.
Miguel gripped both of his hands on Y/N plump ass and started pounding into her even harder, making Y/N's tears come down even more. Y/N's grip on her mouth tightened even more, in fear of letting out a moan and ruining everything.
"Is that a yes or a no, princesa," Miguel whispered as he smirked. He forcefully took her hand off her mouth for her to answer. Y/N didn't want Ben to know Miguel was drilling into her. That would be so embarrassing.
"I-I'm sorry, Ben! I can't t-talk right now" she tried her best to say. Ben let out another dramatic sigh, "But why, Y/N?"
"Because she's busy," Miguel said out loud. He pressed the hang-up button and continued his vicious pounding. Y/N began to feel a strange but pleasurable feeling in her abdomen and so did Miguel.
"Fuck, Miguel~ I'm gonna cum~"
"Yeah? You wanna cum, baby?~" Miguel teased. Y/N moaned in response and didn't have time for his teasing. She let out her final erotic moan and came. She came all over his cock. Miguel came shortly after and filled Y/N up with his load.
Miguel groaned and let his upper body softly lay on Y/N's back, giving it little kisses. They stayed like that until their gasps started to slow down. Miguel pulled out and watched as his cum started coming out of her pussy. Running down her thigh and some even dropping to the floor. He smiled at his accomplishment.
"Okay, are you two done now!? I have some very important data I need to run and I've been waiting patiently!" a voice said, making Miguel and Y/N snap their necks to the right to see the iconic female hologram.
"Lyla, you scared the shit out of us, a-and why are you turned around?" Miguel asked confusingly.
"Because I don't want to see both of you naked! Hurry up and get dressed I need your monitor to run some data!"
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
Can you tell that i like lana del rey
also me fighting the urge to add Salvadoran slang because I'm salvadoran...
+ Ay, pero no te 'nojes - Oh but don't get mad
+ era como - It was like
+ Escuché que es muy bonito ahí - I heard it's very beautiful over there
+ Nunca has ido al - You've never been to
+ Te miras muy bonita -You look very beautiful
+ princesa - Princess
+ chiquita - little thing/ little one
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hikarimiyanaga · 4 months
Healing A Broken Heart (Part 1)
Summary :
You and Wanda are in love. At least you thought so. During a particularly bad fight, she tells you that if she had a choice, she wouldn't be with you.
And that, in your thousands years of life, is the most painful thing you've ever heard that was said to you.
PS. This was inspired by that one reddit post and it snowballed from there.
You drink another shot. For the past few weeks and so, this is the only thing you've done during the nights. Drink.
As if it could make you forget. Forget the pain. Forget the memories. Forget Wanda.
But it couldn't, it was only for the night for you still remember everything the day after.
You really hated being a semi-eternal.
You were created to be with the other eternals but there was something wrong with you. You didn't have any powers.
Still, Arishem sent you along with Ajak and the others as a reporter.
You had the immortality and physique but nothing else.
Still, Sersei, Makkari, Sprite, Kingo, Phastos, Thena, Ajak, Druig and Gilgamesh were family.
So you did exactly what you were sent to do. Report. Until you and the others' rebellion years ago. Now THAT, that was a fun time.
But that? Being a hero? Something you're not? It was all in the past.
You just wanted peace. When the whole Westview happened. Ajak sent you, said something about knowledge in magic.
And so you helped. Both Wanda and Agatha.
Wanda stayed with you along with the darkhold and Agatha went with her coven.
You made sure that she made the first move. And if she never truly liked you then it was also fine. But she did. She kissed you that one night and you kissed her back.
You'd cook for her. Teach her more about her own magic. And she'd love you. She'd make you laugh. She'd make you feel peace.
It stayed like that. For Five years. You were both in love or so you thought.
She was getting impatient. You can tell. You knew that your method was slow. But it was also the safest. So that she can travel freely. Did you know that she would leave you for her boys? Of course, she will. And you'd understand. Those twins were her kids. Hers. And you-
Well, you didn't even know what you are to her.
And during the fight with her, you confirmed it. She was just with you because you knew the safest way. Because you had a way.
And so you left her. And left her notes, you weren't cruel as to leave her without knowledge on getting back with her kids.
And so here you were. In a random bar somewhere in the US. Where you stopped counting your drinks and stopped caring about yourself.
If anyone needed help then you would be there in a heartbeat, helping once again. But for now? You need to forget.
"Ah. Here you are. I knew it." You hear Sersei say as she sits besides you. She and Makkari have been trying to find you when they went to visit Wanda a week ago and you weren't there. Sersei quickly texted Makkari as you drink again.
"Why are you trying to find me, dear changer?" All of the eternals had nicknames from you.
"We were worried. What happened?" You chuckle at that.
"Just that-" You don't finish when someone hugs you from behind. You laugh as you turn and hug Makkari. "Hi, fast one. Sorry that you couldn't reach me."
"It's okay. Why are you here though?" Makkari asks and you sigh.
"Not here. Shall we go on a walk?" You pay for your tab and leave the bar with them.
You all get seated at a park and you look ahead.
"We got into a fight." Makkari raises an eyebrow at Sersei. A fight? That was it? "And she told me that if she had a choice then she wouldn't be with me." That made them both flinch. They knew your insecurities better than anyone else. The two of them were your closest confidants after all. "So I left. Don't worry about it, though, I made sure to leave her notes. And if she did become the Scarlet Witch and destroyed everything again then-" You inhale at that. "Then I'll help stop her."
"But Wanda was-" you shake your head at Sersei. Just hearing her name is enough to make you cry. You wipe away your tears.
"I need some time alone. Call me in the emergency phone if any of you need help." You stand then smile sadly at them. They both just watched as you leave.
6 months. It's been half a year since you saw Wanda. But by God did she get even more beautiful. You were helping Peter Parker's mess and making sure that Strange didn't do that fucking spell again. You really hated that spell, for fuck's sake.
You sigh in relief as everything ends and no one needed to forget him.
"This is why I don't mess with memories." Sersi, Druig and Makkari turns to you. "It's too messy."
"Really? I thought you of all people would want to do it." Druig says and you hum.
"It would make it easier, that's for sure." Wanda flinches at your statement. She was near enough to hear but far enough to not get spotted. Did you want to forget her? "But what the brain cannot remember, the heart and soul will surely do." Wanda was sure now. She approaches the eternals and you realize her presence, you quickly go to Makkari and tell her to take you home.
"But-" Makkari tries to argue but you shake her.
"Just this once! I swear, okay? Please, Makkari. I can't. My heart can't." You get teary eyed and Makkari turns to Sersei. They turn to Wanda who was going to call you.
"Just this once." You nod at her and Makkari quickly leaves the battlefield with you intact. She stops at your current house in New Zealand. You sigh in relief and hug her tight.
"Thank you." You kiss her forehead. "I owe you one." Makkari nods and leaves you alone. You get inside and start to pack. You just know that either Makkari or Sersei will snitch on you. You don't blame them, though, you know that Wanda has been persistent on seeing you and wanting to know where you are.
You didn't know why she wanted to see you.
You don't know want to know.
But if you had to take a guess then maybe she'll break it off for real. You wipe away your tears again. The partying and drinking for the past 6 months has done nothing good for you.
It just made you forget temporarily.
You look at your things. It was only one suitcase, the benefits of having too much money. You hum.
Time to go there then.
Another 6 months has passed by. This time, you knew it. You have peace.
Well, you did still have nightmares. Your insecurities are still there. But at least here, you were truly alone. No expectations. No betrayals. Just you.
Not even Sersei or Makkari knew where you were. You didn't want the risk. You just can't run into the source of your heartache.
Or so you thought. Because your phone rings. The emergency one.
"Hello?" You ask and it was Sersei who answers.
"We need help! Or rather your friend, Strange needs help!" You hum as you ready yourself.
"What do you mean?? She can travel the multiverse????? FREELY?????" You ask and Stephen nods. "Whoa. Holy shit. You do know this makes you like the singular only person in the multiverse that can do that. Like damn." Sersei raises an eyebrow at you.
"You're an eternal."
"Semi! But yeah, I might be the only one. Nice! The name's Y/N! We have no last names." America looks at Stephen who nods at her.
"I'm America. America Chavez."
"Nice to meet you! So why am I here?"
"She needs help."
"Some monsters have been chasing me all throughout the multiverse and-" You hum. You get your phone out and call Agatha. You stop America and they all look at you.
"Agatha. The darkhold is not being overused is it??"
"Nope. Wanda is learning it slowly. Just like you taught her. Why?"
"Just checking." You hang up and hum. "Has there been any portal sightings like the one from multiverses?" Stephen shakes his head at you.
"Through every universe, right?" America nods. "You don't need me. You need Wanda."
"You sure?"
"Yes. She can travel the multiverse too. Just not as freely as America. We should go to her."
"We? Are you ready to see her?" Sersei's question makes you flinch.
"Not really but-" you look at America. "A kid needs help so-"
"Got it. Let's go then." Stephen says and you nod.
'Oh. She hasn't moved. At all.' You thought to yourself as you look at the house you lived in a year ago. Stephen knocks on the door and you step back as Wanda opens the door.
"Oh. Strange. How unusual-"
"We need your help. Y/N says that you-"
"Y/N!? Have you been in contact with her?? Not even Makkari or Sers-"
"That's because they're snitches." You walk up the familiar steps and smile sadly at her. "Hi, Wanda."
"Y/N. Y-you're here." She says and becomes teary-eyed.
"Yeah. We need your help."
"I'll get us some teas." You nod absentmindedly as you look around, everything was the way you left it. It felt like you've never left at all. The books were in the arrangement you did. The pictures and decorations were never removed. You smile a little at the pictures.
There were five on display.
One with you and the eternals.
One with Wanda and her brother Pietro.
One with you, Wanda, and everyone, as many as the frame could fit.
One with you and Wanda just hugging and smiling at each other.
One with Wanda and Vision.
"Whoa! This is you, right, Y/N??" America asks as she looks closely at the pictures, you didn't even notice her standing from the couch.
"Yeah. It's her. She lived here before." Wanda answers for you as she serves the tea. You hum, agreeing with her as you get your cup.
"So you know magic??" America tilts her head at you as she sits besides you again.
"Know, yes. Use? No." America tilts her head again so you chuckle. "I only know spells, uses, and stuff like that. I couldn't do it even if my life depended on it. Ask Sersei sometime, she knows how many times I tried to see if I ever had some sort of power." America hums.
"And you never discovered any?" You shake your head.
"Nope." You smile at her as you sip your tea. Oh shit. Did she-? You look at Wanda and she smiles at you.
"It's your favorite." She confirms and you sigh. "So, what did you three come here for? What can I do to help?"
"First, of all are you halfway through the darkhold?" You ask and Stephen glares at you.
"Uh. Yes. I am. I think I am." You hum.
"Can you call it and I can check?" Wanda nods and calls the darkhold to her hand, Stephen scoffs at you and you glare at him.
"Look away, for fuck's sake. A child's safety is on the line!" He grumbles as he leaves the house and America was about to follow him when you stop her. "Stay here for a minute. I need to confirm-" You open the darkhold and hum. "Yep. Halfway through. You can travel with America now."
"What?" Wanda asks and you hum.
"So, the predicament is this. America is being chased around by monsters. Darkhold monsters and so I have reason to believe that one of your variations is chasing her. Possibly, to either get her power or use her. I am not sure. So I need you to travel with America. With Stephen too and solve this."
"What? How?"
"By defeating the other you."
"WHAT!? HOW!?" You hum at her question.
"Simply put, you'll need to introduce a variation of me."
"You?" You nod and grin at her.
"You know the phrase, 'every me loves every you'?" Wanda nods at you. "I have reason to believe that is happening between us. Not everyone gets their shit together or end up together or even meet but still. Every variation of me will love every variation of you."
"How are you so sure-"
"Phastos made a device. I used it like a thousand times. Trust me in this. I-" your phone rings, effectively cutting you off. You look at it and see Phastos's name. "Speak of the eternal." You answer it. "Wait. You caught one??????" You hum. "Okay. Okay. I got it." You nod. "Yeah. I still have it." You nod again. "Got it. We'll be there." You hang up and look at Wanda. "Change of plans. We're going somewhere." You hold out your hand to her and she accepts it. That makes you smile, at least she isn't allergic to your touch. "Come on, America. Time to meet my family." You grin then go outside where Stephen was waiting. "Stephen, open the portal to Wakanda!" Stephen nods and does as you say.
"It's a good thing that you have Thena, huh?" You grin at him, agreeing with him.
You look at the monster then at Phastos then at Thena and Gilgamesh.
"You guys are seriously amazing. Thank you." You took out a pair of glasses from your pocket and toss it to Phastos. "As I said."
"Have you used it at all for the past year?" Phastos asked and you blush.
"Only a thousand more times." You scratch your neck. "One of the reasons why I never get bored."
"I'm just relieved you haven't decided to get Phastos to make you a multiverse traveling machine." Ajak says and you smile sadly at her.
"I had what they had. Mine was just the saddest attempt." You look at the ground knowing that most of the people there are looking at you.
"Done!" Phastos exclaims and you smile, relieved that the attention is off you. "So, this will hopefully will let us know which universe this creature is from and the glasses will guide us there."
"You mean them?" You point to Stephen, America and Wanda.
"What? You're not coming??" America asks as she gets your hand.
"Sorry, kid. I'll only slow you guys down." You ruffle her hair. You look at Wanda then smile at her. "Try to keep this kid safe. She's pretty unique. And she'll be able to help you too."
"Got it! Universe 567. That's where the monsters are from."
"Good. Here's how the glasses work." You begin instructing the three of them and making sure they knew what to do.
Wanda is to make sure that the traveling of the group is safe and sound, she can fight off the multidimensional monsters.
Stephen is to make sure to locate your variant.
America is to make the group travel freely.
You wave them goodbye and smile as they leave. You collapse to the ground and Makkari is by your side immediately.
"I'm okay. Just really-" you let the tears out and sob.
The dam finally breaking through. You don't know if you'll ever get over Wanda.
It took them a week to find you.
Turns out you were a pretty badass Black Widow in Universe 567. You were trained alongside Natasha so the two of you were like siblings.
567 you tried to refuse first but when she saw the monster firsthand, she finally relented and agreed.
Meeting 567 Wanda was chaos. She tried and tried to resist both her variant, Stephen and 567 you but when the avengers arrived, it was a done deal. 567 Wanda was captured and stopped. 567 you fought for her rehabilitation though, stating that you won't ever forgive yourself if you let another one fall to that deep abyss. 567 You promised to help her, to take care of her and teach her how to be compassionate again. As they were leaving Universe 567, Wanda couldn't help but smile as 567 you helps 567 Wanda to her feet.
It looks like your and hers 567 variants will be okay.
You were back in your old tattered hut in the Philippines. The peaceful home you've been at for the past half a year.
You hear your phone rings and hum.
"Yeah?" You answer it.
"They're back! Should I tell Makkari to get you?" Phastos asks and you sigh.
"No need. I had my time here already. Do you think Sersei has room in her apartment? I'd rather just room with her and Sprite."
"I'll ask her. So you're done avoiding her?" You laugh at that.
"Never. I'll be there." You hang up and look around. "Goodbye, peace." You leave and never look back.
Posting this since it's sitting in my draft. Not finished yet but wanted to get it out.
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
Question for you!😁 Which Yandere marvel characters do you think would want/make their darling age regress? Because I see a lot of Yanderes who would want them to depend on them but which characters (even if it varies from era to era) would take it a step further. Even just to treat their darling like a teenager, I think a lot of them would and I’m curious who all you think would most likely? I love your writing and I hope you have a great day!
It's funny you should mention this, because I was recently imagining a situation where a lot of Marvel heroes (and maybe non-heroes) have a get-together and bring their age-regressed, abducted darlings. Like a party of the forced agere yanderes.
(This is outside the canon of "Safe Because I'm With the Apex Predator.")
Druig and Makkari's darling is by far the best-behaved; everyone compliments them on how well-behaved their darling is. Dressed in brightly-colored overalls and knee socks, their hair is neat (which can't be said for a lot of the darlings; they get unkempt when they physically struggle), they greet the other yanderes with a smile when asked, and they say "Yes, Daddy," and "Yes, Mommy," and the like, every time they speak to Druig and Makkari. They don't use any words that a seven-year-old couldn't.
It's clear from the look in the darling's eyes that they haven't caved under the mental stress of their abduction; there's still an awareness there. Occasionally even hostility. But they behave themself, because if they didn't do so by choice, Druig would just make them anyway. So many of the yanderes are lowkey jealous, not just of this darling's good behavior, but of the general vibe of mutual understanding that exists between them and Drukkari. When all the other darlings are going to a "play room", so the "grown ups" can talk in private, this darling calmly asks, "Mommy, can I bring my food with me?"
Makkari answers, "Yes," and kisses them on the forehead before they go.
Meanwhile, Thena and Gilgamesh's darling is absolutely feral. (Or, as one of the other yanderes politely says, "very rambunctious!") Darling's on a leash, and Darling's trying to chew through the leash. They're dressed in a form-fitting toddler onesie and mittens that make it hard to hold anything. They aren't trusted to feed themself, so Gilgamesh feeds them while Thena leads them around on the leash. When Gilgamesh greets people amicably, and Thena greets people with her aloof smile, their darling glares at whoever they're directed to greet and mumbles a grudging "hello".
None of them are embarrassed about this. Thena is amused and enjoys the friction, and Gilgamesh is chill. Looking at all the other captives, darling demands, "How come they're not on a leash?"
Gilgamesh chuckles, "Because you're still biting yours."
Repeatedly, this darling tries to run for it, and Thena nonchalantly reels them back with a firm tug, not even pausing her conversation with the other guests.
Sam and Bucky's darling is shyly clinging to Sam's side. They don't have to say hi to anyone, because Sam and Bucky both enjoy the fact that they don't want to. "They're shy," Bucky says, and Sam pats their head fondly. They're dressed like a very fashionable five-year-old: everything matches, and they have very snazzy tennis shoes. Bucky and Sam are asked where they bought that shirt, those shorts, that cloth cap.
While darling doesn't talk to or look at the other yanderes, they're fascinated with the other darlings. They're kind of scared of the struggling ones, but their eyes are drawn to something brightly colored: Druig and Makkari's darling. Pretty...And they look friendly... Darling accidentally makes eye contact with Druig, who raises an unimpressed (almost challenging) eyebrow, and they quickly look away. When Sam and Bucky eventually run into Druig and Makkari and start making small talk, darling keeps their face buried in Sam's shoulder, so that only one eye can see the colorful darling who's now staring right back at them, curiously.
"Hi," Drukkari's darling says. They're allowed to carry their own plate!
Sambucky's darling waves hello but does not leave the safety of Sam's side.
The Guardians of the Galaxy were not invited to the party, but they showed up anyway. Their darling is as rough-edged as you'd expect from someone who has to trade barbs with Rocket Raccoon on the daily. They're dressed in an outfit composed of articles that have each been scavenged separately. (And an anklet of what looks like braided wood but is really a part of Groot's body, which can at any time grow roots into the ground, preventing them from walking.)
Rather than sticking by their yanderes (like most if not all of the other darlings do, if not by choice then by force), this darling pretty much runs rampant through the room, sneaking food from the banquet tables and making an honest effort to quietly steal a sling ring from Dr. Strange. Occasionally, Rocket or Nebula or Quill shouts at them from across the room to put something down or otherwise stop doing what they're doing. Groot, in the role of the older sibling, sometimes goes to herd them back.
"In what way is that age regression, and not just kidnapping?" Strange asks.
"Oh, that?" Quill says. "They're just going through a rebellious phase. Groot did the same stuff."
Separately, Nebula muses to someone, "With a father as cruel as Thanos, I never believed myself to have much of a...nurturing side. But ever since we found- GET DOWN FROM THERE, OR I WILL THROW YOU THROUGH THE WALL!" she suddenly bellows.
"Up yours!" their darling shouts back.
"It's nice to be a mom," Nebula continues solemnly.
(Thenamesh's darling tries to convince them to cut their leash.)
Eventually, Mantis puts them to sleep, and Drax spends the rest of the party with them casually slung over his shoulder.
The Guardians are still probably asked to leave.
Dr. Strange's darling is behaving themself, but they have an attitude. They're terse, with their lips in a sour twist that clearly conveys that they would not be here were it not for their magical captor and his ability to appear anywhere they could think to run. Their clothes are impeccable (and have the look of a boarding school uniform), but their hair is messy, suggesting they did not intend for Stephen to have an easy time getting them here.
This darling is simultaneously annoyed by the darlings who make a spectacle of their attempts to defy their yanderes and disgusted by the darlings who obey too well. The way Sambucky's darling is coddled and doted on is unbearably cloying, but Drukkari's darling being allowed to hold their own plate just absolutely grinds their gears, because Strange's darling isn't allowed to do or have anything, without Strange acting as the middle man. They have to politely ask for each bite of food, politely ask for any book or activity they might use to entertain themself, politely ask to go to the bathroom...And Strange really would let them wet themself, if they didn't ask politely enough.
They drag their feet, when Strange walks over to Druig and Makkari and the golden darling themself. They cross their arms tightly, as Strange chats with the Eternals and Drukkari’s darling meets their glower with a look they can't help reading as supercilious.
Strange's darling refuses to greet Drukkari's darling, and they don't consciously register that their unreasonable animosity toward their fellow abductees signifies a great deterioration in their emotional intelligence.
(I can think of more, but this post is getting long, and I'm not sure how interesting it is to other people, lol.)
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gareleia · 4 months
a continuation of this post, because I have no impulse control and am in dire need of more Aeolus content
first of all, let's establish one thing - and I think we can all agree on that - Aeolus loves to fuck with people. they are a benevolent(-ish?) trickster deity, and they revel in harmless pranks
as a consequence, they are on pretty good terms with Hermes. while Hermes doesn't care much for the 'small fry' and doesn't pay that much attention to the wind god most of the time, Aeolus has their winions follow the messenger god religiously (pun intended), because? where Hermes goes, shenanigans always follow.
so when they get the tea that he's apparently hanging out on that one random Greek island, playing nanny? oh, they know it's gotta be good. so naturally, they go to check it out.
well, turns out that Athena is also there, and both of them are sooo bad with babies, it's hilarious
Athena, holding baby!Telemachus: Ehhh, shouldn't it be eating more meat? it's body is so weak, it can't even hold a spear! Hermes, exasperated: oh my me, 'thena, that's not how humans work!! babies eat liquids first!! how can you not know that!! here you go, champ, drink some wine!! Aeolus, hiding in the leaves: holy shit these guys are dumb
so now they can't just leave Telemachus alone with Athena and Hermes! they might not be an expert on child rearing, but surely they can do better than those two dorks! and the baby is adorable.
so they decide to stick around. just for a little bit. a week tops.
fast forward a few years, and they have been raising the prince of Ithaca
Aeolus: *shocked pikachu face*
and Aeolus is the much needed chaotic good influence to Hermes' chaotic neutral and Athena's lawful neutral.
the thing is, Aeolus is really good at hiding. so good, in fact, that no one but Telemachus had even realized they are here. everyone else just thinks that the prince has an invisible friend which, well… they're not wrong?.. and it's not like other kids are exactly lining up to be his friends anyway, cause everyone thinks he's weird (or their parents don't want to catch the attention of the suitors)
and the gods think that it's because they hang around too much and Telemachus can't make friends because of them. so maybe they try to spend less time in Ithaca, for his own good. which only makes things worse, because now the boy is upset, and Aeolus and winions have to try extra hard to cheer him up, which pisses them off.
Athena & Hermes: oh, goodness us, we shall try not to interfere too much with the mortal affairs, so that the young prince grows up healthy and happy ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Telemachus: (T⌓T) Aeolus: ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙
and then they have to subtle bully the two dumb fucks to come back.
on a less serious note, Aeolus also has a sweet tooth, especially for marshmallows (idgaf there weren't any marshmallows in Mycenaean Greece, they're a god. they can make all the damn marshmallows they want)
and of course, since they are sooo generous, they always share with Telemachus.
what they don't know(?) is that winions, who all get their own treats, also collectively share them with the baby, because they are secretly evil adorable little freaks.
which results in a very hyper prince sugar rushing seemingly out of nowhere.
Telemachus, running all around the palace and crackling madly: I AM SPEED- Penelope, unimpressed: and who, pray tell, had given my son sweets right before dinner? Athena, equally unimpressed: yes, I would also like to know. Hermes, sweating nervously: heyyyy, why are you all looking at me like that???? ( ಠ‿ಠ ) Aeolus, from behind a tree, unseen by anyone: (。•̀U-)┘
Hermes always gets blamed.
It's the only time he doesn't do the thing
and he's seething, because nobody believes him.
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redrydersrequiem · 5 months
Golden eyed phantom chapter 2
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Paring Druig x reader
Rating explicit 18+only,minors,ageless,blank blogs will be blocked
Plot: phantom of the opera au
Warnings theres no smut this time and sorry if its a little shorter then the first chapter
The audience's cheers roll over you like waves as the final curtain closes. You're quickly whisked away, Madame Ajak, bless her, swiftly guides you to your new dressing room before the reporters, opera patrons and fans could move to swarm the backstage area wanting to meet the new star of the Opera de Popular. Much to your dismay however the entrance was already chaotically crowded with people. Thankfully Mr Nelson and Murdock where already front and center, Mr. Nelson was gladly answering the reporters and basking in the crowd's awe while Mr Murdock alongside Gilgamesh provided a more physical barrier, not letting the over eager patrons near, allowing you and madame to finally enter the dressing room.
Once inside silence overcomes you, finally feeling like you could breathe deeply,counting to ten a few times to calm the ringing beating of your heart. It’s not till madame cleared her throat that you looked up, an explosion of color filling your gaze. Flowers of every size, shape and color fill every available surface, bouquets of some of the most exotic flowers you've ever seen.
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“Wow” Madame just laughs at your shocked face
“This is to be expected my dear” she goes about the room examining the abundance of flowers, focusing on one of the bigger bouquets.
“Look, this one is from Count Ikarus and his family. It sees that young man is quite smitten with you”
“Yes so it seems”
“What’s wrong my dear.? You don't seem excited about your successful debut?”
“No it's not that Madame i'm truly grateful for everything that has happened.”
At first you don't answer but Madame gives you one of her motherly looks and all resolve crumbles
“But…… it feels wrong somehow like something is missing.”
“Something? Or someone?”
As soon as the words leave her mouth the image of your angel comes to mind, bringing a light blush along with it.
“I see that look dear, it's alright. It’s perfectly normal for someone your age, all I ask of you is to be smart about your choices ok.?”
You just smile nodding yes not really wanting to go into a whole spiel with her right now, but thankful for her all the same. The women truly being the only mother figure you've ever known
“I will mama jaks.”
“Ohhh thank you dear, I haven’t heard you call me that in so long i've missed it”.
“I'm sorry I.”
“No no, none of that. I'm glad to be mama jaks to you, you and sersi are my daughters whether you like it or not.”
She kisses you on the forehead before urging you up from the sofa and towards the changing screen to help you out of the heavy gown you've been in all night.
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Once deglamorized you stealthily made your way to the dancers entrance avoiding any leftover fans, walking quickly to meet up with sersi. Your whole opera family was celebrating your triumphant first show at Gil and thenas house, Gil’s cooking and drinks galore is what kingo had stayed. Not wanting to keep everyone waiting, you and Sersi begin the familiar walk. Now it does dawn on you, that two young women shouldn’t probably be walking in the deed of night in Paris’s strees but the promise of having Gilgamesh’s famous (your favorite dessert) all to yourself overweighs all those worries
“I can’t wait to see what all Gil cooked. I'm starving.” Sersi simply laughs at you
“How is all you can think about is food after the day you've had.?”
“Hey you try being poked and prodded at and then thrust in front of hundreds of people in a heavy costume and not be hung/“
Her hand grabbing your arm halting your steps stops you mid sentence. She’s even pushing you behind her when you finally notice the black carriage that has now pulled up alongside the two of you. You both give each other knowing glances as you assume the defensive stances thena had drilled into you.
Just as the door opens and you both go to move a familiar head of brown hair steps out.
“Little (y/n/n) and friend. I apologize if I frightened you mademoiselles, i was caught by opera patrons and was unable to speak with you. Imagine my luck to stumble upon the new star of Paris opera walking along the street.
“Yes, how fortunate. I'm sorry, if i had known you wished to speak with me i would have waited at the theater.
“No it's my fault I should have tried harder to get away, um if you could, may I have a moment of your time.?”
“Of course you may!” Sersi answers for you. “I’ll be just over here while you two speak” she nods to both of you before stepping over to study a random storefront, acting the picture of innocents and not like she just threw you under a carriage. Turning back towards Ikarus you notice his eye haven’t left sersi.
Ikarus’s head snaps back into place a practiced smile falling into place
“what can i do for you count de solar?”
“firstly just call me Ikarus please”
“ok Ikarus it is then”
“and you? Are you still little (ynn) or are you now the new diamond of the Paris opera scene.?”
“no i'm simply (y/n)”
”very well simply y/n, i must say your performance was a revelation. It’s amazing to see how far you've come since I last saw you.”
“fifteen years is a long time, a lot of things change.”
“yes…..i heard about your fathers passing, my condolences. He was a brilliant musician and I'm sure he would be incredibly proud of you.”
“thank you that's very kind of you, he would have felt honored to. Hear such high praise.
“Listen, I don't wish to keep you or your companion out in this cold night air much longer, so I will simply ask if you would be willing to have a meal with me, to catch up?”
After a quick contemplation you agreed not wanting to turn down the benefactor of the opera or a count. Terrific he replies before turning to his driver to discuss something quietly. You take this time to all sersi back over
“Did you both figure everything out?
“Yeah, he asked me to dinner.”
“oh y/n that's exciting. Oh he's coming back”
“Well I thank you for agreeing to dinner but I do have one more issue.”
oh?” You ask the duke questioningly.
“Yes it would be ungentlemanly of me to allow two young women to walk the damp streets of Paris at such an hour please let me top you off to your destination?”
You're about to decline given Gil and thena home is only fifteen minutes more away but once more sersi interrupts, accepting the offer for you both and allowing Ikarus to help her into his carriage before you get even a syllable out. The quick ride is filled with mostly Sersi and Ikarus talking (flirting) while you nodded along with whatever they were talking about just watching how they interacted, both sporting light blushes as they speak. However your destination arrives before you can make any sort of comment
“Here we are, sir.”
“Thank you mr smith.”
Ikarus quickly hopped out helping you and sersi out. You both turn dipping into quick curtsies, bidding the young count goodbye. He gives us both a nod and slight bow, his gaze lingering on sersi once more before hopping into his carriage and driving away.
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“I can't believe that just happened, you truly do know the count y/n”
“I told you I did. Besides, I don't think its that impressive to know a count.”
“y/n you should be excited! He's young,handsome, kind and comes from a wealthy Noble family. He would make a perfect husband.”
“HUSBAND?…….. No sersi. I know that all sounds nice to you but to me he will always be the boy next door that was nice to me one moment then would tease me the next till he all but disappeared one day.”
“Oh sweety im/“
“/no it's fine, I understand what you're saying but Ikarus just isn't for me, in fact I think you should take your own advice.”
She whips around about to gripe at you with a blush on her face when the door bursts open, kingos extravagant self standing there, before he pulls you both into the warm house. Music's playing lightly as the boisterous noises from the living room pull you all in. And there everyone is cheers ringing in the air as everyone is ready to finally celebrate your musical debut.
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The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, everyone had turned in, some (cough kingo and sprite cough) where. Forced to turn in after a night of one to many. You however couldn't find sleep for the life of you. Still too high on the adrenaline of the day to find peace so you decide to go for a walk. The early morning shops were setting up and beginning their days.Couriers race beside you. A few people wished you good morning before they went about their days. All in all it was a peaceful morning walk that ended in the same place it always did. The place you always go when you're alone or pent up or sad, happy, really any emotion. This was your safe place, the small cathedral attached to the Opera house.
Like always a few lone candles flicker in the room's damp breeze. Just as you go to light an additional candle for your father a musical trilling sounds in the room startling you. Looking around you see where the music came from. Under the cathedral's small stained glass window set a beautiful music box. It was a silver box, not large but not too small. It’s had (your favorite flower )designed on it rounding all the sides and laying carefully carved on the top, with tiny gems that sparkled like stars scattered around
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(I cant pick one they’re all to pretty)
Where did you come from?” just as your about to touch the bow that familiar glowing aura brushes over you
“hello my little muse.”
There's that voice. That voice that teaches you with a stern hardness. Tha voice that caresses you at night covering your body in goosebumps and making your heart race. The voice you dream about that has you held captive. He was your teacher, your savior, your angel, your phantom.
“Good morning master.” you go to move to turn around hopeful to finally see the being that has overtaken every fiber of your body
‘Wait!” you pause, the air feeling charged as you obey his command
“Let me take you in first , my muse.”
The basic evening wear you wore yesterday didn't bother you when you put it on but now you wished you wore anything else, but nevertheless you felt his gaze roam your body like the finest piece of art. Out of your peripheral you can just make out the bottoms of his pressed black slack, the elegant polished boots and the swishing of the evening cape he had on the red lining accentuating his legs.
You attempt to see more but he steps directly behind you. His body is warm in the cold room, as you feel his fingertips glide up your back. Before his hands up your shoulders.
“my beautiful beautiful muse, how you shined like the brightest star in the universe. The goddess Aphrodite herself would be envious.”
“thank you master”
“oh how i relish those words do say it again”
“emmmmmmm yes I do like the sound of that. Do you like your present my muse” he asks gesturing to the music box
“its beautiful”
“The song inside is of my own composition, please open it and tell me what you think.”
you reluctantly move away from his warmth to step back towards the music box, still not daring to look back over your shoulder. Tracing your finger over the flower on the top, taking a much needed breath and open the box
a hauntingly beautiful melody leaks out.
“Does it please you?”
“Its breathtaking”
“I'm pleased that something so small could elicit such feelings. I wonder how you would react to me then” a million thoughts rush through your head, he's finally going to let me see him.
“Would you like to see me, my little muse?” He laughs “I can hear the thoughts rushing through your head.’
yes master falls from your lips
his body steps up to you again. No room between the roof you as his breath fans your ear and hands take place on your hips. You feel like the earth would fall out from under you if it weren’t for his presence keeping you grounded.
“Are you sure my muse.”
“yes master”
you feel his. Lips kiss your shoulder and something cold above his nose brushing against you before he pulls back and the words you’ve waited so long to hear are finally spoken.
“Very well……… Look at me.”
@cdragons @ethereal-athalia
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marksbear · 1 year
Hi I really like your writing! I was wondering if you could do druig x make reader. Maybe reader is very sunshine kinda person and when the eternals meet druig new boyfriend they are just shocked
Hey! Thank you for liking it! And have a good Christmas Anon!
"just don't mess this all up for me."
Druig says to his team while they all sit together at Phastos house to all spend time with each other for the holidays.
The Eternals all begged to meet Druig's significant other he was so smitten for. Even Ikrais showed a bit of interest in who this person is. So to get them off of Druig's back he invited them over to have dinner.
"You worry too much Druig!" Kingo says with a laugh. "Don't worry Druig we'll try to be on our best behavior." Gilgamesh adds trying to ease his friends worries.
The sound of the door bell rings makes the house all quiet. Druig gives his team one more spare glance before walking to the door.
Once he opens it he smiles brightly. "You came." Even though Druig's voice didn't sound he wasn't excited he was beyond ecstatic. His boyfriend wraps his arms around Druig as he does the same just standing in the middle of the doorway hugging and enjoying the others presence.
"Of course I came! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" His boyfriend was smiling ear to ear making Druig weak in the knees. Druig pulls Y/n inside taking his coat or jacket and hangs them up.
"Come on." Druig takes his boyfriend by the hand leading him in the dining room. The Eternals conversations got quiet and their attention all focused on Druig.
"Everyone..." Druig moves out of his boyfriend way while all the Eternals stare and study the boyfriend who has the brightest and gentle smile ever. "Meet my boyfriend. Y/n L/n the greatest man on earth." All of the Eternals stand up from their seats introducing themselves to Y/n and having small talk.
Everyone click with Y/n gentle and energetic personality. Kingo and Y/n ranted back and forth about movies, Phastos and him had a mutual agreement about liking building and kids being the best boyfriends ever, Makkair even taught him him some sign language.
Gilgamesh and him talked about cooking for a while, Y/n was complimenting Thena's beauty making her very blushy and smile hard, Him and Sprite were making playful remarks to each other.
Hell he even managed to make Ikaris break character and share some cool and funny stories with each other.
All of the Eternals were hooked for Y/n and his great personality loved him even more than. Kingo was first to think "How the hell did Dark Vader manage to pull a man like Y/n." Kingo eyes Druig up and down making sure he isn't using his powers to control Y/n.
Y/n spends hours talking and playing with his boyfriend. He decides it's time for he can go. "Bye everyone! It was a pleasure meeting you all and I hoped you liked me!" Y/n bows his head down a little before giving everyone a hug bye.
Lots of the Eternals try to convince and beg Y/n to stay but Y/n kindly declines the offers with a huge smile on his face. "Bye everyone have a Merry Christmas!" Druig pulls his boyfriend out and walks him to his car.
"What do you think of them?" Druig asks wrapping his arms around Y/n waist. "I think they're lovely. They are all one big happy family. I think they're good for you my love~" Y/n answers with fully honestly kissing Druig passionately before pulling away and opening his car taking out gifts.
"Can you give them these. I based off the gifts from your stories about them! And I got plenty for you at my house!" Y/n hands him the boxes of gifts. "You know you didn't have to." Druig says feeling himself smile.
"I know I know. It's just that I wanted to make a double good impression."
The two share one more kiss before departing in their own separate ways. But Druig stops in his tracks. And he turns around putting the gifts on the porch before jogging back to Y/n's car.
Y/n pokes his head out the window. "Yes?"
"I love ya sun." Druig says smiling to his boyfriend.
"I love you too moon~" Y/n says back.
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roach-works · 9 months
hey so I've read After The Storm (... repeatedly) and the Midnight Chicken one, but the next two seemed kinda like PWP one-shots and the porny bits are the ones I was least interested in in AtS so I skipped them (and completely missed the third which seems a bit more plot-like?). Only now I really want to know how Rich got to New York and what he's doing there etc. (I guess that is on me for buying from the erotica section, but it was SUCH good hurt/comfort heavy on the comfort and post-traumatic development and juicy future setting...)
So I guess my real question here is: what's the porn:plot (in the loosest sense which includes fluff and parties and character development and world building stuff) ratio in all of these? Should I get them for the plot or would I end up skimming most of them...?
my co-writers should probably chime in on this one but in my opinion:
-learning the ropes: rich learns more about boundaries and limitations. almost entirely sex scenes with a few pauses for negotiations. like 90% sex.
-the art of boytoy maintenance: a look at rich's near-future recovery and a cozy domestic fic during storm docking. almost entirely sex scenes with breaks for recovery and cuddling, 80% sex.
-cross my heart: mitch gets in on the action. mostly sex scenes with breaks for negotiations and heartfelt confessions and so on. 80% sex.
-a taste of new york: a meetcute fic with very frequent sex scenes, interspersed with tourism, meal breaks, some entertainment and misadventures. 60-70% sex.
the sex in this series isn't ever pwp: we do our best to make it a central, crucial part of the story. it's pretty vital for the development of everyone's feelings and characters, though in the first novel you can skim it and you definitely don't HAVE to read the novellas. but still, this is a romance/erotica series, and the novellas (minus the kiddie adventure one) are extremely steamy by design, and employ sex as the main driver of action and progress.
if you don't care for the sex scenes in after the storm that's perfectly fine and im glad the story stands just fine without them! but most of the novellas aren't likely to be to your tastes. the new york fic is the most likely one to have any story left after you skim all the smut, but i genuinely can't guarantee it would be worth it.
the upcoming mega-sized novels we're working on will have much more non-sex story per story, tho! but you're going to have to be patient because they're like more than 200k each and that takes so much editing.
we also have a few more novellas in the works and in planning, one of which is a road trip with katrina and selkies! that one's likely to be gen. ditto the one with a pair of detroit cult escapees, and there might be another young thena story too. all of these are a long way from publishing tho, and we get stuff done in a pretty random order, so. look forward to those! but very, very far forwards. orz
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callsigndragon · 2 years
The Christmas Date | Chapter 4: Santa Tell Me
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!Kerner!Reader
(Ron Kerner is Slider, Iceman’s backseater)
Wordcount: 2.8k
Summary: Y/n “Athena” Kerner and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw hate each other. Everybody knows. What happens when they have to fake date for a whole week to avoid Iceman and Slider’s matchmaking plans?
(there won't be smut in this series)
Warnings: OKAY SO. If there is any transphobic person reading this, i’m sorry but it’s time to LEAVE. Iceman’s grandSON is trans, Rooster/Thena being supportive godparents, Rooster’s ex-gf still being a bitch, body dismorphia, mentions of alcohol, CAR ACCIDENT (everyone's okay don't worry), driving under the influence, mentions of death, mentions of Carole's death... you know the deal.
A/N: Yeah, I know. I should be taking some time to rest. I got bad news today, my heart is getting worse again and I have to go through surgery BUT writing is my coping mechanism so expect more works soon.
Tag list:@ducks118 @milestellerwife @craftymoonchaos @littlebadariell @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @tayrae515 @shrimping-for-all @mak-32 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @harper1666 @purplevortexx @abaker74 @ssprayberrythings @melllinaa @loveless-simp @k-k0129
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The room is amazing. If you hadn’t seen it before, you could never tell that it had been filled to the core with princess things. You can’t wait to see your nephew and Rebecca, talk to both, and learn more about this new part of your lives that has just begun. 
“You went all extra with the Christmas tree.” says Nick looking at the 7 ft tree that Rooster bought. 
“Christmas this year is special. Let’s make it a one to remember” Bradley admits, looking at you. “Can I talk to you?” 
“Oh, am, sure!” 
You two move to the kitchen, Rooster seems to be a bit agitated. “What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t think we should lie to Jes- well, to him” 
You sigh, knowing that he’s right. How can you lie to that poor kid? You clearly haven’t thought about all the aspects of this ruse. 
“Rooster, I know what you mean but… If we tell him, everyone will know. And my father will bring that girl over for you to meet her” 
“Yeah, I know. I don’t think we have a choice” 
Then, as if that little kid knew you were talking about him, you hear a car park “That’s not Iceman’s car” you adduce, going to open the front door. They shouldn’t be here yet.  
Parked in front of the garage is Rebecca’s car. She is opening the door to your five-year-old nephew. Rebecca has a worried expression, and the kid climbs out of the vehicle, a black beanie on his head, and pulls the hoodie up to hide his face from the world. 
Rooster, who is beside you, gets closer to the kid, opening his arms to give the younger one a hug. “Hey, buddy! Long time no see” 
However, the kid enters the house, ignoring both of you, and runs upstairs. 
“He’s been like this all the way back home. I’m sorry, guys. He was excited about his new name but well… He wants it all and he wants it now. I'm happy to see you” Rebecca says, giving each a quick hug. 
“Is he okay?” 
“He’s been begging me to cut off his hair” Rebecca confesses, making the two of you nod. “I told him to wait to get home, so we could look up for some haircuts and see which one he likes best but…” 
“He’s still a five-year-old, Becca. It’s not gonna be easy” you tell her. 
Nick joins you outside to hug his sister. “Your son has gone straight to the bathroom. He didn’t even say hi” 
You look at Rooster before running all the way to the bathroom with him behind you. Everyone knows that Sarah’s special scissors for cutting Iceman’s hair are in the second drawer. And he knows too. You try to open the door, but it is closed. “Hey buddy, it’s Uncle Roos. Can you open for me?” 
“No!” yells a muffled, hurt voice from the other side of the door. 
“Y/n, he can hurt himself” Rooster mutters, as if you haven’t thought about it. 
“I know, shut up” you knock on the door softly. “Hey bud, can you tell me your name? Mom says you got a new one.”
There’s a silence that prolongs itself for a few seconds. You hold your breath trying to hear what is happening on the other side of the door but all you can hear is the quick, pounding sound of your own heart. 
“Jesse, huh? That’s such a cool name” you sit on the floor, legs crossed, waiting for this to be a long conversation. 
“Thank you. I chose it myself” 
“You did? Woah, Jesse. That’s amazing. Much cooler than mine” 
“I’m not going to open the door” Jesse’s voice is calmer now, but still full of sadness. It breaks your heart. 
“It’s okay, pal. I just wanna talk. It’s been so long since we saw each other, I think you are a lot different now” 
“I’m different. But mom doesn’t want me to be different” 
You look at Becca over your shoulder. She’s biting her nails off. You need Jesse to open the door. And fast.
“You sure? 'Cause your mom called us this morning and told us to change your room. She wants you to be yourself, sweetheart.” 
“It’s that true?” you can hear him pout and it’s so painful to see him like that. 
“We got rid of all the princesses and now your room has a lot of Paw Patrol things. And we even found Marshall’s fire truck!” 
“Mom, did you do that?” the door is still closed, but he seems to be closer to it now. It's working. 
“Uncle Roos and Aunt Thena helped me, but yes. I told them to do it” 
“Hey, Jesse” Rooster speaks for the first time in a while. “I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror. If you open this door, Aunt Thena and I will take you to the hairdresser, so they can get you a good haircut” 
“Promise?” Jesse asks, opening the door for you to see him. 
“I promise, buddy” 
Jesse hugs you and Rooster and then goes to his mom. “I’m sorry, mom… I just wanted to be like the rest” 
“I know, baby, I know. But you have to understand that you can’t get everything at the moment. Mom’s not a hairdresser. How was I supposed to cut your hair?” 
“I’m sorry… Can I see my room?” 
You all laugh at the sudden change in his tone. From being sorrowful to excited. Jesse can be a lot different now, but he’s still a kid, and he will do what a five-year-old does. Be loud, happy, get angry when he doesn’t get what he wants… Normal things for a kid. 
“Let’s go see it!” 
Nick, Rebecca, and Jesse go to see the room, and you stay sitting on the floor with Roos. It’s been a tiring day. And it’s not even noon. 
“I’ll go get the car ready” you say, getting up from the floor and leaving Rooster alone. 
I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror
His words echo in your head, and several questions on the tip of your tongue are trying to make you turn around and find out the meaning behind his words. 
You have to remind yourself for a second that you hate him, that he took everything away from you, and that if he has a problem, he has a lot of people he can talk to. He doesn’t need you.
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Rooster and Jesse stay at the beauty saloon, and you decide to go to a tactical gear shop nearby, hoping to find the perfect Christmas gift for your nephew. You, luckily, haven’t bought anything yet. And you hope to find a leather flight jacket for Jesse and maybe even get him his own name tag. You thought ‘Marshall’ would be cute as a call sign. 
You’re going out of the shop, gift secured in your bag, when your phone begins to ring. You pull it out of your jacket, smiling at the name appearing on the screen. 
“Natasha Trace, I love when you call me” 
“Are you dating Rooster and you didn’t tell me?! I’M YOUR BEST FRIEND” she yells angrily in your ear. You move the phone away from your ear, but even like that you can hear her. 
“Hello to you too, Nat” you roll your eyes. 
“Don’t roll your eyes, you little bitch” she says, as if she could see you. 
"We're not dating" 
"What? Hold on, let me FaceTime you" 
She hangs up and calls you again, this time you can see her face frown in a confused expression. "Spill" 
"Iceman and my dad were playing matchmakers, and we didn’t want random people at our table on Christmas Eve so… we lied,” you confess, sitting on a bench outside the beauty saloon. Rooster and Jesse are still waiting. 
“And here I thought you were finally getting laid” 
“Natasha!” you whine, covering your face with your free hand. 
“What? Facts only” 
“Oh wait, you know who we met this morning?” you say, trying to change the subject.  “Mandy” 
“Mandy as in Mandy the whore?” she questions. 
“That one. She was with Solo. They’re dating” you reveal to your friend. Her eyes are widening more by the second. 
“WHAT?! Oh my God do you think that’s why-” 
“Y/N? We see each other again!” 
You raise your head from the phone and see Mandy in the flesh. Gosh, you hate that stupid face she has. 
“Mandy! Nat, wait a second, don’t hang up” you say while getting up “Two times in the same day, what a coincidence!” 
She gives you the fakest smile ever, one that seems to be the result of years of practicing. “Yeah, it is a coincidence. Hey, Solo said that the four of us should go out one day, talk about the old times and all” 
“Oh, I’d love to, but we have only this week to be with the family, and then we have to go back to the base for months and-” 
“What about tomorrow?” she interrupts you, not being interested in anything you have to say. “There’s this pub in the center-” 
“O’Malley’s, yeah. I know where it is. Owner’s a friend” 
“See you tomorrow at 6, okay?” she insists, and you don’t have any other choice than accepting. 
Jesse comes running out of the establishment and grabs your hand. “C’mon auntie, it's my turn!”
“Oh, what a beautiful baby girl! What’s your name, princess?”  Mandy says, kneeling down to Jesse’s height. 
“I’m not a girl, you old bat” he says, pushing her and running away. You see how Mandy falls and slap your hand against your mouth to not laugh. From any other person, it would seem like you're embarrassed by your nephew’s actions. Those who know you well enough, however… They know you're enjoying every second of this. 
“I’m sorry, Mandy. My nephew Jesse is a bit… hot-headed. I’m gonna go with him and give him an earful. We’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye!” you move from her quickly, almost running, and when you’re far away, Natasha laughs hysterically. 
“Jesus, I love your niece” she says. 
“Nephew. It’s Jesse now. I’ll tell you later, okay? Gotta go” 
“Take care, Thena” 
You hang up and go with the two boys. “Jesse, what you did…” 
“Auntie, I know it’s wrong. I just don’t like her” 
“What did you do, young man?” Rooster says, walking with him to one of the chairs. 
“This old woman who was talking to Aunt Thena called me a ‘girl’. So I pushed her” 
“It was Mandy” you clarify. 
Rooster looks at you, then at Jesse, and then at you again. He opens his hand and high-fives the five-year-old. “Don’t tell your Mom” 
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“What are you going to wear for the party?” Sarah asks you during dinner, hours later, with a happy short-haired Jesse sitting beside you. 
“What party?” you look at Rooster, but he shrugs, not having any idea what she is talking about. 
“The Christmas Party! Didn’t your father tell you about it?” 
You look at your father, who is very interested in the food on his plate. "He didn't tell me anything, as usual." 
"Well, the town is holding a Christmas party on the 25th. A formal party. You have to wear a dress." She points at you with her fork. "You're not wearing your uniform, only a dress. Is that clear?" 
"Yes ma'am. And what about Bradley?" 
"I'll wear a suit, obviously. Have to match with you," he smiles and then leans to whisper something in your ear. "Please, don't choose the dress yourself. You have horrible fashion sense," 
"Says the one that is always wearing Hawaiian shirts" 
"They're cool" Bradley defends himself. 
"No, they're not" you laugh, and he kicks your leg under the table. "Ouch!" 
"Sarah, darling, we need to do the Secret Santa sorting" Tom remembers his wife, helping her clean the table. 
"Oh I have it all prepared!" She goes to the living room and comes back with a red Santa Claus hat. "All the names are in here, just pull one. Y/n, dear, you first!" 
You smile at her, grabbing a paper from inside the bag and reading it. 'Rooster'. 
Is this a joke or what?
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You're getting ready to sleep, Rooster refusing for the second night in a row to sleep in the same bed with you, when you remember that you're supposed to meet Mandy tomorrow. 
"No, I'm not sleeping on the bed. If you want to be that close to me, you're gonna need to beg a little more" he says. 
"You wish. Anyway, Mandy said to meet tomorrow. She wasn't accepting a no for an answer." 
He sits and looks at you. "Are you kidding me?" 
“I don’t like the idea either, you know.” you let out. 
“Is Solo coming too?” you nod, and he sighs. “You know how to say ‘no’ or do I have to teach you? It’s not that hard, look: ‘something has come up, and I can’t’, ‘We already have plans’. Oh, and this is the simplest one: ‘No.’” 
“I know how to say no, Bradshaw” 
He laughs dryly. “If you knew how, I wouldn't have to be in the same room with my ex and her new boyfriend. Again” 
He turns off the lights and lies down. He tosses around, trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep on the hard floor. 
“I’m sorry” you whisper. But you know he can hear you. 
“Don’t worry, Thena. Go to sleep” 
A few minutes pass, and you can’t sleep. There’s something you need to find out. Something that you can’t stop thinking about, and you know that it will keep you up all night. 
“Jesus, Thena, go to sleep” he complains, but after a few seconds, he gives in with a sigh of defeat. “What?” 
“What you said to Jesse… about hating what you see in the mirror… Is that how you feel?” 
“Like you care” 
“I don’t. I’m just curious. You’re usually proud of that stupid face of yours. So… it doesn’t make sense” 
He sits on the floor, his back against the bed, and his head pressed against the mattress. “It’s the scars” 
“Really?” you move closer to him, your hand a few inches away from his hair. 
“Yeah… It’s a constant reminder of how I almost killed us” he admits, his sorrowful voice almost a whisper. 
Your hand moves automatically to your belly, your fingers finding the scarred skin. You had your own scars, too. And you wish you could tell him that it wasn’t his fault but… it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried. He still blames himself. 
“If it makes you feel better, lots of girls at base are obsessed with those scars. And even some boys.” 
“Why are you trying to make me feel better?” he questions, and you also want to know why. 
“Because I don’t want to see you broody all day. That wouldn’t make me look like a good girlfriend” you scoff. 
“Aw, it’s little Y/n worried about me?” he mocks, lying down again. 
“Good night, Bradshaw” you say,  pulling the blankets over your head. 
You dream about the accident. You dream about a young Rooster parking at the front of your house, ringing your doorbell repeatedly and yelling for you to open the door. It’s been years but it feels like yesterday. 
Bradley’s coping mechanism when Carole died was alcohol. That same night, he got really drunk and drove to your house. It was late. When you opened the door, the emptiness in his eyes was the only explanation you needed. She was gone. And Bradley didn’t know how to live in a world without her. 
You managed to get Rooster into his car, snatching the keys away from him and driving him to his home. You knew Maverick would be very worried about him. 
But, you never made it to Rooster’s house. A truck driver fell asleep and swatched lanes, forcing you to swerve. The car crashed against a tree. You don’t remember a thing, just waking up with a big stomach wound and a body full of scratches. 
Rooster took the worst part. People thought he wouldn’t make it, that he didn’t want to make it. He was giving up. 
He opened his eyes again three days after the accident. 
It wasn’t your fault. Or his. Well, he shouldn’t have driven to your house under the influence. He knows that and you, too. But nobody could have expected the truck. And he wasn’t driving when you crashed. You were driving. If someone was to take fault here, it should be you. 
But it didn’t matter how much you tried to make Rooster understand that he wasn’t the one to blame. He never listened. And you know he never will.
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month
Me again! Could I maybe request a follow up to the lawyer/Thena raising her sisters au? The first one was so good and I'd love to see what happens when Gil comes over to make the lasagna. Thank you :)
Gil looked up from chopping, just barely catching two heads ducking down behind the back of the couch again to resume pretending to watch tv. He chuckled, glancing briefly to his right, "it's okay, I don't mind."
Thena shook her head though, focusing back on cutting parsley with needlessly forceful chops. "They're only lingering so they can ask you invasive questions, despite me debriefing them earlier."
It was funny that she called it 'debriefing' them. But she had warned him that she didn't have much in the way of friends, so don't be concerned by the endless questions of being her boyfriend, or at least liking her, if not being accused of having a long standing affair with her. That, he had blushed at.
He shrugged though, laughing to himself as he caught the odd eye glancing his way again. "They're kids, I don't blame them for being curious. I did kind of come over uninvited."
"Trust me, it's never gone well when I've attempted to tackle our mother's recipes before," Thena muttered, looking at the hand written notes lovingly propped open on a book stand for their reference. She looked down and pointed with the knife, "like this?"
Gil smiled; the parsley looked like it had been murdered and sawed. He nodded, "looks great. Honestly, even finer--the smaller the better when it goes in the ricotta."
Thena accepted the instruction, resuming hacking at it.
Gil winced for the poor cutting board. "May I?"
Thena just watched as he reached over gently. He moved one hand to the back of the blade and adjusted the wrist of her other, demonstrating the rocking motion of a cleaner cut. "Oh."
"It'll be easier on your hand," he suggested lightly, leaving his ears and the cutting board's longevity aside.
Thena eyed him and the mirepoix he was stirring in the pot with sizzling meat already in it. She continued his work, slower and clumsier, but following his demonstration. "Thanks--this is what I was talking about."
He shrugged, though, adding the garlic and tomato paste to the loudly sizzling pot. "Hey, you wouldn't know this stuff unless it was taught to you. I just happened to be in the kitchen with my grandma a lot as a kid."
Thena stared down at her parsley, looking more and more fine by the moment. "Mother knew I was terrible in the kitchen. Father would remind me ceaselessly that a wife who couldn't cook was like a car with no wheels."
Gil frowned, "that's a pretty messed up thing to say. And to your own daughter?"
She gave him a half a smile and a raise of her sharp eyebrow, "you can tell why Mother's keepsakes are all over the house, while I didn't even keep the car that was in Father's name."
He gave her a little laugh at her joke, no matter how dark. "I guess I don't blame you for that. Moms hold the family together most of the time anyway, right?--taste."
Thena blinked at the speed with which he transitioned from one subject back to their dinner. But she accepted the bite of carrot, blowing before popping it into her mouth. "Hm, still crunchy, but it tastes good."
"Adding the tomato paste and frying it a little first helps get that tinny, acidic taste out, and sweetens it." He reached for the wine, adding a healthy glug or two before reaching for the canned tomatoes. He nodded his head, "want a glass?"
Her eyes darted to the living room.
She was a dutiful guardian, mother or not. Gil smiled, though, nudging the bottle, "one glass won't hurt, right? We're not going anywhere for the rest of the night, and they're fine."
Thena eyed the bottle before sighing, "there are some glasses on the top shelf next to the fridge, I think."
She thought, as in she wasn't sure. But Gil wiped his hands off on the towel he had thrown over his shoulder and moved to the fridge. There were indeed wine glasses still in there, upside down and everything. He pulled two out, admiring the light feel and crystalline shine of them.
"Hey," he whispered, pouring them each a modest glass of a mere few ounces each. He clinked them lightly too, although the quality of the glass still made them ting loudly. "To the first lasagne of many, right?"
That made her smile, and his own smile brightened. Whether it was lasagne or anything else from their mother's hand written recipes, he was happy to help with it. She picked up her glass and gave him a gentle smile over the rim of it. "To the inaugural lasagne."
Her lips looked even more full against the rim of a glass, and when she pulled away he realised for the first time that she wore just a little lip colour when they were in the office.
He averted his eyes from the faint pink on the rim of her glass, looking into his own swirl of red wine. Moving back to the pot he smelled the bubbling mixture. "Usually I'd say to let it simmer for a while, but about fifteen minutes should be fine so we can get things in the oven."
Thena nodded after another sip of her own. "Is the parsley cut enough?"
It was now practically a fine paste it was so chopped. The cutting board was stained green, which of course meant a lot of its flavour was stuck in the wood grain as opposed to still in the leaves. But he grinned, "looks great."
Thena rolled her eyes.
"Hey, really," he laughed, reaching around her for the bowl of ricotta to mix the greens into. "And you said you were terrible at this."
She sighed again, letting her eyes drift back to the couch and to the tv playing some kind of reality show. "Just ask them about the first time I tried baking cookies for them. I'm forbidden from contributing to bake sales. I think they nearly called the CDC on me."
Gil laughed from his belly at that. The heads on the couch turned to watch them again but he was busy looking at Thena, who was laughing faintly at her own joke. Or maybe she was laughing because he was. Either way, she had a cute laugh. "Come on, it couldn't be that bad."
She shook her head though, "poor Sersi had to take over for me to get even one pan of edible merchandise. I had to write a note excusing my poor performance."
Gil caught two pairs of eyes fully spying on them, getting caught be damned. But he slid against the edge of the counter to lean closer. "I mean, I would think they could give you a bit of a break, all things considered."
Thena's expression turned gloomy again, staring into her wine. "I think they do. But everything they send home for them to do feels herculean after a long week, or a big case, or soccer, or-"
The oven beeped loudly at them, announcing its preheating.
Thena gave him a light smile again as she retrieved the casserole dish they had selected. "Ready?"
"I'd say so," he replied gently. He picked up a ladle, first putting in some sauce on the bottom. "This helps to steam the noodles and prevent burning on the bottom layer."
"Hm," Thena mused as she watched him layer the first set of lasagne sheets in. "I thought it was a meaningless old tradition. I never imagined there was a reason for it."
Gil looked back at the recipe, "it's one of those things that you only know if you know. I'm sure your mom never thought of adding in stuff like this."
"No, I suppose not."
He gulped, wondering if he should have brought it up at all. But Thena's smile, although wistful, wasn't really sad. He pointed, "it's your time to shine."
She laughed faintly, scooping out the mixture of ricotta and her pulverised parsley. "I'm lucky I have your expertise."
He blushed. She could have asked him for anything, after he had found out what kind of day she'd had when she texted. He would have fished the moon out of the sky if she asked.
She flicked the spoon for the last glob before he layered on more sauce. "I may have to call on you again the next time we open the book."
He grinned down at the noodles as he laid them. Thena's hands were long but slim, her fingers so delicate and pretty. His sleeves were rolled up for cooking, as were hers. She looked half his size, standing next to him. "Any time, you name it."
"Careful Gil," she murmured, and it almost sounded like she was teasing him playfully. "If this turns out well, they'll be demanding you cook for them all the time."
He was pretty sure he would agree to that, whether by the girls' demand or their sister's. "The defense rests, your honour."
Thena rolled her eyes again at his corny lawyer joke, but she was still smiling at least.
"Okay," he breathed as he ladled on the last layer of sauce. "Get some cheese on this and I believe we'll have a beautiful lasagne in about an hour."
"About an hour?" she asked firmly as she sprinkled on the cheese mixture from the bag. "Don't underestimate my ability to ruin an hour's worth of hard work in the last ten minutes."
"Okay, okay," he chuckled. Thena was adamant in everything she did, from her casework in court, to her determination that she was a blackhole of culinary ability. "Set a timer for 40 minutes, then we'll check it, and I like to broil it for the last five or so, just to get that leopard spotting on the cheese."
"Yes, Chef," she purred (definitely teasing him).
He buried his nose in his wine glass again. He was just about empty, but Thena definitely didn't drink regularly with two teenagers at home, and he didn't come over to get buzzed anyway.
"Here," she said gently, reaching for the glass with the bottle already in hand. He had a polite decline on his tongue when she pulled his hand with hers, topping him up. "I owe you far more than dinner and some wine, but I guess it's a start."
"You don't owe me anything Thena," he frowned even as she poured herself a little more too. He leaned forward again, "really."
She just looked at him, and she was back to being completely unreadable. He dreaded to think what it was like to go up against her in court; not only was her beauty intimidating, but that stare was cold enough to chill his wine to the touch.
"Are you done flirting?!"
Gil tugged at his shirt collar, only to remember that he had already taken off his tie and undone the first two buttons so he wouldn't sweat in the food.
Thena glared at her sister, "I beg your pardon?"
The head of auburn hair ducked down like a startled dog, but didn't retreat entirely. "When's dinner gonna be ready?"
"In an hour," Thena snapped again, but it wasn't her sharp tone that had the girl trembling. If anything, her sharpness seemed familiar and comforting to her sisters.
"Can I have a diet coke?"
"Come on!" Sprite whined at her, "you're having a fun drink!"
Gil slid his eyes over to his colleague. The evidence was right there, even if he was the one at fault for it.
Thena let out a loud sigh, matching the dramatic energy of her sister(s). "Fine, you can each have one. But if it's gone before dinner, that's it, it's water for the rest of the night."
"Fine," Sprite moaned as she slid off the couch to retrieve them.
Thena glared at her.
"She means thank you," Sersi offered much more sweetly and docilely, even if it was just to appease their sister's glaring. She crept behind her younger sister, holding onto her shoulders the whole way to the fridge. Her eyes darted between them, "it, um, smells nice."
Gil smiled; they were nice kids. Thena had done a great job with them, clearly. "Thanks, I hope I got everything right."
"You can't do worse than her, dude, trust me," Sprite pointed blatantly at their guardian. "She's, like, find a bone in your cereal--bad."
"It was one time."
It wasn't a joke? Where did the bone come from?
"If dinner isn't for an hour," Sersi swayed on the spot, like a child shyly twirling her dress (although she was actually in yoga pants with a green flannel tied around her waist). "Would you like to watch an episode of Ghost Files?"
"Ghost show, huh?" Gil grinned, putting his hand on his hips. He looked over at Thena, who looked maybe even a little sheepish.
"It's our fav," Sprite added, excited at the prospect of sharing their favourite program. "They find evidence, and then Thee tells us if it would be accepted in court."
"None of it would be," she stated outright, "but they still ask me every episode."
She made it sound tedious, but she was smiling just like the other two as they started to move back to the living room. Gil followed, "sounds like a fun family thing."
"If you two sit up properly, there'll be room for Gil to sit," Thena suggested not-so-subtly.
But Sersi and Sprite threw themselves back onto the couch. One side was clearly claimed by each, Sersi's with a fluffy blanket for her legs and Sprite's with a crumpled up throw pillow and snacks on her respective end table.
They pointed. "Or you can sit on the loveseat."
"Yeah, why else have two couches?" Sprite snickered with a mouthful of roasted peanuts.
"Animals," Thena admonished her sisters, and yet took a graceful seat on the smaller sofa adjacent to the tv. She had sat closer, giving Gil the better seat for viewing. She pulled one of her legs up, leaving the other down and her pencil skirt stretching to accommodate her.
He sat down on the other cushion, clutching his wine glass and trying to focus on the show, rather than how he could now smell that Thena also wore a little perfume when she was in the office too.
#Thenamesh Family Law AU#I'm so glad you asked for more of this!!!!#thank you so much and I really liked writing it#okay so they settle in for this show#Thena relaxes a little more and he can see that they really do like their funny little ghost show#he's just happy to see them all having a good time#when the oven beeps he says no don't get up I'll check on it#but Thena is like oh no#Sersi and Sprite are immediately grinning ear to ear#they're giving her the thumbs up and winking and whispering#he's nice!#he's cute!!!#are you sure he's not your boyfriend?#and Thena hisses at them: STOP IT#not that it surprises her#just like it doesn't surprise her that they like Gil or that he's a natural with kids#and that he's a great cook#and that he looks completely at ease with his sleeves rolled up and still in his work clothes#because she couldn't even let him go home and get changed first#they left from work right to the store to get lasagne stuff#because she doesn't even know what she needs for it#so she gets home and they're both still in work clothes and she's like okay lasagne time#it comes out perfectly of course#and they have a wonderful time chatting over dinner and Sprite raves about it#and Thena gets up for water and to pretend she's not crying#Gil of course knows and gets up for seconds so he can comfort her and rub her back over the sink#Sprite and Sersi are just like oh my god they're so obvious#he even brought Thena's plate with him#the SECOND he's out of the house they're like WHENS GIL COMING BACK
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i was wondering if you could do something g about lorraine broughton having a secret wife and teenage daughter, maybe the daughter is upset and has reckless behavior because lorraine is never around or something and lorraine comfort a her and it’s fluff and angst 🫶 <3
You were never a real mother
Warnings: Fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, angst?
Word count: 2.1 K
Pairing: Lorraine Broughton x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Athena barely knows her mother Lorraine, which annoys her… More when she has to live with her.
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Charlize Theron characters masterlist]
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The British government could not fully trust the testimony of Lorraine Broughton. If they were completely honest with themselves, they didn't know her at all. And they were absolutely right in the world.
No one knew of Y/N:;not how she met Lorraine; nor how they started dating; nor do they know that both sealed their love with a pair of rings; much less did they know the little girl, fruit of that love.
It was logical that nobody knew those secrets of the blonde woman. The names of those women never left Lorraine's mouth; had never seen a photo of them; she did not even have a representative lake of them with her. Another thing that perpetuated this idea of the loneliness of the blonde was that she was always available for any mission. Nothing in Lorraine's life could get in the way of her work life.
Y/N could understand.
She had met Lorraine on a mission, and she saw firsthand how demanding and dangerous her job could be. But she also saw the blonde's guilty taste for work, not to mention how obsessed and protective she could be. She is capable of anything to protect her family.
But Athena could never understand it.
For as long as she could remember, she always remembered herself longing for the return of her taller mother. She knew, she knew that her blonde mother had missed her first word, her first steps, her first day at school, the time she got chicken pox, when she learned to ride a bike, when she had a fight with her best friend, when the boy she liked rejected her. Lorraine missed everything.
Athena had a lot of resentment towards Lorraine. Athena thought that her life would be a thousand times better if Y/N didn't wait every night for the return of her wife. Athena thought her mother deserved better than the blonde.
Quickly, the young brunette went downstairs, sitting on a step so she could put on her usual boots.
"Are you going to leave without breakfast?" Athena rolled her eyes, causing her mother to let out a small laugh "don't make that face at me, lady" they both laughed
"No, I'm already late, I'll just take an apple with me" the teenager took an apple from the fruit bowl, washed it and took a bite.
"For God's sake, buy a decent breakfast at school."
"Yes mom" crooned the girl
The woman quickly took her daughter's face to give her small and repetitive kisses on her right cheek.
"I love you, you know"
"Yes mom, I love you too" the girl took her backpack and her keys.
Just before the young woman walked out the door and started listening to music through her headphones, her mother's voice made her stop.
“By the way, I almost forgot. Try to arrive early, tonight mom is coming"
Athena felt the blood drain to her feet.
"What? Is this a fucking joke? Because it's not funny at all, Mom."
Y/N could see the annoyance and discomfort on her daughter's face. She was identical to Lorraine.
"Please, Thena, let's not start…"
"But mom…"
"No buts, go before you're late"
With a final huff, the teenager left, slamming the door.
Y/N knew how the girl might behave when her blonde mother was around.
The locker was closed with such great force, it easily caused the other students around her to freak out.
"Wow, relax tiger, what has you in such a bad mood on a Friday?"
The sarcastic smile that Alicia kept on her face was only making Athena want to rip it off with a severe blow.
"I'm not in the mood for your shit, Alice."
She tried to escape from the redheaded woman, because she really didn't want to vent her fury on her best friend, but the redheaded woman decided to follow her.
"Oh come on Thena, what could be so bad that you can't take your friend's shit?"
“My problem is Lorraine Broughton”
Alice knew the complicated relationship her friend had with her second mother. She had even tried to persuade her to no start calling her 'Lorraine' instead of 'mother' or 'mama', but she also knew that her friend could be stubborn as a mule.
"Well, Thena, look on the nice side…"
"Al, there's no 'nice' side to this shit."
“Thena, don't say that. It's your mom"
“Listen to me very well Alice, she has NEVER been a mother. She has never cared in the slightest about me or my mom. The fact that her ovum was occupied to bring me into this world does not make her my mother."
Athena left before she could hear any reply from her friend, leaving her speechless and forcing her to follow her to her first class.
It's going to be a hard day, Alice thought.
Y/N's foot tapped repeatedly on the floor, looking forward to sitting on the couch with the remote control in her right hand and a glass of red wine in her left.
It was already after 8:00 p.m. and there was no sign of her daughter, who normally arrived around 6:00 p.m.
The woman's thoughts stopped when she heard the front door open and close.
She quickly left the glass on the table in the living room and got up to stick her head towards the door.
She found a blonde mane; she was a little longer than when they first met, pretty hands leaving suitcases on the hall floor, and long, sexy legs covered in pretty stockings.
"Oh, it's you"
"Well, that's a very nice way to welcome me, darling" Lorraine teased as she bent down to open her suitcase and take out the gifts she had brought.
“Oh baby, believe me, I'm glad you're here” Y/N quickly hugged her wife's back and spread small kisses on it causing Lorraine to laugh “I'm just worried. Thena has not arrived"
“Let her breathe for a moment Y/N, she's 17, let her be. Stop worrying for a moment and come see what I brought you from Spain”
More interested, Y/N released her wife, who quickly placed before her eyes a package of Serrano ham and a beautiful bottle of Spanish red wine.
“Wow honey, you do have refined tastes” Y/N joked
“That's not the best part.” As if by magic, Lorraine pulled a pearl necklace from her coat pocket.
“Oh honey, they are beautiful. Where…?
"There is a Spanish island where they specialize in pearls" commented the blonde hugging her wife by the waist while they both looked at the jewelry.
"They are perfect. Thank you so much"
“But, the surprises do not end here. Go put on a great dress, my love, because as soon as Athena walks through that door, I'll take you to the best restaurant in town."
"Oh honey, that's not necessary"
“Of course it is necessary. I want to make up to my two girls for being away for almost 6 months”
As if it had been summoned, minutes later the door opened to close again with a loud bang. Without a doubt, it was Athena.
"Yes mom?"
Both women stuck their heads into the hall watching how the girl began to untie the laces of her boots angrily.
"Hi cute"
The teen's head turned so dramatically, both mothers feared the girl had broken her neck.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well honey… I live here"
"Thena!" yelled Y/N
"You know what? I'm not for this shit" without further ado, Athena left her boots and started running up the stairs.
"Get dressed because we're going to dinner with your mother!" scream y/n
"Athena Broughton I'm not playing!"
The teenager did not respond and the only thing that was heard was a loud slam.
"She hates me, right?"
Y/N didn't deign to answer. She didn't want to break her wife's heart, but she also didn't want to lie to her when the truth was right before her eyes.
“You know, maybe you two should go alone to dinner…”
“No, this is for three. I promise, no, I swear that tomorrow Thena and I will have a conversation."
"That soothes my soul a bit" Y/N replied between giggles.
Lorraine laughed too and planted a long, loud kiss on the temple of the black-haired woman.
"I love you"
"I love you much more"
Athena's leg was bouncing frantically as she listened to the stupid anecdotes of the blonde woman in front of her.
"Thena, honey, stop moving your leg, you make me nervous" Y/N tried to joke
"Can we go now?"
"Honey, we just got here"
"I'm not in the mood to be here…"
"How have you been in school, Thena?" asked Lorraine
"Do you really care?"
"Clearly I care, Athena."
"Well, you have shown the opposite in the last 17 years"
"Look, Thena, if I've been away for anything, it's so you'll have a bed to rest that ungrateful behind on."
"I never asked you!"
"You didn't have to ask me, it's my obligation!"
The teenager got up and quickly left the restaurant.
Lorraine didn't even let Y/N say anything so she too got up and left the restaurant.
She knew it was a bad idea to go after her now. She would leave her alone for a while to go talk to her.
"I can sit here?" asked Lorraine lightly kicking her daughter's boot. The girl didn't answer and just stepped aside, leaving her a space on the park bench. “Hey honey, I just want to let you know that what I said at the restaurant…isn't what I think at all. I love with all my heart being your mother."
"Don't lie Lorraine, we all know it's not true"
"Why do you think that is not true?"
"You've never been there for me, you don't know how much my mom and I have had to go through alone" Athena didn't realize she had started to cry until she saw the blonde woman and her own tears trying to clean her own " You don't know anything about me, you don't know my friends' names, you don't know which university I want to enter, what's more, I bet you don't even know the day I was born; I don't even remember when was the last time you hugged me."
Lorraine just let the girl cry as she ran her hand over her back. When the girl calmed down, it was time for Lorraine to speak again.
"I'm so sorry you feel that way, Thena" without realizing it, the blonde began to cry "I've never been very good at showing my true emotions; your mother knows very well what that shit is like” she laughed through her tears “not to mention how demanding my job is. I know I'm fucking shitty as a mother, I know that, and really, I'm so sorry" the crying began to intensify "you and your mother deserve someone who spends every fucking second of their lives with you, and your mother,instead I, who with a lot of luck I can come home. I'm sorry, sweet girl” Athena was surprised to feel the woman's arms surrounding her in a hug and feeling the tears on her neck “please don't hate me Thena, you are what I love the most in life. I couldn't live knowing that you hate me."
Athena could hear in her head the thousands of stories her mother told to justify the blonde woman, just like she could hear Alice trying to persuade her friend. She hated that someone else was right.
"I don't hate you, mother, even if I wanted to, I couldn't hate you"
"I would do it"
"You are not helping me"
They both laughed.
“Well, now that we're here,” Lorraine wiped away her tears, smiling in the process, “tell me how school has been. I want to hear it all"
Y/N's feet carried her around the living room of her house, while her right hand held the phone to her ear.
She had been trying to communicate with her wife or daughter for more than an hour, but none showed signs of life, until she heard laughter at the front door, which opened and closed again.
"Where the hell were they?"
"Calm down mom. We were talking"
"but where?!"
"Calm down baby, you wanted me to improve my relationship with Thena, right? Well, I already did"
"My loves, I am very happy that you are better" she taken both of their cheeks and plant a kiss on both of their cheeks "but you had me extremely worried. So… both of you are completely grounded”
"But mom…"
"Shut up Thena"
"You can't grounded me"
"Don't tempt me Lorraine"
I have to admit I LOVED writing this. Thank you very much, mystery person.
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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redheadspark · 6 months
hawuuu don't mind my last one cause someone else did the same prompt with the same character so just change it to 11. "i wasn't blushing! it was hot out." "it is literally snowing outside as we speak are you joking." With Druig still
Thank u and happy new year
A/N - HAWUU! I love this request for him since he would be in denial and all ;)! Thanks for requesting this, dear friend!
Give It
Summary - Druig was afraid to give his heart away for the longest time. Maybe it was time for a change
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Warnings - Mostly fluff
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“Never seen snow before, Druig?”
Druig glared at Kingo as he chuckled.  The fresh fallen snow over the small London park was enough to make Druig look around in wide-eyed wonder.  It was vastly different from the Amazon, the hot sticky humidity against his skin and the blazing sun on the back of his neck.  He was used to the tall trees, the plenty of wildlife around him that would screech day and night, and even the rolling mountains and again river outside his little shack.  Those 500 years away from the rest of the world were a protective bubble for him.
But London?  That was wide-eyed for the Mind Controller.
The small park they were at was right outside of Kingo’s London flat, a lavish penthouse he just bought months before to stay in while he would shoot a movie.  After it was decided to go out to find other Eternals in other parts of the universe, the group wanted to make a pit stop in London to say goodbye to Sprite and Kingo, and for Thena, Makkari, and Druig to see London and all its glory.  It seemed tempting, though Druig was a creature of comfort.  He would rather stay on The Domo, but knowing the rest of the group, a small stop in London was not a bad idea.
In fact, it was your idea.  
Knowing that it was going to be snowing, you wanted to see the city covered in snow before you would be stuck on a ship with the other three.  You loved the snow yourself, having the ability to control and manipulate water and ice with the tips of your fingers.  It was no wonder when the group separated 500 years ago, you went off traveling to the North and explored some of the color elements of Earth.  You landed in rural Russia, having your own cabin out in the middle of the woods.  The group found you cutting down your own wood, thinking of you more like a lumberjack and in your natural element of the dead winter with freezing winds and almost below temps.  But to you, it was home.
Sersi and Sprite had an apartment not too far away, the rest of the family went over to visit and see before they found themselves at a local park.  Thena was perched on a park bench, enjoying the small peace not too far away and admiring the fallen snowflakes that were dancing in her golden hair.  Druig was watching from the side, still in his black leather jacket and boots that were winking slightly in the snow and a small shiver was licking up his spine.  He couldn’t help but shiver, not used to the cold himself, and was never a true fan of it.  Inwardly, he was mentally glad they would be on the Domo with controlled temperatures soon.
Laughter was heard over to the left, Druig looking to see a snowball fight broke out with some of the group.  Makkari, Sprite and you threw snowballs at each other, almost seeming like childcare yourself. Sprite was literally the only child, laughing her head off as she threw a massive snowball at you, but you dodged it with ease before launching back at her.  Druig couldn’t help but watch, and if he was honest, he had his eye on you for some time.
But of course, being away for 500 years he thought those feelings were buried and no longer irrelevant.  He had a small crush, that was for certain, and it lasted for quite some time back in the earlier days on Earth. Druig admired how raw you were, the stubbornness you had in the way you fought and the way you defended yourself.  Your spitfire soul and the natural beauty you had in your cheeks and curves made him entranced.  
Makkari called him a “Lovesick Puppy” a few times, but he would only shove her and let it roll off his shoulders.  He ignored the side comments from the others, thought he would stay up at night, and wondered what it would be like to be with you.  Would you even think of him the way way?  Doubtful, though you were cordial with him all the time and always confided with him with your own insecurities. Not to mention you would stand up to him when the others, mostly Ikaris, would put him down and make him feel less than he was.  You saw goodness in him, and Druig never knew that you cried when he walked away all those years ago.  He never knew you had feelings for him and found him not only handsome, but kind and filled with a powerful urge to serve and help.  
Neither of you admitted to the other.
Now, after saving the world and bringing peace to the very species that they protected for centuries, the feelings were coming back with both yourself and with Druig.  
“You can’t use your speed, Makkari!” Druig heard Sprite chastise Makkari, whom was throwing out three snowballs back to back to back.  You laughed as you grabbed some fresh snow next to your foot, making snowballs as fast as you could before Makkari slammed one into your forehead.  Sprite roared in laughter as Druig smiled, seeing your face etched in snow and a wide grin on your face.  He didn’t notice Sersi walking over to stand next to him, her kind smile as she watched Druig look on.
“You should tell her,” Sersi said to Druig, who looked over at her within a second with an asked brow.
“Tell her what?” He asked, Sersi only giving him a knowing look that an older sister would give.  Your giggle rang in the air, both Druig and Sersi looking as you tackled Sprite to the ground and tried to get some snow down her backside.  Kingo was taking pictures on his phone, though his face was then hit with a snowball thanks to Makkari and he ran off after her to retaliate.  Druig’s eyes were on you the whole time, both you and Sprite sitting on the snow ground and laughing so hard tears were seen in your eyes.  
He was a coward for so long in not saying how he felt, how he imagined what it would be like to have you in his life.  He dreamt of it at times and daydreamed during most of Ajak’s meetings or on his patrols late in the night. Druig faced Deviants before, and facing the celestial Tiamut himself was intimidating.  But he knew deep down that the scariest thing that he would ever do in his Immortal life, was telling you he liked you.
More than liked, he loved you.
“ ‘ Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold’.” Sersi quoted to Druig with a gentle nudge of her shoulder against Druig’. Druig snorted as he looked at her.
“Who said that?” He asked in sarcasm, Sersi rolled her eyes.
“Mark Twain.  That’s not the point!” She said as she pointed her finger at him, “You should say something before you regret it.  And it’s quite obvious in how you’re looking at her!  You were blushing a few minutes ago when she asked you a question!”
“I wasn’t blushing!  It was hot out!” He tried to argue.
“Back in my flat it was, It is literally snowing outside as we speak, are you joking?” She asked him, seeing him about to roll his eyes as she laced their arms together, “Druig, for as long as I have known you since we’re been on his planet, I know deep down you have a massive and empathetic heart.  We all see it and love it, especially her.  You shouldn’t waste it, you should give it.  Give it to her, Druig.” 
She gestured to you, who was helping Sprite, Kingo, and Makkari make a Snowman together in the middle of the snowy meadow.  Druig couldn’t help but smile, knowing deep down that Sersi was in fact right.  He loved that about Sersi, her kindness and empathy for everyone around her was infectious and something he wished he had himself.  But he also had to wonder if she knew all this time of his feelings for you, or if the others knew.  They had to have known, and if they did they never said anything to neither you or Druig.
In the end, it was up to the pair of you to make it happen. 
“Come on, Druig!  Unless you’re scared!”  Kingo was teasing him as he was getting a few snowballs ready.  Makkari, yourself, and Sprite were behind him, already ready for a second round of a snowball fight and waiting for Druig to join.  Druig look over at you, seeing the flushness in your cheeks and how you too were filled with a sense of joy and happiness in such a simple love for snow.  Perhaps he would be brave, make the denial go away, and give his love to you. 
He carefully reach down to take some snow in his hands, the bitter cold ice against his pale fingers made him shiver as he made a ball and cocked his hand back.
He was ready.  Game on.
The End
January Prompt Session
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absentia-if · 1 year
a prompt list appears 👀
Can I request “Where have you been?” for M please ? I need a little bit of fluff after the angst :((
honestly do what you want with this prompt, even if it's angst. i love what you write
"Where have you been?"
The question causes startled blue eyes to shift from their current balancing act, various bags precariously placed on their arms, to your stern one. Though an expression of warmth and happiness offsets it the moment their brain seems to register that you were standing in front of them.
"When did you get here, baby?" They tilt their head, reminiscent of Kodiak when he was trying to figure out where his favorite toy was hidden. "I thought you were having a best friend night with Blaire."
Your lips purse, completely unimpressed. "I've been here for about an hour, M. But--" You wave your hand behind you. "I was quite surprised to find out that you weren't here when I arrived. Where did you go? I thought you were going to catch up on the books you've been meaning to finish?"
They don't answer right away, probably trying to formulate a proper response to your pointed words, but they continue their journey through their house to the large kitchen to place their various bags on the island.
"You texted me," they begin, a small shrug making an appearance. "I just got back from my morning walk with Thena and Kody when I saw it." Blue eyes raise to meet your gaze, a softness exuding from their very core. "Do you remember what you sent me?"
"That I was having a hectic day and that I wanted it to be over already."
M hums, a happy expression etched across their face. "Precisely. I knew that you'd only get more stressed as the day wore on. So I--" They turn to rifle through one of the bags, only turning back around to show you the medium-sized carton now clasped in one hand. "Went to get you your favorite homemade ice cream from that store you like."
Whatever you had expected them to say, whatever reason you had conjured up within your mind, such a sweet gesture had never crossed your mind; even though it was completely on brand for M to do such a thing for you.
"M," you murmur, still stunned. "That shop is over an hour away in the next city."
They tilt their head once more. "So?" Looking genuinely perplexed now too, they continue. "I also picked up some of your favorite movies and snacks too. I thought maybe you'd like to have a movie night tonight? Though I assumed it'd be later once you got done with Bl--"
You stopped their rambling with a swift, yet gentle, kiss to their lips. The feeling of warm hands gently cupping your cheeks, a faint smile appearing, and a happy hum gracing your ears as you pull away, caused your heart to skip a beat.
"You didn't have to do all of that for me."
"Why wouldn't I? You were unhappy and I knew how to make you feel better." They place a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Why wouldn't I do everything in my power to make that happen? To make you smile?"
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pvnkesttt · 5 months
katipō: joel miller and spidey!thena hcs.
summary: just some cute and fun headcanons about spidey!thena and joel's relationship + some hcs regarding athena herself within the katipō-verse, hope y'all enjoy!
pairing: joel miller and athena kallis (OC).
warnings: FLUFF! some suggestive material if you squint but mostly fluff. mentions of death. age gap mention.
tlou-verse: a masterlist.
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first thing's first: there is an age gap between these two with athena being around 24/25 and joel being 47, almost pushing his 50s.
athena is māori 
athena has an arm tattoo that represents her culture and where she's from. she also has a scar under her eye she got from a past enemy.
she's demisexual!
athena's favorite animal is the wrybill, a bird that's native within new zealand, where she was born. her spidey suit's colors actually represent the wrybill: white, black and gray.
the spiderling is 5'5, a short queen!
athena's spiderling name is "The Katipō".
she keeps a dagger with her at all times too, the handle carved in honor of her heritage. the dagger was her mother's before she died, one gifted to her by athena's uncle ari. the dagger, itself, has katipō venom laced into it as well
she also has a blind salamander named palo, she sometimes calls him matty too
speaking of animals, joel has a calico cat named franklin! athena ADORES franklin.
when joel comes to terms with athena being 'The Katipō", he steps up as her "medic" in sense. he'll stitch her up from time to time or clean any wounds she has, he's gentle with her too, all he wants is for her to be okay.
when she's not swinging around the city and saving the day, athena's is wildlife biologist, staying late if she needs to. as their relationship develops further, joel will usually be the one to pick her up. sometimes he'll even bring in late lunch/dinner for her, staying to eat with her as well. they'll talk about their day and just enjoy being in each other's presence.
their love language for one another is physical touch, sometimes words don't even need to be said between them, just touch.
speaking of touch, joel will pat or soothe athena's shoulder as a way of reassurance, basically saying "everything will be okay" without even having to say it.
athena does eventually move in with joel (when he finds himself a place within seattle) and when she does, she brings some goodies with her, more specifically a record player and polaroid camera. when joel isn't looking, athena will snap some pictures of him, she adores them! and when the record player is on, they'll sometimes dance in the middle of the living room, holding onto each other as the sounds of music fills in the room.
joel likes to press multiple neck kisses against athena, she loves it and sometimes those neck kisses result in something more within the bedroom....🤭
anxiety likes to creep up on joel at times so, there are moments where athena's hand will be pressed against his chest to calm him. feeling her soft hands against him makes him feel a lot better.
athena likes wearing joel's flannels and sweaters a lot, joel teases her about wearing them at times but he doesn't mind, they look good on her!
athena absolutely loves running her hands through joel's hair, she does it so much that she manages to make it all messy at times. she likes the fluffy hair look on him.
joel def gets touchy in bed, he lovesssss worshipping athena's body while also still being gentle with her. he'll whisper sweet affirmations in her ear as she clings on to him, feeling her up softly.
joel never thought he'd find love again. after sarah's mother left him behind to take care of sarah himself, he figured love wouldn't come back into his life again. plus, after sarah's death, everything was bleak for a while but, athena came into his life and he felt at peace. athena was his everything and he was hers.
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notes: there you have it, some headcanons on these two that I had fun making! I really hope y'all enjoyed reading these if you did, please let me know, I'd love to know your thoughts! 💜
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