#Three Germans
reallybadblackoutpoems · 11 months
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imagination (1963) - harold ordway rugg
"chekhovs cat / schrödingers razor / occams gun"
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hymnsofheresy · 1 month
what are your thoughts on your religion stealing every single one of its holidays from pagans? xo
That in order to relieve themselves of guilt and discomfort, white people create and believe narratives that deprive their European ancestors of any autonomy whatsoever. Casting their ancestors as victims of the church rather than active participants.
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"I don't know if she's a Princess but she's beautiful. And somewhere here I lost her."
Tři oříšky pro Popelku / Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel / Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973) dir. by Václav Vorlíček.
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dadsinsuits · 27 days
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Bodo Ramelow
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divortion · 1 year
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rosenkranz-isnt-dead · 6 months
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S4 of the x files that I torrented has built-in german subtitles, and I apologize to my german speaking followers but this is just so funny to me
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benkyoutobentou · 5 months
One thing that I'm finding interesting right now is the concept of "attractive" or "sexy" languages in different cultures. In America, the "sexy" languages seem to be French and sometimes Spain Spanish, but I feel like in Japan, the "sexy" language seems to be German. Has anyone else noticed that certain languages in your culture or your target languages' culture(s) seem to have a certain "attractiveness" to them? I would be so interested to hear what languages are considered sexy in other languages
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
heyhey!! just wanted to say your works are amazing and i love them so so so SO much aagghhh!!
now onto the request— what if,, what if reader knew a ton of languages like nikolai does, and they call their s/o pet names in those languages. an example would be,, maybe if they knew french they would say 'mon chéri' or perhaps they picked up romanian at some point and would call them 'dragă'
the characters i have in mind are price, nik, alejandro, & rudy, if that's okay !! (´▽`)
sorry for the super long ask, lol :')
Hey there! Thank you, that makes me really happy to hear :D And don't worry about sending longer asks, I really don't mind ^^ Also, that request is really cute! I love reader speaking several languages and being a sweetheart in all of them :D
Price, Alejandro, Rodolfo and Nikolai with an S/O who Knows Many Languages
Price: I think he knows quite a few languages himself, being a captain in the SAS and all. Not nearly as many as Nikolai, but he probably knows a good three to four languages, so he likely wouldn’t be entirely clueless when you call him something along the lines of mon petit chou fleur. While he won’t understand every term of endearment you call him, it does warm his heart to hear you speak a language he doesn’t know. It flows off your tongue very nicely and he just loves listening to you. Depending on what kind of language it may be, even the profanities sound nice. Although whenever you want to get his attention, just to call him something in a language he doesn’t understand, he sort of expects it to be some cute pet name. Will always smile at you, even if you were to call him your albernes kleines Kaninchen. Retorts with a pet name in one of the languages he speaks. Sometimes he does feel the urge to learn a new language, just for you. Or maybe you could learn a new language together? Practice with each other and just have a good time overall? He might bring up the idea at some point.
Alejandro: Like Price, he probably knows a few languages himself. More than the average person, but not nearly as many as Nikolai. So probably three to four as well. However, because he knows Spanish there’s a good chance he can derive most words in a Romance language. Call him something along the lines of giliw and he’ll always retort with some embarrassing pet name in Spanish. Yes, he knows several languages himself, but that doesn’t mean he won’t almost always revert to Spanish anyway. Pretends that you’re using your languages against him and calls you a traitor. And, as is the rule in your household when you’ve betrayed him, you will be held accountable. Lots of chasing through the house. Will “interrogate” you to get you to tell him what you said. Call him a term of endearment in Spanish and you won’t ever hear the end of it. No matter how many times he hears you call him guapo, he always gets that goofy grin on his face. Might research embarrassing terms of endearment to use on you in any other language. And yes, his goal is to find a language you don’t speak. Once he’s found one? He’s not gonna let you live it down. He’s bested you, and that’s all he wanted.
Rodolfo: You’d actually have to call him by his name if you want his reaction since he usually just tends to block out people speaking a language he doesn’t know. Why bother trying to understand someone like that? It’s not like he’ll learn the language overnight anyway. Rodolfo knows about three languages, so not as many as Alejandro. But he knows English and Spanish, which means he can communicate in most places anyway. He thinks he knows enough languages since learning one takes roughly an eternity and he doesn’t have the time for that anyway. Call him Cục vàng and he’ll just look at you as though you’ve grown a second head. You’d have to tell him what it means and then he’ll smile. While he will always appreciate a good Hartlam, he might look at you confused until you tell him you love him. Might not always retort with a pet name of his own, but will mix it up among the languages he does know since he doesn’t wanna seem too stupid next to you. Will also sometimes look up new terms of endearment in languages he doesn’t know so he can surprise you, but might get a bit shy since he might botch the pronunciation a bit. But he tries, and that’s all that matters.
Nikolai: He canonically knows eight languages, so there’s a good chance he knows what you’re saying. Even when you’re saying something in a language he might not entirely know, he might be able to derive the word from a language he does know. Although he may love any pet name you give him, he especially loves any Russian ones since he’s very attached to his country and his native tongue. Goes absolutely wild whenever you call him radnoy. There’s just something so sweet about you calling him something nice in Russian, doesn’t even matter if you botch the pronunciation. Will always give you a hug and a kiss to your forehead since he will always be reminded of how much he loves you. But even a simple min søde skat will get him to smile, even if he has no idea what it means this time. Because of you he might be inspired to pick up some new languages along the way, maybe even ones you don’t know so you can get the same treatment he does with you. Whenever you speak a language he doesn’t know he gets heart eyes for you. You’re just so gorgeous, you’re just so very smart. However, at some point he will just start speaking Russian to you, even if you don’t know the language. He won’t say anything mean, he’ll just tell you how precious you are and how much he loves you.
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cometnoodle · 6 months
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thought itd be fun to put edelgard in (vaguely) historical outfits from 1180s-ish, byzantine-ish and the holy roman emperors' coronation regalia lol
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ugartecoco · 4 months
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 days
I have to know how baby Wolfie came into your life
Haha wellll basically my mom went on a work trip to another state, and the family chat gets a random picture of her holding a puppy. She said she was fueling her car and there was a woman with bins full of puppies in the back of the woman’s car, and she was begging people to take the puppies because she couldn’t take care of them. My mom couldn’t say no but then was freaking out because she was stuck in another state with a puppy, so I drove over there to pick him up. Drove three hours with him cradled in my arm because he would cry if he was put down.
Anyway, I was not planning on getting a dog anytime soon but God clearly had other plans. I technically told my family I’m still debating keeping him because I work two jobs and have said in the past it wouldn’t be fair to a dog for me to be gone so much (currently I’m just getting him healthy, if I were to give him away I’d find a home for him when he’s dewormed and eight weeks old), but they’re being very supportive so I think we can make this work. I just need to buy a fence now and probably replace my garage door with a normal door RIP my budget
He is adorable, though ❤️
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melkyt · 4 months
Wonder if Law ever went human centipede on anyone lol
Lawlu on a blind date, and this topic of conversation comes up. Luffy would be intrigued and ask a million questions about the semantics rofl
Aka Lawlu to Red Flags by Tom Cardy 🤣
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dadsinsuits · 2 months
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Frank-Walter Steinmeier
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ded-lime · 3 months
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gondorsfinest · 1 year
„Europeans who only watch shows in original English are so pretentious and annoying“ well in my country prince zuko is voiced by the same dude who voices John in bbc sh*rlock and I’m just supposed to be okay with that??? girl bye
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eldritch-spouse · 1 month
Hellion's new form: human centipede 🕺🏻 human centipede 👯‍♀️
Oh I know exactly the song you're referencing.
Well yeah. It's human centipede with a lot less scat and lethal infections involved.
To be honest, my favorite type of "taur" monsters is just human body parts put together. Mantaur. Man+man+mantaur. Mentaur. Call me Godrick because I'm about to graft some bitches together.
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