#There weren't any sits left - front center
stripeyghostman · 2 years
Omg I didn't think it'll actually happen but I'm going to see beetlejuice on Broadway!!!! I thought I was never going to see it before it closes, and I'm not American so I can't see the tour either. But I'm flying to nyc with my Dad and we just bought tickets!!! I'm so excited!!!
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woso-soso · 3 months
Missing Puzzle Piece Pt.1
Mapi Leon x Reader x Ingrid Engen
Summary: Mapi and you have been together for years, what will happen when a new person makes an appearance in your lives.
Word Count: 3,639
Part 2
Any time words are Italicized it indicates another language being spoken, in the case of this story it will indicate Spanish is spoken.
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You’d known María for years, having met when you were barely big enough to ride the fair rides that came into town every year. Meeting at a volleyball camp held at your town's community center, and while María thrived at it you found yourself cowering in the back. Shrinking further into yourself as you struggled to integrate into the game, finding yourself more so on the end of flying balls. Balls you weren't prepared to hit back, leading to more than one frustrated groan from the team you had been forced onto. By the time lunch had come around you were left to sit alone at one of the tables set up, that was until a wild haired girl came bounding over. A smile wide across her face as she sets her lunch down at the seat across from you. You hadn’t caught her name at introductions, having been more focused on not puking on your shoes than learning anyone's names.
“I’m María,” she said, her mouth full of food. “But everyone except my mama calls me Mapi.” 
You stare at the strange girl in front of you, her arms covered in doodles. Many of them being extremely detailed, maybe the two of you would have something to talk about after all. “I’m Y/N,” you whisper hoping the much louder girl will be able to hear you. 
“So why are you here Y/N, I mean not to be rude but like you seem to hate it,” Mapi remarks not looking up from the food in front of her as she continues to shovel it into her mouth at a speed that was honestly impressive. 
“My papa, he got the dates mixed up when registering. I was supposed to be at the art camp next week but now I’m stuck here instead.” You answer somberly. Your papa was doing his best, becoming a single parent suddenly hadn’t been the plan and the two of you took it in stride together. Even when he did mess up, at least he was trying. 
“So you like art,” Mapi’s interest piques as she finally slows down to look up at you. You nod softly as you pick at the simple sandwich in front of you. Something you had thrown together that morning because your papa had forgotten to pack lunch the night before. “What do you like to do?”
“Well, I like drawing. My papa just got me a ton of new pencils to try. But I also really like taking pictures. I have this film camera at home, papa says when it's full we can send it off to get them developed. Apparently it's a long process.” The camera had been something your therapist had suggested, she thought it would benefit your dad to see what piques your interest. Helping get inside your mind since getting you to talk was a challenge. “Do you like drawing,” you inquire hesitantly, looking again at the intricate doodles that covered Mapi’s arms. 
“I love drawing, my mama says I get ink everywhere but I like drawing on my arms. At least then I get to see them all the time.” Mapi’s answer intrigues you. You could see the cap of a ballpoint pen stick out the top of her shirt having been clipped inside to attempt to conceal it. 
“I like that,” you state, a soft smile crossing your face as you look Mapi in the eyes. Her own large smile somehow getting larger. 
“Come here,” Mapi says suddenly, “would you like some drawings of your own.” You nod cautiously, moving around the table to sit next to the taller girl. Wiping her hands on her shorts before grabbing the ballpoint pen. “Here, stretch out your arm,” her hand gently takes your forearm, extending it across the table so it lays flat palm up. The pen tickles, but quickly you grow used to it. Mapi works slowly, making small marks across your arm as you relax into the feeling. 
The rest of the day is less anxiety-inducing as you switch over to the same team as Mapi, her presence not only calming but protective as you were able to hide behind her. Avoiding any more unwanted contact with volleyballs. When your papa comes to get you you can see him eyeing the ink marks across your skin, a relieved smile crossing his face as he watches you wave to Mapi her matching ink marks clear on her skin. 
“So did you make a friend today?” He questions cautiously. 
“I think I did papa,” a bright smile appearing on your face for the first time in a long time. 
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“You got in!,” Mapi shouts gleefully, her arms wrapping around your body. The letter grasped tightly in your hand as happy tears trail down your cheeks. 
After meeting Mapi the two of you quickly became tightly bonded. Spending many evenings camped out in each other's bedrooms exploring different art mediums, a football game usually playing in the background as you talked softly. Mapi had always encouraged your photography, she insisted that while you were one for few words your photos always told a story. It was because of her that you got up the courage to apply to art school, the same art school Mapi had gotten into and while she chose to focus on football and not attend you knew it was still the best place for you. 
“I did it, I can’t believe I did it,” you mumble into her shoulder. Your tears leaving a damp spot on her shoulder. 
“I knew you could do it, your mama would be so proud,” Mapi whispers softly, her hand stroking your hair. A new wave of tears starting at the thought of your mama. She had been gone for so long yet it felt like just yesterday she had been showing you her own camera, a camera locked up safely in the attic. 
You pull away from Mapi’s warm embrace slowly, your arms staying connected around her neck. Your stomach twisting as you stare into her eyes, you knew you had feelings for her. It would almost be weirder if you didn’t, the two of you had been inseparable since you were small. You had been there for her through hundreds of football games where she dominated over the boys and she had been there for you while you displayed your photographs at various school events. She knew you front and back, like a book she had read a million times and you knew her the same. Before you can even think about what you're doing you lean in, Mapi making no move to pull away as your lips connect. 
Mapis lips are slightly chapped, yet taste like strawberry as if she had just applied chapstick. Her arms tighten around you, pulling you in closer as the kiss becomes more frantic. The pent up attraction between the two of you coming out full force. The sound of your front door closing being the only thing to snap the two of you apart. Your face most certainly flushed bright red as you stare at the carpeted floor under your feet. 
“I’m sorry,” you breathe, quickly wiping your face clean of any chapstick. The strawberry scent lingering. 
“Why?” Mapi asks quietly, leaning back on your bed. Watching you as your brain races a mile a minute. 
“I shouldn’t have just jumped you like that, I just… I assumed things and I’m sure they aren’t correct,” your voice cracks as you try to keep from crying. Embarrassment is clear on your face with your blazing red cheeks. 
“How do you know,” Mapi asks. 
“How do I know? Because come on Mapi look at you and look at me, it's silly to think we could be anything more than friends.” You mumble.
“Well firstly, best friends. Secondly, what do you mean look at you? You are the most amazing person I know, I’m honored you like me that way. I’ve liked you for a long time now, I just never had the courage to say anything.” The two of you sit in silence for a moment, Mapi’s words hanging in the air. 
“Really?” You whisper, turning to look at her. 
“Really,” Mapi says, her hand taking yours. 
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The two of you are practically inseparable after that, wherever Mapi goes you are sure to follow. For years you worked at small photography studios, focusing on simple family portraits, weddings, and other parties. But by chance there was a day you got asked at the last minute to photograph Atlético Madrid's game against Real Sociedad. Atlético’s regular photographer had fallen ill and of course Mapi took this as a chance to throw your name out there. Sure some of her teammates were aware of your relationship but that didn’t seem to be a hindrance as you trekked out to the sidelines of the pitch, camera and monopod in hand. The game goes well, except for the occasional stray ball you stay safely tucked away capturing the high emotions of the game. 
“Did you get my good side,” Mapi jokes as she approaches, her cheeks flushed from having just finished a full ninety minute game. 
“Now when did you develop a bad side?” Your eyebrows raise in question as you continue to pack up your gear, preparing for a long night at home editing.
“Just checking, just checking” Mapi smirks, hands raised in surrender as she turns to take off back towards her teammates. 
While that night is long. You curled up on the couch as Mapi’s head rests in your lap, her soft snores reminding you how late it was, your hand gently combing through her hair as you edit the lot of photos you had taken. Only finishing as the sun begins to rise, a nagging headache forming behind your eyes as you close your laptop. 
“Come on love, let's go sleep properly,” you grunt as you nudge Mapi off your lap. 
“What time is it?” Mapi groans as you drag her to her feet. Her eyes barely opening enough to see her surroundings. 
“It's either very late or very early, let's not think about it.” You say as you push her into bed, joining her on the other side. Burying yourself under the covers, hoping for at least some restful sleep. 
What you hadn’t expected to come from the game was a permanent job offer from Atlético. They insisted they needed a photography assistant and that if you wanted it you were more than welcome to have it. It wasn’t something you even need to consider, quickly accepting the offer on the table. In the three years you were with Atlético you learned as much as you could, following the lead photographer like a shadow. Getting to know the coaches and players, learning where to draw boundaries with Mapi, you may be together but you weren’t about to risk either of your jobs because of it. 
That's what made it so hard to leave, when Barcalona came knocking at Mapi’s door it would have been stupid to say no. But the dread of having to start over in a new city made you nervous. You were already away from home most of the time, only seeing your papa a few times a year. You had finally established a career in Madrid, but at the same time you knew you couldn’t be away from Mapi. The two of you moved in tandem for a reason, you were two pieces to the same puzzle. You would rather put your career on hold to be there for her then be in Madrid, alone. 
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Things fall into place easily in Barcelona, a job as an editing assistant for the men's team opens up only a few weeks after you move in with Mapi. Sure it wasn’t where your passion lied but it was something. 
“How are you settling in my love,” Mapi asks one morning as the two of you laid together in bed, the sun leaking in through the slightly open curtains. Her hand tracing shapes along your spine. 
“It’s okay, I wish I was with the women's team but it's okay, it's a start.” You knew deep down your only actual chance to work with the women's team would be if someone leaves, and who would leave working for the most successful team in the league. 
“It will happen one day, they will see just how talented you are and they won't be able to deny you the  job you want.” You appreciated Mapi’s optimism, she had always been your biggest cheerleader. Reassuring you throughout the years as the two of you grew and changed with one another. 
“Thank you my love, we can hope, but let's not get them too high.” You whisper softly, tracing the tattoos that cover Mapis arms only stopping once your alarm interrupts your morning peace. 
The two of you go your separate ways when you hit the gate at work, her slipping off to practice as you make your way down the never ending hallways. Passing offices of people important enough to have actual doors, eventually settling into your small cubical towards the back of the room. A place you can tuck yourself into and hide from the rest of the office. 
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This continues for years, Mapi and you continent in your relationship never really sharing it with others outside of your family and friends. Your social media staying very much private, especially as you start to get more attention from fans of the team for the photographs you take, having been promoted to the men's team head photographer. You were happy, sure you had hopes and dreams you were still working towards but you found yourself fond of the simple everyday routine that you and Mapi had formed. 
That was until you literally ran into a goddess. 
The tall dark haired beauty had exited the main conference room right as you were passing, not a chance for either of you to stop as you collided. The box of hard drives crashing to the ground as she grabs your arm to stabilize you. 
“I’m so sorry,” the brunette says quickly, a thick accent making it challenging for you to understand. Your limited understanding of English not aiding in the matter. 
“It.. is.. okay,” you stammer out, hoping you said something okay. The soft smile on the woman's face giving you some reassurance that you had. 
“I’m Ingrid, I just signed on with the women's team.” The woman you now know as Ingirid declares, her hand extended towards you. Your mind going blank as you gently take her hand. 
“I am Y/N,” you say with less confidence than her. 
“Well, it's very nice to meet you Y/N.” Ingrid declares, dropping your hand to bend down and retrieve the box you had dropped. Thankfully none of the hard drives had fallen out. 
And with that she was gone, your mind racing at warped speed. The tingle on your skin from where she had been holding your arm reminding you of the feelings that had coursed through you. A sudden wave of nausea washing over you as Mapi popped into your mind, your fun, sweet, goofy Mapi. How you could even think of another woman, one you don’t even know, one who will have to work with your LONGTIME partner. This sudden feeling of guilt settling into your stomach. 
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You avoid the topic with Mapi for the next few days, a weird silence falling over your shared apartment any time work is brought into the conversation. You know she can tell something is wrong, you can feel her watching you as you try to keep yourself distracted in the apartment. Being barely able to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time this sudden influx of anxiety being clear as day to anyone who knows you. 
It isn’t until one late night when you get home from traveling with the mens team that you and Mapi finally talk. She had stayed up late, catching you as you snuck in the front door.
“Please, my love, come talk to me. Somethings wrong, I can tell.” Mapi’s words make your heart ache, looking into her eyes you see someone who so desperately wants you to open up. Something that you had never seen before, up until now you and Mapi had never had issues communicating. Communication was actually one of the things the two of you pride yourselves on, something many of your friends were actually stunned by when they first learned how open the two of you are. 
You take your time to drop your bags, sliding your shoes off as you close the door behind you. The pit of anxiety growing more into a black hole. Sitting down next to Mapi on the sofa, not daring to look at her. The two of you sitting in silence for what felt like hours, Mapi’s hand gently grasping yours. 
“What is going on in your mind my love,” Mapi whispers softly as she tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I… I um, I met one of your new teammates last week.” You swallow, tears pricking at your eyes as guilt eats away at you. “She bumped into me in the main offices,” you whisper looking over at Mapi as she watches you intensely. 
“Did she do something to you?” Mapi asks, a hint of urgency in her tone. 
“Nothing bad I promise, she probably doesn’t even remember meeting me. But… when she held my arm to keep me from falling I got this feeling.” You turn away from Mapi again, not wanting to see the look on her face. “And I hate this feeling, it's a feeling I’m only supposed to have with you, yet my skin burned where she held it. I feel like I’m betraying you even though I haven’t done anything.” 
You don’t dare look at Mapi, her hand hasn't left yours and she never shifts further away from you. But this feeling of guilt settles in your stomach, the fear that she will be angry at you for your unwanted thoughts lingers in the back of your mind. 
“Who was it?” Mapi asks after a few long moments. 
“What?” The shock is evident in your voice as you snap your head to look at her. Having expected anger, not curiosity. 
“What is her name? Who is it?” She asks again, meeting your eyes, a soft squeeze of your hand reassuring you. 
“She said her name is Ingrid. I think she just signed on with the team.” Sharing the only information you had. 
Mapi takes a moment to process what you had said, gently wiping the tears from your cheeks as she takes you in. “It’s okay,” she reassures after a moment. “I am guilty of the same,” Mapis' words shocking you. 
“What?” You hiccup. 
“I have had the same feelings you have had for her, I’ve been struggling with them to my love. She is… enticing to put it simply. I don’t blame you for feeling this way about her.” Mapi’s words both alarm you and reassure you. You had felt some security in knowing that while you held these feelings there was no way you were going to interact with Ingrid again. But knowing that Mapi also held those feelings, for someone she is seeing everyday, traveling with, showering with. A sudden wave of fresh tears form in your eyes. 
“You… you like her too. Were you ever going to tell me?” You ask suddenly, pulling your hand away from hers.  
“Of course I was, it's not like I would ever dream of acting on those feelings. I was worried about you. You’ve been acting off.” Mapi defends. 
“I’ve been acting off because I find this person attractive, the same person you apparently find attractive. A person you will be spending time with, alone.” A tone that isn’t anger but more so anxiety present in your voice. 
“I’m not going to ever act on it, I love you, that isn’t changing.” Mapi insist. 
“But what if you eventually find you are loving her? She seems charming, pretty. What do I have to compete.” 
“You aren’t competing my love, there is no competition.” Mapi’s words hang in the air as you process all that has been shared. 
But what if you want to share? The thought of Ingrid making your heart flutter, not in the way Mapi makes it flutter but in a way that feels like she completed the puzzle the two of you were pieces in. Your love for Mapi hadn’t changed, it had only grown over the years, but the thought of Ingrid felt like your heart was whole. 
“What would you think if I thought dating Ingrid would be appealing, if I thought she would fit in well with us?” You ask hesitantly. 
“Are you asking if I would want to open our relationship?” Mapi asks. 
“Not open, it wouldn’t just be anyone. Just Ingrid.” You respond, watching Mapi out of the corner of your eye. 
“I… I wouldn’t be opposed, not if she would be okay with it. She would have to want both of us, I’m not losing you because of someone else.” Mapi whispers. 
“I don’t think you would have to ever worry about losing me.” You say softly as you place a gentle kiss on Mapi's cheek. “Let's think of it this way, if Ingrid shows any interest we consider it. But we will not tarnish us by seeking it out, okay?” 
“I’m okay with that,” Mapi agrees, her arms wrapping around you tightly as the two of you sink back into the couch. A million thoughts racing through your mind as everything that has happened catches up to you.
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kaciidubs · 9 months
hey kacii boo 💞 i have a request if that’s okay?
hear me out ☝️
a/b/o OT8 skz x omega reader and reader finds out she is pregnant? the boys start noticing her acting different and she accidentally leaves a pregnancy test on the counter, causing the boys to see. When she gets home, the boys sit her down and talk to her about it ending in group cuddles from the boys 🫶🏻
I'm in love with this, truly! ❣ Word Count: 1.9k [I did not mean to type that much] ❣ Warnings: A/B/O Poly! SKZ x Omega! Reader, pregnancy, angst if you squint, mention of birth control, fluff, comfort ❣ Additional Tags: Mentions of Chris being an alpha, Felix, Jisung and Hyunjin being omegas as the only specific pack roles, no clear mated pairings within the pack but it's sort of Chris x Reader centered toward the end
It would begin with the most intuitive of the pack members noticing your extremely slight deviation from your usual routines - Felix.
He was a fellow omega, like Jisung and Hyunjin, but he was the most aware of everyone's trends and habits; which meant it was immediately apparent to him that something was wrong when you start doing small things like wearing pajama pants around the house as opposed to your favorite, work out pajama shorts.
Eventually, the small things he noticed began to grow into big things that the rest of his pack mates would catch onto, such as the way you turned away your favorite snacks when Changbin offered them, or the way you couldn't seem to stand the smell of Seungmin's shampoo though you spent countless nights washing his hair with the same product before. There was even one night where you snapped at Jeongin when he tried cuddling up to you when you least expected it, then immediately started crying because you felt bad.
Since that night you'd resorted to staying in the "guest room", which was simply a spare room for anyone who needed their own space for some time - which was highly disliked by each of your pack mates, but they wouldn't take away your decision.
One day, when you were out running a few errands, Minho was the brave soul who would venture into your temporary room to do a bathroom sweep to clean and take out any trash. What he didn't expect, however, was the waft of an overly sweet scent overwhelming his senses the second he opened the door - nor was he expecting to stumble across a plastic pregnancy test on the counter.
When you walked through the front door, reusable bags in hand, you were met with eight pairs of eyes staring at you, freezing you in place as you stared back with worried confusion.
"Um... Hi?"
The mix of scents usually eased you, but with the thick layer of anticipation and worry threaded throughout, you weren't sure what to expect.
"Kitten, can you come sit with us for a minute?" Minho offered softly as Changbin was the first to stand, walking over to take the bags from your hands and bring them to the kitchen for the time being.
Left with no other choice, you walked into the living room and sat in the empty space between Felix and Hyunjin; Jisung sliding onto the floor to rest against your leg while Jeongin and Seungmin settled against the opposite, before Changbin filled the space behind Hyunjin while Minho remained next to Felix.
Easing into the comfortable, impromptu cuddle puddle, you figured the impending discussion was going to be simple until Chris stood before the group - directly in front of you.
"Love... You know you can tell us anything, right?"
You bristled at his cautious tone, though the feeling of Hyunjin's hand grazing against your own eased your guard. "I know I can - what's this about?"
"You've been acting different lately, and at first we just thought it was because of a period, or a new symptom of your heat coming up, but then you started avoiding food and smells, and isolating yourself from us." Chris tried his best to keep his tone level, to keep the authority that swelled within him at a tolerable value, but his unwavering gaze showed all of his emotions. "Then Minho found this-" reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out the same device that had thrown you into a panicked fit, so much so that you had to leave the house for a sudden errand run, "-and it all started to make sense. Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant, love?"
A pang of shame shot through your heart like an arrow, and judging by the disheartened whines from the boys immediately around you, they already felt the shift within you.
"We aren't upset, Jagi," Jisung pouted up at you as he nudged your thigh with his nose, round eyes filled with love.
Hyunjin nodded against your shoulder, bringing your hand up to press a soft kiss to the back, "We're just worried about you, muse."
A shivering breath rattled through you as you blinked back hot tears, looking up at the eldest, the head alpha among your unlikely pack.
"C-Chris, I- I don't-" You sniffled, cursing the tremble in your voice, "I wasn't trying to keep it a secret, I swear - I knew something was different but I didn't want to assume anything until I took the test last night and-" Biting back a sob, you felt a soft touch against your cheek - Minho's hand wiping away a stray tear. "I just... I didn't know how to say it so I went out to clear my head and figure out the words to say to you - to everyone because I- I'm not sure who got me pregnant! I didn't even skip my birth control, for fucks sake!"
This wasn't planned - despite a few discussions here and there about the potential idea of introducing pups in the future, none of you had done the true mating bond to solidify who would be the one to directly grow the pack with you, and the stress of it all had pushed you to isolation without you even realizing until you'd moved yourself to the guest room.
"Bunny, please take a breath for us." Changbin pleaded, leaning over so you could have a clear view of his comforting gaze, "You know none of us would be any type of hurt over who's pup you're carrying, not when it's the miracle of you being the one bearing them. It doesn't matter who did it, we'll figure that out when the time comes, all that matters is you being healthy and cared for - no more isolating."
"Bin's right," Chris piped up once more, drawing all attention to him with ease, "all we want to do is make sure you're okay - no matter how sudden this is, I don't think any of us weren't aware of something like this potentially happening. None of this is anyone's fault, none of ours and none of yours, you hear me?"
Nodding softly, you smiled at the subtle sensation of Seungmin squeezing your calf in a hug of sorts while Jeongin nuzzled against your thigh.
Minho cleared his throat softly, leaning forward to take your free hand within his, "I... I didn't mean to intrude on your privacy, Kitten - I would never look through your things without you knowing, and I'm sorry for not going to you first."
You squeezed his hand, looking at him with warm, glimmering eyes, "It's okay, Min, I know you meant well - I'm not mad at you at all. Honestly, it would've only been a matter of time until someone clocked it was pregnancy, anyways."
"You do have a new smell, Pup." Seungmin muttered from the floor, Jeongin nodding alongside him.
"Felix thought you were falling out of the pack - Chan had to talk him off the ledge," Jisung laughed, earning a few chuckles from Changbin and Hyunjin at the recollection of the memory.
The blond whined, lips pursed into a pout, "I was worried we did something wrong! I'm sorry I'm the only one who thinks of these things!"
Cooing, you nudged the side of your head against his, "It's okay, Lixie, there's no way I'd ever think of leaving any of you, you guys are my home."
He hummed softly, and you could feel the cuddle puddle slowly begin to set in but there was one final thing missing before you could truly feel at ease with the situation.
Untangling yourself from the tangle of bodies and arms, you made your way toward the eldest who was watching the scene with warm eyes and a soft smile - something he'd taken a liking to doing when he thought he wasn't being watched.
Without a moment to spare, you wrapped your arms around his middle, melting into the familiar mahogany and coconut scent as his arms wrapped around you in kind, securing you in a natural protective hold.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, Channie." You murmured into his chest before leaning back to look at him, "And I'm sorry for not saying anything when I first felt off, I genuinely didn't think it could've been this."
"You don't have to apologize, baby, you were only doing what you felt was right at the time." Pausing for a moment, he studied your face slowly, "I know this whole conversation was a lot to throw at you so soon, but I just want to make sure... Are you okay with this? Do you want to have a baby right now?"
You nodded before he could even fully finish his second question, "I'm sure - I know I was scared on how to say it, but I never felt scared about not being able to take care of this baby, not when I have the world's most amazing pack to raise it in."
It was the truth, there wasn't a single doubt within you that made you believe that having a pup would be difficult in the pack - it was a possibility, a thought that had been floated around enough to start considering the full mating process, and now was the time to turn that thought into a processing reality.
A deep rumble vibrated through Chris's chest and he ducked his head in an attempt to hide away from the blush that had already consumed his ears, the sound making you melt against his body and draw the attention of the seven boys watching from their seats.
"Someone's happy to be a dad," Hyunjin teased with a grin, earning a scoff from Minho.
"Who says it's him?"
"I'm just saying it cause of his reaction! Technically we're all dads until she gets a scent tie, so why can't I place my bet now?"
Jisung groaned, "Placing bets on a baby is so inhumane... I bet it's Changbin's."
"What?! Why is my name in this now? What if it's Jeongin's?"
The youngest made a sound that could only be best described as confused shock as his head shot up to look at the man, "Listen, I'd be honored, but I can say for a fact it wasn't me! I'm too young to be a father!"
"That's not what you were saying when-"
Chris cleared his throat with a pointed look, "Okay, how about we not have this debate and go cuddle and think about dinner, yeah?"
With that, the mini crowd dispersed in a jumble of comments, heading down the hall toward his room since - in an ironic retrospect - that's where the biggest bed was put.
As the living room grew quieter, he looked at you with warm eyes, "I have a feeling it's mine."
You laughed in shock, hitting his chest lightly, "What happened to 'let's not have this debate', Mr. Bang?"
"It's not a debate! It's just a... speculation, a theory, if you will." He murmured softly, leaning down to press his lips to yours in a quick kiss. "Now come on, the last time that combination went into my room, they turned my bed into a wrestling ring and I just found a replacement for my lamp online."
Letting him lead you down the hall, a soft smile settled onto your lips as your free hand came to subconsciously rest over your stomach - the pride of the new life growing within you and the one changing before your eyes filling you with a new sense of optimism and anticipation.
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Live on Air - Lando Norris
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<word count - 2063>
As you drove home, under the street lights illuminating the road beneath you, you spotted a notification on your phone that was on the seat next to you. From what you could see, it was Lando messaging about something, but you couldn't read the fine print of the text.
Thankfully, your phone was connected to your car and it wasn't long before the message popped up on the center console of the vehicle. 'Hey baby, I'll be on stream when you get home, so feel free to come and say hi!' the text read, but you weren't really feeling like being on stream today. 
You were home within a few minutes, so you parked the car and walked up to the front door. You found it was still locked as Lando wouldn't be able to hear if anyone came in or not. Unlocking it, you slipped your shoes off and put them orderly in the rack. 
Walking up the stairs, you heard Lando talking to someone, so you assumed he was doing the stream with one of his friends, most likely Max. You stripped off your work clothes and changed into some grey joggers and a baggy hoodie that you probably stole off Lando at some point. 
As you didn't want to disturb his stream, you went downstairs to the living room to watch some TV to wind down. You snuggled up on the couch with a blanket and all of the pillows you could possibly find, and scrolled through Netflix to find something you hadn't already watched.
After around an hour of reverting back to watching Friends for what felt like the tenth time, you felt your stomach rumbling and remembered that Lando probably hadn't had dinner either. Shooting him a quick text, you pressed play on the controller again and waited for his reply.
Checking your phone a short while later, you saw that Lando wanted pasta, and you also felt like having some garlic bread, so you didn't object. You paused the show, and started boiling the water in the pot. 
Meanwhile, you let the chopped tomatoes, garlic, peppers, chorizo and basil simmer away in the pan as it made a tasty sauce. As you poured the pasta into the boiling water, you were careful not to let any splash on you, but a huge droplet jumped onto your hand as you yelped in shock.
You ran to the sink, running the cool water onto your hand. the droplet left a little red circle that still hurt slightly. You grabbed a plaster from the cupboard to stop the burn from getting dirty, and stuck it to the back of your hand.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted that the pasta was boiling over and onto the stove top. "Shit!" you said, striding over to the cooker and turning the pasta down. You fished around with a fork and plucked a piece out, finding out that it was a bit too soft. 
You drained it and plated it up, pouring the sauce out over the pasta. You realised that you had forgotten to put the garlic bread in the oven, but you thought it was fine to put it in now and have it later. 
You picked up Lando's plate and made your way up to his room so that it wasn't cold when he got it. You knocked on the door, hearing a muffled 'Come in' from inside. You opened the door and watched as Lando spun around on his chair to face you.
"Hey, baby! Chat, look who it is!" he spoke, opening his arms out for you. You set the plate and cutlery down on his desk and perched down next to him. "I forgot to put the garlic bread in, so it's going to take another then minutes," you smiled, balancing yourself on the armrests of his chair.
"That's fine, where's yours?" he asked, pushing his keyboard back so he could bring his plate forward. "Mine's downstairs," 
"Do you want to come up here and eat? Max is having dinner too," he said, and there was no way you could say no to him. Some of his brown curls had fallen onto his forehead and the lights in his room cast the perfect light on his skin.
"Yeah, I'll go and grab mine," you said, doing exactly that. When you had gotten back, you found an armchair next to his gaming chair. Sitting down, you saw that Lando had taken his headphones off and had the audio sounding out through the room.
"I know guys, I know. She's brilliant and I am very lucky to have her," he smiled, reading the messages from chat. He meant every word of it and felt like the luckiest man alive to be able to just have you in his life.
"Lando, what the hell are you doing?" Max yelled, Lando laughing and tears streaming down his face.
"I was gone for 2 minutes," you laughed, sitting down and tucking into your pasta. They always got up to some shenanigans, but you didn't think things could happen that quickly.
"Stream is crazy, what can I say," Lando said, also tucking into his pasta. "Babe, chat is asking what we're having," 
"We are having pepper, tomato and chorizo pasta with garlic bread that is coming in a few minutes," you giggled, watching as chat told you what they were also telling you what they were having for dinner.
As you were about to finish, Lando noticed the plaster on your hand. "Hey, what happened here?" he asked, taking your hand and swiping his fingers over the plaster. 
"Oh, I burnt it," you shrugged, trying to go back to eating. 
"You burnt it? How?" he panicked, checking you all over as if you had burnt your entire body. "The water from the pasta got onto my hand when I was pouring it, no big deal," you told him. He brought your hand up to his lips and planted a soft kiss over the area. 
"Awww he does have a heart," you heard Max mock and chat was going out of their mind because of how cute you were. You were racing against Max and Lando a few minutes later, and you were battling with Lando for the win. 
You knew he could absolutely beat the living hell out of you on this game, so it was obvious he was just going easy on you. Suddenly, a loud beeping rang out through the house and it instantly hit you what it was. "Shit, the garlic bread!" you yelled springing out of the chair and running down to the kitchen.
Opening the oven, you saw the charred garlic bread and flung it out and onto the counter top. You plated the blackened bread up and took it to Lando. "Do you want some crispy garlic bread?" you giggled, showing the plate to the camera. 
"Oh my god that is horrendous," he laughed as you pouted at him with your pitiful plate of bread in your hands. "I just wanted garlic bread," you complained, putting it on top of your dirty plates and reading all of the funny messages from chat about your fail.
"We can order some in, if you want," he said, feeling just as heartbroken as you were about the lack of garlic bread. Well, he wasn't necessarily disappointed at the absence of the bread, he was saddened by the look of discontent on your face. 
"It's alright, there are a few bits that aren't overly crispy," 
You were enjoying yourself, racing with Max and Lando, talking with the fans, providing the comedic relief. You were squirming about in your seat as it had gotten uncomfortable after a while. Lando gently grabbed your wrists and tugged you over to him. 
You sat yourself on his thigh and laced one of your arms around his shoulders. It was nice just to spend time with him, his best friend and his fans - who meant the world to him. 
You let yourself lean into him as his scent enveloped you. It made all of your worries melt away and you quickly forgot about the carbonated garlic bread. "You look pretty," he said, shifting beneath you to make it more comfortable for the both of you.
"Thank you, baby," you said, just as the 5 red lights appeared for the next race you were doing. 
"What do you guys wanna do now?" Max asked as you had just finished the final round of racing. 
"Eurotruck Simulator," you said, looking Lando dead in the eyes. For some reason, it was one of your favourite games and you always got really into it. Neither of them disputed, and you were tanking down the road in your truck before you knew it. 
"Chat, how long do you think it'll be before Lando crashes the truck into another car?" you asked, watching as the replies from chat came flooding in. The general consensus was around 10 seconds, so that was what you betted on. 
Lando took over from you, his arms entrapping you on him. Just as you suspected, the truck was careened into a car beside him, "It doesn't turn! How am I supposed to not crash when it doesn't turn?" he raged, causing you and Max to cry of laughter. 
"Lando, it does turn, you just have to-" you started, but were cut off by another fit of laughter as Lando banged his fist on the table in frustration. This was a man who drove insanely fast cars at hundreds of kilometers an hour, but he couldn't drive a truck in a PC simulator game. 
You took over again, trying to pay back the debt Lando had racked up by crashing the truck a good three to four times. After a while, Lando noticed you were talking less and yawning a bit more. "Hey, you tired?" he whispered in your ear, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"Just a little," you responded while everyone was focused on something Max was doing.
"Do you want to go to bed?" he asked, resting his head on your shoulder and gently kissing your neck. "Yeah, I think I'll go. I'll take the plates then head off," you nodded, getting ready to say goodnight to chat and retire for the night. 
"OK everyone, we're going to head off now," Lando said, the chat becoming filled with messages saying goodbye. "You can stay if you want," you quietly said to Lando as Max also said goodbye. 
"We've been on for a few hours no, it's alright. You head to bed, I'll get the plates," he said, waving as they turned the stream off and said their goodbyes to each other over the call. Then, silence settled over the room. 
You clambered off Lando's lap and straight into your bedroom. You collapsed onto the bed and nestled yourself in the sheets until you were comfy. When Lando came in, all he could see was the outline of you in bed and your head poking out of the top. 
He smiled at how cute you were, and he was incredibly happy that you came on stream with him tonight. He knew you were too tired sometimes, which was completely fine and understandable. The chat loved you, and you certainly knew how to work the camera. 
All it took was one flash of your dazzling smile and everyone was happy.  "You need anything before I get in?" he asked, stroking your hair from behind. 
"Nope," you shook your head, wanting nothing but for him to get in and cuddle you. As if he read your mind, he turned off the lights and shuffled in bed beside you. You tucked yourself underneath his chin and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
His hand snuck up the back of your hoodie and his fingers gently trailed the skin on your spine. "Are you streaming tomorrow?" you asked through the darkness.
"Not planning on it, why?" 
"I just thought we could go out or something," you said, your eyelids drooping heavily as sleep was slowly taking over your body. "Sure, we could go for lunch, or ice cream. I'm pretty sure the fair is in town so we could go tomorrow night," he said, waiting for a response. 
He quickly realised you were asleep, and grinned to himself. The fair could wait till tomorrow, he thought.
A/N - Do you guys want to see part 2 when they go to the carnival? Let me know <3
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holyjongs · 3 months
after school.
professor!san x f!reader
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topics/warnings: professor san, student reader, oral sex, desperate san, dom!san, fem!reader, kinda normal?, both of you are whipped, a lot of plot
a/n: hi guys! i’ve been kinda ia just because i haven’t been motivated to write but i’m finally putting another one out! although it’s kinda plain (maybe?) i hope you guys still enjoy~
wc: 1.65k
after what seemed like hours, the dismissal bell finally rang. instead of your usual sorrow that you had to leave your favorite class, of which the professor you were absolutely infatuated with, a pang of nervousness hit you like a bus. you glanced anxiously around the classroom and then slowly down into your hand, reading the small note written in almost cursive neat handwriting which was so obviously written with gentle care.
Please see me after class
you had dreaded this moment ever since he slipped the note face down onto your desk during his lecture. you always made a point to sit front and center in his class so you could see him from the closest angle that the large lecture hall had to offer. whether he was wearing his signature black suit, almost too tight for his structured frame and broad shoulders, or a more relaxed sweater, he almost glistened while he was standing at the front of his class. the way he confidently spoke while addressing the class or when he silently but intently sat at his desk grading papers always made you feel a way you had never before.
although nervous, at the same time you couldn't help but feel... excited? why did he want to see you? after class? the way he gave you the note so nonchalantly made your face heat up. you couldn't help but imagine why in the world he would want to see you of all people.
as your classmates left the room you stood up, your bag thrown over your shoulder, and walked to his desk at the front of the auditorium. you wanted to see me? you asked timidly.
he looked up from the paper he was reading (presumably grading) and smiled softly. as your eyes met, it was as if someone had tied your souls together in that very moment. you tried to hold back the butterflies that were rushing through your stomach.
‘yes.. well i just wanted to ask where you got the idea for your last thesis paper? i read it thoroughly multiple times and i’ve got to say.. i’ve never read anything like it.’ he said with the same smile on his face. you were taken aback by his words. the thought of him going over and over again rereading your paper inevitably made your face heat up. you scanned his face for any kind of acknowledgment of your reaction to no avail.
you tried to form an appropriate response despite your mind being jumbled. after a few attempts at stuttering and apologizing, (even though you were just digging yourself into a deeper hole) you just sighed. he had successfully undone you within a matter of minutes. he chuckled at the sight with a knowing smirk, now fully understanding the effect he had on you.
following your insanely embarrassing stunt, the two of you spent a minute in a comfortable silence just looking at each other. you had no idea what his intentions were. did he feel the same way about you as you did him? there was no way. although wildly inappropriate, you couldn’t help but imagine the two of you in ways that would put the fifty shades series to shame; just as you had done over and over before. in this moment it felt like anything could happen. the tension in the air was so thick it could be cut flawlessly with even the weakest knife.
soon after your eyes locked, your lips followed soon after. he broke the kiss for a split second to quickly pull off his glasses (which you found so hot). until this moment you weren't ever sure if the way he looked at you in class was your imagination or reality. the kiss you shared was passionate and strong. you could tell he's wanted to do this for a very, very long time.
san immediately took the lead, moving you gently to where you were sitting on his desk; surrounded by neat stacks of papers and textbooks that he always had so organized. as the kiss deepened, he moved his large hands from cupping your face slowly trailing down to your shoulders and eventually your breasts, taking them fully in his hands. the way he felt you had you thinking this was his last day on earth. you couldn't help but moan leaning into him from the sensation of him groping you lewdly on top of the now messy kiss.
in a whim he had pulled your shirt completely off, exposing your favorite bra to him (which you only wore on days you had his class; in hopes that one day he'd notice). ‘you have no idea how long i've wanted to do this darling’ he whispered roughly in your ear. if you weren’t completely soaked by then, you definitely were now. he could tell how desperate you were by your shaky breaths and hesitant touches along the back of his shoulders and his chest.
he quickly took this as a sign to move further, humming softly breaking the kiss to move further down your body; peppering kisses from your neck to your stomach and eventually your inner thigh. he looked up at you with big rounded eyes that were almost as desperate looking as you felt. you nodded with urgency knowing what he meant. he followed by slowly hooking his finger into the waistband of your shorts, slowly pulling down and throwing them across the room all while maintaining eye contact with you.
he took the sight that sat in front of his face; you’re nothing but a drenched mess on his desk. something he had been dreaming of for far too long. but of course, you were oblivious to this fact. he was drunk on simply the sight of you coming undone by this simple interaction. of all the women choi san had invested himself in, you were shooting to the top of his list by the second.
before you knew it, he had pulled your panties to the side and buried his face between your legs. he was drinking you up as if he had been parched for the last number of years in his life. ‘fuck baby, you’re so wet for me’ he almost moaned, trying to keep some composure in his voice. between disheveled groans and his hands swarming your body you were definitely as much of a mess as he was. you couldn’t help but let out moans and whimpers of increasing volume. he slapped his hand over your mouth without even looking up. you knew you had to be quiet because of the echos in the large empty room. you had gotten so lost in the moment that his subtle action had brought you back to reality.
he moaned deeply into you as he lapped up all of your juices. ‘fuck i want all of you. i dont care. i want you to be all mine baby, please.’ he quietly said. his voice was so dominant, but every ounce of composure he once tried to keep was long gone. if it wasnt before, it’s now obvious that he wanted you just as bad.
it didn’t take you long to get close to orgasming. he immediately knew with your heavy pants and small whimpers. as he looked up at your messy state, he thought you looked far cuter now than you ever had in his class. you threw your head back and gripped the edge of the desk as you came. he was enjoying this maybe even more than you were. you rode out your orgasm on his face, grabbing his hair with your head still back. this was so many dreams come true for you and him both in this moment.
you slid off the desk and he immediately took you in his arms. his embrace was so comforting; it was what you had been yearning for for far too long. you stayed like that for a moment. your head just right on his chest to where you could perfectly hear his heartbeat. it was in a rhythm to where it exactly soothed any nerves you had previously had.
you laid your hand on his cheek, caressing it softly. by the time you looked up at him, he was already looking at you with an emotion in his eyes you had never seen from him before. the way he could be dominant and comforting at the same time was beyond you. you never wanted this moment to end. you looked at the clock that was sitting above his desk and realized that it was about time for another class to come in.
you both quickly composed yourself and stood at his desk as if you were just talking. a wave of relief washed over you for getting dressed so quickly because students immediately began to walk in. he hastily grabbed his glasses and pushed them onto his face. luckily nobody was really paying attention to the two of you.
as the hall filled, you looked at san with a loving gaze. although it had only been a short amount of time that both your feelings had been revealed to one another, it had felt like the two of you had been interlocked for an eternity. you were relieved that he felt equally as strong towards you and any any doubts that you had ever had in your mind were washed away like serene ocean waves. he looked down at his feet
‘well… i should… uh… i’ll see you tomorrow?’
you smiled at him
‘i’ll see you tomorrow’ you said reassuringly
as you grabbed your bag and turned your back on him, you could feel his gaze staying on you. walking out of his class you smiled to yourself, not knowing what the future held for the two of you. but for now, you were content.
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barcaatthemoon · 24 days
anxiety (get nervous) || ona batlle x reader ||
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ona helps you wade through the anxiety that comes with your parents.
your day had started just like any other. you woke up at a time that ona would think was too early, went for a jog to get coffee, and then came back to the hotel just in time to join the team for breakfast. ona sat curled into your side, still half asleep as you began to check your messages for the day. that was when you saw it, and the alarm bells began to go off inside of your head.
"(y/n), are you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost," mapi checked in on you with a nervous chuckle. a few of the other girls also looked in your direction, so you put on a brave front for them.
"everything is fine, don't worry," you told them. it seemed to calm most of their concerns for you, but ona wasn't everybody else. ona knew that you were still shaken up. she could feel your leg bouncing nervously against her. she could see that your hands were trembling a little as you tried to finish your breakfast. "i'm gonna head to the gym for a bit."
"okay," ona mumbled. she didn't want to let you go, but it would cause a scene if she tried to stop you. and so, against her better judgement, ona let you go to the fitness center all by yourself. she didn't stay down at breakfast for very long, just long enough to eat a bit more and finish the coffee you had abandoned.
ona wasn't sure what to expect when she got to the gym. you would for sure be going harder than what you should have been before a game. you had already gone on a little run that morning, so ona was betting on some sort of weight lifting. the weights in the gym were limited, but ona could see the strain on your features as you continued your set. you looked like you were going to pass out at any moment, so ona rushed over to stop you.
"hey, don't do that. you'll hurt yourself," ona said as she came to take the weight from you. she could barely lift it to put it back. "what's going on? you're smarter than this, nothing heavy on game days. alexia would kill you if she found out."
"maybe that'd be for the better, then i wouldn't have to go to the game," you mumbled. ona dipped her head down so that you were forced to look at her. she pouted as she looked at how obviously shaken up you were away from the team.
"what's wrong bebita?" ona asked you. it had been a while since anybody on the team had called you that. whether it was ona's doing or your own, eventually the pet name had died down. you weren't the baby of the team anymore, far from it actually. technically, you were a vet now, which felt weird to think about.
"my parents are coming to the game in dallas," you whispered. you said it like you were afraid that your parents would magically appear in the gym with you if you spoke about them. ona knew a little bit about your childhood, but she had been away for the big falling out. all she knew was that they moved to mexico and left you in spain to fend for yourself. "they want to speak with me."
"that's fine, you don't have to talk to them," ona reminded you.
"but they're my parents. everybody else would tell me that i only have one family," you said.
"nobody else sits with you on the night before your birthday while you cry because that was when they left you. nobody else sees the damage they did because you got good at holding it in. you don't have to see them if you don't want to, it's all up to you," ona said. you sat down on a bench as you thought about it. you really didn't want to see them, you weren't ready yet. the very thought of it made you feel sick in the worst ways.
"i don't want to see them," you told ona. "i don't know that i ever want to see them again."
"and you won't until you're ready. they left on their terms, and now the ball is in your court."
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whisper-in-the-night · 2 months
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Plot: Thomas is omega who will never find his true mate. Or no?
Warnings: omegavers; deviation from the canon; omega!Thomas Hewitt, alpha!male!reader / Y/N
Note: sorry for a long waiting, I finally finished it :)
Part 3 | Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 , Part 5
You entered the comfortably furnished kitchen, which was noticeably cooler than outside under the scorching Texas sun. The dark light curtains on the windows were tightly pulled apart, leaving the room in a slight semi-darkness, but this did not particularly affect the visibility in the room. The light source was a chandelier on the ceiling with a slightly crackling yellow light bulb.
Luda kindly sat you down at the table and put a kettle on the stove. There was a strange, but not unpleasant smell in the room, rather just an unusual one. You glanced around the room, admiring the small, but once lovingly furnished by the Luda herself. Obviously, this was the place where the woman spent most of her time, and not because of any household chores, but simply because of the peace of mind felt in this room.
There was a shrill whistle, and Luda, after putting a towel on the handle of the kettle, took the kettle off the stove and began pouring boiling water into cups. They were very beautiful cups that looked like real pearls. They looked very thin and delicate, each cup was painted in a delicate pastel color and framed with a gold border. And even though there were chips on the cups in some places, they still remained beautiful and graceful. After pouring tea into cups, Luda went to one of the cupboards and pulled out a plate with a small pie, in which several pieces were already missing. It must have been an apple pie, although you couldn't tell just by the look of it.
The woman carefully placed the pie in front of you and sat down on the next chair.
"Honestly, I wasn't expecting guests," she said with a smile, putting a piece of pie in your saucer. "Besides, I'm often not at home. It's been a long time since I've just had tea with someone, Y/N."
In response, you slightly lift the corners of your lips and thank the woman for the treat, breaking off a piece of pie with a teaspoon. But despite your first impression of this lovely woman's children, you realized from her further talking that they weren't so bad. Yes, Luda spoke of them as big children, but she loved them. And they obviously did too, just showing it in their own way. Right now, for you, she was just a woman who had a lot on her mind, and who simply had no one to talk to before you appeared. And you turned out to be a good listener. By the end of her dialogue, you've already eaten three whole pieces of pie.
"Thanks for the food, Luda. You cook just amazing," you said, smiling, "And where is your toilet..?"
"Oh? On the second floor, the second door on the right, honey."
You nodded briefly and went in the indicated direction. The bathroom was small, obviously it was a guest one, but cozy and clean. You quickly went to the toilet and hastily washed your hands when you heard new voices downstairs. A car door could be heard slamming violently from the outside, and then the front door closed. The house was filled with a lot of footsteps. Luda said something displeased to the newcomers, but you didn't hear what exactly. More footsteps, knocks, metal scraping. And silence.
You carefully left the bathroom and went down the stairs. Your fingers dug into the wooden railing with force when you saw strangers in the middle of the room. In the living room, an elderly man, a little older than Luda, was sitting in an armchair, and another man was standing next to the woman herself, who was standing in the center of the room and actively talking. In a beige uniform, taller than a woman, he looked like a typical sheriff you've seen in neighboring states. His hat was slightly on one side, and his hands were in his pockets. And his every resistance to Luda began with a tearful 'Oh mom!'. It was obviously one of her sons.
Finally, the man turned around, his wrinkled face frowning.
"Who the hell is this kid?" He gave you a look full of contempt.
"Charlie! This is our guest, he brought me home," Luda replied, grabbing her son by the nose.
"Mom, I asked you not to call me that in front of someone!"
The man came up to you, examining you from head to toe and as if constantly chewing something. He chuckled.
"You're a tough guy. Clearly not one of those.."
You smiled nervously, not knowing how to behave. The only thing left for you in this situation was to make a good impression and behave politely.
"Hello.. I am Y/N Y/S," you said in as even a tone as possible, holding out your hand. The man grunted in disbelief, but returned the handshake. "Hoyt. Sheriff Hoyt. "
There were heavy, slow footsteps and deep breathing behind you. A mixture of a pleasant peach fragrance, mixed with metal, wood and something else, hit your nose. Luda's face softened a little, and a soft word came out of her mouth 'There you are, Tommy.' You turned around and saw the same big, sweet guy you saw that day at Mrs. Hewitt's store. Thomas's dark hair was tousled and looked damp with sweat, and he was wearing a plaid shirt and a work apron stained with something dark brown.
"Tommy, why don't you take our guest to his room? And change your clothes, please. Dinner is coming soon."
The door handle clicked, and the man gently opened the creaking door in front of you. The room was small but cozy. There is a large bed in the corner of the room, a desk against the wall, a wardrobe and a large window curtained with white, slightly dusty curtains. The window was wide open, so that the air that had warmed up during the day penetrated into the room. You gave a short nod to your new acquaintance and entered the room. The mattress was incredibly soft, although there were old springs in some places, so it really made you feel at home. The bedspread was a little dusty, probably due to the rare use of this room, but the sheets underneath were crisp and clean. You looked up at the giant standing in the doorway and smiled slightly.
"Thank you," you said, and you could have sworn that in the blink of an eye, the room was filled with even more delicate scent of peach and honey.
The man nodded curtly and walked away. Immediately, another door creaked. Apparently, your room was next to his bedroom. You sighed, sinking your whole body onto the bed, small specks of dust rose into the air at once, now clearly visible in the rays of the evening sun. These people were strange. But they were.. nice? Maybe. At least they're better than your narcissistic relatives.
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lqveharrington · 6 months
Dust Storm | W.H.B.
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summary: You and Billy get caught up in a dust storm while on a horse ride.
pairing: William H. Bonney x fem!reader
includes: slight angst, fluff, you and billy are engaged, not a lot of warnings 🤷‍♀️ let me know if i missed any !!
a/n: i had this sitting in my drafts for a billion years 😭 my bad bookies
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It had been days since that last dust storm blew in and the spirits in the small county of Talihina, Oklahoma were high. However, there was no rain insight. And with no rain, it left many farmers with empty fields, covered in dried-out dirt and sand. It especially hit the Ashford farm and ranch the hardest.
The Ashfords were the wealthiest family in Talihina. They were well known for being able to run a horse ranch and a healthy farm. The father, James Ashford, was in charge of both the ranch and farm, making sure everything ran smoothly. His wife, Josephina Ashford, better known as Jo, was known for helping around the town and giving to those in need. Luckily for the couple, they had two children who helped them with their work. They had a daughter and a son. You were the eldest Ashford child, and you had a bright future. You resemble your mother in all ways. You were the kind of woman to make young men turn their heads just by walking by. Unfortunately for them, you were happily engaged to one William H. Bonney. On the other hand, your younger brother looked like a replica of your father. Adam Ashford was eight years old with the same determination as his father, hoping to take over the farm and ranch when he got older.
But because of the dust storms starting up two years ago, it was harder to tend to the crops that would grow and bring the horses out of their stables. Before, you would help your father to tend to the horses when you weren't doing volunteer work, but with the constant dust blowing around the whole country, he banned you from leaving the house unless it was absolutely clear from dust. And for the first time in two years, James let his daughter out of the house. Only to run her mother’s errands, of course.
“In case of emergencies,” James tied a red bandana around your wrist as you took your mother’s list and woven basket from the kitchen table. “Wrap this around your head and cover your mouth and nose. I don’t want you to get hurt. And remember to come straight back from the markets—”
“Pa, I’ll be fine.” You squeezed her father’s forearm, kissing his cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
He sighed and shook his head, “Okay.”
You squeezed his arm again before leaving, silently reassuring her safety. You took quick strides to the town center and watched the dust kick up with every step you took. The walk going to town wasn’t bad. The only downside was that there was no shelter for any incoming dust storms. Fortunately, the blazing sun was beating down on the earth and the wind was seemingly absent.
Upon reaching the town center you smiled at the sight in front of you. You found children running around with wooden toys their fathers made and their mothers gossiping about the recent family who left for California. It felt normal. For the first time in years, it felt normal to see mothers scolding their children for messing with drunkards sitting outside of the bars.
You shook your head before entering the town’s only grocery, the bell above the door ringing to alert the storekeeper. “Mr. Taylor?”
“Miss Ashford!” The storekeeper beamed at the young woman. “What brings you into town? I haven’t seen you and your folks for a while.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, “With all this dust, I would hardly expect anyone to be hustlin’ ‘round town.”
“What can I do for you?” He dismissed the comment.
“I’m in need of some of your delicious Fuji apples. My ma s'been craving them ever since Adam read a book about them to her.” You looked around the empty store. “Other than that, I can grab the res’ of the things myself.”
“I’ll be right back.” He knocked the wood on the counter, heading toward the back of the store. You watched him leave before heading into the different aisles, glancing at the brands and prices of the different items. In fact, you were so immersed in deciding which brand of vegetable oil would be best that you hadn’t realized someone new had entered the store until a pair of strong arms wrapped around you and spun you off the ground.
“Oh my god!” You clung onto the stranger’s arm, not wanting to fall face-first onto the ground. You glanced back at the stranger before gasping, eyes lighting up at the male. “Billy!”
“Afternoon, gorgeous.” He put you down and kissed your cheek.
You felt your face warm at the name and action, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “What are you doing here?”
“My ma sent me into town to get money from the bank.” Billy followed you around the store, his gaze flickering across your face. “Then I saw my favorite woman walk into town. I decided I could spare some time to talk to her.”
“Uh-huh.” You spun on your heel and peered into his eyes. “Did you get the money for your folks? Or did you forget?”
“You think so low of me, sweetheart.” He tilted your head up with his finger. “Of course I got the money.”
You hummed, giving him a proper look now. William H. Bonney was once a lanky boy in grade school. But he had definitely grown into himself. He got stronger and taller over the course of two years. The loose clothes he once wore now perfectly fit him, making you flush red each time you saw him. Your eyes then traveled from his fit shirt to his tattered, dust-covered boots. You frowned at the state they were in, but no one could do any better from the current weather the states were currently facing. Finally, you shifted your gaze to meet his eyes once more. His crystal blue eyes were such a beautiful contrast to the dust coating his dark jeans and his wavy brown hair. You swore you could get lost in them if it weren’t for him pulling you back to reality each time.
“You’re staring, gorgeous.” Billy grinned, earning a small scoff from his beloved.
“You’re impossible.” You shoved two bars of soap into your basket, heading toward the counter where the apples were waiting.
Mr. Taylor suppressed a laugh at the young couple, taking the basket from your arms. “That all for today, Miss Ashford?”
You hummed as you took your wallet out of your dress pocket, “How much?”
“$3.42 is the total.” He read off the cash register as you handed him the exact amount, trading it for the baskets of groceries and apples.
“Thank you, Mr. Taylor.” You smiled at him and moved to grab Billy’s hand as you left the store, intertwining them. “What’ve you been up to since I’ve last seen you?”
“Since last week?” Billy pulled you closer to him, squeezing your hand. “ Not much has happened since I visited your place. Just helping my ma in the fields like always.”
You nodded and looked toward the ground, watching the dust cling onto your leather boots and the bottom of your maroon dress. “The dust storm affecting your folks’ farm badly?”
“It’s affecting everyone, sweetheart.” He pulled you away from a stampede of running children. “No one can get any crops.”
“I know…” You muttered, rubbing small circles into his palm. You peered up at the bright sun, squinting at the beam. “You know what I wish for?”
“I wish for everything to go back to normal.” You adjusted your hat, the Ashford ranch coming into view. “The dust storms have ruined everyone’s crops. I can barely step foot out of my own house. There hasn’t been any rain since god knows when. My pa won’t let me tend to the horses. It’s madness, Billy.”
“M’sorry, sweetheart.” He kissed the side of your head. “I can’t promise everything will go back to normal, but in the meantime, I can find a way to ride horses with you. ”
“William, what’s that supposed to mean?” You squinted at him, his piercing gaze meeting yours. “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably not a good idea—!”
“Come on. We can ride the horses and be back before your folks worry.” He pulled you into the Ashford stables, taking the baskets from your arms and tucking them safely in a corner.
You bit your lip, looking at the groceries and then back at the brunette, cursing him for being so convincing. “Fine.”
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Laughter filled the air as you raced Billy through the back trails of Talihina, the generated wind blowing through your hair. It felt like you were both young teenagers who had no idea they were in love with one another, doing reckless activities until they were caught by one’s parents.
“Pick up the pace, Bonney!” You shouted as you saw Billy catching up, urging your horse to move faster.
A huge amount of dust kicked up with every stride the horses took, and if you looked back, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. Billy shook his head with a smile and copied you, finally riding beside the pair.
“Sweetheart, you know I can beat you in any horse race.” He chuckles as he brings his horse to a stop, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “You feel any better?”
You nodded and glanced to your left as you tugged on your horse’s reins, meeting his blue eyes. “I do feel better. Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He tipped his hat in your direction. “Ready to go back?”
Your smile slowly faded but nodded, “Yeah.”
“Hey, we don’t need to rush. We can take as long as we want to go back if you want.”
“I’d like that.” You guided your horse to head back toward the ranch. “In the meantime, you can tell me all about what you’re gonna do when your ma finds out where you’ve been all day.”
“I can tell her I’ve been with my girl all day.” He bit back a smirk when he saw your cheeks tint pink. “I think my folks love you more than me.”
You shoved his shoulder, your engagement ring glistening in the sun. “They should love me more than you. I think my Pa loves you more than me.”
“Impossible.” Billy took your hand and kissed the back of it.
The young couple took short strides on their horses as the sun slowly faded away. One could argue that the sun was setting, but it was still much too early for the sun to set.
“What time do you have on your watch?” You looked back at the darkening sky, picking up the pace.
“3 PM,” Billy muttered, looking into your panicked eyes. “We gotta go.”
The both of you started to rush your horses back as the wind picked up, dust blowing around them which impaired your vision. You hastily removed the bandana from your wrist and tied it around your head, keeping your balance. Billy kept one hand on the reins and shoved his own bandana up, covering his nose and mouth. The sky was now covered with dust clouds and the wind blew harshly against your backs, the mix of dry dirt and sand hitting their exposed skin.
“Are you okay over there?” Billy shouted over the blowing wind. “Y/N?”
“I’m fine!” You blinked away tears from the dirt that stung your eyes, squeezing your legs to make your horse move faster. You could just barely make out your family’s farm, but with each passing second it became more and more obscure.
“Sweetheart, we have to go to the stables! It’s closer to us than your house!” He veered his horse over to the left.
“I can’t! My folks will worry and—”
“Y/N!” He snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts. “Please!”
You quickly followed him and turned toward the stables. Billy slammed the front doors open, causing chaos to erupt inside. The other horses stood on their hind legs, thrashing as the harsh wind blew the dust inside. You raced inside as Billy jumped off his horse and slammed the stable doors shut, grabbing bales of wheat and shoving them by the front. You took deep breaths as you tried calming your own horse, resting your forehead against the head of your horse.
“This dust storm ain’t gonna go away anytime soon.” Billy rubbed dust off his face, removing his mask. “We’ll be fine in here.”
You nodded weakly, combing your fingers through your horse’s dusty hair. “We shouldn’t have gone out— I-I promised my pa that I’d be back—”
“Hey, look at me.” He went over and took your fidgeting hand. “They’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. When the storm eventually calms down, we'll head over to your place.” He slowly helped you off the horse and held your dirtied face in his hands, slipping your bandana off and wiping your muddy tears. “Okay?”
“Okay.” You took a breath, holding onto his wrists, following his breathing pattern. You rested your forehead on his, shutting your eyes. “Okay.”
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The dust storm only accumulated as time progressed. The field and crops were covered in piles of dust once more and the automobiles were suddenly buried underneath the dried dirt. Those who were inside any buildings had dust seeping through the smallest slivers, despite the taped downed windows and towels blocking the doors. It was as if the storm would never stop, deeply worrying the Ashford family for their daughter’s safety.
“James, you can’t leave!” Jo whispered toward her husband, arms crossed over her chest in disbelief. “It’s late and you wouldn’t be able to see anything with all of that dust blowin’. Adam worries for his sister, but imagine the grief if he lost his pa and his sister?”
“I can’t sleep without knowin’ if my little girl is fine, Jo,” James argued, tightly tying a handkerchief around his head. “If Adam wakes, don’t tell him where his pa went—”
“James!” She held his arm in desperation, holding eye contact. “The storm might end soon, don’t risk it.” She looked between his eyes as he glanced toward the backdoor. “Please.”
His gaze softened at his wife’s demeanor and pulled her into a hug. “I’ll wait.”
“Thank you.” She murmured, wrapping her arms around him. “When the storm dies down, you can go. I won’t stop you then… I worry about our little girl too.”
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The storm kept blowing until early morning. The crops were now either torn out of the ground or buried deep within dry dirt and families had given up on keeping the dust out of their homes. James and Josephina Ashford fell asleep at their kitchen table waiting for the storm to pipe down while you fell asleep in the stables in the security of your lover’s arms. William H. Bonney, on the other hand, stayed awake. He was constantly listening for the winds to quiet to let you know you could head home. In the early hours of the new day, Billy gently shook the woman beside him awake.
“Sweetheart, wake up.” He brushed the dust off that had fallen on you overnight, watching you shift closer to him. “Gorgeous.”
“Give me a minute, William.” You groaned, using his government name as a threat.
He chuckled and sat up straight, bringing you along with him. “The storm stopped, you can go home now.”
Your eyes shot open and you looked over at the male incredulously. “You should’ve said that first, idiot. Let’s go.”
Billy smiled as he stood, helping you up. He shook the final bits of dust off as best as he could and moved the hay bales away from the doors. Billy tilted his head toward you, silently signaling you to head home. You grinned and picked up your dress, racing over to the house without stumbling. You burst into the house and discarded the dust entering as well, finding your parents standing by the kitchen’s backdoor. James had his handkerchief tied across his face, triggering your tears.
“Y/N.” Her father let out a breath of relief and engulfed you in a tight hug. “You’re safe. You’re okay.”
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed into your father’s shirt, clinging onto him. “I’m so sorry, pa.”
“Why are you crying, sweet girl?” He rubbed your face. “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t go straight home. I wanted to be out more, so I-I rode on the horses with Billy an-and then the storm started up. I shouldn’t have gone. I should’ve gone home right away. I should’ve stayed home. I shouldn’t have—”
“Hey, you’re alright.” James sat you down in one of the wooden chairs, removing his handkerchief from his face. “You’re safe. You’re home.”
You sniffled, looking up at your mother who had tears in her eyes too. “I’m sorry, mama. I didn’t wanna worry you…”
“My baby,” She knelt on the ground, taking your hands in her own. “I’m just glad you’re safe. The worst didn’t happen. You’re here. You aren’t hurt.”
Billy knocked on the side of the wall, making his presence known. In return, all heads whipped over to him. “I brought the groceries your daughter bought the other day.”
“William, come over here.” Your father beckoned him over.
“Yes, sir?” Billy stood by your side, removing his hat.
James sighed, putting his hand out. “Thank you for watching over my daughter.”
“Anytime.” Billy shook his hand, bringing him in for a hug. “I would risk my life for your daughter every single time.”
You lightly sock his arm at the mention, lacing your hands together. “Thank you.”
“I mean, now that you’re here, why don’t you help clear the dust out of our house? I’m sure my daughter has brought in heaps of it from runnin’ in here.” Jo patted her future son-in-law’s shoulder.
You flushed red as Billy chuckled, feeling him squeeze your hand at the comment. “Of course, Mrs. Ashford.”
The young couple got to work clearing out the dust while Jo and James started preparing breakfast for the day. It would be a while until all the dust would clear out of the house completely, but it wasn’t the worst problem they had. The dust storm that day might have ended, but little did the Ashford family know that it would only be the true beginning of their hardships.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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cumulo-stratus · 9 months
A New Years Kiss
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader
Summary: You and Spencer share a New Years kiss at Rossi's house to celebrate
Warnings: kissing, fluff fluff fluff
A/N: just a little Drabble I wrote at like 2 am on new years <3 hope you enjoy!!
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“You know this is our one year anniversary-” Spencer said with a chuckle, pulling you in by the waist. You chuckled and looked up at him, because Although you were tall- you weren't Spencer Reid tall. 
“It is this time last year I kissed you for the first time- you're a very gentle kisser you know”. Your tone had a joking tone to it, but was still just as loving and caring as you always were when talking to your beloved Spencer. 
The pair were so wrapped up in the world moment together they either didn't hear or chose to ignore the sound of Derek whistling at the intimate moment between the two members of the BAU team. 
Penelope jogged, well more like shuffled over in her 5 inch heels, towards the couple and handed them each a flute of champagne.
There were 5 minutes left till the ball dropped on the tv in the center of the living room of David rossi's house. 
He had pulled out all the stops for the BAU and their friends and family- all were invited. Haley and Jack, JJ and Will, Emily, Derek and Penelope showed up together, and of course you Spencer. The BAU’s Cutest Couple™.   
You pulled Spencer in by the waist , and he leaned his head on your shoulder, the warmth of your neck drew Spencer in, not letting him leave. You just smiled, loving Spencer's docile nature and loving mannerisms. Before you could even realize what was happening a very Emily Penelope Garcia flashed a camera in front of you and Spencer's face, capturing the adorable moment.
“You guys are so cute! Ugh- I wish I had that!” Penelope spoke with a pout, jealous of you and Spencer's cute couple-ly-ness. Penelope's comment elicited a laugh from both you and Spencer. 
The trio was drawn from their conversation by Morgan yelling at them to pay attention, it was New Year's Eve after all. “Kids! Come on we got thirty seconds- their showing the ball drop!” Derek motioned for the trio to come over to the couch while he spoke, urgence in his voice. Penelope decided to sit next to Morgan, and he placed his arm around her neck and she leaned into his shoulder- in classic Garcia and Morgan fashion. 
You however opted to stand in front of your boyfriend, his arms wrapped gently around your waist, holding you tightly against his chest. Spencer was practically a full head taller than you, and because of that he was able to rest his chin on your scalp. 
The group began to Count down together, almost chanting. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Years!” Everyone cried out in unison. After the chanting finished, everyone cheered and clinked their glasses of champagne together and took small sips. You Spencer however? You were doing something else entirely. 
As soon as the countdown ended you turned around in Spencer's arms and grabbed his face. You held his cheeks and pressed your lips to his, they were chapped- Spencer lips were always chapped in the winter, and in the summer. At first Spencer was startled, but he soon leaned into it, placing his hands on your cheeks as well. His fingers were cold on your warm cheeks, Spencer had chronic doctor hands- they were always cold. But you didn't mind, as long as your lips remained pressed together. 
It was only when air was absolutely necessary did either one of you pull away. Morgan gave a wolf whistle and you chuckled. Spencer's cheeks just flushed even more red than they'd been before. You leaned back in for one more peck on Spencer's smile, this kiss much more chaste. 
Spencer had a bashful smile on his face when he asked “what was that for?”. You looked at him with a sly smile, before answering “new years” with a shrug and a chuckle. He looked confused for a second before asking “how is that of any significance?”.  You couldn't help but laugh at Spencer's cluelessness of many classic traditions of romance, such as kissing your partner on New Year's Eve. “It's a romantic tradition Spence, couples kiss on New Year's Eve, and I wanted to kiss you-” when you winked, Spencer looked away, blushing profusely.
“I wanted to kiss you too”
Spencer couldn't look you in the eyes as he spoke, but you could still hear the love and adoration in his voice. 
The End
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andieperrie18 · 10 months
nobody's daughters (part 1)
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Series: Blue Eye Samurai
Pairing: Mizu x Widowed! Reader
Word Count: 1,900+ Words
Warnings: SPOILERS on Episode 5
Chapter Synopsis: Passing by the bridge where the local prostitutes flock, you encounter a wounded man. Or so you thought.
A/N & Disclaimer: So this chapter took a while to come out but here it is. Didn't want to rush this chapter. Considering the timeline, Mizu isn't fully heartless here as this was a period where she had just left Master Eiji. Please note that English isn't my first language and my Grammar isn't any good either so I do hope you enjoy this first opening chapter
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“Another good trade, Sen,” you smiled as you held the reins of the white horse as it shifted from a walk to a trot through the dirt road on her way home. You are no great merchant and don't even have that many customers to supply, but ones that you’ve gained have become loyal customers as you.
You leaned down and as your palm glided on the neck of the mare who sighed and leaned to the touch, as you gave a small chuckle at its response. Sitting back your eyes raised to the tree covered skies, rays of sunlight peeked through each space that tenderly kissed your face. 
‘It was a vibrant day’ you thought while you continued to tread home, passing by the red bridge where you would usually find a group of prostitutes where they would flock by. They weren't really kind to you despite your consistent kind greetings everytime you passed by them, it only earned you gossip about your widowed and childless life. A part of your life that you've come to terms after a chapter vengeance finally asks due.
“Have a bountiful day of business ladies,” you bow as you reach the end of the bridge despite just like usual, none of them really replied back but a few hums.
As you’re enter another pathway, your eyes caught a glimpse of a limping figure. Your eyes squinted to get a better look of the person. Gently kicking the horse to trot faster as you gained a clearer view of the injured victim.
“Oh dear,” you whispered, jumping off the mare and jogging to the man clad in blue dragging himself, his hand gripping their bleeding side, red seeping through cloth and skin.
“H-Help me…” he gasped as you managed to catch the wounded man as he collapsed in your arms
( -+-+-+-+-)
You and your patient arrived fairly quick on a long stretch of land that was filled with a vast plantation growing fruits and vegetables in their respective sections, and at the center it was a one story house with bamboo fences surrounding it. The white mare staggered to a stop by the front of the house as an elderly couple rushed out of it and towards you with worried expressions after calling to them for a number times.
“My lady, what’s happened?” the elderly female asked, as you hopped of Sen and effortlessly pulled your patient with the elderly male offering support on the other side.
“Please prepare my quarters for me Tanaka and Midori bring my medical materials, I’ll take our poor guest to his room,” you nodded to the man made who help you carried the man before turning to the woman whom both could only nod before dashing in different directions leaving you to following the elderly male to the inside the your house then to a path towards sliding door that revealed a spacious room. 
The old man rushed to set your futon as you carefully layed the unconscious man to it all as Tanaka helps you set him properly to a better position to be operated. You told the old man to fetch his wife as he hurriedly flees off as you immediately began to work on the man’s kimono as swiftly as she could. Undoning the know of the tie at front, you grasped the end of the cloth but you halt upon slightly lifting it.
Tanaka reappears by the doorway with a box followed by his wife who carried a basin of water, the couple speed towards you as they placed the things you needed. Midori set aside the basin and began to help her husband open the box filled but stop them
“Tanaka, Midori,” 
The couple halts as you turned to them with small smile, “I’ll take things from here, why don’t you both proceed with preparing our meal for the afternoon,” you trailed as you raised to your feet and grasped the raspy hands of the couple and gently pulled them to their feed, leading them away from the man urgently. The couple looked at each other confused and looked back at you.
“Are you certain my lady?” said the old woman, “wouldn’t it be better if we are here to assist you?” supported by the elderly male. You simply shook your head with a smile as you all stopped by the entry way.
“I can manage, what I want you to do is prepare a meal for our patient, we must have regain full strength,” you encouraged as the couple looked at each other skeptically but nodded and turned away, watching them sprinting through halls towards the kitchens as you slid the door closed and rushed back to your patient.
You eyed the unconscious woman on your futon as she helplessly heaved difficult breathes unconsciously, not trying to waste any more time, you finally proceeded to remove her top to reveal her tightly bandaged chest and her continuously bleeding wound on the side of her stomach. You heard a clatter of metal as you had fully exposed her chest, finding a sheathed blade that was tied around to her side. Taking the blade and gently setting it aside, your hands swiftly rustled inside the medical kit pulling various ointments, cotton balls, thread, and needles bandages before tending the wound on the unconscious swordswoman that laid before you.
Mizu flinched half-awake as the pain of the needle entered her skin. Her blurry vision showed a her a wooden roof and a woman who was leaning over her stomach, her hands busy and gentle that did a little soothing with every tug and sew motion. The woman did notice her stares at her as Mizu tried her best to mutter something only stop to due to her weakened state from blood loss. With every pull of the needled with the thread, you see her flinch, an action you could clearly tell that this was her first time to be sew up closed. Confirming the notion in your mind.
“A Life of Vengeance huh, let me guess it didn't really start off great didn’t it?” you scoffed while you began tying knots on the sutures securing them close, not even thinking of looking at the awakened patient. Mizu groaned once more from the tugs through her skin.
“Got a name? Little avenger?” you asked as you finally turned to look Mizu who was in turn looking at you.
Despite being half-lidded, the unusual yet bright hue of Mizu’s eyes never missed you sight before she finally collapsed back to slumber. It left you staring at her for a minute as You can clearly have described it as the color sky in a bright and sunny day but the exhausted yet hardened expression on your patient showed how life hasn't been kind to her, and hues just symbolized ice and lightning.
With those kind of eyes one thing was certain, “I guess life hasn’t been kind to you,” your brows furrowed slightly as your eyes stared at Mizu’s pained expression despite being under consciousness.
Mizu woke up to a sunlit room the following day, the warm ray light coming from an open veranda that overlooked a small zen garden with a small pond by a white wall and rather curiously, a person seated over her close folded legs facing straight head with a straight back with both hands neatly placed on their lap. 
With a quieted groan, Mizu strugglingly forced herself to sit up as her vision clears and get a better focus on the person’s back facing her way. Studying said person, she had easily distinguished that it was in fact a woman, although she could still slightly see small buffs over their shoulder that would have confused if she had not gained yet a better sight.
“Excu-”, “Ah, you're awake! Thank goodness,” Mizu turned to another direction to find another sliding door, entered an old woman, dressed in the simplest kimono with a rather large tray and was now making her way towards her position.
“Madame was right on what time of day you’ll wake,” trailed the lady as she got Mizu’s side and gently placed the tray down beside the futon. The blue-eyed femme watched as gently moved while muttering a few winces of pain as she turned to face the lady then to the tray filled with covered plates that she could clearly assume would be food.
“Please eat, these are all freshly cooked and picked from the madam’s garden, she insisted on picking the ingredients herself that will help you gain back strength, help yourself,” she continued, smiling at the Mizu.
The expression had the blue-eyed woman feel a certain churn in her stomach but Mizu could tell that this woman was clearly genuine with her gesture. Not wanting to stare at her too much, her blue eyes returned to the somewhat meditating woman by the open entry way across her. Still hadn’t shown any movement even after the sudden arrival of the old lady who had immediately picked up the spark of curiosity from Mizu who stared at the  her serenely occupied matriarch.
“It best not disturbed the madame, but not to worry though, she’ll entertain you as soon as she finishes with her meditation, I’m Midori, the caretaker of the Kento household,” the old lady who had introduced herself as Midori bowed slightly all while Mizu could only mutter “I’m grateful for your assistance,” with a slight bow as she cannot exactly exude a big one with the constant twinges of pain on her side where she presumes the stab wound would be.
“Please help yourself, feel free to come out of this room but sadly milady insisted that you not be free yet without fully healing and recovering your strength, I hope you understand and please take a long rest,” the lady stood and bowed her head in gesture of her leaving Mizu alone in your unconscious company.
Mizu’s gaze went back to you and the frame of your shoulders and back that would gradually slow down yet constantly heaving bigger breaths and longer releases in every passing minute. 
But other than her company, the ambiance around her felt warm and serene, one that she wasn’t really accustomed to as her childhood was too focused on the tasks she had at hand without any regard to things too much. It was all she knew.
Her attention went back to the tray of food and went about uncovering each plate on the tray. In all of Mizu’s  life, she never really had a big meal, just decent ones that she had while she was under apprenticeship that she wasn’t to complain as she was content with having a roof over her head and decent meal under the care of the swordsmith.
 A sigh left her lips as her heart swelled with every plate of cousin composing her  large meal. She marveled at how almost each bowl was a brim full of nutrients. Mizu never really knew much difference between a meal made by a chef and homemade, but it was enough that each meal exploded with rich aroma and delicious scents that she had never thought she would never get a taste of  in her whole life.
Adjusting herself to sit properly within the futon, she placed her hands together.
“Thank you for the food.” 
Her hand found the chopstick and ate to her heart's content.
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ot7stan4life · 1 year
It’s Not Wrong
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Dreamcatcher (OT7) x Female Reader
(1 part - ongoing ⚠️)
Word Count: 8,980
Summary: As the 8th member of Dreamcatcher, you struggle with your growing attraction towards your members, because, in your mind, loving seven different people isn’t natural and couldn’t possibly be considered acceptable by any normal human being… so why would they be okay with it?
“It- it’s wrong.”
“You love us, how is there anything wrong with that?”
Warnings: angst, brief mentions of homophobia, mild sexual content
The audience's excited screams echoed around the arena as we all waved our goodbyes, fading only when the lift lowered us beneath the stage, yet never leaving my mind completely. Even when our managers herded us into two separate black vans that would be taking us to a nearby hotel, the adrenaline pumping through my veins and the dull roar of what sounded like waves rushing in my ears from a night of being stimulated by loud music were permanent reminders of the performance we had just put on.
Kcon LA. It was a big deal for a group of our scale. And, after singing in front of a crowd of that size (one bigger than we had ever seen before), I could tell the members were feeling as elated as I was. If the way Bora pulled me down the hall when we arrived at the hotel and shoved me into our shared room with Minji and Siyeon following closely behind was anything to go off of, I'd guess I was about to experience what being on the receiving end of the dancer's excited energy entailed. I didn't know whether to be excited myself or utterly terrified.
Luckily I was able to convince them to let me have the first shower—which they only agreed upon under the promise that I would stay up to entertain them (not sure what that meant exactly, but I was honestly too afraid to ask)—and immediately took the first chance I got to slip into the bathroom before any chaos ensued. Just fifteen minutes later, my sore muscles had been soothed by the warm water and I was drying off, finally allowing myself to wind down for the night. My conflicting feelings for the members had really been getting to me lately, but I was thankful our busy schedule helped keep my mind off of it.
Though, I had a feeling those emotions would become unavoidable sooner rather than later when I realized I forgot to grab a change of clothes from my suitcase. Even more unfortunately, the only towels in the bathroom were borderline too small to cover all of my... assets.
Wrapping the towel around me as best as I could, I crossed my fingers hoping the members occupying the hotel room had left to get some food or weren't paying attention before I opened the door. Though, my luck ran short not even two steps out of the bathroom when Siyeon began cat-calling me.
"Yah, sexy," she shouted. I froze, looking over at her timidly. "Come over here. Don't be shy." The singer was clearly joking around, but that didn't stop me from blushing at her words.
"What?" Bora laughed at Siyeon's weird behavior. Seconds later, her curious head popped out from behind the wall where she had been sitting to see what the older woman was looking at. I wanted to strangle Siyeon the moment Bora's eyes widened at the sight of me. "Ooooh," she exclaimed, her eyes shamelessly raking over the bare skin my towel failed to cover while a smirk creeped onto her lips.
Attempting to ignore them, I walked further into the room in search of my suitcase. That only made things worse when Minji was finally able to see me and they all started making shocked and impressed noises. "Ooh, so sexy," Minji doted. My cheeks burned being the center of attention and feeling incredibly exposed.
"Omo, jagi," Bora started, "did you come to give us a show?"
My heart skipped a beat.
"Yah!" I shouted in surprise, stopping to look back at her. Actually seeing all of their eyes on me, confirming that they really had been staring this whole time, made my knees go weak. "I forgot to grab a change of clothes, alright?" My voice came out angry, but they caught the hint of a smile on my lips before I could hide it.
Bora started giggling. "Look at how embarrassed she is." Her finger pointed up at me as if they weren't all already looking.
Siyeon laughed, but Minji scolded, "Yah, leave her alone." I nearly fell for how caring the leader sounded, but then I noticed her eyes lingering for a second too long on my bare thighs. She was just as bad as them.
"Oh c'mon, you like it too, unnie," Siyeon said, "don't kill the fun."
"Yeah, the best part's just starting," Bora scooted to the edge of the bed. "I haven't even gotten to touch her yet." My eyes blew wide and I only had a split second to guard myself before the small woman launched from the bed and ran over to start groping me.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled. With one hand holding up my towel, I only had one left to try and block her attacks. This allowed the main dancer to get a few quick squeezes of my thighs and one of my ass over the towel before I ran to the other side of the room, out of her reach. "Stop it," I squealed as she chased after me.
Bora was all giggles while I was full on panicking—for several reasons. Before I could seek safety in the bathroom, the small woman stopped me halfway with a shove. Minji was yelling at us to not get hurt and Siyeon was just laughing as they watched the whole thing pan out. The atmosphere changed quickly though when Bora pinned me against the wall. Even with her being a head shorter than me, I still felt trapped. My pulse throbbed in my ears as I breathed heavily from both the running and the way Bora's small hands had felt against my bare skin.
Miraculously, I had managed to keep the towel on with one hand while the other held cautiously onto Bora as she stood on her tippy toes so that we were nearly face-to-face. Her hands were not as innocent, one at the base of my neck, teasingly traveling downwards while the other lay flat against my stomach, pushing my back into the wall. We were so close that her nose nearly brushed mine when she looked down, not-so-subtly admiring the curve of my breasts revealed by the towel. Her other hand traveled lower, getting a feel for the skin on the back of my thigh.
"You're not even going to give me a little peek?" She whispered just for us to hear, her fingertips dragging closer to what she really wanted to feel. I found my mind fixated on that word: me. It was no longer an us. She didn't care about playing it up for the others. No, it was just her who wanted it now.
Her eyes flicked up to mine, showing me the want deep within them as her fingers gripped the curve if my butt. "Unnie," I gasped, feeling at a loss for words. She had done this stuff plenty of times. The teasing, the flirting, even the ass-grabbing. She was Kim Bora after all. It was to be expected. What was not expected though was the hint of desperation I caught from her in that moment. If she happened to be feeling any fraction of what I had felt for her in the past two years, I knew she was searching for any sort of confirmation or reciprocation of her own feelings from me. And this felt like a confession.
I found myself involuntarily glancing down at her lips. So many countless nights I had spent imagining what they might feel like against mine, overwhelmed by an excited thrill wondering if she'd be just as aggressive in intimate moments as she was normally or if she'd break character, acting more calm and submissive. All these possibilities made my stomach burn and I knew I should stop before my arousal became evident on my thighs, but it was so hard to when she was looking at me like that.
The fact that her and I were not alone was a rude awakening the moment Minji appeared next to us, pulling Bora away just before either of us could lean in and do something we might regret later. Had I not known any better, I might've considered Minji's stern gaze and cocked jaw a sign of jealousy as she berated the younger member for touching me in such a way. But I did know better, brushing it off as merely her protectiveness required as our leader. With no shortage of fussing, the dancer eventually let in, giving me one final once-over before allowing me to grab my clothes and retreat to the bathroom.
When I was successfully clothed, I returned to the room to find the unnie line carrying on as if nothing had ever happened. It had me debating if it was all a dream, but the sting of Bora's firm grip on my sensitive skin still lingered, evidence enough of the encounter. After something like that, they normally wouldn't shut up about it, finding joy in teasing me for days on end. The unusual silence seemed strange. Still, it meant less embarrassment for me, so I gladly ignored it, settling down on the bed Bora was currently on the edge of.
About half an hour of casual conversation had passed between the four of us without anything eventful occurring. It wasn't until Bora started getting loopy from her increasing tiredness that things began to ramp up once more. I made the mistake of joking about her loud voice surely sending everyone in the audience home with hearing problems, resulting in her initiating a wrestling match between us on the bed. She griped at me for being such a 'brat,' grabbing and violently shaking any body part of mine that she could get ahold of.
I couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably at the sensation of her tiny hands pinching at my skin and how easy she was to offend, and now I was beginning to understand why Yoohyeon found it so fun to toy with her. Well, that is... until Bora landed on top of me, straddling my hips with a suddenly very different goal in mind. The abrupt change in mood had my body stilling completely under her. When I dared to meet her stare, I caught a glint of mischief in it that surely couldn't be leading anywhere good.
Like before, her hands pressed down on my stomach to keep my back flat against the bed. Tilting her head to the side, she looked down at me, raising her eyebrows up once before lowering them again. "Your move," she smirked, already conducting another one of her games that would surely end in chaos.
Looking to my left, I noticed Minji and Siyeon watching us with cautious eyes. There was this sort of rush it gave me, just like the concert, that dared me to continue. They had so often tested the boundaries of our relationships, so why couldn't I do the same? Knowing that it would surprise them made it seem that much more tempting. Now that I wasn't exposed and had been handed back the control, I wanted to give them a show.
So, without even considering the repercussions of my actions, I grabbed Bora's hips and pushed her over. She squealed in shock when I ended up on top of her, my body resting between her legs. "Your move." A satisfied smile formed on my lips when I heard the other two members let out mumbles of surprise. Bora didn't allow me to bask in my victory much longer, always insistent on one-uping me. She liked when I got like this more than she'd ever care to admit and was eager to take it a step further.
Her arms previously resting on my shoulders slithered up to my neck and with one firm tug, I was leaning over her, so close that I could feel her breath on my lips. Now I knew I was in over my head. Her beautiful features and her fingers intertwined around the back of my neck locking me into place made it difficult to breathe. Every spark, every chill, every heart flutter that she had ever made me feel resurfaced all at once and seared itself permanently into my chest. There was never any denying that I was attracted to her—I mean, look at her. Who wouldn't be?—but now, as I lost myself in the inescapable pull of her soft, brown eyes, there was absolutely no denying that I was in love with her.
"Your move," she whispered the softest whisper I had ever heard leave her mouth, never once looking away. Her eyes seemed to be communicating in ways that her words couldn't and the expectant, even hopeful look in them had me convinced this is exactly what she wanted.
So, I gave it to her.
The moment my lips met hers, time seemed to stand still. I felt her inhale, forcing her to press further up into me as her fingers tightened at the nape of my neck. My mind went completely blank finally feeling how silky and warm her lips were against mine. They were impossibly softer and her kiss gentler than I could've ever imagined. And I certainly wasn't counting on the fact that she wouldn't want to pull away, holding me there a few precious seconds longer than what I assumed normal.
After what felt like hours, she loosened her grip on my neck, letting me release her lips slowly. The loss of pressure elicited the sound of a light smack, sending an unexpected sensation of pleasure through my body. Her eyes fluttered open to meet mine, appearing dazed and intoxicated by the kiss. Within those few seconds, she granted me a look at the real Bora: the one beyond all the playful, unserious facades she put up. The one that was really as soft and vulnerable and desperate for love as the rest of us were. And knowing that she trusted me enough to give me a glimpse into her heart had me bearing my own for her to take claim of.
However, doubt was quick to take hold of my thoughts when Bora's eyes widened, concealing her initial reaction with an over-dramatic expression of shock. As she laughed incredulously before glancing to her left, I became all too aware of my surroundings. "Jinjja," she yelled, a smile of disbelief painting her lips. I followed her eyes, spotting Minji and Siyeon both mirroring her surprise, mouths drawn open and eyes blown wide.
The weight of my actions came crashing down, suffocating me with unavoidable feelings of regret and embarrassment. How did I really expect this to turn out anyways? Desperate to find an escape from their stares, I hid my face in Bora's neck, clutching her sides as if I could disappear into her.
"Can you believe her?" Bora played it up, pretending like she didn't kiss me back with just as much—if not more—conviction.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled ashamedly, but her neck muffled my voice. God, why didn't I think this through? Reluctantly pushing myself up, I looked down at her shyly. "I'm sorry," I repeated.
Bora paused, her smile faltering as she took in my humiliated expression. I almost thought she was going to reassure me, until a look of uncertainty crossed her own eyes. "Yah," she covered it up, her smile only growing, "look at how red her face is." She raised her hand to point a finger at me like she had done before and laughed. Though she didn't have much room to talk, a pink blush tinting her own cheeks.
"Unnie," I whined, rolling off of her to lay on my back and hide my face in my hands. When would this night ever end?
Following a few more jokes, Bora eventually stopped pestering me about it for the moment. Still, I couldn't ignore the knot that settled in my stomach with the uneasiness lingering in the air between us. Their reaction had been both expected and unexpected. Obviously I knew they'd be shocked, but the three oldest members struck me as the type that would encourage this sort of behavior. In the past I even caught myself wondering if any of them had shared a kiss in the privacy of the dorms out of genuine physical attraction or just pure curiosity. In my mind, it seemed more than probable given the fact that pursuing romantic relationships outside of the group wasn't exactly allowed as well as the inkling I had about at least a couple of the members having a preference for women. Yet, now with all of them appearing avoidant and standoffish after the kiss, I wasn't so sure.
Did I read them all wrong? Did I completely fabricate the concept of them being accepting of that sort of thing because of their touchy and flirtatious tendencies? Most of all though, did I entirely misjudge Bora's reactions to the entire thing?
After all this, I was beginning to think I didn't know anything at all.
It was just a few days after we'd traveled back to Korea and I couldn't seem to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, my mind replayed the kiss with Bora over and over again, encouraging me to over-analyze every single little detail. The prospect that I had crossed a major line was stressing me out, to say the least. Strangely, the whole thing also made me feel sad. That part confused me the most. Maybe I wanted her to tell me it was okay. Or maybe I wanted her to even admit that she liked it. But really, what could I expect her to say with the other two members watching? I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that she wanted it, but even then, how could I be sure that it meant anything real to her? That it wasn't just playful?
Deciding that overthinking was doing me no good, I left my room and went into the kitchen. It was dark and quiet, the other members having gone to bed a couple hours ago. The dim lights on the bottom of the cabinets illuminated the area enough for me to find the handle of the fridge. When I opened it, bright, blue, artificial light came pouring out, forcing my eyes to squint as they adjusted. I wasn't feeling particularly hungry, but I needed something to satiate my mind. A bottle of water would surely suffice.
As I reached out for one, I felt a whoosh of air and the sensation of hands sliding across my hips from behind. My entire body went rigid as my mind instantly assumed the worst. Even though I had slowly grown used to the abundance of physical affection my members gave me, the timing and scenario had me in a momentary panic.
Before I was able to do anything drastic, arms snaked all the way around my waist and I felt a warm, feminine figure press against my back. "It's just me," the familiar voice of our group's main vocalist said softly near my ear as she rested her chin on my shoulder. I let out a breath of relief, resting my hands on top of hers that had found their way beneath the hem of my t-shirt. Though, it was less calming and more nerve-wracking given my growing attraction to the older woman.
Having her this close allowed more opportunities for embarrassment, or, in her case, teasing. Though, the feeling of her lips pressing gently to my cheek elicited less of a flustered feeling and more of a depressed one. The memory of Bora's response to my kiss suspended permanently in the forefront of my mind, preventing me the luxury of indulging in the idea that little touches like these were glimpses into a deeper truth.
I should've known all along that I'd never be able to have what I truly wanted—never be able to fulfill my heart's deepest desire—but that reality hurt too much now that it had finally revealed itself. Obviously I knew I couldn't have all of them. Giving your heart to two different people with the promise of sharing it equally was arguably unrealistic, so offering it up to seven with that same promise was absolutely absurd. Still, I tried to hold out hope for as long as possible. And the way they all seemed to reinforce their feelings for me on a daily basis only made that hope grow at an alarming rate. How was I supposed to stop my wishful thinking when every thing they did confirmed that it could be a possibility?
"Couldn't sleep?" Siyeon asked, grounding me.
I sighed, feeling exhausted by my emotions, and finally allowed myself to lean back into her welcoming embrace, ignoring the way my heart fluttered at her warmth. "Yeah."
Siyeon unraveled one of her arms from around me to close the fridge door. Missing my opportunity to grab a water didn't bother me as much as it might've had I not gotten a little nauseous from the sickening pain my thoughts brought on. Even though she seemed to be enjoying this quiet moment between us, Siyeon slowly spun me around in her arms. I didn't meet her eyes, anticipating the questioning that would surely follow my admission.
"Jagi," her fingers reached up to brush a hair out of my eyes. "What's wrong?" she said in such a way that had me believing for a split second that she might know what I was going through, but the thought fleeted almost instantly. There's no way she could've.
"Nothing," I replied simply, though even I knew it didn't sound convincing. Clearly it wasn't nothing, but I had already made up my mind that talking to her about it (or any of them, for that matter) would do no good. It's not like she could fix everything and magically make the members fall for me like I'd fallen for them.
Her hand rested on my cheek and she spoke carefully, "I can tell it's not nothing." The tone of her voice compelled me to finally glance up at her.
The look in her eyes was all-too-familiar to me. She worried for her members, sometimes too much, because she cared for us so deeply. And this look told me she knew something was wrong and wouldn't be leaving until it was made right again. It truly was one of the things I loved most about her—her undying protectiveness for her loved ones—but now I was growing to dread it. Fear it, even. Because she had me dangling off the edge of admitting it all to her right there, one slip away from slinging my arms over her shoulders and letting her hold me as I shed every last tear I had stored inside of me.
"It's nothing serious, really." I looked down with a forced smile, hoping she'd just let it go. Though, deep down, there was this desperate cry inside of me, begging for her to continue prodding until I had no other option but to spill everything. All I needed was that one final shove off the cliff to get these unbearable secrets off my chest.
"Y/NN," she said sadly, rubbing her thumb across my cheek. "Is this about the kiss?" Her question made my heart grow ten times heavier in my chest and my eyes darted up to meet hers in surprise. How did she know?
"What, no! Of course not," I rushed out, feeling much too exposed for my own liking. If anything, I was preparing to explain the entire situation to her myself—if I did end up caving. I never could've expected her to know precisely what was bothering me. It made me feel ridiculous. Did I really make it that obvious? But Siyeon wasn't looking at me in a degrading or amused way. In fact, the look in her eyes was so frighteningly sympathetic and understanding that I was almost totally convinced she might even be struggling with the same sort of dilemma. At the thought that I wasn't alone in my suffering, my nose started burning, warning of oncoming tears threatening to fall and expose everything I've tried so tirelessly to conceal. Did she really understand?
"Oh, jagi," Siyeon frowned when she noticed my eyes turn glassy and my bottom lip quiver. The reality that the kiss I was crying over probably meant nothing to anyone else but me made me feel pathetic, yet Siyeon never once seemed to judge me. "Come here," she said, giving me no possible option to refuse her offer of consolation. I obeyed anyways as she gently guided me over to the couch, losing all strength to refuse once the onset of my breakdown approached.
The back of my thighs barely touched the cushions before the older member was pulling me into her chest. That was enough to crack through the dam stifling my endless pool of tears, and now there was nothing to keep them from flowing freely. "It's okay," Siyeon cooed softly, rubbing my back in soothing circles as I cried into her shirt. "I know. It's okay," she reassured and repeated the same phrase over again for the next few minutes, allowing me plenty of time to get everything out.
When the tears began to subside, sobs dwelling to quiet sniffles, Siyeon turned to grab something. I sat up and watched as she pulled a tissue from a box on the coffee table. Without saying anything, she turned to hold my chin and started wiping the tears off my cheeks. As I watched her face, the noticeable shiny glint in her eyes and the way her jaw clenched while she took in my (probably pitiful) appearance hinted that she was likely fighting back tears of her own. Guilt twisted in my gut knowing that I was being selfish burdening her with my pain and not even considering the hurt it might have caused her to see me in such a state.
"I'm sorry," I croaked out, grabbing her wrist.
Siyeon halted her actions, eyes flicking up to mine. "Don't apologize." Her voice was firm, but not angry. "Especially for this."
I shook my head. Why did she have to be so selfless? "You should be sleeping right now, not having to deal with this," I motioned to myself.
She put the tissue down and grabbed my hands, pulling me closer to her. "If you really think I could sleep peacefully right now knowing how you feel, then you must not know me that well." A gentle smile pulled at her lips and her voice softened, "I'd do this every night in a heartbeat if that's what you needed." The sincerity in her words had me on the brink of tears once more. There was no doubt in my mind that she meant every word she said.
I pouted. "Quit it," I mumbled, letting go of her hand to shove her shoulder. "You're gonna make me cry again." My words had her laughing. Feeling a bit more relieved after shedding some of the tears I had bottled up, I was able to laugh with her.
As our laughter died down, Siyeon leaned into me, showing off her beautiful smile. I admired it, feeling a swell of pride in my heart knowing I was the cause of it. It was honestly kind of unbelievable. Here I was, interrupting her sleep and ruining her shirt, yet I was also somehow the one making her laugh and bringing her joy. How could I be so lucky to find myself on the receiving end of such unconditional love? And how could I possibly consider myself deserving after feeling like such a burden?
Siyeon's forehead met mine, drawing me from my thoughts. As if the contact allowed her to hear my thoughts, she caressed my cheek and washed my worries away with three simple words. "I love you." It came out as a whisper, almost like she was telling me a secret. That stubborn spark of hope that I had tried so hard to stomp out the past few days ignited while we shared a moment staring into each other's eyes. The absolute last thing I needed right now was another intimate moment that I'd spend hours on end reading too much into—considering how that ended up with the whole Bora thing—but I could already feel my heart clutching onto those words and savoring the loving look in her eyes as if they were the blood that kept it pumping.
A breath unevenly slipped past my lips when Siyeon finally pulled away, giving me space. I relaxed back into the couch, straightening myself out and staring down at my hands in my lap to avoid her gaze. She shifted, angling her body and propping her head up with her elbow on the back of the couch to look at me.
"So," she trailed off, "do you want to talk about it?" Her voice was delicate, like she was afraid she'd speak too loud or say the wrong thing that would send me into another breakdown or scare me off entirely.
I hummed in indecision while I distracted myself, playing with the two adjustable strings dangling from the waistband of my sweatpants. The longer I debated it, the more I started to doubt how Siyeon would actually react. What if she just assumed I liked Bora? Or what if she doesn't think it's that at all? How would she really feel if I told her I was in love with seven different people? Any normal person would think I was insane.
Her right hand cut my thoughts short, laying on top of both of mine to stop my fidgeting. "What if I start?" she offered when I made eye contact with her.
I couldn't be sure what she possibly had to say, but, in my mind, it seemed like a better option than going first. So I agreed. "Okay," I swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling the nerves creeping back in. Now I was regretting not grabbing that bottle of water.
Siyeon released her head from her left hand and sat up straight, using both hands to grab one of mine and started softly pinching the back of it. I just hoped she didn't notice how cold my fingertips had gotten or the goosebumps that riddled my skin. "I think I have an idea of what you're going through, and I don't ever want you to feel like you have to hide this from us."
The words hit me all at once and the racing thoughts that followed were overwhelming. I was so busy trying to figure out what she thought she knew, I couldn't even appreciate how sweet her words were. She seemed to hit the nail on the head, but what she said could've applied to almost anything. There was still no way she could've known I was in love with all of them, let alone one of them.
I found myself struggling to respond. "But, this is..." my eyebrows furrowed as I focused my attention on the couch under us, face flushing at the idea of giving away too much. "This is different."
"I know," she responded immediately, as if she expected that exact reply out of me, drawing my eyes up to her. "I see the way you look at us," her voice was cautious but it didn't stop my pulse from racing, "and how you react when we touch you." Oh god, I was so obvious.
I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and panicked all at the same time. "Unnie-"
"It's okay," she cut me off, placing her hand on my waistband. "You don't have to be shy," she whispered, scooting closer. The proximity had me burning up. I had to turn my head away from her in order to focus my thoughts.
Alarm bells were ringing in my mind, alerting me that my secret had been found out. But which one? She couldn't know the whole truth, could she? No. She had to be talking about my attraction to women. "It's-" I hesitated. Was I really ready to tell her? "It's not just that." An unsteady breath left my mouth.
"Jagi, I know. We know," she emphasized. "Maybe the younger members haven't made it as obvious, but surely you've seen the way we look at you, too."
...there's no way. I must've misheard...
"I thought our flirting made it pretty obvious," Siyeon said lowly, slipping her hand under my shirt to rub her fingers against my stomach, but I was unable to react to any of it.
"You flirt with everyone," I mumbled subconsciously, my brain slowly breaking down in its spastic attempt to process everything hitting me at once. She knew.
Her warm laugh filled the room, momentarily startling me out of my mental breakdown, "okay, fair point." Right about now, I was ready to wake up in bed and realize this entire thing was a dream. It even felt like one when I started to get lightheaded. Siyeon leaned in even closer, fingers dipping dangerously below my waistband, inches away from turning this moment into something exponentially more intimate. "But it's different with you," she whispered, making the skin under her hand burn as a fire began to flare up between my legs.
My mind wouldn't give in, refusing to let me accept this as reality and bask in it like I'd wanted to for so long. It all felt wrong. She shouldn't even know, let alone be okay with it, let alone confirm my delusions??? This wasn't right. Where was the lack of acceptance, the judgement, the disgust? No normal person reacted this way. She couldn't actually mean it.
I tilted my head up, searching her eyes frantically for any sign of dishonesty. "How are you so okay with this?" I asked in disbelief. "It's unnatural. Y-you should be freaked out by it!" I stuttered as I felt the emotion choking me up again.
"It's not unnatural at all," Siyeon said, voice laced with sadness once she started to realize how I felt. "And why would I be freaked out by it?" How could you not be? How is it not unnatural?
How could you be so accepting of something that I've hated myself for feeling for the last two years?
"It- it's wrong, Siyeon," I whispered, a single tear sliding down my cheek.
In the blink of an eye, she was grabbing my chin and wiping the sadness away. "You love us," she emphasized softly, staring into my eyes, "how is there anything wrong with that?"
Those words made my heart clench painfully in my chest. They were ones that I needed to hear all along, ones that I should've been telling myself this whole time, but they were also ones that my mind still rejected, over and over again. I looked down. "But what would someone think if they found out?"
"No one has to know except for us. And it wouldn't matter anyways." Siyeon shook her head, closing her eyes for a moment as if looking for the right words to say. When she opened them again, I saw a universe of stars in them as specs of light bounced off their now teary exterior and I felt an equally limitless amount of love radiating from them. "All that matters is that you're happy. That we're happy. And I won’t let anything get in the way of that."
I stayed silent, really, truly allowing myself to soak in her words. She was right. Even my mind couldn't argue with that one. The ultimate goal was to be happy. To make them happy. Why would I possibly refuse when that happiness was right at the tip of my fingers?
Choking back my tears, I tried to keep my hopes low and remain realistic. "How do you even know it's really what the other members want?" I whispered weakly, no longer caring if I sounded insecure. All my cards were out on the table now, there was no point in trying to hide from her any longer.
"Honestly, I don't for sure. That's something you'll have to figure out on your own." She frowned sympathetically. Regret was already starting to sneak in and the idea of being rejected or having to choose between any of them had my heart aching. "But, you know, Bora hasn't stopped talking about you since that night," Siyeon's lips turned up in amusement.
"What?" I blurted out.
"She's been acting like it didn't affect her, but I know it did. She just won't admit it out loud." Everything that came out of her mouth was sounding less and less believable by the second. Had Bora really been thinking about the kiss as much as I had? "And Minji," Siyeon let out a short chuckle, "Minji is so clearly jealous. It's funny how they try to act indifferent. It's pointless, really. They're so painfully obvious." Minji... was actually jealous?
For the sake of my rapidly and unrightfully inflating ego, I hoped Siyeon wasn't making all of this up. Although, the thought of Bora and Minji fighting over me had me feeling overwhelmingly hot and I was beginning to think this was gonna be way more than I could actually handle. I never prepared for this, because it so surely seemed like a massively far-fetched fantasy... yet here it was, very quickly becoming a reality.
Even faster than I realized when I dared to ask, "And you?"
"Me?" Siyeon smiled, leaning in again. I kept eye contact, heart beating unusually fast as her finger traced my jawline. "Honestly, I'm a little disappointed you gave Bora your first kiss." Her low tone of voice left me feeling dizzy. I couldn't even say anything, frozen like a deer in headlights. Taking advantage of my stillness, she scooted even closer, making it hard to breathe. "Mm," she hummed, her lips ghosting over mine, "you really do get nervous around me, don't you?" She smirked and I subconsciously squeezed my thighs together, clenching my jaw in an attempt to distract my mind from the way she was making me feel.
My silence was enough confirmation for her, giving her the last final push to lean in. All the oxygen was sucked out of my lungs at the sensation of her lips meeting mine. I had been waiting for this moment for so long and somehow I still wasn't prepared for it to actually happened. With Bora, it was short-lived and I had been the one to initiate it. But with Siyeon, her own control and choices were variables that I could've never even considered. And the concept that she started this and that she was kissing me out of her own want made this feel so much better than I ever thought it could. The way she kissed me slowly, savoring every single second, and cherishing the taste and feeling of my lips against hers.
I could tell she was feeling the same when I backed away for a second to catch my breath and she was quick to chase my lips. I held onto her shirt as her hands clutched the sides of my face possessively, her thumbs resting on my jawline. I could feel her staggered breathing against my skin—telling me her heart was racing—while her lips captured mine over and over again in a mind-numbing rhythm. Now I was beginning to think her description of Minji more accurately suited herself. It seemed like Siyeon was jealous of Bora and couldn't wait until she finally got her turn to claim me as her own.
Eventually though, air became a problem, causing her to release my lips. I grabbed her hands that were holding my face while we both fought to catch our breath. She looked down at me, instantly smiling when she saw how affected I was. I felt shy under her gaze and released her hands to plunge into her embrace. She held me tightly as I clutched the back of her shirt, laying my head on her shoulder. A small laugh escaped her mouth, "you're cute."
I whined into her shoulder, "I'm not cute."
"Oh, really?" She teased, the hint of a smile still evident in her voice.
I lifted my head to look at her, hoping it was dark enough so that she couldn't see the blush on my face. "Yeah really," I reciprocated her smile, staring her down and probably failing miserably at looking intimidating.
I watched as she dropped her hands to my waist and moved to rest mine around her neck. "Then prove it," she whispered, cocking her eyebrow in the most attractive way possible.
My stomach bubbled with nervous-excitement once I realized where this was probably leading. Trying to fight a smile, I bit my lip as my eyes darted down to her mouth. From my actions, her tongue swiped out over her own lips to wet them. Before she ever even gave me a chance to act, she was pushing me down onto the couch and taking her place on top of me. Her hand reached out to grab my chin and her thumb moved my bottom lip from my teeth.
"Don't do that," she said lowly in a way that made the pit of my stomach burn. "Unless you want me to do this." One of her hands made its way to the inside of my thigh and she squeezed down, making me gasp in surprise. She seized her opportunity to lean in and slip her tongue past my parted lips. The sensation of it swiping boldly across my own tongue had me clutching her neck for support, feeling myself growing slick just inches above where her hand was placed. I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything in return. I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do anyways.
She could probably feel my hesitance because she finished with a kiss and pulled back to look at me. I immediately felt the need to explain my tenseness, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to-"
"It's okay," she let out a small laugh and smiled at me. I avoided her eyes, a bit ashamed by my inexperience since she clearly seemed to know what she was doing. "Hey," she whispered gently, releasing my thigh and using her hand to turn my head to face her, "there's no reason to be embarrassed." Her eyes looked so caring in that moment and I wondered how someone could be so perfect.
I smiled, feeling more shy by the second. "I know, I've just never done this before and you clearly have, so I felt the need to-"
She cut off my rambling, "Hey, hey. I know, it's okay," she laughed, finding my nervousness endearing. Her hand started combing through my hair while she waited for me to relax again. "I have to admit, I'm regretting dating that girl in high school right now because the idea of experiencing all of your firsts with you sounds really fucking romantic," she let out a laugh again, and I couldn't stop the massive grin on my face. Now I was convinced she was actually perfect... or a mind-reader, because she knew exactly what to say to make me fall even harder for her. Before she could continue, I pulled her down to steal a kiss. That seemed like a better way to express how I felt about what she said anyways. Plus, it made her laugh happily and steal another kiss back.
Once she was satisfied, she released my lips to finish what she wanted to say. "But now I'm starting to think the idea of me teaching you is way hotter," she said seriously. I laughed lightly, grateful she could so easily make my nerves go away.
"You want to be my teacher?" I teased, raising my hand to brush my thumb against her thick, bottom lip. She leaned into my touch, her lips parting and her nose grazing mine as she struggled to restrain herself. My throat went dry when an intimidating look flashed across her eyes. It was way more satisfying than I expected seeing her have such a visceral reaction to me. Now I was beginning to understand exactly why they enjoyed teasing me so much. If I knew Siyeon was really this affected by every little thing I did to her, I would've been doing it for years.
"Yes," she breathed out against my lips with such desperation that I couldn't help but smirk. "You have no idea how much I want you."
With no time to even process what she just said, her lips crashed back into mine. Now I knew I was reaping the rewards for my teasing when her kisses were no longer slow and gentle. My hands threaded through her hair while she made out with me, and her own found their way under my shirt. With the stimulating feeling of her fingers traveling teasingly up my abs, I made the mistake of parting my lips once more, granting Siyeon's tongue access to my mouth. Still not knowing what to do, I instinctively pushed her away.
"Unnie-" I mumbled.
"It's okay, baby," she said, breathless, "just relax and follow my lead, okay?"
She kissed me again before letting me reply, "Okay." And then she was back at it, swiping her tongue across my bottom lip, silently asking me for permission. So I let her have it and gripped her neck tightly at the way her warm, slick tongue was making all the blood in my body rush to my core.
She kept going, her tongue exploring a different part of my mouth every time it entered before retreating out to be replaced by her lips. After just a couple times, I felt more comfortable, and allowed my tongue to meet hers. Siyeon rewarded me with a hum of pleasure and handed off the control. She let me experiment, practicing exactly what she did to me on her. I quickly learned that the addicting sensation of my tongue inside of her mouth gave me a sickeningly intense feeling of power and had me turned on to such a degree that it was borderline embarrassing. After that, getting to be the one in charge evolved from really terrifying to way too enjoyable. Something about someone as experienced as Siyeon letting me do whatever I wanted to her was so undeniably hot.
When I finally seemed to get the hang of it, we both pulled back, panting heavily. Though, Siyeon wasn't quite finished yet, trading my lips for my jawline. She slowly planted kisses from the edge of my chin all the way to my ear and I could feel her sporadic breaths bouncing off my skin the entire way. It was like she wasn't satisfied unless her lips were on me. She couldn't get enough of me and it had me wondering if she had imagined this moment a million times before just like I had.
"You're being such a good girl for me," she praised suddenly, sending a shockwave of pleasure through my body.
"Fuck, Siyeon," I whimpered quietly out of instinct, though I knew there was no way she wasn't going to hear it with my mouth just a few inches away from her ear.
"Mm, you like when I call you that, baby?" Her voice came out husky as she gripped my thigh, biting down on my earlobe.
I inhaled sharply, instinctively arching my back off the couch, pressing our chests together. "Oh my god," I breathed out, dripping with arousal.
Siyeon groaned quietly at my reaction. "You sound so fucking sexy, babygirl," she mumbled against my skin.
"This can't be real," I said, making Siyeon chuckle lowly as she started kissing down my neck. "I have to be dreaming right now."
She finally stopped what she was doing and leaned back over my face, "Are you saying you often dream of me doing things like this to you?" The smirk on her face made my stomach twist.
"Unnie, please," I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm my heartbeat. If I ever wanted it to resume it's normal rhythm, there's no way I could look at Siyeon's face ever again after hearing those words leave her lips.
She laughed lightly, "you're overwhelmed."
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," I replied uneasily, only making Siyeon let out a few more quiet laughs before running her fingers through my hair again and kissing my cheek, probably hoping it might help calm me down. "How are you not?" I tried to open my eyes but the second I saw her unrealistically attractive features, I had to close them again. "God, this is way too fucking much for any normal human being to handle."
"I think this is the most I've heard you curse in your entire life," she laughed. I just pulled her down into me, wrapping my legs around her waist. She adjusted her head to answer my question. "And I am overwhelmed, my reaction is just less in the form of almost passing out and more in the form of wanting to kiss you." That finally made me laugh and I turned my head to rest it on hers.
It was quiet for a moment while we stayed locked in each other's embrace and I was sure she could feel my heart pounding like a sledgehammer against my rib cage. Her hands now at the small of my back felt like fire against my skin and I remembered back to what she said a few seconds ago.
"Yes," I answered out of the blue.
She tilted her head back to look at me, "what?"
I finally opened my eyes and scooted to the side so that I could turn my head to look at her face-to-face. The image of her in that moment almost made me turn away. Somehow her slightly messy hair and flushed face made her look a million times sexier than I ever thought possible. It definitely didn't help when I remembered everything she had previously whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath, focusing on my fingers resting against her jawline rather than her eyes so I wouldn't forget how to speak. "You asked if that meant I often dream of you doing things like this to me... and the answer is yes," I explained, the nerves now more evident in my voice.
Without even looking at her entire face, the pull of a smile on her cheek reassured me that I hadn't admitted too much. "Good to know I'm not the only one," she mumbled, pulling my gaze to her eyes. She didn't appear to be lying, maybe a bit timid, but definitely not untruthful. Her eyes stayed on mine as we both started to realize how real this was. It was a relief finally knowing I wasn't completely crazy for feeling the way that I did and that she felt the same. Although, the thought of her picturing me in certain situations suddenly hit me and I felt incredibly shy again, reaching out to grab the collar of her shirt so I could pull her into me.
"What?" She giggled as I hid my face in her neck.
"You're going to be the death of me, Lee Siyeon," I groaned.
"Man, and you haven't even made it to the other six yet," she said seriously.
"Jesus Christ," I spoke in English, eliciting the loudest laugh from Siyeon yet.
The concept of having to go through all of this again with six other members was driving me insane. In that moment, I nearly concluded that it'd be better for my sanity if I just stuck with Siyeon (even though that alone was still detrimental to my sanity).
"Come here," she grabbed my neck loosely and gently pushed me back. "You know, you never said it back to me," she pouted. It took me a minute to understand what she meant, but I eventually remembered.
I looked deep into her eyes, finally letting all of the feelings soak in. And, after tonight, there was no doubt in my mind that my next statement was true, "I love you."
Siyeon beamed, looking over at me like I was the most precious thing in the world to her, and pulled me in for another kiss. This one was unlike the others. It was delicate and sweet and I knew it meant so much more than just a kiss. It conveyed everything she was feeling for me in ways that words couldn't. So I cherished it as if it were my last.
The sentimental moment didn't last long though, a less shocked and more disappointed voice breaking through the silence, "I should've known this is what you were up to." We drew apart, both looking up in surprise, unable to conceal our obvious guilt, finding Minji standing a few feet away with her hands on her hips. Even with the lack of lighting in the room, I could make out the expression of disapproval on the leader's face, like a mother who just caught her teenage daughter in bed with a boy. Realizing her eyes were on Siyeon, I felt somewhat relieved that I wasn't the victim of her scolding... until her gaze shifted to me and hardened in a way that sent chills up my spine.
She really was jealous and I had a good feeling I was just seconds away from reaping the consequences of making out with someone who wasn't her.
A/N: I might post more parts to this with the other members eventually if I ever find the time to write for it.
**This oneshot was transferred over from my Wattpad account OT5Stan4Life**
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shes driving me crazy, but im into it
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summary: rockstar!jack. going to a concert with your best friend was already exciting. but it was even more exciting when the lead singer began flirting with you.
word count: 860
you were never a concert girl, but here you were putting on your tiniest dress and tallest boots. your best friend had convinced you to go with her to see her current obsession. you would be lying if you said you weren't the slightest bit excited. looking in the mirror for the last time, you felt a surge of confidence. ready for wherever the night would take you.
arriving at the venue you were welcomed with loud chatter and the smell of smoke. looking over at your best friend, you could see the pure excitement on her face.
"y/n cmon we have to get a good spot!!" she gushed, pulling you deeper into the crowd.
you left a trail of apologies to the people she was absolutely bulldozing through. finally arriving front and center, you took everything in. you had never been this close to any artists, so you were excited to say the least. your best friend is constantly blasting this bands music, you had become somewhat of a fan because of this.
"agh its almost time!!" your best friend squeeled. you smiled pulling her closer, happy to share such a joyous moment.
soon enough the band members were entering stage, heading towards their instruments. the crowd immediately started going crazy. you looked around and giggled at the madness that was about to unfold.
except nothing would have prepared you for the moment the lead singer came onto the stage. you had never really paid any mind to the appearance of anyone in the band. but now, as jack champion, lead singer of this band, was in front of you, you were in absolute awe. time seemed to slow as your eyes stayed trained on his figure. snapping out of your short trance, your ears were soon filled with the echoing screams of the crowd.
"hello everyone thank you for having us" jack murmurs into the mic.
locking eyes for a moment you feel your knees weaken. he gives you a small smirk before introducing the rest of the band.
"this is our song 'my honest face' " with a strum of his guitar, the song begins.
as the song goes on, its filled with long gazes and sly smirks. there is no way the hottest singer alive is into you right now.
continuing on with the set list you snap out of your trance. dancing and singing along with your best friend. that is until now.
"so this next song isn't ours, but i though it would be fitting for a certain someone in the crowd tonight. this is kiwi" jack explains, maintaining eye contact the whole time. his face is glimmering with sweat, messy curls, and a shirt that is hugging his arms a little too well.
she worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes. Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. and all the boys, they were saying they were into it. such a pretty face, on a pretty neck.
a smirk on his face, he stares right at you, practically moaning the lyrics. feeling your cheeks blush, you can only smirk and sing back.
in a black dress, she's such an actress. she's driving me crazy, but im into it.
pointing to you in your black dress, the crowd goes absolutely crazy. your best friend gawks at you, her jaw practically on the floor. you giggle at her, half thinking your imagining this all in your head. the song finishes, and jack gives you a wink before walking away to set down his guitar.
the set ends and the band exits, thanking the crowd. the place is less than half empty by now. your best friend is off talking to some cute guy she just met. you sit by the bar taking a breather from everything that's happened. that is until you feel a presence next to you.
"hey little black dress" jack teases as he takes the seat next to you.
"hey lead singer" you giggle feeling half shocked, half tipsy.
"did you like the show?" he asks.
"oh it was amazing. except i think there is usually a lot less flirting happening" you smirk feeling suddenly confident.
"oh is that what that was" he laughs.
"i mean i did get my very own song" you smile.
"then i was a lot less subtle then i thought" he laughs with his head in his hands.
you smile, expecting this to be the point where this all ends.
"can i take you out?" he asks, allowing his eyes to travel your face. taking in every feature.
"y-yeah sure yes, when?" you embarrassingly stumble.
"how about right now?" he smiles.
"yeah i can right now, um let me just tell my friend" you quickly walk towards your best friend, surprised your legs didn't cave under you. explaining the situation to her, you both begin squealing and jumping up and down. jack laughs, watching from his seat.
"i'm ready" you stand in front of him with a smile.
"then let's go little black dress" he smiles, linking your arms together.
after this night, you are definitely going to be a concert girl.
a/n: sorry im a certified harry :)
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Part 2 to this because you guys seemed to like the last one so much.
also yeah, sorry, you don't get your shoes back 😭 they belong to the forest now, they forgot to grab them on the way back..
When you awoke, you were dazed, your head spinning. You were surrounded by some sort of warm cloth- but you were no longer inside the giant's stomach. You pushed yourself into a sitting up position, glancing around to get a feel for your surroundings. You were in some sort of huge cave...there was a fire in the back corner and towards the center, a huge nest of assorted junk. You tried to stand on the surface you were wrapped up in but the fabric was too soft, you just ended up falling back. It was a dark brown, very soft, and smelled surprisingly well.
You wondered where the giant had gone...they weren't in the cave. Maybe they'd left you here for you to find your own way back home? Just as you were about to pull yourself from the soft fabric, there was a rumbling from outside of the cave. A part of the cave wall started to slide away, when you realized it must've been a stone covering the entrance. The same hooded figure ducked down inside of the space and closed the huge stone back over the entrance. The cave was large enough for them to fit in, if not a little short.
You hid yourself amongst the fabric and watched as they pulled their hood off, the firelight illuminating their features. They were pale and had long brown hair that still covered half of their face. They almost immediately turned towards you, purple eyes like spotlights in the darkness. They chuckled, a rumbling sound that slightly shook the ground below you. "Don't be afraid, I'm still safe. I just had to leave you here for a bit so I could go look for any nearby human settlements." They said in a reassuring tone. You slowly sat up, looking at them wearily. They sat criss crossed just in front of your little hiding spot. "I see you're enjoying my coat, yeah? Made it myself. It doesn't really fit anymore, I mainly use it when I help sick animals or..in your case, lost humans."
They rested their arms against their lap, leaning in to look at you better. You huddled further into their jacket, making them grin. "My name is Angel. Yours is?" They tilted their head down at you, large claws tapping against their leg. You hesitated but told them your name, in the strongest voice you could muster. They nodded and reached forward, grabbing you between two fingers before you had the chance to move away. They brought you up to their face once again, but they didn't seem like they were about to eat you. "It fits..you humans are very fragile little things, aren't you? You're all so diverse, especially when it comes to your names." Their free hand hovered just behind you.
They kept calling you human...you could only assume that it ment they weren't human. The both of you sat in a thick silence before you finally had the courage to ask them what they were. "What an interesting question! I can't remember the last time somebody bothered to ask. I'm a horrible beast, beyond your mortal comprehension." They ran a claw gently against your face, causing you to shiver. You tried to ask them what exactly that ment, but they shushed you. "First you refuse to talk, and now you talk too much." They mumbled teasingly. "Just don't think about it too much, focus on trying to remember where you live so I can get you back." They set you back down into the coat and reached into their pocket. They pulled out something you couldn't exactly see, and hovered their cupped hand over you for a moment.
Before you knew it, a few apples came raining down on top of you. You cried out in surprise and tried to avoid getting hit, though you still got knocked on the head a few times. "Oh- snrk- sorry, I didn't think that totally through." They snickered at your dumbfounded expression. "Eat an apple or two, I'd assume it's been a bit since you've eaten and I don't want you going hungry." They instructed, poking your stomach. You picked up one of the apples and began to eat as they stared at the fire in silence, no noise between either of you besides the occasional awkward crunch from the fruit. You managed to eat an apple and a half before you deemed yourself full enough, slowly beginning to climb out of the coat. They turned to you just before you made it completely out, and you were grabbed once again.
"You're a restless one..did you need something?" They moved their hand to lay it flat, staring down at you. You shook your head and they playfully rolled their eyes. "If you can't keep to yourself, at least somewhat, maybe I should eat you up again, yeah? I mean, it'll keep you from running around." They suggested, ruffling your hair gently with a finger. You tried to swat their finger away but to no avail, freezing when what they were saying finally registered. You wanted to argue but you were once again lost for words. "No objection? Really? Huh..you must've liked it, then." They grinned, grabbing the back of your shirt with their other hand.
They lifted you up, almost agonizingly slow, to dangle just above their gaping mouth. Now that you could see properly, those teeth looked much bigger than you originally thought. A chill rattled down your spine and you stared directly down into the dark cavern. From one cave to another..it would almost be laughable if you weren't so deeply confused. At first you thought you were going to be lowered in, but you had a rather rude awakening when suddenly they let go of your shirt. You plummeted down into their awaiting mouth, their jaws again closing quickly as soon as you reached your destination.
They didn't waste any time, beginning to shove you around the dark prison. They gently pushed you up against the back of their teeth and began to lick your face. The tip of their tongue suddenly pushed against the top of your head and you were trapped beneath their tongue. "Not as bitter as before, which is nice. It really allows your true flavor to shine through, I think." Their voice made you tremble, shaking the world around you, before you were scooped back up by their tongue and planted face first right onto the middle of it. They didn't give you any time to gather your bearings before you were gulped down, put through the same experience as last time. It wasn't nearly as awful, thankfully. At least you'd somewhat expected it this time around.
You closed your eyes tightly as you were squeezed and pushed downwards, finally sliding back into their stomach. This was all too familliar, even if it was only your second time. You could feel them begin to move and you tumbled around slightly as they moved sideways- you could only assume to lay down. The stomach around you shifted and indented as they laid, making the space around you a bit more restricted than last time. "Alright, I'm gonna close my eyes for a bit. When I wake up, we'll take ya to that town I found." Angel informed you. You supposed you had no other choise..slowly laying down and closing your eyes once more. Maybe this wasn't such a terrible situation after all.
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fastcardotmp3 · 9 months
Nancy & Eddie; Nancy & Wayne; 1.4k; post-S1; the melancholy of Christmas; grief/mourning
That night, after Steve goes home and the leftovers are put away and the voices from Mike's walkie talkie murmur through the walls, Nancy creeps past the gleaming tree in the living room and out the front door.
The dark of the sky is gray with the potential for overnight snow and her layers of shirt and sweatshirt and coat and scarf and gloves keep the cold from permeating too quickly, but her cheeks pink over before she reaches the end of the cul-de-sac, let alone her destination.
She shouldn't be out this late. Her mother would hate it if she weren't wine drunk and sleepy enough not to notice, and there's not a good place for Nancy to do what she needs to do, but it's also not an optional thing.
It's not, to her.
There's no grave to visit at the cemetery, because Barb isn't dead to anyone else the way she is to Nancy, but she goes there anyway. Has been. Will continue to.
She's making do, in this and in so many other ways, and so she tries not to feel the utter not enough-ness of the little stack of stones she's built in a lopsided pyramid under a big oak tree with far-stretching branches right at the highest point of the cemetery.
She tries not to think about how she can't add Barb's name to this sham of a grave, can't even call it that when Barb's body is trapped somewhere she can never reach and thus can't bring home either.
Nancy just lowers herself to the cold, hard earth and goes about straightening the pile again, as she always does. She uses them as a barrier this time, a little fenced-in square to hold up the poinsettias she'd stolen from the centerpiece that had sat in the center of their Christmas dinner.
Her hands tremble. She lets them.
Her swallow grows thick. She lets it.
Her tears do not fall. They stay caught in her gut where the rest of her guilt resides, the rest of all her worthless searching, the rest of the hope she never got to mourn for fear of seeming ungrateful for the return of her brother's best friend.
Nancy sits here in front of her makeshift memorial and she does not cry, because there are no tears, and she does not speak, because there are no words, but her heart screams loud enough to shake the town apart.
Her soul wails and laments and begs. She lets it.
She lets it be loud enough that she doesn't hear the footsteps coming up behind her until there's the quiet clear of a throat and question of--
"Hate to bother you, kiddo, but can I bother you a moment?"
Nancy startles, both at the gentle gruffness of the self-contradictory question and the realization that her face is damp with the silent remnants of tears she cannot feel past the numbness of the cold.
"Sor-- Sorry?" she clears her throat as she stumbles quickly to her feet, brushing off her skirt and the thick tights beneath it as she does.
The man behind her isn't someone she knows, which would be a frightening thing if she were in any other mental state than this one, so doused in apathy for her own self that danger doesn't really register.
He wears a warm looking hunting jacket, a thick winter cap with flaps over the ears, and holds a thermos out in front of him.
"S'only, my boy spotted you out in the cold over here," he gestures to Nancy's left where she sees a boy she does recognize, the flit-away of his gaze back to a headstone at his feet all she gets out of Eddie Munson before his arms are crossing over his chest and his shoulders are hiking up around his ears. "Wondered if maybe you couldn't do with some company? Or just somethin' warm to drink?"
He holds the thermos up, this-- this person speaking for Eddie Munson when Nancy has never seen the guy be anything other than outspoken.
The sky is gray in its darkness, a muted sort of black that doesn't allow for stars beyond the heavy clouds.
There's a little pile of stones which are the only remembrance for a girl who deserved so much better than she ever got on the ground behind her.
"You want me to...?"
"We're visitin' his Mama," he says gently, and Nancy understands Eddie's posture better now, that distance away feeling shorter between them. "Anyone out here on Christmas oughtn't be alone, though, don't you think?"
"She didn't run away," Nancy blurts, the sudden need to explain overwhelming any of the kindness being offered to her.
He just nods. Succinct but not dismissive.
"She--" Nancy chokes. She can't tell if her cheeks are still wet. "She didn't run away."
She's not allowed to say it. She's not allowed to talk about it. She can't impart the seriousness of how much Barb didn't leave, didn't go, didn't get far enough away before her time ran out.
But this man, this Munson, he just takes a step closer with the suggestion of an offer with the slightest raise of his arm and Nancy is-- Nancy is hugging him.
She's leaning into the warmth of him, letting him wrap his arm across her shoulders and rub her back with a gloved hand because-- because no one, not a single person, none of them listen when she says it.
Not even the ones who know, not even the boy who loves her, not her own mother who cared more about the fact that Nancy lost her virginity than her best friend.
"I hear ya," he says in a quiet murmur and Nancy believes him. Can hardly breathe past the force of what it feels like to have the words she speaks land softly, with understanding.
"Sorry, sorry," she swipes at her face as she pulls away, and he lets her go without argument, but stays standing there. "Sorry, I know I look hysterical, I just."
A hitching breath. She doesn't hear these footsteps getting closer either, but she feels Eddie's presence in that familiar posture she has gotten to know too well since that first week in November.
She's about to enter a new year, a year with a new number and a new turn of the earth that Barb will never see.
"We're going for pie," Eddie says, even as Nancy wipes her face with the tail of her scarf like a child. "Diner off Walnut's open on Christmas. If you wanna come and be a fuckin' mope with me."
And there's something to it, this undeniable acceptance that Nancy is, in fact, facing the same sort of loss as a boy without a mother, that has her snorting with laughter.
There's something about them, the Munson's with their seeing of her in the most vulnerable state she's allowed herself to express outside the privacy of her shower, that feels like the same sort of relief as the release of pressure that comes along with laughter.
"Do you always pick up strays at the cemetery?" she asks with an attempt at humor, expecting the same dry witted sarcasm in response.
Instead she gets a softening.
Instead she gets this: "I was in band with her," with the lowering of a gaze to a pile of mismatched stones, only to raise back to meet Nancy's with intent, "she made me laugh."
Nancy's chin wobbles. Her lungs too tight in her chest.
She knows then, even before she says it and earns the drape of Eddie's arm around her narrow shoulders, that she'll go with them and eat pie with them and grieve with them.
They'll tell her about the woman they've lost and maybe Nancy will be able to choke out a sentence or two about the girl who raised her only for Nancy to fail her.
They'll eat and she will listen to them because she knows the importance of such a thing and it will hurt.
It will always hurt.
"You said something about pie?" she manages to get out with a hard sniff of her frozen nose.
There is a piece of her lost to a world locked off from the rest of them.
She wonders, tucked into the Munson's pickup truck on a journey in search of pie, whether maybe that's not such an isolated feeling as she thought.
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binniebeams · 9 months
The Sweetest Drink
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Pairing: Jongho x AFAB Reader
Genre/Rating: Vampire AU, Smut, 18+. MDNI
Summary: Seeing the boost your friend gets after her late night adventures at a certain club, you decided to join her and see what all the fuss is about…
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: Club settings, alcohol consumption, sexual conversations, blood, descriptions of feeding (Vampire). NSFW warnings under the cut.
A/N: This is so delayed but hopefully it lives up to any expectations!! Also my app crashed mid editing and formatting so there may be mistakes I missed! I’m so sorry!
Tags: @twisted-tales-of-all @yoonguurt @kwanisms @kpop-stories-21 @stardragongalaxy
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NSFW Warnings: Vampire biting/feeding leading to sexual desire, fingering, bloody make-out session, fwb-ish relationship.
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It had only been a few years since the government released the information regarding their acknowledgment of vampires living among humans, following it with new laws and regulations to make living beside each other a safe and harmonious experience. Restaurants had to expand their menus, and grocery stores did not have to partner with blood banks or donation centers to ensure everyone was accommodated appropriately. Those are all wonderful options but once the sun sets and hunger arises, people resort to…less organized or regulated options… Underground clubs started to pop up left and right, causing a quiet stir among the more curious humans. One of them happened to be the very reason you found yourself sitting in front of your mirror and getting ready for a night out.
“I don’t know why you’re so nervous to go, I’ve been going for months” Kelly was on a whining spree again as you finished up your eyeliner. She was a regular at the club, forming a feeding pact with some guy she said was named Yeosang if you remember correctly-. A change was definitely noticed in her ever since she started seeing him, from her hair looking better, her skin being clearer, and this air of confidence coming from her every time she walked into a room as if she was commanding attention. You wanted that life so badly, you wanted even an ounce of the power she was oozing… “Oh I don’t know, maybe the idea of someone biting into me and sucking my literal blood out is just a bit nerve-wracking?” Your retort had her rolling her eyes in a playful demeanor as you both slipped your shoes on to head out. Clubs weren't really your thing, you were a homebody, and the idea of a bunch of hot and sweaty strangers grinding on each other just didn’t seem like your cup of tea…But here you were, standing at the door waiting for Kelly to pay your cover and get your hand stamped.
An intoxicating smell of alcohol and sweat filled your senses as you made it through the threshold of the building you questioned the structural safety of-. There was no time for trying to distract your mind with small worries like that, you felt yourself getting tugged to the bar where Kelly let out a sort of squeal from seeing her feeding mate “Yeosang!!” Oh boy, here we go, It's time for her to cling to this dude and have heart eyes while leaving you to the wind. “This is Y/N~ That friend I told you I was bringing for Jongho~” Jongho? Who the hell was that? Did she only bring you along to keep some guy company while she escaped off with Yeosang-. “Her? Yeah, I guess she fits his…type” What an ass, what did he mean by that? you were a catch so why did that feel so condescending? He was eyeing you up and down as if he was analyzing you, all the while he had your friend strung up on his arm.
Yeosang pulled out his phone and typed a few things, you could tell it was short and brief from the fact that his volume was on so the sound of his keyboard echoed in your ears when it should have been the blaring music attacking your drums. He didn’t seem to respond to what he had read on the screen, moving his phone to his pocket and whispering something to Kelly as you stood there like a child waiting to hear whatever mom and dad were talking about. You would never get the answer to the questions in your mind, since Kelly had pretty much begged Yeosang to escape away behind the curtain to what you could only assume were private rooms for whatever use seemed to be needed at the time. A roll of your eyes was paired with the sound of her happily being led away and leaving you there at the bar with your almost empty glass and an urge to order some shots.
“Y/N I’m assuming?” The voice that you heard beside you could only be described as blunt but buttery like he almost commanded you to look at him and that's exactly what you did. His eyes pierced into yours as he approached the bar and leaned against it in a way that indicated to you that he had definitely been here before. “And who is asking?” Your voice was laced with a tone of your guard being up, leaving you only to assume this is the ‘friend’ everyone had been mentioning… “Yeosang told me someone was coming and asked me to show you around.” Oh, he’s lying right through his teeth but your judgment was becoming slightly hazy, due to the mix of alcohol and being around him. Jongho could tell you were on edge so he went ahead and ordered a shot for you and waited for you to down it before gesturing for you to follow him. ‘Do you know what this place is for? I’m assuming you do since people don’t just stumble into a place like this”
Did he think you were dumb? Or just blissfully ignorant? If you wern’t so dead set on getting some action tonight, you’d yank your hand away and head to the dance floor. “I sort of have an idea, I just had no idea it was like…this?” There was a pause as you spoke, watching the curtains go past you as he lead you down the hall and your ears were immediately assaulted with sounds of pleasure mixed with pain and subtle cries coming from behind rows of doors. One of which was the threshold you would be stepping through and it was like the world was suddenly so quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat. “I’m not going to kill you, you don’t have to act like your ready to slap me” Jongho released your hand and moved to sit on the plush looking couch in the room, grabbing the drink menu off the small coffee table and starting to browse through as he left you to make yourself comfortable.
“I just uh, haven’t really done this before…” you slowly warmed up to your environment, deciding to make your way over and sit beside him but still at a reasonable distance to where he couldn’t immediately pounce on you. “I can tell, I’m guessing your friend convinced you, enticed you with what kind of place this was and how you would feel?” How did he know? He hit the nail right in the head-. Kelly would go on non stop about Yeosang and how the interactions felt and how it revitalized her in a way, is this just how it makes everyone feel? “She used to be more like me, I guess that’s why we became so close, but lately she’s seemed like a whole new person, like the better version of herself”. As you spoke, he kept his eyes on the menu and just offered subtle nods or small sounds of acknowledgment to your words.
“Did she explain to you how this happens exactly?” This is when he finally turns to you, eye starting to have a hint of red to them and an obvious darkness filling his gaze. “You just have to lay there and be good for me, give yourself to me and everything will go smoothly. Can you do that for me baby?” The distance between you two started to close and you had no idea what was taking over your body. Was it your growing neediness or was there something more to that tint in his iris?…either way, all you could do was nod obediently as he moved you to lay down, his body leaning over yours as he gazed over you to take a look at his…meal for the evening. “I need you to tell me this is okay, that you give consent my dear…” for someone who seemed like a predator looking at fresh prey, we was considerably cautious in the beginning. That is, until you uttered a quiet “I want this” then it was all self control out the window and his lips attached to yours for what felt like eternity but in reality was only a few moment before those plush lips of his were moving their way down to your jaw, then your neck, giving him the chance to get a hint of your sweet smell.
“Do you even realize how delicious you smell…god this is going to be fun” Jongho didn’t frequent the club much, so he made sure to take full advantage of the time he had here, fingers trailing down until the reach the bottom hem of your dress, expertly slipping it up as his attack on your neck continues and all you can do is let out the sweet song that he wanted to hear. Jongho shifted his body to where he was further down and his face was now near your thighs and burning core, exactly where you needed him as he laid kisses to your inner thigh and his fingers worked to slip your undergarments down and tossing them aside to be collected later. be collected later. They were not the primary focus, what was however, was the breath tickling your core and the fingers dancing dangerously close to your clit that was practically begging to be touched.
“Can you hurry up, it will be daytime by the time you get started..” the request, or demand rather, came out as just a whine and the flushed tone on your skin gave away at the fact that you didn’t actually want him to hurry and end this soon. In fact, this prompted him to take even longer, his thumb drawing slow antagonizing circles on your bundle on nerves as he spoke “For someone so quiet. You sure have your own way of being loud”. You could hear his smug attitude without even seeing his face with those words, his hands working expertly before one of his digits teased at your entrance, testing the waters in how you would react. Once he found a reaction from you that let him know you were ready, he slipped one finger in and let you get used to the feeling before continuing.
The cold touch of his skin felt like ice melting on you when your walls squeezed his fingers so deliciously, it brought a whole new sensation to your core and made you clench so sweetly as his lips did their job to explore your inner thighs. Was all of this necessary for Jongho to feed on you? No, but it sure as hell made it more fun. The next touch made you shift slightly, almost like your fight or flight was kicking in and your brain was in prey mode. Newer textbooks and scientific journals can do their best to try and describe the feeling of having your skin punctured by a vampire's fangs but they fall short in telling the full story. It starts with a burning sensation and what feels like a fourteen gauge needle breaking your skin but not deep enough to reach muscle quite like a vaccination or implant. Once the initial puncture was complete, his teeth receding to standard k-9s and the blood starting to flow past his slightly puffy lips and coating his tongue, inducing a groan from him that seemed so animalistic yet erotic at the same time…
The work he was doing with his fingers increased in pace as he sensed you tensing up from the likely pain you were starting to feel, adding an extra finger in and curling his digits pressing against that delicate pressure point inside of you that he knew would drive you crazy. Bloody lips pulled themselves away from your thigh. His gaze stabbed daggers into your expressions, watching the mixture of pain and pleasure overtake you as he spoke “That’s it, focus on me, not on your pain…you’re so good for me…” ironic coming from the guy that’s gripping your thigh as if you could float away and your blood painting his chin. Jongho was growing increasingly hungry but this time in a way that blood wouldn’t be able to satiate, he needed another essence of yours…that however, would take time, he didn’t want to have the whole meal right away.
A knot was quickly forming in your lower half, there was no denying that his hands were like a sculptor making his next piece of art. Pleasure washed over you as you unraveled, causing a smug smirk to decorate his mouth and make his features look all that more proud. The bit of your blood staining his lips was just a cherry on top of the overall look he had as you started to sit back up but your body felt so weak from the feeding and the end of your dry spell. “See, wasn’t so bad was it?” He prided himself in the fact that you wernt crying in pain and still managed to look fucked out from his fingers alone, wiping his mouth and helping you sit up and collect yourself. This rush of dizziness but satisfaction was all you could feel as you reached to grab your panties and slip back into them as he settled himself into the couch, watching your every move but also going back to that damn drink menu. Is this how all the interactions always went or was this only for the first one?
“Do I need to sign anything or is there anything else involved?” This was your way of trying to hint to him that you satisfied but also this lingering sense to be around him, almost like you two have bonded… “No but next time don’t wear lotion, it messes with the taste when I need to bite”. That damn smirk was going to be the end of you but you couldn’t help but smile to yourself mentally at the idea there was going to be a next time. Was it already having an affect on you? Only time will tell but one thing was for sure, this wasn’t going to be the last time you stepped behind that curtain. Now to find Kelly and actually get a club experience in before you needed food to replenish-. Hopefully she was done already, but if she wasn’t, you knew where you could turn…
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maochira · 2 months
IN THE SPOTLIGHT; First selection; chapter 2: the fire inside of you
Blue Lock x transmasc!reader; reader is referred to with fem terms and pronouns until he realizes he's trans; reader's last name is Hoshino; series masterlist
Blue Lock, block five. Team Z vs Team X.
Chaos. That's the only word on your mind as you watch turmoil unfolding on the field just moments after kickoff. Everyone is yelling at each other and nobody stands on the position that was assigned to them. Including you.
Because you were the one who started it. You were the first one who decided to ignore the positions you and your teammates agreed on. You were the one who stole the ball from your team's striker. You were the one who immediately decided to not give a damn about being a midfielder, even if it was for only this one game.
There is no way in hell you'd play any position you weren't made for.
Despite being surrounded by your own teammates and the opposing players, and all of them trying to steal the ball from you, you somehow outsmart them and begin dribbling to the goal.
You're about to shoot when a voice you don't recognize yells from behind you. "I'm not letting a girl shoot the first goal!"
You can't help but let out a laugh as you get ready to make your first goal. "Hah, keep dreaming!"
Maybe you shouldn't have let yourself get distracted. Maybe you shouldn't have listened to that comment. Maybe you shouldn't have responded.
Maybe you should have focused on shooting the ball.
Barou was quick enough to steal it, thanks to you taking only a few seconds locker to position yourself properly in front of the goal.
The chaos on the field continues. It's no longer the kind of chaos you can control. As much as you try, you can't get the ball anymore. Team X is dominating this game with Barou shooting goal after goal and the rest of his team adapting to his way of playing.
If only your team did the same. If they had agreed to make you the center forward and adapted to your style, you would have-
You're thrown out of your thoughts when Isagi and Bachira begin to coorporate. With a few cursewords under your breath you decide to join them. This might end up convincing them that you'll be the one to lead Team Z to victory.
The match continues. There isn't enough time left for you to win, but you agreed with Isagi's idea of shooting at least one goal to establish some sense of teamwork.
The match still resulted in a 5:2 and Team Z lost. That was inevitable.
Kunigami shot the first goal after Isagi passed to him, and you shot the second goal after Bachira dribbled all the way towards the goal but suddenly got surrounded by opponents. Luckily, you were in the perfect position to receive a pass and shoot another goal.
But still, you lost. A feeling you haven't known in ages.
Japan's Supernova lost.
"Listen here, Superloser", Barou hovers above you, his height only making him more intimidating to you sitting on the ground as you try to catch your breath. "You being the greatest in girls' soccer doesn't mean you have even the slightest chance against me."
You've become used to this already. All you do is stare back at the self-proclaimed "King" as you stand up. A mix of frustration, determination and anger washes over you.
Barou grins and continues in a mocking tone. "What? Too afraid to talk back? If you've got no bite, you're not made to be a striker."
So many things you'd wish to say, but so little coherent thoughts form in your mind. Combined with a pressure in your chest that feels like a spark about to burst into a flame.
This is the final time you'll let someone speak to you like this.
You cross your arms in front of your chest and get a little closer to Barou. "You may call yourself a king, but I've been called Supernova by all of Japan. If it was only you and me without these other idiots on the field, I'd beat you without even trying."
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