#This was fun but lengthy
crescentfool · 5 months
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judgement day 🌕
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lazylittledragon · 17 days
right now i'm very torn between "taking critique is important as an artist and it's not an attack on me personally" and "people commenting about my same face syndrome under my posts upsets me an unreasonable amount and i wish they would stop doing it"
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yaralulu · 7 days
I’ve seen a few people confused on if Feyre really manipulated Tamlin and Lucien into distrusting each other by alluding to some kind of affair between her and Lucien so let’s talk about it.
It’s important to note that Tamlin and Lucien’s relationship was already rocky at this point so it wasn’t that hard for Feyre to cause tension and distrust between them.But still she caused some irreparable damage to their friendship that wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for her manipulations.
Feyre was intentionally being more handsy and close to Lucien because she wanted to stir up distrust and suspicion not just between Tamlin and Lucien,but amongst the Spring Court.By alluding to an affair between the High Lord’s emissary and his consort,the very foundations of the court started to crack.Also Tamlin without Lucien by his side is just a recipe for disaster and Feyre knew that.
Feyre wanted other people to notice her and Lucien being close.She knew their newfound coziness would be reported back to Tamlin,planting seeds of doubt in his mind.
It was my first time on a horse in months, and I was stiff enough that I could barely move as the party dismounted. I gave Lucien a subtle, pleading look, and he barely hid his smirk as he sauntered over to me.Our dispersing party watched as he braced my waist in his broad hands and easily hefted me off the horse, none more closely than lanthe.
I'd rolled onto Lucien's bedroll at some point, any schemes indeed second to my most pressing demand—warmth. But I had no doubt Jurian would tuck away the information to throw in Tamlin's face when we returned: we'd shared a tent, and had been very cozy upon awakening.
But it was Jurian right on their heels, as if he'd been divulging the details of his surveying who smiled at the sight of us, knee to knee and nearly nose to nose."Careful, Lucien," the warrior sneered. "You see what happens to males who touch the HighLord's belongings."
So even when Tamlin wasn’t around Feyre was continuing this act because she wanted everyone to start thinking something was happening between her and Lucien.And her efforts were not in vain.Her plan worked..a little too well even.
"You don't act that way with Feyre." A silk-wrapped threat. "You're mistaken.” "Am I?" Twigs and leaves crunched, as if she was circling him. "You put your hands all over her." I had done my job too well, provoked her jealousy too much with every instance I'd found ways to get Lucien to touch me in her presence, in Tamlin's presence.
Then we have the infamous nightmare scene.The whole thing was a set up so that Tamlin would catch his bestfriend and Feyre in a compromising position after he’d probably already heard rumors about them.She wanted Tamlin to start questioning Lucien and his intentions.
I had no doubt Tamlin was now running through every look and conversation since then. Every time Lucien had intervened on my behalf, both Under the Mountain and afterward. Weighing how much that new mating bond with Elain held sway over his friend.
By planting doubt and suspicion in Tamlin’s mind,Feyre’s schemes worked and Tamlin and Lucien’s friendship suffered.
Tamlin and Lucien, it seemed, had spoken before the meal, but the latter made a point to keep a healthy distance from me. To not look at or speak to me, as if still needing to convince Tamlin of our innocence.
I hauled myself into the canvas tent when the fire was dying out, the space barely big enough for Lucien and me to sleep shoulder to shoulder. "Maybe I should sleep out there." I rolled my eyes. "Please."A wary, considering glance as he knelt and removed his boots. "You know Tamlin can be ...sensitive about things."
So yeah everything Feyre did was intentional and with purpose.She used Lucien to make Tamlin jealous therefore condemning their friendship.She roped him into her schemes which ended up having detrimental effects not just on his relationship with Tamlin but on his entire reputation in Spring.And sure Tamlin and Lucien’s friendship was already not the greatest but Feyre made things exponentially so much worse.
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QSMP artists who draw egg designs that aren't quite the fandom norm, I love you.
QSMP artists who draw the eggs as African, or Afro-Latina, or Arab/Middle Eastern, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Chayanne with 4c hair wound back in braids and dark skin, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Pomme with a dark complexion and a hijab, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Empanada as East/Southeast Asian, or wasian, or a mix between Asian and Latina, I love you. QSMP artists who draw Tilín with white hair, or darker skin, or features that match up with Luzu's a bit more, I love you. QSMP artists who draw the eggs with varying body types and clothing styles and poses, I love you.
I know that your designs might be uncommon, and they might not fit the quote unquote 'fandom norm', but they're so cool to see. Some of my favorite fanart has been with QSMP eggs that don't look like the typically design-and while the typical design is still absolutely lovely, don't feel like you need to conform to it. The eggs have no canon design. They have widely spread fanon ones, but those are only common because we, the fans, made them common. Draw what you'd like, because it's incredible to watch from the sidelines as casual competitive fanart reblogger.
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astriiformes · 2 months
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Behold the square of chainmail I created while on hold with the IRS for an hour and a half today
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teamsasukes · 1 year
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Plutarch, Cato the Younger / Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto / Sophocles, Electra / Traci Brimhall, Come the Slumberless to the Land of Nod / Fatimah Asghar, How'd Your Parents Die Again? / Holly Warburton, Chaos / Japanese Breakfast, Boyish / Sophocles, Electra / George R. R. Martin, Fire and Blood / Jacopo Palma Junior, Cain Kills Abel / Anne Sexton, A Self-Portrait in Letters / Clive Barker, The Hellbound Heart / Euripides, Alkestis / Richard Siken, War of the Foxes
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jalactic · 1 year
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grace 💜
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magnapanther · 8 months
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FINISHED WORK?? on MY page??? it's far less likely than you'd think. and yet, somehow, here we are. :D
(well, finished enough to post and call "done", i should say. i may yet meddle with some details when i inevitably notice ten more flaws immediately after posting :D)
good old moss knight, such a devout follower of big slug. surely no wandering knight would ever end such a noble creature's life before he had the chance to speak with a certain fellow at a nearby bench! :D
this was essentially just me testing the waters with digital after some time avoiding it, and especially colours/lighting. it's been a while since i actually tried to make something fully fleshed out like this. i don't know, i feel like it could have come out worse :)
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ineffable-aaaaaaaaaa · 3 months
fucking sick to death of fandom arrogance. someone choosing to enjoy something self-indulgently does not mean that they can’t or haven’t engaged with it critically. you are not special because you’re not into fluff or thirst edits, cut that “not like other girls” shit.
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Laughter and whispers echoed around Person C's house as they played hide and seek. B cautiously tiptoed down the stairs. Pumping fists in the air as they reached the ground without a sound.
Then, out of nowhere, two arms swiftly wrapped around B. One hand muffled their gasp while the other held them close, pressed against a firm chest. Startled and on high alert, B spun around, one hand pinning the intruder against the wall while the other poised to strike, ready to punch. But to their surprise, it was Person A.
A wicked grin danced on A's face, their eyes glittering with amusement as they locked B's hand on their neck and smoothly spun B around, pressing them against their chest. B's heart raced, their breathing heavy given how close they were with A.
A's lips brushed against B's ear, sending shivers down their spine, as they whispered, "Caught you." Their voice was a seductive blend of triumph and playfulness, making B even more aware of their surroundings.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 11 months
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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raylex · 5 months
hey, i’m actually very curious abt ur interpretation of raymans sexuality, and was wondering if u could share the reasoning behind it (no pressure to answer, just itching 2 know lol)
of course! for starters - gay, gay, homosexual, gay. I think there's something to be said about the fact that there have been multiple attempts at giving rayman a girlfriend, and yet not a single one of them has worked out. x)
ly was shown with rayman in a romantic light in one single rayman 2 wallpaper and their relationship was never even hinted at anywhere else. simonhe was completely scrapped, along with the entire raving rabbids prototype - and, y'know, maybe that was for the better, considering how racist the whole "the only black character in the cast gets enslaved" thing would've been... yikes. raynette was only present in a mural that was exclusive to the ps vita version of rayman origins and never got referenced in any other version of the game, nor has it ever been mentioned again since (and honestly, you're a terrible partner anyways if you chase your boyfriend/husband off a cliff just because he got a haircut you didn't like... 😆)
rayman with a girlfriend... just doesn't really work. it doesn't stick! and a large part of it is because romance doesn't have much of a place in the rayman games. however, I choose the path of ✨self indulgence✨ because I Can.
and for the record, since this conclusion can also be drawn from everything I've mentioned - aroace rayman is also a headcanon I love and support! I'm aroace too, after all - fictosexuality/romanticism is on the aroace spectrum. outside of Videogame Men, I am as romance-repulsed as can be. so it makes me happy to see that represented in others' interpretations of his character. :) I just personally see him as a gay man! I think he's a lil fruity.
either way, rayman is QUEER in one way or another and that is something I stand by. 🫡
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splickedylit · 1 year
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If the creators of Eyeshield 21 didn't want me to imprint on Kongo Unsui like a baby chick why was he 1. a tragic repressed monk man 2. really buff+sad eyes+big arched nose+killer jawline 3. just a little bit scary and evil sometimes 4. dragon-themed.
Anyway having reread now as a fully pupated Grownup Queer and talked it over with @toastyglow; college Hiruma/Unsui supremacy. I think they should explore each other's bodies and also put each other through increasingly convoluted romantic mindgames between pitched life or death football games. If only because it would make Agon SO angry. (edit: more of this lol)
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So I was wondering and isn't it weird that there are 10 different stone animal figurines in one photo. And we just happen to have 10 Kings of the Underworld? Could this be a hint from the creators that the woman created the 10 kings? I also noticed that there is a stone figure of a monkey. At first I thought hey it might be the same monkey figurine we were able to see up close, but no! There's a distinct difference between them. And here my question comes. Was there supposed to be 11 kings from the beginning instead of 10? (I've read your theories and they're awesome^^) And guess we'll see the fourth mythical monkey? Because if so, I can't wait :D
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For as much as I've stared at this screenshot I can't believe I didn't notice there was a DIFFERENT stone monkey in the background until now!
As for the 10 Kings of the Underworld, as far as my research has yielded they have no associations with animals and there isn't anything about a potential 11th King.
Now with the 3rd and 4th celestial primates, I have no idea if we'll see them! I have talked about MK potentially being the Long Armed Gibbon in the past, but it's not something I'm certain on. With writing theories you often just throw stuff out there and see if anything sticks.
Out of curiosity I did a little digging into gibbon symbolism in Chinese culture, and I found this lovely little quote:
In ancient China, gibbons were often considered being a symbol of the world of the supernatural, mysterious and remote from man's daily life. According to Taoist beliefs harking back to about 150 B.C., the occult powers of gibbons included the ability to assume human shape and to prolong their life to several hundred years. Even in later dynasties, gibbons often served as examples for the ideal human existence and were represented in numerous paintings of varying naturalism. (Gibbon Research Lab)
Now, I read "included the ability to assume human shape" and had to do a double take, because obviously that's something MK is distinctly able to do. It would help explain why MK took the form of a human child when he first meets Pigsy:
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Gibbons being a symbol of the supernatural also feels very relevant to MK as a character. He wants to maintain a sense of normalcy ("Just like none of this never happened"), but that stopped the moment he picked up the staff. MK is now very separated from the daily life he used to have ("He's not even pretending to deliver noodles anymore" - "Seriously? You still think we're just some noodle delivery guy? You can't remember where we came from, and we got all this power, and you never once asked why us?").
And I just think it's neat!
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heirtotheempire · 3 months
The Bad Batch season 3 has been interesting thus far. I really liked episodes 1-7 and I've nothing particularly bad to say about any of those episodes. But honestly episode 8, and after today, episode 9, it's once again gotten to be a bit of a pain to get through. Maybe I'm just too much of a Crosshair guy, idk. Today's episode especially irked me but last time I discussed the topics it delves into I got some pissy people in my notes and I'd rather avoid that this time around.
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my tinder date wants to know why you’re banned from tinder
Ask and ye shall receive!
Gather round, folks, and lend an ear as I tell you about Arnold.
No, he’s not a first date gone wrong, nor is he a scorned ex-lover who came up as a potential match. He isn’t a rival to whom I am bitterly attracted, and he isn’t an unrequited crush.
Arnold is my son.
He is also a rubber chicken.
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[image description: a white hand holds a blue rubber chicken against a white wall. The rubber chicken has a red beak, comb, wattles, and feet, as well as a gold collar that’s says “SQUEEZE ME!”]
Let me set the scene.
A couple years ago, on a cold night in late autumn, I went to a grocery store with some friends. We all separated to get what we needed.
I don’t remember if I actually got anything for myself in that trip, but I do remember wandering around, only to come across a giant bin of rubber chickens.
Immediately thinking of the vine where that person presses a bunch of rubber chickens (geese? some sort of fowl) to make a loud noise, I did the same thing, probably to the chagrin of fellow shoppers.
Some of my friends joined me in my shenanigans, and we left the store in a jolly mood.
Days later, one of my roommates, who was one of the friends from the first grocery trip, came back from another grocery trip with a gift for me.
It was a blue and red rubber chicken.
I looked on my new child with complete adoration and named him Arnold. I thanked my roommate with all my heart and left to plan the many hijinks I would get up to with Arnold. (He has admittedly been through a lot, but the wear and tear mostly comes from love.)
One day, i had the bright idea to make Arnold a Tinder account.
I did not give myself much time to consider the idea before diving in. Arnold had a photo shoot, and I uploaded as many photos as Tinder would allow for his profile. I believe I put his age somewhere in the 20s. I picked the option for any gender to match so as many people as possible would see him. According to what I put in his bio, he got the Covid vaccine, has a natural talent for singing, lives with his mom, and likes Kpop.
Then I published his account.
While matching with people amused me at first, keeping Arnold’s Tinder account active eventually became a chore. Every so often, Tinder would email me and say my his account would be hidden if I didn’t open the app and use it.
I swiped through people, and whenever i matched with people, i would just shoot them a simple “yo.” I tried not to carry on any conversations, though, because I myself was not interested in going on any dates. This was just to entertain me and maybe some other people who came across Arnold.
One day, I got an email saying Arnold’s account was reported and I was no longer welcome on Tinder. I assume someone reported Arnold bc he isn’t an actual person, so I was technically breaking the laws of Tinder or whatever. It was honestly a relief; no more swiping through profiles just to keep the account alive.
I still have Arnold, and I still love him. But you will never see him, or me, on a dating app again.
TL/DR: I made a Tinder Account for Arnold, my rubber chicken. It took over half a year, but Arnold’s account was eventually reported for not being a real person, and I was banned from Tinder.
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