#This idea popped into my head the moment I saw the prompt and it wouldn't leave me alone
password-door-lock · 8 months
Mystictober day 3-- Wizard/Potion
The first time you see the commercial, you nearly spit out your drink— which is just regular tea, and not the sugary, Dr.Pepper-esque concoction that your brother-in-law is currently peddling. You don't even risk pulling out your phone to keyboard-slam about it on the messenger— you wouldn’t want to miss a single second of the brand-new, Halloween-themed Sevenstar Drink ad.
First of all, the premise is absolutely comical. On screen, Saeyoung sports a long, midnight blue cloak decorated with silver stars and moons; it goes without saying that the matching hat sits atop his head. With an oversized, novelty wooden spoon, he stirs a cauldron full of a glimmering red liquid. You’re pretty sure it’s supposed to be Sevenstar Drink, but you very much hope that it’s just water with red food coloring. You can't imagine how sticky that cauldron is going to be in a few hours if it's actually full of the sugary beverage that the commercial is supposed to depict, which, to its credit, tastes delicious. Unlike the prototype version, the Sevenstar Drink on the market today is made professionally in a food-safe facility, and, as of last summer, comes in diet and caffeine-free varieties. "If you're a busy wizard like me, then you probably spend all day, every day bent over a cauldron, stirring ingredients that nobody needs to worry about into a magic potion to share with all your friends," Saeyoung announces with all the gravitas of a practiced storyteller. He then drops his voice into a conspiratorial whisper, leaning toward the camera as if letting the viewer in on a secret, "Or enemies."
He pretends to stifle a feigned yawn that sounds surprisingly real. Sometimes you forget how skilled he is at acting— you’re so glad that he is finally able to use those talents for a cause that means something to him. Just about everybody on Earth is aware by now that any and all profits made from the sale of Sevenstar Drink are used to fund supplies for orphanages and various programs for their residents. "That can be tiring work."
You have to cover your mouth with your hands to keep from drowning the TV out with your laughter. "But no longer." The image shifts to a clip of Saeyoung, still in the wizard costume, sipping demurely from a can of Sevenstar Drink. He releases an exaggerated sigh of satisfaction. "Drink Sevenstar Drink, for all your potion-making needs. All proceeds go to charity!" He then disappears in a puff of red smoke, with the help of some very impressive special effects.
Before you can take a breath, the Sevenstar Drink logo appears on the screen, and Saeyoung's disembodied voice launches into a rapid-fire recitation of what might be best described as the fine-print portion of the ad. "Sevenstar Drink is a division of C&R international. This commercial was filmed by a professional in a controlled environment— don't try evaporating into a puff of smoke at home. Sevenstar Drink is not responsible for any legal trouble you may encounter when you get caught bent over a cauldron, stirring ingredients that nobody needs to worry about into a magic potion." You’re beginning to suspect that whoever is in charge of the marketing department of C&R gave Saeyoung free reign over the contents of his commercial. If that’s the case, you’re very grateful— you just watched one of the most entertaining ads on TV.
Only when the logo fades to black and you're confronted by a new commercial for a fast food restaurant do you open the messenger to greet the absolute pandemonium that has unfolded over the course of the past thirty seconds. You get the feeling that sales of Sevenstar Drink are about to go through the roof.
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httplilyyy · 10 months
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pairing: lena oberdorf x reader
summary: you're best friends so what's wrong with one little cuddle?
warnings: nothing but fluff
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i haven’t written for the woso world in a while and due to the wwc going on i thought it was only fair to write a couple fics. send in ideas and prompts for people you want me to write for and i’ll see if my brain can work something out :)
woso masterlist request
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You've known Lena for what seemed like forever. From the moment the two of you met you couldn't be kept away from each other. Now three years on, the two of you were as thick as thieves.
Only up until recently, you had been thinking of Lena in a different way. Going from longing gazes to discrete touches. You knew you were falling for the girl but you just couldn't stop yourself.
You knew you couldn't do anything with these feelings so you kept them buried deep down. Not telling anyone. Not a single soul.
Due to hiding your feelings you had been different around Lena, and you were sure she could sense it. As much as it pained you, you tried to put a little distance between you both but you were just not able to keep her from running around in your mind.
You were currently sitting on your sofa at home, scrolling through instagram when you noticed that Lena had posted. Clicking on her account you could’ve sworn you had heart palpitations.
Immediately liking her new photo, your heart nearly jumped out of your chest once you saw a message pop up at the top of your screen.
[ lena: 6:56pm ] eager much?
[ you: 6:56pm ] i’m sorry?
[ lena: 6:56pm ] check when i posted
Opening instagram back up, you saw how long ago she posted. And it wasn't long at all. 1 minute ago. Shit.
[ you: 6:57pm ] what? I can’t like a photo of my best friend?
Playing it cool and definitely not acknowledging the way your chest pained after typing the reply.
[ lena: 6:57pm ] oh no, you can. just seemed a bit quick, no?
[ you: 6:57pm ] i refreshed the app and you popped up
[ lena: 6:57pm ] mhm sureeeee
[ you: 6:58pm ] i hate you
[ lena: 5:58pm ] no you don’t
[ you: 5:58pm ] i’m pretty sure i do
[ lena: 5:58pm ] so if i invited you over for pizza and a movie you wouldn't come?
[ you: 5:59pm ] i hate you
[ lena: 5:59pm ] i’ll see you in a bit
You huffed out a laugh, getting up from the sofa with a sinking feeling in your stomach. You couldn't help but wonder what it’d be like if you actually told her how you felt. Shaking your head, you got rid of that idea.
Grabbing your keys from your kitchen counter, you put your shoes on and made your way over to Lena’s. It wasn’t a long drive and before you knew it you were standing outside her front door, waiting for her to let you in.
“The stalker’s here.” Lena grinned as she opened the door.
“Ha ha, very funny.” You deadpanned, walking past her and into the living room where there was pizza laid out on the coffee table.
“Wow, I don't even get a ‘hi’ and you’re already digging into the pizza.” Lena scoffed, sitting beside you on the sofa.
“I only came for free food and a movie.” You said with a grin, discreetly trying to put space between the two of you.
“Whatever.” Lena said, rolling her eyes as she tried to fight off a smile that made its way onto her face.
“What movie are we watching?” You asked, taking another slice of pizza.
“Ten things I hate about you.”
“What? I like a good romcom.” Lena shrugged, taking a slice of her own and pressing play on the movie.
As the movie went on, your concentration became less and less. Your brain solely focused on the person beside you. No matter how much space you put between her, you still felt yourself being drawn back to her. Like an unexplainable force pushing you together.
Shifting in your spot, you tried to get comfortable but it was no use. Every position seemed to be more uncomfortable than the last and unbeknownst to you, Lena seemed to be having the same problem.
From all your shifting around, the two of you were now sitting next to each other. Shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. Lena rested her head on your shoulder, still trying to find a comfortable position.
Accidentally, Lena let out a small grumble, becoming fed up with being uncomfortable.
“You okay?” You chuckle, looking down at Lena.
“No.” She huffed, moving off your shoulder.
“What’s up?”
“I can’t get comfy.”
“Neither.” You agreed, a small tight-lipped smile making its way onto your face.
“Lay back.” Lena said, placing her hands on your waist, pushing you to lay on your back.
“Wha- um, okay.” You said, heart pounding as you let Lena guide you back.
You got yourself in a position so your head was rested on a pillow, being slightly propped up by the arm of the sofa so you could fully lay down.
Once you had stopped moving, Lena crawled on top of you, laying her body across yours.
“Is this okay?” Lena questioned as she let out a content sigh against your neck, her breath sending goosebumps to spread like a wildfire over your skin.
“Huh- I- what?” You blushed, eyes wide as you scolded yourself for not being able to form a complete sentence.
“Do you want me to get off?” Lena asked, placing her hands on the arm of the sofa, either side of your head, so she could look at your face properly.
“No! I uh-” You coughed and let out a nervous laugh. “I don’t think so?”
“You don’t think so?” Lena repeated with a teasing tone.
“I don’t want you to get off.”
“Okay.” Lena smiled and moved back to the position she was in originally.
By now the movie was long forgotten and you couldn't help the way your heart sped up at how Lena was on top of you.
Not knowing what to do without malfunctioning, you kept your arms up in the air, deciding that was the better option.
“You can touch me, y’know. I’m not fragile.” Lena said softly, reaching her arm out to grab yours, placing it around her waist.
“Mhm, yeah. I know that.” You said, placing your other arm on her back, slowly drawing intricate patterns.
The two of you didn't say anything for the rest of the movie, the both of you enjoying the tranquillity of the moment. As the credits played, you had failed to notice that Lena had drifted off to sleep.
You had tried to slide out from underneath her but it was no use. Shifting in her sleep, Lena mumbled a few incoherent words and you knew that you had fallen so hard, you don’t think anyone would be able to save you.
Letting yourself drift off into a deep sleep, the only thing grounding you was the person on top of you.
Many hours passed and it was now the early hours of the morning, the sun peaking through the blinds caused Lena to wake up from her sleep.
Some time during the night, the two of you had shifted so she was trapped between you and the cushions of the sofa.
Lena froze, noticing the position she was currently in and letting a blush take over her features. Her leg was draped over yours, tangled together and her hand had made its way up your top, resting on your stomach.
Snapping herself out of her thoughts, Lena quickly removed her hand from under your top, suddenly feeling her fingertips grow cold.
Shifting in your sleep, you wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her just a tad closer and resting your head in her neck.
“You’re staring.” You mumbled, eyes still closed as you let a small smile take over your face.
“I’m not.” Lena protested, weakly trying to get out of your hold.
“You’re lucky I like you.” You smiled, moving your head back to the pillow and tightening your grip on her.
Lena laid quietly for a while, assuming you had drifted back off to sleep before she spoke up again.
“I like you too.” She whispered, brushing a strand of hair that fell over your face.
“I knew it.” You smirked, pulling her closer into you. “Now go back to sleep.”
Lena let out a small chuckle, pressing her lips to your cheek before cuddling herself into you and drifting back off into sleep.
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sassykattery · 2 years
Well, this was kind of my idea, kind of requested by @delphi-dreamin and @eternallydaydreaming2015. So here it is.
Prompt: Imagine your f/o sending you nudes while you're at work/school to rile you up.
Pairing: MephistophelesxGN! Reader
CW: nudity, sending nudes. Graphic description of sexual situations: m! receiving oral
Characters: Mephistopheles, MC="You", Mammon
Ageless and minors DNI
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During potions class, your D.D.D. had buzzed, and upon looking at the lock screen, you discovered Mephistopheles had texted you; the message saying "Image" as your only indication of what he sent. Curious, you hid it under the table and looked at what he sent you.
But then it buzzed again. The text preview showed "Image" again from him, and though you had a feeling you shouldn't look, curiosity got the better of you. Keeping it under the table, you looked again and this time your eyes bugged out as he was completely nude, his large hand being the only thing covering his nether region, and even then, you could see enough to flush even harder.
You blinked several times and swallowed thickly as you looked upon a mirror selfie with his shirtless form, towel hung low around his hips. His hair was damp as it lay across his forehead. Immediately, your face started to burn but you tried to maintain composure as you locked the device without replying, hoping it could wait until after class.
As you stared upon the photo, he texted again.
Mephistopheles: Like what you see?
You wanted to tell him no. You wanted him to stop the torture. Though you two were intimate, there were still moments of slight animosity. For how cold and condescending he could be, and for you being just a human, but making his heart twist like no other being could. He often did this to you when he wanted your attention but wouldn't say as much.
You: Maybe.
Mephistopheles: Maybe you don't want this dick later.
You: You're right, maybe I don't.
Just then, your device buzzed once more after you had locked it. Tried as you might to focus on class, you had to know what he said. Looking down, it was another image. Opening it with such speed, still under the table, you saw another mirror selfie of him holding his very hard and thick cock in his hand. It was enough to make you salivate. Another message appeared under it.
Mephistopheles: You sure?
A whine formed in your throat but never became fully vocalized.
You nearly jumped out of your skin, bumping your knee into the table as you jolted and locked your device out of muscle memory.
"Geez, sorry. Why ya so jumpy? And why do ya look like that?" Mammon asked.
"That's rude," you pointed out, trying to calm your racing heart rate. The second born stood in front of your table with his hands on his hips.
"I just wanted to ask ya if you did the homework for hexes and curses," he stated.
Standing, you gathered your things as people started leaving. You wondered when the professor dismissed class but elected to ignore that for now.
"I did but I'm not giving it to you," you retorted.
Mammon whined and pleaded, "C'mon! Help your first man out, please?"
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your homework. "Only if you keep anyone from bugging me during lunch. I have some things to do and I want to be undisturbed," you replied.
"Deal," Mammon stated, swiping the pages. You walked off before he could think too hard about what he agreed to and why you wanted to be alone.
Once you found the restroom, and locked yourself in a stall, you opened your D.D.D. again.
You: I'm sure.
Mephistopheles: Last chance...
Another image popped up, and this time he was lying in bed with his fist wrapped around his cock, precum dripping from the head. Your knees buckled slightly as the weight of your arousal pooled in your abdomen.
You: You're so mean.
Mephistopheles: It's yours if you come over right now.
You'd never left RAD so quickly, and imagine the look on Mephisto's face when you threw yourself into his bedroom exactly ten minutes later, panting and heaving.
He was still laying in his luxurious bed, stroking his cock. Propping himself up on his elbows, smirked at you.
"Hmph, guess you did want it?" Mephisto purred to you.
"Shut up," you rasped, throwing off an article of clothing with every step you took toward his bed. His smirk deepened.
Once completely bare, you drug yourself up onto his lap and nestled yourself between his legs to immediately take his length into your mouth. He hissed and bucked his hips.
"Stupid human," he grunted, his hand laid upon your scalp as he watched you bobbing your head.
Popping off of his cock, you mumbled back, "Dumb demon." He smirked again.
"But you– ahhh ha, you love me," he groaned as you began sucking on the head, rolling your tongue around.
You moaned in agreement and kept pleasing him with your mouth, and eventually you added your hand to stroke the rest of the length you couldn't take. He was rolling his hips with pleasure, his pretty moans falling from his lips. He fisted the sheets, twisting as you brought him closer and closer to the edge.
"Fuck, you're going to-" he grunted out but stopped as he gave a sharp buck upwards into your face. He looked down at you and saw your pleading eyes trained on his. His brows furrowed as he focused on you, grabbing your head to push it down as he fucked into your mouth. After a few thrusts, he stilled as his cum shot out down your throat, which you gulped down greedily.
He pulled out of your mouth and you sat up, looking rather exhausted. With little warning, he shot forward and pushed you onto your back.
"You did good, little human. It's my turn to please you now," he murmured. His hand trailed down toward your sex, stimulating it with his fingers. "You have no idea what you do to me, and I hate it, but I can't stop myself."
Thanks for reading!
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
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roostertuftart · 1 year
For the character thing, Butters?
Sexuality headcanon- Tentative bisexual. More into women, I think? Or at least femininity. But he's not purely gynosexual! Just mostly ig.
OTP- I feel bad because I barely ship Butters with like... Anyone tbh. I like Bunny and Stutters the most probably but I wouldn't say they're ships I think about frequently. Well... Bunny kind of but usually more as a plot device than something I just find cute. I find Bunny very interesting though.
brotp- BUNNYYYY, love Kenny and Butters as best friends. They're great together. I love them being fairly supportive of each other and Butters being super attached to Kenny.
notp- Kyutters. Sorry, just can't see it nor do I find it interesting Ig.
I ADORE Kyle and Butters' dynamic- I like that they seem to not regard each other very highly, particularly Butters towards Kyle, I like that they're so dysfunctional as people who are both victims and it's sort of resulted in them pitted against each other rather than the real enemy. I actually really enjoy them getting to be close friends but capable of being pretty brutally honest towards each other as both are fairly critical of the other. But romance? Idk. Not into it.
first headcanon that pops into my head- It's hardly a headcanon at this point but the idea that he still grows up to be a great businessman and probably into a healthier version of what Vic Chaos was
EDIT: ALSO TRANS FEM BUTTERS FTW. Though I like cis Butters too. my butters headcanons r varied and not strict
favorite line from this character- "We can shoot up the school!" or tbh his whole speech at the end of Butterballs.
one way in which I relate to this character- Ummm I actually relate to him a lot in having been kind of the "weird autistic" kid growing up who was pretty naive and often left out or messed with by other kids. Not to get too deep into my psyche or whatever but basically, it caused me to begin to resent what I saw as other people's naivete or ignorance for a long time purely bc of what it reminded me of in myself. I used to not like Butters as much because it felt so much to me like something I despised about myself. These feelings are something I've worked on since, obviously, since I don't think it's a fair perspective to have (and even built on some internalized ableism!!), plus I still have these naïve moments myself, as does everyone! But I think it's sorta interesting how much it warped my early view of this character.
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- Oop. Well. I guess the above also answers that.
cinnamon roll or problematic fave?- Both he can be such a MONSTER but also such a sweetheart. He needs therapy above all.
Here's the prompt for anyone else!
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harleyshahas · 4 months
16, 7, 30!
(Is ecto :>)
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
If I had to pick, the story I'm most proud of - even though it's certainly not my most popular by and means, and it desperately needs to be rewritten and edited - has to be Futuristic Lovers. It's basically a love letter to Treasure Planet and Anastasia, two of my absolute favorite movies when I was wee, and it took me almost 8 years to write. I honestly wouldn't recommend it to anyone because the first ten chapters are baaaaad, but I'm proud of it nonetheless if only because it's a monument to me that, hey, I can finish a project given enough time and the proper enrichment lol
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
What fanfic tropes won't I write? I don't really know here, I'm kinda blanking on this right now... I've been writing fic a long time, reading it even longer, so I know what I like to read and what I'll avoid, and I that kinda goes for writing, I guess. I can say for certain what genres I like and don't like, which very much includes tragedy. Don't like tragic and unhappy endings. I'm all for whump and angst trains, as long as the payoff is cathartic, but for me, I like a happy ending at the end of a bad day. Tend to avoid major character death, so I don't know that I'll ever write that unless it's already canon.
Over-Flanderizing a character is also extremely aggravating, as well as the incorporation of therapy speak in fics. Also hate when there's an overabundance of "consent is kinky" in any given fic. It's one thing if it's just a shameless pwp, it's another if it's a moment that takes me out of the fic. I like to keep my characters as in-character as possible, and that tends comes with a lot of Not Asking for Permission.
30. Do you write down all your ideas? What makes you decide to write one versus the other?
When I was still a tween, I used to write down any and every idea that popped into my head - had a dedicated ideas notebook and everything. Between then and now, after 14+ years, I've since lost that habit, but I've been trying to pick it back up. I try to at least jot down a general prompt idea in a dedicated notes folder on my phone now to at least revisit at a later date. If I have a scene haunting my every moment for more than a few hours, that tends to get scribbled down real quick, too, especially if it's for a wip I'm trying to work on.
Honestly, whatever winds up actually being written is what I happen to be vibing with at the time. Right now, I desperately want to write Blackice Hades/Persephone AU because I just saw some gorgeous fanart and Sefikura molestation in the back alleys of Wall Market cuz I've been playing FF7 Remake, because if I have one very specific kink, then it's boy's in skirts and being extremely uncomfortable about it (I'm not at all projecting, I swear).
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chaolie · 2 years
FWT Week 2022, Day 1 - College AU
Eyy look at this, something for the fwt week 2022 ran by @fwt-week! You might notice that there are only 3 parts to this, but that's because I do what I want and I want to write 2 fics and some one-shots using these prompts! Oh, and you can also find this chapter on my Ao3!
Characters: Fundy, Dream Words: 1.4k Summary: Fundy tries to pull an all-nighter and Dream tries to get back to his dorm room through the window. One of them got the building wrong.
These sleepless nights would catch up to him at one point, Fundy knew that well. Nonetheless, he continued staring at his laptop’s dull screen, the only light source in his dorm room, typing away on the keyboard every once in a while. If he didn’t get this code to work within 7 hours, his teacher would absolutely cut his head off, so pulling this all-nighter was his only option, wasn’t it? He supposed so.
Why couldn’t it just work, though?! By all means, it should’ve been up and running hours ago, but every time he thought he was finally done, there was something wrong! Was he missing a semicolon somewhere? Did he forget to close a loop? Mistyped a command? Who knew?! That was, apparently, a secret between this stubborn code and God, and he was neither. He was just a student who probably got less than 10 hours of sleep in the past week or two, barely comprehending the lines his own hands typed out…
He was snapped out of his dramatic internal monologue by something hitting his window.
He almost fell out of his chair and scrambled away until its back hit the wall, that must’ve been the first noise other than an “Error” pop-up he’s heard in the past few hours. It didn’t take him long to relatively calm down, though, and he looked at his window. When he saw a silhouette outside of it, his panic returned full-force, and he quickly unplugged and grabbed his desk lamp to use as a weapon. Just in case, of course. He wouldn't really have to use it for self-protection, it was just another one of those unexplainable thoughts his sleep-deprived brain was conjuring up.
He could ignore this, wait it out, and get back to work, he told himself. Then he realized that the person outside was very clearly trying to open the window, and that hope faded. In a feat of confidence he had no idea where he got, he fixed his grip on his lamp and carefully approached the window. Whoever was breaking in, they probably expected him to be asleep, so maybe confronting them would be enough? And if not, he could break that desk lamp over their head.
In a swift motion, he opened the window and pulled his lamp back, ready to use it if necessary- The man outside was certainly startled, just barely managing to stop himself from falling back, but… he didn’t look like a burglar, though. He looked to be about Fundy’s age and he seemed vaguely familiar, so he probably was another student, and the look on his face was that of pure confusion, not… disappointment, or even fear that would come with getting caught red-handed. For a moment, they both stayed frozen.
“...This isn’t my room,” the man spoke finally. Fundy was so taken off guard that he found himself looking back, as if to check if he wasn’t in the wrong room. He was not.
“...Yeah,” he confirmed, looking back at the fellow student hanging helplessly from his window. Another wave of silence followed.
“...What room number is this?” the stranger asked. Luckily, Fundy didn’t have to go outside to check his door in order to answer that.
“326,” he answered. It wasn’t hard to remember, and the first number was just the floor number anyway- “Wait, this is the 3rd floor,” he realized, and suddenly having a guy outside of his window was much more alarming.
“...I think I’m climbing the wrong building,” the stranger said, cautiously looking down as he probably planned out his climb down.
“Why are you climbing buildings?” Fundy shot back before he could stop himself. He probably would’ve added ‘at this hour’ to the question, but he really didn’t want to check his watch anymore.
“Forgot my keys, my roommate is out for the night… I figured I’d just climb in through our window,” the man explained. That plan had… a lot wrong with it, and Fundy wasn’t sure what to point out first.
“The windows lock from the inside,” he began, it seemed like a good start. The stranger paused for a moment before groaning and resting his face on Fundy’s windowsill.
“...Right,” he agreed, still resting on the cool metal. “I’ll figure out a different way inside, then,” he declared, but he sounded unsure.
He was about to climb back down, Fundy realized, and that did not sound like something anyone should be doing, ever, but especially not something a tired person should be doing while it’s pitch black outside.
“Do you want to come inside and take the actual stairs down?” he offered, and the stranger lifted his head.
“Oh, yeah, thanks,” he nodded. Fundy opened the window wider for him and set down his ‘weapon’ to assist him with getting back in, but luckily that wasn’t needed. The guy was either very athletic overall, or just really good at climbing buildings, and Fundy couldn’t see all that well with all of his lights still out. “...Did I wake you up?” the man asked once he finally made it inside.
“Oh, no, I was just working on something and didn’t bother with the lights,” Fundy explained. “I’ll get them,” he decided, quickly getting to the other side of the room and flicking the light switch. “I’m Fundy, by the way,” he introduced himself before turning around.
Upon seeing the stranger properly, he froze. He was a tall, handsome blond with a face littered with freckles and lit up by the brightest smile on Earth, wearing a very recognizable, but somewhat worn-out green hoodie. Well… Fundy certainly knew why the man seemed “vaguely familiar” even in the darkness. They shared a few classes, including the coding one. All the classes they shared were coincidentally the ones he was struggling with the most. Even more unrelated, he spent at least 75% of them staring at this very man. Oh. Oh, this was-
“Dream,” the man introduced himself. He then noticed Fundy’s expression, probably. “...Is everything okay?”
“Yeah!” Fundy answered instantly, shaking his head and trying to talk himself into getting ahold of himself. “I just recognized you! I think we share a couple of classes!” he explained hurriedly, and Dream nodded in acknowledgment.
“...You do look a bit familiar,” he agreed after a moment.
Well, the guy he’s had his eyes on since the beginning of the school year almost breaking into his dorm room at probably 3 am was one thing. That same guy doing all that and recognizing him too was another. So he nodded and ran his hand across his face in an attempt of checking if it was burning up with a blush. Not yet, luckily.
“Oh, what is this?” Dream’s question snapped him back to reality and he found the man looking at his laptop.
“My code for tomorrow,” he answered, and Dream nodded in thought while he briefly looked over the lines currently visible on the screen. “It doesn’t work yet, but… I’ll get it running soon,” he added.
“Do you want any help?” Dream offered with a smile and Fundy’s heart just about stopped. “I’m done with mine already, maybe I could offer some insight? You know, in exchange for you not making me climb back down outside,” he continued, finally looking up at Fundy.
“Sure!” he answered while he turned around, trying to hide his now-absolutely-red face. His eyes landed on the tiny ‘kitchen’ in his room while he looked for an excuse. “...Do you want some coffee? I have an electric kettle,” he offered. “...Instant coffee,” he clarified.
“Sounds good,” Dream agreed, and Fundy immediately walked over to the cupboard, getting out the jar of instant coffee and two mugs. “Can I look through your code now?” he asked.
“Yeah, go ahead!” Fundy answered, trying very hard to focus on making the coffee at… 3:47 am, as he found out by finally looking at his watch.
Well. This certainly seemed just unreal enough to be a very strange dream he was having with his face on his keyboard, endlessly feeling his program with a string of “jhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” somewhere where just a “;” would easily suffice.
He decided against pinching himself just yet, though. Who knew, maybe this possibly-dreamed-up-Dream held the secrets to getting his code to work. If not, maybe this imaginary meeting would give him just enough confidence to speak to the actual Dream in person, at least. Or maybe this was really happening, in which case, pinching himself would make him look like an absolute idiot.
So no pinching it was, even if this was most likely a crazy dream.
(It was not, in fact, a dream.)
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xpao-bearx · 3 years
NSFW UNDER THE CUT!!! 18+ only, minors please DNI 🔞
《Original Post HERE》
《EDIT: Updated Post HERE》
My Second Kinktober 2021 Prompt: DADDY KINK
Fandom: Haikyu!!
Pairing/s: Daichi Sawamura x Shoyo Hinata x Koshi Sugawara
Both Daichi and Suga haven't had a lot of time lately to spend with their boyfriend, Hinata, due to work. Hinata greatly misses their company and devises a plan to finally get back their attention...
NOTES: I saw "daddy kink" on the prompt list and IMMEDIATELY thought of Dadchi and Suga Mama 👁👄👁 Anyhoe, this oneshot is based in the future and it involves an established poly relationship between Hinata with Daichi and Suga! Just please keep in mind that I haven't read the HQ manga, I've only seen bits and pieces of it tho I do know what careers the characters have. But I apologize if my writing seems off since I haven't read the manga! >_<
"Hi, baby! I'm gonna be working overtime again today. Some kids handed in their homework late so I'm stuck grading their papers :("
"Hey, Sho. Might come home late again, sorry. This case assigned to me is a lot tougher than I thought. Love you ❤"
Hinata huffed as he read both of the texts his boyfriends sent to him (funnily enough, he received each text at the same time).
Of course, he completely understood Daichi and Suga being busy. Work is work, and he had a lot of respect for his former upperclassmen taking their jobs seriously. But even he, who was now a pro volleyball player, had some time to spare. So why doesn't Daichi and Suga have any for him?
He despised himself for being this way. He's being selfish, he knew, but it's been a depressing couple of weeks now and both of his lovers STILL didn't have the time of day for him. Therefore, can anyone really blame him for being so needy?
Hinata pouted, pulling his legs up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. He was currently sitting on the couch, an intense volleyball match playing on the TV that featured Oikawa's Argentinian team though even that wasn't enough to cheer him up.
He was wearing one of Daichi's oversized t-shirts and a pair of Suga's fuzzy socks. Recently, this has been his go-to comfort attire. It made him feel so warm and close to his partners when they weren't around and he absolutely loved how their clothes' scent got on his skin. Their scent.
As he continued to watch absently, he then perked up when an idea suddenly popped up in his head. A brilliant, thrilling idea that made Hinata gulp and his stomach twist into knots.
Was he really up for it?
But one whiff of Daichi's cologne from his shirt and his feet all wrapped up in the coziness of Suga's socks were enough to spur Hinata on, as if Daichi and Suga were invisibly encouraging him.
He just knew they'd love this little idea of his. So, without wasting another precious moment, he jumped up off of the couch and made a beeline towards their shared bedroom.
Suga sighed as he trudged his way up the stairs to his, Daichi, and Hinata's apartment complex.
He enjoyed his job and teaching his students, but he was hyper aware that he hasn't had much time lately to be with Hinata. He knew Hinata was more than capable of taking care of himself, but Suga also noticed the way Hinata would droop disappointedly anytime Suga would say he was busy again or whenever Hinata wouldn't even bother replying anymore to his texts when Suga would have to clock in some extra hours. Hinata didn't mean anything bad by it, of course, but it made Suga feel like such a shitty boyfriend. It was even worse that Hinata endured it all ever so patiently, never saying what's really on his mind or what he wanted in fear of burdening him and Daichi.
Speaking of Daichi, Suga perked up once he saw Daichi already in front of their apartment unit. Daichi was just about to unlock the door before Suga greeted him.
"Hey! You're home pretty early today." Suga grinned, seeing that Daichi has a plastic bag with him. "Whatcha have there?"
Daichi grinned back at Suga, holding up the bag. "Meatbuns. Figured Sho would appreciate 'em. And yeah, I thought I'd be late again today, but I actually managed to wrap up the case without any more issues."
"Great! Then that means you can unwind for a bit, right?"
"I believe so. I also think I did pretty well on this case, so the captain will probably grant me some PTO." Daichi chuckled, sliding his key into the knob.
He really wished he would be given permission to get some rest. His profession as part of the Miyagi prefecture's police force was exhausting and, at times, vexing. But he worked particularly hard on this new case. Firstly because it was unlike any of the past cases he's had before, so he wanted to prove his worth. And secondly, he wanted to finish up as soon as possible so that he can go back to being in Hinata's loving embrace.
Which sounded so sappy, he knew, but he missed the little tangerine. This time apart made Daichi realize just how much of a helpless sucker he was for Hinata. And sometimes, when he was really missing the redhead, he'd do some rather scandalous things in his office before going home all while thinking about Hinata...
But Daichi snapped back to reality when the door clicked open, stepping into their home with Suga following suit. "Shoyo, we're home!" Suga called out, both he and Daichi taking their shoes off at the entrance and neatly placing them away.
"Sho?" Daichi raised a brow when there was no response. Hinata was like a puppy, always bounding up excitedly to them without fail and spoiling them both with adorable hugs and kisses. And it wasn't even that late yet, but was he already asleep?
Daichi and Suga stepped further inside, seeing that the TV in the living room was on. Suga grabbed the remote, turning it off. Without the hum of the TV, their home was only occupied by a deafening silence.
But that was only short lived, for soon there was a loud "AH!" that came from their bedroom.
"SHOYO!" Daichi and Suga shouted in unison, dashing to their room. Their blood ran cold. Shit, what happened? Was Hinata okay?!
They both slammed the door open, but the sight that was revealed to them was definitely NOT what they expected.
Hinata was laying on the bed, wearing only Daichi's shirt and Suga's socks. His left wrist was in one of Daichi's handcuffs from work, Hinata having cuffed himself to the bedframe while his right hand held a dildo and was rapidly thrusting it in and out of his asshole. A mini vibrator was also attached to his twitching cock, spurts of cum leaking out from his tip and dripping down his shaft.
"A-AH..! K-Koshi?" Hinata perked up, lifting his head to peek. His lips quirked up into a bright smile, his face flushed scarlet and beautiful brown eyes gone nearly black with lust. "And Daichi! Y-You're home early!"
"Shoyo, wha..?" Both men were at a loss for words, eyes as wide as volleyballs as they stared totally speechless at the unbelievable--and fucking hot--scene before them. It was like something straight out of a porno, and their naughty little redhead was the star of the show.
"I-I missed you guys...so m-much." Hinata panted, not ceasing his hand's erratic movements with the dildo. A moan slipped pass his lips, throwing his head back. "I-I've been...fucking myself l-like this for a w-while now thinking that it's y-you two!"
It was Daichi who broke out of the tantalizing spell first, dropping the plastic bag to the floor and making his way over to the side of the bed in big steps. He hastily ripped off the vibrator from Hinata's cock, making Hinata whine before he gasped sharply when Daichi's huge hand wrapped around his length.
"Fuck, Sho..." Daichi breathed, slowly stroking Hinata's cock and spreading his cum all over. "You did all this for us? God, baby, I feel like shit for leaving you alone. But this makes it all fucking worth it."
Hinata whimpered, turning his head to look at Daichi. "Y-You can do whatever you want to me, Daddy~"
Daichi froze, and if his eyes were already wide then now they threatened to pop right out of his sockets. Suga chuckled, tone low with a hint of amusement. He walked over to the other side of the bed, plopping down next to Hinata.
"Sho, baby, I think you killed Daichi." He continued to chuckle, hazel brown eyes gleaming. He then reached forward, stilling Hinata's hand with the dildo. "You won't need this anymore, baby, you have us now. Indulge us, though... What did you call dear ol' Daichi?"
Daichi groaned, the front of his pants pitching a tent. Suga smirked, caressing Hinata's cheek tenderly though the expression on his face clearly had other wicked intentions. "Am I your daddy, too, Shoyo?"
"Yes!" Hinata replied without skipping a beat, nodding his head eagerly. "I missed you, Daddy! Do you have time for me now?"
Despite this insanely erotic situation, both Daichi and Suga's hearts melted. Have they really been neglecting their beloved shortie for THAT long?
"Yes, baby. I promise I'll be stricter with the deadlines for my students' homework so I won't have to stay after school anymore." Suga swooped in, capturing Hinata's mouth with his.
"And I'll hand in a request for some PTO, then we can spend more time together. Maybe all of us can even go on a short vacation." Daichi added, holding Hinata's right hand and pressing a gentle kiss to it before cuffing it to the bedframe as well. "Now just relax, baby. Your daddies will do the rest for you."
With both of his hands now bound, Hinata felt powerless. But he wasn't scared, knowing that he's in good hands--literally. As Suga kissed him, so slow and sensual as his tongue lazily danced with Hinata's, one of Suga's hands trailed down and pinched Hinata's nipple through his (or rather Daichi's) shirt. Hinata moaned against Suga's mouth, Daichi positioning himself so that he was on the bed in between Hinata's legs.
"Mhm... You look so gorgeous like this, baby. Such a cute little slut, opening your legs up just for us~" Daichi smirked wolfishly, crouching down. Hinata had no chance to reply when Daichi's warm tongue made contact with the base of Hinata's cock, taking his sweet time as he licked his shaft all the way to the top.
"D-Daddy..!" Hinata gasped, pulling away from Suga and watching with glossy eyes at the sinfully wonderful ministrations Daichi was doing. "M-More... Please? I want more!"
"I think you better give him what he wants, Daichi." Suga laughed, running his fingers through Hinata's fluffy orange hair. "He's been a good boy, after all."
"I have!" Hinata nodded enthusiastically, looking up at Suga. "And... G-Good boys get to have a cock in their mouth, too, right?"
Suga's pale cheeks reddened, grinning. "Dammit, Shoyo, do you know just how dangerous you are?" But Hinata didn't have to say any more, for in a split second both Daichi and Suga's clothes were flying everywhere and carelessly tossed around the room before leaving them as naked as the day they were born.
Daichi crouched down in front of Hinata's crotch again while Suga's cock poked against Hinata's lips. "Open up, slut." Suga growled authoritatively, Hinata more than happily obeying. Suga's breath hitched as he felt the familiar pleasurable heat of Hinata's mouth engulf him, making him throw his head back.
"Having fun there, Suga?" Daichi chuckled. "Well, as for me, I haven't eaten yet though this looks like such a delicious dinner~" He grinned, wrapping his mouth around Hinata's tip before easily taking in the whole of Hinata's member. Hinata wasn't that big (at least not as big as him and Suga), but his size was just right. In fact, Daichi really loved the size difference between them.
"Mmph..!" Hinata's groan was muffled by Suga's cock, his hips jerking up. But that was instantly stopped by Daichi, his strong hands pinning down Hinata's waist.
"No, Shoyo. Stay. Fucking. Still." He commanded as he pulled off Hinata's cock with a lewd pop, dark eyes narrowing up at Hinata. "Good boys do as they're fucking told unless you wanna be punished by Daddy."
Hinata, still completely stuffed by Suga, merely nodded. And without another word, Daichi glomped down on Hinata's cock again.
Meanwhile, Suga gripped onto Hinata's hair as he ever so carefully inched deeper and deeper into Hinata's mouth. With the way Daichi was beginning to bob his head now on his cock and Suga filling him, the sensations were all so damn overwhelming that it was bringing Hinata to tears. Noticing this, Suga (always so kind) gently wiped away his tears.
"You're doing so well, baby." Suga cooed, grunting as he felt his cock hit the back of Hinata's throat. "Shiiit, yeah, that's it... Breathe, Sho. Fuck, take Daddy even deeper."
And Hinata did. As much as he could, he relaxed his throat and opened himself up for his boyfriend. Suga's breath stuttered, watching with intent rapture as Hinata stared right back at him with eyes full of desire and face practically glowing crimson.
Daichi started to go even faster, bopping his head rhythmically and the salty taste of Hinata's excess cum fucking addicting. Shit, everything about Hinata was addicting. And Daichi was especially fired up after being deprived for too damn long, having only held Hinata in his perverted fantasies while jerking off after work all by his lonesome in his office.
Hinata's wanton moans reverberated throughout Suga's cock, making Suga's grip on Hinata's hair tighten as his own moans escaped him. The last of his patience wearing thin, Suga couldn't take it anymore as he began to fuck into Hinata's mouth.
Hinata's eyes shot wide, his pupils dilating as he nearly choked as Suga rammed into his poor little throat. His tongue twitched as he could feel tiny droplets of Suga's precum hitting it, making him ecstatic for Suga to blow his load. It has been way too fucking long.
Daichi could feel Hinata's cock throb, and he knew it wouldn't be far off for him to reach his release. Daichi abruptly pulled away, making Hinata whine around Suga's cock.
"Nuh-uh. You're not cumming until we allow you to, Shoyo." Daichi growled, his assertive voice sending a shiver down Hinata's spine. Even after all these years, Daichi hasn't lost his spark as a goddamn sexy leader.
Daichi then grasped his own erection, rubbing it teasingly against Hinata's anus. The sudden action made Hinata break away from Suga's cock, the handcuffs jangling slightly as Hinata squirmed.
"Oh, please..!" He pleaded desperately. "Daddy, please! Fuck me, I'll be a good boy! Please, I promise!"
A laugh bubbled out of Daichi, deep yet thundering. "Oh, baby, how can I ever deny you? You pretty fucking cockslut~"
Daichi spit on his cock, lubricating himself. But after a few moments, without any warning, he shoved himself into Hinata's yearning hole.
Hinata's back arched, and he almost came right then and there. He swore he could see stars, but was quickly brought back to the present as Suga grabbed his chin and tugged his head towards him.
"You haven't forgotten about me, have you?" Suga chuckled, his fingers mindlessly playing with Hinata's swollen lips and dipping them into his mouth.
"O-Of course not, Daddy." Hinata moaned, sucking on Suga's fingers and shaking his head. "Please fuck my mouth again, I need you!"
Suga grinned. He then swung one leg over Hinata, hovering above the redhead. "As you wish~" He hummed, prying open Hinata's mouth as wide as possible and plunging his entire cock into him once again.
"Careful you don't break him, Suga." Daichi chuckled huskily, quickening his pace. He also grabbed Hinata's cock, pumping him in time to his fast yet steady thrusts.
"Of course not, Daichi. We can't live without our slutty little fucktoy, after all~" Suga winked down at Hinata, before suddenly wrapping a hand around Hinata's neck. He squeezed--ever so lightly--but just enough to make Hinata's eyes roll to the back of his head at the brief loss of air.
Daichi was pounding away like a madman now, animalistic groans and grunts rattling his body. Hinata let out a particularly loud moan around Suga's cock when he hit a certain sweet spot, and Daichi took note as he roughly prodded into it over and over again.
Hinata wrapped his legs around Daichi's waist, pulling him in even closer before he began to bob his head up and down on Suga's cock and some drool dribbling down the side of his mouth. Suga smirked, letting Hinata do all the work and squeezing Hinata's neck a bit harder this time.
Hinata knew he wasn't going to last long. He needed to wait for their permission to cum, but he just couldn't take it anymore. He started to grind himself against Daichi, making the bigger man gasp. And that one little delectable sound from his boyfriend was enough to make Hinata tense up, eyes shutting tightly and body shaking as he came.
Although Daichi tried to control himself, he was completely milked by Hinata as his walls clenched like a goddamn vice around him. Suga couldn't restrain himself either, seeing Hinata cum enough to bring him to the peak of his orgasm. Both men let out cries of pure ecstasy, Daichi pushing balls deep into Hinata's asshole as he came and Suga's sperm shooting straight down Hinata's throat.
It took a good minute for the trio to calm themselves, slowly coming down from their high. Sweat was beading down their bodies, a pleasurable fog settling in all of their minds.
They were all breathing raggedly, but Hinata was the first to speak up.
"S-Sorry I came without your permission, Daddies..." He panted, the inside of his mouth thoroughly stained by Suga's semen and eyes glazed over. "You can punish me~"
Suga glanced over his shoulder, seeing Daichi's cock already standing proudly again from Hinata's words. Suga looked back down at Hinata, a smile reaching all the way up to Suga's ears.
"Fuck, Shoyo... We fucking missed you."
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moominnyu · 3 years
oblivious [kevin moon]
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🧸🎀 — pairings: kevin moon (the boyz) x gender neutral reader
🧸🎀 — tw: none.
🧸🎀 — wc: 3751
anyone who knows kevin to a personal level would be sorry for the guy, frustrated in his behalf even.
now, don't get me wrong, he's a handsome young man with a sweet personality, a nice car and good friends. he's a member of one of the hottest, on the rise k-pop boy groups, with a honeyed voice and great dance skills. he could probably bag anyone he wanted with minimal effort on his part, whether they work or not for the same industry as him. but the problem for kevin moon starts around someone who has little to nothing to do with the idol world.
you're kevin's friend, his little childhood friend from back when he was in america, and current best friend even here in korea. kevin's childhood friend who's only an university student, and knows as much about idols as you know about calculus— that is, nothing—, kevin's childhood friend who works part time in café, and still gets allowance from your parents, kevin's childhood friend who lives just three blocks from his dorm, who is so used to be by his side that you practically live at his dorm alongside his members. kevin's childhood friend who is... just his childhood friend and nothing more.
he's been on the unrequited love side of the spectrum for too long that his problem no longer relies on the fact that you guys are friends probably since you were both fetuses inside your mothers' wombs. he already felt this way about you when you lost your first tooth when you were six, even when you smiled at him with an incisor missing. he already felt this way about you when he taught you how to ride a bike at the park when you both were nine, even when you fell on your face and had a big bruise on your left cheek that remained on your skin for two weeks after that. he already felt this way about you when you turned fourteen and you stopped being a tiny shrimp and started looking more like what would later become his ideal type. he already felt this way about you when you guys were seventeen and he was starting his little youtube channel with one of his friends, and you would watch his videos with a genuine excitement that matched his. he already felt this way about you when you moved to korea together, not even knowing what was ahead of you but knowing that you had each other whatever happened.
he's been in love with you for way too long, so long that he already had every single inner monologue, argument, discussion and debate he could possibly have with himself about how absolutely wrong and criminal it is to have a crush, or rather, be in love with your best friend.  
he won in absolutely zero of these arguments against himself, as he always came to the conclusion that it was wrong, you two were friends and that's it, that you probably saw him only as a brother, if anything. but he had received his very needed push in the back by his members, now close friends of both of you, that insisted that it was normal: you were attractive, funny, sweet and a perfectly viable choice for him due to your closeness, anyone in his situation would probably be the same, and he would be a fool if he let go of the opportunity. with your looks and personality, you could get a partner anytime you wanted, and time was ticking for kevin, which, in turn, prompted him to act with you in mind, courtesy of sunwoo who mentioned he'd be the one making the moves if kevin didn't do it first.
and, so, it started, the tortuous process of courting.  
he didn't outright tell you he liked you, as he wanted to test the waters first, so he started with simple and minimal things, things that would go completely unnoticed by you unless you saw him as something more than a simple friend, unless you saw him in the same light as he saw you.  
hugging you a tad bit tighter and longer when he greeted you, getting leaves out of your hair or clothes for you, tentatively holding your hand when he wanted to guide you somewhere, placing his hands on your waist on hips when he walked past you; all little things that made his pale cheeks burn up a crimson color and his stupid, traitor heart beat uncontrollably against his ribcage... all little things that you remained completely apathetic to.  
“don't be afraid to up your game, hyung,” haknyeon had offered some advice, and as if it served as comfort to kevin, he had friendly palmed his back to show empathy for him, who sat with his head down, face hidden in his hands, “i think y/n is great! they definitely haven't noticed yet, and that's why they haven't said anything!”
it was another one of those nights where he was overcome with feelings, when the tug on his chest became too heavy and when the feeling of urgency became desperation. none of what he did was working out the way he wanted it to, and everytime he was left with more questions that answers: did you really blush when you brushed hands while reaching for the salt, or was it his mind playing tricks on him? were you really staring at him with such dreamy eyes when he was sketching or were you just spaced out? he could never tell.  
“well, that's obvious,” sunwoo retorted, plump lips on a straight line. he scratched his head and nudged kevin on the ribs, “you're the one who knows them best, you should that y/n had never had a partner before, it's likely they're just oblivious to your advances,”
an imaginary lightbulb flicked on on top of kevin's head at that moment when he realized sunwoo was right.
in all the years he's known you, you've never showed any kind of romantic interest in any person. it wasn't that you were short of suitors or admirers, quite the contrary, actually, you've had that sweet tendency to smile at everyone that happened to make eye contact with you since little, offer your help whenever needed and an ability to make friends with anyone in a matter of seconds. kevin was sure, during all his high school years, that the reason why he was liked was because of the halo effect, produced by the fact that he was always by your side.  
but, you, even with many suitors and secret admirers, never once brought up the topic of dating and crushes in front of kevin. he thought it was better that way, honestly, he's a bit more mature now but back when he was still a teenager, he was sure he wouldn't be able to take it if he heard you talking about another guy, all starry eyed and blushing. but that didn't mean he didn't feel curious about it.  
one time, against his own mental advices to just mind his business in case he ended up with a broken heart, kevin asked you about a guy in your class who he overheard your classmates teasing you about.
“oh, yeah, you mean james, right?” you sat on the floor of his bedroom, copying the answers from his textbook onto yours. you had bit your pencil and narrowed your eyes, thoughtfully, “i tutor him on sundays. nice guy.”
“i know who he is,” kevin answered, matter of factly, as he reclined back on his desk chair. he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as some form of idle distraction from the unsteadiness of his heart, “i'm asking you why were your friends making kissy faces at you when he was talking to you.”
he had sounded more stern than he intended, but, then again, that moment was the very first time he ever saw you blush and fix your hair in front of a dude, the first time he saw you act shy around someone.  
“he invited me to prom last week,” you answered, continuing to write down on your notebook with your cute, pink gel pen, “and my friends think he likes me because of that.”
“how are you so sure that he doesn't like you?,” it's obvious he does, kevin thought, otherwise he wouldn't look like such a fool, stuttering and scratching his nape like an idiot everytime you two interacted. not that he's one to talk, though.  
“because he's just being nice to me,” you frowned, “he always is. he walks me home when you can't, invites me to get coffee after tutoring, he saves me a spot next to him when i'm late for class,” you didn't lift your head from your notes or ever stopped writing, that's how trivial james's acts of ‘kindness’ were for you, “he even gifted me chocolates last valentine's.”
that's crush behavior, kevin wanted to say, but he didn't. he didn't want to implant the idea in your mind, making you overly conscious about it and forcing you to end up confused about your own feelings. if you liked him back or not, he decided, was for you to find out on your own, unprovoked.  
“do you like him?,” but there he was, having to open his big mouth out of morbid, masochistic curiosity.  
you lifted your head, finally looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, “no?”
“then why were you blushing when he was talking to you?”
“because julia was making a big deal out of it,” you said, frowning with certain annoyance and embarrassment, “and because noah kept telling him we look so cute together.”
“no, you don't.” kevin chimed in, perhaps too fast for his liking.  
“that's what i'm saying! we're just friends!” you sounded a bit exasperated, probably tired from all the teasing, “just like you and me.”
thanks to sunwoo, remembering that useful, albeit painful, conversation served kevin to switch his approach around you. thinking about it, back then, it should have been his first clue about your lack of awareness. he discarded as simple, intentional obliviousness— he thought that james was so obvious about his crush, you might as well were just trying to ignore it and not acknowledge it to avoid having to awkwardly reject him; but this obliviousness of yours lasted even much, much after that, when you guys moved to korea together and the people you met there were equally interested in you but ended up receiving the same treatment of complete lack of interest. even eric had, at some point of your early friendship, when he had a pitiful crush on you that lasted a couple of months.  
with a new, more direct approach in mind, kevin moon hadn't given up yet.  
he began to make his hints a bit more obvious so that the wouldn't fly over your pretty, little head like the ones before did, and he was pleasantly surprised to find out that it worked with great efficiency.  
complimenting you every chance he could, both looks and personality wise, often mentioning how you're the only person to make him this happy, how his day gets better when he sees you.  
and alongside the not so subtle flirting, your reactions began to grow in intensity as well. instead of the usual, coy nudge you'd give him when he complimented your appearance, you'd purse your lips and look down when he'd say that he thinks you're absolutely stunning. you'd bite a smile, cheeks heating up, when he'd, purposely on accident, casually sit close to you while watching movies, both of your sides pressed against each other. when he'd press an unassuming kiss to your temple after dropping you back at your place, you'd lean into his touch for a bit longer than usual, and you'd look a blushy mess of shaky eyes and pursed lips once he did pull away. even when he wasn't trying, even when his focus was on something else entirely, the amount of times he'd catch you staring at him and then move your eyes away as soon as he noticed were too many for them to be a simple coincidence.  
all of these interactions made him hopeful, made him think that he did the right thing by slowly approaching you in a way that you felt comfortable with. by the time he decided to finally confess to you, he was so sure you were, at least, confused about it, that you were seeing him in a new light now and that you weren't sure how to act around it, and that was enough for kevin, he just needed to go past that friendship relationship and then he'd work the rest, with you.  
and with this realization came yet multiple other inner debates about how to go around the confession. should he prepare for it? invite you to a picnic at the beach and confess to you when you both are enjoying the sunset? or should he just be spontaneous? you've never liked anything too flashy, after all, and you valued honesty over anything else.  
he chose to just do it one day, chose a time when you two are alone and tell you normally like he would do with any other thing. after all, you two were best friends who could tell absolutely anything to each other with no shame, and his feelings for you didn't change this.
but, whenever he thought about finally doing it, whenever he practiced his exact words in his mind over and over again until he was confident enough he wouldn't stutter, the moment would get interrupted by outside forces. like younghoon deciding to watch a movie in the living room where you guys were at, just in time when kevin had said he had something to tell you, like sunwoo coming uninvited into his room when you two were finally alone, saying that he was bored and asking if you wanted to play mario kart together. or that one time when kevin had managed to build momentum in his favor, mentioning how much he appreciates you and how lucky he is to have you by his side unconditionally, and just as he was about to utter the three important words, your mom had the inopportune need to call you, at three a.m. in the morning, because she had a nightmare about you being swallowed by the kraken.  
being stuck in this predicament didn't dishearten kevin, though. he's wanted to tell you how he feels since forever, he wasn't gonna give up over a few unfortunate interruptions.  
the perfect time to do it comes spontaneously, unprepared, just like most of those peaks of inspiration he feels out of the blue somedays.  
tonight, you're staying the night at his. you had went grocery shopping earlier in the afternoon, and kevin bought the ingredients to bake you some brownies after your insistence and pleads, clinging to his arm and pointing at the deliciously looking pictures of them in the premade mixture boxes, so now you're sitting on the counter of his kitchen while looks for the ingredients in the frige, reading the recipe out loud for him from your phone while swinging your legs up and down.  
“a double boiler?”, kevin leaves the fridge door open when he walks up to you and leans in so that he can get a look at your screen, “what the heck's that?”
“it says here that it's a fancy term for a... small saucepan filled with an inch of two of water set over low heat,” you read out loud, then lifting your head with a confused grimace, “huh?”
“i don't know,” kevin kicks the door closed after retrieving the butter, shrugging and trying to pretend he didn't notice how you stared at his lips just a second ago, “i'm just gonna make that one old recipe, the one we know and adore.”
“yeah, i don't know why you felt the need to change it,” you set your phone down and hop down the counter to give him more space, “you know i just eat whatever you make.”
“you like your brownies a bit more fudgy, don't you?” he takes a bowl out of the cabinet, and places it right beside where you're standing. he offers you a smile, a bit shy but genuine, “and i like to spoil you.”
at that moment, sunwoo walks into the kitchen. he makes a small gesture of acknowledgement to you and walks past kevin to get to the fridge. you follow him with your eyes.  
“hyung, i'm heading out,” sunwoo grabs a water bottle and closes the fridge again. he stands by kevin and points at the bowl where he's wisking the eggs, taking a short sip of his water, “can you save me some brownies?”
“i'm not making these for you, you know,” kevin sighs.  
“just one, then,” sunwoo insists, eyebrows up and pout on his lips, “you know i love brownies.”
“i'll save you some,” you smile at the younger guy lightly, “where are you heading?”
sunwoo shrugs and scratches his nape, “had the sudden urge to go to the movies.”
“alone?” you inquire, trying to supress a laugh.  
“don't judge a man for his hobbies, y/n,” sunwoo flicks your forehead with little force, and kevin hates that ugly feeling in his gut when you giggle and poke your tongue at him, “gotta go now, i've already purchased my ticket.”
and with sunwoo leaving, everyone else out on individual schedules and chanhee dead asleep on his room, you both are, technically, left alone in the dorm for once and for all.  
kevin pretends to be too preoccupied with spreading the thick batter in the baking pan to notice that the perfect opportunity to do it is just unfolding in front of him. he knows that the reason why he keeps getting interrupted is because he likes to take his sweet time with it, dragging it out as much as he can so he can prepare his heart for it. he decides he's not gonna do that tonight.  
just as he opens his mouth, your phone dings on the counter. kevin busies himself with putting the baking pan in the oven while you reach for your phone with the spatula he used in your mouth.  
“who are you texting?” he asks once he notices your wide smile and soft giggles.  
“yurina, one of my uni classmates,” you lick your lips after you're done licking the batter off, tossing the spatula into the sink, “she's happy because she asked her crush to be her girlfriend,”
“and did she say yes?”
“well, she wouldn't be happy otherwise, don't you think?”
there's an one-sided awkward silence when kevin rests against the counter while staring at you intently texting back and forth with this girl from uni.  
a moment of doubt crosses his mind. should he really do it? something tells him he shouldn't, that he should just keep quiet, but he's been walking through this desert for so long ago that stopping now feels wrong when he can practically see water in front of him.
love gives him a push in the back.  
“what about you?” he asks, and he internally cringes at the way his voice cracks a little at the end. he clears his throat, “i mean, are you interested in anyone?”
your thumbs stop typing suddenly, and you remain frozen for a moment, staring at your screen. you're blushing a little when you slowly lift your eyes towards him, and he mirrors such expression when his hopeful heart does a little flip.  
“why—why are you asking all of a sudden?”, your voice sounds tiny and you look a bit doubtful of him.  
“well, you never tell me about stuff like this,” he scratches his eyelid as he looks down at his shoes. the awkwardness is almost painful, and he's sure he isn't the only one feeling it right now, “is it someone you can't tell me?,” he makes a small pause in which he lifts his eyes from the ground and looks at you, “a close friend, maybe?”
silence fills the kitchen. the hen shaped cooking timer clicks as it counts down the minutes for the brownies to be ready, hour phone pings with new upcoming messages, the tv in chanhee's room makes deaf noise in the backround, yet, none of you talk.
when you refuse to meet his eyes that come looking for you, biting the inside of your cheek and looking down, kevin realizes he's going to be the one who breaks it, unfortunately.
“did i hit the jackpot?,” perhaps he sounds hopeful, or perhaps the silence was too loud that his voice now seems to over-volume it.  
you finally look up from the floor, “why am i the only one being interrogated?,” you sound a little more like yourself when you block your phone and cross your arms on your chest, lips pouty and the tip of your ears a little bit red, “you also never tell me anything about stuff like that!”
“i'll tell you if you want,” he murmurs, trying to analize your reaction, “if you tell me first.”
in the heart fluttering moment, odds are in his favor, he knows. it's on the way you look at him through your eyelashes, shy and maybe even a bit flustered, the sugar rush on his veins at the sight of your blush, ever telling of your feelings. because he knows you so well he knows that his hunch is right, it's because of your connection that he can feel that it's no longer one-sided, that, as much as he feels for you, you feel for him.  
“why don't you,” you make a small pause to press the back of your hands to your hot cheeks, “why don't you say it first, then?”
“how about we say it at the same time?,” even in his certainty there's still cautiousness, as if he needs confirmation even if he can read your heart, “at the count of three.”
“okay,” you smile at him with warmth, gentle, still laced with a shyness that makes your eyes a bit glossy, and it's the prettiest thing kevin has ever seen, “one.”
“two.” he says, his heart on a frenzy, mind a bit hazy with quiet excitement for what's about to come.  
“three!” you both say, and there's a small pause before any of you continue:
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saidrolav · 3 years
We know.
Sam Wilson x gn!reader
(bit of Steve Rogers x gn!reader (platonic))
Summary: You're in a secret relationship with Sam and things go out of control when Bucky and Steve find out about it.
Warnings: none! purely fluff! :))
A/n: Hiii everyone! I'm participating at the writing challenge of @sweeterthanthis with my babe Sam, been dying to write for him lately!! Congratulations on your 6K followers!!! Hope you enjoy! #quotemeonit6kchallenge
Prompts: “They don’t know that we know they know we know.” - Friends
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not my gif!
Bucky threw his bag across his appartment that he shared with Steve and made this one jump when he heard the door slam. The blonde frowned and looked at Bucky with concern but before he could say something the brunette spoke first.
"You'll never guess who i saw at the coffee shop." A wide smile took place on Bucky's face which made Steve smile too.
"I don't know, who-" "I SAW Y/N !" Steve frowned with confusion but Bucky once again said something before he could answer. "That's the thing! They told us they were going to the library." "Hum, yeah, but they could've stopped by the coffee shop you know.."
Bucky jumped next to Steve on the couch where he was sitting and his smile was growing wider and wider as much as Stevie was talking. "They weren't alone !" "What ?" "They were with Sam !" Steve's eyes widened before smiling too, realization starting to hit him and Buck only got more excited at the reaction of his friend.
"You think they're dating ?" "Definitly." The brunette looked absolutely confident about what he was saying. "They saw you ?" "No." "How do you know ?" "I know when i'm being watched-Okay anyway, it's the perfect time for pranks !" Buck always liked to make fun of Sam and if Steve could be a part of a prank, he will.
Steve got up from the couch and started walking, with his head in his hands, searching ideas of pranks to do on you and Sam. Pranks sounded appealing, he didn't thought of a second choice, why would he ? Suddenly something popped in his head and he turned around to face Buck with a huge grin plastered on his features.
"So, they don't know that we know ?"
You and Sam weren't dating for so long, maybe 2 or 3 months but it was love at first sight. When Steve had introduced the two of you Sam was speechless by your beauty and it was the first time he didn't know what to say to a charming person to make them blush. Steve and Bucky didn't noticed the chemistry between the two of you but both, you and Sam knew there was something going on inside your stomachs when you were close, and it was intoxicating.
When you were around each other your whole skin felt like burning and your mouth was going dry. Him, he was lost in his thoughts while looking at you and was somehow shy to say dumb things, he didn't wanted to look like an idiot in front of you. His heart was shattering everytime you would laugh and even more if he was the reason of your laugh, he felt like you weren't thinking he was stupid and, it was a relief for him.
So, as soon as the two of you started dating the first thing you started to do was hiding your relationship to everyone. You didn't want anyone to interfere with your relation because it was just, too perfect. You were scared that any little thing would break everything and it was way too soon to tell everyone that the both of you were dating.
The lies started soon towards your two bestfriends Bucky and Steve, and today was like any other day. You said to them that you were going to the library only to met Sam at the coffeeshop and as always he would take your breath away. Even if you were dating for 2 months he was always stunning to you, he greeted you with a hug and a huge smile which you fastly returned.
Your date was going abdolutely perfect like you had imagined. You and Sam talked about everything and he was really funny, as always, he was making you laugh like no-one ever did. It was amazing. After a good thirty minutes and a cup of coffee you frowned a bit when you saw Steve's number appearing on your phone. You apologized to Sam quickly before answering, taking a last sip of your cup.
"Hey y/n! Are you busy right now ?" You frowned even more and gave a quick glance at Sam before answering quickly.
"No, no i'm not, why ?" You waited slowly for the blonde answer while biting your lip, afraid something happened to him.
"Oh cool! Huh," you heard him clear his throat trough the phone, "I was thinking maybe we could go on a date somewhere.. Just the two of us." Your eyes widened suddenly and Sam choked on his coffee. Wow. You clearly weren't expecting that, like, at all, especially in front of Sam. Steve was asking you on a date ? He was like a brother to you, like Bucky, and all of this seemed so weird to you.
"Hum.. Steve i like you a lot but, not in that way, you know.." Your eyes were scanning Sam's face for help but he clearly was under the shock himself and you could see a bit of jealousy in his features.
"Oh! Huh, that's okay, see ya!" Before you could say something else he had already hang up, leaving you alone with Sam and the silence between the two of you. After a couple of minutes in a huge akward silence, Sam talked.
"They know." You furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head on the side, waiting for him to explain what he meant. "I mean, they know about us! And they're messing with us. Bucky or Steve must have seen us together. Steve wouldn't do that to you, i mean, i hope." A bright smile took place on his lips and soon on yours too, it all made sense.
"So, now that they know we can tell them about us!" You took his hands with excitation but he cocked an eyebrow at you while a mischievous smirk replaced the smile on his lips. "But, they don't know that we know that they know." You frowned even more and at this point your head started to hurt of too much thinking but after you had figured it out, it was your turn to cock an eyebrow at Sam.
"What do you offer ?"
"The messers become the messees !"
On the other side of town, Bucky and Steve were way too happy about their joke that they had ordered pizzas to their victory.
Little did they know that on your side, you and Sam were preparing your revenge. Soon, the laughs of the super soldiers were cut by a phone that was ringing and Steve realized it was his. He took it in his hand and cocked an eyebrow, showing the screen to Bucky and he read quickly your name on it.
Steve answered to your call while frowning. "Y/N is everything okay ?" He took a slice of pizza and shoved it in his mouth fastly.
"Yeah Steve! I kinda changed my mind, i'm fine with going on a date with you!" Steve's eyes widened and he opened his mouth but no sound came out and he went back to reality when Bucky slapped his arm. "O-Oh really ?" "Yeah! I'll pick you up at the appartment in ten minutes be ready!"
Bucky eyes widened and got up from the couch suddenly making movements to tell Steve to stay at the appartment so he could hear how the fake date would go. "Yeah huh, actually, don't pick me up, let's just stay at my place!" He cringed at himself for saying this to you because he clearly had only platonic feelings around you. "Fine! See ya later!" He said a quick goodbye and got up from the couch too looking at Bucky with horror.
"I can't believe Y/N would do that to Sam!" Bucky frowned and Steve too, realization hitting them. "Okay, they know. They're pranking us too. They're not backing down! What do we do ? You're gonna have a date! But... They don’t know that we know they know we know." Bucky cringed too and run his fingers trough his hair while searching for an option. "I don't have time Buck they're coming here in like, 10 minutes!" "Okay i'll be in the bathroom, get ready, if it's getting out of control come to see me." Steve nodded quickly, hating the idea of having to fake a date with you when he clearly didn't want too. In what did he had gotten into ?
You couldn't believe what you were doing, you were on your way to have a date with your bestfriend and your boyfriend was going to listen to the two of you at the door. In what world were you living in ? You were stressed as ever and squeezing Sam's hand harder than you ever did. He was whispering you calming words while playing with your hair all the way to the super soldiers's appartment. When you got here he gave you a quick kiss that gave you butterflies and made your cheeks turn a deep shade of red.
"Hey, i'll be there okay, you're gonna do great, show these grandpas who is the boss." He chuckled and you joined in before knocking to the door, Sam hiding in the staircase quickly after you did so.
The door opened and you were met by the tall blonde you always knew and the weirdness was soon here. You wondered for a brief moment where Bucky was but the silence was soon your main priority. Steve took your coat in full silence and you couldn't imagine how much Sam was going to make fun of you after this fake date. Long minutes passed by and you only made small talk with Steve you guys ate pizzas in silence and everything that was going on was way too weird. How you ended up in this situation ? You had to do something, the silence filling the room was too much, it was overwhelming!
You took a deep breathe and putted down your drink and looked Steve in the eyes. "Steve, the silence is too much. I know you know i date Sam. I don't know how but i know you do so please. Can we just stop that and have a real conversation ? The date, the pranks and all it's all just too strange to me." You chuckled and he let out a loud sigh of satisfaction while a smile took place on his features.
"Oh my god! Thank you, it was Bucky's idea and it felt terrible doing that to you." He rubbed your back while giving you a gentle smirk.
"It felt terrible for me too, i mean for Sam, i've never felt so much love for someone and i was scared of everything that could've happened if i told you and Bucky and... i love him. I couldn't ever do that to him, he's my whole world." You returned his smile and you heard a door opening. You turned your gaze towards the sound and saw Sam standing in the entrance with the biggest grin on his face that you ever seen, you thought on the moment he could cry. He ran towards you and squeezed you harder than ever while you laughed like crazy, Steve joining your laugh fastly.
"I love you so much too! You don't know how good it feels to hear it from the person i love the most in the world and that is even here in my dreams." He winked at you before the two of you laughed. "I mean: I love you cutie." He took your chin between his thumb and index and kissed you like his life depended on it. You slowly closed your eyes and so did he. Butterflies errupted in both of your stomach and your lungs were out of air, you were reciprocally taking both of your breaths away. He putted his arms around your hips and you putted yours on his neck. You could feel him grin in the kiss and you guys kept kissing even when you heard another door opening.
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Stay Peachy: Kwamibuster
Summary: With Ladybug out of commission Chat Noir is the only one who can stop Kwamibuster... If only everyone would just work with him here!
"Let me get this straight. Tikki's captured. Ladybug's powerless and captured, I was this close to losing you too but you won't tell me where Master Fu is? Am I missing anything?" Adrien asked Plagg.
Plagg twitched nervously. "But- but-"
"You have five seconds to give me a good alternative or we're going to see Fu," Adrien announced.
"You could distract Kwamibuster while Ladybug escapes!" Plagg tried.
Adrien crossed his arms and glared. "I said a good alternative! You getting caught isn't good for anyone!"
"Might be good for Ladybug?" Plagg shrugged his arms and gave his most convincing grin.
"Sure! I'll just hand Papillon the other kwami he needs while I have to use a banana suit to protect my identity or something!" Adrien replied sarcastically.
"You'd love that wouldn't you." Plagg knew Adrien. There was a good chance-
The sound of a door being blown off it's hinges echoed down the hallway as Kwamibuster started searching the floor they were on. "Where are you, little cat? I already have a ladybug for my insect collection. Now I just need a small mammal!"
Plagg gave his best kitty cat eyes.
Adrien didn't budge.
Plagg's arms drooped. "Okay, okay! Let's just get outa here first!"
"Knew you'd see things my way." Adrien smirked.
Master Fu was having a nice, calming, afternoon tea with Wayzz when there was an insistent banging at his door. Wayzz hiding at the sound.
The Guardian sighed. "Who could that be?"
The banging got louder.
"Patience! I am coming! What's the big-"
A blond headed blur shot in and slammed the door shut.
"So this is where you live. Nice place ya got here. Ladybug's in trouble and I need more Miraculous!" Adrien's words tumbling out in a rush as his heartbeat jumped up his throat. Maybe I should have used the window.
"Chat Noir!?" Fu's eyes nearly popping out of his head in surprise.
"Sorry, Master." Plagg appeared, uncharacteristically serious, ears low. "It was an emergency."
"Plagg!?" This was unprecedented! Yes, the Kwami of Destruction was the most free spirited of those in the Miracle Box. But even he knew the importance of secrecy! "What are you doing-"
"Ladybug's in trouble! I just said that!" Adrien supposed he could have worded it better... But also: Ladybug was in trouble! And he was in a hurry!
The Guardian glanced from boy to kwami. Who nodded. "Very well," Fu conceded. Going to the gramophone and entering the code. Bringing out the Miracle Box which he set in its usual place when Marinette came. "Adrien Agreste, choose an ally to help you on this mission. Remember that they mist return the Miraculous once the mission is complete."
Adrien stared as the Miracle Box opened. Kneeling down in imitation of the Guardian's pose. He hadn't known there were so many Miraculous! One of them surely had the power to help! Only...
"What is it Chat Noir?"
Adrien looked up at Master Fu's face. "I dunno what most of these do."
The Guardian sighed. "This is exactly why it should be Ladybug who chooses the temporary hero."
"Hey, it's not my fault you decided she was the only one who could know things!" So this is what being Chat Noir without the mask felt like. "I'm-" Adrien paused as a thought hit him. "Oh. Oh!"
"... Yes?" Master Fu prompted.
"I just realized how dumb it is that I'm not supposed to know the temporary heroes secret identities."
Fu blinked. "Excuse me?"
Adrien shook his head to get his thought process back on track. "Anyway!"
"Chat Noir, what did you mean by-"
"No time!" Adrien pointed at the Miraculous. "Teach!"
Grumbling something about manners Fu acquiesced.
Skipping over the ones Adrien already knew the Guardian quickly ran down the list. The Pig could show you your deepest desire? Seemed like it'd be a good distraction. The Dragon had how many abilities!? Overpowered but okay. The Mouse could make little copies of you. Heh, that sounded adorable but-
"That's it!" Adrien interrupted Fu to grab the Fox and Mouse Miraculous. Which he promptly put on.
"What are you doing!?" The Guardian exclaimed. "No holder has ever used three Miraculous before! It's too dangerous!"
"Well, I don't know who Rena Rouge is and I'm not gonna spend any more time looking!" Adrien turned to the materializing Fox and Mouse kwamis. "Sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry."
"Oh, aren't we always? Name's Trixx."
"Alright. Mullo, transforme-moi!"
Multimouse took a moment to adjust to the unfamiliar magic of his new suit.
"I really don't think this is the best course of action," Fu said, attempting to dissuade the young boy.
"Relax, Master! I'll keep him out of trouble!" Trixx announced.
Multimouse nodded as he opened a window. "Thanks. Now, c'mon Trixx, Plagg. I'll explain the plan on the way!" So saying, he launched himself skyward.
Wayzz finally emerged from his hiding place, floating towards his holder.
Fu looked at his kwami. "Oh, I hope he doesn't collapse on the way."
"True or false? Ladybug has disguised herself as Mr. Banana!"
Marinette was not having a good day. First, Chat Noir's kwami almost reveals her identity. Then, Tikki got captured! And now that tomcat was nowhere in sight. Marinette had barely escaped from Kwamibuster the first time and now she was cornered mere meters from the exit!
"Uh, stay peachy?!" Marinette ran for it.
But Kwamibuster leapt over her and grabbed her wrist. "You can't get away from me!"
From the doorway came a whole swarm of kwamis! Flitting about Kwamibuster and distracting her enough for Marinette to get away.
"You can't get away from me!" Kwamibuster chased after them as they sped off. "You're no match for Kwamibuster!"
Turning around, Marinette saw Plagg and a little guy holding onto his ears. She blinked, this was the first time she saw the Mouse Miraculous in action.
"It's me!" he declared, grinning. "Chat Noir! Or Multimouse, I guess."
"Chat Noir!?" But that meant- No, no, she could panic about that later. "Well, then you must need my Miraculous." Marinette reached for her earrings.
"Uh, no? Why would you think that?"
"Because... Nevermind. What's the plan?"
Multimouse winked. "You'll see. Make your way back to the roof!" And zipped away before Ladybug could ask more questions.
"... A Chat Noir plan. This oughta be interesting."
"I will capture you all!"
Kwamibuster laughed maniacally as she shot her beam at the Plagg reskins. Made by Multifox with his Mirage. And that wasn't the only part of the illusion.
"I have to say. I think Ladybug will be impressed," Plagg stated. Floating directly above the supervillain so she would need to crane her neck straight up to spot them.
"It has to work first," Multimouse replied. Still standing on top of Plagg's head. His small army made their way into position.
Multimouse's invisible doubles launched their indestructible ropes at Kwamibuster. Becoming visible as they wrapped her up like Gulliver on Lilliput.
"What!? What's going on!? Oof!" She toppled none too gently.
Wasting no time Plagg zipped down.
"No! You can't beat Kwamibuster!" She freed her blaster hand.
"Mullo, Plagg, unify!"
"Aha!" Twisting upwards she aimed the beam at Multimouse.
Adrien's power touched the tip of her barrel and the rust spread from it to her pack. Freeing Tikki as dark mist transformed Kwamibuster back into Mme. Mendeleiev.
Adrien merged himself back together as the akuma flew past him. "Uh, Ladybug!"
A red blur shot out and caught the akuma before it could get far. Ladybug releasing a white butterfly in its place.
Multimouse grinned. "Perfect timing as always, My Lady."
"I dunno about that." Ladybug looked around at the destroyed rooftop.
"You think it'll work without a Lucky Charm?" Multimouse asked, following her train of thought.
Ladybug looked at her yo-yo. "The akuma was purified so it should." Throwing it skyward with a little more strength than usual she called out the words. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
The cure swept around them as Ladybug's yo-yo fell back into her hands.
"Knew you could do it," Multimouse praised. "Now, I've got some errands to run-" he tapped the two Miraculous necklaces "-so you take care of Mme. Mendeleiev."
He half turned. "Oh! And sorry about my kwami. No idea what he was doing at that primary school."
"It was a- lycée, yeah. Lycée."
"Right!" He grinned. "A lycée." Totally not a collège. Giving Ladybug a two finger salute he leapt off the tower. Mme. Mendeleiev's insistence on the validity of her scientific discovery fading behind him.
Adrien held out his index finger to shake the kwamis' hands. "You were both a big help! Thanks."
"You weren't so bad yourself, Chat Noir," Trixx grinned.
"Yeah!" Mullo agreed. "Usually Plagg's holders are no fun but you ran circles around that kwami snatcher!"
Adrien blushed a little at their praise. "Hope we can work together again someday." The kwamis waved as they reentered their Miraculous.
Master Fu closed the Miracle Box once Adrien placed them back inside. Returning it to its hiding place. "It is quite impressive that you withstood the power of three Miraculous long enough to accomplish your task."
"... Actually it was super easy. Barely an inconvenience."
The Guardian blinked. "What?"
Adrien nodded. "Yeah, I don't think occasionally using two or three Miraculous at once is all that dangerous. Maybe if you wore a whole bunch of 'em. But why would you do that?"
Fu processed that for a bit.
Adrien sipped from his tea, awkwardly. "... So does this mean I finally get Guardian training?"
Master Fu nearly slipped as he sat back down. "Huh?"
"I mean, I already know where you are. And we've seen that if Ladybug is compromised it's better if I know what to do," Adrien reasoned out logically.
"I... That is... Uh..." Fu looked desperately at Plagg, who was gorging himself on cheese.
"Hey, don't look at me. Kid's got a point." Plagg swallowed another wedge of Camembert.
Fu slumped with a sigh. Clearly outmaneuvered. "Where should we start?"
"Potions!" Adrien exclaimed, eyes sparkling. This was going to be fun. He could feel it!
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sharpshooterbarton · 3 years
Can I request a Katie Barton & Clintasha ficlet inspired by Jump then Fall - “you can jump then fall into me”
I don’t know if i was able to deliver exactly what you asked for but this was the first thing that popped in my head as soon as i read the request so i hope you guys like it !!
At first, teaching Katie to climb a tree –  the biggest one they could find in the park, seemed like a good idea. After all, why wouldn't it be? One of her favorite things, besides going to the park with Clint or Natasha (or better yet, with the two of them at once when that was possible, and now, it was being possible on a regular basis. which made Clint happy), was venturing into new things.
She was still very young, only five years old, but man, this girl loved trying new things. She couldn't seem to stay still for five minutes. Definitely a child full of energy, always looking for something to do.
So when she asked Clint to help her climb the tree, of course he didn't think twice about helping her with this task.
And sure enough, she did a great job climbing it.
The problem, however, started when she had to get back to the ground so they could leave. They were going to meet Natasha on their way to dinner at a nearby pizzeria, and it was getting late, but Clint just wasn’t bieng able to get his daughter down.
What a bad time to find out that Katie was apparently a little afraid of heights.
“Come on honey, you can do it!” He tried to encourage her once more, but when he saw her shake her head, he knew it wouldn't work.
“I can't!”
Clint looked around, hands on hips, trying to think on what to do. And then he had an idea.
“Okay, then jump.”
Katie, still clutching a branch, finally looked at her father, who was a few feet away. she looked uncertain.
“What if I fall and get hurt?”
“You won't fall or get hurt.” He assured her, trying to convey all the confidence he could in his voice. “You can jump then fall into me. I’ll catch you.”
The little girl seemed to think for a moment before speaking again.
“You promise?”
And with that. Katie closed her eyes and jumped, straight into her father's arms. As promised, Clint catched her and as a reward, he got a tight hug from his daughter. She seemed to be relieved to have made it back to the ground, and Clint was certainly relieved to have her in his arms again. Not that she was in mortal danger, she wasn't that far up, but anyway. He was happy.
“See? I told you you'd be fine.” He smiled, and saw her smile too.
“Promise you'll always be here to catch me?” She asked.
That wasn't a promise Clint could make with 100% certain, not with the life he and Natasha had ad agents and avengers. But he would do anything for his little girl, so if it was up to him, he would always be there for her.
“Promise.” He set her down again and placed a hand on her back. “Now come on, we have to find your mother so we can go to dinner.”
Send more prompts !!
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spidey-sophie · 4 years
Press Play | Tom Holland One Shot
Pairing: Tom Holland x Female Reader
Warning: smut, unprotected sex
Summary: What happens when you tell your boyfriend your sexual fantasy?
Work Count: 2.8k
Notes: A huge thank you to wonderful @worldoftom​ for being my beta reader and giving me amazing advices and notes!
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Ever since last night you couldn’t stop thinking about Tom’s question. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on your paperwork, your mind kept wandering back to last night.
Of course, being with a famous multimillionaire movie star had its perks, but also had some downfalls. First and the most obvious one was that you two could never have a proper date night in a restaurant. Going to clubs or to the movies was also a no-go. Another one was constantly hiding and making sure you’re nowhere to be seen in his Instagram posts or stories.
But the one thing that was on your mind ever since last night was the fact that you might never be able to explore your biggest fantasy with him. You tried not to think about it. Your sex life was more than amazing, but there was that one thing that always turned you on, that one bucket list item that you knew from the start you couldn't cross with Tom.
You were ready to lock that little fantasy in the back of your mind, where no one would ever find it.  And it was fine, really. Until last night while you were laying naked in bed, hands and legs entangled, Tom asked you, “Do you have anything in bed that you’d like to try?”
And you got scared at the thought of sharing your most vulnerable part. You contemplated saying no and changing the subject. There was no point in saying it out loud when it wouldn't be possible. Just thinking about it turned your cheeks all kinds of hot. Saying it to Tom would only make you more embarrassed. He was always understanding, but what if he thought you were weird? Nope, that thing would definitely stay locked in your mind. Where it should be.
But you decided to go for it because you trusted him.
“Well… there is this one thing. I don’t know, it might sound stupid…”
“Go on, tell me, I’m curious to know,” he said as he turned around to face you.
“Nooo, don’t look at me, I’m embarrassed.” You got up and covered your eyes with your hands. “I’ll tell you, but I can’t look at you, okay?”
“I’m nodding, but you can’t see me,” he started  laughing and touching your back. That light touch of his fingers on your skin made you feel safe, like you could say anything to him and he would understand.
“Well, I may have… But promise me you won’t laugh and you won’t think I’m weird if this doesn’t turn you on or makes you uncomfortable. Please?” Finally you turned back to him while he was laying on his back, looking at you.
“I already think you’re weird, but you’re my weird little kitten, so I don’t think my opinion on you can change that easily.”
“Very funny, Tom, you know I hate that nickname. Okay, here it is - I think that it would be kind of hot if we, uhm, recorded ourselves while doing it,” you laid it out for him, talking fast as to get it out of you in one go.
“Well, we could do th…”
“But wait, here’s the weird part. And I really can’t look at you right now.” You covered your eyes again. “I’d like if we could upload that video of us somewhere. Of course we won’t record our heads or anything, it would be just our bodies, or like those point-of-view videos, I don’t know and I’m so embarrassed right nooow...” You were just about to get out of bed, still without looking at Tom, when he grabbed your hand.
“Actually,” he kissed your back, “that,” then your shoulder, “sounds,” and finally your neck, “really hot.”
“Really?” You laid on top of him and started kissing him. There was a smile on his face and you felt relief. You smiled back at him, and that was the only thing you two needed. That was your sign to him that you no longer felt anxious or distressed about sharing your secret with him.
“Really, but I don’t know how we could do this, since I’m kind of famous.” You both started laughing. It always amused you how nonchalant Tom was about fame. He made cynical jokes about how he was the biggest movie star right now, and yet he always stayed humble. “I’ll try to find a way to do this.”
“And I really have to go back home, I have work tomorrow.” You got up and started buttoning up your shirt.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight and I’ll drop you off at work in the morning?” Tom said as his hands gripped your waist.
“Nice offer, but I’ll have to say no.” As you put on your shoes, you gave him a quick kiss. Once he got dressed, he walked you to your car.
“Look at you, Y/N, I had no idea you also wanted to be a movie star.” As you already knew, he had to tease you. That was something you two did all the time. You roasted him to keep his ego in place and he did it back to you to make you laugh.
“Fuck you, Holland.” You smiled and gave him a goodbye kiss.
The day couldn’t go by any slower. When the clock finally turned 5, you were ready to get out of your office, get in your pyjamas and spend the whole night eating ice cream and watching some old Sex And The City episodes. Tom was supposed to go out with his friends. That’s why his message was a surprise to you.
Come to my place later tonight, I have something for you.
And that message alone got your nipples so hard they were poking through your shirt. You took a quick shower and in a matter of minutes, you were ready to go.
The moment he opened his door, he started kissing you. It was a hungry, passionate kiss, like he hadn't been kissing you just last night. Your tongue was exploring his mouth just like the first time you kissed. His hands went down your back, while you were moving the waistbands of his trousers with yours. Your underwear was already wet and the bulge you saw through his grey sweatpants was proof that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
“Come in, I’m alone,” he said between kisses and you obeyed. He put you down on his couch and got settled on top of you. His hands were holding your wrist above your head and he lowered himself on his knees. The sound of your heavy breathing was interrupted by the sound of the button on your jeans unfastening.
He didn’t want to waste any time. His mouth was all over your thighs.
“I thought all day about what you told me last night,” he said, tongue running over your inner thighs. “I got hard whenever I thought about it.”
“Oh really?” you prompted yourself up on your elbows and saw his dark brown eyes looking at you while he was kissing that soft spot where your thigh meets your stomach.
“I think I have an idea, but we should move to the guest bedroom first.”
You left your jeans in the living room and followed him to the first floor. The lights were off, only the floor lamp was on. There were clean sheets on the bed, he even had lit up some candles on the counter. But the thing that surprised you the most was the camera, standing on the tripod, facing the bed. You felt throbbing between your legs.
“I chose this room because it's the only room in the house I’ve never posted stories or anything in. I found the right angle so that our heads would be out of frame.”
You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t believe he had done all of this for you. The only thing you could do right now was to kiss him. Which you did. You smacked your lips on his, your fingers weaved through his thick hair. He unclasped your bra and started squeezing your boobs together. You pressed your hips to his and felt his rock hard cock.
“Wait, wait,” you froze waiting for him to continue. “Let’s leave something for the video, what did you have in mind?”
“Fully naked, sit on the bed, legs down and I’ll ride you reverse cowgirl style. Take off your clothes, too.” The only thing you had on right now were your panties so you removed them while you were talking.
“Very specific, I like it,” Tom said, while also removing his shirt and boxers. No matter how many times you’d seen him naked, you always paused for a moment to take a look at his ripped forearms and torso. His body was chiseled, abs as hard as his cock.
“Wait, you can leave that on,” you pointed at the silver chain around his tanned neck. He kept eye contact with you while his fingers ran through his chain.
“Sit,” and he obeyed. “We can’t use each other’s names, but nicknames should be fine.” 
His legs were wide open and he started moving his hand up and down his length, he couldn’t take it any longer. You went back to the camera, made sure his face wasn’t in the frame. You pressed play and the camera started recording him while he touched himself. The silver chain flickered under the light of the floor lamp. As his movements started to become faster, veins started to pop on his arms. From all the blood rush, his cock started turning all shades of pink.
You stood on top of him, wetness leaking down on your thighs. You sat on his lap and slid his girth inside. He held your hips with his hands, guiding you. That first slip inside you always gave you shivers across your whole body, from head to toe in a single rush of pleasure. You both moaned when you fully sat in him, hands sliding down his abs, his cock deep inside you.
You took a moment to get used to his size. After a few seconds, you started moving up and down. Painfully slow at first. All the way up then down until he filled you up to the brim. His breathing was inconsistent, fingers gripping your waist. You leaned forward to provide him a better look on how good you were taking him.
“You have no idea the view I have over here,” he said while staring at your ass, lightly spanking it.
“And you feel so good inside me.” You leaned back to him, put your hands on his chest and you pumped yourself up and down faster. His moans were getting louder and you lost yourself in the sound of the skin smacking together, your wetness dripping down to his abs. You started rubbing yourself while still moving up and down. There was a slight pain in your knees, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure building between your legs.
Suddenly his hands covered yours, the one that you were rubbing yourself with. He slightly moved your hand away and started rubbing your clit. His movements were in sync in yours. All these years together, he already knew your body and what worked best for you. 
Your movements became sloppy, you focused on the way he was hitting your spot with both his hands and his cock. You slid your hand down to his balls and gently massaged them. They were soaking wet and all of that came from you.
“Keep doing that, darling,” he growled in your ear, his chest suddenly hitting your back as he bit your neck. There would be a hickey, you could tell from the stress of his tongue and the intense sucking, but you didn’t care.
“I’m so close baby,” you said in return and laid against his chest. You turned your head to kiss his mouth sloppily as he rubbed circles with his fingers on your clit. The burning hot sensation started rocketing all the way from your core to your head. You stopped moving, but still kept your hand on his balls. You lost all sense of time and space, the only thing you felt were his cock twitching inside of you and his fingers on your clitoris. You stared into each other's eyes, and you moaned loud into his mouth at the sight of his smirk. Then you shook on his lap as he slowed down and catered to you through whispered I love you's. Another confirmation of how fast he could get you off and how much pride he took in that.
Just as you were about to come down from your high and continue riding him, he put his hands under your knees and lifted them up. He started pounding inside you. You couldn’t move, he was fully in control now. Your back was on his chest, his skin warm and sweaty. The only thing you had on your mind right now was to not forget to breathe. His lips were on your ear and neck, his breathing got more intense as he started pounding faster and faster. He was never like this. You had no idea if it was because of the camera, but you loved this new, rough side of Tom.
His cock was filling you up with heat. Your eyes were closed, muscles tightened and that was when you felt another orgasm rising. His hands were still holding your thighs, apart and in place. You enjoyed his moans, but right now yours were louder. You were gripping his arms, you wanted to scream his name, but you remembered about the camera. His cock was hitting deeper and deeper inside of you.
“I’m gonna cum again,” you moaned and his rhythm intensified. That was when another wave of pleasure hit you. You never came this hard. Your moans were uncontrollable and your entire body was trembling.
After a few seconds, you realized he was still inside you, not moving.
“I want to cum on your ass,” he said before he helped you pull out. The sudden loss of contact made you feel empty. You needed him to fill you back in. You got on all fours and he grabbed the camera. You arched your back, ready to give yourself to him completely. His cock was wet so he entered you very easily. Your previous orgasms made you so sensitive so you felt every inch of him, every little movement. You looked back at him and saw him holding a camera, recording his penis sliding in and out of you. His free hand was on your ass, slapping it once every few thrusts.
You never thought this was possible, but you felt like you were about to hit your high again.
“Baby please don’t stop,” you begged.
“I don’t know how long I’m gonna last,” he replied, begging you to let him cum.
His hands squeezed your ass firmly. And it was that little movement that pushed you over the edge. You came again, but this time it felt different, it was warm and sticky and you felt like it lasted longer than the ones before. The pleasure was so intense it seemed like you couldn’t take it anymore. Your moans were mixed with cries and he pulled out quickly. You felt his hot sperm splashing your ass cheeks and your back, the both of you moaning in ecstasy. He was still recording his cock twitching while he was slightly jerking it. His mouth was ajar, but his brow was furrowed like he wanted every little bit of cum to leak on your body.
Once he stopped recording, he went for some toilet paper to clean you up.
“That was the best sex I had in my entire life,” he told you while he peppered kisses on your ass cheeks. You turned back and smiled at him. You were so happy, you didn’t know what you did to deserve him.
“How many times did you cum?” He had a proud look on his face while he was cleaning your back.
“Three. But that last one felt like ten in one.”
Once you were both cleaned up, you put on your underwear and went to take a shower. Tom stayed to edit the video, he wanted you to see the best version of it. No matter how much you tried to take a peak, he wouldn't let you. You went back to bed and played some music. Thirty minutes or more passed and then you heard Tom’s voice calling you back to his room.
“Would you like to be our first viewer?”
You grinned. “Press play, darling.”
Tom grinned back.
He played you the video and it looked even better than you imagined. It was like porn, but with the two of you. The very first minute got you wet. Your faces couldn’t be seen so there was no way anyone would ever find out. By the time the video was over, you were turned on again.
“So what do you think, should we upload it?” he asked you.
“Definitely,” and at those words, he pressed the upload button.
“While we wait for the upload to complete, would you be interested on a second two?” He got up and pulled you back into his arms.
“Well, it would be round four for me, but I’m more than interested.” You leaned in and kissed him with a grin on your lips.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 3 years
HC: Asking you out on a date (Inarizaki team members x reader)
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Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,471
A/N: Inarizaki boys asking girls out on a date. Featuring Kita, Suna, and The Miya Twins.
Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu!! or its characters, but I own the idea of this fic.
Premise: The Inarizaki Foundation Day Festival activities were announced during the school's  General Assembly. The events included the usual fair, booths, and games. The highlight of the festival was the dance party, where everyone was supposed to attend in formal attire and bring a date.
He heard about the dance the moment it was announced, and secretly worried about it despite his cool demeanor. 
He scanned the school every day for the perfect girl to ask out. It should be an easy enough task - except he didn't know what "the perfect girl" was. 
In class, he'd low-key pay attention to his girl classmates and think - she's too loud, this one's too quiet, the other girl is too flashy, and the other girl is too high maintenance for his taste. 
When girls tried to ask him to the dance, he'd politely decline and tell them he'll be doing the asking, thank you very much. 
Before he knew it, there was only a week to go before the dance, and he was still dateless. 
As all his teammates talked about their dates and what they were supposed to do during the dance after volleyball practice, he opted to stay away and pretended to practice his tosses against a wall. 
As he tried to block off the sound of Atsumu's voice declaring he and his date were gonna win King and Queen of the Dance, he noticed you quietly passing on water bottles with a wistful look in your eyes. He grinned to himself and thought that their new manager was not only hardworking, but she also loved to daydream.
"Are you going to the dance too?" He asked softly, as you handed him the water bottle. Startled, you looked at him and blushed. "Oh, I'm not," you replied quietly. "But I'm sure it'll be a wonderful event."
Curious, he asked why you weren't going, to which you replied, "No one's asked me."
He could've sworn he heard the trumpets playing a victorious melody in the background. Clearing his throat, he straightened up and put the water bottle aside. "(Y/n)," he said, as he looked at you straight in the eyes and smiled. "If I ask, will you please go to the dance with me?"
The first thing he thought of when the announcement came out was, 'what a pain'! He hated dancing and social gatherings that required him to dress formally. And he especially hated having to look for a date.
Compared to Kita, he didn't have a hard time dodging girls when they attempted to ask him to the dance. He would simply walk on by, pretending not to hear them. 
He would bail out of the dance if he could, unfortunately, it was a requirement and if he wanted to stay on the volleyball team, he had to comply with all the requirements. 
"Tsk, that dance is a bummer!" He randomly said in exasperation, as he waited in line at the cafeteria during lunch. "You could say that again!"
He did a double-take and saw you standing next to him, with the latest Hennseizer headphones on your neck and an uninterested look on your pretty face.
He couldn't get you off his mind during practice. He thought of the way you rattled off about how unfair it was to force people to attend the dance, and he couldn't get over how your mood matched his. He would've asked for your name, too, but you easily blended with the lunchtime crowd.
Suna was a mess - so much so that when Osamu spiked the ball, he didn't bother blocking it. "Suna! Get your fucking head in the game!" An angry Astumu screamed, much to his annoyance. 
The same thing happened several times, prompting Kita to step in and intervene before Atsumu rearranged his face. "You seem distracted. Go walk around and clear your mind."
So walk outside the gym he did, wandering around campus in search of a girl with short black hair, cool blue eyes, awesome headphones, and a killer attitude. He almost gave up until he saw you coming out of the library. 
"Hey," he said. "You hate dancing, right?" You cocked your head quizzically but nodded. "I hate it too. So why don't you be my date and let's hate it together? Also, my name is Suna. What's yours?" 
He's a member of the 'dancing is a pain' club along with Suna. Why can't he do other things like sell food or man one of the game booths? Dancing was never his strong suit. Next to Atsumu, he was a total klutz. 
He avoided the topic like the plague, even during mealtimes with his family when their grandma would ask who he's bringing to the dance. 
"You'd better tell us who it is so we can tell her to wear iron shoes," Atsumu would tease, causing them to fight over dinner time a couple of times. 
The whole campus has dance fever now that the event was just a month away, and while everyone in the team already had dates, he was still stalling. 
You came up to him after cheerleading practice one afternoon. Determined to ask him out, you hid your nerves and smiled. "Osamu-san, have you found a date for the dance yet?" As soon as he said no, you took a deep breath and said, "Well, would you like -"
"Don't say it!" You heard him cut you off and saw him raise a hand to stop you. After that, he gave you a slight bow and ran off.
He couldn't believe you wanted to ask him to the dance. He was so shocked, he almost choked on the rice ball he was eating. He needed to do something about this. And fast!
"Tsumu, I need a favor." Atsumu raised an eyebrow at his twin and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Teach me how to dance." 
After two weeks, a bruised ego, and a dozen of blisters later, Osamu was finally deemed by his brother as 'passable'. The next step was to look for you and pop the question. 
He found you on your way to cheerleading practice, and he jogged beside you to catch your attention. "So, listen, (y/n)-chan. I know I asked you not to ask me to the dance before," he said and you blushed. "But that's because I sucked at dancing then. I think I'm passable now - at least that's what Atsumu says. So, now will you go to the dance with me?"
As soon as the dance was announced, he was so sure that he'd have his pick of pretty and popular girls in school. I mean, who wouldn't want to date a varsity player, right? 
He watched Kita, Suna, and Aran turn down one girl after another, and was initially chill over the fact that none of the girls asked him. "Maybe they're still working up their courage," he thought. 
But days turned into weeks, and he still had zero offers. He wouldn't have minded not getting asked, except he found out that Osamu just got asked out by one of the cheerleaders, too. 
"It's so weird. Isn't it weird? Why won't anyone ask me out?" He asked you as you helped him with his Math homework. You sighed and looked at him. "There's still a couple of weeks to the dance, why don't you focus on this first?"
Every single time he met with you for your tutoring session, he always complained about not receiving invitations to the dance. 
You had gone from giving him tips on calculus to tips on how to smile and look approachable. 
"It still hasn't worked. Another week has passed and I haven't received an invitation," he whined when he met up for you for the Science study period. "That's not true. I heard several cheerleaders asked you out," you quipped. He frowned and said they were too noisy and you rolled your eyes.
Atsumu had a funny way of diverting your attention from school work to something else, so you'd end up staying in the library longer than necessary. 
On one of your study sessions a week to go before the dance, he sighed miserably and said, "I still don't have a date!" You looked up from your textbook, frowning. "And why exactly is that?" If you had looked closely, you'd had seen the mischievous look in his brown eyes.
"That's because the question is all wrong," he said, and you raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. "Well, how exactly do you want it asked - Atsumu, will you go to the dance with me?" He smiled at you. "Why, yes, (y/n)-chan," he said, holding your hand. "I'd love to go to the dance with you. And no, you can't take it back." 
The end.
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love101imagines · 4 years
One thing left to try
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request: Could you pls write a fic with sinan? Using prompts 13,15,22,29 and 34 from the first list. I thought of maybe At a party y/n needs Sinan's help, so that Burak stops chasing her, so he pretends to be her partner, when Burak doesn't leave her alone, Sinan starts a fight. Thanks!
tag list: @peraltwolf @zaynlikfalls @wwafangirld
prompts used: 13. Don't look at me like that. 15. Just pretend to be my date. 22. You're not my friend anymore, remember? 29. Where did you get those bruises? 34. I'm used to it, don't worry.
"Işik, are you sure you're ready for a high school party?" You asked slowly, your arm wrapped around the blonde girl who held tightly her purse.
Eda next to you chuckled. "You're ready for alcohol? And for people making out with each other? And the smell of cigarettes everywhere?"
"There's nothing to worry about." Isik cut you both off shaking her head. "I'm only here because Osman asked us to come. And nothing bad will happen, they're our classmates."
Eda shrugged. "I'm here for the free booze."
You rolled your eyes with a smile, fixing a bit your skirt while you reached the house where the party was taking place.
"Should we wait for the guys?" You asked glancing at all the cars that were parked in almost the whole block, internally hoping to see one boy in particular.
You stood on your tiptoes trying to recognize any of them, already knowing that Kerem was coming with Osman with his own car.
"Nah." Eda brushed it off. "I bet Sinan isn't even coming, and it's already crowded inside."
You were slightly discouraged. You didn’t want one boy to control your whole mood without truly knowing, but you couldn’t avoid feeling that way towards him. You two had been friends for a while before you got closer with the whole expulsion thing. The girls already knew about your feelings for Sinan, but you wouldn’t risk ruining one of your friendships only because of a crush.
"Are you sure?" Işik asked a bit worried, but you were already opening the door without knocking.
You three were instantly greeted by loud music and people everywhere. The walls seemed to shake from the heavy bass blasting through the speakers, hurting your ears but you tried not to mind.
You turned to Işik with a smile. "So? What do you think?"
She opened her mouth to speak, with no words coming out as she looked around the house. You chuckled lightly. "Anyway, I'll grab something to drink. What do you want?"
"A soda, please."
"Beer. We'll...walk around until the boys show up, okay?" Eda said over the music.
You nodded before walking away, greeting a few people and trying not to bump into the many couples who were shoved up against the wall making out or the kids who were too drunk to properly walk.
“You’re no fun, (Y/N).” Eda complained with a huff.
You only took a sip of your soda. "I'm plenty of fun, in fact, I...oh shit."
Before you could notice that Işik was waving at the guys who had just arrived to come over at your place near the kitchen counter, you had already left the room trying not to run into Burak.
You two had talked a few times because you were in the same school year, but since Eda had turned him down, he seemed to be keen on going on a date with you. You wanted to avoid confrontation the best you could, already knowing that when the whole thing with Eda happened, he hadn't reacted well.
So, that was the reason why you were making your way between the crowd of people with one hand covering your can of soda trying to hide from him. The house was crowded, with almost your whole school inside. You weren't even sure whose birthday it was, only receiving the invitation from Osman who had a few extra, giving the rest to your other friends.
Once you found herself outside in the small garden, you allowed yourself to catch a breath. There were only a few people mingling outside, but a hand on your upper back startled you.
You cursed under your breath, almost spilling your soda. "God, you scared me."
Sinan rolled his eyes with an already opened beer in his hand which didn't surprise you. "You okay? I saw you storm off."
You shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine. I thought you wouldn't come."
He furrowed his brows slightly. "Why?"
You shrugged, tugging on his arm so you could sit down on the steps leading to the garden, trying your best that your skirt wouldn't ride up. "You hate high school parties."
"What's to like from annoying music and people I can't stand being around?" He asked sarcastically making you chuckle. "I was dreading this, but Osman needed us here." He concluded before taking a long sip of his beer.
You nodded. "Yeah, I can't believe we convinced Işik. But it's not that bad."
He glanced at you, absentmindedly fumbling with his hands while you continued sipping on your soda. "You look nice."
It was no secret around your friends how much Sinan adored you. You were the only one he never snapped at unless he was really angry, but he usually kept his emotions at bay. Everybody noticed how his mood changed around you. Everybody but you, not thinking much about how he always seemed to have a faint smile when you were in the same room or how he truly appreciated that you went out of your way to talk to him at least once every day.
You gave him a side smile. "Thanks." You eyed him up and down, wearing his usual grey shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. "You don't look that bad either."
After a few minutes passed and it started to get cold, he nudged you. "Wanna go back inside?"
"Um..." You trailed off even if you truly wanted to go back with the rest. "I'm fine, you go ahead if you want. I'll catch up with you."
He furrowed his brows. "Are you sure you're fine? You seemed pretty upset before." He doubted for a moment while you looked down at the floor. "If you want to leave, we..."
"No." You interrupted shaking your head.
You certainly didn't want to leave. But you knew you couldn't avoid Burak all night, and if you ran into him you would end up snapping at him.
An idea popped into your head, remembering how Burak had left Eda alone when Kerem faked being his boyfriend. "I mean...can you do me a favor?"
It was risky to ask him, but Kerem was already dating Eda and Osman was busy with his business, the main reason why you all were there. And it was only a simple favor, you could hide your true feelings like you had the past weeks.
He shrugged, taking another sip of his beer. "What?"
You gave him a grin trying to convince him to follow your plan. "Can you pretend to be my boyfriend? Please."
He almost choked on his beer, coughing a bit while looking at you with utter confusion. "What the hell?"
"Burak has been annoying me all week and this is the only way he'll leave me alone. Please, Sinan. Just pretend to be my date." You continued, giving him your softest puppy eyes.
He scoffed, looking away to avoid your look. "Don't look at me like that." He mumbled.
"Like what?" You played dumb, continuing looking at him like that so he'd give in.
"Like you've never broken a plate in your whole life." He replied sarcastically. "Why don't you just tell him to fuck off?"
You rolled your eyes. "I've already tried to. Come on, it's only one night. I would do the same for you." You practically begged him.
You expected him to get up and leave, saying that your plan was crazy and didn't have any probability of going right. However, after a few seconds, he sighed and gulped down most of his beer, leaving the empty can next to him. "Fine."
While you smiled and mentally cheered, he turned to you. "What do you need me to do?"
"Improvise." You said like it was obvious. "Just um, flirt with me and act like I'm your girlfriend. It can't be that hard."
Noticing that he still seemed unsure of everything and wasn't really sure of what to do, you continued. "Look, from now on, we aren't friends, we're in a relationship. So, just act like I’d believe everything and lie to me."
He thought about it for a few seconds before nodding, getting up from his spot, and extending his hand to help you get up. When Sinan's fingers skimmed over your wrist gently, you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand tightly.
"You're not my friend anymore, remember?" You teased before dragging him inside the house.
The stares you two received while walking straight to the kitchen were enough to tell you that you had made the right decision. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Burak staring at you intensely ignoring whatever one of his friends was blabbering on about to him. You could feel that Sinan also noticed that, pulling you closer to him by wrapping an arm around your waist. You almost shivered once you felt his cold hand on the small spot of skin just above your skirt, but you didn't think much about the sparks that ignited at the skin on skin contact.
Once you two reached the kitchen, you grabbed a beer and a soda, handing the alcohol beverage to Sinan who quickly downed it while you sat on the counter, your hands still intertwined.
Eda quickly joined you two. "There you are!" She grinned at you, clearly already a bit tipsy. "Aw, you're holding hands, did you tell him?" She gushed to you, loud enough for him to hear.
You chuckled awkwardly, disconnecting your hands while covering the girl's mouth. "Yes, I told him about Burak." You gritted out, already sure that your cheeks had to be red. "You're already wasted, don't do anything I wouldn’t do." You grinned playfully at the boy, receiving a timid smile from him.
"So you guys are dating now." Eda continued leaning against the counter, a smirk on her face. "That's cool."
"I'll take care of her." Sinan offered, already annoyed with her.
After a few seconds, you nodded, leaving your spot on the counter once you noticed Işik nearby, your eyes lighting up. "Işik, let's dance!"
You weren't sure how many hours had passed that you had been dancing with Kerem and Osman, but after a while, your legs ached from twirling around Işik, so you walked away from the living room to the hallway where there weren't many people.
A voice calling you out made you stop dead in your tracks, turning around with a fake smile plastered on your face even if you were internally gagging.
"Burak, I didn't see you before." You greeted him, continuing to walk towards the kitchen.
He just followed you, making you roll your eyes when he wasn't staring at you. "You look pretty."
"Mhm." Was all you replied, looking through the fridge to find at least a bottle of water, already knowing that if you left Sinan and Eda alone they had downed at least five more beers each one.
"Here, let me help you with that." He offered as you struggled with four bottles of water.
"I'm fine." You cut him off with confidence. "I've got it, and my friends and boyfriend are waiting for me, so..." You trailed off.
Taking to your advantage the fact that he was too shocked to say anything else, you managed to escape, making a beeline to were your friends were standing in a corner of the room.
"Here you go." You said handing a bottle to Işik, Eda, and Sinan. "I figured it would help if you have a migraine." You explained standing next to Sinan.
He nodded, a faint smile on his face as you wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Osman left after saying he had to do something, and you soon found yourself alone with the boy again after Işik said she was going to the bathroom and Eda dragged Kerem to dance with her.
You sipped absentmindedly on your water. "Thanks for everything, I owe you one."
He shrugged, clearly not bothered by it but you weren't sure if it was because of his emotionless attitude or something else.
Once you'd finished your water, you turned to him. "Come, let's dance."
"No, (Y/N)." He refused immediately shaking his head.
"Sinan, I'm not going to leave you here alone." You persisted, continuing to pull him by his hand.
He wouldn't budge. "I'm already here, dancing crosses the line."
"You can't only come and drink everything that's alcohol."
"Not much of a boyfriend, huh?"
Burak's teasing voice made you stop abruptly, glancing at Sinan who only looked at him with a hard stare.
"I'm just saying, I wouldn't leave (Y/N) alone if she was my girl." He continued.
"Well, she isn't yours." Sinan snapped, trying to appear unbothered by him but with a scowl on his face.
You tugged in his arm. "Sinan, let's leave."
"What are you even doing here?" Burak asked sarcastically. "You hate everybody, I'm sure she convinced you to come. Too bad, who knows what could happen to her here..."
You knew those were just empty threats, so while you scoffed and tried to tug him to leave, Sinan only pushed you behind him slightly, making you release your grip on his arm.
"If you even touch a hair on her head I..." Sinan began with his hands balled into a fist.
"Sinan, please. Just cut it off." You tried to argue.
Nevertheless, you already knew he wouldn't listen. He was furious, his jaw clenched, stormy eyes and sending daggers to the boy in front of him.
Burak only snickered. “Tell me, I want to know.” He taunted, getting right into his face. “What are you going to do about it? You’re just going to let me continue flirting with her?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fuck off.”
“Maybe if you relied more on mental strength instead of muscular strength you would have gotten a chance.” Sinan shot back sarcastically.
Burak shoved him, lifting his fist in the air but before he could even punch him, Sinan tackled him into the ground to punch him. You froze, watching how Sinan’s fist hit Burak over and over again until Burak punched his side, making him lose his breath before he pulled Sinan in a chokehold.
“Stop! Stop it, you guys, stop it!” You tried to move towards them to break them apart, stopping once a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.
“Stay out of it,” Osman advised, his eyes staring sullenly at the fight. “You’re only going to get yourself hurt. Işik, hold her.” He called out.
“What’s going on?” The girl asked confused once Osman handed you to her, going straight at the fight to stop it. “Oh my God.” She mumbled, shock on her eyes.
Kerem and Osman broke them apart along with a few other guys. You only could gasp in surprise once you saw Sinan and his bruised cheekbone, along with the cut on his eyebrow.
“Hey, hey, come here. You’re fine.” You tried to comfort him, looping an arm around his shoulders just like Osman.
You couldn’t help but furrow your brows at how he seemed to wince while you tried to get out of the house as fast as possible, not wanting another fight to happen.
You wouldn’t let him out of your sight, so you continued with your arm wrapped around his shoulders, him not complaining but supporting almost his whole body on you.
“We’re not going to fit in.” Işik pointed out once you reached Kerem’s car.
You knew Sinan would just brush it off and say he was fine, but you wouldn’t allow him. “It’s fine, I um...we’ll take a taxi and stop by a pharmacy first. You should go first.”
Before anyone could complain, Eda, still drunk, chuckled. “You two are so cute together.”
You nodded absentmindedly, trying your best to hold Sinan who seemed to still be catching his breath. “Yeah, go and sleep in the back of the car. Take care of her.”
“We will. You take care of him.” Kerem said before getting into the car.
“See ya!”
Once they left, you sighed, a bit nervous that the boy hadn’t said a word yet. “Come, let’s sit there.”
You slowly walked towards a bench in front of a park. After a few minutes, you reappeared with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls after rushing to a nearby pharmacy.
“Give me your hands.” Your ordered, feeling something break inside of you while you scanned his knuckles with fresh blood and open wounds scattered across them. “Fuck.”
He only pursed his lips, his brows slightly furrowed as he tried not to show how he truly felt until he couldn’t anymore. While you continued cleaning his knuckles, a shaky cough made you stop.
You raised your brow at him. “Lift your shirt.”
He didn’t have any intentions of doing so, his eyes still staring ahead of him before he coughed again. “Sinan, do it.” You ordered again tugging at the end of his shirt.
The red bruises scattered along his abdomen made your breath hitch in the back of your throat, instantly holding your still cold bottle of water against them. “Where did you get those bruises? Oh my God.”
“When Osman held you and Burak pinned me to the ground.” He explained under your worried gaze. “I’m fine, what about you?”
You scoffed. “You aren’t fine. Drink this.”
You handed him your bottle of water, sighing once you noticed the trace of blood coming from his eyebrow, cleaning with your thumb before it reached his cheekbone.
“I’m sorry you got into a fight because of me.” You said softly, your fingers lingering on the bruise on his cheek.
You cupped his face, Sinan instantly leaning into your touch. He had thought about it before, how it would feel to be this close to you, and now it was happening.
“How was I supposed to keep calm when he said that about you?” He asked, his jaw clenching again as he remembered Burak’s words.
You brushed it off, your thumb stroking his cheek to try to comfort him with a simple gesture. “I’m used to it, don’t worry. I don’t care anymore about what he says, he’s an asshole.”
“God, don’t say that.” He furrowed his brows before swallowing. “You shouldn’t be treated like that by anyone.”
His whole body was tense and his breathing was heavy, so you tried to make him listen to you so he would forget about everything. “Hey, just...focus on me, okay?”
He used all his willpower to nod, to not go right at the house again, and continue beating Burak up. "How was the party? Everything you expected?"
"No." You bluntly stated making him chuckle. "What about you? Did you have the awful time you expected?"
He gave you a side smile. "Not really, but I'm never doing it again."
"What? Faking to be my boyfriend?" You teased rubbing your eyes, too tired to care about your mascara probably now smudged.
When he didn't answer and only stared at you with a different expression you decided to take a leap of faith.
You slowly leaned forward, closing the gap between the two you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling your heart on fire while his mind raced, in disbelief that you were actually kissing him. One of his hands found the back of your head, fingers twisting in your hair as he pushed you closer to him, deepening the kiss. You felt his other hand on your lower back, just where your shirt ended.
After a few seconds, you broke apart first, your forehead leaning against his while you held his hand.
"Oh." You chuckled noticing how Sinan's poor lips were now covered in the red lipstick you were wearing and a bit swollen.
You used your thumb to clean it off, almost not noticing the small smile on his face.
"Let's get a taxi, shouldn't we?" He asked.
You nodded and stood up, the boy's arm around your waist keeping you closer to him. With your heart still beating more than usual, you couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he had followed his instincts and hadn't come to the party.
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pars-ley · 3 years
Come away with me
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Pairing: Jimin x f reader ft Namjoon x f reader
Summary: Roses are dead, my soul feels blue, come away with me, I only want you. Being forced into an arranged marriage is not ideal, even less so when you're hopelessly in love with someone else. But with your choice, could come bloody consequences.
Genre: arranged marriage au / affair au / angst / smut / fluff / mafia au / 
Rating: 18+ (nsfw)
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Oral f recieving / sex / finger foreplay / mention of murder /
Beta reader: @taegularities​ thank you so much!
A/n: This is for the btswritersclub February prompt 'dishonest love'. 
When you die, do you think you'll be able to go back to the time you were the happiest, and relive those moments forever? 
Or if there's a life after this one, maybe it'll be another chance at happiness with the person who satisfies your soul completely.
Either way, your mind only sees one person behind your eyelids. And replays one moment…
Your bare breasts shine from the orange light of the fire, bathing you in a golden glow as you watch his soft, gentle lips cascade slowly down your body. Every part of your flesh he meets, sings under his touch and creates a pathway of goosebumps, leading him onward.
"You're so beautiful," Jimin whispers against you, an involuntary shiver vibrating down your spine.
You smile at his words, fingers smoothing the hair from his eyes so you can see him. His intense stare, so full of love and adoration makes your heart ready to burst in your chest, pouring emotion singing his name at full force.
His fingers are on you and in you, manoeuvring in a way only he can, knowing your body and pleasing you in ways that make your back arch and your toes curl. Your fingernails find anchorage in the soft pile rug beneath you as you ground yourself from floating away, as the feel of his hot, wet mouth on you is enough to tip you into the abyss.
When your quaking body eases under his touch, he climbs slowly up your body, his lips journey upward leaving a trail of wet prints behind him.
You pull him into a fiery kiss, tongues dancing a heated rumba. The taste of you on his mouth brings fresh heat straight to your core.
You have never felt more free and more happy than in this moment. You do not allow yourself to think about tomorrow. You want to drink in everything about this night.
"Run away with me," he whispers. 
His words are exactly what you long to hear and what you long to do.
"You know I can't." You stroke the side of his face, the curve of his cheek fitting perfectly in your palm.
"You can. Forget about what your duty is. Forget about your father. Live for yourself."
A sad laugh escapes you. "If only it was that simple."
He sits up, pulling you up with him. "It can be! Come away with me. We can go anywhere you want. Your dad won't find us, we can just live our life." 
Tears sting your eyes as hope overwhelms you. Could it be possible? To live your life freely with him and forget about everything else? 
"Please, choose me and I swear I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me."
The desperate plea in his eyes has you melting and in this moment you truly believe it's possible.
You nod as he responds with a heart stopping beam, one that has you weak and wanting to do everything in your power to make sure it keeps dazzling you.
His hands capture the sides of your face, lips moving against yours, pouring every ounce of love into this kiss.
You make love on the rug in the firelight until the early hours of the morning. He draws his name from your lips more than once and you relish in being able to say it so freely. You've had a taste of freedom with him and you know you can't go back now.
"Pack a bag. Meet me at the old oak tree on the edge of town at noon?"
You nod as he strokes your face with his thumb, bringing you the most amount of comfort from such a tiny action.
As he sneaks out through your window, your heart leaves with him, feeling safe and loved in the warmth of his embrace.
You watch until the dark night captures him completely from your sight.
You and him forever, how it's meant to be. Could your dream become a reality?
You race to fetch your bag and begin shoving clothes and your most prized possessions in every crevice.
A knock on your door has you frozen in place before shoving your bag under your bed in time to see your mother’s face peer in.
"I thought I saw your light on," she says sweetly as she steps in, closing the door behind her. "Wedding day jitters?" she asks. 
You nod automatically, guilt already threatening to boil over inside you.
"I thought as much. I was the same when I married your father." She walks over, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, patting the space beside her. You do as she asks, as usual, and take a seat.
"Let me tell you something, and I want you to listen to every word." Her eyes blaze into yours, the sweet, cheery side gone, leaving you with only the intimidating and menacing side that made your stomach turn and your palms sweat.
"Before I married your father, I was in love with a boy. Handsome, charming, caring, adventurous, everything I'd ever wanted in a man, everything I could have hoped for. We had a very passionate relationship and we were seeing each other right up until the night before my wedding. That night he asked me to run away with him."
Your eyes pop but you dare not speak before she's finished.
"I wanted to, lord knows how often I still think about that moment but I chose not to follow my heart but to follow my duty, that's what matters the most, dear. I wouldn't have this wonderful life with my lovely dresses, my jewels, our cars, our boats, everything. I'd be a peasant, living the simple life. Is that what you want?" She raises a sharp eyebrow in your direction and you swallow the lump of fear in your throat. 
You want him, you'd gladly give up everything else but you dare not say those words out of fear of the consequences.
She sighs. "I know it's hard, believe me, giving up what you love and desire the most is not easy but it is worth it. Kim Namjoon can give you everything your father gives me. That's all I want for you, dear."
You don't miss the silent earning she's giving you as she stands and heads for the door.
"Because I love you, I'll give you the chance to make this right. Send a message to Park Jimin, telling him why you must marry Kim Namjoon and that he must leave you alone, and I will spare his meaningless little life." She shuts the door behind her, leaving you with a thick silence that grabs your throat and suffocates you.
Your dream is slipping away through your fingers as you grapple at it, attempting to keep it.
You want to run to him now. To grab him and never let go. You wish you could protect him but you can't. 
Seeing his face in your mind, you clutch your chest and let the sobs wrack your body. The love of your life further away than you could have imagined.
You want to run to him, to escape with him now but you dare not put him in any more danger, knowing he must already be being watched by your father’s people.
You were trapped, a prisoner in your own home, in your own life, destined to follow you mother’s footsteps and be the wife of a mob boss, enslaved in a loveless marriage forever. 
That is your destiny. As much as you want to believe differently, you have no choice. You couldn't risk Jimin's life for your selfish wants. He is more important than anything, he deserves to be happy with someone freely.
You sit at your desk and pour all of the love you have left in your words on the paper, printed forever for him to look back on, knowing you sealed your heart in the envelope just for him. Letting him know this sacrifice isn't an easy one and that he will have your heart for eternity and beyond. Begging him not to come and save you as the idea of a world where he isn't living could not keep you too.
You print the wax seal and scrawl his name across the front before letting your tears escape freely until you're lulled into a painful and restless sleep.
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You snap out of the memory of last night and stare at your reflection in your long, ornate wedding gown, not a hair out of place, the perfect makeup concealing bags and red rimmed eyes.
You go through the motions of getting ready on autopilot, all noise fading into the background, everyone around you passing in a blur. You feel numb at the prospect of what you're about to do. 
You'd sent one of your fathers errand boys off with your letter, telling him exactly where Jimin would be. You can't bear to think of what his reaction will be when he reads it, you don't want to imagine the heartbreak your words will cause, you are already dealing with enough of your own.
In no time at all you are at the cathedral in the lobby, flowers in hand and desperately holding back the tears you feel burning behind your eyelids. 
"You look beautiful, darling," your father whispers as he intertwines your arm with his.
The empty pit in your chest that used to house your heart is throbbing with grief and mourning at the life you're entering and for the one you're leaving behind.
You take a deep breath and steel yourself as the large, oak double doors open and you're faced with the sea of guests turning back to admire you.
At the end of the aisle you see him, the stern, expressionless Kim Namjoon. Soon to be your husband. Looking at you with utter...indifference. As if you were nothing more than a simple business deal. Which is exactly what you are to him. You look away from his unrelenting, icy stare.
Thankful for the veil, concealing your true feelings behind the mesh fabric.
You glance at the faces you walk past, most people are here because of your parents, they're people you've never met or who you hardly know.
A familiar set of crescent eyes and plump lips draw your attention, capturing all your focus immediately as your stomach drops.
Your Jimin.
All you want to do is run to him, but you dare not falter and draw attention to him. How did he even get in?
Why is he here?
He moves slowly along the row towards you, panic seizing your organs and squeezing them in an alarming grip.
Your breath hitches in your throat and as it leaves your lips in a rush, your father follows your gaze and spots him. 
Everything stops. Everyone looks around to him and all you can hear is the hushed chatter of the people around you.
You can't bear to tear your eyes away from him as all he does is offer you that breathtaking smile that makes you believe in gods, and angels and everything in between.
You shut your eyes tight wanting to keep that image burned in your mind and not wishing to see whatever is about to happen next...
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fal-carrington · 4 years
Stuck with the mother-in-law
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Pairing: Kamilah x Mc
Disclaimer: Characters belongs to PB
Tag list: @kamilahtopme @gavryllo @made-me-deep-blue @sapphics-choices @nighthuntresskatherine @cheeto-choices @beccaislove @whoinvitedalx @thepotatobleh @toyhenoctus @shanuuh @wildsayeed @voltos9 @iam-the-fuckin-queen @ilovekamilahsayeed @soundtrackforlife @thecleveridiot09 @otakufangirl-12 @scarlet-letter-a0114 @justejuste727 @deereboy97 @h-doodles @slytherinthoughts7
Prompt: Kamilah thought she had gone through more approvals than any other living being, with 2000+ years old, she thought she had seen it all, but when Mia's mother decide to pay a visit and stay for a few days in New York, Kamilah has to deal with her mother-in-law... Who happens to be a bloodkeeper and don’t like her at all.
The wooden floor was cold against her skin, but she didn't care, she had promised herself that she wouldn't leave, no matter how cold and hard the floor was. The little girl could hear clearly the low cry of her mother coming from behind the door, she had already been there for two days, two days without leaving the room. Two days without Mia being able to see her mother.
At this point she should have been used to, the "bad days" were becoming frequent that month. "Bad days" was what Mia's father used to call the days when Mia's mother became reclusive, cold, and extremely prone to explosive surges. Mia always thought that this was a very strong headache, but she hoped that her mother would heal soon. She missed her mother more than anything else in the world.
Mia never understood how a person could be so kind and loving at one moment, but explosive and cold at another.The little girl lay on her stomach against the floor, spying under the door where a dim light came from her mother's room.
"Mommy?" Mia called her.
No answer.
"Mommy, it's me. Please open the door." Mia asked, without answer again.
The little girl stretched her little fingers to the box of tissues she was carrying and took two, stretching them under the door.
"Please, Mommy don't cry." A little smile came over her face as the tissues were pulled. She sat down and leaned her back against the door, holding a portrait in one hand.
In the portrait lay a photograph, Mia wiped the tears that fell from her green eyes, looking at the photograph of her parents with her. The latin features and the seriousness in the severe brown eyes and black hair highlighted the beautiful young face of her mother. Hugged by her father, a beautiful young blond man with green eyes hidden behind his thick glasses. Together, both were holding a little girl.
"Mia?" Her father's thick voice called out to her, making her look up.
"Hi, Daddy." Mia said wiping her eyes, her father looked briefly at the door and a glance of recognition appeared on his face. Mia looked at her father, knowing full well from his clothes that he had just come from his work. The loose tie on his tweed suit, the tired eyes behind his glasses, and the leather bag strap on his shoulder.
"Is Mama on a bad day?" her father asked, Mia shook her head in affirmation.
"Daddy, do you think that... Mommy's sad because of me?" Mia hesitated to ask.
"What? Why?"
"Maybe because I didn't do very well on my math exam, I know she was expecting a lot from me." A tear ran down her little face, her father sighed tired, getting down on his knees in front of his daughter.
"Isabella Amelia Cortéz Evans" He touched her face looking deep into her inherited eyes. "Your mother is not like that because of you, you could never disappoint her, you are our greatest pride. Your mother... " He took a break before he went on. "She's just going through a bad phase, that's all, but I'm sure it will soon pass."
"... In the meantime, why don't you and I go in the kitchen and get dinner ready? How about we make lasagna and then watch cartoons on TV, okay?" He messed up her blonde hair with a smile on his face, making a dimpled smile appear on his daughter's face.
"Right!" Mia took her father's hand and followed him down the stairs. "Can I call Rebecca and Alex to join us for dinner?"
"How about just the two of us tonight? I'm sure you can call your cousins for the weekend."
Mia looked over at her side as she listened to her father's snoring, who was immersed in a deep sleep, he fell asleep after dinner on the couch next to her while watching cartoons on TV. Mia got up and took a blanket and covered her father, gently removing his glasses and leaving them on the coffee table.
An idea popped into her mind, her mother even though she didn't attend dinner tonight, maybe she was still hungry. Mia went to the kitchen and heated up the rest of the lasagna in the microwave and took it upstairs on a tray.
What the little girl didn't expect was her mother's bedroom door to be open.
"Mommy?" She called, opening the door a little wider so she could see her mother clearly.
And there she was, her black hair caught in a loose coke, wearing only a sweater and sweatpants, with her back to Mia, sitting on the bed.
"Mama, I brought your dinner. Daddy and I made lasagna." Mia approached with caution.
"Thank you, sweetie." Her mother answered with a weak smile, Mia left the tray on the bed and approached hesitantly watching her mother's red eyes and pale face.
"Don't cry." Mia lifted the sleeve of her blouse and wiped her mother's eyes, receiving a weak laugh.
"I'll be all right, darling." Her mother touched her face. "Mommy's just..." Suddenly her mother stood still, eyes glazed and distant.
"Mommy?" Mia touched her mother, not expecting a wave that invaded her body, images and faces of people appearing in her mind. A man with blue eyes, long hair and a cruel expression on his face, a woman accompanied him, with black hair, tanned skin and brown eyes, people screaming and running and blood everywhere. "Who... Who are these people?" Mia asked scared.
What she didn't expect was a strong push from her mother who knocked her down.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Her mother screamed angry, an expression of terror and anger on her face.
"Mama?" Mia called her tears in her eyes, being greeted by a look of hatred, being ignored by her mother who locked herself in the bathroom. “MAMA!”
Sweat dripped from her forehead, with her breathing panting and her heart racing, Mia sat on the bed. The girl sighed, passing her hand across her face.
"It was just a nightmare..." She said to herself, trying to calm down. “...Or a really fucked-up memory." She was used to her frequent nightmares — which usually involved Gaius, Rheya, Lily's death, or some of her many traumas. They were frequent and agonizing, but she was already used to them. Now seeing her parents... She didn’t know which one of them, was the worse.
The girl looked to her side, finding Kamilah, who was lying on the left side of the bed, her tanned chest descending and ascending, immersed in a light sleep. The silk sheet partially covered her naked body, memories of last night wrapped Mia's mind, and a smile came over her face as she silently observed the features of Kamilah's gorgeous, calm and serene face.
She still had no idea how she had managed to marry Kamilah, but the thought that after 2000 years she was the only one who had managed to put a ring on Kamilah's finger made her chest fill with pride.
The thoughts involving her wife were interrupted by the memory of her nightmare involving her mother. The girl sighed and looked at her watch, there were still 4 hours left for her to go to work, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to get any more sleep.
Mia got out of bed carefully so as not to wake Kamilah, and went to the bathroom. Under the hot water shower, the girl leaned her face against the marble wall, letting the warm water fall under her face.
"It was just a memory, that's all." She said to herself.
Raines Corporation, 19:30pm
Sitting in her leather armchair in her Raines Corporation office, Mia leaned back while talking to one of her newest clients.
"...You have to admit that the potential of this contract to benefit both us is extremely high..." She supported the phone on her shoulder as she spoke. "Danny, at the end of the day you and I are the same, we think and see the profit this will bring us.”
“...Exactly, we can run this country. Japan? Who cares about Japan? You and I will close this deal together and be partners." With her attention focused on the origami swan that she patiently made in her desk, she noticed her assistants entering her office silently.
"...Really? I am so happy that you and your investors liked the whiskies and cigars I sent. Seriously, it was from the heart." She laughed. "Sure, I'll see if I can convince Kamilah, for us to go spend the holiday in Hamptons.”
She gestured for the assistants to leave the contracts on her desk.
"Danny, you're the man. I knew you'd understand, I'll see you and your investors on Wednesday, with a celebration." She smiled victoriously when she saw that she had managed to close another deal. "Okay, I'll tell Kamilah you sent her a hug, tell your wife and kids, I sent a hug too.”
When she turned it off, she raised her eyes to her assistants.
"Guess who closed another deal?" She pointed to herself. “That's right, me. Booom, it's Britney bitch" She gestured by pretending to knock over a microphone.
"Um, by the way, we have something else." Natalie mentioned it.
“Yeah? What?" Mia turned her attention to her origami swan.
"Your mother called. She asked you to return the call." Tyler told her while collecting some papers, making Mia stop at the same moment.
"My mother? What does she want?"
"She didn't say, she just asked you to call back," Natalie told her.
At the same moment her heart began to beat fast. Was her dream a warning she chose to ignore? If she'd mentioned it to Kamilah, maybe she'd say yes.
"All right. You two can go." Mia said and picked up the phone, sighing patiently before calling her.
The phone rang a few times before her mother answered.
"Hello, hija," Her mother said at the other end of the line. “It’s has been so long.”
"Hey, mom." Mia said sheepishly.
"You are so quiet today," Kamilah commented in a low tone, as if making a mere observation.
Of course she had noticed, she always notices all things, Kamilah would not let go of a behavior that differed from her usual behavior, but as always, patient, Kamilah waited for her to pronounce herself.
"Huh?" Mia looked at her.
"Distant and distracted too." Kamilah completed her observation.
"It's nothing." Mia lied looking at her plate. "Didn't you enjoy your dinner?" She asked.
"I'm not the one not eating." Kamilah told her, drinking a sip of her glass of wine. "And you know I like it when you make puttanesca paste."
"Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" Kamilah asked, as if she was stretching out a hand so she could pick it up.
"I had a bad dream yesterday." Mia started talking. "It was a memory, like I was reliving this childhood memory, you know?"
Kamilah nodded, silently. Her brown eyes warm and understanding.
"I couldn't sleep afterwards. I didn't want to wake you so I came to the kitchen and arrived early at work. My day was going so well today, I kicked ass at meetings, closed two deals today, and even made Aiko lose a contract. I was so happy, and then my mom called."
At the same moment Kamilah's expression changed, she was watching her cautiously now.
"And what did she want?"
Mia bit her lower lip, looking at Kamilah with fear, her brown eyes looked for an answer that Mia feared to give her.
"She called to say she's coming to New York. She wants to stay a few days... A few weeks with us." She waited, she waited for an answer from Kamilah, when she looked at her, she saw the expression on Kamilah's face, the same one she saw in old memories that made thousands run for their lives.
"Your mother... wants to stay with us." Kamilah said it like she was trying to absorb the information. "She automatically invited herself to stay here?"
"I think I've lost my appetite"
"Why? I don't understand."
"She said she wants to spend some time together. She wants to get closer and improve our relationship." Mia told her, taking a sarcastic laugh from Kamilah.
"She's up to something." Kamilah said more to herself than to Mia.
"I don't understand why she decided at the last minute to come here and stay in our house." Kamilah dropped her napkin on the table. "You invited her?"
Kamilah sighed, Mia touched her hand over the table.
"Mia, your mother hates me." Kamilah told her.
"What? She doesn't hate you!"
"She specifically told me that she was against our marriage, that I wasn't good enough for you, and that we wouldn't last. Aside from all the comments she made during, before and after the ceremony to make you quit."
"Alright, I agree, but my dad loves you, he's crazy about you. And he supports our relationship, as does my whole big family."
"Except your mother."
"My mother doesn't like anyone. It's not personal."
"I guess in that case it is. Your mother's a Bloodkeeper, she's seen all my past and knows all the terrible things I've done, I never expected her to approve of our relationship, but I also didn't imagine she'd make my life hell. She criticizes me at every possible moment, and I can't kill her because she's my mother-in-law.
"She made my life hell too, but now she seems to want to fix things, maybe it's different. Babe, I did not want that either, but please, just this once, if she does something, I will send her away. But make an exception for me." Mia looked into her eyes, looking for a breach.
Kamilah sighed, thoughtful.
"Alright, for you." She knew perfectly well that there was nothing she didn't agree with when it came to Mia, she could deny it and roll her eyes and say it was stupid and kill anyone who told her, but she knew that if Mia asked her to stop a moving train, she would. And even if she had to accept the devil woman itself in her house, she would accept to please her wife.
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