#also hoping to catch Alex and Elizabeth
stripeyghostman · 2 years
Omg I didn't think it'll actually happen but I'm going to see beetlejuice on Broadway!!!! I thought I was never going to see it before it closes, and I'm not American so I can't see the tour either. But I'm flying to nyc with my Dad and we just bought tickets!!! I'm so excited!!!
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blackypanther9 · 11 months
Elizabeth ? - William x Male!Reader
A/N: This is split in two Chapters, because it would have been too long otherwise. TvT
WARNING!: Mention of corpse, cursing, mention of possession AND MORE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
It had been five months since Penelope Liz Afton and Alex Zero Afton were born. William was mostly in bed, recovering, when he was walking around, M/n stayed around or Mike was written sick from school to keep an eye on his Father.
Evan mostly looked out for his new siblings, still feeling like trash, that he didn’t say anything about Lizzy sooner. M/n told him to keep silent about that to William, because he didn’t want him to stress out. He was recovering, there was no time for him to stress. He had to feed the babies, lose weight and heal.
M/n knew for a long while that William healed best when he slept a lot and ate more than usual, so he told him to stay in bed mostly. While William was recovering and breastfeeding the Babies, M/n, Henry and Mike tried to do his jobs.
Mike took care of the finances, so they all got paid and sometimes took over the Nightshift in Fredbear’s. He offered to also go to Circus Babies Entertainment and Rentals, but M/n refused him. Sometimes, Reina also came over and helped out, by cooking and telling Mike to not overwork himself. M/n was thankful for her. Michael was like William if it depended on it, he was a workaholic. Will would smack Mike over the head and tell him to sleep, if he knew.
Henry took care of both of the restaurants and took over most of Will’s Nightshifts. He took full control of the Restaurant, paying the bills, dealing with the Costumers, doing the paperwork, etc.
M/n helped where he could. He went shopping for food, he helped Henry out by doing a part of the paperwork from Fredbear’s, he took the Nightshifts, he tried to repair the Animatronics, if they broke down, remembering what William taught him and explained to him, just anywhere, where he could, he helped.
Evan was always watching his siblings. When they fuzzed and Will was sleeping, he tried to cheer them up and calm them down. He was afraid of loud noises, yes, but he wanted to be there for his siblings.
They did all they could in those five long months. At the third month William started to exercise a bit, losing the extra weight that stayed after childbirth. As the fifth month was half over, finally, William was fully recovered again.
Henry put him on a strict working and break schedule. He was allowed to work for 20 minutes, with one hour break in between every 20 minutes, so he can feed his Babies and catch a breath. If William won’t keep to the rules, Henry will put him on 4 years of Maternity. William was always bad with breaking habits, the Babies needed feeding until they were at least a year old and they can be very random too and then William has to decide with the Babies, if they want to continue with the breast feeding a bit longer.
Henry will not have William overwork himself for the next 6 years !
As William was working, M/n made Michael responsible for his newborn siblings, telling him that he had something else to do, something important. That was when he finally had enough time to look for Elizabeth.
He put on William’s old Circus Baby’s working clothes, took the old ID, to get inside the elevator, and stole the spare keys from William’s safe, in their Bedroom. Then he left, telling Mike and Evan to not utter a WORD of where he was going or where his stuff went. They promised to be silent. Evan was worried and felt sick, while Michael was confused as to why M/n, his Dad, would go back to that old place.
Not many went there for the Nightshift, nor the Dayshift. That day it was even closed, because of repainting Circus Baby’s Gallery.
So here M/n was now, staring at Circus Baby. He stood a few feet away from it, not wanting to get too close in case. He sighed and stared. He was hoping that he will get Elizabeth back.
“Circus Baby, power on.”, M/n demanded.
The Animatronic reacted.
“Circus Baby.exe.powering on.”, the System informed and not long later the eyes of the machine started to glow.
M/n almost choked in shock as he saw the eye color. William didn’t change it, he knew that.
‘Why are they green, like Elizabeth’s ? They were blue the whole time !’
M/n was VERY cautious. He glared at the machine. It glared back.
“Alright...You are one creepy clown. I really don’t understand what Lizzy saw in you... Let us open your Stomach and see if Evan didn’t dream what happened.”
The Machine didn’t move for a while, then it nodded and stayed still.
“If you stupid thing try to kill me, I will dismember you, PIECE BY PIECE.”, M/n swore darkly.
No reaction from the machine. M/n went in front of it and opened the stomach cavity. What he found made his heart drop and he felt sick. The smell was horrid and the sight was not better either.
“Oh God...”, M/n muttered.
He carefully pulled out the body. The DEAD body of Elizabeth. It was already rotting and it smelled really horrid, it also was very mangled.
“Fuck, Lizzy...”
He let tears escape his eyes, saddened and struck by grief. Elizabeth was dead and she was for a while now. He didn’t even notice that Baby closed her cavity and came closer. She was also struck by grief, remembering who M/n was.
She needed his help. She wanted to go HOME. She wanted her Daddy, Brothers and him back ! She was so scared and alone... She HATED it ! She should have listened to her Daddy...
“I’m so sorry Lizzy. We tried to find you and there was no trace of your whereabouts. Mike forgot his pills and thought he hallucinated, Evan was too scared to tell us, we didn’t check Baby, because we thought you didn’t go near them anyways, we didn’t see you on the security cameras and the police stopped trying to find you after a while. I am so sorry. I failed you as a Dad...”, M/n babbled in grief.
Circus Baby’s eyes widened in shock. So her Daddy and M/n were serious.
“We planned the wedding a month ago and...and you have two new siblings too. Alex and Penelope. You would have loved them, Lizzy. I bet you would have loved to support your Daddy through that difficult time as he gave birth to them. Evan and Mike were so brave and supported him, they were with him in the same room, comforting him. You would have been so proud.”
At that Baby couldn’t stay silent anymore. It hurt her that M/n thought she was gone. She wanted to go home and meet her new siblings, wanted to know what else she missed out on, wanted to be there when they will marry...
“D-Dad...”, Baby stuttered out.
M/n froze and whipped around, seeing Baby right behind him. He sprung up with Lizzy in his arms, glaring at the machine.
“Stop it ! You are NOT Lizzy ! You are the very machine that KILLED OUR LIZZY !”, M/n yelled outraged.
“Dad, p-please... I-I’m scared. I...I became Baby after I died. I don’t...I don’t know h-how it happened. Papa, please take me home. Please do something ! Help me, please !”, Baby said, scared and broken.
She fell to her knees, oil leaking out of her eyes. She was so scared that M/n will leave and not believe her. M/n was shocked.
“I wanna see Mikey again ! I wanna go back to Daddy a-and Evan ! I wanna go home, Papa ! I don’t wanna stay here ! It’s so dark and quiet in here... Papa, please, help me...”, Elizabeth begged.
M/n stared at Circus Baby.
“Lizzy ? Is that really you ?”
The machine nodded.
“My Daddy is William Afton, you are his Boyfriend, M/n L/n, I have two Brothers, Michael Afton and Evan Afton. Evan is very afraid of the Animatronics, Daddy made, and Mikey bullied Evan, because his friends forced him to do it. I was the youngest of the Family.”
M/n stared in absolute shock at her.
“You are definitely Lizzy... Fuck...How...how will I be able to...”, M/n was thinking hard about what to do.
If he told William three things might happen. A: William will go insane B: William will tell M/n that he has gone crazy and he will put M/n into an asylum C: William will lose his shit and believe M/n, trying to help Lizzy to look normal again and overwork himself again.
“Papa, please don’t leave me...”, Elizabeth begged.
“I am not planning to, but...I don’t know what to tell William. There are too many options that he would NOT understand...”
“Bring me home and then tell him. I am the proof, right ?”
M/n was in deep thought, then shook his head.
“No, we are going to Uncle Henry. He will know what to do and how to trick William into making something, without freaking out. As soon as he made something, Henry asked of him, to make you look normal, we will tell William. I can’t have him overwork himself again.”
Baby nodded. Together they left the Pizzeria and made their way to Henry’s.
-Time skip-
“You have gone crazy, M/n.”, Henry claimed agitated.
“I am not, Henry. Believe me, I thought I was going crazy, but Baby talks like a human, not robotic anymore, not in code and she knew things about the Afton Family, only Lizzy knew. PLEASE help us with her. I don’t know HOW she possessed the very thing that killed her, but I NEED you to convince Will that it would be for a new project. Anything that can make her look less robotic.”, M/n begged.
“How did you even know that Elizabeth died by Circus Baby ?”, he asked suspiciously.
“Mike and Evan saw it happen. Mike forgot to take his pills and thought it was just in his head and Evan was too scared to tell us. He only told me recently after the Babies were born. I wanted to investigate sooner, but we were all very busy with replacing Will, until he was better.”
At that Henry grew very concerned and less wary. He started to get the picture. He sighed and massaged his temple, already feeling a headache to arrive soon.
“Fine, I will help you.”, Henry then said.
“Thank you, Henry ! Thank you.”, M/n thanked him relieved.
Then small footsteps were heard and Charlie appeared. She looked around the corner.
“Dad ? Why is CB here ?”, she asked her Father.
“Hi Charlie !”, Baby/Elizabeth greeted.
Charlie stared at the robot and Henry sighed.
“Circus Baby is here, because Elizabeth is with her. Don’t tell Uncle William, okay, Sweetheart ?”, Henry asked.
“Okay !”
“Thank you, now go play.”
Charlie left quickly. As she was out of earshot, Henry turned back to M/n and Circus Baby.
“If this is a trick, I will kick your ass, M/n.”, Henry warned.
“I promise it is not.”, M/n swore with honesty.
Henry sighed and got out a Blueprint from his top shelf, Charlie couldn’t reach. He opened it and let M/n and CB take a look.
“I call it an Illusion Disk. They are supposed to change the appearance of the Animatronics. Recently, some children asked for Animatronics that can change their looks on the stage, like in some Movies, where the Characters suddenly wear different clothes, without ever going away to change into them, you know ? I’ve sat on them for almost 3 years now, without William knowing. Maybe...if I get his help on them and beat a bit around the bush to make him believe that it is only for the Pizzeria, he might find a way to make one of these with way better features. Will is a genius, I don’t doubt him on that.”, Henry explained.
“Henry...You. Are. A. GENIUS ! Thank you ! Oh my Gawd, if this works, Lizzy will look normal again and Willy will be so happy again !”, M/n cheered.
“Wait....Will isn’t happy ? I thought he got over Lizzy.”
“He...he didn’t. He still blames himself and gets frequent Nightmares, I try my best to avoid them to happen.”
“Oh Lord...”, Henry said softly.
M/n looked away, not wanting Henry to see how helpless M/n felt.
Henry went to the phone he had and dialed William’s number. He picked up after two rings.
“Henry ! What do you need, Pal ?”, William asked happily.
“Hey, Buddy. Can I come over in a bit ? I have a new invention, I think you will love, to make with me.”
“Oh, uhm...Sure ! By the way...do you know where M/n went ? Mike and Evan said that they don’t know and he is nowhere in the house and he also didn’t leave any letter behind that told me where he went... I am worried. Mike said he didn’t see M/n in almost two hours.”, William asked worried.
Henry side eyed M/n, who had a face of guilt.
“I think he went to Fredbear’s. He said he wanted to check on everything, just to make sure everything was okay. He might have just forgotten to inform you, I will drive there and pick him up, then come over, okay ?”, Henry lied.
“Yeah...o-okay. Thank you Hen.”
“No problem, Will.”
Then Henry hung up and he glared M/n down.
“You didn’t leave any message to him, so he WON’T worry ?! Are you stupid or are you brain dead ?!”, Henry yelled.
“I’m sorry ! I forgot ! I wanted to figure everything out as quick as possible !”, M/n quickly apologized.
M/n knew ONE thing...Henry was very protective of William. Since William’s wife was such a bitch, he got overprotective. The slightest discomfort William showed and Henry was ready to smack the offender with a bat. Henry was scary when he was like that.
“Next time this happens, I won’t hesitate, to smack you with a frying pan, M/n !”, Henry growled out.
M/n sweat dropped and had a nervous smile on his face. He might be a Killer if it is the only way to keep his Family safe, but even he was scared of Henry and his threats.
“U-understood, S-Sir !”, he nervously saluted.
-Time skip-
Henry arrived with M/n at the Afton Family’s house. As soon as William saw M/n, after opening the front door, he pulled him into a tight hug.
“Idiot ! Tell me next time !”, William scolded.
“Sorry, Love...I forgot to leave you a message. I won’t forget again.”, M/n said softly.
“Dumbass ! God knows what could have happened to you !”
“I’m sorry, Darling.”
“You better !”
Henry closed the front door behind him as William pulled M/n inside and pushed him into the Living room, forcing him to sit down on the couch. M/n looked at his Bunny in confusion.
“Bunny ? What are you planning to do ?”, M/n asked.
“You have a time out for at least ten minutes ! I don’t want to hear anything from you nor are you allowed to get up until ten minutes are over !”, William scolded.
M/n stared at his Lover with an agape mouth, shock evident. Then he closed it and pouted.
“Fair...”, he admitted and then stayed seated.
William stared at M/n, dumbfounded. He didn’t expect M/n to listen. He expected him to drag him to their Bedroom and to have some rough Love making instead, but nothing... Was it because Henry was here ? William wanted M/n to screw his brains out !
M/n stayed silent, looked at the wall in front of him and didn’t say anything at all. Why was he so...tame today ? Usually he would punish HIM for trying to command him around.
“So Will, I have the Blueprints. I am sure you will LOVE it. I bet you have some awesome ideas to them too.”, Henry pulled William from his thoughts.
“Oh ? Let me see.”, he said and stretched out his hand.
Henry gave William the Blueprint, he took a look at them and was confused.
“Tell me what this is supposed to be, Hen.”
“An Illusion Disk. Some kids are bored of the Animatronics just looking the same all the time and others are scared of them, so I thought about this ! They are supposed to make them look more human like, to change their design, without building anything to it. All that we would need is the Illusion Disk, program it and then we can just put an illusion OVER our Animatronics ! They would still look the same without them, but with them on, they will look different !”, Henry explained in excitement.
William’s eyes sparkled and had small stars in them. He LIKED the idea.
“Oh ? How long have you been planning on this, Hen ?”
“About three years. This is just the ground that I made, maybe you can add a bit more to its features, when we built them.”
“Impressive. They would have to look very real though, do you think we can built something like that ? Such Technology wasn’t used before, Hen.”
“I am VERY sure, Will ! You and me, we are VERY smart and intelligent men, after all ! We both have great ideas and they ALWAYS work out too ! We made Circus Baby’s and Fredbear’s together with ANIMATRONICS, Will ! That Technology wasn’t ever used before, back then, either ! We MADE it happen !”, Henry encouraged with enthusiasm.
William smiled brightly and nodded.
“Okay then ! Let us start in my office ! I can’t wait to start !”, William said with excitement.
Henry smiled and followed William. Henry turned around and made eye contact with M/n, winking at him. The plan was working...for now.
Michael entered the room soon enough, with Evan in tow. They both looked at M/n.
“What did you do in Circus Baby’s ?”, Mike asked.
M/n looked at him and then at Evan, who was looking very ashamed still. M/n smiled.
“Don’t tell your Dad, but I found Lizzy.”, M/n answered.
“What ?! Where is she ?!”, Michael yelled.
M/n shushed him and looked at the hall, waiting for the Basement door to open, but it didn’t. He sighed in relief.
“Something weird happened with Elizabeth. She doesn’t look like herself anymore, boys. Uncle Henry knows and is trying to help me out, by making something, called and Illusion Disk, so Lizzy will look normal again. Until then, do NOT tell your Dad. He will have a heart attack if he sees her the way she looks like right now.”, M/n explained.
“Is...is Lizzy hurt ?”, Evan asked.
M/n looked at Evan with a saddened face.
“Come here Evan, on my lap.”
Evan did as told and Mike stood in front of M/n. The Incubus held Evan so he doesn’t fall off of his lap.
“When Lizzy was ‘eaten’ what did you think happened with her, Ev ?”, M/n asked.
Mike looked at Evan in horror. Elizabeth was EATEN ?!
“I...I thought she d-died...”
M/n took a deep breath and looked Mike in the eye.
“The day it happened, Mike, you forgot to take your pills and thought you just hallucinated, as Baby pulled Lizzy into her stomach. It...it did really happen though and Evan was traumatized by it, then he was too scared to tell us anything. He told me after Alex and Penelope were born, what he saw. I went back to investigate.”
Michael stared at M/n in horror.
“Wh-what did you find ?”, he asked.
“What Evan, right now thought. I found her dead body, reeking of death for weeks.”
Michael took a step back, covering his mouth, face fully covered in horror.
“But that was not all of it, Mike. There it starts to get strange, my boys... Lizzy was still around. She...stayed.”, M/n added.
“Wh-what do you mean, Papa ?”, Evan asked.
Mike was just as confused.
“Circus Baby’s eyes changed from blue to green and she started to act like Elizabeth. She knew things about us, only Lizzy knew and she begged me to get her home, that she had no idea how she ended up possessing Circus Baby...she begged me to find a way home for her. I don’t know how something like this is possible, but I believe that Lizzy truly possessed Circus Baby. The very thing, that killed her. She is at Henry’s right now and we are trying to find a way to make her look more like...well...Lizzy again.”, M/n explained.
The boys stared, eyes wide.
“Dad, you do know how insane this all sounds, right ?”, Michael asked.
“I know, but the proof is at Henry’s house. She doesn’t act like a robot anymore, nor is she talking robotic like. She talked like a human being and moved as such too. It convinced me, that she is possessing CB. All we need is time, more proof and something to make her look normal again. When we have all of that, I will tell William and hopefully...he believes me a little bit and...is finally happy again. With everything advancing in technology, we even might modify her Disk over time and she could be a full human again, who knows ? I am praying that I found Lizzy’s soul, but can you blame me ? I want my Love to be happy again. Yes he loves Alex and Penelope, but...he still blames himself and feels empty about Elizabeth’s disappearance.”
Both the boys had pain in their eyes at that. They knew William was still not over Elizabeth’s sudden disappearance and he will NOT take it lightly, when he finds out that she died by his own Machine’s hands.
“Yes, Dad ?”
“Do me a favor...for all of us, okay ?”
“What is it...?”
“Keep away from the Animatronics and keep Evan, Alex and Penelope away from them too. Protect them with your life, if Will and me aren’t around. What happened to Liz, is exactly the reason he tells everyone to stay away from his Machines. They can malfunction and if that happens, you can lose your life. They are safe from a certain distance, but don’t get too close to them. Stay at least three feet away from them. Can you do that for me ? Watch over your siblings ?”
Michael nodded with determination.
“I will do my best to keep my siblings safe.”, he replied.
“Thank you, Mikey.”
With that Mike sat down next to M/n and they started to watch Movies, not wanting William to hear anything, he wasn’t supposed to hear.
-With William and Henry-
William was already planning more features and what should be the best material to built the Illusion Disks with.
“It has to look and FEEL realistic. When you touch a thin arm, you can’t let it happen that the Illusion breaks and you feel a thick arm instead. That would be a bad green screening. You understand Hen ?”
“I do Will, but how do we make that ?”
“I will ask M/n ! He can program stuff very good, maybe he knows how to make it or he can give me some tips !”
“That is a great Idea, Will ! “
William smiled and noted it down.
‘I hope he won’t find out, that we are only making these now for his daughter, who became a literal Circus Clown...’, Henry thought in nerves.
William would so beat the shit out of them, if he finds out, BEFORE they can show him that CB is possessed by Lizzy....
“Hen, you with me ?”, William asked.
Henry snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.
“Yup, all ears, old friend.”
With that William continued to add and explain why he added more features. Henry listened in all the time, but his nerves never calmed down. He was scared shitless if William will find out...
Hopefully he will not find out too soon. ;)
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theinquisitxor · 2 years
January 2023 Reading Wrap-Up
I read a whopping 15 books this month, which is the most I think I've ever read in a month. That is partially due to novella audiobooks, as I could get through each one in 4-5 hours. But, looking at previous Januarys, I do tend to read the most during this month. Most noteworthy: After starting the Wayward Children series back in 2019, I made myself catch up to the most recent release!
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1.In An Absent Dream (Wayward Children #4) by Seanan Mcguire. 4/5 stars. This is one of my favorites of the series, and I saw aspects of myself in Elizabeth. This novella also contains many things I enjoy- especially goblin markets and bargains. portal fantasy, audiobook, novella.
2.The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (trans. Lucia Graves) 4/5 stars. This may be the book that was on my physical tbr the longest. I got this book in high school and it followed me through college and now to my post-college life. I really enjoyed the immersiveness of this story; it makes me want to travel to Barcelona and retrace the footsteps of the characters. The story slowly built up to an explosive and cinematic ending, with twists and turns I did not see coming. I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to read the rest in the series though. historical fiction.
3.Come Tumbling Down (Wayward Children #5) by Seanan Mcguire. 3/5 stars. This was not my favorite, and while I'm glad I got to see how Jack and Jill's story resolved, this book felt largely unnecessary. However it was cool that Seanan Mcguire narrated the audiobook herself. portal fantasy, audiobook, novella
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4.Ninth House (Alex Stern #1) by Lehigh Bardugo. 5/5 stars. I reread this in anticipation for the release of book 2, and I enjoyed this even more than the first time. This series is one of my favorite works-in-progress. fantasy
5.Sofi and the Bone Song by Adrienne Tooley. 4/5 stars. This was a sweet, enjoyable, wintery read. I read this mainly because I am always on the hunt for books that feature music/musicians as main characters. This was definitely younger-ya, and featured a sapphic romance. I can forgive some of the faults of this book for how much I enjoyed it. young adult fantasy.
6.Across the Green Grass Fields (Wayward Children #6) by Seanan Mcguire. 3/5 stars. I was expecting this book to be a favorite based off the setting/premise of the story, but I found it lacking in many ways. I related to Regan about girlhood and growing up, however I was left wanting more from the story. This one felt very underdeveloped. fantasy, novella, audiobook.
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7.Where the Drowned Girls Go (Wayward Children #7) by Seanan Mcguire. 3.5/5 stars. I enjoyed this one more than the previous two, with the exploration of Cora and the introduction of the anthesis to Eleanor West's school. audiobook, fantasy, novella.
8. Hell Bent (Alex Stern #2) by Lehigh Bardugo. 5/5 stars. This was fantastic and I enjoyed it just as much as the first book. Lehigh is really good at writing these types of stories, and I hope I don't have to wait another 4 years for book 3! fantasy.
9.Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett. 5/5 stars. This is a new favorite, and a wonderfully witty book about academics, faeries and folklore. This reminded me of HMC and Spinning Silver, and was just perfect. Cozy historical fantasy
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10.The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black. 3.5/5 stars. I reread this on audio in anticipation for The Stolen Heir. I wanted to reread the OG trilogy first, and the audiobook narrator was awesome, and this was a fun reread. I don't think I enjoyed this book quite as much as when I first read it, but I was also Jude's age and these books were much more my *thing* back then. Listening on audio was a great way to listen to the story without feeling like I had to be super dedicated to it. audiobook, Ya fantasy
11. The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2) by Holly Black.5/5 stars. This book is definitely my favorite of the 3, and I find it so entertaining and fun to listen to. Jude is awesome in this book, and a lot of the other characters grow and get more fleshed out as well. audiobook, ya fantasy
12.World Without End (Kingsbridge 2) by Ken Follett. 4/5 stars: This is set in the same town, Kingsbridge, but set 200 years after the first book and following a new set of characters. These books are basically a middle ages soap opera, and I just find them so entertaining. historical fiction.
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13.Lost in the Moment and Found (Wayward Children 8) by Seanan Mcguire, 4/5 stars. This is probably my favorite of the series other than book 1. I enjoyed the story behind this one a lot, and all the little easter eggs that come up from the rest of the series was so much fun. I can't believe I binge read this series, but now have to wait a year for the next! audiobook, fantasy, novella.
14.Women's Bookscapes in Early Modern Britain: Reading, Ownership and Circulation. This was my nonfiction for the month, and I had seen this book in the library and checked it out to myself. The subject was interesting to me, and I enjoyed reading through this collection of thirteen essays on the topic. Definitely very academic and dense however. non-fiction.
15.Gallant by V.E. Schwab, 2/5 stars. This one was a disapointement, and it felf underdeveloped and lackluster all around. After Addie LaRue also being a flop for me, my trust in VE Schwab is wavering :(
7 audiobooks, 8 physical books. 5 novellas, 10 novels. 12 fantasy, 2 historical fiction, 1 nonfiction. Average rating: 3.9
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davidmariottecomics · 2 years
Too Many Conventions!
Turns out, I'm a liar. If you read last week's blog, I ended it with a whole little plan for the next couple of weeks, completely having forgotten that I'm about to enter the most convention heavy stretch I have all year! This is my last "free" weekend until April pretty much! 
A week from today, 2/25, I'll be at the Arizona Comic Book Arts Festival! If you're anywhere near the Phoenix area and want to see me to buy comics or bring your own to get them signed, this is the place to do it! I'll be bringing a pretty chunk of my stock, including stuff from Sonic, Godzilla, and pretty much what's left of my Transformers/Hasbro stock! Maybe this one, maybe in a couple more events like this, I'm going to be running out of Transformers vs. Terminator and Wreckers, so get 'em now while you can! Becca will be there too and you can get us both to sign our little mini-comic, Jimmy Squarefoot! We'll also be bringing copies of a zine we made explaining the issues with AI! And Becca will have a bunch of other stuff at their own table! 
There are a bunch of other really great people attending including Elizabeth Brei, Danny Djeljosevic, Mitch Gerads, Steve Rude, John Layman, Henry Barajas, Jay Fotos, Jeff Mariotte, Marcy Rockwell, John Yurcaba, Andrew MacLean, Alexis Zirrit, Meredith McClaren, James Owen, Ryan Cody, Tone Rodriguez, Cecil Castellucci, and so many more! So come on out and see us! 
Then, Becca got into WaifuExpo the following weekend, 3/3-3/5! It's going to be a cool little adult (18+) focused con in the Dallas-Fort Worth area! Becca's going to be in the artist's alley and I'm going to be there as their booth babe. I will NOT be bringing any of my stuff, only Becca is tabling (*tho if you are planning to attend and get ahold of me ahead of time, I might be able to pack a few things to give in person). Becca's working very hard on preparation and will have some exclusive stuff for adults debuting there! 
Similarly, lots of cool guests including some very notable cosplayers and voice actors and other artists! It also seems like it's going to be a very activity heavy con if that's your jam! 
It's also our first time in the DFW area, so if you have recommendations, those would be appreciated! 
Then, if everything goes right with the first two cons and I'm still feeling groovy, I am tentatively planning on going up to TFCon LA on 3/10. Again, this is health and finances permitting after two other back-to-back shows, and I am not coming as anything other than an attendee, but if you catch me at Jack Lawrence's table and want me to sign your Wreckers or Alex Milne's table and want me to sign your TF/Terminator or whatever, I'm happy to do so! 
And finally, I expect to be attending WonderCon 2023, March 24-26! Again, same deal as TFCon--my availability will depend a little bit on not having gotten sick/burned out from the other shows with only one weekend of "downtime" and I'm going mostly as an attendee, rather than tabling individually or with IDW, but this is the one con where I'll be most open for meetings. 
After that, I have to assume that I'll hibernate until the summer! And somewhere around there I'll get back to what I mistakenly proposed last week and do another "Ask Me (Almost) Anything". In the meantime, new posts are going to be coming to the blog, but they'll be a little irregular because they'll be coming in-between shows! 
Thanks for rolling with that change and hope to see you soon! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game--I managed to get the new Kiana and Mei back-to-back, so I'm pretty happy!), House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (Book), Poker Face (TV show), Romantic Killer (Anime), Warioware Inc (Video Game), The Fablemans (Movie--I cried 3 times!), Kaguya-Sama: Love is War-The First Kiss That Never Ends (Movie), Valentine's Day, Snack vs. Chef (TV show), Chainsaw Man (Manga), rearranging my desk (I had to dust the... 150 [estimate] little hunks of plastic on my desk and decided to rearrange them), Becca's first Twitch stream (more on that below)! 
New Releases this week (2/15/2023): Off week for my books
New releases next week (2/22/2023): Also an off week for my books!
Announcements: Wait, this is still a section? With all that other stuff I've already been promoting? Well... Yeah! 
Social Media - I am still primarily on Twitter because that's still where I know the most people and the format I like the best, unfortunately, but you can find me on all my socials here as I continue to try to move away from that site that is less and less functional each day! And, hey, sometimes it still works to reach people like this update on Sonic (it is good and fine and in many languages and countries). 
Aradia Beat - The past few weeks, I've been plugging this cool Magical Girl Anthology Magazine that Becca's part of! This morning, the campaign closed and they had just exceeded their second stretch goal! Thanks anyone here who contributed and if you missed out, well... you missed out! No, but give Aradia Collective a follow and they'll be able to tell ya if there'll be any other ways of getting it in the future! 
More Magical Girls - Our pals Elizabeth Brei & Danny Djeljosevic and a bunch of their friends are getting close to their goal on their Kickstarter for Sweet Little Resistance, which you should check out! And you can tell them you're psyched for it at AZCAF! 
Becca is a busy beean - Somewhere in all this con prep and the many shows we're attending, Becca's also managing regular Patreon updates (and this month, any new sign-ups will have their first pledge go to The Brown Building here in San Diego). They're also open for commissions. And they're now streaming Wednesdays & Saturdays (including tonight, but not when we'll be at shows) on Twitch! I'll usually be there too, moderating the chat and making jokes, playing the soundboard or whatever. You can check out their first stream playing Heartbreak High on their page now! I think the plan is Wednesdays will be games and Saturdays will be art, so come check it out and hang! 
Legislative Tracking - Legislators are doubling down on attempting to pass anti-trans bills. Fortunately, some of them are not managing to move forward. Unfortunately, the bad guys keep trying. Here is a legislative tracker for you to keep an eye on and hopefully if anything is happening locally to you (and on the federal level), you're able to reach out to your reps and can tell them to knock that shit off. 
Pic of the Week: A very dumb little promo I made for all of our upcoming stuff (or... well, a lot of it) to the theme of Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania, in theaters now! (NOTE: Made when Aradia Beat was still funding, it's over now, sorry!)
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
Princess Alexandra Charlotte Grace. Brad was still getting used to it. It was a beautiful name. Nicknames were not allowed, so he couldn’t call her Alex. If he could, he would keep her and Stephanie with him forever. He heard Stephanie babbling in the living room. She was laying on her stomach on the floor looking at the baby in the mirror. The baby did everything she did and she couldn’t figure out why or how. All she saw was the reflection of herself.
She smiled at her papa when he sat down in front of her. That was her papa and she loved him so much! Where was mommy? She had run to the bathroom real quick. He didn’t like that she had just left her because she could roll over and hurt herself. When she came back, she apologized. He reminded her not to leave her by herself because she could get hurt. She nodded.
Stephanie put her hand on the mirror, knocking it over. Where did the baby go? Bria picked it up and set it back down. There she was! She smiled, happy to see the other baby. After taking a nap, she wanted to play. She pushed up with her arms before laying back on her stomach.
“Are you trying to crawl”, Bria asked.
She smiled. No, not yet. Maybe in a few months she would be ready to crawl. For now, she was okay with rolling around. After a while of laying on her stomach, she cried to let her mommy know she wanted a different position. She picked her up and let her sit down on her bottom. Thank you, mommy! She leaned forward and grabbed her papa’s toes. He laughed as she tried putting them into her mouth.
“No, you don’t want to put my foot in your mouth. Icky.”
He moved her and before she could start crying again, he distracted her with a toy. It went right into her mouth. Yum! The ring tasted like plastic. She held on to it with her little hands. Yum! Yum! Yum! Queen Elizabeth’s staff was keeping him informed of the plans for moving them to England. Bria was to be given an apartment at Windsor Castle for herself and her daughter. She would attend events with the queen for a year or two to learn how to be a princess.
There was also mention of a royal wedding. Prince Andrew was wanting to set his daughter up with a prince from another country in the hopes of marriage. To them, marriage was about bringing two families and countries together. Whoever he picked had to be a good match and had to be approved by the queen. Queen Elizabeth had final approval for almost everything.
The Queen Mother had recently died at a hundred-one year old. The country mourned her death. The Queen herself was getting on with age, as she was seventy-six years old. She still made public appearances and attended royal events. Her father became king after his brother abdicated to marry an American divorcee. He led the country through World War Two, where the princess volunteered her services. After his death, Elizabeth became queen.
Her husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was usually by her side. Brad was slowly learning that he didn’t have a say in what happened to his daughter. He felt helpless. It was as if he was being brushed aside, even though he had been her father for fifteen years. Now they wanted to replace him? No. They didn’t know her as he did.
Stephanie rolled a ball over to him. She hadn’t meant to do it but she was fascinated by it rolling to her papa. He made a face of surprise before laughing and rolling it back to her. She smiled as she picked it up before accidentally dropping it. It bounced a couple of times before stopping by her foot. This was great fun! She did it again and had the same result. After bending forward, she picked it up again and tried putting it in her mouth. Nope, it wasn’t going to fit.
Bria came back over. She wasn’t feeling well. What was wrong? She just had a stuffy nose, a cough, and sneezing. It made her run back and forth to the bathroom to blow her nose and wash her hands. She didn’t want her daughter to catch her cold, so she was being protective about keeping her hands clean. Because her nose was stuffed up, she couldn’t breathe while sleeping.
So, she had to lay her pillows against the headboard. It wasn’t that comfortable but it was better than nothing. Stephanie could tell something was wrong with her mommy but she didn’t know what it was. She smiled at her, hoping to cheer her up.
She said hello to her. Was she playing with Papa? Yes, she was. She put the ball back into her mouth before hitting it with her hand. Her mouth was too small. She dropped the ball before picking up a plastic key ring. That could go in her mouth. She shook it. It made a funny sound. The keys were different shapes and colors: orange, green, pink, blue, and yellow. Papa had a set of keys but they couldn’t go in her mouth. They probably tasted icky. These tasted good. She squealed in joy before sneezing.
“Oh no. I hope you’re not getting sick like mommy”, Bria said.
“Nah, I think something just irritated her nose”, Brad told her.
“Don’t get sick. It’s not fun. I don’t think papa wants to be taking care of both of us.”
He laughed. “That would not be good.”
She babbled, as if adding to the conversation. It was getting close to dinner time but she wasn’t hungry yet. Her mommy was great at figuring out when she was hungry. She had a high chair she sat in during meal time. It was very sturdy and was highly recommended for older babies and toddlers. Bria wanted something that was guaranteed to be safe because she didn’t want her tipping over, so Brad helped her pick something out.
When it was time to eat, she strapped her into her high chair while he pulled up a chair beside her. She went to the refrigerator and pulled out a chicken and gravy jar of baby food. After opening it up and stirring it, she brought it over. Stephanie got excited when she saw the jar of baby food. Yes, mommy! That’s what I want! She sat down and put a small spoon full in her mouth.
Yum! Yum! Brad told her she was doing a good job feeding her. Some food fell out of her mouth, so she used the spoon to scoop it up before putting it back into her mouth. She ate almost half of the jar before getting full. Stephanie turned her head when offered another spoonful.
“Okay. I’ll save the rest for tomorrow then.”
She put the cap back on and screwed it tight before putting it in the refrigerator. How much was left? It was about half. That was pretty good. Stephanie was happy because her tummy was full. She had to digest before she could go to bed because she didn’t want a tummy ache. At the moment, she was interested in his nose and touching it with her little hand. What was she doing? She smiled.
“I think she’s intrigued by your face.”
He laughed, making her smile. She was a silly baby. Her hands had to touch everything. She banged on her tray. It made a funny sound. She rubbed her eyes, so she took her out of her high chair. It was time to get her ready for bed before she fell asleep. The three of them went upstairs and up to her bedroom.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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moosoobi · 3 years
Battle Royale
(1) Fresh bread, French Prince
G.Lafayette : Hamilton the musical
Sometimes when you work on a project, there are moments when you need to take a break and work on something else. That’s really the case with In The Night, I have all these ideas but sometimes I feel confined to ITN (I literally have not started Chapter 3 when this is posted). And thus this fic was born. I hope you enjoy! 
Y/N and Lafayette’s POV 
Bridgerton inspired AU (watching the Bridgerton series would probably help in understanding ideas of ‘courting’ and finding a suitors) 
Odd social structure (dukes are essentially owners of land which was popularized in London, Washington is considered a president, and Lafayette is now a prince!) 
not my cover image 😟
Word count: 4k
Literally the biggest thanks to @deja-you for proofreading and some great feedback, ILY 🧎‍♀️
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—-the Washington residence
The dreamy clouds would stream across the sky as Y/N began to read the newest article from Thomas Paine, the most notorious writer known for acknowledging every piece of gossip and whispers among the noble colonists. 
The pamphlet felt newly written, as few spots of the odd-smelling ink would smudge. Though Y/N was not awake, a young boy delivered this meticulous pamphlet to the Washington residence before dawn. 
As the daughter of the president, being the center of noble gossip was nothing new to her, in fact, gossip was never the center of her attention either. But something about this pamphlet in particular would surely catch her eye. 
She began to read:
‘The scene for this courting season is looking quite interesting. Now that these young ladies are finally of age, they will indeed add competition to the scene.’
Ah yes, the annual  courting season. A time for women and men to make their move and commence into the adult world. While many aren’t satisfied with their partners, reputation seems to grow higher than feelings. 
‘Many pertinent names are included in this season, and I’m honored to document the presence of these people.’ 
‘The Schuylers: all three of the incredible General Schuyler’s daughters are finally entering the courting scene simultaneously. During the war, many soldier boys would fall head over heels to impress them, and many were unsuccessful. I’m ecstatic to observe the lucky men to take the hand of Angelica, Elizabeth, and Peggy Schuyler.’ 
‘The Payne’s: Miss Dolley Payne has finally been granted entrance into this courting season. Many theories and speculation suggest that her arrival to the scene at the same time as the other great names was not a coincidence.’ 
‘And finally, the most significant family joining us this season,’ 
Y/N sucked in a breath 
‘The Washington’s: His grace’s pride and joy, Y/N, will be the most imperative competition this season. The pressure of being the president’s daughter, as well as the stigma of conceiving an heir, follow her wherever she resides. Nonetheless, Y/N Washington is an extraordinary star among the courting scene, and it would indeed be foolish to throw away your shot.’ 
‘It’s just common sense.’ 
‘-Thomas Paine’ 
It would take Y/N a couple moments before her squeals of excitement could be heard across the residence 
Shortly after, the rumbles of Y/N racing down the stairs would cause her parents, George and Martha, to take suspicious glances at each other. Y/N finally reached the dinner table where her parents were finishing up their morning tea. 
“What’s got you going so early, dear? I usually have to pull you out of bed around this time,” Martha questioned 
“Sir Payne wrote about me in the paper! My entrance to the courting scene seems to be the most glittering cluster of ink in this pamphlet” She squealed 
Y/N excitedly, yet also harshly, slid the pamphlet over to her parents, moments later they would observe her words to be true 
“That’s great, dear” Her father, George, looked up from the paper with a smile. “I know you’ll represent the Washington Family name well, although it’s a shame you’ll have to lose it when you get married” he sighed 
“Oh lighten up George, Y/N will be the talk of the town, I’m sure she’ll attract some worthy gentleman” 
“Damn right he better be worthy.” His eyes transferred from Martha to Y/N 
“Remember Y/N, very few are prepared to handle a Washington, you can even ask your mother.” 
Y/N couldn’t hold in a giggle as Martha rolled her eyes. Both Y/N and George watched as Martha arose to place her porcelain dishes in the sink
“Well I must be soo blessed to have to take care of two of them.” 
George turned back to Y/N and slid her a letter across the table, keeping another letter in his opposite hand, which was still unopened
 “May I ask what this is?” She held up the letter. Even the feeling of the paper could tell Y/N that it came from the colonial gentry. The scent faintly reminded Y/N of champagne and flowers, and the seal was a sparkling coral-pink shade. The letter appeared to be already opened 
“The Schuyler’s are inviting you to a small tea get-together, whatever you kids call it.” 
Y/N opened the envelope, searching for the details. How exciting was this, to be among the best of the best, especially in the greatest city in the world. Before she could reply, George began to speak again
“I’ve already requested for two escorts to accompany you on your way to the Schuyler residence.” Y/N turned to him in confusion 
“Huh?” She questioned “escorts?”
“Now that you’re officially in this courting season, your safety could be potentially in danger. I’m just trying to make you comfortable” He retorted 
“Father, I’m sure I’m capable of walking on my own. I mean, the Schuyler residence isn’t even that far and-”
Y/N was interrupted by multiple knocks on her door. She shot a ‘this isn’t over’ glare to her father before wandering over to her front door. She opened the door and found a surprise
The Duke of Monticello and the Duke of Manhattan, my father’s two trusted secretaries. Dropping the formalities, Y/N addressed them by their first name 
“Thomas? Alexander? Don’t tell me..” she turned back to her father. Jefferson and Hamilton stood at the doorway, both with flowers and nervous in the presence of Washington 
“Father, I’m starting to question whether you worry for my safety, or worry for your pickiness of my suitor.” Thomas and Alex attempted to hold in their laughs as if their lives depended on it 
“Of course I do!” He held a hand to his chest as if he was hurt “although I do owe them a favor-” a smirk spread across Thomas’s and Alexander’s face, yet was quickly faded as Washington addressed them 
“But no funny business with my daughter. If I hear of any shenanigans from either one of you, you both have serious consequences.” Y/N turned back to the dukes, both of them appearing drained of color. 
“Let me get dolled up and we can be on our way” Y/N swiftly ran upstairs, leaving Thomas and Alexander alone in the presence of their boss. Those poor, poor, boys
Five minutes later, Y/N glided down the stairs in her fancier skirt. Her corset gave her an amazing shape, and her hair made her appear to be a celestial being. She caught the dukes’ eyes lingering on her for a little too long. Luckily, Washington wasn’t around. “Let’s keep our focus on what’s really matters, guys” she laughed 
“R-right...” they said in unison, both turning away and pretending to be interested in the furniture in the house. Y/N had never seen the two secretaries so calm around each other, it made her realize the power the Washington’s have in the colonies. A simple order from a Washington could probably end wars, especially if it’s capable of making Jefferson and Hamilton contain their pride 
“Your graces?” She held out her hands, signifying that she was ready to depart. The dukes held out their forearm and elbows for her to take. Y/N intertwined her arms into theirs, and they headed for the Schuyler residence.
A few minutes down the path and Alexander Hamilton decided to break the silence 
“I still can’t believe you’re entering this season, Y/N. I mean, I still remember running around those horrid military camps all those years ago” he chuckled. It’s true, it’s been all these years since the war and so much has changed 
“I like to believe I’ve grown into a wonderful, young woman, don’t you think?” I batted my eyelashes towards both of them 
“Of course darlin’” Jefferson cut in “but just because we’re your honorable colleagues doesn’t mean Hamilton and I won’t be lining up for your hand” 
“Don’t be so sure. I heard this season has a few aggressive competitors on both sides. The Schuylers, the Paynes, even the Madisons! I might have to step up my game. In the meantime, both of you have to keep an open mind.” 
Thomas and Hamilton stared at each other, surprised by her response. 
“And If I find out that both of you placed bets on which one of you will earn my hand, I’ll be reminding my father to collect both of your heads.” 
Their heads hung in defeat “alright, alright darlin’ I think I kind of like my head attached to my body. No need to get violent.” 
“Plus I don’t think any of you can truly handle a Washington.” Y/N giggled, her arms still intertwined with theirs
“If Jefferson and I don’t scare away the competition, I’m sure your father will” Alexander chuckled, Thomas visibly reacted to the joke as well 
“Oh come on, the two most popular dukes of the colonies have nothing on a suitor that is truly worthy of me” she scoffed 
“And where would you find such a worthy contestant? Someone better than a duke?” The three stopped in front of the Schuyler residence 
“Don’t kill my hopes, a Washington has her ways” Y/N removed her arms from Thomas’s and Alexander’s, heading for the front door. As soon as she was greeted by General Schuyler herself, she waved goodbye to the clashing dukes 
“She’s so mine, Hamilton.” Thomas stated 
“I’m sure you should be worried about your tomcat nature, Jefferson, don’t get too ahead of yourself” Alex retorted
Jefferson audibly scoffed before wandering with him into the city 
3 weeks prior to Y/N reading that exciting pamphlet, Marquis de Lafay-- Now Prince Lafayette sat around a table of French nobles and officials. It felt like ages since he’s been in the colonies, and it has only been a few years ever since the French Revolution had ended. Yet instead of abolishing the monarchy system in France as Lafayette promised to the colonies, he and a few other nobles replaced the previous royal family. 
Lafayette was later titled as a Prince, as were other leading men of France, but he urged to continue being addressed as the ‘Hero of two worlds’. 
But with a new era upon the people of France, came the countless government meetings and conflicts that he had to resolve. 
“Your Majesty? Are you even paying attention?” Secretary Robespierre whispered over his shoulder, causing him to visibly straighten himself out. 
“O-Oui. Why wouldn’t I be?” Lafayette laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head. Robespierre rolled his eyes before whispering again. 
“This is our last meeting of the day. With all due respect sir, can you get yourself together?” 
“Okay, Okay.” Lafayette sighed with boredom 
He missed the colonies dearly, sometimes he wished he never left at all, but seeing his country yearn for a revolution compelled him to sail across the Atlantic once again. He often daydreamed of his riskier lifestyle with his closest friends and soldiers, as well as the feeling of awe while serving directly under General Washington. Never in his life did Lafayette think he would miss the adrenaline rush of stealing cannons and leading fully arm battalions. 
His teenage memories of fooling around in those military camps, wandering the streets of New York City severely intoxicated, and the best memories of all, the memories of escorting the General’s daughter, Y/N Washington, to buy bread and pastries for him and his fellow soldiers. 
Oh, what could she be doing now? 
If it weren’t for the revolution at hand, Lafayette would’ve surely bent a knee once she set foot onto the military camping grounds. Lafayette held such a high respect for Y/N when they first met, especially since she was the daughter of his most admired general. The women in France just couldn’t compare to her heavenly beauty, and her kindness was unbeatable. She was the greatest treasure that Lafayette had stumbled across during his time in the colonies. Although many noblewomen would attempt to take a bite of him, Lafayette stayed loyal to his non-existent promise to Y/N.
A quick quill-slam to the table, and he was quickly drawn back to his reality. Why should he worry about his previous General’s daughter anyway? Lafayette was now a Prince, he could have anything he wanted. But the moment he set foot in France after the American Revolution, he lost the most precious things he already had. He yearned for glory, but at what cost? The cost of abandoning his bonds in the colonies? 
He sighed, standing from the meeting table and wandering to his quarters. Secretary Robespierre followed closely behind him. Sensing an odd tension from Lafayette’s mood, Robespierre attempted to address his situation
“Do you need anything, your majesty?” Lafayette froze in his tracks, weighing his two options 
“Actually...” Lafayette turned to face him “Schedule me a ship to the colonies. The earliest one you can find.” 
Robespierre tilted his head in confusion, letting the last sentence sizzle in his head.
 “I’m sorry, what?” 
The prince in distress sighed with fatigue. “I’ve decided I’m heading to the colonies, tout suite.” Lafayette kept his gaze strong  
‘B-but sir, you have so much to take care of-” Robespierre was notably panicking at this moment. “-and the recent shortages-”
“Mon Ami, there are at least three other ‘crowned princes’ who are perfectly capable of maintaining this nation. One prince gone won’t hurt the economy”  Prince Lafayette stated firmly 
Robespierre debated for a moment before confirming his thoughts “Alright. I’ll notify you when the earliest ship can be sailed. But what shall you do about the gossip? Perhaps they will believe you are not responsible enough for this role.”  
“Let the people speak as they please. In the end, I’ll remind them who’s in charge.” Lafayette began towards his quarters once again, Robespierre stayed behind to script all of his thoughts. 
Finally in his study, Lafayette dipped his quill into the nearest container of ink and started to write. 
‘To the Great General Washington, It’s been ages since we’ve last written…’
Maybe Lafayette will be able to have a taste of his old life. 
---the Schuyler residence
Giggling echoed throughout the Schuyler residence as the 5 girls enjoyed their tea. 
“Have you gals read Payne’s newest pamphlet? We’re the talk of the town as of now” Angelica, the oldest Schuyler, smiled with satisfaction. Her luminous complexion complemented her coral pink gown. 
“I never expected our courting debut to be so..” Eliza searched for the right words “..turbulent among the talkers..” she took a sip of her tea 
“I’m still stunned by the feedback” Y/N laughed nervously “My father even requested his two most clashing secretaries to escort me here, they didn’t even argue once” she said in awe 
The top 5 girls of the season all sat in one room. Though they would eventually become each other's courting competition, they were great friends nonetheless. During the war, Y/N would stay in the Schuyler household while their fathers were out of town daydreaming of being free from the king, attending a few balls together, and watching soldier boys trip over themselves. After the war ended, Dolley Paine became a mutual connection through their high ranking families. The 5 got along way too quickly. 
Peggy held up the tea pot “another fill, ladies?” Y/N and Dolley nodded, both taking their turns to fill their cups. 
“Awee, look at you Peggy, you’ll make a perfect wife” Dolley teased. The rest of the girls laughed it off, yet Y/N didn’t feel at ease with that statement. 
“You don’t actually think we will all get married that quickly, do you?” Y/N looked around to see their confused expressions. “Guys?” 
“Well..” Angelica pondered for a moment “I believe that it’s ideal to marry on your first season” 
Peggy had to stop herself from spitting out her tea 
“That soon? But we’re so young, and-” Eliza interrupted
“And we’re ladies. Society expects us to do nothing more and nothing less with what we’re given” Angelica takes a content sip of her tea once again “I don’t make the rules around here.” 
The silence was awfully louder than the conversation. 
“Alright.” Dolley smiled “I guess we'll just have to make this next few weeks extra special, right?” 
Y/N took a deep breath “the best of the best.” She muttered
Peggy turned to her and nodded, and Eliza was quick to join. Y/N faked a smile at the girls, ‘I guess that’s just how it is’ is what she thought, and Angelica would raise her glass for a toast 
“A toast to the best courting season?” The 4 other girls raised their glass as well. 
Though many hours were filled with laughter and giggles, Y/N couldn’t help but imagine how much her life would change within the next few months. And just by entering this season, Y/N will give up her youth and give someone her hand to please someone. To please herself? To please the people? To please her parents? She had no clue 
She stared out the window, remembering those nights of staying at the Schuyler residence, watching those drunk soldiers stumble across the street. Many of them were her friends, friends she had met through her fathers rank. She smiled at the thought of the most memorable gentleman she had met while at those camps. 
‘The French Foreigner’ is what they used to call him, but only before he became comfortable in the colonies. ‘Marquis de Lafayette’ was his title, and Y/N always loved the sound of his name rolling off her tongue. 
“I don’t know what my father told you, but I’m sure I don’t need you to accompany me simply to buy bread” Y/N stood stubbornly 
Lafayette gently grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips 
“I just want you to be safe, mon ange, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you got hurt..”
 He kissed the back of her hand, maintaining eye contact. Y/N appeared as if she just experienced a revelation “..shall we be on our way, mademoiselle?” 
She took a moment to think, her head still in the clouds. Y/N slowly nodded “Alright.” The two intertwined arms and headed into the city 
Oh how she missed the old days. Y/N hated to admit it, but she truly believed she met the most exquisite gentlemen during the war. Whenever she’d stay at the camps with her father, a small group of soldiers would always keep her company. A tailor, an abolitionist, two immigrants, the camps were definitely a mixing pot. 
At that very moment, Y/N prayed she’d be able to find someone like the men at her fathers military camp during this courting season. 
Y/N jumped at the tapping on her shoulder
“Y/N? Don’t tell me you already have suitors lining up out there for you” Y/N shook her head and laughed 
“I just spaced out. That’s all.” She attempted to change the subject “What were we talking about?” She questioned 
Peggy interrupted “Next week's ball, the first ball of the season. Do we show up in our best, or do we build suspense until the last seasonal ball?” Peggy debated 
“Let’s take one ball at a time, shall we?” Eliza proposed her idea 
“Well for the first ball, I suggest….” All the girls gathered around Angelica to hear her plan
—-Lafayette’s quarters (France)
Prince Lafayette neatly folded his clothes as he was departing for the colonies within a few hours. He remembers the excitement he felt when he traveled to the colonies for the first time, having to dress like a pregnant woman in order to board the ship, but he still cringes at the imagery. 
He elegantly stuffed his belongings into his shoulder bag. He stood back to admire his rushed work, but he felt as if he was missing something. 
Lafayette looked around his quarters, his eyes became glued on his treasured gun, gifted to him by General Washington himself. The wooden hilt was stained with god knows what, but the gold trimmings were shining in the afternoon sunlight. 
He’d already have French soldiers accompanying him, he was a prince after all. Would he need such weaponry? 
“I do not see why not.” He muttered to himself before stuffing it into his bag with the rest of his belongings. Lafayette dusted off his fancy clothing and stood in triumph, well, before a woman cleared her throat behind him. 
Lady Adrienne stood at the doorway to his study, her emerald green skirts creased against the doorframe. Lafayette and Adrienne previously courted before he left for the colonies, which ended up being her last straw. Lady Adrienne attempted to stop him, since she was a loyalist to the monarchs of France, but Lafayette refused to listen. 
“que veux-tu? I'm busy at the moment.” Lafayette covered his bag with a nearby coat, crossing his arms. 
“I heard you’re going back to the colonies. What’s so special across the ocean that you can’t have here? You’re a prince for god sake” 
“It’s none of your concern, get out of-”
“Last time you left for the colonies- left me for the colonies- you just weren’t the same when you came back.” she was on the verge of yelling
Lafayette sighed, having already been through this conversation ever since he came back to France. 
“This is nonsense. I need to be alone as of now.” Lafayette turned away from her to continue packing his belongings. She had a hurt expression on her face; part of her mind refused to believe he wasn’t her suitor anymore. Ever since he left for the colonies. 
She slowly began to advance towards him. “That is no way to talk to your previous courting partner, Lafayette.” Her tone was strong yet unsure. 
“It’s Prince Lafayette to you, and there’s a reason why we’re not courting now..” He was notably irritated by her presence. 
Lady Adrienne wasn’t leaving his quarters until she was given an answer. 
“Was I not enough for you to stay in France…?” she rested a hand on his shoulders, Lafayette visibly cringed. “What’s in the colonies that you can’t have here?” 
Lafayette swiftly turned towards her, brushing her hand off of his shoulder in disgust. “I don’t have to answer to you—“ he attempted to retort
“—Don’t tell me you’re still mad that I had more faith in the monarchs of our country rather than you” 
Lady Adrienne rolled her eyes annoyingly, Lafayette blood had already begun boiling long ago. She started moving closer to Lafayette, attempting to trap him in his room, and forcing him to stay in France. Although this was her main plan, she wanted an answer, and she wanted it now. 
“Your own lover didn’t believe in you. Is that why you’re so upset? It’s quite the reaction for something so minuscule—” she scoffed. 
Lafayette snapped
“—as a matter of fact, you weren’t my lover. It’s not you, its...” 
Lafayette, clearly frustrated, struggled to hold up under his old friend’s gaze. She saw it in his eyes, the way they lightened when he thought about the colonies. 
She saw a similar light in them the day he returned from France. Perhaps it was the praise he obtained for the foreign war, or perhaps some treasures he discovered, or maybe someone.
“Lafayette... Did you find another partner in the colonies?” 
The panic was visible in his eyes, but there no was no reason to panic, he thought. 
Lafayette brushed up against lady Adrienne, his lips were millimeters from her ear. He began
“Our relationship ended from the moment I set foot on that ship, and I do not regret it one bit..” 
He stepped out of her reach and continued to pack away his belongings, Lady Adrienne was frozen with shock.
“My business in the colonies is my business only,” He stated strongly. “And you are free to believe whatever you want, it would benefit me in the least to care about what you think. Am I being clear?” 
Lady Adrienne could only stand in silence
“Security! I’d love for you to escort this maiden out of this quarters at once!”
He’d never forget the hatred in her eyes as she was humiliatingly taken away. Lafayette kept his mind on his current task: the colonies await his arrival. 
—to be continued—
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nicknellie · 3 years
For months I’ve been saying I’d write a fic where Alex starts counselling because this fandom is in desperate need of good therapy representation, and I’ve finally got around to it! This follows Alex deciding he wants to get therapy, having his first assessment, and having his first session. Most of it is pulled from my experiences so far, but bare in mind that not all therapists/organisations will function the way this one does. Also I’m very tired and I didn’t proofread so I’m sorry for any errors, I’ll fix them at another point.
TW: anxiety, therapy, mentions of depression, mentions of homophobia, mentions of OCD
The Right Decision
It was another one of those days where Alex felt exhausted from the moment he woke up. Not exhausted in that he needed to sleep longer (although admittedly that was probably a part of it), just exhausted because here was another day he had to get through, another challenge he had to overcome, another stressful sixteen hours of endless worries and things to do. Sometimes Alex felt like there was no escape, no rest, no pause in his life. He had to keep going no matter how drained he felt.
It was exhausting.
Everything felt like too much nowadays. Between going to school and sitting exams, playing with the band, and keeping up with his friends, Alex felt as if he had no time to breathe. He couldn’t slow down for longer than a moment or two before along came the next thing and the next barrage of anxieties that accompanied it. He couldn’t catch his breath, he couldn’t keep up, and it was dragging him down.
What he couldn’t understand was how nobody else seemed to feel quite as worried as him. He had always been more anxious than his friends, that was nothing new – but when everyone he knew had mostly the same stresses as him, it struck him as impossible that none of them seemed too overwhelmed. Perhaps every now and then Luke would complain about an exam at school or Reggie would mention that he was having trouble sleeping, but none of Alex’s friends ever mentioned weak legs, trouble breathing, clouded thoughts, needless panic that stemmed from nowhere, the feeling that nothing they did was really worth much at all.
Recently, Alex’s days had been muddled, his mind occupied with each new worry that he thought up. He was finding it hard to focus on much at all. He’d find his leg bouncing whenever he sat down or his fingers scratching at his knees, little repetitive movements that he wouldn’t notice until somebody pointed them out. He struggled sleeping at night, his mind racing at the speed of light, every nonsensical thought keeping him awake like the world’s most pessimistic firework display. When he was around his friends, his mind snagged on what they thought about him – he began acting the way he thought they wanted him to rather than the way he normally would have.
It felt like he was constantly pretending to be coping better than he was. If he carried on the way he was, he knew sooner or later he would break.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said that morning, sat on the opposite side of the sofa to Willie. He had stayed the night at Willie’s place, vastly preferring it to his own – his strained relationship with his parents wasn’t exactly doing him a world of good either.
“About what?” Willie asked, kicking their feet up onto the sofa and resting them in Alex’s lap.
The question was strangely hard to answer. Where was he even supposed to begin answering it?
“About me,” he ventured slowly. It seemed like a good start, he just wasn’t sure how to carry on.
“I think about you a lot too,” Willie said, beaming. “It’s one of my favourite pastimes.”
Normally, Alex might have blushed, but he was so caught up in his own head that the flirtatious nature of Willie’s comment flew right over his head.
Willie sat up, looking concerned. He took Alex’s hand in his own, dragging Alex down from his addled thoughts. “What’s going on, hotdog? What have you been thinking?”
“I’ve not been finding things easy recently,” Alex began. He hadn’t expected tears to fill his eyes so soon, and yet there they were. His voice wavered, his words interspersed with sniffles. Frustrated, he sighed and wiped roughly at his eyes with his sleeve, annoyed that this was all getting to him so easily. “I… I can’t explain it.”
Willie reached up and gently pulled Alex’s tight fists away from his eyes and instead wiped Alex’s tears away softly with his thumb. “Take your time,” they said. “It’s alright. I’m listening.”
“I just… I feel so nervous. All the time. About every little thing. And it feels like it’s getting worse. I don’t feel like myself anymore.”
One of the things Alex loved most about Willie was that he was never pushy. He always let Alex talk as and when he needed to, getting everything off his chest the way he wanted, even if it took hours. They did it now, just holding Alex’s hand, their eyes fixed on him attentively. From someone else, the unbroken eye contact might have just unnerved Alex even more, but from Willie it felt reassuring. He knew he was being listened to and heard – he knew he was safe.
“I want to get help,” he breathed. “I don’t want to carry on the way I am. It scares me.”
“If you want to get help, then that’s exactly what we’ll do,” Willie told him, threading their fingers together. “And Alex – it might not feel like it, but you’re so brave for telling me that. It can’t have been easy, but I’m proud of you for telling me instead of just struggling through by yourself.”
“Do you think it’s a good idea?” Alex asked apprehensively. Willie was always supportive of him, but it was such a drastic change from the way his parents treated him that sometimes he couldn’t help but check it was all real.
Willie smiled gently and cupped Alex’s cheek with his hand. His eyes fluttered shut and he leaned into the touch, so he couldn’t see Willie when they replied but he could hear the honestly in his voice. “I think it’ll be really helpful for you. And if it’s what you think you need then it’s worth trying no matter what.”
“Thank you,” Alex whispered, barely audible, throat clogged with suppressed sobs.
“Anything, Alex.”
The two of them spent hours researching different therapists and counsellors. Willie carried out extensive background checks on every one of them – at first Alex thought that maybe it was a bit much, but Willie was adamant that only the best would do, that he didn’t want anyone with a chequered past or a dodgy record.
Eventually they came across a charity that offered free counselling. The sessions would take place at the same time on the same day each week and they could go on for as long as Alex needed. He would be assigned the counsellor deemed most fit to treat him after completing an assessment, and the organisation appeared to have very good reviews and success rates.
“We don’t have to sign you up today,” Willie explained, “not if you think it’ll be too much too soon. But it’s worth keeping in mind that this place is probably a good one to go for.”
Alex thought for a moment before making his mind up. He knew himself – if he kept putting it off because he was nervous about it then he would never get around to doing it at all.
“Let’s do it now,” he said resolutely, trying to sound confident in the hopes that maybe he’d believe he wasn’t so nervous himself. “Get it out of the way. It’s now or never, right?”
Willie just kissed the top of his head and clicked the application button at the bottom of the webpage.
A week or so later, Alex received an email informing him of when his assessment would take place. It seemed like a very informal thing – someone from the charity would phone him, they’d have a casual chat where they would ask him about himself, and they’d offer him either a space on their waiting list or suggest somewhere else that might be able to help him better.
Despite how friendly and casual it all sounded, Alex couldn’t help but feel nervous. For one thing, he hated talking to strangers. He’d never been good at it and the whole idea made him feel sick with worry. Though, he supposed, that was why he was going through with this whole thing, to make that worry stop.
But the other issue was that it was a phone appointment. Inexplicably, one of the things guaranteed to cause Alex anxiety was phone calls. The thought of picking up the phone when somebody rang was enough to make his head spin and eyes water. Just the notion of it made him want to lock himself away in a lonely dark room and not come out until he felt he could breathe again. It was painfully ironic – he had to do the things that made him most anxious in order to get help with his anxiety.
When the time of the appointment came, Alex was sat on Willie’s bed by himself, staring at his phone, waiting for it to ring. Willie had kindly offered to be in the room with him, but Alex had declined. Even though Willie was the most supportive person in his life, having them in the room while he had his assessment would have made it a thousand times more difficult.
The phone rang and for a moment Alex considered just not picking up. Was it worth making himself even more worried over this? Maybe he could learn to cope with his anxiety alone instead of getting all worked up over receiving help. He’d managed just fine in the past.
But you’re not managing just fine right now, Alex, he reminded himself. Pick up the phone.
“Hello?” he said, forcing himself to keep his voice level.
“Hi,” came a voice on the other end. It was an airy, soft-spoken lady, and though Alex couldn’t see her he could imagine her sat in her office, surrounded by motivational posters and dreamcatchers, wearing far too many scarves. “My name is Elizabeth. I’m calling for your mental health assessment. I just need to confirm who I’m speaking to.”
“Alex Mercer,” he said, glad he could answer that first question right at the very least. And sure, maybe the other questions he would be asked didn’t have specific right or wrong answers, but he still felt as if he had something to prove with them. Here at least he knew what he was doing.
“And your age and date of birth please, Alex,” Elizabeth asked. He could hear the faint scratching of a pen on paper.
“I’m eighteen and my birthday is the first of August.”
A tiny voice in the back of his mind questioned him, but he pushed it away. He wasn’t going to overthink so quickly. He knew what his own birthday was.
“Great, thank you, Alex,” Elizabeth said. “So I’m just going to talk you through how this will work quickly, okay? I’ll try not to take too long with the whole assessment, I know sometimes talking on the phone or talking to strangers can be tricky. All that’s really going to happen is that we’ll have a little chat, I’ll ask you about your life and your mental health. Everything we say will be confidential, the only other person who’ll find out is the person we assign as your counsellor. All I need you to do is be as honest as possible when you answer the questions. Is that all okay?”
“Yeah,” Alex said. His throat felt tight with worry but he did his best to ignore it. Elizabeth sounded like a lovely lady and the whole point of this was that he would stop being anxious, or at least learn to manage it better. Maybe this bit was hard, but it would only get easier as time went on. “That’s alright.”
“Fantastic,” she said. “Okay, Alex, we’ll start with the most obvious question: why do you want to come to us for counselling?”
He told her what he had told Willie, just with fewer tears. He could feel them stinging the backs of his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. His voice stayed level but only because he forced it too.
From then on, it seemed like fairly quickfire questions. Elizabeth didn’t linger on any one aspect of Alex’s life so long that it made Alex uncomfortable, as if she was just sizing him up rather than trying to properly inspect him.
“Who do you live with, Alex?”
“My parents and my little sister, but I don’t spend a lot of time at home.”
“Do you not get on with them?” she asked. Her tone made her sound curious rather than concerned and somehow that was a lot easier for Alex to respond to. She just wanted to know – she wasn’t worried about it.
“My little sister’s fine, but not my parents.”
“Where do you stay instead?”
“My boyfriend’s apartment.”
Pen scratching on paper again.
“How’s your relationship with your boyfriend?” Elizabeth asked.
It was one of the only questions Alex felt confident answering. “My relationship with Willie is the best thing in my life.”
He thought he could hear Elizabeth’s smile as she said, “I’m very glad to hear that, Alex.”
She asked him about his friendships and he told her that they were strong. When she asked who his best friend was he momentarily panicked because he didn’t know which of his friends to choose – they all meant the world to him in different ways – but settled on Carrie. He explained that he was in a band with most of his other friends and that it was one of the only things that made him feel relaxed.
Elizabeth asked about school and Alex told her about his exams, how the stress of them definitely wasn’t doing his mind any good. She asked about his grades and he told her that they were high but he worried about keeping them that way. She asked him if he was part of any clubs or teams and he said he was on the cross-country team but didn’t find much enjoyment in it anymore.
It was odd, he thought absently. As he spoke to Elizabeth, he not only found himself being open and honest with her but also with himself. Half the things he told her were things he hadn’t thought about until she brought them up, and realising that he worried about grades more than he’d thought and that he didn’t want to be on the running team was more of a surprise to him that it should have been. He noticed more and more things about himself as he went on, things he probably never would have realised otherwise, and it sparked a little flame of hope inside him that maybe this counselling was already being beneficial to him.
The assessment was over much more quickly than Alex had thought it would take. Elizabeth told him that she was happy to put him on the waiting list and that she would be in touch when a counsellor became available. After a friendly goodbye, Alex put the phone down and took a few minutes to collect himself before heading out into the living room of Willie’s apartment to tell him how well it had gone.
It was a month or two before Alex heard from the charity again. He got another email, this one telling him the time and location of his first appointment. He showed up on the day, Willie by his side, feeling the worst he’d felt in weeks.
“Hey,” Willie said gently as Alex just stared at the door, his stomach flipping at the thought of even pressing the intercom. “Just remember you’re doing this to help yourself. I believe in you, hotdog. You’ve got this.”
Alex pulled Willie into a brief hug, but disentangled himself quickly and pressed the intercom before his adrenaline disappeared and he had another chance to dwell on it.
“Hello,” came the voice of the receptionist inside. “How can I help?”
“My name is Alex Mercer, I’m here for my counselling session,” he said. He wasn’t sure how much of his sentence actually sounded like words, the entire thing having been rushed out on one breath, but the receptionist seemed to get it. The lock on the door clicked open.
“Come on in, you can sit in the waiting room and your counsellor will come and get you soon.”
Alex took a deep breath and pushed the door open, Willie following close behind him as the two of them walked into the building. The waiting room was on the left as soon as they walked in so they took their seats beside each other. There was hardly anyone else in there – the receptionist was sat behind the desk in the corner, there was a lady flicking through a magazine on the other side of the waiting room, and a young man was sat with a toddler, trying to keep the little boy still when clearly all he wanted to do was run around. The walls were covered in posters, most of them either with motivation quotes on them or symptoms of different mental health issues. Alex had to tear his eyes away from the anxiety one, his hands rubbing together in his lap restlessly.
They weren’t sat there for very long when a kind-looking man poked his head into the waiting room and scanned it. When his eyes landed on Alex and Willie, a small smile grew on his face.
“Alex Mercer?” he asked.
Alex stood up and wiped his sweaty hands down on his trousers. “Yeah, that’s me.”
“Nice to meet you, Alex,” the man said. “I’m Graham, I’ll be your counsellor. Is this your boyfriend?”
“Yeah, this is Willie,” Alex said, gesturing vaguely in his direction.
“Hi,” they said, “great to meet you.”
“You too,” Graham said. “Alex, Willie can come in with you for a little bit if you think that would make you more comfortable, or he could stay here in the waiting room and it’ll just be you and I in there. Whatever you prefer.”
Alex cast a glance at Willie who just gave him a reassuring smile. Your call, their expression said, I’m here for you no matter what.
“I’d rather go in alone,” Alex decided.
Graham nodded, smiling genially. “That’s alright. If you’d like to follow me then.”
Sending one last look to Willie (who gave Alex a thumbs up and mouthed ‘you got this’), Alex followed Graham out of the waiting room, up a flight of stairs, and into a smaller room on the second floor. There was hardly anything in there but a desk with a laptop on it and two chairs positioned opposite each other, a coffee table between them with a lamp and a box of tissues on it. Graham sat down in one chair and gestured for Alex to sit in the other.
“Alright, Alex,” Graham said, donning his glasses and picking up a pen and paper. “How are you feeling about being here today?”
“I’m a little nervous,” Alex told him. “But you know… it’s something I’ve got to do, right?”
Graham nodded. “Looking at your assessment, I think you made the right decision in coming to us. I just want to briefly explain what will be happening in these sessions – I’m going to be doing CBT. Do you know what that is?”
Alex shook his head.
“CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy,” Graham explained. “As people, we have thoughts. Those thoughts influence our mood, which then influences our behaviour, which influences our thoughts. It’s a cycle. When our thoughts or our behaviours turn negative, it can lead to mental health problems like yours. What CBT aims to do is change the thought processes and behaviours that lead to things like your anxiety. With me so far?”
Alex nodded.
“We aren’t going to start that today,” Graham said. Alex breathed a sigh of relief and Graham chuckled at it, but not in a way that made Alex feel like he was being made fun of. “Today we’re just going to get to know each other a bit, we’ll go over the information I’ve got from your assessment in a little more detail, and then I’ve got a questionnaire for you to fill out. Sound good?”
“Good,” Alex said. Well, he supposed, getting one word out was better than none at all.
Graham pulled out a few sheets of paper and the two of them spent the next half hour or so going over the assessment Elizabeth had conducted. It was a lot more detailed, a lot more personal, and Alex needed to think about himself a lot more than he would have liked, but it was made easier by Graham’s easy-going personality and the fact that Alex’s knew it was all necessary. He wasn’t being judged for any of it, he was just helping Graham help him.
It just felt like a chat with a friend. When they talked about Alex’s parents and he explained they weren’t supporting of his sexuality, Graham said, “When I told my folks that I’m bisexual they had a similar reaction. I understand it – you’re not alone, Alex.”
And as he said that, Alex really felt it was true. He was understood here. He wasn’t alone.
They talked about Alex’s trouble sleeping, how he worried about the little things rather than anything really important, how he was a picky eater, and every detail that seemed insignificant but clearly meant something to Graham. It felt a little invasive, but the environment was comfortable, so Alex didn’t really mind sharing. It was ridiculously easy to say everything on his mind and so much more freeing than keeping his emotions bottled up like normal.
“Alright then,” Graham said eventually. “All I’ve got left is this questionnaire. It’ll take you through forty-seven questions and all of the answers give you a choice between always, often, sometimes, or never. Sometimes it’s quite obvious what the question is getting at – there’s one about repetitive routines that’s obviously about OCD – but I want you to answer as honestly as possible, don’t even think about what it might do to your results. Alright?”
“Yeah,” Alex said, “that’s fine.”
Graham led Alex through the questionnaire, selecting the answers on his laptop. Alex tried to answer quickly, not giving himself time to overthink it, but a few of the simplest ones stumped him. He’d never thought about how much he thought about death, he’d never paid any mind to his specific behaviours. But still, he answered as best he could and the questions were over relatively quickly.
“Looking at your results,” Graham said, pushing his glasses further up his nose and squinting at the laptop screen, “you answered most highly for general anxiety – you got twenty-nine for that. Then social anxiety, you got twenty. Depression and low mood, you got sixteen. For panic disorder you got fourteen, eleven for OCD, and five for separation anxiety. Does any of that surprise you?”
“Not in the slightest,” Alex told him, laughing at himself a little. It was exactly what he would have expected from himself – he wasn’t quite sure what the numbers really meant, but having general anxiety at the top wasn’t a shock to him.
“So what we’ll do each week from now on is fill out a smaller one of those, but it will be more focused on general anxiety, only eight or nine questions long. And we’ll start your CBT next week so these little questionnaires will be very helpful to track your progress. But that’s it for this week! You’re done, Alex, you made it!”
Alex felt himself smile. He’d done it. It hadn’t been nearly as difficult as he had thought it would be – it felt like there had been a weight lifted from his shoulders and he could breathe easily. His mind briefly wandered back to how anxious he’d been to even press the intercom outside; now he felt the lightest he’d been in as long as he could remember.
He and Graham said their goodbyes and Alex made his way back down to the waiting room to see get Willie. When he saw the bright smile Alex wore, Willie’s face lit up and he beamed.
“How was that?” they asked, immediately slipping his hand into Alex’s.
“Really good,” Alex told them. Willie’s face softened – there was a definite look of pride in their eyes and Alex knew it was for him. “I’m glad I’m doing this.”
Standing up on his tiptoes, Willie pressed a featherlight kiss to Alex’s cheek. “I’m glad. I’m proud of you, hotdog.”
“I’m proud of me too,” Alex said. For the first time in a very long while, he actually meant it.
Taglist (if you want to be added or removed just let me know): @ace-bookworm @williexmercer @boggie-brainrot @itstiger720 @the-reckless-and-the-brave @that-one-newsie @bluedarkness @lookingthroughmirrors @tmp-jatp @salty-star @julieandthequeers @lmaohuh @sunnysbright @sylphrenas @callmeontheleyline
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westerhos · 4 years
Our Story: Chapter 5
Here marks the middle of our tale, that vast, perilous land between the beginning and the end. The going is treacherous in these parts—the wayward couple must heal on their own, tread the sea of two decades with arms and souls akimbo—but still, it is not unnecessary. The middle is never aimless. Always, always, it has one goal: the ending.
When the lights go up and the curtains close, you clap—perhaps, should the couple reunite (which, of course, they will), you shout “Encore, encore!” But then, at last, you return to your car. You catch the train, or you grab a taxi. At last, having started at the beginning and waded through the middle, you reach the final destination. The night is over; you go home.
Home. Whether a place, a person, a feeling, or a thing—it does not matter. Home is always the goal and the ending, the northernmost star we pray to and walk towards.
[December 24th, 1996]
Two weeks’ vacation in a cabin, tucked deep inside a fold of mountains. Here, amongst the stretches of living nothingness, even the silence has a voice. Owls hoot in the night. The pines’ chatter, their needle-whispers pierced by caws and shifted air—a hawk swooping to ensnare her prey. And if one listens closely enough, one can hear the hunter's a shaky, traitorous breath, which launches the doe across the snow—the echo of his heartsong, the drum to which the doe’s hooves beat. Come back, come back, come back.
This is why Jamie has come here: for the endless conversation between man and mountain, more steadfast than the chill in his heart. In the past four years, Jamie has sold the twin cot (it lies in a salvage yard somewhere, all broken springs and dreams). A different couple has moved into the studio, and when they had spoken of paint jobs—“Perhaps mint green, what d’ye say, hon?”— Jamie had thought, Thank God. He’d happily offered them the keys when they turned to him, pupils dilated with youthful optimism. By that point, there was no space for Jamie and Claire inside that Edinburgh Eden, and so he’d chimed in, “Aye, a bonny color.” (Indeed, the walls are mint now, though a forgotten strip of marigold shines in the northern corner.)
For two years, Jamie has lived with Murtagh in Glasgow, having shed not just his home but his editorial career in publishing. He has grown tired of fixing other’s mistakes—too many of his own in need of correction—and so here he sits on this Christmas Eve, writing towards redemption.
The Grampians are a peaceful place, big hulks of rock scattered with trees—bouquets of fir, oak, and pine cradling other cabins. At dark, their windows flicker, candlelit with the dreams of the aspiring novelists, essayists, playwrights therein. Men and women, all bowed before the cleansing hum of nature’s speech. Like Jamie, they had seen the fliers: WRITER’S RETREAT, TWO WEEKS IN THE MOUNTAINS—and so it was. They were small colony taking its temporary leave, hoping to reconstruct the world according to their own, more favorable terms.
Over supper, the group gathers and shares their ideas: outlines, pieces of dialogue, an inspiring poem they’ve loved since childhood. And while Jamie is generous with his advice, he holds his notebooks against his chest. Enraptured by this warm aloofness (for is it not the way of all great wordsmiths?), the others whisper behind their palms, “Have you read Fraser’s story?” Into napkins, “No, have you?”
But among the fifteen guests, only one has read Jamie’s story—and tonight, Jamie waits for her inside his cabin. His latest draft is fanned around him, some sections highlighted and others slashed. They are not unlike Claire’s old strike-throughs, which had snipped the would-be Dalhousie and eventually, Jamie’s own name, from her life (a reclamation of Beauchamp, a transformation to Randall). Among Jamie’s scribbles are his friend’s edits, which are much more forgiving, much less forceful than the lines of his own red pen. Each comment reads like a bashful request: “More clarity?”, “Switch the verb here?”, “Too many adjectives?” as if she needs permission to occupy the margins. Should I really be reading this?, she seems to say, the bare-backed rawness making her squirm.
But she is helping him, his friend. And so she sees Jamie’s drafts before John, his agent, and before Fergus, his assistant and most loyal advocate. With each comment, she brings him closer to understanding, to the better beginning, middle and end. Note by note, to the way his story (their story, for it can never be Jamie’s alone) should be. All rhymes and logic, had it not veered off-course.
Is Alexander too cold here? Shouldn’t he say something? (He should have.)
It seems out of character for Alexander to never visit his daughter’s grave? (Grief carves cowards out of heroes.)
Shouldn’t he try to win Elizabeth back? (God, yes. He should have tried harder.)
The knock comes three minutes later, as expected.
“Door’s unlocked.”
“Oh!” A muffled apology, embarrassment for the delay. “Sorry,” the visitor says. “It’s late. Didna ken if ye still wanted to talk or not. I brought—well, I finished reading your last chapter.”
And now another player enters this fifth act, tip-toes quietly onto the stage. Only a slip of a thing in the cabin’s doorway, cheeks pinked by the storm’s sharp nip. She is Jamie’s friend-slash-critique partner, and even her entrance is punctuated by a question mark. The score of owl, pine, hawk and hunter swells, buffeted now by new notes: the crack of chapped lips smiling, the anxious shuffle of papers, and—
“Dinna fash, I couldna sleep anyways,” Jamie assures her. “Did ye like it, though? The new ending?”
His friend inhales sharply, stealing as much oxygen as the room will allow. Everything—the threadbare futon, the TV’s antennae, the welcome mat and Jamie’s body—bends towards some invisible presence. A ghost between between all.
“It was…a bit different from the last one.”
“I’ll take that as a ‘Nay, I didna like it.’”
She looks shyly at the ground, one foot treading nervous circles into the planks.
“It was a bit too sentimental is all. After everything. All that time and silence…D’ye really think Alex and Lizzie could make it?”
Her words are a blow to Jamie’s stomach, and the pages are fire in his hands. He puts them down, wants to thrust himself under a blanket of snow to freeze the flames.
“In a fairy tale, maybe, but life isna a fairy tale. And d’ye no want to write truths?” She looks up, and her eyes gore him. “This story isna a fairy tale either, Jamie. Yours never are.”
“Aye…aye, I s’pose they’re not,” he replies, thinking of his other novels and short stories, essays and poems. Each accepted by John’s gimlet eye, only to meet their end in a publisher’s slush pile. (“Too dark, too wallowing,” an editor once wrote.)  
“Give it another go. I’ll help ye tomorrow, if ye’d like,” his friend offers. “Three days left. I reckon we’ve time to sort the kinks, right the wrongs.” (Three days will never be enough for Jamie’s wrongs.)
“I’d appreciate that, lass. Verra much.”
His friend looks behind her and at the moon, a shy sickle in the sky. It draws her toward the door and the snow-covered mountainside.
“Weel, it’s a long walk back,” she says. “Wanted to give ye that before the morning, so I guess I’ll just…”
“Will ye stay with me tonight?” Jamie blurts. And he hates himself for saying this, the way it sounds outside his mouth and inside his cabin, landing on the unmade bed. Its despair makes it ugly. But.
But if his friend stays, Jamie thinks, perhaps the emptiness will leave. If his friend stays, perhaps his story will correct itself, falling into its natural rhythm, by the force of whatever solace she can give him.
“It’s Christmas Eve,” he continues, “and I…I dinna want to be alone.”
She pauses, thinks it over before saying, “Okay. Just for a bit?” (Just for a bit? Another loaded question, and one he doesn’t want to answer.)
“Thank you,” Jamie whispers, and Mary McNab removes her coat.
Long before daybreak, Jamie wakes. He gathers his draft, made complete by that final failing chapter, into a single stack. He retrieves a box from his suitcase, which is swathed in his old holiday sweater, and it speaks to him. A quiet loudness, like the murmur of the Grampians. You mean your lager-stained pullover? With the Santa looks that looks like he’s got vomit in his beard?
Inside the box is a gift—a vase, azure porcelain—though Jamie has no plans to send it across the Atlantic, to the Boston apartment where his ex-wife kisses another man. No. This vase will stay with Jamie, forever hidden on the high shelf of a closet, or exiled to the back corner of a desk drawer. Like his grief, it is something that he owns—this small cut from a cloth of unraveled dreams—to be kept and locked safely away. There, there, always there. All fancy people have vases.
Jamie wraps the box with his manuscript. One by one, he folds the pages over and under, seals the edges with tape to form an inch-thick layer. So much history around this small, delicate thing—their story, with the ending Jamie cannot use and which cannot be the truth. At last, he cuts the string of wool, which still drips from his sweater after all these years, and it rasps, Do we have time? Of course we do.
Finally, Jamie weeps—a mournful sound that joins the chorus of this great, big mountain—and ties a frayed, red bow.
(Jamie does not realize that Mary watches him from the bed. “Tell me about her,” she wants to say—for once a statement and not a question—but she does not. Instead, she calls to Jamie, presses her goosefleshed nakedness to his. And as they move together, slow but unfeeling, she pretends she is a vessel. Closes her eyes. Makes room for the ghost. I’m Claire Beauchamp. Just plain Claire Beauchamp.)
Here, the idea of a writer’s retreat, the introduction, and the parentheticals (although those are also inspired by one of my favorite authors Kate Atkinson) are my lame attempts at trying to be Lauren Groff. Actually, the next handful of chapters are the result of my obsession with her novel Fates and Furies—which you should absolutely go read, right now.
One of my favorite parts about writing a modern AU is finding ways to fit in canon characters or references. I started this chapter having no idea who Jamie’s critique partner was, but it very quickly came together once there was a remote cabin, Jamie inside it, and a woman coming to visit him. I hope the reveal is at least somewhat...fun? The vase is also obviously a nod to Outlander, and, well, I’m assuming y’all caught on to Jamie’s character names (a bit on the nose, lmao).
I’m not crazy about this introduction (it’s...a bit much...but it’s meant to tie into the introduction of Chapter 1), but the final paragraph from Mary’s POV is actually one of my favorite paragraphs in the whole fic.
I also think I wrote this during a snowstorm, wheeeee!
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kirishwima · 4 years
Also, can I ask for number 12 on the soulmate prompt list for Zen? I am so soft for Zen in any scenario 🥺🥺🥺, but also my mc has tattoos and the fact that Zen doesn't is a capital sin because he would look amazing with them
Zen w a sleeve,,,,,,,,that is all 12. You have half of a tattoo, and your soulmate has the other.
* Half a wolf on his arm, the tip of its ear at his shoulder, the end of his neck at the juncture of his elbow. 
* He woke one day when he was 17, running late to his part-time job as he dashed outside with nothing but a t-shirt and jeans, hoping his boss wouldn’t fire him over it, desperetly needing the money to keep attending his late-night acting classes-he was so lost in his own little world, he didn’t notice the stares he’d gotten, how people would whisper as they looked at his arms.
* It’s not like Zen was a stranger to the odd look here and there-he’s handsome, he knows. So he didn’t think much of it, not until he got to work, getting changed in the locker rooms when his co-worker whistled, nodding towards Zen.
* “Dude, that’s such a cool tattoo! Were you getting it done, is that why you were late?” he asked, and Zen looked at him like he was an idiot, a brow raised. 
* “What the hell are you-” he looked down to his arm and lo and behold-a black and white wolf eye stared up at him, its snout perfectly cut in the middle.
* He didn’t even get mad, didn’t worry about wether or not it’d affect his acting career, a tattoo of this size. 
* “My soulmate-it’s my soulmates! It’s my half it’s-” he looked around, wanting to share the news with someone, anyone-but his co-worker was already gone, the locker room empty. He looked to his phone then shook his head. His contacts list was empty anyway.
* He spent countless hours wondering how it’d look on his soulmate, the other half of his wolf-why a wolf anyway? Was it of any significance or was it just a random tat? What if someone else had a similar one and he got confused while searching for his soulmate?
* Years passed, Zen got busier and busier, yet the tattoo on his arm was just as prevalent-he’d frown everytime he’d have to cover it up for a show, feeling hollow when he’d stare down at a bare arm, wanting nothing more than to go home and wash the makeup off, see the wolf’s eye glinting up at him again.
* The significance didn’t make sense, not until years later, long after he joined the RFA.
* “For the last time you trustfund prick, yes I’m adopting a pet, no it won’t be a fucking cat-because I’m allergic you-” he yelled a few choice words into his phone as he walked towards the animal shelter, annoyed at how, of all the people who’d want to help him pick out an animal to bring back home with him-Jumin was the one who wanted to help him most. Only if it was a cat, of course.
* “Listen man, I’m gonna hang up now, and if you tell me to adopt a cat one more time I’m blocking your number and moving to freaking-”
* He stopped midsentence, mouth agape as he stared into the backyard of the shelter, a few dogs running around, a particularly large labrador jumping up into the embrace of a person-a person wearing the shelter’s work attire, a t-short and shorts-and beneath their sleeve, Zen could clearly see-
* “WOLF!” he yelled unconsciously, running up to the person that turned to him with confusion.
* None of the other workers had the time to stop him as he literally jumped the chain fence to hop into the kennel, not minding how it scratched his hands-he hurriedly took off his jacket, turning to  the person to show off his own half of the wolf tattoo.
* “Please-” he panted, catching his breath as a couple dogs came up to curiously sniff him, “please tell me this isn’t an artistic choice and that half wolf is actually your soulmate tattoo, or I’ll be really-really freaking embarrassed right now.”
* They let go of the labrador, walking cautiously towards Zen, tenatively reaching out their fingers to touch his arm, tracing his tattoo with their fingertips when he nodded his consent.
* “Do you also work with dogs?” they asked, their voice soft, a soothing melody in Zen’s ears.
* “Mmm, no. I’ve played a werewolf in a play though!” he grinned, relishing in the sound of their giggle, in the roll of their eyes.
* Before he could continue, before he could ask to touch their own tattoo-an intruder came inbetween them, growling viciously at Zen.
* A huge wolf-dog, it’s eyes bright, its face oddly similar to the one depicted on their shared tattoo stood between the two, initially snarling before sniffing Zen, slowly walking circles around him as it eased down, its tail wagging, its snout coming to rest into Zen’s side.
* “That-Alexander the 4th took a liking to you! You’re the first person he’s ever approached like this except well...me” they shrugged, rubbing the nape of their neck.
* “I-I guess I like him too” Zen laughed, daring to pet the wolf-dog behind his ear, earning a happy growl as the dog-Alexander, kicked his back foot with glee.
* “I-I’m MC” they brought out a hand, extending it to him, “since Alex’s a wolf-dog you can’t immediately adopt him, it’ll take a while to get you two to know one another but...we could get to know each other too in the meantime if you um-if you-”
* “I do!” Zen chirped in, jumping towards MC with gleaming eyes, boldly taking their hands inbetween his own, “I want to get to know you too. I-I’m glad to have met you. And Alexander the 4th, of course” he added as he felt the dog boop its head to his leg, almost pouting as it looked up.
* Of course, years down the line, when both he and MC adopted Alexander and told the story of how they met to their friends, everyone laughed-except for one person.
* “I see...so you never respected Elizabeth the 3ds name...yet now the tables have turned, and your dog in fact has a title barely a name apart from hers...interesting” he hummed, staring down at his nails in mock disinterest.
* Zen could feel the anger pulsing through his veins.
* Alex and Elly did become great friends tho, so like....all’s well that ends well?
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character(s) reactions-
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
Supergirl 6x11: Mxy in the Middle.
Hey everyone! Sorry this is a week late. I had a family emergency last week then I had to work two days and two nights, so I just wasn’t really in a great headspace to watch SG. I watched it today though, and I will watch tonight’s episode tomorrow morning! So, what did I think of this episode? Let’s find out and as always, SPOILERS AHEAD.
Mxy explaining Nyxly’s backstory to the tune of I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor was not something I was expecting, but it was fun in a cringe way! Everyone was hating it except for Alex was hilarious.
I do like Nyxly’s vibe. I think she’s an interesting villain. She’s been scorn by so many people in her life, and just when she thought her and Kara were connecting on a deep level, Kara ‘betrays’ her. Now granted, Nyxly brought Kara’s ‘betrayal’ on herself, but it does make sense. She’s not the best villain from the show, but I’m enjoying her quite a bit. And it looks like Peta is having a good time playing her as well!
Nia feeling immense guilt letting her free but not telling anyone why until further into the episode is such a Supergirl mood, haha.
The Brainia content this episode was really good, though. I love that they always support one another, it’s really refreshing to see.
Lena Luthor. Ma’am. That outfit is fantastic. And Andrea letting her borrow a jet and calling to check in on her is a nice reminder of their friendship.
I also am enjoying Lena’s storyline. I know some people felt like the Witch Lena stuff came from out of nowhere, and that’s very valid, but I personally feel like they sort of began teasing it back in s4. Now, s5 was such a dumpster fire in comparison that I think we as a fandom have forgotten a lot of content introduced back then, I know I have. I mean hell, look at how quickly they brought back the adoption storyline.
I am missing Kelly this episode, but I also think it was the right move to have the focus be a little narrower this episode. Plus I know she’s gonna be bombass in episode 12, so I’m not too upset.
Alex and J’onn just deadpanned staring at Mxy as he tries to explain everything was hilarious. I love when these two do stuff like that.
Okay, for some reason I saw a LOT of people complaining about the giant cat. I think that yes, the CGI wasn’t fantastic, but it was fun! Kara using her eye lasers to distract it was really clever and funny. I’m trying to decide if Brainy using a container like that is another Ghostbusters reference or a Danny Phantom reference haha.
All three people in Newfoundland being mean to Lena. Poor girl can’t even catch a break in effing Canada. Shame on my fictional people with mild Irish accents. But seriously though, laughing over the Irish accents of the Newfoundlanders.
The bartender lady roasting Lena for running around with aliens but not believing in magic was great! She also had a great line about the Luthors: “Your family may be used to leaving a trail of bodies behind, but you could have had the decency to leave these ones buried” or something like that. I just thought it was very cool.
Okay, admittedly that wig is pretty bad haha.
Elizabeth and the other witches using magic on some abusive bastard and somehow we’re supposed to believe the women thought they were evil? Yeah right. They went to the bar and celebrated in style after that.
I’m ready for Witch Lena to come back to National City and Kara being wide-eyed about it. 
Nia telling Brainy and Kara, the two people most important in her life, was a good moment. She felt really guilty about it, but both of them understood why she did it. It was a really good moment.
This was probably the only thing in the episode I didn’t like, truthfully. They had this whole plan about Nia using some technology to disguise herself as Mxy to get a cuff on Nyxly to block her powers. Okay, then it goes wrong right away because of her magic. Why did J’onn just shapeshift? Wouldn’t that have been safer? Plus he’s got more speed than Nia if something did go wrong. That was the only thing that had me rolling my eyes because it was a simple thing that the writers made harder on purpose.
The dragon looked a lot better than the cat, though it didn’t do much.
Mxy sacrificed himself because he didn’t want Kara to use the PZ device. I do like that Kara understands that while Nxyly is doing something wrong, she’s doing it from a place of pain. Yes, Kara says she’s no longer holding back after this but she does have a soft spot for Nxyly.
Overall, this episode wasn’t the best one. It wasn’t the worst episode of the season. I believe that still belongs to the trial episode. However, I don’t think it was bad as I thought it was going to be based on fan reaction. I do hope for more Kara in upcoming episodes because she does feel a bit like a passive player in her own show at the moment. But tonight’s episode should be good!
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livia-dovehallow · 4 years
Little Ella Herondale’s Adventures
a sort-of spin off of my “of great use” series for @lucieblckthorn!! hope you enjoy!!
Elizabeth Herondale was two years old when she saw the training room for the first time.
Granted, no one had brought her there to see it. Ella simply followed the sound of clanging metal, intrigued, until she waddled through the doorway and giggled at the sight of her sister. Lucie, who until that point had nearly beaten their cousin Christopher in sparring, dropped her short sword. “Ella!” she shouted. She rushed over and lifted Ella off the ground and immediately away from the walls lined with a variety of sharp, dangerous objects. Lucie huffed and stepped into the hall. “Papa!”
Will Herondale sauntered into the hall from the library, his nose stuck in a book. “Yes, Lulu?”
Lucie cleared her throat, which prompted her father to look up at her. He smiled, guilty, when he saw Ella in her arms. Lucie raised her eyebrow. “I know it has been a while since you’ve had a toddler, Papa,” Lucie scolded. “But letting them wander about the Institute where there are sharp objects and stairs about is particularly frowned upon.”
Will walked over quickly and took Ella from Lucie. Ella frowned at her father and attempted to lean back out of his arms. “Lucie!” she called. “I want Lucie!”
“Your sister is busy, Ella,” Will cooed, wrangling her. He looked up at his elder daughter, who still had her scolding face on. She looked so very much like her mother, then. “Why don’t we go see if there are still lemon tarts in the kitchen, hm?”
Christopher burst into the hall. “There are lemon tarts?”
Lucie groaned. That was the end of training that day, and Ella got to stay with Lucie after all.
When Elizabeth Herondale was three years old, her brother James took her to Hyde Park.
She squirmed in his arms, pouting, until he relented and let her down onto the grass. “Don’t run from me Ella,” he said gently. “Stay close.”
Ella immediately ran off, toward the bustling crowd of children playing in the large field of grass. She’d never seen so many children her age before. Her cousin Alex decided he was too old to play with her anymore. Before she could reach the crowd, James hauled her back up into his arms. “What did I say?” he asked, though he sounded more concerned than angry. Ella blinked at him, her wide pale eyes she shared with Lucie visibly weakening James’s resolve. “I cannot glamour you,” he sighed. “So, we must be careful, okay?”
A laugh sounded behind them, and Ella leaned over her brother’s shoulder to find the source. Cordelia stood with an amused smile. “A true Herondale,” she teased.
James turned and smiled. Ella waved her small hand at Cordelia, and the other girl waved back. “Daisy,” Ella giggled. “I want to play.”
Cordelia placed her hand softly on James’s cheek. “Let her play,” she said to him softly. “Ella has no Marks. She will not draw unwanted attention.”
James frowned. “But we have Marks. We can’t glamour because Ella can’t glamour, and I suspect that a lonely toddler in the middle of Hyde Park would draw unwanted attention.”
Cordelia rolled her eyes and opened her arms. Ella threw herself at her out of James’s grip, prompting a startled shout from him. “I will take her to play, then,” Cordelia said. “And you may sit here, sulking, if you so desire.”
Ella squealed as she buzzed across the grass with the other children. Every so often she would catch her brother frowning at her, but then Daisy would say something, and her brother would be happy again. She never understood why James kept touching Daisy’s tummy. Maybe she was hungry.
London Institute Fall 1906
Three-year-old Ella stumbled over to the dining room table and pulled at the loose tassels of the cloth that hung over the edges. Lucie, who had been looking through various samples of desserts, grabbed the plates before they went flying.
“Troublemaker,” she mumbled. Ella grinned at her.
“She is too much like your Aunt Cecily,” Will observed calmly from the other side of the table. “Always looking for trouble.”
Tessa raised an eyebrow. “You don’t take any responsibility for that?”
“None at all,” Will declared. Ella laughed and ran from Lucie, who looked like she was about to become the tickle monster, and Ella did not like to be tickled by anyone other than her papa.
The room was adorned in gold, and Ella was particularly interested in the treats just out of her reach from her spot in her father’s lap. Will quickly grabbed a biscuit from one of the plates while her mother was not looking and put it in Ella’s hand. “Shh,” he said, with a mischievous sparkle in his eye.
“Lucie, Aunt Sophie says your dress is ready upstairs. Come along to see if it fits properly,” Tessa said with a bright smile. Lucie’s face brightened and she scrambled up from her seat.
“Ella, do you want to see my dress?” Lucie asked, holding her hand out for her young sister. Ella stared back skeptically.
“Is it shiny?” she asked. Ella did love shiny things. It was also why her mother had the weapons in the training room moved higher on the wall—again.
“Very shiny,” Lucie answered with a nod. “And you get one, too.”
That was enough for Ella. She slipped down off of her father’s lap and grabbed Lucie’s hand, following her and their mother up the stairs. .
“Lucie, you are pretty!” Ella yelled as Lucie emerged from behind the curtain in her gold dress. Lucie smiled brightly at Ella, then turned toward their mother and the rest of the family.
Aunt Sophie beamed. “Oh, I knew it would fit.”
Aunt Cecy and Cousin Anna nodded approvingly. Ella was rather fascinated by the blue waistcoat Anna was wearing but remembered the last time she tried to touch the fabric with her grubby, muddy hands after playing in the garden and decided that the scary look Anna gave her meant no more touching waistcoats.
Daisy emerged from behind Lucie, with Tessa, looking proud. “The future Mrs. Blackthorn, everyone,” she declared. Ella did not know what that meant, but her sister looked very happy, so she was very happy, too.
Ella stood and walked over to Lucie. She knew better than to tug on the shiny dress, but Lucie looked down, so there was no need to fight for attention anyway. “Ella,” her mother said, interrupting Ella’s thoughts—she was going to say something to her sister, but now she forgot. She turned to her mother with a confused face. “Are you excited for the wedding?”
Ella stared blankly. She did not know what a wedding was.
The women laughed. Aunt Cecy lifted Ella into her arms and poked her nose. “Do you remember Jesse?”
Ella grinned and nodded. She did remember Jesse. He had dark hair, like her, and he never said no when she asked him to go on an adventure in the garden with her. She liked Jesse.
“Well, your sister is marrying him, which means he will be your brother, too.”
Ella’s face returned to confusion. “Jamie my brother,” she said.
There was another wave of laughs, and Ella scowled. She did not like being laughed at. But Aunt Cecy smiled kindly. “Yes, he is. But Jesse will be, too. It will make sense when you are older.”
Older. Ella did not like that word.
There was a knock at the door, and Ella heard her papa’s voice. “Am I permitted to enter?”
A chorus of no’s rang out, but Ella shouted happily, “Papa!”
“You know the rules, Will,” her mother called through the closed door. “And don’t think we don’t know that James and Jesse are with you. We can see your shadows under the door.”
“How did you know it was me?” James answered. “I could have been Matthew, or Kit, or Thomas. Maybe I’m Uncle Gabriel.”
“Your Uncle Gabriel is in Idris with Uncle Gideon,” Aunt Cecy called. “But nice try.”
There was poorly-stifled laughter from the hall. “All right,” Will called, defeated. “But we’ve come to tell you that there may no longer be any desserts in the dining room when you return.”
Ella was sad about that.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Superman & Lois Episode 5 Review: The Best of Smallville
This Superman & Lois review contains spoilers.
Superman and Lois Episode 5
This is the first episode of Superman & Lois that maybe felt like it was spinning its wheels a little. To be fair, this entire season has been unfolding at what can best be described as a deliberate pace. It’s an understandable decision since the entire concept of this show is meant to take fans of the Superman mythos pretty far out of their comfort zones, so there’s still a lot of heavy lifting that has to get done each week, especially as we get used to the Kent family, the Cushings, the history of Smallville, and more.
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That isn’t to say that “The Best of Smallville” is a bad episode, or a boring one, or even a rote one (it’s way too early for this show to have any kind of real episodic “formula,” other than those big reveals that it saves for the final moments each week). If anything, this shakes things up a little by adding flashbacks to Clark’s teenage years at key moments in the episode. And those, just like everything else relating to Clark’s history on this show, are handled with real care and reverence for everything that has come before. But I can’t help but feel that several of the beats we get in this episode, from Jonathan continuing to lose to the troubled home life of the Cushings, is stuff we’ve already been getting in previous episodes, all while the Morgan Edge story continues to just kind of lurk around the outskirts, just like the character himself.
Fortunately, this is Superman & Lois we’re talking about, and this show’s core four (not to mention its terrific supporting characters) make every moment worth watching. I have already written endlessly about how truly endearing Tyler Hoechlin’s Clark Kent is, and I’ll continue to do so. But there’s one thing Hoechlin does with Clark that I’m not sure I’ve ever seen another Superman actor do quite as effectively, and that’s how he makes Clark’s uncoolness not a put-on or an affectation, but as a genuine component of the “real” Clark Kent.
It’s hard to explain, but hang with me for a minute. It’s generally assumed that any time Clark is being “uncool” or overly earnest about something, it’s part of his “disguise.” And with many actors, especially the legendarily perfect Christopher Reeve, that was absolutely the case. The key to a truly great Clark performance always seems to come in the moments when he lets his guard down, and you realize that this is the “real” person, not the “Clark who has to pretend he isn’t Superman” shine through. Hoechlin does this effortlessly, and as dad-cringe as his entire opening enthusiasm about the Smallville Harvest Festival is, it’s real. He doesn’t have to fake this for his family, it’s really who he is. It’s great and I don’t know how many other leading man types who have played this role over the last 20 years or so who could actually pull this off so easily.
Anyway, that was quite a digression. Sorry about that.
I singled out Jonathan’s struggles this episode for some mild criticism above, if only because we’ve been watching this kid’s life unravel pretty much since the first episode. It is, perhaps, a little TOO convenient that he gets dumped by phone the same moment his brother is setting up his first ever date. And maybe this is the kind of thing they could have saved another episode or so instead of letting it come so soon on the heels of his football struggles.
But both of these kids are just so damn good that it’s tough to fault it. Jordan Elsass makes Jonathan perhaps the most likeable character on this show, even when he should be (as Sarah points out) a completely insufferable jerk. I know there’s speculation out there that Jonathan will be driven to villainy by his pretty ordinary teenage struggles, and I just don’t see it happening. These are both good kids, and even when they screw up, it’s pretty clear that their heads are screwed on straight. I’d just like to see Jonathan catch a break soon, though.
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The Flash Season 7 Episode 4 Review: Central City Strong
By Lacy Baugher
Batwoman Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Survived Much Worse
By Nicole Hill
They’re definitely playing the long game with Jordan, too, and Alex Garfin manages to imbue him with the almost wild-eyed wonder of someone who really just can’t believe his good luck…all without either lording it over or condescending to his suddenly unlucky brother. I’ve always felt that empathy is a secret Kent superpower, and Jordan’s got that by the boatload.
Lois and Chrissy are a surprisingly delightful pairing, and so far this show has managed to resist the rest of the Arrowverse’s tendency to “do a journalism” here, even as we see these two starting to dig a little deeper into whatever Morgan Edge is up to. Still, the fact that Lois literally can’t even write for the Smallville Gazette at the moment isn’t doing my or anyone else’s misgivings that they’re sidelining her any favors. It’s great to see Lois in these other contexts, and Elizabeth Tulloch is nothing short of the best screen Lois this century, but I can’t help but think that there’s something being missed with her story so far. (That being said, her thoroughly annoyed “go faster” to the boys at the Harvest Festival was a terrific, and intimidating fun moment.)
Those flashback sequences, though! Just as I love it that Jon, Jordan, and Sarah are all actually believable as teenagers (coughSmallvillecough), I like that they fully leaned into awkward 15-16 year old beanpole Clark and not some already filled out heartthrob type. Clark leaving home THIS early feels like a slightly new wrinkle for the Superman mythos overall, and I’m especially interested in seeing if we’ll see how some of this developed down the road.
I look forward to seeing Wolé Parks’ Captain Luthor continue to develop, but it would be nice to see if they give him enough screen time soon to give us anything beyond “seething, barely contained rage.” I’m also very curious to see if there’s any nuance they can build into his Lois twist, so that she doesn’t just become another object of fixation for the character. Similarly, it’s time for this story to show us a little more of its hand with the Morgan Edge/X-Kryptonite stuff, because sometimes a slow burn is just a fizzle, y’know?
I appreciate this show’s commitment to its family drama first storytelling, and I get that if we show Superman in action too much it will a) not be as special and b) eat up the FX budget so the moments we DO get won’t look quite as good. But I’d like to see a little more, and I certainly hope that more of Superman’s rogues’ gallery becomes open for business at some point. Yes, I get it, so many of those were utilized on Supergirl already, and I don’t want this show to fall prey to the “villain of the week” tedium that The Flash occasionally slips in to. I’m sure there’s some middle ground that won’t lose what makes this show stand out from its peers.
Metropolis Mailbag
Right out of the gate in this episode we learn that Smallville was established in 1949. It certainly was! While it was clear early in the Superman mythos that he wasn’t from Metropolis, and had grown up on a farm, and Superboy was established as a character in 1945, it wasn’t until 1949 that Clark’s hometown actually got it’s name, in the pages of Superboy #2.
Martha Kent giving Clark the sunstone crystal is a new one. Usually, so much of Clark learning about his heritage is tied exclusively to his father(s). Either the crystal itself calls to him (in which case, it’s Jor-El) or it’s Jonathan telling him the story of how he was found. This is the first time I can think of where it’s Martha really speeding Clark along on his journey to becoming Superman, and it’s about damn time.
On that note, their conversation about Clark being “sent here for a reason” is very much a nod to Glenn Ford’s Pa Kent talking to Jeff East’s young Clark in Superman: The Movie.
I assume he’s leaving here because the sunstone crystal told him to head north so it can build the Fortress of Solitude, but let’s ALSO not forget that Supergirl established early on that Clark was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the future, so…this might be the time!
Spot anything I missed with these Superman Easter eggs? Let me know in the comments!
The post Superman & Lois Episode 5 Review: The Best of Smallville appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/31b6lyu
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camxjones · 3 years
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( alex fitzalan, twenty-five, male, he/him, november 27th ) Have you seen CAMERON JONES around ? I hear they’re an VETERINARIAN AT PAWS LIFE who can sometimes be SARCASTIC & IMPULSIVE. But I also heard they can be LOYAL & GENEROUS if you catch them on a good day. They’re usually hanging around RECKLESS RECORDS in their spare time. I sure hope they’re alright !( bia, she/her, 25, gmt-3, january 30th )
Full name: Cameron Alan Jones
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: Twenty-five
Occupation: Veterinarian at Paws Life
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Faceclaim: Alex Fitzalan
Voiceclaim: Alex Fitzalan
Height: 1.80 m/ 5 ft 11 in  
Weight: 75 kg/165.5 lbs
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Parent abandonment tw
Born and raised in California, Cameron is one of four children of Elizabeth and Alan, a loving couple who owned a vineyard and winery. He lived for five years with his mother, five happy and lovely years. He remembers that his mother was very affectionate at first with all four of them, but that Elizabeth became increasingly distant from her children. Each cry was the reason for a shout, which soon began an argument with Alan.
Shortly after, when their youngest turned two, Cam woke up to see his father sitting on the couch, one hand over his eyes as he cried and in the other hand a piece of paper, which he later found to be a letter from his mother in which she wrote about leaving her family for a new job and a new life, without specifying the location, clearly not wanting to be found.
After Elizabeth left them, his father was a mess. Thankfully his grandparents helped Alan with the kids and to handle this situation. Cameron and his siblings were tenderly raised by their grandparents while their dad focused on making the winery bigger to keep his mind busy and away from Elizabeth.
For years Cam tried to find his mother, he wanted her back in his life and to know her reasons to leave not only her husband but her kids behind as if they never existed, but when he was eight, his father met a woman named Nora, who had three kids herself. Not long after starting to date, Nora and her children moved with them, which was a great addition to their lives and family. Cameron was happy for his father, Nora was lovely and all the children got along well. Being a family of seven children was definitely not easy, it was messy, a bit chaotic, but it was fun and loving, for the first time in years they were all finally happy. Elizabeth was never mentioned again and he no longer desires to find the woman, unless to get some answers.
After finishing high school, he moved to Chicago to study veterinary medicine at the University of Chicago. When he graduated, he decided to stay in the city and work at Paws Life. Although he missed the place where he grew up and his family, big and noisy Chicago was now his home.
- Best friends
- Childhood friend
- Family friend
- Ride or die
- Co-workers
- Neighbors
- Friends with benefits
- Ex-girlfriends/flings
- Chill buddies
- Brother/sister friendship
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hms-chill · 4 years
A Channel of Your Peace
Summary: Following Henry being outed, the election, and the end of the book, Henry and Philip slowly start to fix their relationship. There’s blood that can’t be unshed, but there’s also a chance that things could get better.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Where there is Despair, Let Me Bring Hope
Chapter 6: Where There is Darkness, Let Me Bring Light
It happens slowly, starting over the course of the week while they're both in Kensington. Henry finds himself smiling at Philip during a meeting, a genuinely happy smile rather than the half-smiles he's gotten used to falling back on. The next day, during a break from meetings, they eat lunch together at a place Philp likes, with outdoor seating because they've been in stuffy rooms all day, and it's nice. They've finally stopped tip toeing around each other and are starting to just be friends, and Henry is so, so glad. Bea joins them for a movie one night, settling across the couch from Philip with Henry in the middle, and they argue over popcorn flavors instead of anything serious, and it feels good.
When Henry goes home to Brooklyn, he promises to call. Philip says he'd like that, and he seems sincere. So Henry does call, and Philip gets added into his weekly phone call rotation, and it feels right. When Philip gets a therapist approved, he calls Henry to talk about his first appointment, and it's five AM in New York, but Philip needs someone and Henry is so glad they're starting to fix things that he can't find it in himself to be upset he's up early. He just helps convince Philip that the therapist is a good fit, and he gets to ask about Martha and the baby, about how they're painting a room with a little forest and working on finding the perfect first bear. Bea's sent them a few already, and Henry knows he has a few to bring when he visits next (he and Alex are arguing about whether the beagle or the longhorn will be more popular), but Philip and Martha want to get the baby one from Mom and Dad, and Martha in particular wants it to be perfect. Then Philip talks about the charity he's still working on starting, and Henry gets to listen to him talk about how amazing Martha is, which is something he didn't realize he loved so much. He'd never really gotten to know her before he and Philip started to get along, but the way Philip tells it, she's some sort of nearly perfect superwoman who can single-handedly design a nursery, set up a charity, and be a royal, all while hiding some particularly nasty morning sickness from the nosy British press. Henry knows he's working hard, too, but the way Philip tells it, he's doing next to nothing while Martha saves the world. He clearly adores her, and when he talks about her, he gets more excited than Henry's seen him about anything else. He changes from a perfect heir to a lovesick teenager, all excited praise and rambling stories. Henry just grins and laughs through it all, settling at the computer and placing a few very special Etsy orders. A week later, People's front cover is dominated by a picture of Philip on a run, sporting a t-shirt with a collage of Martha's face and the words "Martha's Biggest Fan". #MarthasBiggestFan trends on UK twitter for hours, only bolstered when Philip tweets a picture of a mug covered in her face with a thanks to Henry. Alex sees it, and he laughs, and it's nice. A few days later, a package arrives with a shirt covered in Alex's face and the words "Alex's Biggest Fan".
When Martha's first ultrasound picture comes in a group chat to him and Bea, Henry's not sure if it's intentional, but he likes it. The baby is healthy, and Philip is starting to be more excited than nervous, and it feels right to have a group chat with his siblings, even if it's an accidental one.
He texts their group chat when numbers at the Brooklyn shelter look good for the next year, and his siblings get to celebrate with him. When Bea and Philip get tea together somewhere, Bea sends a picture of them with an empty chair and a packet of Jaffa cakes to tell him they miss him. When Bea and Henry meet up at a youth shelter in Argentina for a D&D fundraiser, Philip texts them saying he's got to go to bed before the stream starts, but he hopes they win and will watch tomorrow.
Slowly, the three of them start to be actual friends again. The next time Henry goes to London, right before the appointment where Martha could find out the baby’s sex, Philip invites him and Bea to lunch. They go, the three of them together, and it’s nice. They catch up, and eventually, Philip puts his fork down and says, "I... while you're both here, I sort of wanted to ask something, if that's okay? Mazzy and I, we don't know the baby's gender-- sex, or well, either, I guess, yet, but we were thinking... if it's-- they're a boy, we're thinking of maybe naming him for Dad? As a middle name. We're still not sure on the first, but I... I wanted to ask you both if that's alright, I suppose. Mum said it was alright with her, but you were both closer to him than I was, and I don't want to... to steal the name or anything if one of you wanted to use it. It's just... Mazzy and I thought it might be nice."
"It's alright with me," Henry says. "I don't think Alex and I are particularly concerned with children, but if we did want some I think we'd adopt, especially if you've got some to follow the line of succession. Not that it matters to us, but just for everyone else."
"I think it's a good idea," Bea agrees. "You're the only one of us who's particularly likely to have children you can name; I think it's right to name one for Dad. What other names are you thinking?"
Philip grins, the nervous energy he's been radiating all meal fading away. "Thank you. I'm glad you don't mind, and that I get to do something to sort of... celebrate him, I guess. First names we're thinking Victoria or Elizabeth for a girl, but we're not quite sure for a boy. We thought Owen, maybe, or Oliver. We considered Peter, but didn't like how that went with Arthur as a middle name. But then, well, we... we actually thought, maybe, if it's okay with Henry, we'd name him Edward."
Henry freezes with a bite halfway to his mouth. "Edward? That's... that's one of my names."
"I know. And we don't have to use it, but we... Martha and I, we both liked the sound of it, and... and we wanted him to be like you. When he grows up, I mean. You don't have to say yes, we can go with something else."
"No, I.. I'd be honored. Really. I was surprised, but it... that's really kind of you both. Thank you."
"Edward Arthur? Or are you thinking of more middle names?" Bea asks. Philip shakes his head.
"No; we didn't want to do the seven-names-thing to it. Them. Shit. I just remembered trying to write our full names in grammar school and didn't want to put a child through that. Edward Arthur Fox Mountchristen-Windsor felt like enough."
"And if they're a girl? You mentioned Elizabeth or Victoria, any specific middle names you're thinking of? Cat, for Mom?" Bea asks, and Philip smiles, and they go back to a lunch where Philip is relaxed and happy, talking about baby names and charity names and whatever else comes up.
As they head back to Kensington, Henry's struck by how impossible this all would have been a few months ago. Somehow, though, he and Philip and Bea have all changed. It makes sense now that, when the sun disappears and it starts to rain, he and Bea are grabbing Philip's hands to pull him into a run toward Kensington. It makes sense that, instead of calling a car or lecturing them about how running will actually get them wetter than if they just walked, he laughs a bit and runs with them. It makes sense to get dried off and pile into a movie room, where they say they'll all do work but really just end up turning on a TV, settling on the couch in front of it with blankets while Henry calls the kitchen for three bowls of differently-flavored popcorn and Bea channel surgs.
Henry's getting their popcorn sorted out when Bea and Philip both go quiet, and when he looks over, Bea's found a Bond movie. Henry passes out popcorn and finds a spot on the couch between them, and together, they watch their dad fight bad guys, the rain against the windows behind them a quiet backdrop. They've caught it near the end, which means they're just in time to see their dad save the day. As the credits roll, Henry asks, "can... can y'all tell me about Dad? And what it was like to know him when you weren't just a kid? You don't have to now, but... sometime? Because I... I sort of only knew him when I was a kid, and I feel like it's different when you're older, and I just wonder what that would have been like sometimes."
Bea pulls him into a hug, nodding, and Philip says, "I wasn't the closest to him, but of course."
A moment later, Bea looks at him more closely and asks, "did you just say 'y'all'? What are they doing to you over in the colonies?"
"There's no gender neutral, plural English 'you'!" Henry protests. "Y'all is the only one we have!"
Bea laughs. Philip opens his mouth, then closes it again, and Henry can see the wheels turning in his head.
"So... so 'y'all' is better than 'you guys', because 'guys' is for men? Is that right? Could I say 'you all' and be alright? Or... what should I say?"
"I think 'you all' would be alright, it's just a bit clunky. Just say 'y'all'. Give Gran a heart attack," Henry says. "Both of you adopt it, and we'll horrify her into retirement."
Bea laughs again, and Philip smiles, then says, "I... is it okay if I ask you things like that? I want to understand, but it's... a lot of things are confusing, and there's so much to learn. I thought I would be okay when I learned about the LGBTD, but now there's more, and there are some things I thought I wasn't supposed to say but some people say that's okay, and I... I don't know what to think, or where to find things, and a lot if it is complicated."
"Of course you can ask me. I'm not... I'm not an expert, really, but I've learned a lot from the kids at the shelter, and I'll do my best. But can I ask, um... D?"
"For drag? Is that not one of them? It's okay; you can laugh at me." So Henry does laugh a little, and Philip laughs, too, and Henry explains a bit of what drag is and how it interacts with queerness. Then, he googles the full acronym, noting that it's not all the identities but it is a start, and he watches Philip's eyes go wide.
"There's so many. I just learned 'bisexual' and 'transgender' a few months ago; I thought that was it."
"What... But you've known 'LGBT' longer than a few months. What did you think the B and T stood for?"
"Bottom and top? Lesbian, gay, bottom, top."
“Long ago, the four sexualities lived together in harmony, but everything changed when the bottom army attacked,” Bea says, switching the TV to music, “only the verse, master of all sexualities, could stop them. But when the world needed them most, they vanished.”
Henry laughs, and so does Philip. For a minute, they’re kids again, the three of them on a couch against the world. Philip asks what a verse is, and Bea explains. Henry has tea and biscuits brought up, and they go through the acronym, then talk about pronouns and terms like 'nonbinary' and 'aromantic' that aren't part of the official list. Then Philip has about what he should do if his kid is queer, and about whether or not he can say 'queer', and what he should say if he can't, and they talk about it over dinner. He takes notes on his phone, his questions coming more and more easily as he realizes that Bea and Henry won't be upset with him if he asks something the wrong way. Catherine finds them finishing dinner and joins them, asking questions of her own about what things mean and how she can better look after them and queer folks in the UK more broadly. Philip answers one of her questions, looking to Bea and Henry for confirmation but answering it well, and Henry feels a little rush of pride as the night closes in around them.
On AO3
This is the chapter where I almost accidentally named Philip's child after Pez because "Percival Arthur" sounded nice and I forgot "Pez" is a nickname lmao.
Want to support the Hannah-Makes-Art fund? You can tip me in ko-fi here!
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queencatherynerhys · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 1
Summary: Neal Caffrey had met his fair share of interesting women over the years. Once or twice he thought he had known what love meant. But he learned what being in love was like when he met her. Now he must face a future without her. How will he survive?
A/N: I know I haven’t been non-existent in Tumblr world and TRR fandom. I’ve been working on this story for a while. I was looking through fanfiction stories and realized there’s never really been a Neal/Female OC angst story that caught my eye. I just don’t know why, so I decided to write one of my own.
The character’s voices might be a little different than you’ve come to know if you’ve watched the amazing show. If not, I highly recommend it. White Collar is one to binge through these uncertain times we live in. I’ve rewatched it several times now.
I apologize for any errors. I feel like I didn’t capture it very well. But please leave a like or better yet a comment if you like it and I will post the next chapter.
Disclaimer: Characters mostly belong to Jeff Eastin. OCs and the plot concept are mine.
Tags: @devineinterventions2 @madaraism @theroyalweisme @drakewalkerwhipped @drakesfiance @hhiggs @hellospunkiebrewster @alicars @mrswalkerreynolds @mfackenthal @simplyaiden-blog @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @cocomaxley @boneandfur @lizeboredom @crayziimaginations @umccall71 @zarina-x-zig @writtenbycandy @ranishajay @heatherfilliez @drakelover78 @indiacater @pens-girl-87 @katurrade @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @barbaravalentino @zilch3 @mynameiskaylabella @darley1101 @blznbaby @trashbagfullofflannels @bella-ca @highlyselectiveextrovert @kacie-0156​ *I just used my usual tag list. Let me know if you want to be taken off if you don’t want to receive notifications about this story. Also let me know if you want to be added.*
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Four days earlier...
Earlier in the week, the FBI caught wind of an unidentified man that came into the city in the hopes of selling a stolen Rembrandt painting in New York. It sparked their attention because the particular piece hadn't been seen or heard for at least two decades. The storm on the Sea of Galilee went missing in 1990 and now it has resurfaced.
Peter and Neal followed the trail of clues and they managed to set up an appointment with their mystery man in Gramercy Park. As per protocol, the FBI staked out and waited for their man to show up from the confines of a worn utility truck parked two blocks away from the meeting site. Peter, Neal, Jones, and Diana all took a screen of their own and watched for anyone suspicious to show up.
"There," Neal pointed on his screen as an anonymous man sat down on one of the benches. He was a young man in his late 20s to early 30s with brown hair, but what caught Neal's eye was his demeanor. His knee was bouncing up and down, his fingers were fidgeting, and his eyes kept glancing and looking around nervously. This man was no art thief. He was just a young man. He looked at Peter to tell him, but from the looks of it he already knew what he was going to say.
"Guys, I don't think this guy is our man. Just look at him. He doesn't even come close to the profile of an art thief. I don't think this guy can steal a candy bar from a gas station. I think we are looking for another guy. This guy is just a middleman," Peter told his team.
"I agree, boss, so what's the plan?" Diana asked.
"We send Neal in to find out what he wants, and go from there," he answered. He watched as Neal stood up, fixed his tie and suit, and flashed his signature, smug smile before exiting the van.
Neal confidently walked towards the bench the man was sitting on, but before he could even come near him the young man glanced at him, ducked his head, and appeared as if he whispered something to an earpiece. Guess that confirms the theory of this guy being just a patsy, but now Neal knew he'd been made. Without showing realization, Neal kept walking acting as if he was just taking a stroll through the park.
He made a big loop back towards the van and informed the others when he got there that the still unidentified knew who Neal was and he informed his partner, or employer, of him through the use of an earpiece.
"By the looks of it, he knew who I was. I don't think this plan is much of a plan anymore, Peter," Neal said.
Peter had his thinking, planning face on. Then, a brief look of hesitation flashed on his face. No one else would have caught it but Neal was a master at detecting facial expressions, subtle or otherwise. He saw it. When Peter turned to him, he saw it in his eyes. He beckoned him to talk outside the van so he followed.
"What's up, Peter?" Neal inquired.
"I was thinking. This guy came to New York out of the blue to sell a valuable, stolen painting. What does that tell us? He's desperate to get the piece out of his hand, so he needs to find a buyer fast. What if we put a middle man on the table?" Peter explained.
"A fencer?" Neal questioned although he knew it was the right answer. "Where are we going to find someone good enough to act as an art fencer? Diana? She's good, but I have a hunch this guy is going to need someone more well-versed in the world of fine art. I would suggest Mozzie but he's been...occupied...since the Cape Verde fiasco. So who else is there?" Neal explained.
Peter looked at him with a look of hesitation with just a dash of regret. It dawns on Neal why he was looking at him that way.
"Oh, no. No. No, Peter, No. You are not bringing her into this," Neal began to object to his friend's idea.
"Neal, listen, she's the only chance we have of catching this guy. With her background in situations like this, who could be more perfect?" Peter tried to persuade. Neal was still not convince. He did not like this at all. Not one bit. Peter had one more card to play to try and get Ryne to do it.
"Well, how about we ask her opinion on it?" Peter slowly asked. He had come to know the young woman well in the year and a half she's been in Neal's life. He knew if anyone could change Neal's mind, it's her.
Neal had always been the romantic. Peter had seen him fall too easily and get heartbroken and dealt with loss no one should ever have to go through. He truly thinks that Neal loved them in his own way, but not the way he loves Ryne. Of all the women he's seen come and go, Kate, Alex, Sara, even Rebecca, in his friends life she's the only woman he was the most protective about. He could admit that seeing his friend care about someone the way he cared about Ryne gave him hope that Neal could have what he has with Elizabeth. A home, a family, love, happiness, contentment on where he is and what he has.
"Fine. Come by the apartment later," Neal gave in and walked away but not back to the van.
"Where are you going?" Peter asked him.
Neal turned around and a flashed a bright smile, "To make my case before you show up." He arrived at June's house and as he does everyday since he moved in he went to say hello to his beautiful, kind landlord before making his way upstairs. He looked everywhere on the lower floors for her, but he figured she currently wasn't home so he headed upstairs to his apartment.
The rich tones of a lively piano music being played gradually became louder as he ascended the narrow stairwell. A grin began to form on his face as he remembered the animated conversation they had about bringing getting a piano to his apartment.
"Come on, babe. It's all I'm asking. Everything else in the apartment is yours. I just want one thing that's for me. My own mark on Neal Caffrey's perfect apartment," she said in almost whiny, but endearing voice.
"Ryne, I just don't see the practicality of having a piano in here. Do you know how hard it will be to get it up here? And where would we put it?" Neal reasoned while tying his tie in front of the tall mirror beside their bed . He turned around to face her after he finished fixing himself.
She sashayed toward him slowly, enticingly, until coming to a stop in front of him to fix the lapels of his designer jacket.
"There's plenty of room in front of the bed," she suggested, almost pouted, and looked at his blue eyes with her big, hazel one pleadingly. The only thing missing was batting eyes, but she was not a little girl begging for candy. She's was a sophisticated woman who knew that the man in front of her would give her the world if she asked for it. He couldn't resist her, and she knew it.
"Ugh, fine, you can have a piano in here," he gave in and laughed when she jumped for joy at getting what she wanted. "The great Neal Caffrey tamed by big eyes and pouty lips. What have I become?" He looked down and shook his head with feign disappointment.
She lifted his face by the chin and flashed the brightest of smiles before she closed in and gave him a passionate kiss. One of his hands held the back of her head while the other wrapped around her waist to bring her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his brown locks.
Had he no plans of meeting Peter, he would have gladly had his way with her on the apartment they now shared. Funny, even though Sara lived in his apartment for a brief time he never considered them sharing his home. It was always his, and Sara was there conveniently due to circumstances at the time they were dating. That's not the case with Ryne. She's different. He wanted to share everything with her, to be with her, to spend every waking minute of his life in the comfort of her arms. It was at that moment he realized he wanted to be hers forever.
Neal Caffrey was smitten with her. He knew he had never felt like this with anyone before. Sara had been close to capturing his heart, but she demanded a life he couldn't give her. With all the women that came to his life, she's the only one that didn't want anything from him. She didn't demand him to change, to be less the conman and more the honest-living-type-of guy. She encouraged and loved that he needed to live an almost free-spirited life. She simply loved him, Neal Caffrey, and all his facets, no more and no less.
"I love you, Ryne Beneventi, more than anything in this world, more than the finest art or jewelry. If you would have me, I want to be yours forever," Neal proclaimed as he pulled away from the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes. He held her closer to him. Neal had never in his life said those three words to anyone but her.
Kate knew he loved her, but he never said the words aloud. It was always implied, assumed. Alex was a spontaneous relationship. They had something, but not enough for those words. With Sara, he came close. He realized he fancied the "domestic" life with her. He cared for her perhaps a bit more than the others. He even proposed to her as part of a job they were doing. Rebecca, she, was a different case. A loose canon not worth mentioning.
But Ryne, she was the light in the darkness. She was his compass when he felt torn on which direction he should go. She was the breath he needed to live.
"I love you, Neal Caffrey. And I am yours as much as you are mine. Forever," she replied with a bright smile as she caressed his cheek softly with a warm, soft hand. He leaned to her touch and kissed the back of her palm before pulling away.
He would have loved to have stayed with her the whole day, but almost in cue his phone began to ring. His leash beckoned.
In the present, Neal shook the memory away and proceeded up the flight of stairs towards their apartment. He opened the door quietly as to not disturb her. He leaned by the doorway mesmerized by the picture painted in front of him with Ryne lost in her world of music simultaneously filling him with joy and contentment he never knew he could feel.
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Sleeping Beauties
Max leaned over to press a kiss to Liz’s lips. “Thank you.”
She shook her head and waved him off. “You don’t have to thank me. It’s your birthday, of course we were going to throw you a party.” She leaned up on her toes to kiss him again. “Happy birthday, Deputy,” she whispered against his lips.
“Oh hey no!” Isobel yelled from across the room. “Don’t get started with that kissing bullshit!”
Max broke away from her with a laugh and glared playfully at his sister. Isobel just wagged a finger at him as she sipped her wine. 
“Liz!” Rosa yelled from the kitchen. “Come help me with this cake!”
Liz smiled at Max and made for the kitchen. Behind her, she heard Max take a few steps and then a massive thud followed by Isobel’s shout, “Max!”
Liz whirled around to see Max on the floor, unmoving. Kyle hurried over from where he’d been talking to Michael and quickly turned Max onto his back and started checking him over.
“What the hell just happened?” Liz asked as she got on her knees next to Max’s prone form.
“What is- oh,” Isobel started to ask. She was halfway to Max when she stopped suddenly, a hand pressed to her head.
“Izzy?!” Michael asked as he rushed over to her.
“It’s so loud,” Isobel moaned before she too fell, Michael catching her just before she hit the floor.
“Iz!” He yelled. Liz stared as he shook his sister only to get no reaction. 
“Is she responsive?” Kyle asked, his voice calm. Michael didn’t answer except to yell Isobel’s name again. “Guerin!” Kyle snapped and Michael finally looked up at him, his eyes wide. “Is she responsive?”
“What- what do you mean? She’s uncon-” Liz gaped as Michael’s eyes rolled back in his head and he slumped to the side.
“Michael!” Maria shouted as she crouched next to him, her hands roving over him similar to Liz’s on Max. Next to Liz, Kyle huffed softly and moved over to where Isobel and Michael lay crumpled. He gave them both a quick once over, nudging Maria gently in order to get to Michael. Liz eyed them carefully but she didn’t move from her spot next to Max, her hands pressed to his chest, feeling the slow rise and fall. 
“Initial findings say they’re fine,” Kyle announced after a few minutes.
Liz, Maria, and Rosa gaped at him. “They’re all unconscious!” Maria exclaimed.
Kyle nodded slowly, his voice even. “I understand that. But from what I can tell right now, they’re just sleeping. I don’t know why or how but it doesn’t appear that anything is wrong. We can take them to the hospital and run some tests-”
“No.” Liz shook her head. “We can’t do that.”
“I agree,” Kyle told her. “It’s a last resort option and we’re definitely not there yet.”
“So what do we do?” Rosa huffed.
Kyle shrugged. “Get them comfortable and hope they wake up soon?”
Liz exchanged a worried glance with Maria but neither said a word as they stood up. Silently, they four of them managed to get all three aliens on either a couch or, in Max’s case, to his bed. Liz made sure his head was propped up on his favorite pillow and a bottle of acetone was by his side before she rejoined the others in the living room.
“So now what?”
Kyle shrugged. “Now we wait. Like I said, hopefully they wake up soon and we can figure out what caused this.”
“And if they don’t?” Maria wrapped her arms around herself as she looked over at Michael. 
“We’ll figure that out if it comes to it,” Kyle promised. “Let’s not jump straight to worst case scenario, okay?”
Maria nodded slowly. Liz looked between her sister and her friends and took a deep breath. “I’ll stay here with them and let you all know when something changes. You should all get going. It’s late.”
“Liz, we’re not going to leave you here by yourself with all three of them. If something happens, you shouldn’t be by yourself.” Kyle told her. “If you want to stay, I don’t think any of us are going to argue with you but I think that there should be at least two people here at all times while they’re still unconscious. Just in case.”
“I’ll stay with her,” Maria announced as she sat down on the edge of Michael’s couch. 
“Okay,” Kyle agreed. “Call if anything happens.”
“We will,” Liz promised. 
He and Rosa said their goodbyes and quickly left.
“They’re going to wake up. Any minute now.” Maria’s voice was loud and strong, like if she believed her own words they would come true.
Liz didn’t say anything, just grabbed a blanket off the chair and went back to Max.
They didn’t wake up that night.
Or the next.
Or the one after that.
It was three days of watching and waiting and running tests before Kyle brought it up.
“There might be something we could-” he stopped.
Liz and Maria whirled on him. Neither one had slept much the past few days. While the three aliens remained seemingly perfectly healthy except for the whole not waking up thing, both women were afraid that that could change at any moment. 
“What is it?” Maria asked.
Kyle hesitated.
“Spit it out, Valenti,” Liz ordered tiredly. “Whatever it is, if you think it can help, just spit it out.”
Kyle glanced between them. “Alex.”
Liz tensed while Maria froze. Next to them, Rosa just raised an eyebrow. “What could Alex do to help?” She asked.
Kyle shrugged. “He’s spent the last couple of months going over every bit of research from Caulfield. He’s probably the world’s leading expert on all things alien at this point. If this, whatever it is, is something tied to their origin and not something that was done to them, he might be able to help.”
Liz ran a hand over her face. None of them had spoken to Alex in months, the aftermath of Max’s death and Rosa’s resurrection and Michael and Maria’s relationship made tensions run hot and there had been a massive fight between them all. Things had been said that could not be unsaid and so Alex had kept himself away from all of them. If he found anything useful he let Kyle know and Kyle relayed it to them. 
“Call him,” she told him. “Let him know what’s going on.”
Kyle nodded at her but waited. “Call him, Kyle,” Maria told him quietly. “They could be dying.”
Kyle didn’t say anything, just pulled his phone out of his pocket. He stepped outside as the call connected. “Hey, Alex. We’ve got a bit of a situation.” The door closed behind him and cut off whatever else he had to say.
“Maria-” Liz started.
Maria shook her head. “It’s been months, Liz. And we’re adults. Even if they weren’t sick or dying or whatever is happening, we should be able to talk to him. We shouldn’t be scared of being in the same room.”
Liz nodded. “I agree. But that doesn’t mean this is going to be easy.”
“Who cares?” Maria said harshly. “I just- I need them to be okay.”
Liz noted that she didn’t say she needed him to be okay but he didn’t mention it. There would be time to talk about it later. 
“Okay,” Kyle said as he came back inside. “Alex said he might know what this is but he’s coming over to make sure.”
“Did he say what it was?” 
Kyle shook his head. “No but he did say if he’s right then it’s not serious. Or at least, it could be much worse.”
Liz let out a sigh of relief. It wasn’t an answer just yet but it was more than she’d had for three days. 
They sat around in awkward silence for the 20 minutes it took Alex to get to Max’s. In the silence, they heard his car pull up but no one moved to greet him.
In the end, he let himself in and hovered awkwardly in the back of the room for a beat. “Damn,” Rosa greeted. “Nice jacket, Manes.”
Liz had to agree. She hadn’t seen Alex in a while but the time seemed to be doing him good. His hair was a bit longer and styled more than she’d seen it since high school. His clothes were also a bit reminiscent of high school, skinny jeans and a leather jacket. 
“Michael and Isobel are out here and Max is in his bedroom,” Kyle told him. “Do you need any help?”
Alex shook his head. “No. It’s just a simple test to make sure, really. I’m pretty confident I know what this is.” He pulled something out of his pocket and stepped over to the couch where Isobel lay. Rosa had been sitting next to her but she stood up and gave Alex his space. Without a word, he leaned over her and pressed the object to her chest. It lit up with a bright light tinted the faintest of pink. He nodded then moved over to Michael. 
Maria stood in his way for a beat before she took a deep breath and stepped aside. Neither she nor Alex looked at each other. Liz watched as Alex bent over Michael, a mix of emotions playing across his face, worry chief among them. Again, he pressed the object to his chest and this time the light was orange.
Alex nodded and stood up. “Max?” Liz nodded and walked quickly towards Max’s room, Alex close on her heels, the others not far behind him.
This time the light was a soft yellow.
“Okay, so what does it mean?” She asked once he’d tucked the object away. “Were you right?”
Alex nodded. “Yeah.”
“So what is it?” Kyle asked.
“Can we wake them up?” Maria wanted to know.
“In the files we got from Caulfield,” Alex began, “my family called it the Sleeping Beauty moment.”
Liz arched an eyebrow in question but Alex only shrugged.
“Hey, I didn’t name it. Anyway the gist was that exactly 20 years, down to the second, after an Antarian woke up from their pod they fell into a deep sleep. They were otherwise perfectly healthy but nothing could wake them up.”
“Oh my god,” Rosa exclaimed softly. Liz turned on her in time to see a smile spread across her face.
“This isn’t funny, Rosa!” She hissed. “If they can’t be woken up-”
“They can be,” Rosa countered, exchanging a glance with Alex. He nodded at her and she continued. “Sleeping Beauty, Elizabeth.” She laughed. “It’s true love’s kiss.”
Liz started to scoff but Alex’s face stopped her. “No.”
He shrugged. “It’s not exactly true love’s kiss per se,” he denied. “But the key to waking them up is the kiss of those whom they love the most. A few of the Caulfield prisoners were lucky enough to be captured with the people they loved but over half of the aliens held there were in comas for over fifty years. They fell into this sleep and never woke up.”
Silence greeted him when he finished. Liz wasn’t sure if she believed Alex but she didn’t want to say it. A quick look at Maria and Kyle’s faces showed similar disbelief. 
A sharp shove to her back forced Liz forward a few steps. “Jesus Christ, Liz, kiss the man,” Rosa ordered. “You don’t believe Alex? Test it out. It can’t hurt.”
Liz looked over at Alex apologetically but he didn’t seem bothered. He just nodded towards where Max lay on the bed behind her.
Liz considered her sister’s words carefully and nodded. It couldn’t hurt. She took a deep breath and turned around. 
With one hand braced on the bed beside Max’s shoulder, she cupped his chin and leaned down for a soft kiss. After a second, she pulled back to check for a reaction. 
Nothing. His face was as still and blank as it had been for three days. A sob tore at her throat as she lost the little bit of hope Alex had given her. 
“Hey,” Maria said softly as she put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll figure it out, okay?”
Liz squeezed her eyes shut and nodded.
“Liz.” Alex’s voice was odd enough that she immediately turned to look at him but his gaze was fixed behind her. Liz turned around to see Max’s face scrunched up, his eyes wrinkling as his he turned his head towards her.
“Max!” She exclaimed, her hands grabbing at his face and turning him towards her. “Max?” She asked when he showed no more signs of waking.
“Kiss him again?” Alex suggested and this time Liz didn’t hesitate. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his again and again. After a few chaste kisses, she felt his lips open below hers and she deepened the kiss. 
Slowly, oh so slowly, he came alive again under her touch.
When she finally broke away to catch her breath, Max was running a hand through her hair. “Hey,” he greeted her softly.
“Hey,” she said wetly.
He stared at her in wonder for a second before his brow furrowed. “Where’s Isobel and Michael?”
“They’re still sleeping,” she told him.
Max sat up and threw off his blanket. 
“Woah where are you going?” Liz put her hands on his shoulders to try and keep him on the bed. “You’ve been asleep for three days, you probably shouldn’t be jumping up and around right away.”
“I need to see them,” he muttered as he pushed past her gently. He was out the door before she could stop him.
“Why isn’t it working?” Maria’s voice carried down the hallway. When they got into the living room, Liz could see Maria crouched over Michael, her head moving up and down as she pressed kiss after kiss on his lips. “He’s not waking up!” 
“Maria,” Max greeted softly. Maria glanced at him before turning back to Michael. Max grabbed her arm and gently pulled her to her feet. “I’m sorry.”
“Max? What’s going on?” Liz asked.
“While we were asleep we shared a consciousness. I know how to wake them both up and I’m sorry Maria but it’s not you.” Max’s voice was gentle but firm. It left no room for arguing.
“If Maria can’t wake Michael up then who?” Rosa asked. 
Max didn’t answer, he just looked around the room until his eyes fell upon Alex. Liz heard Maria let out a choke off sob before she stepped away. But Alex just shook his head.
“I don’t know what you think you know, Max, but I’m not the person Michael loves most. Not even close.”
“With all due respect to y’all’s decade of baggage, you are. So kindly get the fuck over whatever hangs up you have right now and wake my brother up.” 
The two men stared at each other for a beat before Alex shook his head. “You’re wrong but you won’t just accept that will you?”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Kyle asked lightly. Alex shot him a look that sobered him immediately. “Alex, you could be the only person that could save him. Isn’t that worth the possibility of it not working?”
Alex looked away and took a deep breath. Without a word, he slowly made his way over to Michael, easing himself onto the sliver of space on the couch next to Michael’s hip.
“What about Isobel?” Maria asked before Alex could do anything.
Max looked over at her. “Me and Michael. I can’t wake her up without him.”
She nodded and wrapped her arms around herself, looking away as Alex pressed a quick kiss to Michael’s lips. 
Liz watched as he pulled away, hope and fear warring on his face. There was a beat where nothing happened and then Michael turned his head towards Alex, his mouth opening slightly as he tilted his chin up.
Alex’s face lit up briefly before he leaned back down. Liz looked away as they continued to kiss. Eventually, Max coughed loudly and drew her attention back to the two men. Michael’s hands were wrapped around Alex’s neck, their lips separating slowly as they pressed their foreheads together. 
“Alex,” Michael said reverently.
Alex kissed him again. 
Max coughed louder. “Michael,” he half whined, half scolded.
Michael pushed gently at Alex’s shoulders until he sat back. “Yeah, yeah,” Michael whined as he carefully extricated himself from his blankets. Max to help him to his feet but within moments both men were by Isobel’s side. 
Liz walked over to see what they were doing, unable to believe that they’d kiss their sister, not even for this. She smiled when she saw them both press kisses to her cheeks. As with Max and Michael, Isobel started to wake after the first press of their lips. They pressed another set of kisses to her cheeks and her eyelids fluttered. Liz watched as they shared a conspiratorial look before both Michael and Max started kissing Isobel all over. 
“Oh my god, stop,” Isobel laughed as she shoved at them. Max pressed a final kiss to her forehead and stepped away, coming over to hug Liz. Michael stayed next to Isobel and helped her into a sitting position. 
“You okay?” Michael asked.
Isobel laughed lightly. “Right as rain.” She yawned. “Who knew a three day nap could be so exhausting?”
Liz snorted and then lost it. She buried her face in Max’s chest as the fear and the worry of the last three days caught up with her in a rush of relief.
“Is she having a meltdown or something?” Michael asked. If anyone answered him, Liz didn’t hear it. 
“I’m just really glad you’re all okay,” Liz replied once she got herself under control. “It was a rough few days, not gonna lie, but everything worked out.”
Isobel snorted. “Yup. Everything worked out just fine. No problems whatsoever.”
“I’m going to go home,” Maria announced and Liz’s heart sank. She’d gotten distracted by Max’s arms around her and forgotten the very public heartbreak her best friend just suffered. 
“Maria-” Liz reached out a hand as Maria walked past but Maria just shook her off. Liz stared after her for a moment before turning back to the room at large. 
“Glad you’re all okay,” Alex said quietly as he too rose to his feet. Michael said his name softly but if Alex heard, he didn’t stop. He just patted his pockets to make sure he had everything and left.
“Anyone need a ride back into town?” Kyle asked as he gathered his stuff. Rosa and Isobel both raised their hands. 
“I need a shower and my own bed,” Isobel announced. “Why did you all leave us on the damn couches?”
“Your ass was heavy,” Rosa answered unapologetically. “Too much trouble to move you.”
Isobel gasped. “Take that back.”
“Nope,” Rosa tossed over her shoulder as she stole Kyle’s keys and sauntered out the front door.
Isobel gaped after her before grabbing her purse and hurrying down the hall, yelling after Rosa. Kyle just sighed as he watched her go. “Well this will be a fun drive.”
“Thanks for taking them, Kyle,” Max told him. 
Kyle nodded. “Not a problem. I’ll be seeing you.” He gave Liz a quick hug and then he too was gone.
“So,” Max broke the silence a few minutes later. “Who are you going after?”
Liz turned away from the door to see him talking to Michael. Michael just grabbed his hat and plopped it on his head. “Bye, Max.” He slapped Max on the shoulder and pushed past him.
Max laughed. “Tell Alex thanks!” He yelled as the door slammed in Michael’s wake.
“You think he’s going to see Alex?” Liz asked slowly.
Max sighed and nodded. “I know Maria’s your best friend and you don’t want her to get hurt but I’ve been inside of Michael’s head okay? And there’s no question. He’s in love with Alex. As much as, honestly maybe even more, than I love you. They have a long history together and it’s tough for them, no question, but he’s the love of Michael’s life. Of course he’s going to see Alex right now.”
“Then why would he-” Max pressed a finger on her lips.
“Let’s not talk about my brother and his poor life choices right now, okay?”
Liz really wanted to say more but it could wait. She stretched up to wrap her arms around his neck and pulled him down to press their lips together. “I’ve missed you.”
She kissed him again.
“My Sleeping Beauty.” 
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