#This is stupid for the artist who win money of this!
paragonrobits · 8 months
some important calvin and hobbes facts in case you haven't read the original comic strip in a long time or only absorbed stuff on it from memes and out of context bits on here:
Calvin's last name has never been given, and neither has any of his parent's names. This was actually why his uncle Max only showed up for a brief storyline; the creator of the comic, Bill Watterson, ultimately felt that while it was fine to have him as someone for his parents to talk to, it felt far too awkward to never have Max refer to them by name and he never made a return appearance.
The general tone of the comic is fairly light-hearted, with a big emphasis on goofy slapstick comedy contrasted by clever wordplay and often surprising adult-centered jokes that'll hit you like a slap. A big part of the comedy is, as Watterson put it (paraphrased) "It's really funny to me when people express deeply stupid ideas with really fancy terminology." One notable example you might have seen is that one bit where Calvin asks his mom for money to buy a Satan-worshiping rock album and his mom replies that there's nothing genuine about them and they're just putting on the attitude for shock value, and comisserates with Calvin as he deplores that mainstream nihilism can't be trusted. He concludes that childhood is disillusioning.
There is a LOT of criticism of the extreme materialism and selfish mentality of the late 80s, when the comic was initially written. This may go a long way to explain how its aged so well; much of what it criticizes resonates well with people today.
Bill Watterson views comic strips a legitimate form of artwork, and repeatedly fought to have more space to draw more beautiful and artistic backgrounds, which was a very hard fight and unpopular even with other comic strip artists. He eventually did win some compromises and a lot of Calvin And Hobbes' artwork shows it, with the use of space to indicate time as well as a sharp contrast between the often plain environments of mundane life contrasted by the wildly beautiful imagery of Calvin's imagination (which often sports realistic depictions in an art shift of sorts).
Hobbes is explicitly not an imaginary friend, by word of Watterson himself. We don't know WHAT he is exactly, and Hobbes is apparently unaware of the strange nature of his reality; people look at him and only see an ordinary stuffed tiger plushie, but he has a tangible effect on the world that would be physically impossible for Calvin to do on his own. He's apparently been around for a while, and was apparently around when Calvin was a young baby.
On that note; Hobbes has implicitly killed (notably treated as both a gag and also with the vibe of 'he's a tiger, duh') and while he doesn't do it again on-screen, he doesn't have any moral issues about it. Calvin claims that he's never had trouble bringing Hobbes to school because the last time he did, Hobbes killed and ate a bully named Tommy Chestnut and simply comments that it was gross and he needed a bath. Calvin's tried to repeat this again, but Hobbes was grossed out at the thought having to eat a kid raw and not being allowed to use an oven first, or complaining that children are too fattening.
Hobbes became gradually less human-like in body language and more like an actual cat in both body language and behavior; this was due to Watterson drawing more inspiration from his cat, who also inspired a lot of Hobbes' running gags, such as pouncing on Calvin when he got home. Several years into the syndication of the strip, Watterson's cat passed away, and he did a tribute to her with a comic strip of the two of them agreeing to try to dream together so they can keep playing when they have to sleep; Watterson's commentary (if I recall right), remarks on his cat: "We can see each other again in dreams."
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woman-respecter · 8 days
okay one last rant about chappell cuz i'm sure you're sick of herr (same):
i'm soooo tired of white people. i hate how chappell acts about palestine because it's SO "i learned activism from the internet and i have insane white guilt and i feel guilt for being a privileged white american" and that helps no one. bonus: she has republican parents so she has to force the activism even harder to compensate for her shitty family. i hate both sides as well but i'm not a stupid ass white person who won't be affected as much by not voting and not backing kamala.
chappell is so embarrassing like even taylor swift said i support kamala. her internet activism means that she would rather say guyssss both sides bad :/ than actually do anything of any value (it feels like she wants to be leftist so baddd that she ends up a fool... "all presidents bad i can't support any" girl you're high up in the evil capitalist music inudstry i wouldn't judge too hard if i were u..) but that's current activism for you doe. why make any change when you can just complain and do nothing? besides, leftists rn would tear any change apart to shreds cuz they expect everything to be fixed immediately. i've seen so many leftists get upset seeing progress of anything rn because because g-g-genocide!
leftists: you evil white gays celebrate improved gay rights in a red state ur so evil ugh a genocide is happening and ur happy? you need to blow yourself up to prove your loyalty to palestine and to understand what they're going through!
lastly everything chappell and ethel cain does for palestine is so forced and fake lol. it's all to make them feel better about being white and privileged. ethel cain makes jokes about killing the president girl! 🤔 youre enjoying your nice white life in a comfortable position in the music industry...you'd never give that up and stand on business cause ur all words no action..
ethel made a song for palestine and it was good but since she graduated with honors from the school of internet activism i cannot take it seriously. everything she does screams "sorry for being white :("
and then hunter from euphoria got praised for getting arrested at a JVP PROTEST (LMAO). like that rich white girl getting arrested and then nothing happened to her is not revolutionary it's actually giving kendall pepsi ad ! i will say it's more than ethel and chappell put together but still pathetically whitee.
lastly hayley from paramore ethel hunter chappell none of them actually support palestine. they try so hard to be leftist and activists which is ironic because they are capitalizing on palestine to look good, to overcompensate for their whiteness and privilege and because of guilt. their "support for palestine" are just large pr stunts that bring them more fans and more money. look at ethel. she LOVES florence (i believe they are good friends) and florence is besties with taylor swift and endorsed kamala. all bark no bitee :)
i HATE all of the performative leftist celebs you mentioned (except hayley from paramore) so fucking much. it’s obvious that their priorities are getting rid of their white guilt, being edgy, and winning clout points with the online left. they do not give an actual shit about palestine. the funny thing is that if taylor’s endorsement really does help keep trump out of the white house she will have done more for palestine than all those losers combined. sorry!
and yeah its funny that ethel, and almost every pop girlie, is at most like 2 or 3 degrees away from someone who is friends with taylor or idolizes taylor. sorry haters it really is that way. she’s your favorite artist’s ACTUAL favorite artist
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rainbowsky · 3 months
Hi rainbowsky....
How r you. .
Hope your summer vacations are going on well!!
Since yesterday, there are lots of posts on Twitter that Dapeng has unfollowed Yibo on weibo and also that he has not spoken anything about Yibo during award ceremony...
What are your views on it..
Hi Shakurablossom, I'm OK, hope you are too.
I'd like to remind everyone that Twitter toxic BS belongs on Twitter, not here. I closed my anonymous inbox for this very reason.
This whole thing with Da Peng is completely unsubstantiated. There is no proof that they 'unfollowed' each other, or have any kind of beef with each other, but there is evidence to the contrary.
It is true that Da Peng did follow Yibo in January of 2022, but Yibo did not follow him back at that time. I know that, because I made a comprehensive list months later of all of the people he followed, and Da Peng was not among them.
Yibo does not currently follow him, but as far as I can tell he never did at any point.
As for whether Da Peng follows Yibo anymore, that, too, cannot be verified. He follows many hundreds of people, and on Weibo it's not possible to see all of the people he follows. When lists are long like that, Weibo limits how many accounts you can see at a time, and browsing through them all is difficult if not impossible.
Even if he did unfollow DD, that's certainly no proof of a rift.
There were reports and some video clips of DD waving to Da Peng at Weibo Movie Night, and of Da Peng enthusiastically applauding and cheering for DD when he won his award, which they wouldn't have been doing if they were mortal enemies.
Look, this kind of fandom 'enmity' narrative is not good for GG or DD, and hateful fan behavior toward colleagues will only make their careers more difficult and give them a bad reputation. Despite the massive size of China, the entertainment business is relatively small, and no one can afford to make enemies.
Not only that, but as I stated before back during the whole War of Faith controversy, fan behavior can backlash against the artist and cause them serious problems. Fans should remember the Clear and Bright campaign and behave accordingly, whether they agree with the intentions of the campaign or not. The rules are real, the consequences are real.
We cannot know what is happening behind the scenes, nor how DD feels about any of it. Fans make all sorts of assumptions about these relationships, but that is all they are: assumptions.
None of the claims about War of Faith added up. They still don't. Everyone involved in that project stands to gain by DD being acknowledged and winning an award, just as much as any other actor.
Given his high profile, age and background, I'd argue it's even more so in their best interest for DD to win an award. The attention the production would receive in such a situation - and the opportunities it would lead to - would be significant. No one's so stupid, selfish or short-sighted to not see that. No one in that industry hates money that much.
Everyone involved in that project - everyone, including actors, producer, director, etc. - stands to gain by DD remaining connected to it in a positive way, by DD's fans continuing to support and champion the project, by a possible sequel happening, etc. The show had only just begun to get more opportunities to air, and potential for a sequel was genuine.
Everyone involved in that project stands to lose by DD being passed over, stands to lose by DD's fans freaking out and turning against it, stands to lose from all the negative press. There's no motive for production to suppress DD's opportunity to win an award for his role. Quite the contrary. It doesn't add up.
The information the production team provided about what happened was adequate to explain the situation. The statements DD and YBO made were emphatic and sincere. Yet, incredibly, there are people who believe he was lying under duress.
Similarly, there's no motive for DD to create a rift with Da Peng, and certainly not vice versa.
I wish people would put in more thorough care and reflection before cracking off with these conspiracy theories. They're so harmful, and such a waste of time. They poison the atmosphere of fandom and turn everything into a battle between fans and perceived enemies. They cause rifts within fandom as well, and turn friends against each other. It's not a good use of anyone's energy.
For years we've all talked here on Tumblr about how 'protective' behavior by fans is not helpful nor healthy, but somehow it's as though we have developed a case of collective amnesia and suddenly almost everyone is engaging in it as though we are living in a parallel universe where none of that past reflection had ever happened. As though when XFX are engaging in it, it's awful and deluded, but when turtles are, it's righteous and valiant. That sort of double-standard is disappointing and confusing, to say the very least.
This sort of "my fave is the victim of some terrible, outrageous Injustice and I need to go to war for them" narrative is what nearly got GG canceled. I know I'm not the only person who holds that in painful memory.
The whole War of Faith thing led to a lot of that same behavior, including people reporting the drama to the government, claiming that the director and producer do not represent proper communist values, because they put forth for an award an actor who played an enemy of communism.
Are we now at a place in fandom where we are going to start openly embracing the idea that only actors who play characters that align with certain ideologies should be worthy of acknowledgement for their efforts? Are we at a place in fandom now where we're going to try to use a repressive government as a tool against people who we perceive to be our enemies?
There is that old saying, "When you have a hammer in your hand, everything starts to look like a nail." How we look at things shapes our perception of them.
We should all know this by now. After all, we see solos constantly swearing up and down that GG and DD are mortal enemies, and claiming to have proof of it. We see how their heteronormativity and boyfriend fantasies color their ability to see or acknowledge any of the evidence to the contrary. They see things through their own lens, and they approach things in a way that helps guide their toxic behavior. Nothing - however rational or substantial - will ever convince them that GG and DD don't absolutely despise each other.
GG and DD could be filmed making out in the back of a car, could issue a joint statement saying they're friends, could come out and have a public wedding, and solos would think it was all an act they had no choice but to engage in. They'll always have some other explanation. They'll never change their minds in the face of evidence because their perspective doesn't come from the evidence, it comes from inside themselves.
In the same sense, if we want to see a conspiracy of abuse toward GG or DD, that's exactly what we'll see. If we want to believe that certain colleagues are their enemies, no one will be able to convince us otherwise.
I am here to say that there is another way of looking at things, and a completely different perspective. One that does not align with the DD victim narrative people have been pushing lately.
We have a choice about how we view and approach things, and as fans it is incumbent upon us to choose very wisely and carefully, particularly if that choice is going to lead to disruptive and potentially damaging fan behavior.
Regardless of our perspective, we should always behave in ways that support GG and DD and will not put them at risk or endanger them, their careers or their reputations.
We need to trust GG and DD to manage their own relationships and careers, and behave graciously and respectfully toward everyone they work with. It is impossible for us to know when we are creating rifts where there were none. It's impossible for us to know what opportunities are lost, what delicate situations are tipped over in a bad way, all because of fan behavior.
It's better to take the higher ground than to dig into ugly thoughts, feelings and behavior.
If GG or DD has a problem with someone, I trust them to deal with it themselves. They have platoons of high-priced top lawyers and managers looking out for their interests. They don't need fan disruption. It's not helpful, and will just draw more negative attention their way and make them look even more like traffic stars, which is the last thing need as they try to shed that image and be taken seriously as actors. It will only add more stress to situations, and another headache for them to navigate and deal with.
So I hope that we can all focus on GGDD and their projects, rather than on what we perceive their relationships with colleagues to be. It's totally unknowable, and frankly none of our business anyway.
In the absence of clear and comprehensive information, let's try to be charitable in our assumptions, and represent GG and DD as humbly and graciously as they represent themselves.
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possumcollege · 6 months
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NOBODY needs to be defending these people. Major publishers, studios, streaming services, Tesla, Apple, Adobe, Amazon, social media companies- there isnt a single altruistic bone caught in their teeth. Profit from the output of exploited and captive labor IS their product now. When their contacts look like the one in question, the company is clearly stating that shareholders are the customers, not us!
Why else would it be anything but a stupid idea for Amazon to just nuke the majority of Comixology's self-published titles when they consolidated their services? If our experience was really foremost in their minds, why would they repeatedly purge, censor, demonitize, bury, and delete popular accounts with robust followings if not to allay the moral brainworms of shareholders and investors?
Forfeiting rights to our IP is not a "shitty deal," it's surrendering any potential ability to make money off of your own creative work. It's selling your property to a board of accountants to pitch into a portfolio. It's theirs to trot out as long as it's profitable and bury the instant its projected profit dips too close to the cost of maintenance. Hell, we've seen services drop popular series just because their projected profits started to flatten out! Mothballing it also has the added bonus of removing it from the market to further minimize potential competition. Like how there just weren't spider man movies for ages because the owner of the property didn't think it was worth developing but worth too much to sell.
They will make more money from suing you for trying to reclaim IP they mothballed than you did selling it to them in the first place. I guaranteee their budget for lawsuits is a lot deeper than the one they pay their "original" artists from.
By virtue of being a big, profitable, corporation, "their" IP is going to have an astronomically higher value in a court of law than any individual creator. The financial "damage" will be higher for infringing on their copyrights than any amount you can claim on your own. When it becomes theirs, their connections, their infrastructure, their reputation makes it an asset with much more value than you or I can possibly claim. So if you try to steal a bite back from them it's a bite of a *potentially* multimillion-dollar series. In their eyes, they bought the totality of your work, which you agreed was worth the price they gave you. It's value becomes more dependent on who owns it than whether it's even good.
You may not have the same potential to become flash-in-the-pan, short-term succesful without their resources, but you will still own your rights to distribute, alter, preserve, promote, and negotiate your share if you still own your work. That is worth everything as a creator who is passionate about what you've made and committed to protecting it.
The most effective power we can exercise as artists is our ability to say, "no" when someone else wants to pay us a disadvantageous fraction of our worth. You may lose potentially lucrative opportunities but "opportunities" presented by companies like Facebook or Twitter, whose real product is a platform for ads and data collection, with content as bait, are not opportunities to thrive on as independent artists. This specifically is an opportunity for the company to acquire property.
The myth that the publisher's strength is something for us to exploit, without them getting the lion's share is a trap that they feed from at will.
People like the poster up top are opportunists who see the process as a pipeline towards trading low-investment content for financial treats and maybe a share of ad revive. They're stalking horses for companies to exploit more talented but less experienced artists who are facing a daunting and overwhelming market where their work becomes harder and harder to show, let alone sell. A quick deal may feel like a win but it's selling the cow to save money on bottling the milk. Artists like this serve the publisher by making it seem like signing away your rights are just a necessary part of the game. However it's a game they are playing with exceedingly cheap stakes that weren't going to succeed on their own merit. So what if Mr. Business Perspective loses rights to his sexy Mario Bros. parody to a huge company? The point was always to unload it because it's a product, a bartering chip, a trinket. He's a Business Man, so he sees tactics that maximize profits to the business as maximizing their ability to buy whatever shiny tripe he cranks out. The business is his customer, not the reader. The business is his ally, not the creative community. Fuck him and fuck anyone who tells you the exposure is worth a damn if you don't retain rights to your work.
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Man, I like Daily Wire in concept but Matt Walsh needs to shut the fuck up about video games. The same guy who tried to resurrect the tired old "violent video games are harmful!" crap is now acting like he's the first person to notice that video games are pushing woke nonsense (even though there are about a hundred channels and outlets that have been talking about this for years) but his solution is to, of course, for the right to stop playing video games.
No. Just, no.
This is the same "bury our head in the sand and pretend pop culture doesn't exist" mindset that got us into this situation in the first place. You can't win a war (and there is a culture war going on, no matter how many people on both sides want to pretend otherwise) by retreating from every battlefield. You win by raising awareness of a problem and then offering a real solution.
And it's especially stupid seeing this cultural retreat mindset from someone working for DW because DW actually knows exactly how to fight this battle. They created their own media company to fight against woke Hollywood. Are all their movies and shows good? No, not at all. But they still did the right thing. They put their money where their mouth is, and created an alternative.
A much better example is Angel Studios, which is probably the only Christian movie studio I've ever seen that puts out top quality content with great acting, writing, and production values. They're raking in money and getting their content onto mainstream streaming services as well as theaters. In other words, they're taking their message to the people who need it the most. The ones who aren't already in the echo chamber. Unlike Daily Wire, which only offers its content on its own website through a subscription service to its own audience, and never advertises anywhere.
Another successful example outside of movies is Eric July's Rippaverse. He's been killing it with his comics, with every single one of his campaigns raking in over a million dollars, every cent of which is reinvested back into his business, helping it grow, creating more content, and expanding his already impressive roster of writers and artists. Mainstream writers and artists, by the way. Like Chuck Dixon, the guy who co-created Bane and wrote the seminal Tim Drake Robin comics, among many other credits, and Mike Baron, who wrote some of the best early Punisher comics. Eric had a following before he started the Rippaverse. He runs a successful YouTube channel and he's a regular contributor to The Blaze. He could have walled himself off with his fanbase, wrote comics about ancaps saving the world from the evils of government, and made some money while pandering to the people who already agreed with him. Instead, he went big. He invested his own money, runs his own distribution center, owns his own business with zero outside investors, hires the best talent he can, and offers a product that focuses on story and characters over messaging. His work isn't even "anti-woke". It's just not woke.
And that's what we need in video games. We need alternatives. We need to roll up our sleeves and wade into the deep waters and actually contribute our ideas and our talents. Offer an alternative. Hire people who know what they're doing, who care about quality content first and social engineering never. There is a huge untapped audience who would pay hand over fist for good video games free from microtransactions and woke nonsense.
But retreating is not an option. It's not brave or moral to hide in our echo chambers and scoff at anything fun. Entertainment is necessary. And maybe more importantly, it's not going anywhere. We will never live in a world where people go to work and spend time with their families at home and do nothing else. We need to engage with the world as it is. Not wait around for whatever our idea of a perfect world is to magically form so we can finally interact with it. You can't change society if you keep pretending large swaths of it don't exist.
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solarwynd · 2 months
Yeah, the pjms that told that account to delete did fuck up, but it wasn't every pjm and there were armys too. But now of course it turned into a 'solos are useless and bad' thing. Armys always do this, they ignore all the good things solos do (like just this week getting filter that last n°1), but every little fuck up is used to prove that solos suck. And sometimes there's no fuck up at all and they straight up just blame pjms for things they didn't even do. And it's not like armys don't fuck up constantly too, with their inability to stay out of fights that have nothing to do with them which just ends up getting the members dragged. All fandoms are gonna have stupid people that fuck up in it, but armys sense of superiority and hate of solos means they can't seem to understand that solos are no worse than them. And it just really pisses me off, how dismissive armys are of everything solos do. Or worse, how they'll call solos useless and then take credit for things solos did. Calling solos useless when a lot of them don't do shit, but because they're an army that's okay. They think it's better to be an actually useless army than a very useful solo. It's really just a matter of pride, they wanna be the only fans the members have, they wanna be credited for every achievement. They say it's for the sake of members, but how? It's a good thing for an artist to have their own fans, especially when they're making solo music. Like, are you really gonna tell me that hyungline wouldn't massively benefit from having a sizable solo fandom? Nah, it's not for the members benefit, it's just army's possessiveness. They're like a single child that's about to get a sibling and starts throwing a tantrum because they don't wanna share their parent's love and attention. Like grow up, you don't own these man and you don't get to decide who can or can't be their fans.
I'm sorry for the rant, it just really frustrates me to spend money and time supporting an artist I like just to have stupid people online say I'm useless and not a real fan just cause I don't care for the music of 6 other guys.
I saw a tweet from an army quoting popbase’s repost that said “solo stans you will never win.” And I was just real confused.
I really don’t understand why armys believe that solo stans intentions are to purposefully sabotage who the stan? No real pjm is gonna take pride in something that hurts Jimin. All they’ve been doing is trying to find ways to help him because HYBE isn’t doing their jobs.
But I do agree with you and I’ll also say to not even pay them any mind. You don’t need their validation. Most armys haven’t supported Jimin in so long out of pure bitterness. It’s hypocrisy and their hyper focus on pjms specifically is just a way to absolve themselves of guilt of doing so. Don’t let them get to you cause at the end of the day, I’m positive Jimin is happy with any support he gets army label or not and he’d thank you for it.
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foreludes · 10 months
Blood on the Side of the Mountain
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pairing: young!coriolanus x reader
summary: coriolanus snow, a man known for his charm, his wit, and his passion for power, meets a talented artist in the capitol. she spends most of her days painting portraits for prominent figures and finds herself painting one for none other than coriolanus snow himself. through all the ups and downs, will coriolanus and the artist be able to defy all odds? or is this so-called love merely another version of control and a means to a devastating ending?
warnings: small mention of blood
word count: 1,942 words
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(chapter 1)
chapter 2: writing all over the wall
Have you ever seen a gameshow? Like the ones where they ask you to choose between a million dollars or a brand-new car? It's a seemingly impossible choice. On one hand, you could be set for life, and on the other, you could get to wherever you need to go. That's what it felt like to be asked to lunch by Coriolanus Snow, a seemingly impossible choice, and any option led towards a winning situation.
You were surprised by his question, you had never been invited to lunch by a customer before. Especially one of this magnitude. Who were you to say no to him? "Yes, I think that would be nice," you finally answered as you brushed your paint-stained hands on the legs of your pants. You suddenly became quite aware of what was to come. A lunch with the president of Panem, meaning you would probably have to muster up the courage to have a full conversation. You looked down at the clothes you were wearing. Fortunately, you had always had a knack for picking attire, but even still you didn't think this was good enough to have lunch with someone so admired. Yet, it would have to do.
"Walk with me to the dining room," he said as he stood up from his spot on the couch. He looked especially alluring today, something was different about him than the day before. His bright blue eyes were filled with more enthusiasm, more life than the day before. You wondered why he was so interested in your company. After all, he could truly have lunch with anyone he wanted. Anyone would've been stupid to say no to his request. Yet, he offered you a seat at the table. You stood up from your spot, ready to follow him into probably an even more magnificent room than the one you were currently in.
Coriolanus opened the door for you, letting you walk out of the room before him. You stood in the dimly lit hallway that you had just admired the day before. He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, and ushered you to follow him further into the home. You walked behind him quietly, not sure what to do or say. It wasn't every day that you were going to be able to have lunch in the president's home and you wanted to make a good impression. What if he wanted you to paint for him again? You could make some real money off a job like this. After a few short minutes, you entered a bigger room with a mahogany table in the center. There were two chairs, each spot adorned with an opulent-looking placemat, a plate, a set of silverware, and a glass cup. Coriolanus pulled out the chair nearest to the door for you and you sat down and watched as he walked to the other chair and sat down himself.
After a while, Avox's began to bring in food that you had only dreamed of eating, even seeing. They poured you a glass of fresh water, setting a small bowl of lemons in front of you. "So tell me, what do you think of me?" Coriolanus said, breaking the silence in the room. "Well I-," you were startled unsure of what to say. "And tell me the truth, I don't like lies," he interjected before you were able to muster up any thoughts. What did you think of him? You only knew what you heard, no firsthand experience. You knew stories of him from your friend who went to the academy and you knew how everyone else felt in the Capitol about him. But how did you feel? "I think that there's a darkness to you, something that you aren't telling people. I only know what I can see, as we don't know each other well," you began, watching his facial expressions twist and turn as you spoke. "But I think that I like that about you. It makes you real, it makes you more human," you finished as you picked up your fork and began to eat the food that was placed in front of you. He nodded his head slowly as a pit began to form in your stomach. Had you said something wrong? "And what do you think that darkness is?" He asked, the tone of his voice dark and low. "I think everyone who has some sort of power has it, it's not easy to get to the top and it's not innocent either," you responded, feeling more confident as you continued to speak. Never once had any of your customers given you the opportunity to speak about how you really felt, this was brand new to you. It gave you a powerful feeling that someone cared about your opinion.
The rest of the lunch was rather easy. You talked to him about how you started painting, your family, and pretty much anything he asked you about. You got to know him a little bit better too. You learned that he was somewhat of a simple man when it came to hobbies. He liked reading, going on walks, and tending to the greenhouse that he owned in the back of the mansion. He was interesting too and because you were sitting right next to him, you began to see what kind of person he was. You concluded that he was brutally honest, that he was driven, and yearned to succeed in all aspects of life. All of these qualities made him a confident man, no wonder he carried himself the way that he did.
It was the early hours of the afternoon now and the sun was making its way into the windows of the dining room where you and him sat. There was no longer any food on the table, just the glasses of water that were frequently refilled by Avox's. You hadn't realized how long you had been talking to him until he abruptly stood up from the table. "Let's go on a walk around the estate." You had almost forgotten about your painting, what you were really here for. "Shouldn't I finish your portrait?" You asked as you stood up along with him, pushing the chair back into the table. "You can finish it tomorrow," he said curtly as he walked towards you, putting his hand on your lower back as he directed you out of the dining room. Tomorrow? You thought. This project was only supposed to last a day, maybe two, and now he was having you come back for a third day? Was he doing this on purpose so that you would keep coming back to him until you never left?
By now, you were in the garden. The greenhouse he had told you about was at the back of the property. It was large, larger than you had imagined. You could see plants of all different kinds growing inside through the windows decorated with flowers from probably all over Panem. It was beautiful and you were impressed with his craftsmanship. It took a delicate touch to be able to grow and maintain such beautiful plants, almost like art. Coriolanus removed his hand from your lower back and instead linked his arm with yours as you began to walk around the intricate courtyard. It was mildly warm outside, but not enough for you to be wearing a short-sleeved shirt. So your hands were slightly covered by the sleeves of your brown shirt. "Do you like it here?" Coriolanus questioned. You looked up at the taller man, whose platinum blonde hair lay seemingly perfect against his forehead. "It's probably one of the biggest houses I've ever seen," you retorted as you neared the greenhouse doors. "That's not what I asked. I asked if you liked it here," he responded, his voice darker than before. You gulped quietly and nodded your head, "Yes, I do." And you weren't lying. You could imagine a wonderful life here. People waiting on your every beck in call, never going hungry, never shivering at night when the sun went down. It was like a dream, a dream that most people thought about and then moved passed because it would never be possible. "I'm glad you do." Coriolanus opened the doors to the greenhouse, revealing the most beautiful garden you had ever seen. Ferns lined the greenhouse walls giving a sense of privacy, katniss plants were deeply rooted giving an earthly glow of white flowers near the bases of every pot. There were tons of plants you couldn't even name, ones you had never seen before. It was beautiful, warm, and decedent inside the greenhouse. A bench sat under a small tree that was blossoming with pink flowers, and next to it bushes of white roses. Coriolanus guided you to the bench and sat down and so did you. He angled himself towards you so that he could look directly into your eyes.
"So why white roses?" You asked, reaching over to touch the soft petals with the tip of your finger. "My grandm'am used to grow them on the roof of our old family home," he responded as you sat back, resting your back against the back of the bench. "They were her favorite, they still are and then they became my favorite too," he continued. "They symbolize purity to me and although each rose is different, they're all seemingly perfect." His story was beautiful, it gave a more in-depth view into his soul and his desires. It seemed like Coriolanus valued purity, something you really were not. With all the baggage you kept inside of you, how could you be? "They're beautiful too, the most powerful in the garden," he finished. He reached over and picked one, the thorns gently poking his skin. He handed you the perfect flower and you smiled, looking at it delicately. As you twisted the flower stem between your fingertips, you were pricked by a thorn. A small droplet of blood began to form as you accidentally dropped the innocent flower onto the surface of the bench. You winced and brought your hand closer to your chest as a small pool of blood began to form from the small prick in your finger. Before you could wipe your finger on the legs of your pants, Coriolanus took your hand. He brought your finger closer to his lips before opening his mouth and gently putting your finger inside. You gasped, a larger pit now forming your stomach. After he was finished, he brought your hand back to your lap. You were shocked. His doing what he just did was something you had never expected. You couldn't rip your eyes away from his as your mouth lazily fell open, trying to understand what had just happened. His actions were so intimate, something you may have expected from a long-term boyfriend, not someone you had just met the day prior. His hand reached out, brushing a piece of hair off your cheek that had fallen in the process of your shock. You felt bile building up in your stomach. Was he going to kiss you? He leaned forward, brushing his soft lips against yours. And then he kissed you. The feeling was transcendent. You had never felt a kiss like this before. It was power, as powerful as he was. The feeling in your stomach subsided as you leaned into the kiss, letting him caress your face with the hand that had previously brushed the hair off of your cheek. As he pulled back he said,
"You'll come back tomorrow, won't you? I know you will."
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Hi! Thank you for reading chapter 2. I'm kind of excited about this chapter. It's definitely a slow build, but I feel like that's what makes it fun. Thank you so much for the previous support on my first chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this one as well, I know I did.
chapter 3 out: 12/05/23
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bluepotion85 · 2 months
The Golden Ratio - Chapter 3
(The following story contains male weight gain, food play, BDSM, kidnap, encouragement, and feeder/feedee scenarios. If that's not for you, then go to church or something vanilla dude.
This takes place during and after the events of the One-Piece film GOLD. For a better experience see the film on your local streaming service.
This story is written in collaboration with @bee-wg )
We see ourselves as special, separated from the world we live in. When the pirates burn a neighboring island, we don't think of it as our problem, not until they come and burn everything here as well. Then we know the truth, we can all experience despair, slavery, or death. 
I have rid myself of the shackles of the world with the one true power, money. Those too weak to change their realities or too stupid to realize these are the rules of the world; are destined to be used by the powerful. 
And the man dangling from my wall right now is no different. While Roronoa, Zoro tries to keep a strong front, he is getting micro-dose with particles of gold that enter his body with every meal. With every day that he stays here, the pirate hunter and swordsman of the straw hats becomes more of my personal plaything. I’ll transform him in every way so everyone can see that he is nothing but mine.
My pheromone fumes in the room are already firing his head, keeping him aroused at every waking moment. Not to mention the golden rod deep within him, it will edge him until his brain is scrambled with the need for release. While they do their job, I’ll get to destroy the body he so tirelessly worked.
“How is my wall trophy doing? Enjoying your alone time?” I said.
“I’ll get that shit-eating grin off your face when I get down off this wall,”
“It's hard to take that threat seriously when you are about to bust a nut,”
He struggles against his restraints, yelling at me for a “proper fight.”
“There have already been enough fights. You haven't gotten any closer to defeating me, pirate hunter. Admit that you can't win against me,”
“I'm the man who will cut through everything, even you,”
“Mmm, maybe your brain is not getting enough food to see the truth. Let's have breakfast then,”
“I’m not hungry,” he replied.
“I wanted to take you out to a popular restaurant, but if you would rather stay in the wall, suits you right,” 
I wave my hand at him, making the golden rod speed up. The vibrations shook him to his core, he then looked at me for a second before answering “Fine, just get this thing off me,”
It was a bit unexpected to see him accept so easily, in any case, he was following the plan.
“Of course,”
I got him off the wall and gave him a set of clean clothes. Once he changed, we went to the garage, where our ride awaited. 
“Why does anyone need so many cars?” he said.
My garage is filled with multiple models of turtle cars.
“It's about the kachow!”
I didn't bother explaining my superior taste in cars to him. My limo arrived anyway. We got in and drove through the city.
“And why so many cars if you make someone else drive for you? It's a waste.” he said, pointing at the driver.
Ugh, peasant.
We arrive at The Gold Pearl. The structure is a massive sphere built into the ship. The center of the sphere has a stage where live performers entertain the customers, with tables taking the sides of the structure. The roof is a rendition of Skypiea from the most renowned artist in the new world.
That's only the general admission section of the restaurant, which takes up to two-thirds of the space, leaving the upper third to the VIP section. Inside it, a group of golden droplets hang from the ceiling moving slowly, giving the illusion of waves in the sea. The sides of the sphere in the VIP section are see-through. Add to that the slowly rotating floors, and you have a great panoramic view of the city. Of course, the ungrateful ass didn’t spare a glance.
The waiting time for a table in the VIP area is over a year, or that's the case for everyone else. I made a call and reserved the whole section. Nobody was allowed to interact with Roronoa but me.                                 
“Get seated pirate hunter. The meal is about to begin,” I added.
He reluctantly sat at a table meters away from me. 
“What the matter, afraid I will bite?”
He looked at me with the utmost rage and resentment before standing up, walking to my table, and sitting across from me.
“Hahaha! You are learning after all!”
The waiter arrived handing me the menu. After inspecting it, I say, “Give me the steak with porcini butter and charred onion, and for him, the Sea King treat, white wine as for the two of us.”
“Of course,” said the waitress before leaving.
“What's the Sea King treat?”
“Since we encounter so many Sea Kings through our voyage, we have lots of their meat. It gets distributed across the restaurants at the Gran Tesoro. With each restaurant offering a full run of their best dishes with that meat, they all name it the Sea King treat,”
“I’m not that hungry. It’s too much for me even if I was,”
“There is no such thing as too much here,”
“I won't eat that much,”
“Once you try it, you will see it differently, one taste and you won't be able to put your fork down,”
“If it's like the rest of the food here, I doubt that,”
We wait for a while and the waiiter came with our drinks. She set both glasses on the table and before she could pour the drinks, Roronoa snap the bottle of wine off her hands. 
With his teeth he remove the cork from the bottle and took big gulps of the wine. The waiter looked with wide eyes as he downed the bottle in front of her. I laughed and asked her to bring more alcohol for the both of us. At least now I know of something he is weak to.
Our food arrived after the third bottle of wine went down Roronoa’s throat. The waiter placed plate after plate of meat at our table.
Roronoa looked puzzled at me before he asked, “You can't possibly expect me to eat all this?!” 
“Bon appetit,” I said.
We started to eat and by the end of his first plate, he looked ready to finish. So I moved my hands and manipulated the gold inside him to my will. Expanding the walls in his stomach, his expression changed as he felt the sudden void inside of him.
“Still hungry? Why not take another cut of meat, there is plenty,”
Before he could reply his stomach rumbled loudly. He evaded my eyes as he took another plate of food. He ate it faster than the last one, and again before he was finished I expanded his stomach capacity. He holds his stomach with a tormented look before taking another plate. Yes, pirate hunter, enjoy the meat, fill your guts to your heart's content, because I will make sure you only leave this place stuffed to the brim!
What's going on with this food?
It's been an hour since we got here and no matter how many plates of food I eat, I don't seem to feel satisfied. 
The cuts of meat are savory, rich with grease, and saturated with sauce. They are so tender they melt in my mouth like cotton candy. Maybe that's why they don't fill me. They're all taste and have no substance. 
I finished my third plate with a burp, looking at Tesoro who finished his food. He looks pleased from his meal but that miserable grin of his gave me the creeps.
“Why don't you try the duck a l'orange, It's one of my favorites,” he said, extending me the plate.
I'm about to reject it when my insides churn, a belch comes up from deep within me and my stomach rumbles all over again. The smell of the duck mixed with my appetite makes me swallow my pride. I take the dish and get to work on ripping pieces of flesh and bringing them to my mouth. 
Not a day ago I was making an effort not to eat from this psycho, but my stomach roared like a wild tiger for sustenance. Also, if they wanted to poison me with something the damage is done. 
I pick the bottle of wine and down it in a few gulps, at least this is good. Some good booze is just what I needed to withstand this mess. Once the bottle is empty I ask the waiiter for more and I bring close a plate with sea king brochettes.
My attention is drawn in double-fist them, only stopping to breathe. All concerns besides filling my stomach are now out the window. Sushi, salad, meat, everything passes through my lips with a storm of grunts and burps filling the silence of the room. 
I took one last bite of churrasco when I felt the wave of fullness hit me. As if my brain suddenly realized I was stuffed beyond belief. I lowered my eyes and found my stomach tight and distended, strained against my clothes.
“What the-?”
“See, once you have one bite, you can't have enough of them,” he said. 
He stood from his seat and started to walk towards the exit.
“Come on, we wasted enough time here,”
“Give me a minute. I can barely breathe.”
“It's not my fault you made a pig of yourself. Unless you want someone else catching you like this, I suggest you get going,” he replied beside my ear.
Selfish prick, he is the one that orders enough food to feed an army. It's not my fault they were so light, except for that last dish. Trying to stand up I managed to see the rest of my body with more attention, grease, sauce, and pieces of food were scattered over my clothes. Fuck- I did let myself go. At least whatever got into me here won't happen again.
I accepted Tesoro’s invitation to get out of the room and its awful smell. But if that means eating like a pig for over an hour I’ll stay at his office. I'm already messing up my training schedule, I don't want to add fatass to my list of problems.
“What do you say? Do you want to do the same for dinner? I know you loved it.”
“I would rather die.”
The probe made itself known, vibrating deep inside me. It must have stayed there even after Tesoro got me off the wall. But after twenty four hours of it inside me, I must have gotten used to it. Now back to shaking my inside, I try to keep myself together.
“Fine, I will, just make it stop,”
“I don't know what you mean, but I'm sure you made the right choice,”
While we made our way back to the office, I could only nurse my complaining stomach and wonder if the walk to the Limo would offset the meal I just had.
We got into the car and drove back to Tesoro´s main building. When he opens the door, we are met by a pitch-black room,”
I thought we were going to this office. Where are we? 
“Don't lag, you don't want to get lost, do you?” he said.
“I can make my way back without your help.” 
With a sigh, I walk into the room. The door closes behind me, and I catch up to him. He snaps his fingers, and the space is illuminated, revealing a long white corridor. A tiny door on the wall opened with a Lemur coming out of it. His big, colorful eyes focused on Tesoro before he said, “Project Scenario 1.” 
The creature quickly got back into the hole, we waited for a few seconds. Then the white walls of the corridor changed into a rainbow of twirling colors. 
“What is this place?”
“It's a Lounge,"
“That answers nothing.”
The walls of the corridor start to change, now showing a deep cave. The image is so clear I would believe we teleported. I even stretched my arm to where the wall should be to make sure it was still there.
Tesoro continued to walk through the now cave-like corridor, and I followed his steps. 
“There are cast lemurs behind the walls. In the wild, they can project images from their eyes to scare predators. Here, they are great for making this augmented reality experience,” he said.
We continued to walk. The corridor changed into views of Fishman Island, Skypiea, Dressrosa, The Goa Kingdom, Alabasta, and even a land made of sweets.
“A candy land? They are imaginative,” I mumbled.
“Oh, all these places are real. We took the lemurs to memorize the landscapes and use them here,” he replied.
“To the candy land? You can't expect me to believe that.”
“It's Whole Cake Island. What? Would you like to go there even after that meal?” he said mockingly.
“Of course not! It's hard to believe something like that exists, more people would talk about it,”
“It’s the territory of Big Mom, no pirate in their right mind would go there. Don't blame me for your ignorance pirate hunter,”
I was about to try and strangle him when he suddenly stopped walking, and I crashed into his massive back.
“Oi, Why did you stop?”
“We are here. I told you this is a Lounge,"
He moved to the side and revealed a circular room. The walls looked like a night sky filled with stars. Inside, a group of beanbags filled the room. 
Tesoro sat in one of the beanbags at the center of the room, and I followed suit, knowing he wouldn't let me sit anywhere else. 
“Why are we in a Lounge anyway?”
“Just Shut up and enjoy it,” he said, closing his eyes and laying back against the bean bag.
I look into the different projections, trying to relax, but my stuffed stomach keeps groaning in pain. While I clutched it, Tesoro looked at me and said, “The bean bags have a massage setting. There is one mode that could ease your belly,”
“I do not have a belly! I'm just bloated from all that trashy food you pushed on me,”
“If it was so bad, why did you eat it all? I didn't tell you to do it. That was all you,”
He cut me up and said, “Do you want the message or not? I wanted to come here and relax, not hearing your gut groan the entire day,”
The idea of the chair starting to massage me like the table brought mixed thoughts. I don't want to give Tesoro more opportunities to mess with me, not to mention If it starts going inside of me like the table I will die. But anything that could help me with the pain is worth trying.
“Fine,” I replied.
The beanbag sprouts two arms from its sides and starts massaging my shoulders. The gold bastard’s beanbag also starts massaging him, and I calm down for a second. The arms move to my chest and neck, the tension from the day leaving me slowly. Finally going to my stomach, they make circles over it, applying pressure now and then. I would burp occasionally, releasing some space, and before long the pain had subsided. 
They continue like this for a while, the feeling soothing alongside the images of the walls. I started to feel drowsy when images of Whole Cake Island started to show again. I could almost swear the smell of the sweets was real.
“Hey, wake up. I didn't bring you here to sleep all day,” said the golden jackass slapping in the face.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
That's when I noticed the smell of all kinds of food filling the atmosphere. The room now looks like a jungle of food, with donuts sprouting from trees and spaghetti waterfalls.
“So, is this place also real?”
“Yes, the Boin Archipelago has a series of islands that flourish food from their plants,”
“I owe an apology to Usopp. I thought this was another one of his lies,”
He looked at me with curiosity, and I added, “A crewmate said he went there, but he is the king of lying, so nobody believed him,”
His laugh thundered around the room “Not that many people go there and come out to tell the tale, he managed to do it and nobody believes him? That's just perfect” he said.
“Enough off time. You had your rest,” he added.
“Wait, can't we stay for longer?” I asked, not wanting to go back to the wall. 
“You are the one who fell asleep. Next time, try to enjoy the few seconds you have off the wall with your eyes open,” he said before walking towards the exit.
After fighting to get up from the cursed beanbag, I caught up to him. The corridor keeps playing images of the Boin islands with their respective scent. I guess the room also produces artificial smells to match the images. 
My stomach roars out of a sudden, and Tesoro looks back at me with a sinister grin.
“Hungry already, Roronoa?” he said.
How am I hungry? When I fell asleep, I was still so full I felt like a stuffed turkey. How long did I sleep?
“You are in luck, food is almost ready, and we can have an early dinner,” he added.
While I think of rejecting the offer, the images of the food and the enticing aroma make my mouth water. 
“Just this one time,” I say reluctantly.
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fancylala4 · 5 months
I saw some of you anti Ts posts they are funny and I need to Rant. sorry.
I am so FUCKING sick and TIRED of being relatable being cool! Fuck! If I wanna listen to someone they need to sound good! Way better than ME! Why is being average so overhyped! Bring back actual talent! Bring back people who can sing! Really sing. I want to be awestruck. I want to me in mesmerized. For fuckss sake Taylor Swift is only that popular because she is average and these swifties identify with her.
And fucking hell I AM SO TIRED of this bitch! I am so tired that they act like only her achievements count and as if achievements of other artists don't fucking count!
The Weeknd has a song with 4Billion streams on Spotify.
Drake has one song with 3 Billion and one with 2 Billion
Post Malone has one with 3 Billion and two with 2 Billion
Dua Lipa has four with 2 Billion
Justin Bieber has 3 with 2 Billion and 1 with 3 Billion
Coldplay has 3 with 2 Billion
Bruno Mars has 3 songs with 2 Billion
Ed Sheeran has 3 songs with 2 Billion and 1 song with 3 Billion
Taylor fucking Swift just recently as one song with 2 Billion streams! ONE! if she is so big? Why doesn't she have more? I can answer you this. Because her stupid fans only care about first week streams. They care about getting her on the chart. That is what spotify and billboard pushes. These morons will mass play her music all night so it get streams. It's so embarrassing.
If she didn't release shit constantly and her stans weren't some pathetic losers wanting her to chart so she just charts there is no WAY in fucking hell she could compete with todays artists.
Fucking hell and they compare her to Michael Jackson! Taylor Swift does not have the LONGEVITY. SHE DOES NOT. Not Mariah Careys, Britney Spears, Elton John or the Beatles. There's more but here's a few.
Michael Jackson had a top ten hit in 5 DIFFERENT DECADES. ( 6 if you count the Jackson 5) And probably will have another one after the biopic comes out!
If Taylor Swift would do this she would have to be able to have a TOP TEN HIT in 2030 and 2040. There is no way she would be doing this.
Mariah Carey in 4 DECADES SINCE THE 90'S!
Britney Spears the same as Mariah!
Elton John in four from the 70's- 20's missing the 00's and 10's.
The Beatles in the 60's 70's 90's and 20's.
Like i hate it so much how much this woman is pushed! And swifties gon act like as if she is the only artist being this succesful! SHE IS NOT! It's more impressive that Rihanna still gets high streams beside not releasing anything for YEARS! BTCH i wanna see Taylor Swift not releasing anything for 7 Years and see where she's at. Let's find out. But this woman is to coward to ever do that. She is so damn desperate for validation it's embarrassing.
This btch is absolutely not humble because i would be embarrassed. Literally. It's like how can you shit as tour gain so much money when you know you can't dance and are a mid singer.
And these faces of acting shocked when she wins an award! With that open mouth and GOD! Yes we get it you won again "suprisingly."
How the fuck does she have more AOTYs than any other fucking artist ever? How the fuck does this mediocre ass woman have more than Janet, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder.
And don't let me start on her victim card that she has used has her brand since fucking Kanye West had to go up on stage and embarrass her. He literally started this whole shit. You can never criticise her for anything. Because if you do you are a misogynist who just hates succesful women. She's always the fuckin victim and swifties romanticize it so much! They want her to be this struggling underdog who rose to fame cause that is what fits their damn wattpad story!
Taylor Swift wants to be the Man. She wouldn't be as succeaful if she was a man. Point blank period. Her shield to protect her self from any criticism wouldn't work. The only thing she has to be oppressed about is being a woman thats why her and swifties milk it so fuccking hard!!!
Thanks, and it’s ok. This whole blog is just a bunch of rants anyways.
But everything you said was true. I didn’t know she of all people have more aoty awards than those you mentioned. This just proves that the Grammys are a joke.
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alistairlowes · 1 year
ngl i'm done with esc drama and esc in general for this year but i do wanna say i saw that mini interview with bojan where they asked him would they like to go again and he said while he is thankful for everything that they wouldn't because their score was low and it's not something they would like to experience again. he also criticized the way voting was done.
and this is what truly saddens me about this circus. like these people aren't stupid they all know and understand what happened. they all realized they never had any chance. ex yugoslavia countries never expect to win anyway. we know we don't have money to host it. but it's not like we are blind and don't see favouritism. they introduced jury votes because of us and we have to watch them be hypocritical and do the same thing they were so afraid we would do. so many artists already have and will give up on this whole thing. give it few years and there will be nothing but nepo babies with same generic recycled pop songs.
esc has always been and always will be political in one way or another. and everyone who is currently saying "get over it" you do know the worst thing you can possibly do in these situations is to stay passive? that just sends them a message they can do whatever they want and what people say doesn’t matter. you think anyone would be aware of poland fuckery if people didn't do their best to be vocal about it?
call me crazy for not thinking that 5 people shouldn’t have half of voting power as the whole country. i saw who was in our jury and they always put people who couldn't even qualify for esc but now they get to decide on finals? and this isn't even about finland/sweden thing i'm talking about jury points for countries like germany. scream and cry how jury consists out of professionals who rate things like vocals all you want but they have clear bias for certain type of songs and everything that doesn’t fit that gets sunk. doesn't even matter germany got low public votes too when overall jury gave more points to blanka and imma need y'all to be so fucking serious for a minute.
disappointing af and i don't even wanna look at this mess anymore.
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batterknowsbetter · 1 year
I would like to draw your attention to the kind of information surge that Ukrainians have to live in:
1. a photo of a two-year-old child killed by a russian missile.
2. Jim Cummings praising zvyagintsev's films.
My sister tells me that people from the West always divide cinema and war. But I want the only thing that westerners will divided is russia.
I want to talk about zvyagintsev in a little more detail. In 2022, he gave an interview to anton dolin (this is the clown that Ridley Scott said fuck you). This interview perfectly illustrates how the so-called intellectual elite of russia is completely detached from the russian people, illustrates the terrible naivety, criminal blindness and stupidity of these people. For example, zvyagintsev says that the russians who remained in russia are hostages (oh, poor people, we from Ukraine can help with something). The mantra about the hostages is so deeply rooted in the consciousness of the so-called liberal russians. It protects them from the realization that their fellow citizens have turned into animals begging for blood. Then he says that you need to let this war into yourself (remembers Bucha and starts to cry. Ten points for acting) to accept the conflict and the words that a person tells you, because one day she will understand that she was wrong. He says that "it is not necessary to multiply the war, conflicting with people who support the war, it is necessary to listen to them." The great peacemakers, the russians, who do not want to multiply the war around them, have been turning a blind eye to theave been turning a blind eye to the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Ukrainian territory, to the torture chambers and the sentences imposed on Crimean Tatars for eight years.
Then he asks: "Why didn't we react when we bombed Syria? Well, because it is far. And Ukraine is close and Ukrainians are close to us." That is, when Russia was razing Aleppo to the ground, it was okay, because you didn't have to pay for it, but when Ukraine was attacked and sanctions were imposed, it became inconvenient to keep silent. Remember, Syrian, the russian director does not care that his country bombed your cities, because you are not a neighboring country.
"I cannot agree with people who say that we should forget and ignore russian culture, people sitting in bomb shelters cannot think otherwise, but it will all pass." It will all pass. This cynical phrase just cracked me up.
"I don't understand to whom culture is to blame, to whom Rachmaninoff and our cinema are to blame." In front of all countries where you are your culture is used as a marker of conquest. How are the Pushkin monuments in Syria? How is the Mariupol theater is closed with a banner with Russian writers and Ukrainian artists that you want to own? Your culture is a cancer, it comes first and only death follows.
"We have nothing else to do but make movies." What about raising money for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, supporting the Ukrainian army, so that the war ends soon and Ukraine wins? No? Well, okay.
A russian director who shoots his new movie in Europe has the opportunity to do so, all he has to do is say I am against the war and all doors are open for you. Whereas some Ukrainian artists do not physically have this opportunity. At the moment, there are no Ukrainian films at Cannes, but there is a russian film. Who is to blame for a culture that shouts into a loudspeaker, trying to drown out the victim?
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tgrailwar-zero · 9 months
*moves the chairs and tables to arrange a makeshift stage, grabs whatever food can be used as props, and begins reading Chaotic Heroic to the best of their ability*
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Considering that simple tasks were slightly disorienting, one of you trying to perform would be something else entirely. And yet, you tried, and did it, and perhaps in some ways this would enhance the quality of the experience.
As stated by one of you, Act 1 wasn't much of a page-turner, and probably wouldn't be that better even if performed competently.
Act 2 was... well, whether it was better or worse seemed like a matter of opinion.
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For the sake of recapping LUCIUS' personal work of art, Act 1 was centered around 'Augustina'- a blonde wealthy-and-beautiful-yet-troubled-and-wistful young noblewoman who, despite wanting to be an artist, was trapped into the life of strict nobility and politics. After a drastic move on her part, she finds herself bandaged and tended to on the riverbank by an average-yet-attractive-and-humble-yet-talented peasant named 'Xavier'. They got together and… that was about it. A very short act to a play, frankly.
Regardless, Xavier and Augustina begin traveling together, and reach a large city, where a special event is taking place.
The 'Tourney for the Divine Chalice', a special event to win a mystical artifact that could grant anyone's dreams. Augustina, now realizing that this is her grand chance to fulfill her dream of becoming an artist, convinces Xavier to join her-- despite neither of them knowing much about fighting.
Interested, yet lacking in the proper tools, Xavier and Augustina find a foul-tempered yet kind-hearted blacksmith and his companion, who deny helping the duo at first before being persuaded (as in Augustina asks really nicely once and is so beautiful that it works).
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'BLACKSMITH': 'Me and my partner will assist you in your endeavors, if you promise not to forget us when you are victorious. And also because of Lady Augustina's supreme beauty.'
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So, the Blacksmith makes Augustina a beautiful sword made from metal beyond the stars and armor that is also somehow functionally similar to a gown, and they set off.
As they reach the town in which the tourney resides, you found yourself hit rapid-fire with several characters.
Such as a rich foreign king and his foul-mouthed money-grubbing vassal that kept harassing poor Xavier, saying things like--
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'RICH KING': "Hmph, despite being of poor stock, you both have an amusing way about you. Perhaps crushing you will bring me the entertainment I desire, as the Chalice is mine by right."
'CAPITALIST BITCH': "But we're going to help you anyways! Not because we like you or anything! God! It's just common courtesy here, in the Lunar Lands in which we all live together! Of course, you should know this because you're also from here! What are you, stupid or something! Gosh!"
Adding to the rapid-fire introductions, there was also a girl from a far-off organization protected by a massive metal warrior that kept saying cryptic things, and a young prince protected by a stalwart knight that really worried Xavier, and a pair of cold-blooded assassins, and a knight and his protege with a penchant for poisons, and an arrogant twerp surrounded by a heathen woman who kept her overcoat constantly unbuttoned, which Augustina was fine with, sure, but not when it took attention away from her and--
--In some ways, it felt like the frantic writing of someone trying to recall what happened in a dream. Regardless, as these warriors were introduced, the tourney began…
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And Act 2 was over. Just like that.
As the act concludes, you realize that there are literally no lions present in this section of the play. You also realize that despite being 'Act 2', this could have been easily combined with 'Act 1', which added the further question of… just how long was this play?
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droppingpetals · 2 months
posting this again bc i still need these . i am here to beg for some new partners over on discord . i have a few very specific plots i'd like to do with my girls , they've all been written out as m/f but could easily be spun into f/f plots too , the point just being that i get to use more of my girls for once ! i've written them all out under the read more - button <3
𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 if any of these plots interest you and i'll slide into your dms <3
CONTENTS : crime and mafia elements , gentleman's club , forbidden relationship , long pining , jealousy , sneaking around — give me a plot with a man who works for some sort of crime ring and he's been put in charge of running one of their estates . said estate is a strip club used for money - laundering and whatnot , where he manages to fall for one of the new dancers . give me feelings of jealousy when she's up on the stage , having to sneak around because it's not good for business , finding any and every excuse to spend time together . alternatively a stripper x customer plot . preferred fc for this : kaya scodelario , but open for others .
CONTENTS : period drama , forbidden relationship , affair , sneaking around , neglected housewife — literally just give me a lady chatterley's lover plot . a neglected housewife in whichever time period we choose to do it in finding comfort in someone who works around the estate . her husband is too busy with business to notice her , probably doesn't even care about her . cue a hot affair that turns into proper feelings , he's jealous when she has to return to her idiot of a husband each night when he could treat her much better . making plans of running away and starting over somewhere else . suggested opp for this : jack o'connell , henry cavil , tom hardyl .
CONTENTS : motorcycle club , freshly out of prison , opposites attract , right person wrong time , exes to lovers , affair — high school sweethearts . being a part of an mc is all he's ever known and she's always been okay with that . together since they were fifteen , she's always been supportive of him until something goes wrong and he takes one for the club , ending up in prison for _however long we want_ . she can wait for him or she could move on , already in a new relationships several years later when he finally gets out . cue a hot cat and mouse game when he wants to get her back , she doesn't know what to do because she has a new life but he is her first love and she never really got over him . perhaps they even begin an affair behind her new partner's back , he's desperate to win her back and she's torn between ration and love . open with fcs for this one .
CONTENTS : rock'n'roll , in love with a rockstar , savior's complex , toxic relationships — music artist x his assistant . her traveling with him for tours and attempting to keep everything together behind the scenes due to his issues , she’s pioneering / directing everything since he is often too inebriated to do so and often finds herself questioning why the fuck she is even doing so much for him . at the end of the day it’s because she believes in him so fucking strongly and she's so in love with him , it's one of those hot and cold relationships where one moment he’s pulling her on his lap or into make out sessions in hotels and on the tour bus and the next moment he’s acting as if nothing ever happened . it’s a disastrous back-and-forth playing with fire situation but she just can't let go and he's too stupid to realize what he's got . credits to original poster lavendertonicrps . open with fcs for this one .
some other more loose ideas with no proper plots around them :
friendship where the line between friends and lovers is constantly blurred , one is more smitten and in love , whereas the other thinks it's all just fun and games .
this mafia plot .
this plot based on redeeming love .
this plot based on forever my girl .
any exes to lovers trope ever .
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negative-speedforce · 10 months
platonic sentence starters ❛ do you think we’re friends in every universe? ❜ ❛ you’re interesting and different and i like that. ❜ ❛ i like being alone but i’d rather be alone with you. ❜ ❛ you’re important to me, you little shit. ❜ ❛ no offense, but you look terrible. ❜ ❛ alright, who am i beating up? ❜ ❛ because you love me! duh! ❜ :)
"Because you love me! Duh!"
With: My OCs Siv, Hailey, and Jay
"In the wise words of Taylor Swift- welcome to New York." Jay grinned, dropping two suitcases on the apartment floor.
"Thank Cassandra's parents for us, will you?" Hailey hung the key on the peg by the door. "This view is amazing."
"No problem. It's been in their family for years. I tried to convince them to sell it for more- a three-bedroom condo with views of the Brooklyn Bridge has gotta be upwards of ten million these days."
"I mean, with the money I inherited when I got that stupid fucking death certificate rescinded, I probably could have paid them at least double that." Siv opened the floor-to-ceiling blinds, light flooding the front room. "Did you know my dad had over a billion dollars in offshore accounts? I have no idea if he got it legally or not, but honestly, I don't give a shit."
"Honestly? Me neither." Hailey dropped her bags on the sofa. "This place was such a steal."
"So... why Brooklyn?" Jay raised an eyebrow.
"New York doesn't really need more superheroes." Hailey squeezed her fiancee's hand. "That's why we wanted to move here. So we could scale back. Deal with city-destroying crises rather than world-ending ones."
"I want to go to art school." Siv said. "I mean, I need to finish my high school diploma first, but I'm pretty sure the knowledge I picked up just from my dad is enough to take care of that, plus at least the equivalent of a year or two of college."
"Never thought of you being an artist, but okay." Jay shrugged.
"I don't know, I want to try something new." Siv replied. "I'm trying not to live in the past anymore. I want to push myself to be something better than I was. And now that me and the Negative Speed Force are finally getting along, I won't have any more of those embarrassing incidents."
"I wouldn't call accidentally blowing up a building because you're pissed off a minor incident." Jay laughed. Siv elbowed him.
"To be fair, there was an attempted robbery and I was just trying to cash my paycheck, and I didn't blow up the entire building, I just accidentally overloaded an ATM that exploded and caused a chain reaction that made all the other ATMs explode." Siv corrected. "You should have seen that homeless guy outside, when all the money came flying out with the blast."
"Wait- that actually happened?" Hailey snorted. "That's fucking hilarious."
"I swear to god Hailey if you don't shut up now I'm leaving everything to Delilah." Siv clutched their cat close to their chest.
"What? You have to admit, it is funny." Jay replied.
"Remind me why we're friends again?" Siv rolled her eyes.
"Because you love me!" Jay elbowed Siv. "Duh."
Siv handed Delilah to Hailey. "See, I seem to remember finding some random weeb who didn't have any friends and inviting him to sit with me."
"Actually, if I remember correctly, I reached out to the friendless weirdo who everyone was terrified of because they kept getting in so many fights. And winning, of course."
"Smart addition." Siv jumped slightly as a portal opened in the floor, the rest of the suitcases and furniture being spat through to their new apartment. "Thanks, Cassandra, I guess."
"It's pronounced 'kuh-sand-rah'!" Cassandra yelled through the portal before it closed.
"That's... literally what I said." They frowned.
"You said 'cass-ahn-drah'." Jay said. "You know Cass hates that."
"Babe, where's your jacket?" Hailey asked, going through a box.
"I'm wearing it, Hailes." Siv laughed.
Hailey looked up. "I'm tired."
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aurorawest · 1 year
(loki/stephen) who is more likely to:
have an artistic hobby
win at monopoly. 
write a bestseller
spend all their money on something stupid
cry during a movie 
get into a bar fight 
go vegan 
get into an argument with a kid
get a speeding ticket 
lead an activist movement 
dye their hair rainbow colours
laugh at a funeral 
have books written about them
have an artistic hobby - Loki. Though I don't think he'd be very good at any of it. Like he'd try to take up painting and it would be like when you buy a groupon for an art class, and what you produce is like...the kind of thing your spouse tells you is really good, but it's really not. But you had fun and that's what matters!
win at monopoly. - Stephen. Look I know everyone wants Loki to be a chessmaster but I simply do not agree. This is a guy who plans a few steps ahead, finds himself at an impasse, and thinks, I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Only when he gets to that point he's like, literally constructing the bridge as he's crossing it, and he's burning it behind him at the same time.
Anyway, I think he'd buy Monopoly properties based on names and colors.
write a bestseller - Stephen. I just feel like he has the stubbornness and patience to stick with the process.
spend all their money on something stupid - Stephen, obviously, because it's canon that he did exactly that.
cry during a movie - Loki. And he would deny it.
get into a bar fight - Loki. And he would deny it.
go vegan - Loki. I already head canon that he's vegetarian (most of the time).
get into an argument with a kid - Stephen. The kid said something stupid, come on. You think he's just going to let that stand?
get a speeding ticket - I have to assume Stephen racked up plenty of speeding tickets, considering how he drives in Doctor Strange. But I'm going with Loki by virtue of the fact that in my fic universe, Loki's the one with access to a car, and he loves driving (fast).
lead an activist movement - Loki, I guess...though this is one where I don't think either of them would really do this. But I definitely don't think Stephen would—I literally have a line in The General Mess where he says he hasn't voted in years, haha.
dye their hair rainbow colours - I think Loki would dye Stephen's hair rainbow colors. I'm not sure he'd do it to his own hair.
laugh at a funeral - pass, they are both just as likely to do this.
have books written about them - Loki, because my favorite running gag is that no one knows who Stephen is.
Thanks, this was fun! It made me miss writing fic about them.
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bugdatabase · 2 months
We need communism in the OSC
I know this sounds controversial, but I think that a communist approach to the community would do good for it.
I want communism because shit like "jacknjellify LLC" and "adamations Inc." should NOT exist.
The OSC is a community of creators, artists, creative minds, not pseudo-corporate slop that queerbait, scam, take advantage of the gullibility of the viewers (mostly MINORS. KIDS.) and get away with ableism, racism, transphobia, ZIONISM (YES, ZIONISM.) because a horde of brainless manchildren will defend them because they want their consumer product. These motherfuckers are turning what used to be a community of free creators into a cesspool of useless competition in which the ones who capitalize win and take advantage of their "popularity".
Jacknjellify and Adamations make THOUSANDS of dollars through their mediocre, ableist, queerbaity, soulless corporate shitty ass shows and low-quality merch that, by the way, is manufactured by exploited children in factories with POOR LIFE CONDITIONS. And that's also how it relates to the real-life horrors of capitalism.
What do most of OSC creators get from their shows? NOTHING. NOTHING. While these ableist greedy zionist leeches capitalize and exploit children, both in a psychological and physical way although indirectly, honest creators get NOTHING.
And don't get me started on the meetups. The meetups, the most soulless, corporate, CLASSIST thing that came out of this "OSC elite". Screening episodes to only a selected, privileged part of the community, episodes that 95% of the OSC have been waiting for months - no, YEARS. And screening them in only one country, ignoring how most of the OSC either cannot afford to buy tickets for a screening or lives on the totally different side of the earth. This is CLASSISM, by definition. This is why I also thank the leakers who gave us the episodes we've been waiting for that are being kept from the masses in favor of a privileged elite.
These companies are turning into Disney, and I do not say this with a positive connotation. The OSC is made of people, not consumers, and it's time everyone learns it. In a matter of years they're going to come after you, small creators who make a heartfelt show to get nothing in return, and you, viewers who yet do not realize these companies are taking your money and taking advantage of your gullibility.
We DO need communism in the OSC because class war is everywhere, even where you least expect it, even in a small Internet community. We DO need communism in the OSC because our art is not a tool of capitalism and it should not be used as such.
As much as I appreciate the DEDICATION to the OSC and caring this much , I want to just tell you to slow down .
This is a community where people enjoy content of object shows. Now--this is a pretty diverse community, but yes! It is made up of mostly children, due to the designs being simplistic and vibrantly animated .
I do not like using political terms when it comes to a community full of kids , is what I'm saying .
Now your concerns aren't STUPID obviously, but I just need you to sllooow down. Because keep in mind of how simplistic things really are in the community. AE and Jacknjellify built the OSC and are adults, and those adults!! need money!! They make money by doing what they love, and are simply aware that their audience is mostly made up of children, so they try to aim towards the way to appeal to that audience. Times are tough, and especially financially.
I've seen this happen many times; where people bring politics into a community of children, the OSC, and then get meme'd on IMMEDIATELY, no matter HOW much effort they put into what they're saying and the PROJECTS about what they're saying.
They get meme'd on and laughed at in the OSC because of just how BIZARRE what they're saying IS. This is what I mean by slow down. The OSC, no matter how hard you try to make it seem, is just an interest. It is an interest in shows on YouTube about objects being silly. Overcomplicating things like this just isn't going to be accepted in the community.
Again - I applaud and admire the dedication.
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