#Thor looked at Loki and saw that he had freedoms he never did and Frigga's ear/willingness to humour him
worstloki · 1 year
random thorki headcanon time (if u want)
they were both envious of what they perceived the other having for so long that they struggle with grasping the perspective of the other. their immediate assumption is always to doubt the other brother recounting their feelings of an event properly, making communication the largest hurdle between them when trying to repair their relationship.
#they both understand each other as brothers on a fundamental level but assuming they know the other never goes well#they struggle with separating each other from themself in their head and the idea of having MISSED the changes frustrates them both#but on the envious thing it's like#Thor looked at Loki and saw that he had freedoms he never did and Frigga's ear/willingness to humour him#while Thor had standards enforced on him which he struggled to make personal and Odin's favour which was not a boon of comfort#Loki looked at Thor and saw him commanding freedoms he never had and their Father with the Kingdom's favour in trust#while Loki struggled to keep up with standards enforced on him and Frigga wasn't the sage counsel he could speak loosely to#i think Loki saw Thor performing peak Asgardian masculinity and wondered why he couldn't too and he lowkey gave up on competing#Loki didn't see Thor as competition he saw Thor as everything he *wasn't* so every time he failed a task he was envious#but it wasn't directly at Thor as much as it was on himself#he saw Thor being popular and sleeping around and just being Thor and that would never be something he could do#he recognized that because it wasn't what he personally desired to do and he wasn't happy with the idea of being entertainment for people#while Thor refused the idea that the path that was expected of him was not what he wanted - and if it wasn't it's what he *should* want#so he overcorrects and plays to be larger than life because that's his role and the duty he'll be given at the end of the day#Thor looked at Loki and thought it must be nice not to have that pressure of conforming#he looked at Loki being stronger in areas like study and magic and wished he could focus on things he liked too#he was jealous that Loki could look at a situation and make the decision to leave a fight when Thor couldn't do that#etc. etc.#this has been brodinsons but it would make any thor/loki secx much spicier for them both#to have a part of them that can't stop hating the other#because they vied for what the other had for so long
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whirlybirbs · 3 years
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summary: so here it is. the end.
pairing: loki / f!reader, referenced & implied sylvie / f!reader
a/n: this is it. 13k. the end of a journey... but certainly not the last you will ever see of these two. there’s already something in the works. after all, they always find one another. this has been a joy — revisiting these two and reworking their love has been so incredibly fun. for now, enjoy. as always, this chapter gif can be credited to @chrishemsworht​ from this beautiful set here.
You can’t help but wonder if there are any realities in which you’re fully prepared to wake up beside the God of Mischief.
I mean — it’s like the same sort of dream that would happen to you a handful of months ago... y’know, when you and Darcy and Jane were essentially living in S.H.I.E.L.D’S Western Division lab and spent all your time pouring over those Old Norse runes with good ol’ Selvig, and when sleep was sort of rare, and when energy drinks were (against better judgment) accidental meal substitutes.
You’d read a lot about Thor. And Loki. And Odin and Frigga and Heimdall and the Valkyries and Mimir and Baldur and Sigyn and... Well, the list goes on and on and on, and so did your weird dreams, all had upon lab bench-top.
Sometimes you dreamt about all sorts of weird amalgamations of lore and legend, all sorts of twisted loops of fantasy. Prior to the New York Incident, you’d never seen Loki. Thor had mentioned him (quite aggressively once the ruse had been figured out back in Arizona — and when the Warrior Three and Sif made their appearance), sure, but... Well, I don’t think anyone was expecting tall, dark, and handsome.
I mean, really, a week ago you’d been diving under NASA-grade computer rigs to avoid getting blasted to bits by Loki’s little hand-held tesseract. And even then, you had seen the chaos, the anger, the heartbreak. He looked sick when you saw him first.
In a matter of moments, he’d upturned your entire life.
Now, in the cold light of morning, he looks softer.
Less brutally regal angles and with a healthy color — and you find it hard to connect the dots between the man you’d seen then and the man you knew now. They are different; motivated by totally different things.
Freedom is life’s great lie, he had once said to Fury and Selvig and you. It had come with a threat and a promise.
You remember watching from afar in cold, creeping horror.
Now, that fear is gone. It’s nervous, anxious butterflies that beat their wings against your heart’s walls now.
Morning beckons a dreary, cold dawn.
This new day is the sort you would have stayed in bed for, the kind to send you burrowing into the cool comfort of your sheets. Back in your small, studio apartment, you would have turned over, shut out the gloomy light, and promised your constant companion, Sigurd, ten more minutes.
You hope Sigurd is okay.
Maybe somewhere, that cat is the King of Time. The thought makes you smile.
However, this morning is not met with the toiling simplicities of day-to-day life between labs, lectures, and doctorates. No, this morning is dragged in with the rough roar of a sputtering engine.
Calling it a roar seems wrong — in reality, calling it a cough is probably a more apt description of the sound. A hack, maybe?
Still, it is better than the dreaded phone alarm that usually startles you awake... back home, at least.
Your head raises from its place on Loki’s chest; almost immediately your eyes are snapped fully awake at the intruding sound — and you’re not the only one in the lean-to that blinks awake. Loki, beneath you, stirs with a startled inhale. The peaceful softness that had washed over his features is gone and suddenly mangled with startled confusion.
Your hand rests above his heart as you sit up, legs tangled with his, and squint out the window.
Perhaps in another time, this moment would be nice. But, there’s no time to linger on the feeling of his heart beneath your fingertips, or the way his sleep parts to the picture of your beauty — and for once, wakefulness is welcomed. There is no time to dissect the moment of lingering affection or longing glances.
By Odin’s beard, he never thought he’d be in love with a Midgardian woman.
And yet, here he is.
Even in his urgency, he does steal a fond look — and he does feel his heart ache at the sight of your eyes. He pushes it all down, swallows the compliments threatening to pour from his mouth, and squares himself.
After all, there’s a car.
Loki sits up.
You’d both maintained watch as long as you could — but between whispers and kisses, exhaustion had crept in.
He tries to ignore the burning want to kiss you again; to ignore the rumblings of the Void beyond and just pull you back to him — but he knows there will be time and place for that one. He will ensure it.
You make eye contact with Loki, then both of you scramble to the door — the truth is there’s a familiar face in that car. Three familiar faces, actually. And, you only realize it when you rush out to Loki’s side, followed by a gaggle of makeshift warriors keen on beating back the motorized threat.
Behind you, your teenage self rubs the sleep from her eyes.
“Intruder alert,” she mumbles tiredly.
The dark-haired teenager beside her puffs his chest — and you can see the attempt to provide a brave, protector’s stance. The knife in his hand glints.
“We’ll be fine,” he mumbles quietly, “Stay behind me.”
But, you and Loki are already stumbling down the steps when the car peels into a stop — and your smile breaks the clouds. Loki laughs, breathless and full of disbelief, when a grey-haired man juts a long leg out from the driver’s side door.
Suddenly, this place isn’t so bad.
With friends, the Void is not horrible.
“Mobius!” you holler, leaping down the front steps and launching yourself towards the mustached man — and he meets it with a horribly fatherly sort of ‘oof’. When he pulls away, his expression is tender. Worried, almost.
“You okay?”
You nod, patting his shoulder as Loki hovers over your shoulder. As he and Mobius share a long, warm handshake laced with a look you could paint as affectionate, you can’t help but be stunned stupid at the sight emerging from the backseat.
It’s you.
Or, well, her.
A disheveled, exhausted-looking Commandant.
And Sylvie.
Her Sylvie.
You watch as the two emerge, fingers entwined, and you find that the questions you could have asked mean nothing when the answers lay before you.
Her eyes are light — nearly a milky silver. Different from yours. Unnatural. Everything about her seems eerily manufactured. She’s sharper than you and lacks the softness of youth you hold in your face. She seems born to do what she has done for the TVA, yet... you see her wind her hand tighter around Sylvie’s and you can’t help but wonder how this moment between them came to be.
(In truth, it hadn’t been easy. It had been a tumbling fight between a forced-pruning and a self-pruning, and a moment of fingers on the temple as the roar of the all-consuming Alioth loomed overhead. Sylvie had fought tooth and nail, and in the sweeping emptiness of that field, in the swirl of the end, her Doctor came back to her. When the green faded from her eyes and she slipped to her knees, all the things she once lived and knew came rushing back.
And, then, enter Mobius.)
Mobius blinks, watching carefully as you stiffen at the appearance of the woman. He coughs, clearing his throat, as he gestures to this other you.
She’s almost shy. Her eyes find the ground more than they do the wary glances of the group. Sylvie, though, is steadfast and unwavering in the constant with the love that pours from her. Her gaze is tender, kind, and patient.
“Don’t worry. We’re cool.”
Sylvie moves, reaches for you, and you take her hand. And then you hug her.
She wraps herself tightly around you and you smile into her shoulder, whispering quietly into the blonde of her hair:
“You found her.”
“That I did,” she says, rubbing your spine.
“How did you find us?” you ask, breathless as you pull back.
Sylvie grins. “Luck, I guess.”
When you pull away, Loki’s hand is on Sylvie’s shoulder.
The reunion is quiet, soft, and tender. Breaming with the rather laughable fact that is quite hard to kill the three of you.
“Jeez,” calls Mobius, “Seems you two found good company, huh?”
“Oh, right,” Loki jumps, waving at the group, “Sylvie, meet us. A bit older, and as a child, and... as an alligator.”
Sure enough, the reptile at your heels hisses.
Sylvie blinks.
Beside her, the Commandant watches with a wild look.
When she speaks, it’s rougher than your voice. But, it lacks the earlier volatility it had when in the Time-Keepers’ chamber. It sounds as if she’s just woken up from a dream. You like the sound.
“That’s us,” the Commandant breathes.
A statement. Less of a question. Still laden with confusion, though, as she looks up at the teenager in the doorway of the home.
You nod and shrug, crossing your arms. The situation’s curiosity had worn off hours ago, and now, you gesture to the rodent easily. “Yea. So is the capybara.”
The Commandant’s brows raise. Her expression is tight. From behind the teenager’s legs, the aquatic rodent chirps.
You wince, drop your hands to your hips, and wet your lips. You turn to the Commandant, looking a little pained, and just shrug it off.
She shares a bewildered nod, and turns to Sylvie.
“Alright,” she starts slowly, “So, you’ve all been after the cloud monster, then?”
You roll your eyes.
“Please don’t tell me you’re also trying to kill it?” you ask.
Loki feigns insult. “Hey!”
Sylvie blinks. “You were going to try to kill it?”
“That’s what I said,” comes the indignant call of the teenager as she meanders down the steps and crosses her own arms, “I never got to see how they killed it in Lost, but—”
“I love Lost!” comes the quiet exclamation of the Commandant. When all the eyes snap to her, she’s quick to cover her mouth. She shrinks, “Sorry.”
“To her point,” you say, gesturing to the teenager, “I don’t think it’s possible.”
“Come on, now,” Loki says, crossing his arms as a sudden burst of his usual stubbornness comes to the surface, “It’s completely possible. If it lives, it dies.”
“If it lives, it has conquered this Void pretty easily—”
“Well, has anyone ever challenged it?”
"Please,” steps in the older man, rubbing his temples, “Pause this lover’s quarrel for a moment and consider the fact that, perhaps, we cannot kill it—”
“We don’t have to kill it,” Sylvie chirps in as you and Loki hold embarrassed looks, “I’m going to enchant it.”
You blink.
Mobius smirks.
“Enchant it?”
“You... You think you can?” Loki asks.
“I did — only for a moment, and I saw something. So, if I enchant it, hopefully, that thing is the guard dog in front of the door. It will take us to the man at the end of time. Or thing. Being...? I... I am not quite sure what to expect.”
Sylvie seems confident. You inhale and exhale.
“Well,” chirps the teenager you, “That’s horrifying.”
Loki crosses his arms as he thinks.
Then, he looks to you.
“What do you think?” he asks, seeking your guidance.
It touches you — and you can’t help the gentle smile that tugs at your lips. The God has forfeited his control, and he’s trusting you, trusting Sylvie. Suddenly, the feeling of comradery overwhelms you, and you have to laugh at the ragtag band of fighters you’ve all assembled. Your eyes sweep across them all as you hold your head high. This is something, something that storybook writers would clamor over.
You wonder if maybe, when you get back to your time, that’s what you’ll do.
Though, now that you think about it, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be less than pleased about any of this.
A pit of dread pools on your gut.
You’ve seen S.H.I.E.L.D. standard operating procedure. If you thought Loki had changed your life, just wait until S.H.I.E.L.D. learns about your little parade through time.
You exhale, shove all that down.
And then, you nod.
“I think we stand a fair chance.”
Sylvie grins. Mobius laughs. Loki nods his head, smiling ear to ear.
And so, begins the end of the beginning.
The plan involves hunting down Alioth — and it’s made easy by the teenage Loki’s homemade device. Your day-long’s trek proved fruitful because the gaggle of heroes is closer to the thunderous beast than anticipated. In fact, beyond the hills, you can hear the purple smoke rumbling towards its next meal.
The thought is daunting.
The task at hand is daunting, as well.
Sylvie will enchant it while you and Loki provide a distraction. Once she has latched onto a smaller part of the beast, hopefully she will be able to dig her magic deep under its hide and poison it with illusion. If it sticks, then the three of you will confront what lays beyond.
It’s a big if.
But, as you follow the group along the winding ridge of hills, you realize you’ve faced a lot of if’s in this life. Lots of scary if’s — about grad school, about internships, about jobs, about the goddamn Battle of New York. And each time, you’ve survived. You’re good at surviving. Maybe because you hadn’t met Loki yet. But, you try to remind yourself that you’re writing this love story now. You’re in charge.
Freedom is life’s greatest lie.
What a load of shit.
The three of you will defeat Alioth. Take that, free will.
In the meantime, there is lots of back-and-forth on the trek — but Mobius and the Commandant are set on returning to the TVA, to finding B-15, to setting things right. If they’re Variants, then the whole of the organization deserves to know the same. They need to do the work to bring down the lies.
Sylvie had seemed broken by that — but, as the two walked ahead, you can see the Commandant softly speaking to her love. Hand-in-hand, a promise was made. You can only imagine they would find one another again. But, it’s the time ripped apart that makes your heart ache deeply. Loki sees it. He reaches to find your hand as you walk along.
Mobius, behind you, has to smile.
Took long enough.
And it did. Feels like longer than it is, maybe. Time is nothing here, in the TVA, in the loops and thresholds of Time Doors. It’s all wonky, weird, and wonderful.
... Darcy would fuckin’ love this.
You can imagine she will. I mean — with the thought of going home, that is.
It seems like something abstract, almost.
You worry if home will ever be the same.
But, it seems like the Void doesn’t want you considering that fact for much longer, because in a sudden burst of static, the young Loki’s device seems to go haywire.
“Incoming!” he calls, eyes snapping high to the horizon as he bolts up the hill, sparing little but a look towards the herd.
You give chase.
And you’re swept back by the sight of the enormous Alioth.
Along the horizon, the purple smog grows. Somewhere, in the beast’s belly, lightning crackles alive to the thrum of a war cry.
The roaring, forever-guard hungers for its next meal — the waning hull of the USS Eldridge. With a thunderous thud, the cannon-class destroyer escort splits the earth deep. The impact sends the sailors aboard scattering, trying their best to prepare for this sudden detour to land. The ground beneath your feet quakes.
Alioth rears up.
It doesn’t take long, but as soon as the smoke descends, it’s finished its meal.
No amount of artillery shells dissuades the beast — and suddenly, you’re not the only one thankful for Sylvie’s change of plans. Though, you have to admit that the thought of getting closer to the beast was frightening enough. Behind you, the younger version of yourself steps up.
In her arms, the capybara quivers. She pushes her fingers gently through its fur.
“Are you sure about this?” she whispers.
You give her a look, exhale, and nod. “As sure as I’ll ever be.”
“Right,” she says, eyeing the cloud that has hung over the ship, ensuring it’s picked its meal clean, “Sure you don’t need my help?”
You laugh quietly. Loki, behind you, does as well.
“Tenacious,” he comments.
The younger you tosses him a cheeky wink. “You betcha.”
You nudge her in playful jest. She smiles, big — all toothy and girlish, like you remember the photos of yourself in high school. You stare for a moment, then swallow down a sudden burst of melancholy.
“You’re sure you want to stay here?” you ask suddenly.
She laughs.
“I made a friend,” she says, nudging her head towards the younger Loki looking on forlornly, “It would be shitty to just ditch him now.”
“Language,” you tease.
She grins. “Promise you’ll visit?”
You hold up your hand.
In one firm shake, you both lock pinkies and promise.
Behind you, the team has begun to grow restless. Sylvie, especially.
She has the Commandant’s hand in hers; the grip is tight. The two of them look scared staring the beast down. But, while Sylvie’s fear remains stuck on ending this, the Commandant’s are set on her love. You can only imagine that the woman is realizing that this is yet another separation. Yet again, time is driving them apart.
You reach for Loki’s hand. He takes it readily, eyes already on the heartwrenching sight before him.
The Commandant’s voice is rough and low. She’s looking at Sylvie with big eyes and a broken look. “Promise you’ll come back to me.”
Sylvie is startled out of her trance. Her stony expression face melts. “Always, my love. Always.”
She rushes to usher in comfort; and you can see the similarities in her and Loki, then. Though they are far and few between, the similar traits they share come in the form of genuine care. Gentle touches, the thumb on the chin, the press of a forehead in between whispered sweetness.
Loki’s thumb brushes over your knuckles.
When Sylvie pulls the Commandant in for a tender, aching kiss, you look away.
You find Loki’s eyes are already on you.
Your face softens.
“You ready?” you ask in a whisper.
He nods. Then, his fingers brush your cheek. “Promise me you’ll stay close.”
You nod.
Loki’s breath is tight. “I cannot lose you. I won’t. Not when we’ve come this far.”
You pull his hand, holding his long fingers in your own. You turn his hand over and, oh-so-gently, you kiss his palm. It stokes a fire so bright in Loki that he fears he may just crumble into a pile of cinder at your feet. It burns, in the best way, the sort of way that has him wondering why he ever chased power when you existed. You are dangerous — the gesture is kind and gentle and met with a flutter of lashes and yet it has him wondering how he ever considered himself a God.
“I promise.”
His voice hitches; his eyes flash with something darker — so brief you almost miss it. “Best to keep to it.”
Your heart catches. Your skin on his is suddenly as hot as a lightning strike. You smother the thoughts that creep up, ignoring the burn in your gut, and turn back to Sylvie, Mobius, and the Commandant.
To your side, the older Loki looks on with a gentle smile.
“We should get this over with,” you say, voice shaking a bit more than you mean for it to as you pry your gaze from his, “Before I decide I’m too chicken.”
“No backing out now,” Sylvie says as she steps forward, her fingers trailing from the Commandant’s, “We’re staring the wolf in the mouth.”
Over your shoulder, the winds whip from the west — it stings your skin like icy rain would, but there’s no real storm. Only a brooding, horrible thing resting along the horizon searching for the breath of life that lingers on this hilltop. It’s almost as if Alioth can sense the gathered tribe of warriors; it lingers.
Mobius frowns deep; you catch his eyes and offer a fearful look. But the man, in his usual level-headed wisdom, just nods. “You’ve got this far, doc. I think you’re about as unkillable as a Loki now.”
You have to scoff at that. The smile on your face is touched with sadness.
You look up at Mobius, squinting into the overcast morning sun. “Promise me I’ll see you again?”
“No doubt,” he breathes, moving to pull you into a desperately tight hug; his voice is low against your hair, “Gotta get me a jetski anyways. Think you could build me a custom one? Y’know, with my name across the side?”
You laugh into his jacket. “Sure, Mobius. I can do that.”
As you pull away, you see Sylvie procure something.
Your eyes glimmer with recognition.
She steps forward, and hands it to you.
Her voice is low. “You don’t have to come with us.”
You take the TemPad. The weight is calming, almost. Familiar. A way out of this place, out of this nightmare. But, you realize that you can’t leave. You can’t possibly abandon them now.
You hand it to Mobius.
You grin up at Sylvie.
“I’m not missing out on this mythical showdown,” you say with a slight smirk as your eyes jump between her and Loki, “And I’m not leaving you two behind. When they sing songs of the slaying of the mighty Alioth—”
Behind you, the younger and older Loki’s snicker. You grin.
“—Not letting you two have all the glory.”
If only you’d known.
“I don’t even know if this is going to work,” she urges, pain in her voice, “I don’t... I don’t want to be the reason he loses you—”
“You go,” you say finally, “I go.”
Sylvie inhales. Then, she exhales.
Tiredly, she can’t help but break into a slight smile. “You’re the most stubborn woman in the world, you know.”
“I know,” you say, pulling on her hand and squeezing it tight.
Mobius laughs, and you catch a light smile dancing on the lips of the ever-severe Commandant. Her posture has relaxed, and she toes the hillside grass with her boot. When she looks up, her eyes remain on Sylvie. Longing sits deep in her silvery eyes.
It makes your heart hurt.
Mobius eyes the TemPad, and then begins to power it up. The golden, hazy door warbles along time and space to port itself into the Void, hanging just beyond the hill. As he creates a point in time to exit upon, he speaks up to the gaggle beyond his shoulder.
“You guys wanna ride outta here?” he asks, turning to look towards the older and younger Lokis and your teenage self. The capybara and alligator are considered, too.
“What?” asks the younger one, shaking his head; he stands close to your teenage self, “No, we’re staying here.”
“This is our home,” explains the elder firmly.
“Are you sure?” Loki calls out as the winds begin to whip up — it’s almost as if Alioth knows now that challengers linger along the horizon, and it has begun to revel in its gnarly hunger, “What about Alioth?”
“We’ve survived this long,” the older man says, “We know what we’re doing.”
You frown. The older Loki catches your eyes — and for a moment, his stubborn exterior melts. It only further drives the ache in your heart.
“You’ll need this on your journey,” calls out the dark-haired teenager on the hill. In a well-practiced pass of green magic, a dagger is procured from this air.
This dagger, however, is different.
You recognize it immediately from the legends you poured over in your time under Erik Selvig — the solid gold dagger is Lævateinn. Enchanted, no doubt. Though the Nordic language had been completely lost to you, you remembered a poem, a rooster, and something about the translation being less than convincing for some ancestral weapon. Erik had always been curious about the Mjölnir equivalent for Loki.
Now, you have an answer.
Loki seems to pause at the sight of the blade.
Love is a dagger indeed.
With a roll of his shoulders, Loki’s own magic ripples through the air like electricity. The holster for the mythic weapon sits between his shoulder blades. In one graceful move, he sheathes the dagger and exhales. You can see the readying look dart into his eyes — he is ready, now, for a fight.
You lean back, take one more long look along the horizon, and exhale.
The gaggle of friends begins to take their leave — only after the younger you doubles back for a crushing hug. It’s one that robs you of your breath; one that sends your face into her shoulder as she clings for dear life. Her eyes are red when she pulls away, stalking backward with a warning look.
“You promised to visit,” she says, waggling her finger, “We don’t break promises.”
“No, we don’t,” you call after her, “I’ll see you soon, kid.”
“You better!”
And like that, the Lokis, the alligator and the capybara, and your younger self trod off.
Mobius watches as your turn your eyes to the sky.
It’s time he takes his leave — and with one more kiss, the Commandant separates herself from Sylvie long enough to spare you a cordial nod.
“Looks like you both got away in the end, huh?” Mobius calls over the wind, “Funny how that works.”
“I suppose we always will,” Loki says as he casts a fond look your way; you meet it with a sweet smile.
There’s a pause between them.
“What will you do at the TVA?” asks the God.
Mobius thinks, for a moment, then speaks. “Burn it to the ground.”
Loki had threatened that very thing upon your arrival. Funny. All the pieces falling into place.
“Thanks for the spark.”
Sylvie grins. Loki laughs. You smile at the man.
And as Mobius turns to offer a handshake, firm and sure, Loki shakes his head. The gesture dissolves quickly when Loki is fast to pull Mobius into a long, warm hug that radiates thankfulness and friendship. The sort of hug you’d imagined impossible from the God when you’d first found yourself in the TVA, in that room, toiling over tapes of your lives.
You watch with a waning smile as Loki wraps his arms around your dear friend.
You’ve never liked goodbyes.
“Thank you, my friend.”
Mobius grins, whispering with faux-sincerity your way. “You’re my favorite.”
You laugh out loud and shake your head. “Go, Mobius. You’ve got a bureaucracy to topple. Both of you.”
The Commandant’s look is soft. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” you shrug, “Sorry for kicking your ass.”
Her grin is roguish. “I deserved it.”
And with that, the two are gone. The portal whines as the two step through and beyond the Void, back to their place along the timeline. As it slips shut, dread fills you. This is it.
All or nothing.
Lightning flashes and you turn to watch the mighty trans-temporal entity gather along the ravine. Down the hill, through the tall grass, you can see the wreckage of things that call to different timelines. All have been lost to Alioth.
The three of you begin to close in.
“When I get close,” Sylvie calls as she leads the two of your down the hill, “I’ll need a distraction. I latched onto it briefly when I came here. Whoever is behind all this and the TVA is beyond Alioth.”
“You’re sure this will work?”
“It won’t be easy,” she says, turning her eyes to the sky, “He knows we’re here.”
And that he does.
The sickly, lilac-colored cloud hangs above your heads — and he rumbles in anger. The trespass on his land is known. You can feel the temperature drop with every step closer you take to the ever-hungry entity. Its presence is enough to bring the hairs along your arms to stand on end. It’s like facing down the end of it all — and there’s something haunting about the way you’re almost drawn to the power of the beast.
It is the Cerberus to this equation’s Hades.
As you are drawn near, the hellhound notices you. The winds begin to whip with a ferocity that reminds you of the end of the world, back in that Roxxcart. As the entity begins to touch down to the soil, you can see the life being sucked from the flora — where green once lay, death remains. Beneath your feet, the land is dry, as if ravaged by drought.
You can feel it in your bones.
The haze of smog hangs thick in the air; it burns like soot and embers in your throat.
Alioth hungers.
You lift your eyes to the sky as a haunting bellow rips from the cloud, piercing the land, and splitting your head in two. Eyes as red as a smoke-hazed sun glow in the storm. It feels as if it has seen your very soul at that moment. Your heart races.
“I think it’s time for that distraction,” you holler, voice wavering, “And it best be quick!”
Loki reaches for your hand. You pause. You turn to look at him, eyes big.
His expression is weighted with worry.
“Together,” he says firmly, “For all time.”
You squeeze his hand tight. “For all time.”
With one nod from Sylvie, the two of you break into a sprint. Loki’s legs are miles longer than your own and carry him up the hill fast; at the crest, he straightens tall and gives a rasp shout. It's enough to cause Alioth’s gargantuan maw and snap hungrily at the God’s intrusion.
“Come and get us!”
As you turn and whip your head off your shoulder, you can see that the enchantress has dug her magic deep into the smaller tendrils of the anomaly trying to feed on her very life force. They glow an eerie jade color in the waning light.
The beast seems to take notice at the intrusion upon its form and casts an annoyed look towards the source — like a bull whipping a fly from its tail, it moves to pummel Sylvie with the smog.
Loki’s eyes widen.
He’s fast; Lævateinn is pulled from its sheath and swung in a grand arch — the act itself is graceful, and there’s a sort of beauty that comes with the sight of the dagger igniting itself in hellish flames. Loki can feel the magic ripple through his palm, coalescing through his aura. The connection is strong. It’s as if this weapon knows him already. In a way, he supposes it does.
Alioth’s eyes glow in the light, like a moth drawn to a flame. It deserts Sylvie, intent on swallowing up the fire.
As your legs burn and your lungs scream, you push yourself to move beyond Loki — farther from Sylvie.
You hold a hand out, eyes meeting the flaming dagger, and continue your sprint. With ease and an almost practiced grace, Loki hands the dagger off fluidly. You snag it in careful hands, and the connection is immediate. It’s as if someone has set your arm alight with electricity. Your palm buzzes. The feeling is hollow, warm, and exciting.
Then, familiar. Like holding the hand of someone you love.
Your own holler splits from your lips in a desperate sort of way. Loki can hear the fear — and in his chest, he feels a blinding rush of pride. You skid to a stop, waving your hands and the burning Lævateinn above your head, all in order to goad the storm towards you.
Loki’s pride, however, is short-lived. And suddenly, it’s traded in for gut-wrenching panic. The kind that grabs a hold of his throat and slams him back to reality.
Alioth has set his sight on you. A moth to a flame indeed.
The mammoth lets out a ground-quaking howl and you gasp — the sound is enough to split your head in two; you dig your palms to your ears hard at the wretched shriek. On instinct, you collapse to your knees and try to hide from the sound. It rattles in your chest. It bounds around in your mind and in the howl, you can hear voices. A thousand cries, crescendoing into a drowning cacophony of violence. It burns in a million horrible ways, and you can feel the serrated edge dig into your soul.
In the grass, Lævateinn burns.
Ice runs up your spine.
When silence falls, whispers remain. You open your eyes.
Alioth has set its intent upon you.
You realize, rather suddenly, that you may die.
You may just die here, in the withered grass of the Void, crumbled like no hero. You have never been the hero — no, not before, not now. The realization sinks in like a wolf’s bite in this very moment. You’re not immune to the horrible fate Alioth carries on its back. The maw rises open, never-ending and horrific, and another tormented bellow erupts from the depths of its being.
You may die here.
You only hope Loki will be alright.
As you turn your eyes to the man, you find his panic palpable in the air. It sits heavy on your tongue, and it muffles your words. You move to say his name — but nothing comes out. Not as he moves, trying to race to you, to pull you up and away from this gruesome, horrible end.
But, then, magic.
All for the sake of remembered brown eyes.
Magic ignites the horizon in an aurora borealis of power — the sort that rips the sky wide open with colors so dazzling and beautiful, not even Alioth can ignore the sight. You, his prospective meal, is forgotten in a blink. This meal is much more formidable than a small girl in the dirt. No hero of old. No magical being.
You sit there, in the grass, slack-jawed. Loki collides with you in a tumble of limbs.
His hands are desperate, but you fight to keep your eyes on the ebb and flow of magic building a world before your very eyes. Emerald waves of magicka break through the stormy air in pillars of gilded fortune. Loki tries to grapple with you, to pull you up, to usher you into his arms — but your wonder is impenetrable.
“Come along,” he whispers, hands wrapped around your shoulders, “Come on, we have to move—”
“You can do that,” you breathe simply, whirling around to pin him square in the eyes, “Your magic, you can do that—”
Loki’s hands secure to the sides of your face, and suddenly the world spins back into focus. He is terrified. You can see the fear in his eyes. His hands shake against your skin.
“We will discuss my strengths in the primary schools of magic some other time, yes, my little bug?” it’s said in an attempt to coax you back into action. It works.
Then, a voice echoes from the ever-expanding mirage of Asgard. Somewhere, in the palace of the Gods, Loki’s voice booms:
You do. You’re sure not to forget the thrumming, magical dagger.
Gripping Loki and Lævateinn, the two of you tumble down the hill towards Sylvie — she has seemed to hold her own, but you can see the exhaustion in her posture. She has been wearing down the beast, and trying her hardest to keep her latch securely on a portion of its consciousness. It seems that the older Loki’s distraction is enough, however, to make more room for her onward push.
You feel as if your legs are that of a newborn baby dear — you stumble beside her, finding an anchor along Loki’s arm. Sylvie strains, pushing, and then utters something about magic.
You’ve never believed in magic.
Science, yes. There was always an explanation. Somewhere, in the most winding of moments, there was an equation. Processes. Standard operations procedures. Step by step, how to create and recreate.
But magic is different. It’s as fluid as any human emotion. Chaotic.
The universe always manifests chaos.
And sacrifice? From a Loki?
Well, that sits bittersweet in your heart.
“I need help!” she’s saying, straining hard even against the distracted beast’s hide; the focus of its attention has turned towards the figment of Asgard beyond the hills.
“How?” you yell, winds beating the three of you furiously. A few feet away, a lilac bolt of lightning pierces the cloud cover and penetrates the cold, dead ground. It beats alive in your heart. Your hairs stand on end.
“Hold my hand!” she yells, and you reach, “Loki, reach out!”
“I don’t know how!” he battles back, shaking his head wildly.
“Yes, you do!” Sylvie almost laughs, “Because you’re me!”
You reach for Loki’s hand, and with a horribly hopeful smile, you squeeze.
So here you are, one hand in Sylvie’s and the other in Loki’s.
You’re an anchor for the two, grounding them to this reality. You’re a conduit. And the moment the magic zips awake in Loki’s aura, you can feel it. You can feel the buzz, electric and warm, ignite the skin of your palms. It’s almost as if you’ve just hit a ball on the bad spot of the bat. It isn’t painful, but you swear you can feel it in your bones.
And then comes the pain.
You wonder if maybe it’s because you aren’t magical — if that leaves you vulnerable as the go-between. One moment, it’s Loki and Sylvie. The next, it’s searing, unbearable pain. The sort that crumbles you to your knees as you gasp; the whispers are back, crescendoing into a horrific scream. At first, you’d believed it to be Alioth — but, when your own throat runs hoarse, you realize it’s you. You made the sound.
Loki is terrified.
He’s immediately pulling back. It’s a game of balance and when Alioth gains the upper hand, the pain gets worse.
“Keep going!” you bark through gritted teeth, “Keep going!”
You’re not really sure why you say it — in reality, you want nothing more than for them to stop, full-tilt, and for the pain that is now traveling up your arms and shoulders to stop. But, maybe it’s the push of free will. For the hope of being the hero — for the want of this story to end how you wish.
You can feel the whispers getting louder; they’re sharp and malicious, and they’re digging their claws into your mind in a way you’ve never felt before.
It’s Alioth’s thoughts, you realize suddenly, and the thoughts of those who it’s consumed.
The burn is flint to your panic. You want to wrench your hands away, to break the connection, to dig your fingers into the dirt beneath your knees and know silence. But you fight.
The wind cracks like a whip across your skin.
And with one big gulp of air, it stops.
Your ears are ringing.
The sudden quiet precedes the slow fade of pain — and before you realize it, Loki is on his knees beside you. His touch is gentle, urging you upright as you begin to sag from exhaustion. Your knees touch. Your chin rests in his hands.
“Open your eyes,” he whispers.
Heavy lashes part to an emerald sea.
The smog has parted to reveal a castle on a hill. In the wake, Alioth has dissipated and given way to the enchanting. Green swims around you like smoke. It’s comfortable. Calm. Quiet.
Your eyes flick back to Loki, leaving the sight from beyond, as he wets his lips and smooths a thumb over the curve of your cheek.
“Are you alright?”
In your lap, you give your fingers a tentative wiggle. They’re numb like they used to get when you had to walk across campus in the New York winters. When it was below freezing and you were too stubborn to fetch gloves. But, when Loki bends to scoop them into his own hold, they’re like fire.
All of you, really, feels hot.
Worry immediately flares in his chest.
You feel feverish, in truth.
And still, you give a little nod.
It earns you a kiss that steals your breath — a kiss that is all too gentle, all too kind, all too lovely. It’s careful and slow and wonderful, and he holds your jaw in his lithe, graceful fingers. Your reciprocation is less-than-so; brimming with adrenaline and the ebb of fear, it’s the sort that clacks teeth and bumps noses. And still, he smiles.
“You did good,” he says as he moves to stand, helping you up, “Very good, my little bug.”
“You might even have a bit of magical inclination yourself,” Sylvie says with a knowing smirk, “Wouldn’t that be nice?”
Your exhausted eyes brighten.
If this is a rallying tactic, it works. And despite the echoes of soreness residing in your arms and back, you’re keen on turning your gaze to the next part of the expedition.
You stand on shaking knees. The ground feels unsteady.
And still, there is a distance to cover.
Up there, on the hill, in the swirl of the cosmos, the devil lays in waiting.
Both Loki and Sylvie move to steady you; and in a few steps, you regain enough balance to trudge along on your own. You fall in step with Loki, hand tethered to his. Not one word is spared between the three of you. As jade smoke laps at your heels, you all wander on. The preoccupation of worry is an inevitable one.
The landscape is sharp. Obsidian stones puncture and mar the landscape, making everything glow the colors that reside beyond the cold land. Above you, the cosmos swirl. You find yourself tripping over pebbles; you’re far too preoccupied with gazing at the blinding ring running around this floating isle. You falter, and Loki looks back.
He watches you reach to poke a floating stone.
It tumbles away in a gentle roll, neither tethered nor bound by this place’s gravitational pull.
You’re tempted to call it magic — because, really, something like this should be impossible. The vacuum of space should have crushed and frozen the three of you already. You shouldn’t be walking. And while maybe you feel a bit heavier here than usual, you’re not entirely convinced it’s not the exhaustion of Alioth’s torment that brings the feeling on.
Loki watches, a few steps ahead, as you turn your eyes back to the bright flow of time running around the castle’s perch. Your face is painted with a glow. Entirely beautiful. Breath-taking. He understands immediately how the older version of himself felt in that place... Sakaar, was it?
Your beauty holds nothing in comparison to this place.
You push on and ignore the burn in your legs. You can feel sweat running down your back. Loki himself has begun to look exhausted — and between the three of you, there’s no doubt you’ve seen better composure. After all, you’re here.
Sylvie is silent on the trek up. On edge, as well. Her sword is gripping in white knuckles.
It doesn’t exactly surprise you, then, when you arrive at the castle’s doorstep to find that Sylvie is nervous.
Sylvie has to admit she hadn’t really ever considered what happens when she gets here — because, for the majority of her life, she thought it all ended with those damned Time-Keepers... Not some creature on a hill, beyond the Void at the end of time. Revenge is still angry within her spirit. She knows that. But, anxiousness has swept in the dampen the flame.
All this time... She spent so much time trying to find you again. And when she did, she set her sights on the TVA. After all, they stole you from her. They stole her life, then they stole her love.
She needs to remember that.
Her usual stubborn, steadfast demeanor is traded in for a breathless huff before the grand gate.
Your eyes roam the larger-than-life door, admiring the intricate architecture. It reminds you of some of the older Cathedrals back home. Maybe even like some of those homes on Bleecker Street.
Along the building runs cracks mended by gold — innately beautiful and inherently useful. You notice, as Sylvie readies herself, that the kintsugi-esque repairs make this place look like less of a home and more of a treasured object. Something to be gawked at, not walked into.
And yet, here you three are.
Sylvie steps up.
You tense.
For a moment, there's nothing but silence. Then:
"Aren't you going to tell me not to kick the door in?"
You can hear the apprehension in her voice — and it only triples when Loki forgoes his usual stubbornness for a more patient, passive approach.
"It never made a difference."
"Well," Sylvie turns as she exhales tightly; for the first time, you can see her age in her features. She's shockingly beautiful, ever the mirror of her darker-haired counterpart, but you can see the youthful vigor of revenge there. And fear. A rare spotting of fear, "If you think it's a bad idea, I prefer you speak your mind. Both of you."
"We've come this far," you say with a hoarse rasp, nodding her on.
Loki moves to press a hand to the back of your neck. He squeezes gently. The gesture is ground. You meet his eyes.
"I agree."
Sylvie looks between the two of you, inhales, and raises her brows. "Right. Sure. Yep. Exactly that."
She turns towards the door and hesitates again.
You and Loki share a slow look.
The God steps forward.
"...Everything okay?"
Sylvie inhales sharply. Her gaze is distant. "I just... need a moment."
Loki blinks. "Okay."
She turns, seeking some sort of comfort, and you move to touch her arm.
She grabs your hand tightly.
Suddenly, her worries rush out.
"I was pruned before the two of you even existed. I have been waiting for this moment my whole life. I just need a second to get my head straight—"
Suddenly, the doors are opening.
Immediately, the two snap to attention — their weapons fly from their holsters in a flash of protection; unspoken directives are shared in a look, and Loki is careful to close the gap between you and Sylvie. You're behind them now. Guarded.
The doors open with a sound that begs the question of how long it's been since a visitor last arrived. It's a painful sound. Grating and loud and it echoes deep into a cavernous, empty room. The dark greets the three of you. Behind the open doors lays emptiness.
You're hesitant to follow Loki and Sylvie in; but being left behind out in the courtyard seems like even worse of any idea. So, you follow. Step after step, the three of you are silent.
As you turn your eyes to the huge hooded statues — their faces clocks —that greet you, the doors behind you shut.
You jump six feet and smother a yelp with your hand.
The dark is now suffocating — the sort that makes your eyes play tricks on you. In the absence of light, you find that this place has remained relatively untouched by the universe. Dust floats in their air. The grand windows along the ceiling pour in celestial light.
In each hand of the statues, one holds half an hour glass.
Where time begins and ends.
If you weren't so fucking creeped out, it might just be beautiful.
Loki and Sylvie suddenly still.
You waver behind them, hand moving to secure a hold on Loki's. He's listening for something. Footsteps, it seems.
And as you move to peer over his shoulders —
While your protectors remain relatively unphased, you're embarrassed by the flinch that rocks your whole body. You stumble backward, hands finding support on a cold, obsidian-colored column back by the door. Your heart is in your throat. And still, you find no comfort in seeing Miss Minutes of all things.
Sylvie and Loki raise their weapons.
You exhale, roll your neck back, and push off the column.
"Thanks for that," you mutter.
Sylvie snarls. "You again?"
Miss Minutes, with her usual cheery disposition, can either not recognize the malice in Sylvie's tone or decidedly ignores it.
"Welcome to the Citadel at the End of Time!"
The glow from the over-glorified alarm clock paints Loki's face all sorts of warm colors when he turns and gestures for you to take his hand once more. You do so willingly and keep close to him as he shields you from the faux, holographic Southern Belle.
"Come on," he breathes, moving to push past her.
"Congratulations," Miss minutes drawls, "Y'all had an awfully long journey to get here. He's impressed."
You still.
"Who's impressed?" you call, narrowing your eyes over Loki's shoulder.
"He Who Remains, of course," she winks, moving closer, "And boy, is he excited to meet you."
She pins you with her gaze. You shrink behind Loki.
He tightens his grip on your hand and scowls. "And who is he?"
"He created all, and he controls all," she says, walking backward — Loki and Sylvie press on, "At the end, it is only He Who Remains... And he wants to offer you a deal."
At the edge of their swords, Miss Minutes grins.
Your eyes widen, just a smidge, and you can feel a pit of dread grow in your gut. Loki looks back at you, brows knotted.
"He's been makin' a few creative adjustments..." she continues, waving her little hand as she speaks, "He's worked it out so he can insert you two back into the Timeline in a way that won't disrupt things..."
Loki and Sylvie share a look. Miss Minutes moves forward. They both step back.
"Won't disrupt things?" Sylvie breathes in disbelief.
"Mhm," she nods, stepping forward, "The TVA can keep doin' it's vital work and y'all can live the lives you've always wanted!"
"And what have we always wanted?" Loki spits back, gaze narrowed.
"Now!" Miss Minutes chastizes immediately, "Don't play coy with me, mister. You know how you got into this mess."
His fingers lace with yours tightly.
"What?" he asks, sneering.
"The Battle of New York, silly... You versus those self-righteous Avengers..." she crosses her arms behind her back, "How would you like to win?"
Loki stiffens. Suddenly, you feel his grip loosen on your hand. Icy dread pricks your face.
"But not just there... You can kill Thanos... Live out the rest of your days a God King! Doesn't that just sound peachy?"
The temptation... it is there. It's mended together in gold. The dark truths are hidden by momentary promises of beauty. Glory. Purpose.
His fingers twitch. Suddenly, Loki grips your hand tighter than before. The God can feel a wave of shame roll over him — and quickly he shakes his head as if to get the promise out of his mind.
Sylvie is next, though, and the animated watch is keen on flooding her with pretty little promises, too... About comfort, about love, about happy memories and home. Things she's so rarely had.
But, it isn't landing.
"It's fiction," she says, "And written out is the one person that matters most to us."
Loki's eyes find you.
"Oh," she huffs, "Well, He Who Remains has plans for her, little miss. Don't worry. He's been dreamin' about the day you three would finally waltz in here. You're esteemed guests, you know."
Your jaw tightens.
Loki snarls. "We write our own destiny now."
"Aw. Sure y' do. Good luck with that."
And like that, she's gone.
The light fades from the room and the three of you are left in the dark.
"Come on."
After a long, worried look, you two press on. Sylvie leads, and soon Miss Minute's disruption is a thing of the past. In here, there's enough to keep you preoccupied with staying alive than ruminating over the clock's ominous words.
He Who Remains has plans for her...
The next room is larger and beyond it lays another of the same conception. Like a neverending mirror, you can see arch after arch. Each room holds dust-covered paintings and black mirrors. Everything glimmers back at you; riddled with marbled gold, the castle seems impossible. Loki and Sylvie are cautious with every step.
Finally, the maze seems to come to an end.
"He Who Remains..."
"Not for much longer."
It's a grand antechamber — with intricate stained windows and guarded by three towering statues. There once were four, it seems, but that guardian remains upon the ground in a crumpled pile of black marble. Now, the three preside over the room. You realize rather abruptly that they're the Time-Keepers.
Overhead, a pendulum swings.
You'd only ever seen three of them — in renderings and even in their chambers. But, as you step over the shattered depiction of a fourth, you begin to feel an itch of conspiracy in your mind.
"Are we sure he's even alive?"
You turn your head to the sound of Loki's voice; he raises two fingers, covered with dust. You note the trail he's run across the base of the statue to his left. Your own curiosity preoccupies you — and you're about to move towards the head of the fourth statue when suddenly, somewhere above you, something shifts into place.
You freeze.
Then, beneath the door across the room, something heavy settles with a seam of bright light pouring from beneath. Almost like... an elevator.
You're quick to scramble close to Loki. His hand cradles you behind him.
Sylvie takes point. Her sword is raised.
The three of you still your breath.
And then, with a ding, the doors open.
You aren't really sure what you're expecting.
A man — with flesh and blood just as you — is perhaps the last.
He's handsome — with dark skin and a wide smile. When he lays eyes upon the three of you, it's almost as if he grows sheepishly excited. The apple in his hands is forgotten and immediately becomes more of a prop for his evident excitement than anything.
He stands. Loki's knuckles tighten on Laeveteinn.
When the man stands, you note that he's of average height. Certainly not a fighter.
He's dressed like an academic.
When he speaks, you catch yourself holding your breath.
"This is wild."
You shift on your feet.
"I mean... You're here. Two of you... Same person... It's... I mean, that's a little unnatural but..."
He grows quiet when his eyes land on you between Sylvie and Loki's shoulders.
It's said without any mind given to the two before you, and suddenly the man is stepping forward with wide eyes.
"Wow," he mumbles, voice lilting with shock, "It's you."
Your eyes hold his gaze. You let out a shaky breath.
Suddenly, the man laughs.
"I can't believe it."
"He Who Remains?" Sylvie asks, ignoring his evident awe at you.
The man suddenly takes a bite from his apple and nods. He waggles a finger. "He Who Remains. She still call me that? Creepy, right? But... I like it."
Loki leans forward. Confusion is evident on his face.
"Come on!" he ushers, "Come on, Doc, it's an honor, really —"
"Stay away from her," Loki snaps.
The man blinks, turning from his gestured turn to gather you all in the elevator.
He Who Remains offers a slow blink.
"Oh... Oh," a swallow, "I see. Right. That's... you two are one another's pair, then. Isn't that... something."
It's ominous is what it is. And you don't like it.
"Come on," he gestures once more, "Let's all talk in my office."
You squint.
Loki and Sylvie share a look with you.
You shrug.
Tentatively, and ever-so-hesitant, the two inch forward.
You were correct about assuming it was some sort of elevator. When the doors close, you can feel the tell-tale pull of gravity. Your knees wobble. You feel light for a second or so, and then your body acclimates. Now, your attention remains on Loki, Sylvie and him before you.
Loki and Sylvie haven't lowered their blades once.
"Not what you were expecting, hm?"
"You're just... a man?" Loki asks, wincing at the weakness of his own words.
He suddenly feels foolish. Had his fear been unwarranted? Had all the anxieties leading up to this been useless? Had the biggest threat of danger lay behind you three, in the mouth of Alioth?
"Mm. Flesh and blood," he mutters, "Just like Doc. Two humans, huh? None of that Asgardian God stuff. I hope it's not a disappointment."
"No," Sylvie says, her posture shifting; you can feel it coming — a call, somewhere in the back of your mind, "Just a little bit easier to kill."
She swings.
And... she misses?
Suddenly, behind you, there's a giggle.
In the tight confines of the elevator, you find yourself tumbling back into Loki as you nearly catch a desperate swing of Sylvie's — all in an attempt to pin the man down who is now seemingly phasing about the small room.
Then, suddenly, with a well-aimed miss, the man disappears.
Flat out.
And then, the elevator reaches its destination.
The doors ding as the lift settles on its wires. With a mighty clang, the doors open to reveal a grandiose office — and He Who Remains standing before you. He smiles. He waves his apple. Then, he gestures the three of you in.
While Loki and Sylvie let him retreat back to his desk, you sense them trying to unravel whatever plot is going on here.
"One... two... three..." he mumbles, hunched over what looks like cups of tea, "Doctor, you prefer your coffee sweetened, don't you? You're not big into tea..."
As Loki and Sylvie creep into the room, you keep your distance. You eye the man critically.
"Nothing worse than bitter coffee."
"Ha!" he tosses his hands, moving to gather up a tray, "Quite the reference."
You squint in confusion.
He seems to notice the way you tilt your head, the way you narrow your gaze. He Who Remains waves it off. "Go on, have a seat."
Each cup of respective tea is set down. In the middle, the cup of coffee sits.
You're the first, against Loki's pleading look, to sit down.
It's met with a smile from the man in purple. He offers a hand almost immediately, and Loki and Sylvie raise their weapons once more. But, when no threat comes, you simply eye his hand, then take it.
He beams, "It's an honor, really—"
"I don't see why," you bite back, shaking it firmly.
"Oh, well, please, let me explain..."
He rounds his desk. You eye the coffee.
"Really," he says, clapping his hands, "I have to thank you two for bringing her to me."
You freeze.
Loki narrows his eyes dangerously.
"What do you mean?" Sylvie spits.
This feels like a game of chess almost immediately.
And while the man in front of you, sure, is of flesh and blood, you can't help but wonder 'what's the catch?'. Is he some omnipotent ruler? The fourth Time-Keeper?
He talks in turns of phrase that remind you of home, yet bounds into conversation with a youthful sort of enthusiasm you can't help but think covers up fear. Anxiousness, even. There's something unsettling about He Who Remains, in his velvet purple robes with his apple.
You scoff to yourself.
Of course the academic at the end of time would have an apple.
The reference isn't lost on you — and as the apple falls from the tree, gravity tethers us to our sun and moon. To time. Time is its own gravity, free from worldly bindings.
He Who Remains leans forward on his desk.
"You've brought me the Arbiter of Time. Architect of Alterations..."
"Spit it out," you say, expression level.
He blinks. Then, he leans back and wets his lips.
"You're special, you know," he waggles his fingers, "I mean — I spent decades pouring over your theory of Quantum Time Loops and Travel. It was a large part of my doctorate thesis, actually..."
"So you're from Earth?"
"No, well, yes, but not your time," he says dismissively, "No, my time. In the 31st Century."
"And why does that matter?" Loki snaps.
He Who Remains skirts him a slow look. "Coming from the God who just—" he pretends to check an imaginary watch; instead, it's a flat slate of marble, "—tried to conquer New York City a few days ago."
Days? Jesus.
"It matters," he continues, as he waves at you, "Because you are the one I have to thank for all this."
He gestures around to the room, to the castle, to the space beyond the windows. You are still in your seat; your frown is growing more severe by the second.
"I'm not quite sure you understand the situation," Loki hisses as he raises Lævateinn with a regal flick of the wrist. It's his delicate words that paint a threat, "No amount of flattery will save your life. You've lost."
Sylvie's chin is held high. "We found you."
He Who Remains blinks.
Then, he almost scoffs.
"Duh. Of course you did."
The unimpressed snark is enough to ignite the fire in Sylvie — her anger serves her right, however, it does little to remedy the situation. She swings viciously. Just like back in the elevator, He Who Remains bounds out of sight. This time, though, you catch his fingers fly to that little marble slate on his wrist from before.
A TemPad of sorts.
This one is... different.
You turn to pass a look over Loki.
Had this not become some sort of Judgement Day, you'd reason he looks the part of a king. He is perched in that ornate black chair as if he commands it. With the golden Lævateinn perched across his lap, you note the stern look that's settled across his face. It softens only momentarily when you hold his gaze.
"Alright, alright," same He Who Remains as he stumbles down from his perch on his chair, "Let's get all of this out of the way."
While Loki and Sylvie move to stand, you remain seated.
You watch with burning intent.
From beneath his desk, he pulls out a book.
The papers are thin. Like receipt papers. They crinkle as he wets his thumb and turns a page. He procures three separate pages, then slides them across his desk.
"You can't kill me because," he says, landing back down in his chair, "I already know what's going to happen."
You cross your legs and lean back in your chair.
Loki can feel a bite of panic in his chest. "It's not true. It's a parlor trick."
"Okay!" says He Who Remains as he leaps up, seemingly intrigued by the potential line of questioning, "Don't you wonder how I'm able to get out of the way, just before you kill me?"
He waggles his arms, leaning back with a kick of the leg.
You snort.
"No," says Sylvie sharply, having noticed the same thing as you, "No, it's because of that little TemPad you have there."
Quietly, you take your turn to speak. "But, it's loaded up. He knows when to jump, and where to land."
All three sets of eyes turn to you.
You reach and talk a calm sip of the coffee.
... Not bad.
Loki's brows knot. Your worry permeates your expression.
"I know it all," He Who Remains continues, "And I've seen it all. And I've been waiting... for her. And you brought her to me. Protected her every," he crawls along with his fingers, "step of the way."
He lands in his seat.
Sylvie and Loki step aside, and you're left sitting face-to-face with the man at the End of Time.
"No," mutters Sylvie with a sudden flare of annoyance, "No, we broke out of your little game—"
"No, wrong," he runs his finger into the dark mahogany of his desk, "Every step you took to get here... New York, Lamentis, The Void... I paved the road."
It stings.
"You?" he points at Loki and Sylvie, "You just lead her down it."
This feels like the TVA again — everyone telling you how dangerous you are, how they knew you. It feels the same.
"Why me?" you ask, rolling your neck.
"I mean, c'mon. It had to be you," he croons mockingly before sobering up at your lack of amusement, "It had to be. You... You are... you—"
"That means nothing—"
"It means everything," he says, "You are — really — the universe's most important gift. After the creation of time comes the alteration of it. You gave us that. You added another spoke in the wheel. You did it to save the universe. To save what you loved."
He's quiet for a moment. His eyes fall to Loki.
"To save... who you love."
"Not me."
"No, no," he says, waving his hands, "Same you. A bit older, maybe. But still you. Still the girl who grew up on 89 Emerald St."
You scoff.
"You don't know me."
"No," he says as Loki and Sylvie both sit back down, "But I know how the rest of this conversation will go."
"What do you want?" you ask scathingly.
Loki's grip adjusts on his dagger.
"A successor."
Loki cringes.
You laugh out loud.
It's not kind — and, in fact, it's obvious you find no humor in the situation whatsoever. But, it's the sheer fact this man has the god damn audacity to ask this.
"We came to kill you," you say between laughs, "Not take the throne."
"I understand, I do — y'know... I get why you came to finish everything. Your moral objections to the TVA are understandable."
"That's an understatement," Sylvie breathes.
"My methods are deceptive," he continues as he stands and rounds his desk, "But the mission never was. Without the me, without the tee vee ay... Everything burns."
Loki leans back. He watches the man for a moment.
Then, he speaks. "Then what are you so afraid of?"
He Who Remains fiddles with his cloak for a moment. It's nearly boyish. Fearful. Anxious.
"Variants?" you ask almost immediately.
And, it's enough to prompt the sudden crash course in how it all came to be... and the backbone? The backbone of Nathaniel Richards, the scientist, discovering those layered realities back in the 31st Century? Well, it's your research. Papers pioneered by you, collaborated on with Bruce Banner, Hank Pym, Tony Stark...
Suddenly, the enormity of the moment crashes over you.
"I weaponized Alioth, and I ended the Multiversal War!" the snap of rage that emerges pulls you from your dread, "And once I isolated our timeline, all I had to do is manage the flow of time and prevent any further branches. Hence! The TVA. Hence, the Time-Keepers and the highly efficient bureaucracy—"
He climbs up on his desk.
"—Hence! Ages, and ages... of cosmic harmony! Hence!"
He bounces down, smiling in your face.
"Your welcome."
He runs a finger over the golden cracked slate of marble on his wrist, and the elegant little TemPad swallows up the lead-like ball that had projected the legacy of He Who Remains on his desk. He crawls down from his desk as he speaks.
"You came to kill the devil, right? Well, I keep you safe," he tilts his head, "And if you think I'm evil, well, just wait 'til you meet my variants."
There's a heavy silence that lands between the three of you — and while Sylvie seems wholely unimpressed, you find yourself believe this to some capacity. After all, from what you've been able to garner from the time you've spent in the TVA, and in the Void, and surrounded by all this time-related trickery, you've understood Variants to be the biggest threat. It would make sense for He Who Remains to have Variants, and for those Variants to have varied interests. And, thus far, the flow of time has been rathered well managed.
"And, that's the gambit!"
"Where do I come in?" you ask slowly, narrowing your eyes.
"Oh! Oh, good question, doc, really great question," he rambles as he leans back against his desk, "I'm... I'm tired. I am. Exhausted. And... listen, you may hate the Dictator, but something far worse is going to fill that void if you dispose of him. But! You... you... I've lived a thousand lifetimes. I've gone through every scenario... This is the only way."
The gravity of it slams you in the chest.
Your eyes slip shut as you exhale.
"I know! I know," he says, sitting back, "It's not... y'know... It's not great—"
"This cannot be real."
Loki blinks at you.
He can see a rising tension in your posture as you sit forward and shake your head. "This is — this isn't fair."
"You're not actually considering this, are you?" Sylvie says with a sudden bite of disbelief. Her eyes are wide. Her expression is unkind.
"Syvlie, did you hear any of that?" you say, gesturing to him.
"He's a liar."
"—What if he's not?"
You question is enough to strike her in the heart.
She sits back, scowling. She gestures with her sword. "So, you'd rather prune innocent timelines—"
"That's not what I'm saying—"
"I mean, who knows! Maybe Doc's a little bit more benevolent when it comes to running the TVA... but, either way, there are two options. It's either her, or you kill me and destroy the Sacred Timeline. Hence, Multiversal War."
"Stop saying hence," you hiss, moving to push your hands to your forehead. You press your palms to your eyes, "Shut up."
"Doctor—" Loki says slowly, only to be cut off.
"He treated real people's lives like some kind of game," Sylvie hisses at you, "And you want to do the same?"
"It wasn't personal," cuts in the man across the desk, "It was practical."
"It was personal to me—"
He lets out a long groan, then snaps. "Grow up, Sylvie! Grow up! Murderer! Hypocrite!"
He looks you square in the eye when you remain unflinching.
"We're all villains here."
Dread pricks your face for the hundredth time in the hour. You can see Loki's look out of the corner of your eye — it's pity, you think. Pity for the sudden realization that your work starts this. Your work has lead to the breaking of time, to the beginning of Multiversal Wars, to... to this moment. And yet... Here you are. Having not an ounce of any idea of how you did any of it. You're young. A child compared to the eons of influence you have on the shape of the universe.
And yet, a villain.
Suddenly, the room is quiet.
Somewhere, in the back of your mind, there's a whisper. A lone voice. A woman. Far away.
When you look up, He Who Remains has turned his eyes upwards and to the sky beyond the windows. You see a dash of curiosity, then of panic, and then of acceptance... Like a man stumbling across his own grave.
"We just crossed... the Threshold..."
He lets out a startled laugh, and at the roll of thunder, he jumps.
Almost as if he hadn't heard it coming.
He picks up a piece of parchment, then drops it — testing gravity.
You squint.
"So, I fibbed."
Anger flares at the words.
"I fibbed when I said, earlier, I know how everything was going to do. I know — I knew — everything up to a certain point. And that point was about... seven seconds ago?"
There's another whisper now. Same voice. Saying something else. And another. And another. You shake your head. They dissipate into silence.
Loki is... well, he supposes there aren't really words for how he feels. No. This is all...
"So that's it?"
"Yes! I — there's... There's two options and..." he exhales tightly, "I mean, I just... they're branching. Out that window? It's happening as we sit here. As we... wait. Back at the TVA, things are falling apart. But, it's better than those Variants of me—"
"This is ridiculous," Sylvie spits, "Another lie. Another manipulation."
"But what if it isn't?"
Sylvie scoffs. Loki grits his jaw. Then, He Who Remains plucks his TemPad from his wrist and leans back.
There's a breath of calm.
Then, Sylvie.
She springs quickly to her feet — and He Who Remains does not move. He simply snaps backward with a wide-eyed look on his face. He laughs, albeit terrified, and shakes his head.
Loki is the one he is just as fast to grab Sylvie by the scruff of the neck and drag her backward. However, she turns, and as you pull yourself up from your chair she raises her blade to Loki's throat and corners him.
"What are you doing?" she snaps.
"Sylvie, hang on a moment—"
"Let's talk about this—" you say, moving towards the two.
She seems to hate the idea of pausing. "Or, how about we finish what we started and we kill him—"
She lunged again, but this time it's you who steps up to put yourself between Sylvie and He Who Remains. Her eyes flash with betrayal when you refuse to move, grabbing her blade's handle with your hand and twisting. "What if he's telling the truth?"
"I can't believe you're really considering this—"
"I believe him," you snap, forcing her blade away as she staggers back, "I do."
"What? That a gazillion boogeymen are going to show up just because we give people free will? He's a liar."
Loki is fast to step between the escalation as Sylvie rears up in your face. 
"So am I," he pants, "But I don't think he's lying. Not about that."
"So what are you suggesting?" she snaps.
"Think about it, Sylvie," you step past Loki, waving your hands, "That's the gambit. If he isn't lying..."
Her face suddenly falls.
The look she pins you with is icy.
Then, she scoffs.
It's desperate. Horrible. Mean.
"Oh, I get it."
You shake your head in confusion. "...What?"
"You," she says beginning to stalk around you in a circle, "You are not my Doctor. A throne? Really? Seems he was right about who the villains are."
That hurts worse than any cut of a blade.
Loki, suddenly, seems to realize where you're going with your own protests — and it nearly pulls his heart from his chest entirely. He turns to you, shaking his head.
"No. No, no, do not go where I cannot follow—"
"If this," suddenly your voice is shaking, and suddenly you're turned to face Loki completely — his own unfallen tears beg to a betrayal worse than you could imagine, "If this is what needs to be done—"
"We don't know that—"
"I know, but! I can't let my legacy be... be death and destruction and war—" comes the desperate wring of emotion from your throat. Loki shakes his head as he nears, as you shake your head vigorously.
"That's who you are."
"I don't know that—"
"This throne is not yours to claim," snaps Sylvie, "And I'm going to finish what I started."
"No!" you both shout, but it's Loki whose blade matches her own. As always, you feel pitifully unhelpful in the midst of the fight — and this one is scathingly brutal. It's clear the two are distraught, and as the fight moves on you find your eyes turning to the branching timelines just beyond the window.
It's already started.
He wasn't lying.
How could he know the ends of a thousand timelines?
"Sylvie, please—"
"Keep my name out of your mouth," she spits, "Liar!"
In that moment, you swear she could have done it.
She could have driven the final blow.
The anger in her eyes... the hatred...
Her rage reflects on you, and suddenly you find yourself pinned to He Who Remain's desk with her blade at your throat. And while you screw your eyes shut in horrified panic, her swing fell short. Her intention is clouded. You can see her fighting with the reality of the moment — that killing you will get her to the devil at the end of the story.
You don't move. You won't. Desperate tears fall from your eyes.
But, it's Loki who lifts the blade from your throat as you let angry, hot tears roll down your cheeks. "Sylvie, please — just stop."
"Stop it," Loki echoes, moving slowly to push the blade far from your throat as he pulls you away from the blonde Variant, "Stop."
Her blade clatters to the ground, and she seems to realize what she had almost done. It seems to be shame that sends her leaning against He Who Remain's desk. Her palms dig into the dark wood. She lets out a ragged sigh.
You can see her heaving a breath, you can see tears staining the wood.
Loki's hands are careful. He pulls you close and presses a terrified kiss to your forehead.
You're safe. You're alright. You're together.
"Sylvie..." you say, fingers wrung in Loki's shirt, "I don't want to lose you..."
"You never had me," comes a sad voice, "But, you two always had each other, didn't you?"
There's something else in her words.
A lingering sort of malice.
When she looks up, you see that her tears are gone. There's a hollowness to her eyes.
It's a moment too late when you realize she has the TemPad in her hands.
Everything is slow for a moment.
The stars spin overhead, and outside the window, time begins to weave its own path. The office is heavy with silence. In this place, beyond the Void, there is no grounding anchor. It's only fallacies and lies and half-truths. The domain of the God of Lies, it would seem. However, the one who holds you tight has no home here. No, it seems this place is Sylvie's.
She's won the game.
You know it the moment she looks at you.
All of this... was it in vain?
Before you can open your mouth, there's the tell-tale sound of a warbling Time Door hurdling towards you — all gilded and full of promise. But... this one is different from all the others. In its hue resides a deep green. Not unlike Loki's magic, really. You turn your head, and the moment you catch sight of it, there's a concussion burst of magic that sends you hurtling backward through it. You screw your eyes shut and prepare to hit the ground but... It never comes.
Instead, it's the burning blue light of the tesseract that greets you when you open your eyes.
It's there, in front of you.
It's there and it's humming alive and it's Thursday again.
It's fucking Thursday.
It's Thursday and New York City has just survived an invasion and Tony Stark is gasping awake on the floor beside you and Thor is shouting and panic grips you so hard you lose all breath in your lungs. You scramble backward against the floor, eyes running up the length of the God of Mischief as those familiar eyes bloom wide with panic — and as he realizes he's once again shackled and muzzled and being paraded down in a glorified perp walk.
Loki's eyes are wild.
Your breath stutters.
You claw at your shirt; it's no TVA-issued uniform. It's the same one from before. And Loki is... well, he looks just how he looked when you first saw him.
But he knows.
He knows you.
He knows you and he loves you and suddenly, everything that had happened in the Void is but a dream. A nightmare, really. Somewhere, out there, Sylvie has inevitably killed He Who Remains. Somewhere, out there, Kang the Conquerer has begun his reign.
But, it's Thursday again.
In a bustle of panic, Loki is ushered off — you can see that he tries to fight it, he tries to see you, he tries to call your name... But in the fray, you're all but left behind in the wake of the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.T.R.I.K.E. and W.S.C.; all of them leave you, crumpled in a heap on the floor of Stark Tower.
No, no, no no no.
No, it's Thursday again. 
This is not how you thought your week would go.
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hit me Baby, One more Time (Wrestler Loki x Female Reader)
Read chapter 31 here
Chapter 32
Summary : Sometimes all you need is a little bit of Love to heal.
Warning : 18 +, Smut, Sex, Spankings, Daddy kink, degradation, dumbification, mentions of muder and crime, mentions of abuse
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"You're lying" your eyes teared up and Thor smiled .
"Why don't you ask him then? Or you're too scared to go to him now? Awn did I ruin your fairytale dream? Not exactly a knight in shining armor is he?"
"He didn't kidnap his mother, I met her, she have all the freedom, he's keeping her like a queen" you tried to defend him, if frigga was being held against her wish she would say something but thor had an answer for that too.
"Not exactly her first time acting as if everything is fine, even when she's hurting inside"
You walked out of the bathroom with that new information, when you reached the lounge, he was on a call with someone, when his eyes met yours he smiled. He kidnapped frigga? Why would he do that? All these years he only tried to protect her. But who is he protecting her from? If he killed Odin why did he never tell you?
He walked over to you and interlinked his fingers with yours and then you both stepped out of the club.
As he started driving towards his hotel, he could tell you seemed lost, normally you kept your eyes on him as if you doted on him all the time. He wondered if you found him adorable the way he did?
"Ummm are we going to your place?" You asked him and he looked at you "That's what we decided, you don't want to go? we can go to your place" he told you and you looked to the side. You felt awful, you didn't want to hurt him, he seemed happy. He seemed happy for you. But you needed some time away from him. To think about all of this, you didn't want his touch to cloud your judgment. You didn't want to look at him from rose coloured glasses.
"Birdy? Are you going to answer me?" He snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked at him "Yeah, can you drop me to my room?" You asked him so he took a turn and drove towards your place.
"Something wrong?" He asked you but you shook your head. When you reached your room, he pulled you into himself and kissed you. "I'm feeling very tired, Loki." you looked at him and he smiled "Okay we can cuddle and sleep birdy, you have had a long day" he kissed your forehead. You hated doing this to him.
"Can I just be alone tonight, I just need some me time" you made an excuse, his smile faltered as he heard you and it broke your heart. You didn't want him to leave, you wanted to stay in his arms but you couldn't stop thinking about what Thor said either.
"What did I do?" He took a step back and asked you sternly, he pushed his hands inside his pocket so you walked towards the closet to avoid his gaze. "Nothing loki you did nothing" you kept your back towards him but all of a sudden he turned you around and pressed you against the door of the closet "What are you hiding?" He asked you, his grip on your shoulder tightened.
"Can we talk tomorrow please?" You mumbled and he let go of you. Then he walked out, you wanted him to leave but why did it hurt so bad when he walked out. You wanted to go follow him. You didn't want him to leave but you couldn't think clearly when he was around you.
Loki didn't understand what he did, or said to make you upset, you were not telling him and he didn't want to assume. You seemed so happy right before you went to the bathroom, what happened after that? He couldn't sleep that night, he wanted to touch you and hold you. He wanted you to hold him, he slept peacefully by your side, he didn't have nightmares when he slept by your side.
Next morning he called you but you didn't pick up, so he texted you on Instagram but you saw the message and didn't respond,
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He went to your hotel after he was done with his training, he went really hard at it, always went hard whenever he was hurting inside, but you were not there. So he went to the studio but you were not there either.
You needed answers, you needed the truth and you were not sure whether Loki would tell you the truth so you went to the person he deemed closest to her. You went to Frigga, you needed to know if she was being held against her will and you wanted to help her if she was.
Ofcourse you had to pass through the military level of security, last time you thought he did it to protect her. But Thor filled your head so much that you started to doubt his intentions. Frigga smiled as she looked at you so you walked towards her to hug her.
"How are you my child?" She asked you and you smiled at her "I'm good, how are you doing?" You asked her as politely as she did and she nodded her head. "What's bothering you?" She asked you so you looked down.
"Are you being kept here against your will?" You got straight to the point, not wanting to dance around the bush.
"Against my will? Did thor say that?" She asked you and your eyes widened. How did she know? Does he tell her everything?
"I..uhh.. yess" you stuttered as you teared up so she caressed your cheeks.
"You know Thor was my first born but Loki, he came into my life unexpectedly, and I could never imagine my life without him. Whatever he has done, he did it to protect me. To answer your question, No I'm not here against my will dear. I'm very happy here, My son would never harm me, he couldn't even think about it, if anything, I have hurt him by hiding certain things from him"
Her answer made you feel so much better, why would you ever doubt him? You didn't even give him a chance to explain his side.
You called him as soon as you got out of the mansion, but this time he didn't pick up. So you texted him on Instagram
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But he didn't pick up your call so you made your way towards his hotel. The manger asked Loki first if he was expecting you and he didn't deny it so you went to his room, waiting nervously for him to open the door. When he did, he glared at you like a ferocious kitten ready to attack, his eyes seemed red
"What?" He asked you and you teared up instantly. You deserved his indifference, he has been nothing but affectionate to you these past few days, he didn't deserve you ignoring him like that.
"I uhh I'm sorry Loki" you mumbled as you teared up more and he snickered "Ofcourse you are darling, you must mean it too right?" He went inside his room so you followed him and closed the door. You noticed the bruises on his cheeks and it worried you "how did you get hurt?"
You asked him as you watched him huff and pace around the room "Are you done with me? If you are, then no need to explain yourself, you can see yourself out" you couldn't help but sob as you heard him.
"I'm not done with you Loki, I'm sorry about last night, I'm sorry" you tried to hug him but he didn't hug you back, he was opening himself up to you, he trusted you and he would have told you everything if you would have asked him. But you allowed Thor's words to rile you up against him.
"I don't care y/n, leave" he mumbled stoically, the affection, the softness he drowned you in, all of it was gone.
"No I'm not going to leave, I am not, please just listen to me Loki please" you sobbed harder and as much as he wanted to hide in his shell your tears brought him back for a moment.
"Why? Why did you push me away?" He asked you as he pulled you off him by grabbing your shoulders "I uhh.. did you kill Odin?"
You asked him and his eyes widened in shock "Who told you that?" He asked you harshly and you took a step back "Thor..thor did" you told him and he ran his hands through his hair, then he walked away from you, he picked up the vase from the dresser and smashed it against wall. You flinched and took several steps back as you watched his anger rising more and more.
"Get out Birdy, I'll talk to you later" he told you as he placed his arms on the dresser. You could tell that he was breathing heavily and he was trying to calm himself down. So instead of listening to him, you walked closer to him and hugged him from behind. Should you be scared? Yes. Did you think he'd hurt you? No.
"I'm sorry I freaked out, it's just you never told me about that and I..I am not used to this loki" he turned around quickly and he placed his hand behind your neck to pull you closer "Used to what? Dating a murderer?"
"We are dating?"
"That's wha.." he looked at you all perplexed at your question, that's what you heard? And missed the part where he admitted to being a murderer? Then he kissed you. It wasn't soft, it was rough and filled with urgency.
"Why didn't you talk to me? Were you scared that I'd hurt you?" He asked you as he teared up and you shook your head
"Hurt me? No I wasn't worried about that, it's just..thor..he said that you kept frigga against her will and you always told me that you wanted to protect her from Odin. Why did you keep her safe when Odin Is dead already" you asked him and he looked down.
"He's dead, but who is to say other people won't hurt her?" He asked you and you looked at him curiously "So you killed him?"
He smiled as he took a step away from you, your heart thumped in your chest as you waited for him to answer "I did, there are things you don't know about my life birdy, and the way you ran away last night I don't think you're ready to hear it all" Was he going to push you away now? No you were so tired of this toxic games you two continued to play with each other.
"Maybe I'm not ready, but I'm here, I'm sorry I freaked out last night, I went to see your mother today" he looked at you shocked as he heard you, the guards are supposed to tell him when frigga gets a visitor, why didn't they tell him?
"I needed to know if you kept her against her will"
"I would never hurt my mama"
"I know Loki, that's what she said, I'm sorry I doubted your intentions for her"
"But I'm still a cold blooded murderer"
"I won't say I am okay with what you did but I want to find out why you did it"
He looked at you surprised "Why?"
You took a deep breath as he asked you, you didn't want to deny anymore and you didn't want to lie anymore.
"Because I care about you Loki, because I love you"
He snickered and laughed as he heard you, even though the confession made his heart flutter, he couldn't believe your words. He shook his head, his eyes filled with tears. You can't love him when you don't even know him.
"You don't even know me that well, how could you love me? You love the idea of me, I treat you well for few days and you think that's all there's to me?"
You walked towards him to grab his hands in yours and then you looked up so you can meet his eyes.
"I don't think that is all there's to you loki, and maybe I do not love every part of you yet but that's only because you won't let me see every part of you. You won't tell me things, and for some reason, your brother thinks that it's completely okay to stalk me and inform me stuff from your past without your consent. Stuff that that you are not ready to share with me yet. I'm so tired of his shit, I didn't come here for this. I came here to fix my own life, make a name for myself but I do not regret meeting you or being with you at all, I know I have been judgemental in the past but I'm trying to understand you. In last few days you have made me happier than Jack did in 3 years and I know what I feel for you, you can't change my feelings and you can't decide what I feel or do not feel for you. So once you're done trying to act as if you wouldn't want me to love you, or that you don't want me to be there for you, or care for you, then you can call me text me or just drop down to my room like you always do because it's not as if your sense of boundaries are any better than your brother"
He looked at you dumbstruck as you went through your long ass speech. Then you unhooked your fingers from his and turned around to walk way. He was so taken aback by your speech that he didn't even notice that you were leaving. When you were almost out of his room he walked towards you and grabbed your arms to pull you closer then he picked you up and closed the door and pressed you against the door as he kissed you desperately.
"Dont leave please" he mumbled between the kisses so you cupped his cheeks "I need you I admit it I need you" he mumbled as he continued to kiss you. You wiped the tears away from his cheeks, behind that hard exterior you knew there was a soft scared loki hiding and you wanted to pull him out.
"I won't leave I promise, I'm sorry about last night, forgive me please?" you mumbled softly and he walked with you then he laid you down on his bed. His clothes disappeared soon after. You got up and crawled towards the edge of the bed, your lips latched over the skin on his chest as you placed open mouth kisses, the bruises seemed fresh, did he hurt himself on purpose? You noticed that he looked all bruised up the day after he found out about frigga and Thor.
He clutched your hair between his fists and lifted your head up "You punished me and made me wait a week so I could fuck you, what should I do with you to punish you darling, you think you can get away with what you did last night?"
His tone was stern as he talked to you. Two could play this game. You stroked his semi hard cock in your fist and he rewarded you with a delicious moan, you love every little thing he does "Noo I don't think I should get away with what I have done, punish me however you see fit daddy" you mumbled and leaned forward to suck on his neck.
"You shouldn't have come back Birdy, I would never let you go now"
Oh that scared you a little but you felt the little sparks all over your skin. You didn't want him to let you go "Get on your knees" he commanded you so you turned around and got on your knees like he asked "You trust me?" He asked you and you smiled,
"More than anything"
"Remember your safe word?"
"Good girl"
He pulled your dress up and his palm caressed your cheeks, then without any warning you felt the sharp slap, you gasped at the sudden stinging sensation. You clutched onto the bedsheets as his fingers rubbed against your skin to soothe you and then you felt the hit again. You could feel the wetness pooling between your legs just like you did when he spanked you last time. This was supposed to be a punishment right? Then why did it feel so good.
You bucked your hips mindlessly and he couldn't help but smile at your desperation "I know you want to ask questions so do it while I reprimand you for your insolence" he told you and you yelped as you felt the third hit.
"I uhh oh god" you moaned as you felt his fingers rubbing your clit over your panties "Can't think? Dumb Little whore" he whispered and then he hit you again. You felt the burning sensation increasing with every hit, your skin felt so warm to his touch.
"Umm why did you kill him after you got out of the prison?"
"He was seeing mama again"
You gulped, both from the slap you got and from the information he shared. Why would she see him again after everything he put her through.
"Why would your mother do that?" You asked him again
"Because She is the most gullible person I have ever known, she loved that man more than anything, he was her husband, true love of her life, her god. She couldn't stop even after every pain he put her through, when I got imprisoned she needed proof against him to save me, well that was her motive in the beginning, but then he trapped her down with his words and his fake apologies again"
There's a difference between being gullible and being okay with blatant and clear abuse.
He turned you around and pinned you under him, your eyes seemed confused, you were processing this. He didn't know if you believed him though. He ripped your panties off you and dived into your wet warm pussy in one quick motion. You clutched onto his arms as you felt the stretch from the thick girth of his cock.
"I didn't want to kill him, I only wanted him to disappear out of our lives, but then he said something he shouldn't have, and I lost my mind" he pumped in and out of you as he continued telling you about why he killed Odin.
"What did he say baby?" You caressed his cheeks so he grabbed your arms and pinned them over your head as he thrusted in and out of you slowly. You moaned as you felt the sweet sensation building up.
"He said that he'd kill me just like he killed my mother"
Your eyes widened as you heard him, his mother?
"Your mother? Do you mean Frigga?"
"No my birth mother, laufey"
Skeletons in the closet right. He wasn't wrong about that. Odin killed his birth Mother? Why?
"Loki baby..I'm sorry"
"I hate it when you apologise to me like that for no reason"
"I'm so..it's just habit"
He increased his thrusts and kissed you sloppily, his one arm placed on the bed while other one squeezed your breasts over your dress.
"Cum with me darling, please" he mumbled under his breath and you let go as soon as you felt his cum filling you up. He groaned and grunted on top of you, you couldn't stop staring at him, he fucked you like that mindlessly while he shared yet another traumatic incident from his life. It felt so natural to have him inside you like that.
Once you both calmed down, he collapsed next to you and pulled you closer to kiss you again. Once he got back to his senses completely he pulled out of you and took care of you like he always does. Even put a fresh new pair of panties on you. You didn't want to ask why he bought those but you were grateful.
He sat down on the edge of the bed after he put his briefs on so you crawled over to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulder. Last time you did it he pushed you away, this time he placed his hands on yours and turned his head to kiss you instead
"You called me dumb"
"It made you gush"
"I never said I didn't like it"
He smiled as he heard you, you were acting fairly normal after learning yet another fucked up information about him. A part of him feared you'd run away again.
"So he knew your mother?" He nodded as he heard you "That's another chapter I'll read to you some other day, there's so much more but I don't want to burden you with things you won't be able to process, I would have told you about this eventually" you nodded your head and kissed his cheek softly. You wanted to know more but you wanted him to open up to you, and not have it forced out of him like this.
"I love you" you mumbled again, almost inaudibly but instead of answering he teared up as he looked at you.
"It's okay I'm not expecting to hear it from you, it doesn't really matter"
And it didn't, Jack fed you love yous for three years straight and then hurt you in the worst ways possible. Maybe he's not in love with you but you knew you two had something precious. Something valuable. Something priceless, something so much more than three flimsy words could ever be.
"I'll make sure he won't bother you again.. thor" he told you and you snapped out of your thoughts.
"I guess you don't remember much of your birth mother right?" You asked him softly, so soft he wanted to cry in your arms.
"No I was just few days old when mama adopted me" you kept peppering soft kisses on his skin to let him know that you were there for him, that you were not going to leave.
"Who knows about this loki? About Odin?"
"I thought nobody did but apparently my oaf brother does"
You nodded as you thought about it, if Thor really wanted to harm Loki he'd disclose this information to the police but he didn't. Why did he trust you with it though? What if it was someone else, someone that could have used it against him?
"What about Frigga? She knows?" You asked him again and he shook his head "I never told her but maybe Thor did" he said to you and leaned backwards on the bed, then he opened his arms so you could snuggle into him. His hands caressed the stinging you felt on your cheeks
"Does it hurt?" He asked you softly and you shook your head in no
"Did it feel good?"
"Yesss" you whispered as you kissed him.
You knew there was more to his story, more to his past that he wasn't sharing with you, but who would be comfortable enough to do so if they lived a life like him? You couldn't help but realise how strong he was in that moment, not just physically but emotionally and mentally too. He just needed help and you wanted to help him as much as you could.
You wondered if Jack would have turned into Odin. Frigga had to live with her Jack, she was madly in love with her Jack, you wished that she could have found someone like Loki to save her from her fate. You would have run back to him and you would have accepted his apologies if it wasn't for Loki, who opened your eyes and gave you a reality check. Who made you realise how it actually felt to be treated nicely.
And in that moment you knew and you understood how wrong Thor was.
Loki was your knight in shining armour indeed and you were going to become his.
Taglist : @colifower  @karuna11  @vbecker10  @the-wounded-healer05  @hayden429  @lokismfbitch  @limiworld  @12-pm-510  @daddylokisqueen  @lokislovingvalkyrie  @3ddiebrock  @chaotics17  @rat-p1ss  @wheredafandomat  @notmesimpingforanothabritishlad  @lokislittlemoon  @sluttybitchs-world  @dren-whalen  @catalina712  @bouffantofdoom @lokistoejam @multifandom-world8  @loving-barnes  @apine7  @midgardianminx  @rainybananaturtletaco @marions-wither88 @phantombaby  @snigdha-14  @disneyismyworldforever  @xpixiedevilx  @christineblood  @sarcastically-defensive17  @itshemlock  @howdidurhammergrowchris  @julian0800 @vllowe
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Hidden Strength
TITLE: Hidden Strength CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 6/?
AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is sent to Midgard to atone for his actions during the Battle of New York.  He finds that one of his new housemates was disabled during the battle.
Loki was bored, bored, bored.  He was never getting out of this cell.  He would never see another living person besides the guards ever again.  His brother didn’t come see him.  His father had abandoned him to life in the cells.  He only saw illusions of his mama and those were rare, when she could sneak away. 
Odin hadn’t believed him when he had explained that he’d been mind controlled and tortured.  He hadn’t cared that the last time he had seen Loki was when Loki was falling to his death from the Bifrost.  It was more convenient and easier for Odin when the problem of Loki had been dead.  Then he didn’t have to deal with the treaty with Jotunheim or any of the consequences of his lies.  
Frigga had tried to help Loki as best she could, making sure he had food and books and what comfort she could give him.  
It wasn’t enough.  
The solitary confinement was driving him crazy.  His magic was bound to the inside of the cell.  He kept using illusions to play back his last day of relative freedom.  He wanted to know what had happened to Kat, but he was stuck in a cell and couldn’t find out. He knew her magic should be intact.  Even with the Tesseract locked in Asgard’s vault, it was an infinity stone.  It could support her powers even from realms away.  She’d helped him and he didn’t even know if she was alive.
Time passed.  Loki grew more angry, depressed, isolated, suicidal.  He lost track of time as the solitary confinement drove him toward insanity.  He heard footsteps approach his cell.  It didn’t sound like guard.  A guard would just mean pain, most likely, maybe food, but usually pain of torturing the ‘traitorous prince’.  The footsteps were too heavy to be his mother’s.
Maybe Odin had decided to kill him after all.  The only reason he was still alive was because it would upset his mama if Odin had had him executed.  It would have also completely shattered the treaty with Jotunheim.  He knew he was a hostage against Jotunheim’s good behavior.  His life had been forfeit ever since Thor had started the war with Jotunheim. 
It was only a matter of time before he died.  
He barely looked over when the footsteps stopped at his cell.  “Brother?” Thor was on the other side of the cell wall and sounded heartbroken. 
Loki opened his dull green eyes and looked up at Thor.  He understood the heartbreak in Thor’s voice.  He knew he looked like Hel.  His hair was lank and uncared for.  He was lank, thin, unkempt.  Unlike his usual self.  He knew his mother was worried, but his state was out of her control, despite her promises of fighting Odin about his verdict.  
However, Thor shouldn’t have been able to see it, not under the illusions Loki hid behind.  So why the heartbreak?
“Thor.  After all this time and now you come to visit me,” Loki crooned in a dangerous, malicious tone, his illusion moved toward the cell wall.  He didn’t trust Thor or his motives.  His brother had thrown him in this cell to rot.  Just as Odin had.  He leaned forward, nearly to the glass. “Why? Have you come to gloat? To mock?”
Thor sighed and looked exasperated and just as heartbroken.  “Loki, enough.  No more illusions,” Thor’s tone was firm.  He knew what he looked at was an illusion of his brother, put together, regal, even in a cell. 
The illusion stepped back, shock registering on it’s face before it rolled its eyes and faded away, leaving only Loki as he truly was. He looked up into Thor’s eyes, daring his brother to have pity, to say something cruel.  “Now you see me, brother,” he said coldly.
“I did not come here to gloat or mock,” Thor said gently, kindly, talking to his brother as one would a scared injured animal.  Now that he knew what he was truly dealing with.  Loki was broken, perhaps beyond repair from how he’d been treated.  Thor’s rage grew at his father for doing this.  
But first, he had to care for his brother.  
“Then why are you here?  I have not seen you since…” Loki’s words trailed off as his mind wandered another broken path, remembering his trial instead of focusing on the present world.  
“I’m here to get you out of here.  Father has agreed to let you out of this cell,” Thor told his brother gently.  
Thor watched as the distrust and pain filled Loki’s eyes.  “To see me executed?  It’s about time,”
Thor shook his head firmly.  “No.  We are going to Midgard. We’ll work with the Avengers.  I’ve already worked it out with them,”
Loki tilted his head.  “Why by the nine would the Allfather allow that?”
“Mother convinced him that you would be making amends.  It was the only way she could get him to agree to let you out of here.  You don’t deserve this brother.  We’ve been fighting to get your sentence changed,”
At the mention of his mama, Loki perked up a little.  Perhaps there was hope here after all…
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lokixreader · 4 years
Just a simple maid (soulmate au)
Y/n, an Asgardian maid, seems to be the soulmate of prince Loki, and for some reason she always wears long sleeves.
A lot of crying, sleep deprivation, ANGST, panic attack (kinda), sadness, tears, some more crying and a lot of bad writing
A/n: alright first soulamate fanfic, let’s hope for the best
A/a/n: finally I’m back, but only shortly. I recently redound some inspiration and will to write and to try being present on my blog again. But now I must warn you. I wrote this in the span of 2 years more or less, and for how impossible it might seem, I lived a lot of things in 2 years. This has been specifically written in 3 different periods of my life which would be a few months before, during and a few months after my depression. I hope you will enjoy it, and to everyone that is going through what I have, please I beg you, be strong. Carry yourself and keep going. Even if it hurts. Talk to someone about it. Someone who will understand and not treat you as attention seekers. Remember that you are loved, that even if you don’t have anyone now, life works in unexpected ways, and that maybe tomorrow you will find those people or that person that is willing to love you, perhaps not romantically, but trust me, aromantical love is the best. You will get through it. It doesn’t matter how hard it gets. You’ll get better. You will be better. You deserve it. And you are not alone❤️.
As a maid, you have never imagined yourself in a higher rang then where you already were and never expected something more. Children often imagined themselves being a lot more then what they were, imagined being princes or princesses, kings and queens, gods and goddesses and so on, but not you. You only dreamed to be free. Free from everything and everyone. Being raised as a servant blocked your dreams. You never dreamed what the other kids did, you didn’t want to be a goddess, you didn’t want to be a queen or a princess, all you ever wanted was freedom. Something that you never tasted since you turned 19. Exactly. 19 was the official age when a girl born from a servant became one as well.
Your mother was a wonderful and loving person, the best person in all of Asgard. She was the queen’s servant and Queen Frigga, being the sweet and kind person she was, often left you to play with her sons, Prince Thor and Loki, giving you the possibility to grow up with them too, and so you did. You were practically the same age as Loki, who soon became your best friend. Strangely, like probably not all of the royalty would do, he never treated you as a servant, but as a friend, and Thor did the same, leaving the servant-treatment aside. Time passed fast leaving child you, child Thor and child Loki behind and welcoming yourselves as adults. When you turned 19 and became a servant, for how much Thor and Loki claimed to care for you, they couldn’t do anything to solve your situation, those were the rules and the laws of Asgard and breaking them would have meant for them to go against the throne that one day one of them would have sat on. However, you couldn’t blame them, and you did the only thing that remained: you dealt with it. You were a maid. You couldn’t change it. You simply decided to keep it that way. But then again, when you turned 500, after centuries of service, you finally found a joy. In fact, when an Asgardian turns to the age of 5 centuries, they get strange writings on their arms, because of soulmates, as you once read on a book. When you started having writings on your arm, you went directly to your mother, who explained what a soulmate was and how it worked, better than any book could.”Y/n, darling, a soulmate, as the name already explains, it's a person whom you share a close relationship and a deep understanding. It's someone made to love you, that destiny decided you would be in love with. You can't hate them nor not love them, it’s a deep connection that can't be broken ” she explained to you, and you asked curiously ”What are these writings on my skin? How can I find this person?” and you kept making questions ”This writings are something that your soulmate wrote on his own skin to contact you. In fact, this is the only way you can find your loved one. You are lucky. Some people, unfortunately, never find their soulmates”. That night you received another writing on your arm, and you didn't hesitate to answer. 
Only that, nothing too special, but you still responded
Nothing too special either
What are you doing?
Compared on your arm and you answered
Just talking to you, nothing much, you?
And he answered, and you two kept talking for longer than 3 hours. When you realised how late it was you wrote:
Oh, it is so late! We should go to sleep!
Even if you didn’t want to leave.
Wait! Do you think that we could meet tomorrow?
You suddenly found on your arm.
Tell me your name and I will find you
You wrote back, even if you weren’t sure that you could have, due to all the work you had to do tomorrow. But then reality hit you harder than ever.
I am Loki Odinson.
Oh great gods, oh great gods! Loki Odinson, Loki, that Loki, practically your best friend since childhood!
From that moment you stopped writing and since that night you promised yourself to avoid Loki, for how much you could, due to the fact that you were one of his maids.When you dressed up in the morning you chose a long-sleeve dress, in order to hide the writings on your arm and, without even thinking about meeting him, you cleaned his chambers only when he left them.This is what you did for almost a month, but it couldn't last forever, and you knew it. What hurt you the most was shutting Loki out, he was your best friend, always there for you, and now you just let him out, but obviously, he kept writing on his arm to talk to you, to see if he was the one that did something to you. He kept on writing and writing until your arm didn't start to hurt. It started to hurt every time he wrote something, every word, every letter, getting worse and worse, but you couldn't ask anyone for help, not even your mother, because you couldn’t risk her knowing that your soulmate was Loki. Again, you did the only thing that you could do, you dealt with it. When you found the time, you went to the library to find any reason why the writings caused you pain and any way to stop it. Today was one of those days when you had the time to go to the library. The library was a huge room, full of shelves and departments, with millions of books of every genre. You went to the section where you found the books on soulmates when you were younger. You had been searching for it the whole day and you didn't find it. You could see from the huge window that it was getting dark outside and that you should have gone to your room, so you decided to leave. The following morning you got up with a stringing pain in your left arm. Again. Loki had probably been writing on his arm for most of the night. He often did that, without thinking that it hurt you, or maybe he just didn’t know. Then you looked at your arm, not surprised in finding many questions such as “What are you doing?” “Where are you?” or even “Who are you?”. You didn’t answer any of those, you didn’t want to, you simply couldn’t, so you just got out of your bed and dressed with a long-sleeve dress, as always. Then, you got to Loki’s chambers, when he left them of course. He wasn’t a messy person, in fact he was quite the opposite, even if sometimes it might happen that he left his bed un-maked, mostly because he was late for something or he had something to attend to. You started making his bed, and picking up a pillow which probably fell while he was sleeping, you found a book. You weren’t surprised, Loki loved reading just as much as you did, and it came to you without a surprise that he read in bed before sleeping, or even for the whole night. But what surprised you was what the book was about. On the brown cover, in a beautiful golden writing there was written ‘Soulmates: the lifetime bondage’. This was te book you were searching for the last day! And it was in Loki’s room, but why did he have it? The answer suddenly popped in your mind: you weren’t answering him when he wrote to you, so he was probably searching for the reason why. Opening the book and going through its pages, you saw a few notes here and there, till you didn’t reach the chapter about ‘not answering soulmates’ and you started reading carefully.
“Not answering soulmates:
When a soulmate does not answer to the question the other soulmate wrote on his arm, there are more reasons why it happens:
- The soulmate does not answer because of its own will
- The soulmate might not be capable of answering
- The soulmate might be dead”
The last part made your heart drop. Did Loki think of you as dead? No, he couldn’t, you were right there, alive and well! But he didn’t know, you never talked to him. You rolled up your sleeves, looking at all the questions he wrote, between them there were some “Are you alright?” or “Are you safe?” and similar. Tears started appearing in your eyes, one already falling on your cheek: you didn’t realise you started crying.“So you found the book” a voice said behind you. You rolled down your sleeve, got up from the floor you were sitting on and took in all of his form, recognising it as the younger prince of Asgard. “L-loki, I was not expecting you here!” You said. “I know, I had a very important meeting, which I actually did not have to attend” God his accent, you had really missed his voice. “Anyway, how come that I have not seen you in a while?” He asked “I..I have been busy..” you lied. He smirked. “Y/n-“ “I know, I know you are the god of lies and you know that I lied” you stopped him in the middle of his sentence “I was about to say that I know you since we were children, it is impossible for me not to know” of course you thought “So, what is this truly about?” you had to tell him the truth, but you couldn’t, not this way “I am just having problems with my soulmate” you said. Half truth and half lie, or better only truth and an omission. ”That is interesting, I am too” You were surely surprised that he said so “Oh, really, why, what is happening with them?” You tried to pass the topic on him rather than on you “I think you do already know by reading the book you are holding” he said. You looked down at your hands, finding the book “I am sorry, Loki. But do you know why they are not answering?” You tried to get the informations by directly asking him. “Unfortunately, I do not, but I do have an idea” you but your lip “Do you believe that they are dead?” He sighted “They might be..” he said without daring to look into your eyes. You felt so bad for avoiding him and leaving him without telling him anything. “Oh, Loki” you sighted and gave him a hug. He was startled after feeling your arms around him but then he gave in an hugged you back “I missed you” he said, burying his face in your hair. “I missed you too” you said back. When he stopped hugging you, you stepped back and tucked a stand of your hair behind your ear “Now if you excuse me, I think I should change your bed sheets” you said to him “Yes, of course” he agreed. You started packing the sheets so you could take them more easily and started heading for the door when Loki asked “You know that it is June, don’t you?” You slowly turned around and gave him a questioning glare “Isn’t it too hot to wear long sleeves?” He said. What am I going to say now? You asked yourself “I just liked the dress” you justified, immediately leaving the room, not noticing the smirking god. That was close. The days passed and you couldn’t help but being sorry for Loki. Sometimes you could see him wandering in the corridors near his chamber, with the book in his hand, a pen in the other, a rolled up sleeve and, to conclude his look, two deep bags under his eyes: to say that he was visibly tired was a misunderstanding. He was completely sleep-deprived. This situation was getting out of control and seeing him like this made your heart feel only pain and pity for the younger prince. This, till the day you finally had enough and decided to talk with him.
You knocked on his camber door, putting so much effort in such a small gesture. When you received no answer was the moment you started questioning yourself, but gathering all the courage you still had in yourself you entered, despite him not telling you to do so. Then you saw him. You saw him and you felt full of emotions: sorrow and regret were the first ones, then joined by happiness and joy for finding your best friend again.He was on the balcony, reading, a concentrated expression on his face, probably not even noticing you entered the room due to the lack of sleep. Or probably he had, but couldn’t bring himself to care in that moment. “L-Loki?” you quietly spoke his name, getting his attention... “Mmh?”.... more or less...“Loki?” you called for him again. When you didn’t get his full attention, you brought his face to you, locking your e/c eyes with his green ones. In doing this you could see his tiredness and sleep deprivation, the way his eyes had lost the sparkle they once had.“Loki, look at you! What have they done?” You asked him genuinely worried “I can’t find them, they won’t answer me! What have I done? What has happened to them!?” Loki yelled, tears picking at his eyes. You couldn’t do anything to him, so you hugged him, holding him to yourself in attempt to comfort him. He then let himself go, sinking in your embrace and crying, crying on your shoulder. When he finished you wiped away his tears, looking in his eyes “What is wrong with me?” He suddenly asked you.“There is nothing wrong with you, Loki, you are perfect. You are not the problem, it is them, they do not know what they are missing, and if they really do not want to be with you, then move on and let them see your true greatness” you said with a small smile forming on your lips, making a similar one appear on his face. His eyes were looking into yours, like trying to get to your soul. “Now, you need to get ready, there is a ball tonight you need to attend to” you said, looking down to the ground to avoid his gaze. “Come with me” he said “What?” You were shocked, did you actually hear well? “You understood, come with me” “I-should not, I-I mean, I am not important like the people that will be in the ballroom, and not even at your level to actually come with you” you stuttered “Oh, you got me wrong darling, you will not decide, this is an order, and please do not underestimate yourself like this” . That was... shocking to say the least. Not less then three second ago he was crying on your shoulder, and then he was giving you orders? Well, it was something he could do, but still, he never did.
You went to your room to get ready for the ball. What could you wear? You were a mere servant, you didn’t have a dress for such an occasion. But then, when you opened your dresser, you saw something that didn’t belong there: it was a beautiful long f/c dress. You took it to examine it and you saw all the diamonds it had on it. You were speechless, where did this dress come from? A little light turned on in your mind: Loki. Of course, who else could have invited you knowing that you didn’t have a dress for the occasion, just to give you a new beautiful one? There was only one last problem: the dress didn’t have sleeves. And now? What could you do? Make up on the arm? No it would be too much. Gloves maybe? Probably the best option.
After finishing getting ready you looked at yourself in the mirror. You felt beautiful, the dress looked perfect on you, the slight make up you put was perfect, and the gloves you found were perfect. Everything seemed perfect. You got out of your room, closing the door behind you and when you turned you found yourself face to face with the God of mischief.He looked at you, mouth slightly open, gazing at you from your feet to the tip of your head. “Is something wrong?” You asked, thinking that you had something out of place “No, you look ravishing”. You whispered a small ‘Thank you’ while blushing madly.
When you arrived at the ball room, you started feeling insecure. You were just a maid, a mere servant, and behind those doors were important people, princes and princesses, probably even kings and queens. Loki seemed to recognise your insecurity, since you felt him take your hand in his and lightly squeeze it. Now you could see why the destiny put him as your soulmate. That small gesture made you feel better, a bit more confident. You two then decided to enter the room.The night seemed to go well, and by well you meant that no one of the royalty approached you, except for Thor of course, who had come just to see you, since it has been a long time from the day you had last seen the blond prince. He started talking to you only when Loki had left your side “Hello, Y/n “ he began “Greetings, Prince Thor” you said back. He then chuckled, making you laugh; you had always greeted him like this as a child, a small obligation from your mother, who wasn’t used to you being friends with the princes. You then went on talking about the past months and what you had been doing, including the reasons why you couldn’t spend your time together.
“Alright, say that one more time.”
“Thor, I have already told you three times” you complained.
“I just need to understand why you have not told him yet” he insisted “How can you not understand? Loki is a prince, a god, and one of the most perfect people to ever exist, how could I ever stand next to him. I am nobody compared to him, Thor. I am just... just a simple maid” you explained, pain almost visible on your lowered face, you were feeling miserable just thinking about it, about your unimportance and how at times it made your life a living Hel. You were taken back to reality and away from your thoughts by a hand being put on your shoulder. You looked up to see an understanding sad smile plastered on Thor’s face “You forgot to mention the most important thing: he is your friend” he gently spoke, emphasising the last four words. “He has been your friend for longer than I have, he has spent almost his whole life with you and has always cared about you deeply. It shouldn’t be so surprising that you two are meant to love each other, but still, you keep saying that it should not be like that, just because you are a simple maid. Well, you might be a maid, but you are everything but simple. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. You are intelligent, funny, curious and beautiful. And top of that, you are you, and have never been afraid of who you are. For all these reasons, I can say today that I am happy and proud of having you in my life, and I am certain that my brother feels the exact same way”
By the end of his surprising speech, you found yourself on the verge of tears. You had always been in the dark about them caring so much for you and had never thought that someone could see you in that way. The blonde prince then hugged you tightly, noticing some of those small tears fall down your cheeks
“Do you want to know a small secret?” He asked you and you nodded still hugging him, then he silently said “When you had to become a maid, you should have been my servant, but Loki insisted so that you could be his” your eyes widened. Loki wanted you...as his maid? “He was convinced that since you should have cleaned his room, which isn not usually messy or dirty, you could have more time for yourself and that he would have been able to see you everyday at least once” You abandoned Thor’s hug to look at him in disbelief. He moved his hand to brush away on of your tears “ He loves you” Thor said, so faintly and silently that you wouldn’t have heard him if you were just one more step away. That last sentence hit you hard. Everything Thor said hit you hard. The room which wasn’t so crowded immediately started to feel smaller and smaller. Your lungs seemed non-existent and your breathing increased. You quickly excused yourself before running away towards the balcony.
The outside fresh air seemed to calm you down, and to fill your new redound lungs. You were feeling normal again, up until you didn’t hear a well too known voice. “Are you alright? I came back to my brother only to hear that you run away here” his voice was like the one of an angel, beautiful and spectacular, but at the current moment it was slightly panicking you. But then you took a deep breath and exhaled. In the meantime Loki came closer to the railing where you were at and looked at you worryingly. After a few seconds of mere loud breathing, you finally spoke up “I know why your soulmate is not answering Loki” he looked at you with a confused face “We do not have to talk about them, it is about you I am worried now. Forget them and tell me what is wrong. I want to be sure that YOU are alright Y/n, not them” you looked away from him and broke into a small laugh.
Ah the irony.
And if Loki was confused before, now it was even worse. You looked back at Jim’s sad face , then you slowly took off one of your gloves. Loki’s expression changed from confused, to shocked, to surprised and finally to one you could quite muster, something between realisation and sadness. He gulped, closing his wonderful eyes, only to open them Almere moments later “Why.” Was the only thing he said. A cold expression hard to read or to understand. “I was afraid” you answered, tears already forming. “Scared? Scared of what?” He asked slightly furring his eyebrows “That you would have rejected me and abandoned me. I was afraid of not being enough for you or that-“ you didn’t finish your answer. Tears were falling on your cheeks without a care, but you were engulfed in a hug “I would never leave you, for no reason at all. I’ll always be with you.” You hugged him back, scared that the world might end if you even dared to let go.
Minutes went by, but both of you couldn’t care less of the time passing, you just stayed like that, in each others arms, after so much time divided. Loki then kissed your temple. “I wish I told you sooner” you apologised looking to the floor. His index finger lifted up your chin so that he could see your features “Me too” was what he said “but this does not matter, for we are finally together now” you smiled at him happily. He could have reacted in million different ways. He could have told you how much time he spent trying to contact you, how he suffered without you, how his best friend leaving him could have affected him. But not a word. Not even a mention. He was just genuinely happy that you were alright and that he had his soulmate in front of him. *how could I have been so blind to this* he kept asking himself, looking at the e/c pearls staring at him.
Unbeknownst to you both, a certain blond prince watched them together, kissing each other fondly, then observed them get back in hand in hand, finally happy.
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9worldstales · 3 years
MCU Loki: Is character development what we see in episode 1 or not?
I’ve discovered there’s a debate if what happened to Loki in episode 1 can constitute character development or not so I felt like sharing my two cents about it.
So, character development.
Character development IN THIS SPECIFIC CASE refers to the changes a character undergoes over the course of a story as a result of their experiences (positive or negative) and actions (successful or unsuccessful). Change can be positive or negative as the character can improve himself but also can sink into an abyss of depravity. It’s worth to remark changes is not necessarily always triggered by something they did, it can very well be something that happened to them that caused them to change… but the point of character development, IN THIS CASE, is that there has to be a change in the character. He can’t remain the same.
So… I’ll pick Tony Stark because his situation in “Iron Man” presented plenty of parallelisms with Loki in “Loki” and not just because some like to consider Tony too a narcissist.
So, same as how Loki was taken captive by the TVA, Tony Stark too was taken captive by the Ten Rings. For three months. There Tony is forced to see how the weapons he produced were used by terrorists to kill other Americans and who called him “the most famous mass murderer in the history of America” and were honoured to have him in their hideout. They originally were meant to kill him but since they realized he could be of some use to them, they’re willing to keep him alive because they want his help, not to search a Tony Variant but to produce more weapons. Tony though, understands once they have finished using him, they would dispose of him. Tony also has the major problem of being told to have only a week of life due to the wounds he suffered.
In this part of the story Tony is just a victim, he doesn’t really get to do something, negative things are merely poured onto him.
It parallels what happens to Loki for most of episode 1.
He’s beaten, taken captive, informed he’ll be killed, his execution is postponed because they decided he could be of use, he’s told he’s a murderer, a liberator of eyeballs who wasn't born to be king but to cause pain and suffering and death, all so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves. He’s also told he caused his mother’s death. And, all right, Mobius won’t immediately tell him what he wants him for, but it’s pretty clear he wants him for something.
So, back to Tony, when we have his character growth? When he reacts to all that was poured on him and react not just by fighting back in a typical Tony style (using his brain to create something that would allow him to fight the Ten Rings and escape) but also by changing things. Once he’s back home Tony announces he won’t produce anymore weapons.
The man who said...
Tony: Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both? With that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries' Freedom Line. It's the first missile system to incorporate our proprietary repulsor technology. They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it. That's how America does it. And it's worked out pretty well so far.
...becomes the man who say...
Tony: I never got to say goodbye to Dad. I never got to say goodbye to my father. There are questions that I would have asked him. I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels. I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability. I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be.
This evolution makes sense. It feels believable. Why is that?
Let’s go back to Tony Stark.
Tony stark didn’t mean to be ‘the most famous mass murderer in the history of America’, he was sure his work was protecting people, he didn’t realize it was used by the bad guys, likely because he just accepted his legacy of son of Howard Stark and didn’t bother to think at it any further.
When he discovers things aren’t how he assumed, after a moment of discomfort in which Yinsen had to motivate him...
Yinsen: I'm sure they're looking for you, Stark. But they will never find you in these mountains. Look, what you just saw, that is your legacy, Stark. Your life's work, in the hands of those murderers. Is that how you want to go out? Is this the last act of defiance of the great Tony Stark? Or are you going to do something about it? Tony: Why should I do anything? They're going to kill me, you, either way. And if they don't, I'll probably be dead in a week. Yinsen: Well, then, this is a very important week for you, isn't it?
...he started fighting to change them. It fits with Tony’s personality, it makes narrative sense, it’s well presented, it’s believable on a psychological standpoint (yes, a person like Tony Stark would do this) and from an empathic standpoint (yes, if I were in Tony Stark’s place I would do the same).
When Tony gives his speech in which he shows he has changed, he surprises the people who have no idea what he went through, but not the viewers. For the viewers his reaction is perfectly believable.
So why, for a part of the fandom, what happens to Loki doesn’t feel equally believable since his experience parallels Tony? Why part of the fandom feels there was no character growth at all?
Well, I can’t answer for everyone, everyone probably has his own reasons but merely by keeping up the comparison with what happened to Tony Stark we see how the thing doesn’t work the same.
A premise here, I know there will be people tempted to think Mobius is the stand in for Yinsen because Mobius is likable and, ultimately, he’ll become Loki’s friend.
He’s not.
Yinsen was held captive by the Ten Rings, his life in danger same as Tony. There’s a moment in which they even threaten him and Tony has to stand in to save Yinsen’s life.
Mobius, as far as Mobius and Loki know, is not another prisoner of the TVA, he’s there willingly. Yes, he’s operating under the false belief he has been created by the TVA but he’s not aware of it. In that moment, as far as Mobius is involved, he’s a willing operative of the TVA, someone in with authority, in control of Loki’s life...
Mobius: Mmm... Luckily, he believes in himself enough for the both of us. And, hey, if it doesn't work, I'll delete him myself. He's really arrogant.
...and the TVA is his purpose, his life and he believes it to be real.
Mobius: It's exactly the same thing. Because if you think too hard about where any of us came from, who we truly are, it sounds kinda ridiculous. Existence is chaos. Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it. And I'm just lucky that the chaos I emerged into gave me all this... My own glorious purpose. Cause the TVA is my life. And it's real because I believe it's real.
He doesn’t feel threatened by the TVA, coerced. He’s doing what he does because he believes he’s playing the good guy.
Mobius: All that time, I really believed we were the good guys.
So no, Mobius here is not the equivalent of Yinsen, he’s the equivalent of Abu Bakaar, the guy who tells Tony he’s ‘the most famous mass murderer in the history of America’ and wants to persuade him to cooperate with the Ten Rings, in the same way Mobius wants to persuade Loki to cooperate with the TVA. Keep this in mind because it’s relevant and easy to forger since we know how things will develop in other episodes.
And okay, now let’s go back on track.
Let’s talk of the motives that caused the change in Tony Stark.
Tony is shown by Abu Bakaar something he previously wasn’t aware of, how his weapons are used to kill Americans, that, by building them, he became an accomplice in killing Americans, which was something he didn’t want, hence the change.
Loki is shown… the events of “The Avengers” which he was aware of and which, of course, doesn’t impress him much…
Loki: No. And I remember. I was there. Anything else?
…as the show didn’t play the card of the sceptre influencing him as they say in the official web. Mobius doesn’t tell Loki ‘you did this but you weren’t in control of yourself, you were manipulated by the sceptre’ no, Mobius tells him ‘you did this’ and Loki’s answer is basically ‘yeah, I know, so? Why should I care?’
So Mobius moves to the events of “Thor: The Dark World” and, more specifically, to how Loki ‘caused’ Frigga’s death.
This is something that, in theory, can work as equivalent of Tony Stark being told his weapons are used by the Ten Rings to kill Americans. Loki clearly didn’t want any harm to befall on Frigga, whom he loved dearly. We know that in “Thor: The Dark World” he sufferd a lot for her death, blamed himself and changed (or better, in the authors’ original intentions, he mostly reversed back to how he was before “Thor” but this is a topic for another meta).
For who doesn’t remember the movie in “Thor: The Dark World” after Frigga’s death Loki:
- agreed to help Thor
- brought him and Jane to Svartalfheim
- put up a show for Malekith according to Thor’s plan without betraying Thor
- protected Jane TWICE, the last time risking his own life to save hers
- stopped the Kurse from killing Thor by stabbing and killing him and, in the original plan for the movie, he was also meant to die doing so. Even if you go by the ending the movie ultimately had, Loki has protected a human, cooperated with saving the universe from the Dark Elves and saved his brother’s life instead than letting Thor get killed.
It’s quite a change from how he was in “The Avengers”.
Then great, we’ve something that could push him to change, right?
For start because what Mobius says had happen to Frigga in truth hadn’t happened yet and wouldn’t have happened to THIS LOKI as he wasn’t carried back on Asgard because he escaped with the Tesseract. THIS LOKI has escaped and so wouldn’t end up captive on Asgard, wouldn’t be jailed and wouldn’t be there when the Kurse would intrude in Asgard’s prisons so there’s no way he can do something that would lead to Frigga’s death. Problem solved.
We continue with the fact that Mobius can’t prove to Loki this would have happened had Loki been carried on Asgard. Let’s forget how the version of what happened he gave to Loki is wrong and misleading. Even if he’d been absolutely truthful, what he does is to show Loki a video... but how can he prove this is the future that was meant to happen and not a lie he’s telling him in order to manipulate him? Tony saw his own weapons being in the hands of the Ten Rings, one of them exploded in front of him, wounding him, he disassembled some of the others, he’s sure the Ten Rings has them. But how can Loki be sure what Mobius is telling him is true and not just an illusion? A lie?
But whatever, the series tries hard to sell us through Loki’s reaction that he believed Mobius’ words about this being true because he totally loses his cool at that scene. So, okay Loki believes so will this change him the way it changed him in “Thor: The Dark World”?
Tony changes because he does something to actively prevent Americans from being killed by his weapons, he shuts down their production and he involves himself personally in the fight against terrorists with a weapon only he controls, the Iron Man suit.
What does Loki do to prevent Frigga’s death?
His attempt at escaping might have been made more urgent by this piece of info but was something Loki had tried to do from when he’s been taken to the TVA… and in the following episodes Frigga’s fate will be completely forgotten, as if Loki has stopped worrying about it entirely. When talking with Sylvie about Frigga in episode 3 he doesn’t use it as a motive to explain why he wants to gain control of the TVA, to change his mother’s fate… nor it’s something that inspire him to fight the TVA, because that role belongs to Sylvie and Sylvie only. When he’ll try to persuade the other Loki Variants to help him, again he won’t mention Frigga, just Sylvie. Frigga won’t get mentioned not even when Loki will reach The Citadel at the End of Time and Miss Minute will try to tempt him. She’ll offer him glorious power and Sylvie, nor her nor Loki will try to bargain for his mother’s life instead. No, from episode 2 onward what Loki learnt in episode 1 goes forgotten, so let’s focus solely on episode 1.
Some believe Loki in episode 1 changed because he admitted he didn’t like to hurt people, that he’s a villain and helped to cooperate with Mobius.
Mobius: Loki? Nowhere left to run. Loki: I can't go back, can I? Back to my timeline. I don't enjoy hurting people. I... I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because I've had to. Mobius: Okay, explain that to me. Loki: Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear. Mobius: A desperate play for control. You do know yourself. Loki: A villain. Mobius: That's not how I see it. You try to use that? Loki: Oh, several times. Even an Infinity Stone is useless here. The TVA is formidable. Mobius: That's been my experience. Listen, I can't offer you salvation, but maybe I can offer you something better. A fugitive Variant's been killing our Minutemen. Loki: And you need the God of Mischief to help you stop him? Mobius: That's right. Loki: Why me? Mobius: The Variant we're hunting is... you.
Only… this doesn’t really work.
Loki has tried escaping and has been forced to realize he can’t, that’s why he cooperates, that’s why he gives Mobius an answer to what he asked for...
Mobius: Do you enjoy hurting people? Making them feel small? Making them feel afraid?
... why he agrees with his accusations...
Loki: I know what I am. Mobius: A murderer? Loki: A liberator. Mobius: Of eyeballs, maybe.
...and ultimately accepts to work for the TVA.
This parallels Tony refusing to build armies for the Ten Rings, being tortured and, ultimately agreeing to build weapon for them, at least verbally. And let’s remember if it wasn’t for Yinsen’s words Tony might have given up. It’s Yinsen who encouraged him to fight back.
Yinsen: I'm sure they're looking for you, Stark. But they will never find you in these mountains. Look, what you just saw, that is your legacy, Stark. Your life's work, in the hands of those murderers. Is that how you want to go out? Is this the last act of defiance of the great Tony Stark? Or are you going to do something about it? Tony: Why should I do anything? They're going to kill me, you, either way. And if they don't, I'll probably be dead in a week. Yinsen: Well, then, this is a very important week for you, isn't it?
So this doesn’t constitute Loki changing, just accepting he’s powerless against the TVA and must play along with them. Playing along with someone isn’t something new for Loki, the episode even lampshades it.
Mobius: Well, let's start with a little cooperation. Loki: Not my forte. Mobius: Really? Even when you're wooing someone powerful you intend to betray? Come on.
So no, him being forced to accept the TVA is powerful and therefore deciding to cooperate with them is not a change. This series sets it as a normal Loki behaviour… as well as the fact it’ll immediately turn out he intends to betray them.
Loki: Very nice. I mean, it is adorable that you think you could possibly manipulate me. I'm ten steps ahead of you. I've been playing a game of my own all along. Mobius: What, charm your way in front of the Time-Keepers, hustle them, and seize control of the TVA? Am I getting warm? A double cross by history's most reliable liar.
And what for? Power, glorious power.
Loki: I'm going to overthrow the Time-Keepers. And, uh, cards on the table, I could use a qualified lieutenant.
Loki: Oh, yeah? What about you? Your years-in-the-making plan was to tear the place down, create the ultimate power vacuum, and then just walk away. I'd never have done that.
Nothing of what happened on this episode changed what the “Loki” series claimed to be Loki’s character prior to the “Loki” series. At the end of it he’s cooperating with someone more powerful than him so that he could betray him and take the power from him, which is how this series claimed all the Lokis (except Sylvie) were.
There’s no change.
There could have been, what happened in episode 1 could have worked for Loki in the same way it worked for Tony Stark but it didn’t. The authors even stated that his friendship with Mobius started in episode 2, not in episode 1, likely when Loki believed Mobius was sticking out his neck for him and offering him his sympathy.
Loki: Okay. Why are you in there sticking your neck out for me? Mobius: I'll give you two options, and you can believe whichever one you want. A, because I see a scared little boy, shivering in the cold. And you kinda feel bad for that ice runt. Or B, I just wanna catch this guy, and I'll tell you whatever I need to tell you. Loki: I don't need your sympathy.
So we’ve a problem.
The authors rambled more often than not on how much episode 1 changed Loki, how what they called ‘Mobius’ therapy session’ was good for him… but failed to show it in a way that would make sense with the settings set by the series.
If the series states Loki is one who, prior to arriving to the TVA, was used to cooperate when intended on wooing someone powerful he intends to betray and ends with him being willing to cooperate with the TVA after discovering it’s powerful so that he can betray it later, we go exactly back to the starting point. There’s no change, not in this episode.
His words about not enjoying to hurt people but it being merely a play feel like a forced admission of a truth he couldn’t possibly not know and his admission of being a villain isn’t followed by any genuine attempt at changing something in himself. He just acknowledged the role the TVA wanted on him… because he’s trying to woo them so that he could betray them later on.
If we want to stretch things A LOT we might assume seeing Frigga’s death worked for him in the way being told Odin died worked for Thor in “Thor”. It made him more determinate to protect the person he loved, a.k.a. Sylvie… but it stands up poorly, in part because Loki completely forget Frigga, and how she’s going to die in the TVA approved timeline, in part because, although the Loki and Sylvie love story has cute moments that make you wish you could root for them, in truth that too is poorly constructed, with Loki falling for Sylvie for hazy reasons in less than 12 hours (according to the series because she doesn’t want glorious power, according to the authors because she’s a female variant of himself), in part because… well, it doesn’t really feel consequential, it feels more like it’s me forcing such reading because I’ve heard over and over that what happened in episode 1 is supposed to matter, it’s supposed to have changed Loki somehow and so I’m grasping at straws to fit it in the story when it’s actually just forgotten.
So, the real problem is that the series doesn’t bother showing us Loki changing as a direct consequence of what happened in episode 1 in a way that’s relevant and directly consequential.
Sure, it made many happy to have Loki confirm out loud what many in the fandom already figured out, how he doesn’t enjoy hurting people, that it’s all a play.
Sure, it seems self reflection to have him admit he was a villain.
Sure, since many were deluded into thinking the people at the TVA were on the good side, it might feel like an improvement to see Loki agree to side with them.
Sure, the episode, with its parallelisms to what happened with Tony Stark, made us hope it would lead Loki to ultimately do like him.
But when all is said and done, if you look at the scenes in contest and then watch the following episodes, none of this goes anywhere and it couldn’t go anywhere.
We know originally episode 1 was planned to be very different and end just the same, with Loki accepting to cooperate with the TVA. This means the only things that were relevant in the plot that had to be in episode 1 for the series to work were Loki being captured by the TVA, being forced to acknowledge its power and accepting to work with it.
The so called and overly incensed ‘Mobius therapy session’ wasn’t something so fundamental to the plot the story NEEDED it to work and, ultimately, the story forgot it, to focus on Sylvie and on how SHE was the one who changed Loki (as well as Mobius, albeit Mobius changed him in a smaller measure) turning what happened in episode 1 into some sort of ‘Eastern egg’ for who needed to have his mind refreshed on what happened in the other movies in which Loki starred, albeit as the scenes are decontextualized, if you don’t remember well the movies, you’ll end up drawing the wrong conclusion.
It’s sad because Tom Hiddleston’s performance as he watched those scenes was great, possibly the best in the whole series, I mean I heard plenty of people who totally felt for Loki, me as well, because his pain was so raw, so palpable, and this episode just had this BEYOND HUGE amount of potential to turn Loki into another Iron Man… so it’s so very sad to see that in the end it was all dissipated like a soap bubble, never used so that Mobius and Sylvie could be the ones to cause the change in Loki. Which yes, it’s understandable as the story wanted to give them more relevance but feels like a complete waste of an otherwise good opportunity to have Loki decide for himself, due to what he had learnt, a different course in his life.
But whatever, that’s it. Sad, a waste, but that’s the story they decided to tell us, so it comes to no surprise some weren’t sold there was character development here, while they were willing to buy it in “Iron Man”. The story just didn’t build up on what happened in episode 1; it used it like a filler.
Of course though, people can have other reasons than the ones I’ve listed not to see character development. I can’t speak for everyone who didn’t see it… but I’ll say the ones I listed still could work for many.
Lastly, it’s worth to remark this doesn’t mean episode 1 isn’t enjoyable... it is. Hiddleston’s performance is so damn awesome I’ll never get tired to remark it, Wilson does great and this episode brims with potential. But the sad thing is that it remains unfulfilled, episode 1 just doesn’t deliver what he seems to promise, a change in Loki.
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Let me give you my life
Pairing: Loki x Tesseract
Warnings: Major Character Death, Mourning, delusions, mental illness, alcohol, Original Character Death, Odin, fantastic racism
Summary: After Frigga's funeral, Loki starts hearing a voice. It changes their life completely.
Chapter 4: Bridge and Chorus
Chapter summary: the aftermath
Chapter warnings: Odin, Major Character Death, suicide
Chapter note: this chapter is dedicated to @lucywrites02 because she pretended to be a bad bitch yesterday.
Previous chapter AO3
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No masters or kings when the ritual begins
The shackles sing as Loki walks towards the throne, fighting back a grin. Odin, on the other hand, sits on his high quality chair, believing to be intimidating.
"You have committed a grave crime against the-" Odin tries to speak, but Loki chuckles.
"I know what I have done, Odin. No need to repeat yourself," they interrupt, using a voice they've been hiding in their throat since they learned how to speak.
And it has so much to say…
"Has your mother taught you no respect for your king?" They yell, their favourite way of speaking to Loki. In all these years, Loki cowarded away at this voice, scared of a physical expression of the anger. This time, he laughs at it.
"Not my mother, and I have no king but myself," they smile, watching a new wave of anger flashing in the old charlatan's face.
"Silence! You never knew how to shut this mouth of yours!" Odin raises his voice, hoping to see the now natural cowering of Loki. The only answer is another laugh.
"Do you really want me to start speaking, Odin? To see who is truly guilty, with all these good dicks and whores listening?" Loki asks, a glow in his eyes as he gestures around as wide as the shackles allow. The harshness of their tongue makes the nobles who watch the "trial" gasp.
"Who taught you this language?" The old man spits, narrowing one eye.
"Apart from your anger? And that old warrior you ordered to teach Thor and me how to survive in a forest? And there are the guards, I can name a few but stitching is a worse crime than murder…" he mutters, acting if like he's chatting with a cup of tea other than being on a trial for murder.
There's no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
"Enough with your games! Why did you murder Lord Gæirasson in cold blood?" Odin asks the "big question", as if the right answer will lift the charges from Loki's name.
"Because… one, because he was a racist and offended me, to which the punishment is death. Two, because he started a war-"
"You started a war, Loki," Thor interrupts, taking Odin's side, like every time.
"A war had been started. Let's not blame people, Thor. Now where were I? Oh, yeah, at how Gæirasson started a war. Also, he refused to pay his taxes and you know how seriously I took my responsibility of being in charge of the palace's finances. Did war crimes against my people, father would be proud the son of a bitch is dead. And lastly, but definitely not least, a dreadful sense of fashion. Have you seen what his grooms wear? I think I threw up in my mouth when I saw it…" they finish with the rumbling, not even thinking of answering seriously. Odin will execute him anyways, would some fun be so bad?
"I said, enough with the games!" Odin basically screeches, their face going red.
In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
"For the murder of a lord, cause of a war and disrespect towards the throne, I Odin Allfather sentence you to a life in the dungeons," he decides.
"Dungeons? Not axe? Did Frigga's ghost or this moron talk you out of killing me?" Loki questions, taking their turn to narrow their eyes.
"If you keep talking, I might change my mind," Odin sighs, rubbing his temple.
"And get rid of this perfect pawn to hold King Laufey from the balls? A shame, really," Loki poutes and shrugs, pretending awfully that he cares.
"I will not stand your disrespect any longer! I had granted you your life, Loki, more than once! You will learn to respect me for it! Take them to the dungeons!" Odin speaks the final order. Four guards grab the chains that lead to Loki's shackles and push him away, forcing him to walk with them
Only then I am human / only then I am free
On the way to the dungeons, Thor stops the guards and demands to speak to Loki.
"Just tell me why, brother. Please. What didn't we give you to make you care so little?" they ask, grabbing Loki's shoulder, just like they always used to do.
"A family. That's what you didn't give me. And that's what I've earned," Loki answers, staring right into his no-brother's eyes, the blue in them and the pale lines that resemble his lightning. They know they won't see Thor from this close ever again, and they deserve a proper last memory.
"Then, I'm sorry. It's late, I know, but remember this, please… I shall visit, whenever I can, Loki. I swear. You shouldn't be in prison all alone," Thor promises. Loki gives only a nod, enough to make Thor dismiss the guards and let them keep walking Loki to his future and last chamber.
The only sign of emotions they allow themselves to show is a sigh, only out of sympathy.
For he knows that his freedom just begins.
Take me to church / I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
The moment the guards put Loki back into the white vacant cell and take their eyes off them, they cast an illusion of them settling on the floor and staring at nothing. The real Loki is walking up and down the room, waiting for the Tesseract to speak.
"Now?" he asks, feeling it close.
"Now, you need to learn who your family is. Not Odin, not Laufey, your true family, Entropy," they answer.
"What with this name? After all this, can't you call me by my name?" Loki groans.
"I am. You have many names. Entropy, the Chaos Stone, the Death Stone, the Knot… the last one, actually, is the name you're most familiar with, translated to Old Jötunn tongue," they speak, all matter-of-factly.
"You're lying, the Chaos stone is a myth," Loki brushes off the answer.
"It does exist. A black gem, created by billions of ropes, strings and threads tangled together. The hardest one to wield and command and impossible to find. The Jötnar had found it and worshipped it. And when Laufey found out that his son is nothing but a dead baby, he sacrificed the infant for the infant. And Odin found the baby crying in the altar, the gem gone,"
"So I own my life to an imaginary stone, apart from an old piece of shit. What a surprise…" Loki throws their hands in the air.
"No. You are the imaginary stone. In order to give life, the Chaos gem entered your body and never left. You are the flesh of a corpse and the mind of an infinity stone. And it's time to leave the corpse and join us,"
The aimless walking stops, and Loki's heart skips a beat
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife
"You made me kill a man, for this?" he asks, glaring at nothing. They don't answer.
"You made me kill a man! Just so I could die!" boiling hot tears streaming down their eyes and slither into their shirt as burning red eyes stare at the empty room for something. "I trusted you! You promised me a family!" he yells between his sobs.
Their feet cannot support them, and they kneel down, turned into a crying sobbing and yelling mess. A hand, created by mist, grabs his shoulder, trying to provide comfort.
"I hate you," they spit, flaring their nose drills as they stare into the blue eyes of the illusion they use to pretend they're close to them.
"I'm sorry, hurting you was… if I could prevent it…" the stone says and gives him a small squeeze. And they mean it. If there was a way to do it without any pain, they would. But it's too late, Loki is already hurt…
Offer me that deathless death
Loki throws themselves into the tightest embrace they ever had, weeping like a baby. "I don't want to die. Please, I don't wanna die. Anything but this, anything, please!" he whispers, diving his head into their shoulder without a thought of holding back the tears.
"Shhhh, you won't die. Not truly. Your mind is the stone, as long as it exists you exist. And the body will stay intact until you need it again. You will be fine, I promise," they whisper, hoping of making them feel better.
"I'm scared, Tessie. I'm so scared, I can't," for a prince, Loki sounds so small, almost like the small child they used to be. Tessie starts playing with his hair, hoping to calm him down, even for a bit.
"It's alright. Everything will be fine, no matter if you do it or not," they shush them.
"If I do it or not?" Loki repeats, sniffing quietly and breaking the hug only to look at the misty blue eyes of Tessie.
"I… you're in so much pain… if you decide that you had enough, you'll be left alone," they explain. Loki nods, still quivering from the crying, but determined.
"No. We got so far. I-I-I'm not giving up," he lets his voice get louder, and then stands up. "What do I do?" they ask, collected once again.
"Get comfortable in a position. And once you're ready, make the ropes appear and let them wash over you," Tessie explains, holding this sympathetic voice. Loki nods and sits back down against the white wall, moving to get comfortable.
Then, with just a thought, the ropes appear and fill him with this calming sensation. Tessie walks closer and cups their cheeks. "See you on the other side, Loki," they smile and kiss their forehead before vanishing.
Loki takes a deep breath, and looks around the cage. He remembers a field day he had when little, a good day. Odin was sleeping on a bench and Frigga was yelling at them and Thor to not get into trouble as Thor dragged Loki, who was just above six, on an expiration of the forest around a castle in Vanaheim. Of course, they returned after the sun was down, with scraped up knees and dirty clothes and Loki had traces of tears in his cheeks because a bug scared him. But it had been, and still is, the best time they ever had with Thor.
He holds tight into the memory as he lets the ropes cover him and closes his eyes.
Good God, let me give you my life
The guards don't know how this happened. One moment, Loki was gazing at nothing and the next…
How does one say this to the Allfather?
The healers walk out of the cage when Thor storms in the dungeons, on the verge of panicking. "Is he alive?" It's all they ask.
The healers won't answer, it's enough to know.
Thor walks in and sits beside what used to be Loki, holding their cold and deformed hand and letting tears run down his face.
Loki doesn't respond, how could he?
He's a statue, as if made from black stone, and his hands covered in stone black ropes, with a faint glow where his heart should be being the only sign that there was once life there.
Loki's face doesn't have the signature smirk, and there's no gleam in their closed eyes. But he does wear a peaceful smile. A smile Thor regrets he had to see this body in order to know that his brother knows finally peace.
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jj-scottsbee · 4 years
Little Sister
Prompt: You’re the younger sister of Loki and Thor. You just so happen to be dating Peter Parker right under their noses. 
Warnings: smut, language
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  Being the little sister of two the most well-known Gods, had its ups and downs. You had two personal bodyguards, but those bodyguards often tended to get very over-protective and intrusive. You loved them both with your whole heart, but damn did they annoy the shit out of you at times. Privacy was never something they liked to give you, even after both Frigga and Odin discussed with them that you were a growing girl. You needed a certain amount of privacy. The talk took effect for about a week and then your brother's returned to scaring off possible lovers and even friends. 
  They had decided to bring you to Midgard with them, wishing to show you other realms and have you train with some of the most skilled people they knew. You had been ecstatic about moving to Midgard, excited to meet the mortals that your brother's considered to be their second family. The team had welcomed you with open arms, immediately treating you as if you were their own sister. All of them were protective of you, but Natasha and Wanda had helped set a few boundaries for the men. Your brothers finally began to give you little space and let you have your privacy. Neither of them were constantly by your side anymore, they weren't worried about where you were or what you were doing 24/7, anymore. In your new-found freedom, Tony had introduced you to Peter. The two of you hit it off instantly, both of you just clicked with each other. It wasn't long before an innocent friendship turned a little more serious. Unbeknownst to your brothers and the rest of the team. 
  In Asgard Loki, and Thor were very scary when it came to boys and the idea of courting. They were always the first to argue when the idea of a courting ball or introducing you to a possible future husband was thrown out. You were their little sister, their brotherly protectiveness always kicking in. They had adored since you were born, promising their Mother that they would always protect you. As one may have noticed, they had kept their promise and possibly taken it a bit too seriously. 
 When you and Peter began dating, the two of you decided to tell no one, except for May, Natasha, and Wanda. Those three women were the only ones the both of you trusted with your secret. You loved your brothers dearly, but you knew as soon as they found out about you and Peter, their old ways would come back. Quite possibly those old habits may become even worse if they knew about your current relationship. 
  So far you had been able to keep the relationship a complete secret from all the guys on the team for about 5 months. For a team that had spies, super-soldiers, an overly intelligent scientist, a billionaire genius, and two Norse Gods, you would have thought someone else would have caught on by now. Yes, you and Peter were careful of how you interacted with each other around everyone else, but there were still some obvious signs. You may have not been sucking each other's faces in front of the men of the team, but there were lingering glances, longing touches, and the time you two spent together, would most likely out the relationship if anyone else saw how you acted with Peter. The only person who was a little suspicious of you and Peter was Loki, but you brushed it off as him just being protective. 
~ ~ 
  You trudged out of the elevator, sleep still hanging on your body. You wore a baggy hoodie and pair of boxers that you told everyone you had bought, but in actuality, you had stolen them from Peter. Fuzzy socks covered your feet, keeping them warm against the marble floor. As you made your way to the kitchen, you were greeted by the sweet smile of your boyfriend, Peter. He a bowl of cereal laid in front of him, as he stood at the counter. 
 "Morning Peter." You yawned, passing him. Opening one of the cupboards to grab yourself a cup, you took a quick glance around the floor. 
 "Babe, we're alone," Peter chuckled as he turned around to face you. Setting the cup down, now reassured that the two of you were alone, you wrapped your arms around his neck and put your lips on his. He smiled into the kiss, as he placed both his hands on each of your hips. 
 "I missed you last night, where were you?" You pouted, pulling away from the kiss, but leaving your arms draped around the back of his neck. You had noticed his normal sleep attire of sweatpants and an old, ratted hoodie. You knew he slept at the tower last night and usually, when he does, he sneaks up to your room and spends the night with you. 
  "I tried, but Loki was like patrolling the halls. Every time I tried to get out, there he was. I'm pretty sure he thinks I have a UTI, because of how many times I told him I was just going to the bathroom." Peter breathed out, making you laugh a little. Though a little worry set in the back of your mind, what was Loki up to? What did he know?
 "Make it up to me tonight?" You gave him a devilish smile, as you slid one hand down his body, stopping on his clothed package. You slowly palmed him through his sweatpants, watching as he eyed you dangerously. 
  "Of course," He smirked back at you, setting his hands on your ass. As you continued to palm his now hardening member, as he groped your ass aggressively. Both of you had a small case of sexual frustration since it had been a week since Peter and you had gotten down to business. 
 The ding of the elevator separated the two of you in a mere second, you went to fill your cup with water, as Peter began to eat his cereal once again as he scrolled through his phone. Tony and Steve entered the room, Tony already showered and Steve sweaty from his morning workout. Both of them distracted by their conversation, not bothering to give you two a second glance as they passed, heading towards the living room area. After the two men had passed you, Tony slowly came back. He was still facing the direction he been walking in previously, but retraced his step stopping across from you and Peter. You stood next to Peter now, both of you raised your eyes to meet Tony's as he turned around to face the two of you. 
 "Why you wearing those?" Tony questioned pointing at your pants, your heart froze and Peter mindlessly looked down at your choice of pants. His body tensed next to yours as he realized you were wearing his boxers. 
  "Their mine." You blurted out.
  "I didn't ask that, but now I know they're actually his. I knew those looked familiar anyways, but thanks for the confirmation." Tony pointed from you to Peter and then back to the boxers you were in. 
  "You can't tell anyone, please Tony." 
  "How do you know those are mine?" Peter questioned. 
  "Uhm, secrets are hard and who do you think does your dirty laundry? Do you think your dirty clothes just magically disappear?" Tony asked sarcastically, "But I will keep my mouth shut, as long as no one gets pregnant."
 "No need to worry, Natasha was sweet enough to get me on the pill." You offered, relief washing over your body. You knew Tony wouldn't tell your brothers on purpose, but he was known for having a bit of a big mouth.
After the little encounter with Tony, both of you became even more secretive. You constantly apologized to Peter for wearing his boxers and panicking under pressure. However, Peter being Peter he assured you multiple times that it was okay. For the next couple of days the two you kept your distance a little bit, hoping that Tony would forget about the whole situation. Unfortunately, Tony made it his mission to secretly tease the two of you about the relationship in front of everyone. Though he made sure to make comments that people wouldn't catch on too. 
  "So, Y/N you seeing anyone lately? Y'know, like romantically? Ya got your eye on any particular boy? Cause I heard Peter's single, so he's always an option." Tony rambled, as he walked into the living room. You and Loki were reading, while Thor and Clint sat on the opposite couch watching whatever was on tv. You closed your eyes, annoyance taking over. 
  "I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." You mumbled, trying to keep the annoyance you were feeling a secret. As soon as Tony had mentioned you being in a relationship, both of your brothers were quick to tune into the conversation. Loki gave Thor a questioning look and then turned towards Tony, who now stood in the kitchen. 
  "Y/N has no interest in boys right now, she need not worry about it anyway," Loki spoke up, waiting for you to nod in agreement. Thor was quick to agree but added in his thoughts. 
  "Well, to be honest brother, I would rather our little sister be interested in the tiny spider-boy rather than a stranger. We know where the skinny boy lives." Thor chuckled, Loki shrugging as it was a valid point. You rolled your eyes, as you pushed yourself off the couch. 
  "Well I'm gonna leave and I'm asking you nicely, please stop talking about my love life. You are all grown men, find yourselves, someone, before you discuss someone for me." You stated as you walked into the elevator. A chorus of 'heys' followed as the doors began to shut, Clint laughing as he commented that he already had a wife. 
  "I've got Pepper!" Tony yelled in a matter of fact tone, leaning over the counter to look at you. 
 "Oh please, everyone is still trying to figure out whether or not she is just a very realistic, robotic, sex-doll," Loki added, the argument that came after was completely silenced as the elevator began to move. 
  You let out a relieved breathe, happy to finally be away from Tony and your brothers. That was only one of the many times that Tony had made comments like that and you knew, Loki was slowly catching on. Thor was still obviously oblivious, as always. 
 You avoided everyone the rest of the day, sticking to your room. You texted Peter around 5 that you wanted to see him and you both agreed on sneaking into the living room around 10 and watching a movie together. Neither of you were feeling very risky currently, so you both planned on watching a comedy movie later. As always, you took a shower just before you went down to meet Peter. You shaved, everywhere, you put on Peter's favorite lotion of yours and some grey comfy shorts that sat just a little higher than they should. You couldn't help yourself, as you decided to go commando and no bra, with an oversized sweatshirt. 
  Both of you met in the living room around 10, knowing if anyone came in it wouldn't look like anything more than just two friends watching a movie. You let Peter pick the movie, as you grabbed two blankets. You two would definitely be sharing one, but you grabbed the other to make it look like you guys had two separate ones. You settled next to Peter, your shoulder's touching. Peter gently held your hand, his thumb rubbing the top of yours under the blanket. 
  Not even 20 minutes into the movie, Peter had managed to slip his hand from yours and place it on the inside of your thigh. You responded knowingly, as you untucked your legs from under you, widening them just enough. Peter pulled the blanket up just a little bit more, to hide his growing hard-on and the placement of his hand. Every time Peter moved his hand further up your thigh, he would glance over at you every time to make sure you were okay with what he was doing. You would meet his eyes only for a second, to give him the 'go-ahead' and then turn your attention back to the tv. 
  You could feel yourself, becoming wetter each time he would move his hand. Butterflies formed in your stomach, as he got closer and closer to your center. You moved your hips just slightly, motioning for him to just touch you already. He gave you a cocky smirk, as he slipped his hand up your shorts, realizing you had no underwear on. 
  "You planned on this, huh?" He teased, as he slowly began to massage your clit. You gave him a mischievous smile, as you turned your head towards him. He watched as your smile, turned into a look of pleasure as he began to add a little pressure. 
  You couldn't help yourself and moved so you now straddled him. He readjusted himself and then guided you down onto the bulge that sat trapped in his black joggers. You immediately set your lips on his, not even bother to wait for permission you let your tongue slip into his mouth. As your tongue explored his mouth, you slowly began to grind yourself onto his boner. The slight friction exciting you and the small groan that left Peter's mouth fueled you to keep going. Peter gripped your hips hard, lifting you slightly off of his lap. You had a knee on both sides of his lap holding you up, as he kept his lips on yours. Your hands sat on either side of face cupping him, he only stopped the kiss for a second to wet two of his fingers. He instantly connected with your lips again as he led his hand back down to your core once again. 
 A small gasp escaped your lips, as you felt Peter slowly slip a finger inside of you. You thanked god for letting you remember to wear loose shorts and no underwear. He slowly pumped one finger in and out as you deepened the kiss.
 "Y/n, Peter? Mr. Stark would like me to remind you two that there are security cameras in the living room." Jarvis's voice scared the shit out of both you, as you pushed your self off of Peter and to the side. You quickly grabbed the blanket pulling it up to make sure everything was covered. You mentally slapped yourself as you had completely forgotten about the cameras, as you tried to catch your breath. 
  As you and Peter sat there slightly annoyed, trying to calm your breathing, the elevator doors opened. In came Thor, Loki, Sam, Steve, and Bucky. Peter and you made eye contact as you saw who exited the elevator, both of you now silently thanking Tony. He must have known you two were in the living room and as a precaution he sent Jarvis. Thank all the gods that he did. 
 "Well, hello sister and boy." Loki referred to you in a loving tone and Peter or 'boy' in a slightly disgusted one. You gave him a small smile, while Peter gave an awkward wave. The tension in the air seemed thick to you and Peter, as the questioning looks from Bucky, Steve, and Sam hit the two of you. Half of the team came and joined the two of you on the couches in the living room. Sam sitting next to Peter and Bucky next to you. Steve, Thor, and Loki took seats on the two other couches in the room. 
  "So what are we watching?" Thor asked, looking to you expectantly.  You let out an annoyed huff, as you pushed yourself off the couch and walked off. Accidentally leaving Peter who looked at your back begging for help, as he sat under one of the blankets his member still hard.  "What? Was it something I said?" 
  ~ ~
  Last night you had been interrupted by your brothers, while you and Peter were cuddling, rather intensely. You woke up today around 9 and texted Peter to meet you in the stairwell as soon as he got to the tower that morning. You had apologized multiple times for leaving him with a boner in front of everyone, but you had gotten overly frustrated. You were determined to make it up to him. 
 "So why here?" He questioned as he walked up to one of the many sets of stairs. 
 "No one takes the stairs and there should be no way we get interrupted this time." 
 "Interr-" Before he could question anything else, you grabbed his face and smashed your lips onto him. His hands found your hips right away, making sure to set them under your shirt so he could feel your bare skin. He slowly guided you backward until your back was against the wall, one his hands immediately finding it's way into your sweatpants. Lucky for him, underwear had never really been something you favored much. 
  Peter slipped his hand down to your core, running his middle finger up and down your folds. His finger was immediately soaked in your wetness, as you were already dripping for him. Without hesitation, he shoved his index finger deep inside of you. You gasped breaking the kiss, letting Peter attach his lips to your neck. Grabbing his shoulders to keep yourself steady, you moaned as he slipped a second finger inside of you. Sucking your neck, as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. He then removed his mouth from your neck once he was satisfied with the marks he had left, watching intensely as your face was covered in pure pleasure. 
  "These are just my fingers, you want something better?" He asked, his eyes were dark with lust. He waited for you to answer as he kept pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling them when he went as deep as he could. You felt your legs begin to shake, but you wanted him to fuck you before you came. You nodded eagerly, as you gripped the sides of your pants slipping them off. Peter wasted no time, simply pulling his joggers and boxers down just enough to free his throbbing member. You stared at it hungrily, but before you could drop to your knees, he had spun you around. He shoved your face towards the wall and pulled your hips our towards him, kicking your feet apart as he lined himself up. Peter could be so gentle and sweet when it came to sex, or he could be rough and demanding. 
  "Peter please, I need you to fuck me." You whined as he slid his tip up against your folds. 
  Without uttering a word, he quickly shoved himself balls deep inside of you. You cried out in pleasure, all concern for being quiet forgotten. He moaned as he entered you, the way you hugged him and the warmth, he could have cum right then and there. But it had been a little while since he had been inside of you, so he planned on making this last. He held your hips tight as he began to thrust in and out, watching as you braced yourself against the cold wall of the stairwell. Your moans of pleasure filled his ears, only pushing him to fuck you harder and faster. 
  "Fuck," He grunted as he continued to fuck you as hard as possible, he made sure to pull out as far as he could and then plunged himself back inside of you, as deep as he could go. He hit all the right spots, as he pounded you from behind. Just as his thrusts began to become sloppy, he pulled out of you completely. You went to complain, but before you could he had spun you to face him and picking you up from under your ass, he set your back against the wall and slipped back inside of you. Both of you moaning at the sensation of filling you up once again. 
 "Oh Peter," You moaned your hands in his hair and your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Your eyes closed in pure pleasure. He watched proudly as your breasts bounced within your shirt with each thrust, a smirk covering his face as your moans filled his ears. He loved the way you looked when he fucked you. 
 "God, I love the way you say my name," He grunted, thrusting deep within you. He closed any space that had sat between the two of you, putting his head in the crook of your neck. Your breathing was hard and fast, as you felt his cock bring you closer and closer to your edge. "Cum on my dick." 
  The sound of his gentle voice, saying suck vulgar things helped you reach your high. Your screams helping Peter to reach his. His pumps became sloppy, but he continued to keep himself buried deep inside of you. You rode out your high on his final thrusts. 
  "I love you, I love you, I love you," Peter moaned breathlessly as he pumped every bit of his seed inside of you. His thrusts slowed, but he continued to ride out his high as he continued to pump into you as deep as he could go. For at least a minute, the two of you sat with Peter still inside of you trying to calm your breathing down. With one final kiss, Peter gently slid out of you and set you down. Laughing quietly as you gripped onto him, your legs feeling like jelly. 
  "I'm definitely going to be feeling this later today," You breathed out, as you let go of your boyfriend. He smiled at you, as he pulled his pants up to cover himself. Helping you to balance as you put your sweats back on. You were both were sweaty and looking disheveled, but decided you could just tell people you had been training or running around. 
  You both slowly made you way up the stairs to the kitchen, the hunger setting in your stomachs. Walking out of the stairwell, you were greeted by the whole team who sat around the living room or in the kitchen. Natasha and Wanda, hiding small laughs as they knew exactly what had just taken place. Tony giving you two a narrowed glance, his eyes following the both of you. The rest of the team simply threw small hi's or good mornings your way, thinking nothing of you two exiting the stairwell on your phones. 
  You sat on the stool across from Loki and Thor, as they both sat talking while eating their breakfast. Peter stood near you as you both continued to go through your phone. Your breathing had finally calmed, once you greeted your brothers. Almost instantly, you caught Loki's eye. He was staring at you hard, but it wasn't your eyes he was looking at. 
 "What's on your neck." He hissed, your heart froze as you had forgotten about the hickeys Peter had left. Immediately, Thor was attentive and staring at your neck as well. As if planned, both of your brothers flicked their eyes towards Peter, who stood frozen in fear. 
 "Run," I whispered quickly. 
 "I'm running now," Peter stated awkwardly as he darted for the stairs, Loki and Thor hot on his tail. 
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lafleaurie · 3 years
a little loki dabble
i'm gonna attempt to write a little loki fanfic really quickly yayyyy! this is just a little dabble, i just wanna experiment and see if this is any good. lemme know what ya'll think, i guess you could call this au loki, but still marvel
also, i'm kinda new to the mcu fandom soooo if anything is wrong, pls holler at ur girl, i would love to learn
also pt 2, i have made my own goddess that is NOT part of marvel, shes my own little character i've made up! not marvel, and definitely not real. if it seems like it's based off another goddess, lemme know about that as well! her name is flora and her powers are basically life itself. she is the goddess of life, nature, freedom, and love, but not romantic love...more like 'you are loved, you are worthy' type thing if that makes any sense
Defeated, Loki sighed and leaned against a rock, hiding his face in his hands. He didn't know what else to do at this point. He was so tired of being told that he was nothing more than a nuisance. That he would never change. He liked causing mischief, sure, it was in his blood. But he just wanted to be accepted. To be loved. To be let in. After all, his family, wasn't even his family. They were just his adoptive parents. He was always the outcast, overshadowed by his brother, Thor. He was breathing heavily, and tried to regulate it when suddenly, he heard some rustling in the wind. He looked up quickly, startled, and saw the goddess of life and freedom, Flora. He sighed when he realized he wasn't in trouble once he saw her face, but wasn't exactly sure how to feel about her presence. She landed herself in front of him.
"Why are you upset? What's the matter?" she asked, staring at him expectantly. He shook his head, not really wanting to share his feelings at the moment.
"Go, Flora. I don't need your pity or anyone else's. I don't need a lecture," he buried his head in his hands once again, and this time, it was Flora's turn to sigh.
"Do you not know of your own prophecy? Your own story?" Flora asked, walking around him as he stayed sitting on the ground, but his head perked up at the mention of his 'own prophecy'. Since when did he have one of his own?
Flora could see the confusion in Loki's face after the mention of this and continued on, kneeling before him as they were face to face, inches apart.
"Thor's prophecy was planned, it was written. When he was born, he was automatically prophesized as the king of Asgard after your father would pass away. The people knew this. Yours, however...was written by your mother," Flora explained, looking back, and with just a flick of her hand, you could see just what Frigga had planned out.
Loki slowly stood up as his future was playing before him. It showed him ruling Asgard, not as king, but by Thor's side, them ruling the whole kingdom together. They were dictating the good of the people. Fighting side by side together forever, loving the company of each other for once and not fighting like they always had in the past. It showed him even helping Thor with Avengers here and there. Flora was even there, fighting battles for Loki, protecting him when he could not fight himself.
Loki was finally accepted by everyone, loved by everyone. He wasn't an outcast anymore.
"You were meant for amazing things, Loki. The best this world has to offer. All because of your mother," Flora said, and with that, she spread her arms above her and you could see Frigga smiling at Loki. He breathed shakily, staggering back in shock. Frigga was here, standing in front of him, reaching her hand out for Loki. He let out quiet sobs as he grabbed her hand in his.
"My son, do not cry. Do not fret any longer. Peace and love were meant for you. I am with you, always. I love you," Frigga said in Flora's vision playing above her head as she floated off the ground. Loki's heart was so full in this moment.
Then, suddenly, she was gone. Flora's vision had disappeared. She was standing now, walking slowly towards to Loki. He was still stunned and taken aback but this was exactly what he needed. Standing before Loki, she smiled at him, bringing her hands to his cheeks as she spoke.
"Do you see now?" she asked, stroking his cheek gently. Loki was smiling widely at this point, taking her hand in his and holding it to his chest.
"Thank you, Flora. I have always adored you," he breathed out gently, hugging her tightly against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he could feel the love radiating from her.
He had never felt so loved and so motivated in his life. He was ready to do right by everyone, and most importantly, live out his mother's prophecy.
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(A Medieval!AU Loki x Stark!Reader Story)
Chapter Summary: Asgard is truly a beautiful kingdom, you only wish your thoughts and feelings would let you enjoy it.
Word Count: 1836
Warnings: None, I think!
A/N: Your support and kind comments in the last part has left me- I just 😭💕 Thank you so much for the support you guys!
It was nearly midnight when the salty air filled your senses and you woke up to look out the window to see a full bright moon and the sea not too far from the road. The castle was up ahead, but it was still at about an hour's distance.
"Vis!" You called your driver. "Stop the carriage!"
He did so almost immediately and he and Steve Rogers, the captain in charge of your security came to check up on you.
"Is everything alright your highness?" Steve asked as you got off the carriage.
"It is, captain. I just wish to see the sea. It's all."
You began to cross the road to follow a trail into the beach but Steve caught up you. You did not stop for him though.
"Please, don't do this. I'll get in trouble." He pleaded, your name pouring from his lips.
You stopped to look at him.
You had seen this good man take down the fiercest of men. He had the most special place in your heart, but you never were to tell him. Even if you'd ever planned to do that, confessing that was not something you could afford to do any longer.
"In trouble with who?" You smirked and continued walking towards the shore.
"At least let me escort you!" He called after you.
"You may!" You answered back, still not stopping.
The night was peaceful and quiet. There was no-one here for miles, and the sand felt fresh under your feet, once you took your shoes off. You approached the waves that licked at the sand and lifting your dress so it wouldn't get ruined, you allowed the water to gnaw at your feet.
You felt as the wave retreated, how it slightly sucked you into the sand. Each lick sinking you a little deeper until you were up to your ankles with sand.
You giggled at the small gig of nature but blushed as you felt someone bunch up your skirts behind you.
"Princess, your dress is going to get ruined." Steve admonished holding the back of your dress far from the sand and water as you held the front.
"I have a thousand more. You don't have to accommodate me, captain."
You knew he meant no ill intent by his actions, but it still made you blush when he got so close to you. You blessed the cover of the night which allowed you to get away with your embarrassment.
"May I ask, why? Your highness?" He asked as you stared into the horizon.
You took a moment to think about why you just had the urge to stop for a moment and enjoy this wonder of nature.
The answer wasn't a difficult one, it was just a painful one, and to share it with Steve of all people wasn't something you were exactly ready to do.
"I just... Needed a last moment."
"If I may be so bold... "A last moment" to do what?"
He was honest to god worried about you. You looked at him, seeing the young boy you had grown with. A twink of a guy turned into one of the kingdom's most trustworthy and capable soldiers. His kindness had captured your heart when you were young, and his bravery had only fed your endearment for him as time went on.
You knew you could trust him.
"A last moment to enjoy my freedom, Steve."
He whispered your name, and suddenly you noticed how close the two on you had become. You were sure at this point he saw your blush, but you didn't care. He was so near you, you could feel him holding the fabric of your dress to avoid it getting wet. His firm chest almost pressed against yours. His lips just inches away.
But just as you thought anything could happen, the voice of his right-hand man was heard from afar, calling that soldiers of Asgard were approaching.
He offered you his arm and you wiggled your buried feet out of the sand. You both rushed towards the carriage where Bucky and Wanda were waiting.
"It must be at least 15 men." He informed Steve as Wanda poured water at your feet to help you clean them.
"Are you sure they are soldiers?"
"Vis sighted the royal crest, but they might as well be bandits posing as soldiers," Bucky warned.
"Captain. No violent action towards the men, ask for their business, and then proceed accordingly." You instructed him as you stepped into the carriage, Wanda in tow.
"As you say, your highness."
Both soldiers walked ahead of the carriage, and they signaled Vis to go at a slow pace.
"So they are soldiers?"
"Not sure about that," Bucky answered.
"Better be on our guards then."
"You were on your guard with the princess back there weren't you," Bucky smirked.
That sent Steve into a sputtering panic. "What are you talking about!?"
"Come on pal. You've been in love with the princess since before any of us joined the military!"
"We were children together. I am in charge of her security I care about her! But not like that!" Steve tried to excuse himself.
"If I hadn't called you, would you have kissed her?" Bucky questioned, he knew that you had chosen only people who you truly trusted to accompany you in this trip, which meant no-one was gonna tattletale on you. But he still wondered.
"No." Steve spat. "And even if I did, she has her duty and I have mine. That won't allow us to ever be anything. You know that, right?"
Bucky hummed in reluctant understanding. The men in horseback where closer now, this chat would have to be postponed, but he wanted to support his friend.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I think she feels the same way."
Steve was going to continue, but the horsemen approached their caravan.
"Who comes!?" The man leading the horsemen shouted at the two men.
"Travelers my good men. We've come looking for an audience with the king." Steve responded, the answer vague enough so if they were robbers, they had better chances of being ignored or stall them.
"Is the eagle faring well?" The leading man asked Steve.
"Only if the wolf remains their friend." Your voice came from the open door of the carriage.
Steve just wanted to tackle your stupid self back into security but after you gave him a sign, he stepped aside and allowed you to approach the horseman who led the troop.
"Prince Thor, it is my pleasure to be in your land." You bowed before the man.
He took the hood off his head, and in fact, it was the blonde prince who had come to greet you and escort your caravan into the palace. He got off his horse and with a hand to your shoulder kindly ushered you to stand up.
"Princess. It is good to see you!" His smile was bright and his eyes were kind. "Welcome to Asgard! Please, come! We are to securely take you back to the palace!"
He led you back into your carriage and you finally arrived at the palace, way past the witching hour.
The streets were mostly empty, but you could still hear the music coming from some open bars.
Thor was riding next to your window and chatting with you.
"So I take that your people like their drinks?"
He chuckled. "It would be strange to see Asgard completely silent at any given time!"
"Well, it must be a relief for you that you don't ever have to worry about a place to enjoy yourself."
"Oh, I assure you m'lady. We have plenty of places to entertain ourselves. You must see them sometime during your visit!"
"It would be my honor." You politely answered.
To be completely honest, it was different from your home. Besides the salty air, it seemed that the town was alive. While back on Midgard, the curfew didn't allow anyone to be on the streets past midnight.
It was a necessary measure that you understood and supported, but you wished that your people could be as carefree as the Asgardians that you saw dancing and drinking.
You hoped that this alliance took you a step closer in that direction.
The palace doors opened for you without hesitation. And Thor offered his arm to lead you inside the castle. Politely, you accepted and allowed him to lead you inside, Steve and Bucky hot on your trail and Wanda right behind them.
"We have prepared everything for your arrival! Tomorrow, Asgard will celebrate you and your people. There will be a feast in your honor just for you!"
You smiled at him. "My, you Asgardians know how to flatter your guests..."
"It would be a dishonor if we didn't do as much as we possibly can to make this visit a happy one!"
At the top of the stairs, you saw a very refined lady, who you presumed was Frigga, the queen, and a couple of maids.
"My child. Welcome to Asgard." The queen greeted you and you bowed to her.
"Your majesty, thank you for giving me and my people your hospitality."
"Nonsense my dear, your father was a delight when we met him. It was only natural that we opened our arms to such a charming and capable man and his children."
"But please do not let my father hear you, majesty. It will go straight to his head." You chuckled.
The queen smiled at you, which you interpreted that she, at least, tolerated you. Which fair, you would take what you could.
"We will proportion you maids to take you to your quarters." The queen signaled to the girls standing behind her.
"Oh, that won't be necessary, my queen. Wanda is my assistant, I won't be needing a maid." Wanda stood behind you and curtsied the queen.
"Oh, my dear please allow us. It would be a big dishonor for us if you wouldn't let us accommodate you in every way we can!" She insisted.
Oh, how you wanted to say no. But feuds have started for way less between the tribes of Vanaheim.
"Alright, if it will make you happy, I'll accept." You nodded and the queen seemed satisfied.
"This is Sigyn. She'll take care of you and help your assistant in anything she needs." The young woman was your age if not a year or two off. She wore her blonde hair on a braid and she had a far off look on her face. "Sigyn, please lead the ladies to their quarters."
"Yes, your majesty." She bowed and then signaled you to follow her.
But before you left you offered your thanks once more to the queen.
"Do not thank us, dear. It will be a true pleasure for all of us to host you here."
You followed Sigyn through the many halls and corridors, shooting one last look at Steve before he was completely out of sight for you.
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justjessame · 3 years
Glorious, Before the Burden - The Mourning ~ 15
I had no more visits from the Time Variance Authority, or SHIELD, or anyone else unwanted for quite some time. Michael came every few days, to check on me and share a meal - to convince me to TRY to sit through a movie or television show with him, usually laughing at me when I would grow bored.  
“Sigyn,” he’d say, looking far more like a sad pup than an elderly Midgardian with his soft eyes and sad smile. “Is it truly THAT bad?”  
I’d shake my head and try to find interest in it, some type of enjoyment so we could share it - finally finding that some of the stories really weren’t terribly bad.  Eventually I’d curl up into my chair falling into the tale with as much interest as Michael.  A brief respite from my goal of working my way back to Loki.
Honing my magic wasn’t something I had to work very hard at, to be fair and honest.  It was more about learning to think of it as a natural part of me, because it was - allowing it to flow from me as easily as breathing.  
When I rose in the morning, my bed would fix itself and my clothing would both be chosen and then be changed.  Arranging my hair, fixing my face - my food all of it would come as easily as inhaling and exhaling.  I couldn’t create food from nothing, a reality I learned fast enough, but as long as I had the ingredients on hand my meals were set.  The garden still called to me, nature I supposed was something that centered my own nature.  Evening baths were ready when I came inside, and then my bed linens were pulled down and awaiting only me for my sleep.  
A joke, when I was still among my own people, was that witches could see the past and future - I’d told Michael as much when he asked what I expected from my powers as they grew, but aside from memories I hadn’t had any scenes of what was to come.  At least not yet.  I still dreamed of Loki, in his prison, resigned to his fate - but I stayed invisible, unwilling to put him through more pain and grief than he already was weighed down with - I even saw Frigga visiting him.  
Her illusion, at least, and it pained me to see that he denied her the title of mother.  Even as she brushed it away, reminding me of when she told me how deeply he felt things - I knew it still hurt her to hear him say it.  As much as I knew it hurt him to utter the lie.  
While I eavesdropped, out of sight of my husband, I noticed that Frigga’s gaze seemed to burn into me.  Once he pushed her away, I was pulled away from his cell as well, even as I sighed at the command of it.  
“Sigyn,” hearing her voice, after the last time we were face to face wasn’t as welcome as I thought it might be.  “You didn’t show yourself,” she was standing in her rooms, and for once Frigga didn’t look as confident and sure.  “You look well.”  
The sound I made was humorless, and the glance she gave me was even less certain.  “I look well?”  Shaking my head, I turned away to look out over the balcony.  “I look like I’ve been forced to stand alone, Frigga.”  How could Asgard look so - NORMAL?  “Alone and among strangers while my husband thinks I’ve committed suicide because of him.”  She’d gone completely silent.  “I didn’t show myself because all he sees is a ghoul created by YOUR magic. Proof of his failure.”  I blinked away the burning threat of tears.  “Why would I want to torture him when his parents have done such a wonderful job?”  
“You don’t understand,” her voice had taken on a pleading tone and I was tempted to turn, but I didn’t.  “Sigyn, you think I’ve chosen to do this because I’m punishing him, but you have to understand it was the ONLY way.”  
“The ONLY WAY?”  Turning then, she came forward and gripped my hands in hers, looking almost mad.  “The only way, what do you mean?”  
“What he’d done, Sigyn, where he went and the deal he made to do it -” her eyes were as red and fevered as Loki’s had been before - “When you came to me, while he was missing?”  I nodded, her grip on my hands was almost painful as it grew tighter. “I was there when he was making a horrible bargain, he wouldn’t listen to me.”  I struggled to keep up, she was speaking so fast.  “Then the attack on Midgard - Thor rushed in, after being banished there and meeting the young woman -” Again I was trying to piece together her thoughts, but she kept going, “the destruction, Sigyn, what Loki had done there - I had to get him back, and to do that I had to make sacrifices -”
“Me,” I felt the first tear fall.  “You sacrificed me.”  She shook her head, her hands still clutching mine, her nails digging into my skin.  “You sacrificed my marriage and Loki’s sanity - you stole my glow and you allowed Odin to tell him I was dead.”  I was pulling my hands free.  “All to bring him home to a PRISON?”  
“Sigyn, stop.”  Frigga seemed to regain herself.  Shaking off some of the fervor and taking my hands again, more carefully.  “Listen to me, very carefully.”  Her voice was growing calmer.  “Your glow is NOT gone, your glow is part of you, just like your magic.  My magic is illusion based, yours is ingrained in your very marrow.”  I swallowed down the pain and betrayal and focused on her, my teacher.  “Loki had made many enemies - the bargain he made? He failed, not only did he cause massive destruction and ruin on Midgard, but he also reneged on his deal with a very powerful being - his prison is MUCH safer than his freedom would be.”
“Odin -” she shook her head and smiled, the soft reassuring smile she often gave me as a child. 
“My husband is very wise in so many ways, my daughter, but in this?” Sighing she cupped my cheek as she released my hands.  “In this he should have both eyes patched.”  
Waking up while the sky was still dark, I considered the possibility that I’d truly had a DREAM, but my hands hurt - causing the room to light subtly, I raised my hand and found the crescent shaped impressions that Frigga’s nails have left in the tops of my hands when she’d grasped my hands so tight during her frenzied explanation of WHY she’d gone along with Odin’s insane request to have me banished. 
As the light dimmed back to darkness, I lay wondering how she could touch me - if I weren’t able to go home to Asgard?  
“Do you love me?” Loki’s voice, deep and soothing against the back of my neck and vibrating through me, worked its own magic on my mouth - my lips curling as I woke up.  “Sigyn, darling, do you? Do you love me?”  
Humming my agreement that I did, in fact, love him, his cool fingers were sliding down my bare back before dancing along my waist and rolling me over.  Opening my eyes, I was greeted with his blue eyes staring into mine.  “What’s brought on the interrogation about my love for you, my prince?”  
“Marry me,” we’d been in Midgard for only days - and I was still wearing the gold ring on my left finger as a sign of our pretend marriage, but he looked entirely serious.  “Marry me, Sigyn.  Here in this realm, and then again when we go home.”  
“Are you mad?”  His hands had slithered up my body, and were framing my face, his thumbs tracing under my eyes.  “If we marry here, it won’t bear any weight on Asgard, you know that.”  
“It will for us,” he was serious, totally and completely.  “For you and me, it will matter and be entirely real.  You’ll be my wife, Sigyn and I’ll be your -”
“Husband,” I bit my lip.  I wanted it, I did.  “Frigga’s speaking with my parents, you said as much -”
He nodded, leaning forward and sighing.  “Yes, but -” our breath was mingling, cool and warm.  “I don’t want to wait.  Marry me.  Here and now.” 
“Now?” I glanced around our hotel room, what I could see of it with him hovering over me.  “We’re naked and in bed, Loki.”  
He chuckled.  “Alright, not RIGHT now, but while we’re here.”  Studying his eyes I could tell he meant it.  “We’re going to wed, Sigyn, why not marry for ourselves first?”  
I nodded and laughed when he made a sound that I’d never heard him make - a gleeful noise that told me just how excited he was by my agreement.  
Waking up at dawn, I was smiling.  Finally a GOOD memory.  Our first wedding, on Midgard, wasn’t as filled with tradition and opulence as the one we had on Asgard, yet it was somehow more binding for the intimacy of it.  Marrying in a small chapel, with witnesses that Loki had charmed from off the street, and the priest officiating - exchanging vows that weren’t quite as familiar as the ones we would before our families - being named husband and wife felt right.  
When I told Mobius that I’d been married to Loki for a very long time, I truly meant longer than even Odin knew. Longer than my own parents or possibly Thor would know.  All because my husband couldn’t stand to wait until we returned to Asgard, until his mother had convinced my parents of how right our pairing was - I became a bride here and I was coming into my powers more fully here.  Midgard: forever entwined with Loki and I.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Hiding in Plain Sight
TITLE: Hiding in Plain Sight
AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE:Imagine coming from a line of nobility or royalty and being in an arranged marriage with Loki in an attempt to strengthen your kingdom / alliance with Asgard. You’re not entirely on board with the idea but figured that the best you could do was to get to know your fiancé. You form an agreement with Frigga for you to pose as Loki’s personal servant for a few months so you can get to know who Loki really is – beyond the veil of his responsibility to the Asgardian throne, behind all the masks he wears when facing the public, to really know who Loki is behind closed doors as you slowly fall for each other.How long will you keep up the ruse with the God of Lies? 
RATING: General Audience
“Loki?” Frigga looked worriedly at her son who burst into his parents’ shared rooms. “Is everything…?”
“You conspired with that elf against me?” He snapped. 
Sighing, Frigga gave a slight wave to her maids who all left the room. “Conspired is a strong word for it,” Her voice was calm and steady as she rose from her seat. “She wrote, asking of your character and I suggested she get to know you. Tatianna needed time with family and thus, I realised she could get to meet you without you being guarded as I knew you were unsure of the situation and were not likely to open up to her.”
Loki gasped in shock. “So you planned this? You were the one to actually suggest it?” He became more hurt at that revelation. 
“You treat that maid with nothing but kindness, I thought if Raven saw that side of you also, she would see how caring you are. I knew that you would not open yourself as willingly to her otherwise.” “I…” he could not explain his anger, such was its intensity. 
“Loki, I am truly sorry for doing this, clearly, it was a mistake on my behalf. I am genuinely sorry for hurting you so, my son.” She tried to have him look at her so that he would see she was being genuine. “In turn, I also hurt Raven.” Loki scoffed at the mention of the elf. “She is a lovely woman. Bright, kind, a good partner for you but instead, it appears my little idea has hurt you both so.” “Even after what you have done to me, the two of you, you care about her?” “Loki, Raven has had a very restricted life, she only wanted to know if she would be forced to endure the same here. I know you will not believe this but she simply wishes to be happy and knowing I am integral to the suffering of more unhappiness for her is upsetting for me. It does not take for my upset at the hurt I caused you.” 
Loki scowled. Raven’s words came back to him again, of her loneliness and the life she was forced to lead thus far. He didn’t want to feel pity for her. He wanted to loathe her, something quite easy to do with her actions but it still played on his mind. Without saying another word to his mother, he turned to leave. 
“I genuinely believe that given the time, you will see you are well suited, Loki,” Frigga stated. 
“Perhaps we could have been.” Loki acknowledged. “But you scuppered our chances significantly with your idea.” With that, he left the room. 
* Raven sat in her room, the door between her bed chambers and front chambers locked and with a sofa in front of it in case any thought to try and open it. She had been ready for Loki’s ire and remarks, she had long built a thick skin being the youngest of five and with four older brothers, what she had not been ready for was her own words. The idea of sitting alone in her rooms for days on end was nothing new to her, what was new was the knowledge that it would not come to an end. Growing up, she had hoped the day would come that she would have a happier existence. Even as a Ljósáfar wife to a Ljósáfar husband, she could not possibly be forced to remain as she had been growing up. On hearing she was marrying an Aesir, she knew life would be far different and on knowing it was Prince Loki, though she knew little of his demeanour, she knew the Aesir way of life would allow her far greater freedom and she also knew him to be very intelligent, allowing her to fantasise of the many conversations and discussions they could share. The debates they could muster in private in the evenings after court was complete for the day. She had been excited about that. Even if they did not see eye to eye, she had dreamed of debate and conversation where she was not required to remain silent. Instead, now she had ruined any such an idea and would be forced to look at the walls that currently surrounded her for considerable years yet to come and that felt far more daunting than she could ever fathom. It filled her with a dread that made her feel like she would begin to hyperventilate at any moment. She felt entirely trapped. 
Questions swirled around in her mind. Would Loki take a mistress? Would he take many over the years? Would she have to endure dark-haired offspring he sired outside of wedlock to mistresses being recognised unofficially? Would she go to empty rooms every night while his were filled with love, passion and the giggles of a lover? Would she remain alone? Would people whisper how she was not a fit spouse? That she was not up to the task of securing the line of her husband. Or, just as heart-wrenching, would she be forgotten about, again. Only recognised and remembered when she stood in the shadow of the important male she was tied to. 
Thoughts of her perhaps finding love, feeling unconditional love could not come to her, after all, such was preposterous to her current state. She remembered the affections she felt before with Lord Arden. The stolen kisses, the sneaking around and indeed, the illicit actions of it. When it was made clear that she was to wed Loki, he left immediately with no thorough explanation. She always wondered if it was because it hurt too much to see her being wed elsewhere and he wanted a clean break, or after a while, she suspected it was because he realised he would not achieve his goal of a respectable dowry from her and decided to try other women. She was unsure if she had come to that second conclusion in her own mind to placate her feelings or not but that was going to be her excuse to make her feel better, factual or otherwise. 
Curled up with her head on her knees and her arms wrapped around them, she did nothing but think sadly of the situation at hand. 
* “You insulted the Ljósáfar.” 
Thor had Mjolnir ready for what was to come and chuckled to himself as he deflected several knives that Loki tossed his way. 
“You’re never able to aim properly when you are overly angered.” “You said nothing.” Loki’s voice was barely over a hiss. “I was sworn to secrecy.” “By someone you don’t even know?” “By our mother, a being I know even longer than you do,” Thor stated, avoided a blast of magic by using Mjolnir’s own version of such. “Raven only agreed because she wanted to get to know you.” “And that was how she decided to do so?” Loki spat. “Not by engaging me in any manner that would signify any attempt of an honest and healthy introduction?” “Since you failed to answer her three written attempts at such, I cannot imagine she felt she had many other options.”
Loki froze. “What?” “Raven wrote to you. On three separate occasions, and you ignored all three.” 
“No, she did not.” Loki shook his head. “Indeed, she did.” Thor reiterated. “This was confirmed, not only by her but when I asked the Postmaster, he confirmed it. I asked him so I could confirm it because you are not one to ignore a letter and I suspected you would call her a liar to save yourself. Three separate letters, dated months apart so to allow for time to receive and reply should you be otherwise busy, giving you time to do so. All three remained unanswered.” “I received no such letters,” Loki repeated. 
“Well, three were sent from Alfheim, sorted by the Postmaster himself and delivered to your rooms,” Thor informed him. “She tried before now. It is why she had to try and find reports on your personality elsewhere.” Thor slapped his shoulder. “I wanted to warn you. Well, I mostly wanted to warn you. Part of me also wanted to see the look of shock on your face when you realised who she was. That was until I realised what you were saying about her. I told you many times, Loki, this is very hard on her.” 
Loki had been bothered by the supposed letters he had not received until Thor mentioned Raven’s ‘struggle’. “Norns, if I have to hear this again.” He threw his brother’s hand from his shoulder. “Poor Raven, how lonely she has had it. How she had to remain seen and never heard. The Elf I have borne witness to is no such shrinking violet. She literally feels like she has to have the last word, come Helfheim or high water.” 
“Because that is who she is. She feels here like she does not have to be a statue any longer.” Thor argued. “Do not lie for one second and tell me that you want a silent and boring wife because you and I both know you rather lose your life than being forced to wed someone without their tongue. How else could you ever have someone at your beck and call to argue with day and night? I would have thought an opinionated and in your belief, an argumentative wife would have suited you to the ground. I doubt you want a wife that would agree with everything you say without question. Where would be the fun in that?” 
Loki could not argue that point. Nothing would disgust him more. “That does not negate her actions.” 
“She felt she had no choice. Was it something I would suggest? No, but it was for a good reason. She just wanted a good partner.” 
Loki scowled. “And in doing so, ensured she would not get one.” 
“Loki, please. This is going ahead whether or not you are happy about it, so you have two choices, be angry with her for this, accept any and all apologies, learn about her and try and form a healthy and fulfilling marriage with her or continue this animosity and live an unfulfilled marriage. I will soon have to court my betrothed and if the options of both were on the table, I know I would not wish to remain arguing.” “She already made it clear, the hope is to perform some sacred ritual, ensure you and your wife spawn multiple times and stay as far away from me as is physically possible.” 
“Loki, the woman I have spoken to multiple times wants entirely the opposite of that and I know you don’t want to believe it but to her, coming here, having a husband such as you was something she wanted. Sadly, things have gone slightly awry.” Loki began to scoff at his words before pausing. “When has all this conversing been taking place?” “Through her stay here.” Thor kept his answers broad so as to not have Loki sense any dishonesty. 
Loki studied his brother closer. “Like when?” “Do you honestly think I can recall days and times off the top of my head?”
“Do you know where in the palace she is?” Thor tried to think of something to say to argue that but silence or a no would immediately be sensed as a lie. “Why?” “I deserve to know, as her betrothed, surely?” “Not if you are going to add to her loneliness with it.” “Loneli…If I wanted to add to her loneliness, the last thing I would do is ask where to find her, Thor.” Loki scoffed. “Where is she?”
“I am not going to tell you if you are going to use it to add to this farce.” Thor’s declared. 
Loki knew he was telling the truth, much to his own annoyance. “Then leave.” “This is the royal hallway, I don’t have to leave. I live here, same as you.” Thor reminded him. “In your time speaking with Raven, what have you learnt of her?” “That she’s a conniving wench.” 
“No, Loki. In all seriousness, what have you learnt of her? What did it reveal of her knowledge of you?”
“Nothing, she knows nothing of me. Made clear by how she thought to get to know me.” He snapped. “Her way of speaking to me was not to introduce herself but to act like a maid, to scrub toilets and rummage through my belongings. That’s how little she thinks of me.” Loki paused. He had not thought of that previously. She had been privy to all of his belongings. Letters of private matters, items of personal value that he would not have wanted her to see. It annoyed him greatly that she had touched and rummaged through such things.
Seeing his brother getting irritated, Thor decided to alter his train of thought before he focused too greatly on what was annoying him. “So in that time, she got nothing right about your personality? I refuse to believe that because when I discussed the issue with her, I think she got your personality to perfection. The anger, the silent treatment, she even apologised to me for the aggression you would show me, both physical and otherwise.” “That, she did ascertain correctly. That is hardly surprising as it would be considered a normal reaction by most.” Loki dismissed. “I will not repeat myself, where is she?” “You’re repeating yourself saying that to me again.” Thor pointed out. “Until you are willing to speak with her like an adult, I will not tell you.” “You owe me.” “You owe her, considering you never even wrote back when she tried to engage you herself.” Loki said nothing as Thor walked off, leaving him to his thoughts. He walked back to his room and looked at the platter his letters always were placed when delivered to him. There were three there at that time. He walked over and looked around, noting there was nowhere any letter could have fallen for him to not have seen it. 
The Aesir Postmaster was a man of set ways. He was practically devout in how he viewed his role. If a letter went missing in his office, Norns have mercy on the being that moved it. He took the role as seriously as Odin took the role of Allfather. If he genuinely told Thor that there had been three letters from the Ljósáfar palace for him, then there had been. So where were they?
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mostfacinorous · 4 years
Stoki Whumptober Day 19: Broken Hearts [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]
All kinds of deep conversations happen at diners. Steve couldn’t even begin to count how many times he’d seen people crying into their coffee and eggs at 2 am, in the cheapest place in town that was open twenty four hours. 
It wasn’t even late now; they’d left the tower just around the time the dinner rush started tapering off, and had made it to the diner while there was a relative lull going on. Or as much of a lull as a New York City diner ever experienced. 
Which was good, Steve thought. Loki was still jumpy and still on high alert. 
He made a mental note to make sure that whatever Loki got to drink, it was decaf. 
They got settled into a small booth around the side-- far from the entrance and within sight of the door to the kitchen, through which Steve imagined there was probably a back door. That would be their out in case of trouble, he reasoned. That, or the huge plate glass windows they were seated next to. 
He winced, hating that this was how his mind worked, ever since the serum. He couldn’t even order hashbrowns before he was thinking of escape routes.
Loki hadn’t even lifted his menu, Steve realized, when he focused on the laminated cardstock in front of him. Instead, he was staring at Steve, watching… observing. Steve felt himself flushing, and hoped Loki didn’t realize where his thoughts were-- the last thing he needed was to look as on edge and paranoid as Loki felt. 
“What is it?” Steve asked, finally, unable to stand the weirdly tense silence. 
“Hmm. You were… kind to me, when my mind was…” Loki flapped his hand, dismissing the need for words. Steve appreciated it. That would be hard to explain away if someone overheard.
 “Yeah, well… no reason not to be.” Steve shrugged, uncomfortable. 
“I was… a good deal less kind, when you were similarly… not yourself.” Loki said, as if he were leading Steve to something. Trying to get him to say something about it, maybe. 
“That was a different situation. I could have been dangerous, and you needed to get information from me. I wasn’t happy about it at the time, but. Y’know, we were both just trying to help. In our own ways.” 
Loki huffed out something that would have been a laugh, if there was any sound to it. “I was also ‘trying to help in my own way’ when I gave directions to the dark elf beast that murdered my mother. Based on my personal history, I should have realized that my helping never ends well.” 
Steve felt his mouth go dry and remembered how upset little Loki had been at the prospect of his mom’s death. How he was more than willing to use the time stone, go back, and save her. 
Steve remembered, too, how lost he was when his own mom had passed. He wished he could have had someone to fight, some way to get revenge, but illness wasn’t something you could punch. Especially not when you were a 90 pound asthmatic. It had been years since then, more than it felt like to him, even, and yet he still got that twinge of panic-pain when he thought about her. 
But Loki… he could only imagine how awful it must be, waking up and thinking she was fine, then being told she was dead, then being told you murdered her, then being told you hadn’t, and then coming to yourself and remembering your own role in her death. 
He thought if he’d gone through all that, he might have panic attacks too. 
Before he could respond, though, the waiter stopped at their table for drink orders. 
“Water and orange juice, please.” Steve requested on auto pilot, mind still trying to figure out what to say to Loki. 
“Whatever ale you recommend.” Loki said, and Steve laughed, though he knew it was a little strained. 
“Oh, uh, sorry,” He told the waiter. “Diners like this don’t have liquor licences here, uh.. They can’t sell any alcohol.” 
Loki frowned. 
“Apologies. Then I will also have water and orange juice.” 
“No worries, happens more often than you’d think.” The waiter gave Loki a little wink, then nodded. “You ready for food orders, or need another couple minutes?” 
“Oh, not yet, sorry.” Steve told him quickly, and he bobbed his head agreeably and ran off to get the drinks. 
“Look, Loki--” Steve began. But Loki raised his hand to silence him. 
“I am not seeking your pity, nor your counsel. We cannot change the past. And allow me to repeat that: we cannot change the past. There is no future in which my mother still lives, nor one in which Barnes was not made into the man he is now. If you undo a knot in a chain, the entire tapestry may unravel. And we cannot take that risk. Imagine, if you will-- if I had directed the beast to my father’s actual location instead of where I assumed he would be-- where my mother was-- and my father had been killed instead? Thor would have gone mad trying to avenge him. For the good of all worlds, and the peace between them, my mother would have had to lock him up, or banish him. He would not have come to Midgard, nor fought the elves, nor saved you from their invasion. You would now be under Svartalfar rule. And that is only one such small change.” 
Loki steepled his hands together. 
“I would make that change, just the same, though.” He said quietly. 
Steve swallowed. “But you just said--”
“To me, it would be worth it. The loss of who knows how many Asgardian lives, Midgardian freedoms… to have Frigga back, I would gladly make those sacrifices. I am selfish, though, and you are not. And that is why I wanted you to know.” 
It didn’t actually make any sense at all, but Steve didn’t say that. 
Loki was asking him not to let him get his hands on the time stone. He understood that much. He was also asking him to keep Bucky from using it. 
And he was counting on him to be the moral anchor for all three of them. 
But Steve didn’t think that was necessary at all. 
“If you were really as selfish as all that, you wouldn’t have told me any of this.” He argued. “You’re just looking for a scapegoat for if you decide to do what you know is wrong-- so if you do use it and unravel everything, you can say I told you not to let me.” Steve folded his arms. “That’s not how it works. You’re responsible for your actions, not me, and I don’t have to be the one to stop you. You can do that all on your own.” 
The waiter came back with the drinks, and Steve looked down at his menu, hurriedly rattling off the name of the first breakfast meal that he saw. 
Loki shook his head, when it came time for him to place his order, but Steve wasn’t having any of it. “He’ll have the french toast, eggs, and fruit.” He didn’t know why, but he was betting he could appeal to Loki’s sweet tooth. Maybe it was some kind of hangover from having spent a day thinking of him as a kid. Maybe it was just comfort food for when someone was obviously hurting-- and it anybody was, it was Loki. 
The waiter went to put in their orders, and Steve took a big swallow of his water. 
“You are right.” Loki said, at length. “I alone am accountable for my actions. All of them. But there is something to be said for… I know how much it hurts, having made the choice I did. Bearing the guilt I do. The other option, the other deaths, that is all… I can imagine. But I have not felt it. And not feeling the way I do now, it is… appealing.” 
“Sure.” Steve agreed easily. “Sometimes, punching someone is appealing. Or stealing something. Doesn’t mean you do it. You haven’t stolen the time stone, even though I’m sure there’s times you could have. And you and I both know what’s stopping you. It’s the same thing that makes you help people, sometimes. Even if you try and cover it up, or if we pretend not to notice. You helped get a heavy branch off a kid in a park, after it broke when she was climbing it. You tore the door off a car that had been in a wreck to make sure the driver was alright. So don’t pretend you don’t have decency, and stop pretending you are too evil to grieve, or whatever the justification there is. You can regret, you can be sad-- and you can do it without hurting anyone else.” 
The waiter came to drop off their plates and then, as had no doubt happened so many times before, and would happen many more times after, a man shaped being sat at a diner booth and cried into his eggs. 
Steve didn’t say anything else. He just bumped his feet to Loki’s under the table as a silent reminder that he wasn’t alone. 
Sometimes, that was all you could do.
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goldennightingal · 4 years
5.Thorki prompts
Angst w/happy ending (backstory is there so don't get confused.)
Let just say after Infinity war everyone is alive, no one died thanos is defeated.
Loki survived from thanos, and he was pregnant and had abortion. Thor chose loki to save his life, as child was protected by loki's magic and was draining loki's life.
When they reached earth loki and thor settled in avenger tower because new asgard is not ready yet.
They were allocated in different room, thor said no need as they will live in one. Loki interrupted saying he will have separate room for himself. Living a disheartened thor behind.
Avenger don't trust loki everyone just treated badly. Thor is trying best to make loki feel comfortable in that place. Thor can see loki is barely eating anything. Whenever thor gives food loki almost freak out as if he had put posion on it. Loki wanted to leave the tower, thor stop him afraid that he will not return. Loki brust out "so how long I should stay in this prison" thor just explain him he is not in prison, "do you think me fool, i know you and your friends tracking my every movement, don't pretend all innocent, you are worse than odin" as thor tried to explain loki magic brust all over tower disabling everything and throw out everyone avenger from position all was almost defence state to take down loki. Freezing the whole room expect thor. Than vanish in thin air. Let thor goalt in guilty.
"Why would you that?"broken Thor asked avengers
Rocket "what a freaking bunch of ass friends you all are?"
Rocket gave some peach of mind to all of them that they were not all saint. At end he turn to say more and saw pepper "I was just telling your husband what a peice of shit he is." And with that he leaves. Tony turn to pepper mouth did he just called me shit"
Later on
Pepper did find Loki (with the help of friday), who was standing far at park under a tree covering his face with the hoody. Just watching children playing.
When he came back, eveyone could see that his bones as he was barely holding his illusions with his magic as is too weak to cover.
Pepper brought morgan for few days to stay in tower.
One early morning morgan was doing something in kitchen, when she saw loki called him to help her out as she couldn't reach something on top shelf. Loki was surprised these was second time were kid (first peter) wasn't scared of his jotoun skin.
When thor enter saw Morgan and loki make some pancake with the help of friday and eating. This was first time thor saw loki was eating after thanos encounter on ship. He was excited to see him him.
(Pre thor)a memory thor shares with avenger maybe.
Everything was perfect between thor and loki, just on incident cause the mess.
Thor came back form mission where odin sent it took few months to finish. When he came came back to loki , loki was all panicked and hysteria as he want to leave asgard and go somewhere else.when thor asked what happened. And Loki revealed he was pregnant , thor was spechless. He didn't get say anything before he was summoned by odin.
When thor came back to loki, seeing all hysteria he tired to clam down loki. When loki calm down he looked at glass which thor had given to him drink and looked at thor wide eyes terrified "What did you give me?"
Thor tried to apologised to him, as all odin words was ringing in his head "a curse, abomination, they are brother by blood" and he was coward, terrified that baby was going to ruin his life and take His freedom. they are still young. They have time from having kids. But not so early. That time he really freaked out.
And Thor did biggest mistake of life, because the second when he took the baby from healer hand she was most beautiful thing, was formed perfectly eyes was looking at him "it wasn't a curse, or deformed"
And the last breath she took in thor arms.
Thats was where thor and loki relation ends.
After that loki was so mess emotionally and his magic was haywire, frigga send him to vanir for help. With the witches help frigga helped loki's memories to hide in deepest corner of mind, so he just remember as fading dream. Frigga forbidden thor to ever come near loki.
When loki came from vanir he was never the same loki. Thor saw a different loki.
But when thanos was on the ship he did something with loki's memories.
Loki hates everything thor did to him, and wanted to kill himself. Thor stopped him and they had heated conversion. What thor did first time he was really sorry he regret it. Will always blame himself for listening his father. but that second time he did that for he will do again and again for saving loki. It was one of hardest decision he made. Where both boys cried on each other shoulder. confessing love for each other.
This is all drama angst and happy ending.
No knowledge in medical field, just all in my mind.
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lowkeyorloki · 5 years
She Shall Have
a multi-chapter fic
Summary: No one on Asgard, save for Thor and Odin, had the power to wield the mighty Mjolnir. That is, until you did in your tenth year. Ever since, you have been betrothed to Thor. Now that you’re finally old enough to marry and find love, you slowly realize it isn’t Thor you’re drawn to.
Everyone was so much taller than you.
Running in circles, trying to get away from the havoc in the marketplace, but still trying to watch their fearless prince. They knocked you down, in a place that put the scene unfolding right in your line of vision. The fallen prince, disoriented and out of breath.
The feeling of needing to help overwhelmed you when you saw Thor alone in the middle of the crowd, hammer lost, with the army of four frost giants advancing.
Mjolnir glinted in the corner of your eye. Without thinking, acting solely on instinct, you grabbed it and rushed forward to shove it into Thor’s grip.
The look in his eyes was unlike any you had ever seen before, and ever seen since.
You awoke in a cold sweat, as you always did when the memory greeted you in your sleep.
It was getting better, though- Despite how the memory was resurfacing, you weren’t as drenched as you had been earlier in the month.
Sighing, you looked out the window to see it was almost dawn. No use in trying to get anymore sleep- You walked into your bathroom and began to fill the tub with lukewarm water. You had barely even stepped in when your maid entered your chambers.
“Good morning, Lady Y/N.” she smiled, greeting you. Hardly, you wanted to respond, but you didn’t. Your ten years in the palace had taught you to hold your tongue. You gave her a small smile.
“Morning, Alva.” you responded. You saw her eyebrows knit.
“Not again.” she murmured. You nodded. She tutted, trying to lighten the mood. “Well, I don’t see why that day stresses you out so much. It’s because of those few moments you came to live in the palace.” Alva’s voice took a more playful tone. “...And led to  your betrothal of the prince.”
“The prince.” you repeated. You turned to look at Alva, who had begun to brush your hair. “There are two, you know.” Alva gave you a tight smile.
“Of course!” she said. “I suppose I mean... The next king. Making you the queen.” she grew slightly quieter. “We in the palace never forget about Prince Loki. I’m surprised you don’t, though. You don’t see much of him.”
“I don’t see much of either.” you admit. 
“Hmm.” Alva hands you a drying towel. “Well, Thor has his duties. But fear not, my Lady. Especially with your most recent birthday, you are in his thoughts for sure.”
As you walk to the dining hall for breakfast, you can’t help but dwell on the fact that her reassurance does exactly the opposite. 
Despite your birthday, and the impending promise of a wedding that came with it, there were certain things you more than appreciated about being older.
Mainly, your etiquette lessons were over. Gone were the days of learning how to stand, smile, eat, drink, speak. One would think that being worthy of Mjolnir meant you wouldn’t need schooling on being polite. Apparently, one was wrong. 
With your lessons finished, you were now free to do anything you desired until the wedding. And that was nine months away. For now, you had all the time in the world to peruse the palace, ride the horses, visit the marketplace-
And read.
The best part about the palace was undoubtedly the library. It was filled to the ceiling with books, new and old, on every single subject. 
You had discovered the library and the freedom that came with it when you were fourteen, four years after moving into the palace. It quickly became the place you spent the majority of your free time.
At some point during all your reading, stacks of three or four books began appearing in the small sitting area tucked under a staircase you had found. You still didn’t know who put them there, but they appeared every month or so, and you always looked forward to it.
You found them today in their normal spot. You counted three books, two about the history of Asgard’s battles and one a collection of short stories about princesses. 
You thumbed over the book of short stories, finding a page bookmarked. It was a story about a girl who come to the royal family similar to you: while she had been picked out of the crowd for her beauty, the manner of the situation rang true to yours. You settled into the cushions of your secret spot and began to read, allowing yourself to be lost in the world similar and yet inherently different than yours.
You were thrilled as this princess snuck out of her room every night, meeting a servant boy in the stables. She loved him, but struggled with her duty to the prince.
Before you could finish the story, you realized you were late to your meeting with Frigga. You glance down at your book.
You knew fully well Frigga would understand if you were late. Her talks with you were always light-hearted, as opposed to the ones with Odin, who endlessly picked at your character in an attempt to figure out how you were worthy of his son’s power.
But you weren’t one to take advantage of someone’s loving nature like that. You stood up, aiming to drop the book off in your chambers, but quickly realizing there wasn’t time. You would have to bring all three with you to your biweekly visit. 
As you made your way towards the balcony where you and Frigga always met, you couldn’t help but wish as though you were more like the princess in your book. You didn’t even wish for a romantic connection- not that you would mind that. But you longed for a reason to sneak around, longed for a bond. You were so lonely. 
You had thought that maybe whoever was leaving you the books could be someone to talk to, laugh with. But it was six years later, and no one had come forward. It was probably just the librarian, or keeper of records. 
You tilted your head in confusion when you found the balcony empty. Distantly, you heard Frigga’s voice, and turned to follow it. 
You found the queen in a small, somewhat secluded hallway. She was walking away from the single door, and greeted you with a smile.
“Hello Y/N.” you couldn’t help but smile back at the nurturing woman. She opened her arms, and you allowed yourself a brief hug. “How have you been?” she lowered her voice. “I’ve heard you’ve been having trouble sleeping.” your heart drops at the idea of Frigga worrying over you. 
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” you stop in the hallway and look her in the eye, reassuring her. 
“Alright.” she nods “I believe you.”
You smile once more, and are about to say something when-
“Pardon me.” you feel a hand on the small of your back, and another on the side of your waist. “I’m sorry.” Loki says. He eyes meets yours for just a moment as he shifts you so he can slip past you in the narrow hall. “I didn’t realize quite how close you two were to my door. I can be a tad fast.” there’s a glint in his eyes, which stays as he looks down once he’s let you go. “Is that a good book, Lady Y/N?”
For a moment, you can’t speak. The places where Loki set his hands on you are warm, like he’s still holding you.
“Yes.” you finally manage. “it’s... about palace life.”
“Something not many can relate to.” Loki lets out a small laugh. “You’ll have to lend it to me when you’ve finished. Perhaps we could discuss it.”
“I... Of course.” you say.
“Two readers.” Frigga says, reminding you of her presence. “This castle will never be in need of advisors, that’s for sure.”
“Indeed.” Loki agrees with her. “Mother, if you’ll excuse me, I really must be going. I wouldn’t want to keep Thor and the Warriors Three waiting any longer.” before Loki turn around, he catches your eye on more time with a smile. “Always a pleasure, Lady Y/N.”
That night, for the first time in years, the second part of your memory returns.
You remember the fear you felt after giving Thor his hammer- How small and insignificant you were compared to the beings around you.
You remember someone, not entirely much older than you, sweeping you away from the battle to the edge of the crowd. Cradling your head against his chest, his body acting as a shield to all happening around you.
The raven hair, being the only thing your eyes could recognize.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 20)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2908
Warnings: Language
Song: This Feeling - The Chainsmokers
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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“That’s it, listen to the sound of my voice,” you cooed as you and Loki sat cross-legged on the rug, trying to meditate. “Try to remember the first memory of Thor. Your first truly happy memory.” 
“When I stabbed him after pretending to be a snake?” he asked, his eyes closed as he smirked.
“No, I mean more of a time you two were equals. Fighting side by side. Perhaps he covered for you when you stole a cake at a feast?” you tried. 
Loki kept his eyes closed, trying to remember. “Nothing. Y/N, I am getting nothing,” he finally said, sighing and opening his eyes. He got to his feet. “This isn’t working. We’ve been at this for two weeks.”
“And giving up will not help. It’s not like we have much of anything else to do,” you said, gesturing around. 
Loki got closer to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. “I could think of a thing or two we could do instead of this,” he said in a low voice.
You smiled at him but put your hands on his chest. “While that is fun, it isn’t exactly helpful, is it?” 
“I don’t know, a jarring bed helps clear the mind,” he said, bending down and biting your ear, making you laugh. 
“Are you two done?” Tony’s voice suddenly asked, irritated. 
You jumped away from Loki, startled. Loki simply glared at Tony and left the room, trying to get to the other side of the apartment where he wouldn’t be seen. 
“Tony,” you greeted as kindly as you could, surprised to see him. 
“Just checking in. Need anything?” he asked, his eyebrows raised. 
“Don’t suppose my freedom is an option?” you joked. 
“No, it’s not. If I have it my way you’ll never know what sunlight looks like again,” he promised. “Anyway, need anything? A book? Paper? Toiletries?” He began walking around the outside of the cell, probably examining it for any tampering. 
“A notebook and some pencils and pens would be nice,” you tried in a meek voice. 
“I can arrange that,” he simply said. “Anything else?” 
“How is Shannon?” you blurted out, desperate to know about her.
“Oh, so now you suddenly care about her wellbeing?” he questioned, irritated. “She’s fine, no thanks to you.”
“Is she… does she ask about me?” you wondered, stepping closer to the glass. 
“Nope. Not once,” he said, satisfaction flashing across his face at the sign of your pain. 
You nodded. “That’s fair. Could you tell her… that I miss her?”
“As a matter of fact, I can’t. I won’t tell her about you at all, unless she asks,” Tony informed, his hands behind his back, gloating. “I’ll do my damndest to make sure she forgets you’re 100 stories below ground…” 
Your eyes drifted to the floor. “Tony, I’m sorry,” you said, so much emotion in your voice, but remorse ringing the most. “I… I didn’t want to hurt you or her.”
“Just collateral damage for Reindeer Games, huh?” he asked, gesturing vaguely behind you. “You know, I never pegged you for a woman to lose her head over a guy, but I guess I was wrong,” Tony said, shrugging, frowning at you. 
“I didn’t lose my head… I fell in love,” you answered simply.
“Yeah, with possibly the most crazy and vindictive prick I’ve ever met,” Tony retorted. “The people we fall in love with shows a lot about our own character, Y/N/N.”
Your eyes flashed to him. “Yeah, you need to remind Shannon of that,” you said pointedly as you eyed him up and down. 
“I will, because.. You know, I’m free and all, and not a criminal, and I can see her every day.” He flashed you a smile and started to walk away. “Paper and pens, got it. You’ll get it sometime in the next month,” he called over his shoulder as he walked away. 
Even watching Tony walk away from you hurt like hell. In a split second, Loki’s hands were on your shoulders, comforting you before you turned and wept into his chest as he held you.
Loki woke in a pool of cold sweat, sitting straight up. He made no noise other than a slight gasp. 
“Darling?” you asked as you sat up with him. “Are you alright?” 
He shook his head. “I had a nightmare. Thanos found us… He came for you… And he… He killed…” He broke off, staring at you with wild eyes before grabbing at you and gripping you tight before crying. You let him sob, get all of his fear and grief out. 
“It’s okay, he can’t get to us. I’ll protect you,” you vowed as you soothingly stroked his back. 
In the following weeks, you worked more and more with Loki. You tried to get him to remember good things. To remember that he and Thor were equals. Slowly, he was coming out of it. The brainwashing was slowly washing away. The cruelty of this Loki was ebbing away to the gentle, clever, and sweet Loki you knew and loved. 
You’d asked for the paper to write Shannon a letter. You wrote on it every day, adding to it, elaborating. You were explaining your life just before the fall, up until the day you were put in this prison. The brainwashing, the torture, the ultimatum, the reasons behind all of your actions. You would hope she would read it and understand. 
By now, it was over twenty pages long. It detailed why you jumped. It detailed that you fell in love with Loki a month before the fall. You explained the good side of him. The side that Earth never saw, and probably never would. The side only his family knew. You explained how Loki had been berated and ridiculed by people closest to him. In your short time there you’d seen it. The warriors teased him constantly. Odin hardly let him talk. The only real good in his life was Frigga. 
You explained that while you were with Loki in the library, riding, in the forest, on the training field, he wasn’t this evil monster that was filled with jealousy and hate. He was just a man, wanting to be seen as the equal he deserved. And you saw him as that, as an equal. Your equal, Thor’s equal. Any one with a good heart, he was their equal.
You jumped, because you were in love with a man that truly understood you. A man that knew what it was like to be overlooked. A man that could make you laugh. A man that got lost in your voice as you went on and on about physics. A man that seemed to take great joy in your fascination with magic. 
Then you fell deeper in love when he selflessly took the brunt of the torture and manipulation just so you would be left unharmed. When you begged him to let you take it, he refused. 
He risked everything by letting you go to Shannon and apologize. He knew he was risking his own life if you all should fail, but so long as you were happy, what did it matter? 
This was the side you wrote about in your letters.
Then you went on to explain just how awful it was living under Thanos’s rule. How he treated you almost like a daughter -- fitting, that a man who wanted to ruin the universe would see himself in you. Not your foster parents, not Frigga and Odin, not Diane and Tom -- no, the most sociopathic man you’d ever met, decided to spare you, take pity on you, and take you under his wing as if you were his daughter. 
You told her all about Thanos, at least what you knew. You knew he was homicidal and uncaring. You weren’t sure about his overall plan, at all. All you knew was your instructions and that was it. 
The letter explained why you could do the horrible things you could do to her. How even though it ripped a hole in your heart, that stabbing her in the leg was far better than Loki, you, Tony, the Avengers, and everyone else - dying. Collateral damage, to ensure that you and Loki ruled Earth, and that ultimately those you loved stayed safe. 
Loki’s motivations might have been slightly… different than your own, but both of you knew, both of you were aware just how much was at stake if you lost. That’s why all sentiment had to be lost.
And yet, you still could not do it. You could not fight Tony with the intent to hurt. You couldn’t fight Shannon with the intent to kill. 
But most importantly, the letters told Shannon how much you loved her more than anything in this world. No amount of brainwashing, or threats could make you forget how much she meant to you. The letters said how sorry you were, and that you did all of this, just to save her. If you failed at everything else, at least you were able to save the people you loved from that murderous being in space… for now. And that was all that mattered -- that they were safe. 
Tony arrived for his biweekly check up. It was his fourth visit in total, meaning eight weeks had passed since you’d been put in this upscale prison cell. By now you were used to the fact that Tony, and anyone else with access to JARVIS could see what you were doing at all times. 
But you didn’t care. What were they going to hear? You writing? Loki reading? The two of you sleeping? That had to be enthralling for the viewers… 
“Need anything?” he greeted. Clearly his utter contempt for you and Loki had not subsided. Loki never spoke to Tony, nor Tony to him. 
“Could we have five more books?” you asked, at this point you hated sounding like a begging child for scraps. 
“Sure. Any particular ones?” Tony asked. 
You held up a list. 
He rolled his eyes. “Read it to JARVIS later and I’ll get it. Anything else?”
“Could we have a handful of things so we can cook? It would be nice to have some variety for down here or if we get hungry at midnight?” 
Tony thought for a moment. “Give me two fruits you want stocked, and give me some ingredients for some recipes and I’ll see what I can do.” 
“That it?” he questioned, nearly through with his walk through of checking for tampering. 
“Uh, no…” You used your powers of concealment and showed him the bundle of letters. “Could you take these to Shannon?”
He looked at the letters for a second too long, then looked up at you and told you a flat, “No.”
He already began to turn and walk out of the room. 
“No? Tony! Wait, what the hell? Don’t I deserve to know why?” you asked, frantic. 
He spun back to face you, rage evident in his expression, making you take a few steps back from the glass. 
“No! No you really don’t deserve to know anything about Shannon! She doesn’t deserve this shit. So no, I won’t give her your letters.”
“Fine! You selfish ass,” you said, angry at him for refusing to deliver the letters. 
He took several more strides toward the glass wall until he was right next to it. “Selfish? I’m selfish? I’m only thinking about her. If I give these to her, they’ll break her. I’m not doing that. I am not watching her go through that.”
“You have no idea what’s in them,” you argued evenly. 
“Doesn’t matter. If they somehow magically explain that it wasn’t all your fault, she’ll feel guilty and want to free you -- which we can’t do. If it’s more blind resentment towards her, or me, or anyone else, it’ll just crush her. So either way, it’s a lose-lose.”
On that, he spun and left before you could beg further. 
Another four weeks slipped by, and still, nothing from Shannon. When you asked Tony about her, he simply said, “She’s fine.” That was all he would ever say to you. No matter what you asked him, when you asked him, that was his only response. 
Part of you wondered why she never came down here herself. Did she really hate you that much? Why couldn’t she just listen to you? 
Other than Tony’s visits, and the occasional food and goods drop from one of his workers, you were entirely alone with Loki. Which, in many odd ways, was good. The two of you hardly had much alone time when you were on Asgard, and never alone unless it was night in that godforsaken hut you lived in on Sanctuary (a name unbefitting the elements, mind you). Then, the plot to take over Earth took place and you barely saw him.
Now, now that you two had no freedom, and were bound together in here, you got to know each other even more. It was like domestic bliss on house arrest. Not ideal, but at any rate, it got you some time to fall more in love. 
And it granted you more time to get that brainwashed bullshit out of his head. Each day was a small step closer to victory for you, and for him. He slowly came up out of the cruel, wild, mess of a man he’d been turned into and was slowly turning back into your Loki. 
If your fate was to be left in a cell with this man for the rest of your life, then so be it. There were fates much worse than this. In fact, this wasn’t bad at all. It was almost like Heaven -- save for lack of freedom, friends or family, at least you had him.
Tony returned for another visit, and asked if you needed anything. It was at this time that Shannon, nearly one-hundred-fifty stories above you, asked JARVIS where he was.
“JARVIS, where is Tony?” she wondered idly as she worked on soldering a motherboard. 
“I believe he is at Mr. Loki and Ms. Y/N’s holding cell,” the AI informed. 
Shannon stood straight up. “He--what?” she asked, perplexed. “Show me.”
On command, JARVIS turned on the video of your holding cell, the outside camera where Tony stood.
“Okay, you want a board game?” Tony asked, confused and Shannon looked on. The tiniest of smiles played at Shannon‘s lips. Of course you would want a board game. That’s typical. And of course Tony would think it was an odd request. 
But then the reality of the situation hit her. Why was Tony even down there? How long had he been going down there? What was he doing? 
“Yeah, Monopoly. It’s fun and it’ll take up some of our time,” you tried with a shrug.
“I don’t think a game about owning and domination and money is best for the Wannabe King,” Tony remarked. 
You rolled your eyes. “Fine, Twister.”
“Hell no. That is basically foreplay, and I’m not watching that unfold on my surveillance.” 
Again, you rolled your eyes. “Fine, then what do you suggest?” 
“God, you’re so boring,” you said with a slight laugh. “Please, Tony? Something for entertainment other than books and writing?” 
“I’ll see about getting you some family friendly, non-dictator-y games,” he promised. “Anything else?”
Your powers of concealment kicked in again as you revealed the large stack of letters. “Give these to Shannon?” you requested in a soft, desperate voice.
“No,” he firmly said again. This was the third time he’d denied you. 
“Tony. Please. Don’t you think she should be able to make the decision for herself? Let her read them. If she still hates me, fine, if she doesn’t then…”
“Then I have to pick up the pieces when you choose that Asgardian asshole over her, again,” he stressed, pointing to Loki who was standing in the kitchen. You turned back to look at him for a moment before sighing. 
“That won’t happen.”
“And what guarantee do I have?” he asked, as if your promise were absurd.
“I’m locked in a fucking cell, Tony. What could I possibly do to her? I don’t get to see her. The letter isn’t malicious. Read it if you fucking want, I don’t care. I don’t care if you publish it in the New York Times, just make sure she reads it!” you begged. 
“No,” he said again in a low firm voice, his hand making a cutting motion in the air. “And if you ask me about it again, I will go in there and burn them.” He turned abruptly and started to storm out.
“Tony… Tony! Tony!” you shouted after him, putting the letters on the glass. “Please!” 
But he wouldn’t respond to your pleas. He left the same doors he always did, and they slid shut behind him. 
His rejection, turned into pain, and your pain, turned to rage. You used your dark energy to pick every piece of furniture up and throw it, screaming as you did so. 
All the while, Shannon watched it unfold. 
Moments later, the elevator opened to the lab, where a happy Tony stepped out and walked over to Shannon. 
“Hi, dear,” he greeted sweetly. He was about to kiss her when she pulled back, revealing the video footage she’d been watching. His eyes went from the video to her, panic in his eyes.
Tag List: @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr @kaeling @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @damalseer @heyitscam99 @yknott81 @sorryimacrapwriter @glitterquadricorn @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm @alyssaj23 @sea040561 @princess76179 @thisismysecrethappyplace @sarahp879 @malfoysqueen14 @ellallheart @breezy1415 @marvelmayo @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton
Loki: @lostinspace33 @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester @esoltis280 @tngrayson @wangdeasang @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​
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