lee-pace-yourself · 2 years
The last photo 🤣 Poor Bard only gets a drop. Gandalf didn't get any... 🤣🤣
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Thrandy doesn't like to share....
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wineandthrandy · 2 years
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foedhrass · 1 year
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“Then the name of the forest was changed and Mirkwood it was called, for the nightshade lay deep there, and few dared to pass through, save only in the north where Thranduil’s people still held the evil at bay.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, ch. Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age
Thranduil: Foedhrass
1st Photo Chris Moments. 2nd Photo: Nikonfotomann
The armor is made after a glimpse of an armor seen in a bts video of the Hobbit, and two drawings in the Hobbit Chronicles book by Wetaworkshop. The helmet is made after a design by John Howe.
The armor is fully made of worbla (and foam/foam clay as base/decoration).
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the-writing-warg · 2 years
Thranduil would 100% wear dresses, makeup and heels and there is nothing anyone can say to make me change my mind.
(He also would have been a theatre kid)
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sarahfarren · 2 years
The Paradox of the Elvenking
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Often perceived as fearsome,
yet in war he despised to come.
A crown of seasonal materials he wore,
which he do not need due to the aura he bore.
He might be viewed as villainous,
though he was not against a truce.
Shiny white gems he wished he had possessed,
but the to start a war over gems he oppressed.
A grudge is something he never had,
as seen in the hobbit he was not mad.
In forgiving he was not beyond,
though in forgetting he was not fond.
To see him in social endeavors was a rarity,
as his elves were his top priority.
For anyone he seemed to never care,
in reality he mostly thought fair.
Through many millenniums he persevered,
but the horrors of immortality always reappeared.
Through the death of his father,
he learned that control shall not waver.
His outside visage was tough,
yet inside it was madly rough.
Trauma and fear he tried to burry,
for his wounds he wished his son to never carry.
The hole in his heart cannot be filled,
as if an emptiness was deeply drilled.
His innocence he can never retrieve,
though in good deeds he did believe.
In his life he loved only a few,
but nothing can make his love subdue.
In leading his force he was truly vicious,
the deadly battle under the trees was victorious.
As the darkness ended and kingdoms shift,
to the undying lands elven rulers drift.
He must have been the last elf to leave,
for departing the green leaves he would grieve.
Some say he is still in his kingdom of wood,
to surely know you never could.
Others believe he would remain,
as long as time do not complain.
In rumors about him some people believe,
though that is left for you to perceive.
His tale was never told,
perhaps to age as a secret of the old.
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cecetheempress · 2 years
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Thranduil and Josie Part 69- Little Red Riding Hood
Summary: Josie and Haldir's unexpected reunion in Dorwinion immediately turns to angst when she does not see her King as she demands answers. The marchwarden's explanation only worsens the Queen's fears when she realizes why her King has carried out such a plan. Narcisse offers comfort which instantly sets Haldir's senses off. Josie gives Stephane a hard time as she finds him arrogant and annoying but that does not dissuade the Lord of trying to assist her. The perilous journey commences. Over the river and through the woods, to Lestat's house they go. Haldir and Josie are in harmony once again until she informs him of Selene. The Prince defends his Queen and he and Haldir butt heads. Aragorn to the rescue. Haldir's anger at Josie is short lived and all is well in Jodir land again.. Temperatures plummet and Josie is in peril. Josie remembers prior words. Magic happens and it literally blows Haldir away. Allies arrive leaving Haldir leery and livid. To his shocking dismay, Josie is quite happy to see one of them. An altercation is imminent until it triggers a much bigger problem. Haldir and company are left reeling as Josie is swooped away.
After thwarting off on your horse in your exasperated and distraught state, no thanks to Legolas and Narcisse, you brought the black stallion to a halt on the bay line and stared off into the south of the incessant Rhun. Every way of travel was being ripped apart by the two adept and seasoned men of high stature and they were right no matter which way you cut it. Each possible option held grave dangers. Stephane and Legolas clearly regarded each other with disfavor which was yet a riddle to solve, but they shared one common goal. Keeping you safe. The only one's safety you feared for was Thranduil's.....and even Garrett's. If Thranduil's hatred of the vampire wasn't already of great depth, it had hit the bowels of hell when you healed him and aided his escape. And now you've done the same for Selene whom Thranduil had ordered to rot and both of these vampires were headed to Chateau de Lioncourt where Thranduil was also going. What could possibly go wrong?
As a crisp zephyr blew through your hair, it carried the repetition of horns from behind you in the far west corner of the castle. You quickly turned with an awestruck feeling. That sound. You knew it. The glorious horns of Lorien. The dreamcatcher you held in your hand became warm. You opened your hand and the moonstone was shimmering of starlight. Gasping, your head jerked back to the sound of the horns. "Haldir??" you whispered intensely, then promptly mounted your horse and sped off.
As you approached the gates, there they were. A multitude of Lothlorien guard, Legolas, Haldir and even Aragorn as Narcisse stood nearby like a hawk supervising this unexpected arrival. But there was no Thranduil in sight.....
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Haldir was in the midst of greeting his godson with their elven form of a hug when he saw you. His elated smile morphed into that of a regretful one and his eyes filled with sorrow as he remembered your last words of never wanting to see his face again. Every ounce of you wanted to run into his arms but you just sat on the horse peering down at him as you also remembered his betrayal. Your heart bled all over again. Were you going to react this way when you saw your King? As his betrayal was far worse. When you finally came back to reality, you panicked and jumped down. "Where is Thranduil?? You're supposed to be with him!" you proclaimed in a fearful tone as your eyes darted around every inch of the crowd.
"And you are not supposed to be here Jo?? Legolas, Thranduil ordered you to stay with her in Mirkwood so why are you both here?" Haldir countered your question with his own.
The Prince went to offer his defense but you intercepted with yours. "We became aware of your plans and there was no way in hell I was going to sit there and twiddle my thumbs while you and Thranduil went vampire chasing. Now answer my question please! Where is my husband??"
The marchwarden knew he better start explaining. "When the King and I arrived here earlier, we joined with my brothers whom Thranduil facilitated prior to our departure. Originally we were to bring my guard with us but he decided against it as he felt it would insinuate battle. He once again altered the plan of action and called upon our company but he had no intentions of waiting on their arrival so he expedited the mission with Rumil and Orophin and ordered me to meet and assist the guard upon entry here, then further lead them to the destination of Lioncourt. Aragorn had been in Lorien at the time and chose to aid in the treacherous journey as he is considerably experienced with the orcs."
"What? Why would he call upon an army and then not wait for them? That makes no fucking sense!" you reeled but then...you knew why. He wanted to do this all by himself in his desperation to make his betrayal up to you and had to find a way to remove Haldir long enough for him to do so. "My god Thranduil, what mess have you gotten yourself into now?" you griped as you placed your hands over your face. His heart was in the right place but his mind was clearly lost. "Ok...." you then said as you gathered your disarray of thoughts. "This can be a good thing I think. Now we will have added protection against the evil that lies in those mountains. But we need to go NOW! Thranduil is probably already there." You visibly shook and Haldir stepped towards you but not before Stephane did.
"Are you alright Josie? You are shaking." he observed as he laid his hand on your arm. This instantly pushed Haldir's "oh no you didn't" button as his eyes glowered at Narcisse. It wasn't just jealousy. It was something Haldir was sensing about the Lord of Dorwinion.
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"I am just cold. I will be fine." you softly said with a half smile and then gave the marchwarden a tempered look.
"I fear you will need more than that thin cloak as I pointed out earlier. I have just the thing for you." He then turned to Ashur who brought over a dark grey cloak of heavy material, wool possibly, and it had fur around the neckline and wrist areas. Narcisse must have had him fetch it while you were off venting. Stephane reached out his arm to take the cloak and that's when you saw it. A butterfly birthmark on his wrist. You focused on it for a moment and then brought your attention back to the cloak.
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"You want me to wear a dead animal?" you squeaked as your breath could be seen in the now lowering temperatures of the sun's oncoming descent.
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"This should be the least of your concerns dear one. You must shelter your child and to do so, you must keep your body as warm as possible. And your little red riding hood attire will certainly attract the big bad wolves of the forest as I mentioned earlier." You could tell he meant well as he held out the garment for you to slip your arms into.
"Jo...you should not even be going. Do you not realize how dangerous this venture will be for you and your child? Thranduil will have all of our heads if we allow this." Haldir finally spoke in his dispute of the situation which you could tell he had been itching to do.
That did it. You immediately turned and aggressively slipped your arms into the cloak over top the one you were wearing for extra layering, then turned to Haldir. "None of you ALLOW me to do anything as you are not my keepers!" you snapped.
Stephane grinned at your hasty response. "I would listen to her. She's a wicked force of magic to be reckoned with." he smugly said as he sat down and sipped on a glass of his notorious Dorwinion wine.
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You knew he was referring to the magical force between you and him earlier when your hands made contact with each others. "Stop it Narcisse." you scolded with a scowl.
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Was he even being serious right now or mocking you? God this man infuriated every bone in your body and you weren't sure why as he certainly did not come across as being diabolical. Possibly because you knew Thranduil did not care for him but that could solely be due to his own arrogance and rivalry issues with Narcisse. Or maybe it was over Stephane's condescending attack on Legolas earlier. "Ugghhh!" you grunted in which you then saw him playfully smirk at you. Just one slap is all you wanted to do to knock that stupid simper off his pleased face for his successful attempt to get under your skin.
"I merely meant....you have chaos in your soul and lightning in your veins. You, my dear, were made for wild magical things." This he said with a twinkle in his sincere eyes which again told you he was harboring something. "Would you like some hot tea for your journey to help warm you up a bit?"
"Tea?" you asked in bewilderment at his continued kindness after the acerbic attitude you kept giving him.
"Youuu...don't like tea?"
"I don't like you." you candidly stated.
"You don't know me." he somewhat laughed in a self justifying tone.
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"I know a little and it seems to be enough."
"That's more than some." His ego was definitely injured at your snide remarks but his confidence stayed in tact. "Well...The tea....will always be an open invitation."
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You climbed back onto your horse and leered down at him. "Thank you for the horses and the cloak. They will be returned when possible my Lord." you said in a quite patronizing way which only further amused him. You rolled your eyes and turned to Legolas, Haldir and Aragorn who were also mounted and ready for departure. Haldir then gave the command and you all ventured off with the Lorien elves in pursuit. You heard Stephane call out. "Be careful my Lady." You turned your head back and he bowed to you, then walked off. The combination of his respectful gestures and uncouth wittiness had your head spinning. He was right. You didn't know him.
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Aragorn led, then Haldir, you and Legolas followed in a single file down the eastern coastline. The October gales were increasing as you neared the great falls and your teeth began to slightly chatter.
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Lightning struck abroad and made you jump. You had never seen such a beautiful disaster aside from your vigorous King. A nightmare dressed like a daydream. It just drew you right in.
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About an hour had passed and it was now dark. Beyond the raging and roaring falls were the thrashing deadly waves of the black sea.
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You were damn glad you didn't go by boat as you were certain you all would have perished. The moon was almost full in which you were grateful for the light it provided. How ironic it was almost Halloween and you were off to count dracula's castle. You had to chuckle at that thought. If you didn't laugh, you were certainly going to cry and you didn't want that as your tears would certainly freeze solid before they could even fall down your cheeks. You couldn't even feel your cheeks at this point. It was surely an understatement when you were told of how cold it would be. The North Pole would be a pretty damn good comparison.
Up ahead was the path into the deep dark forest. The sight of it made your stomach turn as you thought of Stephane's words of what lies inside the darkness. Right about now, you wanted to kick Thranduil's ass for this. But mostly you just wanted to hold him tight and tell him how much you love him.
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You all stopped for a quick break before heading into the night cloaked desolate pathway. You climbed down and went straight to Haldir. "I..I am sorry I snapped at you. I know you mean well and are only looking out for me. And I...." You began to tear up.
"Jo? What is wrong? I am not angry with you. It is you that should be angry with me for what I concealed from you."
"But...I am not. Not even a little bit....and....I miss you so fucking much." you said as you broke down crying. Haldir's face fell as long as a fiddle and he grabbed you up into a long and tight bear hug. His strawberry scent plummeted up your nose as you buried it in his hair. His body heat was pure ecstasy.
"I have missed you too. More than you could ever know. I was so scared you would never forgive me and I could not live with that." he whispered into your ear.
You kissed his warm supple cheek and took his face in your shivering hands. "You may not feel that way after I tell you something I have done. I would be a hypocrite to keep this from you and I would rather you hear it from me than find out another way in which you will soon enough."
He looked at you in worry. "Jo...you are scaring me. What could you have possibly done that is so bad?"
You then just blurted it out about what you did for Selene. All that could be heard was Haldir's echo through the brisk night wind. "You WHAT!" He began to pace which he always did when he was agitated. "As if what you did for Garrett was not bad enough....Jo...what the fuck were you thinking?? You peered down in shame as he only swore when he was livid. So much for your sweet reunion with the now pissed off marchwarden.
Legolas came over with Aragorn in tow. "Lay off of her Haldir! She did what she felt she had to and what is done is done."
Haldir's nose flared and he pointed at the valiant Prince. "YOU stay out of this!"
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Legolas and his guardian bickered back and forth about the events in the dungeons of Thranduil's halls. Although Legolas had been against what you did, he stood by you and defended your honor.
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The next thing you heard was Aragorn. "ENOUGH! or....
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Legolas and Haldir immediately ceased fire and just stared at Aragorn in shock as did you. Then he looked at them both with a huge smile. "Now...let us ride." The ranger's sense of humor was like an acquired taste.
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You went to climb onto your horse when a hand fell upon your shoulder. "Will you ride with me. The winds will subside in the trees but the air will be unfriendly as will be predators. I will feel better with you in my arms. You are freezing. Why are you not wearing gloves? Here please take mine." Haldir softly said as he took your reddened hands and looked at you with regret. "I am so sorry....Jo...I overreacted. Please."
He looked so pitiful that you couldn't be mad at him. You expected and understood his reaction. "Come on." you said with a smile and took his hand. Legolas just shook his head and took off behind Aragorn. Haldir patted your horse on the rear so it would follow them and then you both climbed up on his with you in the front. He pulled out a blanket from the satchel and wrapped you up like a burrito, then quickly placed his gloves on your hands. The elven guard split into a circle around all of you, some leading, some following and some walking through the trees in the darkness on both sides of the pathway to serve their duty of protection as you all trailed on into the night.
Snow flakes were now beginning to fall as you all ascended up the mountain. "How...how much further..." your weakened voice asked Haldir as your head laid back on his chest. Your eyes kept closing. You couldn't feel your body anymore and you stopped shivering which was not a good thing. Haldir's efforts to keep you warm were failing. Hypothermia was setting in. You wished you had that warm tea right now. You began to see Thranduil's beautiful face. "More than my own life." you mumbled.
"At least a few hours yet Jo. God I wish you would not have come. What can I do?" You didn't answer him. "Jo!" he shouted in your ear.
"Hmmm?" you squeaked as your eyes snapped open.
"Jesus. We have got to get her warm somehow. We must stop and build a fire!" Haldir reeled to the others in panic and laid you on the horse's neck, then jumped off.
"This is not good." Aragorn whispered as he also dismounted. "A fire and the smoke will alert the orcs and whatever else that lurks out here."
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"That is what the guard is for! She is suffering from hypothermia and will die! There is no way in hell I will let that happen!" Haldir erupted in pure anger and stormed off to gather wood.
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Legolas quickly went and pulled you from the horse into his arms. "My Lady...Can you hear me? Speak to me please!" the distressed Prince shrieked.
You moaned and your eyes fluttered open. "Leg...Is..that you? I...I'm so tired."
He stroked your face as he held you up against him. "Yes..it is I my Lady. You must stay awake. Please. Haldir is going to build a fire."
"Fire?..." you murmured. Suddenly you heard Stephane's voice in your head..."You have lightning in your veins....use it." Your eyes widened and you stared at your hands. "L..L..Legolas...take...my gloves off...please."
He looked at you in confusion. "My Lady, you must keep them on until the fire is going."
You then brought your hands to your mouth in defiance and pulled the gloves off with your teeth. Your grey colored hands shook as you tried to concentrate. Haldir had just got a pile of kindling laid on the ground when your hand began to smolder. You felt the burning flowing up your arm to your softly luminated hand just as you did when you made the fire that you and Garrett sat around. You also knew what was going to happen like it did then as you still didn't know how to control it.
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"Haldir get back!!!!!!" you screamed. The fire shot out like lightning in a blazing beam and engulfed the kindling, knocking Haldir onto his back as he didn't have enough warning to retreat. You immediately fell unconscious in Legolas' arms.
"Josie!" Legolas clamored. He picked you up and quickly carried you to the fire, then sat down with you and began rubbing his hands over yours in front of it. "Come on my Lady, wake up! You did it, there is heat now!"
Aragorn tended to Haldir who was stunned but unharmed except for some minor lacerations on his hand from landing on some sharp rocks. "Jo!" he yelled when he saw you laying there motionless in Legolas' hold. He dashed in a crawl over to you as you responded to his voice and began to wake up. Aragorn brought over a canteen from his horse filled with the magical waters of Lorien and offered it to you. Something new you learned this night about the mysterious liquid. It doesn't freeze. You chugged it down as if every ounce of water in your body had evaporated from the fire that just scorched through it. You then remembered Haldir being thrown by the force of the fireball.
"Oh my god...Haldir! Are...are you alright??? I..I tried to warn you...I..I didn't mean...I would never hurt..."
"Shhh." he said as he lightly grasped your thawing hands. "You did not hurt me."
"Liar." you reeled as you snatched his retracting hand back into yours in which you could clearly see the cuts on his palm. You scooted off of Legolas' lap and turned Haldir's hand over.
"Jo...it is fine. It does not hurt."
"I don't care. Now hold still." You gently rubbed your thumb over his palm and all the cuts faded away.
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"There. That's 3 now." you wickedly smiled.
Haldir was completely lost. "3?"
"Three times I have healed you now."
He laughed. "So you are keeping track now?"
"Always." you winked. "The persistent number 3 that always appears somehow."
His face turned sullen as he closed his fingers over your hand. "Jo...I..I truly am so sorry for keeping my knowledge about your mother from you. I..."
You placed your fingers over his lips. "I know. I forgive you." His eyes closed as a sigh of relief escaped his barricaded lips. "And..I..I am also sorry for the things I said to you. More than you know. Legolas was right. I should have left and tried to calm down before saying things I certainly never meant. They were so hurtful...I could never go without seeing your face again. Can you...ever forgive me?"
"Jo, you had every right to lash out at me. There is nothing to forgive. Now let us be done with this yes?" Haldir sweetly said as he stroked your warming cheek.
"Yes...let us be done with this." Legolas bitingly said, then abruptly got up and began to walk off but then stopped dead in his tracks while gaping into the snow covered trees.
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"Legolas? What is it?" you anxiously asked in fright.
You and Haldir stood up and you clung to him while Aragorn went to stand by the Prince. Haldir smelled the air. "Vampire." he muttered and pulled you tight in his grip.
"Great job with that conclusion. If you had not wallowed an eternity in your feelings, you would have realized this before I did." Legolas quietly sneered at the marchwarden. Haldir glared at him then gave a hand signal to the guard which were completely out of sight but you knew they were there, inconspicuously tucked away in the trees. The silence was deafening.
"It is Selene. I know that stench anywhere." Haldir snarled.
"What? Haldir, please. You need to call off the guard. I need to speak with her!! She is not going to come out until she feels safe."
"Are you insane? You want me to allow a vampire to just waltz right in here??"
"Yes...and yes. Please Haldir. She is not going to harm me. We have a deal and I trust her." you begged.
"I think your brain froze along with your body tonight." His words were abrasive and he knew it.
He sighed heavily. "I am sorry..." He then raised his hand and gave another signal, then gently but firmly cupped your chin in his hand. "They are disarmed...but if I smell one inkling of a threat to you, there will be no hesitation."
You quickly hugged him tight. "Thank you."
"Oh...and I am staying right by your side. There will be no argument."
"None will be given." you smiled and took his hand, then you both walked away from the fire which was another threat to her. "Selene? It is alright. You can come out. Haldir has promised me you will not be harmed." you called out and then glanced at Haldir with a confirming look. He nodded to assure you.
A blur whooshed from the trees to the ground as Selene landed in a cautious manner with her unearthly beaming blue eyes darting back and forth at the three hungry vampire slayers before her.
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You began to walk towards her but Haldir yanked you back. "Wait!!!" he jeered as he peered up at the trees while taking in a breath. "She is not alone." he growled. "The other filth...Garrett accompanies her."
"Unfortunately" Selene griped and rolled her eyes. "I could not rid of the petulant child."
You drew in a quick breath at the mention of his name and scanned the trees in anticipation to see him. You looked at Haldir. "Please...let me go. He will not hurt me."
Haldir belted out a sarcastic laugh. "After all he has pulled, you honestly expect me to believe that??"
"Yes, I do! He didn't hurt me back in Mirkwood when he very well could have now did he? I am asking you to trust me. Let me go speak with them. Please..."
Haldir reluctantly let go of your arm. "You act as if they have changed. These leeches do not change. They only become more fully of what they are. Whom better to know this than me. Your empathy and good heart is your own worst enemy Jo..."
You knew he was right about your empathy but you also knew Garrett better than Haldir actually did. "Just as there are good people and bad people, vampires are no different. There are good ones too who didn't ask for this life and no matter what they do, they will always be painted black. That alone can turn the good that's left in them into evil." you said with a benevolent smile as you kept your eyes locked on the trees so he would know you were speaking of him.
A burst of swift nippy air gusted over you that smelled of his sweet molasses as Garrett descended and nonchalantly walked up aside Selene. "Evil is a point of view. Hello little one. Miss me?" he said with a most beholden look as he peered down at you. He certainly knew how to make an entrance.
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"Sorry I'm late. I was just out getting a bite to drink." And there he was...King Garrett Lee. As good as new and back to his witty ways. It was a facade you saw right through to hide his pain. He wasn't as versatile as vampires were presumed to be. He was desperately trying to hold onto the human that still resided inside of him, refusing to fall prey to the monster he almost became and to have someone like you believe in him, forgive him and care for him gave him that little string of hope to cling onto.
You lightly giggled. "You really are a piece of theater....I am so glad you are well."
Selene's look of animosity at Garrett made you curious as to why she loathed him so much and vice versa. "More like a piece of..."
"Soooo...Selene.. is Thranduil and my mother there? Is he alright??? Please tell me all that you know." you eagerly asked in suspense.
"I have spoken with Lestat but have not seen Thranduil or your mother yet. I am under the impression that they are both there but I am sure neither is eager to see me as I am sure your King is going to be livid of my release if he does not already know. The Prince offered me no information on either of them but has agreed to see you as I assured him you only seek your mother and are of no threat to him...but you will be with all these louts at your side." she snarled as she glared at Haldir. She seemed to have given Legolas a break for his assistance in her release although she knew he only did it for you considering he threatened her life multiple times if she even blinked in your direction.
"Certainly Lestat must know something?? Thranduil and Haldir's brothers left a good 12 hours before us. Why would he not tell you if he knew anything??" you asked in alarm.
Garrett was not going to remain passive and abruptly stepped in front of her wanting to help you. "Lestat is a very private vampire living in desolation and he quite likes it that way. You are a stranger to him even if he knows you are Caroline's daughter and....you are human. Not his favorite past time. He wants to scope you out first and decide for himself if you are a threat."
"And if he decides for some reason to believe that I am??" you asked with misgiving.
Garrett took a stride towards you and placed his icy hand on your cheek as he gazed at you with amorous eyes. "I will be right there. I will never let him harm you. I swear my existence on it."
Haldir about flipped his lid when he saw him touch you and that you allowed it. The fearless marchwarden pressed in between you and the vampire, standing nose to nose with him. "That existence is wearing thin. You are overstepping your boundaries. I suggest you take a step back and never put your wretched hands on her again or I will cut them off." Garrett did not even flinch and drew a huge smirk on his face at the Lorien elf.
"Are you threatening me with a bloody good time? I could rip you limb from limb as we speak before you could even utter another meritless threat." Garrett taunted as his eyes galvanized into a dangerously aroused sapphire blue sea.
"See Jo? He has not changed. Or did you forget what he did to me at the cabin?" Haldir affirmed.
"Garrett!" you snapped. His eyes bolted to yours in shock, then turned to shame for letting the elf antagonize him. "And no Haldir, I did not forget, but you provoked him just now when you knew he was not going to hurt me! Do you not trust my words??"
"I knew no such thing! And of course I trust you. I do not trust HIM! What part of he's a vampire do you not understand Jo? It seems his blood has brainwashed you and erased your memory of his past discretions. When did you become so damn gullible?"
"Don't speak to her like that!" Garrett hissed.
The crow that always followed you and Haldir and had helped you in the past, had followed you again and cawed 7 times...but he remained camouflaged in the darkness. What in the world could 7 times mean? you pondered as your eyes searched for your long time absent feathered guardian.
"Halt!" Aragorn warned with a combative posture. "Orcs have been alerted by your mindless shouting along with this useless fire." Haldir quickly signaled the concealed guard as he and the others armed and raised their bows.
"It is true. I smell them...and they bring wargs!" Selene confirmed as one of the ferocious wolf-like beasts then howled in the nearby distance.
"Do you trust me..." Garrett queried as you trembled something awful.
"Then close your eyes and hold onto me."
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Once your arms were tenaciously around him, Garrett did not hesitate and thrusted you up into the air with him.
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Selene quickly followed suit as Haldir shouted in panic. "JO!!!" Legolas, Aragorn and Haldir frantically mounted their horses and galloped off in a frenzy before the orcs located them.
You felt inebriated and legless as you sailed on through the dark starless night, lost in the shadows in the life preserving arms of the vampire......
Coming up: Lestat, Thranduil and Caroline make their appearances, finally, with a shocking special guest.... *smut coming soon as well and it's about damn time*
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i-eneth-nin-meoril · 2 years
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In Thorins funeral
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
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potato-imouto · 2 years
Screenshot redraw of mine! ^w^ King thranduil from The Hobbit! 🧝🏻‍♂️ (I love the movies!) And lee pace was so hot as thranduil that i want to kiss him qwq❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊💖💖
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lee-pace-yourself · 1 year
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wineandthrandy · 1 year
*sips Dorwinion wine thrift lthrough a straw while they're being did....*
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mantish · 1 year
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paceparkergirl · 2 years
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Y/N: You’re drunk. Thrandy:Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, y/n .
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sarahfarren · 2 years
ruler of the green
A double sword he carries,
with an elk he strides.
While slashing enemies,
a scowl he provides.
In the green he tarries,
in his laws he abides.
Any feeling he burries,
that he never confides.
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