#This is a huge pet peeve
eternalgirlscout · 1 year
earlier today i told an acquaintance in passing that i'll often be in the middle of a novel and think "man i wish this shit were more ambiguous" and had to reiterate twice that i wasn't being sarcastic before they believed me, so this post is to say: i love when writers don't bother to explain everything, i love when stories end uncertain and unsettling, i love being required to think as a reader, i love when stuff makes no damn sense, no i'm not kidding
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Metal Sonic being voiceless and that being played for the horror, but less in the way of "he doesn't physically have a voice box" and more in the sense that he's voiceless metaphorically.
Not only does he not possess the voice box, but he doesn't have any tools to communicate. He's never offered pen and paper. Never given the opportunity to write digital reports except with only the briefest of words. Never taught even a scrap of sign language, as crude as such a communication would be due to his lack of facial features.
If you handed him a speech generating device, would he even know what to do with it?
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folkdevilism · 3 months
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I still think about how much detail they put into child!Jessamine's design even though she only appears in a static flashback image for less than a minute.
They could have easily recycled her existing default hairstyle + outfit from the main game for her child self, but they actually gave her flashback incarnation an entirely unique look.
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angelsdean · 7 days
is it easier to understand why jensen gives neutral / vague statements re: dean's feelings / destiel reunion if it's framed like this:
imagine a work-in-progress series. the first part of the series is over but it left off with some things open-ended to be addressed in the sequel. some character arcs not complete. one of those arcs is dean's reciprocation and future reunion with cas. would you discuss the future plot points to your highly anticipated continuation and potentially spoil things for your audience or ruin a Big Reveal? or would you keep things as vague as possible and instead stick to discussing what already happened (like the confession scene). to discuss their reunion or dean's feelings in definitive statements would be to potentially spoil or word-of-god confirm things that are still to be explored in the future text of the show. misha can make definitive statements about cas's feelings and queerness because cas got that textual moment already. the kind of statements misha gets to make re: destiel are always going to be different from what jensen can say until we see these moments (dean reciprocation / destiel reunion / pale coconuts colliding) in the text. it's just like how when actors are asked abt what will happen in a new season they stay vague. don't spoil your WIP !!
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
It really is evident to me that cis people, on average, view trans identity as this idea that we transition for social benefit.
I was listening to my manager talk about how she "understands how chicks would want to be guys" because the only thing a guy has to deal with is "awkward boners." She then said she can't "understand how a guy would turn into a chick" because it isn't like "being a chick is all that good."
I had to stop myself from being offended because it's really incorrect what she said. Being cis would be easier. I had to closet myself to make sure I could get this job, so how is my manhood easier than being cis?
This plays into the idea that not only do trans people only identify as their gender for social/financial/political gain, but that being trans even earns you that in the first place. I'm sorry to say, but being trans is not easier than being cis. We don't have anything to gain, politically/socially/financially, by being trans.
I need cis people to understand that this mindset is part of the reason why it's so fucking scary and exhausting to be trans around cis people.
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big-fongz · 11 months
i am in favour of gender neutral language however if you use “folx” i will skewer you on a pike i’m sorry. FOLKS IS ALREADY GENDER NEUTRAL WHY DID WE JUST ADD A RANDOM ASS X TO IT 😭😭😭
it worked for Mx. cause that’s a gendered term being turned gender neutral by the removal of a deterministic letter but Folx is literally the same pronunciation and meaning as folks, i don’t get it in the slightest. Am I dumb for being this annoyed about it? yes. yes i am. will i continue being this annoyed about it regardless? yes. yes i will.
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muttsandmustelidae · 2 months
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eternally confused by people like this who seem to think shelters intentionally label dogs in a way specifically designed to deter you from adopting them instead of just like… reporting the behaviors they’ve witnessed during the dogs stay at the shelter because that is literally all they have to go off of
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people referring to vocaloid songs as "by miku" and giving no credit to the producer? on MY tumblr?
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
how did the question of “how much Chinese is in talia’s ancestry” get altered so much, like we’re playing telephone? i just saw a post about Asian women in comics, and Talia was included there for being half Chinese. Firstly, she’s more like a quarter Chinese and I am 90% certain that information about her mother wasn’t in canon. Secondly, Talia is canonically Arab! Arab people live in Asia! It’s not MENA, it’s supposed to be SWANA (southwest asia north africa). The region of Arab countries is called West Asia, not the orientalist name of Middle East. Lastly, you guys realize that watering down Asia to just East/Southeast is inaccurate and harmful and reeks of a western outlook? Asia is HUGE, and there are many ethnicities within. Like south asian like me, west asian, central asian, hey guess what? we’re all the same race - Asian! Let’s get rid of this assumption of what the word Asian means please. Talia belonged on that list because she is Arab/West Asian.
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subsequentibis · 1 month
one of the most annoying things in the world is when someone makes art dealing with the dark, sad, stressful, annoying, and upsetting parts of life and someone comments "can you make a version where theyre happy please it's making me too sad"
no. sit with the emotions. think about it and why the author made it and wants you to feel it too. engage yr empathy and human connection. not every piece of fiction is escapism and creatives don't owe you that. if you absolutely need this fictional character to be happy, make fanart and under no circumstances add it to the post.
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cybersodas · 2 months
Neotropolis absolutely does Not have a “all humans are Trash” mentality sure it touches upon the evil humans are capable of but the core theme is not about humans being selfish or naturally evil that shit is Dumb im so serious
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mokeonn · 9 days
I think that the 2010's media landscape of Buzzfeed articles about plotholes in disney movies, Cinemasins critiques, and Watchmojo Top Ten scenes in movies that make no sense has truely ruined a lot of media. People are afraid that their work will be torn down if they dare leave a single thing up in the air, if they dare ask their audience to suspend their disbelief.
All too often nowadays I see stories (especially fantasy), take the time to explain how every small aspect of the world works and how it all logically makes sense. The constant time stopped to explain why an event happened, how this object works, or why this is important to the characters. It's just really not needed and it honestly makes a lot of stories worse.
I am of the opinion that the best stories truly just drop you into their world and explain nothing. They just take you through the story of this world and you just have to accept it and continue on. "When he became king, the land became barren." I don't want the story to stop and explain why this is, or how it happened, I want us to move on so we can just assume that the king has such rancid vibes that everything died.
#simon says#i watched the Last Unicorn again recently and it fucking slaps#and I noticed a huge part of why it slapped is because it doesn't explain shit#same with a lot of other fantasy things from the 70's and 80's I've noticed#and even older stories all the way back to fairy tales and fables#they just tell you something and move on#and it works!#a lot of the time it feels far too hand-holdy or immersion breaking for the characters to stop and explain something for the audience#like these characters would not take the time to explain the aspects of their world in detail to other people who live in this world#this is clearly for the audience only and so that they can feel more satisfied with an answer#but it fucking sucks!!#it is bad writing!!#to presume your audience has no suspension of disbelief so you stop everything to explain how the world works for them alone is bad!#it makes the story feel awkward because it feels out of character for the people of the world to talk like that and it feels insulting tbh#like you really think the audience's ability to pick up details of the world from dialog and onscreen (or page) information is that poor??#and to some extent it is#lord knows we are having a serious media literacy and general literacy issue in the United States#but it's honestly just bad writing and it bugs me so much. my number 1 pet peeve in fantasy is overexplaining especially when it doesn't fit#like just fucking tell me that there's a magical world on the other side of this wall in a village and move on#i can just accept this fact#imagine if the Dark Crystal took the time to explain every aspect of the world#that movie is already jam packed with random story and world bits that you just have to accept and move on from#now imagine if they took a solid 2 minutes to explain what the fuck Fizzgig is.#i think leaving it at 'he's a friendly monster and Kira's friend!' is the perfect place to leave it at#we do not need a full explanation on Fizzgig's species and behavior and why he's friendly unlike other monsters#he's a friendly monster and he's Kira's friend! that's all we need to know! we got a dark crystal to put back together!!!
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directactionforhope · 2 months
You know that annoying/ableist thing people do where they say that conservatives or bigots or assholes must have some disability or mental illness? E.g. "Those Trump supporters are all psychotic!" or "Racists are all brain damaged!"
I've found imho a pretty effective script for countering that without potentially Causing A Scene or getting someone mad at you:
Scoff lightly and say "Psychotic people deserve better than that comparison."
Also works for other stuff like "brain damaged" and "mentally ill" etc.
As long as you say it like you're joking with them, instead of like you're telling them off, I find it's pretty successful at getting people to go "Oh, hah, true" (tho sometimes a bit awkwardly) and then either self-correct or move on with the conversation.
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lil-shiro · 6 months
god not to be such a hater but it really grinds my gears when people intentionally spread gossip, speculation, and even pose shit stirring questions about the driver's personal lives.
It's bad enough on twt and ig, seeing it on here too grosses me out. We do not need wag gossip accounts on Tumblr.
Fastest block ever tbh.
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snooooooooppy · 6 months
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yesterday's 3AM research break
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The beautiful thing about androgyny and gender neutrality is that it's not one thing. Androgyny doesn't mean "vuagely male in appearance," it can look like long hair, lipstick, high heels, dresses, skirts. It can look like anything!
Being androgynous isn't dependant on your assigned sex and if you present in a semi-masculine way. I've seen some people imply that androgyny (and by some extension nonbonary identity) relies on not being feminine or adjacent to femininity in any way, and that isn't true. Masculinity is not inherently more worthy for androgynous people and/or nonbinary people to uphold.
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