#This one is a fanart of a RP we were doing
the-alliance-maker · 10 months
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Have a sad Four who I refuse to give context about
(This is my sister's art, not mine. She doesn't have an account, so she let me post it.)
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martyreasemymind · 1 month
for anyone still hesitant about blocking ppel0n/billyhargroff ie. the person who drew the picture of billy with angel wings that's been getting a lot of attention recently.
because you haven't seen her be a bigot and a generally shitty person, here is a post from her billy rp blog
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and here are some screenshots from her telegram account
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(and before anyone cries about how not liking harringrove/mlm billy doesn't make one a homophobe, i want you to think real long and hard about what why she called other fan depictions of billy 'bimbo whores' when he's canonically promiscuous. it's clearly not the promiscuity itself that bothers her.)
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the telegram screenshots were taken in april of this year, for anyone who wasn't around. if you go back in people's blog's and find these posts circulating around early april:
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ppel0n is who they are referring to.
for those who were around, know this, and still choose to reblog this piece of shit's work, i hope it was worth selling your soul and your queer friends for fanart.
and for you, ppel0n? get the fuck out of our fandom. you have no right to take up space in a predominantly queer community - built around a character who is a canonical victim of homophobic violence - being a toxic, entitled, possessive little bigot. we do not want you here.
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vsaintsin · 5 months
Writeblr Re-Intro
Yo! I'm V Saintsin. Or V or Vin or Saintsin or whatever you want to call me that sounds right on your tongue. I'm a self-proclaimed Social Media fumbler who got a late start to the party and has never quite figured it out. I hate how hipster and edgy it sounds to say "I'm bad at social media" but like I used to work with some people who actually managed the social media accounts for the business we worked for and there were rules and whatnot and damn, I think online media is just not my medium. That being said, here I am! Hah
I'm an author and general mess who's hoping to be the miracle man (somebody who makes a living writing silly little stories). I do use a pseudonym but please hear me out when I say I didn't realize how edgy it sounds, it just has some sentimental value to my personal life. I'm so sorry that I sound like I'm in my emo phase HAHA
About me -
He/Him Transguy from the American Midwest (arguably the south, depending on who you talk to, but the older people still say "Sodi-pop" and "ope").
I'm dysautonomic, bendy, permanently sleepy, and a survivor of Crappy Doctors Who Suck At Doctoring.
I like DnD, Pathfinder, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, and other things in that vein.
I do make art of my stories and characters (Tablet is currently not working so I'm in a dry spell).
My writing background is predominantly ancient, dusty RPs from as far back as the foopets days and fanfic writing on Quizilla - I am an old and wizened elder of the net.
My formal education was music performance and behavioral neuroscience, I don't really know how I got where I am.
This is not my first rodeo with tumblr but it is the first time I have anything to SAY instead of just lurking.
In the event of malfunction, you can put me outside for 5 minutes and I'll probably factory reset.
My existence as I know it hinges on a massive number of sticky notes plastered throughout my room.
What I'm lookin' for -
Idk, whatever? I'm down for most things. Did you write it? Cool, let me see. I'm not too bent on genre or anything, just fascinated by the art of storytelling.
A bit tentative with fanfiction but that's just because if it's not a fandom I'm familiar with I am rather clueless about what the hell is going on and if it's a fandom I am familiar with I HUNT DOWN THE DEEP LORE.
I like art a whole lot, including fanart. Also art advice, love seeing things from different perspectives and learning something new.
Mutuals, really, for any reason. Building better connections on here, getting to know people. I am hideously bad at this but I try.
What I write -
Science Fiction with heavy subjects that matter to me - trigger warnings on a story-by-story basis.
High Fantasy (eventually books I think?) characters and their backgrounds for DnD and Pathfinder - I have been tempted to share these to help people get ideas or just for free use?
Things that I delete because I have crippling imposter syndrome and publishing makes me nauseous (doin' it tho).
Stories that I hope will make people feel less alone or that people could relate to, stories that I wish I had when life was worse and I was reaching out for anything I could find to keep me afloat, stories that try to be critical of things that SUCK in a way that's any helpful.
Lots of curse words and cussing (that's just how people talk 'round here), dubious science, things that I hope might make you cry but in a good way though.
Character-Driven stories that revolve more around the development of the person and less around the plot itself if that makes sense.
I've put blurb things below for my primary project/series which features a grumpy, queer, 37-year old chain smoking Frenchman and his misadventures with life and love and unbridled rage. If any of that sounds cool stick around and hang out? (This part is a plug bc I did a thing and I'm proud of it) And if my books sounds interesting the first one is 99 cents on Kindle and you just need a phone and a free app to read it!
THE SECRET OF LIFE (Published) - Sci-Fi/Psychological Thriller, Bi M Lead, Lovers to Enemies, AI but the oldschool cool kind not the real world thing that's stealing our future
Carlisle-Trystan Antoinette is a mercenary on a hard road, navigating life and death itself in an infinite cycle started by powers above his understanding. He has one mission - warn The Dianican Space Station of the coming threat and put a stop to a war that would encapsulate the whole of the Sol System before it can ever begin. Unfortunately for Carlisle, reality is a tenuous thing, made up only by our understanding of it. At least, according to his Psychiatrist, who tells him that there is no war, that he was never a mercenary, and that what Carlisle is experiencing is a severe but manageable psychotic break. Stripped of his combat enhancements, his bio monitor, and everything he's every known, Carlisle has a decision to make. Does he give in to the thoughts and memories, so real that he can almost taste them, or does he live a life of comfort and ease, returning to a husband and daughter that he left behind?
TWs: Domestic and War Violence, suicide, rape, medical trauma, grief, drug use
THE SILENCE OF ANGELS (Due 2024, TSoL 2) - Betrayal and Rage, Learning how to love again slow-burn romantic subplot, Learning how to Dad, A general inability for any one thing to just go right
(Quick Rough Blurb that offers no spoilers for TSoL) Making connections isn't easy for somebody who's accustomed to burning bridges. Isolation has always been Carlisle's mantra for surviving his life. Playing a role comes second nature, pretending to be the man that everyone else wants to see in him. When an old friend is murdered Carlisle finds himself as the primary suspect with all evidence pointing to him so clearly that even he calls to question what he is capable of. Unwilling to believe that he could commit such a heinous crime, Carlisle sets off to find the truth of his friend's death - was Carlisle framed or does he truly have the capacity to bring such harm upon those he loves? Old and new bonds will be tested, faith broken, and the future of everyone called into question as lines are drawn and sides are picked.
TWs: Violence, mentions of SA, graphic character death, more grief, more death
I don't know what else to say... Later!
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straycalamities · 5 months
how did you come up with making Entre? What inspired you?
the onceler LOL and homestuck
okay story time w chase ahem
so actually how i got into tumblr at all is very relevant to the chain of events that led to entre existing. so before here, i was mainly on a...particular art webbed site that was basically a sinking ship circa: 2010 so i forgot how i heard about tumblr? but i joined here at first just to do naruto comm rp. like my only account was a naruto rp account for the first... i dont remember how long
eventually i got curious enough to make a personal account and started being active on that. a bunch of my friendgroup from the other site moved with me and we were just hanging out being naruto nerds. at some point i got into homestuck/learned about the askblog format. i don't remember which came first, but i DID run kibanaru and flutterdash askblogs before the lorax was a blip on my radar
i remember when i was in the homestuck fandom, i was so used to the naruto fandom where like..sure it's huge but i had established myself in a corner of it and it felt very like... it was a community! and in the homestuck fandom i didn't feel like that at all. i felt swept out to sea and it was very lonely tbh aside from the friends id manage to drag with me into it, but i always felt a certain dissatisfaction from my time in it
a friend of mine was the one to show me the lorax and the once-ler. i don't...remember how THEY found him, but they were already very into him before they even came to me about him. and they basically nagged me into watching the movie LMFAO (this was when the movie was still freshly in theaters so all we had was shitty camrips and LiveStream was a thing) so i started to draw smexy onceler and oncest fanart to mess with them and...well y'know ye olde saying about doing things as a joke.
so yeah i kinda got...genuinely interested in him. especially after i watched the 72' short and reread the book and was like wait. this movie is mid as hell actually. (the siren song of mid media) and i was like "well if /i/ wrote the movie id do this n this n this n this" and then all that added up in my head and i was like wait.
what if i did a once-ler askblog where i just change certain things to what i like? it wasnt gonna be a complete revamp/remastering because i wanted to do a proper askblog so i wanted to have his character be recognizable to any fans of the onceler. and this was wayyyyy before anyone was getting the idea to do the very creative and expansive onceler takes we have these days as a norm. so it was kinda like? being shoehorned into being Canon!Once-ler because?? that's just how you did askblogs back then
BUT!! there were a few other askblogs already around back then (end of April 2012 for ref) so i didn't wanna do what everyone else was doing (very much Established Business Once-ler/Greed-ler, Vest-ler/Oncie, or Aftermath Once-ler) so i got the idea to do the onceler but! he's still very fresh and new to his business. still basically vest-ler/oncie in personality but with big things on the horizon.
i started creating his blog the weekend before may. that's why his birthday is May 1 because that's when i officially started his blog and posted his first post and all that. literally when he was born.
so yeah this was all to try and find my niche in a community again as well as do what i'd already been doing for years now: waving my headcanons in ppls faces via my art LMFAO
it was honestly pretty new for me in a bunch of ways so it was very scary. i even tried to keep it a total secret at first. i thought people wouldn't recognize me for my art style.... (yeah idk how i thought that'd work either) and i mean??? for the most part that was true because it's not like anyone in the once-ler fandom would've known me beforehand anyways
so for the first uhhh...idk it didn't last long tho..i was a secret mod, but i got too itchy about sharing art that i didn't wanna put on his blog so i broke that pretty quick. i had a lot of personal rules i put on myself on what to do/not to do on and with his blog. and i still, to this day, follow a handful of them. so when i drew other stuff that i didn't think fit on his blog, i was like well damn i wish i could show this somehow...
tho sometimes i wish i'd tried to keep up the secret mod shtick a little longer
anywho. from there it's kinda like..he really just grew on his own. new ideas, new inspiration, new experiences shaping this or that. now i can write him without touching him for years like i just picked him up yesterday. he's that wormed in my damn brain at this point. he's basically his own person sitting in my head telling me what to do with him/what he'd say
so yeah at first? it was just me trying to write a very accurate 2012 movie onceler with a few tweaks. and then he just grew organically into what he is now. that's still his root and so that's still the default direction i try to take, but he definitely has a lot of things that make him his own person at this point too. even on his main blog.
as for why he's so stupid goofy. well. that's because i like drawing dumb expressions. the end. and in the end i'm glad his main blog remained super unserious and lighthearted because it really helped me mentally a bunch (those random spikes in activity? yeah it was for my own mental health LMFAO he helps me...a lot...because of the escapism and comedy)
bonus: as for truffula flu entre. i don't remember if something in particular inspired me to make him the ender of the world. i just felt like it'd be a fitting story for the once-ler for him to be in that spot. and from there i just approached him how i thought someone like him would react were he to find himself in that position.
my goal was always to make him as human as possible. like he's technically the villain of this story, but he's also the protagonist. yaknow. so i wanted to really interweave those two ideas interestingly into his character (and now im obsessed w it)
originally i thought of truffula flu as everyone doing their own storylines. i didn't expect at all that everyone would adopt MINE as all of THEIR canons. that was LKFJSLDKF a big surprise for me i was like wait what. i guess it seems silly now in retrospect that i didn't expect that, but i was just like "well this is entre's story. ppl can do whatever else they want tho" but suddenly entre's story was everyone's story. and it's pretty cool i can't lie
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zoobus · 8 months
I'm not normally a victim of FOMO tactics, nor do I usually let being late to the party stop me from chatting about a piece of media but I'm genuinely sad I didn't get into Obey Me/Nightbringer earlier. It makes me want to write a million essays but the disposable and decentralized nature of gacha kind of makes it feel like you missed your chance to talk about it. I keep coming across years old, unrepliable comments that I want to jump on sooo bad but I can't because the moment is gone and most of these people have likely moved on to less overtly money-hungry games.
Which sucks! because one essay I want to write in particular is how this game is extremely skilled in arousing your desire to create, to actively engage with the characters and worldbuilding, to do fandom shit, and I find this enormously fascinating in itself. The story isn't good but to a certain extent, it's not supposed to be; it functions as an elaborate set of writing/art/rp prompts for its audience to expand on and tailor to their needs.
And I think Obey Me does this well! Amazingly well. I find discussion of narrative structure fascinating, the study of how we define writing as effective, good, or as failures, so I'm drawn to this story full of contradicting lore, one-note characters, and half-finished plots. The story isn't good but that hardly matters because it's not here to be a good story; it's here to throw you into imagination boot camp. It compels you to speculate what it could be, what this character could be, what a slightly different tone would look like, what other people think about it. It feels distinct from the average popular show fandoms where, to an extent, creators congregate simply because that's where the people are. Creating for your own sake is nice and all but validation is usually a stronger force. Usually.
I keep coming across old high effort researched posts about abrahamic religions and occultism from fans setting themselves up for inevitable disappointment. I keep coming across creators leaving notes on their work like "I haven't written a thing in ten years, but,". I keep losing it over heartfelt posts defending x and y canon story decisions with their whole chest, oblivious to the fact that they're misremembering their personal tweaks/headcanons as what happened in the game, like it's seriously so cute when they're so passionate and completely wrong.
I have no idea if fandom actually plays a role in the lucrativeness of a franchise (though as a personal anecdote, I 100% started Obey Me after a single piece of horny Mammon fanart crossed my dash), but it makes more sense to me now, less a projection of wishful/haterful thinking from those with strong opinions about Fandom. Maybe it really does matter.
Other essays I missed the boat on:
A Casino Right in Your Home: goddamn is the pre/sequel's gacha obscene
Satan: how to put a mid character into S-tier with one simple trick (make him insane)
Sorry Belphie defenders but you're imagining a better psycho than you were given
Solmare added a shiny new rhythm game but didn't fix the now four year old coloring error on Levi's hands lmfaooo the disrespect is crazy
Remember when you saw the Nightbringer trailer of them glaring in bdsm gear with freshly blackened wings, and you thought "ah, so this takes place right after they fought god and lost. After they went to war to protect their sister only for her to die anyway. After one brother in particular saves someone, but not her, the focal point of the war. They will finally take these to their logical, guilt despair rage pain and grudge filled ends." And you were correct until that very last sentence? lol
Remember when the Ruri-chan event gave you the option to tell Levi you're not cheating on him and then the rest of the event was just making out with his brothers? Then it ends with you kissing him in front of them? Bring that energy back!!!
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tadpole-apocalypse · 2 months
1. When did you start creating art? (And to add to that, when did you feel like you came into your voice as an artist? Plus any details of your journey you're willing to share. The more the merrier! 😊)
Sounds fun! Let’s do a journey with some visual aids. This got long, so under a cut this goes:
I started very young! Enough for my mom to notice and stick me into summer art programs once I was old enough. I didn’t really do much with it as a hobby until I became obsessed with Sailor Moon in middle school, and then other anime series later on. So I drew a lot of anime fanart for years, but struggled a lot when I took high school art classes because I wasn’t willing to put in the work for art fundamentals, because I just wanted to draw anime. Thankfully I got over that.
From my Naruto rp era…
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Next up was college; I didn’t finish art school, but I took a fair amount of courses and found my advanced figure drawing, portrait drawing and cartooning classes to be major turning points in my journey. Just…so many good techniques and fundamentals I still use and think about with everything I’m working on even today. I miss taking courses, and have thought about going back to finish but i don’t really have the money and realistically at my age I don’t know how useful a fine arts degree will be nowadays.
Here’s my final project for my cartooning class; a copy of a Gris Grimly piece. Most of my art finals were just to copy a masterwork. Sorry for the potato quality, it was the late 2000s!
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Then in 2010 the iPad came out, I got one right away (I was working for Apple at the time) and then a new world of digital art was upon me. It was rough at first; there was no apple pencil or even pressure sensitivity, but we made do with what we had!
Some examples from this era:
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Then I had a brief stint trying to be an instagram artist (in the verrrrry early days of insta), getting annoyed with instagram as a platform, switched to tumblr at the suggestion of my friend who told me I should make a dragon age blog, and now here we are a decade later, thousands of drawings later. 😵‍💫
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Right now I’d say I’m in my wet marker brush era. I love u wet marker brush 🥰
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theamityelf · 2 months
I was thinking about your Mini's au while I was making som fanart if it and I was wondering how UDG/V3 would be able to work with the concept.
I'm totally sure with Udg with V3 minis (that just seems like...not great lol) However V3 with UDG characters seem a little more fun and can we could get more creative with it instead of having just either THH or GBD as their mini senpais (although it's kinda funny to think about there being a DOUBLE amount of senpais to take care of.)
Theres kind of a lot of ways we can go with this. We could just have the main characters (WOH, Komaru and Toko) and only them. Which could result in the pairing (or more) of the V3 characters to take care of 1 of the 7 minis. (I'd say Shuichi and Kaede take care of Komaru because it's adorable. Imagine Shuichi with 2 very energetic enthusiastic girls. He'd die + Naehara maybe who knows ooooooh~)
But we could also go the route of including other characters from the game such as Yuta, Taichi, Hiroko, Izuru perchance, and even Shiro and Kuro Kumas. Add in Byakuya for some spice That would bumb us up from 7 to 11 ( bears cause I'm not totally down for it. And izu could be done differently) It makes pairs easier to divide!!
For more fun we could include Hajime and Makoto from the demo!! It evens out the characters much well and they could accompany Kaede as they did in the demo but now we have a Protag squad (yaaaaay) Additionally it allows for some good sibling bonding for Makoto and Komaru!
I was imaging that for Trial 1 they disappear halfway and nobody would be able to find them afterwards (referencing the end of the demo because it just cuts off mid trial) which adds some drama for the V3 students that were assigned to them. In a similar light, Hajime and Izuru switch places mid trial and Makoto is still nowhere to be found. Allows us to include all UDG characters present and even more issues!!
For the pairings it would be hard to say but I'm working on a chart at the moment and if interested I'll totally share it in the next ask! (I work better with charts it's unfortunate 😞)
I dunno hehe, It's really a 4 am idea it might not be coherent lmao but I had fun writing this out. Thanks for letting me get my ideas out lol, I hope you enjoy reading this!
(Btdubs I'm still working on that mini rp server, I'll get back to you when it's up and running >:D)
(Awesome!!! So exciting!!)
(Mini Classmates AU Masterlist)
I really, really like the idea of the V3 cast having to pair up to care for Mini UDG cast. I would definitely love to see your chart, if you do make one. Right now, my thoughts are:
Komaru, Toko, the Warriors of Hope, and Yuta makes eight minis for the sixteen participants.
Kaede and Shuichi can share custody of Komaru, like you said. That works great, for the reasons you said.
Himiko and Tenko can maybe share custody of Yuta, because that would be challenging for both of them for different reasons, and I find that kinda funny. They would have to adjust in cute ways. Himiko is exhausted just watching him, but he fully buys into her magic stuff, and she becomes amenable to being more active.
Kokichi and Kiibo share custody of Monaca, but Kokichi is too un-trusting to actually share custody. (The rules are still that you die if the mini you're caring for dies.) This means that, if all else goes the same (which it of course probably wouldn't), then Kiibo wouldn't be around Monaca almost at all until Chapter 5, and then he loses his antenna. Monaca would understand the significance of the antenna so quickly. Honestly, she probably clocked it long before he even lost the antenna, and she mentioned it to Kokichi early on.
(I thought about having Kokichi paired up with Gonta, but I think not doing that shows off how special it is that Kokichi trusted Gonta with some of his plans.)
Kirumi and Maki share custody of Kotoko. It would be mostly Kirumi at first, but it would bring out a very cute side of Maki.
I'm torn between having Kaito and Angie share Masaru and having Korekiyo and Angie share Jataro. But I already have a fic for Kiyo, Angie, and Jataro, so actually maybe Rantaro and Angie could share custody of Jataro. They would be so supportive and patient.
Korekiyo and Gonta share custody of Toko. Because bugs and serial killers and the arts; it just feels like it would be a cool match in a lot of ways. Toko sits on top of Gonta's bug catcher. Also, Gonta casually picks up Toko's author vocabulary. Also also, I like the idea of these three spending time together.
Kaito and Miu share custody of Masaru? They would get so parental about it so quickly. Like, they would genuinely talk to each other like divorced parents. "Has he eaten?" "You're giving him a lot of screen time." Miu has a clear willingness to be maternal at the drop of a hat, and Kaito would match Masaru's high energy and need for attention really well.
Tsumugi and Ryoma share Nagisa? Ryoma having someone to care for would be a big deal for him, and the shared mental illness would be out of this world. Tsumugi might craft a tiny Nagisa Shiota cosplay.
Again, these are just the initial brainstorm matchups, lol.
But having the participants share a mini-person goes well with the rule where two people can survive together in this one (and also maybe parallels the Monokuma-and-Monokubs dynamic, but I digress). Plus it allows the potential for drama, because it seems like it would be a no-brainer that, if you were to survive with one person, it would be the person you share a mini with, but some characters feel differently.
Maybe Kirumi is the one who cares for any minis who lose both caretakers (if that ever happens).
And maybe part of Angie's new rules, once the student council stuff starts happening, is something about sharing the minis communally as a protective measure or even turning them over to her so they're all protected in one place, but then someone points out that doing this would mean that Angie could kill anyone without consequences by killing their mini. Angie wouldn't actually do that, but whether the unspoken threat of it is intentional or not remains unclear. She doesn't end up getting everyone's minis, but maybe she gathers a few together, from other student council members. Having a lot of minis in one place has the potential to prevent one's self from being murdered.
The downside to this is that I'm now realizing that the Mini Classmate AU's are arguably more fun without plot, lol. A part of me kind of just wants these characters to hang out in the situation rather than doing a Danganronpa. But also. It's fun either way. 🤣
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flamedoesart · 2 years
a bit of a ramble about dsmp bc of twt stuff
couple ppl I'm seeing on twt who are either still in the fandom or have left it are once again stating "i pity the ppl who haven't jumped ship bc x y and z reasons and the ccs have proven time and time again they don't give a fuck about you or the story that they wrote."
the reason it pisses me off is bc it's not true. at all.
we can talk all day about the failures of the ccs to make-do with their promises, the amount of times we've heard "soon", all the bullshit that we've put up with regarding the dsmp and vol 2 being shoved back, and everything.
but here's the thing. a lot of the ccs do care.
your love for this story does mean something.
if none of it mattered, Quackity wouldn't have made his lore even Half as good as it is. Tommy wouldn't be fighting his ass off for all of us to make sure his little guy gets the ending he deserves. Wilbur (as many issues as I have with his character finale) at least left c!Wilbur alive and on the road towards healing.
that's not to mention Sam, Jack, Eret, Eryn, Aimsey, and plenty of other people on that server who are trying. they Want to give us interesting stories. they care about their characters and the world these characters are in.
a lot of the ccs who do care are slipping under Circumstance. that's how it was for Ranboo, that's how it is for Tommy, that's how it is for a lot of them. things happen, plans get altered, and oh yeah btw the One Person almost everyone needs to be one that server has been consistently ignoring Tommy's dms.
the lore jokes that have been made in the past hurt. they still do. but oftentimes the lore jokes are made by ppl who never really wanted the server to be this big, grand thing in the first place (stares at Sapnap). and other times lore jokes are made in genuine lightheartedness (stares at Eryn.)
and here's the thing ; of course the fans really made this series what it was. that's how it is for every rp that becomes popular ever. or even any story in general that isn't run by a major studio. it's how book fandoms stay alive, it's how fandoms of podcasts stay alive, it's how the creepypasta fandom stayed alive. this isn't new. people saw the dsmp, saw the themes and story beats and characters and dynamics and made some of the most wonderful, amazing content off of it.
the idea that none of the fans' dedication mattered bc the cc's don't care is insulting. it insults me personally as a person who still makes fanart for this series. all the loreheads who analyzed the actual Shit out of this series, who plucked it apart and found meaning in it, were never Ever wrong for doing so.
idk what more to add to this, but let me state it loud and clear:
your love for this story matters. you are not wrong or stupid for enjoying this series, regardless of how messy it is. what you contribute to this fandom counts. it is okay.
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cringelordofchaos · 2 months
Day 6 of Freakblr month baby!!!!!
favourite background character
for this day one character INSTANTLY crossed my mind - that being the one and only bg-chan!!!!!! they're chill and worthy of praise
And then I remembered our canon girlfriends MIALLOW !!!!!!! they were already pretty much confirmed because Mia's pfp in jakes history group project chat contained them two with a lesbian flag behind them (A VERY EASY TO MISS DETAIL(, but in Elliot's song it's revealed they also posted a picture of them holding hands with the caption "city date 🏙️ ❤️" JDIDHFIDJFNFIDLDJID???? AND ALSO willow isn't a fan name anymore!!! Because it's posted by "whispy_willow'. omg thank you mother rosy
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sorry miallow I'll draw you some other day
(sorry for the bad background-chan fanart i swear I'll try doing better in the future)
also we already have a Background-chan rp blog ( @background-bg-chan ) but could someone make miallow rp blogs??? it'd be sooo rad. perhaps one of the newer freakblrs?? (BTW new freakblrs I love you sorry for being cruel in the past y'all r actually pretty cool)
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atiianeishaunted · 2 months
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something i threw together before i go on vacation to give some incentive for people to get into this dumbass au thing i got goin on, the premise sounds insane but once you let go of any common sense its pretty chill over here . i swear !!!! ignore how i type liek a 13 year old on deviant art btw im cringe but free.....
some funfacts to make this ,. worth reading plus to give context:
this started because one of my ex best friends was REALLY into danganronpa and we were rp partners for a hot minute and liek . i ended up having a dream that kazuichi souda and keith kogane went to the mall together, told them about it n we were liek "hah thats funny" n then the danganronpa au was born even though i wasnt even into it at the time (became a major hyperfix and still is :'/)
the reapers canonically do fall within different age groups, all have unique deaths which play into their designs somewhat, uhh liek sheepdog got drowned and he has a lot of blue in his design, rein froze to death and also. is blue.,,,, a surprising amt of blue in these bitches ?.
sheepdog is a fan favorite and also alot of his fans turn out to be some flavor of freak and not in the funpilled way :( .. SIGH
when i mention fan favorites n fandom i mean on pixilart dot com i am .. heh a bit of a celebrity /j [i only have 5k] [ive been on there for liek 7 years atp
theres a whole prequel to the reaper project that follows an artifical god, and also theres technically 3 fake nations i made for this but like 1 of them is a pangea of the other two, also fake religions n cultures YIPPEEE
the reaper concept started with morse because i texted my friend red at liek 2am or smth n was liek "keith kogane corpse theory" and then i was liek "that sounds kind of epic" n now we are here ,,,,
one of my MAJOR dreams is to like see people with reaproj layouts, i make custom art for it n everything so if you end up getting into this request ur fav ill do it man
feel free to ask me questions or what have you, glad to answer, in fact begging for people to get into this i want friends !!!!!!!! and silly people in my phone!!!!!!! also this has been ongoing for liek 5+ years atp ,,,, unfortunately my special interest i fear but like s so epic i SWEARR, theres a lil smth for everyone, theres probably a reaper for your fandom, maybe, hence, the fandom tags, tried to tag every reaper's source media
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^ do you see how many bitches there is in here!!!!!!!!! look at that!!
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^ heres a further wip el oh el look theres morse and keith kogane normalpilled version, youve seen those two ! i think! sorry in advance if u were jus lookin for cool fanart n stumbled upon this but what is up, im lee,, i make cool art sometimes, known to haunt pinterest with a certain version of shep
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anyway if u read all this ily hello! ur free to comment wtf or whatever, i encourage you to express whatever feelings of bafflement you may have, kissing u on the forehead
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relaxxattack · 2 years
how come twitter hates knifetrick? i havent read it nor have i ever been involved in any mcyt or adjacent stuff btw
oh man. ok let me explain the story. it was around exactly a year ago the main bit of this shit happened actually
in 2020 minecraft roleplaying (mcrp) becomes super mainstream with the rise of dream smp. in these series, stories are scripted and then acted out live with some improv stuff
in the fandoms there is a LOT of drama over whether it's okay to ship the roleplay characters. there's lots of stances on this. in the beginning, most people say it's not okay to ever ship rp characters, because the youtubers usually just use their own persona as a base for an oc, so it's basically the same thing as shipping the youtubers together. shipping irl people is weird and gross, so nobody wants to do that.
in 2021 a couple of ships start getting confirmed as canon in the rp. characters date or get together or canonically have romantic scenes. this makes the fandom hurt itself in its confusion, because it doesnt understand if it's allowed to ship those characters together.
two guys have their characters literally get married and have a child. the fandom LOVED these characters, they were well written and cute and had a great dynamic. the fandom wanted to ship them and support their marriage so bad. BUT. they were played by real people. those real people (tubbo and ranboolive) were also minors at the time, who nobody wants to risk being weird about obviously.
the mainstream fandom decides that to solve this problem, they will pretend that the marriage is platonic, and ostracize and witch hunt anyone who claims it's not. they draw tons and tons of ship fanart of the two characters, all helpfully tagged as "platonic", sometimes tagging every single use of the word "husband" as platonic.
EVENTUALLY, people start realizing, hey wait, this is roleplay. it's fictional. the streamers are not actually traumatized war veterans who invented nukes, have amnesia, raised a child, are half hybrid alien etc etc etc.
in fact... it's actually really weird to try and make their roleplay relationship the same as their real life one. in the roleplay, they are married and have a kid and act lovey-dovey... why would you claim that's their real relationship? why would you conflate the two? can't we just understand that it's fictional?
most of the tumblr fandom, eventually, realizes that fictional characters and real human actors are not actually the same person. (it helps that the actors themselves state the same thing.)
the twitter fandom however... does not eventually realize this. they stay in their "platonic husband" hell, simultaneously being really weird about shipping and outwardly hating all shippers.
fastforward a bit, there's another mc roleplay series. it's a spinoff series of that first one we were talking about, and it's an athology series-- a whole bunch of oneshots with new characters each time. keep in mind, these characters are NOT EVEN RELATED TO THE STREAMER'S PERSONAS... they make up new ones each time!!
anyway they do one of the oneshots in a cool futuristic city and i was like "man it would be cool to write about this." one of the characters (ran) acts very weird and suspicious for the 5 lines he has total, which leads to a lot of silly theories about what he might be up to in this future city. i think, "man it would be fun to write about him." a different character (jackie) remarks on that character as well; jackie is also one of the only characters to live to the end of the oneshot.
ages after this oneshot was actually aired i thought to myself, what the hell, i'll write a story about ran and jackie. they have literally no existing personality and the futuristic city is not even remotely expanded on- i get to do all that myself!
so i write a comedy mystery action romance novel about an alien assassin (ran) assigned to kill the general of the city's army (jackie) while they try to find some kidnapped kids. keep in mind, i had basically nothing to work with for these characters-- they were side characters for a single episode from a spin-off series, they had around ten lines total. i got to make up basically everything about who they were and where they came from and what they would do myself. the story is also chock full of OCs, and all of the mechanics for the city itself were original and invented by me-- it was a huge labor of love and invention and original work.
the romance wasn't intended to be a whole thing, but honestly it felt very natural (and all the story's fans definitely wanted it), so it eventually happened.
surprising no one, the same twitter fans who believe that fictional characters are somehow LITERALLY the same as their actors started trying to tell me i was shipping real life people. (what? gross?). they told me i was being a bad fan by going against the wishes of irl people who didn't want to be shipped. they accused me of so much, of just trying to "hide" that i really shipped irl people, tons of things. but my story was not about irl people. the characters literally have different fucking names, appearances, personalities, dynamics... EVERYTHING.
twitter users eventually started a "cancellation" of me. i don't even use twitter. but anyway they dug up a bunch of weird innocuous comments or fanarts i had done before, and then pointed to knifetrick, and said i was secretly a gross person, that i was a guy who shipped gaming youtubers, etc. there was a thread about it, idk.
eventually the harassment in my inbox caused me to take a break from tumblr for several weeks. i actually wasn't sure if i would come back. HUNDREDS of people were talking about how terrible i was; people on twitter literally have me and my works in their goddamn dnis. it was such a surreal experience and it caused me so much anxiety.
eventually, several of my friends convinced me to finish the story, because really there was nothing all that wrong with it in the first place. i came back to tumblr.
i added the banner that is currently in my pinned to discourage gross shippers, or people who think *i* am a gross shipper, from coming near me anymore.
as far as i'm concerned, ran and jackie are my OCs. they were from a oneshot-- a oneshot that has not been MENTIONED by its creators for years now-- who i gave an entire story to. i don't want to associate with that fandom anymore, so i don't want the characters i worked so hard on associated either.
they still talk about me on twitter sometimes, kind of as an urban legend of drama. "holy shit you guys remember the knifetrick stuff? that was so gross, how did we let any of that happen. people kept defending it too 🤢". it doesn't bother me as much anymore, because i'm surrounded by people with the critical thinking skills to tell the difference between tom hanks and woody, but it's still sometimes surreal and hurtful.
don't take this as just me complaining though- making knifetrick was incredibly fun, and i still adore all the fans and memes and fanart to this day. you all were incredible and pretty much make those awful episodes worth it <3
in case you're wondering, the steamiest thing those characters did, that people were so upset about?
they shared a chaste peck of the lips for .2 seconds before one of them tried to kill the other.
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spider-mancan · 6 months
PSA!!! if you post something on AO3 that is not fanart, fic, podcasts, etc., THAT IS CONSIDERED SPAM. fic finders, rp request posts, and other non-creative works do not belong on the archive.
but it's not a big deal, you say. why make a big deal about it? the general user of AO3 has no idea how many people are on the site at any given time. each hit on a fic is a person. that fic with a single comment? 27 people were on that page. think of the fic with 12,000 kudos. the traffic on AO3 IS IMMENSE. that's already a very SMALL PORTION of the people who read that fic.
and when spam is posted, people may not realize it's spam and just think it's a good idea. one in every hundred of those 12,000 kudos wants to find that fic. that's 1,200 fic finders. the number of fics people are posting in any community is vastly out-numbered by the people reading fic. you would never be able to find things to read ever.
that doesn't happen because we know the etiquette, the ToS, and report. this is not a call-out post. people who post content like this on AO3 almost certainly have no idea it's an issue until the mods tell them the content has been flagged.
please be considerate. :)
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sae-mian · 4 months
19, 21, and 22 (one, two, or all three. Your choice) for the OC creation asks
it's gotta be all three, c'mon now :3c
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19 - Do you want other people to become invested in your OC? What would this look like ideally? and 22 - How do you feel about others making art of your OC or writing about them? Do you feel like you need to vet their creative process? Or does anything go?
i'm not so proud to admit it, but, i am exactly the type of gremlin that is fueled by engagement-- whatever form that takes. when people are invested in my characters or my stories, it motivates me to do more, make more. whether that comes in the form of sharing and discussing, asking questions, or, god forbid, making fanart/writing??? i think i'd die on the spot (of happiness) if someone did that, no matter how it came out
i know we're supposed to create For Ourselves, or whatever, and i try, but. yeah. a little bit of external investment is nice, heh.
21 - Do you want or enjoy your OC having in-game interactions with other people’s characters? Or do you prefer to keep things more distant (like Ask Games on Tumblr!)? Or is your OC private and just for you?
this one's a little more complicated.
to be truthful, i do desperately want to have that OC to OC engagement. some of my characters were designed around potential RP, one day, but... my living situation is outright hostile not ideal for that kind of interaction, so, we keep it a little more distant OTL
one day, i tell myself. one day
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[Little OC Creation Ask List]
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sweet-potato-42 · 11 months
Im going to ramble about the team compositons and why our assumptions at the start were so wrong. We forgot to consider the way the members of each team worked together before hand and their friendships
the reason red team works together so well is that most of them were very close beofrehand. Many were good friends even family and often hung out especially sicne they do lots of rp. There are some exceptions howeever especially the core group you always see in fanart was very friendly. They came into purgatory already being able to work well and to match each other whcih turned out to be a good advantage.
Green team is int eh middle considering they had many members that were friendly with each other but didnt hang out as much due to timezones or just what they do in the server. They were all friendly byt not to the extent the red team was. This team struggled a bit to get together at the start but eventually they dont have much trouble.
Blue had members that either almost never interacted or were even antagonistic to each other. Like bbh and aypierre had beef with tubbo, pac and bbh ahd some tension and tubbo had bullied missa with foolsih that one time (this one is more silly). Other than that their team ahd people that didnt interract much with the rest of the team. Also many of the members that log on often are very used to spending a lot of time working alone. So they had to build their teamwork from scratch and as we saw yesterday sometimes the cracks due to some memebrs incompatibilities (aypierre and tubbo) were seen.
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defilerwyrm · 18 days
yo, i saw you reblogged some king in yellow fanart, and i'm just curious if you've listened to the podcast malevolent? it's based in lovecraft lore, prominently features the king in yellow, and has been my obsession for the last several months lmao 😁
Sadly due to auditory processing issues (ADHD is the gift that keeps on giving but I sure wish it would stop) I can't do podcasts without at least one other sense engaged in it—otherwise my attention goes flitting away and I realize the audio has just been vague noise for the last half hour or so and I have to try to find my place again, over and over. -_-
But yeah I reblogged that one in particular because I have a D&D character who is technically two characters in a state of...what you might call supernatural quantum entanglement, maybe, because they (along with a couple other PCs; this was a playtest one-shot) saw the Yellow Sign in the middle of a big damn fight and got whooshed off to Carcosa where Hastur was like "I need y'all to do something for me. dw I'll beef you up for it" and my ranger (not one bit understanding what was going on) went "okaaaayyyyy but my dire wolf buddy here is pretty torn up, can you fix him?" and Hastur was like "bet" and now they're kind of. Conjoined? Sort of? Two minds in three bodies? Physically, sometimes they're one of them, sometimes they're the other one, and sometimes they're both at the same time, and the shifts between are Cronenberg-style nightmare fuel. :D
(Could've been worse. Another PC got turned into a drider. She's an arachnophobe.)
There was a second one-shot for further playtesting in which our PCs saw the Yellow Sign again and were like "ah shit not this guy again" and Hastur went :3 and we went & killed a bunch of spider monsters. Turns out if you send a gloom stalker into a sewer they're gungy as fuck!
Flash forward a couple years, @turgid-cucumber and I start some RP in which I revive this PC for his setting; they got kicked out of their homeland, teamed up with a charismatic dumbass paladin they found in the woods, and went to Barovia mostly on purpose on the trail of the cult that turns out to be dedicated to a Great Old One who is *drumroll* the son of Hastur, bent on usurping his dad and all other gods. Fun! They and their paladin partner are now guest PCs/NPCs in Saturday morning CoS. Good times.
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reginrokkr · 29 days
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SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I can't say I really have one, but throughout my RP experience the ship that resonated the most with me was Dain and Blade.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Everything so long as it doesn't involve cheating or toxic behaviors (or at least uncooperative, as I'm aware that Blade as a character isn't a stroll on a field of roses precisely). This is because when I ship I want to see everything there is to have, from the beginning to the proper romantic relationship phase. Me saying that I'm not a fan of toxic behaviors is a reflection of saying that I don't think Dain would be interested in one like that to begin with and he's heavily down to earth for that. At the same time, I do acknowledge his difficulties and by no means I want to say that shipping with him will be a walk around the park either.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Writing someone like Dain makes this question... curious given the many years he has lived, so what I'll say is that what would make me uncomfortable in what's concerned about age is the lack of reflection that another individual is of age and by this I mean necessarily both physically and mentally. I give special importance to the mental aspect because shipping with Dain will require a certain maturity that not everyone may have, no matter if they're already of age.
Are you selective when shipping?
I am and part of the reason is past experiences of mine in my early times as a RPer. The other part is that I like to have the liberty to gush about our muses' ship without feeling like I'm inconveniencing my RP partners, and / or if there are time constraints that impedes us to write consistently, that at least we can keep that interest via private discussions.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
As soon as erotica begins, I'd say, as nudity doesn't necessarily have to be involved for this to be present. Likewise, nudity involving genitalia is another go-to tag the IC interactions appropriately.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Diluc, Al-Haitham, Rhukkadevata, Neuvillette and Sunday.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Granted that I stated that communication between muns is important to me as a requirement to ship, yes. It'll be bound to happen. Moreover, as a note I want to say that don't let my short list of muses I ship Dain with discourage you. This comes from the perspective of not having had the chance to think about it too much or having shipped Dain much to begin with and there are some characters I haven't mentioned that might bring interesting results if discussed.
How often do you like to ship?
I want to preface that what I like isn't a direct representation of the reality of shipping. I love shipping and I'd love to ship more often, but what really happens is the opposite and part of it is due to the complexity Dain has a muse by himself, which I don't want to disregard. I'm aware that the odds of shipping more frequently would've spiked if I ignored this, but I simply... don't want to. I've been an observer of how Dain is treated when the key traits of his character are ignored or watered down (not limited to RP and not necessarily in RP, more so through fanarts, Twitter, etc.) and I don't like what's done to him, hence I won't contribute further to that myself.
Are you multiship?
Yes, but never with the same character. I'm aware that the same character can count to have multiple muses as it varies from portrayal to portrayal, but I want to have free reign to explore everything without having to limit myself to give bits and pieces to every ship with the same muse if I were to indulge in that practise. Once again, it's not my thing and not due to a lack of experience, which I had in my early times as a RPer.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Given my love for shipping, I'd lean more towards the former but I know that the reality is the latter. So somewhere in between, I suppose?
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Dainsleif and Neuvillette without a doubt. From all the characters that have been introduced so far in Genshin, I find that Neuvi would understand him the most and both have a somehow similar mentality. Furthermore, they struggle with being somewhere in between human and otherwise that is interesting to think about how one would shoulder the other in that regard, as well as finding their own destiny or purpose in this world.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know about it. There is no shame in doing that even if our interactions have been brief or few in number. Everything can be discussed and in my years of RP experience, I find OOC discussions on the topic to be as important as IC interactions. That being said, and one thing I find important is that if we do this without having interacted much IC yet is that we can have the freedom to jump back and forth to different moments of our muses' relationship and not just get stuck in the romantic phase without at least writing prompts of how the development up to that point would've gone.
Tagged by: Found it in the depths of an old blog of mine lol Tagging: @seraphicus @jueying @astrxlfinale @madrites @apocryphis @celesticlnstcrs @guhamun @delusionaid @oneireth @lunaetis @lumoire @nagareboshiko and if anyone else wants to do this, feel free to take it!
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