#This ep was a love letter to Clone Wars
movietimegirl · 1 year
WOW...That was a rollcoster. Speachless!
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
An allergy to the Prequels
While I'm putting together a post about the evolution Lucasfilm's transmedia strategies, this part kinda turned into its own thing!
So I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but, uh... there hasn't been that much Prequel content since the Disney sale, right?
'Couple novels and comics, some episodes... but nothing meaningful.
The more I look into it, the more it feels like a deliberate avoidance to touch on anything Prequel-related - beyond the required quota, that is - to a point where they'd rather tell stories set during periods that are Prequel-adjacent (Dark Times, High Republic) than something set around Episodes I, II and III.
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On-screen policy: "pretend they never happened"
I mean, this one's no secret. When The Force Awakens had been announced, with J.J. Abrams at the helm, everyone sighed in relief. "Finally, George Lucas won't keep ruining the franchise."
When Abrams had been announced as the director of Episode VII, I remember this cringey animated video started circulating online, titled "4 Rules To Make Star Wars Great Again" or "Dear JJ Abrams":
“Star Wars isn’t shiny and clean... Star Wars is a western.”
If you ask me, those two things are not mutually exclusive.
'Cause Star Wars has always been both, for many Prequel kids. Both clean and dusty, Coruscant and Tatooine. There was never a disconnect between the Original Trilogy (OT) and the Prequel Trilogy.
Even the documentary The People vs George Lucas shows Prequel-hating fans begrudgingly admit their kids felt all six episodes tied seamlessly.
Abrams, on the other hand, said: "I think [the "Dear JJ" video] was right on." Later on, he also said:
he considered "putting Jar Jar Binks's bones in the desert" on Jakku, somewhere, and
he intentionally made the lightsaber fights "rougher", "primitive" and "more powerful" unlike the fast-paced ones in the Prequels.
Later, we found out he wanted to blow up Coruscant.
It's clear he wasn't a big fan of the Prequels.
But y'know what? Not many fans over 20 were, at the time. And when The Force Awakens came out, most them celebrated it as a wonderful love letter to the OT.
Star Wars is cool again. Mission accomplished 🙌 !
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However movies keep coming out, and references to the Prequels - if there are any - are literally just that... references.
Sometimes in the shape of a cameo ("hey look, Genevieve O'Reilly from the Ep. III deleted scenes is playing Mon Mothma again!")
Sometimes in a name (Luke name-dropped "Darth Sidious"!)
But nothing set during the Prequel era, and nothing treating the events that happened in that period as relevant or impactful, beyond subtextual nods.
In fact, the trend of avoiding anything Prequel-related continues as the final film in the Skywalker Saga comes out:
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The Rise of Skywalker has a secret Sith society that chants the name "Palpatine" instead of his Sith name "Darth Sidious",
the film pretends the Kaminoans never existed,
and neither TROS nor Trevorrow's Duel of the Fates script even try to bring Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker back on screen. Let that sink in, we're talking about the Chosen One, Skywalker Senior, whose sins caused this whole mess... and his name isn't even uttered once in the final chapter of what Disney dubbed the *Skywalker* Saga (or the entire Sequel trilogy, for that matter).
But hey, The Clone Wars got renewed for one last Season! That's cool right? So many stories had gone unfinished and somehow the animation looks even better than befo--
-- oh. It's not 22 episodes? Only 12?
Four of which had already been shown to us, but hey! We need to set-up the Bad Batch series, so let's shoehorn those episodes in there, and forget Son of Dathomir, Dark Disciple or Crystal Crisis.
*sigh* Better than nothing, I guess.
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In other mediums: "just not a priority"
Now this is something that I'll explore more in the transmedia post (and purely my interpretation), but the noticeable change between Lucasfilm's transmedia strategy *post-ROTS* and the one post-Disney sale is that:
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Before, the games, comics and novels were the main content. After all, Revenge of the Sith had been released, so that was it, for the movies. Thus, a variety of other content was being cranked out to keep the Star Wars franchise relevant. There were comics set 100 years after Episode 6, comics set 25,000 years prior, games set in the Old Republic era, other stories in the New Republic era, novels galore, a couple of parody films and an animated show, The Clone Wars, which sometimes received its own tie-in comics, novels and games.
After the sale and ever since, most of the transmedia products have had only one goal: promoting the films & streaming shows.
So while in 2015 you won't see an abundance of Prequel content... you'll see an avalanche of OT books and comics come out.
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Why? Because the heroes of that era will be in the Sequel Trilogy movies. It provided context to the kids who hadn't seen the OT yet, and reintroduced those films to a new generation of fans, while priming them for the Sequels.
A multimedia marketing strategy that ultimately proved successful.
However, it continued even after The Force Awakens came out.
Don't believe me? Compare how many comics there have been set during the Prequel era vs the OT era.
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If they make comics about the Prequels, they're limited runs.
Case in point: before the current Yoda series, the best any Disney Prequel-set comic series ever got was 6 issues.
Note: it's worth pointing out that the frequency of mini-series aren't just a Star Wars-specific thing, it's a comic book industry thing. The readership for comics is dwindling, many people are reading scans online, and so no publisher wants to commit to a story that lasts more than 4-6 issues. My problem is: there absolutely would be readership for a Prequel comic series to warrant an extended run instead of a mini-series.
Let's talk books. There have been give or 64 canon novels published since the Disney sale.
Only 11 of them are set during the Prequel era. And even those stories only came out when the planets were aligned.
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Almost half of them were released while being a part of some bigger multimedia push.
Before the Obi-Wan Kenobi series was being released on Disney Plus, we'd had one novel and like two comic stories about him during the Prequels... released between 2012 and end 2021. That's about three pieces of content in almost ten years.
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Clearly a low frequency.
Then, when the series is around the corner, two books and a comic story comes out in the space of months, plus an anthology book with an alt cover with his face on it and a comic with a story of him and Anakin in the first issue, all in 2022.
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My takeaway: short of there being a film or series that needs to be promoted, you'll rarely get any Prequel comics or books.
And this is OBI-WAN we're talking about. The character who even the Prequel haters love. Imagine how little attention the other ones get.
Gaming-wise, Battlefront had no Prequel content at all (again, 2015 was the year where OT content was shoved down the consumer's throats to prep them for Episode VII), and Battlefront 2 only released Prequel content a full year later.
All that being said, we did seen some Prequel elements here and there. After all, some actors got to reprise their roles, books and comics came out featuring Prequel characters... but there's a catch.
The stories they appear in are set in-between Episodes III and IV, a time-period known as "the Dark Times" or the "Imperial era".
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"Dark Times" being used instead of the Prequel era
It's easy to see the appeal of this era. You keep the same threat from the Original Trilogy - the Empire - but redress it with Prequel elements... while also cherry-picking the best characters of both the OT and the Prequels and giving them a chance to shine again.
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The situation is more clear cut, as opposed to the complex one in the Prequels. Bad guys are stormtroopers, good guys are anyone else. And the stories no longer take place in the shiny capital, you're back on the frontier.
But at this point... it feels like a cop-out.
When you consider how much content has been set during the Dark Times, it's nothing to sneeze at. Since the sale, we've had:
2 movies (Solo, Rogue One)
4 series set in that time-period (namely The Bad Batch, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor, and Star Wars: Rebels).
2 video-games (Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor).
17 novels (such as Ahsoka, Lords of the Sith, the new Thrawn books, etc)
And just a whole bunch of comic book series & mini-series (like Kanan, Princess Leia, various Vader-centric comics including Darth Vader: Lord of the Sith, many tie-in mini-series promoting Rogue One, Jedi: Fallen Order, Obi-Wan Kenobi, etc).
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There's been so much content made for this time-period that it feels like an unwillingness to do the work and create something set something during the Prequel era, let alone something that follows its Jedi.
After all, why make a story set in the Prequels (disliked by vocal fans) when you can just take the characters in that story and put them in an OT setting (which will appease the Prequel-haters)?
Maybe these stories get relegated to the Dark Times because:
there seems to be a perception that anything set in the Prequel era won't sell?
or maybe the current SW writers weren't fond of Episodes I, II and III, and don't find those Jedi characters likable, thinking they're too righteous and dogmatic which makes it hard to craft a story around them.
Or maybe it's because they're under the impression that the Prequel Jedi are bad. Like, canonically, in the narrative. Not just in a "I don't like them" sense, but also in a "the story is all about them becoming corrupted" sense.
Let's expand on that last point.
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Retconning the Prequels as the "Fall of the Jedi" era
Somehow the rare stories set during the Prequels that we do get seem to automatically be about how "the Jedi lost their way/failed".
The series Tales of the Jedi is explicit about it...
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... and I already explained why it contradicts what George Lucas established here and here.
You also see it in Rebels and the new season of The Clone Wars...
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... in comics...
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... in games...
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It gets to a point where the Prequels era has now been redubbed the "Fall of the Jedi" era by Lucasfilm.
You wanna know what that period was referred to before the Disney sale? The "Rise of the Empire" Era.
Because - and I'll never get tired of saying this cuz it's factual - the Prequels aren't about the fall of the Jedi, they're about the fall of the Republic and Anakin, and rise of the Empire and Vader.
So in addition to being overdone, the "Jedi lost their way" is not even the intended narrative of the Prequels (if one puts any stock in Lucas' words). It's a minor subplot at best, hardly the focus of the films, let alone a whole time period.
But dubbing it "Fall of the Jedi" implies that there's another era in which the Jedi were in their heyday.
Because Star Wars authors are in luck! Yet another alternative has presented itself in the shape of a new transmedia initiative, and it's even better than the "let's set it during the Dark Times" solution:
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A new transmedia initiative: The High Republic
You wanna deal with the Jedi before the Empire, but for some reason you wanna avoid dealing with the ones seen in the Prequels?
Look no further. Meet the Jedi of the High Republic.
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Noble, adventurous, inspired by the Knights of the Round Table, they're everything the OT kids dreamed about when they heard ol' Ben Kenobi talk about the Knights of the Old Republic.
That's more like it!
Note: the High Republic was created for other reasons and has many more upsides than the ones mentioned above. Namely, a fresh new spot in the timeline that allows for creative freedom and a beautifully-coordinated transmedia storytelling effort where retcons are non-existent. However it does seem evident that not having to deal with the 'unlikable' Prequel Jedi and their "fall" is one of those upsides.
Another perk that the High Republic era offers is more freedom in terms of storytelling compared to the Prequels.
In 2016, Pablo Hidalgo tweeted he still quotes to authors the following excerpt of West End Games' guide for aspiring Star Wars writers, from 1994.
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You can't write "this was the best day in Luke Skywalker's life", for example, because another author may want to write a better day than the one you just wrote.
My guess is that a similar approach applies to how all characters from the movies are treated. They're massively iconic. So you can't write a book that drastically changes how Mace or Yoda or Obi-Wan are perceived overall.
The stories need to be self-contained, disregardable if necessary, because you'll have dozens of writers coming up with new stories for those same characters, and you need to leave them some room.
Notice how in the book Dooku: Jedi Lost we never see how Dooku turns to the Dark Side and joins the Sith.
Same goes for crossover comic book arcs of the Star Wars issues, like Vader Down or Crimson Reign... the characters don't really change by much in those comics. You could stick to just watching the movies and you wouldn't really miss anything.
But with The High Republic, you indeed can develop these characters as much as you want.
All stories featuring Avar Kriss leave an impact on her, you can nail down who she is perfectly in one book or one comic arc, both being just as meaningful to her character.
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The fact that she's not as iconic/famous a character as Mace Windu means that authors can go to town on crafting an interesting and nuanced character arc for her that'll have a beginning, middle and end... something Mace will never really get.
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Back in 2015... let's not kid ourselves. The Prequels were unpopular and Disney is a multi-billion dollar corporation. Opting to make as much money as possible is what they do.
It's the same reason they decided not to go with George Lucas' original plans for the Sequels, in 2012.
I mean, imagine you're Disney. You just dropped 4 billion dollars, with a B, on this franchise. Your next Star Wars movie needs to be worth the price tag. Now, you can pick between two options:
Option #1 is uncharted territory and it explores the midi-chlorians (the cursed word…!) and the guy who presented you with this option also openly admits that a big chunk of customers won’t like it, but he wants this to be done because it’s his vision.
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Option #2 is very simple: a soft reboot, that plays on nostalgia that the same chunk of customers (aka the 'boomer and Gen-X fans who grew up with the Original Trilogy and now have kids, grandkids and MONEY) will like.
It's a no-brainer. They gave the customers what they wanted.
But time has passed, the fans who were children when the Prequels first came out have grown up, and grew up with characters like Yoda, Mace, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto and other Jedi as their heroes, aside from main characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.
Can we maybe expand on them, flesh them out more?
No, let's either ignoring the storytelling potential of these characters or reducing it to them being "righteous, arrogant and dogmatic".
God forbid we get a story showing the Prequel Jedi in a *gasp* more positive light? One where their POV is more understandable, instead of the same old "we brought this on ourselves" storyline.
There's a whole decade between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones... you're telling me there's no space to show us Anakin's training and how he formed bonds with the Jedi we later see in The Clone Wars? I tried my hand at it here:
Interesting or fun Prequel-set ideas from other pro-Jedi fans on Tumblr can be found here, here and here.
And y'know, part of the Star Wars intent is for fans to take the ideas in the movies and come up with their own stories. You're supposed to create headcanons.
What I'm saying is fans of the Prequels are being given less "imagination food" than the rest, and many of us who like the Jedi in particular are forced to rely on headcanons only. "Better than nothing" is no longer an acceptable standard.
There's a range of recognizable Jedi characters that have already been established in films and TCW, can we maybe expand on them, flesh them out more, instead of whole new ones?
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 23 !!!
I'm back batchers rip my sleep schedule lmao but nothing can stop me from watching tbb
I've got my skittles and my tumblr and disney+ and I'm ready to go 🤟
The Bad Batch 2x03
this entire planet looks like it's made of spice
nervous imperial you're not fooling anyone my dude
Tawni Ames 👑 shoutout to the queen herself Tasia Valenza 💕
CROSSHAIR 🥺🥲😭💕❤ I missed you sm (I watched s1 hours ago 🤫)
another Kallus parallel 👀
regs will always hate tbb lololol
Rampart 🔫😁(me, I hate his guts)
32 rotations... 32 ROTATIONS I- 😫
the empire are bitches and we don't negotiate with terrorists
the memorial wall 🥲 (we're gonna pretend it isn't a bunch of random letters hehe)
a few behind Crosshair literally say: sdflkphi, dkniihqaz, aweututn, qqhgouer ~ anyone know more aurebesh than me who can explain this pls ??
he called him by his name !!!
Cody's face when Crosshair mentions the jedi 😭
the only two without their helmets on !!!
"mmhmmmm" ~ battle droid, bro 💀
"Dooku was right in the end" real
"We always get shot down when we travel with regs" 👀
"How unfortunate... for you" ~ someone else said this and now I can't find it 🙃 anyway I'm pretty sure it was Crosshair idk
the droid high five lmaooo
clever boys 👑
Crosshair and Cody team up will never fail to make me happy 👌
"I've beaten clankers with far less" tbb mention 🥲💕
Cody trusting Crosshair 🥰 "you do make things interesting" I'd love to see early Cody + tbb missions pretty pretty please 🥺
my mans doesn't even flinch !!!!!
I can feel his smirk when he blows up the tank hehe
Cody has a jetpack and still went nah Ican make that jump 😂 I mean he did but still
Cody complimenting Crosshair 💕
droidekas !!!
Wyler r.i.p my love 💔
There is just something about clones vs droids ya know
Crosshair and Nova silent communication I love it 👌
Cody screaming for Nova and Crosshair pulling him away 😭😭😭😭
r.i.p Nova my beloved 💔
Crosshair's discs !!!!
backflip !!!!
knife knife knife knife knife- 👀
Crosshair calling for Cody to help 🙃
Crosshair putting the puck in Cody's hand - bro at first I thought mans was too injured to move the way he was like 'throw it for me I can do it from laying down in this spiral staircase' and he makes the shot and stands up 2 seconds later and is back to committing war crimes ?? Crosshair you dramatic bitch 💀
"nice throw" "nice shot" 🥰🥰🥰🥰
notice how the tk troopers got captured so they send clones to get them out.... 🙃
Mina Bonteri 💔
"peace was never an option" devastating
the clone music when Cody reasons with Tawni 😫🤧
Crosshair following orders but also saving Cody from having to kill Tawni
the Crosshair music 🥲
"so much for peace" 💔
"put her body in the square" but I can imagine how gentle he would have been with her body... do you think he left his helmet off so the people could see his face or did he cover his face for that
Ok I want to go full english teacher for a moment I'll do it in a few eps watch this space 👀
Crossy and his lil toothpick 💕 (he just murdered someone)
the clones did the dirty work now more tk troopers arrive 😡
Cody's whole speech 💔😭 "we make our own choices and we have to live with them too" knowing he's thinking about everything he's done and thinking he killed Obi-Wan... what if I screamed into the abyss ???
Crosshair not being able to sleep 😫
Rampart doesn't even know their names 😡
OKAY do we think "gone awol" means Cody has actually left or is he awol the same way Wilco is??
hehe thank you for coming to my 2am tbb rewatch (again hehe) 💕 sorry it's late again if you saw any spelling miatakes no you didn't 🤟
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agirlandherquill · 3 months
Written In Smoke - The Inceptive Letter
Now, for the first post of this series I thought I’d begin with something simple, explaining the name - Written, because of course I’m a writer and I adore the clickety-clack of keys (and writing with a fountain pen in a notebook when I’m outlining plot, which is a new little venture I’ve begun doing) and Smoke, because it’s a weekly account of events, nothing is going to be completely solid, and my memory will have gaps even if I attempt to note things down, and also because much like the flow of ink upon paper, life is similarly fluid too, in my mind at least, it’s very much like smoke - full of substance, beautiful, chaotic, and full of little moments (which I completely adore) and thus the use of smoke, because little moments disappear so quickly but the remnants remain with you forevermore, and that’s as much of an explanation as my mind can conjure, which for me at the very least, composes the introduction to this series!
And now to move on to the main substance of this post - much like the ingredients of a perfect dish, the parts are still a work in progress, so bear with me whilst I work out which to include and how to structure it
 (And come up with working titles for each section, which is part of the fun!)
A Glimpse Through Time - little bits about me and what I’ve been up to this week
This week marked the end of a chapter, a very important one, because I completed (some may say survived, barely) my final three papers and today was my final day of academic normalcy - everything from here-on-out is completely and utterly unknown - no more Lit, Bio, and Chem to worry about for the summer at least, which is very, very daunting but I did it, I made it through and hopefully my work paid off - we shall see in a few months time, but i’m not ready to think about that yet - Having to say goodbye to the people who have taught me for the past few years was difficult but I made it through with no tears, a few hugs and cards written, which was lovely, truly, and I’m grateful for every minute of it.
Other than completing the final obstacle toward the free-fall that Is adulthood (I say that as though the feat isn’t impressive, because it sure would be to me two years ago), only a few things have happened this week:
(I’m making this a list because who doesn’t adore lists? Perhaps only me, but that’s more than okay)
Stuff Your Kindle Day was yesterday, and my poor, poor kindle has to suffer with the acquisition of 50-odd books (I haven’t dared to count past that, and it was my first actual SYK day despite owning a kindle for 9 years), and I have no idea if it has the storage for it, so that’ll be fun to work through
I made a bet to watch star-wars, now of course i’ve seen most of it (movie-wise, definitely, and 3/4 of mandalorian minus s3 because let’s face it, I’m as behind on that as I am with Witcher, which is soon to be rectified but anyway redirecting back to Star Wars) but very little of the shows and it’s been so long I hardly remember the plots and such, which I’m very much looking forward to re-experiencing for the first “proper-ish” time - so I’m starting with Solo, then steadily working my way through ANH, ESB, ROTJ, Mando S1, Mando S2, Boba Fett, Mando S3, TFA, TLJ, TROS, TPM, AOTC, Clone wars (movie and plot-vital eps, I was given a list), ROTS, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka - all of this in exchange for my friend to watch The Boys (I’m going to rewatch it all, then finally see Gen V, hopefully in time before S4 ends and I can watch the last few eps as they come out, like I did with S3)
I decided I want to go on a trip over summer, just me, which is frankly terrifying but I’m really excited - I’m thinking of Bath, possibly, because the Jane Austen Museum is there (Persuasion is the love of my life and i’ve only read it twice, I also need to read more than simply that and Pride and Prejudice) and a few doors down is Mary Shelley’s Museum too! It’s a trip that’s doable in a day, by train, which is pretty perfect for my first solo excursion - so bear with me since that’s in the works
To end this list I’m slipping in a note about a brief-exchange that my delusional mind brands rom-com noteworthy (only it’s not, unless it maybe is? i’ll leave that to the reader to decide), I gifted my chemistry lab-partner a chocolate bar and a note of gratitude because it’s down to him that I survived the practicals (only kidding, I’m not THAT dangerous, but we were the most successful pair in the class which was pretty awesome), and enjoyed the chem course even more than I thought I would - and on the final day (today, insert anxious and clueless screaming because it feels far, far too soon for everything to be over) on the way out, he gifted me something in return - I never thought a chocolate bar would make me want to cry and giggle at the same time, but there you go (part of me prays he will not notice the existence of my Tumblr, but it’s possible, and if he ever reads this - I am so, so, sorry, but either way my appreciation is known, and that’s good enough for me, and he’s very, very sweet)
Now, what else is there to include in this section? Oh, I know! The nightmare that is the vast variety of things that entertain me - cough, slightly melodramatic of me, but you’ll see what I mean momentarily,
Books - I’m roughly 120 pages into the Wheel of Time, which I already know will become my LOTR (assuming that is an actual phrase and not something my brain has made up, which is highly likely regardless - it’s also a slight reference to Ready Player One, since Kira reread LOTR every single year), because who doesn’t love danger, fantasy, and a delicious almost undecipherable prophecy? If I don’t re-read this book every year I will be incredibly, incredibly surprised. Fighting sleep one night this week I sought out my kindle, which had been sorely unused these last couple years, and I started to read Interview With The Vampire, and I’ve spent a couple hours reading it today, I’m about 25% in according to Kindle stats, so I’ll see how it goes. Surprisingly though, I stumbled across Perks of Being A Wallflower on Kindle Unlimited today - and 5 hours later, with a couple of breaks scattered between, I finished it, about twenty minutes before writing this section - and let me tell you, that book was a LOT, but a good lot? i suppose? And I’m glad I finally got around to reading it - It’s also given me the urge to reread All The Bright Places which I read for the first time last summer, and it’s beautiful, and so, so good,
Shows - Seeing as it’s the weekend I’m making my way through Dexter, I’m currently 3/4 through S4 and loving it, it’s INSANE, I’m also watching Shameless US, I’m on S6 and it’s actually baffling me how much I’m enjoying it (Lip is my favourite character, and this season HURTS me with how much it hurts him, mild spoiler possibly? apologies if so), I’m also going to start rewatching the Boys as aforementioned, seeing the dark side of superheroes is so incredibly genius, if not disturbing, and there’s plenty of that in the show to look forward to experiencing again, so wish me luck dear reader,
Music - I listen to a LOT. That’s the honest truth. Lots of genres, lots of people, but I’ll try and pick out some of the things I’ve been listening to this week: Outlander S1&2 Soundtrack (I’ve only seen up to s2, and after reading the first book last month it was perfect timing for exam season), Like That by Bea Miller (I rediscovered this recently and it fits so well with the characters in my head, and even though I haven’t been writing lately, believe me, I’ve been plotting), Trouble by Camylio (it reminds me of the main characters in my currently not fully-written book, as in the work I need to complete/redraft after I finish Ruin’s Reprisal), Ludens by Bring Me The Horizon (does this song really need an explanation? It’s just that good) and finally, to finish off this little list of things that I’ve hearing a lot this week, The Other Side by Stephen Sanchez, which is so so good
Spills From The Ink-Pot - writing, writing, and more writing
Seeing as it’s Friday, and today is the start of my lengthy, well-needed summer, there’s not an awful lot I can tell you all for writing progress, but so far this weekend I did manage to re-read the chapter I’m editing and the progress I’ve made in it so far, which was super helpful, and by the end of this weekend hopefully I’ll have that chapter all finished, and then afterwards have a lot more to share with you all next week!
But to make up for my absence from writeblr and being unable to post anything these last few weeks, I’ll add this in:
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Just a little glimpse into my workspace/theme/whatever you wish to call it on Scrivener - that's right, I'm a Scrivener girlie, and I'm so glad I invested in it last May (take part in NaNoWriMo camps folks, you get 50% off, which is what I did, aka £25 for permanent use as opposed to £50, which is still really good compared to Word etc, in my opinion) - and a sneak peek at some of my Chapter Titles, which I really do love coming up with,
(if it's blurry I do apologise, but you get the gist, hopefully)
Incase it’s not obvious, this account was written in parts, over the course of Friday and Saturday (11pm today, roughly), since I lost the battle against exhaustion and fell asleep before I could finish compiling this lengthy post (that’s not a complaint, i’m really enjoying writing this) so I’m finishing this very first post a tad later than initially planned, but these things happen, and that’s all right - you’ll also notice my battle with autocorrect and its capitalisation, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but I’d rather not go back and correct things this late at night, so apologies for that slight blunder but I promise the next post will be all properly formatted with headers and capitals (as soon as I figure out how to include headers, and make them, hopefully trusty procreate comes in handy, but we shall see)
So that’s it! The very first Written In Smoke is completed, compiled and heading your way - I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it, this is unknown territory for me and it feels as though I’m baring another piece of myself to the world, but it’s worth it, I knew it when this began, and I know it now as I write these last few lines, so if you’ve read this far - thank you, and I’ll see you all next week for the next entry in this series!
~ A Girl and Her Quill
p.s. if there’s anything else you’d like to know about, let me know! suggestions are greatly appreciated (cough, somewhat desperately needed because I have no idea what I’m doing)
p. p. s. being the utter genius I am, I pressed save as draft rather than post, so this is coming out even later than originally planned - whoops!
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ezrisdax-archive · 11 months
Top 5 Stargate eps, comfort movies, and Canadian foods
stargate eps
Episode 200- ha bet you thought I'd say the time loop episode first but no, even this episode won out ahead. the in jokes, the jokes at other sci fis, the whole set up, the love of it all, when I have really bad days it is my comfort episode out of all comfort episodes honestly, I can't even begin to count how many times I've watched it and every time I cry when quote Issac Asimov at the end, I am a weak person lexi you know this
Window of Opportunity - okay yeah time loop was next, let's be real I am completely predictable but this was the time loop episode that really showed me how fun they could be. like I already loved the concept cause of TNGs one but this one? it's so funny, I've had people who don't even watch stargate watch that one with no context of the characters and still find it funny. and the ending is heart wrenching, what more do you want from a time loop (pst, lexi watch it with me again, now I miss it)
Abyss - I admit I loved Ba'al as a bad guy, he was so much fun for me and the episode introducing him was so weird with Jack haunted by memories not his (what do you mean I'm obsessed with that because of star trek and ezri-) and eternally whenever I chuck a shoe too far accidentally while taking them off I just think of "I just threw my shoe through you" when Jack is talking to Daniel, like c'mon that was so funny
The Fifth Race - I loooooove the introduction of the Asgard so much, not to mention Jack getting the language in his head. once again sometimes my brain just goes "there is nothing cruvus with me!" for no reason because of that episode.
Fragile Balance - I'm just a sucker for a good cloning episode okay, and Jack and the Asgard just don't miss for me! I'm a weak person lexi!!!!!
comfort movies
Star Trek: The Voyage Home - yes it's the one with the whales and time travel, two things I love specifically because of this movie probably. no lie this movie did have me really into whale conservation as a kid though, something that's stuck with me well into later years. but like it's got everything, Spock being sassy to McCoy, McCoy and Scotty off on their own adventure, chase scenes in a hospital with Chekov on the cart like it's fucking looney tunes, time travel, whales, the crew being the crew together! mcfucking love this movie
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - be honest, you knew I'd have this here because we've talked so many times and I've said it's my fave but like...I watched this movie every day for a year as a kid. I made my dad buy back up tapes because I wore it out on VHS. to this day I still have five copies. I want you to know I don't just love this one because Wedge appears the most here. Though that doesn't hurt. It's just about the conclusion of it for me, it does something for me where it gives me hope.
Canadian Bacon - this movie isn't gonna be known to like...anyone. but me and my best friend as a kid watched this movie like every week while we were up at my cottage and it's another movie I can quote by heart. the premise is the americans decide to fake a war on canada to boost the economy though canada doesn't know and this group infiltrate canada and I'm in tears laughing every time at the line "Aboot? it's about! about! we have ways of making you pronounce the letter 'o'" also Alan Alda is there.
Robin Hood Men in Tights - this was a movie I used to watch constantly with my siblings, we loved Mel Brooks movies but this one was the top tier for us for comedy sake and occasionally in the sibling chat we'll still send in jokes about it
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: I know you didn't love it and me having a spider related thing on here is weird but I just shut my eyes during those points and watch the rest in peace. like this movie was just magical to me, the way it handled the multi-verse and Miles' story and the art and music, it's so good and I have no words to really describe how good it is for me, I just love it.
canadian foods lmao that's so specific but is this because I'm sending you stuff soon?
All Dressed Chips, I cannot believe americans don't have this, you guys love your weird flavours on everything else and you don't have this??? it's like the everything bagel of chips, what is wrong with you guys
Ketchup Chips, I know I know that sounds like it tastes bad but no it doesn't and if you think that get taste
Beaver Tails - tragically the place that used to make them near my place closed down ages ago but I got to have a good one when I was visiting @trillscienceofficer in Alberta this year and that pastry is so good
Smarties - once again not your kind of smarties but chocolate which is NOT like m&ms we use better chocolate
Caramilk bars - while looking things up when I messaged you I found out you guys don't have those and hey??? what the fuck???
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
The problem with The Bad Batch is, it’s not TCW S8 as much as the showrunners and fans want it to be. It’s not a spiritual successor to Clone Wars. I ain’t even sure it’s a love letter to Clone Wars anymore.
Bad Batch is not Filoni’s show as much as Resistance is not his. I’m not shifting the blame for Filoni, I’m stating it’s unrealistic to expect the good stuff Filoni brought to Clone Wars to be continued in Bad Batch.
The technical crew stayed: Animation Director Keith Kellog, Cinematography Supervisor Joel Aron, Music by Kevin Kiner and Sound design by Matthew Wood, CGCG still doing the grunt work.
But the software is an entire different group of people. Producers Jennifer Corbett and Brad Rau hasn’t even worked on Clone Wars, at all. Not in the original run for 12 years, not even for two years on Season 7. Now would you trust somebody like that to make a faithful Season 8? In a period as rush as a year with the mouse executives pushing? Of course they are diehard fans of the show. But any fan would come with their predisposition and preference, instead of an adherence to canon. And I quote, Corbett is picking cameos to “serve our characters' stories”
A show about clones couldn’t even get the nuance about clones right.
We’ve seen how they slide established characters for their protagonists, in Kanan and in the regular clones. There has been numerous commentary better-written than my limited knowledge. I watched the show, I watched them go back to Kamino, and suddenly the clones are bland as saliva? I don’t feel a tingle of emotion towards them, either compassion/pity towards their supposed brainwashing or dissatisfaction that the script isn’t fair. In a show about clones, it doesn’t nearly make me care about the clones half as much as it did in a show about the Jedi. They feel like pawns, they don’t have agency, which makes you question why then would the Empire swap out these half-machines? 
Watching, I keep diverting to the technical details of it. The plot is so predictable. I’ve seen too little of it to call it boring yet. However, the connection to Force-sensitive clones via Omega is so plain, plus the writer’s background in the sequel era - well, I’m just tired of EVERY post-EP 9 media picking up its slack.
Omega. Omega herself, has promises - I mean before the trailer. It’s just - disappointing they didn’t make her more than a plot device. It’s moot to ridicule the Mouse’s cowardice of not making her trans/non-binary for me, since I’m sure it’d’ve been token and unaddressed anyway. Even with more traditional stereotypes like “hunk with a soft heart”, it’s not like they dare to stride. (I was thinking of Wrecker when I wrote that trope but eh, it fits Hunter too huh?) Omega is so obviously a Baby Yoda I’m not even sure we want to see it again.
Admittedly the whitewashing already didn’t impact me, a monoethnical-society-raised person, as much, but even I can tell things are wrong. It’s just leave a sour taste. I’m dead inside watching this and eagerly trying to excite myself by turning off my brain.
The nice thing I can say about it, is we get to see more of neurodivergent Echo.
I do want to like this show but I’m lukewarm about it at best. It is a surge of delight for that 30 minute but it doesn’t enhance me as a person. And I’m in such a frustrated headspace right now this piece definitely came less positive than I intend. 
The things I want from a clone-centric post-order 66 show would’ve been the struggles and impacts on these regular clones, who strove so hard to establish their individuality. What are their ideologies and how do they clash? They almost went there with Crosshair. I think it’d be more interesting if he actually turned. But what do you expect? It’s a kid’s show!
I never liked saying that, or hearing people twist the meaning out of “kid’s show” But this? It’s a show enjoyable to a 30-year-old manchild. I’ll still sit down 30 minutes a week to watch it, for Echo, for the planets and effects. The best commentary I heard about art, the worst comment to receive, is you have technique.
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transarchivist · 4 years
do you have any podcasts recs? I want to listen to archive 81 but I need some backup and I've already listened to the more "famous" ones, like all of them I binge podcasts like they pay me for me it ajsjjshfje
!!!! ok i'm sorry it's taken me a hot minute to get to you BUT i think i have a good amount of reccomendations :o
these first few are kinda "famous" but i thought i'd point em out just in case! some of them ended a few years ago and they were more well known back when they were running
wolf 359: gotta point this one out juuuust in case you haven't listened to it! amazing sci fi... would drama be the right word? it's very intense and has some really interesting meditations on morality and the self But it's also so extremely funny. complete, ended in 2017
ars paradoxica: america during the cold war, the red scare, intense government conspiracies.... And Time Travel! complicated but amazing plot and a big cast- i would recommend not pausing and listening to something else, it gets complex! mischa stanton directed it so you Know it has stellar sound design (added bonus: lgbt main characters) complete, ended in 2018
the bright sessions: people with superpowers go to therapy! plus: shadowy capitalistic conspiracies, amazing romances and phenomenal character development! i'm not a fan of romances and i Loved the ones here (it's not heavily romance focused though!) (added bonus: lgbt main characters + main lgbt romance) complete, ended in 2018. i think a spin off series is running rn tho!
the adventure zone: this isn't an audio drama, it's an actual play d&d podcast! the first season (balance) is amazing- hilarious and heart wrenching! (the heart wrenching takes a while to kick in but MAN it's so good) the first season ended in 2017. i haven't finished the second big season (amnesty) but i loved what i did listen to, same with the currently running season (graduation)
sayer: starts off as sinister night vale but with an ai and in space, evolves into a complicated save-the-world plot concerning several ais. it's in second person and it's Amazing! lots of meditations on the self and personhood. currently on hiatus but will be ending when it resumes
alice isn't dead: from the people who did night vale! starts as a trucker trying to find her wife, evolves to include shadowy government conspiracies and the power of regular people banding together. ending made me tear up it's really good! it's Big on the horror (the first ep is the only podcast that's ever truly scared me and it continues to scare the shit out of me to this day) but its Extremely Good Horror. very americana too! complete, ended in 2018.
ok that's the more well known ones out of the way, i think? i'm not too confident about how well known some of them are nowadays ^^' all i can say is that i heard abt them frequently in 2016. now onto the lesser known ones ! the ones that are complete are generally pretty short listens (relatively- they're still a good handful of hours at the least)
zero hours: by the wolf 359 people, it's a short anthology that released all at once last year. to pharaphrase/quote the official blurb: each episode is a take on the end of the world, whether the apocalypse is planetary or personal. each episode is separated by 99 years, starting in the past (1722) reaching the present and then overtaking it. surprisingly hopeful ending, made me <:')
i am in eskew: you've probably heard me holler about this before- it follows the trials and tribulations of david ward, who lives in the nightmarish and otherworldly city of eskew. 30 episodes long and complete, with a phenomenal ending! i can't rave about this enough i could Keep talking but i'll cut myself short. it's horror and it's damn good horror! does deal with extremely heavy topics, please be careful!
janus descending: sci fi horror with what has to be the most interesting formatting i've seen in ages: the two points of view alternate each episode... but one is chronological and one is backwards! amazingly done, keeps you guessing until the end! complete. follows peter and chel as they undertake a survey mission on an alien planet
midnight radio: made by @/theradioghost! big on the idea that "all ghost stories are love stories". a 1950s radio hostess gets letters from a fan. horror, big on the 1950s aesthetics, focus on the relationship between one and one's hometown. lovely ending! it's sapphic too :]
the far meridian: by the same people who did ars paradoxica! follows peri, a bit of a hermit who has extreme social anxiety, who lives in a lighthouse that suddenly begins to teleport. each morning peri wakes up and the lighthouse is in a different place! there are like... some horror elements? kinda? but it's not intense imo. it mainly follows peri learning to cope with her anxiety & helping others, with each episode usually having a one off encounter (usually pretty strange!) often has wholesome vibes. s3 is currently in production and is the final season. plus: lgbt characters, and kinda spoilers but peri uses a cane later on!
old gods of appalachia: honestly it's what it says on the tin! a collection of short stories set in historical appalachia that deal with entities beyond human understanding. they're good about trigger warnings, but it's Horror. produced by actual appalachians! stellar music, a Lot strong female characters, and a good amount of lgbt rep! killer music!! it's currently releasing but the latest short story is finished. (do listen in order though!)
the deep vault: by the archive 81 team! in an "almost-post-apocalyptic" america a group of friends chase a rumor about a secret hidden vault, only to Find it! follows the group as they traverse the deep vault. horror, actively points out capitalism a Lot, definetly has an interesting ending! amazing sound design, which is to be expected from dan powell!
tides: the official blurb is short and sweet: "tides is the story of dr. winnifred eurus, a xenobiologist stuck on an unfamiliar planet with hostile tidal forces". extremely snarky and endearing main character and fascinating worldbuilding! i don't know the status of s2, but s1 was really good!
limetown: follows one lia haddock, a public radio reporter, as she tries to unravel the mystery of what happened at limetown. all she knows is that 10 years prior, over 300 men, women and children vanished. horror, mystery, and some sci fi elements. presented in a found footage kinda way. i really enjoyed it, especially the first season. complete.
mabel: horror (big on the haunted house type specifically), sapphic romance, fun take on the fair folk/fae! follows anna limon, an in home carer who's trying to get in touch with her client's estranged granddaughter. evolves into a big fae-horror-romance-thing! really interesting romance tbh. amazing imagery and prose- lots of prose + almost poetry, but it's really good i promise. currently on a post season hiatus
spines: horror but it evolves past just horror in an interesting way (keeping the horror bits, of course). follows wren, who woke up in an attic surrounded by the remains of a cult ritual without any memories of who she is or what she was doing. she searches for answers, encountering creepy shit along the way. really interesting take on the super-secret-organization-that's-always-been-there trope! really good ending. one of the main characters is nonbinary + there's other lgbt main characters.
mirrors: by the people who did spines. also starts as horror but evolves past just horror (it's also sci fi). follows three women in three different centuries who are all experiencing the same haunting. phenomenal take on ghosts! like i can't articulate how cool this angle on ghosts is! s3 is supposed to start this year :] one of the main characters is sapphic, and her wife is a supporting character.
the six disappearances of ella mccray: also by the people who did spines and mirrors. evolves past just horror but keeps more of the horror elements? follows the 6 povs of the people who witnessed the surreal disappearance of ella mccray. each saw something different and surreal, and as they search for her, surreal things start happening to them. unsure abt the status of s3 but s1 and s2 are really good! lgbt main characters, including a trans lesbian (played by a trans woman!)
the bridge: horror. follows the crew of watchtower 10 on the transcontinental bridge that spans across the atlantic ocean. i listened to it back in like 2016-2017 so my memory is hazy, but i remember really enjoying it! currently on hiatus.
within the wires: sci fi... horror..? i listened to the first season a few years ago and enjoyed it and i've continued to hear really good things. it's by the people who make night vale! my memory isn't great but iirc the first season is a sort of romance that's formatted as a set of relaxation/meditation cassettes. it's a few seasons in and i think each is generally self contained, im unsure if it's currently running or not
the orbiting human circus of the air: also by the night vale people! again i listened to this a few years ago so im hazy. follows julian the janitor who works at a radio station that broadcasts from the top of the eiffel tower! surreal but in a wholesome way, iirc! i remember tearing up with happy tears at the s1 finale ^^' really good music! i think the second(?) season ended recently
stellar firma: i've only listened to a handful of episodes, but i've liked what i've heard. sci fi improv comedy that follows the newly made clone david 7 and the mess that is trexel geistman as they try and design custom planets. i think it's currently running but i dunno
rusty quill gaming: also another one that i've only listened to a few episodes of. actual play pathfinder (basically d&d) podcast set on an alternate earth. alex newall (martin's voice actor) is the dm. i've heard really good things from a lot of people! i think it's currently running but again i don't know for sure
right! that's. that's what i got.
i mentioned @/theradioghost earlier (shes behind midnight radio) but i would absolutely recommend looking at her rec list tag! she has impeccable taste
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anakinskyiwalker · 4 years
top 10 marvel characters & top 10 eps of tv from anything ever :)
sfksjdjsj LISTEN it's so hard for me to rank my marvel faves bc the way i rank them changes on a whim depending on who's living rent free in my mind 😭 but anywho here's my current list!! :
loki laufeyson
peter parker
bucky barnes
steve rogers
thor odinson
natasha romanoff
wanda maximoff
sam wilson
tony stark & pepper potts (yes i am including them both bc they are a power couple !! and also bc i wanted to keep my list to 10 instead of 11 lmao 😭)
scott lang
lmaooooo this is all over the place RIP
gossip girl: season 2 episode 1 ~ this episode is so iconic and i LIVE for all the blair/chuck & serena/nate angst this episode has, plus it gave us the famous "three words, eight letters, say it and i'm yours" line 😭💓
the clone wars: seige of mandalore ~ ok so i'm counting the last 4 episodes of season 7 into one bc it would be wrong for me to separate them !! but anyways, does this arc make me feel sick watching it bc of how tragic it ends?? 😭 yup! but it's really good regardless so it gets second place alskfksk
the office: season 2 episode 1 ~ this episode is just peak 'the office' to me it's so funny
star wars rebels: season 2 episode 22 ~ it's a crime all the good SW episodes make me feel sick watching them but this is probably the best rebels episode imo?? u have maul and his fight w kanan, ezra getting the sith holocron and most iconicly yet sad, anakin and ahsoka's fight/reunion 😭😭😭
gossip girl: season 1 episode 10 ~ this episode is just really dramatic n i love it for that <3
the clone wars: mortis arc ~ these episodes kill me w how sad they are but they're v poetic and i'm also a slut for some good foreshadowing lmao
that ‘70s show: season 3 episode 10 ~ just. the entire dialogue exchange for the whole jacket offering scene skfkskjdksks
friends: the one where no one's ready ~ comedic gold !!!!
the office: season 2 episode 22 ~ JIM & PAM SUPREMACY <33333
ask me my top 5 / top 10 of anything!!
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knightotoc · 4 years
Higher Ground Blogging 9
- a.k.a. The Good Place final season is finally on Netflix, but it doesn’t have any Star Wars people in it so priority #1 is this 20-year-old teen angst + Canadian outdoor adventure show
HGB 1 (eps 1-3), 2 (4), 3 (5-7), 4 (8-9), 5 (10), 6 (11-13), 7 (14-16), bonus content: sleepy hayden, 8 (17-18)
Last time on HGB: SHELBY!!!!!!!!!!!
ep 19: scott: *staring at the rain* daisy: i miss her too. scott: she’ll be okay, right? ... she’s tough... she’ll be okay. daisy: *... holds his hand* *other characters start talking but you can still hear scott saying “she owed me that much, it’s not a lot to ask!” in the background lol what an asshole*
- shelby: “i’m home. i’m back in the nightmare, and i don’t know how i’m gonna get through it again” NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! - she got her coffee but at what cost - scott and shelby doing the dishes but miles and miles apart - scott: “i can’t believe peter let her go home!” -- ahhhh there it is!!! cue Battle of Heroes!!!!!! - peter-bi-wan, how can you go to Tibet at a time like this?!?!?!?! into the garbage chute mountain boy!!!!!!!! - it’s so weird that peter-bi-wan’s actor is an executive producer of this show and the whole thing is so clearly this man’s strange vanity project and yet his character is more dislikable than piper chapman. also his last name is lando which is quite funny - juliette and auggie are actually more interesting than scott and shelby, just not as va-va-voom - hello gatorade product placement - this ot3 letters subplot is sublime - hey angels, shut up! the chosen one is praying, pay attention - SHELBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ep 20: - peter-bi-wan fell asleep on the keyboard but it was the x-key, not the z-key, so they didn’t even do the joke right
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tfw Shelby - daisy vs scott =  cassandra vs eugene but emo - oh auggie is so nice😭😭😭 - scott playing piano again!!! what a cool little song! - “you’re getting mean, you know that?” -- juliette watching the clone wars
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- his real mom is here!!! - omg they keep talking about peter-bi-wan ending up in “the gutter in Seattle,” it’s so funny to me - lol ezra and daisy are haunting peter-bi-wan’s nightmares😂 a sign that you’re the weird kids in class - “all those curls, he was just so cute. the light just seemed to come right from his face” -- scott’s mom talking about scott when he was a baby😭😭😭
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“Gee, I’ve broken the buddy code. I’ve been a bad, bad Cliffhanger.” - his voice is all growly and he’s ranting about being cursed I LOVE IT!!!!!! - this peter-bi-wan subplot is THEEE WOOORRRSSTTT
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shmi’s wish come true - “you’ve gotten taller. you look really healthy. i like your hair a little longer, it makes it more curly” -- scott’s mom going from AotC to RotS - “I bet I know what you’re gonna order.” “what?” “bacon cheeseburger” 😭😭😭😭 that’s what i always ordered when i was a teenager too!!!! - ok now peter-bi-wan is having a vision that he’s getting beat up by a cop...?
daisy: don’t you just hate a happy ending? juliette: no! daisy: like ‘em sappy, huh? juliette: i didn’t say sappy, I just don’t see anything wrong with happy. why’s everything have to be so heavy with you all the time? auggie: you go, jules! you tell her!
scott: *strolls in looking sad and PO’d as usual* daisy: so? how did it go? scott: ............... *victoriously* i had a bacon cheeseburger ezra: could you gloat any more about it auggie: hey man. it’s good to see your face back in the circle. scott: hhh *eye-contact avoid-y laugh-exhale thing*
- SHELBY’S BACK - wowowow scott is KILLING it on the piano!!!!!!! he’s so talented😭
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darth piano (look at his eyelashes as;fjksdjf)
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rebelcourtesan · 4 years
Say no to Toxicity in Fandom
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I guess I need to hop onto a SoapBox for a bit and get a few things off my chest.
Shipping is fun.  It’s fun to imagine, write, draw, and support fictional characters into pairing off into romantic couples.  There is nothing wrong with that and it’s meant to bring attention to a franchise.  I’ve discovered shows and became a fan due to fanart that got me interested enough to try an episode and fell in love with the show.
However, what’s NOT okay is shaming people or getting into verbal attacks or arguments over fictional characters.
I’m talking about shipping wars that happened during Voltron Legendary Defender.  OMG, the toxicity was enough to make me think another Chernobyl happened over the internet.  Klance fans were particularly bad, especially when their favorite ship didn’t happen.  
Yes, I will agree that Voltron did drop the ball towards the end with LBGTQ representation, but to send death threats to the creators and voice actors is crossing a serious line!  Firstly, and I shouldn’t have to point this out, actors have little to no say in how their character is written or what happens in the show.  
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The actors of Game of Thrones didn’t particularly like how the last season was written, but they had to go through with it due to contracts.  Breaking a contract could mean no getting jobs anymore to owing the studio money for breach.  Not to mention, these people have to get paid for their work.  So blaming an actor for what happens in a game, show, or movie is not right at all!
Same could be said for writers who don’t have much freedom with the material which happened in Voltron.  Originally, the writers wanted to have Shiro outright die in season 2, but since he was such a popular character, the high ups pushed them to come up with a reason for to come back which forced them to shoe horn in the clone and have Shiro return to a team that no longer needed him and he got put to the side.  
More recently is the death threats sent to Laura Bailey for her portrayal of Abby in The Last of Us Part 2
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So let me get this straight?  These people are threatening a woman and her baby, over a fictional character in a video game?  Wishing her to have cancer over a decision she had no part in?  It was a job, people!  Laura Bailey does voice acting to support her family and her child!  And this is over something that was done years before hand!
If you don’t like the game, give it a one star review and be done with it!  There is no need to death threats to a mother and child over FICTIONAL characters!  
Is it okay to be upset about what happens in a show/game/movie?  Yes, it’s totally okay!  
Is it okay to harass actors and creators because of it?  NO!!!!
Is it okay to send strongly worded, but polite, letters to creators telling them how you are unhappy?  Yes, it’s fine to show how unhappy you are and to critique and comment on events.
Is it okay to send threat deaths?  NEVER!!!
And it’s not okay to harass people over enjoying the game/show/film which you dislike.  I have friends who are big Star Trek fans, a franchise I don’t particularly care for, but we are still friends!  
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Why I’m bringing this up is because I am starting to see this toxicity creeping into the Hazbin Hotel fandom.  
Already, there are hardcore ships in these shows with their being an actual Petition to Viviziepop (the creator) to make a certain ship canon.
As of this point, we only have two pilots, a prequel comic, and music video as our peek into this Hellish world.  With the show being greenlit and Helluva Boss eps on their way, the fandom is ramping up.  
So, please, don’t harass Vivziepop or her fellow animators about this show.  If your ship doesn’t happen, it’s okay!  That’s what fanart and fanfiction is for!       
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elrondsscribe · 5 years
A Love Letter to Star Wars Ep. 9: The Rise of Skywalker - sweetie, let’s sit for a while.
SPOILERS, by the way. Also, genuine love and affection. You’ve been warned.
Hey, it’s Elvella. How’re you feeling? You need a hug? A cup of tea? (God, England is getting to me already lol.)
Now I make a rule not to doubt the authenticity of other people’s suffering at the hands of a piece of media - that’s bad practice, and anyway it’d be hypocritical on my part, seeing as how my initial reaction to Attack of the Clones was to vent my unfiltered rage on a friend of mine and call him a gremlin. At the same time, I do weary of the endless stream of screeching and hair-tearing, kind of like with Endgame I guess.
Look, I wanna reiterate that I love you. I really do. So many people around me are screaming in rage, saying you murdered their souls and murdered their childhoods and murdered their joy. Me? I think you’re beautiful, and better still, I felt like you were being sincere with me. You gave me joy, wonder, sweetness, and just enough sorrow to be sexy.
Not to mention that you gave me more characters to love. Like Jannah and the other former Stormtroopers - but especially Jannah. And my newest adopted droid baby D-0 (poor sweetie, who treated you so bad?). And you brought back Lando, one of my old favorites!
And about character things in general, I guess I was prejudiced by all the rage, because I got so much more of my babe Rose than I thought I would, and I was so pleasantly surprised! And the married-gay energy of Poe and Finn overwhelmed me. For my part, I really liked the backstory of Poe both having had an involvement with Zorii and having been the in-universe equivalent of a drug dealer - I dunno, it seems fitting somehow. The wisdom of post-mortem Luke felt like real growth: a step up from where he was for most of TLJ, but a believable one! Leia’s final effort, combined with the memory of Han, being the big tipping point in Kylo Ren becoming Ben Solo again - yeah, man!
I’m even a fan of the combined arc of Reylo-as-endgame and Kylo Ren/Ben Solo’s redemption+death. I was never a Reylo stan (for the entirety of the two and a half weeks since I’ve seen TFA and TLJ, lol), but the Ben/Rey progression you gave me? Hey, I’ll cheer for that! Their actual “together” moments felt so sweet and sincere. And on Ben’s dying: I think growing up with Narnia and LOTR/Silmarillion have made me a lot easier on Noble Death as the end, and even end goal, of a loved character’s journey, so my love of Ben’s redemption arc absolutely feeds into my lack of resentment toward Ben’s death.
All that being said, even I noticed how a lot of the beats you hit, particularly the ones around Rey’s arc into almost exactly the same as Luke Skywalker’s. The Dark Lord patriarch being her only remaining blood family, the requirement for her to overcome her dark heritage/powers/temperament, the final gaze into the Tattoine suns, even having her Jedi Master Force-pull an X-Wing out of the water to beef her up for her Final Boss Fight.
Honey, I know that you’re scared because big brother TLJ got so much screeching for venturing “too far” from Grandpa OT’s shadow. Kinda feels like you’re hiding behind Grandpa’s leg. I’m sorry you feel like you gotta do that - I’d say “it’s okay to be your own person, you don’t have to do the things Gramps did just because Grandpa did ‘em,” but considering how people responded to TLJ ...
And in fairness, I also know that, as the Last Of The Nine Episode both in- and out-of-universe, you had to find a way to tie all the movies together - Originals, Prequels, and your own Sequel siblings. I’m just saying that I noticed the ways that you did it - and so did everyone who’s screaming mad right now.
Now I hear a lot of people say that your making Rey a Palpatine flies directly in the face of the lesson that your big sister had for Rey. But personally, I feel like the message of “yeah, you have a heritage of Great Evil, but that doesn’t define you” to be pretty emotionally consistent with the message of “sure, you came from nothing, but that doesn’t define you.” And I was a fan of that too.
I mean, like with Endgame, it’s not like there’s nothing I might not change in fanfic later. I might focus more attention on Finn, explore his Force-sensitivity, maybe gently tug him loose from running after Rey constantly. I might keep Ben alive post-redemption. Maybe even more major stuff, like an alternate villain and backstory for Rey; maybe look into how to move forward with the Jedi as an order. You know, stuff like that.
But let’s finish strong with one more burst of love! I highkey cheered at the way that you brought Rey the presence of so many previous Jedi through their voices. The first time I recognized the voices that I did, I had some Big Time Emotions, let me tell you! I know that moment was a source of frustration for a lot of people, but I loved it so much! It really did feel like a “we stand behind thee, daughter” moment in all the best ways.
So after all this rambling? I dunno. I just wanted to up and express some affection and honesty, in the midst of the general unhappiness, in response for the joy and sweetness that you gave me.
The Force be with you, honey. All my love.
PS. A good number of people (myself included) love and stick up for the prequels now, and initially everyone hated them. Maybe that’ll happen to you!
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lovelytonys · 6 years
- Tag the person who tagged you
- Answer the questions
- Tag 20 people
Tagged by: @marveygoddamnit
1: How tall are you? 5′2″ and a half, probably a fraction of an inch less
2: What colour and style is your hair? Mousy brown, no real style. It doesn’t go too far past my shoulders, and it’s straight, but not glossy-pin-straight straight, more like...fluffy straight. And generally nothing special lol
3: What colour are your eyes? I love my eyes! They’re an earthy blue with a green ring around the pupil.
4: Do you wear glasses? Nope.
5: Do you wear braces? Not these days nah
6: What is your fashion style? I hardly ever put it into practice, but I like neutrals and muted colors and pastels, I like sweaters and cardigans and boots, and I like casual but cute dresses or skater skirts with white canvas shoes and I like florals  
7: Full name? Wouldn’t you like to know
8: When were you born? In the month that this post is being posted.
9: Where are you from and where do you live now? Same place for both- a stereotypical white suburb in America
10: What school do you go to? One that’s casually very surreal and makes me feel like I’m living in a simulation on most days
11: What kind of student are you? Kinda lazy but always gets work done. Morally unable to do anything less than my best, whatever my best may be in that moment. Generally intelligent but never the smartest in a class. Generally liked by teachers. Honors students (but not all honors so I don’t get overwhelmed) so I’m definitely a little caught up in the “my grade is my value and one wrong move means I don’t get into college” culture
12: Do you like school? It’s not so bad. Learning is rad! Love learning stuff! And I kinda became friends with one of the teachers so talking to him & our lunchtime squad is a good time. But. I have to wake up early and being tired all day throws off my game. And I wish classes were more discussion based and encouraged critical thinking/creativity rather than pinning a number and a letter on you and saying “that’s what you’re worth”
13: What are your favourite school subjects? ENGLISH! I love English, I genuinely enjoy it and I find it fun. I’ve also always enjoyed history but this year my history class is the best class I’ve ever had and it will definitely ruin any other history class I have to take and maybe any other class I have to take ever. 
14: Favourite TV shows? Psych could possibly be my all time favorite. I’m watching my way through Parks and Rec (on the first ep of season 6 as I type this) and I’m kinda obsessed so far, I also like a bunch of “kids shows” like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels (big favorite), Trollhunters (BIG BIG BIG favorite), Gravity Falls probably, and more kids shows
15: Favourite movies? I’m a big hoe for movies, arguably my favorite art form, but I’m not too picky so I’ll come across like, anything, and I’ll go “crying,,,this is amazing,,,life changing” SO I’ll try for some variety and throw out a handful of favorites: Iron Man, Iron Man 3, La La Land, probably Cinderella Man, I’ll throw in Singin in the Rain, Treasure Planet, Big Hero 6, definitely more
16: Favourite books? I have two: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (so so beautiful) and Star Wars: Bloodline. Two very different picks huh lol
17: Favourite pastimes? DANCE! Especially tap! Being in musicals! Singing! Writing! Watching movies! Aaah!
18: Do you have any regrets? Hmmm, definitely nothing big. One time I accidentally spoiled Grey’s Anatomy for my friend (despite having never watched it) because I assumed she’d finished it but she hadn’t and that keeps me up at night. I did the same thing to my cousin 4 or 5 except it was the Divergent series (which I’ve never read) and that keeps me up at night
19: Dream job? Drama teacher or singing/acting coach! Cultivate passion in an upcoming generation of theatre kids! Heck yeah!
20: Would you like to be married someday? Okay, so, I’m idealistic by nature and cynical by necessity, and at this point in my life I don’t really believe in true or long-lasting love, I’m not trying to be edgy it’s just based on my experience, but I like the idea of finding someone who I want to be with for forever. I just don’t think finding true happiness in it is realistic. So it’s a yes and no.
21: Would you like to have kids someday? Oh gosh I don’t know right now! Maybe, yeah.
22: How many? Two.
23: Do you like shopping? Yeah I do!! Food shopping is boring tho but other shopping is cool
24: What countries have you visited? This is so lame but...America and, if this counts, the Cayman Islands. I’m going to Spain this summer though!
25: The scariest nightmare you’ve had? It wasn’t scary but the worst nightmare I’ve ever had was my twin brother died and we threw his ashes off a boat into the water I woke up sobbing
26: Do you have any enemies? Not that I know of but I’m sure there’s someone out there who hates my guts. I don’t create enemies but hey someone might hate me without me knowing
27: Do you have a s/o? Oh heck no
28: Do you believe in miracles? Hm...maybe. I would like to, at least.
29: What do you want right now?: To write. But that’s easier said than done.
I’m supposed to tag people but!!!! I’m not comfortable tagging, like, anyone. So. I’m not gonna do that.
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billdecker · 7 years
 Here we are with the films list again. Bold = watched first time. 
The English Patient
Anna Karenina [1967]
King Kong [2005]
Henry VIII and his Six Wives [1972]
The Disaster Artist
Napoleon Dynamite
The Addams Family
Kong: Skull Island
Justice League
The Addams Family Values
Johnny English
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Wayne’s World
Lady Bird
Green Lantern 
England is Mine
Rush Hour
Pride and Prejudice [2005]
Call Me By Your Name
The Greatest Showman
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Dante’s Peak
Only Lovers Left Alive
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Blade Runner
Moonrise Kingdom
Get Smart
Darkest Hour
Blade Runner 2049
Lost in Translation
The Talented Mr. Ripley
The Lego Movie
The Shape of Water
Get Out
San Andreas
The Beguiled
Lady Chatterley’s Lover [1981]
Interview With a Vampire
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Song to Song
La La Land
Drop Dead Fred
Attack the Block
Another Mother’s Son
I, Tonya
The Sense of an Ending
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Cold Mountain
Step Up
The Founder
The Fugitive
The Promise
Papadopoulos and Sons
Rob Roy
The Florida Project
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
Head in the Clouds
Crooked House
Miami Vice [2006]
Miss Sloane
Molly’s Game
Battle of the Sexes
Half of a Yellow Sun
A Quiet Passion
Lady Jane
Anne of a Thousand Days
Mars Attacks!
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Pele: Birth of a Legend
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Futile and Stupid Gesture 
The Mask
Phantom Thread
Black Panther
Eyes Wide Shut
The Death of Stalin
Paddington 2
Wonder Woman
Star Trek [2009]
Star Trek Into Darkness
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Star Trek Beyond
Chariots of Fire
Captain America: The First Avenger
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Borg vs McEnroe
Iron Man 2
Avengers Assemble
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2
Captain America: Civil War 
Doctor Strange
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok
War Horse
God’s Own Country
In Bruges
The Big Sick
The Towering Inferno
Our Souls at Night 
Dog Day Afternoon
Roman Holiday
North by Northwest
The Emoji Movie
Dirty Dancing
Captain Fantastic
The Wicker Man
This is Spinal Tap
Magic Mike XXL
Come Sunday
The Dark Tower
Avengers: Infinity War
Loving Vincent
Mansfield Park
Three Men and a Little Lady
Rough Night
One Last Dance
Girls Trip
Alex and the List
The Dambusters
The Mummy [2017]
The Damned United
The Wedding Video
Enter the Dragon
Atomic Blonde
The Red Shoes
The Great Gatsby [2013]
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
Morris: A Life With Bells On
Boss Baby
Solo: A Star Wars Story
All About Eve
Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon 2
Final Portrait
The Little Mermaid
The Huntsman: Winter’s War
Men in Black 3
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
Tomb Raider [2018]
Crocodile Dundee
Lethal Weapon 3
The Witches
Down With Love
Clash of the Titans [1981]
Clash of the Titans [2010]
I Give it a Year
Where the Wild Things Are
The Handmaiden
The Muppet Movie [1979]
Ready Player One
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
A Wrinkle in Time
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Eagle vs Shark
Farenheit 451 [2018]
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible II
Mission Impossible III
The Saint [2017]
Ocean’s 8
Deadpool 2
Falling Down
Duck Butter
Peter Rabbit
44 Inch Chest
You Instead
The Deep Blue Sea
Not Another Happy Ending
Punch Drunk Love
The Fast and The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious
Fast Five
Fast & Furious 6
Furious 7
The Fate of the Furious
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Escape to Victory
Porcupine Lake
The Snowman
The Incredibles
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
Ingrid Goes West
One Day
My Neighbor Totoro
There Will Be Blood
Goodbye Christopher Robin
Incredibles 2
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Belle de Jour
Mission Impossible - Fallout
The Spy Who Dumped Me 
The Meg
Little Ashes
Meet Joe Black
The King of Comedy
Jason and the Argonauts
Flash Gordon
Strictly Ballroom
Into the Woods
Cars 3
The Book of Life
Murder on the Orient Express [2017]
Kath & Kimderella
Madame Bovary
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
All the Money in the World
The Post
Becoming Bond
Early Man
Little Women [1994]
Dangerous Liaisons
The Party
Operation Finale 
Nappily Ever After
What’s New Pussycat?
A Star is Born [1976]
Modern Life is Rubbish
The Mercy
Swept from the Sea
A Star is Born [2018]
Far and Away
Jane Eyre
Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool
Juliet, Naked
First Man
Christopher Robin
Vincent and Theo
Bohemian Rhapsody
One More Time With Feeling
Interlude in Prague
The Mask of Zorro
The Legend of Zorro 
You, Me, and Him
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 
Crazy Rich Asians
Bobby [2016]
Outlaw King
Space Jam
They Shall Not Grow Old
The Grinch [2018]
The Big Lebowski 
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
The Battle of the River Plate
They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead
My Generation
Batman Begins
Being John Malkovich
Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part One
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part Two
Immortal Beloved
Goya’s Ghosts
The Madness of King George
Star Wars: A New Hope
Stars Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Stars Wars: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars: Rogue One
The Polar Express
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Dr. No
From Russia With Love 
You Only Live Twice
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Diamonds Are Forever
Live and Let Die
The Man With the Golden Gun
The Spy Who Loved Me
For Your Eyes Only
A View to a Kill
The Living Daylights
Licence to Kill
Tomorrow Never Dies
The World is Not Enough 
Die Another Day 
Casino Royale
Quantum of Solace
Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle
A Christmas Prince
Love, Cecil
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding
The Man Who Invented Christmas
Copying Beethoven
The Party’s Just Beginning 
Point Break
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
The Sound of Music
The Muppet Christmas Carol
The Muppets
Cars 2
The Holiday
A Bad Moms Christmas
The Holiday Calendar
The Christmas Chronicles
Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger
Arthur Christmas
Bobby Robson: More Than a Manager
Mary Poppins
The Good Dinosaur
Rise of the Guardians
Bros: After the Screaming Stops
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years
Get Carter [1971]
Bottle Rocket
Nothing Like a Dame
Make Us Dream
Die Hard
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
A Book For Her - Bridget Christie
Hickory Dickory Dock - Agatha Christie
Bright Star - John Keats
The Oberon Book of Comic Monologues for Women - Katy Wix
The Oberon Book of Comic Monologues for Women: Volume 2 - Katy Wix
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
Division Street - Helen Mort
The Victorian Guide to Sex - Fern Riddell
A Woman’s Work - Harriet Harman
Help - Simon Amstell
The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
Selected Poems - Sylvia Plath
Ariel - Sylvia Plath
The ‘If You Prefer a Milder Comedian Please Ask For One’ EP - Stewart Lee
The Rachel Papers - Martin Amis
Parker Pyne Investigates - Agatha Christie
Bone - Yrsa Daley-Ward
Pages For You - Sylvia Brownrigg
The Sun and Her Flowers - Rupi Kaur
Different for Girls: A Girl’s Own True-Life Adventures in Pop - Louise Wener
A Single Man - Christopher Isherwood
A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf
Repeal the 8th - Una Mullally
Why Not Socialism? - G.A. Cohen
The Chaos of Longing - K.Y. Robinson
High-Rise - J.G. Ballard
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Fully Coherent Plan - David Shrigley
The Lesser Bohemians - Eimear McBride
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4 - Sue Townsend
Hera Lindsay Bird - Hera Lindsay Bird
Submarine - Joe Dunthorne
In the Penal Colony - Franz Kafka
Babette’s Feast - Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) 
The Expelled - Samuel Beckett
Youth - Joseph Conrad
The Life of Rylan - Rylan Clark-Neal
Autumn - Ali Smith
The Cornet-Player Who Betrayed Ireland - Frank O’Connor
Two Gallants - James Joyce
Teaching my Mother How to Give Birth - Warsan Shire
Selected Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
Casino Royale - Ian Fleming
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
The Door in the Wall - H.G Wells
Terra Incognita - Vladimir Nabokov
Dirty Pretty Things - Michael Faudet
Women  & Power: A Manifesto - Mary Beard
Dear Illusion - Kingsley Amis
Bitter Sweet Love - Michael Faudet
Smoke & Mirrors - Michael Faudet
Girl Meets Boy - Ali Smith
Pre-Raphaelites - Heather Birchall
Conspiracy - Charlotte Greig
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
Sex and Rage - Eve Babitz
Scoop - Evelyn Waugh
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh - edited by Mark Roskill
Role Models - John Waters
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
How Not To Be a Boy - Robert Webb
Animal - Sara Pascoe
Absolute Pandemonium - Brian Blessed
Eileen - Ottessa Moshfegh
A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness
A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters - Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters
Normal People - Sally Rooney
Feminists Don’t Wear Pink - Scarlet Curtis and Others. 
Parsnips, Buttered - Joe Lycett
The Humans - Matt Haig
The Machine Stops - E.M. Forster
Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott
Poems for a World Gone to Shit - Various
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tssfhr-blog · 6 years
[C-1 / M-18] Text One
Tumblr media
i tried to write a short bio about myself and my music project
too yolo for being a DJ
ambient, noise
Weaponized naivness, helpless attack
Kanye West, PJ Harvey
Bee Pole EP
Pure EP
Love LP
NII, Powerhouse, Plivka, Zhyvot
CHSZM - experimental electronic project of Aleksei Podat, based in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Started producing music at the age of 13 after being an EDM DJ at St. Petersburg pirate radiostation for 2 years.
Now he creates melodic noise which he describes as sound of “pure naviete weaponized by haunting helplessness of logic&QUITE-EMOTIONAL-APPROACH-TO-ANYTHING&O - V - E -R -R RE-ACTING"T[M]. His greatest influences were Kanye West and PJ Harvey, as for now among them appeared some Kyiv(NO)-meta-based artists like (Ivan Skoryna) - is - (actual artist name) John Object, and Moscow (Still-NO;still-meta) based media-artists AWN-naw
(wowww, an artist doesn’t have a PAGE, HOW’S THAT, MR. Цукерберг, Марк, Mr TAG EVERYONE ON EVERY BIT OF YOUR tinyDaATa ttmmm] soundcloud.com/awn_naw
so: and Zurkas Tepla
[the..articles are so difficult, I know how journalists may feel, sometimes, about posting a klikByte-headed material about poverty, war, or numerous G20 Ideologic rave party, I AM CHARLIE, CHARLIE SHEEN CAUGHT ROBBING WALLtm-MART NEAR THE FREEDOM ST., BUT luckily, the casser worker! had called the police last night, when they! heard some "sounds of (violent) noise.. haha great my friend got a vynil of this, which i have no possibility to actually hear, my sounds of noise are shaped by the bloodstream of mine and the clone of Mine[tm] who hopes, i hust buy it as fast as he could be tauht, at their trial lol trial, you have noone to feed, don’t you, family-less, dropped out of nowhere worker huhhh]
I GOTTA MAKE THOSE FUCKING CASSETTES NOBODY REALLY NEADS, EXCEPT ONE ( you are dramqueened, lolll) Ph.D of USA University, which i respect, for the interest in New East culture. [I’d like them to show me. where’s the new east, so i could finally show em the old one]
Me Respect Professos, what’s wrong with that huh?)))), I am studying at Karazin University, I AM studying political sciences, without a bit of post-truth politics, just post-truth patriot-oriented education, it’s quite depressing. (UBA - shorter, smarter look, more modern than the actual modern term Ukrainian Bank Accounts, and it sounds like UBER, like not the taxi service, which robs every piece of his stuff, including the clever-auto-routed-cars. of course. If they are clever, they are good enough to be credited as stuff, AND BE TAKEN SERIOUS SUPPOSEDLY I GUESS MAYBE i don’t kno, tho, lo ve16/03/18 first LP has been self-released you kno, i gottaa promote it, and i do my best at it, since i left label with audience in Facebook of 3k people - next kp - k people, not k-pop,; Soundcloud like 7+kp (non k-pop also, they don’t even use it, u must be kidding, kidDO - kidDO - essential mobile app just for YOUR smartphone, to get you a proper kid. Look at you(r,) "kid” and look at “kidDO"TM!!! - exclamaiton marks are here to gain psychical pressure on our deer, hi that’s was bad jokey…like your kiddo, dear, dear, very dear, and precious customers, not to exclaim that we have registered this trademark with absolutely obvious "misunderstandings” with law, and fully understanding with the power….forces..FORCES OF POWER, OF
KNO, TO OUR CUSTOMERS…so, not to seem a little bit weird but I don’t feel lonely, I have a great support of my family and friends, I sometimes do just awful things to them, like…idk…being an artist with great not only the creative potential, but a POT(i’d smoke this sh1t on 3v3ryday bas1s in case I would have agreed on following the path of using potential #2, it’d be weird if i liked a chance to be a person like in example NUMBER TWO, u kno, TWO, 2, LOSER, FUCKING LOOSER,) ential of sitting my ass out near shitty PC on windows XP (Mhhmhmm, safety, in Ukrainian IT companies… is quite interesting quiestion, wee(d) n(w)eed to look at it from different perspectives, different angles…) (actually i do the same at my dorm, or at mama-house(TM haha, no, sry, i’m not THAT misogynistic human being, to EVEN Imagine™ my mother, as a woman, first of all (fck offff my “i-understood-Freud-wrong-but-1-read-it-ironically-so-fuckk-you”-mates, I understand these great postmod(ern)(ehhh)(snobbyy)(but i like it) possibilities that came out as a pale garbage, like from the corpse, the corpse of a most pale kidDO (of course if our company be mistakeyy just a lil bit, like “oops”), as soon as you got a thought in you head like “Oh, over-using (that small dash as a reminder - if you misread oversueing somehow, goto "mylawyer” and think a bit once, than a little bit more, and than turn your MINDPOWER [LP3, 2026 new demos never, I know, I’m a bit of paranoid about showing my stuff to anonymouses like ISIS or Presidents, like very very bad presidents, like, I even don’t kno who to mention, but you’ve got the point, they could rip off my MASTERPOWER [LP0 It was already released, and you are not talanted in googling enough to find it eat my t-shirts, to be more accurate, not shirts, i’m not that “kid” if he could be reffered like this too, since 29 years of struggle through average mid-class family “oopsey-woopseys”, Hey, CC [NoN-creative-commoned-Comedy-Central, so “™”], wanna see an episode dated 1999 where Bart SimpsonS, using his MINDPOWER, obviously"TM", becomes a high-school breakbit-techno-house-electro DJ BioSex [in reversed order, please, mix, but do not shake, please, to make a cocktail which our modern “underground electroni#css” music scene like really deserves
Fill a collins glass with ice. Add tequila and midori, fill rest of glass with sour mix, and garnish with an orange slice and a cherry. Then drink it by yourself if you truly believe, that you are great at mixing 4/4 tracks, OH GOSH HOW MEAN I AM, I WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE MEAN TO A PERSON WHO JUST MAKES A LIVING ON DOING EVERYTHING HE WANTS, LIKE VINYLL FLIP-FLOPS, AND CD’S CHANGINGGGG [REALLY HOT DOWN HERE, YOU NOW, HEATING IS GOING LIKE SHUSH, ITS JUST SO HOT UNDER THE DJ TABLE FUCK IT, IKEA, YOU GOTTA DO SMTH WITH IT]..sorry,..fck, almost forgot about this phoney thingy [IKEAtm - more than trade, more than marks, IKEA rules, here are scandinavian workers tired sparks (around head) (from amusement, how GOOD, it TASTES, to eat CHICKEN, at the TABLE, you know you PRODUCED, but you DON’T CARE [mArXXXattention - marxists fukof, i know i’m using some kind of “not really accurate” info!! about your DAD’S BOOK, i’m sorry, I never gonna touch it again, I promise, peace] [Fuck xxxtentaciwho, i don’t stand public image of a talented musician to be spoiled with so fucked up facts, like beating someone for a long time, or having sex with a person against their will, and that’s not a joke. Pretty sad that talented freshmen will never be a talented human being for me, but he still is for someone, and those are might be fucked up as hell also, not as much as a person, who fucks another with a fork, or other objects [even if he does it in postmod, that’s cruel to kids, think about what happend to WW2 kids, and X it on the quantity of eyes that never seen the damn piece of war [lucky ones, would be like to feel a bit like that] [i’m lucky too, but not that much, you kno, “Sloviansk"TM, or how it frequently was trasliterated from "local-pronounciation” - Slavinsk [CC license] - [src: telegraph.co.uk/…/Donetsk-police-chief-forced-out-as-Ukrain…, BTW! using a chance of such a productivity FUCK Telegraph, and probably fUcK BBC News [can’t find a source, but i remember this LE GOOGLE-LESS JOURNALIST REPORTAGE for not having a MINDPOWER, and what’s more important, for them, as professionals, of “dividing"TM "bad people"TM and "good people"TM - a MASTERPOWER ability. Purchase Love LP. LP is for Pl which is for [sorry, my polish friends, and people who don’t understand slavic-english-writing-stYLO [stereotype], sorry, I’m very very sorry, that IT HAPPENED[TM], yeas, Pl - which is for Please! Sorry! I admit, I took you to the really dark place, but I Love you, and I really want you to survive. [really enjoying’ my time with those funny Latin letters, playing with them, omg, i don’t even kno what doessss the DAMN.[really liked it, but TPAB was way better, please take a note, Kendrick, i’m your fan for 3 yrs, my opinion weighs smth, huh? I don’t even have fans which are able to notice when i delete a bunch of my “First Relaeses” from bandcamp. That’s for good, actually, I’d like not to get any messages containg things like “Hei Aleksei! Your first release Ножові was great and thought-provoking, and your last LP called..let me think, Laugh? Life? Ah, I remembered it’s called] half of my words mean
And yeah
Love / OUT NOW
CHSZM - noise music project of Kharkiv based media-artist Aleksei Podat.
Hometown: Sloviansk
Birthdate: 25/08/1996
gosh, i got these voices sequenced to 4/4 again, moom. I need a PROFESSIONAL HERE
if you got some psychologist help to advice, i’d be shy, but greatful
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