#They have stolen the heart inside you; but this does not define you
stardust948 · 9 months
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“Prince Zuko I- “ Katara gasped as Azula and Ty Lee roared with laughter.
During their ‘snowball fight’ Azula told her to splash Mai to get her attention. Katara accidently bent too much water from the pond towards the unexpecting girl. Zuko pushed her out the way and ended up soaked instead.
Katara covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. He did look ridiculous.
“Oh, so you think this is funny?!” Zuko fumed.
Zutara first meeting in Innocent Warrior
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spaceediasporaa · 11 months
tbh “know who you are” from Moana is actually a perfect song for Reva … change my mind
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werdlewrites · 1 month
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A Logan x OC preview
summary: N/A warnings: MENTIONS OF DEATH & NEAR DEATH. Gotta live up to the title. Logan isn't even in this part but will be later. wc: N/A
He uses caution as he takes a seat just by her side, fingers slipping their way to entangle with her own, and she’s too weak to stop him. “You wear his face, but you’re-you’re not him,” she says in a whisper, lip trembling as she drinks in the sight of a man she loved and lost. “I know you.” The woman spits in a bitter tone, her jaw tight and teeth clenched.
The smile once etched into mimicked features fades, falling to a flat line with eyes staring straight through her soul. Her heart breaks all over again, right before Death. Aching and yearning for the warm touch of her companion. Hollow and desperate for the joy this child would give. The only piece of him that remained.
“Show your face.” 
The Being provides what is demanded without hesitation. Skin and fabric peeled away like old paint to dissipate in the crisp air of autumn. Heavenly strands of gold break away like shards of glass to never meet the ground. Blackened smoke spills out from every crack, enveloping Death and expanding until it towers above her, nearly reaching the angular ceiling of a lonely home. The space suddenly seems much smaller.
There are no defined features left of The Entity, only a shadowy figure buried beneath the haze with piercing eyes in the abyss of nothingness. The body, if it could be described as such, was littered with hundreds of thousands of stars. They flicker in and out–some bigger than others. Some brighter or a different hue. Some say it’s every soul collected in a single night–perhaps only within a few hours, maybe even one. It’s immeasurable. And when you stare into the eyes of Death, it’s the last thing you consider.
The shock of its truth momentarily numbs the pain in her body–or is it the Creature itself that steals away her agony? She finds herself no longer tense from labor but broken at the mere thought of her baby being stolen from her womb. Fresh tears fill tired eyes, pleading once more for her child’s life with hands raised protectively over her abdomen. “She’s all I have left.”
A hand much larger than her own lays across to nearly engulf her entire belly, thumb soothing along the marked skin. Nothing is said between the two. The mother is left in the torment of the unknown, while The Being has already worked its way inside to greet a sleeping baby–unaware of the danger. Her life blossoms within Death’s eye. A child growing into a woman unlike any other gifted soul stolen from this world and moved to the next. A child already born of darkness–burdened by The Sight.
It’s unknown how it all came to be that night. Maybe Death had grown tired. Or was it perhaps some twisted connection? Tangled threads of the universe. The mother doesn’t ask why, or how, and Death would never tell. But, by the morning of October 31st, Dawn Rosalin Kennedy takes her first breath–her first wailing cry–before falling asleep against her mother's chest. She’s finally safe and remains protected throughout her years.
She grows–just as They envisioned. Picturesque with pudgy cheeks and a dimpled smile as small fingers pluck wildflowers. Her mother tends to the garden just nearby, trusting in the universe that her only child is safe from any harm that may lurk beyond the treeline. And that trust does not go misplaced. The Creature has shown itself on more than one occasion. Sitting at the small dinner table in total silence unless spoken to–watching as the two girls eat a homemade meal.
Every visit They come bearing a new mask, and the girl sees right through it. An unknown man standing before her in the same field where her father died. A stoic expression set alight in the summer’s glow as The Entity studied the child. Her doe eyes are on Him–quizzical and bewildered until their true form is seen tall above the husk. The shadow of a monster–a God.
Her smile is full of innocence and love. Entirely unafraid of this otherworldly Creature and the heartache it brings. Dawn Rosalin can only see the beauty within it as stars burn brightly in the darkness. The girl offers out a dandelion in kindness, and Death instructs the body it wears to take it with grace, kneeling to her level with a gentle look in adoring eyes.
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sundove88 · 1 year
Oyster Returns The Pearl- A Cookie Run Kingdom One Shot
After realizing what her ancestor had done and the mistake he brought upon her dear friends the Gem Mermaids, Oyster Cookie decides to take it upon herself and fix what was broken.
Note: Based on THAT scene of Moana.
Spoilers for the new update ahead!!
The rain poured down on the streets of The Creme Republic, with thunder and lightning filling the skies above. Everyone had gone inside to escape the horrid weather and enjoy a nice hot drink to help their tired bodies. Well, Almost everyone. Captain Caviar Cookie as well as Oyster Cookie decided to do what no other cookie had done before- return stolen property. “Come on, Captain Caviar! She needs this more than we do!” Oyster said, helping her friend as well as his own crew make their way to the shores.
“We’re going as fast as we can, Oyster!” Captain Caviar yelled as the Salty Sharks and Candy Diver bounded behind him. In the distance, they saw Black Pearl Cookie commanding a furious tempest, as if driving her anger towards the land cookies who had betrayed her so long ago. “We have to hurry! There’s no time!” Oyster shouted as she climbed up the rock in her own heels, knowing that this was her only chance to make things right. She then held up the jet black Pearl, and it shone like a beacon in the distance.
This alerted the giant gem mermaid to Oyster’s presence, and her sisters Crimson Coral, Gold Citrine, Aquamarine, and Mystic Opal as well as everyone else; Frilled Jellyfish included, watched in awe as Oyster climbed down the rock and towards the area where land and sea met. “Let her come to me.” She said in a determined tone, still holding the Pearl. At that moment, the ocean split in two- allowing for both parties to pass through. Black Pearl swam forward with an unstoppable rage, while Oyster just gracefully walked forward- singing a lullaby of reassurance and hope.
I have crossed the horizon to find you
I know your name
They have stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are
The moment Oyster finished her lullaby, Black Pearl towered over her, her face more calm than anyone had ever seen. “Who you truly are.” Oyster uttered softly. Holding the gemstone, she walked up to the massive siren and said: “Black...no. WHITE Pearl Cookie- I can't take away all the years of suffering my ancestor has made you endure, but I can finally give back what he stole from you and…..help you heal...” the house head explained, holding up the precious stone. Upon witnessing her Pearl for the first time in years, Black Pearl started crying. “Y-Y-You gave it back…!” She said through her sobs, seeing the precious gemstone.
“So please, take this. It doesn't belong to me; it never has...” Oyster said as the siren continued crying, her tears that had been held back over the years finally flowing free. “T-T-Thank you... thank you so much..!” The mermaid said as she profusely thanked the cookie who gave back the most precious thing in her life through her tears. “Anything for a friend of mine.” Oyster said as she was picked up by Black Pearl, the former drying the tears of the latter as the clouds began to dissipate above them, the sun warming up all around it. “I’m sorry… I am so sorry…! And ashamed of all the lives I took and how blinded by rage and anger I was… I’ll do anything to make it up to all of you, but I… don’t think… I’ve earned my redemption…!” The mermaid said as she cried bitterly. “We weren’t angry at you. We were just sad… that you lost your way and who you were.” Crimson Coral replied as she swam up to her sister. “I… I did lose my way… and who I truly was.” The giant siren replied as she hung her head down in shame.
“But thanks to us, you’ve found both again.” Captain Caviar replied as he swam down to where his friends were. “And you weren’t alone in doing so. And we’re so happy you’ve found your way here… and who you truly are!” Friiled Jellyfish said enthusiastically. “OYSTER!!” Everyone yelled as Black Pearl, who was now back to her true self aka White Pearl, gracefully placed Oyster back on solid ground. “I did what I had to do.” She said with a smile. “And it was the right thing to do.” Crimson Coral began. “You saved our sister.” Aquamarine continued. “And for that…” started Gold Citrine. “We’re more than grateful for what you’ve done.” Mystic Opal finished. “How can I ever thank you?” White Pearl Cookie said, her now silver eyes filled with eternal gratitude. “You already have. By sharing your secrets with me since I was small.” Oyster replied, kissing the siren on the cheek. The cookie who had fixed her ancestor’s mistake had finally done the impossible- help Black Pearl regain the trust she had lost.
The End
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Accidental Christian hymn:
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Moana sings as Christ sings to us:
I have crossed the horizon to find you
I know your name
They have stolen the heart from inside you,
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
Do you know who you are?
I love this song and all I hear is my God.
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
Primal - Ch. 2 ~AU Predator (Franchise)~
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Teleya’s POV
My singing transitioned to different songs from Where You Are to How Far I’ll Go. When I’d finish singing, I’d pause for a second to see if they were asleep. The living room was clean, and so I moved the trash to the kitchen.
“One more!” Camille whispers, and I could tell they were tired and close to sleep. As I threw the trash away and wiped down the table I figured Moana would be putting them asleep. I cut on the Know Who You soundtrack and turned the volume down and let it play as I put the plates in their dishwasher. The music was low and calm. I closed the window just a bit since the air cooled down. As I listened to the song I looked up at the sky, the moon shining just above me. I never forget to look up at it.
“(Ou mata e matagi) I have crossed the horizon to find you (Ou loto mamaina toa) I know your name. (Manatu atu). They have stolen the heart from inside you. (Taku pelepele)” I sang gently closing my eyes as I felt the soft air hitting my face. A gentle noise outside the window however made me open my eyes and look around gently. But I didn’t let it take my attention away from the girls and my reason for singing. I looked back up at the moon. “But this does not define you (Manatunatu). This is not who you are. You know who you are.”
I looked at the moon for a second unable to not think of Moana’s voice in my head. Who you truly are. Boy that movie was pretty good, I had to admit. I closed my eyes and smiled down at the sink for a moment waiting to hear one of the girls say something. But when they didn’t I moved to their room and gently peaked in to see they were all asleep in the bed. I smiled and paused the next song before it could play and wake them up. I closed the door gently and moved into the living room and just sat down and watched TV on low. It was all just back ground noise honestly as I played on my phone. By ten pm, the door unlocked and entered Lou. I moved from the couch and he smiled as I approached him. I could see the drowsiness in his eyes.
“Hey, they asleep?” he asked softly, and I nodded.
“They were great.” I replied and he nodded digging into his shirt pocket.
“Thanks, Leya, we really appreciate you.” he said pulling out two twenties. I shook my head pushing against his palm.
“Keep it. It really was no trouble.” I said, and he shook his head.
“No. You deserve this. Kelly and I would be offended if you didn’t take it.” he pressed pushing it back in my direction. I smiled and nodded. Hey gas money.
“Good night Lou. Stay cool out there.” I replied, and he nodded.
“I’ll text Kelly that I’m here. You just text her when you’re in your home.” he said. I nodded.
“I will. Goodnight.” I replied and walked past him.
“Get home safe.” he replied. I walked down to my car. The streets were quiet but the city was not. A soft swish noise comes from above me, and I turn and look up at the building’s rooftop. Neighborhood noises at this hour was not something I liked. I got in my car and drove down the empty road.
Normal POV
Scorpion easily followed the singing to one of the townhomes roofs. He could see a light from below, and so quietly he scaled his way down to the bottom. With both hands he grabbed the top of the window and silently hung there looking inside. Quite easily, he found the female responsible. He shrilled quietly and then silenced himself when she approached the window looking down at the cleaning sink, he has learned. Humans use it to wash the eating and cooking utensils they eat their food off of so they can use them again.
Scorpion didn’t know exactly what the woman was singing, but he also was no longer paying attention to her voice, more so her appearance. He leaned in just a bit, his helmet tapping the window.
The woman looked up and around just a bit. Scorpion remained still once more, his breathing even. She has brown skin and short curly hair. Her eyes are a deep brown and Scorpion couldn’t help but tilt his head some as he examined her. She looked taller than the average female humans he had seen. Her teeth were very white and her ears are small. She wasn’t disproportionate. She had noticeably large milk glands and when he raised himself up a bit to look down on her, he noticed the curves of her somewhat lean body. She was looking right at him now and Scorpion almost jumped off, lest he give himself away, but he felt she was looking through him.
The moon was right behind him so he deduced she was looking at it. As she finished singing, the tingling in his skin went away. When she finally turned away to move into the house, Scorpion continued to watch clicking his mandibles some. She had a round bottom and nicely shaped calves. He remembered spying on two men eating poultry and one of them was describing a female’s calves. Why they were discussing her legs was beyond Scorpion, but he was listening to learn how men chose their females for suitable mates. The male said this female’s calves were like drumsticks, whatever that was, perfectly round and then they thin out down her leg. It would make her ankles look good in… what was the word, some type of feminine shoe females wore. Scorpion then recalled it was known as a wedge shoe. He deduced back then it was a shoe only female humans wear.
This female wasn’t ugly, for many female humans were very different due to passing bloodlines and ancestral history. Scorpion rarely found them attractive. He didn’t care about appearance as long as those around him were honorable. The females in his clan were very honorable. She seemed to be looking into the room of what he guessed her suckling stayed in. She was a child bearer?
He watched the female enter a room never to be seen again. For some reason, the enforcer was curious of the life this human woman led. He placed his hand beneath the half open window preparing to open it, when he heard a rumbling from below him and noticed a male moving into the home. Her mate. Scorpion pushed all his curiosity away now for the female was taken and he would not bother with claimed females. Before he moved on, he noticed the female greet the male, but they did not nuzzle each other or show signs of affection.
The enforcer continued to watch. The man handed her some green paper. Currency. The female was performing a task and was to be rewarded.
“Goodnight.” the woman said.
“Get home safe.” the man replied. Scorpion recorded the words before climbing the building again and moving higher from the streets. Once on the roof, he crouched and just watched the woman move to her vehicle and drive away. So, she didn’t live there.
“Goodnight. Get home safe.” his helmet replayed the woman’s voice then the male’s voice. That should have been the end of his adventure for the night. He was still injured and needed to rest, but as he watched the car take off, he couldn’t help but feel his curiosities weren’t met. Why did that female’s voice make his skin tingle? He hadn’t decided if this feeling was good or not, but it was still an effect that it had on his body without his doing and that was worth looking into. The city was loud and over populated. He felt he could add to his success and make a hunt out of this as well. After he healed properly, he would prepare for his hunt.
Teleya’s POV
It was a little after ten when I made it back to my place. I was tired, but what did it matter right now? I locked the door and cut on my light. Immediately I see Pandora sitting on my couch, her green eyes staring at me. I smiled at her and walked over to her.
“I know, I was out late without calling. I’m sorry.” I teased and moved over into the kitchen after setting my bag down on the counter. I immediately unhooked my bra and just stripped all the way down the hall on the right side of the condo. It was hot in here too, and I just wanted to not be dressed. That’s what I enjoyed the most about being on my own with… unwanted roommates. I could be in any form I wanted. I could walk around without a bra, or just strip and be naked like I was now. I could be anything I wanted without having to look over my shoulder for someone else’s approval. I went back out and refilled Pandora’s food and water and cut off the lights. I checked the balcony’s doors to make sure they were locked before heading back down the hall.
I jumped into the shower and washed the day off me. Once that was done, and I dried off, I lotioned my body and jumped right into bed and was out like a light. I should have grabbed my bonnet, but my satin pillow case would do. Sleep took me quick. In the fogginess of the night, I could hear Pandora running around in the hall. She was hissing and screeching at something.
“Pandora, quiet!” I called out to her. A bird must have been out on the balcony taunting her or something. Silly cat.
Normal POV
Pandora was sitting at the door of her owner’s open doored room purring quietly as she listened to everything around the house without moving. However, something was entering through the balcony door of her territory. The hair on her back stood as she quickly stood at attention hissing at the invisible force that was entering the house. Something was approaching the room and the cat was not afraid of it. She knew predators and this was a predator. She hissed loudly at the form. It stopped and let out a low shrill in response. The cat ran into the room and jumped on her owner’s bed, remaining at the foot ready to defend. She yowled and hissed and moaned lowly as the invisible creature began to stalk into the room. She clawed and swiped at the air ready to defend still.
Scorpion looked at the black feline that was clearly no match for him and so there would be no sport in killing it. But the way it was arching its back and guarding the human female's sleeping form, he knew he was intruding on the smaller predator’s supposed territory and it would protect the sleeping female even at the cost of its life.
He respected the lesser being. So, he would venture no further into the bedroom and instead move silently back into the hall. This was the female's shelter, and from what he could tell only she and the feline lived here. Strange. A young female with no clan or mate. That was very odd. She could have children, why wasn’t she claimed or with suckling by now? Was there something wrong with her? Did she find no male worthy of her? Scorpion pushed those thoughts away and decided for the time being he would move on and prepare for his hunt. He knew where the female stayed and if he wished to come back and explore his curiosity further then he would.
He heard the hissing again and looked over his shoulder to see the cat now higher on the woman’s furniture. Still it was hissing and howling at him. He had overstayed long enough. He needed rest and would need to get back to his ship before the sun came up. He shrilled gently and moved back out the same way he came in.
Teleya’s POV
The sun entered the room and brought it to life. My soft white curtains welcomed the warmth. God I was so happy it was the weekend. I could hear the city already, and I just lied in bed for a moment rolling on my stomach and looking over my shoulder. Pandora was curled up at the foot of the bed purring gently. What got into her last night, I wondered. I sat up and decided it was early enough to hit the gym before breakfast. I slid on some shorts and a red tank. I packed a gym bag of my spare clothes and some towels to shower with at gym. I slid on my shoes and left out my room. As I entered the kitchen to grab my water bottle, something caught my attention in the living room.
Something green was on the ground on the left side of my couch. I tilted my head and approached it. Did Pandora throw up? It was bright, almost neon green. What was it? I looked up at the ceiling. Was it a leak? I didn’t have time to play detective. So, I hurried and cleaned it up and disinfected the spot before grabbing my water bottle and my keys and leaving the house.
Speaking of detective, NYPD Homicide Detective, Axel Bosch was just leaving his home too. He was an older man, with silver hair and pale blue eyes. He was a few inches taller than me with a lean body for an older man. He cleaned up nice and had tattoos on both his arms. Old enough to be my father, but still someone I would sleep with. I had no guilt about who I was attracted to now. He lived here before I did and came off as a real hard ass. But if your job is to solve murders then maybe it came with the territory. He glanced my way giving an old smile and a curt nod as he was placing his sunglasses over his face.
“Good morning, Teleya.” he said, his voice low and gravely. I gave a small, but polite smile.
“Morning detective.” I replied. The man smiled.
“You know you don’t have to call me that. We’re neighbors, you can call me Axel.” he said. I nodded already feeling off talking to someone by myself who was still a stranger.
“Okay. No problem.” I replied as we both walked down our steps and over to our cars.
“Gonna be a hot day today. The heat wave will be peaking soon. Stay hydrated and cool.” he said. I nodded at him.
“You too… be safe.” I replied. He smiled professionally.
“Thank you.” he said. I could hear the radio in his car already.
“We got bodies…” that’s all I could really hear before his engine started and he was taking off in his nice Chevrolet truck. Be safe detective.
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beatrixblog · 7 months
Consider the following (I know it’s not Dark Cacao related, but still)
(Oyster Cookie holds up the darkened Pearl as she walks towards Black Pearl Cookie, who is furiously swimming towards her. The storm calms as Oyster begins to sing.)
🎶I have crossed the horizon to find you
I know your name
They have stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are🎶
(Finally, Black Pearl’s face calms down as she gets to Oyster’s level, filled with genuine remorse. Oyster just smiles and walks up to the giant mermaid, and presses her hand to her forehead.)
Oyster: Who you truly are…
Source: Moana
doomed yuri
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flyingwargle · 2 years
character objects series #2: xiao’s mask
the mask is weightless in his gloved hands. it is easy to admire the intricate details that decorate the porcelain, from the pointed horns and defined molars where the mouth is, the gold markings on the forehead and around the eyes, the holes for the eyes illuminated in teal, the energy that radiates outwards, cloaked in shadow and malice. it is not an item that should fall into anyone else’s hands easily.
albedo is an exception.
he sits cross-legged on the floor of the uppermost balcony. xiao is beside him, occupied with a plate of almond tofu, which is why he didn’t stop the alchemist from reaching for it. albedo flips it over to hold, unable to spot any signs of wear, as if the mask was crafted days ago rather than a millennia prior.
“what do you think will happen if someone other than you wears it?”
xiao continues to eat, eyes forward. the moon watches them from a starless sky, statue of seven in the distance. dragonspine remains an overwhelming presence just out of the their periphery. “i don’t know. it never happened before.”
“enlighten me. when you wear it, what happens?”
the yaksha lowers his spoon. still, their eyes do not meet. “it amplifies my abilities but also stirs my karmic debt. you already know how the…voices grow stronger if my mental defenses are lowered. wearing the mask does the same thing.”
he raises his head, enraptured by the moon. “we already had them when we were summoned. we were also told that the masks elevate our powers but we wear them to separate our humanity from the violent, monstrous part of us. yakshas thrive on the battlefield, but we still need to retain ourselves outside of it. that’s why we only wear them in combat.”
his eyes finally meet albedo. “i imagine if a human wears it, they’ll die from the overwhelming karma accumulated in the mask. as for you, though…”
albedo smiles. “i won’t crumble, but perhaps it’ll exacerbate the corruption within me. i was created with forbidden arts, so the two negative forces may clash.” despite that, the two of them continue to fraternize with one another, indulging in stolen nights and shared moments.
xiao takes the mask back, but he doesn’t attach it back to his belt. instead, he leaves it on his lap, ensnared by the elaborate patterns. “i always thought it looked ugly because it made me feel ugly. masks are important to liyuen culture and many folktales are based on them. they’re used to hide who people are on the inside, so maybe mine has a similar function.”
a hand reaches for his. albedo leans forward to capture his gaze, voice soft. “others may see your mask and view you in a certain way, but i see you from a different angle that many don’t have access to.”
“which is…?”
“i see your kindness and your love for those around you. i see your respect for your friends and family, and for all living things. i see how you wield your strength for the benefit of others without any care towards yourself.” albedo cups his cheek. “i see that you love with all your heart, and i admire that about you.”
xiao leans into his touch, allowing himself to take solace from it. albedo wraps an arm around him to brace him against his body, feeling the yaksha relax beneath his touch. “i don’t deserve you,” comes his breathless words.
“neither do i, and yet we’re here.”
the mask is a witness to the love shared between them, an eternal pledge to eradicate the shadows that stand in their way and a future united together.
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counterklock · 1 year
I saw Nimona today and had a good cathartic cry. One thing I can’t stop thinking about is when Ballister stops Shadow!Nimona by touching her bared heart and how similar it was to Moana & Te Ka and “I know your name, They have stolen the heart from inside you But this does not define you This is not who you are You know who you are” anyways, gif set/video edit of Bal & Nimona to ‘Know Who You Are’ when???
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Consider the following:
(Oyster Cookie walks forward bravely holding the formerly lost Pearl. The storm begins to calm as she gets closer to Black Pearl Cookie and starts singing)
🎶I have crossed the horizon to find you
I know your name
They have stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are🎶
Oyster: Who you truly are…
WOAUGHHH!! the water lebians…splendid
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stardust948 · 9 months
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The ground trembled as the great iron ship plowed through the ice and knocked down Sokka’s watch tower. The ramp dropped and intimating Fire Nation soldiers with their skull faces made their way down. They were led by a fierce maskless solider with a large angry scar that took up nearly half of his face.
Sokka bravely stood his ground with his weapons drawn. He lets out a battle cry as he charged toward them. Katara winced as he was kicked off the side of the ramp. Sokka got up quickly and charged again but was intercepted by the accompanying Fire Nation soldiers. While Sokka fought them, the scarred solider continued his march towards the women and children huddled in front of the village. Katara braced herself and stood protectively in front of them.
“Stop.” She spoke boldly in the common language. “We have no business with you. Turn and leave now.”
Zutara first meeting in I’ve searched the horizon to find you; I know your name (Water)
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awkwardauthorwrites · 2 years
Know Who You Are
Previously on awkward-author
Word Count: Just under 1k
Warnings: Probable swear words. Angst. Sad reader.
Authors Note: The song that inspired this is from the film Moana and can be found here. 
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If the slamming of a door didn’t startle Steve Rogers from of his sleep, then Nat and her incessant prodding definitely managed to rouse the blond super soldier.
“What happened?”
“Its Y/N.”
I have crossed the horizon to find you.
She was in the fireproof training room Tony had designed specifically for her. Balls of flame flew out of her hands, scorching the targets beyond recognition faster than Steve could register. She was a force to be reckoned with in the state she was currently in. He watched from behind the heatproof, one-way mirrored glass as she blasted through every obstacle that popped up. He knew something was wrong, but until she whipped around to take down the final two planks, he didn’t realise just how bad it was.
Tears streamed down her face, or as far as they could go before they evaporated from her skin. It pained him to see such raw, unconcealed anguish on her features. The despair in her usually bright eyes was suffocating to him, and when she finally dropped to her knees, her energy spent, he silently vowed to do whatever it took to help her. 
“I know you’re there,” she said quietly, her voice barely audible over the noise of the sprinklers. He remained quiet, not wanting to attract attention to himself, but when she glanced up at the reflective surface he knew he couldn’t pretend any longer. Not while her eyes were rimmed red like they were. With a step forward and the flick of a switch, the glass in front of him cleared, allowing her to lock eyes with him.
I know your name.
“Rogers.” Her voice was rough, almost as if she had been screaming. Steve wouldn’t put it past her, considering the scorch marks in the ceiling. “Did Nat send you?”
“She was worried,” Steve spoke slowly, quietly, so as not to startle her. “So was I.”
“I’m fine.”
Nothing more was said for a few minutes, until the sprinklers finally shut themselves off.
“Am I going to boil if I come in?” he asked, hoping she would smile at his pitiful excuse at a joke. She did, barely, and without humour before gesturing to the door with her head as if to say be my guest. He didn’t waste a second, and stepped into the now-drenched room with a towel as she tried to wring out her soaked hair.
He waited patiently as she attempted to dry her body with the towel and used her affinity for heat to deal with her hair. Silently, he lingered, awkwardly waiting for her to decide whether she wanted to talk to him. Finally, after what felt like hours, she looked up at him once more, the agony in her eyes now covered up with a poorly constructed wall.
“I saw my family today.”
They have stolen the heart from inside you.
Steve didn’t know much about Y/N’s life before he met her. In fact, the only person in this tower who seemed to know anything about her at all was Clint. Despite his retirement from the team, he seemed to constantly hang around the compound, sometimes with his infant child, Nathaniel, strapped to him. Unfortunately, the archer wasn’t currently in the building, and was back at his farm with his family. What little Steve did know, however, was more than enough.
But this does not define you.
“They’re in the city, and asked if they could see me.” She was picking at the loose threads on the towel, seemingly unfazed by the puddle she was still sat in. “I figured it had been so long that it would be okay.” She seemed to roll her eyes at herself before dropping the material in her hands. It quickly soaked up the water at her feet, turning the fabric into a darker, blood red colour. “Turns out they only wanted to see me so that they could brag that I was an Avenger and ask for money. When I said no, they called me selfish, amongst other things.”
“They said I was a monster – a freak of nature – and wondered why you guys had picked me, out of everyone else, when I’m nothing but a mistake.” Steve scoffed and tugged her into his arms for a hug before he could process the action.
“The so-called fireproof room you managed to somehow set on fire would beg to differ.”
This is not who you are.
“You’re not a monster,” he continued, pressing his lips to the top of her head gently as he spoke. She shook in his arms, but he didn’t know if that was because she was cold, or still wet, or a mixture of both. He held onto her tighter in response, hoping that some of his body heat would be transferred on to her. Not that she needed it. “No more than Bruce is, or Wanda, or even Bucky. You’re unique, and special, but your differences aren’t what make you who you are.” Steve could feel his shirt grow damp with her tears as she soundlessly started to cry again. He was at a loss of words, seeing one of the strongest people he knew break down like this. So he did the only thing he could think of, and pulled her just a little bit closer as he ducked his head and pressed a kiss to her temple while whispering something against her skin.
You know who you are.
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luna-lovegreat · 2 years
Time to talk about one of my favorite parts from one of my favourite movies.
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This part. The song Moana sings as te ka (soon to be te fiti) charges towards her is real and powerful in ways that most people don’t realize.
Look at the lyrics to the song know who you are:
I have crossed the horizon to find you
I know your name
They have stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are
How real and powerful are there words for people dealing with trauma and hurt? To be told that even though they have stolen the heart from inside you, that this does not define you.
It’s incredible, a truly amazing message. No matter how ugly things get, no matter what you go through, it does not define you.
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fitrahgolden · 1 year
They have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you.
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shutupptara · 1 year
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Okay I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this since the music video came out because the concept and lyrics must resonate with Taylor so much!!
“They have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you. This is not who you are, you know who you are.”
The fact that this was a reference made during karma is absolutely not a coincidence (and absolutely references rep as well). He stole her masters, her heart and soul. But she rose above it. This does not define her. She is not a snake or the horrible things they made her out to be before rep- she knows who she is now. And the fact that she was able to get to this point where she felt connected to these particular lines???? The growth!!! This is just so beautiful and I love this for Taylor
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withered-demon-rp · 2 years
They have stolen the heart from inside you...
But this does not define you...
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