#There was like 100-80 people last stream..
mybelovedpeepy · 1 year
For that entire itemlabel apple juice daycare stream I have learned fishcar cannot eat cookies..and motor oil is a healthy snack for fishcar apparently-
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thehardkandy · 1 year
Speedrunning is honestly so cool I remember the first time I heard of it (2011? 2012?) I was like omg!! This is so cool does anyone else know about this???????
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Something exactly like this.
Here we start a new series, at last I regained my love for writing n' reading 🥰
I have no idea how to write Hobie's accent, so apologies for that in advance. Any input and advise is well welcomed ☺️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mention of blood, injuries, fighting, cursing, anxiety.
Words: 2022
Chapter one: What else you got?
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"When will you ever grow up?! Going against our path, is going against the family!" My father yelled, speaking about his religion and how I refused to believe in his insanity while punching the table to accentuate his anger.
"Then maybe I was never really a part of this shit family!" A smack on the face, it came from across my step mother that had entered the conversation, "Never come back, insufferable brat" she spit at me.
I had had it with them, so I flipped them off and left with a duffle bag on my shoulder.
As soon as I arrived to the train station and took seat inside the train, my heart broke, tears streamed down my face, like a wild river I tried to hold back when I looked the disappointment in my father's eyes.
Let's start from the beginning, my name is Y/n L/n, and it's been two weeks since I moved to the big city. A friend got me a job on a coffee shop and a small flat near it, without her I would've slept on the streets probably, so I owe her a lot.
Every day is the same! It's going to drive me crazy. I make the minimum for attending crazy fucked up people! Every day is the same compalints, some about the damm prices, the ice cream flavors, the fact that not always we have cash to break a 20, bitch come on, who buys a two dollar coffee with 20 or 100 bucks?? Seriously, people are crazy, and they take it on me just because I'm on the counter almost all the time.
I'm fucking tired.
Then one night, I was doing inventory when Jess, on the subject that I owe her a lot, she practically begged me to accompany her to a very illegal show downtown, on a sketchy bar no less. "I don't know Jess, those shows aren't really my thing, neither is a lot of people on a confined space" you shrugged, "Come on Y/n, my boyfriend is playing the bass, but I don't wanna go alone, maybe I could even present you to a few people, so you have friends, other than me" I looked at her with a stern look, that was the least of my concerns.
"It's just...you look so lonely and sad all the time, maybe you could have some fun, ya' know, to loosen up the stress from work" before she could keep blabbering reasons to go, I caved. "Fine" she yelled a high pitched "Yay" and hugged me.
It's amazing how easy is to get killed in the city nowadays, my first couple of days working I got shocked with how many corpses I encountered as soon as I opened my apartment door, but then I got used to it? I don't throw up as much as before, so that's a start.
But everything is so messy right now, with V.E.N.O.M tasks forces roaming the streets, people instead of being scared, they've become violent. I have no idea how Jess can be so hyped about a show when there's like an 80% chance we'll get killed in the process.
But hey, YOLO right?
Since it was a punk event, she wanted me to "blend in", as to not dress as a total nerd like I always do according to her. So we stopped at her apartment to get ready.
She lend me a plaid mini skirt, mid thigh stockings, a learher jacket that ended mid torso, a dark red shirt with a weird spider logo, a spiky choker and did a very goth or punk-like work on my face.
I didn't recognized myself, but I didn't quite hated it either.
Black boots with chains completed the look according to her, "Ya' look stunnin', honey" she squealed, coming out of the bathroom ready herself, wearing all things similar to mine, with the addition of a oversized denim jacket filled with band related pins and patches.
"Your boyfriend's, I suppose" she turned back to me, blushed slightly, "He gifted this to me, he's so cool and corny, I love him so much".
I am jealous of her. Her boyfriend has stopped by work a few times, he's tough but nice and very likeable. I could tell he would go to hell and back for her.
I was so fucking jealous of that.
The place wasn't really far from my apartment, which would allow me to slip away in case I needed it, oh boy, not even two seconds inside and I already wanted to run away.
It was a mess of all kinds of black dressed people, like the pride parade but goth, punk and violently weird. Jess seemed to be fine around the mess, she was a natural, totally in her element.
There was this feeling climbing up my spine, weakening my knees and my lungs, anxiety making her debut.
"C'mon let's get to the front before they start playin', otherwise we won't be able to see shit!" She pulled me across the sea of leather and spikes, I sensed a lot of stares and wolf whistles, probably not for me, but it felt so alien to me.
The group made its introduction, the crowd wildly started screaming and jumping, shoving us against the fence that kept us away from the stage. The amps to the limit, and the people jumping and shoving, everything begun to spin, in a haze I believed myself to be drunk but totally sober, "Jess! I wanna leave" I tried to scream but she couldn't hear me. Couldn't move either, trapped in between the fence I could only close my eyes in hopes the pain in my ears and my chest would end soon.
A hand took mine, out of a sudden I was on the other side of the fence. Due to the momentum I clashed against a bunch of pins and chains, "Follow me" He said, not ever letting my hand go, he lead me backstage, where the sound of the still going music and cheering was a bit muffled, barely bearable.
"Better?" I looked up to him, he had a wild black mane, piercings on his brows and his lower lip, stunning factions and he was built amazingly. "Yeah, sorry about the trouble" he chuckled at my embarrassment, "S' nothin', stay here all you need" he winked and rushed back to the stage, the screaming intensified as soon as he did.
A while later, Jess got to the backstage by the arm of her boyfriend, "Oh, honey I'm so sorry, are you feeling okay now?" I shook my head, hugging myself in absolute embarrassment. "'m gonna head back, sorry" she held me as soon as I was about to leave, "First, your knight in denim armor, Hobie I can't thank you enough" she thank him.
So that was his name, Hobie.
"No problem, that was a bad edge" his accent was so thick that's all I got to hear him say. "Hobie we need to scram, they are on their way, get the explosives" said none other than Jess's boyfriend, "Another raid? But babe" she whined, not caring about the sudden violence about to be unleashed apparently.
"Jess we need to leave, now!" I tried to take her away, but she resisted and shoved my hand away from hers, "I'm actually gonna stay for this one, Spider-Man might actually appear this time" She excitedly left with her boyfriend.
How could she just left when there was going to be another raid outside?! "Why today, I knew I shouldn't have come to this stupid thing!" Searching routes, but nothing came to mind, the sound of the tasks forces was loud, and the one from the rebellion was even more so.
Everything went down because of Oscorp taking over, then Spider-Man showed up to shake up the masses into a furious rebellion, it bothered me tat the rebels acted as if the destruction, the purchase of weapons from gangsters, and the eternal bustle, would change the fact that V.E.N.O.M had almost completely taken over the streets. The rebellion regained territory in the last assault, but in that hell several young people died, and not even Spider-Man could do anything about it.
Usually I don't get into that shit, because for fun I rather go dancing at the club, though I admit I threw a Molotov at a task forces's car, once the opportunity presented itself.
When I got out, everything was smoke, explosions, people running, crying and shouting with hate. The alley that led to the passage where I would hopefully make it to my apartment was across the fire. I plucked up my courage and ran, a little difficult because of the platforms on my shoes, the damn mini skirt, and because of the shooting that started when I managed to jump over the puddle of burning gasoline.
I fell and hit all the cement on my legs and arms, I got up quickly because the adrenaline was stronger than the bullet that grazed my knee, so I managed to take refuge in the back of the building.
"Where you think you goin' bitch" A cop grabbed my arm, seeing that I resisted him the baton on his other hand hit the back of my knees and then I had no other choice but to fall, the cut on my knee bleeding even more, but I couldn't feel it yet.
He rises the baton to hit me again, but it got swooped off his hand, in about a second that same cop was literally mummified to the wall, all covered in spider webs.
"You okay?" Red and blue suit, spikes on the head of the mask, denim jacket and boots, yeah a hero alright. "Peachy" He just saved me, but the bitterness from my friend bailing on me, the recent anxiety attack, the raid, the pulsing wound that I made the mistake of acknowledge, and the posible bruise from the baton, got to me pretty fast.
"Go save the others, I'm fine" he didn't moved, instead he stretched his hand towards me, "Let me take you some'ere safe first" normally I would've sent him to hell itself, but taking everything into consideration, I ended up agreeing.
As soon as I took his hand, he pulled me up and into his arms. He secured my waist with his arm, "By the green building is alright" he nodded then fired his web, without warning he took flight, taking an even firmer grasp on my waist.
Meanwhile I hid my face on his neck and yelled a bit.
As soon as we landed I shoved myself off of his grasp, clinging to the fire stairs railing for dear life, "Bit nauseous there love?" He joked, "A warning would've been appreciated" I swallowed the bit of puke that threatened the back of my throat, "But thanks, I'll take it form here".
My knees quivered when trying to make a decent step, the pulsing hurt behind my legs, "Ya' sure?" He asked, getting at a safe distance from my pathetic state, "Yeah, now aren't you needed elsewhere?" He slightly laughed at my embarrassment, "That can wait, they were holding it up, a'right" I could hear his smile under that mask.
"Need help there, love?" He offered, making it sound more like a tease, his hand reaching towards me once more, "I'll be careful" He promised. I caved again, after all, I lived in the eighth floor.
"Now we're good, night spiderman" I tried to close the door but he stopped it with his combat boots, "What" he stayed silent for a second, "Not even a kiss?" He joked? I couldn't tell because of the mask, then he just leaned on the doorframe. I genuinely laughed, like I haven't in a while, "Thanks for the laugh, maybe next time you save me, I'll give you that kiss, how's that?" He tilted his head a bit, like thinking, then just nodded.
I think he was about to say something, but an explosion on the raid site got to his attention, "I think you're needed" When I turned my head around he had already left.
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cdroloisms · 10 months
like as far as the finale streams go, there's quite a bit that we can say preeeetty definitively were lies. c!dream literally goes into this whole thing like "this is the part where we monologue at you" to c!tommy, which is taking the credibility of literally everything he's saying and cutting it at LEAST by 80%
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(me too tubbo)
the saw trap, rather definitively, was 100% bullshit top to bottom. i mean, come on now. dream literally gives him steak that they could've used to depress the pressure plate, and he's completely unsurprised about the two of them surviving. plus he literally added a bonus "WE'RE DOING THIS BECAUSE WE'RE EVIL" thing. like, laughably fake.
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along those same lines, i mean, the "we killed vikk and lazar in every possible way for months" doesn't seem credible in the slightest. first of all, what months? unless they were doing so post-prison (and they continued to do so...after they supposedly found out about revivals causing instability???) -- and the whole point of bringing that up in the first place was pretty much just to set up for the saw trap. any and all death experimentation seems kinda limited by the fact that XD was apparently getting pissed over it
speaking of which, have we considered how funny it is that like there's a good chance that fewer problems were caused by the revival experiments compared to like. foolish dying from fall damage while building. bc foolish SURE DID DIE A LOT
i also want to bring up the "bring an army here to fight against us" moment just because it's ... so overt. i don't think it's a lie, but was dream like more than heavy-handed in hinting at what he wanted tommy and tubbo to do? holy shit yea
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like, it's giving "talking about putting c!tommy in the prison" levels of overt.
the rest of it gets...a little murkier though, and in part because c!dream seems to at least, to some degree, contradict himself? i mean, what he says about death being permanent is SUCH a glaring example of this
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like, he's clearly got some strong opinions on the permanence of death and revivals that he brings up. a lot. but at the same time, death being impermanent is also a problem...
...and specifically, a problem in the eyes of the god here. which is accurate--we've seen XD specifically make a whole Thing about how he needs souls, how he needs death. (though it does look like he's also kinda...beholden? to something? when he mentions that too, which is interesting.)
and look, here, too, when talking about death:
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like i think it's pretty undeniable that c!dream...doesn't. actually want people to die. he's got an issue with this whole death thing. like--look at what he says, even, about the fact that they have to kill everyone? he literally calls it a problem. hell, when he could, by all means, technically get "closer" to his goals by killing c!clingy, he doesn't take it. he even revives tommy after killing him.
he's very explicit about not wanting death in the final stream, as we see here:
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i've seen a few interpretations about what dream wanted being to, essentially, become immortal with punz after killing everyone. and i always didn't really agree, though i couldn't pinpoint specifics either--for one, the specific point of "only you two will be left" is something that tubbo points out first, not either dream nor punz. further, when dream mentions who would be left after "killing everyone," he actually specifically doesn't say that it's about the dream and punz show and the dream and punz show only--it's a choice of "join us in our research or die."
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further...well, it's rather antithetical to what have been c!dream's stated motivations the entire time, right? dream doesn't want peace on the server in terms of just having like one (1) other person around that agrees with him or whatever. and again, there have been some mentioned contradictions just from these two streams alone. but looking at the contents of these last two streams again, and especially looking at the focus c!dream has on "everyone living forever and being friends and being invincible and the server being completely vanilla again" plus the return of mr. "end justifies the means", i can 100% see some kind of plan where--facing an immediate world reset--c!punz and c!dream decide to go for plan "kill people to appease the god while gathering anyone that's willing to do research with us to Figure Out How To Fix Things." the emphasis that c!dream presents on death not mattering, calling the revive book the "greatest thing" that's happened to the server, even, going "yeah it might hurt, but we can go back" seem to suggest that everyone that was babyjailed in limbo in the meantime would then be able to be revived after they idfk kill god or whatever.
like. i don't think they actually have Too Much of a plan, though we don't know that much bc we don't know how much their research went into. hell, we don't even know how much XD is actually involved in all of this! the events that trigger everything that happens looks to be almost completely out of punz and dream's control--they didn't seem to expect or even know about the nuke, they weren't involved in the egg hatching, and they weren't with eret and foolish fighting XD. all they did was...well punz revives dream and dream kills and revives tommy. (which, ironically, also what they literally said they shouldn't have done because it's what caused the instability????) -- as i pointed out in the last post, i'd say a degree of like "this is inevitable nothing matters" definitely affects c!dream in these streams, with the end of the world kind of happening around him. but as for whatever goal he DID seem to be working towards, the idea of doing research + wanting knowledge + murder for like, an actual purpose that aligns with earlier stated goals (preserving the server and making it so that people can live in peace without being haunted by death and pain and destruction) feels like it reads relatively well with what we know about 1) XD having to do with the reset, and the server being a cycle that involves worlds coming into existence and ending over and and over and over again and 2) what c!dream says in these streams, specifically referring to his stated end goal of living forever with everyone and not simply striving for immortality in its own right
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humanoidluv · 20 hours
9 people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by nightwing fan who listens to my insane rambles: @nightwvngss
three non romantic duos: akechi goro & ken amada, dick grayson & calvin rose, yuri petrov & barnaby brooks jr. sorry for spicing it up with not just dc but :D
a ship that might surprise others: ra'sliam (william cobb x ra's al ghul) this ship is virtually non-existent and was created by me but i think those 2 have a lot of potential. william genuinely hates the waynes while ra's wants bruce as his heir, both have grandsons (great-grandson for william: dick grayson!) adopted by bruce, both are immortals of atleast 100+ years, both are assassins and apart of groups wanting to control gotham-- part of my love for this ship (& the court of owls' relation with the league in general) is from the gotham knights game, which doesn't have william or ra's in it but it focusses on the relationship and tension between the league and the court (while the batfam is dealing with bruce dying for real this time!). there are a few more ships i love that are virtually non-existent (grant wilson x dick grayson), etc etc.
last song: dancing in the moonlight by king harvest . i was goin thru some 80's music because i recently stopped using major streaming platforms (spotify apple music youtube music pandora etc etc etc) and have switched to a 🏴‍☠️d one. currently trying to rebuild by spotify playlist of 11k there so my usual music has all just been 80's as of late
last film: xmen: first class !!!!
currently reading: multitasker <//3 robin (2021), xmen: magneto testament, marvel vs dc, aquaman/green arrow: deep target, & detective comics: 1937
currently watching: i'm not watching anything at this moment BUT i am a multitasker and can almost never sit down and watch a show all the way through, so i start a lot of stuff-- titans (its bad i know i just like the almost fatherly/brotherly relationship dick has with rose and raven in it), young justice, the penguin, teen titans, justice league: action, harley quinn, x-men (the original animated series),
currently consuming: nothing!! i did have sea salt chips earlier though, 10/10.
currently craving: nothing for food! for life a lot of things. an ability to transfer my ideas to paper, for one. hmm.
annnd.. hm. i dont really have anyone to @ so @flyrobinflyy & @3leafstem !!
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.3
First Part Next Part
It’s about damn time I made part 3, and this is, once again, less headcanons and more just Guy interrupting Honey’s stream
Okay so, we’ve talked about how Honey’s fan base likes to theorize on their and Guy’s relationship. Some fans think they have mutual crushes on one another, some think they’re secretly dating, some think they’re just roommates.
Chat asks Honey questions about their love life all the time, and Honey has fun by always giving vague answers.
Even Guy has joined in on occasion.
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HoneysHeaven: are you single??
"Guy, what the actual fuck."
Answer the damn question 👁️👁️
Not him flirting in front of 176k people 🤣🤣
HoneysHeaven: are you though??
My man's is just shooting his shot, give him a break
Honey pinches the bridge of their nose and sighs, though the way the corner of their mouth twitches upward is poorly hidden. "No, I'm not single."
Wait but is Guy single?
That's the real question ^^^
HoneysHeaven: I'm dating the most loving, caring, sweetest person in the world 🥰🥰
So not [Honey] then?
And even when he's not there, Chat often speaks on his behalf.
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When are you going to ask out your roommate?
"I don't have a roommate."
Machoke? More like choke me-
Who the hell is that dude in your house then 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Is Guy in the chat rn?? We need to check your sources
"I am not lying, I swear on my goldfish's grave. Guy isn't my roommate, he's just some stray that followed me home one day and now he won't fucking leave."
Nah nah, we all know you keep him around on purpose 😏😏😏
★someone donated $20★
Go ask Guy out right now and I'll give you another 80 dollars
Honey scrunches their nose and hums, as if thinking, "I'd love to, but... Guy isn't here right now."
Where is he???? He's not supposed to be outside all alone :(
YOU'D LOVE TO??? 👀👀👀👀
"wha- I can't just call him, he's at work. Do you guys want him to get fired?"
Change of plans, we can wait until next stream
We'll get 'em next time boys
It's for the best, no one wants to get asked out over the phone
True true
Teaching [Honey] How to Flirt; Lesson 152: don't ask someone out over the phone
★someone donated $10★
Is Guy there?
★someone donated $70★
Cool cool heres the last of that 100 I promised you, now go ASK GUY OUT
👁️👁️🤳 I'm ready and waiting
Honey smirks, and pulls off their headphones. They get out of their chair and open the door to the hallway.
They then sit back down in their chair, yell "GUUYY" (which has him stumbling over himself because they never yell for him like that), and wait.
Guy rushes to Honey, but stops short of entering the room when Honey puts their hand out, "no, no, don't come in, I'm still streaming."
Guy puts a hand over his heart and let's out a breath, "holy shit, Honey, I thought you were being murdered or something." Then he laughs that adorable laugh of his because he's so precious.
Honey can't suppress the chuckle that bubbles up in their throat, "no, I'm fine. Chat just wanted me to ask you something."
Honey spared a quick glance at their monitor, biting their lip to try and hide the devilish smirk that was forming across their features.
What the hell is happening to you people y'all need some jesus tf 🛐✝️✝️
Oh my god 🙊🙊🙊
🎶the best time to wear a striped sweaterrrrr🎶
Guy giggles, "what?"
Honey fails at their weak attempt to hide their smile, biting their tongue as a last ditch effort before giving way, "get out."
Guy laughs through his words, a more confused tone taking place as he repeats his last question, "what?"
Honey stands from their chair again, and leans against the open door. The way it opens inward perfectly covers Guy from view of the camera.
They lean in, a loving smile splaying their lips and lighting up their eyes as they grasp the collar of his shirt to pull him in.
Chat can't see how their faces are only inches apart, they can only hear how Guy let's out a sound of surprise.
Honey plants a chaste kiss on the corner of Guy's mouth and then loosens their grip on his collar in exchange for placing their hand flat on his chest.
Chat can only hear Honey repeat, "get out," when they gently shove Guy backwards so they can close the door again. Their face displays a cheeky grin as they stifle a soft laugh at the sound of a very flustered, and probably offended, Guy.
Then they sit back in their chair and turn their attention back to their stream.
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Honey feigned confusion as they quirked an eyebrow at the message, "I did ask him out."
They did not just say that
Calm down satan
"I really don't understand what you guys are talking about. I asked him to get out, that's what you all wanted."
Teaching [Honey] How to Flirt; Lesson 153: asking someone out means to ask someone on a date
I want my 100 dollars back /hj
[Honey] is deceitful and finds joy in manipulating the emotions of others. I believe they may be some kind of sadist.
Y'all need to chill fr
"oh, shi-"
Honey has adjusted their streaming schedule to line up with Guy's work schedule. This way, he will interrupt them less.
It's a win win for the both of them, because when Guy gets home after a day at work, all he wants is love and affection which he cannot get if his honey is streaming.
But there are times when the stream goes on longer than expected, or Guy gets off early.
Honey was playing Life is Strange when they heard the front door open. They paused for a moment, expecting to hear Guy's usual "Honey, I'm home" call to announce his presence.
But it didn't come.
They paused the game and lowered their headphones, confusion evident on their face as they turned in their chair slightly, listening to the sounds of Guy putting down his work bag and taking off his shoes.
When the noises stopped, Honey assumed Guy must've just had a long day. They decided they'd check on him after they wrapped up this stream.
A few minutes went by; Honey had nearly forgotten Guy was home, it was so quiet.
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HoneysHeaven: Honeeyyy :(
There he is.
The way he typed out their nickname and added a frowny face made them feel soft, and they practically had to physically restrain themself from going, "what, baby?"
Instead they said, "what is it, Guy?"
He's calling them Honey 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Who made our boy sad??
HoneysHeaven: I'm dyiiing :((
I want to kiss chloe so bad u have no idea
SOMEONE CALL 911 🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑
Honey left the room without a second thought, their feet leading them straight to where Guy had bundled himself up on the couch. The TV was on, playing the cartoon network channel for some reason, and the lights were off save for a table lamp.
Holding his phone in front of his face while he lay on his side, he turned to look at Honey when he heard their footsteps.
His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, and his cheeks were flushed.
"Honeeyyy," he pouted, his voice coming out strained and scratchy.
Guy had come home sick.
They checked his temperature, got him a cold cloth, brought him medicine, and basically played nurse before finally returning to their stream.
They'd only been gone for 15 minutes.
What is happening?
I hope Guy is ok 😭
Guys I'm getting in my helicopter, who wants a ride?
Honey gets back to find the chat in utter chaos, but they assure them that everything is fine. Guy is just dramatic.
Things went back to normal for about half an hour.
But then the door opened, and two hands appeared, just in view, flat on the floor.
Honey turns around to see this, "Guy, what are you doing?"
They only get a tired groan, that sounds more like a whine, in response.
Oh nooooo 🥺🥺
Our boy is sicky ☹️☹️☹️
I'll get the rabies shot ready
Honey crouches in front of Guy, who is sprawled out face first on the floor. "Are you wearing my hoodie again?"
Another hum of discomfort. He really isn't feeling well.
They place their hand on his head and pet his hair, tilting their head slightly and speaking in a low voice, "what do you need, baby?"
Guy made "hmph" noise, and tapped his hands which were still stretched out in front of him.
Honey stood, and made their way back over to their computer.
Hope he gets better soon ❤️
Aw my goodness he's wearing their hoodie 😍😍
I'm sick too me and guy are twinsies fr
Are we just gonna ignore that th-
They ended the stream. They don't have time to do their regular sign off, they have a sick Guy to take care of.
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thumpypuppy · 2 months
what sort of other game soundtracks or composers (especially indies but either way) have inspired your work?
Oh gosh, this is such an amazing question!!!
Personally I (Lindar) have so so so many inspirations because I'm a music lover, I'm 37, and I've been playing video games as far back as I can remember.
So first and foremost I have to give a shout-out to Lena Raine because back in like… 2016(?) I was trying to take my studio to a more professional level and invest in some stuff beyond what just comes with any given DAW, so I reached out to her and she was kind enough to answer my dozens of questions and talk shop with me. She is ultimately why Studio Thumpy Puppy has its current sound. I don't know her personally, but she was an absolute sweetie to me, extremely helpful, and y'all know she writes banger after banger track.
Gotta mention Ben Prunty, who is an absolute legend in indie soundtracks.
Met Disasterpeace at Day of the Devs 2016 along with a bunch of other legends in the scene and what an encouraging sweetheart!
Of course I'm a huge fan of Sadie Greyduck who is one of my composers! Go check out her Bandcamp or look for her on streaming services!
Love me some Darren Korb. Honestly like every Supergiant game has been a banger, but it wouldn't be the same without those soundtracks.
On that note you can't go wrong with Danny Baranowsky. Love me some Necrodancer!
Also y'all gotta check out M Gewehr (MWGewehr on birdsite).
Also gotta mention 2Mello who does amazing work and makes some of the funkiest beats.
Of course if we're talking about 2Mello we gotta mention Hideki Naganuma! UNDERSTAND! UNDERSTAND! THE CONCEPT. OF LOVE!
Oh gosh and then Winifred Phillips does amazing work.
While we're here I know she's not a game composer but go listen to Wendy Carlos!
Then there's like… all of the various people across games like Doom, Quake, Borderlands, etc. Sasha Dikiciyan, Jesper Kyd, Mick Gordon…
Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy), Kiochi Sugiyama (Dragon Quest), Yoko Shimomura (Street Fighter), Takashi Tateishi (MegaMan II), Hip Tanaka (Metroid, Earthbound), Koji Kondo and Toru Minegishi (Legend of Zelda), Daisuke Amaya (Cave Story), Eirik Suhrke (Downwell), Daisuke Ishiwatari (Guilty Gear), the sound team on Sonic Adventure 2, Masato Nakamura (Sonic 2), Brad Buxer et al (Sonic 3&K)…
So let's also take into account that a lot of the game soundtracks that have inspired me over the years are influenced by things that aren't game soundtracks, because those are a relatively recent invention, so we have to talk about how Plantasia by Mort Garson is a direct inspiration for Ocarina of Time and "Dancing Mad" from FF6 is literally just Tarkus from Emerson, Lake & Palmer. A *lot* of early game composers were just prog nerds who listened to like… ELP, King Crimson, Rush, Yes, Magma, Van Der Graaf Generator, Camel, Caravan, Gentle Giant, Soft Machine, Gong… and then also a lot of more popular 80s rock that I'm not gonna list out…
The history of music is absolutely wild and there's so much inspiration out there it's absolutely baffling. Go listen to stuff you've never heard before, analyze it, understand what the appeal and aesthetic is, listen to the last 100 years of the pop charts and then learn where that music came from and who their influences were… go listen to motown! Listen to bebop and jazz and future funk and central Asian folk music and like… get out there and expand your horizons, because like… there's SO MUCH good music out there.
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beehindblueeyes · 2 years
Time period: Video Cassettes and other home media
This is possibly my last one for a while. Both because I feel like I’m stepping into territory I’ve already mentioned and because I’m fading interests. If you’re new here… these posts are sort of designed for the people who “can’t do time period” I’m basically giving you some cool common facts about the time so hopefully it’s a bit easier. Im a nitpicky person when It comes to my own stuff but I don’t expect you to be the 100% correct fic person either. All posts of this kind are tagged under time period and writing ref so they should be easy to find :)
This seems like a ‘no duh’ but tvs as they are now simply did not exist. No flat screens. They’re CRT or older. They’re HUGE and bulky but also have a relatively small screen at the same time. As we progressed into the 80s the side panel mainly shrank and the screen grew. (Also see, wood! Wood grain. I keep saying it was everywhere. It was everywhere.)
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You may hear parents say “oh when I grew up we had three channels” etc which was mainly true. There was a limited number of Chanel’s for YEARS until cable came around and even then it was more a premium service and it was the late 80s , early 90s when it was more widely adopted.
With these big tvs with limited tvs and sometimes faulty service there’s a lot of myths to come with that. Like if you hit it a few times on top stuff with come back, or bending the bunny ears that you still see in some cartoons. Or ‘hey if we flush all the toilets at once…’ (this one’s more of a kid logic thing but the ritual and oh if I stand like this or do that is the same)
Now we come to video cassettes which is the more common spread name for a VHS tape that was still used well into the 90s. I think it’s a much more recent thing that we started just saying VHS, more common names were: Video cassette, video tapes, tapes, home video etc ;
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They also do NOT work like dvds. If it’s re wound it should play from the beginning. They’ll be studio logos and a few adds or trailers and then the movie just starts. No menu! This being said movies were also limited to a time so they could fit on tape (this is one of the reasons old movies rarely go over a hour and a half). If they’re two hours or longer there’s double and sometimes triple tapes (once one ends you have to put in the next)
Be kind, rewind. There’s nothing automatic about it you have to manually or stores will fine you— or whoever watches it next in your house will fucking clobber you. It takes forever! (You don’t know the pain of being a kid in the early 2000s waiting for the little mermaid to finish rewinding).
Also this is purely speculatory on my part but I assume the reason renting tapes was a lot more common was because they were pretty expensive at the time. Like $30 (which is half of a video game today, they used to be like $7) someone who was alive at the time please correct me.
Physical media mania, again self explanatory. No streaming. No touch screen. No iPods. You buy records, cassettes, 8tracks, have a machine that plays them. Stereos — big family ones— were usually 3-4 parts (you see the towers or stacked machines in old movies.) there’s personal portable ones like walkmans or big boombox types.
No smart boards in the class. We see it in the movie. Teacher would have to get a projector, wheel it in and show the slides from a slide machine or one where you can place work over it. (Only the image isn’t half as crisp as in the movie) but writing on the chalkboard and pull down maps were more common. If a movie was being shown they’d wheel in a movie projector and place it down the middle isle of students. There’s no Disney + for your encanto kids
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kurumeki · 9 months
This will be long and personal, so you can feel free to scroll past it.
Good things of 2023:
Grandmother’s 80th birthday; we had a celebration in a restaurant with family and her friends. Almost 50 people!
Morrie’s live stream Flesh Odyssey at his birthday (4th March)
My best friend @vinidra visited in March and I remember getting wasted and listening to Black Sabbath and Def Leppard till 3am. And watching that one 1989 Aerosmith live! Wasn’t there Dir en grey stream on GALACAA? I think we got access from a friend and watched that too.
On April 1st Morrie’s fan club Reveries opened on BitFan application – with foreign fans finally being able to join. It is a pricey affair, but the consistency and amount of content he brings every single day is so worth it. I love being a Reverie and having near direct contact with Morrie and the fans. So grateful for this community.
Right after Easter, on April 12th, we got BUCK-TICK’s new album. No one would predict it would be the last release before Sakurai passing away… It’s a solid record and ワルキューレの騎行 will forever be one of my favourite songs.
April was such a good month for me – on 18th I got the news I got promoted to a team leader. So, following a big raise for 2022 performance, I got another big raise with role change. Feeling like I’m finally getting the money I deserve for my hard work. The role is difficult and very challenging, but also satisfying and I enjoy what I do. It helped me a lot with improving my communication skills, standing up for myself and feeling confident with my decisions.
End of April was my friend Karin visiting, we went to Metallica symphonic concert in philharmonic and had amazing time overall during the long May weekend.
In May I came out to my co-workers and I was met with so much support I’m still overwhelmed. Being able to feel like I can be 100% myself at work is amazing. You don’t realise you need it until you get this freedom.
May 23rd was Boris live in Warsaw. I reconnected with an old friend and had amazing time with him during the gig. The show itself was everything I ever wanted from Boris – perfectly heavy and fast. Being front row surely contributed to that. My mission was to wait for the band after the show and talk to Atsuo and I succeeded! Got a picture with the band ant all. All possible thanks to a mutual friend of the band and mine.
May 31st – Def Leppard and Motley Crue in Krakow! Again hanging out with @vinidra and his friend. The show… let’s say Motley Crue was meh, though visual and female dancers were incredible. But Def Leppard was there to save the night, it was incredible and I had so so so much fun! Can’t wait to see them again live.
In June I visited Karin in Krynica Morska. It’s a very thin piece of land with sea at one side and huge lake on the other. I loved the beach walks there and hearing the waves at night, when falling asleep.
Also in June my close friend had a major surgery. So brave of her to decide to undergo it and I’m even more happy that she’s made steady recovery, now having no regrets.
June 20th was the day Josh Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet came out! I’m always happy learning that musicians I love are just as queer as me.
And by end of June DEAD END has re-issued all four albums from 80s: DEAD LINE, Ghost Of Romance, shambara and ZERO. Got them all, in true collector spirit.
July 21st Greta Van Fleet released a new album. I wasn’t stoked about it at first but of course – the more I listened to it, the more I fell in love with it. It’s probably my favourite album of the year.
I didn’t do anything special for my birthday on August 12th, but the following week I was flying to Cologne for a week to stay with my best friend. We did a lot of furniture and home decor shopping for the new house she moved into. We went to cinema to see Metallica’s live stream, and otherwise just had good time being lazy. Oh! And I helped her pick out and buy her first guitar. Love the visit in huge 4-story music shop in Cologne.
In September I’ve volunteered to take dogs from a shelter for walks for a day. I want to do it again.
On September 27th Morrie released another solo album Solitudes I. I feel like I didn’t listen to it enough this year, but this is miles better than Ballad D to me.
October 15th was election day in Poland and this was incredible – how many people showed up. For the first time I had to stand in the queue to vote. And we won. Fascist right wing government was overthrown. I have some home things will finally get better in my country.
Fast forward to November 5th – after a lot of trouble I made it to Hamburg and met with a friend I’ve know for years, but never had a chance to see in person. Had amazing time! It’s incredible to have such dedicated Morrie fan so close and be able to talk about music for couple of hours without feeling tired.
November 6th – I also finally met my close friend, we’ve never seen each other before. She’s such a lovely human being. She introduced me to Greta Van Fleet, so it felt only right to gift her a ticket to their show. The live was amazing, the most beautiful show I’ve ever been to. I will never get over how talented those young guys are.
From Nov 7th to 11th I was staying with my friend in Bielefeld. Met her cutest Siamese cat Bibi!
And last thing worth mentioning – I got the courage to go to company winter party and I actually had fun. I don’t remember when was the last time I simply wanted to have fun and when was the last time I danced. My whole body hurt after that night, but I really loved it. Oh, and I stole the neon flamingo lamp. Worth it.
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grnolan · 1 year
A Non-Exhaustive List of Stuff to Watch During the Strike
Everybody has a backlog of things to watch, but for everyone who is like me and routinely looks at that backlog and goes "but none of those hundred things sound interesting right now", here are some recommendations.
If You Have…
Avatar The Last Airbender: Animated/Fantasy; 3 seasons; A teenage chosen one reawakens 100 years into the war he’s meant to stop. If you somehow are on Tumblr and haven’t seen this show, give it a try now.
Cunk on Earth: Documentary; 1 season; A very serious documentary that very seriously tells the story of the history of human progress.
Glow Up (2019): Competition; 4 seasons; Aspiring makeup artists compete for opportunities in the industry.
Nailed It! (2018): Competition; 7 seasons; Nicole Byer and Jacques Torres laugh with people who are not bakers as they try to bake extremely complicated desserts in less time than professionals could do it.
Wynonna Earp (2016): Western Horror; 4 seasons; The cursed descendant of famous lawman Wyatt Earp hunts demons in a small Canadian town alongside her (canonically bisexual) little sister, a US Marshall, an immortal Doc Holliday, and a (canonically lesbian) local cop.
Domino Masters (2022): Competition; 1 season; A competition show where teams build Rube Goldberg devices primarily focusing on dominos.
Holey Moley (2019): Competition; 3 seasons; Increasingly ridiculous mini golf holes where the ball can go into a water hazard but the people go in much more frequently.
Lego Masters (2020): Competition; 3 seasons; Teams of two build complex Lego designs based on each week’s theme.
Primeval (2007): Sci-Fi; 5 seasons; British scientists and government officials discover fluctuating portals to various time periods, which release dinosaurs and other creatures into the modern day. You’ll watch the first season and go “idk why this is considered good” and then all the other seasons will happen.
DuckTales (2017): Animated/Adventure Comedy; 3 seasons; A reboot of the 80s show of the same name, but with better character development and better treatment of its female characters.
The Owl House (2020): Animated/Horror Comedy; 3 seasons; An Afro Latina human girl is on her way to summer camp to be taught “normalcy” when she goes through a portal and finds herself in the Demon Realm. She decides that it’s way better than camp and stays. Friendship, family, love, and PTSD ensue.
Baking Championships: The Baking Championships (Kids Baking Championship, Halloween Baking Championship, Holiday Baking Championship, Spring Baking Champion Championship) are all a nice heartwarming fun time.
The Great Pottery Throw Down (2015): Competition; 5 seasons; You know how chill and fun GBBO is? Imagine that but with pottery.
RWBY (2013): Animated/Fantasy; 9 seasons; A group of girls join a school to train for hunting monsters and fighting crime with cool weapons that are usually some sort of melee weapon and also a gun. The animation gets better with every season.
Board Game Club: An ongoing series on the No Rolls Barred YouTube page; a bunch of people get together and play board games. This probably sounds like it would be boring but it is absolutely fantastic.
Critical Role: YouTube; 2 completed campaigns, 1 ongoing; A group of voice actor friends get together to play Dungeons and Dragons. Increasingly well-produced over time.
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries: 100 episodes; An adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that takes place entirely over vlogs. Very funny, handles the confines of a vlog setting fairly well, and Ashley Clements (Lizzie) is fabulous.
Video Game YouTubers: Particularly Let’s Plays, speedruns, and challenges. I personally enjoy Pokemon challenges like by FlygonHG, and Super Mario Odyssey Hide and Seek by a bunch of different Mario streamers is great fun.
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princess-viola · 3 months
i genuinely think people who say shit like 'streaming is basically cable now' NEVER actually paid for cable in their life
cable was and is absolutely bullshit and streaming is nothing like cable.
does it suck ass that there's like a million different subscription services now?
yes, it does - but that whole fantasy of there only ever being one single streaming service with everything on it was never going to last forever and even now it's still absolutely nothing like cable
i did some math recently and you could subscribe to the following streaming services:
apple tv+
for less than $100/mo total. and i ain't talking like 'oh if you sub to the cheapest options with ads, it comes out to sub $100/mo', no that is the total price if you sub to Netflix Premium, the Disney Bundle Duo Premium, (Disney+ and Hulu), Apple TV+, Max Ultimate Ad-Free, Paramount+ with Showtime, and Peacock Premium Plus. The most expensive options for all of them (sans Disney+ since they also have a Disney Bundle Trio Premium that also has ESPN+ w/o ads)
now let's compare that with cable. obviously cable prices can vary depending on where you are and what providers are in your area, so i'm just going by what's available where i live right now. i have xfinity and here are the current channel packages available at my address:
choice TV - $20/mo
popular tv - $60/mo
ultimate TV - $80/mo
that sounds great, don't it? I mean even the most expensive channel package is ~$20 cheaper per month than being subbed to all the major streaming services. that clearly must mean that the complainers are right and streaming has just become the new cable and cable is even cheaper than streaming now
well, no. it's not. because here's the shit they ain't telling you: - the cheapest package? choice TV? that's literally just your local channels (which you can pick up for free with an antenna because they're broadcast OTA), C-SPAN, some shopping channels, and the music choice channels. that's literally it, that's all you get if you for the cheapest option.
also in addition to the advertised monthly price, there's tons of additional fees and shit you gotta pay that aren't included in the advertised price.
that $20/mo choice TV option? you also gotta pay a $24.40/mo broadcast TV fee. the $60/mo and $80/mo popular and ultimate TV options? you gotta pay the broadcast TV fee and a $16.50/mo regional sports fee
so at the very least the prices of $20, $60, and $80/mo are bullshit and the actual prices are $44.40, $100.90, $120.90 for each plan per month
let's say i decide that i want the biggest channel package available from xfinity, so i go for the $80/mo ultimate TV option. $80/mo for all these channels, seems pretty great!
well, you can also customize and add additional packages to your plan, so i decide 'well i do also like to stream, so i'll go for the xfinity streamsaver bundle (which gives me netflix standard w/ ads, apple tv+, and peacock premium) for an additional $15/mo and maybe i'm into sports so i also get the more sports & entertainment package so i get more sports channels for an additional $9.95/mo
then comes the equipment, you get one TV box by default but most people have more than one TV. so let's say there are three TVs in my house: one in the living room and one in each bedroom, so i'll need three TV boxes total. those are $10/mo each, so that's $30/mo more for the TV boxes.
you got DVR as well, you get 20 hours included for free, but i figure 'well the option to get 150 hours of DVR recordings is only $10/mo, so i'll go for that'
so what would be the total estimated cost per month for all of this?
per xfinity's own website, all of this would cost me an estimated $203.88/mo
that's right, over $200 a month for a plan that they advertise as being $80/mo
being subbed to all of the major streaming services: sub-$100 and the price that the streaming service advertises is the price you are going to pay per month (maybe slightly more due to taxes depending on where you live). there's no hidden extra fees you pay that they don't advertise, you don't have to rent equipment from them to use their services, and the big one YOU ARE NOT LOCKED INTO A CONTRACT WITH THEM
thankfully lots of cable companies nowadays offer no-contract options (the example xfinity plan i was using was no-contract) but back in the day, you'd literally be locked into a 12 or 24 month contract with your cable company with no way out unless you wanted to pay an early termination fee
streaming? not a thing. you can cancel and resub whenever you want. you're only subbed to a service to watch one series and now the season is over and there really ain't anything else you wanna watch? you can cancel your subscription, you ain't locked into having, for example, a netflix sub for 12 months that you don't use
(also for fucks sake i pay for cable still and my combined cable and internet bill is $300/mo like deadass if you seriously think streaming is at all comparable to cable you can eat my ass)
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mygainyear2024 · 3 months
Day 80 Sahara
Exciting day, not only because our destination is the great Sahara Desert, but the other experiences were also wonderful. First to clarify with Mustafa we can change the camel ride to tomorrow morning, as Rose is not feeling great and the camel ride was pretty much the only reason she came on this trip! And we checked the weather, it's supposed to be less windy tomorrow. Our request is possible.
First stop a view over somewhere spectacular that I will get the name of tomorrow!
Then we go to Toudra Gorges. Moustafa drops us off at one end and we walk through to meet him at the other. It's school holidays and I loved seeing how the locals made use of this oasis in the heat. Cafe tables in the middle of the stream, drinks in large plastic containers sitting in the water, people are allowed to camp and they've set up blankets and cooking equipment.
Next stop a visit to a Berber co-op to learn about the art of traditional carpet making. I have measurements for a carpet for our hallway. I have been to a few carpet demonstrations in other countries and the technique of dying the wool and the sources of the colour are similar. The carpets are made from sheep (the coat taken once per year), camel (the coat taken once every three years) and silk (later research revealed that much of this might be false, except the bit about the sheep!). We are shown several beautiful pieces. One particularly captures our attention but it's too big. None of the ones the right size were as beautiful as the one we liked. There was no obligation to buy.
I enquired about the price for a carpet that would fit and then I enquired about the price of the carpet I really liked. Numbers were written on paper, backward and forwards, sold, for less than $1000 AUD. And it weighs 4.5kgs which I think I can manage. A camel hair and silk carpet, that I was informed was 25 years old and made by a woman in the mountains. Maybe the camel was 25 years old, I should have clarified if it was the camel or the age of the carpet! There is no space in our current apartment, but as the man said, we will find the right space and if not we can sell the carpet!
Mustafa asked us yesterday if we wanted alcohol and we said we'd like to try some local products. Nothing was open. Today he found a restaurant that hadn't opened but was selling supplies from a side shed. Several locals were in there with us. It felt contrabandish, but Mustafa said it was totally legit. I settled on a bottle of rosé for 100 dirham (from the winery that I tried to book a wine tasting at for Saturday, near Meknes, but they are fully booked - Volubilia-Domaine de la Zouina) and the local beer at 25 dirhams each. We drink the beer in the car and keep the wine for later.
Lunch was quite late, but it was delicious and this time Rose and I shared a set menu, as yesterday Rose ate hardly any of her lunch! She had the salad and chips and I had the roast chicken, rice and vegetables which had a delicious green pepper sauce. Only a few metres up the road we stop to buy a head scarf for the camel ride and have the welcoming henna experience with our names written in Arabic.
One last stop before the drop off point, a popular market to look at the spices. Again no obligation, but I was keen to buy some saffron threads, at €7 per gram I did not need their minimum 5 grams, so my negotiation power felt consumed by asking for 2 grams! Along with some cumin, coriander and sweet paprika, I paid way too much at 360 dirham.
As we get closer the sand is blowing across the desert impacting visibility. Mustafa said it's on the more windy side today.
Now for the excitement, our luggage is swapped into a 4WD ute and we head for the desert camp. We are staying in the sane dunes of Erg Chebbi Merzouga. The driver pauses a couple of times which was great as I could wind the window down and take some shots. The pictures don't represent the height of the dunes. Hopefully the perspective will be captured tomorrow from the camel ride. It was a thrilling ride in.
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ledenews · 5 months
Libby Adams and Her Love Affair with Telling Her Tales
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Her name was Penelope, and she was the “little girl” artist. Penelope was with her parents last weekend at Oglebay’s Hickman Bar & Grill and they enjoyed the live performance by local singer/songwriter Libby Adams. Before the family returned to their rooms at Wilson Lodge, the child’s mother offered Adams a drawing Penelope sketched during the show. “Her mom came up to me and said, ‘She drew this for you,’” Adams said. “I was almost in tears. I asked for her autograph, and then she left.” It was one of THOSE moments, though, that have led Adams to fall in love with her childhood dream that seems to be tiptoeing to coming true. Penelope was the child-artists name who sketched Libby during a performance at Oglebay's Wilson Lodge last weekend. “When I was a kid, I remember wanting to be Hanna Montana, and I’m being 100 percent honest with you. I didn’t want anyone to cut my hair and I just wanted to sing everything,” Adams remembered. “I think every girl back then wanted to be Miley Cyrus because Hanna Montana was a really cool role model back then. “That’s why, right now, I’m letting music take me where it wants to take me and I’m just doing it like I do it,” she said. “I’m running with it because it’s a dream and I really want it to come true is some way. I’m in love with it, I’m having a blast with it, I think it’s beautifully awesome, and I love when others sing with me.” Hanna Montana made sense while the classroom didn’t. People, most of the time anyway, didn’t either. “I’ve struggled my entire life with things like school and I’ve struggled with making friends, too, so at an early age I started concentrating on music and I listened to as many different bands and artists as I could. My parents are huge music fans so I’ve always loved their music frm the 80’s and 90’s,” Adams recalled. “There were times when those musicians would amaze me, and I would wish so hard that I knew how to do it. So, that’s when I decided I wanted to learn. “Adele is a great example. Who doesn’t want to be able to do what Adale does? She’s so amazing,” she said. “I love to perform her songs, and there are so many other females who have terrific voices, too. Adams is learning more and more each week as she works with other performers in the Upper Ohio Valley. An Unadulterated Truth It’s not about getting discovered, but it does concern finding her path to peace. Adams has impressed audiences throughout the Upper Ohio Valley in person and on the local radio waves since crashing onto the live and local scene last summer. Along with Oglebay’s Hickman Lounge, she’s performed as far away as Nemacolin Resort and at venues up and down the Ohio River. On occasion, one of her parents has activated their Facebook Live stream so online folks could enjoy, as well. “Once I decided to dedicate a lot of my time to music, I’ve run with it. These days, there’s not much else that makes so much sense to me,” Adams said. “Music is a topic that I can talk about for a long time because I love it so much, and I want to get better and better. And I’ve started working on some of my own stuff, too. “Now that I’m working some with Gage Joseph, he’s taught me a lot of about he goes out preparing and practicing and writing his own music and it’s helped a lot. He’s taught me a lot,” she explained. “Honestly, making songs is hard. It’s not easy at all, and, at least for me, if I write a song it’s gotta be about something I really care about.” Performing cover song after cover song, she hopes, is temporary since she’s now writing on her own. Adams wants to tell her tales. Hiking is one of Libby's favorite hobbies because she often wishes to get away from the perturbing noises of life. “I love to sing songs that tell stories,” Adams said. “When I write songs, that’s what I’m doing – telling stories, and I would say that my favorite part of this music experience has been that I'm able to reach people my age and people my dad's age, and people my grandparents' age. I think that’s a pretty cool thing that involves a wide range of music. “That’s it���s so much fun for me to put my heart into it and really get into singing it,” she said. “Writing the music and having that process in my life is super special. It’s an honor to be able to do what I can do now. To put my songs out there for other people to hear and feel was really tough at first, but it’s really a very cool thing to experience.” Libby is learning. And the almost 22-year-old is teaching herself now how to provoke her soul to fill her heart with the necessary syllables so others can join her soulful journey. “Writing a song is a very personal, sensitive thing, and it’s always about something going on in my life with my friends or my family. When I write the song, it’s like putting the pieces together,” Adams explained. “We all go through things in our lives and that’s why talking to my friends and working on music with Gage is always good for me because it helps me realize I’m not the only one. We’re all out here trying to make sense. “It’s about getting your feelings out in a song, and it takes practice because in the beginning, it would just make me cry or laugh or something,” she continued. “It’s kind of like training your superpower. And it takes you somewhere and that’s a good thing when you need to go away for a while.” Read the full article
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josnashak69 · 8 months
Blood transfusion
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After 2019, ministers will enter a blood renewal period, which is called job rotation internally. The core essence is: employment strategy serves the company's strategy.
JD.com went public in 2014. B2C is the foundation of the company, so the HE Tuber general manager naturally holds a high position of authority. At that time, JD.com was also having the best luck, and was once ranked as BATJ. Liu Qiangdong’s goal is to hit a market value of 100 billion.
At that time, there was no Pinduoduo, and there was no craze for live streaming to bring goods. The important dimension for an e-commerce platform to be measured in the market was to invade all the scenarios where users purchase as much as possible. 
Now this indicator is still important, but it is difficult to directly reflect it in the capital market.
JD.com has taken two measures to achieve this goal. One is to learn from Tencent’s small-proportion investment ecological strategy. At that time, JD.com was also an important core member company of Tencent. The second is to expand its e-commerce territory to cover all categories. This is Responsibilities of Ministers.
For example, in the attack on fresh food, Wang Xiaosong was sent from 3C to fresh food. Even after three years of epidemic user habits, fresh food is still a difficult nut to crack for e-commerce.
Old people doing new things is a common strategy of big companies. They need to prove themselves again. When Wang Xiaosong came to JD.com in Beijing from Shenzhen Wal-Mart, he stayed at a relative's house. Sometimes he would sleep directly at the company after working too late. The company held its annual meeting, with 70 or 80 tables of employees, and Liu Qiangdong toasted one by one. Wang Xiaosong, who was present, was excited. He looked at Liu Qiangdong, who looked like Qiao Feng in Tian Long Ba Bu, so heroic. 
Looking back now, it all becomes a story.
After being transferred to the fresh food department, Wang Xiaosong built 7Fresh from 0 to 1, and also fell into the pit of fresh food e-commerce. At that time, he also said that he would continue to work in the field of fresh food. In fact, he stayed in this position for less than 4 years.
For another example, JD.com is trying to expand its territory through clothing battles and influence the e-commerce landscape. And the internal tone at that time was that clothing was JD.com’s last battle. This is also based on category expansion thinking.
Although there was a background of being sniped by Ali, the main theme of the era at that time was consumption upgrade. Liu Qiangdong’s own judgment at the time was that JD.com would become a platform for the middle class to purchase all categories. No matter from the perspective of repurchase, category expansion, or female users, clothing cannot be skipped.
Liu Qiangdong left the show in person and flew around the world to meet various brands. 
Because of her background in the fashion industry, Ding Xia took over from Xin Lijun and became the head of the fashion home business department. Later, this business unit was managed by Hu Shengli and Feng Yi, and it also swung between self-operated and POP models. It achieved results on a small scale, but none of the ministers could really open up Jingdong Apparel's situation during their tenure.
After "Choose One" was cracked by an irresistible force, it was not JD.com that benefited, but Douyin.
Even before Alibaba was punished by anti-monopoly, the brand used short video ads to place small yellow cars on Douyin to close the deal. Zhang Yiming had essentially solved the problem of choosing between two that once troubled Ma Huateng and Liu Qiangdong.
The category war did not help Liu Qiangdong achieve his goals. It was not until Xu Lei came to power that he refined JD.com's core capabilities, adjusted the front, middle and back office organizations, and strengthened the positioning of the supply chain. Finally, 
in mid-2020, JD.com's market value exceeded US$100 billion.
But this state did not last long. Pinduoduo's long-term advancement and the rise of live streaming e-commerce soon became a new destination for users to place orders, and it was unstoppable.
JD.com’s latest market value is US$44.6 billion, while Pinduoduo’s is US$157.7 billion, which is 3.5 times the size of JD.com. Based on this background, Liu Qiangdong’s goals have also changed.
Caixin reported that at the end of the June 18th War in 2023, Liu Qiangdong spoke personally at a meeting of 2,000 middle and senior executives of JD.com, and he was very detailed. Normally at such a meeting, he would talk about the general trend and strategy. The core idea of ​​this meeting is to maintain growth, and the essence is to stabilize the share and scale of e-commerce.
Maintaining growth and stabilizing scale is not a goal determined only at this year's meeting. Before the implementation of the low-price strategy, Liu Qiangdong must have seen the variables in the direction of the industry structure. To achieve low prices, according to JD.com’s official statement, it is still necessary to seek efficiency from the supply chain, while at the same time giving POP room for development and seeking incremental growth.
Naturally, the missions of ministers have also changed, and with them, personnel information has been updated.
At the end of 2022, Jingdong’s ministers were intensively adjusted. Liu Lizhen, head of Dashang Supermarket’s omni-channel business group, resigned and was replaced by Yao Yanzhong. The 3C business group he was originally responsible for was split into two, with Li Shuai in charge of the home appliances business group and Wu Shuangxi in charge of the computer communications business group. The fashion beauty business group was transformed from the fashion home business group, and the number one position also changed from Feng Yi to Kong Xiangying.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I saw the moon a good portion of the night last night, I keep looking out the window expecting to see it and see nothing.
Today was pretty uneventful. I spent a good chunk of the day studying astrology. I have had mixed feelings about not accomplishing enough and not seeing research as "work". I guess a little story might put it into perspective, but let me preface it by saying... my reasoning is that I want to take this time as an opportunity to learn about something that interests me. Rather than... rush it... and then learn after the fact.
This story isn't entirely related... it's just something I observed today. Something I really don't know how I feel about. So I might as well put it out there. I've been watching a lot of roleplay in Red Dead Redemption lately. And sometimes, in roleplay, they will make "perma characters", where the death conditions are basically... anything that incapacitates your character is an automatic death. Where, normally, you can sorta... choose how injured your character gets and when your character actually dies. Which... to a degree I understand, but always felt a bit... abusable. But I get that everyone is different and I do a lot of permadeath games and a lot of people really aren't cut out for it.
So this roleplayer decided he wanted to make... a Native American perma character. A warrior, who lost his entire tribe. Who spoke broken english. And walked around with a bow on his back and rode around bareback with a hatchet out and all that. Now... this guy is pretty notorious for playing pretty much exclusively villains. Arch characters. And this one... it had me genuinely scratching my chin.
I think it should be 100% not just okay to play characters of other races, but encouraged. Especially in roleplay communities that are predominantly white. Otherwise you just end up with a giant culture of white people, which is the exact opposite of the desired effect, diversity and cultural representation are just... gone. As long as you are playing an actual character. A person. Not like... a trope. I guess? I mean... yeah it's like... the line is super blurry there, you know? Like... okay... I was trying to ask the streamer periodically like... well... he was giving mixed messages about like animals being sacred, and being one with nature, and hating the invaders because they just "take take take" from the land, and all that. Then an hour later, he goes out and fills a buffalo full of arrows. Hacks it with a hatchet when it's down. Skins it. And leaves the carcass out in a field to rot. And this was after he heard a really well-delivered traditional Native origin story about what the buffalo really were to some tribes - basically a precursor to us, humanity, like a first wave of people that came to the world who were tricked and tempted by spirits, and they ended up becoming trapped and transformed into buffalo, and their purpose was to be here for us essentially... to utilize, but also to learn from. Like they gave in to temptation, and we have the gift of learning from their mistakes. It was a really powerful story that 80% of chat were spamming nodding-off-emotes in response to. And I tried to ask him about like... hunting... because he kept talking about how the bow and arrow... he, as a player, wasn't used to and shit. And people were encouraging him to go and practice, so I was trying to ask him... with his whole expressed beliefs about nature all being one interconnected web, and a failed confrontation of a European person for "taking" a wolf unjustly... I wanted to know how he felt about hunting... in general. You know, before just riding off and slaughtering an animal literally for money so that he could get a fancier bow.
Like... okay. Just, for the record, the second that buffalo went down, I tabbed out of the stream and went back to astrology study. I was just done... yeah. So... if you're going to play a Native character... please do! I mean that. I am so fucking tired of seeing the same fucking generic white male tough guy cowboys, or generic white female sheriffs or stereotypical Italian gangsters. You occasionally see some black people, which is good, honestly. You do not often see Asians, which... has always been odd to me. I feel like the whole Asians in the old west thing really doesn't get enough screen time, it's such a fascinating culture clash. But I have legit like... barely every even heard mention of Natives on that server. Like, one time, I heard someone mention a guy who was from the Wapiti tribe. That was it. So... maybe they do RP, and they just keep to themselves? Maybe because it can be hard for people to... gauge how to politically interact there, and it makes it awkward and people feel pressured? Especially if there was going to be like... conflict RP or something? It's delicate... and it really needs to be tasteful.
And, despite how talented the streamer I was watching today was, he was... not tasteful. Leading to a bit of my point here. If you're going to play a character from another culture... I think a pretty important part of that is... doing research. Accurate, comprehensive, immersive research. Not just... "okay... I'm... British. And my name is... George Stanford... and I'm from... hmm lets pull up a map... Okay... Nantwich. Right. That's a random spot no one's going to ask about." Okay, bad example, because European culture is pretty similar... so... let's say that same process I just did there, but with... Vietnam. Right? So now we have our Vietnamese guy and he's from a random city that no one will RP check you on, so... who is he? How does he act? I mean, it's more than just a fucking voice, okay? Getting an accent right is one thing, any idiot with enough time and enough confidence to screw up over and over until they get it right will get it eventually. People literally adopt accents subconsciously, it's definitely possible. But if you want to make a fucking person. You need to get in their head. You need to see through their eyes, you need to think like they think. You came from a fishing village where you didn't even have cobbled roads, and you get dropped in the heart of St. Denis... where you barely understand the language. The technology is different. The food is different. The customs are different. Like... it's a leap! And understanding your character's experience of that moment is really what ties you into their motives. To know who they are, you need to know where they came from. Their culture, their beliefs, how they see the world, their moral compass.
This guy was... stereotypical generic Native warrior #7, and he was designed to be a throwaway character. I would really call that... as close to a caricature as you can get without intentionally being one. Which is good. It's good that it's not a caricature, that it's not intentionally poking fun or mocking or expressing disgust. But honestly... it's lazy.
Especially when you have S-Tier roleplayers handing you source material in-game on a silver fucking platter. The chief that he magically stumbled upon in stream sent him on a short journey to find himself. Which I thought was fucking perfect, because he was a cardboard cutout of an "Indian" in a "cowboys and indians" movie. He needed a story, he needed motives, he needed history, identity and direction. Even if he only had 4 hours to live, or else he was literally only a savage Native, which... is really not a fair representation of anyone. Like... animals have more personality than that. It's lazy at a culture's expense, honestly. And the chief noticed this (I would wager) and, instead of flipping out or RP-checking him or bullying him or calling an admin... gave him an opportunity to build his character. The character was called "Moon Dance", he mentioned hawks and eagles, so the chief - I admire the fuck out of this RPer and I wish they were streaming, I was actively looking for them because of how stellar their performance was - the chief sent him on a night-time quest to the top of the sacred mountain, where eagles nest, at night, under moonlight. It was perfect. And this "warrior" heads off down the trail on his quest, and sees a pack of wolves between him and the moon on the trail he was supposed to go up. And the streamer was... he was fucking scared. He was scared of getting his perma character killed by wolves within minutes of meeting these people. Because wolves are strong on this server. And he only had a bow and arrow, which he had zero experience using. So he was like... actually put to the test! Immediately! Under the moonlight! It was flat-out cinematic, it was like... spiritual! Surreal! I was cooking dinner while that was happening and I was just like... "no fucking way". And the streamer? He says he's going to wait until the wolves leave at dawn, and went to take a piss and make a coffee. He went fucking AFK! XD Someone even went to check on him, and he was still AFK, it was awkward as fuck.
So he went to the top, and an eagle flew away, and he was going to shoot it but.. didn't. And I was like screaming (okay, internally, obviously not literally because I live in an apartment now) "DUDE, you are being fed your spiritual realization on golden fucking platter right now! YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR ANYMORE!" I even tried typing it into chat. I... shouldn't, honestly. I bitch about backseating a lot, but like... it really would've saved the character. INSTEAD, I shit you not, he Googles "native american wisdom" and acts like he had some epiphany out of nowhere and suddenly just opened his eyes and saw the world in a new way, that we are all one and connected and we are all connected by blood or something. Like... it had zero connection to his character's actual experience, it had nothing at all to do with personal growth, it didn't even really have personal growth in mind, it was like... existential musing. It was done to try to like... "get it right", or "prove something". Like it was an algebra test or something, idk. It was so frustrating, that character turn could've been so impactful, so powerful. Especially for someone who tends to always play villains. To, instead, play a warrior who... after seeing all of his family and friends slaughtered, and failing to defend them. Failing his purpose. And left to wander the country, the last of his kind. Second guesses his place as an actual warrior. Because like... what is a warrior if they don't have a faction? Who is he even fighting for? What is he fighting for? Who is he fighting? Right? And this is a man who genuinely fears wolves, too. AND, because he's a perma character, he fears death way the fuck more than any other character in The Crossing. It's such a compelling framework for a really tense and transformative character. Good lord, I was like, foaming at the mouth seeing the potential in this character.
And instead... He goes on a canoe trip. He buys a new black and red outfit with a skull mask. He goes and slaughters a buffalo for money, and then hacks it to death when it goes down.
And I... died a little inside. And... another player even saw him do it. And confronted him on it. "Hey, isn't that animal sacred to your people?" And I was just like...
I don't like saying this. I really admire this streamer's abilities. I really like his work, I think he's talented and deserves the credit and popularity he gets. But in that moment, I was a little ashamed to be subscribed to him.
And... I see what he was going for. He likes to do crazy characters. He likes the deep south inbred murderer trope. He made a violent mutated circus freak character. He likes villains; insidious, arch, explosive, violent, vengeful, dark. But... Not to a buffalo. Not right after the Chief told you the origin story, how those were essentially people, and they were cursed to walk the land like that because they gave in the the same impulses you are giving into right now. It was just like... blatantly apparent that he wasn't listening to some of the best RP I've seen on his stream. It was such a shame.
So... I really don't know how you would make a Native villain in RP. I think it's very possible. I just... I think you really really need to build a backstory and context around them to make it very clear that you are not just a "savage primitive man". And the whole broken english thing really didn't help, honestly. And riding with no saddle. And simple clothing. Like... the Europeans had been settled on the continent since like... when was Plymouth and all that? Like the 1600's? And this takes place in 1901? And they wanna act like the Natives don't know how to speak English? Or don't have guns? I mean, many tribes were allied with the French in the French Indian War like... 150 years before that!
Watching someone who has over 9 years of experience in RP be in that position made me suddenly very confident in my abilities. It really was inspiring, in an odd way.
So... seeing that really helped reaffirm that... if you have a chance to learn about something? Like Moon Dance being given a spirit quest and an origin story on a silver fucking platter, or me having some extra time and an interest in actually learning how to create, read and analyze a horoscope (rather than just... estimate and make something that looks like a horoscope)... Just fucking go for it. Learn. Dive in. Take a few days. And that was me. I was reading about astrology until 6:30 AM on my phone in bed. I had to stop myself to go to bed. So... as much as I'm deeply compelled to just go and put something on the hoodie... this research will be helpful for more than just one art piece. It's helping me expand my world view and grow as a person. If I wanted to, I could even go and put up a flier at one of the entrances to my building and offer to read peoples' horoscope and tarot, if they wanted! I think that could be really cool. I just need to build up the confidence, and maybe make my home a bit more... theatrical. Which could be fun anyway... Could be cool.
I'm very disoriented right now. I'm hearing what I think sounds like... a vacuum cleaner? Coming from upstairs? And... it's 4AM. So... that's... not normal... So I'm gonna take a pee break and do some recon to confirm this.
Whatever, it's none of my business. It's so weird to hear human activity this late! I'm so used to the silence. Makes me wonder if they're okay. I know some people stress-clean. And doing that at 4AM in an apartment building is just... idk, either their just oblivious or they're really not doing well.
So yeah, unfortunately that was pretty much the bulk of the day. Cramming an insane amount of astrology information into my head, which I really didn't absorb a ton of... watching the stream... which inspired and then devastated me... then back to astrology.
I just rabbit holed again while the neighbor was vacuuming. Just... it was hard to hear my thoughts. I did more astrology reading. Welp, the whole thing just gets more and more complicated.
So... this one that I'm reading is saying stuff about how the zodiac is a season-based system of measurement that splits the sky along the equinoxes and solstices. (I'm following...) And then subdivides those by 3. (Kinda arbitrary but go on...) Full 360 degree circle with 30 degree sections. (Sounds math-y, but this is all math so, I'm onboard.) Then they start talking about how the zodiac isn't a constellation map, it's a separate thing, just regions of space used to symbolize those constellations. That it's much more connected to the movements of the sun and planets in regions of the sky, and those regions were just associated with constellation concepts, not direct representations. And I'm with all of it. And then they claimed that the constellations were actually named after the zodiac, that the zodiac came first. And I started to get a bit like... well... big claims require big evidence, right? And I just have this person's word here. So... I searched a bit and found an actual research paper from around 2009 on trying to find the origin of the 12 zodiac constellation system. I, admittedly, did not read too in-depth because... it's 4:30 AM... but from what I skimmed... it seems like constellations weren't really referred to openly, that we've discovered, in association with cycles before around the 10th century B.C. Now... this was 2009, so... we may have learned quite a bit since then. But at the time, that was the oldest documented association in writing to the moon cycle, and they mentioned 18 constellations, referred to as "gods". But constellations were often referred to in other documents prior to that, apparently. And from this research, it seems like the Mesopotamian solar calendar (30 day months, 12 months) was sorta superimposed on it, and a few constellations were doubled up to make it fit. They discarded Orion and "The Field" (Pegasus square and part of Pisces).
God, I'm getting so lost in this and I'm super tired. Basically, that kinda just smells like confident bullshit. The part about the constellations being named after the Zodiac. That just doesn't seem true. The constellations were known for ages and ages before, like there is documented evidence of that for over 1000 years before the mention of zodiacal arrangement, and some of what we consider bigger constellations like Pisces and Taurus were actually broken up into smaller ones, like "The Swallow" and "Anunitu". So... again... with history that old... it's really hard to know for sure what is the true story there. Not that any story is like... better or worse... culture melding and borrowed practice is like... the cornerstone of occult expression. It's kinda what defines it, in a unique way. Esoteric practices tend to borrow from many cultures, which creates very creative and unique hybrid practices which absolutely fascinate me. I just don't like it when claims are made like "well, actually... duh..." and then... there's zero evidence to prove the bold claim. Just word of mouth or something. I'm sorry, but if there's a cuneiform document from 700 BC that says they are using an 18 constellation zodiac... I mean... it's right there. Are we going to assume that they... split the 12 constellations and renamed them, then put them back together? Or does it make more sense for that to have been a precursor prior to trying to sync those discoveries to the seasonal calendar?
History is so fascinating. Infinitely frustrating, I'm sure, but so damn fascinating. We think we know so much but we know so goddamn little.
Anyway, I don't need astronomical precision. I like seasonal associations, I like element associations and deity associations, I'm not married to literal planets in literal constellations in the visible sky. Houses and evenly spaced zodiacal regions are totally fine with me. And they make sense in their own way. It makes way more sense from a timekeeping or rhythmic standpoint.
Wow, I was all over the place tonight. I gotta go to bed. The moon is up and high in the sky now. Goodnight!
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sigilmain · 2 years
Okay gonna rant coz I already did all this math for something else and I'm mad anyway.
Minimum wage in my state is $10.10
Many places used to do the thing of saying part time and then having it be like .1 hours under what is considered full time but they can't do that any more due to new laws saying if your average weekly hours are above a set amount for a 4 week period they have to give you benefits so rather than do the math they just hire at 15-20 hours a week
Which means to get full time 40 hours a week you need to work two or three jobs and hope the schedules don't overlap and if the schedules do overlap hope the places don't go "show up or get fired"
Now for math! If you are lucky enough to get 40 hours a week at minimum wage you're making $404 a week, or let's say $808 every two weeks as is the usual pay period
Keeping in mind that's before taxes come out; after taxes according to a calculator found on my state's official .gov website that's $632 every two weeks, or about $1,264 a month
The average one bedroom/one bathroom apartment in my area runs $1,000 a month on average and that's without utilities
On top of that, unless you have someone to cosign for you since they still have this outdated image that your rent should be no more than 1/3 of your income if you're not making at least $3,000 a month they will usually deny you
So to afford a one bedroom/one bathroom apartment you either need to share with 2 other people or work 120 hours a week at 9 different jobs without scheduling errors; keeping in mind there's only 168 hours in a week, so that work load leaves you 48 hours per 7 days [about 6.8 hours a day] to sleep, eat, shower, transport yourself to work, clean, do laundry, go grocery shopping, etc.
And let's say you do manage to find 2 people that you're willing to share a single bedroom and bathroom with [assuming you're just working 40 hours a week] so the rent goes down to $334 per month [rounding]
Of the $1,264 you've made that just leaves $930 per month to pay for a car/gas or transport like Uber since my area has 0 public transport, utilities [since those aren't covered in the rent], internet and phone bills, an groceries.
My last roommate's car bill was $300 a month, gas to get to and from his job that was just a 15 minute drive was nearly $100 a month. And can't forget car insurance, which you need to be able to legally drive! The cheapest car insurance in my state is about $80 a month, so there goes $480 leaving $450 behind if you're lucky to have a job that's so close by and not a 30-45 minute commute like my mom had when I was growing up
Utilities averaged around $100 a month and the internet $80 for stuff that didn't shut down the second we were both trying to watch videos on our computers, so let's say that's $180 divided by 3 people coming out to $60 a month which leaves $390
The current cheapest price I can find for cell phones is $30 a month through Cricket. Yes other places offer cheaper, including Mint Mobile at $15 a month, but those places only come at that price if you pay multiple months [usually 3-12 months] in one big lump sum. So let's take the $30 a month, leaving now $360 a month left over
I shop for myself, and my grocery bill averages $70 a week right now because of inflation. That's with me buying store brands, buying stuff to cook myself if the component ingredients are cheaper, doing meal prep, buying stuff that's on sale, having access to my house mate's store card that gives discounts on store brands because he works there, coupons, and every other money saving method that's reasonable for me. So $280 a month for groceries, and let's bump that up to $300 to account for times you gotta buy things like laundry detergent, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, and things like that. We're down to $60 a month
$60 a month that you get to set aside to have savings. No going out to dinner, no subs to streaming services or your favorite video game or whatever, no accounting for pets or renters insurance or random expenses or your roommates eating your food or health insurance [since your jobs will likely fight you on providing it] or doctor visits or needing maintenance on your car or anything else
Working 40 hours a week with at least two jobs, often three, will leave you $60 a month to spend on non-bills if you share a one bedroom/one bathroom apartment with 2 people and the rent and utilities are paid equally between everyone and you have no surprise expenses
And people wonder why my generation and those younger have just given up on everything. This is the kind of shit that's happening to us and we get blamed for being lazy or not wanting to work but the reality is we know it doesn't matter; even if we do work we won't make enough and when we say we're struggling we'll still be called lazy when it's not our fault our government benefits too much from corporate greed to do anything meaningful about it. And why I'm just....tired. So, so tired.
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