#They weren't supposed to be in the same set... I drew them at different times sjehdhjsjdhddj
tepli-mravenci · 1 year
So I'm watching Netflix's Castlevania and I've got to say every time a non-european show includes a map of Europe, it gives me brain damage
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It's the year of our lord 1477~ and Europe does not look like that
Now I realize this is fiction, there are vampires and demons, but this is real Europe, they could've just set it in a random fantasy setting, they did not and this is not 1477 Europe
So what exactly is wrong here and why am I, a European that's otherwise terrible at geography, being a bitch about it?
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The eastern part is pretty okay for post-middle-age map standards (I mean Moldavia is way too big and close and Hungary way too small and the borders should be a bit different but), maps weren't historically very accurate when it comes to the shapes and sizes of countries since we had no way of like, looking at them from high above
However something like borders with other countries would be damn important and there's mistakes there, that chunk of Poland at the bottom is supposed to belong to Hungary and Poland shouldn't actually touch Austria at all
The lines I drew are also not the most accurate cause this is a terrible map but basically the Kingdom of Poland should not expand to the west at all, there behind the line is the Holy Roman Empire (mostly modern Germany) and Bohemia (modern Czechia), (which was included in the HRE at the time according to some sources?), should also be there on the map
That's also the whole reason I even went back to the scene with the map at all, cause Saint-Germain mentioned he talked with the KING of BOHEMIA but BOHEMIA is NOT on the MAP.
The actual king of Bohemia around this time was Vladislaus II of Hungary who was originally from Poland (#just europe things). Which doesn't mean it was part of Hungary or Poland cause that's just not how the politics worked at the time. One king was often a king of multiple countries at once with them still being separate countries.
Austria is also way too close in shape to modern Austria which is also not right and since the Roman emperor at the time was Austrian it should really be a part of HRE way more than Bohemia that straight up disappeared.
Also Bavaria was not a city??? It was (and still is) a region if anything and not at all on the same level as Budapest, the placement of Transylvania is just as funky as the placement of Moldavia and what in god's name is Bosnia doing right under Austria??
Anyway if this isn't just non-europeans drawing Europe wrong the implications here are mostly that the Holy Roman Empire shriveled up and died which is not supposed to happen until a few centuries later, which would make sense if the church essentially brought hell on Earth by pissing off Dracula. Then Poland took over I suppose.
The rest could be explained by crap cartography of the post-middle-ages and small changes in politics due to the whole Dracula night hordes thing but I still needed to get this off my chest
If anyone can tackle (or tackled) this better than me (which is entirely possible, as I said I'm pretty bad at geography) you can let me know
My main issue here is that I don't know if I'm supposed to be like yo that's not what Europe should look like - as in - Europe is in complete chaos rn or if I'm supposed to be like ah yes normal map of Europe
Edit: pls go to the notes for even more info about how wrong this map is <3
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snakes-and-fluff · 1 year
Replaying P3P got me in a headcanon-y mood, and I wanted to share! So behold: Creepy SEES headcanons!
The gist is that the Dark Hour is so unnatural and strange that spending time in it alters one ever so slightly. The members of SEES still view each other as normal, but other people find themselves feeling weirded out around them... From staring off into the distance when nothing is there to having altered body functions, here's a list of specific headcanons I have for this idea:
-She might often miss against Shadows, but when it comes to regular archery practice against stationary targets, Yukari's clubmates notice that her accuracy seems downright unbelievable. In addition, she'll hardly blink when focusing on when to let her arrow fly, and her breathing rate slows down quite drastically.
-After going missing, Fuuka seemed... different when she returned. She never spoke up in class unless the teacher asked her a direct question, and her unfocused look would indicate that she isn't paying attention, but then she scores above-average on every test. Even among SEES, she is an odd one out - able to summon her Persona without her Evoker, and seemingly initiate communication with her even without summoning. After all, spending ten sequential hours in the Dark Hour has to have done... something. They can't explain it, but even after the events of Persona 3, just having Fuuka around reminds them of how the Dark Hour felt.
-One time in Home Ec class, Junpei's sleeve caught fire. A classmate of his, after not being to move in shock for a few moments, dumped water on it. Junpei's jumper was ruined, but his skin was entirely unharmed.
-Aigis is very beautiful, and it soon became common to hear people describe her as a doll. But the longer she attended Gekkoukan, the more unnerved everyone got. It was the sort of thing you felt you weren't supposed to notice, but drew your attention anyway: she always looked the same. Hair always in that exact same cut, never tousled or untidy. Uniform set perfectly, not a button out of place. For a while, her expression was like that too, but then she began to smile regularly. This should have been reassuring, but only made the other strangenesses stand out more.
-Everyone calls Mitsuru an ice queen because of her lineage and personality. Also, the room seems colder when she's in it. Much colder. Student council members take to wearing coats for meetings no matter what season it is.
-Nobody who was there could forget a certain boxing match. It was regionals against another school and the opponent was HUGE - actually towering over Akihiko. Akihiko landed a few good blows, but then the opponent's fist connected squarely with Akihiko's face, hitting the side of his jaw and splitting his lip. Akihiko didn't react. No sound, and no change in his expression. He just stepped back in and continued the fight, and was soon victorious. The crowd cheered and the referee raised his arm in victory, but for a few moments Akihiko still just stood there, eyes strangely vacant, almost seeming to glow.
-The protagonists have unnaturally cold hands. It's not dangerous (in fact they don't even notice it themselves), but anyone who touches/brushes their hands notices it instantly.
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tanetime · 6 months
20. Does Wyneer have any interesting facts regarding his creation?
This turned into me just rambling about making Wyneer and I'm so sorry.
I made Wyneer because me and some friends at the time decided to make DST mods together. My design prompt was "a jack of all trades." I pieced together inspiration from some old noh actor OCs of mine and imagery from a song I was obsesed with at the time and got Wyneer out of it.
The face on his mask used to be a lot smaller, and his hair less angular. You can see him become more DST-animatic-like over time... it's like putting a normal dog next to a pug.
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His original outfit (not pictured bc the art sucked) was a lot fancier and later became the basis for his original guest of honour skin.
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Wyneer originally had no name or gender or personality at all. He was supposed to be a blank slate and exaggerate certain personality traits through his masks...
...The problem was that I didn't have any masks. It took like six months for the first ones to get concept art. In that time, Wyneer developed an identity of his own. So the masks had to change into being different 'people'.
Wyneer himself hasn't changed very much, but his masks changed a lot. Under the cut I'll talk about the masks who made it into his mod, but here's two that didn't:
A kelp based mask, who was supposed to be used during seafaring. I think they got more stats from eating raw fish to allow them to stay at sea longer? They were very creature and liked to just sit in ponds.
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A beefalo-wool mask who had an affinity toward animals. I don't have a whole lot of concept art of them because I drew them once and went "that's it that's the design."
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Both of these masks got cut because ultimately I couldn't come up with anything for them to do that justified them existing. I don't think they'll ever come back.
As for the ones that made it in...
now let's talk about
The Masks
Here's some quick-fire things.
1. Fright n Flight, Brave Face and Laborious were the first masks I made, and I made them all together. Fright was the first to get modded in, Brave was the first to get sprites, and Lay was the first to develop an individual personality that wasn't part of Wyneer.
For the longest time the masks in his mod looked like this because they had no designs (that's Fright on the right):
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2. Brave Face and About Face only exist because their names are puns, and their mechanics are based on those puns. Boutey was supposed to be a comedy/tragedy mask until he became whatever the hell he ended up as.
3. Going back to Brave, if you'll remember I said that Wyneer's masks added to his personality originally. Back then his masks had more abstract designs and weren't designed to emote. For a very small period of time, Brave was a dragon!
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There's nothing left of this iteration other than his sharp teeth.
Fright was also a monster for a bit, but this was around the time I decided to make the masks people, so they became more reminisent of human faces instead.
Brave was the hardest mask to design. He used to be blue and green and resemble actual artefacts that were supposedly made by Celtic tribes, but the colours 1. looked bad digitally 2. bore no resemblence to any materials in Don't Starve. His final design was colour-picked from Wigfrid's Winged Victory set for cohesion.
It pains me that he's now a typical movie interprenation of generic Celtic things but it does make sense that Wyneer mistakenly thought that was what he should look like...
4. About Face and Jet Black were originally the same mask. About Face was originally "a rogue that becomes a tank" so his high sanity form couldn't be noticed by enemies unless he attacked them first.
It was a bit much, and I was debating making a crow feather mask, so I split that half of Boutey into Blake's original version. It got coded in but I ultimately didn't like it and removed it.
5. Wyneer had a whooole upgrade pyramid of masks involving different seasons. The idea was that there were four masks that had a season that suited them, and you could combine the masks together to sets of pairs to ultimately form a mask that consolidated all of their perks.
I got as far as making Crimson and Azure (summer and winter) before realising that the idea sounded cool on paper but introduced a lot of masks that were going to be redundant.
Wyneer did design Jet Black with the intent of him consolidating Crimson and Azure's abilities, but that's not quite what purple gems do.
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6. Nightmare Face used to glow magenta, like the other Ruins stuff. However, DST's colour cubes wash out magenta into a disgusting grey colour under certain circumstances, so I changed it to red.
Klei later did the same thing with the Nightmare Werepig. I wonder if the same realisation happened to them.
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7. The masks were originally supposed to have slightly different hair and wear Wyneer's clothes differently. I did the former for Brave and Boutey and immediately realised that it would be a nightmare and stopped doing it for the remaining masks.
8. Several of Wyneer's masks are based on venetian masks.
9. Wyneer's masks had a crafting tab icon before Klei nuked it. I still think it looks cool.
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10. The masks in Wyneer's mod are fully animated and have a disgusting amount of sprites. I wanted each one to feel unique, so I drew them all from scratch. It took so long to make them all that you can see me getting better or rustier between each one... it was a lot of work, but I really enjoy searching for an emotion and seeing how each one looks.
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11. Wyneer's masks are so unique that they broke the Modded Skins API and as of this post the hyperspecific glitch that effects him has not been fixed. Thanks Wyneer.
...I could go on forever, but this post is way too long...
As a sendoff, here are the beta inventory icons for the masks, for no particular reason.
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ae-neon · 1 year
The House of Mirrors.
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This was supposed to be a NxR "meet cute" submission but it's not cute and it's not even romance or NxR💀you'll see. Modern AU obv
Chapter 1.
Nesta Archeron sat in her car, scrolling through the online catalogue of clothes she'd ordered - eager to be free of her black mourning garments. The year she'd spent pretending to be a grieving widow was finally coming to a close. It was more than her late husband had deserved.
It was the start of Autumn and the leaves of the trees that dotted the streets of Velaris' Northside suburbs had just begun to turn. She would need new jackets and a scarf or two.
She was parked in a Maserati outside of her mother's house, her family home, waiting for her sister. Not Feyre, who was already inside helping prepare the three course meal their mother had set her mind on. But for Elain, who always knew how to ease the tension between Nesta and their mother. Nesta wasn't willing to step foot inside without her, not today.
It hadn't always been this way between them. She wasn't sure they'd been better, but they'd been different once. Before.
Her phone buzzed as a notification popped up, one of her favourite accounts having uploaded a fresh set of custom clothing. The designs weren't overly unique but there was something about their simplicity that drew Nesta in. The page only offered that they were organic material made with traditional Illyrian methods.
Emerie had been the one to introduce her to the online boutique, years ago, when Nesta had very suddenly announced her mother had introduced her to someone and that they'd be married soon. The clothes and books and wine had been a mix of condolences and congratulations.
Gwyn had been horrified, she thought arranged marriage was the same thing as forced marriage. In most cases, it wasn't.
Nesta liked a fur lined coat, commented a tree emoji, and knew the creator would know to put in an order for her.
A knock at her window almost made her jump. Her sister's husband, Graysen, smiled and jerked his chin to the driveway to where Elain stood in a soft pink sweater and jeans. She would've waved if she hadn't been weighed down with bags full of groceries.
Nesta hadn't noticed the couple pull up and into the driveway of the large two story house. She wondered if her tendency to disconnect might ease up once she got back to living her life, to being herself - if that was even possible.
Inside, the house already smelt of traditional Scythian food. Undoubtedly, three meat pies already sat baking in their mother's giant oven despite it being hours before dinner.
Nesta followed Graysen to the living room while Elain delivered the bags of groceries into the kitchen.
Her father was sitting in his recliner, reading the biography of an ancient prince. It was something they'd always shared, less a love of and more a hunger for knowledge and escapism. Her father temporarily escaping from the pain of his injuries and Nesta temporarily escaping from being Nesta Archeron.
She greeted him with a kiss to his grey hair, the familiar scent of pine soap easing her nerves a little, "Baba."
His brown eyes, Elain's brown eyes, greeted her from over the rim of his glasses, "My girl, you know your mother has been up since dawn? I told her you girls can take care of these things by now." He sighed, "But you know how she is."
The ease evaporated.
Nesta wondered if her father expected her to agree, to share in his exasperation, like it would bring them together after everything that had happened. Yes I know, but better than me, you know. You always knew. So why have children with someone so uniquely unfit to do so?
She left her father to recount his thoughts on the book to Graysen. He'd been shocked, the poor boy, the first time he'd come over to find himself sat among men and boys while the women fluttered about taking care of everything.
Graysen did not come from a Scythian or Illyrian or Raskian or Bharati family - was not constrained by his parents' need to preserve and enforce culture in an alien world. He'd been born and bred in the Southlands, and it sometimes showed itself in unexpected ways. Ways Elain seemed to like.
For that reason Nesta had not interfered in her mother's plot to ensnare him and his father's private security empire through Elain. It had been the best she could hope for, far better than Nesta had gotten.
But now it was Feyre's turn. And Nesta knew that if she didn't do her absolute best to oversee her sister's engagement, if she so much as breathed wrong, it would destroy whatever was left between her and her mother.
The kitchen was a separate but huge space, made of stone and wood and metal. Four pots already sat on the stove and, as predicted, the oven glowed with heat. A homey, steel-legged table stood in the centre in place of a kitchen isle.
It healed something in Nesta to see the table and its plastic, floral tablecloth. Tugged on memories of food and laughter, of homework and housework, of growing up in Scythia.
She moved to place a hand on her mother's back in greeting.
The older woman, the physical blueprint for Nesta and Feyre, only turned her grey head to say, "It's good you're here, Sisi, your sister is so slow. I've spoiled her and now she can barely cook."
Estanna Archeron turned and pointed with her knife to where Feyre leaned against the opposite counter, "What will you do when you're married, hm? You will have them think I raised a donkey instead of a daughter." She clicked her tongue and turned back to Nesta, "See to this, Sisi."
Nesta moved towards Feyre, reaching for and squeezing her hand, "See to the food or my sister?" Then added in Scythian, an old proverb, "Choose wisely as I only have one miracle."
She rolled up the sleeves of her modest black dress and motioned to Feyre to share from the bag of chilled baby carrots she was munching on.
It was almost sickeningly familiar. Almost.
And yet none of it was the same.
Her mother would not hug her and the only reason Nesta had been let in the house was because of the role she would have to play in the process they were about to embark on.
The setting sun cast golden glow over the city, reflecting off windows and soaking the little heat it gave into every stone.
The Northside was a pleasant enough neighborhood; made up of Southland business owners, landlords and little caches of immigrants rich enough to see that their children lead good lives.
Rhys had never been there. Well maybe once, years ago and drunk, when a Raskian girl snuck him into her bedroom. He'd almost broken a rib falling out of her window the next morning but he was certain it had been a scratch compared to what her father had intended.
And now he was back, to ask a shipping tycoon for his daughter's hand in marriage.
Business with a side of pleasure, Helion had said.
Rhys pulled into the driveway behind an Audi with flower stickers on the bumper. Behind him his cousin parallel parked his pickup in front of the black Maserati.
Rhys' uncle stepped out with his son not far behind. Cassian whistled, eyeing the car in front of him, "5 bucks this guy tries to swing his dick around and 10 bucks you punch him in the throat before your honeymoon."
Rhys checked his reflection in his own window, "You could add a couple zeros to that and it wouldn't matter, the man who owns that car is dead."
Cassian's father, Devlon, slapped a hand on his son's shoulder and guided him towards the house, "Say anything stupid like that to these people and I'll put you on a plane back to Illyria before noon tomorrow."
Rhys grinned at Cassian's frown, at the memory of that threat being met before.
They took a few steps to the door and rang the bell once, then again after a minute. Cassian reached forward undoubtedly about to push the button until it broke when the door suddenly swung open.
A tall woman in a long black dress answered. Her steely gaze hit Rhys head on before it slid past him to the men beside him. For almost a second it looked like she might frown but it passed so quickly he wasn't sure he hadn't made it up.
She stepped aside and opened the door wider, "Please, come in."
Rhys motioned for his relatives to go first, watched her press back as their massive frames filled the small hallway.
All three were almost caricatures of Illyrians, built like warriors. Though, considering Nesta was only a head or so shorter - she too held to the stereotype of tall, well-built Scythians.
She seemed a little startled when she turned to find them still standing there after she finished locking the door. It showed again – that little flash of what might have been displeasure or irritation, but she just as quickly recovered.
"Hi." Rhys said, catching her off guard before she could speak.
She blinked, stared at him, "Hello...?"
"It's customary to greet, at least for us, before inviting guests into your home."
Her mouth parted, "Oh I'm so sorry, of course, it's the same for us, I just-" she caught herself and straightened. She cast her gaze past his shoulder, to Cassian and Devlon, "Hello, welcome. I’m Nesta… the eldest.”
“Rhysand. That is my Uncle Devlon and his son Cassian,” Rhys said. It was also their custom, to have the intended groom lead the proceedings – a chance to show both enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility.
“My father and brother-in-law are in the living room, it is just to the right. Please make yourselves at home, dinner will be served soon."
She seemed to wait until they had begun to move then slid that steel gaze to meet his once again. Her face and voice were a little less sweet when she said to him, "You'll forgive me? I'm sure you've heard what happened, it's been a difficult year."
It was his turn to be made uncomfortable, "Of course. My condolences."
He’d heard rumours about Tomas Mandray; his bloody fortune, his pretty little trophy wife and his violent demise. Most of them had seemed ridiculous if not down right malicious…until now.
Something in those haunted grey eyes told Rhys he had no idea what he’d just walked into.
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queenofdragons12 · 1 year
nature-bound  — skz
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paring : skz x wolf!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff
Summary: a wolf alone in the forest. 8 boys searching for something. When they find each other, what will happen? Will the ancient rivalry be forgotten, or will there spark a fight?
a/n: I made a small dump at 5:30 pm on a Friday, nothing big.
| ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ |
You walked through the woods, ears pricked, tail lashing from side to side.
The sun was filtering through the trees giving the ground an emerald look that was almost far-tail-like. Life has been like a big fairy tale since you were born. Things happened, terrible things, good things.
All in your life and all on your own. You knew a wolf wasn't supposed to be alone, but you couldn't help the tragedies that had befallen your family long ago.
It was nothing other than sand in the wind anyway.
But you had a feeling that today would be different. A new scent carried onto the wind brushing your snout and scent glands. You titled your head, ears twitching to catch every sound and every flutter of the wind.
You closed your eyes, listening. You saw the ripples of the sound move as a rabbit jumped away somewhere in the distance. The flutter of bird wings. Of butterflies. The forest was alive today, more active than it usually was.
There! Something else was in the forest setting... unnatural.
Your eyes snapped open, and your lips drew back in a snarl. Humans. Your most hated enemy. Your hackles raised as you could hear them coming closer every minute.
It was 8 of them, all boys. All unaware of the danger ahead. You growled and stalked toward their sounds. You weren't in for a fight, but if you had to do so to protect your territory, then you would do so.
But you faltered when you saw them were yous topped upon a hill blooming with flowers. Daises all glittering white snow against the green emerald grass. The wind stirred them, making their petals flutter silently.
The forest wasn't scared, so why should you? "be not scared," whispered a voice, and your head snapped up, seeing a translucent shape of a wolf glittering with stars in her fur and eyes full of moons. "don't be scared of those who will not harm you. Those mortals are your future young one. Go embrace your destiny" then she shimmered away like it was a dream, a passing memory.
You shuddered.
You knew who that was. It was the goddess of the moon, Luna. A strong, powerful wolf that lived thousands of years ago. You had heard that there were wolves that saw her. Orcas were called, and they were honored in their pack. But you didnt have any.
And you, indeed, weren't an oracle. But heeding her words, you started down the hill taking cautious steps, each with calculated force.
The flowers rose after you tried to get a swag of your fur on their soft petals. The forest moved after you, yet it let you move freely, only offering its comfort to you.
Soon enough, the humans saw you. They all stiffened, eyes wide and mouths agape with awe.
You all stared at each other for a long time before you finally took the first step. With a bowed head, you stepped forth, sniffing the nearest boy with ebony hair and a kind, protective aura. His eyes were pinning you, but you paid them no attention. You were bigger than them, towering over them like a tree to a small ant.
you had always been big to be a wolf. not that you knew the normal size for wolves but here in this forest wolves were this big. at least those you've seen from a distance.
You nudged the man taking in all the information by just scent. His age, his gender, his failures, his victories. his rank, everything.
You then stepped back and did the same with them all.
Ultimately, you had them all memoized, pictured, and by scent. You then dipped your head to them, opening your mouth to speak, "I am Y/n. Who are you?"
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
Thursday-Sunday NR, E, & M reading
The usual
Not Rated:
Jiangs are connected to the Lotus Pier, by nirejseki
Prompt: The Yunmeng Jiang clan is as much a part of Lotus Pier as Lotus Pier is to them. The connection can be strengthened using cultivation, but it is more a matter of blood than golden cores. When the Wens come to burn it down, Jiang Cheng tries to take as much of the damage onto his own body as he can in order to minimize the damage to the Pier and the people. Even during the war and rebuilding, JC never really lets go of the increased burden he took on. It (inevitably, eventually) takes its toll on him.
Bonus?: Jiang Yanli also feels the burning as though she is there with it, although to a lesser extent due to her core. She and JC might be the last ones left to share the connection to the Pier (until Jin Ling).
Stretched open, by lan_mattress_zhan
“But I'm saying,” He huffed, clearing his throat, “I want you to fuck me while you’re a dragon of course if you’re okay with that,” He took a shy glance at Lan Zhan, who reached out for Wei Ying’s cheek, caressing gently and leaned in for a chaste kiss. This was far too tender for what they were discussing currently. Far far too tender.
“I- am not opposed to it,” Lan Zhan said as he drew back, Wei Ying nodded and smirked, then-
Wei Ying wants Lan Zhan to fuck him in his dragon form, Lan Zhan is all too eager to obligate.
unhappy stories with happy endings, by Last_for_Hell (4 chapters)
When a small village is cursed to see the memories of their loved ones, their call for help is answered by Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. The junior quartet joins them in the hopes that they may help put an end to the village’s woes.
The curse looms heavily on, and soon, it will take hold of these six newcomers.
Not Rated:
Rise of the Peacock, by JustAWanderingBabbit
Killed at Qiongqi Pass, Jin Zixuan wakes to find himself in an old and familiar scenario; the day he and Wei Wuxian fought in Gusu Lan. The day his betrothal to Jiang Yanli came to an end.
Unsure whether or not he's dreaming, Jin Zixuan decides to seize the chance and change the future. But for that he'll need help from his bastard brother, Meng Yao.
The Untamed: To Walk in One's Shoes, by YenGirl
It turns out that that old adage of 'To walk a mile in someone's shoes' proves to be the most effective way for three siblings to understand one another. Too bad there's a wedding involved.
Learn to cage your inner beast, by EuphoricSuds
If restraint means keeping you safe—then I will gladly tie down my wings.
Or, Wei Wuxian grows up in the Lan clan and things go slightly different from the canon.
Prequel: Fragments of a memory, by Cycliph
After the siege of Burial Mounds, Lan Wangji's life is being wasted away. His days are always same. Stuck in an insidious cycle of passivity, detached from the world. One day, on a gusty night, hail strong enough to crush skull was beating down. A helpless young man takes shelter in Jingshi.
you'll find my heart on the mountainside, by lulu_kitty
After parting ways with Lan Wangji on the mountain path, Wei Wuxian takes some time to consider what it is that he wants with this new second chance at life.
The answer finds him coming back to Lan Wangji, his zhiji, but after they reunite and set forth to embark on their new life together, an unexpected surprise awaits them on their journey home.
Or, a post-canon CQL/Untamed getting together story: accidental baby acquisition addition.
When I'm Gone, by qiankun_pouch
"Protect them," he whispers hoarsely.
Wei Wuxian looks at Wen Qing next, his voice wavering as he remorses, "Qing-jie… You weren't supposed to see this."
She sobs. Please, no, Wei Wuxian. Please don't do this.
"Thank you. For everything," he continues.
There's a smile on his face, small and sad, and he speaks his final words.
"And I'm sorry."
Or, the one where Lan Wangji never goes to the Burial Mounds, and after some disturbing events, Wei Wuxian dies (TW: suicide). Everyone learns the truth and has to deal with the consequences.
(Story diverges after Wei Wuxian learns that there is trouble at the Burial Mounds.)
I whatever you, I will stand by your side, by Lizziewriter07
Wei WuXian almost died during Jin ZiXun's trap. He would have retaliated with all his might if it weren't for A-Yuan being terrified and right behind him and Wen Ning. Instead of killing Jin ZiXuan, he was hit by a fatal arrow in the heart while trying to protect the little boy. After disappearing from the cultivation world for five years he was... "invited" in a rather peculiar way to help two great clan leaders in a problem with their sworn brother.
Lan XiChen knew his younger brother like no one else. He knew him well enough to know that seeing Wei WuXian again after all those years of not knowing anything about the young master would make WangJi do something extreme. In order to be aware of what would happen and to help, ZeWu-jun proposes a sort of alliance with Wen Qing. Together, they come up with a well-crafted excuse to leave them alone for a while.
desolate, by celialoves_lwj
This is his plea to the heavens and those resentful dead creatures who clamber against him in greeting. To the wild wind, and howling resentment, to the caliginous maw of Luanzang Gang, he screams: “I will remain and make you regret this--you will not be rid of me!”
Wei Wuxian dies after being thrown into Luanzang Gang. It is not the end of his story.
Say my name and his in the same breath, by ataratah
Wei Wuxian is used to making a space for himself in places where he is not wanted. It should not surprise him that Cloud Recesses is the same, even if his soulmate is one of the twin jades.
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caitsyoi · 3 years
I wanted to talk about FEDRA in Seattle a bit. What they did was super impressive, even if it did end really badly for them.
Under the cut because there are lots of pictures and I talk about FEDRA too. Actually, this got really out of hand but it is interesting af to me, so click below to read my thesis on FEDRA.
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I think the singular most impressive thing that FEDRA did was building this wall. I estimate that the constructed about 5 miles of concrete wall (based on Dina's map and the distance in RL Seattle), and this wall is around 4 stories tall. I have no idea how they managed this during a pandemic of this size. Maybe Seattle got a heads-up from other infected areas, and maybe they set up temporary barriers first while constructing this one. Still, that is a lot of material to haul to and set up during a devastating outbreak like in the TLOU universe. It is insanely impressive.
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They also set the QZ up into zones, and the zones were created using concrete walls about a story high. That's even more work they had to do, all the while fighting off infected and trying to keep everyone fed.
I can't imagine they were receiving supplies from outside for long, their supply routes probably didn't stay functioning too long past Outbreak Day. It's unknown whether they started up any farming of their own or if the WLF was the first to do that, but as you can see here, searching the buildings for food and supplies was a very important task. If that was all they had for food for 5-10 years, it is no wonder there was heavy rationing and food shortages.
Another interesting thing about this picture are the cleared zones. Based on this and Dina's map, they cleared the zone around the FOB, Capitol Hill (and another just outside the wall but still in the neighborhood of Capitol Hill), and they cleared parts of what I'm guessing was downtown (that is if the WLF use the same names for zones as FEDRA did). They hadn't cleared the stadium (implying they weren't doing any farming), or a lot of areas in the north central part of Seattle (what is referred to as the "Contested Zone" by the WLF, which you can see on Issac's map). The security situation in the QZ was a real mess.
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FEDRA did make an attempt to move people out of less secure zones and into safer ones. You can see that in some of the notes you find and on the doors to some apartments. I actually looked this up to find out what it means. Basically, the "X" means "Dangerous - Do Not Enter", "0-6" is supposed to be time and date but it could number of survivors and corpses, "NE" means "No Entry" and it's where you would indicate types of hazards, and DOA is what you think it means (this is also typically where they state the condition and amount of people found). If you want to see the reference I used, look here.
In the notes you can find, it seems like the safe zones were not a pleasant place to be. They sound like the lawless refugee camps you tend to hear about in war-torn areas. It's not surprising that some people resisted going, like the Seraphites in the NW and the residents of Hillcrest in the NE.
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Another unpleasant aspect of QZ life - rationing. This seems to be a thing in every QZ we see in game, although to be fair, we only see Boston and Seattle. All the citizens of the QZ were divided into 3 groups based on their role in the QZ. "A" ration cards are the best and held by soldiers, but it's unclear who got "B" and "C" cards. What is clear is that just like in Boston, this caused a lot of resentment towards the soldiers. The WLF used this resentment to recruit members, much like we saw with the Fireflies in Boston. It makes sense, since Issac used to be a Firefly.
Ration cards also worked as identification. It's what they needed to move between different zones or enter certain areas. The WLF probably got a lot of goodwill by falsifying ration cards (and it probably allowed them to move weapons and supplies around much easier).
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This is how I figured out the soldiers were type "A". This was on the FEDRA trailers near the main gate, which are designated as authorized personnel only. It also says "ablebodied" here, which makes me wonder if there was forced conscription like you saw in Boston. This seems very likely to me. It also seems like there was not a high standard for those selected for conscription, other than being physically able to do it. Again, this was probably not a popular policy.
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It's pretty brutal that they didn't allow anyone with any disease or condition into the QZ. This adds up for what you find out about FEDRA in other parts of the game, but it's still sad to think of the people who weren't contagious but were still denied entry. It's also sad to think of the contagious people who were denied, although that is a bit easier to understand (although still so fucked up).
You find a note near the Fuck FEDRA gate that lists the amount of people allowed in, the amount turned away, and the amount that were kicked out. Over time, the amount allowed in decreased to 0, and the amount turned away or banished greatly increased. Again you can see why they grew to become very unpopular.
Another thing you get from these signs is that there were a ton of restrictions: no photography in certain areas, you had to surrender your firearms, no freedom of movement, and you weren't not allowed to enter OR leave the QZ without permission. Again it makes sense when you are dealing with something as dangerous as the fungus, but you can still see why this was not popular with people. Life under FEDRA was pretty darn oppressive (though it isn't much better in that respect under the Seraphites or the WLF either).
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They also had a curfew at night, which also makes sense. Honestly, I wouldn't mind this because who the fuck wants to go out and possibly come across infected in the dark? I wouldn't even want to see them in the light.
There are also signs all over former FEDRA property telling people to report any suspicious activity. This makes sense with dealing with infected people, there were probably a lot of scared, recently infected people who tried to sneak in. You can see though how this was probably not just used to locate potential infected, the WLF and possibly the Seraphites were also targeted.
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This is another common sign you see. They really weren't afraid to use lethal force either, there are several notes mentioning how FEDRA was willing to kill without trial, just shooting those they suspect in the street. It is not hard to see why they were overthrown. Violence begat violence, and the WLF paid them back in kind.
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It had to be so hard to live in the QZ and find out someone you care about is infected. If you don't report it and they found out (which I imagine they'd have to find out eventually), you could be killed as punishment. If you do report it, you are effectively killing them. I understand why FEDRA was so strict about infection, but damn is that brutal.
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Last but not least, I love that they took real photos of the different kinds of infected. Some poor FEDRA soldiers were tasked with bringing back a runner, a clicker, a stalker, and a bloater. A pretty common story for soldiers everywhere, sometimes you just get the shit jobs. I also think it's funny that in Boston they just drew pictures instead.
I also love the advice they give. For runners, it's all about not letting them swarm you. For stalkers, it's all about checking your surroundings. For clickers, it's all about keeping your distance. Finally, for bloaters it's basically don't engage unless you absolutely have to. All great advice.
Another interesting fact, there is no indication that FEDRA was ever aware of the existence of Shamblers. The earliest mention is a WLF soldier who found one and left a note to report back. That means that this type of infected took at least 5-10 years to first show up.
And that's it for my FEDRA post. If you can't tell, the TLOU universe is interesting as fuck to me. Like, I would spend cash money on a book just about TLOU lore.
Once again, if you got through all this, you are my people.
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seungminotes · 3 years
Broken Noses and Potted Plants (pt.1)
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w.c. ~2k
warnings. some cursing I believe, gender neutral (please notify me if anything suggests otherwise!)
desc. high school au, love triangle w/ student body president! seungmin and reckless and lazy! jisung
a.n. hello! I am getting back into writing! this will be part of a series updated weekly, for now please enjoy part 1 and tell me if you're liking it? any and all feedback appreciated.
For someone as lonesome and timid as you, Kim Seungmin was what you'd call your savior.
Him being Class President and the longest standing place holder of the first rank of your grade, you would think he was the solitary and studious type of person. No one would think such a straightforward and driven student was so popular and well-liked as he was.
You being only second to him, knew it was difficult enough to balance academics with a few simple extracurriculars, imagine having a social life on top of that, it made your head spin.
And yet, somehow Seungmin managed to do it all. He was class president, captain of the baseball team, and on the officer committees of at least five clubs and honor societies. On top of all that, he was one of the most popular and well-known students in your year.
Sure, Seungmin had lots of friends and acquaintances, but some he would consider a lot closer than others. You weren't really one of those, let’s face it. You knew that much.
In fact, you and Seungmin were mostly just "friends" for the academic benefit of it all. You'd sat near him all year long, were his vice class president, and were also in numerous of the same honor societies. It just made sense that you'd be at least academically close, a lot more would get done that way.
For instance, you two would often study together at the school’s library after classes, specifically on Fridays, when no extracurriculars were occurring to keep you busy. Lunch time was strictly student government briefing for you two. And in the time between lessons, you’d regularly check each other’s classwork and homework for each other, catching any errors either of you made before it was time to submit, not that Seungmin made many errors anyway. To say that you two spent a lot of time together would be a bit of an understatement.
Despite all this time though, you could hardly say you really knew Seungmin, at least not on a personal level. You knew he always preferred chicken at lunch, and how math was undoubtedly his best subject, whereas he struggles a bit more with language. You knew he was an amazing leader and how his decisions were always very well rounded and well-received amongst the student body. You knew he was an exceptional baseball player.
But that was about it really. Yet you somehow still managed to develop some huge crush on this guy. This boy who would never feel the same towards you surely, because you two were merely classmates with similar goals and no intentions of building upon this acquaintance-like friendship.
Knowing this, you still sometimes tried to get closer to Seungmin, you really did, out of the sheer possibility that one day he may notice and you’d have an implicit agreement of friendship at the very least.
One of these attempts was made with the founding of the club you’ve always wanted the school to have, but were sure hardly anyone would join unless prompted to do so.
The morning you had asked Seungmin to take into consideration a new club proposal, he had initially rejected it quite harshly.
“Who would join this?” he smiled. To be quite honest he had found the idea of a gardening club maintaining potted flowers and vegetables on the school’s old rundown rooftop greenhouse to be pretty wholesome, but did not think it held quite the right formality to be taken as seriously as other clubs if presented to the rest of the student government. Everyone was way too stressed and busy with exams to waste time playing with dirt.
He eyed the proposal form meticulously, looking for the student’s name, but to no avail.
“Who submitted this?” he asked, looking up from the table for the first time since lunch began.
“I just thought it’d be a nice stress reliever for everyone,” you replied, now feeling a lot less confident than when you had slid the piece of paper in front of him.
Your shy look told Seungmin he had probably hurt your pride just now, something that he would never mean to do on purpose of course, and now he felt the remorse creeping up on him. Perhaps the club wouldn’t be such a bad thing, he thought over. Maybe tweaking the name just a bit would make it sound more worthwhile to students.
He sighed.
“Put your name on it and change the name to an Environmental Awareness Club, something along those lines at least. We can present the idea at today's meeting.”
Headstrong and confident as always, Seungmin brought a smile to your face as you reached over into your bag to fish out a pen and correct the form.
Seungmin had always been this closed off and serious, never speaking informally to you, and never wasting his words, he was the most concise and careful speaker you had ever met. And for some reason this only drew you in. His big brain energy was just that attractive.
On the other side of the table, Seungmin took notice of your surge in mood and smiled to himself, relieved to have boosted your spirit.
The board hardly agreed to the proposal until Seungmin cut in and beautifully explained the benefits of gardening and plants on stress relief and the ideologies of being environmentally conscious at your age.
After that everyone was pretty much sold on the idea with just one condition. Miroh High’s new Environmental Awareness Club would have to be established in time for the annual club fair in two weeks. Meaning, recruitment of leading members, supplies and set up on the rooftop would have to be set by at least next week to be considered for the school’s extensive list of beneficial extracurricular activities for students.
The condition was enough to falter even Seungmin’s confidence. He was unsure if you’d manage to do all that on your own in just a week, especially with your rather quiet tendencies, he doubted you could recruit many students in such a small amount of time.
He looked over at you, almost as if asking for your approval, to which he caught your lingering gaze on him, a look he had never seen coming from you. You slightly nodded your head once in agreement to the ruling and Seungmin politely shook his head towards the rest of the government board members, bowing as he took his seat once again.
Seungmin had made your dream gardening club a hopeful reality, you just needed more people now, that was the only problem. Still, you imagined having Seungmin join and coming along to your gardening club, gently taking care of a flower. No, a vegetable, you decided. Seungmin would prefer a vegetable, it’d be more practical of him.
The day following your ‘environmental awareness club” approval was a Friday. Your designated study session with Seungmin was as always to take place in the library after classes had ended, only today he had opted to stay behind a bit and insisted you meet there in thirty minutes instead.
“I’m helping Han with cleaning duty today, so I’ll meet you there,” he explained, before he stood up from his seat making way for the desk behind you.
Behind you, a certain Han Jisung had sat for the last 3 years of school in which somehow you two were always assigned the same classroom and the same seating order, you in front, him right behind you.
Today Jisung was dead asleep, as he usually was after a math lesson. The sight made you smile, Seungmin lightly shaking his friend awake as a very disoriented Jisung began to stretch and groan from his interruption.
Jisung was actually a very close friend of Seungmin’s. Very unexpected given their contrasting qualities. Sometimes opposites just attract huh. Seungmin could never sleep in class, for instance, while Jisung might as well have brought a pillow on the daily.
You knew Jisung wasn’t exactly the most driven student either, but his rank had miraculously never sunk below 10, he was just naturally smart that way. He also never bothered with extracurriculars much, claiming music was all he cared enough for to ever sign up for. Overall, Jisung was an unexpectedly exceptional student with lazy tendencies and not much academic ambition, a striking polar to Seungmin.
After watching the scene unfold, you stood up yourself and made your way towards the vending machine to pass the time waiting for Seungmin before heading to the library. You decided on a small bag of chips and two cookies. You also decided to save one for Seungmin, even though you weren’t supposed to eat in the library, you figured he could save it for afterwards or something.
Unbeknownst to you, Seungmin would later take this small offering in a different light.
Because you see, Seungmin had experienced a fair amount of admirers in his time and had been used to the small gifts given to him by more brazen ones before. In combination with the lingering gazes he felt you giving him both yesterday and now today, he was worried the same was occurring once again. Only this time he didn’t know to go about it. Usually he would simply refuse their gestures with a polite apology and it’d be enough to kindly reject them. But he was unsure this time. Not because he felt anything of the sort towards you, no, Seungmin was much too busy for romantic gestures and feelings to eat up his time, but rather because you were simply so close to him. Not in the personal sense, but in the academic proximity sense of closeness. If he were to “kindly reject you”, would you avoid him like his other past admirers often decide to do? That would make a lot of student government stuff difficult. He suddenly wondered if he could have led you on at all, had he been too kind towards you lately? His racing thoughts spiralling into a mess of ‘what ifs’ were fortunately cut short.
“Are you alright Seungmin? You haven’t finished the problem set yet.” you inquired. Seungmin was usually the one to finish long before you, especially if it was math.
He’d looked over at the fully scribbled page of your workbook, realizing his distraction.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“No problem,” you replied, glancing towards our watch briefly. It was just nearing the time the school’s library closed and you had planned to leave a bit earlier to make a quick trip to the plant nursery just a few minutes off your route home, you had thought your study session would have ended by now.
“Do you need to go,” Seungmin voiced, noticing a slight impatience in the bounce of your knee.
You thanked Seungmin’s impeccable attention, you couldn’t find it in you to excuse yourself when he still hadn’t finished.
“I’m heading to the nursery today for some supplies for the club,” you unconsciously checked the time once again.
“We can look over the answers Monday if you like? I got a little distracted today…” Seungmin trailed off.
It was unusual for Seungmin to trail off his sentences and get distracted and for a second you worried for him and wanted to ask if anything was bothering him.
Only, you stopped yourself. You didn’t know Seungmin like that. It would be inappropriate and insensitive to ask him something like that, right? You decided it was best to let it go, everyone has off days after all. Even the amazing Seungmin isn’t immune to them.
“I’ll leave first then,” you offered, bidding him a polite bow of the head before slinging your bag over our shoulder and making your way out of the library.
Seungmin watched you walk towards the door, unconsciously biting his inner cheek, he felt... worried, that was the best fitting word, he would say, only he wasn’t completely sure that was what the heavy weight in the pit of his stomach really was.
When you had disappeared down the hall, Seungmin slumped his head down onto the table heaving a deep sigh.
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kylos-bens · 3 years
Mistakes Like This ↠ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obi-Wan x Reader) Chapter 5
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: Back to angst and tension that is so thicccc you can only cut it with a lightsaber??????? Some violence. 
Tags: @blondekel77 <3 
Chapter 6
A/N: As always you can catch up with most recent chapters on Wattpad. You can find me @/concordiabeskar 
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gif creds: im not sure? 
Obi-Wan was sitting behind you and applying the bacta spray. There was a comfortable silence in the quarters and it gave you time to think about what just happened for the past few hours. His fingers lazily drew circles on your back and he placed a kiss on your scar. It sent a shiver down your spine and he felt you tremble. "I'll let you rest," he placed a bandage over your shoulder and skillfully wrapped it around the area. Your robes were placed carefully on you and he gets up from the cot.
"Obi-Wan," you looked at him.
"Yes darling?" he sits down on his own cot. There was a moment of silence before you get up and went over to him. You sit on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. His body tensed up but you snuggled your face in the space where his neck met his shoulder. That's when he relaxed. He kissed your hair before he lays back with you on top of his chest. With one hand he supports his head to keep his attention on you. He used the back of his fingers of his free hand to stroke your cheek.
"Just for now until this mission ends," you play with his beard and he nods. You buried your face on his chest and he lets out a soft sigh.
You woke up to an incessant beeping sound. The quarters were dark except for the red and green flashing lights. It took you a moment to realize that you were alone. Obi-Wan was gone but his robes were wrapped around you. You get up and fixed your own and made sure you had your lightsaber attached to your hip.  The door was already unlocked and you walked through the ship. You heard Obi's voice and you just followed it. "Hello," you made an entrance and the clones were all standing around with Obi-Wan pointing at something on the hologram of the planet.
"How's your shoulder?" Obi-Wan's voice softened.
"Better," you move your arm to show him that it was doing okay. The bacta was doing what it's meant to do. "What's this?" You moved closer to the hologram and you saw that there were a few red dots blinking.
"We received some signals but they aren't originating from any of us," one of the clones, Neo, spoke up. "It's decoded and we aren't familiar with what's being said."
"Listen," Obi-Wan pressed a button and there was a sound playing. It was numbers being repeated and you crossed your arms over your chest. "It's not a life form."
"Are Zen and his troops back yet?" You look at the other details that showed on the hologram.
"No, but we have tracked their coordinates," Neo brings it up on the map.
"Have they spotted anything?" Obi-Wan stroked his beard. You wanted to go over and do that yourself but you shake the thought out of your head and focused on this.
"Nothing so far," was the response. Obi-Wan looked at you and you stared back.
"We'll go back out again," he touched something on the hologram and it showed a different part of the planet. "Just to make sure. I just have a bad feeling about this place. The signals are what's keeping me here" You clasped your hands in front of you because you started to fidget again.
"Should we just survey above ground?" one of the troopers who you noticed spoke up the most removed his helmet.
"Yes if we can just spot a disturbance above ground it will be a good indication," Obi-Wan looked over at you again. "You and I will go through here." He points somewhere on the map where a red dot blinked. "And I want you Ryder to split up your troops in threes to just survey the other areas here where the red dots are appearing."
"Copy that general," another clone with a scar running down his face replied.
"We'll regroup back here before the sun sets," Obi-Wan pressed his hands on the table and glanced over to you. "Ready?"
"Yes," you nod.
It was just Obi-Wan and you walking through a rocky path. The silence made you uneasy but you know that this was him being focused and not him actually in a bad mood. You just kept walking behind him and looking over the land. Nothing seems out of the ordinary as Zen mentioned. "Did you get enough sleep last night?" You were the first to start a conversation. He looked over his shoulder and gave you a small smile.
"Could have been better," he moved a big boulder out of the way with the force. Now you were worried. Was it something you said before you passed out or was he starting to realize that what the two of you did was wrong? You stopped in your tracks and he took a few steps forward before realizing you weren't keeping up with him.
"Did I do something?" you asked and he immediately walked back you. He shakes his head and lets out a small laugh.
"No, darling. You didn't," Obi-Wan embraced you and kissed the top of your head. "I kept thinking about the mission and you know me and my hunches."
"We won't be alone. The others are on standby until they hear that we discover something," you looked up at him and he lowers his head down to kiss you but you stopped him. "We have to keep going." He nods and both of you continued your walk. The skies were gray and you couldn't tell if the sun was setting anytime soon.
You spot something blinking in the rocks. At first, you thought it was just the reflection on the shiny surface but it was a bright green color. "Do you see it?" Obi-Wan made careful steps and had his hand hovering over his lightsaber. You do the same and your senses are heightened right now.
"Yes," you looked around quickly to make sure nothing or no one was around you.
"Bold of them to place something out here in the open," he said and it hit you.
"It's a trap. Don't get any closer!" you said as you start to back away. Obi-Wan listened to you for once and he held up the comlink.
"We found something. Sending coordinates now," Obi-Wan looked at you and you ignited your lightsaber in case something emerged from behind the massive rocks. There was a hissing sound that startled both you and Obi-Wan. To you, it sounded like steam escaping a vent. You spot exactly what you expected to be coming from behind some rock and then you heard the familiar sounds of droids.
Obi-Wan ignited his own lightsaber and waited for the first few droids to appear. You twirled yours and he looked over to you. "Finally the action you actually came for," he grinned. The first few battle droids showed up and they exclaimed.
"Jedi!" one of them started shooting and you blocked it.
"How easy!" you charged after them and sliced clean through the droids and jumped onto a boulder. There were more hissing sounds and the droidekas rolled out and you sighed. These things were a pain in your ass. They got into position and their shields came on. The droidekas started shooting at Obi-Wan not realizing that you were above. He blocked them and signaled for you to get them from behind. You flipped and landed steadily on your feet and brought rocks down on them with the force.
"More incoming!" You turned to see that there was an opening behind some boulders and super battle droids were emerging. They raised their arms and started shooting at you and you blocked everything for now and Obi-Wan around and was able to hit them. These suckers take forever to get taken down. You force chucked rocks towards the droids and Obi-Wan gracefully dodged your own rock attack and the droids blasters. He sliced through the droids and you had enough throwing you charged as well. Back to back you sliced and dodged droids. You impaled a couple of them and Obi-Wan stood back and watched you slice through the last remaining droids.
"It's like you never even got injured," he shouts to you. You lowered your lightsaber and smirked. There was more clanking of droids and you could hear the clones coming closer.
"We have to get inside!" you were about to head in but Obi-Wan grabbed your arm.
"We won't be able to take down the whole factory," he said. "We need to let the Council know about this and they will send more back up."
"No, we need to get to the bottom of this. They had it so obvious we risked our lives going down those caves," you shake him off and he furrowed his brows. In the back of your head, you knew he was right but you still wanted to show him what you could do now.
You run towards the sound of the droids and that leads you into a tunnel. In the distance, battle droids were being dispensed. A whole unit of them and you were blocking their gunfire and Obi-Wan yelled out your name. He didn't sound too happy and you just ignored it because you've been here before. You used the force to clear a path and you sliced heads and limbs off the droids and flipped through. You got to the end of the tunnel and there you were in a massive droid factory built into the rocky caves. More blaster fire came at you and you turned to find more droids coming your way.
Obi-Wan was right behind you and you heard his saber coming into contact with the droids you left behind for him to deal with. Droidekas rolled down the metal ramps and you stood your ground. "Neo, Ryder, Zen, and the others are on their way. Some of the clones were able to find different entrances but I got them to move this way." Your skillful block was able to hit some other battle droids coming your way.
Obi-Wan used the force to remove some heavy machinery off the ground and chucked it at the droidekas while you covered for him. "We need to fall back," Obi-Wan shouts to you. You saw how more droids were coming and the clones finally made it to where you were but there were only a few of you. This was only supposed to be a reconnaissance mission.
"Everyone back!" You shout into your comlink and Obi-Wan covered you and you spot the scaffolding that supported a wall. The clones were starting to fall back but still shooting at whatever they could. "Obi-Wan just keep covering for me!"
"Hurry," he replied through gritted teeth and he blocked a blaster shot that was headed straight for you. The adrenaline kept on pumping through you as you made your way to the scaffoldings. With your lightsaber, you gave the legs a clean cut through and there were some creaks as it started to tumble over. Some droids spotted you and started shooting but the clones were able to get them off your tail. One by one the scaffoldings were falling into massive heaps onto the droids and you made a run for it back to where Obi-Wan was and everyone got out of the cave before the whole thing collapsed. The droids were being crushed by the falling rocks and walls that were once supported. It bought the whole team some time to get out. Obi-Wan didn't look too happy as you made your way back to the ship.
You were sitting in the weapons room annoyed that things didn't work out the way you wanted on your first mission back. Great! Hiding from Obi-Wan was the best option right now because he may already have met with the Council and spoke about the issue at hand. You weren't in a mood for a lecture either.
No doubt back up is coming but then you handed more time to the Separatists scums running the factory to flee. Your comlink blinked and you were sure it was Obi-Wan. He tracked you and suddenly the doors to the weapons room opened. There he was serene but you can feel the tension. "What happened?" you got up and he stood a few feet away from you.
"They're sending in more troops and we're still trying to track anyone leaving Darilia," he crossed his arms.
"What did they say about me?" you looked over his shoulder not focusing on him at all.
"I didn't mention that it was your idea," he reached out and holds your robes in his hands. "In return, you owe me an apology." You scoffed and swat his hand away.
"Apologize for what? Wanting to actually get to the bottom of this operation?" you challenged him. Your favorite past time. It felt like your Padawan days and it amused you a little bit. He moved even closer to you and you swallowed.
"Fine then you owe me one," he flicked his finger and you heard a beep and click at the door. You looked up at his eyes and saw clarity in them. He raised an eyebrow probably wondering why you were giving an attitude after his gracious attempt on trying not to get you in trouble with the Council. Obi-Wan was about to place a kiss on your lips when you flicked your own finger and the door of the weapons room opened. He moved away from you immediately and you grinned.
"My apologies Master," you said before leaving the room. You felt his force tug at your hair and it caused you to look back at him. There was a slight shake of his head and you rolled your eyes as you made a quick exit out of that room.
Next Chapter
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acciocriativity · 3 years
The First Meeting ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x You
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Summary: Your life takes a 360º turn when you discover that you are a witch and that you are going to study and live in a world completely different from yours. In the midst of so much change, you meet a boy who is feeling the same. 
Word Count: 2.4k
N / A: This is the first fanfic that I am posting on Tumblr, so it would be very important to me if you leave your opinion here and also English it's not my first language, if I made a mistake, I'll like to know and correct it.
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 The day started rainy, which is not surprising considering that I am in England, more specifically in the city of London. However, I, as an immigrant from hot lands, consider rainy days bad luck, because something always happens wrong. 
And to my despair, today was supposed to be perfect. 
It was only a month ago that I discovered to be a witch and for my happiness, it has nothing to do with pointy noses and pure evil. Apparently the only similarity is the hats, since in the two moments I was around real wizards, I saw several people wearing them.
 My family, for the most part, being a completely devout Catholic, did not accept my new reality so well, not to say it was hell on Earth. In short, if I went, I wouldn't be able to set foot in the house again, as they weren't going to house a sinful witch. 
That bearded gentleman was kind enough to help me find another place to stay, while my parents would think better of it. Although I was unable to thank him or at least speak after being expelled from my home, or old home.
I've been staying at the Leaky Cauldron ever since, but because of the latest events in my life, I just went out to buy the materials. Being a witch had cost me a lot and I wasn't ready to face that until yesterday. It took me a long time to decide whether to go to Hogwarts or not, but now the certainty that I made the right choice was growing in my chest. 
 Right after having breakfast at one of the bar tables, I waited seated by the person in charge who would accompany me to Kings Cross station, where I was supposed to catch a train. I knew about it the same day that I discovered the magical world but only today I was anxious for that. I must admit that I imagined that we would fly, obviously all the stories lied to all the non-magical children on Earth.  
A few minutes later, a man in a turban appeared through the door and walked towards me, his expression showing no particular emotion when entering or even seeing me sitting, but what scared me was the fragility and fear in his voice.
- Miss Garcia, good morning, are you ready to leave? - He leaned on one leg while looking around worriedly. 
- Yes sir .. is everything ok ?? The bathroom is on that side - I knew it was inconvenient but I couldn't hold my curiosity as I watched his expression change.
- It will be a short trip but we must go now, to not risk losing the train, let's go - his posture was suddenly rigid and his face looked shaken but this time, I kept my thoughts to myself.
 At least he was kind enough to help me with the two suitcases, which were quite heavy due to the amount of books that were inside, I got some History of Magic extra books to learn more about that world. 
And he was not wrong, the path was fast despite the light rain and wet streets. We didn't talk beyond the formalities, I just found out that he is one of my teachers that year, Professor Quirrel and nothing else.
As soon as my feet took a step into the station, the man said goodbye with a nod and left to go his own way with a weird expression, but I didn't care about that for more than 2 seconds. 
I took a deep breath and started to walk following the small crowd of people who would possibly go to work in another city, since I didn't know the way to the platforms. Honestly, I didn't think it would work until I saw the license plate numbers, and I quickly hurried on, because mine was ahead. 
- 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ?? - I stopped walking at the same moment I realized that mistake, there was nothing between 9 and 10 - I don't believe it ... 
 I stood leaning against a wall looking around as if looking for someone, but in fact I wanted to find a miracle or at least an angel who could tell me what to do in that situation. 
Millions of thoughts crossed my mind within 2 minutes, most of them negative, until something drew attention out of my despair, or rather, someone. A red hair had just gone through the wall, it was so fast I could hardly believe my own eyes. 
Two more people did the same before I managed to close my mouth and walk over there, in shaky, uncertain steps. They hadn't noticed me and I thanked them mentally for it, because I wouldn't be able to pronounce a single right word. The good news is that they were certainly wizards, by the way they dressed and the most logical conclusion is that they would know the right way. 
 I waited for everyone to cross to get closer to that wall, I couldn't hear the conversation but I noticed that the right way to enter is to run. Again I took a deep breath and looked around to see if anyone was noticing me, with the station full, my answer came as a quick no. 
 I closed my eyes and ran about three short steps until I felt a sensation unlike anything I had felt so far. The stone wall seemed to have turned into a wind wall and I easily managed to get to the other side. I immediately opened my eyes after hearing the sound of a train and when looking to the side, there he was. The Hogwarts Express was written right in front of the locomotive.  
 It only took me 10 seconds to notice the difference, the clothes were definitely different and there was an absurd amount of children and teenagers, as I was walking closer to the train entrance, more people were showing up, in a way I didn't know how to explain.  
 The trip was smooth to Hogwarts, I found an empty car as soon as I arrived but soon the seats were being filled and I ended up sharing my cabin with two more girls, I soon noticed that they were sisters and that was the initial topic of our conversation. They were nice and helped me get into the current context of the wizarding world, explaining the basics about Hogwarts as well. 
- And he's here, the boy who defeated you-know-who's going to study with us! - the oldest of the brunettes spoke excitedly with a huge smile on her face. 
- One of my friends told me earlier that she met him in the hall, what is he like? - the youngest asked even knowing that none of us would know the answer. 
 This topic remained for a while, until they decided to take a walk on the train while I read, enjoying some quiet time. Honestly, I wouldn't like to be in this boy's shoes, not only because of the tragedies in his life, but also because of the amount of attention, comments and theories about him.
But I cannot deny it, I would like to meet him, who would not be curious after everything that was being commented on? 
 People got in and out of the car where I was sitting and I tried to have a decent conversation with everyone, but then when two older students came to tell us that we should change clothes, as we were arriving. I preferred to wait because a hurried crowd of students wanted to go first, so I ended up being one of the last to get dressed, but one of the first to leave the train. 
 All the way the view had been impressive but nothing had prepared me for the vision I had when I approached the lake, where we were supposed to go. It was dark and it wasn't raining, the moonlight reflected on the water of the Black Lake like a mirror and I was almost sad to see that we were going to cross by boat, because that image would be blurry. 
I could only see the outline of the huge castle on the other side, but it was enough to see all the splendor of that place and for a few seconds I was paralyzed absorbing the beauty of everything around me, until a voice brought me to reality. 
- Only 4 people on each boat, kids! - I glanced at the giant man, who was talking animatedly to some students, before I sat down in an empty space.
 As soon as we reached the other side, we gathered in a small group on the castle entrance stairs to hear one of the teachers. I remained behind and silent as I was paying attention, until I saw someone passing by and right after I felt a foot stepping on top of mine for several seconds. 
- Hey! Can't you see I'm here ?? - I said indignantly but as low as possible looking at the red-haired boy beside me.
- I ... I'm sorry, I didn't see you - he replied without even looking at me, his face turning as red as the color of his hair.
 I thought about replying but as the teacher was still talking, I just preferred to nod, accepting the apology. Only then did I realize that I caught the attention of two more students, a curly haired girl who cast a disapproving look at the redhead but smiled at me gently and at another dark haired boy, who noticed my gaze and shifted his look to the other side immediately. 
 It didn't take more than 15 minutes before we were inside that incredible hall, instead of a concrete ceiling just like outside, above my head was the most beautiful starry sky I have ever had the pleasure of seeing, with floating candles to complete the view. To my relief, it didn't seem like a common thing for most first year students, who talked quietly among themselves so I didn't look like an idiot admiring alone. 
We were instructed to stay in a queue, I had no idea what was going to happen so I was distracted looking at the stars, which never seemed so achievable until that moment. I wish I could go up there and take at least one, but it would be impossible. 
 We walked slowly until we stopped in front of the other students, who were spread out over 4 tables, my eyes never left the illuminated sky and as a result, I didn't notice that I was too close to the boy in front of me.
I got my first embarrassing moment of the year in less than 10 minutes, because I stepped on the cover of the boy in front of me. All the consequences of that went by very quickly before my eyes. In a second I was out of balance and fell, but that's not the worst part. I accidentally pulled his cloak back, the boy fell out of balance and fell with me, his back to me. It hurts, too much. No more than the weight of my humiliation and shame, but it still hurts.
 My face took on a pinkish tinge as I silently prayed that no one noticed, but that's not what happened. Today was definitely not my lucky day. I could hear half the room laughing and half whispering, so I knew for sure that I had made a big impression on people and a bigger one on the Hogwarts floor. 
- Sorry ... I was distracted - I spoke as quietly as possible looking at the ceiling and again at him.
 He didn't look at me for more than 2 seconds before looking away in that same direction and back to me again. His nod was minimal but noticeable and he soon stood up, which I had forgotten to do in those few seconds.
 What surprised me more than anything in the last month was his hand extended to help me, it didn't take me long to accept the help and so I got up and straightened my clothes trying not to show shock. This was an act of kindness that I couldn't expect from my brothers, considering how angry they would be in a situation like this, but other than shame, I couldn't see a hint of anger in his green eyes. 
- I'm really sorry ... - I said again, loud enough that only he could hear me. 
 The director had called everyone's attention, so most had stopped laughing although that redhead from before just stopped after the mini punch that the brunette gave him. 
- It's okay, it will just be another reason for people to talk about me behind my back - he gave me another small smile on the side but his tone was not the happiest. 
- And why?? I don't know who you are - I was curious because I had not met anyone important in the magical world until then.
 I could see a flash of surprise in his expression but before he could answer me, the names started to be called and little by little the children walked to the stool, where the hat was placed on their heads. After that he didn't answer me, no one else had the courage to say a word because they were very anxious to get their turn and also curious, like me, to know which house the famous Harry Potter would go to. 
- Potter, Harry - called the teacher with a serious but serene expression and a different look in her eyes. 
 From then on, the students' not-so-low whispers started again and I, who was already at the Hufflepuff table, could only be surprised to notice that the boy I dragged to my shame was actually Harry Potter himself. I didn't have the courage to look at him for more than 5 seconds, because again the embarrassment consumed me but this time harder. I only looked at him again when the Gryffindor table radiated in cheers and laughter as soon as he was drawn there and then our eyes met for the last time that night.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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limenysnocket · 4 years
Blurred Stars and Even Blurrier Nights
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Taika Waititi x Reader
Summary: After a late night out, Taika and (Y/N) wake up next to each other the next morning, in their undergarments. Despite being close friends, this predicament leads to an untimely confession.
Request: ////
Warnings: possible smut, a bit of a praise kink, usage of alcohol, soft sex and language.
Word count: 3,076
Author's note: This is going to be extremely fluffy too, unlike my last one. But, please forgive me if this turns out awful, like what usually happens.
I also take requests, so please, give them. Hand them over.
Also, this is only section 1 of the story. I'm thinking about making a part two, if this all goes well.
Section 1: The Morning Of
You took a deep breath, the heady scent of familiar cologne filling your nose and the soft heat of the morning sun filled your body with warmth, along with the sheets, and surprisingly, another warm body.
'Great,' you thought to yourself, 'One more one night stand to add to the list.'
You felt them shift against your back, their somewhat hairy chest sending tingles rippling down your skin like a stone tossed in a pond. You needed to see them. If they felt mature enough, then maybe they would be mature enough to not complain when they findd you gone when they wake up. You kept your hopes high as you attempted to turn around in their arms without waking them. When you had completely shifted again, onto your other side, you had to bite back a gasp of shock and there was mental restraints strapping you down from shooting away from the bed.
Wonder why the cologne on the pillow smelled so familiar? Now you know why. It was Taika's, one of your closest friends and long time crushes. You were in Taika's room, in Taika's bed, in Taika's arms.
His mustache was ruffled, hair disheveled and there were remnants of the dark bags beneath his eyes. It was very much apparent to you that he was wearing nothing but his boxers which you were very curious to find out the color of.
You couldn't leave his arms, 'less you wanted to wake him, which you kinda did. Your stomach growled, and you were only in your undergarments as well. It was a nice set, and you notice it hadn't been torn, but no matter how nice you looked in a set of underwear, this was serious!
It seemed obvious that nothing happened between you and Taika the night before, but the lipstick stains on his neck only made things seep in even deeper within your stomach. God, the night before. The two of you and possibly Jemaine went out together and all of you got shitfaced until your hangovers kicked in in the middle of all the muddled, drunken mess. It was even a headache to think about what happened. How you ended up here, you didn't want to know right now.
"God fucking damn it..." you whisper to yourself, squeezing your eyes shut too quickly to notice the slight twitch of Taika's mustache and that twitch flew to his lips. His face was slowly starting up and the last thing to power up was his beautiful, deep brown eyes. "Good morning to you too, gorgeous."
Your eyes flew open. He was grinning as wide as the Cheshire cat and his eyes seemed to scan the shock on your face. "Wild night last night, huh?" He poked fun, pulling his arm back slightly so his hand could rest on your naked side. "You were unhinged last night, baby."
Your cheeks flushed brightly and you smacked his chest, "Taika, you know we never did anything like that last night!" You folded your arms across your chest and you scooted away from him while slapping the hand off your waist. You flipped back over onto your other side and tried to avoid talking to him, but he was persistent.
"I beg to differ," He laughed, wrapping both of his arms around your waist and nuzzling his nose against the back of your neck. This set your entire body ablaze but the heat mainly scrambled between your legs. "You were all over me last night, (Y/N). It was flattering," he laughed again, now brushing his lips against the back of your neck, "and during the time you were grinding that cute bum of yours on my crotch, you kind of told me something." Your eyes widened. Oh God, he remembered that? It was a mistake for you to remember it, and it was an even bigger one for him to remember it too! Your confession.
"You told me that you just so happened to love me, and that you wanted me in your pants," he snickered. "Of course, you might remember us getting back here to my home, sucking faces and tearing our clothes off as we went-- your shirt is on the ceiling fan downstairs by the way-- but, I just couldn't do you. Not yet. I wanted our first time to be sober, so you could feel everything and remember what it felt like instead of just dealing with sore hips in the morning without knowing how they got like that." So he wanted this? He planned this, the need to get you under him?
His nose went back up into your hair and you felt him inhale deeply, "And I want to feel myself inside you and memorize that feeling without it all being fuzzy." He chuckled softly, gently pressing his lips against the back of your head.
You drew in a deep, shaky breath. Just the sound of his rumbly voice had you weak at the knees and the heat between your legs was more intense than ever. "I'm gonna go find my clothes," you made up the excuse and pushed away from him before his hands could crawl any more seductively over your body. He let out an exasperated sigh, more of a groan really, as you got up and started searching for your clothes. He propped himself on his elbows while you searched around the room, letting his eyes shamelessly roll over your body.
Not wanting to deal with the tension any more, you quickly hid yourself in one of his many white shirts and started downstairs. Your pants were along the railing of the stairs, softly drifting every once in awhile like a flag in the wind. Of course, he was right whenever he had said that your shirt was on the ceiling fan. You had to stand on his expensive coffee table to get it, getting up on your tippy toes too where you were juuuust able to reach.
You didn't have the mind to even put your clothes on as you went. You wanted to find them all first, even if you knew in the back of your brain, Taika was going to start following you around eventually. There was a deep feeling in your heart that wanted him to follow you.
Eventually, all your late night clubbing clothes were gathered up in one pile and you slowly peeled Taika's white shirt from your body, not knowing or noticing the soft steps on the stairs. They stopped about halfway, yet you still didn't notice. He was watching you with a longing look, lip between his teeth and his eyes going wherever they pleased. He waited until you were finished dressing before he moved like he didn't just stand in the same spot for the past few minutes to watch all of your beautiful skin get covered up by clothing.
"Want me to make you breakfast?" He broke the silence and startled your wits out of you. Oh, how easy would it have been to just say that you could pick up something from a nearby coffee shop on your way back home, but your stomach growled, and who knew how fast a cab was going to get there at this time in the morning. So you nodded begrudgingly. His boxers were navy blue, by the way. You tried not to make it obvious that you were staring, but you managed to catch too many glimpses of them between his fluffy, white robe.
Taika grinned widely as he went to the kitchen, knowing that you were following closely behind him.
You sat down at island and tapped your fingers against the counter. You were nervous. Were you supposed to act this awkward? I mean, you had never done something so promiscuous with Taika before, not even close... Well, maybe a few times there had been close calls as to you two getting a bit touchy, or whispering dirty things into each other's ear on set whenever someone has a line that's particularly lewd. It happened multiple times on Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Strangely enough, he would do it more than you, and he had a habit of keeping you close to his side the same time.
Had he always felt this way about you? Had there always been this desire to get you beneath him or kiss you like he did last night? You told him that you loved him, that you had felt that way... You don't remember if he said I love you back.
Before you know it, the clink of a plate hitting the surface before you and the aroma of amazing food wafted upwards into your face. "Bacon will be ready in a few moments. I made a bunch and I didn't know how many pieces you want, so I'll let you grab all that you need," he winked. It made you blush a little, you're embarrassed to admit.
What he had given you looked like a little droplet of heaven before you. Fired eggs and French toast. You know they are pretty easy to make, but God damn, did it smell amazing. You took your knife and fork and cut up your food into pieces, like a civilized being. You weren't in the mood to embarrass yourself in front of Taika possibly more than twice within the matter of just 24 hours. Eventually the sizzle of the grill had stopped and Taika was pushing dishes into the sink for a brief washing much later. He set himself up across from you, leaning over the counter slightly while he set down the massive plate full of bacon between the two of you.
He picked up a piece of bacon and started munching like nothing was wrong, like this was a normal day of him being half naked in front of you for the first time since you accidentally walked in on his audition many years ago for the New Zealand show called "The Strip". That was always a pleasant memory, even though he hated it every time you brought it up.
The more the silence grew between you, the more awkward you felt and the more you wanted to say something.
You wanted to tell him that you loved him, and you have loved him ever since you met him in an odd job both of you shared along the outskirts of Wellington, but most of all, you wanted to ask him if he loved you back. You wanted to know if you really are wasting your time chasing a man who can't be obtained.
It was eating you up, the silence. Oh, fuck it.
"You know, I meant what I said last night," you said, letting your fork drop and hit the plate with a loud simmering crack. He didn't move from his position, his jaw was still shifting up and down as he chewed on his food. He was thinking about what he wanted to say. You saw his chest puff up a little and the Adam's apple on his throat bobbed when he swallowed.
"(Y/N)," he said in his low drawl. He seemed vulnerable now, the powerful presence that he usually had just disappeared from his soul. He set down his fork and placed his hands on the table, standing a little straighter now. He looked up at you, his eyes just so visible through the forest of silky, silver curls on his head. You almost wanted to hate him for each time he looked at you like that. It made your heart throb in the most aching way and your nails sunk into your palms.
"I love you too..."
Those words hit you like a semi-truck and you didn't realize it until your lips crashed against his that you had risen out of your seat and leaned as far as you could over the island. He kissed you back after a few moments of shock, and raised his right hand to gently push it into your hair.
You felt the familiar feeling of his mustache along your upper lip, and heard the scraping of plates on the counter. He had moved all of your plates away then gently latched his hands onto your waist. He tugged you into the island and you got the hint, briefly parting from his lips and hopping onto the counter. He did the same, doing his best to avoid the hanging light that dangled dangerously close to both of your heads. He laid you down on your back, placed himself between your legs, and leaned down to kiss you again, this time with more want and passion. He was gentle with you and it felt incredibly sweet.
Taika took things slow, gently pushing his hand up your shirt to rest his hand on your stomach and he rubbed soft circles. You shuddered beneath his touch, but, at the same time, melted for him. Once he felt like his intentions with you were shown enough, he slid your entire shirt off of your body to expose one half of the lovely undergarment set you had worn. With that gone, he dropped his robe and carelessly tossed it on the floor. You both stayed like this, making out and slowly shedding you of your clothes. It was beautiful, amazing and passionate.
Taika parted with your lips to catch a breath, once you were completely undressed, left how you were when you woke up this morning. "You're sure you want to do this?" He whispered deeply in your ear. You let out a gentle moan, "Please."
He swallowed thickly, then nodded. He curled a finger around the hem of your underwear, gently gliding it down your thighs, then your ankles and tossed it onto the ground. He went for your bra and your back arched so he could have better access to the clip on the back. Once he knew how to do it, after feeling around it for a bit, he got it off and just stared for a long while. A smirk crept up on his lips after a few breathless moments. One of his hands placed itself on your chest, just beneath your throat, then it started sliding down to where it was beneath both of your breasts. He rubbed that space with tender passion and watched your face contort with need. He leaned down again so his hot breath beat against your ear, "How long have you been wanting this?"
You were almost to out of breath to answer him. The way he had you right now just knocked the breath out of you with one, simple glance. "A-a long time...~," you breathed out, rolling your hips up and bucking softly into the very apparent bulge in his boxers. His hand crept down between your legs and started to rub your now slick folds. "Mm, that answer isn't good enough, (Y/N)~," he growled, his hand now teasing your sensitive folds.
You moaned out his name into the air as he pinched and massaged your clit. "Tell me how long, (Y/N)," he whispered again, his teeth scraping against the lobe of your ear.
"Ever since I walked in on your audition~," you let escape from your mouth. You didn't have to describe which audition it was, because he already knew. You talked about it quite a bit, just to mess with him or compare where he was then and where he was now during drunk, emotional ramblings, usually with Jemaine around.
"Oh? Did the sight of me shirtless turn you on~?" He purred again, now dragging his boxers down his thighs while he watched you squirm beneath him. "Yes~," you responded, letting out groans of desperate need. He was smirking as he pulled away from your ear and he wrapped a finger around your chin while the other went to his length. He gently slipped into you, keeping your face aimed towards him so he could see every single scrunch of your face.
"You're so beautiful~," he purred started to slowly thrust, keeping it soft and slow. "You like this, don't you, baby~?"
All you could give to him was nods and moans in turn to his questions. He started getting faster with his motions the tighter he felt you clamp around him. His curls were sticking to his forehead and he let out soft groans and sighs, his hips rolling and the wet slaps of skin on skin sent the both of you higher than the moon. He buried his nose in the crook of your neck and he kissed at your sensitive skin, occasionally scraping his teeth against it too. "You're mine now, understand~?" He growled and panted against your skin. You nodded again, all the emotions hitting you at once. He claimed you and now you were his.
"Taika, I'm close~," you managed to moan out, your back arching upwards and your hands clawing at the counter beneath you. "Go for it, babe~. I wanna hear everything~," he purred, biting his lip. You could feel him coming closer to the end as well. He knew how to handle himself well down there, but his facial expressions said otherwise, every time he would lift up and kiss you roughly.
He dropped his hands down to your hips and held on tightly, he wanted this, he needed this and you needed this too.
"Fuck-- Taika~!!" You screamed out and bucked your hips while you came. Taika's thrusts became rough yet shallow, random ruts in attempt to gain pleasure. His nails dug into your hips and made you since softly. Their intense grip only released whenever he did. Luckily, he pulled out and poured it all onto your stomach.
He was panting heavily, his eyes squeezed shut, and his hands now softly massaging your hips, the best they could at least. Sweat dripped down his temple and your chest rose and fell immensely. He lifted himself off of you and sat up, completely forgetting about the dangling light. He remembered whenever it collided with the back of his head.
Both of you were in shock for a minute before smiles cocked up on the corners of your mouths. Taika was the first to break and let out a burst of laughter, you were hot on his heels, as if you both didn't have intimacy less than a few minutes ago.
Well... you guessed you could get used to doing something like this.
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ixchel-sketch · 4 years
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TITLE: Palehuiloca / Ayudar 
GENRE: Crime & Romance
FANDOM: Mayans M.C.
SHIP(S): Coco & Original Female Character 
STATUS: Complete
LENGTH: 5,291 words
Set while Coco is still a prospect. One of his first orders is to help newly full patched members Angel and Gilly locate a corrupt drug dealer at a local music festival. He never expected to meet Maya.
It was early in the evening when the headlights of bikes cut through the light of the setting sun and three members of the local motorcycle club were waved into the festival without so much as a second glance from security. All manner of people were attending, most of them on their way towards inebriation in some form of another. Johnny “Coco” Cruz looked around at the various stages set up in the large canyon, the sounds of whatever concert was currently playing blasted through the state park. Competing for the attention of the crowds of people weaving their way from one set to another. A couple that looked to be barely out of their teens stumbled by and nearly bumped into Coco had he not been hyper focused on his surroundings.
“Jesus, would you look at this place.” Angel’s dark eyes followed after them, noting the way the couple wove and leaned on each other in support. To the average attendee they seemed to be in the depths of young love, laughing and showering displays of affection no matter how inappropriate. To anyone with experience it was obvious they were high off their asses.
“That’s why we’re here isn’t it? Marcus said that we needed to smoke out some dealer. “ Gilberto “Gilly” Lopez adjusted the thick leather vest that all three of them wore, squinting out at the crowd in observation.
“For selling on Mayan terf?”
Coco finally came back to the conversation, a little bit confused on why they would be put on something that seemed to have nothing to do with the club. As a prospect, there weren't many orders that he was in a position to question. It helped that he and Angel had roomed together right before he'd patched in. He trusted him, which was something he hadn't experienced much before.
"There's been an uptick in overdoses. Someones cutting their shit and it makes the M.C. look bad. Since most assume that's where it's coming from." Now it made sense. It would definitely hurt their business and possibly gain unwanted attention from authorities if the main take away from the music festival was the amount of narcan used.
But how the hell were they supposed to find that needle in this shitshow of a haystack? The longer they stood idly by the entrance the worse that he began to feel about this whole thing. There were only three of them there and too many unknowns. They had no idea how serious this guy was or if they had their own crew. Paranoia leeched some of the stoic strength that usually radiated from Coco. No, crowded and booming festivals were definitely not his thing.
"We should split up," Coco scowled at Gilly's suggestion but all of them nodded in agreement nonetheless. "Cover more ground that way. Look for anyone buying or dealing. "
Maya had been attending music festivals since before she knew how to talk. She’d grown up dressed in tie dye onesies and been lulled to sleep by the sound of amature drum circles. It was a lifestyle that she knew like the back of her hand and the road between each destination felt just as much home as the stops between. All she really needed in order to be happy was the RV that she’d inherited from her father and enough gas and savings to keep making her art in comfort. Not many people seemed to understand her need for near constant travel and freedom, much less stick around.
Today had been different though. Slow, and while the general guests were perfectly content with the food vendors and alcohol sales, not too many had stopped through her booth and made actual purchases. Only in the last hour had there been a wave of people walking around and buying different trinkets and goods that she’d made. The increase in sales usually took up all of her attention. Mental energy split between being conversational and likeable as a vendor and keeping an eye out to make sure no one lifted anything. She supposed that was another reason for not wanting to be tied down --- maintaining a fake sociable mask for longer than a couple hours at a time was down right exhausting. With a heavy sigh Maya got up from her chair and stretched as tall as she could. It wasn’t very tall.
Finally she noticed a man standing with his back to the corner of her booth and steeled herself to once again paste on a fake smile. It wasn’t unusual for a potential customer to spend time just staring at a piece… but with a hint of concern she realized that wasn’t what he was doing. Dark eyes were focused intensely out at the crowd and she tried not to flinch when that gaze was turned on her. “Hey, can I help you?”
“What? No, I’m uh- good thanks.” He didn’t look good, warm brown skin having taken on a slightly pallid complexion. The man looked spooked, bordering on shaken and even though she knew better than to reach out something on Maya’s face must have given away her confusion and he rushed to explain. “It was just really loud, I couldn’t even hear myself think.”
“ You want some water?” Before he could answer the brunette was ducking behind a table to grab a metal thermos that was still chilly from her ice run earlier. He accepted it and she couldn’t bring herself to look away from the way his adam apple moved when he took a drink or the stray bead of water that escaped the corner of Coco’s lips. Maya licked her own subtly and subconsciously before adding, “Yeah, festivals can be a lot. I lucked out this year and my booth got placed opposite of the concert field. Shitty for sales though.”
When he handed her back the thermos her fingers brushed against his, releasing butterflies in her stomach and Maya tried her best to brush it off. Coco seemed to finally notice the different posters and jewelry that decorated the tables and his eyebrows rose, fingers ghosting over the designs pressed into leather bracelets. “All this stuff is yours? You made it?”
She nods, a natural grin spreading across full lips. There were few things that she carried a fair amount of pride about, her art being one of them. “Claro que si, Well, except for the bones, those I get from hunters and collectors. Same for the crystals.”
His hand fell away and Coco nodded. Something about the way that he was looking at the merch had Maya relaxing a bit, casting a glance back towards where people were clearing the man made path that separated the music from the vendors to herd themselves into a new performance. There probably wouldn't be anyone else wandering through her booth for a few hours at least.
“ It’s really tight, the detail in the designs is crazy.”
“Thank you. My name’s Maya.” She expected the blink of confusion that followed.
“Sorry, what?”
“Just call me Maya.” Another nod and from the way that Coco’s shoulders sag just a bit she can tell he’s starting to relax too. Whether it's because of the compliment that he’d given her work or just a sudden craving for more substantial human interaction, Maya made up her mind and opened the canopy flap that led to where her RV was parked behind the booth. “I was planning on taking a little break -- para fumar. You wanna join me?”
Finally a genuine smile touches the other’s eyes as Coco replies “I’m always good for a smoke.”
She led Coco back to the small table pulled under the awning and sat down in a rusted lawn chair, motioning for him to do the same. It creaked under his weight and she couldn’t help but offer a slightly embarrassed smile while retrieving the glass jar from a leather satMaya hanging over her shoulder. The inside of the glass was so coated in crystals and weed dust that it was hard to make out the details of the small buds jostled within. “So is this your first festival in awhile?”
“Yeah, you could say that. Probably my first.”
“No shit?” Maya passed Coco the ornately blown glass piece she’d been gifted some time back. It was surprising to find how easy conversation was to have with him as the two began to talk about their interests. Music was the easiest shared denominator, with Maya’s tastes being basically anything that isn’t outright offensive or problematic. But slowly the two started to talk about more personal stuff as well. They came from vastly different backgrounds but somehow nothing seemed to get lost in translation, the time passed faster than either had realized and before she knew it the light was just starting to fade from the sky. Their shadows stretching out in the grass before them and tinting the campsite in a pretty orange.
“So you like to go it alone?” The conversation had circled back to her and Maya rolled her shoulders in a relaxed shrug.
“I’m still only twenty fuckin’ three. And I’m picky as hell, hanging around musicians all the time you know. I’m not just some fuckin’ groupie.”
Coco held up his hands and hissed as if he’d touched something hot, “I got you, my bad.”
She deflated and ran a hand through messy dark waves. As much as she loved the freedom, sometimes loneliness did creep into her life and forced Maya to examine what she really wanted… but she wouldn’t know how to settle down even if she tried. “No it’s on me. My shit. Sorry, dude.”
He nodded, accepting the apology for her snappy response before his cell phone went off and drew Coco’s attention away from the company. With a sinking feeling he realized he’d missed out on the reason they were originally there. All he could do was hope that Angel or Gilly had found something to take back to El Padrino. “Yeah? I’ll be there.”
Maya waited a moment before speaking up, unable to hide the curiosity in her voice. “Those the guys you’re here with? Tus hermanos?”
Coco stood up and fixed the lawn chair, which had sagged so that the seat of it was brushing the ground. She moved to follow him and he offered her a hand to help Maya to her feet. They stood close for a moment while she regained her balance, so close she could smell him and it caused the hair to rise on the back of her neck and heat to coil in her stomach. Shit. Taking a step back, she brushed off her clothes and tried to meet his eyes when Coco replied; “Yeah , sort of. Better than any family I was born with. Even all that shit they say about brothers in arms in the military ain’t nothin like what the M.C. is.”
Dark brows furrowed and Maya pieced together what he meant, not having much experience with bikers outside of slightly unpleasant gas station exchanges. “So you’re here with guys who are also in your...motorcycle club?”
That seemed to make Coco laugh and shake his head while grabbing a cigarette from the box in his vest pocket. Before he could fumble around for his lighter she managed to fish hers out of her pocket, holding it out to him. “Yeah,” He took a drag and made sure to blow it away from where she stood. “We’re actually here trying to pick up. I don’t know if you use anything harder..”
A deep frown creased her face and she gave Coco a subtle once over, as though potentially seeing him in a different light. “Oh...No I uhm, I don’t. That shit’s gotten kind of dangerous.”
He looks equally relieved and she can’t help but be a bit confused. “Good, I mean, I don’t neither. Not like that.”
Coco’s done his share of hard partying and drugs, been addicted and managed to come to terms with his limits. Something in the way that he holds himself lets Maya know that she can believe him, that he’s not just back peddling in order to save face. She nods and goes to untie the opening of her booth to let people know she’s once again open for business --- and to allow Coco to exit into the main crowd.
“Because I’ve seen some people be taken off the grounds for OD’s...it’s depressing shit.” Mostly it was just people who attended but every once and awhile a musician or vendor would end up getting an ambulance called. It was always sad, especially if it was someone that she’d see at a few different venues and become somewhat friendly with.
“See that’s why we’re trying to find the guy selling this shit... stop it from getting into the community.”
Her expression changed to one of surprise before a full bottom lip slipped between her teeth in mild indecision. She was sick of seeing people taken advantage of in her community, at least Coco’s gang was doing something about it. “...I could help, maybe? Talk to the other vendors and see if they’ve seen anything. Are you guys camping out or are you coming back tomorrow?”
She hoped that they were, handing Coco one of the cards that she kept on display so that he might be able to get in contact with her again. Dark eyes tracked the motion of him slipping it into his pocket, her own hands fumbling awkwardly. Coco’s phone buzzed again and she could tell from his reaction it was probably his guys asking where he was.
“We’ll be back. I’ll hit you up.”
He returned to where their bikes were being looked after with a much lighter heart, both from the conversation and finding a potential lead. Gilly was tempted to stay a bit longer and as much as Coco wanted to agree it was obvious to both him and Angel that had much more to do with the actual festival than the club’s interests. Angel was disappointed in the lack of concrete evidence and it showed in his scowl and furrowed brow.
“Damn man. Everyone’s high but it just seems like a bunch of fuckin hippies.” He grumbled, looking either Coco or Gilly in the hopes that they found something of more use.
“I saw someone get carried out but it could have been heat stroke. No one else around.”
Angel turned to Coco, “ What about you? Any luck?”
In no rush to admit that he’d wasted most of his time blowing off their orders to talk to some chick, he kept his answer clipped. “Yeah...maybe.”
The internal conflict caused him to stiffen when Angel’s hand landed on his shoulder in camaraderie. But the other Mayan only seemed encouraged by Coco’s admission, wrinkling his nose before stepping back to mount his ride. “Shit, you smell like skunk.”
The night went by uneventfully despite Maya’s best attempts to find any of her connections that might have an idea what was going on or who was dealing. None of her artisan contacts had any interest in exploring those kinds of narcotics and had a similar reaction to the one that she had earlier. Only after explaining why she was looking for the illicit substance did their judgement lessen. Eventually, after making sure to put the word out that she was interested in trying something different (as a ruse to lure out the dealer) Maya was forced to give up and go to sleep with the hopes that the next day would bring better luck.
And whether it was her own self manifestation or the will of the gods, after spending most of the next day with her attention split between selling her goods and looking out for any nefarious activity her first lead appeared. Half way through the day someone was taken from the medic tent looking half dead but no one seemed to know much about it. Coco messaged her, checking in to see if she had found anything. All of the texts were very...Friendly. They joked back and forth just as much as talking (if not more) than about what was happening at the festival. By the time she did hear back from one of her contacts -- a time and place to meet the person who was selling smack, Maya was too excited about having a legitimate reason to see Coco again than to think through all of the potential consequences of going to the meet.
With her booth closed up and cellphone slipped into the back of her pocket, Maya headed to the spot in the back of the general campsite. It wasn’t too far from her where she was vending but definitely far enough from the security spots and exits to be inconspicuous. The man waiting for her was tall and spindly, the dark cliche hoodie he wore nearly hung off of him with how loose it was. His greeting smile felt lewd, red rimmed eyes focusing on the naked skin of her legs for far longer than she was comfortable with. A sinking feeling started to build in her gut but Maya decided to ignore it.
“So I heard you were looking to pick up ?”
She froze, a small frown working its way onto her face. Even when she wanted so hard to play it cool.“Well, not me, my friend was interested…”
“And where’s your friend?”
The tone of his voice made the hair rise on the back of her neck and Maya looked around to see if there was anyone else nearby. The sound of music playing could be heard even from the distance of the campground and she knew better than to hope there would be anyone loitering there instead of watching a band. “He’s meeting up with me later.”
“Your boyfriend?” The man took a step forward, reaching out to pick up a strand of her long dark hair. At this distance she could make out the details of his pockmarked cheeks and nearly gasped at the memory of his face disappearing into the crowd after the EMT’s had taken away the person hours earlier. Maya’s heart started to race and muscles froze into place with the rise of panic. It was a challenge to take the answering step back, only to find that there was a tent flush behind her back.
“No, just a friend. So can I uhm, can I get the stuff?” Her anxiety to leave was building but Maya didn’t want to take off without at least getting some proof to show Coco that she had found the guy.
“Of course baby, why? You in a hurry?” She watched as his hand made contact with her arm, the other one going to grab her hip almost forcefully to try and drag Maya closer. The grip should have been strong enough to bruise but she couldn’t feel anything beyond the shock. Her dark eyes go wide and it takes a few quick breaths to work past the fear.
“Yeah actually I just need to… can you-- Hey!”
The sun had already set by the time that the Mayans rolled back up to the festival. Coco once again had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach though this time it was for a different reason than being triggered by the crowd. He’d been texting Maya most of the day but in the last hour she had stopped without warning. And when they got to her booth it was closed up and deserted, most of the vendors having shut down by then. Gilly gave a look around before sending Coco a sympathetic shrug. “You sure she was supposed to meet you here bro?”
“It looks pretty empty.” Angel agreed.
“Yeah man this is her spot.” He didn’t like this feeling at all. Like a coil of stress winding tighter and tighter at his core, a rubber band stretched to the breaking point. What he wouldn’t give for it to just be his fucked up mind playing tricks on him again. Just when he was about to finally dismiss it a feminine shout echoed through the space. “ Shit!”
Maya had her eyes pressed tightly closed as the heat of the stranger pressed against her caused sickening chills. Her heart raced so loud that anything that was coming out of his mouth was lost to the rushing noise in her ears. A spell or curse that was caused by paralyzing panic and only when his hand moved from her back to ghost over the curve of Maya’s ass did it break enough for her to scream.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, ASSHOLE!” Her arms came up to push him away, gasping in surprise when at the same time someone grabbed him by the back of the neck and yanked him back. The motion was too quick, but the line of Coco’s back could be seen as he pinned the dealer to the ground and laid blow after blow to the man’s face. After a few minutes Angel pulled him off, pushing Coco away so that he could catch his breath and pull himself together after unleashing all that rage.
Maya jumped when she realized there was someone standing behind her with their hand on her shoulder, large dark eyes looking up at Gilly and he released her and took a step back to give the shaken woman some space. “You good? “
Her answering nod was a little too quick to be believable but no one called her out on it. “ Yeah, yeah I’m fine.”
“Is this the guy?” Angel nodded towards the bloody heap on man on the ground, still standing between him and Coco though Gilly moved closer to help lift the suspect.
“I don’t know, I know he sells. And he was hanging around someone who OD’d earlier.”
Their expressions went tight and she received a nod, Coco finally walking back over to them and muttering something in Angel’s direction. “ We’ll talk to him.”
While Angel and Gilly dragged the unconscious man back towards their bikes, Maya turned her attention back to Coco, finally noting the way his lips had pulled down into a sour scowl. She had a feeling that a large part of it had to do with her and a knot of guilt formed in her stomach. He started to turn back towards the exit of the festival, about to leave without saying a word and before she realized it Maya was reaching out to gently wrap her hand around his bicep. “ Do you wanna come back to my RV? Get a drink?”
He looked at her hand for a long minute, still not able to meet her eyes even after she let go. “...Okay, sure.”
Neither of them spoke on the way back to where her RV was parked. The tension was nearly palpable and she pulled out a beer from the cooler typically reserved for guests and passed it to Coco. Her eyes lingered on how his fingers were wrapped around the neck of the bottle, knuckles red and bruised from impact. While he opened it she went about unlocking the 1990 Winnebago so that they might be able to talk with some semblance of privacy. The comfort of her mobile home was a soothing balm against all of the excitement and chaos she’d been involved in. Maya deftly opened some cabinets and removed a half finished bottle of tequila and dusty shot glass.
“You know what you did earlier? Was pretty stupid.”
When she looks up from preparing her drink Coco is staring at her intently. “...Excuse me?”
The incredulity in her voice sets him off and Coco pushes away from where he’d been leaning against the narrow counter to loom over her. Now she can tell that she’d seriously misunderstood something earlier as he looks...actually angry. The bottle is forgotten behind him and his chin raises, a defensive posture if she’d ever seen one. “That guy could have pulled a knife, or a gun. Then what?”
She hadn’t thought about if that had happened, but she had a feeling saying that out loud wouldn’t help her case. In an attempt at levity, Maya forced a smirk and tilted her head in faux innocence. “Get shot, I guess?”
It doesn’t help. His brows draw together and his tone raises which causes her to reel back. It only now occurs to her that she doesn’t actually know him that well or what he’s capable of in anger. “What the fuck kind of thinking is that? Eres una pinche idiota?”
Maya’s gaze drops to the floor and her shoulders sag in defeat. She can tell that the reaction is one out of concern for her wellbeing but she doesn’t have a clue on how to fix things. With a heavy sigh she rubs a hand across her face. “I just wanted to help,” Coco continues to look at her, and his expression softens just a bit in acceptance. “ ...You’re right. I wasn’t thinking.”
Coco is still standing close enough that if she were to lean forward it wouldn’t take much effort at all to place a kiss on his chin. The thought taunting her almost as much as the way that his voice dips an octave and ridiculously long lashes cast shadows on his cheeks. “ Next time just call me, yeah?”
A hopeful smile pulls at full lips and she rocks forward on her heels so that their chests are nearly touching. “Next time?”
“That’s not what I ...shit, I just mean,” His eyes are locked on her lips and the atmosphere of the confined space in the RV has changed with their mood. The air is heavy and she closes the distance between them in an obvious invitation, one of her hands splaying flat on his chest where the patch meets the leather of his vest. Coco’s eyes grow even darker if possible.
“It’s cool. I got you.” There are no expectations as he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls Maya into a hungry kiss. It’s not soft or gentle and she matches his pace eagerly. The hand on his chest snakes around to stroke over the hair at the base of his neck and one of his rakes up the tank top she’s wearing in order to cup her breast. His other arm is pulling her closer still, passion completely unleashed and Maya is forced to break away in a gasp of pleasure when Coco’s leg parted hers and pressed the lines of their bodies against one another until she could feel the tent forming against her hip.
In an act of rare dexterity she managed to turn them so that her back is facing the hallway. It’s far too great a sacrifice to pull away from him or the way that Coco is running his hands along her body. He follows her until the back of her knees press against the mattress and helps to lower her down, wet kisses trailing from her mouth to the column of her throat.
His touch lights her nerves on fire and Maya sighs into the kiss, opening her mouth so that he can take advantage and wind his tongue against hers. Once the heavy leather vest is dropped on the corner of the bed she removes her shirt and pulls Coco back down on top of her. His hands roam and grope her torso while the warm weight of his hips pin her down and roll against her. “Que quieres?”
“Don’t st…keep going.” It’s all the encouragement that he seems to need before Coco is slipping her jean shorts and underwear off her legs and placing nips and kisses along Maya’s hips. It’s a quick tease before her returns to place a kiss on her swollen lips. The fabric of his button up shirt rubs against her chest and she manages to slide her hands beneath it and the thin wife beater under that. They're both in too much of a hurry to really focus on removing each other’s clothes entirely. It’s a \victory just to be able to get a few of the small buttons undone as Coco unfastens his belt to slide his pants down his hips.
“Oh...fuck.” The unbidden whine slips from Maya when he presses two fingers inside of her, whispering a compliment into her ear before replacing his fingers with the head of his cock. It’s been awhile since she’s been with another person, and when he thrusts his entire length in with one quick motion she can’t help but lock her legs around his waist to hold him in place. Coco senses her tense and takes a couple of deep breaths, panting against her shoulder before placing kisses on her chest.
“Relax, mi cariña.” Coco groaned, gripping her ass and pressing Maya closer. He waited until she moaned and rolled her hips against his before picking up the pace of his movements. Once they find a rhythm it doesn’t take long before Maya is coming undone. She cries out in pleasure and tenses around Coco, arms tightly wound around his neck and face pressed against his shoulder. Just a couple of uneven thrusts later and he’s following close behind, groaning and rolling off of Maya so that he’s facing her on the mattress. They both have to catch their breath and she savors the look of pure relaxation on Coco’s face. The lines of stress fall away and he looks years younger.
Maya wants nothing more than to reach out and brush some of the dark hair off of his forehead, but when she does she’s pinned with that same intense stare from earlier as he flinched away from her hand. The connection that was there between them suddenly feels dulled. Coco rolled onto his back, staring up silently at the roof of the RV.
“So… you said something about next time.” She had a sudden sinking feeling in her gut and joined in the direction of his gaze. It was dark out now and the small amount of daylight had charged the old glow in the dark star stickers so that they set off a subtle glow. The longer she looked, the easier it was to pick them out against the faded roof material and ignore the embarrassed burning of her cheeks.
Coco sat up and fixed himself into his pants. From the angle she was at it was nearly impossible to tell exactly what his expression was. “...Yeah. I’ll give you a call.”
That certainly didn’t sound reassuring.
“Right.” Maya’s tone turned flat and cold, earning a glance from the other before she followed suit and sat up to pull her discarded tank top back over her head. Her shorts had been shoved off of the bed in their earlier activities however her underwear lay crumpled near by and she slipped them on to put off meeting his eyes. “Well, I’m only going to be in the area for another couple of days then I do a show up north. If I hear from you it’s cool but if not...it is what it is.”
The warmth of his palm spreads over her cheek and Coco pulls her up so that he can place a gentle kiss on her lips, far softer than she ever would have expected. “ Hey, querida… I’ll call. I got you.”
A soft smile spreads across her face as he slings his kutte over one arm and she pulls him back for one final kiss, happy to get to know him and already excited for the next time they would see each other.
“Ride safe.”
17 notes · View notes
ton-e · 4 years
Helheim is a land of peace.
The layers of agonized wails and woeful imploring she prepared her ears for was lost in the breeze of the melancholic melody of nature. Naked humming voices flowed serenely amidst the gradient of indigo blue leaves, dry and wrinkly, singing the ballads of lost souls attached to skinny tree branches, rinsed of color at the roots, blending smoothly with the pale greenery surrounding the wide meadow that grew to be her most favored solace.
Flowers, prey to decaying, small in stature but mighty in resistance, veiled the piece of soil that parted the center of the dark Kingdom in two, catching vines in the heart core of the spot her beloved boy once clawed his way to freedom, from a grave that came too early for a boy too gentle, too youthful, too much of a man before his time.
Her ghost Prince, her youngest; Stolen and crowned the King of Death, with a rain of tears on his cheeks and a cloak of swords in his back.
'Crowned, ' she spits, imagining it rippling through the dead earth and fell right onto Borr's bald head. Time failed to sweeten her bitterness as she thought, yes, this is how their history beautified the terrible incident. Time didn't heal her pain, neither did it gentled the sharpness of her teeth.
They had deceived him, betrayed him, punished him, stole his life away, and called it a reward.
After that dreadful day, She spent more nights weeping to slumber, eyes buried in the cushions of Hel's frigid chambers, burning brighter, hotter, than the hard oak feeding red-orange flames in the fireplace of her bedroom.
The phantom ice caressing the silver of her skin was more comfort than suffering, painless mercy she sunk into little by little every day until the light of day became unfamiliar. The cold here shares that quality, she ponders, a soft touch of unburnt ice to keep you from perishing.
Its a lot like her son, she thinks.
Yet, Bestla doesn't feel its presence permanently. A long, stone shaded cloak fell upon her shoulders, showering her back in a misty warmth provided by the thick velvet of the garment. Her eyes observe a silhouette shadowing the pale sun, the single leak of blight light hanging above the smoke sky.
"I was hoping to find you here, " Estrid wears a smile radiant enough to pale all gold in the 9 realms. "Peaceful up here, is it not? Hel liked hiding here, as a boy. Said the breeze was nice."
Bestla, for a moment, allows her eye to inspect the other woman for the first time. Her shoulders are round and solid, strong as a soldier, complemented by the stunning danger of a shieldmaiden. Bestla tracks night-dark locks brushing over creamy skin, long and curly. She's as much warrior as she is woman, it's as if she only now observes.
Her arms are an impressive addition, boxy as much as lean, holding closely on her shield and sword. A sword that, doubtlessly, claimed a long string of lives. She's not as fearful as it would be wiser to be. Estrid has been nothing but pleasant, as much as one could be when encountering their circumstance, her presence never frightening her as much as it saddened her.
"For someone carrying such heavy armor, you move with great stealth, Lady Sigurdsson, " If the other woman peaked at the too feather-soft timber of her voice, she had enough cheek to act differently. " I suppose you'd want an explanation as to why I'm avoiding my son?"
" Forgive me, your Grace, but Lord Hellison was never included in the conversation, " Bestla thought she spotted a bloom of red dusting her cheeks as she grinned gently, taking a spot none to tight to the former Queen, but close enough to leave some space had the smaller woman want to fill it. "I thought you would, after..."
"...It's unwise to polish hard truths. They cut harder that way, " The Queen's words were dressed in both honesty and advice, chapters of her life unfolding beneath her eyes as if to pledge truth to the statement. Estrid studied each word with expert attention.
Bestla raises, arms guarding her middle, eyes cast over the sea of flowers beneath her shoes.
"I'm grateful, for the kindness you showed him. I remain in your debt, in fact, though it escapes me how I can repay you here. "
"We don't believe in paying kindness, in the North. Goodness isn't traded in gold, " a quiet chuckle is swept by the breeze slashing through the grand mountains. Estrid inhales deeply and opens her arms when she lets her body fall upon the grass. "If it was, don't you think more people would practice it?"
The southerner's lips lift in a one-sided smile of her own, private and discreet. Debtless favors certainly sounded sweet to the ear.
" Aesir aren't precisely renewed for our gentle hearts, so I suppose not. I still mourn the stress you must have endured, however. Children are far from being a jolly affair. And the tales we hear as children don't exactly portray Titans as loving parents."
A stratum of blank seriousness shaped Estrid's features, graveness resting heavily on sharp boned cheeks and warm brown eyes. " I fell in love a day after meeting him, " Bestla swallowed hard at the admission. " I knew him for less than a sundown, but I knew he was mine. I was dead, alone and helpless and afraid, and he was too much like me to be a fateless coincidence. Words aren't enough to express it. He was just...Meant to fall, and I to catch him. "
The leafs sang to fill the edged hush musking around them. Estrid pimped the other's empty breathing as anger, for she heaved a sigh long enough to match the twin lack of words on both their parts, and excused her nerve. " Apologies. I don't dare name myself a mother, nor do I starve for anyone's approval, least of all yours. I only wished to say you raised a good son. A son lucky to have a mother like you, for as long as he did."
"...You helped him," Bestla started, chest light and comfortable, not cutting blades piercing her skin as she expected. "Kept food in his mouth, put clothes on his back. You loved him truthfully and protected him fiercely. You're not any less his mother than I."
"...It must be a sour thin all the same, for someone so beloved to greet you as a stranger. For that, I can't help but feel sorry still."
" That's a sentiment we can share. He... Hel, my child, my youngest son. Born at the edge of two worlds that never loved him. They aren't my own, not my blood, not him neither Odin, my kind hearted prince, my little lion boy. And yet, I was not their mother for the simple reason they didnt come from me. Everyone told me so.
They weren't my own, yet I held them at my chest, kissed their skinned knees and elbows, wiped their tears, and chased sickness with handpicked herbs and wet rags because I trusted nobody to do so. No language is enough to describe the love a mother has for their children.
No tongue is enough to put my love in words."
"...Even for Balder?"
Bestla laughs, an odde of heartache and sorrow. " Even him. Love gives no choices, last of all to parents. I still remember the day of his birth. A terrible storm broke the skies that evening, set fire to five houses, left a month's worth of reparations behind. He struggled, I've been told. He kicked and wailed and fought all the way.
I haven't had the chance to even hold him in my arms and he was so eager to run from me. My eyes never saw something more perfect than his tiny ears, his adorable little hands, and feet, his honey hair. He looked so much like me I hardly believed it.
But I felt no different with his brothers. There was a sickness in my mouth, when they were babes and I was forced to be departed from them. I couldn't bear to see them in another's arms, a wet nurse, or a squire, when asked to trust anyone else with them, I was faithless.
When Hel was born, he couldn't be convinced to let me go. He was so quiet, I thought perhaps this world claimed him already. His mother drew her last breath on that bed and I was the one he clung to, the one he hooked his fingers into. One of the King's guards present, he tried to prey him away, do you want to know what I did? I unsheathed a dagger from my thigh, slashed his throat, and watched him die." The confession was a river she scalded into freely.
"Would I insult your intelligence by asking if you're familiar with Sandr?" Bestla asked once Estrid wordlessly raised on her feet. She felt enough security to push her body forward. " Titans held mighty battles there."
A smirk pinched the taller woman's lips. " We were rowdy children, I'll confess. But yes, I know the location. You rebuild beautifully, " dark eyes shaped the bronze scorpio pendant suspended in the middle of Bestla's long neck. " Your family picked a Scorpio as their sigil. They made a fine legacy."
" Oh, it was. The finest. Beautiful, skillful, and yet, terribly lonely. I had 10 siblings. 5 brothers and sisters, however, I confess I felt more like an accessory than a member of a clan. We were strangers to each other. Foreigners with the same name, with our only common factor being our house.
Our country was gorgeous but very poor, you see. We trusted nobody, and in return, our distrust was repaid with hostility. Eventually, when our skin touched bone and we ran out of livestock, we opened the gates to trade. Naturally, we were invaded, our lands stolen, our necks had shackles only we could see.
And I held the key for everyone.
I want you to picture the most powerful man in the world, asking me to marry him," a bitter laughs cracks in her throat, and the wind whips away the water from her eyes. " He had a crown on his head and 50 thousand banner men behind him, with more gold than he could ever need or deserve and 100,000 spikes for our heads alone. What else could I have said?"
Her legs shift, stepping closer to Estrid, eyes as flat as her tone. " What I did, I did because I had to. To defend my people. To defend my family. To defend my blood. Every sacrifice, every drop of blood I've spilled, I did it so the people I love could live the peace I never did."
She advances, every step that's forward to her is one back for Estrid, eyes concentrated intensely on one another with enough fire to make Fire Giants sweat.
"All the sins that I have done. Or had done at my orders? The truths my children don't know, the truths a narrow number of people lived to keep the secret. The kind vicious enough to make fine warriors as yourself lose sleep, if they came to know them.
Perhaps this is my justice. A punishment for survival in a world where living is no bed of roses. But I won't stop helping my children, heart beating or otherwise.
There's a storm coming, My Lady. And I have every intention of ensuring everyone walks dry."
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 18
"Are you sure I can't help with any of that?" Angel asked. 
"Would you let someone who doesn't know anything about your culture's food help make it?" Demie said, looking over his shoulder to where Angel sat at the kitchen table. 
"Dude, my parents both worked sixty hour weeks," Angel said with a shrug. "I grew up on Kraft mac and cheese and Bagel Bites." 
"Ew," Demie said, wrinkling his nose. He had no idea what Bagel Bites were, but he'd seen Elaine make mac and cheese out of those bright blue boxes. The stuff looked positively radioactive. 
He turned back to what he'd been doing. He had very much wanted to make dolma - it felt befitting for having a guest over for the first time in his entire life - but Elaine had been very firm when he gave her the shopping list that she was not going to drive to Charleson in search of grape leaves and pine nuts. So he had to make due with tomatokeftedes and patzaria. 
Currently, he had the fritters chilling in the freezer and the potatoes mashed, and was in the process of peeling cucumbers for tzatziki. He had had the good sense to make the beets a day before. 
"So, you're like… really into food, huh?" Angel asked. 
"I'm Greek, of course I'm into food," Demie said absent-mindedly as he pulled a knife and the sharpening rod out of the knife block on the counter. 
"No, I mean like…" Angel paused as Demie swiftly drew the blade along the steel before dropping the rod back into the knife block. He sliced the cucumber down the center lengthwise and then chopped the vegetable with the speed and skill of a trained chef. 
"Like you said you have a garden, and you clearly made those goat treats yourself, and you can do that with a knife…" 
"I make my own cheese, too," Demie said.
"Omigod, really? Are we having some with all this?" 
"None of these recipes really use feta…" Demie said. He was loath to do anything in the recipes that hadn't been taught to him by his grandmother. Angel made a noise of disappointment, though, and Demie looked over his shoulder at him. "Why, do you really like feta that much?" 
"I don't think I've ever actually had any, I just really want to try homemade cheese," Angel said. "Especially if it's made by you." 
Demie felt the tips of his ears get hot, but he couldn't really figure out why. No one had ever been impressed by his cooking before. Then again, the only people he'd ever cooked for were Marius and Elaine. Marius would always compare Demie's cooking to their grandmother's, and Elaine had the most garbage tastes in food he'd ever seen, so neither of them were particularly enthusiastic about what he made. 
"Uh… I mean, if you really want some, there's some in the fridge," Demie said, nodding over his other shoulder at the fridge. 
He saw Angel start to stand up out of the corner of his eye, but right at the same time, the front door opened. Both he and Angel stopped and turned towards it, to see Elaine step inside. Her hair and arms were covered in sawdust, no doubt from trimming lumber at the hardware store, and she looked even more pissed than usual. 
"Oh, hi!" Angel said. His voice was bright and chipper, and felt entirely out of place in the trailer. No one was ever that happy in this place. 
"I'm Angel," he said, holding out his hand. 
Elaine narrowed her eyes, looking at the hand offered to her. "I know," she said, and stopped off towards her bedroom. 
"Did I say something wrong?" Angel asked, turning to look at Demie. 
"Nah, Elaine's just a huge bitch," he replied. He swept the ingredients on the cutting board into the blender and blitzed it on high. The vintage machine complained loudly, the blade sputtering as the engine tried to generate enough power to move. Demie felt extremely self-conscious. The blender, along with everything else in the trailer, needed to be replaced, but there was no money for it. Most of the time he just put up with it, but having an outsider see how he lived made him feel deeply inadequate. 
Finally the blender managed to work the cucumbers into a chunky paste, and he set it aside, turning his attention to the stove. 
"What's that?" Angel asked as Demie poured oil from a large plastic jug into a large pan. 
"Uh, peanut oil," Demie said, lifting up the jug and looking at the label. "It's supposed to be healthier than canola oil." 
"No, I mean, what were you humming just now?" 
The heat spread from Demie's ears across his face. He hadn't even noticed that he'd been humming. It just sort of came naturally. Music was just ingrained into his life - it had been, ever since he was a kid. Cooking, gardening, herding… basically anything that required any sort of care towards another living thing, his family would hum or sing to. There was no proof their voices affected food or plants or animals like it did people, but there was always the possibility that maybe they could make the food taste a bit better, or the plants grow a bit fuller, or the animals act a bit more tame. 
He didn't really know how to explain that to Angel, though, so he just mumbled something that he wasn't even sure were words. 
When the oil started shimmering, the tomato fritters came out of the freezer and went into the pan. They sizzled and splattered, and Demie had to jump back just a little. Most things in the kitchen didn't bother him, but the stove was just about at crotch height for him, and he'd splattered hot oil on his balls enough times to know it wasn't pleasant. 
That was another thing he was self conscious about - he was technically naked from the waist down around another dude. Of course, he was always naked from the waist down. He didn't see the point in wearing pants; they just seemed constricting, especially since his knees and ankles were anatomically in different places than a human's. But he did technically just have his ass and balls out around a gay guy, and that was kind of weird. 
He didn't have too much time to think about that, though. He had to keep an eye on the tomatokeftedes so that they didn't get too dark, fishing them out of the pan and laying them to dry on a piece of paper towel. Next he got the beets out of the fridge and got two clean, but mismatched, plates out of the cabinet to serve the food. 
"This smells amazing," Angel said as Demie set the plate down on the table in front of him. "I don't think I've ever had Greek food before. Except gyros, are gyros Greek?" 
"It's pronounced yee-rohs," Demie said as he sat down in the other chair. "But I've never had food from wherever you're from, so whatever." Was that racist to say? He wasn't sure. Angel was Asian, and Demie thought he could remember him saying something about his ethnicity, but he couldn't remember what it was. 
"You've never had pho?" Angel asked. 
"I don't exactly eat out," Demie said. 
"You don't even get delivery?" 
"Delivery from where? Billy Brook has like one shitty diner." 
"Oh, right." Angel looked a little bit embarrassed, and quickly took a bite of food. "This is amazing," he said after he swallowed. 
"It's alright," Demie responded, picking at his plate. 
"You don't really take compliments well, do you?" Angel asked. 
Demie had to stop and think about it. Did he? "I guess I'm just not used to getting any," he said. 
"Aww," Angel made a sad noise. Demie looked up to see him pouting. He couldn't help but snort. 
"Dude, what the fuck?" 
Angel's face broke into a smile. The corners of Demie's mouth reflexively lifted in response. He felt weird - he didn't smile a lot, but seeing Angel smile wanted him to do so, as well. It was kind of like how performing made him feel less anxious and empty inside, but multiplied by ten.
"Can I ask you something?" Demie said. 
"Do you actually listen to heavy metal? No offense, you just don't seem very… hardcore." 
"Yes, I listen to heavy metal," Angel replied. His tone was a little strained, a little annoyed. 
"What bands?" 
"Is this a test?" Angel narrowed his eyes at Demie. 
"Huh? No? I just… just wanna know, I guess." 
"Well," Angel said with a dramatic sigh, "back in middle school, I knew this kid, he was a few years older than me… he was a total metalhead - a lot like you, actually. With the hair and the beard, at least, not a goatman, I mean. But no one would really hang out with him, because he wore a trenchcoat and stuff. But no one would hang out with me, either, because I was the one Asian kid in school. So we just kinda wound up hanging out together, since there was no one else to hang out with. And he turned me on to Korn and Slipknot and from there I just fell down a rabbithole, y'know?" 
Demie furrowed his brow. "Seriously?" 
"Korn? Slipknot?" 
"What's wrong with them?" Angel asked. 
"Nothing," Demie said. He wasn't really sure how to word it. They just weren't… great. 
"Oh? So who do you listen to, then?" Angel asked, aggressively pointing his fork at Demie. 
"Uh, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Slayer…" 
"Oh, and you're going to judge my tastes in metal, when you listen to the most basic metal bands ever?" 
"Hey, no, I listen to other stuff. Like… Blind Guardian, Labyrinth, Rhapsody of Fire…" 
"Yeah, you would listen to Blind Guardian," Angel muttered. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"It means you definitely seem like the kinda guy who'd listen to nerd metal." 
"What!? Blind Guardian aren't for nerds, they're like one of the most influential European power metal bands--" 
"Yeah, who sing about their LARP campaigns." 
 "They aren't for nerds!" 
Angel glanced over his shoulder, then back to Demie. They were both silent for a minute, but then Angel's face cracked into a smile and he wheezed, and all of a sudden they were both laughing.
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gay-tanuki-aus · 4 years
 Soulmate AU
Setting: School
It is said that the first thing, whatever it may be, said to you by your soulmate, would be imprinted onto your inner forearm like a tattoo. So there may be instances where the first things said might be super vague, something like "hey" or "hi". Then there were also the super-specific ones like "I remember seeing you at the bar last night, you were gorgeous, but I didn't think to say hi- so it's funny how we're meeting here again at a supermarket in the grocery lane." Last but not least, there were ones where it was just plain confusing.
"'Hi, I was wondering what kind of program you used?' I mean, who even asks that the first time they meet?" Ally groans as she stares at her forearm. No matter how much she thought about it, it just seemed impossible. It was always said that your soulmate was who you'd spend the rest of your life with and that you'd be lucky if you ever met your soulmate in your teenage years. Not many meet their soulmate this early on, after all, the world is so big, to make sure the two people meet, would need many variables to align. This made Ally feel slightly better about not meeting her soulmate yet, even though that particular sentence still confused her. It led her to wonder what kind of circumstances she and her soulmate would meet in.
At this time, Donut was also wondering about her soulmate. 'CSP'. That's it. That's all that is written. What baffled her the most, however, wasn't the short 3 lettered word or acronym. It was the fact that she didn't know what CSP meant. It wasn't like she didn't try searching online either, but all she got was "content security policy". Content security policy?? In what world would the first thing your soulmate say to you be content security policy? Did that mean she would have to try and get a job in that? Or maybe she just had to ask her soulmate what the acronym for content security policy was. No, that'd just be plain stupid. Imagine going up to everyone and asking that. Donut laughs a little at the thought, but she can't help but wonder if that's really how she'd find her soulmate?
Thankfully for both, it didn't take long for them to meet. As fandom people, it was only normal to be producing and enjoying fanart and fanfictions. So that's exactly how, and when it happened. It was at lunch, Donut decided to go to the Steven Universe fan club. She always enjoyed walking through the club room looking at the fanart which usually lined the club room walls. As she scanned through them, a certain fanart caught her eye. Intrigued, she had tapped a nearby person to ask them who drew it, and they pointed her to a girl- Ally not far off, sitting at one of the tables scribbling away.
Walking up, Donut decides to start the conversation up different. "Hi, I was wondering what kind of program you used?"
"CSP." Ally answers without looking up. Neither had realized what just happened until a second later Ally looks up almost aggressively. This only confirmed Donut's thoughts as she let out a small gasp.
"You're my soulmate???" Donut asks almost unbelievingly.
"Ok, but why are you taller." Ally seemed conflicted. "No, I mean- un-ask me that- please!"
"WH- I can't just un-ask you something like that!" Donut almost laughs at the absurdity of the request, but also slightly disappointed at her reaction. Did that mean Ally wasn't her soulmate? Or maybe they weren't meant to be soulmates? It is often said that one would feel a spark when they met their soulmate, but none of what was supposed to happen was happening.
"Oh, right, sorry, that was rude." Ally apologizes almost embarrassed but seemingly deflated.
"Oh pfft, don't sweat it, it's good! You see, so many people can ask you the same thing- so it probably isn't even me, I mean there are so many people on earth- y'know?? I'm sure you'll find the right soulmate." Donut says starting to ramble in an attempt to cheer Ally up. "Plus, we can just be soul mates with a space in between. Yes. We will be great friends or mates in this case!"
And that's what they did. They became soul mates. Kind of like when one would say 'Oh, this is my girl friend, with a space in between the girl, and the friend.' They would talk for hours on end about their ocs, and that's when Donut realized something was wrong. Something very wrong indeed, she may or may not be catching some unwanted feelings for her soul mate. Which was wrong. So what does a normal person do when they figure out something is wrong? They deny it.
"Yeah, then there's that boundary between acquaintances and friends." Ally says thoughtfully. The two were currently sitting at lunch talking about different types of relationships.
"I have like- friendship tiers I list everyone in. As you said, there are acquaintances, then there are friends. For me, there are three levels of friends: 'just met', close friends, and best friends. Then there is the slightly different topic of girlfriends. For instance, Theo would be a close friend." Donut starts to list off a few more examples as Ally listens, "And you- y'know you're like a super great friend, but I wouldn't date you. I mean, it's not like we're actually soulmates." She adds shrugging a little.
"Yep." Ally nods and that was the conversation; their attention brought back to fangirling over their ocs. If Donut could give herself a rating on how she did, she'd say she did pretty good, except she didn't.
A few months pass and Donut realizes her feelings were back, or more accurately, never left. So she decided, if Ally was interested in someone already, she'd just be a good friend and her ultimate wingman, but if Ally wasn't, she'd ask her out or something. Or not, since she's an awkward gay.
"So do you have a crush on anyone right now-" Donut had started the conversation, she'd ask every now and then just out of curiosity, except this time, she was going to make a decision afterwards.
"Huh, I mean everyone has one right, so I guess." The two were sitting at lunch again, just talking and enjoying each other's company.
Donut took a bite of her sandwich before looking back at Ally, "Oh?? So you do have one?" Now she was curious about who caught her soul mate's eye. "Who is it?" She asked almost a little too curious.
Ally didn't think much of it, however, and just shook her head. "I'm not telling you."
"Whaaaat- why not??" Donut whines. She really wanted to know now, who the mysterious person was.
"Why do you want to know so badly??" Ally crosses her arms almost defensive, but more flustered.
"Because I'm curious!" Donut exclaims. "I mean, you'd be the same if I said 'Hey Ally, I have a crush too.'" Lunch was almost over by this time, but hopefully, she could figure out who it was before then. Maybe a little push would help.
"You do? Who is it?" It was Ally's turn to be curious. "Y'know you should totally just ask them out, if it were me, I'd just ask my crush out."
"Yeah right." Donut snorts. "Like YOU would actually go up to your crush and just ask them out. That's not something the Ally I know would do." Donut teases Ally nudging her playfully.
"Shut up!" Ally clicks her tongue. "You are underestimating this gay. I would definitely ask them out. Anyways, what's your crush like huh? Since it doesn't seem like you'd be telling me the name."
"You're right I won't," Donut says with a smug look. "And I ain't telling you none of that." She was wrong. They spent the rest of the lunchtime talking about what their crushes were like. Right before the bell rings, Donut decides to go for it. "Wait-"
"Yeah?" Ally asks turning around, she was getting ready to go to class, but she decided that could wait. "What is it?"
"Good- luck in class!" Donut says after hesitating. She was going to ask Ally out, but on second thought, she could wait until later, or just not do so at all. She's pretty good at procrastinating anyways.
"Really now, I saw you hesitate." Ally crosses her arms in front of her chest. School can wait, whatever Donut was going to say had to be way more interesting than spending an entire hour in class listening to the teacher drone on about a random subject.
"IT'S NOTHING OK, GO TO CLASS." Donut was extremely flustered by now, she didn't think Ally would think too much of it, and now it seemed like she would have to tell her what she was going to say. Ally laughs a little and that makes Donut blush even more. "D-don't laugh!"
"Well it's funny watching you struggle for words, it doesn't happen a lot." Ally snickers some more. "So what's up my soul mate?" She had an idea what this was about, but she didn't want to ruin the fun.
"You're enjoying this aren't you- Oh my god. YOU'RE SO MEAN. I'M REALLY STRUGGLING HERE. Alright. I'll tell you, but if you laugh I'm leaving." Donut grumbles as Ally nods and laughs again. "Well uh, I think you're really cute- and like full homo-"
"There you go. Congrats." Ally giggled. "But really, I wasn't expecting this."
"What do you mean?"
"Remember when we had that conversation?"
"Which conversation- we've had many." Donut frowns trying to remember what Ally could be talking about.
"You said and I quote, 'You're like a super great friend, but I wouldn't date.'"
"That was-" Donut stammers completely forgetting they had that conversation, she then lets out an audible groan attempting to cover her face. "And like-"
"Do you wanna like- go out with me?"
"I don't know hmmm-" Ally pretends to think about it. "What should I do..."
"C'MON ALLY. It's a yes or no question- the ones you're good at?" She then repeats in a slightly mocking but joking tone. "'Hey Ally, cats or dogs?' 'Yes'"
"Wooooow, don't make fun of me." Ally shakes her head in mock disappointment. "So rude. And I can't believe you don't want to be soul mates with a space anymore, I'm hurt."
Donut rolls her eyes a smile tugging at her lips. "So...?"
"Well- I have to go to class right now, so I'll let you know after school ok?? I'll definitely think hard on it." Ally winks as she turns to head to her class. Donut nods and gathers her stuff as well, there wasn't much time left to get to class before she was considered tardy. But that was hardly her concern at the moment. This whole thing had gone way better than Donut thought, and she was glad that Ally didn't flat out reject her which would've been quite devastating. On second thought, she also couldn't help but think maybe they really were soulmates.
(Because I can't write that much in one sitting plus I haven't spell checked anything so-)
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Joe & Ronnie
Joe: Hi Joe: There's no gentle way of doing this, so I'll just get to it, I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about it but you're free to ignore this if that's the case Joe: but I've been looking for my half-sister, and I think its you Ronnie: if youre basing that on a family resemblance youve shot yourself in the face like Ronnie: reload & keep looking Joe: Yeah, I know Joe: but I ain't Joe: Aside from coming at you with what's on any facebook profile anyway Joe: do you know your biological mum's name or? Ronnie: whos used facebook in a decade thats your 1st fuck up Ronnie: 2nd to reckoning my dna is any of your business Joe: who's putting their date of birth and hometown anywhere else? Joe: you were born in [hospital] right? Ronnie: phone numbers on toilet walls getting played out Ronnie: yeah & Joe: then it is you Joe: everything adds up, you have the right birthday, right place, right last name, and first, still Ronnie: right colour Ronnie: miss me with your schoolboy maths Joe: its your bio dad that's black Ronnie: fuck you i know that Ronnie: read my file well before you stalked me Joe: so do you know her name or nah Ronnie: it was in there Joe: Tess Vickers Joe: she is your mum Ronnie: i came out of her Ronnie: shes not my fucking mum Ronnie: id know you if she was Joe: 'course Joe: that's what I meant Ronnie: pick your words more careful soft lad Joe: she don't have any more Joe: I ain't had to do this before, like Ronnie: made up for her Ronnie: & you Ronnie: only took her how many years to claim her bastards Joe: I don't know why she didn't, only what she's said Joe: but if you wanted to ask her, I could set that up Ronnie: if it took her a bit to recover from goin black i don't need to ask her about that Ronnie: got my own experiences cheers Joe: is there anything you do Ronnie: if i had any questions id have chucked 'em at her when i aged out Joe: fair enough Joe: you wanna ask me anything then Ronnie: you old enough to be cleaning out your mas skeletons & seein if theyll dance for you Joe: not what I'm doing Joe: but I'm 19 Ronnie: course she never kept herself stitched up for long Ronnie: got a taste for it like Joe: by all accounts she met my dad the same year she had to give you up so Ronnie: bet he was proper comforting Ronnie: fucking hell Joe: Must've been Ronnie: if she kept you longer than the hour yeah Joe: I've got 3 brothers and a sister too Ronnie: when did she meet their dads Joe: we've got the same, like Joe: youngest is nearly 5 Ronnie: shes still alive then Ronnie: impressive Joe: is it? Joe: suppose so Ronnie: he got cash your sperm donor Ronnie: less dangerous game that one Joe: they both do alright now but you'd probably aim higher if that was the game you were playing Ronnie: shifting gear aint no game now or back then Ronnie: but she was small time Ronnie: that hand to mouth shit Joe: yeah, for years Joe: her dad's debts not helping none Ronnie: hes gotta be dead Joe: yeah Joe: year I was born Joe: so new mouth to feed and inheriting the neverending debts of John Joe: must've seemed like a great time to have more 'cos my brother is only a year younger than me 👍 Ronnie: least you aint inherited his name Ronnie: like i said insatiable Joe: thank fuck Ronnie: piss poor addiction but fuck it Ronnie: shes keeping 'em fed & clothed this time 👏 Joe: gutted social don't hand out round of applauses no doubt Joe: know she is for a fact 'cos she ended up working for 'em, and fostering two poor kiddies in need Joe: what do you reckon to her addiction now? Ronnie: sounds about right theyd left her Ronnie: state of the cunts running that show Joe: mhmm Ronnie: white kids are easier to love Ronnie: its on the posters like Joe: in theory Joe: but this way she gets to be obsessed with you from afar Ronnie: pay me enough & ill come press my face longingly against her windows Joe: I'll keep it in mind for her birthday or something Ronnie: fuck all else you wanna rock my world with or what Joe: Hmm Joe: hold up whilst I trawl a lifetime of overshare for any more tidbits Ronnie: she aint rotting by the roadside or ashes i can snort means my hearts already broken Ronnie: take your time Joe: sorry to disappoint Joe: suppose by the time you got to your file, it told you she'd run away from Liverpool, yeah? Ronnie: bullshit are you Ronnie: youre loving having another cunt to share it with Ronnie: whats the matter dont your brothers & sister wanna play Joe: I'm the favourite Joe: favourite that's about Joe: they got the gist but no file for them Ronnie: 💔 Joe: you said Joe: so, what you saying, you care if I tell her I found you or what? Ronnie: if it feels good do it baby Ronnie: why would i care Ronnie: shes not gonna show up Joe: what if she did? Ronnie: no fixed address Joe: I've told you she loves a cause Joe: say you don't wanna see her Ronnie: shooting the messenger aint no kill shot Ronnie: youre not invested in me Joe: I'm not not, clearly Joe: I'm the one looking, ain't I Ronnie: let her look under every rock with you Ronnie: i hope one bashes her skull in Joe: alright Joe: I'll pass it on Ronnie: good boy Ronnie: get that sticker on your reward chart Joe: god I hope so Ronnie: 🙏 Joe: Your profile says you're in London, still true? Ronnie: i don't need you at my door either Joe: 🙄 Ronnie: roll your eyes at me again Joe: 🙄🙄 Ronnie: 🖕🖕 Joe: 😏 Ronnie: what the fuck do you want Joe: I've told you Ronnie: nah Ronnie: spit it out Ronnie: youre circling around it stop being a pussy Joe: how am I? Ronnie: what do you want for fucks sake Joe: meet you Ronnie: its not happening Joe: why not Ronnie: i hate that you exist Ronnie: that she got a 2nd chance & i didnt get 1 Joe: that's fair Joe: you can hate me in person Ronnie: i aint goin to prison for killing you Ronnie: you wish Joe: yeah Joe: oh well Ronnie: take your death wish home Ronnie: or on a different part of the internet Joe: awh, cheers for the sisterly advice Ronnie: shut your mouth Ronnie: i ain't your sister Joe: kk Ronnie: dumping all your bullshit on me dont make us related Joe: we are Joe: you not wanting it don't fight biology Ronnie: her not wanting me cancels it all out Joe: not to me Ronnie: i give a shit how you feel Ronnie: youre a stranger with fuck all i want Joe: you ain't checked what I've got Ronnie: until facebook adds income i dont care Joe: 💔 Ronnie: you must look like your da Ronnie: dont be Joe: well you look like her Joe: not that I've seen yours Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: i dont Joe: yeah you do Joe: [sends pics] Ronnie: shut up Joe: alright Joe: catch you around then Ronnie: get it through your head Ronnie: you wont Joe: what you scared for Ronnie: youre having fun trying to mess me up Ronnie: that aint how i get mine Joe: I'm seriously not Joe: I've got the message though, alright Ronnie: youre seriously throwing all this shit at me like im gonna smile as i eat it Ronnie: what the fuck Joe: I don't expect fuck all Joe: I just wanna know you but if you don't then that's alright Joe: I won't message again Ronnie: bullshit Ronnie: you aint asked about me Ronnie: you wanna bitch about 'em Joe: that's why I wanna meet you Joe: I've thrown enough questions at you for one convo Ronnie: nah you wanna meet me to see if i proper look like her Joe: I've got eyes Ronnie: if thats what you reckon you see they dont fucking work Ronnie: get down the social & claim Joe: you're fine, its not dead ringer levels Ronnie: im fucking fine cause theres none of her in me Joe: I'm glad for you Ronnie: were not family save your lies Ronnie: i dont need any blows softened Joe: its only me bitching Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: & you can save your tears Ronnie: you already cant see fuck all like Joe: what do you want? Ronnie: too late to give a fuck Ronnie: youve shit over me with this Joe: I'm sorry Ronnie: nah Ronnie: sorry for yourself aint the same Joe: Why would I be sorry for me? Joe: I got everything Ronnie: not how youre framing it Joe: why would you believe me Ronnie: not hard to believe mummy dearest loves me best Ronnie: not like she dumped me fast as she could & legged it Joe: she weren't allowed to keep you, she was 14 with a junkie non-dad to look after you both Ronnie: & what she didnt get any older or get her shit together Ronnie: fuck that Joe: did you want her to come 'round and pick you up 4 years later? Ronnie: she had you cunts instead Joe: so she comes and gets you and the social come with and see the fake bailiffs and the bashed in door and we all go back with you Joe: I see the appeal Ronnie: you reckon i had it better Ronnie: thats what this nancy drew bullshit is about Joe: nice one, genius Joe: in what world is that adding up Ronnie: yours Ronnie: in what world would i have not gone with any cunt to get me out of that place then Joe: I'm telling you why she didn't get you, not telling you why you wouldn't wanna be there Ronnie: youre giving me both Ronnie: cant help yourself Joe: they're the same reason Joe: if she tried to get you, they'd say nah 'cos her life was a mess, simple as Ronnie: & yet here you are Ronnie: not a care kid a single day in your fucking life Ronnie: so like i said she got her shit together in the end Joe: she was 18 when I came around and we got taught how to say the right thing to socials and how to shut our mouths the rest Joe: but that's just what she told me Joe: she probably didn't want you, looking back Ronnie: why would she Ronnie: had a new set up with a cunt that stayed Ronnie: cuter kids Joe: 'cos she loved your da the way only a 14 year old girl can Joe: pro and a con in your favour Joe: does she want the reminders or does she not Ronnie: not Ronnie: youre the only pussy walking memory lane Ronnie: aint her looking Joe: yeah, s'me, so why you chatting at me like I'm the one that fucked you off Joe: not productive Ronnie: cause you are Joe: I've gone to leave loads now Joe: you've clearly got shit to say Joe: so just say it at me, I've already offered that n'all Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: i didnt ask for this Ronnie: she was in the ground for all i knew Joe: she still can be Joe: I ain't telling Ronnie: nah you opened your gob & let all that shite out Ronnie: i couldve been about to slit my throat or pull a shift Joe: you could've easily found out she weren't dead yourself too Ronnie: what should it tell you that i didnt Joe: ignorance ain't such bliss I've tipped you over the edge Ronnie: you dont know shit Ronnie: how does yours feel Joe: how do you think Ronnie: i think you should ask if people have got time & space to spin out before you fuck with their heads Ronnie: i think you should go suck a dick mckenna Joe: why should I? Joe: no one asked me and I owe you shit Ronnie: she owes me Ronnie: youre nothing Ronnie: you dont see me knocking cause im not looking for answers & theres fuck all else to collect by the sounds of it Joe: then fucking collect Ronnie: talk to your ma like that Joe: hit me up when you stop being scared Ronnie: keep it up and ill smash in your face Joe: how Joe: you don't wanna meet Ronnie: dont flatter yourself nancy drew Ronnie: i can still kick your door in Ronnie: be like the baliffs are back Ronnie: you can revisit your childhood Joe: now who wants to go for a jaunt down memory lane Ronnie: you wish Joe: 🙏 Ronnie: i reckon your imaginary friends gotta be sick of your bullshit by now Joe: no doubt, nancy drew Ronnie: we cant both be nancy Joe: alright you be sid then Ronnie: still not gonna kill you baby Ronnie: but youre getting warmer Joe: I know, stalked you, remember Ronnie: get a hobby or habit mckenna Ronnie: your little misery boners aint cute Joe: oh I got plenty of thoses Joe: your concern is, kinda Ronnie: youve thrown me into the big sister deep end Ronnie: sounds like how you want it Joe: very obliging Ronnie: unloved kids get it where they can Ronnie: thats on the back of the poster Joe: trust, I know Ronnie: 💔 Joe: not me Joe: never mind, not my sob story to hit you with Ronnie: you only wanna share yours Joe: maybe when we get cosy I'll divulge all the family secrets, sis Ronnie: maybe if you chat shit like that to me again ill choke on my puke Joe: n'awh Ronnie: kill yourself Joe: sure thing Ronnie: very obliging Joe: it was already in the diary tbh Joe: but I'll pop you in the note if that makes you feel 💘 Ronnie: show me yours & ill show you mine Joe: deal Ronnie: 💘 Ronnie: [skippity skip] Ronnie: pick me up Joe: where from Ronnie: [location that's sketchy as all hell] Joe: alright Joe: that should take me 'bout half an hour this time of day Ronnie: im not goin anywhere mckenna Joe: you alright Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: got it Joe: 🚖 📵 Ronnie: important for you to know your place Joe: must be popular with the cabbies 👑 Ronnie: yeah im on a ban Ronnie: look out for my picture hanging Joe: what did you do Joe: vom and not pay the fine one too many times? Ronnie: we taking another trip down memory lane Ronnie: i aint 12 Joe: go on then, what was it Ronnie: the cunt crashed its fuck all to get excited about Joe: did you get hurt? Ronnie: didnt feel it Joe: what about the driver Ronnie: i reckon he felt it Joe: fucked you're stuck with the tube then Joe: 💔 Ronnie: cheers motherfucker Ronnie: cant you drive Joe: 'course I can Joe: where'd your license go, got a story for that and all or? Ronnie: car theft would be a dead good sibling bonding activity Ronnie: but i dont need your help to break a window Joe: another time Ronnie: nah Ronnie: next time some other cunt will pick me up Joe: good thing I didn't specify Joe: tah for keeping me well in the loop of your schedule though Ronnie: other shit in the diary besides blowing my brains out Ronnie: can move it up if you aint gonna shut up Joe: 🤐 Joe: you can keep all your dates Ronnie: made up i am Joe: no need to say thanks, I feel it Ronnie: you wanted to meet up Ronnie: wish granted Joe: I know Joe: reckon blue would suit Ronnie: what Joe: genie Joe: you owe me 2 more, yeah? Ronnie: rubbing me up the wrong way dont count Joe: damn Ronnie: i can do black & blue Joe: changed your mind then Joe: my 🍀 day Ronnie: you got the accent Ronnie: my head cant do subtitles Joe: not really Joe: not proper Joe: some of my younger ones do but they can barely remember Liverpool Ronnie: nothing to be 💔 about Ronnie: its a shithole Joe: least its a shithole with some history Joe: we moved to a newbuild shithole so Joe: win some lose some Ronnie: your boner for history aint that big Joe: you checked what I'm studying? 😏 Ronnie: you dont post about fuck all else Joe: I'm barely outta freshers let me have it Ronnie: dont give me the flu Joe: thought that was just a euphemism Joe: either way, on my life Ronnie: fuck knows Joe: not as much fun as people chat, shockingly Ronnie: what is Ronnie: the shit that feels good is the shit youre meant to keep your mouth shut about Joe: hear hear Ronnie: 💘 Joe: 💘 Joe: you live there or am I picking you up from a mates Ronnie: neither Joe: alright Ronnie: drop me on the other side Joe: no problem Ronnie: then you can go back to wanking over symphonies Joe: you wanna help me with my homework Joe: so nice Ronnie: what are big sisters for Joe: yeah Ronnie: shits fucked up Joe: right Joe: but you can be more specific Ronnie: nah i cant Joe: don't know where to start? Ronnie: it starts with being born Joe: okay, so the starts the easy bit Joe: the middle Joe: we don't have time Ronnie: we aint gonna trauma bond mckenna youve been beaten to it Joe: ah you got a troubled boyfriend Joe: that's cool Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: you heard me say i aint 12 Joe: you know what I mean Ronnie: not very nancy drew if you reckon im that bitch Joe: we can't both be sid Ronnie: touche baby Joe: 💘 Ronnie: im gonna carve up this cunt if you dont pull me out Ronnie: & thatll make him feel too special Joe: who? Joe: I'm nearly there Ronnie: my not boyfriend Ronnie: dont waste romance like that on strangers Joe: sensible Joe: just carve anything but 💘 and he shouldn't get too clingy Ronnie: whats the symphony that gets you off fastest Ronnie: ill do that Joe: Khachaturian's Sabre Dance works as a play on words and should get him to crescendo 👌 Ronnie: hot Joe: orchestra nerds get all the bitches Ronnie: yeah Joe: you aren't a catfish, are you Joe: I mean, I'll recognize you Ronnie: look for your mas face Joe: fuck it, therapy overdue anyway Ronnie: fuck you for saying that Ronnie: making it go round my head Joe: I shouldn't have said that Ronnie: i should stab you Ronnie: all these pieces of mirror Ronnie: fuck him Joe: you can, long as you keep it shallow, or don't mind swinging by the hospital Ronnie: i dont get my kicks at a&e Joe: you'll have to play nice then Ronnie: youll get too clingy Joe: avoid the 💘 Ronnie: some other bitch can have the honours Joe: or has Joe: don't I seem 💔 Ronnie: dont need to hear how you lost your virginity mckenna Joe: noted Joe: save that trip down memory lane for private time Joe: me and mozart Ronnie: explains a shit ton if the conductor is molesting you Ronnie: but not gonna be the sister who tells him where to put that stick he waves about Joe: Mozart was pretty fucked up but I don't reckon it went that far Ronnie: i dont know him 💔 Ronnie: there was a Moz here earlier fuck knows if theyre any relation Joe: You're more a Liszt type, called it Ronnie: what the fuck kind of fuck you is that Joe: 😂 Joe: actually he's considered the world's first rock star, I was being nice Ronnie: shut up Joe: what, you ain't seen the ken russell film with daltrey in? Joe: have a word Ronnie: get a life Joe: tomorrow Joe: maybe Ronnie: i cant fucking believe it had to be you Ronnie: thank fuck i already aint showing my face here again Joe: thought you said you weren't 12 Joe: but I don't need to come in if you don't wanna be embarrassed in front of your mates Ronnie: i said my mates aint here Joe: no need to tell me why you're there Ronnie: where the fuck are you Joe: just got out, 5 minutes Ronnie: i need to get out Ronnie: move it like Joe: alright Joe: come find me then, make it go faster Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: what's wrong Ronnie: if my body would do what it was told i wouldnt need you Ronnie: cant even paint you a fucking picture Joe: right Ronnie: theres a shit load of stairs yeah Ronnie: i cant do 'em Joe: if you're fat I swear to god Ronnie: calm your tits nancy drew Ronnie: you know thats bullshit Joe: I'll trust you ain't catfishing then Ronnie: thats my next tat Ronnie: all for you baby Joe: sweet Ronnie: hurry up Joe: I am Joe: [show up boy] Ronnie: [when you're just there like damsel in distress which ain't you so it makes it more awks] Joe: [what a first meeting just having to carry her away from god knows where like] Ronnie: [just like we don't know each other but just carry me to your vehicle thanks] Joe: [just doing it silently like this is normal] Ronnie: [since I cant find a pic she should go get that tattoo now just casually drag him along] Joe: [once you get the use of your limbs back lol] Ronnie: [lbr its blatantly someone sketchy she knows the state of them all] Joe: [god bless] Ronnie: [when I know its gotta go on her face somewhere cos #triggered by looking like Tess and I'm just screaming like NOOO] Joe: [my boo is horrified and Joe too] Ronnie: [soz you're so cute bitch and you wanna look so ugly] Joe: [lowkey dread to think how annoying the heal time is on a face tat] Ronnie: [blasting that orchestra bop he mentioned earlier as loud as poss cos yeah you searched for it and yeah you don't wanna hear your thoughts or have a convo] Joe: [when you don't run like you should 'cos you too are a crazy person] Ronnie: [match made in heaven lol] Joe: [🔥😈] Ronnie: [does he have any tattoos I have forgotten] Joe: [Oh, I don't think so??? but he probably would in a self-destructive manner too, as long as they could be hidden like his self-harm like go ahead] Ronnie: [just thinking get one now if you want boy #bonding] Joe: [yolo] Ronnie: [ooh what should it be] Joe: [the real question, hmm] Ronnie: [perfect excuse to be staring at each other while that's happening though cos you can't be moving all about] Joe: [but of course] Ronnie: [Joe can move around more cos not on his fucking head but] Joe: [probably get a cherry or something for the lols] Ronnie: [love that for you Joseph]
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