#This guy is INSANE omg
akicklineisinevitable · 5 months
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dantevhell · 1 year
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vampyrsm · 5 months
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mandatory hair pic 👩‍🍳
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cut-aare · 1 month
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Traumatized protags my beloved
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wannabemylover · 9 months
rewatching the first episode of Hannibal and holy shit I forgot how good this is but it's actually insane that Brian fuller set up the ep like this, he introduces will and Hannibal by first briefly showing them at their core, at the darkest, most vile part of them---we get a glimpse behind the curtain---and then its gone, the curtain is snapped shut and we see their masks, their human suits.
Will empathizes with killers because he likes it, and he wants to kill but he refuses to give into the urge because he knows how much he'll like it and he won't be able to stop. So he lives vicariously through other killers, satisfying his own dark urge by feeding it little morsels of secondhand blood lust. Every crime scene he works gives the urge something that satisfies it, not enough for it to grow, but enough for it be sate. Enough that he can ignore it for long enough that he can walk around and be Professor Will Graham who is Weird, Brash, and Non-sociable.
And Hannibal is a cannibal at night and a psychiatrist by morning.
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izloveshorses · 5 months
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anya + flinching at loud noises and sudden movements (vs dmitry noticing, adjusting his behavior, and becoming a source of comfort)
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beeqisch · 1 year
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timkon band au plz plz plz someone write this im begging
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irishmammonagenda · 7 days
"Mams...you okay?" You grin tiredly and teasingly ask your First Man, who is currently in the process of tearing up, his lips wobbling silently as he attempts to keep it in.
He looks up at you from where you lay exhausted in the hospital bed, attempting to blink back his tears. "Oh aye..." He replies shakily. "I-...I've never bin 'appier....Y-you should g-get some sleep...MC...get yer strength back..."
You grin stupidly at him, eyes closing sleepily as he watches you from the seat beside your bed, his attention drifts to you and his eyes water even more, the sheer lightness of the small weight in his arms making him dizzy as he leans further back into the armchair.
He looks down at the sleeping newborn in his arms. His baby girl. Her little yellow hat sitting perfectly on her little tiny head. He's sure she could fit on just on of his hands.
His bottom lip trembles, heart so full of love for the tiny thing in his arms it feels like it might burst. He holds her to his chest, bringing one finger up to gently caress her tiny tiny cheek. He sniffles, holding back happy sobs as he whispers gently. "Hiya little baby....I'm yer papa....I'm gonna take well great care of ye...I-I..I promise...Íosa Críost...yer tiny..."
Mammon looks over to your sleeping form in the hospital bed and slowly inches his chair even closer to you, so as not to jostle your daughter too much. He grabs his phone off of the nightstand and makes an order for your favourite food to be delivered for when you woke up. He chuckles softly as he texts the groupchat, telling them that you and the baby are okay.(albeit slowly seeing as he's only able to use one hand)
He asks for Lucifer to send over the cake he made with the horrible icing saying 'Congradulation COngratulations, MC, Your You're so amazing' so he could celebrate with you when you woke up from your much deserved nap. He turns off his phone and sets it back on the bedside table next to yours which is charging.
He could celebrate with you after, you could laugh at how he looked like a deer in headlights when the nurse asked him if he wanted to hold his baby for the first time. He could spoil you more than he ever has before (which isn't humanly possible considering how much he spoils you.)
But that could all wait for when you woke up, right now he was content just watching over his favouritest girls in the whole wide world, making sure you were both safe and sound.
But you should never trust a scheming scumbag, MC.
Oh no, fuckhead was already coming up with plans to spoil your daughter silly. That was his little princess, God dammit! She deserved the three worlds combined! And even then she deserved more! And don't get him started on you, you weren't going to even think about doing chores for at least 6 months. You just preformed a miracle. You get rest time. No buts.
In the softening light of the sun through the windows, Mammon holds your baby girl with so much gentleness, as if she'd crack at the smallest touch, his loving gaze flickers from you to her with so much tenderness, you would've thought he was an angel.
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comradekatara · 2 months
Based on you own ideas of how the atla characters would develop in the future, in a time travel au which character do you think would be funniest to have wake up as their younger selves right at the start of s1? Sokka i personally think would hate it in a particularly hilarious way but i feel like there is also a lot of potential with ozai or king kuei for they ways it could derail the plot and confuse the shit out of everyone around them
LMFAO okay i am imagining kuei waking up one unspecified day and suddenly just knowing everything about the war while long feng continues to lie to him. this would be a really funny premise for a fanfic if kuei was even like. 20% smarter but unfortunately he’d just expose himself and long feng would have no choice but to imprison or straight up kill him and then claim that kuei contracted tuberculosis or something. ozai waking up back in power but with the knowledge of how he will be deposed is kind of terrifying, but i’m also laughing because that’s literally the plot of madame web. and yeah sokka would be incredibly frustrated because even more than before, he literally knows exactly what to do in any given situation, and absolutely no one is listening to him. and every time he proves his powers of prophecy they’re just like “wow!!!” and then continue to disregard everything he says anyway. the funniest thing about sokka Knowing is his relationship to zuko though, because zuko is the only person he actually does 180 on (unless you count aang, but like, eh), and it’s because zuko genuinely did suck and then he grew to suck a little less. but sokka would finally know what iroh meant by “he has good inside of him” and so he’d find ways to like. torture him. by quoting act 2 scene 3 lines 43-57 of love amongst the dragons while they’re fighting or something like that.
which brings me to the most obvious candidate. zuko is just clearly the forerunner here it’s not even a contest. everyone else grows a lot internally too, but zuko’s external growth is by far the most pronounced across the show. book 1 zuko literally has the opposite goals of book 3 zuko. so when zuko wakes up on his boat and has his stupid ponytail and is just like “what the fuck is going on,” he’s relieved to see that he’s in the south pole so maybe sokka and katara will have answers as to what is happening to him. and due to his lethal lack of tact, he still approaches their village in his giant hunk of metal and crashes through their wall and terrifies everyone. sokka is staring him down, preparing to die, clutching his weapons, and zuko just runs up to him and tackles him in a hug before sokka can even respond. and then he runs up to katara and hugs her too while she shrieks her head off and tries to fight him. and sokka is just standing there utterly humiliated because he couldn’t even defend himself against his attack….. and now he’s got his sister………. he’s a complete failure……… but zuko doesn’t even care that sokka is having an existential crisis and katara is screaming bloody murder, he’s just like “boy oh boy my best friends i sure am glad to see you :)” while they just keep trying to attack him and kill him. yeah, now that’s what i call comedy.
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sidepod · 6 months
Daniel talking about the contract extension for 2024 for AlphaTauri from Redbull — "It was very much like he's our kid and we're going to support him because we believe in him."
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seriousturd · 3 months
Made a doodle/comic of another BMB scene I love!
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currentlynappingg · 3 months
i HATE acne. Like get off my face silly! You don’t belong there!🤗🙏🥰
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pinkrose05 · 6 months
I'd like to personally advocate for whoever was behind this shot to get a raise, because holy shit-
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tibbycaps · 6 months
alright so im sticking with cubbb <3
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tennant-the-tigger · 2 years
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Breakdown at breakfast
Sleeping over at Steve’s after everything. Eddie makes himself at home. Steve is having a mental breakdown. 
More ST Art (x)  
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softvermillion · 7 months
pairing: levi x reader
word count: 2.4k
summary: levi shares a dorm with you. he’s used to coming home to the sound of you getting fucked. when he comes home to you crying though, he doesn’t quite know how to respond…
cw: smut (minors dni 18+ only!!)
a/n: first post on tumblrrr!!!!! hope u enjoy it…make sure to check out my ao3 @173318 where i’m currently posting a longer levi x reader fic!!!
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Every day he came back from the gym to the sound of muffled moans from behind the door of your room. Every day he sat in front of his TV, listening to the lilt of your voice as you chased your high and the bed frame lightly hitting against the wall. He’d gotten used to falling asleep to these things, your cries ringing in his ears as he fought every urge to get off to your sounds.
He knew he would never look at you the same way if he went through with it. So, he practiced as much self restraint as he could muster, even if it meant actively avoiding you most of the time. You didn’t choose to share a dorm with each other. It wasn’t out of the norm for you to share an awkward interaction with each other in the morning as you finally left your room with your boyfriend for breakfast as Levi was going out to his first class. A quick acknowledgment with the nod of a head was about as deep of an interaction as you tended to get.
What was out of the norm was Levi finally returning one night to silence. He frowned at the phenomenon. Sure, he should be happy about this newfound peace in the dorm. Something seemed odd. He found his gut feeling to be correct when he listened a little closer, only to hear the stifled sounds of something else from behind the wall that separated your bedrooms.
Crying. You were crying.
He didn’t know what to do with himself, unable to leave his room and comfort you. He didn’t know you, couldn’t do anything to find out what was wrong.
He ran a hand over his face.
Why did he care?
You were used to Levi paying no mind to you when it came to you. The extent of your previous conversations were, as far as you could remember, a short interaction at the start of the year of introductions and name exchanging, followed by a series of grunts, nods, and single words in the following months. You wish you could say it didn’t bother you, but you found yourself desperate to know him a little better. So desperate it was almost embarrassing.
You knew his major. You knew he liked to be alone. You knew he went to the gym. The latter was hard to not know. Not just because he was built like a fucking god - which you discovered once when walking in on him shirtless in the kitchen, which had you gawking at him like he was the eighth wonder of the world, which he definitely noticed - but because you knew exactly what time he came home from the gym every night. And every night you timed it to perfection, because you always heard the door shut right before your boyfriend would bury himself inside of you. You wondered what Levi did when he heard you. Did he listen to music to drown out your noises? Did he touch himself? You doubt he did anything at all. His stoic nature left no room for fantasies and you could not imagine him caring about anything that you did.
So it was definitely shocking to you when you found him leaning on the doorway of your room, a box of tissues in his hand.
“Are you okay?” his voice rang out around your room.
You wiped your face with the back of your hand. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.”
He looked at you with raised eyebrows. You paused for a moment.
“…no. I’m not. My boyfriend. He’s been cheating on me.”
Levi couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. Cheating on you? He didn’t understand why anyone would.
You might not have been the closest of friends, but that didn’t mean Levi couldn’t see just how attractive you were. It was almost daunting. Even if your interactions weren’t awkward in the first place, he would’ve felt so by how intimidating your looks were. You were pretty in ways he couldn’t comprehend. So to think that you had been cheated on…it seemed blasphemous to him.
“Oh,” was all Levi could muster. When the silence ensued as you continued to wipe your cheeks with your hands, he took the initiative to walk over to your bed, standing next to your curled up frame with the box of tissues extended towards you.
“Thank you,” you murmured.
“S’alright,” he replied, “anyone would do it.”
You looked up at him. His face, though reasonably nonchalant, still showed some signs of concern, of empathy. You sighed.
“Do you want to talk about it, maybe?” he suggested.
So you did. You spoke to him about everything that your boyfriend had said, all the shit he’d done to you, all the things you stayed for and why you never should’ve put up with them. He was a good listener. You got along well, and it made you wonder why you hadn’t spoke to him enough. Things maybe could’ve been different.
“I mean, the sex was good.” You shrugged off the sentence. Levi grunted, to which you turned and frowned at him. “What?”
“You made enough noise for me to know that.”
Of course you knew he’d heard you. It was the fact that you’d never openly discussed it that made your skin heat with embarrassment. Levi pressed further.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t know I could hear?”
You shook your head a little. “I…well, I knew. I suppose. I didn’t really think about it.”
He laughed a little. “I don’t see any harm in it. Just sounded like you could do a little better, is all.”
“How would you know?” you replied, a newfound sense of confidence in your voice, “You say you heard, but I didn’t know you actively listened.”
It was his turn to feel embarrassed now. You took advantage of the situation, sitting up a little, cocking your head to the side. “Levi, have you listened to me being fucked for…for all these months?”
He looked at you, and despite his lack of words, you could see the guilt dripping from his eyes. A smirk tugged at the corner of your lips. Before you could control what you were doing, you had leaned into his body, and pressed your mouth softly onto his.
He seemed shocked at first, stiff in the wake of you softly brushing against him. When you pulled back, his eyes were still open, full of questions.
“You’ve just got out of a relationship,” he breathed, looking for signs of regret across your face, “I don’t want to take advantage of you like this.”
“Levi…I used to think of you sometimes. I would hear you come in…couldn’t stop my mind from wandering,” you admitted. You weren’t lying either. Getting off meant you needed to think of Levi. Truth be told, you used your boyfriend for the sex. You knew he’d been cheating, cheating for a long time, yet you stayed with him. Why?
Anything to get something from Levi. Any kind of attention. You craved it. You wanted him. This was your last try, breaking up with your boyfriend so you could make one final attmept at getting to Levi. And it worked.
Levi let out a shaky breath. “Fuck.”
You looked at each other. There was a hunger in both of your eyes, something you hadn’t seen before. It was as though he were fighting his better judgement.
He wanted you. He felt guilty for wanting you. But with you sitting in front of him, panting in the heat of just a soft kiss and confession, he couldn’t help himself. His better judgement could get fucked.
“C’mere,” he muttered, one last word before he leaned in and pushed his lips against yours.
The world came crashing down around you when he slipped his tongue into your mouth. He was passionate, moving rapidly yet savouring the feeling. His hands moved to your waist, lifting you up as your hands pressed between your chest and his.
“You don’t know what you do to me,” he whispered against your cheek, moving his lips down towards your neck.
When he set you down on his lap, the shock was instant. You gasped. If it wasn’t obvious before what effect you had on him, it definitely was now. He was hard underneath you as he pulled back from peppering kisses against your jawline to look in your eyes.
“Are you okay with this?” he questioned. You could barely get a nod out, your mind blank with arousal as you looked at his hazy expression.
Once he’s confirmed that you want what he wants, he makes no hesitation to dive back into your neck, sucking in just the right places to leave you whimpering in his wake. He reaches down to the hem of your top and you lift your arms up for him to remove it. He takes a moment after, a brief moment to look up at you and gaze unabashedly at just how perfect you are. You look so unaware of it, too. It only makes him want you more.
Before he can do anything else, you push your hips forwards, and the choked sound he makes leave you grinning. His eyes are wide as you move again, his hands flying to your hips as though to ground himself. He’s really here. Shit, this is really happening.
You roll your hips once more, you can only get one more out before he groans and pulls you harder against him. You gasp and clutch at his shirt.
“Please…take this…” you don’t even finish your sentence before he sits up, moving you with him as he removes his shirt and…fuck. You practically dribble at the sight of him. And he smirks. He fucking knows what he does to you. Bastard.
You’re left in nothing but your underwear when he presses you back into your bed, hands splayed across your hips as you slowly removes the straps of your bra from your shoulders. He kisses across your chest, leaving a trail of electricity with his mouth. You strain against his touch. It’s too much, you want him to touch you now. He’s taking his time though, taking as much time as he wants with you.
When his lips trail lower, lower still to the pretty little bow at the centre of your panties, you pull his hair gently. He looks up at you.
“You don’t have to do that,” you murmur, “I don’t need you to do it if you don’t want to…”
He looks almost confused at your words. Why would he not want to?
“My ex…he never wanted to do anything like that,” you explain, a little embarrassed under Levi’s now cold gaze.
You go to explain yourself again, but you’re cut brutally short by the feeling of his hot mouth against your clit, panties swiftly moved to the side as his tongue slides up your slit. You moan, legs jolting up and squeezing against his head. He uses his hands to hold your thighs apart…fuck he’s strong enough to hold your thighs apart…and continues his attack on your pussy, lapping and licking and doing anything he can to elicit all those little sounds from you. All those little sounds he’s been craving for the past two months.
“I can’t believe,” he groans, “he wouldn’t want,” another lick, “to do this,” another lick, “to you.”
You’re tensing up under him and…oh god, you feel the coil in your stomach beginning to unwind.
He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t ever want to stop. His mind is running laps and all he can think about is why didn’t he do this to you sooner?
It’s only when he looks up at you from under his messed up hair that you finally clench around him and release swiftly, moaning out his name in the process. He’s painfully hard now, hips rutting against your bed, and you’re painfully aware of it.
He comes up to kiss you. He lets you taste yourself on his mouth. It’s dirty, it’s so dirty and you love it.
“Can I fuck you now?” he whispers into your ear, sending chills down your spine.
He’s making it about you. Of course he is, he’s heard everything you’ve done. Heard how you sucked your boyfriend off and never got anything back from him. Heard how your boyfriend finished without you and you didn’t even protest. And now he’s showing you how it should’ve been.
What he would’ve done.
He’s slow when he pushes into you, letting you gasp as you accommodate for him. He’s big, whispering sweet nothings like “you can take it” and “you fit so perfectly.”
When he eventually moves faster, you cry out at how good it feels. How perfectly he reaches the spot that makes you claw at his back, eliciting fucking whimpers from him. He’s just as obsessed as you are.
Your face is a picture of beauty to him. He can’t help but stare at you, so fucked out and desperate for him, pleading for him to keep going.
You’re both chasing your highs now. It’s only a matter of who will finish first. When he reaches two fingers down to circle your clit, you have nothing left to do but give in and let yourself go.
“That’s it, baby. Cum around my cock, I want you to…oh, fuck,” he groans as he stills inside of you, his release quick to follow yours. You dig your fingers into his back one last time before releasing him so he can fall onto his back next to you, breathing heavily and sticky with sweat and your slick.
It’s peaceful for a while. Neither of you say anything, simply enjoying the presence of the other as you rest through your post orgasm haze. He’s the first to talk.
“I want to know you better.”
You smirk coyly. “Do you not think seeing me naked is knowing me well enough?”
He smiles at you. “Not like that. I want to know what you like and what you do, I want to know everything.”
You can’t help but giggle at his words.
“We’re doing this all backwards,” you whisper against his chest, his arm now folded behind you, “knowing how I sound when I finish before knowing what my favourite food is.”
“It’s cereal,” he strokes your hair.
You whip your head around. “How do you know that?”
“I’m observant,” he shrugs, “guess you don’t know much about me either.”
You look up into his eyes, and despite your limited interactions, you feel comfortable and happy in his arms.
“Tell me everything I need to know then, Levi.”
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