#This I can put on repeat forever and never get tired of it.
thegalleonsnest · 10 months
Sizzling Sands is still one of my favorite tracks in the game, full stop. Nothing will top the vibes and chill factor of running around a big open desert with that shit slapping in background.
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hexastitchimera · 4 months
Genuine observation, no sass and no disrespect, but being someone who is chronically OFFline & an active volunteer/activist for over a decade, and seeing what people say is "crucial discourse" online is... Quite the trip, honestly.
#vee vibrates#I understand that some things are more important to others than they are to me but.#I really need people to understand that sometimes you're better off volunteering at a shelter of ANY kind if you want to commit real change.#Online advocacy is crucial but man am I worried as hell for the kids that don't seem to understand that offline is even moreso.#And being disabled + queer myself I know that it can (and often is) a safety and accessibility issue but zoouniverse.org exists.#That website where you solve history and math quizzes to give rice to impovrished families is online.#Just. Anything that puts this aggressive “”advocacy“” to rest. Ego will be the death of us and we don't need anymore of it.#And if anybody reads this and finds themselves getting upset ask yourself this: Why does this upset me? Do I see myself in this?#Because you'd know that I am speaking out of genuine desperation when I say all of this.#I am not any better than any online activist just because I do a lot of work offline.#I am just so fucking tired of seeing people misdirect their rightful frustrations and fall further prey to the elites' divisive desires.#Is it so much to ask of you all to finally be angry at those who truly make our lives miserable? Or are we just going to keep playing cop?#At the end of the day it's your choice. I cannot force you. However you will grow old one day and look back. Remember that.#I for one don't want to have any regrets about any time I wasted on bigots and trolls and people who have already decided on their opinions.#I want to look back and be grateful for the opportunity to help so many people as many helped me in my direst times of need.#I think that's the difference here. A lot of online folk didn't go through the poverty & severe abuse & bigotry I faced since I was born.#I went through hell and came out kinder in the end because I was at the end of the proverbial whip myself at several points before 16.#But trauma doesn't make you compassionate. You choose to be. And I choose to never repeat the cycle.#The day I do is the day I've lost both my mind and my spirit. I will never repeat my family's & abusers' horrific mistakes.#I will be kinder to a world that needs kindness now more than ever. Even if I scream my throat out forever doing so.#I don't need a voice to be heard.#Anyways sorry. I woke up on the desparate side of the bed. Thank you to all who fight the good fight.#Despite everything I've said I have so much more faith and hope now more than ever. We will prevail.#And thank you if you read all of these tags?? Safety love and solidarity to you you're the MVP. ;_; 💜
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UPDATE What's up, it's the proposal guy. You said you wanted to know how this turned out, so I figured I'd tell you. First some context though, because I'm mean and I wanna keep you in suspense longer.
1- I don't wanna doxx us so I'm not telling you where we live, but suffice to say, neither of us are American, and gay marriage has been legal here for less than five years. For both of us, this is the first relationship we've had where marriage was even an OPTION, and I think that's where we've been getting some of that whole 'this has to be a REAL proposal with EVERYTHING' idea.
2- I gotta figure out how to explain this properly. So, I'm pretty used to being the GUY guy in relationships? I was always the one who did the nice gestures, not the one they got done for. Before I met my dream guy, I didn't really notice or care that it was such a thing, I just assumed that's how shit worked. Also, I promised I wouldn't talk a lot about his stuff here, but his last boyfriend before me SUCKED. Anyway point here is, it turns out we both REALLY like feeling swept off our feet sometimes, and a big part of finding each other has been getting to feel special for once? That's a stupid sappy way of putting it the point here is I think all that's what morphed into "I need to be the one getting proposed to, also it has to be completely perfect", and then our Petty & Extra genes got involved.
So I'm sitting in bed thinking about all that up there, and watching all the comments coming in basically being like "Dude, you are BLOWING this" on repeat, and telling me to compromise, and I look up and see him flossing in the bathroom and making all these doofy faces at the mirror, and it's like a switch just flips in my brain, and I'm like "Oh, I'd rather he gets to have his perfect proposal than we both have an okay one". I'm gonna do it.
Morning rolls around, and while I'm 'out for my jog like normal' I hit up a pawn shop for a temp ring (the ring pop thing is cute but NOT HIM). I found one I was at least confident wouldn't get ruined the first time he got his hands greasy (he fixes old machines as a hobby it's hot as hell), got back home, and hid the box in the toe of my nasty ass workout shoes in the bedroom closet, since I figured he'd check there last.
He was still asleep, because he stays up late no matter what and then is SHOCKED he's tired the next day, so I called and booked a table at our usual anniversary spot. (Side note about the 'he picks bad restaurants' thing. This isn't an 'I like Greek, you like Chinese' situation, dude's just BAD at finding places. He either assumes pricey is tasty and I get to eat some overrated gourmet bullshit, or he'll try and find something hip and underground and risk giving us food poisoning again, and he REFUSES to give up and pick somewhere we've been before when it's his turn to plan date night. I'm obsessed with him <3.) Date was set, I'd propose on the 21st.
Some of you might have noticed this, but fun fact! It's currently the 16th.
Last night I'm doing dishes and he's been sent to our room for mug collection duty, and he's taking FOREVER, so I go check just in case he found the ring, because the man's a gift tracking BLOODHOUND. Turns out he hasn't, he's found my Angry Box.
I assume other people have an Angry Box? Basically, we had this huge messy fight right when we first moved in together, and I never wanna let it get that bad again, so I have this shoebox where I keep a bunch of our stuff I can look at if we're fighting and hopefully cool off. There's one of those photo booth roll things, letters we wrote when he moved back with his parents for COVID, the wine cork from our first date, shit like that. Anyway, he's just sitting on the floor staring at it, and I explain about the Angry Box, and then he! Proposes!!! Kind of.
He definitely didn't have anything prepared, because by 'propose' I mean 'ugly cried & rambled at me for several minutes before I figured out it WAS a proposal', but once I got on the same page it was amazing. I said yes, and he had to admit he didn't have a ring for me because he was CONVINCED he'd win and I'd do it, so I grabbed mine because, yeah, he was right. He was like "this is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" and I was like yeah well the plan is to replace it later and he went "No. You can pry this off my cold dead fingers. After I'm buried with it." So I guess it's not a temporary ring anymore.
I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to this morning. I pointed out we still have the reservation, and he said I should propose there anyway because "We can get a free dessert. They have those creme brulee shot glasses you like. And for love, or something" and I said ok deal, but that means you gotta get me a ring to keep it fair, and his eyes LIT UP. When I swung by his work for lunch he was still on the phone with a jeweler and he had a whole page of notes on three other ones. Pray for me.
OH PS: I was RIGHT that he'd been the one behind the cat biting me, but it wasn't about the proposal stuff, it's because I paid my baby sister three dollars to shout 'fuck you' every single time he enters a room she's in for (if you ask me, he should be madder at my sister for charging so little), and he did it by giving her a bunch of treats for biting his hands too, so now neither of us can pet our baby girl without oven mitts on. HOLY SHIT I love this man.
Oh my goddddddd I love everything about this <333 I awwww'd out loud on a voice call, like, six times while reading. You two are friggin perfect for each other and so obviously smitten with each other and I wish y'all all the happiness in the world
PS Are y'all planning to have a big wedding? If so oh boy I can't WAIT to get that one in the inbox
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smileysuh · 4 months
comfort cuisine
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🌙 starring. Johnny Suh x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. You’ve never felt a feral need like this before, but it’s not necessarily the primal type of drive. Instead, it’s a feeling of wanting to be close to this man- who you’ve been next to for so many years, but unable to touch. Except, he’s touching you now, and you want more.
tw/cw. unprotected sex, breast worship/massaging, big dick Johnny, fingering, pussy stretching prep, 'it's finger licking good,' praise, dirty talk, masturbation, multiple reader orgasms, cumming together, creampie, soft sex, longing, fluff, etc… I pet names: (hers) honey.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 10.8k
🍭 aus. aged up/widower dad!John, best friends to lovers, Chef!John, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I'm so happy that people loved Line Chef Mark in my fic Real Talk, I received so many messages about giving Head Chef John his own love story, and this is what I came up with in the past four months :) it's a little different from what I normally do, but I wanted to continue with that 'slice of life' theme and venture into a plot line I've never tried before with widower/single dad John :)
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“I’m so sorry about this,” Johnny’s voice distracts you from the breakfast you’re making, and you turn around from the bacon to look at your friend. “I really wish I didn’t have to keep calling you and asking for favours like this-”
“Johnny,” you shut his rambling up with a pointed expression, “stop, it’s okay.”
“It’s not-”
“John,” you repeat, “seriously, we’re good. Given… the circumstances, I honestly don’t mind.”
The circumstances… neither of you can bring yourselves to say it. You know that if you say it… if you say ‘I don’t mind helping out since the death of your wife’ Johnny will just about break down, and he doesn’t have time to do that, not when he’s got to be at work for seven am, prepping the kitchen and getting ready for the day.
Even by calling this situation a ‘circumstance,’ you can see a half glazed expression overtake Johnny’s face. He’s frozen for a moment, and you take the time to study him.
You think it’s safe to say neither of you expected any of this to happen. 
You’d met him in culinary school- he’d been a young guy, a new dad who’d had a daughter at nineteen, with dreams of opening his own sandwich food truck, ‘like Subway, but gourmet,’ he’d always explained. 
Now, he’s a twenty four year old wreck, doing his best to climb the ladder in the food service industry, mourning the loss of his late wife, struggling to take care of his daughter, his dreams of a food truck long since forgotten in favour of chasing a head chef status to earn him enough of a salary to pay for everything in a one income household-
“Seriously,” your words snap the single dad back from his zone out, “we’re good. I’m making breakfast for Soonbok, I’ve got her lunch packed, I’ll take her to kindergarten, pick her up after- you just have to remember I have a night shift, gotta be at my own restaurant by five at the latest.”
“Five, yeah,” Johnny nods, swallowing thickly and toying with his daughters small pink backpack. “One day, I’ll be higher up on the food chain, and I’ll have better hours- I promise this isn’t a forever thing.”
“It’s an ‘as long as it needs to happen’ thing, okay? Don’t sweat it,” you assure him. “Here,” you take some of the crispy bacon out of the pan, putting it onto a scrambled egg bagel you’d prepared, “you need breakfast too.”
Johnny just about melts looking at the food. “You’re so good to me.”
You offer him a smile. “That’s what friends are for.”
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Johnny swears his age is catching up to him. It’s not even four oclock and he’s feeling tired, letting out a groan as he says goodbye to the nightshift guys and heads to change out of his head chef attire in the staff bathroom. He’d turned thirty this year, and as he looks at his face in the mirror, he thinks he’s starting to see it.
On his way out of the back door, Johnny bumps into one of his line cooks. Mark Lee is pressed to the wall where people usually lean to smoke, his girlfriend closing him in with her hands on either side of his head. Back when she was expo, everyone used to call her Sunshine, but in her dealings with Mark Lee, Johnny’s come to realize that he’s the angel, not her. 
“Aren’t you two on the clock?” Johnny jokes as he walks past.
Sunshine pulls away from Mark, offering the head chef a grin. “We’re on a vape break.”
“Sure you are,” Johnny laughs, shaking his head.  “See you two back in there, better only be five more minutes.”
“Aren’t you done for the day?” Mark asks, confusion written on his face, along with lipstick marks that he’s hurrying to wipe off.
“Grabbing happy hour with a friend, but be careful Mark Lee, I’m always watching. Just because I’m sitting at the bar doesn’t mean I’m not judging you.”
Johnny can hear Mark mutter something under his breath, and Sunshine is quick to try to calm him down, but as Johnny turns the corner to head to the front entrance of the restaurant, he hears the back door open and close, signaling the end of the little ‘vape break.’
When Johnny joins you at the bar, you’re chatting with Jeno, and the sight makes an unexplainable emotion tingle up his spine. Out of all the front of house staff here, Jeno might just be the biggest manwhore, and he’s had a thing for cougars for a while, although there’s only a handful of years difference between the two of you-
“What are you guys talking about?” John asks, taking a seat on the dark green leather hightop stools surrounding the bar.
“Which virgin drinks are the best,” you respond casually. “I was going to get an iced tea, but Jeno convinced me to try one of your new virgin lemon ginger fizzes.”
“That’s called upselling, honey, you should know that, seeing as you’re in the industry,” Johnny grins.
“Yeah, well, you’re the one who invited me here, so I figured you’d be paying.” You take a sip of your straw, looking at Johnny with a smirk, a playful glint in your eyes. 
“Are we getting food?” Johnny asks. “I might as well take care of that for you too.”
“I’ve got time,” you respond casually. “Don’t work for an hour, lets get our ‘nosh’ on.”
Johnny can only laugh at your antics, turning to Jeno, who’s watching with an amused grin. Everyone here knows you and Johnny are close, you come here often enough to see him, the two of you catching each other for a half an hour here or there between his day shifts and your night commitments. 
Johnny orders three appetizers off the happy hour menu, two things he knows you like, and one that’s more up his alley. “Make sure Yuta isn’t back there slacking off,” Johnny warns Jeno, knowing that two of the items will be coming from the ‘bottom end’ of the expo line, which is where Yuta runs the show after Johnny’s off.
“I’m sure he’ll pull out all the stops for our MVP,” Jeno grins, typing the order into an ipad. “Do you want a beer? We’ve got new rotators.”
“Don’t bother trying to upsell me,” Johnny scoffs. “House Lager, and don’t fuck around with the foam.”
“You run a tight ship here, captain,” you tease, bumping Johnny’s elbow.
“Speaking of-”
“Don’t try to recruit me to work here again,” you’re quick to warn.
“Damn it,” Johnny shakes his head, pretending to be quite upset about your rejection. He does feel it- he does think you’d be a great member of the team, and he’d love to offer you a dual head chef position, but it’s not in his power to do so, and that fact haunts him every day. Working for a company limits what he’s able to do, and sometimes, even at age thirty, Johnny still thinks about his dream to open a food truck, with you by his side. “No, in all seriousness, I wanted to talk to you about Soonie’s birthday.”
“Right, she’s turning eleven soon, that’s quite the milestone,” you grin, playing with your straw.
“I asked Doyoung if I could open early for her birthday, it’s a Sunday, I was thinking some of her friends and their parents could come in for a brunch an hour before we’re open for the public.”
“That’s a great idea!”
“Here’s the catch, Soonie was raised on your breakfast food. As much as I try to make things for her, and I hate to admit this, by the way, she always says your cooking is better. So I was thinking… maybe you’d want to come in that day and help me out with all of this. With your skills, I wouldn’t need Hyuck and Mark, it could be just us, and I’m sure we could make a birthday breakfast Soonbok would never forget. It would be like old times, like back when we were in culinary school.”
He loves the way you’re smiling at him, giving him space to rant. 
When he’s done, you cock your head to the side, only wasting one beat before you say, “I’ll do it.”
“Really? I don’t have to bribe you with money or anything?”
“Jeeze, have I ever asked you for money, John?” You smack at his arm, clearly slightly offended. “I’m doing this for Soonie… and maybe a little for you too.”
“Don’t go soft on me, killer,” Johnny teases. “Everyone around here’s too soft these days.”
“Says the softest dad I know,” you roll your eyes. 
“Shh,” he warns, “don’t say that loud enough for Jeno to hear.”
“As if everyone doesn’t already know.”
The two of you continue to chat and joke, a short while later, the head manager, Doyoung, shows up carrying food. It’s funny for Johnny to see Doyoung balancing two items on one arm, the third in the palm of his hand, but he supposes Doyoung started somewhere too, the same way John had. 
“VIP happy hour appetizers,” Doyoung sighs, setting the food down. 
“As opposed to regular happy hour appetizers?” you grin, immediately reaching for a fry.
“These are special,” Doyoung insists, “pretty sure Yuta spit in them.”
Doyoung is a pretty regal man, he’s not one to joke around- but for some reason, when Doyoung is in your vicinity, he loosens up a little. Everyone loosens up around you, you radiate a safe space kind of energy, the kind of energy that makes Johnny’s tense shoulders relax, his smile softening.
“Then I’ll be sure to eat all of this,” you respond. “Tell Yuta more spit.”
Doyoung shakes his head at you. “I’m sure Johnny’s tried to poach you already, but if you ever want a job, you can have his.”
“Hey!” Johnny laughs.
“I’ll consider it,” you grin.
“And I expect a plate of food for this brunch thing,” Doyoung continues. “I’ve heard nothing beats your breakfasts, even though you work nights.”
“Someone has been talking about me again,” you muse, eyes shifting to John.
“What can I say?” He holds his hands up in defense. “I speak only the truth.”
“Your reputation precedes you,” Doyoung insists. “Anyways, have fun you two, I’ve got food to run, our new expo girl isn’t filling Sunshine’s shoes too well.”
There’s a glint in Doyoung’s eye before he scurries away, and Johnny turns to watch the new expo girl practically short circuiting with take out orders on the line. 
“Poor girl,” you sigh. “It takes a certain kind of person to work in a restaurant.”
And an even more specific type to do what the two of you do as chefs.
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You’ve been on a few first dates this year, and this one is definitely a bottom three. You’ve had one drink, and you already feel like finding a way to slip out early. 
Initially, you’d been intrigued by dating a man in finance, but it’s clear now that you’re in two completely different worlds- and to make matters worse, he mostly talks about himself. He’s oozing this obnoxious confidence that makes you grimace every time you sip your drink, and not from the alcohol.
Your date is in the bathroom when Johnny calls.
“Hey, you!” His voice warms your heart. “So Soonie is at a sleep over tonight, and I was thinking about making a Soonbok style menu for her birthday, all Soonie style names for food and such, planning a menu just for her- are you up to anything? Can I go through it with you?”
“Actually…” your gaze shifts to the bathrooms, “I’m on a date.”
“It’s going so bad, and planning Soonie’s birthday would be such a better use of my evening. Listen, can you come pick me up? I’ll text you the address, you can come and call me when you’re outside, pretend it’s a family emergency or something-”
“You got it, I’ll be there right away.”
Fifteen minutes later, you’re hopping into Johnny’s car, letting out a deep sigh of relief.
“That bad, huh?” he asks.
“I don’t even want to talk about it right now,” you groan. 
“Here, distract yourself,” Johnny hands you a piece of paper, and you realize it’s a mock up menu for Soonbok’s birthday. “This is just a prototype, I was messing around with styles on some fucking site called Canva-”
“I didn’t know you were good at this sort of thing,” you gasp, taking in the intricate fonts and colouring.
“The site did all the work, trust me,” Johnny scoffs, pulling out into traffic. “Read it over and let me know what you think.”
You begin to scan the menu. There’s Soonie Side Up Eggs, and Boken Avocado Bennies, Soonbok Style Slapjacks and Suh Family Breakfast Sammies. 
“I’m shocked you came up with this many names related to Soonie and Suh,” you say.
“I spent my entire shift thinking about them in the back of my mind while I worked,” Johnny admits. “They’re not cheesy or anything, right?”
“They’re definitely cheesy,” you confirm, “but Soonie is going to love them. You’ve always been cheesy, John, and she adores you for it.”
You notice Johnny’s skin turning a little red, and it’s not just from the reflection of the traffic light illuminating the inside of his car while you wait for it to go green. 
You continue to study the menu, thinking hard the entire way back to Johnny’s house.
He’s got a modest three bedroom townhouse, with his and Soonbok’s rooms on the top floor, and the guest bedroom on the main floor with the kitchen and living room. The kitchen is, without a doubt, the heart of the home, and the two of you make your way there as soon as you’re past the threshold.
“I have some thoughts,” you admit, setting the menu down and pointing at one of the items. “Soonbok toast,” you announce, a twist on french toast, “it says here that it comes with a berry compote. I can tell that this is one of the dishes more geared toward others, because if this was really for Soonie, you’d know that your daughter doesn't even touch berry or apple crisps. She picks at the oat brown sugar on top, but doesn’t like cooked berries or fruits.”
“Yeah…” Johnny leans next to you, scratching the back of his neck. “That was the only one I wasn’t sure on, but for brunch, you have to have a french toast option, right?”
“We can still do french toast, but I think every menu item should be something she’d actually love, don’t you agree?”
“A hundred percent.” 
“What if, instead of berry compote, we do an brown sugar glaze type sauce?”
“That could be doable,” Johnny admits. “Should we try to make one now?”
“Can we do it in the morning?” you ask. “Honestly, I had one drink at the bar, I’m tired after a long shift, and I’m ready to have a few more drinks then pass out.”
“Drinks are a good idea,” Johnny grins, already heading to the fridge. “It will give me more time to think about how to make the brown sugar glaze, and I’ll get on top of that in the morning.”
“Exactly. Chef hours are over, we can just relax,” you insist, heading to collapse on his couch.
“Chef hours are never over,” Johnny reminds you, cracking open a beer and approaching so he can hand it to you.
“It’s one of the reasons dating is so hard in our profession,” you sigh, taking a swig of your drink.
“The hours make it tough,” Johnny nods. 
“So does the mentality,” you remind him. “We just… we think a little differently than others. We’re all a little too committed to our work.”
“That’s not always a bad thing, you’ve just gotta find someone you’re compatible with, someone who will appreciate that about you.” 
“Says one single chef to the other,” you laugh.
Johnny clinks his bottle against your own before taking a large gulp. “Touche.”
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Johnny is doing his best to work quietly, aware that the guest bedroom is just a short distance from the kitchen as he whips up eggs for the french toast batter. 
He manages to get all the way through to the cooking before you sleepily putter into the kitchen, adorned in one of his spare shirts for when you sleep over unexpectedly. You look adorable, but Johnny can’t bring himself to focus on you as he perfects the brown sugar glaze, careful not to burn it.
“Almost done,” he calls over his shoulder, “take a seat then try this with me?”
“It smells good,” you tell him, pulling out a chair at the island kitchen counter. 
“Thanks, honey, I was up last night thinking about it- had to wake up early to try it out.” He lifts the french toast onto a plate, dipping a spoon into the glaze to coat the breakfast. “I hope I didn’t wake you up?”
“The smell did,” you muse, grinning as he brings the french toast toward you, setting it down and opening a drawer to retrieve two sets of utensils.
The two of you cut into the toast, and you lift your fork. “Cheers,” you grin, and Johnny touches his food to your own before you both go in for a bite. 
The french toast is cooked to perfection, and although the brown sugar glaze is a little sweet for his liking, Johnny knows Soonie’s sweettooth will appreciate this adjustment to the recipe.
But when Johnny lifts his gaze to you, he sees apprehension in your eyes. “Did you like it?” he enquires.
“It’s really good, don’t get me wrong,” you assure him quickly, “I just think… maybe it’s missing one or two things.”
“Like what?”
“Mmm…” you cock your head to the side, “we both know Soonbok is a fan of nuts, peanut butter is her usual go to but she likes others too- what if we finely chop some pecan or walnut and add that in somehow?”
“That could work,” Johnny nods. 
“Do you mind if I take a crack at it?” you ask. 
Johnny laughs. There are very few people he’ll allow to use his kitchen, and luckily you’re the one at the top. You’ve been cooking here for so many years that he doesn’t have to guide you to anything, you stand up and immediately go in search of details to make your french toast masterpiece come to life, and Johnny happily takes a back seat while he finishes his own creation.
You go for a bag of pecans, dumping a small amount onto a cutting board before you begin to finally chop, leaving an array of different sizes of chunks. Soonie has always been a texture specific child, and Johnny loves how you incorporate all the little quirks of his daughter into your cooking like this.
In a pan with some butter, you begin to toast the nuts, getting prepped on your bread by using the already made batter he’d created earlier. As you put the toast into the pan and check the nuts, you cock your head to the side again, an endearing trait you do when you’re thinking.
“What about oats?” you suggest. 
“Do whatever you think is best,” Johnny encourages you, heading to the fridge to grab some orange juice and a nearly empty bottle of prosecco he’d opened for a recipe two nights ago.
Johnny watches you add oats to the browning pecans while he makes mimosas, and in no time at all, you’re plating the french toast, with a spoonful of the newly toasted additions, and a few spoonfuls of brown sugar glaze.
“There,” you announce, bringing the food to the table. “I added a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar to the buttered nuts and oats while you were making drinks.”
“Cheers,” Johnny grins, lifting a forkful of your creation to gently touch it to your own.
As soon as he bites into it, Johnny knows that this is a winner. The crunch of the nuts, and the oats- the added fats of the butter- the slight taste of cinnamon on the toppings- 
“Wow,” he breathes, leaning back in his chair. “Soonie really wasn’t joking when she said you’re the best breakfast chef in town.”
“Stop it,” you laugh. “You made the glaze! We did this together!”
Johnny goes for a second bite. “This is the stuff that will stick to your ribs,” he muses, not caring that the calorie content was just inflated by the addition of butter and nuts, “Good ol’ comfort food.”
“No, John, you’re a head chef now, this is comfort cuisine,” you correct him with a grin. 
Johnny swears your eyes are sparkling as you smile at him, and it makes his heart skip a beat in his chest. It’s times like these that he realizes just how smitten he is with you. You’ve been there for him, through thick and thin. There’s no way he’d be where he is now without you, and he’s not even sure if you know the full extent of it.
But at the same time, because you’re his rock, Johnny doesn’t want to overstep. He can’t lose you, not now, not ever. Soonie lost her mom to a car crash when she was three, and there’s no way in hell Johnny’s going to do something that could potentially make her lose you too.
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“Hey, you,” you grin, finishing pouring your glass of wine while you put your favourite chef on speaker.
“Hey, yourself,” Johnny responds, and you can practically hear the smile in his own voice. “Listen, uh, I need to ask you for a favour.”
“Two of my line chefs called in today before dinner- pretty sure they’re both hungover or something. Anyways, I’m staying, and it’s a busier night than projected- Soonie is done Girl Guides at seven, and I know it’s your night off, so if you’re busy I can find someone else, but-”
“I’ve got you,” you interrupt him. “Girls night with my favourite girl is a better plan than I had.”
“Really? You sure?”
“A hundred percent.”
“I’d say I owe you one, but at this point, I probably owe you more like a thousand.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you laugh, pouring your wine back into the bottle. “Take care of work, and I’ll take care of our girl.”
A couple hours later, you’re in Johnny’s familiar kitchen, making spiced popcorn and virgin cocktails. Soonie wants to be a chef, just like her dad, and she’s getting better every day. You love giving her soft instructions and lending a helping hand on bigger jugs of juice that her tiny fingers can’t quite hold.
Soonbok has a love for all things disney and music, and although this is probably the third time you’re watching it with her, the two of you settle in for the live action Ariel.
While Johnny is primarily a chef, back when you were in culinary school, he used to sing to himself when he was working. He was always quiet, but loud enough for you to listen to his beautiful voice. Like her father, Soonbok has a way with music, and you adore watching the eleven year old belt out Ariel songs.
She’s tuckered out from Girl Guides however, and about halfway into the movie she cuddles up next to you, her eyelids beginning to droop.
When Johnny comes home as the film is ending, Soonie is fast asleep, and you quickly motion at him to be quiet as he steps through the door.
Johnny is careful as he sets his keys and bag down, kicking off his shoes and putting away his jacket. He tiptoes toward the two of you. “How long has she been out?” he whispers.
“Half an hour or so,” you respond in a hushed tone. “How was work?”
He lets out a sigh. “Could have been better, but I’m home now. Should I get this little one to bed?”
You nod, watching the way Johnny bends down to gently lift his daughter off the couch. She stirs in his arms. “Daddy?”
“Hi, Soonie,” he beams down at her. “Did you have a good girls night?”
“Can y/n stay longer?”
Johnny’s eyes shift to you, and a smile forms on your lips. “I guess I can’t say no to Soonie, can I?”
“Here’s the deal, Soonie, y/n can stay longer, but I’ve gotta put you to bed. You had a long day, didn’t you, sweet girl?”
“Uh huh.” Soonie yawns, cuddling closer to Johnny’s chest, and the sight makes you melt.
Johnny carries her out of the living room and up to the second level. He takes some time tucking her in, and then he comes back down to join you, holding two beers in his hands. 
“So two line chefs called in, huh?” you prompt, tucking your legs up and making room for the large man on the sofa.
“I expected it from Haechan, but Mark’s generally pretty reliable. His girlfriend was on shift today, so I know he wasn’t skipping to be with her- I’m guessing they got pretty messed up last night.”
“They’re young,” you point out, accepting a beer from him. “We used to be young.”
“Used to be,” Johnny laughs, taking a swig of his drink. 
Looking at this man- this father, you realize maybe he never really got the chance to be young. At twenty five, he had a six year old, he wasn't running around blacking out and getting hung over, he was working his way up the employment ladder, dreaming about a better future for his daughter.
“You mentioned Mark has a girlfriend, I think I’ve heard about her a few times now, it’s interesting that she was in and he wasn’t.”
“I’m going to be honest, I love Mark, he’s a great kid- but, he can sometimes be peer pressured into things. Haechan has a hold on Mark unlike any I’ve seen, they bring out… interesting sides of each other.”
You laugh at the description, and it’s clear there’s more on Johnny’s mind, so you wait for him to continue. 
“It’s nice that Mark is young and in love, I can understand that- but at the same time, I just hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes I did. Not that Soonbok is a mistake, of course- I just mean that… life is fragile. You think you’re going to be with someone forever, and then you’re reminded of how frail things can be.”
You frown at his words. Even after all of these years, Johnny still holds so much pain about his lost wife. You want to do your best to help Johnny in every aspect of his life, especially emotional, but this is a topic you never know how to approach. He’s right for grieving, his ex was his first love, his true love- how is there anything you could ever say to make him feel better about her passing?
You open your mouth, only to close it, and Johnny watches you intently. Sometimes he looks at you, the way he’s looking at you right now, and you wonder if he feels the same level of connection with you that you feel with him. You wonder if he wants you to kiss him, if a kiss would make him feel better, if it would - if even for a moment - help him forget about the pains he’s faced in his life.
But it’s because of the pains he’s faced that neither of you can close the distance, you’d like to think about it that way at least. Even after all these years, it’s still too early, so you simply reach out and gently squeeze his hand.
Johnny offers you a smile, and you’re glad that in some small way, maybe you’ve helped him.
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It’s a pretty slow day after the lunch rush, so Johnny is sitting in the back office with Doyoung while they pick at their food. They often eat together once things settle down, and today is no different. 
What is different, however, is the topic of conversation Doyoung brings up. “How’s y/n doing?” he asks, taking a bite of his salad.
“She’s good. She helped me lock in a french toast recipe for Soonie’s birthday, so that was pretty helpful.”
“That’s nice,” Doyoung nods, “but I’m more interested in what’s going on between the two of you.”
“What do you mean?” Johnny asks, looking up from his schezwan beef noodle bowl. 
“I mean, you two have been friends for a long time. There’s a lot of history there.”
Johnny’s shocked that Doyoung is bringing this up. Out of all of the chef’s coworkers, he had not pegged Doyoung as being the man to bring up relationship gossip, and the whole thing takes him off guard for a moment. 
“We’re good friends,” Johnny says finally.
“I know that,” Doyoung rolls his eyes. “What’s holding you back from being more? It’s clear how much you two care about each other.”
Johnny looks down at his food, using his chopsticks to play around with a red pepper. “We do care about each other,” he confirms. “She was there for me with Soonie when no one else was, and I’ll always be grateful for that.”
“So why don’t you tell her how you really feel about her?” Doyoung presses. “It’s obvious in the way you look at each other- a smart woman like y/n, I’m shocked she hasn’t figured it out for herself by now.”
“I think, because of our history, there’s this… invisible line,” Johnny tries to explain. “Things are good the way they are now, if I try to mess with that… I could lose everything. And I wouldn’t just be losing it for myself, I’d be losing it for Soonie too.”
Doyoung lets out a breath, turning to face Johnny. “I get that it’s hard, but, you’ve got two paths ahead of you. If you give it a try, it could either end well, or badly. But if you keep yourself in this weird middle friend zone place, it’s like you’ve created a house at the crossroads, and that will never lead you anywhere.”
“When did you become so wise about love?” Johnny scoffs.
“Sumi has helped me with it,” Doyoung admits. “I met her here, we started off as friends. I’m her manager, so I had my own reasons for never taking the leap. I had my own house at the crossroads.”
“What made you finally give it a try?”
“She was there for me when my dad died,” Doyoung frowns. “Anyone can be there for you when things go badly, but when a woman truly gives her all to making things easier on you- it’s not something that should be ignored. After everything you and y/n have been through, you both deserve to give it a try.”
“How are you so sure she’d want to give it a try?”
“Because she looks at you the way you look at her.”
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Cooking with Johnny might just be the easiest thing in the world. You’d thought that, due to it being Soonie’s birthday, maybe tensions would be high, but as the two of you collaborate in the kitchen, bumping hips and easily communicating, things feel as they always have: easy. 
Within fifteen minutes, the two of you have seamlessly cooked thirteen breakfasts for yourselves, Soonie, her four friends, and six adults… well, seven, if you include the Boken Avocado Bennies you’d whipped up for Doyoung.
While there are a number of staff puttering around doing pre-opening tasks, it’s Doyoung who takes the time to help you and Johnny bring all the food to the table. You love watching the stoic manager announce the Soonie-inspired brunch food names, and it’s clear that Soonbok is also enamoured by the shift in Doyoung’s countenance. 
Before everyone begins to eat, you take a group picture on Johnny’s phone, loving the massive smile on Soonie’s face.
As you’re about to sit down, Johnny asks one of the other moms to take a picture of just you, him and Soonie. With the two of you on either side of the birthday girl, you can’t help but think that this feels like a family picture. 
In a way, Johnny and Soonie are your family- but in the same breath, you’re cognisant of the fact that - had circumstances been different - it would be Soonbok’s mom in this picture right now, and not you. These are shoes that can simply never be filled, no matter how much you wish you could.
The thought isn’t one you like to hold on to, and it’s a thought that’s popped into your head innumerable times throughout the years. Taking your seat next to the birthday girl, you watch her try the french toast, her eyes lighting up.
On top of her own food, Soonie picks at yours and Johnny’s. Both of you are more than happy to share so she can taste more than just one of the special items Johnny had concocted for her. 
Brunch is full of laughter and girlish giggles that light up the deserted restaurant. It’s clear how important Johnny has made Soonie feel today, and that brings you more joy than you could ever express out loud. 
As things wind down, you and Johnny begin clearing plates to the dishpit. The two of you are shoulder to shoulder, and you’re overwhelmed by an odd sense of longing that you can’t quite describe.
Johnny turns to you, mouth opening as if he’s about to say something- but as servers pass behind you, it’s clear that there’s no room for him to say whatever it is that he wanted to say to you.
You clear your throat, watching a line chef pop up next to Johnny to stack the dishes for dishwasher prep. “You should go back to Soonie,” you tell him, “I’ll finish up with the cleanup.”
“Are you sure?” he asks.
“Of course, it’s Soonie’s day, go be with her.” You offer him a smile, and Johnny reacts by reaching out to squeeze your hand.
Without another word, he leaves you to your thoughts, and the feeling of need that’s growing steadier and steadier in your chest.
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Johnny doesn’t know quite what to do with himself. Soonie’s birthday was yesterday, and today's day shift had been quite slow. He’s feeling restless with Soonie over at a friend’s place tonight, and he tries to drown himself in liquor- whether it be to chase away the loneliness or to gain courage, he’s not sure, but by nine oclock, Johnny finds himself dialing up your number.
“Hey, you,” you answer.
“Hey, yourself,” he grins. “Watcha up to?”
There’s a pause, and Johnny can hear people in the background. “I’m out actually.”
“Oh?” Johnny’s spirits dampen. “Out on another hot date?”
“Not so hot actually.”
Johnny bites at his lip. “I’ll let you go anyways.”
“It’s alright, I stepped out when you called. Do you need something?”
“I guess…” Johnny takes a breath. “I got into the liquor-”
“Say no more, I’ll be right over.”
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“So…” Johnny grins as the two of you head into his kitchen, “how did the date go?”
You scoff, watching him pour a glass of wine. “How do you think it went? I’m here with you, aren’t I?”
“I mean… I am pretty hard to compete with,” Johnny flashes you a sexy grin… and proceeds to knock over the glass of wine. “Shit- fuck!”
“Listen, you go take a seat, and I’ll clean this up,” you laugh, watching him lumber toward the sofa. You make quick work of the mess, and when you’re done, you approach him in the living room.
“Come sit,” he prompts, patting the spot right next to him.
“Someone’s feeling awfully cuddly today,” you giggle when he grabs your hand to pull you down where he wants you, leaving no space between the two of you.
“What can I say? I’m a cuddly drunk.” 
“I can see that,” you note, assessing him.
His gaze dips to your lips, and your skin tingles. 
“Thank you for yesterday,” he says quietly.
“I told you, I was happy to help for Soonie’s special day.”
“It’s not just that,” he insists, “you’re always happy to help. I seriously-” he swallows thickly, “I seriously couldn’t have done anything I’ve done without you.”
“Don’t be so self deprecating,” you warn him, gently pushing his shoulder. “You’d have gotten anywhere you wanted, with or without me.”
“I still don’t have a food truck,” Johnny pouts.
You’d thought maybe he’d given up on that dream- although you’ve held onto hope for Johnny, more than he knows. “Now that you mention it, actually,” you say, pulling out your phone, “I’ve been looking at food trucks for sale online for a minute, and-”
Johnny’s gaze softens. “You’ve been researching for me?”
“Just a little,” you brush it off, trying to find the listing that you’d saved three days ago. “I found this decent looking one at a good price-”
“I think I love you.”
“Huh?” you freeze.
“I didn’t mean it,” Johnny says immediately, and your heart sinks. “I don’t think I love you, I know I do.”
“John, please, that’s the liquor talking.”
“Drunk words are sober thoughts,” he insists. “Look, you’ve always been there for me. We work together- and not just because we’re both chefs. Something about this,” Johnny gestures between the two of you, “it just works, and I know I’m not the only one who sees it.”
“Yeah?” You decide to play a little coy, seeing as this confession is coming from a drunk man. “And who else sees it?”
“Doyoung, for one.”
“Doyoung?” You let out a laugh. “Have you been gossiping about me with him?”
“I swear I didn’t bring it up,” Johnny defends himself. “Doyoung said I look at you with love, and that… that you look at me the same way.”
“Well… maybe Doyoung needs to get his eyes checked?”
“Don’t play with me,” Johnny begs, pulling you closer. “There’s always been a line between us, one we’ve both been too scared to cross… but, I think-”
“Now you’re crossing it,” you finish for him. “What made you want to do that?”
“Soonie’s birthday,” Johnny admits. “Our little family picture.”
“Our family picture,” you repeat, melting inside at the fact that he’d viewed the photo in the same light you had.
“Yeah.” Johnny nods. “Our family. Mine, and yours.” 
His hand finds your thigh, and you can’t help but reach out to cup his cheek, stroking your thumb across his angular bones. “I’m not sure what to say,” you admit.
“We don’t have to say anything,” Johnny assures you. “Just kiss me, and we can forget about the world for a minute.”
Your heart is racing in your chest as you hesitantly close the distance between your lips. It’s a gentle first kiss, but it soon grows hungry, and you’re not sure if that’s due to his appetite or your own.
His tongue swipes across your lip, and you open your mouth for him, letting out a soft sigh as you get lost in the feeling of the man who’s been your best friend for years.
His hand on your thigh squeezes, and before you know it, he’s pulling you onto his lap. Your knees dig into the sofa on either side of him, and you’re hesitant to fully sit down- a kiss is a kiss, but grinding on Johnny is something else entirely.
“Johnny,” you whisper, throwing your head back to look at the ceiling, wondering how you got into this situation.
“Yes, honey?” He presses kisses along your throat that have tingles shooting up your spine.
“You’re drunk,” you say finally.
“If I’d known you liked me too, I would have done this ages ago.”
“It’s not about that,” you laugh. “It’s about the fact that you’re drunk, and I want you sober when we do this.”
“Do what?” he teases, squeezing your hips, his tongue grazing over your jugular.
“You know what,” you retort with a huff. “Look, you’re right about the line neither of us wanted to cross.”
Johnny pulls away from your throat, looking up at you. “Huh?”
“The line. The unspoken line. All these years, something has been there, between us- but, we both respect your wife, we respect Soonie- I think… I think the time is right for this now, well, not right now, but, once you’re sober again.”
“You’re right,” Johnny concedes. 
“How about we watch a movie, then we can go to sleep.”
“You’ll stay over?” There’s a boyish excitement in his voice and it makes you melt.
“Uh huh.”
“Will you stay in my bed with me?”
“Just for cuddles, but only if you promise to drink a bunch of water before we sleep, I don’t want you hung over in the morning.”
Johnny grins. “You got it, honey.”
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Johnny wakes up next to a warm body, and it’s the first time in years. Your presence is the only thing that proves to him that last night wasn’t a dream, some twisted fantasy- No, you’re real, and you’re here, and you’d kissed him back-
He stays cuddled with you for a while, basking in the glow of being in love, truly in love, and finally able to admit it to himself. It’s been so long since his wife, and part of him had forgotten the feeling- maybe that’s why it had taken years for him to realize how much he adores you.
After a while, Johnny decides he needs some water- and he wants to make breakfast for you. He wants to spoil you the way you spoil him.
Johnny is careful as he exits the bed, taking one last look at your peaceful face before heading down to the kitchen.
It’s easy for Johnny to get lost in the act of cooking, focusing on bacon at first before switching to eggs. As it was a few days ago, the smell of food wakes you up, and soon you’re joining him by the stove.
“Watcha making?” you ask, wrapping your body around his.
God, the feeling of you is- fuck, he can’t even describe how good it is.
“Wanted to make you breakfast,” he tells you, plating your food first. Once he has you settled and sitting, he quickly throws together a breakfast sandwich for himself.
“You and your sandwiches,” you laugh, digging into your bacon and eggs.
“How did you sleep?” he asks, coming to join you.
“So well,” you tell him, bumping your knee against his own, “even if someone snores.” 
Johnny can only laugh, he’s dealt with Soonbok complaining about his loud snoring for years. “How are the eggs?”
You’re so chipper this morning, and he loves it. Johnny takes a bite of his sandwich- you’d cooked the eggs at the brunch birthday two days ago, and he realizes Soonie was right. “Your eggs are better,” he muses.  
“I’d planned on making breakfast for you, but you jumped the gun, big guy.”
“I wanted to pamper you for a change.”
“Cooking is my love language,” you tell him. “I’m excited to make you breakfast more often.”
“I like the sound of that,” he smiles.
“When’s Soonie come home?”
Johnny checks the clock on the stove. “In an hour or so.”
“As much as I’d love to see her, I think maybe it’s better if I’m not here when she gets home,” you say thoughtfully. “She’s a smart girl, I bet she’d be able to tell that something is up.”
“She definitely would,” Johnny confirms. “I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you that much if you stick around.”
You giggle, reaching over to squeeze his knee.
“How are you feeling about last night?” Johnny asks.
“I’m feeling good, how about you? Still remember all of it?”
“In perfect detail,” he breathes. “Although… a little reminder wouldn’t hurt.”
“Oh, it wouldn’t?” you tease as he leans in, cupping your face so he can press his lips to your own. 
God, you’re such a good kisser. It just works. It’s hard for him to even pull away, but he doesn’t want to overwhelm you.
“Take me out on a date,” you say.
“A date,” you repeat. “Just because we’ve known each other for years doesn’t mean we can skip steps.”
“I respect that,” Johnny nods. “I’ve got a busy week, and it will have to be a night where Soonie is out, but… we’ll make it work.”
Johnny’s so certain it will work, because things between you have always worked, and he can’t wait to see where this takes you. 
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It’s been a week, but finally Johnny found time for that date night. Soonie is out with friends again, so it’s the perfect opportunity to get some alone time with the man who’s been on your mind constantly.
He picks you up in his old Dodge truck, compliments your outfit, and refuses to tell you where you’re going or what the plan is.
When you arrive back at his place, you’re honestly not even surprised. “Let me guess, you took me to the best chef in town?”
“You know all my lines, honey,” he grins. 
“So, chef, what’s on the menu?”
“I thought maybe you’d take a seat and let me cook for you.”
“As if I’d take a back seat,” you scoff. “What are we making?”
Johnny had made hand made fettucini before he’d come to pick you up. You let him take lead in making a white wine, garlic cream sauce with button mushrooms, spinach and crispy prosciutto, but you insist on being his sous chef and taking care of the chicken.
The smell is heavenly, and as he finishes it all off with fresh herbs, you think you start to drool a little.
“For a guy who claims to specialize in sandwiches of all things, you’re pretty good with italian,” you muse as you take your first bite and nearly moan.
“I’m pretty good with a lot of things,” Johnny laughs. 
“Look at you being all cocky.”
“You love it.”
He’s so right.
The two of you chat and laugh together while eating. It’s one of the best meals you’ve had in a very long time. When dinner is over, Johnny suggests a movie. As the two of you settle on the couch, he prompts you to come closer, and soon, the two of you are cuddled together as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
He’s so warm and comforting- you find yourself dozing off a little, although, maybe it’s something of a food coma from all the pasta.
Johnny brings his lips to your ear, and you shiver when he asks, “Should I carry you to bed, honey?” 
Part of you wants to tell him you’re not Soonie and you won’t be calling him daddy any time soon- but another part of you wants to lean into this. It’s been so long since you felt like you could be babied, and if anyone is going to bring out that side of you, it’s going to be Johnny.
“Won’t I be too heavy?” you ask, cognizant of the stairs he’ll have to climb.
“Have you seen my arms? I won’t drop you, honey, I promise.”
You allow him to scoop you up, and you feel like a giggling school girl again as he takes you up to his room. “Do you have a shirt I could wear to sleep?” 
“Choose anything,” he tells you. “When you’re changed, you can join me in the bathroom, I went and got a toothbrush for you.”
Before you know it, you’re cuddled in Johnny’s bed, wearing panties and one of his big shirts. He’s pressed to your back, his mint tinged breath warm on the nape of your neck. There’s no pressure for sex, no pressure for anything other than the situation at hand, and you can tell you’re both very content with it. 
Soon, you’re drifting off to sleep in the arms of a man who’s been a cornerstone of your life.
It’s a deep, dreamless sleep, and it passes in the blink of an eye. You awaken to light beaming through his window, a warm body behind you, and something hard pressed against your ass.
You laugh to yourself- morning wood isn’t something men can help. Even so, you stir a little, adjusting to get more comfortable.
Johnny releases a sleepy groan.
You stay still, not wanting to wake him, but it feels like the damage is already done when he wraps you tighter in his embrace. “Morning,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“Hi,” you respond lightly.
Now it’s Johnny’s turn to shift, and you feel his body tense when he does so. “Fuck,” he goes to pull away, “sorry, I uh-”
“It’s okay,” you assure him, grabbing his forearm so he can’t move away, “keep cuddling me.”
Johnny returns, flush against your back, his hard cock pressing even more firmly to your ass.
“Are you sure you’re alright with this?” he asks.
“More than okay with it.”
“Yeah?” He leans forward, pressing his lips to your throat. “Are you okay with this, too?” Johnny mumbles, his hot breath fanning across your skin.
“Uh huh,” you sigh, wiggling your bum back against him and arching your neck to give him better access.
His hand finds your hip, gently squeezing you through the shirt you’re wearing. His lips are soft against you, but there’s a need in his motions too, and he begins to grind against your ass.
You let out a groan when he finds the sweet spot just below your ear, and he licks at it, making you moan louder.
“Are we going to do this?” he asks, nipping at your earlobe.
“Fuck it, yes.” You can’t hold back anymore, you turn in his embrace, quickly mounting him and smashing your lips to his own.
Johnny grins into the kiss, holding your hips while you settle on top of him, grinding down against his clothed cock while your tongues begin to clash.
His kisses have you seeing stars, your mind going blank except for him.
Soon, his hands slip under your shirt, slowly grazing up your sides. “Can I take this off of you?” he asks.
You open your eyes to look down at him, studying his pretty lips and his chocolate eyes. 
Instead of responding, you sit up, grabbing the hem of the oversized T and lifting it over your head, tossing it to the side and baring yourself to your best friend for the first time.
“Fuck,” Johnny groans, gaze falling to your tits. His hands stay at a respectable location on your hips, and you grab one to lift it to your breast, adding pressure so he knows he’s allowed to give you a test squeeze.
Johnny begins to massage you, and you throw your head back, releasing a groan, swiveling your hips against him.
His thumb brushes over your hardened nipple and you mewl loudly, core throbbing from the stimulus.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, propping himself up so he can take your nipple into his mouth.
You cup the back of his head, keeping him on your chest while he worships you. His other hand finds your neglected breast, gently pinching and massaging while he sucks on your sensitive bud.
“John-” You don’t even know what to say, you’re entirely wrapped up in him. 
You’ve never felt a feral need like this before, but it’s not necessarily the primal type of drive. Instead, it’s a feeling of wanting to be close to this man- who you’ve been next to for so many years, but unable to touch. 
Except, he’s touching you now, and you want more. 
Johnny pulls away from your breasts, cupping the back of your head and drawing your lips to his again. “We should take our clothes off,” he suggests.
“That’s the best idea you’ve had all week,” you laugh. 
He helps you off of him, and you lay next to each other for a moment, both fumbling to get naked. As soon as you’re fully nude, Johnny rolls on top of you, slotting between your thighs. His lips find yours again, and his free hand trails down your body, teasing through your pussy lips.
“You’re already so wet,” he muses.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time,” you admit.
“Me too,” he assures you, capturing your mouth with his own while he teases a finger into your hole. You push your hips up, wanting more, and you latch onto his strong shoulders, moaning into the kiss.
Johnny’s a big man, and his finger is enough to have you wriggling below him. “Easy, honey,” he grins, looking down at you with eyes full of adoration. “Gotta stretch you open.”
“Fuck,” you groan- does this man read erotica in his spare time? How is a thirty year old, single dad, this well versed in dirty talk even though you’re pretty sure he hasn’t been laid in forever?
He adds a second finger, curling them to find your gspot. As he pumps his hand, lips pressed to yours in a mad frenzy, you can hear your wetness with each motion. 
It feels unreal- have fingers alone ever done a number like this on you?
Johnny twists his hand a little, knuckles dragging along your sensitive inner walls. It’s like he’s trying to carve out a space for his cock, although, you know now that this won’t be enough. He’s thick and throbbing on your hip, his length so large you think he might just blow your entire back out when he slips it into you.
Even though you’re eager to be - for lack of a better word - impaled on him, Johnny takes his time kissing you, his fingers continuing their motions. “Wanna rub your clit for me?” he asks, moving his mouth to your neck. “I want to watch you cum.”
Your toes curl at his words, and you bring your hand to your pussy, drawing circles on the sensitive bud while he continues to stroke your inner walls.
Your core throbs around him, whimpers of pleasure escaping you. 
“You’re being so good for me, honey,” Johnny tells you, making your insides flutter even more from the sincere words of praise.
Cumming hasn’t always been the easiest thing in the world for you. There are many partners you’ve had who never had the wherewithal to get you there- but somehow, Johnny just knows you. Or maybe, it’s because he knows you- because you feel safe with him, that you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
It also helps that it’s your own fingers on your clit, you know exactly what you like, what pressure, what motions- the digits working you open are just an added bonus that have you seeing stars as you make your way to your peak.
“John,” you gasp, tits pushing up toward his chest when your back arches. “I’m gonna-”
“Let it out for me,” he encourages you softly. “You deserve it.”
“I deserve your cock,” you whine, shocked at your own blatant neediness.
Johnny only laughs. “After,” he assures you, “I promise.”
A few more circles of your clit has the cord in your stomach snapping, your orgasm washing over your like warm summer waves. Your entire body tingles with delight, gasps leaving you as your pussy fully throbs around his fingers, your clit pulsing with desire.
“So pretty,” he whispers, bringing his lips to yours.
From the way he smiles against your mouth, you can tell he doesn’t care that you’re moaning so much he can hardly kiss you.
It’s a closeness you’ve never felt before, and he helps you through your orgasm until you’re pulling your hand away in favour of grabbing his shoulders.
Johnny takes his fingers out of your core, and you watch under hooded eyelids as he brings them to his lips, sucking them clean and releasing a groan. “Everything you do tastes better than what I bring to the table.”
You laugh. He’s such a fucking chef.
“Some might even say it’s…” you stifle a giggle, “Finger licking good.” 
Johnny lets out a laugh, eyes lighting up. God, you love this soft, laughter infused sex- you’ve never experienced anything like it.
You grab the back of his neck, drawing his mouth to your own. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and there’s something so erotic about it. He moans loudly, rubbing his cock between your wet pussy lips.
The tip of his cock is stimulating your clit and it sends jitters through you. You can feel how soaked you are, and you wouldn’t be surprised if this ended with a wet patch on his bed from how turned on you’ve been throughout this whole experience.
Johnny seems intent with grinding against you, but you’re lacking patience today, and you reach between your bodies to grab his cock.
Johnny breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours and looking down at where you’re gripping him. He doesn’t say anything, his gaze shifting back to your own. There’s a question in his eyes, and you’re both aware that this is the final line. Once you cross this, there’s no going back.
You bring his cock to your wet hole, and with very little effort, you help guide the head of his cock inside of you.
“Fuck,” Johnny groans immediately, fists bunching at the pillow on either side of your head. “You’re so tight- are you sure you’re good with this?”
“You’re just- fuck,” you whimper as another inch sinks into you, “you’re just big!”
“Maybe you’ll have to get used to it,” he grins, pushing deeper.
You moan loudly, clawing at his shoulders. “Maybe I will,” you gasp. 
He brings his mouth close to your own, until your lips are just brushing, eyes meeting when he says, “I’m looking forward to it.”
As he kisses you, he pushes fully into your warm, wet, throbbing core. His hips are flush to your own, and you swear no one’s ever been this deep inside of you.
Your legs shake on either side of his hips, body suspended in this odd purgatory-like place between extreme pleasure, and an uncomfortable feeling of being stretched more than you’ve ever been stretched before.
“Are you good?” he asks, lips moving to your cheek while you struggle to aclimatize to his cock.
“Yeah,” you nod quickly. “Just- fuck me, it will be easier.”
“If you say so, honey.”
The first thrust has your toes curling, eyes clenching shut with pleasure. A sound that’s never come from you before leaves your lips- a sound you’ve heard in porn, but always thought was an overexpression.
Your fingers dig into Johnny’s shoulders, and he holds you close, mouth finding your neck while he begins to fuck you.
Although, would this be called fucking?
The fluidity of his motions- the way you’re clinging to each other- it feels more like making love, and your skin tingles with the realization.
“Johnny?” you whisper.
“Tell me you love me again, like you did when you were drunk.”
“I love you,” he says immediately, holding you even tighter. “I love you so much that sometimes it hurts.”
Your entire body both relaxes and is set on fire by his words, your core throbbing desperately around his massive cock. 
“Johnny-” you whimper.
“Tell me you love me too,” he pleads.
“I love you too,” you whisper, threading your fingers through his hair and bringing his face close to yours so you can look up into his eyes. “I love you too.” 
Johnny’s hand finds your thigh, hiking it higher on his hip. Somehow, he hits even deeper now, and you wriggle below him, more sounds of pleasure escaping you and filling the room.
“You sound so good, honey- I won’t last if you keep squeezing me and moaning-”
“Then don’t last,” you gasp. “Want you to cum.”
“Where should I cum?”
“Inside- I’m on birth control, just- fuck, Johnny, cum inside.”
He groans, pressing his mouth firmly to your own, his tongue dancing along yours as his motions get even faster.
You’re clinging to him for dear life at this point, and when he slips a hand between your bodies to rub your clit, you nearly begin to cry from how good it feels.
“Love the way your pussy sucks me in when we play with your clit,” he tells you. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck-
“Do you think you can cum for me again? I don’t want to be the only one cumming.”
“Yeah, yeah- fuck, yeah, I can cum again,” you whimper desperately.
“Let me know when,” he instructs, adjusting his motions ever so slightly so each thrust has his cock dragging against your gspot.
You let out a squeal of delight, your thighs shaking around his hips, stomach muscles clenching almost painfully-
“Fuck, John, I’m there- shit, fuck-”
Johnny shuts you up with his lips against your own, and for a second time, your orgasm hits you.
Your core clamps down incredibly hard on his cock, and Johnny groans deeply above you, fingers twitching on your clit. He keeps his pace, and a moment later, you feel his cum filling you up, coating your walls with warmth.
The feeling of his large length throbbing in your own oversensitive hole has your entire mind going fuzzy, and you kiss him like a woman lost, like a woman so completely in love that nothing else matters.
You ride out your orgasms together, until you’re both shaking. Only then does Johnny come to a stop on top of you, kisses turning to a more gentle nature as he holds you close. 
“I love you,” he tells you again.
You smile, blinking up at your best friend. “And I love you.”
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The two of you are in the kitchen cooking brunch. Johnny is pressed to your back, watching intently, asking all sorts of questions about how you cook eggs to make them so delicious and superior to his own.
“The secret ingredient is love,” you tease.
Johnny can only laugh, holding you tighter.
He’s so lost in you, that he loses track of time, and as the two of you are sitting down to eat, Soonbok walks through the front door. She stops in her tracks when she sees you, letting her little overnight bag slip to the ground.
“Oh, hi, baby,” Johnny stands up immediately.
“Hi, daddy,” Soonie says, allowing her dad to pick her up for a hug while her eyes shift to you.
“Did Sabrina’s mom drop you off?” Johnny asks, looking out the door to wave at Soonie’s friend’s mom as she drives away.
“As always, daddy,” Soonie laughs. “I didn’t know y/n was coming over.”
“Surprise,” you grin, also standing so that when Johnny sets his daughter to the ground, she can run to give you a hug of your own.
Once Soonie is done squeezing you as tight as her little arms can muster, she looks between you and Johnny. For some reason, Johnny feels his heart beginning to race, there’s a knowing in his daughters eyes.
“What’s going on?” Soonie asks finally.
“Y/N and I just had a little sleep over,” Johnny tries to explain, and the concept isn’t a new one, you sleep over frequently… in the guest bedroom.
“So…” a wicked grin appears on Soonbok’s face, “Does this mean you’ll stop trying to get me to call her auntie now?”
“What?” Johnny lets out a surprised laugh.
“You heard me, daddy,” Soonbok’s smile widens. “Does this… does this mean we’ll be a real family now?”
Johnny lets out a shuddery breath. In the years you’ve been helping raise Soonbok, Johnny has broached the idea of her calling you Auntie Y/N, as a respect thing, and his daughter has always refused. Had she seen the connection this whole time? Has this been something Soonbok has wanted ever since she was a five year old with an inquisitive mind and an even more discerning eye?
Johnny’s gaze shifts to you, and you flash him a warm smile.
“Yeah, baby,” Johnny picks up his daughter. “We can be a real family now.”
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☀️ mlist + an. Thank you so much for reading! This was such a fun project for me, thank you so much to everyone who encouraged me to write for Chef John, he deserved his happy ending :)
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. The man ordering can’t see you lying on the floor of the food truck. He has no idea what’s going on- and you feel like tempting fate a little. You bring your hand to your pussy, beginning to rub yourself through your pants, adjusting the vibrator ever so slightly as it buzzes inside you. Johnny nearly drops the tomato he’s holding, quickly tearing his gaze from yours. You’ve never seen him trying to focus this hard- and failing. What had been your torture initially, has just become his own, and you kind of love it.
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, exhibitionism (fucking in a food truck), use of vibrator while helping a customer, vibrator as a makeshift gag ball, breast worship, fucking with half your clothes on, fingering, multiple reader orgasms, big dick Johnny, pussy stretching, dirty talk, praise, breeding kink, etc…   I petnames. (hers) honey
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.1k I teaser wc. 230
🌙 starring. Johnny x afab!Reader
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You love working with Johnny. Sure, it had been rough at first, getting his food truck on its feet, but it’s been two years, and with some insanely good marketing, you’re now running one of the top trucks in the city.
It’s a joy to watch Johnny fulfill his dreams every day- his odd obsession with sandwiches of all things has only added to your connection. Watching him smile and charm guests makes your heart swell with joy, and on the rare occasion Soonie comes to do the register and take orders, it feels like you’re just one happy family.
Today, however, is a weather disaster. The forcast had mentioned light sprinkles, but cuddled next to Johnny looking out at the torrential downpour, you both feel a little bamboozled.
“You know what would make this more fun?” Johnny asks.
“Customers?” you suggest.
“Yes, but also… I got you something.” The chef flashes you a sly smirk, and you pull away from his shoulder to asses him.
“Am I going to like where this is going?” you ask.
He was single for so long- and there’d been so many sexual things he’d missed out on during that time, but the two of you are making up for it every moment you have alone. You suppose this is a moment alone, so you’re not really shocked that his mind is in the gutter.
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screampied · 8 months
idk if you write for the charas that hasnt been introduced in the anime (but already in the manga)
but if you do can you please, PLEASEE write cockwarming hiromi as he worked? (I’ll do anything for any hiromi content smh)
☆ : hiromi higuruma x fem! reader
⤷ tags : cockwarming, praise, dirty talk, cowgirl, unprotected sex. wc : 0.9k
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“…baby, i’m on a phone call. stay still ‘n wait,” he murmurs against your ear — his breath was warmth, it brushes against your skin and you moan. the coldness of the watch band higuruma wore ghosted against your skin as you tried to stay put.
he sat in his office chair, his pants just barely hanging down by the him, with you having his cock buried in place.
you squirmed and squirmed, gripping onto his knee and only babbles were your righteous response. “hiro, but that’s boring ‘n your phone calls always take f-forever.”
“perhaps,” he chuckles, his voice was low and a whisper — as he was still on the other line with a person, maintaining business. “just wait a little longer for me, alright? you just gotta be a patient girl,” and then he teasingly slides a hand down your thighs, his rings brushing off against your skin. “can you be my patient good girl and warm me up for me?”
“….y-yes.” your poor pathetic of a response was delayed heavily, and seeing you not get your way, he found it so adorable. “okay, fine.”
“good girl,” he coos, planting a kiss near the back of your head. that’s when he pays his attention back towards his phone, clearing his throat and repositioning his tie. “ah, yes hello? excuse me, i apologize for the interruption. but as you were saying..”
you tried to seclude your moans but it was so hard, higuruma’s cock was so thick — veiny and pulsed inside of you as it stood still. you desperately wanted to move but you had to wait.
every few seconds, you’d hear him chuckle at your constant squirming, your tiny whines and babbles departing from your lips.
“uh huh, yes… i see.” he utters in a low voice, a single hand of his grazing against your waist. his touch was so smooth—you leaned back against his tux, and he kissed the inner part of your neck, whispering a soft, “quiet, princess.”
“s-sorry.” you’d whine, such pout forming against your lips, you were so frustrated. you could hardly think straight.
your vision was nearly blurry, and all you could even process was higuruma’s shaft idly inside of you. no thrusts or anything, you grew bored and was tired of waiting so you started to grind against his lap.
he chokes on his words the moment you do this, and his jaw tightens. right in the middle of speaking, he pauses — and you can almost feel the heated glare he’s giving you from behind.
“my um…apologies, can you repeat yourself?” he mutters, going on as if nothing happened.
the pout on your lips never left, about ten long minutes had passed and he was still occupying himself on the phone.
all when he could have been bending you over his work desk and having his very way with you. higuruma was very serious whenever it came to his work.
you felt him stretch over you to reach for his ballpoint pin and he starts to jot things down on his scattered piles of paperwork. mark after mark, your eyes watch his hands. and all you could think of was his lengthy pretty hands fingering you, he was so good with his hands. his fingers…
how pitiful, you felt yourself starting to almost drool just from the thought. higuruma talking you through an orgasm with his fingers, then once he’d finish, he’d tell you to “open wide” stuffing his fingers down your throat so you can taste how nasty you were for him.
he was a simple man, professional in public yet filthy in private.
“we can go over the procedures one more time, if that’s alright with the party.” he replies in a gruff voice, and you’re a mess. all your fantasizing does just makes you more wet — you want him so bad, and he can tell because at this point, you aren’t even trying to stay still.
“hiro, ‘m gonna cum.” you whisper, and you weren’t, but you were so fed up that you were incredibly desperate. higuruma purposely pretends he doesn’t hear you, talking over you actually just to make you whine. “hiromi, please. can’t hold it, i tried..”
once more, he continues to uphold a conversation with his colleagues, smooth tone and all. he chuckles, glancing at you briefly—and that’s when you moan, feeling him start to bounce his thigh just to irk you even more.
but you couldn’t take it anymore, so that’s when you grab his phone, and moan right into the speaker, “hiromi, ‘m cumming.”
and it goes dead silent, you knew you were probably in deep trouble but you didn’t care—you just couldn’t wait, and it made you giggle on how he suddenly stopped talking. it grew so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
higuruma then sits up, and you let off a gasp at his sudden movements because he pulls out, immediately bending you over the desk. he doesn’t care about the paper documents flying everywhere. “…oh, princess the nerve is beyond me.” he mutters—and you moaned, feeling him make you arch your back with a single push.
and you bite your lip, awaiting for him to go inside. you wanted to play dumb so you say, “what happened?”
“you know what happened.” he mutters, his tone was full of seriousness. you hear the clanks of his belt dangle against his already pulled down pants and you just couldn’t wait.
and then you moan. “but hiro—you’re still on call. hang up the-”
“don’t tell me what to do, princess,” he hushes you, caressing your ass before bringing a mean spank towards your ass. “all you need to worry about is arching that back of yours. you wanna moan and let them hear, then they’ll listen the whole time while i fuck you. so bend over and get loud for me.”
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fictoculus · 2 months
౨ৎ genshin men; love languages...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... aether, albedo, alhaitham, ayato, childe, diluc, gorou, heizou, itto, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, neuvillette, scara, thoma, tighnari, wriothesley, venti, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli
A/N... ohemgee kaede is back ?!! i'm sorry it's been so longggg i've really missed writing, i think i js kinda lost my spark for a bit but i should be back to posting nowww hooray !! even if i don't come backkk (since i'm not fully certain) i hope you can still enjoy these hc drabble thingies nd also my previous works, thank you ♡
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✧ quality time.
he wants nothing more than to spend time with you, to smell the sweet fragrance of your perfume as it dances in the gentle breeze. he wants to watch as your hair flows gently, each strand delicately swaying back and forth, as if to mimic the way he swings his arms when his hand is holding yours. just being around you gets him all excited, though you'll never catch him actually admitting it. he has countless photos of the two of you together, each one connected with a memory that will stay with him forever. he often finds himself looking over them late at night when he's missing you, wishing you were there to hold him, or tell him about your interests, even sitting in silence would suffice. he just wants to be with you, whether that be studying, sleeping, reading, shopping, eating - he doesn't care, he'll do anything as long as it's with you..
xiao, alhaitham, aether, heizou, wriothesley + your favs
✧ gift giving.
it's almost like routine. at least once a fortnight, he comes knocking on your door with some sort of gift, stops you in the corridor with a bag full of goodies, or has a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers delivered straight to your front door when he's unable to come see you. he goes through a lot of trouble behind the scenes to get these things together for you, but it's all worth it when he sees that pretty smile light up your face, eyes glistening with pure excitement as you see whatever he's prepared for you. his eyes, on the other hand, are full of love as he sees the outcome of his hard work; your happiness is of utmost importance to him. the gifts he gives come in all different shapes and sizes, anything from a snack you'd said you'd been craving to a ridiculously expensive piece of jewellery, but you know that no matter what it is, he put so much thought and care into picking it out for you; that's what mattered to you most. even if he didn't shower you in his love this way, you wouldn't love him any less - of course you wouldn't. you care about him, not the things he gives you (though you really do appreciate them). he loves you more than words can say, and this is his way of showing it.
zhongli, ayato, albedo, neuvillette + your favs
✧ physical touch.
he's all over you. from the second you wake up to the moment you drift off to sleep. 24/7. he just can't get enough. he's practically addicted to your warmth, the softness of your skin, scars and all. it no longer comes as a surprise when you feel his arms snake around your waist from behind, or even when he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his hair tickling your cheek as he moulds around your figure. he can't seem to stay away from you. the second he hears your voice, or the mention of your name, even your footsteps (yes, he knows), he comes rushing over, immediately insisting on intertwining his fingers with yours. your contact is replenishing to him. no matter how tired he is or how many hardships he had to face that day, feeling you run your hands up and down his back or cup his cheeks, his mood is immediately uplifted.
itto, childe, diluc, tighnari, kaeya, kaveh + your favs
✧ words of affirmation.
"i love you" "i love you" "i love you" it's constant, over and over and over. he repeats it a thousand times, as if it's an ancient incantation, but he still doesn't think it's enough. he just wants you to know how perfect you are, how beautiful you are, how easy to love you are; he wants you to see yourself the way he sees you. he's desperate to talk about you, to tell someone how much he loves you, and who else would he tell than the person he trusts most? and so, when the two of you are finally snuggled up close, he'll whisper in your ear the most poetic words you've ever heard, trying his best to capture your essence, though to him, it always feels just out of reach. he knows he'll never be able to truly explain how he feels about you, because there are no words for that feeling he gets in his heart when he hears your voice, or lays his eyes on you, let alone thinks about you. he recites your own stories and little habits back to you as if you're a complete stranger to yourself, and honestly, you can't help but find it endearing. he loves you so much, and he always knows the perfect things to say to see that smile he treasures deep in his heart.
kazuha, xingqiu, zhongli, venti, neuvillette + your favs
✧ acts of service.
sure, he may not be so good with words, but not to worry, he makes up for it one way or another. it's the little things for him. every morning without fail, he'll pack your lunch and leave it on the kitchen counter for you, a little memo hidden inside signed off with his initials and a small doodle, as always. he'll iron your clothes and hang them in your wardrobe, all neat and tidy for when you get dressed the next day. he'll get up 15 minutes earlier than when you usually arise, cooking breakfast for you and letting the scent of crisp bacon waft into the bedroom and wake you from your slumber. he'll do anything for you, big or small; he just wants to make sure you know how much he loves you.
scara, thoma, alhaitham, diluc + your favs
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you’d like me to write next!
TAGLIST…@maopll . @nyxmainex . @avensuersa . @moondrop-gummies. @lacunaanonymoused apply here
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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perfectlyoongi · 3 months
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who invites you for sunrise bike rides. for him, Namjoon didn't mind waking up early or sleeping little; for Namjoon, there was no more beautiful time of day than sunrise, where everyone still sleeps and your promises and confessions are forever kept in the first rays of the sun. “i could swear you were painted with the colors of dawn, all of you is hope and harmony.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who sends you gym photos because he knows perfectly well that you always get shy. Namjoon was a teaser by nature and when he discovered that the photos he sent you were forever saved on your phone after making you even more in love with him, Namjoon didn't waste any opportunity to brighten your day. “you can deny whatever you want, i know you get completely crazy every time you see the mt pics.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who takes you on random trips around the world as a way of showing his love for you. almost always a surprise, Namjoon didn't mind paying any price if that meant you would have the best moments of your life; planning everything in detail, Namjoon's itinerary was full of adventures, romance and memories that you would forever keep in your heart. “we’re going to travel all over the world. let’s leave our love marked on the sidewalks of every city so they can see that we will always be together.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who takes photos of you in front of works of art because, for him, your beauty becomes divine when framed by mystical meanings. so many colors and shapes, textures and atmospheres lit up endless rooms, but even so, Namjoon could only see you, sculpted, drawn, shaped by all the talented hands you were seeing. “i know i'm always repeating myself, but i never tire of reminding you that you, your very essence is a work of art.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who asks you for massages when he comes home after an intense workout or a more challenging practice. completely tired, dragging his steps with the weight of a complicated day, Namjoon would walk to you, laying down exhausted on the bed and waiting, with his eyes closed ready to relax and, who knows, sleep, for you to give him a massage. “just… just touch me like only you know how to touch me. my body needs the magic of your hands.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who buys you clothes in the same color and pattern as his so you can match without being too obvious. he knew it was a bit of a cliché and cringe, so Namjoon never admitted that he did it on purpose; Namjoon felt good seeing you wearing the clothes he offered you and, if they ended up being like his, it would just be a bonus, right? “i swear i didn’t realize it’s the same as my coat! oh… i already put the receipt in the trash... you really have to use it now. sorry.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who told you he loved you for the first time before going on a particularly longer tour. Namjoon's heart was heavy when he said goodbye to you, the touch of your hands in his doing little to appease his premature longing; he spoke quietly, declaiming his words like a promise, guaranteeing that his heart would be yours forever. “i’ll be back quickly, yea? i love you.”
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madlori · 4 months
On endgames and Buck
So when I read posts about Buck and Tommy, I see a theme often repeated:
I know they're not permanent, but I love it.
Who knows how long it'll last, it's great to have it now.
I don't know if I want it to be forever, it's just fun while it lasts.
It's not endgame.
I think I want it to be. Like, seriously. What if it is? Why can't it be? They're certainly positioning it to be at least long-term. It could be the one that sticks for him. No, on second thought, I don't think I want it to be, I definitely want it to be.
And my reasons have very little to do with Buddie. It's about Buck.
In a nutshell...I want Buck's character development to not center around his love life.
I want his love life settled, so he can develop in other ways. Professionally, personally. So he can gain confidence, decide how he wants to deal with his family and the Daniel spectre, work on his insecurity, his pathological people-pleasing, decide if he wants to further his career and try to become a captain (this was touched on last season and then dropped). I want him to have plot arcs that aren't about the looming question of his romantic life.
I want him to develop from a base of stability in his relationship. And Tommy's the best candidate we've had for that yet. And before you say "Eddie," if that were to happen, we're talking another year or two of...stuff happening to get there. I'm tired. I just don't want him to have yet another relationship end so he can go through whatever sturm und drang would have to go down for that to happen. It's not worth it. I'm convinced now that it would not be worth it. (that's putting aside my utter belief that they're never gonna do it anyway)
So yeah. I'm saying it. I think they might be permanent and I hope that they are. Let them move in together, get engaged, get married. Let Buck become a father (to his own kids). Let Buck work towards more responsibility in his career with a committed life partner at his side. His character can't just be about romantic drama.
Anway, Eddie seems to be throwing his hat in the ring for king of romantic drama anyway, so let's let Buck leave Buck 1.0 behind for good and upgrade himself for the last time.
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chxrrydrxp · 7 months
ok so i'm so in with your theme rn and i loved your after car with jason drabble but what i really came here to say imagine poor jason todd realizes he's in love in dick's girlfriend. he doesn't say anything but he knows he can treat you better and be better for you. he knows dick cares about you but he's bad for you because he'll never fully love you but believes he can. so he watches you from afar, trying to sweet in small ways like helping fixing your car and stuff. he watches you and dick fight, break up and of course make up till the point he's fed up of watching dick play you because he's knows dicks cheating and he knows dick isn't trying to hurt you but its not fair. poor jason he doesn't want to be a rebound he just wants to give you the love you deserve.
I'm really about to break jasons pretty heart and staple it back together with this fic. apologies for the wait! I got too excited and decided to write a series about it 🥹
I'll release it chapter by chapter 🤭 and you're a genius I love ur brain 🧠
and fr dick damn near slept with every dc character that man is a whore. I'm still tryna figure out what excuse imma give him for why he is a serial man whore
all jokes aside, I'm gonna have some much fun with this.
𝒻ℴ𝓇𝒷𝒾𝒹𝒹ℯ𝓃 𝒻𝓇𝓊𝒾𝓉
Jason Todd x (Dick's Ex! Fem!) Reader:
chapter 1
chapter 2
warnings: this series will get heated eventually, and I'll just put a warning on those specified chapters.
this might be a long series, depends how much yall want it 🤭
Loud rain poured against Jason's window. He laid against his dark wood bed frame while reading a book. As he flicked through thin pages, the sound of you and Dick arguing could be heard from across the hall.
He wasn't exactly trying to eavesdrop, but he could make out certain sentences like “why's her name still..’. He sighed, growing more and more tired of the constant back and forth between you two. The conversation slowly moved from the room into the hall, and the argument could almost be heard throughout the whole manor.
“Dick, I cannot do this anymore. I'm tired. I'm tired of being confused about your feelings for me!” He could then hear Dick's annoyingly condescending voice. Another tired sigh escaped Jason's lips as he ran his fingers tiredly through his dark strands. He rolled off the bed, put on a loose white tee, and slipped on black house shoes.
Pulling the door back, he wasn't even noticed by the two of you until his deep voice rumbled through the hall. Even as a quiet, “The hells’ all the commotion, I'm tryna read damn it”, his voice caught your attention. You felt slightly embarrassed. But the anger just wouldn't let up. “Sorry Jason, just go back to your room,” Dick pleaded, leaning against the wall with a frown. Jason rolled his eyes at Dick's continuous attempts to sound like an older brother, and his eyes flickered to yours.
Noticing your red eyes and a tear of anger falling down your cheeks, his jaw relaxed and he almost looked concerned. “You alright?” His soft voice coaxed you out of your bubbling fit of anger. “Yeah...I'm okay…I'm just gonna go home..” Your eyes stuck back to the floor and then you walked away, leaving the two brothers alone. Dick began to walk away, only stopping in his tracks at the mention of his name.
“Dick…you can't keep doin' this man-” Dick spun around shooting a cold glare at him. “Doing what? You think I want to hurt her?” Jason's eyebrows furrowed. “You're not doing a good job of proving me wrong.” Dick walked away.
You dropped your keys on your marble console table, falling onto the couch with a sigh. You knew he wasn't right for you. This cycle of toxicity would go on and on forever unless you stuck your foot in the ground. The repeating doubts about your relationship circled your mind almost daily. You and Dick had been together since late middle school days. You went everywhere with each other and attended every dance together. You were both practically attached at the hip. You had everything in common and could get lost in various topics for hours.
But, that connection had seemed so far away. So long ago. Like a distant memory. The romance in the relationship felt like it was fading, but neither of you was ready to let it go. And it puts a strain on your relationship, even without romance.
You curled up on the soft sofa, bringing your knees to your chest and feeling stinging tears well in your eyes. You knew it was bad for you. God that's all you ever thought about. But it hurt too much to even consider ending things. He was so familiar.
You don't know how much time has passed by of you being stuck in a constant loop of repetitive thoughts, but a knock on your door shook you out of your trance.
“y/n? It's Jason, can I come in?” You quickly wiped your eyes with your shirt and straightened yourself out. “Be right there!” You cringed at that obvious wavering of your voice. You reached the door, opening it slightly so he could only see your upper half. Your head was leaned downward as a half-assed attempt to hide your tear-stained face. “Hey,” was all he said, with a faint sheepish smile. You lazily nodded at him. “Need something?” You'd hoped you didn't sound angry at him. “Well, I came here to ask you the same thing.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, a familiar habit of his. “Come in.”
(yall I cannot think of a title omg)
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 11 months
A Broken Outing
Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: a mishap on a fun trip to the park leads to Sam and Dean comforting their injured little sister.
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“The park?” Dean sounded dubious as he glanced in the backseat to make sure you were asleep. “Why?”
Sam sighed. “We’ve been on the road for days, Dean. She needs to run around, and the motel parking lot won’t cut it. C’mon man, she’s just a kid, she needs a break, and we all need fresh air. It’s only five minutes from the motel.”
Dean was silent for a long moment. He had been a little obsessive in the search for a job lately, and tensions in the car had been high for the past day. Some fresh air really couldn’t hurt, especially if it syphoned off some of the energy that had been electrifying you and driving the boys insane.
“Are we there yet?” Your voice from the back seat startled Dean out of his thoughts.
“Almost, kid.”
“You said that forever ago,” you whined, rubbing your eyes.
“We’re really close, promise,” Sam said before Dean could respond. Dean was quick to get impatient with attitude, but Sam understood. You were just a little kid with a lot of energy, and you never slept well in the car.
Your face scrunched up in discontent, but thankfully you didn’t cry.
“Sammy and me were thinking,” Dean began reluctantly. “There’s a park really close to the motel and—“
Dean hadn’t even finished his sentence, but you suddenly sat up straight, your eyes lighting up.
“A park? Can we go, please can we go?”
“Tell you what,” Dean relented. “If you don’t ask me if we’re there yet anymore, then when we get there we’ll take you.”
You were completely silent for the rest of the ride.
“Ok kid,” Dean helped you unbuckle your seatbelt, as you were bouncing around too much to get it off yourself. “You’ve got one hour, have at it.”
“Thank you!” You squealed as you ran away from Dean and towards the giant slide.
Sam chuckled softly as he stepped up next to his brother. “See? This won’t be so bad.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean grunted, making his way towards one of the benches.
The stubborn frown on Dean’s face struggled to remain there as he watched you. It had been far too long since he’d seen you smile like that.
“Is she tall enough for that?” Dean looked up at Sam’s question to see you clinging onto the monkey bars. You stretched one arm out to grab the next bar, but you were too short. Dean was just about to go help you down, but stopped when he saw what you were doing. You didn’t fall, instead you readjusted your grip on the bar and tried a new strategy. Instead of reaching for one bar while holding the one behind you, you swung your whole body and let go completely. It worked, and you grabbed onto the next bar, repeating that method each time.
“She’s pretty good at that,” Sam commented. Unfortunately, he spoke too soon.
You swung again, releasing the bar behind you and stretching your arms out for the next one…
Your little fingers struck the bar, but you’d tired your grip strength out by then, and you couldn’t hold on.
The little grip you had managed to get on the bar only hurt you, because it meant that when you fell, your body twisted at a strange angle. You landed hard on your arm, and the brothers were up in an instant at your strangled cry of pain.
Sam, with his monstrously long legs, got to you first, Dean right behind him.
“Hey honey. Shh, you’re ok, you’re ok.” Sam focused on soothing you while Dean examined your arm.
On simple touch to your arm had you wailing in pain, and Dean pulled away quickly while Sam held you in his lap, careful not to jostle your arm.
“I know, I know honey I’m sorry,” he breathed.
“Broken, definitely,” Dean sighed. “There’s a hospital just a few miles away, we passed it. Let’s go.”
Sam carried you to the Impala, taking extra care not to move you too much. He put you down in your seat, buckling you in carefully before jumping into the passenger’s seat.
“It’s gonna be alright, baby,” Dean turned to look at you as he spoke. “You’re gonna be just fine, just hang in there.”
Dean could tell by the way your face was scrunched up and your lips were pursed that you were trying not to cry. It wasn’t a very successful attempt, and though you weren’t making much noise, tears were streaming down your face. But Dean was so proud of you for the effort.
Tough kid, he thought as he turned back in his seat and started for the hospital.
“De, Sammy, look!”
The boys had hardly stepped into your hospital room before you were calling out to them.
“What?” Sam asked, coming to stand by your bed.
“I got to pick my cast color!” You waved your purple cast around, an ear-splitting grin on your face.
“Easy, tiger,” Dean chuckled. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
“That’s so cool,” Sam grinned.
“Can you sign it?” You asked, tugging on Dean’s arm.
“You bet,” Dean snatched up the marker you offered him. “Alright baby, where do you want it?”
“Right here,” you pointed. When he was done you held your arm out to Sam, and after he’d signed it you stopped him. “Can you put that on it?” You pointed at Sam’s chest and he looked down, confused.
“Put what?”
“Your tattoo! Can you draw it on my cast?”
“Not a bad idea,” Sam shrugged as he leaned down and began drawing. You had no idea what the tattoo really meant—you were far too young to learn about that—and Sam thought it was cute that you wanted it just because the boys had it.
“All done,” he said after a minute, and you grinned when you looked at it.
“Now we match!”
“We sure do, honey,” Sam said.
“Hey Sammy?” You asked.
���Can we go back to the park now?”
Sam and Dean didn’t hesitate.
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bruhstories · 2 years
summary: you and eren have been friends since forever. you also loved eren since forever. but eren is always bored, until he finally finds something worth changing for pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader, mentioned eren x mikasa w/c: 4.6k warnings & content: toxic!eren (for the most part. man's got a god complex, okay?), female bodied reader, weed smoking, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected p in v sex, angst, fluff
a/n: not me coming back from the dead with this rubbish but hey, beats not writing at all i suppose
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"I'm bored." 
Eren laid on his back, one hand under his head, the other holding the meticulously rolled spliff.
"Do you wanna play a video game?" You suggested, watching him blow rings of smoke. "I can beat you at Mortal Kombat again."
He snorted at your audacity before passing you the joint. 
"I mean I'm bored of my life. Nothing exciting ever happens." Eren sighed. He was tired of the same routine of waking up, checking Tinder, going to work, hooking up with some random girl, going to bed — rinse and repeat.
You liked routine. You flourished when you had a routine. Not that you were bothered by the occasional spontaneity, but routine could very well be your middle name.
"Change something, then. Change your job. Or even better, get a girlfriend." Your tone wasn't pleasant. 
"Who's gonna split the rent with you, then?" He sat up, taking the spliff from your fingers.
"Hey, I wasn't done-"
"You snooze, you lose, babe." Eren took one long drag before exhaling the smoke into your face.
You hated when he used pet names on you. It gave you a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, he liked you back. But that was impossible. Eren didn't do relationships, he fucked. You knew that damn well when you could hear him through the walls of your flat almost every night. You felt bad for every single girl who thought they could change him. But you knew him better. You knew he would never change.
"I told you to not call me that." You leaned forward to take your spliff back, but Eren put his hand up. "Really, are you going to be a child now?" You pressed a hand on his knee to reach his fingers. 
"You didn't earn it." He shrugged, pushing you back.
"I rolled it, fuckface! Give it back!" You struggled, but Eren was bigger and stronger. 
"Fine." He smacked your hands out of his way and gripped your chin, fingers digging into your skin. "Open up." 
Even if you tried to keep your mouth closed, the force of his fingers parted your lips open. You could feel your cheeks heating up when Eren took a drag and blew the thick smoke into your mouth, his lips merely inches away from yours.
You hated him. No, you hated how he made you feel, how insignificant you were compared to him.
Despite always barking back at him, always getting into arguments, always beating him at Mortal Kombat, the reality was that you always gave in. If Eren told you to strip, you would. If Eren told you to suck his cock, you would. If Eren told you to jump off a cliff, you would. Not because he forced or manipulated you, but because you wanted to.
You were willing to give him everything, and he would take it all.
"Good girl." Eren sneered at your attempt to hide your face. It amused him.
"Fuck off, yeah?" 
"You know what would make my life less boring?" He clicked his tongue. 
"Enlighten me." You rolled your eyes.
"Fucking you."
Your lips parted but no sounds came out of your mouth. Those were words you wanted to hear since you were a teenager, since you first realised you liked him. Since you were 15. Ten years ago.
And the urge to surrender was growing stronger than your will to be dignified and respectable. Much stronger. 
"Eren, stop fucking about." You decided not to play his game. "Just because you're bored doesn't mean you have the right to, what, fuck me? Grow up, you're 25."
There, you told him off. Surely he would be mature enough to understand and respect your wishes. Only, you didn't give him a definitive no. And if Eren couldn't get what he wanted, he would take it.
His fingers ghosted over your shoulder, tugging at the strap of your tank top. You could've smacked his hand away, could've left the room. But you didn't, because you wanted him to convince you. You wanted to make him work for you, to earn you.
Eren didn't say anything, just toyed with the strap, lowering it down your arm. Bad time to not wear a bra, because from the way you were sat, he could perfectly watch the way your nipples protrude through the thin fabric of your top. 
You couldn't lie to yourself — you never wore a bra around Eren, unless you had just come from work. Desperation was written all over your face, every day, every minute of your miserable life, and living with him did not make things any better, it only made them worse. The only two reasons you agreed to be roommates were simple — you were poor and you were in love. You needed someone to split bills and rent with, and you hoped that living with Eren would make him have an epiphany about how much he loved you and wanted to be with you.
Boy, were you wrong.
Yet when he tugged at your strap harder, hooked his index finger and pulled it all down, you did not protest. You did, however, in one final attempt to maintain your dignity, cross your hands over your chest to cover your bare breasts.
He smiled — no, he sneered at how pathetic you were, because if there was one entertaining thing in Eren's boring life, it was how much you tried to fight your feelings for him. 
As if he didn't know. As if you thought he didn't know.
"Have you always been this cute?" His words disrupted your embarrassment, but you knew how foul he was, telling you what you wanted to hear. 
"Eren…" You trailed off, still covering your chest, still hiding your face. "Don't. Don't play with me. Don't say things you know will… hurt me."
"Hurt you?" He cocked a brow at you, almost convincing you that he was confused. "But, I'm giving you what you want, and you'll be giving me what I want."
The sudden realisation that Eren knew all this time how in love you were with him had you burst into tears. Not hysterical crying, heavy breathing or loud sobs, no. Just tear after tear after tear, rolling down your cheeks, down your lips, down your chin, as you cried with no noise. 
He felt bad. He really did.
It's not that he didn't care about you, God, no. Eren loved you — in his own way. He wasn't the type of man to hold your hand, kiss your forehead, cuddle you at night. But he showed his love in other ways — he took days off when you were sick, drove you anywhere and everywhere you wanted, ordered food almost every day. You always assumed he did that because you were friends, because you went way back. 
"I didn't mean to make you cry." His thumb grazed over your bottom lip. "Cross my heart and hope to die." Eren told you when he saw the condescending look on your face.
"For how long have you known?" You turned your head away and pulled your top back up.
He clicked his tongue. Eren wasn't in the mood to talk, he was in the mood to fuck. But you were not about to give yourself to him just yet.
"Long enough." He stubbed whatever was left of the spliff and pulled his legs under him in a lotus position. 
"Jesus Christ. And you enjoyed every bit of it, didn't you?" Venom dripped down your tongue. You watched him with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. "You thrived on watching me be a fool. For fuck's sake, you moved in with me!"
"It's not like that." His voice was calm, but you could see him getting angry.
He'd changed. When he was a teenager he would show how angry he was. Everyone had to know Eren was fuming. But now? Now he was just calm, quietly imagining how he'd rip someone's heart out and eat it.
"It's not like that." You repeated, tone mocking him. "Pray tell, then, Eren, how it is. Because frankly I'm getting tired."
He rolled his eyes at you, and that only irked you more. You wanted to scream at him, to slap him, to make him understand just how much you wanted him.
"We both know why I didn't say anything, Y/N."
Of course.
How could you be so stupid to think he ever reciprocated your feelings?
Silly you.
"Wow, I- no. This has to end." You punched the nearest wall, knuckles cracking at the impact. "Fuck!"
"Are you hurt-"
"Fuck you. I really thought I could get over it, you know? But it's been ten years! Ten years of my life wasted because I love you!" Your eyes widened and you brought a hand over your mouth.
Never have you imagined this was how you'd confess your feelings. 
You always thought it would be when Eren would be vulnerable, or perhaps when he would've realised he liked you. But not like this. Never like this.
"Oh, say it again." He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip. 
You couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, so when he opened his eyes, all he could see was you, angry, upset, confused.
Eren got up and closed the distance between the two of you. His lips touched your knuckles, his hand holding yours. 
"Say it again." He urged you, his emerald eyes burning holes into your own pupils.
"I… love you." Your voice was dying with each syllable, and you could feel your eyes getting wet with tears once more. 
"Please." He pulled you by the waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, taking in your scent.
There were plenty of mixed signals coming from him, and he was a walking red flag. But you couldn't hold back, not anymore.
"I love you."
Eren wasn't bored of his life. Those three words made him realise that. He didn't need something exciting to happen, no. He needed someone who would dedicate their heart to him. He needed you.
"I don't think I could get tired of hearing this." His breath tickled your skin.
"Eren, please, I can't do this. Not when you don't even like me back." You tried to push him away, but he tightened his grip around your waist. 
"Oh, I like you. Just not how you expect me to." Eren pulled back enough to look into your eyes. "I'm not gonna take you on dates. I'm not gonna buy you flowers. I'm not gonna hold the door open for you." He admitted. 
"That's… alright." It wasn't. 
But if it meant you got to have a small piece of him, you were willing to ruin the rest of your life for him.
His hand slid under your top, but you were too far gone to protest. 
Once you confessed your feelings, you were his.
Your feet followed Eren as he dragged you to the bed. He sat you down, or better yet, he pushed you onto the mattress, and as you fell, so did your dignity and principles. Your embarrassment quickly turned into eagerness, because in that moment, you believed you'd never have another opportunity like this, even if it meant ruining your friendship, and potentially, the rest of your life.
Eren hovered over your body, and you tugged the waistband of his gray sweatpants, making him lean closer.
"Can I kiss you?" Your voice was timid and quiet.
"You can do more than that with that pretty mouth of yours." His confidence made your cheeks burn. He always made your body temperature rise, but this felt like a genuine fever dream. A good one. 
"Eren!" You squealed at his words, but before you knew it, his lips pressed onto yours, hot and needy. That was the uncontested truth — Eren needed you. Not some random girl who was eager to fuck him because of his undoubtedly good looks, but someone who would worship him like a king, a god. And you did that, in your own special way.
There was a time when Mikasa was like that, obsessed with Eren and eager to please him. But the difference was that, to him, Mikasa was mindless. Like a puppet on a string. She wouldn't contest his wishes, and gave up so easily. And Eren didn't want that. He wanted someone to be by his side because they saw eye to eye. Because you believed in his ideas and in him. Mikasa just wanted him. She didn't give two shits on what Eren thought, she would follow him anyway.
But you were like him. There was passion in your eyes and a fire in your heart, and Eren knew that. You preferred to not show that, giving your friends only optimism and kindness. He knew better. He knew the darkness in your soul. He knew you were the only one who could understand him. It only took him ten years to bring that to the surface. 
His mouth was on your neck, kissing, sucking and biting your skin, and your fingers were tangled in his disheveled hair, tugging at it with each wave of electricity running through your veins. Every time he touched you, it felt like you stuck your fingers in a socket.
"Need to feel you." Eren mumbled, one hand traveling down your chest, then your abdomen, sliding under your leggings and panties. "Fuck, you're so wet." He was dumbfounded at the effect he had on your body when his fingers pushed into your sloppy cunt.
For a brief moment, you regretted not being a virgin. You had hoped Eren would be your first, but back when you lost your virginity, you thought he would never want you, so you had a short relationship with some guy who fucked you pretty badly. Since then, you barely had any sex.
His thumb grazed over your swollen clit, and you instinctively arched your back, hitting your forehead against his. Clearly, you lacked experience. 
"Ren, I'm sorry-"
"It's alright." He took your hand and guided it to his cock. "You can make up for it."
You chewed on your lower lip and looked away, only for him to squeeze your wrist. 
"Look at me."
You nodded, palming his bulge through the fabric of his sweatpants. He relaxed, letting go of your wrist and untying the string of his waistband.
Adrenaline and fear fogged your brain. It all still felt so unreal, and part of you was scared you couldn't take him all. The other part wanted him to ruin you.
Eren pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor, leaving your cunt needy and alone.
"Go on." He urged you after seeing the lust and fear in your eyes. "I know you want it."
You sighed at the lack of gentleness, but you couldn't deny the obvious truth. 
Your manicured fingernails snatched the waistband and pulled it down, not caring about foreplay anymore. You've had enough foreplay in the past ten years. 
The sight of his cock made your mouth water, like some kind of rabid dog, but you didn't give a shit anymore. You didn't care if he saw you as a piece of meat, a toy or a puppet.
"I-" Words could not come out of your mouth. He was just stunning, with his toned body and his hair falling down his beautiful face. Shit, maybe he was a god.
"Well?" Eren snapped, impatient and irritated at the lack of reaction. You did react, just not like he expected you to.
Curious and confused, you reluctantly shifted your position, bringing your face closer to him. After pondering your next move, you parted your lips open and stuck your tongue out, dragging it up his shaft. 
"You can do better." He fisted your hair and pulled your head back. "You will do better, yeah?"
"Yes-" You stopped talking when he pushed his cock into your mouth, effectively forcing you to take as much of his length as possible.
The tears pooling at the corners of your eyes weren't from pain, nor the lack of air, but from pure ecstasy and joy. Finally, you were granted what you were longing for so long. 
You worked hard for Eren, hollowing your cheeks and sucking his cock. You didn't think your mouth could produce so much spit, but it did, and it dribbled down your chin, down his shaft, mixed with his delicious precum. Your lips were just so swollen you thought they went numb.
When Eren got tired of watching you struggle to breathe, he pulled your head back, allowing you to inhale as much air as possible. His fingers wrapped around your neck as he bent down to kiss you.
"Shit." He pulled back. "I taste good."
He was so full of himself, so vain and narcissistic that it made you want to hate him. But you couldn't lie to yourself — you loved every bit of him.
"Eren, please." You reminded him that you also needed attention by squeezing his hand.
He looked down on you, as if he were insulted by your audacity to speak.
"What? You want something?" He palmed his cock, slowly stroking it up and down.
You nodded.
"Show me, then."
Another sigh escaped past your lips. You should've known he'd make you work. He wouldn't just give you what you wanted so easily. 
Pulling your leggings down and letting them fall off the bed, you gently laid back on the mattress. Eren watched your every move, judging every single gesture, and so far, he seemed pleased. He seemed especially pleased when your hands reached your panties, tugging them and eventually pulling them down. You laid there, half naked and awkward. 
"I didn't tell you to stop, did I?" His voice was condescending. "Earn it, you filthy whore." Now he was impatient. 
Never had he called you a whore before. You didn't mind it, you just didn't expect it. And you didn't know what to do, either. After a few seconds of silence and deep thinking, you bit your lower lip and spread your legs. Unmoved by your attempt, Eren just kept on pumping his cock, seemingly enjoying himself more.
Fine, you'd try harder.
Your hand slowly traveled up your thigh until it reached your cunt, and your fingers gently rubbed circles against your clit. His eyes didn't leave your body. That was what he wanted, but it was still not enough. 
"Ren- oh, please-" Your breath hitched when arched your back. "Need you, please!"
"Need me to what? Say it, otherwise you won't be getting shit from me."
Did he have to humiliate you like that? Was it not enough that you just professed your love to him? Did he have to take everything from you?
The answer was yes, and you knew it all too well.
"Don't wanna say it…" You tried to fight your instincts.
"Is that so? Fuck yourself, then." He was dead serious. 
"No, wait!" You sat up, fingernails digging into his arms. "Please!"
Eren tucked your hair behind your ear and cupped your cheek with one hand. Despite how tender his gesture was, you knew his words would be cruel.
"Give yourself to me. All of you."
Something snapped inside your brain. He didn't have to tease you for you to want him. He didn't need to kiss you and make you melt. He knew exactly which buttons to push to break his toy.
"Take me, then!" You begged him. "Kiss me, fuck me, kill me if you want!"
Even Eren was shocked to see how much power he had over you. Power he would obviously abuse in the future. Sure, you could have said those things in the heat of the moment, said them to get what you wanted, but it wasn't just sheer lust — you were willing to let Eren ruin you.
You did ask nicely, and how could he not grant your wish?
His dark locks tickled your face when he leaned in to kiss you in what was, perhaps, the most animalistic kiss you've ever had. Oh, and you were putty in his hands, kissing him back, fisting his hair to pull him impossibly closer to you.
With your legs spread open for him, Eren pushed his cock into your needy cunt, and although he tried not to hurt you, he couldn't hide his eagerness to just fuck you already. Inch by inch, you rolled your eyes in both pleasure and pain — it's been a while since you got laid. Your fingernails raked up and down his back, leaving red marks all over his perfect skin, and you could tell he enjoyed it by his guttural growls and grunts.
"God, you're so tight." Eren bottomed out, allowing you to adjust to his size. 
Oh, and you adjusted, alright. He filled you up, both physically and emotionally, and no longer was there a void in your heart. He was your missing piece, but you weren't so sure if you were his.
Wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his back, you looked him in the eyes without a shred of shame.
"Please, Eren, please fuck me! I've waited so long-" You choked on your own words when his hips began to roll painstakingly slowly. But you loved every bit of it, so much so that you sunk your teeth into his shoulder to muffle your moans.
Eren wouldn't have that, of course. He had to hear you. He heard you every night, when you thought you were quietly fucking yourself, it was only natural he wanted to hear you when he was the one balls deep inside of you.
The sound of his name on your lips was divine, like a devout subject praying to her god. Because that was Eren to you — a god.
Your lips were swollen from all his devouring kisses, and you were sure he left a few bruises on your body after how hard he pinched and squeezed the plush of your hips, but you didn't care. You belonged to him, after all.
"Harder, fuck me harder!" You begged him. It's not that you wanted to finish, God no. You wanted this moment to last forever. But you needed to feel him more.
Eren pulled out, despite your request, only to flip you over and thrust back into your cunt. You've never tried that position before with other men. You believed that it was filthy and humiliating to get fucked from behind. And you were right, you felt like nothing but a piece of meat. But it also felt good.
"Hard enough, you little slut?" He whispered into your ear, the words sending chills down your spine. Who knew you would enjoy being called awful names?
"Yes! Fuck, yes!" You arched your back, the sound of the bedframe hitting the wall echoing in your room. Your poor neighbours. 
"Has anyone else fucked you like this before?" Eren fisted your hair, pulling your head back.
"N-no!" You cried out, feeling your thighs quiver. 
"Good." He let go of your hair, only to bring an arm around your neck, practically holding you in a headlock. "And no one's ever gonna fuck you like this, but me, yeah?"
"Y-you, only you!" 
"That's right." He let go of you, instead focusing his hands on your hips. "You're mine."
It was comforting to hear those words, because you knew that was how Eren expressed his feelings — violently. 
There was no romance with Eren, only chaos and violence, and you loved him just like that. 
Then you felt it — his frantic thrusts, the stuttering pace, his fingers almost ripping the skin off your hips — he was close, and so were you. 
"Eren! I'm gonna finish-"
"I know, love."
That was enough to send you over the edge, your walls tightening around his cock, and pleasure engulfing your entire body. Your limbs were numb by the time you reached your climax, and you were too tired to tell him not to finish inside of you. But Eren wasn't an idiot. Despite his violent urges, he didn't want to hurt you. Not emotionally, at least. He pulled out on time, you knew that when you felt something hot and thick on your lower back.
You could hear him walk out of the room and then back in, and in your daze, you tried to prop yourself on your elbows and look up.
"Don't move." Eren told you, and his voice had drastically changed — soft and soothing. "You don't want cum leaking on your bedsheets."
"Need to wash 'em anyway." You groaned, coming down from your high. 
"Tomorrow." He said, gently wiping your back with tissues. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." You nodded. "Still bored?" You teased him, but you knew things would go back to normal tomorrow. Eren would go back to Tinder and you would go back to your routine.
"A little." Eren shrugged, and although you should have expected this answer, it still shattered your heart into a million pieces. "You know what would help?"
"If you would let me take you out on a date."
You were confused, and understandably so.
"No, the Pope. Go on a nice little date in the Vatican. Yes, you." He chuckled at his own joke.
But you were still confused.
"I thought you didn't do dates." You watched him toss the tissues in the bin and sit back down on your bed.
"Well, it's time for a change." He didn't look at you, instead focusing on one dot on the wall.
"Okay, but why? I mean, why me?"
"Don't, Y/N. Don't make me say it." Eren hoped that if he still stared at that dot, you would leave him alone.
"You made me say a lot of shit tonight, Jaeger. Why me?" You could feel your cheeks heat up again with anger.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, you know why!" He crossed his arms like a child.
"No, I don't."
"Jesus, because I l-" Eren cleared his throat. "I luh-" he choked.
"Oh my God, just say it already!" 
"I love you, you crazy fucking bitch!" He threw his hands up in exasperation. "There, I said it, happy?"
You were stunned, absolutely dumbfounded. Love? Eren loved you? How? Since when? There were tons of questions you wanted to ask him, but not a single word came out of your mouth. 
The silence was deafening, and you could hear your heart beating in your eardrums. So instead of saying anything, you scooted closer to him, cupping his face and turning his face towards you. Finally, he looked into your eyes, and you beamed at him. There was so much warmth in your smile that it moved him, and for the first time in a very long time, Eren smiled, too.
He pulled you into a soft embrace, his arm around your shoulders, his chin resting on your head. 
"Can I sleep with you?" Eren asked.
"Didn't you already do that?" You mocked him with a grin on your lips.
"Alright, fuck you too, then.” He chuckled, planting a kiss on your forehead.
Perhaps you had been wrong all along. Perhaps all of Eren’s arrogance and chaos was just a mask, something to hide how he truly felt. You knew he would never show his vulnerable side, but the fact that tonight he at least tried to do that meant that he could change. And tonight, for the first time, Eren not only felt loved, but he felt the need to show love.
It would take time and patience, but he could change. For you.
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starieq · 4 months
Are you going to finish loving her seems tiring???
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“Lovin her seems tiring..” Part 5! a/n; sorry I haven’t been making part five! Haven’t been feeling motivated, but I know that’s no excuse. Also tysm for 165 followers??? Please forgive me and enjoy 😊! -Arianna 
Taggies/ warnings; Pro!HeroKats, cheating, fingering, creampie, blowjob, ridding, cumming, squirting, swearing, mention of sex toys, dirty talk, titty fuck, drinking, drunk messaging, dry humping.
Oh here we go again, It’s the next morning where you have to wake up to the morning sun. Though, you wish he was next to you in bed. Morning sun on his shirt less pecs and abs. His perfect dirty blonde hair over his eyes while he sleeps. God, he was really a fucking goddess. You still wonder if he feels the same. 
Now waking up sucks when you know Katsuki Bakugo isn’t by your side, holding you close to his chest. You really can imagine, huh. You roll out of bed, and do a little stretch. You grab your phone off the charger seeing the time is 7:21AM. You walk to the bathroom with your messy hair. You bend down the splash some water on your face to get yourself going. 
You pull out your phone to see a bunch of messages from your brother. You slide to see the messages to see your cute cat Loki. He had an apple under his chin while holding it with his little tiny paws. 
“Awww. My little kitty is so adorable!” You quickly send an heart emoji as well with an apple. You didn’t think twice but send it to Bakugo. Why? You honestly don’t know maybe he’ll find it cute? He never liked your cat, and Loki sure didn’t like him either. Every time it’s bring your pet to work day, Bakugo will try to give Loki some treats, but Loki just hides in your chest. You find Bakugos face really cute when he gets offended by Loki. 
As soon as you put your phone down, a “ding!” comes out your phone. You turn it over to the screen to see Bakugo has messaged. 
:Dynamight🧡💥: fuckin cat is cute n’ all, but he’s also a fuckin menace. 
You giggle at his message, and type back a silly message too.
:y/n: Nuh uh! You’re just jealous he doesn’t like you are your treats for him. 🙂‍↕️
He almost replies instantly with, 
:Dynamight🧡💥: no, he’s just fuckin bratty cat, just like you sweetheart. 
You swear he’s going to be the death of you. You feel yourself blush at the message. sweetheart. His text keeps repeating in your head.
:Dynamight🧡💥: what happen love? Did ya die or something? Need your strong pro hero to come and save your tiny self? 
Katsuki Bakugo you fucking-
:y/n: no thanks love, I can handle myself <3
He can’t be serious right now. You cant be serious right now! He has a fucking girlfriend! What are you thinking? Love? Well, it’s fair since he called you sweetheart and love too.. but it feels wrong, but right at the same time? Kira was a fucking brat. You could do way better than her. Treat him better, love him better. Do everything better.
Fuck you want him to be yours. 
I bet loving her seems tiring.. 
Katsuki’s POV!;
I just masturbated for her, and now I have to wake up with her not in my fucking arms? Fuck this. 
I wake up at 5:30 to go to the gym. Heard there was one here, so I figured there wasn’t going to be anyone there this early in the morning. I get into my gym clothes and walk by her door. 
“She’s probably sleepin Katsuki. Leave her the fuck alone and don’t knock.”he mutters to himself walking away. He really did love you. But his girlfriend is in the fucking way of his only love at this moment to forever. 
He gets to the gym and starts his workout. He loves thinking about you, and what you’d look like under him. But he also loves thinking about making you his cute little housewife. Thinking about you waking around the house pregnant with his baby. You making dinner for him after a long day at work. Running a warm bath and you joining him. Seeing your cute body and his big bulky body hovering in front of you. His big hands around your cute waist. Fuck he loved you a lot.
After his workout was done, (7:20AM) we wipes the sweat off his forehead when he gets a message. He looking at the screen noticing your name. 
:y/n: Lookie at Loki! Isn’t he just the cutest Katsuki? 
“Not as cute as you.” He almost types, but says out loud.
:Katsuki: fuckin cat is cute n’ all, but he’s also a fuckin menace. 
“Hidin in my girls chest when I’m right in front of him.” He mutters to himself. 
:y/n: Nuh uh! You’re just jealous he doesn’t like you or your treats for him. 🙂‍↕️
“He’s fucking lucky I even offer him my homemade cat treats. Bratty ass cat.” He types so fast he can hear the phone tap with him.
:Katsuki:  no, he’s just fuckin bratty cat, just like you sweetheart. 
“Sweetheart. Fuck now she’s not responding. “ little does he know you’re a fucking blushing mess at the other end.
:katsuki: what happen love? Did ya die or something? Need your strong pro hero to come and save your tiny self? 
“Fuck, now I’m fuckin flirting with her.” He waits for your response tapping his phone screen.
:y/n: no thanks love, I can handle myself <3
Love. Fuck that was cute. Now he’s a blushing ass mess. 
:Katsuki: if ya say so sweets.
You don’t respond after that, but you do heart the message. Maybe you do feel the same for him. He’s hoping and wishing oh a fucking star you love him like he loves you. 
Fuck, loving Kira is so tiring when he has you.. 
Taggies!; @slayfics @queenpiranhadon @zanarkandskylines @gold24fish @gina239 @bakugonextswife @lalachanya
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hypnos333 · 9 months
Hwang Hyunjin x Idol Reader
Synopsis: You were a perfect Idol to everyone and everyone expects you to be single forever until you weren’t or never was
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No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined. You did a wonderful job keeping you and Hyunjin relationship a secret. Your fans think no one is good for you and you didn’t agree with the concept at all.
You were going on tour with stray kids with your boyfriend, he wanted to announce your relationship public after one and a half years. So you agreed, you didn’t want to be in hiding no more.
“Early, Tired” Hyunjin mumbled rubbing his eyes.
“Poor baby,” You say sarcastically, giggling before pinching his cheek. “Wanna cuddle on the plane together?”
“I obviously wanna cuddle with you” He said instantly leaning stealing a piece of Mango from your fork. “How are you so awake? And happy?”
“I love airports. Watching planes come and go. Plus I get to announce our relationship public and I get to spend 2 weeks with you, How can I not be happy?” You asked back cheerfully.
You held out your fork letting him steal another Mango, he sigh in content before tucking a piece of hair before your ear.
As you and him made it on the plane since everyone else was at the hotel it was just you and Hyunjin.
As you both got off the plane security blocked the fans from getting the two of you. Hyunjin held you hand out of instinct to try not to loose you.
When you both made it to the vehicle, you both sigh in relief.
Hyunjin put his head on your shoulder making you run your fingers through his soft hair. Making him lean in your touch. He hooked an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him.
Until Lee know called Hyunjin making him unhook you to answer the call.
“Hyunjin Check facebook or the news, Everyone knows about you and ___” I.n said before Hyunjin can even get a word in.
You hurriedly checked your phone seeing lots of notifications from your Manager and your team.
Manager Kim ___ you have so much to explain, You can’t just not say anything about your dating Status that’s bad news for your career.
The text alone made your heart beat faster. You were seeing more bad comments then good and it was making you really nervous, before Hyunjin snatch your phone making you instantly look at him. “It’s just us okay? Remember we’re gonna announce it soon anyways so maybe this can lessen things” Hyunjin comforted making you nod in agreement.
“Just us” You repeated
The day on the concert when it was around the ending of it Hyunjin decided it was the perfect time to announce his relationship.
“So You guys might have been hearing these rumors about me and a certain Idol and I wanna confirm those rumors” Hyunjin said simply. Guiding you on stage before kissing your lips around thousands of people. You smiled enjoying the kiss ignoring all the eyes on you.
The team cheered out making everyone else do as well.
You looked at him with love in your eyes not caring what anyone else thinks no more all you care about was just him and him only. You would risk your career just to be happy with him.
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plastictoyphone · 1 month
Attachment Will Bring Me To My Doom
(The long awaited Black backstory)
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Peeps the time has come: @kijimha @city-of-c0rpses @joanbarrie @fedya-the-rat-god @myluckymoon @respiratory-kristem
"Our baby boy..... We will love you forever." Those were the first words I ever remember my mother saying to me. I was barely a few months old yet that loving memory is still faint in the back of my mind. Slowly fading away from my subconscious.
I would have been lucky. A loving mother, a proud father, excited and supportive brothers. Yet I was unlucky. For I was stuck with this curse that has taken everything away from me.
It was all an accident too.....
Most parents would be excited and proud when their baby says their first word. Mine was mommy. It was easy to roll off the tongue and that's who I wanted most when it came to attention. Mommy, I wanted mommy to hold me. To feed me, to love me, to speak to me, I wanted her.
"Mommy." I wailed in my crib. I can't remember how old I was or the memory so well. The only thing I can remember was waking up that night in a cold sweat and a bad cough. A poor sick little child wanting his mother to comfort him.
Make it stop.
"Mommy." 96. I cried again when she didn't come.
Make it stop.
"Mommy!" 97
Stop it!
"Mommy!!!" 98
"MOMMY!!!" 99
I don't remember much, other than the faint sounds of her slippers tapping the floor and the warmth of her arms as she scooped me up. Her soft voice comforting me. "You okay my baby boy?"
I shivered in her arms before closing my eyes. "Cold....." 100.
I never saw my mother from that day forward ever again.
In fact I never saw the rest of my family from that day forward ever again as well. All I know is these 4 white walls and complete utter isolation with no contact from the outside world. I had no name as well. I used to have one before I was taken away by a facility, but I was given a new one. Or multiple I should say.
Rey was the common one. So was child 89, Mute, silent killer, "that kid", and most of all Black. To the facility I wasn't a child to them. In all reality I was some uncontrolled weapon of a monster who would kill anyone by a single touch if I spoke too much.
They tried to "cure me" at this facility. Testing to see if I can be stable enough for the outside world. Yet those moments were nothing but pain.
I would kick and scream every time the "doctors" tried to take me to a examining room. I was scared, I didn't care if my screaming for help or to be let go was going to get someone killed. I didn't want to go through another experiment or examination. I'm tired of the needles, the pills, the electro shocks, or anything that would keep me quiet.
Worst of all the doctors would lock a iron muzzle on my face, locking my jaw shut so I couldn't speak. Those were the worst moments because I felt so powerless in those moments. All I could do is sit in my cell, sitting in a straitjacket with no freedom to move around more utter a single sound.
These 4 walls became my life. And so did that man. The head of the facility. I didn't bother to remember his name or face. Why should I when all he repeated to me was, "Try not to get attached to people, 89. It's for your own good and for the rest of the world as well. Everything that you will love will die by your hand. It's best to keep your distance and stay far away. So no one can ever get hurt."
So I obey those orders.
Because in the end someone did end up getting hurt because of me. For once in my life the facility let me out of my so called home and out into the real world for just a month. To test the waters if I was stable enough.
At the time I was 17, they put me into a high school, yet I was barely given any schooling about the real world or how people act. All I knew to do was to keep quiet and count how many times I spoke a single word. In order to communicate I would pass notes and lie that I was a mute. This would keep most people away from me so no one got hurt. If they ignore me because I'm a mute then they won't get hurt or killed by me.
Yet it still happened. Even when I tried to keep my distance someone had to die by my hand. All because I wanted to help.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Some girl at school invited me to her house party, it's what you would normally expect from any drama show or movie. Lots of people, underage drinking, smoking, drinking games, a couple making out in the back. I only went because I didn't know how to say no.
Though I wish I didn't go. Because that night the girl who invited me was getting harassed by some guys. I wanted to step in, after all she was nice to me. Yet I lost count of how many words I have spoken. And by the graze of her hand on my shoulder, everything fell apart.....
I never saw that girl or that house ever again.
The facility immediately took me back after the incident. After that it was back to every day life within these 4 walls. That was until one night I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, unaware that someone was out for my blood.
There was a hand tight against my neck and I jolt awake to see a guy older than me with a knife, ready to kill me. I panicked of course, how could I not? I seen this guy before. He was the older brother of that girl who invited me to the party. From the piercing look in his eyes, I can tell he was out to get me for the incident.
I don't know how but after a bunch of struggle and bashing our heads against walls and glass, we ended up outside in the deep woods. I was trying to run but he was chasing up behind me. When I got near a river I attempted to leap over it but he tackled me and dunked me underwater, his hands around my throat as I struggle and kick to no avail. I was power less underwater and I was losing air.
This was the end of me.....
That was until the man's hand let go of my throat and somebody else yanked me out of the water when I fell unconscious. Soon before I knew it I was coughing up water and leaning against a tree. Stood before me was a tan guy with glasses and yellow eyes.
His name was Nicholas. I called him my brother once he took me in thay day. Now I'm with this Mafia organization called XY for a couple of years now. It's quite nice. The people here are a little weird but it's my kind of weird.
For once it feels like I have a family to call my own.
Yet I'm scared. I still keep my distance away from everyone else. Standing in the dark shadows while everyone else has fun in the light. Because if I step into the light then I'll get attached. And attachment will bring me to my doom. Keep my distance and no one gets hurt.
That's how it will always be.
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inlovewithpandora · 1 year
- Do You Regret This? -
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Pairing: Human!Lo’ak x fem!pregnant!reader
Request: [ @teyamsbitch ] “do you regret this?” “are you crazy? i would choose you and this family in every single lifetime.” w/ Lo'ak ➟ post. Readers worry she might ruin Lo'ak's life by getting pregnant and tear up a bit and when Lo'ak asks what's wrong she asks if he regrets this happening knowing how this will change their lives forever and lo'ak reassures her that this is what he wants.
Synopsis: You and Lo’ak are having your first child together and as the pregnancy gets further along you wonder if Lo’ak regrets having a baby with you.
Content: Aged!up Lo’ak, Modern au, miscommunication, angst + hurt w/ comfort, mentions of unplanned pregnancy, reader having doubts
Author’s Note: ty for requesting Sia! I hope you enjoy and that it meets your expectations🩷! I loved writing it because I’ve been wanting to write some more Lo’ak x preg!reader (and Lo’ak works in general)
Word Count: 724
Extra: Requests are open! Please read rules before requesting! || Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated🩷!
Links: Navigation || Avatar Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Taglist
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“Hey, babe, I’m worried about you. I haven’t talked to you in a while and I miss you. Call me when you get this.” That was the third voicemail Lo’ak left you this week. You’ve been avoiding him at all costs, not wanting to see him after you let your lingering thoughts and fears get the best of you.
You worried that he would feel trapped by you, especially since the pregnancy wasn’t planned. When you found out you were pregnant, you were happy, but also scared about your future. When you told Lo’ak the news, he was happy and excited too, but after that, you didn’t know how he felt. He could be wishing he never had a baby with you for all you knew and that was what you feared the most.
As you sat at the reception desk at your job, greeting visitors coming in, you saw someone who you weren’t expecting or wanted to talk to.
“y/n, we need to talk.” He was tired of you avoiding him. You haven’t been answering his calls, texts, acting as if you weren’t home when he came over, he was sick of it all and he wanted to get to the root of the problem.
“Okay, I get off in a few minutes. You can meet me at my house.” Lo’ak didn’t verbally reply, he just nodded and walked out the revolving doors of the building. You already knew exactly what he wanted to discuss and you weren’t ready for the conversation, but you were definitely preparing yourself.
When you made it home, you saw Lo’ak already standing by your front door, waiting for you to come unlock it. Once both of you walked inside and you put your bags down, you sat on the couch and Lo’ak sat beside you.
“Baby, why have you been avoiding me? I’ve been missin’ you like crazy and you haven’t been talkin’ to me at all.” You could see it in his eyes that he’s truly been missing you, that he’s longed for you ever since you excommunicated him from your life.
“Do you regret this?” You asked almost above a whisper, scared to hear his response to your question. You were already nervous about this conversation, so you thought it was best to just be straightforward with him.
“Do I regret this?” Lo’ak repeated the question, confused to what you were implying.
“Do you regret this?” You gestured to your slightly swollen stomach. “Having a baby with me. D-Do you feel like I ruined your life?” Your voice faltered as you talked, your eyes filling with tears until it pooled over and streamed down your cheeks.
“What? No, of course I don’t.” He answered swiftly, not even giving his answer a second thought. He loved the fact that his child was growing inside you, he was ecstatic to know that you and him would raise a child together.
“Me getting pregnant changed our lives completely, and I feel like I changed yours for the worst.” The spreading pain Lo’ak felt in his chest was almost unbearable. To hear you say those words hurt him because he knew that this feeling has been hanging over your head.
Lo’ak placed his hands on your face and used his thumbs to wipe away your tears. “I don't feel that way and I never will. You are the light of my life and the mother of my child. I could never regret having a baby with you. I’m in love with you, whatever happens between us, I’ll always love it. I would choose you and this family in every single lifetime.” His tone was so soft and loving, the way his words flowed through the air made you feel an indescribable sensation. You felt so much peace knowing what Lo’ak was feeling and that his feelings were all positive.
He leaned your head downward a little and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “The life I will forever want is with you and our baby.” He softly smiled, placing his hand on your stomach and feeling the baby begin to kick.
Watching him lit up as he talked about the baby and his future with you made you wonder what you were so worried about. He made you see that he was here for you, forever and always.
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I hope you enjoyed🩷!
Previous Fic
Editor - @justmemyselfandthemoon
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Taglist: @kasai-https @neteyamsblog @neteyamyawne @hc-geralt-23 @yetanotherattemptatanaccount @myh3artttt @savagemickey03 @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @number1gal @headsincloud9 @buble787635 @normspellmann @em-x0 @sliqeramx @lexasaurs634 @deadgirlrin
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drivinmeinsane · 1 year
Thoughts on Sierra Six as a romantic partner
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He's afraid that he's going to end up just like his father, cruel and negligent. Six still frets despite you reassuring him that if he cares enough to worry about it, it means he's nothing like his father. He loves you so much that he would disappear forever if it meant your safety. He's scared shitless when it comes to his own feelings about you. It takes the longest time for him to say the words "I love you". He only smiles for you and Claire. He's got a very dry sense of humor that only comes out around the two of you. He always remember the minute details. Six would never forget an anniversary. He does routine things for you. Do you like to have coffee in the mornings. He'll have it ready at the perfect time for when you walk into the kitchen. Do you always take a nightly shower? He has the water running at the right temp the instant you decide to jump in. He may not verbally say a whole lot, but it's clear in his actions how much he cares for the two of you. He's terrible about putting his own needs first. Whenever either of you have even the smallest injury or mildest illness, he silently stresses non-stop. Some nights, his fears for your safety rachet up so high that he would pace a trail into the ground for hours if you don't catch him and stop him. He's putty in your hands the moment you grab his arm to halt him. You always manage to put him at ease with your reassurances. Despite his schedule, he makes a concentrated effort to be present. During family game nights, the trained mercenary isn't afraid to use every tactical advantage he has (including cheating!!) because he knows he'll get thrashed otherwise. He didn't grow up with anything resembling a healthy childhood (or adulthood) and one of the byproducts of that is how inexperienced and unequipped for most games or leisure activities he is. He's well practiced at cards though, and you and Claire have to play him two against one to stand a chance. He adores physical touch. Hugs and light punches in the arm from Claire always ease some of the permanent tension on his face. From you, he enjoys so many things. Allowing himself to lightly doze after your adopted daughter goes to bed is made even better if you gently run your fingers through his hair while he lays with his cheek pillowed on your thigh. All he knows is duty and self-sacrifice. He spent years making sure emotions didn't get the best of him, but that all changes once he has a family. He never thought he would get to have a partner and a daughter. He has such tender emotions for no one else. He has such loyalty for no one else. Six spends most of his days expecting the other shoe to finally drop. He is certain that you'll grow tired of him one of these days. He has nothing to offer you but himself. The man can't seem to fathom that you stay with him because he's him. He never meant to tell you the name his momma gave him in another life, but it slips out one night while the two of you are sitting together. You gently take his hand and repeat it. He thinks that hearing his name in your mouth might be what finally kills him.
18+ thoughts below the cut.
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He always takes his time with you. You're something special in his life that he can never rush or take for granted. You get to feel the intensity of his undivided attention. When it's time, pleasuring you is his only mission. He won't rest until you're completely satisfied, even if he goes untouched. His own gratification is secondary to yours. Six's favorite way of having you is wrapping his muscular arms around your thighs and holding your legs pinned wide so he can provide oral. He gets off on servicing you (Has he came untouched while doing so? Yes.). He's not a submissive man. Either in or out of the bedroom, but for you, he'll be soft and yielding. He draws the line at most pet names, given the Lloyd situation that occured in Prague. While the concept of a quickie doesn't cross his mind, sometimes he can be rough in his desperation. There's been jobs he's come back from where his grip is close to bruising and he tosses you on the bed like a ragdoll (with your enthusiastic consent of course) no matter your size. He's vocal during sex. Six doesn't talk much, but his grunts and growls tell the story of just good you make him feel. He's always hoarse the following morning.
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