#This ship is straight up disgusting and I will stand by that
storywriter007 · 1 month
request: 2) This one is Percy Jackson x reader who gets seriously injured on the Argo II and tries to act like it's not that bad but then Percy (her boyfriend) forces her to let him look at it and it is really bad and he takes care of her and comforts her (kinda like the Leo fic where he cleans the wound on her back because I love that one so much), and then helps her fall asleep after.
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You're Alright - Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
author's note: i didn't want to do the same injury again, so i tried something new. i hope you like it :)
-> @c-evans-lover22
warnings: cursing, mentions of injury
genre: fluff
word count: 933
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
y/n's eyes filled with tears as she sat on the floor of the infirmary. how could this have happened? well, she knew exactly how it had happened.
one of gaea's mountain minions attacked the argo ll, and hurled rocks at the ship. they escaped, but not before a huge rock smashed into y/n's ankle. she had basically crawled to the infirmary.
she couldn't bring herself to stand up, her ankle wouldn't support her. she unlaced her high-tops, and tried to pull the shoe down.
"ow!" she whispered to herself. "ow, ow, ow, ow."
she managed to pull it off after immense pain. she carefully removed her sock and got to look at the beautiful sight that was her foot. it was bleeding, it was swollen, and it was just hideous. she tried to grab a towel, so she could wipe the blood off, but unfortunately, she was capable of nothing. she couldn't move and if she did, she'd knock everything over.
"y/n?" a voice called throughout the hallways. "y/n? oh, there you are!"
percy came into the infirmary.
"hey." she smiled.
"what're you doing on the floor-what happened?" he asked, looking at her disgusting ankle.
"nothing, i just got hit." she said, trying to hide the tears that had welled up in her eyes. "i'm fine."
"you're not fine. you're sitting on the floor of the infirmary with a swollen, bloody ankle that doesn't let you stand." he said, almost offended.
"it's really not that bad-"
before she could finish her sentence, she felt herself get picked up and placed on the exam table. she felt embarrassed at how warm her face felt. he picked her up so easily. he brought another exam table and put the together in an l-shape. he then took her leg and put it on the table he had brought over.
"thank you." she smiled. "but seriously percy-"
"you can do it on your own?" he chuckled. "i'm here for you y/n. please, accept my help."
she silently nodded as percy grabbed a towel and wet it with warm water. he gently wiped the blood away.
"let me know if anything hurts."
"i will."
percy washed her foot and ankle with soap and water. after that, he dried the area. instead of bloody and swollen, now it was just swollen.
"this is going to burn." he warned, before pressing the towel to the various small cuts she had acquired.
y/n hissed in pain.
"you're alright." he assured.
he kept going, until he got to her toes. when there wasn't a cut, it didn't burn, but when there was, it hurt like hell. afterwards, he put small band-aids on the cuts. he pressed the swollen spot.
"ouch! percy!" y/n blurted.
"i'm sorry." he said calmly. "i needed to see how bad the swelling was."
"is it bad?"
"nothin' to worry about." he smiled. "you'll be alright."
she felt herself relax. she might've not been able to walk, but she did feel alright.
he grabbed a roll of gauze and began wrapping it around the middle of her foot to her ankle. when he got to the swollen part, it squeezed her ankle, making her hand shoot up and grip percy's bicep.
"y/n, this isn't the best time to feel my muscles." he smiled.
"get your head out of the gutter." she laughed, gently pushing him away.
when percy was done wrapping her ankle up, she felt a lot better, but it still hurt. like she had been stabbed straight through the bone and with every movement of her foot, the knife bent inside of her. he gave her a little bit of ambrosia for the pain. percy quickly cleaned up and y/n tried to slide off the exam table but was stopped by percy putting her back in place.
"you can't put weight on it." he said, concern flooding his voice.
he cared. somebody cared. percy picked her up bridal style and walked out the infirmary. he set her down on her bed, and made a pillow mountain for her to keep her foot on.
"let me know if you need anything." he said, sincerity in his eyes.
"yeah." she paused. "can you, uh, stay here?"
"yeah." he smiled. "i can."
he laid down behind her, and pulled her down so she was laying on his chest while keeping her foot elevated. she could feel his breath down her neck as his arms wrapped around her. he smelled like salt-water and vanilla. she felt herself physically relax as she melted into his warm touch.
"thank you." she said, turning around to see his sea green eyes.
"always." he smiled.
they looked at each other for a moment before percy leaned down and kissed her. it was slow, and y/n was about to turn around so she could put her hands on him.
"no, you stay that way." he demanded, pulling back from the kiss.
"you're no fun." she whined, feeling percy turn her back around.
after an hour, y/n felt herself completely relax. her body felt fine, her mind was at peace, and for once, she didn't feel like the world had it out for her (even though it did, and that's why she had a swollen ankle). but for once, everything just felt alright. as she became one with percy's firm grip, the lights began to dim and her eyelids felt heavy.
"percy?" she whispered.
"i forgot to tell you i gave you a sleeping medicine." he whispered back.
"percy!" she whined, before falling asleep.
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ateliersss · 1 year
Part 1 - He Will Come
Pairing: Yautja x Fem!Reader Summary: You were caught three days after you and your son's arrival on earth by an organization called Project Stargazer. Now you both were treated like guinea pigs. No wonder, considering said son was a hybrid of human and Yautja. Cross-posted on AO3: here Warnings: English isn't my first language Word Count: 4,224 Masterlist
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You had been stupid, so stupid. You should have listened to Mi'ytiar, should have listened to him when he told you to stay on the ship during your stay on earth while your son went hunting. You had insisted on coming with him, as you desperately wanted to see your home planet again.
Not that you missed it. You loved Mi'ytiar, loved to be his mate, loved your life with him and your son on Yautja Prime.
You had just wanted to leave the ship to get some fresh air and see the full moon, which you couldn't see in your new home, when you suddenly were surrounded by soldiers. You didn’t even think about defending yourself, not in your condition. You had let it happen when they grabbed you and put you roughly in one of the black SUVs.
So many questions swirled around in your mind — how did they find you? What about the ship? What did they want with you? Would they hurt you? And what about Akail? Was he hurt?
You hadn’t dared to ask the armed men who were in the car with you. They all had looked at you with different emotions on their faces — disgust, curiosity, anger. One of them wore a grin that made your skin crawl.
When they arrived at their base, you were dragged through many corridors and were examined by — and you thanked God for that — female doctors. They took your blood, forced you into a strange white suit, and put you into a sterile room.
Now you sat in a corner, huddled together. The door was in the middle of the wall on the other side of the room. A camera hung in the corner across from you from the ceiling and had an overview of the entire room. It reminded you of an interrogation room with windows to the left and right of the door, which looked like a mirror from the inside but allowed a glimpse into the room from the outside, and a table and two chairs standing in the middle.
You had pulled your legs to your chest as much as your swollen belly would allow and leaned your head sideways against the wall.
It’s gonna be okay, you thought to yourself, everything is going to be fine.
You didn't know if you were trying to calm yourself down or your pup, who could sense your agitation and responded to you with kicking. You sat up straight in a cross-legged position, wrapped your arms protectively around your belly, and caressed it soothingly.
Don’t worry, little one. We’ll be home soon. Your daddy will come and get us out of here. You have no idea how eager we are to meet you.
Not far from you, Sean Keyes greeted Casey Bracket.
“There you are!” He said as soon as Casey stepped out of the elevator. “Welcome, I–“
Before he could continue, Casey walked straight past him to look at the two metal helmets and something that looked like a gun, everything displayed behind thick glass. None of it was human.
“Alien technology.” She stated in disbelief. “Is that what you wanted me to see?” Casey's eyes wandered to the other showcases that displayed even more weapons and equipment. “Can I take a better look at it?”
“Ahh.” Sean laughed, “But you haven’t even seen the main attraction.”
Casey tore her gaze from an interesting-looking spear engraved with intriguing carvings and looked up at Sean. He had climbed the few steps that led to a glass wall overlooking a mix of operating room and laboratory, and gestured with his head for her to follow him.
Quickly joining him, they both looked down and into the room. It was occupied by many people who, from their appearance, were scientists. There were guards, eight in total, guarding all four doors. Screens hung on the walls and desks carried computers and strange gadgets.
The only thing that got Casey’s complete attention was the table in the middle of the room and especially what was on it.
“Doctor Bracket.”
Casey looked away from the creature and at the man who had spoken to her.
“Would you like to meet the Predator?”
Yes, that’s exactly what she wanted.
Still processing what she had just seen, she followed Sean Keyes into the decontamination chamber. She was given a suit that looked similar to the ones the scientists were wearing in the laboratory. The decontamination process didn't take long and she quickly slipped into the suit.
“Thanks for coming.” The dark-skinned man, Will Traeger, said to Casey as soon as the lab door opened and shook her hand. “I’m sure you have questions.”
“If I’m honest, only two.” Casey answered and followed the man down the stairs. “Why do you call it the Predator?”
They came to a halt in front of the table the creature was lying on.
“It’s a nickname. You know, the data suggests that it tracks its prey, exploits weakness. It seems to, well, enjoy it. It’s like a game.”
“That’s not a Predator. That’s a sports hunter.”
“A Predator kills its prey to survive. I mean, what you’re describing is more like a bass fisherman.” Casey simply answered, taking a step closer to the table.
“Well, we took a vote. Predator sounds cooler, right?” Will laughed and received approval from the surrounding scientists. “We found him and his ship. He’s heavily sedated.”
Casey had long stopped listening to him. She was completely absorbed by the creature, or Predator, taking in every inch of it. The physique indicated that it was a male. His height had to be over 2 meters. He had greenish skin that resembled reptilian-like scales. Its head was big and oval in shape. Instead of hair, what appeared to be dreadlocks grew out of it. His mandibles were the most eye-catching feature about him.
Could they be used for defense? And how did the food intake work?
She noticed that even unconscious, he was making a sound that closely resembled a cat's purring.
“You are one beautiful motherfucker.” She finally said.
“I’m gonna guess your second question is why you’re here.”
Casey looked up to Will and signaled him with a nod to continue.
“Our test results yielded something a little… odd.”
Sean, standing next to Casey, handed her a device. She looked back and forth between the two men before accepting it. The screen showed a more complex DNA structure than that of a human, without a doubt that of the Predator.
“Is this a joke?” She questioned in disbelief.
“We ran the genome sequence ten times. This specimen has–“
“–human DNA.” Casey finished stunned.
“Yeah.” Will nodded, “Look, we know about spontaneous speciation. Mostly plants and insects but–“
“But some mammals. The Red Wolf, for example, a hybrid of the coyote and the grey wolf.” Sean interrupted him this time.
“It’s possibly some form of recombinant technology.” Will added.
“I get it. You want to know if someone fucked an alien.” Casey summed it up, finally knowing her purpose here.
“Not necessarily.”
Casey looked questioningly at Will. "Meaning?"
“Meaning, we have a rough idea. We would just like to know the detailed procedure.”
Casey's eyes widened and she looked at him in bewilderment. “You don't seriously expect a woman to procreate with that thing. There's no way that–“
“Oh, there is no need for that.” Sean assured her, “Like I already mentioned earlier, we found his ship thanks to his equipment. But not only that.”
He turned to the largest screen in the room and nodded to a man who started typing on his computer and turned the screen on. It showed some kind of interrogation room. It wasn't long before Casey spotted a woman sitting cross-legged on the floor, slowly rocking back and forth.
“Who is that?” She asked and inched closer to the screen in curiosity.
“His mother.” Sean answered matter-of-factly, folding his hands behind his back.
Casey slowly looked from the screen over to the Predator, then back. “You’re kidding me, right?”
“Not at all.” Will chuckled. “His DNA matches with hers. Although the father’s genetic heritage is more dominant than hers, you can still see differences between this one–” He nodded to the unconscious alien, “–and a homozygous Predator.”
“Wow.” Casey mumbled and returned her gaze to the screen.
The woman now walked in circles through the room, stroking — and the biologist had to do a double take — her growing stomach.
Holy hell, she was pregnant!
“Wow indeed. And not only that but her human DNA has been altered to resemble that of the Predator.”
“We believe it’s a kind of adaptation to the living conditions of his home planet.” Sean started, “According to the blood tests, and we did several because we didn't want to believe the results, this woman is over a hundred years old. We think she was born in the early 1900s, although she looks like she’s in her mid-twenties.”
Casey’s mouth fell open, her heart pounding against her rib cage. “I want to meet her.”
He nodded and smiled at her. “That was the plan. No one has spoken to her yet, not even the nurse who brought her food or was taking her to the bathroom.”
“While science can answer many questions and give us great insight into our being, there are still things that remain unanswered.” Will added, "We don't know when she left Earth or how it was possible for her to reproduce with an alien. We don't know how her DNA changed, and because of that, we don't even know who she really is.”
Casey nodded. “And you want me to get the answers to those questions from her?”
Casey was watching you through the one-way window. You were still pacing, one hand supporting your back and the other stroking your stomach in a circular motion. Even though you seemed nervous and scared, you also looked like a proud lioness ready to attack to protect her baby.
“Ready?” Sean asked.
Casey looked briefly at him and nodded.
“Great. We will wait here to watch and listen. In her condition, I doubt she will attempt anything for the sake of her child, but if she does it will only take a second, and security will rush the room.”
“Good to know.” She mumbled before heading to the door.
With a deep breath, she pushed down the door handle.
You caught that movement in the corner of your eye and turned to the intruder. “What have you done to him?!” You immediately demanded hysterically, growling at her like a wild animal. “Where did you take him? Where did you take my son?”
It was good that Casey was the first to speak to you. Probably no one out there had the slightest decency to treat you like a real person and would have strapped you to a table, too, careless of harm to you or your child.
“They took him to a lab and are holding him there. Nobody hurt him, I swear it.” Casey said, raising her hands to show you she meant no harm. “They just want to know more about him and his kind and why he is here, that’s all.”
You stared at her, softly caressing your belly as you pondered her words.
When there was no reply, Casey continued, “I just want to talk to you. We want to know how you… why you…”
“Why I got knocked up by an alien?” You suggested bluntly.
Casey nodded. “Yes. It’s practically unthinkable to come across an alien hybrid and its mother.”
“Where I went after his father took me from earth, it’s more of a rarity than unthinkable.”
Casey took a step forward and hastily asked, “Do you mean you're not the only one? Are there other humans who procreate with them? Are they also studying hybrids and their traits?”
You laughed at her eagerness and walked over to the chair closest to you, sitting down on it. You waved your hand at Casey to do the same, as if you were hinting you were going to cooperate to answer her questions. The biologist glanced back over her shoulder at the reflective window where Sean and Will were watching the conversation. She sat down in the chair opposite of you and looked at you expectantly.
“Before I say another word, I want to see that my son is okay.” You demanded, trying to suppress the tremor in your voice, the very first sign of weakness.
Casey turned back to the windows and waited for someone to come through the door. Instead, the reflective surfaces of the windows turned into screens showing one and the same image — the captured Predator, still tied to the table and asleep.
There was a whimper coming from behind her. When she turned back, she saw tears building up in your eyes and one hand pressed to your mouth. It was surreal to Casey for a human to have such an emotional reaction to an alien creature. On the other hand, this was his mother, unbelievable and absurd as it may seem.
You seemed to calm down, your eyes still fixed on the screen. You nodded to yourself before tearing your eyes away to look at Casey. The windows had returned to their normal state.
“We’re going to start with some easy questions, okay?”
You nodded again.
“Great. First I would like to know your name.”
“(Y/N) (L/N).” You answered.
“Would it be okay if I call you (Y/N)?”
“I would appreciate it.” You said, “It's a nice change from all the other names I've gotten so far.”
“What do you mean?” Casey inquired.
“Alien fucker. Alien whore. Desperate little bitch who thought a man’s dick isn’t enough for her. Nothing I didn't expect from men.” You shrugged, “It just proves once again that Yautja males treat their females with far more respect and honor than a human male could ever comprehend.”
“Yautja?” Casey asked, leaning forward, arms crossed on the tabletop.
“You call them Predator, but their kind is actually called Yautja.” You explained.
Casey nodded and started to play with her fingers, her next question burning on her tongue. “How did you get into this whole thing? How did you get in contact with them?”
You huffed. “It’s quite ironic, you know. On the contrary what you may have expected, he saved me.”
“Saved you from what?”
“Again, men. Four of them. They had followed me into an alley and tried to…” You had to pause for a second.
Almost 90 years ago, you had been afraid when Mi'ytiar had taken you from Earth to bring you to Yautja Prime. But looking back, that fear hadn't been as great as what you had felt at the thought of what those men would have done to you if he hadn't intervened.
“He protected me from those monsters… my own kind.” You let out a humorless laugh. “Yautja take their prey as a trophy after each successful hunt, you know. Not only did he rip their heads off and their spines out, but he also took me. I expected him to hurt me, to keep me as a slave, or… or to do what these men wanted to do to me that day in that alley. I found out later that I was really lucky that he, of all other Yautja, rescued me. It's incredibly rare that one of them takes an interest in a human being. Usually, they kill every last of them. Humans are too weak and too soft, but that’s exactly what he loves about me. That’s why he kept me alive.”
You let out a sigh, considering how much you should reveal about the Yautja culture.
“On the contrary to me, a Yautja female is rough and large, even larger than a male. After all, they are the ones who carry their offspring and ensure the survival of their kind. The males have to fight for dominance and if the male wins, the female deems him worthy enough for mating and submits.”
Casey shifted in her seat. “Did you… did he expect the same from you? Did he force you into submission to…?”
“Never.” You growled protectively, “He never forced himself onto me. Never. He was more patient and understanding than all the human males I ever met in my life. He treated me like I was the most precious thing he had ever seen. Never did he touch me without my permission.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Casey soothed you.
She had to be more careful and had to see this whole situation through your eyes — you were separated from your son and held at a facility that was examining you both while you had to worry about your unborn baby.
“Do you want to tell me about your relationship with him? Your, uhm…”
“He is my mate. My Life Mate.”
“Life Mate?”
“Female Yautja can mate with multiple males and give birth to their children, but some also choose a permanent mate. You could compare it to one-night stands and marriage, only you can't divorce. It's not called Life Mate for nothing. You are bonded to each other for the rest of your life and they live for hundreds of years.”
“Can I know the name of your Life Mate?”
You eyed Casey briefly, looked over her shoulder at the reflective windows then at the camera in the corner, and then back at her. “His name is Mi'ytiar. He is the leader of his clan.”
Casey sat up straight. “They live in clans? Like wolves in packs or horses in herds?”
You nodded. “With similar hierarchy dynamics, yes. There are many clans on their home planet, each living peacefully on their own. Sometimes clans visit each other, hunt together, celebrate together. That's how I found out that I'm not the only human on this planet.” You said, “But apparently I’m the only one who mated a clan leader. Most of them are expected to have a strong successor to take after them and Mi'ytiar, of all Yautja, ended up with a weak little human to bear his pups.”
Jackpot, Casey thought.
She finally got to the part that intrigued her the most — how was it humanly possible that you got pregnant, how was it possible for you to carry the child of an alien, and how did it not kill you?
“Since Mi'ytiar has fully committed himself to me, it was up to me to bear his offspring. The Yautja of his clan never dared to say anything. I’m the clan leader's mate, after all. But I noticed it in the way they treated me and looked at me. They knew it wasn’t possible for me to carry his children.”
You looked down at your baby bump and returned to caress it. It seemed to keep you calm.
“At that point, that fact made me really upset. I got to know their culture and learned everything there was to know about them. I even started learning their language. I fulfill any task assigned to a clan leader's mate. I make my mate happy and proud. But I couldn’t give him a child.”
You looked up and into Casey’s eyes.
“Mi'ytiar is very attentive and he soon noticed that something was upsetting me. Apparently, he was the only one who hadn't thought about his offspring at all.” You paused for a second to smile, remembering his reaction when he found out that you wanted to carry his pups. “The second he knew he wanted to keep me around when he took me away from Earth, he injected me with his blood. No matter how many times I've been called fragile and puny, the human immune system can sometimes work wonders. His blood had slowed down my aging and allowed me to survive on his planet. So we visited a healer to finalize my life as his Life Mate.”
Your cheeks flushed as you thought of how Mi'ytiar hadn't hesitated to drag you home and how you both had spent several days in your bed, or nest as he called it. There had been hardly a moment when he wasn't inside you. The image of his beautiful mate, his love, carrying his pup in her belly had made him feral.
It hadn't been long before his seed took. The other Yautja had a surprised but satisfied reaction when they saw that their leader was about to become a father. That’s when they finally started to treat you like a part of the clan. You had fully proved yourself, proved you could provide for the clan. You were finally one of them.
Akail's birth was hard. It felt like he was tearing you apart from the inside out. But thanks to the injections of Mi’ytiar’s blood and the additional help of the tribal healer, your body strengthened enough that you didn't die, even though it felt like it. You were crying and smiling with your mate at your side, holding your little bundle of joy in your arms.
He looked just like his father, no indication that his mother was human. However, his animalistic features were a little softer, difficult to recognize unless you were the mother. While you were being tended to, Mi'ytiar took his son in his arms to proudly introduce him to his clan.
Fondly, you thought back to one moment, a core memory — Mi'ytiar, lying on his side with you snuggled against him, both naked and partly covered in fur, and little Akail, just ten hours old, resting on your chest. At that point, you were so incredibly happy.
It sounded weird and absurd that this was your life and no human could ever understand, but you would never trade it for anything in the world.
“What’s the catch?” Casey asked after a while of watching you quietly stroking your belly.
“Huh?” You looked up.
“I don't think you're telling us all this without an ulterior motive. So what’s the catch?”
“I want to quench your thirst for scientific knowledge and in return, I hope you will release me and my son. There is no need to keep us here if you get all your answers from me.”
Casey started to shift back and forth in her chair. “I don’t think that will be possible. There are still things that we–“
“Listen, I have cooperated in the hope you will let me and my son go if you have what you want. You won’t like what will happen if we are not soon to be freed.”
Casey glanced over her shoulder for what felt like the hundredth time, unsure of what to do or what to say.
“I promised him to contact him every day, you know. My mate.” You said, pride permeating your body. “And do you know what it will tell him? The silence?” Your question was obviously rhetorical. “It will tell him that something happened to me and therefore also to his son because Akail would rather die fighting for his mother and his father knows that.”
Casey gulped. The threat was clear as the day.
“He will come and not alone. Do you really think you stand a chance against them?” You laughed, now more confident. “The human nature is arrogant, thinking they are superior to everyone. Eventually, that will be the reason for your extinction. Your haughty stupidity will be the death of you.”
“(Y/N)–” Casey tried, but she was interrupted.
“No, you will listen to me just like you've been doing for the last twenty minutes now. I have lived among them for decades, almost a century. I learned from them, I’m one of them. Stand between a Yautja and their Life Mate and it will end deadly for you. Stand between a Yautja and their Life Mate who’s pregnant and I promise you, you will beg for them to kill you.”
“(Y/N), there is nothing in my power to help you. I was simply summoned here as an expert to examine this Yautja, your son. I can’t–”
“You will. And I'm not just talking to you in this case.” Your eyes wandered from her face to the windows and nodded to the people you assumed to be standing behind the glass, watching you. “I’m talking to them, the ones who have the power. Set me and my son free and I promise you nothing will happen to any of you.”
Suddenly, a blaring alarm sounded, startling both Casey and you. Instinctively, you wrapped an arm around your stomach in a protective manner.
“Code Red. Subject Predator is on the loose.”
A shuddering sigh of relief left your lips as you slowly began to smile. You knew they couldn’t keep Akail immobilized for long.
One of the things he had in common with his father was that he was just as protective over you as he was. He would come to look for you.
Casey had already jumped out of her chair and was talking frantically to the people on the other side of the one-sided window.
You began to talk to your pup again, “Your mei'hswei is coming, sweetling. Soon the three of us will be back with daddy.”
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continue with the second part He Is Here.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
No Girls?
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Media The Maze Runner : Death Cure
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Smutty / Flirty
Concept A Glade with No Girls
Smut: Sexy Discussions / Sexual Language / Semi Nudity
I sat watching the ocean shift and change with each of its little waves, the ship to the side being worked on relentlessly by anyone with enough skill to do so. I sat repairing various clothes and tent flaps that had been dropped off to me a skill I'd always used and honestly enjoyed something about sitting down with a needle and some thread was so very calming indeed. But I wasn't alone I had newt beside me one of the group A boys who had gotten cosy with Vince I got along with most of them but newt especially we had a comfort with each other I suppose he had a day off from his usual work welding and cutting metal work on the ship a task Vince trained him in as his steady hand was well suited for it. But today he was resting his ankle up sitting with me as I worked. 
"Why didn't you try a big ladder?'
"We did. Couldn't build one big enough."
"What about like scaffolding?'
"Y/n I don't know how else to explain this to you the walls were too big to do that." 
"Did you try a big stick?" I asked and he glared at me "do like a pole vault" 
"Your really just not getting how big these walls are"
"No if it's a wall it can be scaled." 
"Okay so if you could get to the top then what?"
"Walk along the top."
"That doesn't connect. And moves every night"
"Fine. Still sounds dull"
"Says the girl who lived in a shopping centre with a bunch of cranks for two years"
"I wore stylish pre apocalypse fashion, ate so many fancy candies and slept on a whole bed of teddy bears. My life was awesome" 
"Sure sounds like it" he laughed
"So how many girls again?'
"Ooohh bet you boys fought over her. Or what she just one of those free love types who'd let all of you straight boys at her"
"No, she was only in the glade a week so"
"How long were you in there?'
"Three years"
"And you had one girl for a week?'
"I'm surprised she got out the box without being drowned"
"...by what?" 
"A river of goo"
He glared at me again "we didn't all immediately jizz ourselves when we saw a girl"
"Really? Cause I think sixty boys in a large maze together for three years would be pretty hyped for a girl. Except the gay guys they probably didn't care all that much. Bisexuals hyped over threewaY possibilities. Asexuals wouldn't really care either" I explained
"I mean Thomas may have jizzed himself but that's because she's his girlfriend"
"Ohh. But you really spent three years with nothing but big smelly boys?"
"Yeah, and it wasn't that bad we had showers"
"Yeah I know what boys are like you showered once in a month if your lucky"
"...true." he sighed 
"Didn't you have buckets too?'
"Yeah for klunk" 
"Did you have laundry?'
'not really. Just brush it off if it gets dirt on it"
"Ugggh I get why the one girl lasted a week she probably couldn't stand the smell, sweaty smell unwashed teenage boys who don't wash their laundry and have shit buckets, all allowed to fester and go all sour"
"Okay now you say it… we probably were disgusting" 
"You shower more now right?"
"Every other day, I would everyday but the showers aren't that private…" 
"Awwww you shy newt?" I giggled
"Shy? Don't want people seeing my dick? Whatever you wanna call it" 
"But really no girls?"
"No girls."
"Awwww poor newtie spent all the formative teen time without anything to imagine" 
"I can imagine. I have an imagination"
"But you spent all that time without comparison. From when you where a tiny baby boy to now big strong boy" I smiled leaning on his shoulder 
"It wasn't that bad"
"What did you use to do? At night?"
"Newt, you were trapped in their from what 13 onwards. Your really going to try and tell me you didn't.. you know after lights out" 
"Did you?'
"Constantly I was bored. It helps me sleep"
"Do you… still?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just… curious" he blushed "no, I uhh never really had time, or the privacy"
"Awwwwww poor newtie." I giggled hugging him tightly and immediately I noticed "hi"
"Be careful with that I only just repaired those pants newt" I warned him going back to my sewing as he turned bright red "newt?'
"You ever seen boobs?"
"... How much boob?"
"How much have you seen?"
"I saw Teresa's in her shirt… and also a little down her shirt"
"Dirty boy"
"She was laying down it wasn't intentional!"
"That it?"
"That's it" 
"You ever touched a boob?"
"You ever seen ass?"
"I mean I've seen Minho. And fry. Infact most boys"
"I meant girls"
"Ever seen a? Lady area?"
"... would you want to?" I asked 
He went bright red stuttering a lot barely able to make eye contact with me "I mean uhhh well I uhh I guess I uhh what I mean is uhh kinda"
I chuckled and finished my last few stitches throwing my finished work in the basket "you're sweet newt" I smiled moving to stand In Front of him and I lifted my shirt long enough for him to look before dropping it back down and giving his cheek a kiss even if he was basically frozen with his eyes wide in place "see you later" I laughed taking my basket and headed back to camp 
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lemon-russ · 28 days
A small inbetween due to popular demand- Cato needs to get The Talk (tm)
Poor Guillidad is at the end of his rope having to do this. But he's a better Dad than Emps so he grits his teeth and does it lol
taglist: @sleepyfan-blog @undeaddream @scriberye
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Part 16.5/ ???
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Ao3 || Taglist request ||
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: Sex talks, just awkward father son time
Summary: Cato gets The Talk (tm)
word count: 1,171
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Cato follows behind Guilliman while he does his rounds of checking in on the various machinations of the chapter. To keep him busy, the primarch told him. They walked through the hangar now, and Guilliman stopped by a gunship, giving it an admiring look over.
“These have improved.” He says with a nod to the stormhawk. “We didn't have these back in my time.”
Cato watches as Guilliman gets closer to inspect the craft, looking over it's interior admiringly.
Somethings been on his mind though, since he was spoken to in the primarchs office.
“My Lord, may I ask you a clarifying question…?” He asks, standing straight backed with his hands behind his back, trying not to look nervous.
Guilliman looks over his shoulder out the ship door from where he was inspecting the various control panels. “Of course, Sicarius.” He says, motioning for him to come in. The primarch sits himself at the pilots chair, and Cato reluctantly sits co-pilot.
The proximity would make this more difficult, but at least they weren't looking directly at each other.
“Earlier, when you said, well… the talk….” Cato starts, turning his attention to some controls to his side and flipping a switch back and forth.
Guilliman freezes, then slowly gives Cato a sidelong glance. “…You… require some guidance…?” He asks, clearing his throat.
Cato frowns, not looking his gene father in the eye. “Well- just a question- we are taught in our training and initiation that Astartes are… well, infertile.” He says nervously, fidgeting with some controls.
Guilliman's face grows pale. “They- they tell you that-” he makes a tired groan, rubbing his temple. “Oh, terra. That's… can I assume you've been… operating under this assumption…?” he asks in a strangled voice.
Cato grimaces, glancing up at Guilliman and giving a small nod. His primarch sighs a weary sound.
“Well, you're not. No astarte is.” He says as he bores holes in the controls with his stare. “This must be a… miscommunication. Astartes don't have families, because they're supposed to be celibate, and if they aren't, duty comes first. But that does not mean the inability to… well, create a family…” he attempts to sound like he's reading it from text, matter of factly.
Cato swallows hard. “Does… does that mean the Ambassador-”
Guilliman scrunches his face in disgust and holds a hand up to stop him. “No- no, not… necessarily.” He says in a pained voice. “How long ago…?”
Cato looks hard at the panel. “The first time was… about a week and a half ago…?”
Guilliman makes a noise, “First time? How- when did you get a chance- wait, weren't you on the run on a rebel planet-”
Cato slinks down in his seat as Guilliman's eyes grow wider in horror. “Sicarius, you did not!” the primarch gasps, “While you were being hunted by an army? What, in a dirty hidey hole somewhere?”
“I mean- it wasn't like… in the dirt….” Cato defends in a mumble, face growing hot. “I held her up and-”
Guilliman groans and holds his hand up again. “She could get infections, or who knows what else,” he says, rubbing his palms down his face. “Okay, it's fine, she seems fine- I'll need to institute a sex-ed class for the whole chapter, it's fine” He grumbles.
Cato frowns, swallowing a nervous lump in his throat. He didn't mean to make her sick. He was immune to almost all disease and infection, it never crossed his mind that a baseline human could get sick from something so trivial.
“Did you…” His gene Father shifts awkwardly in his seat. “Did you, you know… do the riskier things…?” He forces out, unable to look at him.
Cato turns a little so his back is more toward Guilliman, playing with more switches, shoulders tight and raised nervously. “Y-yes.” He admits. “Is she… you know…” he mumbles, voice thick with worry. He heard that baseline women die when they give birth sometimes. Or die from being pregnant. So many things apparently can just kill a little baseline, now even sex?
Guilliman lets out a deep sigh. “Not necessarily.” He frowns and studies Cato, curled on himself anxiously. He squeezes his eyes closed and rubs his temples. “Alright, we're just going to cut straight to it.” He says, steeling himself and sitting up. “I'm going to explain all of this to you, answer your questions, and then I never want to talk about what you and the Ambassador do together ever again.”
A couple hours later, they leave the Hangar. Cato with a little more confidence in his step and smiling, Guilliman looking haggard, like he'd just returned from a months long campaign.
Cato now was an expert in the ways of sex, grilling his gene father for information for two hours straight. Now he understood everything- the Ambassador won't die, they have medical technology to handle things. He also learned he should not be taking her in dirty caves or in natural water like the hot springs- hearing what they did in natural hot springs and sand made Guilliman immediately order a full check up for the ambassador- but it's alright, he knows better now.
He smirks to himself. He can't wait to be allowed to go find her so he can use all his new knowledge on her, show her that he was a sex expert now. Of course he wouldn't flaunt that the information was new. He was Cato Sicarius. He was always the best at everything, of course.
There was one thing Guilliman told him that he was thinking he wasn't a huge fan of. How to not get her pregnant. He'd have to medicate her, or finish outside of her- not even a possibility in his mind- or use an annoying plastek like glove.
He smirks to himself. Now that he was an expert on all things reproduction, he is capable and qualified to make his own choices on the matter. And he thinks maybe the Ambassador would look cute all round. And she's good at handling things, doing her job with a child would hardly hold her back. Plus, He'll be forcing his way into a lot more of her body guarding roles, so if they had a child, he'd be there, and they'd both be totally safe.
Yes, he decides, working so hard to avoid it sounds like nonsense. It wasn't a guarantee anyways. So, might as well enjoy her fully. Sure, Guilliman would be annoyed with him, but he's been annoyed with him a lot recently, and things still were going great for him.
He'll just take the slap on the wrist if anything happens. Plus, He’s Cato Sicarius. He’s the best at everything. Everything includes fathering babies and caring for his little Ambassador, he assumes.
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elsmxt · 1 month
i hate this guys sorry. Very open to criticism, this is my first time posting something like this.
cunt slapping, rough sex, strap, jealousy, make up sex, degrading
Ellie x sub!reader
context: You and Ellie were in a situation ship with a lot of feelings and no commitment. It had been a couple of days since you heard from Ellie and Dina tells you that Ellie was kissing other girls at the bar. You just happen to run into abby a week after that and she tried to make you feel better. You told Dina what happened between you and Abby. Dina told Ellie but really tried to get Ellie to be cool about it. Ellie was not ok with it and got really pissed at you.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
At about 11pm there’s a loud bang on your door.
You’re startled not knowing who would come at this time. You run to the door and peak through the hole, the hole is covered with a hand. You know who it is. Only Ellie covers the hole when she’s pissed.
“What?!” You yell so you don’t have to open the door and keeping it short since you’re pissed at her. You always cave in to her after she messes up.
“let me in” she says. Doesn’t sound like a request, she just expects you to do it.
“Why?” you ask in a deadpan tone
“I need to talk to you, ok? is that ok?” She says with a lot of attitude. You get a sour taste in your mouth by her tone.
“If you don’t act like a bitch.” you say back louder than before now pissed at her.
“I’m sorry, just let me in” She says getting impatient and embarrassed. She hopes the neighbors can’t hear how pathetic she is right now. She wouldn’t do this for anyone else.
You unlock and open the door for her. You make a straight face and raise your arm in a ‘come in gesture’ really fastly to show you’re not pleased. She walks in. You wait for her to say something. You have no idea what words are going to come out of her mouth next.
You walk in front of her towards the living room.
“Sit down.” she demands
You make a face of disgust to her. Who does she think she is. Regardless you roll your eyes and sit down.
“Why’d you do it?” She asks with a shocked face. You could tell she had a million thoughts racing and couldn’t sort one out.
“Dooo what?” you ask kind of concerned since she looks so distressed now.
“Fuck, Abby??” She says loudly throwing her hands up in the air letting them fall hard on her sides and making a face of question.
You almost make a shocked face, not knowing how she found out. You stop yourself though not wanting to seem guilty.
“YOU stopped talking to ME” you say while pointing towards her and then yourself.
“Acting like you didn’t go out and kiss another girl DAYS after you stopped talking to me. We weren’t even together anyways” You stand up not wanting her to feel more in control since she was still standing and you were sitting.
“Yeah but Abby out of everyone?? You did it just to spite me, just giving your body up to make me mad?? What the fuck is wrong with you” She says getting louder with a more aggressive tone
“Are you fucking serious Ellie?! You would fuck any girl that asks you. You’re a hoe.” You yell
“What does Abby even have to offer huh?” she says with a sickened look.
“Why does it matter to you? At least she won’t show up to my place at night and yell at me about my sex life.” you bring your voice down a little.
She looks at you for a second with pure hatred.
you start talking “She fucks me better than you, she’s nice to me, and she’s not a hoe” You almost mumble scared of what you were saying to her.
“Uh huh” she says then sucks her teeth almost amused by what you said.
“What do you mean uh huh? Is that funny to you? Get out. I should’ve never let you in.” You say disappointed
“Uh huh, like yeah right she fucks you, better than me.” She says in a dead serious tone. Her eyebrows are low and her eyes are dark. You can’t tell if her stare is full of lust or hatred.
You look at her with a half shocked face not knowing what to say to her. Your brows furrow.
“i know your ego is high and you think you are the best anyone has ever had, but you’re not”
“And what did she do to you that was so much better than me?” She says while getting closer to you. You can’t tell if she’s trying to tease you or if she’s genuinely super mad and is taking it too far. You start to walk towards your room not wanting her to get any closer to you.
“See yourself o-“ You start to say before she grabs your wrist and pulls you hard towards her.
You look down at your wrist then back at her. You’re tired of this and you’re infuriated.
“Answer me, how does she make you feel?” She asks with a devious smirk on her face
“She makes me feel good.” you say, your eyes narrowing in on hers
“Yeah but she doesn’t have you begging to cum. She doesn’t have your legs shaking. She doesn’t get you as wet as i do, right?” She says with a raised eyebrow
A warmth shoots down your body suddenly craving her touch. You don’t want to let it happen again though.
“You’re sick” you say to her not moving away but more falling into her touch.
Her hand wraps around your waist
“I am?” She asks in a sarcastic voice not really caring if you think she’s crazy.
You bring your hand up to her neck to rest it on her collar bone and gain control since she has her hands around your waist already. She quickly pushes your hand down and moves her hand up to your neck.
“You want to try that again” she says while loosening her grip. You can feel yourself growing wetter.
You look away from her, embarrassed.
Her hand snakes up to your chin and pushes your head to face her. Without even acknowledging it, your face softens and quickly turns into a lustful and needy look. Melting into submission
“Does she make you feel like this?” she asks, knowing how much you like it rough. You always act stubborn until she breaks you down. You hate and love this game.
“Yeah we fight but we go so well together” she tries to reason
Her hands slide down your body and she rests them at your lower waist
“The only problem is you, you can’t keep it in your pants”
“It’ll be different this time” she says while you lift up her hoodie to take it off her. She’s wearing a wife beater on underneath. Her muscles are toned and look even more defined in the dim lighting.
“mhm” you hum
She grabs the bottom of your shirt and pulls it off your head. You lift your arms up in the process to help her.
“i promise baby” she says in a sweet voice while picking you up and walking to your room. She throws you onto the bed, not wanting her dominance to slip.
“Take your pants off” she demands while looking for the strap that was always in the same spot, box under your bed. You start pulling down your pants and taking them off, getting nervous for what she was going to find.
She opens the box
“oh” she says upset again about abby
In the box is another strap she’s never seen before, black and 6 inches but thicker than hers. The one below it is hers, 7 inches and purple.
“You’re a fucking brat you know that?” She says while putting it on.
The room is dark and you can’t really see what she’s doing since she’s kind of far away.
She gets on top of you and kisses you hard. Her mouth leaves yours and she sucks lightly on the side of your neck. You hold back whimpers. She knows the perfect spot on your neck that makes you go weak every time. It feels like your body is melting
“Does she make you feel like this?” she says once she hears your heavy breathing. Her head tilts in question. She smiles against your shoulder and chills go down your body.
“no” you respond quietly
“Good” she says in a low raspy voice while rubbing your clit over your panties. They were a lacey black pair.
You push your hips down a bit to get more friction from her fingers. Once you do this she starts purposely avoiding your clit. She gets super close then will move around it.
“Ellie” you whine
She pulls your underwear off of you
“yeah?” she plays dumb while continuing to touch your inner thighs and lips but not your clit.
You whine again
“You have to use your words” she says in a teasing tone
you stay silent. She looks up at you through her eyebrows. Green eyes laser into your skull. Her warm hands reach under you and she swiftly flips you over. Her hands go to your hips and she lifts your ass into the air. You’re on your knees and elbows now. She continues to only rub your lips. You know she wants you to say it but you’re too embarrassed. After a couple more agonizing seconds you plead.
“Please touch me Ellie”
“I am” she smirks
“I need you inside me, I want you to fuck me”
“See, wasn’t that hard sweetheart” she says while licking a strip down your pussy. Her fingers intrude and you let out a slight whimper. She pushes her fingers in a deep as she can, going really slow at first. Agonizingly slow. She gets deep and curls her fingers. A loud moan escapes your lips. The pleasure is so good it makes your body go weak.
Her pace speeds up. Your arms are starting to give out and you’re barely even holding yourself up on your elbows anymore. Ellie’s free hand comes to your back and pushes you down while continuing her menacing pace.
“Fuck” you cry
She crosses her fingers while inside you. It’s pain at first but feels really good. Her fingers feel so much thicker than before. Your legs start to give out and ellie is trying to hold you up while fingering you.
“turn around baby” she says in her deep voice, her mind fully taken over thinking about every way she can fuck you. You turn around and sit up. Your lips are swollen and your face has a warm tint to it. You reach behind your back and unclip your bra. You want to not have any clothes on, you just want to feel her touch all over you. Your body is craving her so bad. She tries to hide her smile.
Her mouth attaches to your nipple and she licks your nipple at a fast pace, knowing that gets the most reaction out of you. You try rubbing your legs together but ellie’s leg stops you. She continues sucking on your nipple while her other hand plays with the neglected one. You can feel your clit pulsing and dripping with slick.
Ellie backs away for a second so she can take her pants off. She loves feeling how wet you are. Her thigh goes to your heat and you start grinding on her leg while she plays with your nipples. You can hear and feel how much your pussy is dripping onto her thigh.
“Ellie please” you moan. She can feel your hole clench on her thigh. You need her inside you now and Ellie is taking her time trying to loosen you up.
“hm?” she hums while continuing to be rough with your nipples.
her wet lips detach
“I need you inside me” you say pathetically
She kisses you while trying to align her strap with your hole. She sits up and her eyes trace down your body, taking you in. She slaps your cunt.
You can hear how wet you are.
“missed me?” she mumbles, not really talking to you. Her eyes still focused on your heat. Excitement washes over your body when you realize she’s talking to your pussy.
She puts the tip in you and slowly pushes all the way in. You can feel it slowly filling you up. You can feel how deep it is and it makes your stomach feel full. You whimper and squirm a little bit.
She slowly pulls back out and you take a deep breath not realizing you were holding it in before. She pushes back in and you can feel every ridge on it pushing through your textured walls. Ellie’s pace speeds up.
You watch her hair sway back and forth with each thrust and you admire her beauty. Her eyes are still focused on your body. Her lips are a bit swollen and have a tint of red. Her arms are holding your thighs up a little bit to give her easier access. Her head is tilted to the side admiring the way you suck in her strap. She goes as deep as she can and you can feel it bruising your insides. You can’t help but moan and close your eyes.
“Faster” you barely manage to say.
“Look at me then” she says. All of her thoughts are sinful and she loves how dirty you can get. She really wants to push you this time. Try and make you feel some suffering, like how she felt when she found out about abby.
You don’t want to look in her eyes from embarrassment. You don’t know how you look and you feel nervous. You shake your head back in forth to say ‘no’.
“Don’t be a brat” She says while cupping your chin and cheeks into her hand harshly. She knows you like to be a brat and she’s always the brat tamer.
Your brain is telling you, ‘you shouldn’t push it’ but you really want to stand your ground and try to prove some point to her that abby changed you or something. You really don’t know, you can barely think straight. Her dick is still in you and these past couple of weeks have really taught you that Ellie is a wild card so she deserves the same treatment.
Her hand smacks the outside of your thigh hard.
You open your eyes immediately and your body jumps a little bit. You’re really shocked not processing at first what she did. You realize when you keep your eyes closed you aren’t prepared you for what she’s going to do next. You choke back the cry that was trying to escape your throat.
“If you did as you were told. You would’ve known that was going to happen” She says in a ‘did you learn your lesson’ way.
She stares straight at your face and starts fucking you again. Her pace getting faster than before. She wants to fuck you hard, fast, and deep. Watching the way you react to her makes her so wet. You love the fact that she gets turned on just by how you sound, react and look. In those moments it really makes you feel like she likes you.
Every praise and degradation she tells you, she watches you closely seeing the way you respond. The way your eyes get shifty from how nervous you are and being unable to hide a smile from her.
One of her hands pushes your thigh back even further and her other hand reaches to the side of your body. She leans over you and fucks you faster than before since it’s an easier angle.
“Fuck” you moan loudly. The bed rocks back and forth. The sounds of her pounding you, the bed moving and your moans only get louder. You try your hardest to keep your voice down. You cover your mouth with one of your hands. Ellies hand lets go of your thigh and grabs your wrist holding it down. Her other hand goes to your other wrist. Both your arms are pinned above your head.
“The n neighbors” you say.
“I don’t care” She says through her teeth. You try and maintain contact but it’s hard because you keep wanting to arch your back, lay your head back and close your eyes. Every time you try and keep your eyes open they just keep rolling back and closing.
She goes as fast as she can and you can hear everything, how wet you are, how hard she’s pounding into you, her grunts and your moans. It hurts so bad and feels good. You can feel how swollen your pussy is.
“Fuck Ellie is too much” You moan loudly. Your breath is shaky and you can’t focus on anything. You’re trying your hardest to keep your legs up. Your legs shake a little and your toes curl.
“Slow down” you tell her, tears falling from your cheeks. You can tell you’re going to feel this in the morning. Your legs start to close in a little bit and your hands squirm underneath hers.
“Take it like a fucking good girl” she grunts in your ear.
Her words make you moan loudly. Your legs are so tired from trying to keep them up and they start to fall a bit.
Ellie notices and quickly moves her hands from your wrists to pushing your thighs into your chest again, not showing any mercy and continuing her pace. She is mesmerized by how much your boobs bounce and the way your stomach moves. She loves watching you.
You can feel a knot growing in your stomach.
“You are such a fucking slut” Ellie says under her breath. Your hands try to reach for anything to grip onto. Your hands dig into the bed and you grasp onto the sheet tightly.
“Ellie” you moan
“that’s right” she says so quietly you almost don’t hear her. The way she says it is very aggressive and rough. She’s feels good watching the way you bounce on her cock. Her ego is through the roof right now.
You feel your hand shaking a little bit.
“Ellie, it feels so good. i’m so close, please can i cum.” you start rambling .
Your prayers go unanswered. The surface of your skin has a thin layer of sweat and your mind is foggy. All you can focus on is the tip of her cock deep in you, abusing your deepest corner.
You whimper, tears roll down your face again.
“Ellie please.” You’re very desperate at this point, not knowing how much longer you can hold out, but not wanting to have to face punishment for cumming without permission.
You try and watch her face and try to see what she’s thinking. Her face looks mad and so sexy. You’re so attracted to her. Her arms look so toned and scarred. You really like that she’s fucking you hard because of her jealousy. She really does care about you deep down. You don’t know what you have to say for her to let you cum.
“Ellie please. No one!-”
You moan loudly feeling her purposely mound super hard into you, cutting you off.
“- no one fucks me better than you.”
“mmm” she hums in agreement and appreciation
You continue…
“Please i’ll do anything, anything you want. I’m sorry, please can i cum?”
You’re so close, you can feel yourself clenching hard around her cock and your clit pulsates.
“yes” is all she says and you finally stop holding in. You whimper and whine. Your hand comes down to rub your clit.
“so dirty” she smirks at the lewd sight in front of her. The room smells of sex.
You turn your head to the side embarrassed by the faces you’re making. Mouth agape and brows furrowed. The knot in your stomach unravels and a euphoric feeling washes over you. Your breath is staggered and you’re trying to slow down your mind. Ellie’s pace slows down. She gets wetter and wetter watching you cum. Your cum and slick is all down your pussy, inner thighs and on the bed. She pulls out of you and she watches your body relax. Feels like a weight has been lifted off and it’s much easier for you to breathe and think. She watches your cum slowly drip out of you and looks at your residue on her strap.
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dotthings · 5 months
"Open to interpretation" does not mean you get to tell Destiel shippers how to see the canon, Karen
After the spntwit drama this week I think it matters to emphasize again how hard the antidestiel hatedom was going against how Jensen rolls when it comes to interpretation.
antidestiels continue to behave as if they believe "open to interpretation" means they themselves can dictate to other fans how to see the canon, and they call Destiel shippers and Misha "disgusting" just for speaking our viewpoints of the canon.
Destiel shippers give our take on the text and antis go "well you can't because JENSEN SAID--"
They very obviously do not listen to what Jensen says. Here is Jensen at Dencon 2021, where he pretty much clears the runway for fans to interpret however we please and his praise and appreciation for those readings: “This is the great thing about the show and I think the relationships and some of these characters is that they’re open for interpretation. If you find identity in a character because of whatever reason, fantastic! Great! If that encourages you to be a better person, or to love someone a little harder, to forgive someone for something, fantastic. That’s—that’s I think that’s one of the beautiful things about what we do is that we get to encourage people on a variety of levels.” -Jensen Ackles, DenCon October 2021
(Antis: But you CAN'T, because JENSEN SAID--)
Antis are stuck in a loop of their own making.
This is not the first time Jensen has conveyed his support for fan interpretation.
Jibcon 2015:
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We also know from reports from a virtual m&g a short while after SPN ended that Jensen said he and Misha talked about the confession scene beforehand, and they "didn't want to over-define it" and "the artist isn't going to stand next to that piece of art and tell you what to see. You should be able to see, and it should be able to mean what it means to you and that's--that's the beautiful thing about art." (There is no video, this is pulled from fan reports, but as far as we know this is accurate reporting).
Antis: but you can't because Jensen SAID--
blah blah blah
Yes we can and it's not that we need Jensen's--or anyone's permission--however it's just so heinous how severely antidestiels stomp all over Jensen's respectfulness and protection of fan readings and his appreciation of that, and their lying about how he rolls. They are making very negative insinuations of him, yet somehow everyone else in fandom is the problem but them.
It doesn't add up.
"But you can't say Destiel is real and there was queer coding because JENSEN SAID--"
But Jensen said he's completely cool with how we see it.
He said so.
I have a permit. Jensen signed it. See?
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Get over it. Find a new hobby. Move along.
A further thing--note my highlighting on excerpts from an interview with Jensen Ackles about Big Sky concerning the Beau/Jenny relationship. (TV Insider, 1.18.2023)
The phrasing should sound familiar.
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Yes, that's right, he's used similar language to speak about Dean and Cas. And this is for a het ship.
"leave the audience wanting more" "we gave just a little bit" "but do we need to play it out in a graphic sex scene?" "a kiss wasn't necessarily needed" "let's tiptoe for now" "fired it up in a way that made it not so sexual...two humans really, truly connecting. It wasn't just like, oh, let's rip each other's clothes off."
Put that next to "I don’t think lust is involved with the romanticism" "there's some people that might try to sexualize that" "it was two sentient beings essentially" (Dencon 2021, Vancon 2022)
Isn't that interesting. (Also isn't it interesting he called it "romanticism"?)
Jensen also said something somewhere about how he would like to do a romantic comedy so long as it involves killing zombies. He doesn't hate romance. It's just that he likes genre and action stuff. He's not against, whether it's queer or straight romances.
He's also said he'd like to do a rom-com slash western playing opposite Misha Collins.
Not telling Destiel shippers what to do, but along with antidestiel misinformation spread, the Destiel lane is justly notorious for flinging accusations at him and I think it's relevant that he speaks about a het ship using similar language, and it's relevant how supportive he is of queer readings.
one last thing, this is old, from Jensen's time on Days of our Lives, but he wasn't against playing a queer character.
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owlight · 1 year
my request:
Ace, Zoro and Kaku with a partner who is afraid of almost everything (like Usopp), but one day in a battle, the reader puts their fears aside for the first time and fights bravely to protect them.
Hope u have a good day ❤❤
Thank you for requesting,this is short so m sorry ,but I love this 💖💖💖 poured my heart out to cope
Tags: spoilers for Marineford ,saboday, Ennis lobby ,angst (idk why but..they ended up angst), character death,some comfort, GN!reader insert can be read by Anyone<3
Note:sorry for any bad Grammer or..plot wonky , last time I watched Any pre time skip arcs was years ago
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Short Scenarios of coward s/o! Protecting Thier man(with Ace ,Zoro Kaku)
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(Y/N) trembled with fear, As the battle raged on, Ace's life was in grave danger. The enemy aimed to strike him down at every chance possible ,you couldn't stand by any longer, watching Ace fight alone and everyone fighting to save him,you loved him dearly he was your lover,you couldn't..just not do anything Summoning every ounce of courage, (Y/N) took a deep breath and charged into the fray, wielding your weapon with newfound determination. "I won't let them harm you, Ace!" (Y/N) shouted, surprising even themselves with their boldness , able to grab ace out of slippery situation from few soldiers Ace's eyes widened in amazement as he witnessed (Y/N) facing their fears head-on, standing tall beside him. "You're incredible, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed, filled with admiration and love "I own you my life" he mummers to you as you both continue fighting in hope to find ace a way out of this battle without him begin harmed But as the battle intensified, (Y/N) found themselves in a perilous situation. They had drawn the enemy's attention away from Ace, but it came at a great cost ,she saw ace trying to reach for Luffy to protect him Akainu, usually you would have frozen in fear ,but today wasn't the day,it wasn't the day or the time for you to be a coward,you loved him,he saved you by always Begin in your side ,he never once called you a coward,even though you were a bloody coward in every way possible,you didn't think before you ran with all your might, pushing both Luffy and ace out the way,but putting yourself in the way instead to buy them time, even for a little bit "I'll protect you, no matter what," (Y/N) whispered with a smile, gazing at Ace one last time before collapsing to the ground, your life slowly fading away, Akainu standing before your corpse, a harden look of disgust over him Ace's heart broke, witnessing the sacrifice you made to protect him was the Tears streamed down his face as he grab you Luffy drag him and you away from Akainu fast using his devil fruit to drag you both from Infront of Akainu, as chaos continue,ace couldn't think straight,it was a blur as they escaped ,it was a blur as he witnessed how many people sacrificed themselves for him As he stand Infront of your grave next to white beard grave, he stand with a brand fresh letter on his arm ,the first letter of your name, In that moment, Ace vowed to carry (Y/N)'s legacy with him and honor your bravery. Your love would live on in his heart forever, as he continued to sail the seas along the one who survived the battle,never forgetting the one who had taught him the true meaning of courage and selflessness...and who taught him that his life was worth something,that he should fight to protect it to honor everyone who lost Thier lives saving him
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In mid of chaos and as the strawhats are trying to fleet the threat of the admiral and the people trying to hunt them down for what happened earlier,Kuma appears, threatening to end the Straw Hat Pirates' journey. Zoro stepped forward to protect the crew as always as he had assigned himself as the crew main line of defensive and to always try to keep them safe from danger,he was in absolute pain , injured and unable to stand but he kept going in hope to keep everyone safe till they can reach back the ship (Y/n) witnessed that and couldn't bear the thought of seeing him more hurt, Determined to keep Zoro safe, (Y/N) mustered the courage they never thought they had and bravely stood in front of Zoro,Zoro looked surprised but determined "What are you doing, (Y/N)? Get back!" he shouted, worried for their safety ,(Y/N) took a deep breath and replied, "I won't let you face this danger alone, Zoro. I may be afraid, but I can't bear to see you hurt, let's face him together,we need to get you to chopper to get help!" With resolve in your heart, (Y/N) faced Kuma alongside Zoro, who fought fiercely but remained mindful of (Y/N)'s safety Kuma, was unshaken but he was for sure bit stressed that the crew is not aware of the danger you are all in now, he decided to do what he should have done the moment everything broke loose,He unleashed his Devil Fruit power, pushing (Y/N) away to a destination of his choosing , somewhere safe and somewhere where you will be able to recover from this battle As (Y/N) disappeared before Zoro's eyes, Zoro believed that Kuma had killed you The pain of losing (Y/N) crushed him, and he vowed to avenge their sacrifice but he was not fast enough to save you or save the others ,Zoro was filled with grief and guilt, blaming himself for not being strong enough to protect (Y/N) and the crew, He was determined to get stronger during the two-year time skip, hoping to never let such a tragedy happen again,During those two years, Zoro trained tirelessly , He honed his skills, pushing himself to the limits and beyond. The memory of (Y/N) and the crew's sacrifice fueled his determination, and he swore to be ready for any challenge that lay ahead After the time skip, the Straw Hat Pirates finally reunited on Sabaody Archipelago. As Zoro stood before their beloved ship,the thousands Sunny, Zoro's heart raced with anticipation and a mix of emotions. He had longed to see (Y/N) again, to know if you had survived and grown stronger like him To his surprise and relief, there stood (Y/N), looking stronger and more confident than ever. You had managed to survive Kuma's attack and found themselves in a land that challenged them to grow, just as Zoro had done ,As their eyes met, both (Y/N) couldn't hold back the tears. You rushed toward Zoro embracing him tightly "it's so good to see you again " Zoro whispered as he pat your back ,(Y/N) smiled through tears, "I promised myself to be stronger, just like you, and find my way back to you,I will never be afraid again for as long I fight for you and the crew" Zoro nodded, knowing that (Y/N) had proven their bravery and determination, The two shared stories of their experiences during the time they were apart, and Zoro admired your newfound strength and resilience and With the crew finally reunited, they set sail once again, ready to take on the challenges of the New World, Zoro and (Y/N) will find themselves facing new challenges though now but at least now ,you can trust yourself to always be able to be brave for the one you love
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Kaku, a skilled member of the CP9, found himself deeply enamored by a fellow agent named (Y/N),(Y/N) was charming, kind-hearted, and possessed an exceptional talent for gathering intel. However,you had a crippling fear of nearly everything that perhaps made you a more gathering Intel kind of Agent,one day, you had to be sent to a mission that had a risk of a fight,you were anxious but Kaku assured you you will do just fine,beside he will be there to have your back in case something happened As you made your way way through the base alongside kaku, your fears began to intensify. Guards patrolled the corridors, and the tension in the air was palpable. Kaku's heart ached seeing (Y/N) struggling,but he vowed to keep you safe anyway,In a critical moment, a guard spotted them and raised the alarm. Panic surged through (Y/N), but instead of cowering, you stood your ground. "Kaku, I'll handle this! You get to the data room! You are faster than me!" You tell him as you stand your ground ,Kaku hesitated for a moment, torn between leaving (Y/N) and completing the mission. But he trusted (Y/N) and rushed forward, leaving them to confront the guards. (Y/N) mustered courage, trying to quell your fears as you rush forward to stop the guards and buying kaku more time Meanwhile Kaku reached the data room and extracted the information you born needed to gather, But in his heart was with (Y/N), worried and yet proud of your courage and doing his gathering quickly to go join you before you get overwhelmed, not realizing you were holding your own against the guards,With each strike, your confidence grew, and you realized you were capable of much more than you had believed ,Just when it seemed they might be overwhelmed, Kaku arrived, finishing off the last guard. He looked at (Y/N) with admiration, "You were amazing, (Y/N)! Your bravery saved us ,you were so cool my dear,you kicked ass!" (Y/N) blushed, still trembling but with a newfound sense of accomplishment, "I-I couldn't have done it without you too! Thank you for trusting me!" From that day forward, (Y/N) started to embrace Thier fears, acknowledging that it was okay to be afraid sometimes and With Kaku's unwavering support, they continued to grow stronger and braver with each mission you took, (Y/N) learned that courage isn't about being fearless but about facing those fears head-on to protect the ones they loved. And in Kaku, they found a love that empowered and inspired them to be the best versions of themselves – fearless in their love and in the face of adversity
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wyyvernn · 1 year
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SFW Headcanons - Haytham Kenway & Shay Patrick Cormac
A/n: Little Haytham and Shay things and mannerisms that they do with or without their S/O. Sfw but there is a soft mention of Shay being naughty HAHAHA
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- Gives no reaction to distaste or disgust except the slight wrinkle of his nose or creasing of his brows to something that displeases him.
- Often clasps his hands behind his back, it is one of his most signature mannerisms. Others include standing tall with his back as straight as a board, and you can see the pride and arrogance dripping off his form. Coughs into his fist after winning an argument.
- Haytham has only a few he cares about or becomes interested in, and in truth those who don't come under that list, he barely notices, maybe even shrugs them off.
- If his S/O has poor posture or slouches a lot, then he lightly scolds them, tells them that it's not good for their back, and he will promptly give them lessons on how to stand straighter, walk with confidence, walk with purpose etc. And he will smile just the slightest when progress has been made.
- On the topic of love languages, Haytham believes that actions do more than words. So little acts of service like opening the door for you and allowing you to pass through first, or actively seeking out an item that you lost some time ago becomes somewhat of a thing for him to do in his free time. (Yes, I'm referencing that one time when he hunted all throughout Boston to find Benjamin Franklin's missing almanac pages.) Quality time is something he seeks out with his S/O too, the fact that he can be around you brings him silent joy. He doesn't even need to be touching you, you could be in the same room together and reading book on opposite sides and he's content.
- Carries a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his sword after impaling an enemy. And he cleans it off with elegance like he didn't just slaughter the fuck out of a man.
- Flashes his enemies a smile but it's more taunting and filled with condescension than the ones he sends his S/O, which are warm and kind. Either contain some kind of purpose, mostly his face is unreadable and lacking in emotion.
- Tips his hat like a gentleman to any lady he passes, and his lips curl up just a tad when he watches them blush and walk by him. He knows that he has that effect on women.
- Will not tolerate disrespect towards him or his S/O and it's one of the few things that triggers a physical reaction from him. Although, the most he will do is shove the offending person against a wall with an iron grip, his piercing eyes darkening as he lectures their ears off. Makes sure you're alright afterwards.
- His scent is like smoky wood fire combined with the hidden notes of something that's quite difficult to place but it's a charming smell, and very distinctive. So distinctive, in fact, that you would know when he turns a corner just by catching a small whiff of him.
- Lets his S/O take the helm of the Morrigan sometimes, especially when he sees them so excited. He'll step away and allow them to grip the wheel before coming up from behind and placing his hands over theirs, guiding you to steer the ship.
- Yes, that funny little bed in his cabin does get used and not just for sleeping. On more than one occasion has Shay dragged you by your arm to his cabin when his crew were too occupied in a tavern.
- Has a habit of showing off, particularly when he was an Assassin. Now he's less boisterous, less boyish but he maintains some of those traits and it really is quite charming, if a little laughable when he flexes his muscles at you after hunting a shark.
- More perceptive than others give him credit for, I think he pays attention to many things in the environment, might smile at a bird's nest or grin when he notices a whale.
- A passionate man, will absolutely ruin the person who insults him or his S/O. He's quicker to anger than Haytham, more reckless but it's something endearing even if gets a bit too much. Shay means well.
- Loves languages of his include physical touch. He cannot keep his hands off his S/O and they often find his palm wandering down from their waist to grip their rear, which earns him a light smack on his chest but he grins and shrugs it off. Sometimes he pulls them in his lap when he's going over plans for the Morrigan. I think he's very fond of quality time as well to the point that he's ecstatic that his S/O is by his side on his ship always. Oddly enough, there are many things to do on the open sea that don't involve just steering a wheel and looking at all the pretty little fish.
- Strangely, he wears a frown in public. It could just be his resting face but it's hard to tell. You like to bring your thumb up to his brows when he's unsuspecting and massage the crease away until he realises what's happening and he lets out a small chuckle, gently batting your hands away.
- Fights many men at once and at no point does his grin ever drop. Whether it's a bar fight or when he's juggling through his weapons, he will show his enjoyment and it's really quite menacing and ridiculous at the same time.
Bonus - Poly
- Together, both men work very well. Both are deadly on their own but with Haytham's intellect and Shay's efficiency, they become their own army side by side.
- Both are considerate of their S/O, Haytham is more calm and gentle towards you and Shay, rough and energetic. They balance each other out when one becomes too much, but you enjoy their company regardless.
- It's never a tug of war between them, every thing between each of you is carefully calculated to be equal per Haytham's request. Shay might become more wanting of your company but even he knows the line not to cross.
- Come night, and the three of you are snuggled closely together. Admittedly, Haytham prefers to sleep beside only one of you but even he can't refuse having both. Shay doesn't care at all and will happily join you both together.
- Quiet kisses and hushed words of affection become a daily thing when no one is around but the three of you.
- Random little thing to point out but Haytham's ponytail is lower and Shay's is a bit higher.
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Stating this as a staunce proshipper: Something I've noticed throughout my time in fandom spaces is that proshippers not only typically end up having dealt with some form of deep-rooted trauma in their lives, but a lot of them are disproportionately queer.
This doesn't account for everyone, nor do I (nor should any of us) gatekeep those who haven't suffered from the trauma they enjoy viewing/writing in fiction, nor those who are straight. It just seems to align with what I've seen over the years.
So, for this us versus them mentality to be so rampant is wild. Because it always tends to be other queer people who are quick to jump on proshipper accounts/posts in order to put in their two cents on how disgusting someone is for shipping fictional characters. Without knowing who they are as a person.
Instead of finding the similarities we all have (hating bigots/racists/real life predators/murderers/whatever else) and banding together to go after or make a stand against those people...antis instead choose to die on this hill. Because of moral grandstanding and/or because they see us as easy targets. Because it's too ~scawy~ to stand against the others.
It's legitimately a form of othering. Or bullying. Whatever you prefer to call it.
I have never once seen a proshipper go to an anti to start something. I don't deny that it has likely happened before. But, any time I've ever seen pissed off posts from fellow proshippers is because an anti came to bat, and we're allowed to attack back.
I'm just saying. If antis went in with the same smoke against people who are actually doing harm, I would respect them a bit more.
I shouldn't have to kowtow to a complete stranger, tell them the extensive and EXTREMELY damaging background of my sexual assault experiences (as a child, mind you), reiterate multiple times that I DO NOT condone it in real-life, explain how my therapist has told me multiple times that it's healthy to cope, simply so I can imagine two characters kissing.
Only to be told that I should kill myself and that I deserved to be raped (as a child, mind you. Kinda weird that you think a real-life child deserved to be raped, but go off, king.) -- how does the logic not link into your brain? You'd much rather be a bully than be an actual defender of victims.
Phew, venting over.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
Chai do you think any of the spindlehorse employees find it weird that their boss doesn’t seem to comprehend what Quid Pro Quo even is? Maybe some have expressed it to you, who knows. And needs it explained to her that sexual misconduct in the workplace is bad, not funny, it’s not tragic just for the abuser cause he’s lonely, and isn’t a good basis for a “soulmates” relationship? Did anybody animating Look My Way not have a moment of clarity ‘hey this plot is a little disgusting actually’ ?
Also. Wow. Helluva boss’ “romance” story is actually so toxic that it’s the reason I learned the term for this type of sexual abuse and how to recognise it in the workplace. It’s (unintentionally) told with the type of subtlety Valentino and Angel Dusts story needed. Moments of kindness but also immediate backhanded remarks, power plays, grand romantic gestures mixed with scathing ones and physical boundaries pushed, and just overall confusing behaviour. Like the constant whiplash when stolas appeared in truth seekers. The victim doubting their own memory and his friends saying it’s all in his head.
For others though, younger audiences who love gay ships in any media just for the sake of it being gay, it’s just conditioning them to see it as quirky or the responsibility of the victim to “set the record straight” and negotiate out of sex.
People are actually using it as an example of what coercion is when asked what it is, and many people say it’s taught them how to recognise abuse in their relationship. This is what “stolitz” could have been. A cautionary tale. Stolas and Valentino guilt tripping their employees using various tactics is also educational. Funny enough, if this show gave a damn about its audience that would’ve been a scene in the show, Blitzø convinces himself he’s just in “love” and even with even Millie backing this up, naively finding it cute (being a meta stand in for shippers who don’t really pay attention) Moxxie in discomfort smiles a and says nothing out of fear, and then Loona shows him a info website that even has the term “quid pro quo” in writing for the audience to see and sits down to explain to him he is very much experiencing Stockholm syndrome and abuse. Hell, this crystal thing is just the ‘flowers and chocolates’ part of the abuse cycle.
And I don’t want to go there again but the fact Viv projects onto stolas and Brandon relates to Blitzø a lot when writing him, and the fact Viv shoe horned in that romance in a way he wasn’t in a position to object to since she’s the showrunner? Eerily similar to the characters in universe power dynamic? Yeah that’s a little nightmarish.
Oh lord, remember those days when we all thought that that's exactly where all of this was leading...Blitz being hit with the realization that he is to his employees what Stolas is to him?
Seems like a lifetime ago now.
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ragzonacamrencruise · 3 months
Could you do Azutara and the soulmate au for the send a ship prompt?
soulmates au is #1
hehehehe okay let's do this!
this is an universe where the first words spoken to you by your soulmate gets tattooed anywhere on your body.
Azula never really believed in this soulmate stuff everyone was always talking about. Maybe it was because her mom realised her dad wasn't her supposed soulmate and left with another man who she thinks is. Well, if you ask Azula, she'd fume that her mom should've figured it out before she had two kids. No, really, what kinda universe would like for a 6 year old and an 8 year old to be motherless?
So, it comes as a surprise to Azula when she turns her head to the seats next to her. She's always been a cricket geek. Don't ask her why, she doesn't know. It can be a nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat thriller sometimes, and she likes it for the excitement, maybe. She'd always come to this stadium whenever the Fire Ferrets are playing. And she'd always book this row of seats to watch from. It had better vantage over the whole ground and she liked the distance too.
The stairs beside her seat meant, she could up and leave whenever she wanted, if the match was getting quite boring or if she realises her team is losing. But today . . . today is different.
Today she looks to her left and across the stairway, and sure enough, there's this moron of a fan who's wearing blue from top to foot and is screaming his lungs out at the ground whenever his team, the 'Pole Waves' is losing or winning. The weird thing that stands out is his quirky pony-tail.
But that's not what gets Azula's attention. This screaming, pony-tail guy leans forward and backward now and then and that reveals glimpses of the most gorgeous girl Azula's ever laid eyes upon. Sure she could use a little make-up to boost her prominent features, but from this distance, Azula's pretty sure that up close, the girl would sure be dazzling.
From the glimpses she's been getting, Azula bets that the girl is embarrassed by the screaming, pony-tail guy. Surely, they've come together. A petty resentment bubbles up inside Azula's chest. Not because she's jealous. But because she doesn't believe in soulmates and she has no idea what the universe has in store for her, if it decides to act up. She doesn't wanna get her hopes up with that pretty girl, who she's only gonna see this one time and probably never gonna see again.
She averts her eyes from seat across the stairway. And good thing she did too. Because the Pole Waves just hit a 6 and the ball is coming straight to Azula's face.
Azula, being Azula, extends her arm out in a cat like reflex, catching the ball in her hand, efforlessly.
The whole stadium erupts in cheer for the Pole Waves, and people around Azula erupt in cheer for her, amazed at the way she caught the ball. She looks at the ball in her hand. It feels gross and wet. Her face takes up a disgusted look before she throws the ball towards the ground, in order to resume the play.
And the next thing she knows, she's flinching from a sudden shrill sound in her left ear.
Okay, so, Azula's pretty sure that she just went deaf.
She looks to her side and her eyes instantly find the pony-tail guy with an excited look on his face, looking expectantly at her. The guy spent too long yelling at the ground that he almost forgot what it is like to talk normally, Azula assumes.
Her face is still warped, trying to recover from her ringing ear, when the girl she spent most of the tournament stealing glances at, comes up behind the pony-tail guy (did he say Sokka was him name?! No, she's pretty sure it's Succa-), and the girl grabs his arm and pulls him away, muttering something in his ear, that Azula guesses is supposed to ask him to behave himself.
Azula leaves for her home then, having had enough of this debacle. Her team is losing badly anyways.
She doesn't know how. She doesn't know why. But when she looks to her left side across the stairway near her seat in the stadium, Azula's eyes fall helplessly on the same girl her eyes fell on weeks ago and her stomach does this curious back-flip. It's like a weird sort of deja vu, Azula thinks, but somehow she also remembers both the events as clear as glass.
She shakes her head and tries to watch the game. But her wandering mind doesn't stop flying over the details. Azula had spent the better half of an entire week after the last match to forget about the girl with the brilliant blue eyes, brown locks of hair that fall on her shoulders like waves, and her loud as fuck companion (Azula gave up on remembering his name and just calls him 'Pony-tail guy' in her head).
But, Azula never thought she'll be seeing that girl again, considering how she's seen a lot of beautiful girls but never had the chance to see them again. But this . . . this feels different somehow. She doesn't want to think about it, but it's all she can think about. Maybe she also thinks about how the girl would look up close, or how full the girl's lips are-
Wait- The girl's lips are full, right?!
Azula's eyes immediately shoot to her left, unable to resist herself anymore. But she almost reels back in shock when she finds the other girl staring straight at her, hypnotic blue eyes locking on to Azula's golden brown orbs for not more than 2 seconds, before she averts her heated gaze to whatever the pony-tail guy is screaming about.
There's a significant distance between them, but Azula's body reacts to the silent interaction (if she can even call it that) as if the blue-eyed girl was standing right in front of her. What will Azula do if the girl actually stands before her and stares at her like that, Azula doesn't like to spend too much time mulling over. This is hard enough as it is.
The rest of the match, Azula feels eyes on her. Blue ones, to be precise. But she almost nails her own eyes to the ground in front of her, trying not to look back to her left. She even finds herself getting distracted by the game for a little while. After all, that's what she came here to do, didn't she?!
At recess, the pony-tail guy moves to the stairway towards the area where snacks are sold, and he immediately recognises Azula, much to Azula's resentment.
"Hey! You're the girl who caught the ball last match!" He calls over to her. Azula looks at him awkwardly, giving him the fakest smile she could muster. He pays no heed to her unease. "I'm Sokka, remember?! We met last match!"
Actually, she remembers him as 'pony-tail guy', but he doesn't need to know that.
"Yeah . . ." She trails off, not really wanting to have a full-blown small talk. "I remember."
"Cool!!" He beams. "I'm here with my sister. Wanna come join us?!"
Okay, so they aren't together together. They're siblings. Geez, she should've known better. Also, who joins a stranger on their first time meeting?! Second time meeting but it doesn't really count.
"I . . . uh . . ." Azula doesn't know what'll happen to her if she ever has a proper conversation with the blue-eyed girl. Her brother seems to sport the same eye shade too; must be a family event.
The overly-excited brother seems to catch on to Azula's hesitation. "Hey, it's okay. I get it! You don't have to if you don't want to. Have a nice day!" He chirps and gives her a wide smile before heading his way to the snack stands.
Azula's eyes land on the pony-tail guy's sister as he leaves and she looks . . . wait, pissed?! Why does she look pissed off?! She's glaring at her brother's retreating form and Azula's body shudders at the look on the girl's face. She looks extremely fucking hot when she's pissed and Azula doesn't know what to do with this information.
Blue eyes fall on Azula suddenly, and Azula panics and turns to the ground in a hurry, not wanting to look at the girl when her mind is starting to fill with unholy thoughts.
When the game ends, Fire Ferrets gaining victory quicker than she anticipated, Azula walks out of the stadium at top speed, not wanting to dwell there any longer.
It's the blue-eyed girl.
She's here.
From this angle, only the blue-eyed girl's wild, wavy, brown locks are visible and yet Azula recognised her in a jiffy.
Azula's pretty sure she hasn't seen this girl in this coffee shop. She would know cuz this is the shop she comes to regularly and never once had she seen this girl here. It's all very suspicious. It's already the third time her eyes are finding the girl in like two months and Azula's getting worried that it's the universe playing tricks on her.
She averts her eyes from the line before the coffee shop counter where the blue-eyed girl is standing at.
No, she thinks. She wouldn't let the universe dictate her life. She's already had enough of it through her mother. She has her coffee order on the table she's sitting at and that's all she needs to look at. NOT the counter.
Maybe the girl and her loud-as-fuck brother are new to town or something. Yeah. That could be it. All Azula needs to do is wait till the girl leaves the shop and then continue on with her life like nothing happened.
Azula looks at the counter slyly, through her lashes, trying to see if the coast is clear for her. But unfortunately for her, the blue-eyed girl turns around from the counter, having received her order, and steps out of line.
Maybe it really is Azula's unlucky day or something, when the blue eyes that's been haunting her from day one, falls directly on her in a sharp glance and Azula's stomach jumps up to her mouth.
The girl stops dead on her tracks, coffee almost spilling from her hand. Azula's heart skips a beat when the girl stares at her with her lips falling open slowly.
But it only lasts a second more, before blue eyes frown deeply and rush out of the shop in a hurry.
Azula blinks at the blank space left at the girl's wake.
She really needs to get her health checked.
Azula gets a ticket far away from her usual seat. She does NOT want to run into that damned girl again. Azula would never ever admit to the way her stoamch flips every time they have a silent interaction though.
She walks into the stadium for a much awaited relaxing match, a little strange with getting a different seat from her usual one. And she made sure that the Pole Waves were NOT playing this match, so the chances of running into the girl and her pony-tailed brother are almost zero.
She melts into her seat, excited for her team.
Azula's in the middle of watching her team win deliberately, when she hears a sharp voice near her.
"Are you stalking me?"
She whips her head around, almost missing a whiplash. And the moment she does, her eyes fall on wavy, brown hair and stunningly deep, blue eyes that's all too familiar; and her heart jumps to her throat.
The moment she recognises who it is, there is a sudden sharp pain in the nape of her neck. Her eyes are locked on the girl's hypnotic ones, but she can't help but get distracted by the pain she's feeling on her neck.
She hisses softly, her palm flying to her neck and catching hold of her nape, trying to ease the pain. But the girl in front of her is having none of it.
"I'll call the cops if I catch you trailing me next time." The girl says, before turning on her heel and walking away briskly.
Azula stares after her, still wincing from the pain on her neck.
What just happened?!
Azula spends almost fifteen minutes trying to angle her phone in a way that would photograph the back of her neck. She's in her room, trying so hard not to think of the girl and how the hell she found her in a stadium full of people.
And damn this cursed pain.
Her neck is sore, and Azula's pretty sure that a bee stung her or something. She really needs to see what's going on in order to plan the best course of action.
She gives up after fifteen minutes though. It's tiresome to twist and turn your hand in order to take a picture of the back of your neck. Then suddenly, and idea hits her. She's seen hairstylists do this and it really is the best course of action.
She runs to her dressing mirror and opens the front camera in her phone. She holds the phone behind her neck and the reflection of the front camera's image falls on the mirror in front of her and-
Wait a damn minute-
Is that a tattoo?!
She gasps and drops her phone in shock.
No way . . .
She picks her phone back up and holds it behind her neck again, not believing her eyes.
It's a tattoo, for sure. It says, "Are you stalking me?" in neat, cursive, black letters and the skin around it is tender and red. But that doesn't stop the faint blue glow that's emanating from the etching on her nape.
It looks . . . beautiful.
The reality of the situation sinks in Azula's brain.
Sure, she knows the significance of this. It's been literally told to her a million times by million different people, what happens when the first words are spoken to you by your soulmate. But she never really wanted it to happen to her, and the fact that it happened with the girl she's been dying to get out of her head is completely insane for Azula.
And imagine the look on the girl's face if Azula goes and proclaims this revelation to her.
Keyword: IF.
Azula's scaning through the different varieties of milk kept at the shelves of Walmart. She's been here for five minutes and still hasn't arrived upon a choice.
And that's when she feels herself getting yanked by the arm all of a sudden. She yelps at the quick tug, stumbling along the store out of balance, trying to pull her arm away from the deadly grip.
She feels herself getting dragged to the back of the store to where the restrooms are. The door opens and shuts and Azula feels a sharp pain on her back as she gets slammed against the closed door of the surprisingly big Walmart bathroom.
She hisses in pain, closing her eyes and throwing her head back.
Her collars get yanked forward and her hazy vision focuses on the person in front of her. Her eyes immediately widen as she realises it's the blue-eyed girl standing close to her, breathing hot air against her face in short gasps.
"Didn't I tell you not to stalk me?! I don't even need the police to take you down."
Azula flinches from the proximity, her heartbeat through the roof. She rests her hands on the girl's hips, readily available for her to hold.
And what's this whole thing about Azula being a stalker?!
Azula was literally buying milk. The whole thing is just confusing as fuck to her, so she takes a deep breath. She contemplates the situation for a whole minute, staring at her supposed soulmate in question.
Then she speaks in a firm, soft voice. "I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate."
The blue eyed girl stares at her. "What?"
"I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate." Azula repeats herself, thinking that the girl didn't hear her properly.
"No way-" The girl cuts herself short and suddenly winces in pain.
Azula's brow raises as she notices the girl's hand fall away from her collars and clutch her chest. "Ow!" She exclaims.
A faint, golden glow erupts from the girl's chest and Azula can't help but notice that the colour is so pretty bouncing off of the girl's deep, blue eyes.
The hand still clutching Azula's collar is now doing it for a different purpose. The girl is completely bracing herself against Azula and she can't help but think that she wants the girl to do it more.
She's trying so hard to soothe the pain, but Azula knows exactly how that pain feels, as she experienced the same thing mere days ago. It's especially hard if someone hasn't had a tattoo experience before.
"Don't fight it." Azula quips, not really knowing what to say or do.
When Katara looks up finally, Azula notes that she's completely in a state of shock, still trying to make sense of whatever is happening. Her delicate, brown fingers catch hold of her blouse and removes the top button carefully.
When she pulls her shirt collars apart, revealing her chest, a small gasp escapes both of their throats.
The faint gold-tinted glow is wrapped around fine, neat, and precise, black, embedded writing that says, "I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate."
The blue eyed girl's delicate fingers run over the tattoo that conveniently sits right on top of her chest bone, as if to proclaim that she's Azula's property and no one is supposed to touch her other than Azula herself.
She won't admit it, but Azula likes that idea too much to the point where she wants to kiss the tattoo on the girl's skin over and over again, claiming the blue eyed angel for herself.
The girl stares at Azula, eyes wide with shock.
Then like a whirlwind, she exits the bathroom, leaving Azula blinking at the empty space she left at her wake.
Katara's pretty sure she's going crazy. It's not even been a whole week since her soulmate was revealed, and she already feels like the whole world is conspiring against her to make her meet the girl at every chance she gets.
Katara would never admit that the stalker's name feels exquisite, rolling off her tongue. She's spent countless hours staring at the glowing tattoo on her chest. It strangely matches the stalker's eye colour and Katara doesn't know what to do with this fact.
She's been trying to avoid anything and everything that is even remotely related to the soulmate situation. It didn't take the humans long to commercialize this whole thing. Anywhere you turn there's a shop that asks you to buy stuff that your soulmate might like.
It's exhausting.
Especially when Katara wants nothing to do with it. She's been dreaming of having her soulmate and ever since she was a little girl, she's been planning their wedding and whatnot. But she certainly did NOT expect a freaking STALKER to be her soulmate.
It crumbled every expectation she's ever had about the whole soulmate situation.
Now, walking rapidly in uptown Republic City, she's determined to avoid any and every commercial shop that is intent on selling her stuff that offers to make the soulmates happy. She's already taken a different route, walking in uncharted territories just so that she might not have to deal with street vendors.
One in particular is this balloon guy. He's been pestering her for full five minutes now, asking her to buy a balloon for her soulmate just because she has the glow surrounding her that only happens to people who've found their soulmates.
"Make them happy today!" He calls out loud towards her, bombarding her with a face full of balloons.
"No, thank you!" She tries to clear out the balloons in front of her face, blocking her vision.
But she isn't quick enough as her foot, unfortunately, finds the step to the sidewalk and she's falling.
She's falling hard and fast, until suddenly, she feels a steady grip on her arm and she's not falling anymore. She jerks forward, her whole body launching in the opposite direction due to the inertia it wants to stay in. But the grip on her arm is firm. A moment later, she's being pulled up.
She's so incredibly grateful for the person who caught her, cuz without them, she would've totally ate dirt.
"Thank you so much for-" Katara's eyes suddenly find the person who helped her and the words die down in her throat.
It's her.
The stalker.
She's looking down at her, casually holding a blue balloon in one hand and Katara with her other. She has this smug smile on her face, as if she knows something Katara doesn't and Katara just wants to slap it away.
"YOU!" Katara exclaims, eyes wide and nose flaring in rage. "This was all your doing, wasn't it?!"
The stalker's eyes narrows ever so slightly. "What?"
Katara's at her wits end here. This is getting waaayyyy outta line and Katara is pretty sure she didn't ask for any of this. "You arranged for that balloon guy, didn't you?!"
Azula's eyes lift up to look over Katara's shoulder and sure enough, the balloon guy is standing there, silently witnessing this happen. All it takes is one harsh glance from Azula and he's running away from them at top speed.
"He was selling balloons for soulmates and I thought something was up." Azula addresses Katara. "So, I bought one."
"Wha-?!" Katara is cut of yet again as she tries to step forward, forgetting that there still is a step to the sidewalk and she ends up falling right into Azula's strong, and ready arms. This time, Azula takes a precautionary step to wrap her free arm around Katara hips, so that she doesn't try and fall on her face again.
The act puts them both closer than Katara would want. But she doesn't yet realise it that it's what she needs.
"And here you are." The stalker emphasizes her point. "Falling for me right on my doorstep."
Katara perks up. "Your what?! NO. YOU are stalking ME."
"Yeah . . . I'm stalking you . . . In my own house . . ."
"Huh?!" Katara frowns comically. "Your house?!"
"Yeah . . . This is my house." The stalker points to the huge mansion behind the gates at the sidewalk. "Wanna come in?" She asks her. "I'm Azula Sei'naka by the way."
"Yeah, no kidding! You've already tattooed that on my chest, didn't you?!"
"It wasn't my fault! You really think I want to have a person like you as my soulmate?!"
Katara blinks at her, offended. "A person like me? What's that supposed to mean?!?!"
Azula wastes no time. "It means that you're obnoxious and entitled."
"Oh-" Katara pauses. "I thought you were offending my ethnicity . . ."
"What? No." Azula's face scrunches up. "Why would I do that? That's lame. I would only intentionally hurt your personality."
"Bold, coming from you, you stalker!"
"I didn't stalk you!" Azula exclaims. "I don't even know your name for god's sake! And you're supposed to be my soulmate! The universe really is trying to test my patience."
Katara's eyes suddenly fall on the balloon clutched in Azula's hand. "That's . . . actually my favourite colour."
Azula pulls back her head. "Yeah . . . I figured." Her golden eyes scan Katara's costume from top to bottom. "That's why I bought it."
Katara takes a step back from Azula's immediate vicinity, giving them both a little room to talk instead of getting distracted.
"Look," Azula begins, already having had enough of this. "You can bicker with me for all eternity, I don't care. But you can make this easier for the both of us and cooperate. I don't think the universe is gonna let you go until you actually talk with me properly. Trust me, I would choose otherwise, but I don't think we're in control. Maybe there's a reason we're paired up."
"Okay . . ."
Azula takes in a deep breath. "So . . . you wanna come inside?"
Katara nods.
if i'm ever this inactive here again, come and kill me with a rock. hehehehe.
but here you go! i've been gatekeeping this for long enough and y'all deserve some azutara in your lives :)
if you see any typos, no you didn't 🙈
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beabnormal24 · 5 months
This!!!! Oh my god!!! I really did like landoscar fics at first. But the way the amount of fics now that just portray Carlos as the bad guy is insane!!! And it's not just landoscar but lestappen fics too!
Carlos always ends up being the antagonist or the ex that was horrible and well as you've said a ab*ser. I get it that it's fiction and it's their writing and they're free to do whatever they want.
And I understand that sometimes in some plots why Carlos had to be the bad guy. It makes sense plot wise. Great. You're free to write what ever you want.
But there's a line that should not be crossed. And they cross it all the time.
And sometimes you can clearly tell that they do not like Carlos just from how they write him. Especially in fics where Charles or Oscar are the main protagonist in lestappen and landoscar fics because the writer will always make Carlos this horrible character. And it’s always the fics with lestappen and landoscar as side ship or vice versa. Which again ok everyone has their fav drivers and are free to have opinions but the way they are so easy and quick to make Carlos (a real person that they don’t know personally) an ab*ser.
The way I have backed out of multiple ongoing fics that i did like recently because they didn’t tag it properly (probably for like a shock element) and Carlos was this ab*ser character and was horrible to poor Charles and Lando and Oscar and Max were this saviour protecting them from big bad Carlos. One fic is somewhat understandable but multiple fics that’s just hating and being vile towards Carlos is insane. And making him this character that is always this ab*ser like character.
The way this behavior has turned me away from lestappen (which was how i got into f1 rpf bc I loved them and still do but i just cannot read or appreciate them anymore) and landoscar is actually crazy. I have been in multiple fandoms with ships that I don’t like and let the shippers be. Always been a firm believer in “don’t like don’t read/dni” but sometimes you have to interact and call what they’re doing wrong. It’s not even the ships that are bad it’s the shippers. They are so toxic and this toxicity makes you turn away from the whole ship.
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense but yeah…
Anon, this made incredibly sense, and I have to share this because I have never heard truer words. I, too, have had to clock out of ongoing fics because of this, I just can’t stand it when Carlos becomes the bad character, sometimes even without a logical reason at all!
Like once I was reading this Landoscar fic and all of a sudden they just straight out started saying that Carlos was stupid and an idiot and he was an asshole, but that didn’t even fit in the entire dialogue the characters were having!
In another fic, they went as far as k*lling Carlos, just because they hated him.
This is not fiction, this is a problematic mentality. I get that you can despise someone, but as anon said that’s just taking it too far and it has become extremely toxic and disgusting.
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sol-consort · 1 month
I don't know if you listen to Chapelle Roan or not but Ashley and Femshep are so "Good luck, babe." Like that's literally them like "I don't wanna call it off. But you don't wanna call it love" like Ashley says she would have followed Shepard anywhere in what is basically their break-up scene on horizon like you can say that but you can't say you love me? Their relationship also gives 'I wish you were a boy vibes' because what fo you mean I can only date her if I'm a man when her and femshep have more chemistry???? It's like high school all over again when I would fall in love with "straight" girls.
I do listen to Chapelle Roan, I adore all of her music omfg and her makeup is so cool aaa!
Repressed feelings Ashley, who's too deep in the closet. She can, and will, follow Shepard to the end of the universe, but she can't even tell her how much she loves her.
It feels blasphemous to even think about, the love twisting in her chest into something bitter as the guilt seeps into her guts. The word love burns her throat whenever she attempts to spout it out.
tw: Internalised homophobia
Ashley, who's been in denial about her crush ever since you saved her on Eden Prime. When she first glimpsed you in the distance, watched you shoot down those enemies with deadly precision before walking towards her, authority clear in your every step, the poise of a hero, a fighter.
Her heart hammering against her chest, for some reason, she was expecting a man under that helmet as you removed it, even as she heard your voice, a part of her was still in denial.
Blood freezing in her veins as she realised The Commander Shepard is a woman, just like her. Even worse, the way her stomach churned at how attractive you are, before feeling sick by her own desires.
For the first time in her life, Ashley Williams found another woman hot, and she wasn't handing it well. Lust pooling in her core as you inquired for her rank and name, the tough soldier act melting into softness as you stepped closer, reassuring her that she will be fine, you'll protect her, it wasn't her fault...what happened to her unit.
Ashley wanted to scream, tear her heart out, and crush it under her own boots. But like always, she forced herself to remain composed and acknowledged your authority.
Her disgust with herself...her sinful desires only increased by the thought that she's the only one in here with these kind of problems. No way the great woman standing in front of her could ever have these urges, right? Yes, you'd never go for another woman. You must be straight.
You have to be.
As the days went by, she joined your crew and served on your ship. Ashley noticing how you get out of your way to visit her on the bottom floor each time, the little extra effort you put in each time after an exhausting mission just to come and talk to her.
She's praying more often, recounting verses in her mind as a way to discipline her wandering gaze. Hungry eyes filled with shame running over your body clad in those tight armours. Why did you have to wear something so tantalising? And why the fuck does the idea of Kaidan getting to gawk at the same view piss her off even more?
God you even pay attention when she talks about her family. Your air of charm, the breezy seamlessly way you weave yourself into every conversation, steal the lightspots only to departure just as quickly, leaving everyone around wanting more.
This is a universal experience, of course. It can't be only Ashley experiencing this... right?
The way you carry yourself with pride, how deadly even a cheap pistol can be in your hands. The fact it is Ashley who you entrusted with your weapons after each mission, letting her tone your snipers, clean the barrage of your shotguns, and dismantle your pistols before putting them back together.
Yes, she knows it is part of her offical job. So why does she get this tingly feeling whenever your fingers brush against hers as she hands you the weapon back?
Why doesn't she get bothered by having you hover over her shoulder while she works? Why does she enjoy feeling your warm body pressed against hers. Something she would've broke the arm of anyone else who tried to even be in that close of approximately to her.
She shares her faith, tells you of her believes, expecting ridicule. It never arrives.
You treat her with respect, never undermining her values as you admit while you're not religious, you do understand where she's coming from. That you'll personally ensure that no one else gives her any troubles for her faith on this ship.
While your speech was heartfelt and all, what really stuck out to Ashley the most–an earworm of a sentence that kept looping in her brain akin to a broken record.
You're not religious.
Which means she might have a chanc—
No. Absolutely not. Ashley does not swing that way. Even if she does, that's just... not right. It's not natural. She wouldn't even know how to do it with another woman, not that she thought about it...definitely.
But you must have...right? You must have experimented with women before. Did you let them fuck you? surrender to them in bed like you would to men? Did they use their fingers or a strap? Did they just eat you out? How did your thighs feel wrapped around their head–
Jealousy bubbling into envy. Both of the women you've been with and the fact they can live out their sinful lifestyle without consequences.
The fact she can't. Her mind keeping her hostage within this cage.
Why couldn't you be a man?
Ashley often thinks about that before she falls asleep in her pod, dreaming of the life you could've shared. The doting wife she would've been to you. The wedding day and how gorgeous you'd be in front of the altar, stealing her breath away.
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cherriiramen · 1 year
To those of y’all still posting art, headcanons, clips, screenshots, 3D models, and even little ramble blogs of Morston, I love you.
You’re carrying this tiny little ship on your shoulders despite the constant harassing in your inboxes, and I hope the hate doesn’t get to you. People still think we’re pedophiles, transphobes, racists, terrorists (yes unfortunately), child groomers, r*pists and god knows what else. Unfortunately most of us can’t even address the situation without getting violently mocked, and it’s STILL ongoing.
I think people never consider the actual psychological pov of the shippers, they’re always quick to jump that we’re.. child predators?? For shipping something they headcanon as ‘incestous’?? Some of us are literally still minors, and believe me when I say none of us shipped them for incestious/predatory reasons as you all suspect and blame us for. We NEVER had intentions to make it incestious NOR paedophilic, but hey ho, just because one person claimed so, everyone had to throw in the same accusations. I wanted to avoid speaking of all this but at this point it’s just becoming cruel.
If you found out a family member or an irl friend of yours shipped something you hate, would you also cry about it? Wouldn’t you THEN consider that attacking them would be inhumane behaviour? But nahhh, we can be cunts on the internet just ‘cuz we aren’t free enough to do so away from the screen in fear actual human beings would call us insane, right?
Morston is not problematic, but you all gaslit yourselves into thinking it’s a severe issue in the fandom and that we’re horrible people. Is it? Isn’t our ‘problematic’ behaviour natural when we’re constantly getting harassed? So we can’t defend ourselves and our friends when they’re getting straight up bullied? Are you so clinically online to think it’s perfectly okay to go and harass people over what, two fictional characters? What’s worse is that there’s enough proof to make it acceptable, but you all just HAVE to disagree just to prove yourselves right. And then you get all sensitive and whiney when it leads to consequences or when people stand up to you. You not ONLY harass the shippers, but you forcefully drive people away from us. You harass anyone innocent who does as little as reblog our art. And what’s worse is we’re expected to sit down, zip our mouthes and watch you shit on us on a daily basis.
No Emily, we don’t want to hear your one millionth weekly rant blog on why Morston shippers should stay away from you. Neither do we need a reminder that we’re crusty.
And to know that almost the entire fandom claps for this kind of behaviour honestly disgusts me. Besides, I thought THE Roger Clark HIMSELF told y’all to cut the bullshit. Or did y’all completely disregard that just to fit your desires?
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
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Chapter Two: The Way of Lady Justice {Series Masterlist | Series Playlist ♫}
Series Summary: You’ve been called the Jewel of the Bay, a lady born and bred in one of the Royal Navy’s most profitable ports of call. On a fateful summer night, taken aboard the pirate ship Starcatcher, your world is turned upside down. To survive, you must put your faith in the honor among thieves and learn to trust the devotion of a pirate to his most precious treasure.
Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x Danny, Josh x Reader | Word Count: 3k | Warnings: AU-typical violence, sexual innuendo
A/N: Everybody say hello to pirate Josh! I'm enjoying giving them their swashbuckling characteristics, and though we don't get to meet Sam and Danny in this chapter, I promise they're coming soon. I hope you like it! ♡
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Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up at him, eyes wide and heart pounding at the sight of a pirate who really did frighten you. Jake had proven himself honorable, at least so far, and the rest of them were bruisers and henchmen, obedient to their captain’s call. This one, though, had a cunning curve to his mouth, a keenness to his gaze that seemed to cut straight to the heart of you. He looked at you as if he knew you, as if he understood every secret you’d ever tried to hide.
He came down the stairs to stand before you, his gold earrings and necklaces catching the firelight from the raging inferno of the Commodore’s house. His hair was unusually cut, shorn on the sides and wild with curls otherwise. His eyes flashed between your face and the gaudy necklace you wore as if trying to determine which he liked better.
“Brought home a little plaything, Jake?” he asked, not taking his eyes off of you. You shivered under his gaze.
“Josh,” Jake warned. “Don’t frighten her.”
It was too late for that, and both you and Josh knew it. He gave you a smile that did nothing to soothe your nerves.
“What’s your name, little dove?” he asked. His rings clinked against the hilt of his cutlass as he ran his hand over it in a habitual motion.
Your mouth went dry. You couldn’t have answered if you’d wanted to.
Josh smirked. “Cat got your tongue, my love? No matter.” He reached out to you, and you panicked and shied away from him.
“Steady now,” he said, though it was more of an order than a consolation. His slender fingers grasped the sapphire in your necklace. 
“Fitting to find a gem this big at this port of call,” he said, almost lovingly. He met your eyes. “But you’re the real jewel of the bay, aren’t you, sweet one?”
Your head spun with all the pet names he lavished you with. You’d never been called anything close to those kinds of names, and they held a strange kind of magnetism in his voice.
He knew the pull he had over you. His eyes swept up from your necklace to meet your gaze.
“I think that’s what I’ll call you,” he said. “Sapphire.”
You swallowed. He gave you a lazy smirk.
“Take it,” you blurted, your voice more fearful than you wanted it to be. You reached with shaky hands to unclasp your necklace and hand it to him. “It’s yours.”
He laughed. “I know it is.” He kept his eyes trained on you as he took it, and it was only when he held the necklace in his hand that he moved his gaze. 
He ran his thumb over the surface of the gem. “However did you come across such a magnificent jewel, Sapphire?”
“M-my fiancé,” you stammered. You glanced at Jake; he was watching the exchange with a cool expression, completely unreadable.
Josh raised a brow. “Caught yourself a rich one, did you? What’s his name? Perhaps I’ll send a few men to see what other gifts he has secreted away for you.”
Despite the disgust you felt for Kit, you held on to a flicker of bravery; he was legendary for his cruelty to pirates, and perhaps his name held some weight with this one.
“Commander Kit Drake of the Black Smoke,” you said, trying for confidence. “That’s his name.”
Josh’s eyes widened, and to your surprise, an almost giddy smile spread over his face.
“Is it?” he asked. He looked over at Jake with vicious glee. “Got a little sidetracked, did you, Jacob? Stealing the beloved of Kitty-Kat Drake?”
Jake snorted. “Beloved?” he repeated. “He used her as a shield when our men attacked. Show him your bruises, lass.”
You hesitantly offered your hand to Josh. He took it in a surprisingly gentle grip and looked over the bruises blossoming on your wrist.
“He marked your pretty face too, didn’t he?” Josh said, releasing your wrist and examining the cut on your cheek. “Wasteful.”
“It was his signet ring,” you said softly, a wave of tears threatening at the memory. “He struck me with the back of his hand.”
“Only after she’d nearly bitten a finger off,” Jake said, and there was a hint of pride in his voice.
Josh’s brows rose in a way you would have thought almost playful if you hadn’t been so wary of him still.
“I suppose I’ll keep my distance, then,” he said, and there was a wry teasing in his voice. He held up two fingers. “I use these too frequently to have them bitten, sweetheart, even by a mouth as pretty as yours.”
You blushed vividly, suddenly all too aware of your state of undress as you stood before him. Jake either sensed your unease or felt the comment too forward; he took a step towards Josh, but stopped obediently when Josh shifted the hand that rested on his cutlass.
“Now, now,” Josh said, directing himself to you. “I see I’ve made my twin restless. Unfortunately for me, that means he’s entirely too keen on you.”
Jake made a little noise of impatience and embarrassment. You blushed hotter, unsure what to do with the implication that a pirate had set his affections on you with less than an hour’s acquaintance.
Josh gave a magnanimous gesture towards the stairs.
“You may allow yourself to be whisked away to Jacob’s private chambers, if you wish,” he said graciously. “Or you may roam the ship. Whatever you prefer, Sapphire.”
You looked uneasily at the crew of pirates that went about their duties but could not take their eyes off of you.
“Your men...” you said faintly. You looked meekly up at Josh. “Jake said they wouldn’t hurt me.”
Josh’s eyes flickered with something close to gentleness, the warmth of sunshine amid the untamable fire of his presence. You were drawn to him, suddenly, this golden twin of your pirate, and wondered at how easily he’d swayed you.
“Every man aboard this ship will feel the cut of the captain’s blade if he so much as looks at you the wrong way,” he said, and his voice was for a moment hard and unflinching. “My word is law, Sapphire, and I bind myself to your honor and my brother’s vow. You have no need to fear any unwanted advances, I assure you.”
Before you could thank him, or even think of how to respond to such surprising respect, cannon fire sounded from the fortifications on the bay and caused both twins to swear loudly.
“Though it seems we may receive some unwanted advances upon our ship for our trouble,” Josh said. He called to his men. “Load cannons, you dogs! Give the King’s men a taste of iron.”
You watched as the crew obeyed immediately, working together as a well-oiled machine. You’d always thought of pirates as careless, almost rabid individuals; never had you imagined them as loyal and efficient as any crew of Navy men you’d seen.
“You might want to cover your ears, lass,” Jake said conversationally. You looked up at him in question, but no sooner had he said it than a deep, reverberating barrage flooded your senses. The acrid smell of gunpowder filled the air as cannon after cannon was fired from the body of the ship.
You pressed your hands over your ears and tried not to flinch at every sound. Jake stood with that imperturbable calm, watching the scene unfold on the bay. To you it seemed a morass of chaos and violence; from Jake’s expression, one might think that  the billowing smoke and leaping flames was no more than a day’s work to him.
“Are they firing on your ship because of me?” you asked, raising your voice to be heard over the din. 
“Might be,” he said easily. “More likely no one has noticed you’re gone. We’ve sent a crew to get our man before he hangs, and we decided we’d cause a little trouble for the King while we were at it.”
“And get your share of gold and jewels, no doubt,” you said, feeling a little put out at the destruction of the only home you’d ever known.
Jake grinned. “Aye. That too.” He absently rubbed the part of his arm you knew bore the scarred brand of a pirate. “You’ve been marked by a King’s man just as much as any of us. You don’t want your revenge?”
You didn’t know what you wanted. You tore your gaze from the battle, following the dance of the fire over the choppy waves until it met the cool shine of moonlight.
“What will you do when you’ve got your man?” you asked. “Where will you go?”
He shrugged, his expression shadowed with pain. “We’ll hide away for a while. More likely than not, Daniel has been treated with cruelty. He’ll need rest.”
“Daniel?” you said, looking up at him. “He’s a member of your crew?”
Jake shook his head. “He’s our brother’s first mate. Got taken in a raid nearly a fortnight ago. We didn’t know where he’d been taken, but your Commander Drake is a braggart; he told anyone who would listen that he’d caught the first mate of the Indigo Streak.”
Your eyes widened. A million thoughts raced through your head, the first among them being the one you voiced:
“The Indigo Streak is real?”
His smile was wry. “Real as the fire she’s spitting now.” He nodded to the other galleon in the bay whose dozens of guns shot cannonballs and then recoiled into the shadowy darkness of the hull. “That ship’s dedicated to Lady Justice, and she’ll have her way with the King’s men tonight.”
You noticed, then, the blindfolded figurehead at the front of the ship. She held a set of scales in one hand and a sword in the other and seemed almost alive in the firelight.
“Then that means...” You moved breathlessly to the side of the ship, leaning over the railing to try and see the figurehead. You caught a glimpse of a wing and a laurel wreath held up in triumph.
“That’s Nike,” you said. “Goddess of Victory.” You looked up at Jake with innocent wonder. “This is the Starcatcher, isn’t it?”
“Aye, lass.”
You searched his face for some kind of mythology, some indication that he was the first mate of a ship that existed only in legend.
He noticed, and his laugh was so charming against the backdrop of violence that it made you dizzy.
“What are you looking for?” he asked, but it wasn’t unkind. “An unnatural gleam in my eyes? Fangs, perhaps? A phantasmal aura?”
You blushed and looked away from him, knowing that some small part of you had been girlishly looking for something otherworldly.
“Look at me, lass.”
You did, embarrassed and wishing you’d comported yourself with a bit more dignity. His smile was amused and curious.
“There’s magic in these waters, Sapphire,” he said, and you knew he wasn’t teasing you. “Magic I can’t explain. I won’t deny it, and no sailor worth his salt would deny it either.”
You thought of all the times Kit had ridiculed young sailors for their fear and awe in the face of the mighty ocean, their eagerness to believe the stories of ghost ships and captains with supernatural powers. You had never dared to mention that you believed them too, choosing instead to listen and drink in the tales of phantoms and magic and monsters that captivated your imagination.
“But this ship,” Jake said, scuffing the heel of his boot against a plank — “this ship is just wood and water, lass.”
“But the legends,” you said, moving closer to him, trying to convince yourself it was just to hear him better. “To hear sailors tell of it, the Starcatcher can outpace any ship in the sea. They say the Streak can vanish without a trace.”
Jake grinned and looked up at his twin who was perched at the ship’s wheel to watch the drama of thievery and jailbreaking unfold.
“That’s because of their captains,” he said. “Our brother Sam is the captain of the Streak, and he and Josh are better sailors than all of the King’s men put together.”
You thought the way his expression lit with affection and pride for his brothers made him even more handsome. You didn’t have long to look, though, as your attention was grabbed when Josh ran to the balustrade and looked out into the bay.
“They have him!” he called to Jake. “They’ve got Danny. Send the signal.”
Jake gave a shrill whistle to a man halfway up to the crow’s nest. The man nodded and climbed his way to the top, lighting a huge beacon that washed the deck in an eerie glow of orange and red. 
Jake looked over the side of the ship; below, a skiff with two men came steadily to the Indigo Streak. One man was rowing hard, already calling for help; the other man was slumped over, the back of his white shirt ripped and bloody.
“Damn them,” Jake said, quietly and with feeling. His face was a mask of pain and anger.
You felt sick at the sight of the injured man, even as distant as he was in the waters below. You’d heard enough stories and scurried past enough public punishments to know whip wounds when you saw them, and this man bore more than you’d ever seen.
“That’s Daniel?” you asked quietly, barely audible over the noise.
Jake’s knuckles were white on the railing. “Yes.”
You looked upwards to the fire in the crow’s nest. “And that’s the signal for your crew to return?”
“Aye,” he agreed. “It also means it’s time to get you home.”
You were bereft, suddenly, at the thought of leaving. You couldn’t imagine why; surely home would be preferable to this. Then you realized that you might not even have a home to go back to; fires raged across the north side of the island, the houses of nobility and wealth in Sapphire Bay plundered until nothing was left.
“How do I know your men haven’t ransacked my home and burnt it to the ground?” you asked, wrestling with the emotions that flooded you. Everything suddenly seemed as unsteady as the deck of the ship, and you tried desperately to keep your balance over the choppy waves.
Jake scowled, his amiable mood all but vanished now that he’d seen the state of the man they’d come to save.
“You don’t,” he said. “I said I’d get you out of there with your life, lass, not with all your little treasures still in your jewelry box.”
He made to ready the skiff for your return. “Besides,” he said bitterly, “a lady like you has friends all over the island, all over the kingdom. Surely you can find a place to rest that pretty head of yours tonight.”
“I shouldn’t have to,” you shot back, embarrassed that he seemed disappointed in you, appalled with yourself for caring about what he thought. “I’ve never done anything to you. Why should I face retribution for something I had no part of?”
Jake gave you a scathing look. “Your fiancé put my brother’s man in irons and would have hanged him if he hadn’t been too busy whipping him within an inch of his life.”
You paled, unable to argue that fact. “I had no knowledge of it.”
He cursed. “Your kind live on the knowledge of it,” he spat. “You couldn’t have your empire without it. You’re worried about your castle on a hill when you have no idea of the bones it’s built on. All your jewels, your dresses, your dinner parties — they’re a gilded cover over a kingdom of death and savagery.”
“And what do you call this?” you said heatedly, throwing an arm out to encompass the bay in flames, the hoards of pirates coming back to their ships after ravaging the island. “Is this not death and savagery, sir?”
He had the unmitigated gall to laugh at you.
“Sir,” he repeated, and your face burned hot. “You still keep the gilded cover, even when it doesn’t serve you.”
“What do you suggest I call you?” you said through gritted teeth. You could think of a few choice names to try on for size.
He’d just opened his mouth to deliver a snarky comeback when his twin gripped his shoulder.
“No need to worry about it now,” Josh said to you. “Plenty of time to figure it out on the way to the Cove.”
You and Jake spoke as one, his voice surprised and yours curious. “The Cove?”
“Aye,” Josh said, clapping Jake’s shoulder. “Set course.”
He was off to the quarterdeck before either of you could question him, though that didn’t stop Jake from trying. 
“Are you mad?” he yelled after Josh. “She can’t come with us!”
His call was lost in the din that had only gotten worse with the arrival of the rest of the crew and the orders being shouted from every side.
Jake glanced over at you, your eyes locking for a moment that felt like it might have been years. He gave a scornful huff and left to join the men in readying the ship to leave the bay.
“Don’t be cross with me, pirate!” you shouted after him, for a moment too indignant with his sudden change of heart to be very fearful of it. “You brought me on this ship, and it’s no one’s fault but your own that you’re stuck with me!”
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zafill · 7 months
Demon Slayer
warning: abuse. neglect. child-abuse words: 1.678 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 hours. It took my mother 9 hours to give birth to me. I was breached or, as people say it ‘’born legs first’ the year is 1891, we didn't have prober medical equipment. Since my parents were poor, they didn’t have the money for a doctor, nor a child. My parents also didn't want a child. I was an accident. My parents agreed that when I was born, they would give me away. Sell me to some random person. 
But they didn’t. Not straight away. When I was born, I had (H/C). Like, really (H/C). My mother doesn’t have (H/C), she has white hair, and my father has black hair. 
As I grew, it became evident that I was a constant reminder of their unwanted responsibility. My mother, resentful and overwhelmed, resorted to harsh words and neglect. My father, drowning his sorrows in alcohol, was hardly present in my life. 
At the tender age of seven, I learned the truth about my origins. My parents had never intended to keep me. I was merely a burden they couldn't afford, a mistake they wished to erase. The revelation left me feeling adrift, like a ship without a compass, searching for purpose and belonging in a world that seemed determined to cast me aside. 
When I was 8, I tried so hard to make my parents proud, but whatever I did seemed to make them angry. One wrong move and they would explode. Sometimes, they made me watch them eat dinner, and didn't let me eat any.  
Sometimes, they wouldn't even let me sleep in my bed. But that wasn't as bad as the other punishments. The worst one is when they would put boiling water over my hands. They only did this when I touched them. They would say ‘’you are filthy! You are disgusting, you must never touch me again!’’ The reason for the Boling water was in hopes my hands would fall off. Or become numb so I couldn't move them.  
When I was 9. My mother was in the kitchen, making lunch, I was trying to explain to my mother that I wanted attention, as I had just fallen on the ground and my knee was bleeding. Nut I didn't even get my words out before she swung at me. I managed to get out of the way. My reflexes had always been really good. But she did manage to cut me on my lip.  
The sting of my mother's blow seared through me, both physically and emotionally. As I stumbled backward, clutching my bleeding lip, a rush of anger and defiance surged within me. How could a mother, the one person who was supposed to nurture and protect, inflict such pain without a second thought? 
Fueled by a mixture of adrenaline and desperation, I refused to cower in submission. With trembling hands, I wiped away the blood trickling down my chin, my gaze locking with my mother's cold, indifferent eyes. In that moment, something within me shifted. 
"No more," I whispered, my voice trembling with a newfound resolve. "I won't be your punching bag anymore. I won't let you break me." 
The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of my defiance. For the first time in my young life, I dared to stand up to the oppressive force that had held me captive for so long. The fire of rebellion burned bright within me, igniting a spark of courage that refused to be extinguished. 
As my mother stood frozen, her hand still poised in midair, I turned on my heel and fled from the suffocating confines of our home. Blood mingled with tears on my cheeks as I stumbled into the unforgiving embrace of the outside world. 
I did end up walking back home. Not without consciences... no food for a week, no bed. And No sunlight. Those were some of the darkest days I had ever experienced. 
Hunger gnawed at my stomach, the cold seeped into my bones, and the absence of sunlight cast a shadow over my already heavy heart. I wandered the streets, a mere ghost of a child, desperately seeking solace from the harsh reality that had become my life. 
With each passing moment, the echoes of my mother's cruelty reverberated within me. The pain in my lip served as a constant reminder of the violence I had endured. Yet, a newfound sense of strength and determination burned within me, refusing to be extinguished. When the week finally ended, I had my first meal. Though it was cold. It was so nice to have something in my stomach. 
When I was 10, my father found out my mother had an affair with another man. He understood now. I was not his, the man my mother had an affair with was also a (Y/H/C) head. This information only seemed to make the hatred my father felt for me became even bigger.  
He became more abusive, not only to me. But also, to my mother. In the end. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I ran away. I ran into the city, in hopes of finding someone who would care for me. Someone who would take me home. The town was called ‘’the red light district’’  
In the red light district, there were a lot of...naked Woman. The red light district was known as the ‘’prostitute land’ since there were so many people selling themself, just for a bit of cash. As i was walking down the streets. I saw a man asking everyone he came across ‘’Have you seen a woman named Solji (L/N)?’’ Solji was my mother's name. 
I walk up to him, gently tugging at his Haori to get his attention. When he looked down at me, he was confused. Why would a child want to talk to him? ‘’Solji is my mother’ I said to him. He looked shocked. Thats when I realized he had the same hair color as me. ‘’Are you, my dad?’’ ‘’HELL NO!’’ he yelled. ‘’I DONT WANT A KID WITH SOME WOMAN I SLEPT WITH ONCE!’’ Everyone's eyes were on us. I felt so embarrassed. I started to cry.  
He yanked his arm away from me. Before storming off. I was so destructed. I've just met my real Father and he also doesn’t want me. I keep doing something wrong. Why will nobody take care of me?   When I walked home. My mother was outside. I just knew she had a beating for me. ‘’WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?’’ she yelled at me. My eardrums felt like they were going to burst ‘’i-ive been at the city...’’  ‘’You are such a disgrace.’’ I know my mother was harsh. But I didn't expect her to say that straight to my face. 
  My mother's words cut through me like a knife, and the weight of her disappointment hung heavily in the air. I could feel her anger radiating, suffocating any hope that had dared to linger in my heart. As she advanced towards me, the shadows cast by the dimly lit street seemed to dance with malice, mirroring the turbulence within our fractured relationship. 
Without warning, her hand lashed out, striking my cheek with a force that sent me sprawling to the ground. The sting of her slap echoed in the still night, a painful punctuation to her harsh words. I dared not look up, keeping my eyes fixed on the cold, unforgiving pavement. 
"You think you can just wander off whenever you please?" she seethed, her voice a venomous hiss. "You're nothing but a burden, a constant reminder of the mistake I made. I should have given you away when I had the chance." 
Her words pierced through me, reopening old wounds and pouring salt into the fresh ones from the recent encounter with my supposed father. I felt the familiar burn of tears, but I refused to let them fall. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing me break. 
In the midst of her tirade, a flicker of defiance ignited within me. Rising to my feet, I locked eyes with her, determined not to cower beneath the weight of her disdain. 
"I may be a disgrace to you, but I won't let your words define me," I declared, my voice trembling but resolute. "I'll find my own path, one that doesn't lead me through the darkness you've created."    ‘’YOU BRAT!’’ she yelled, as she pulled my ear. ‘’YOU WOULD BE LUCKY IF ANYONE WANTED YOU! A MISTAKE!’’  
Her grip on my ear was merciless, sending a jolt of pain shooting through me. I bit back a cry, refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing me flinch. With every ounce of strength, I could muster, I wrenched myself free from her grasp, the taste of blood filling my mouth from where I had bitten my lip to suppress the pain. 
I tried to stop her, but with all the neglect, and being underweight, I had no chance. She dragged me across the cold earthy ground. I don't know how long she dragged me. But when she finally stopped. She threw me Infront of someone's feet. ‘’5000 yen for her.’’ she explained ‘’very well then’’ the mysterious man replied and handed her the money. And then she walked away 
I looked up to see a man with short black hair and pale skin. He had some kind of purple mass on his forehead. ‘’what's your name young one?’’ he asked me with a smile ‘’(Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N)’’ I replied. I've always been taught to be respectful to everyone. Even if they give you a weird feeling. ‘’My name is kagaya ubuyashiki. I'm the leader of a foundation called the ‘’Demon Slayers’’ 
If I may. I would like you to join us when you are of the right age... how old are you know (Y/N)?’’ he asked. ‘’I'm 10’’ I replied with a small voice. I wasn't sure if he heard me. ‘’then we should start now. I'll have someone teach you, my child.’’  ‘’Welcome to the world of demons’’  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tell me if you all want a pt.2 (update: pt2 is in the working)
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