#this is half silly half serious but i do actually have this hc for her
illusivesoul · 1 year
Why Leliana is half dwarf
My hc theory on why Leliana is half dwarf.
The rest of the post is under the cut.
1 - Her mom was a servant to an Orlesian noble, and dwarven servants are common in Orlais. Nobles: Don’t be an idiot. How could the Herald of Andraste be a dwarf? Nobles: Maybe it’s just a servant.
The comments Orlesian nobles make towards a dwarf inquisitor in the Winter Palace. 2 - As it's seen in the mission In Hushed Whispers, Leliana has a very strong resistance to the Blight sickness. Dwarves are naturally resistant to the Blight sickness due to their constant proximity to the darkspawn. And in another example, the dwarves of Kal'Sharok have adapted and "become inmune" to the blight disease, similarly to Grey Wardens. So it'd make sense if she had inherited this same resistance from her mom.
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3 - She likes nugs and is very passionate and caring about them. Granted, she doesn't want to eat them like all dwarves do, but still, she's the only human (afaik) in the series who has shown so much interest for nugs. Also, following with the possibility of her mom being a dwarf, I wonder if she told her stories or had figurines or something about nugs and thats why she's so fond of them.
4 - She's in awe of Orzammar and really likes the city.
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5 - The epilogue for lyrium ghost Leliana in Trespasser very much sounds like the song of the Titans, and the corrupted version of it which its what imo prompts the darkspawn to seek out the Archdemons.
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Like this comment that Cole makes about the Titans’s song: “It’s singing. A they that’s an it that’s asleep, but still making music.”
Also, we all know lyrium is a titan’s blood. So a dwarven blooded Leliana becoming a “lyrium ghost” after “dying” could actually be pretty similar to what Valta becomes at the end of The Descent DLC. Also to note is that Valta somehow revived Renn after becoming connected to the Titan and acquiring its “magic”. This could also explain why Leliana returned to life after being killed in the Temple of Sacred Ashes", cause she would have a special connection to lyrium from her dwarven blood.
6 - She has super strong thighs that can break a person's neck. Clear sign of dwarven genes.
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Venatori: "You will break!" Leliana: "I will die first! Or you will"
Thanks for reading my very serious theory.
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rsanchezslut · 7 months
Bless us with all those sweet Rick x reader headcanons you hold
!! thank you sm for asking !! i'm not sure how many i have in such a broad sense, but here are some HCs i usually apply when thinking abt a relationship w/ rick!!
-i always imagine you meet Rick through Beth somehow. In my head, it's usually though an exercise class of sorts (Zumba, bc my first R+M hyperfixation was when I was doing dance twice a week LOL), but I also really like the neighbors approach too (typical) because i think it's fun to think she starts inviting you over to have wine nights with her and you become really good friends!!
-I also love HCing Morty bonding with you too!! Seeing the way you make his mom happy and pique Rick's interest in just the right way makes him literally. Want. to befriend you. He thinks you're cool and also genuinely NICE ASF which lowkey pisses Rick off for a bit but makes him all the more inclined to like, actually talk to you (bc he's jealous you won over Morty so easily<3)
-Rick definitely goes (a little) out of his way to impress you (eventually). not... overboard, because he's still Rick and his literal brand is not caring ofc, but... i do think he enjoys it, per se, esp season 5+ Rick who's a lot more considerate... when you seem interested in what he's doing and actually want to talk about it. Part of him is def still skeptical, but... it grows on him the closer you get emotionally ...
-Rick is surprisingly appreciative of acts of service!! Esp. things like cooking him food / doing laundry, and even more so if who you're helping is Beth, Morty or Summer!! I always think about you dropping off food for the family if Beth is working late, or helping summer w/ her homework... and i for sure see it as something Rick... notices and pays attention to.
-I LOVE RICK'S LITTLE COT in his room. it is so silly to me that he sleeps on that in HIS fucking DAY CLOTHES. So I think he gets all weird abt spending the night at your place. Maybe weird is the wrong word, but like. usually he's down to fuck and then just go home (or spend the night but not care abt the emotional significance of it and skip your morning together) and it's like. Lmaoooooo.
which I think for a while you're kinda cool w/ because... idk. It's not that serious? but the first time you actually have a real sleepover in your own space (and not an alien motel or his car) is genuinely so. intimate. and signifies and big change
-omf there was only one bed fic WHEN???? sharing a room fic WHEN?????
-but FUCKING IN HIS CAR HAS DEFINITELY HAPPENED absolutely. the way he had a little curtain when he was w/ daphne ... you have def used that curtain. and literally slept back there too.
-he has more dad/caring traits than he realizes. Sick? Sleep it off. Need a nap? Here's a bed. Always has everything you need on hand and is willing to give it to you <3
-he thinks it's hot when you fight with him and doesn't take you serious half of the time because of it
-when he doesn't smell like alcohol and oil he actually smells. so fucking good. Naturally sweet and kinda musky but in such a comforting sense!! u always know if he's been around somewhere in the house bc the scent lingers (or maybe youre just sensitive to him, who knows)
-one day we need to talk about his horrible possessive-ness streak when you actually manage to get close to him. Always talking abt how he doesn't care but really he's a HORRIBLE liar. coping mechanisms are 0/10 (tell me why he's surprised to find out you need to cope too LMFAO)
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svperluminous · 5 months
You feel like randomly sharing some janaya HCs? Canon or Modern AU.
Anything goes.
Thx :=)
Janai likes doing exciting things but she just thinks it's too silly because she's a queen now and she should be more serious, but Amaya takes her on these daring adventures, like rock climbing, ziplining, going down a river on a raft instead of a boat and while Janai initially protests, she always ends up having a very good time.
They're both morning people and wake up roughly at the same time but Amaya always gets out of bed first. She also likes making breakfast for Janai on weekends. She wasn't good at it in the beginning, being a soldier and all, but she improved over time and knows how to make Janai's favorite things.
Janai is the big spoon. She sleeps on the right side of the bed, while Amaya sleeps on the left.
Amaya didn't like dancing before meeting Janai. Hated, actually. But slowly, Janai showed her her favorite dances and moves and dancing with Janai felt different, felt special. At first Amaya was only comfortable dancing in private but since their wedding, she can dance in front of other people too, because she fully focuses on her wife and no one else exists for that moment (this is based on my own experience - I'm Amaya in this case xD)
They have a daughter (who is still nameless because I am terrible at names ToT). She was conceived with the help of Earth magic and Janai was the one who gave birth. (In my AU, Aaravos helps them with it because he and Janai are friends, despite everything)
When they started dating, they realized that they liked to read very different literature. Janai liked serious books about life, philosophy, history, while Amaya liked adventure books. However, they both occasionally secretly read trashy erotica and were too embarrassed to tell the other. They only found that out about each other once they married. By that time, Janai was quite good at sign language and was able to have a book discussion with Amaya.
Amaya wasn't a big fan of hand creams and stuff like that but Janai got her used to them. She didn't particularly care about various scented stuff, either until Janai helped her find the scents she actually liked.
They have a summer house outside the city where they get to escape to sometimes. In my post canon AU, Janai and Karim do actually become close again so they like to spend time there as all four of them and their daughters (Karim and Miyana also have a daughter, who's about half-a-year younger than Janaya's daughter).
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your hcs have intrigued me immensely and i would also like to know about funkobra if its not too much trouble :]
'if it's not too much trouble' babygirl i am literally in love with you shut up
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ghoul is Never Ever Ever Ever Allowed to drive Python [kobra's bike]. well, he's not allowed to drive the Am either, but kobra enforces the rule so much harder than party. its fine though, ghoul likes riding with his arms around kobra's waist anyway :) [< oneshot idea hello.]
kobra's such a simp, like when ghoul puts even the teeniest tiniest effort into how he looks [even just like. cleaning the grease and sand and blood off his face] kobra's like. oh. hi. hello. who is this beautiful person i see. and incredibly embarrasses himself blushing. god forbid ghoul puts on eyeshadow, kobra'd DIE
one time they tried to bake together. the oven blew up.
they like watching the stars on the roof above the diner
ghoul has nightmares a lot, and kobra often wakes up in the middle of the night to find him crying, so kobra has to comfort him. usually the best way to fix it is to just hug him really really bone crushingly tight until he falls back asleep.
that's also why they never sleep in the dark, there's always a few candles on, or the blinds open so the stars light up the room
ghoul's really religious, but kobra and the witch are tight, which makes for some... interesting dynamics. ghoul's all 'kobra you have to respect her!!!' "if you're praying tell that bitch to stop resurrecting party on witchfucker wednesday"
kobra has a tattoo gun, and he's always adding ones for ghoul. the most recent ones, he got all their joy symbols done down his collarbone. kobra kisses those.
they make dumb bets all the time, like 'if this coin flip lands heads then i get all your rations for a week' "if you dont clear this jump you have to sleep outside tonight" and then jet has to come in and be like. no no. you don't get to starve eachother just because you lost a bet. you dont have to commit to the bit that hard.
kobra teaches ghoul to read, but he still likes kobra reading to him best
ghoul will only ever use petnames in spanish [i read in a fic somewhere that he was half spanish and i love that so much and now its canon to me] like, he'll never say babe or sweetheart or anything, only hermoso and los querido and mi corazon
ghoul loves bright colours and stuff, so he has a bunch of necklaces and beaded bracelets and stuff that kobra made him which he wears everywhere, even if they're under his shirt or whatever and you can't seen them. his favourite one's red and yellow.
kobra def gets really avoidant when he's anxious, and he just closes himself off from everyone, getting into a 'what if they all secretly hate me' mindset. ghoul always has to remind him no :( i dont hate you :(
they find an abandonded tin of nitrous and try to make ice cream one time, it actually works out better than they expected. buuuut then the girl gets sad because IT'S SO GOOD WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO MORE
one time ghoul //accidentally// left his bomb wip in their room. he slept in the diner booths for a week after that.
when ghoul started dressing more fem, kobra was GONE. like party has had to leave the room several times because the staring was getting embarrassing. kobra kid simp agenda!!!! im so serious!!!
:D it is literally. eleven thirty so i need to Stop but !!!! the sillies ! !!!
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Kuroshitcember 2022 Prompt Nr. 5
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Prompt: Fast forward a century or so, and the Grim Reaper Dispatch’s collection system has switched to AI and other complex technologies. How good are the grim reapers at this? How do they feel about it?
You can find all prompts here!
All of these will be uploaded/archived to this blog's Ao3 eventually
Summary: In a modern era filled with smart watches, smartphones and modern technology... one grim reaper struggles to adapt. But at least he has his found family to help him. CW: a cookie for every time I write poor Ronald being late to work like... I don't even HC him as someone who is late THAT often?? anyway... no CW XD it's all silliness within this modern AU
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(I don't think I did as much of a modern AU as was suggested in the prompt but this is the best my brain could produce <3 )
Ronald rushed into the office building, eyes glued down at his watch. He tapped the screen, flicked to the unread messages tab, and started slowly scrolling. His feet carried him through the office, waving at the right time when he blindly greeted his fellow reapers, too occupied by the little screen.
He was two minutes late. The time showing on his watch seemed to glare at him, but he couldn’t do too much about it now. He was, however, checking to make sure William hadn’t sent an angry email yet.
Othello wrapped an arm around Ronald’s shoulders once he arrived at the right floor, enveloped in a half-hug the second the elevator doors let off their signature ‘ting’.
“You’re late.”
“I know,” Ronald sighed. “Has he noticed?”
Othello fixed Ronald with a look. The silence prompted Ronald to look away from his watch and up to his fellow reaper. The ‘are you serious’ look that was on Othello’s face said it all. “Good luck,” Othello voiced with a final pat to Ronald’s shoulder before leaving him to his fate.
Taking a deep breath, Ronald pushed the glass door open to reveal a room with no one but William and Grelle left.
Grelle, of course, hanging back to talk to William, who for once offered her some attention.
“Did I miss it?” Ronald asked with wide eyes.
“Of course you did,” William scoffed in indignation. “The room is empty. What other logical conclusion could you have made?”
“Sorry, sir-“
“Oh don’t stress about it, Ronnie-boy,” Grelle complained with a wave of her hand, annoyed Ronald was taking William’s attention from her. The man still stood at the far end of the room, in front of a little podium. Behind him, the screens were all still lit up, showing satellite images of England. Grelle was lounging in one of the front rows, as usual. “It’s all recorded, you can catch up on your lunch break.”
William huffed, as if Grelle had just offended him personally. Taking a deep breath, William lifted his chin and touches his glasses: “The use of technology in such a fashion only serves to slow us grim reapers down further. It promotes tardiness if there are no consequences to-“
“Yeah yeah,” Grelle interrupted, taking her phone out to check her makeup (and take some selfies). “Whatever you say.”
There was another deep breath taken on William’s end, then he busied himself by collecting the papers on his podium.
“Sir…” Ronald sighed in amusement, trying his best to make William forget Ronald’s mishap. “Did the department not give you a replacement tablet?”
William pursed his lips. “No.”
That was a lie. William always pursed his lips when lying – it was a tell. The man was a horrible liar, more prone to telling too much of the truth than actually offering a gentle lie to shield someone’s emotions.
“Right,” Ronald said with a chuckle. “Did you get frustrated with it and throw it to the floor? Again?”
William stared over at Ronald with a look that was meant to be authoritative and annoyed, but the use of it as defence against Ronald’s apparent correct deduction only offered a comical effect to the situation at hand – and Ronald chuckled again.
“I much prefer the old ways of working.”
“The old ways of working meant heaps of paper everywhere that needed to be filed correctly because there were no do-overs. This new system allows for-“
“Tardiness,” William finished, holding the notes for his morning debrief in his arms as he walked down from the podium and glared at the two reapers present: one obsessively scrolling down TikTok, and the other complaining about the old ways. “If you are exempt from making mistakes, how will you ever learn to work properly, efficiently, and without delays?”
A shrug was all William was given.
“Precisely. I absolutely loathe these new ways but no matter how many complaints I send in, management simply refuses to change anything.”
“The new reapers don’t seem to mind.” That had been the wrong thing to say to William as the man scoffed and fixed his glasses twice.
Twice meant William had been close to scolding Ronald.
“The newly assigned grim reapers come from an age I do not even pretend to comprehend.”
“Oh this age isn’t so bad. This Lady Gaga person makes things much better, William dear,” Grelle interjected. “You should go to a concert.”
“Lady who?” William asked with a quirked brow.
“Sir…” Ronald bit his bottom lip. “Would it help if I came up with another little song to help you sort out how to work the tablet? Like I did with the heating? The minus button makes it go cold, cold, cold. The plus button –“
“Yes, you’ve quite made your point, Knox.” There was no glare, only an embarrassed look sent up to the heavens as a silent prayer left William.
Amused, Ronald watched William leave in a hurry, having forgotten all about Ronald’s tardiness that morning.
And without telling Ronald ‘no’ in regards to the memory song, which only meant they helped which only meant… William used them. Ronald spent the rest of the morning coming up with one for William’s tablet issues.
This modern age proved difficult for some reapers, but at least they all had each other to help.
__ taglist: @eemoo1o-animoo
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
hi could i request something? basically just HCS about langa and reki when you guy get into a fight or sum idk LMFAOO, you dont have to do this if you dont want to tho <3
➯ A/N: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy. I added a few characters, hope you don’t mind:)
➯ When you guys get into a fight
➯ Characters: Langa Hasegawa, Reki Kyan, Kaoru Sakurashiki, Kojiro Nanjou, Hiromi Higa and Miya Chinen x gn reader
➯ Warnings: angst if you squint, fluff
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Ok the majority of your fights are generally because of a miscommunication. If things aren’t spelled out for the poor boy, he’ll be completely oblivious to what’s bothering you
When you finally snap, he always seems shocked, asking why you hadn’t said anything sooner, even if you’d been trying to hint at it all week
Not really one to shout, but if things get heated enough he might snap. He always feels awful afterwards though. No matter what, he really believes no one should be screamed at because of something as silly as a disagreement
Rarely storms out, he’s always going to try and stay until the end to try and get something, anything out of you that he can use to try and understand your point of view
Understands space. He knows when you dont feel like talking to him, and he will give you that time to collect your thoughts. When you’re ready to speak again, he’s all ears
Gets overwhelmed really easy. It doesnt really show in what he says, but when you raise your voice his brain goes to putty and he can feel his breath get narrow. He’s not scared, he just doesn’t want to be the reason you’re feeling like this.
Never lets you go to bed angry. He’ll give you your space, but if you’re still quiet by bedtime he’s making sure you’ve eaten and you’re not still really upset by whatever played out that day
Overthinks a lot. How long did he not realise you were upset? What if its actually a much bigger deal than you’re letting on? What if you leave? Of course, he knows a lot of it is completely irrational, but it still lingers in the back of his mind, so you can imagine how relieved he is when the fight is over and you’re back in his arms
Asks people for advice a lot. Reki and Cherry are usual helpers, giving Langa their opinions on the matter without going into too much detail. The rest is up to him.
Gives the best hugs and comfort after a fight. He understands couples can fight, and never really takes the aggression let out by the pair of you too seriously. Rubbing the back of your head and holding you close to his chest, he’ll reassure you that he’s not going anywhere, that he’s not going to leave “just because of a silly fight” while you fight back tears on his shoulder.
Unlike Langa, Reki is a very open person in terms of his feelings, so your fights are rarely because of closed away emotions. However, many are caused by you feeling he is spending too much time in his workshop, overworking himself and not spending as much time with you as he should.
As for Reki, he gets mad when he feels you’re being closed off from him, not telling him things and hiding your true emotions. It’s not that he doesnt trust you, he just doesnt want you shouldering anything by yourself, and tries to make things easier for you by halving the problem.
A very emotional person, and this really shows when the two of you argue. There’s a lot of tears, a lot of raised voices, yknow those exhausted laughs when you’re tired of arguing with someone? Those. He pulls at his hair a lot in frustration too
Both of you need to walk away from each other a lot during arguments. You’re both driven by your emotions, so its hard to think logically once you’ve both gotten really upset.
The type to sit outside a door after an argument if you’ve locked yourself in a room, pressing against it and quietly talking to you, regardless of whether or not he gets a response
Understands space, to a certain extent. He’ll try and talk to you after an argument, try anything to get you to just answer him, to come out from your room, to stop ignoring him. He knows when you really don’t want to face him though, which is when he’ll go out for a while, either to Langa’s for advice, or just for a quiet skate.
Despite how upset he gets in the moment, he gets over it quickly. Once he’s out of his head and seeing properly, he’ll take some time to think it over and see things from your point of view. He’ll come back to you with an apology, and when you’re ready to talk, he’ll discuss things with you this time around instead of fighting
If the fight lasts overnight, he refuses to let you take the couch. If he feels a fight will last, he’ll glue himself to the couch, making it impossible for you to sleep anywhere other than your bed. No matter what the fight was about, he refuses to have you sleep uncomfortably.
Tends to cry after making up. It’s rarely out of sadness, of course, more relief than anything. He’s just happy to have you back in his arms, no longer ignoring him.
A very rational person, fights are very rare between the pair of you. When you do fight, it tends to be because you feel he’s being closed off from you, not being as open and emotional with you. As for him, he doesnt like when you act too aloof about things that are actually serious to him
Fights start out quiet, talking in normal tones and using your heads. However, as the fight goes on, your voices gradually get higher and louder, arms thrown in the air as you get in each other’s faces.
He snaps quite a bit. Petty remarks, snappy replies and other unnecessary comments are thrown out without much thought as he gets more pissed off. Not necessarily because he doesn’t have anything to defend himself, but because once he’s started, he’ll do just about anything to piss you off
Depending on the fight, it could last an hour or a week. Both of you are so petty that you’ll refuse to apologise to the other, forgetting who was even in the wrong in the first place
Honestly, whoever goes to sleep first gets the bed, he’s not as considerate as Reki. However, as the fight goes on, the pair of you will stay up for ungodly hours into the night, trying to outlast the other because they dont want them sleeping on the couch. You’ll never admit that though, which is why you wont just fall asleep on the couch first. Besides, if you happen to fall asleep on the couch before Kaoru goes to bed, he’ll carry you upstairs and sleep on the couch himself. He’ll never admit that though, he’ll simply say you woke up and went upstairs in a hazy half-sleep, which is why you dont remember.
He’s definitely programmed Carla to apologise to you for him at least once, rolling her into the room you’re in before quickly walking out to the sound of “Y/N, I-am-very-sorry-and-I-was-wrong-please-forgive-me” in Carlas robotic voice
If you ever go to Joe’s restaurant to cool down, he’ll make a big fuss, swaying and sighing, dramatically shouting about “however will these lovers reconcile!?” Once his act is over though, he’ll comfort you and give you your favourite meal, tutting over the pair of you and thinking of ways to help you make up
Literally won’t let you go of you for at least a week after you fight. This mf is hanging off you, constant forehead kisses, the whole deal. He’s gone without your affection for a long time while you fought, he’s simply making up for lost time
You get really pissed at him when he flirts with other girls. He doesn’t mean to, he’s just a bit of a girl magnet and it’s his nature to entertain them. Of course, he all yours, but he forgets sometimes that jealousy is actually a thing
Doesnt take arguments as seriously as he probably should. He’s the type to tell you to “calm down” in the worst possible moment, its usually what makes you explode, actually.
Absolutely dense. The type to listen to you shout for five minutes, and only then have the audacity to ask you just what your problem was
It’s not his fault, bless him. He’s just a little unobservant when it comes to your emotions. When he realises you’re actually upset though, he’s apologising profusely and promising to never do it again
His apologies are always so genuine, you generally forgive him. However, if he does something that really pisses you off and you dont forgive him, he’ll give you space to think
Fights are usually resolved within a day. Like Langa, he refuses to let you go to bed angry
Cooks for you every meal regardless of whether or not you eat it. He’ll leave meals outside your door as a sort of truce, quietly pressing against the door and asking you to please come eat with him, that he hates the idea of you holed up in there all alone
Like Kaoru, he tends to reply with snarky remarks that have little to do with the argument, but they have a little less bite to them. More petty, if anything
Another big reason for why fights never last long is because this man literally. Will. Not. Survive. Without. You. You’ll be trying to ignore him while he comes in every five minutes, asking you how to get a certain channel on the TV, or stupid things you know he’s only asking because he misses talking to you
After you make up, he literally wont even look at another girl for at least a week. Mf will literally turn his head the other way if a girl comes near him, shouting about how he’s spoken for
The biggest hothead. He says a lot of things he doesn’t mean in the moment, which will cause you to storm out and he’ll immediately regret it
The fight almost immediately escalates past hushed voices, swear words thrown around as you get in each other’s faces
He’ll get really upset, but he’ll mask it with being pissed off and angry, clashing pots around and acting like a literal baby. He doesnt want to admit it, but he always feels awful right after a fight. He knows youll need a bit of space after the intense shouting, so he’ll give you that space before even attempting an apology
Aggressively cares for you. Like he’ll say things like “I made food, it’ll taste like shit if you leave it, so I suggest you have it now” or “nope, I want the couch, I’m gonna watch something” he’ll never admit it, he just wants to make sure you’re alright even while fighting
If the two of you go to S while fighting, it’ll be very obvious. Usually you’re attached at the hip, but now you couldn’t be further apart. However, he’s still looking out for you, keeping an eye on you to make sure you’re alright. If you’re ever getting hit on by some creep, the fight is forgotten and he’s back at your side, daring the stranger to come any closer to you.
Reki is always the first to notice, poking him and pushing you over to him, trying to get the two of you to make up. Surprisingly, it actually does help clear the air
He can never stay mad at you for long though, he’s completely soft for you
Makes you bouquets to try and apologise. He’s taught you a lot about the meanings of flowers, so he’ll specifically pick ones with hidden meanings like “I’m sorry” or “I love you”
Not very good with verbal apologies. He knows when they’re needed though, and they are usually delivered through a series of grumbles and sad expressions. The thought is there though
Gives very gentle, long hugs after you make up. He’ll hold you close, suggesting a date or a movie to help the two of you relax
Literally the biggest bitch out of the six to fight with. He’s so petty, he will refuse to admit he’s wrong for the longest time. Once he’s in, there’s no accepting he’s not right
At least for a while anyway. He’ll start to feel bad once he sees just how upset you’re getting, frustrated with his inability to see anyone’s point of view but his own
King of the silent treatment. He’ll hide away behind his switch, drowning out his guilty thoughts with the white noise of animal crossing
He’ll skate to take his mind off things, practicing new tricks until he’s exhausted
Makes really snide remarks that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument. The type to bring up shit that happened 4 months ago just to help his case
Reki is usually the one to make him see sense, telling him just how petty he’s being, and that he cant get so defensive when he’s in the wrong. He knows this, obviously, he just can’t help it sometimes.
Although he’s not one for real apologies, he’ll slowly begin to stop ignoring you, bringing you small snacks or sending you funny things he saw on his phone. He’ll sit beside you, acting as if it was completely unintentional, but will slowly inch closer and closer until he’s curled up at your side, mumbling about how he wasn’t completely right after all
Will literally hit anyone who tries to comment on how the pair of you have made up, talking about how “its not even that big of a deal, just shut up”
Yall fought cause y’know. He’s ad*m
Sat outside your house with a speaker and an ugly ass sign. It started raining and his sign got ruined and his makeup ran
You broke up with him and he cried
Slipped in the rain while leaving <3
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Wowy hii, saw that you're writing for slasher, so here I am!
Can I plz have some hcs about any slashers with s/o, but their s/o is a literal gremlin, like they're not serious at all, always joking and annoying people around, but sometimes might be quite soft and quiet.
Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️
This was fun to write lmao
Warnings: Sexual harassment, NSFW, murder, blood, canabilism
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Stu Macher, Michal Myers
Slashers With An S/O That Never Takes Anything Seriously:
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas is a little overwhelmed by your personality at first.
He’s a quiet and reserved man who’s never had any kind of friends, so goofiness and jokes can make him feel uneasy at first.
But!! He gets used to everything very quickly!!!
Thomas loves everything about you and he finds you to be incredibly charming.
He can get a little anxious when he sees you annoying Hoyt because he doesn’t want his uncle to do anything bad to you in irritation/retaliation.
Your jokes are always a stress reliever for him, since he spends most of his days in a dark basement, surrounded by blood and gore. Your humor just shines a little bit of light on his day, and he loves you for that!
While Luda Mae and Hoyt might not like the fact that you never take anything seriously, Thomas finds it relieving. At the beginning of your relationship, Thomas was terrified of losing you because he thought you would be terrified of all screams, murder, and cannabilism, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that you didn’t pay much mind to it.
Thomas’ family mostly saw you as a clown, but Thomas could only ever look at you as the brightest ray of sunshine that has ever graced his life.
After all, he was the only one that saw your softer side.
Your soft and quiet side mostly shone through during the evening. Something about the sunset and cicada chirping calmed your heart.
You would often take Thomas by the hand and lead him outside to sit on the front porch with you, so the two of you could cuddle and watch the sunset together.
Thomas was always so used to your voice, because you loved to talk about anything and everything, so your temporary quiet nature was new, yet comforting.
During these moments, there didn’t need to be any talking between the two of you. You deep emotional bond allowed you both to communicate through actions.
You would lay your head on Thomas shoulder, stroking his chest, and Thomas would wrap his big arms around your smaller frame, resting his masked cheek against the top of your head.
This was Thomas’ way of saying, “I love you, you’re the best thing in my life,” and your way of saying “I could never live without you.”
Bo Sinclair:
You’re gonna annoy the fuck out of this boy
Sometimes you both wonder how the two of you even got together, but the nights you and Bo spent pleasuring each other, going round after round, reminded you both how. (Your both just sexy okay its that simple)
Bo was a serious guy, so he was a little miffed that he was always the one having to take the lead in everything since you just couldn’t stop making a joke out of everything.
Sometimes you would actually make him really irritated due to your tendency to irk people endlessly, so he would have to step away to cool off and blow off some steam.
Sometimes he would yell at you in anger, which always made him feel like shit after, so he tended to stalk off to his shop to calm down before speaking to you.
You would have to go see him a couple hours later to wrap your arms around him from behind and shyly apologize to him.
He favored these moments the most.
Your voice quieter than usual, focusing on just him, touching him gently.
He would always accept your apologies, of course, and would let you know by kissing your lips softly.
Bo liked to take advantage of your softer side by lifting you up by your waist and setting you on the hood of whatever car he had been working on and kissing down your neck.
As revenge, Bo liked to draw out his teasing as long as possible. Kissing down your neck, chest, stomach, massaging your pussy through your skirt, palming your breast roughly.
It gets to a point where you just have to tell him, “Bo, I need you to fuck me.”
And he would oblige.
He would take you right then and there, on the hood of the car.
The metal beneath you was always shockingly cold, making you shiver against Bo’s chest.
“You cold, Darlin,” Bo would ask teasingly as he pulled your panties off. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you right up.”
He would spend hours licking your pretty pink pussy if he could. He licks and sucks and kisses your most intimate part until you're shaking and crying above him, begging him to fuck you sensless.
After he’s satisfied with your helplessness, he’ll lean back up and ram himself inside of you. There have been many nights where he has taken you gently and slowly in his garage, holding your hand with every thrust, kissing your sweet lips to quiet your whimpers, but tonight was different. There was a primal need shared between you two. Bo wanted to let his frustrations on through loving you, and you wanted to be taken hard and fast.
When the two of you are done, you lounge around inside the car to catch your breath, holding hands. Everything seems so perfect.
“Hey, Bo? What did the toaster say to the slice of bread?”
“I want you inside me! Eh ha ha..”
Lester Sinclair:
You like constantly joking and never taking things seriously? He does too!!
Lester would find you absolutely hilarious. Every joke you cracked would have him doubling over in laughter. Which would make you double over in laughter. Which would make Lester laugh harder, because now you both have the giggles and both of your laughs are just too infectious.
Everytime the two of you would go to Ambrose to visit his brothers, you guys would annoy the hell out of Bo and Vincent. Bo just wants to be left alone to work in his shop but instead he’s stuck listening to you tell a 40 minutes story about how you burnt dinner last night.
And Vincent just wants to be left alone to paint and sculpt but instead he’s here listening to Lester crack jokes that are a.) not funny and b.) don’t make any sense. -_-
Your and Lester’s trailer is always filled with so much love and laughter and the two of you could not be any happier.
You both have your own soft and quiet moments that hit at random times.
Sometimes it happens when the two of you are play fighting in the living room, howling with laughter. You both fall to the floor, wrestling and giggling until the both of you run out of breath and just gaze at each other as you lay on the carpet.
“You look so cute,” he giggles.
“No, YOU look so cute!”
“W-well!!! I love you!!”
“Uhm...well...I love you MORE.”
And it just turns into an argument about who adores the other more.
Billy Lenz (1974):
The perfect couple.
The two of you are always joking around, cackling and goofing about every little thing.
Billy has finally found his soulmate and he could not be happier.
He two of you prank the sorority girls together, making sex sounds in unison to sound even more vulgar.
Everytime you crack a joke, you get worried Billy is joking because of how hard he’s laughing.
“Umm Billy you okay? It wasn’t even that funny.”
“HA haha...piggy makes me laugh...Billy loves your jokes.”
Needless to say, your relationship is filled with smiles, laughter, and praise.
Billy will tell you you’re the funniest person he’s ever met and he wants to keep you forever.
You tell Billy you love how much he laughs at your antics and that you can’t live without him.
It’s impossible to annoy Billy. It’s just not feasible.
Any time you try, he’ll just giggle and pat your head, telling you you’re his ‘favorite piggy ever.’
He LOVES when you annoy the sorority girls thoug!
Hearing you moan and squeal and speak so sexily vulgarly to Barb and Jess makes Billy so proud. And horny.
Almost all of your sexual encounters are filled with complete silliness.
Sometimes, however, the joking and cackling subside. The two of you will just be chilling, nothing else to do, and you just feel the need to profess your love for your boyfriend.
“I love you so much Billy.”
Billy will look startled at your sudden outburst, before he breaks out in a huge grin, launching across the room to tackle you into a hug.
“Billy loves you too! Billy loves you more than anything!!!”
Now the rest of your day will be spent in Billy’s arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
Stu Macher:
Match made in Heaven!
Stu loves to joke around.
He hardly ever takes anything seriously.
He annoys everyone.
And once he meets you? It's love at first sight.
The two of you are always in detention because you guys just cannot shut up in class. You are always disrupting something.
But you know what that means!
Detention dates <3
As long as the two of you together, Stu couldn't care less about where he was.
He and Billy appreciate your habit of not taking anything seriously because once the murders start occuring, you don't think too much about it, never asking questions or arousing suspicion around your boyfriend and his bestie.
When Billy had told Stu his plan to kill Sydney, and asked him if he was going to kill you as well, Stu’s heart sank.
He remembers when he was dating Tatum, just a few months ago, before he broke up with her for you, he had no qualms about killing her,
But you?
He loved you. You were his other half. The one person who understood him, who accepted him. He could never hurt you.
“Nah dude. I’m leaving her out of this.”
That night, he sneaks through your bedroom window to see you.
“Stu! (where the hell have you been loca) What’re you doing here?”
The sparkling smile you flash at him and the love swimming in your big, beautiful eyes makes him feel even guitler.
He feels bad that you’re dating a serial killer. He thinks you deserve better, but he would never let you go.
“Hey babe! I just missed you!”
You rushed over to him, dressed in kitty cat pajamas, and hugged him tight. He had only snuck through your bedroom window a couple of times before, and they had all been planned. Seeing him in your room as a surprise made your heart burst with happiness.
Stu led you to your bed and pulled you up onto his chest to cuddle you. It was late, and the both of you were tired. Stu just wanted to lay with you in silence, appreciating your presence.
You didn’t feel like releasing your usual high energy at the moment. Right now, you just wanted to fall asleep on your boyfriend’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Michael Myers:
Michael does not appreciate your antics.
Annoying him is easy, but you would never know that.
He keeps his emotions very private, so when he is annoyed he’ll just stalk away from you.
He does not think you’re funny :(
He does enjoy your quiet moments. He likes to come home when your energy is low.
He’s usually covered in blood when this happens, so you clean him up without cracking a joke which he appreciates.
You’ll turn on a movie for the both of you, and Michael lets you cuddle up with him.
He does like you, he just doesn’t want you to know that...
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brainrot-the-frog · 4 years
Arguments with the Hashira
《I only did *some* of the Pillars!》
《The Pillars x S/O HCs | Arguing》
《Giyuu Tomioka》
�� Giyuu is not going to know how to act when you two have a genuine heated argument, if he's angry he's going to try his best to conceal his feelings which makes the situation much worse as you two continue on. He'd probably snap depending on how serious the conversation is.
— Now here's the thing, if you were the one in the right it's going to take a while for him to admit and apologize, however if you two stop talking you'll catch him staring at you like a lost puppy. He doesn't know how to convey his feelings and opinions very well but he'll sure as hell try if you two haven't talked in days.
— "I'm sorry for what I said.. I shouldn't have yelled like that..."
— Now if he was the one in the right then this is going to go very differently, he'll wait for you to apologize to him. Often giving you the cold shoulder and waiting for you to be vocal, you were the one in the wrong- he shouldn't be the first to apologize after your argument, he'll still say sorry for getting vocal though.
— "I forgive you.. I'm sorry as well."
— If you both were in the wrong he'd actually bring it up rather fast. He wants this to be resolved as quickly as possible.
— "We should move on from this.. please."
— when you two make up he's much happier, he'll hold your hand more often and give you more physical affection if need be. 
《Shinobu Kocho》
— Shinobu has you wrapped around a finger, whatever insult you throw at her due to your anger, or whatever thing you have to say to the point where you're yelling, she'll reply with a refute at every given chance. She's going to try and deal with the argument calmly albeit if you anger her she's going to reply much colder, she won't really yell but she will be spiteful in a way. You can already see the veins and her twisted smile beginning to show. It gets so scary if you argue for a while. She doesn't need to shout to get her point across.
— The sisters are gonna be sad when you two argue :(
— If you were right, Shinobu wouldn't wait around for so long, she'd want to apologize when you've calmed down and she's managed her feelings and has them in check. She'd approach you with a calm demeanor and wouldn't fake up a grin, she's wearing a serious expression on her face. She'd grab your hands and kiss your knuckles, then smile at you sweetly.
— "I'm sorry for angering you Love, I was wrong for what I said.. please forgive me."
— If you're wrong she's going to mock you a little bit, but then eventually demand an apology from you. She is NOT going to wait longer than a day or two, it'd irritate her to no end if you didn't apologize for longer than that. You'd have to muster up a damn good apology and give her an immense amount of affection to ease her mood. When you do she's all smiles and laughter and immediately goes back to teasing you.
— "Fine! I forgive you.. couldn't stay away could you?"
— If the two of you are both in the wrong she's going to turn the argument into a joke and call you as well as herself out on it. Would probably resort to teasing you and kissing you to change the atmosphere. Commence smooth talking and her beginning to flirt with you.
— "We're both wrong silly, lets move on please. I love you~"
《Kyojurou Rengoku》
— I mean– Kyojurou yells regardless? He'd yell at you but you can tell his tone of voice is calm, and still holds lots of enthusiasm depite the situation. Either he ends the argument himself, or you end it because you get tired of his hard-headedness. I don't think he has it in him to get genuinely mad at you, he just hopes he can get his point across without resorting to anger or snarky comments and insults. (Not like he has any of that- he's far too wholesome.)
— If you were right then he'll probably apologize on the spot, there's no doubt in my mind that Kyojurou would apologize first and without hesitance. If he's wrong then he's wrong, he isn't waiting around and will initiate a conversation with you the moment he wants to speak his feelings. He can't handle not talking to you for longer than a day.
— He'd miss you so much :(
— "I'm so sorry my Dear! I was wrong and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me! I love you so much!" 
— He's saying that with such a warm smile, he takes you in a needy hug and cuddles you without even hearing your response. He just wants to be near you and have you stroke his hair. 
— If you were wrong he's telling you on the spot, "YOU'RE WRONG BUT I STILL LOVE YOU–" 
— He'd wait so calmly for you to apologize, you'd often catch him with his arms folded and his foot tapping the floor, he's beaming his signature smile and patiently waits for you to approach him. He looks like a golden retriever with the way he acts. If you're still upset with him and avoid him he's going to be hurt!
— "Haha! It's alright my Love! I forgave you a long time ago!"
— He's just excited to have you back, he takes you out that day, he takes you to dinner and constantly shows you off to any bystander the two of you come in contact with. He'll be locking arms with you and compliments you the entire trip.
— If you're both wrong he's going to be like Shinobu and attempt to ease the mood, he'd nod along and eventually hug you.
— "What were we even fighting for?! We're better than this!"
《Mitsuri Kanroji》
— STOP. YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE THE BABY CRY. I believe Mitsuri would tear up and try and talk back through her sobs, a heated argument isn't going to last long with her because you're going to be left comforting her or watching her walk out, holding herself. She'd be left in her estate, crying in her room until she had to leave. She's not even mad at you, the entire time all she wanted to do was kiss your lips and ask for you to tell her everything calmly. She actually didn't know what you were getting mad for.
— If she were to be mad she could man handle you so easily lmao
— Iguro HATES you if you make her cry, he'd try and throw hands SO quick! It'd be Mitsuri that would stop him despite the fact she's still sad. Even if the two of you aren't speaking she'd still make sure Iguro left you alone and gave you space.
— If you were right she's apologizing then and there, enveloping you in a tight warm hug as she cries on your chest. She wouldn't let go until you accept her apology and hug her back. If you don't accept her apology she's going to get so sad and walk out. If you do then she's kissing you for a good minute or two, she was so scared!
— "I'm so sorry for what I did! I won't do it again I promise!"
— Immediately wants to have a nap with you and cuddle! She's just so happy she can be in your arms again, expect her to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and pepper your neck with kisses.
— If you were wrong she's going to tell you and explain to you as eloquently as possible, no doubt she'd probably stutter once or twice but it's the effort that matters most! Again, I can't imagine her being extremely angry, she just wants this nightmare to end. She'd be impatient for an apology, constantly waiting for you to go up to her and just say sorry.
— "It's okay! I'll love you no matter what! You just get upset sometimes and that's okay."
— You'd probably be the one to realize if you're both wrong, she's quick to apologize but would deeply appreciate if the two of you discussed and settled your differences.
— "I'm so glad we made up! It felt like a fever dream!"
《Muichiro Tokito》
— Starting an argument with Muichiro is not going to work out in your favor, Muichiro can barely remember what bird just flew by, he's definitely not going to be very good at focusing on what you're saying when his head is too busy in the clouds. However if you do manage to get him to focus he's going to be anything but happy. He's actually rather serious and cold in response if you're shouting at him. He wouldn't exactly shout but he would curse a bit.
— If you're the one at fault, he's going to tell you right away, he's forward with what he says and how he says it, you can notice the subtle fumes of rage in his tone of voice. He doesn't really care for an apology, he just wants you to acknowledge what you said was wrong of you and go on with his day. He sees no reason in dragging anything out so when he speaks his mind he's walking away so you can process everything.
— "You need to sort yourself out.. I know you're upset but so am I."
— Now if he was the one at fault, you'd have to tell him and explain to him why that is. And when he realizes, he's not really apologizing but more so promising you that he'll never say or do the thing that upset you in the first place. He IS sorry though but expresses himself differently. He's trying.
— "I realize what I said was insensitive... I promise I won't speak that way again.."
— If you're both in the wrong you'd be the one to tell him that, it's not as if he thinks he's always right, he just disagrees with some things which sometimes can't be helped. He means well but can't show it half the time. 
— "Let's not fight anymore okay?"
《Tengen Uzui, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru》
— It's not everyday you have an argument that reaches everybody, it would be so tense you'd catch yourself holding in the air within your lungs, scared at the idea of exhaling being your downfall. Tengen never wants to raise his voice at you, but sometimes even his emotions get the better of him and he can't help it. He cares so much about you but arguments tend to leave everything messy.
— Suma is tearing up when the argument starts, she holds onto you and whispers softly in your ear, begging you to calm down and not yell. Telling you that everyone was getting upset. She didn't want a bigger fight to start, she just wanted everyone to get along.
— Hinatsuru treats this argument as something that will eventually pass, she is so confident that this argument will be settled within the week. However this doesn't stop her from trying to calm you and everyone else down, she's the calmest one in the situation and would rather speak about your problems without the use of shouting or getting angry.
— Makio on the other hand, wants to hit you so bad for even starting an argument, this indeed worsens the matter terribly, Hinatsuru and Suma would hold Makio back so she didn't attack you. She loves you deeply, but this behaviour could wreck your relationship and that leaves her so scared. And the fact she was having those thoughts didn't sit right with her, more than ever she really just wants to hold you securely and fix this with a kiss.
— If you're the one in the wrong- welp, they are going to tell you without a moment of hesitation. You can't get away either as they'd sit you down until you apologize and tell them what's wrong without having to start fights.
— Makio is gonna slap you but make up for it later 
— "It's alright my girl- it happens to the best of us." Tengen rubs circles on your hands. Happy to have resolved the issue.
— Hinatsuru kisses your cheek and rubs your back, she's so proud of you for admitting your fault and being clear with everybody. "You're doing so well Baby, I'm so proud of you."
— Suma gets so soft, she'll give you lots of affection and will hug you for a while. She's glad you and Makio didn't harm one another and just wants to bask in the comfort of your embrace. 
— "Well- I'm sorry too.. I was just upset.." Makio turns away for a moment before she reaches her hand out and holds yours. She admits to being quite brash about the whole thing, she cares but has a different way of showing it is all! They all want to kiss you so bad.
— Now, if you were the one in the right, they're going to make up for it in a flash. Starting with Suma who gets teary eyed whilst bowing in shame, she's holding onto the hem of Tengen's clothes for a sense of comfort. Tengen is bowing also, with flowers in his hand.
— Hinatsuru is lowkey holding down Makio so she's bowing as well, however in her free hand Hinatsuru has a plate of your favorite treat "Please forgive us for not listening to everything you had to say, we're sorry."
— Makio brought nothing lmao- in the end though she goes out of her way to buy you a new blade. "I'm sorry for hitting you..."
— When you're ALL in the wrong Tengen is the one to bring up how lame it is you're all fighting in the first place. 
— "My girls.. this isn't FLAMBOYANT! We have to get over this!"
— When you all settle your differences you have a night out eating dinner and having fun in each others company. You're at peace..
— They're probably gonna bed you when you get home
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sistersblack · 4 years
Your crack posts are great but I'm curious what your serious thoughts/headcanons for Lucius are. or are those it?
fjdjd no they’re not it (at least not really; i think to an extent his wealth and status would allow him to just be Like That but my crack posts are definitely exaggerated). i have a post from a while ago where i talk about him more seriously but i don’t think i’ve done headcanons??? i’ll do some for you now
full disclosure i’m half asleep so these won’t have any real structure to them. also i’m definitely going to forget important ones since rn my fandom mind is elsewhere. that said:
these are silly but personality wise i think he’s a scorpio (november birthday) & probably neutral evil
competitive to a fault
bookish but hides it. not completely (it’s good to look smart!) but i imagine he wants his intelligence to appear more effortless than it is
on that note, i hc he has a lot of shallow knowledge across a wide range of topic with a few areas of interest where he digs deep. but it’s important to him that he can carry a conversation on any topic without looking like an idiot
and again on this note: used to raid severus’ bookshelves, especially his muggle books, and especially historical ones. sometimes they’d even trade books or knowledge. it’s not because he cares about muggles but because he hates feeling out of the loop.
genuinely enjoys fashion and keeps up with trends just as much as narcissa does. knows multiple charms specific to crafting/mending clothes.
buys his wife flowers weekly just because. buys even more when he fucks up.
likes animals but not necessarily your traditional pets. enjoyed care of magical creatures at school & excelled in it. has an aviary at the manor where he keeps rare birds (in addition to his peacocks) and gets annoyed when anyone other than him goes near it (including narcissa and draco. including when draco was just a curious baby. it’s definitely caused arguments but they’re his birds!!!)
collects rare/expensive wine but doesn’t like the taste of it. only drinks it when he has to.
artistically gifted. was taught at a young age how to paint by his mother. it’s one of the few happy memories he has of her and he holds it dear (but he won’t admit it!!!)
related: he continues to create art well into adulthood but hides it from most people. still gifts narcissa oil paintings of herself every other anniversary. 
his parents were a marriage of convenience, not love. he’d resigned himself to the same fate and is genuinely surprised at how thankful he is when he gets to marry someone he loves.
bisexual, baby.
is an excellent swimmer.
has like, definitely read at least one (1) trashy romance novel just to “see what the fuss was about.” likes to quote the most ridiculous lines from it at inappropriate times.
his mother died when he was still quite young. the details for this one change depending on what i’m writing, but generally it happens before his thirteenth birthday (sometimes on it). he’s forced to get over it quickly (abraxas is indifferent to it and doesn’t like that lucius isn’t) & as a result his emotional growth is.... stunted.
has a messy relationship with his father. was abused but doesn’t see it that way; he thinks abraxas was just “shaping” him into the perfect heir. (he won’t address why the idea of using some of his father’s methods on draco makes him sick to the stomach.) aside from these ~lessons~ on how to proudly represent the family name, he and abraxas generally get/got along and lucius maintains that they had a good relationship.
took part in underground duelling clubs & the occasional underground fight club. gambled a loooooooooooot of money.
was originally intended to marry andromeda even though she wasn’t his first pick. (narcissa was!!!! i’ll die on this hill!!)
also on that note: knew andromeda was fooling around with ted & turned a blind eye more than once bc he thought it’d work out in his favour. it’s one of the few secrets he keeps from his wife.
has a strategic eye & gets used for it. is a successful leader. spent most of the first war giving orders (doesn’t like to get his hands dirty, if he can help it).
collects antiques but like, is very serious about it.
can turn off his morality like a light switch so long as the situation is disconnected from those he truly cares about.
actually had to work a job at the ministry in his young adulthood. in fact this is like a malfoy family hc for me; i think they have to contribute a certain amount to the malfoy vaults before they can be deemed worth of becoming head of the family. the money doesn’t have to be acquired lawfully, but most of them have worked jobs before.
insecure in his ability to give open affection. he never received much of it & had to learn. appears cold because of it.
doesn’t like messy or gratuitous torture or death. views bellatrix’s methods as “distasteful.” gets off on elegant violence.
very dry sense of humour
can dance and did actually teach snape how to
has like, no friends. at least not genuine ones. narcissa is his best friend and has been since they were quite young. she’s one of the few people he allows himself to relax around—though their relationship is eventually also very messy, snape is the other. there’s a few reasons for it, mostly that severus knew him when he was young/before he really established himself as the head of the malfoy family (tm) & that he’s seen severus at his worst and knows the other man isn’t in a place to judge.
exceptionally gifted at manipulation. likes to do it as a fun pass time. i wasn’t joking when i said his motto should be gaslight gatekeep girlboss 
OH and used to hit/abuse house elves for attention 
my brain is broken and i can’t think of more rn BUT i love talking about him so if i remember some important ones i miss i’ll definitely rb with more!!! thank you for this ask 🤍
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“Hi !! I’m greatly in love with your works and I was wondering if I could request scenarios for Ushijima & Iwaizumi as fathers. You can change the scenario if you don’t like it but I’d love to see their reactions to their daughter introducing them to her volleyball player boyfriend. Sorry if this doesn’t make alotta sense and thanks in advanced if you write my request !! Keep up the good work & stay safe :D”
hi anon!!!! I presume that you want it in a hc format??? But i hope i wrote it okay!!! Thank you, and stay safe too!!! <3
* He’s such a dad(dy)
* He honestly loves you so much, and when he realises that you’re pregnant, it’s the first time you see such a big, silly smile spread across his face.
* He’s going to carry you around everywhere when you’re pregnant, and he’s going to make sure you’re out of harms way whenever he’s with you.
* He’s carrying everything for you too!!! Water bottle? It’s no longer on your hands, it’s found it’s way into his bag. Powerbank? He’s stowing it away in a zipper.
* The only thing he’ll let you carry if your wallet and phone LOL.
* And when your baby pops out????
* That big, silly smile is returning, and he’s lacing his fingers with yours as he smile down at your little girl.
* In the anime and manga, you can see Ushijima’s dad teaching Ushijima volleyball!!!!!!!!
* You can bet that Ushijima’s teaching your little girl how to play volleyball the moment she can stand up and walk around.
* There are days where you’ll be laying in bed, and you’ll hear giggles down at the front yard, and when you peer your head out of the window, your daughter’s happily laughing as Ushijima smiles at her and receives a ball.
* He’s so soft for you and her, honestly.
* There’s nothing that he won’t do for the both of you.
* He brings your daughter and you to all of his games and tournaments bc he’s a professional volleyball player, and he’s always smiling whenever he sees the two of you by the stands, waving and cheering at him.
* And when his little girl first heads for high school???? He’s holding your hands tightly as the both of you wave goodbye to her.
* That’s the first time you see him shed a tear.
* And when she gets to join the girl’s volleyball team????
* He’s dragging you to go to all her games, and everyone’s so shocked when he appears bc SHIT, that girl’s father is THE USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI???????????
* And when he cheers for her, he’s voice is the loudest, and reverberates around the entire stadium, and everyone else falls silent.
* Your daughter is so embarrassed LOL
* But she always smiles at her father after she gets a spike in, and you always see him shoot a small smile back.
* ONE DAY, your daughter tells you that she’s bringing home someone for dinner that day.
* And you’ve obviously been a girl her age before, so you’re like 👀 okay, Ushiwaka 2.0.
* Ushijima doesn’t know, LMAOOOOOOO, he was in the toilet when she tells you that.
* Can you imagine the look on his face when your daughter says that there’s one more person that’s coming when he asks whether they can have dinner yet.
* When your daughter opens the front door and ushers in a boy that smiles at her, his eyebrows furrow just a bit and you have to hold back a laugh.
* Then the boy catches sight of Ushijima and his smile instantly melts away and he looks like he was going to wet his pants LOL
* “Hi, Mr and Mrs Ushijima.”
* You’re smiling and waving at that guy, because someone has to be the good cop here.
* Then Ushijima puts out a hand for the guy to shake, and when the guy nervously shakes his hands, you swear you see Ushijima’s hands clamp down on his.
* “Dad.”
* Your daughter is saying in that voice of hers, and Ushijima finally relents and beckons the boy to sit.
* HAH THATS THE FIRST TIME you see Ushijima not eat his usual portion of dinner, instead opting to observe that poor, unfortunate boy.
* “Dad, do you know (poor boy’s name) plays volleyball? He was recruited for the U19 national volleyball team for practice.”
* Then you see a click flip in Ushijima’s mind.
* His eyes widen, and his stance relaxes, just the slightest.
* So he starts talking to the boy about what he knows best: VOLLEYBALL!!!!!
* The boy and him get along swimmingly, and your daughter is prodding you in the arm.
* “Mom, does that mean Dad’s okay with (poor turned happy but awkward boy’s name)?”
* You smile at her, and ruffle her hair.
* “Why don’t you ask daddy later.”
* When you tell him your pregnant, his eyes widen just the slightest, and he’s picking you up and spinning you around.
* “ARE YOU SERIOUS, (Y/N)???????”
* Then he puts you down and is looking at you worriedly.
* “Oh shit, did i hurt little (Y/N)???”
* He’s pressing his head to your belly and listening for any sounds.
* He’s instantly making sure you don’t do any chores in the house, and he’s lifting any heavy thing for you.
* He’s also installing anti-slip mats in the bathroom because he doesn’t want you to fall!!!!!!!!
* Whenever you guys go out he makes sure to always hold your hand so he can pull you out of danger if necessary.
* And when little (Y/N) comes out, he’s crying.
* Like, this man loves you so much?????? And now he has two (Y/N)s to love?????????? He can’t even talk anymore.
* He’s the sweetest, honestly.
* Whenever your little girl wants to play, he’s abandoning whatever he was doing at that moment to play with her.
* Fake tea party? He’s a princess ready to thank her for inviting him.
* Superhero fight? He’s picking her up and running throughout the house, bringing her to a stop in front of you to let her shoot you with fireballs.
* There are days where you wake up to the fresh smell of eggs and bacon and the sounds of giggle and laughs, and you’ll pad out of the room to see her helping him cook.
* When he sees his little girl in her high school uniform, he’s so damn PROUD.
* He’s happily waving at her with his hands held tightly on your waist, and when she’s out of view he’s burrowing his head into your shoulders and crying a little.
* When your little girl joins the girl’s volleyball team and becomes setter (thanks to her GREAT uncle Oikawa), Iwaizumi’s making sure he’s bringing you to all of her games.
* “(Y/N) LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!”
* He’s screaming himself hoarse when she dumps the ball in front of the team.
* When she laughs and waves at him he’s beaming with pride.
* But he’s not beaming with pride when your daughter brings home her boyfriend one day.
* He’s muscles are tense, and his eyes are narrowed.
* It’s the face that appears whenever Oikawa pissed him off back in high school.
* When he was ready to hit someone.
* You have to whisper in his ears to tell him to relax before he actually forces out a smile.
* Because as much as he wants to beat that boy up, he wants to be supportive towards his little girl.
* “Mr and Mrs Iwaizumi.”
* The boy politely greets, and you have to whisper into Iwaizumi’s ears that hey, at least the boy is polite!!!
* He sighs, and reaches out a hand to shake with the boy’s.
* “Dad.”
* That tone of your daughter’s causes him to sigh, and release the boy’s hands.
* He invites the boy to another room to have a ‘nice’ chat with him after dinner, and your daughter keeps asking you if her boyfriend will be okay.
* Okay when the boy loses, because Iwaizumi’s doing his BEST to pin that hand down, Iwaizumi at least respects that the boy had enough power to resist him for half a minute.
* “You take care of (your daughter’s name), got it, boy?”
* “Yes!!! Sir!!”
ahhh i hope it’s okay anon!!! hope you enjoy!!!
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latraviesascott · 4 years
What kind of dreams (or nightmares) do you think the Avatar characters have? Obviously Aang's got some wild ones and Sokka dreams about food eating people xD but what do you think The rest of the gaang and the Fire Nation kids dream about?
Okay so this is just my opinion but, even if Aang's dreams and nightmares in Season 3 were funny, they all came from the fear of failing that Aang had. So if the dreams/nightmares are influenced by the character's feelings/ insecurities then this is what i imagine each of them would dream about:
Katara- even though the fandom jokes about it a lot, she does mention/talk a lot about her mom in the series, and that is completely understandable considering the fact that she's dealing with that trauma since she was a kid. The North and South comics begin with Katara dreaming of her mom back in the SWT, and the dream was both happy and sad for her. She even woke up feeling nostalgic. Therefore i feel like Katara's more significant dreams consist of memories of her mom , and the good times she had in the water tribe before the Fire Nation altered that forever. Her nightmares could be heavily influenced by the amount of stress she has with being the "mom" of the group. She truly does act motherly with her friends, but it's all because she cares and she's has been doing so with Sokka since she was a kid. The idea of not being able to protect them probably haunts her dreams..
Sokka- i sometimes feel so bad for Sokka. Many people often overlook the fact that he was also a child personally affected by the war. In Season 1 we see that he feels this big responsibility to protect his tribe. After all, he is the oldest "man" left. That's a huge responsibility! He also has this need to prove himself as a warrior to Hakoda. Not only that, in the episode "Sokka's Master" we see that he also has this issue with being a non-bender in a group of powerful benders. This doesn't come from him being selfish, but he feels bad when he sees that he can't help people as much as the rest of the gaang does. So if you add that to his usual easy going, fun personality his dreams could honestly range from silly things like him being eaten by food, and him being awesome with Suki, to more serious nightmares that involve him not being/doing enough to protect those that depend on him.
Toph- out of all of the Ember Island players i feel like Toph's representation is most accurate 😭 that kid is tough as nails. The many statues she makes of herself in both Imbalance and later on in Legend of Korra make me think her dreams mostly consist of her being awesome in super badass scenarios! Or her being MELONLORD!!! Her nightmares however are the complete opposite. In "The Blind Bandit" she says she hasn't had a single friend in the 12 years of her life! like omgg bby let me give you a hug!!! And I thought it was super interesting how vulnerable she looks in the episode "The Avatar and the Firelord" when she asks if its truly possible for friendships to last more than one lifetime. She found more than friendships, she found a family with the gaang. In The Rift, her own father denied knowing her, which proves that family is not defined by blood ties. So letting go/ losing those friendships is a concept that seems to scare her. I feel like this is something she might have nightmares about.
Suki- because Suki is part of the gaang!!! She does have her own group with the Kyoshi warriors, not trying to erase that, but i consider her to be a part of the gaang too! With that being said we really do not know much about this queen, and i am so glad that she's getting her own comic! Hopefully we learn more about her! But from what we know, she began training since she was 8 years old! She is a brave warrior and a great friend. I feel like she takes her job as a Kyoshi warrior super seriously and is honored to be their fearless leader. I imagine that her happy dreams consist of her meeting Kyoshi herself. As for her nightmares, we do not get a lot of her (unfortunately) to really perceive her fears, but if Azula's taunting in "The Day of Black Sun Pt.2" are true, then Suki has been waiting on Sokka to rescue her for some time now. Seeing that time passed must have been hard for her. Her nightmares might have been influenced by her feeling abandoned, or her worry about the other Kyoshi warriors. (Also i love Azula, but Suki probably also dreamed of dragging Azula's big head on the ground.)
Zuko- omggg where do i even begin with this boy?! I feel like the Fire Nation teens are just so angsty! But when one's father burns off half of your face then that's the way it is igs. So I feel like the show was pretty in detail when it came to Zuko's character and his personality. Throughout the show, we see how he sometimes gets this flashbacks whenever he's feeling a specific way or when he's reminded of something. This was seen most in "The Beach". Despite being this angsty, emotional guy he is always remembering his early childhood very fondly despite being part of the most dysfunctional family in the Fire Nation. During his fever, we see his nightmares being this representation of the constant fight between good and evil inside him. Therefore i think this is what Zuko most likely sees when he has nightmares. (It is quite interesting how the "evil" blue dragon in his nightmare seems to represent Azula and the "good" red dragon is Iroh. That kind of made me wonder why Zuko seemed to associate the evil aspect with Azula rather than Ozai🤔). But back to the point. If the flashbacks he has are any indication, then his dreams most likely involve the good times he had with his mother and family during their vacations on ember island. (And because of his trauma, he might also relive the Agni Kai with Ozai in his nightmares.)
Azula- i could write essays on this girl. Her character is just so complex! And literally nothing in this world is gonna convince me that she didn't deserve better. Im gonna try to keep it as short as possible with her because quite honestly i could go on forever. But im having a hard time figuring out what a happy dream might be for Azula. Conquering Ba Sing Se?? Mastering Firebending at a young age?? Oh right she did do that! She wasn't like Zuko, in the way that she could look back on the past and remember it fondly. Quite the opposite actually, she refers to their beach house as "depressing". Then, later on in the bonfire, she treats everyone's emotions and confessions as a "performance". It's quite interesting to think that truly the only one who was trying to perform was her. Everyone else was very honest and open with their insecurities even if they didn't realize it. The fact that she thinks showing emotion is a performance of some sort makes it clear that everything she does is a perfectly put-together performance. Her nightmares could consist that facade falling apart, and her status as the perfect daughter being reduced to nothing along with her many achievements. The difference with Azula is that just as she became everything she dreamed of, she also ended up being everything her nightmares doomed her to be. ( I also have this hc that she dreamt of having a cat with ty lee and just living together at Ember Island after she got help and just lived their happy gay life of wtvvvv)
omggg this post is gonna be super long, but i had so much fun answering this! thank you for that! it was a nice surprise 🥰 i can do ty lee and mai later if you'd like just lmk! im just giving my thumbs a lil rest rn. hope this sorta answered the question😌
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pfreadsandwrites · 4 years
Hello, can I please request for hilarious and sweet headcanons where Kakashi and Gai are competing for the same girl? Hehe thank you! :)
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Hmmm…. This is a tricky one if I’m completely honest cuz I have to put aside the fact that I really struggle to see Gai in a sexual or romantic light (Im so sorry don’t be mad 😭), and beyond that Kakashi and Gai having feelings for the same girl is tricky for me to imagine because I can’t see them necessarily finding the same things attractive… But let’s imagine they are, I mean, in real life, guys aren’t that complicated in what they find attractive lmao. Also I’m not good at being funny (intentionally) but I’ll try.
Also for some reason I’m thinking about that episode of Community where Troy and Abed fight over the librarian woman but ANYWAY.
Kakashi and Gai competing over a girl HCs
So, at first - let’s assume that both men’s feeling for the girl are a little on the casual side. I mean, not that she means nothing, but they don’t know her that well or they aren’t that close. Just because if the feelings for her are very strong or very developed, they might be less willing to fight over her and just see which one she likes - at which point both of them will likely think that their rival is the better man for her lol. Like Kakashi has a penchant for putting himself down so I feel like he’d just straight up tell her he doesn’t think he’s good enough for her and plus he respects and admires Gai a lot even if he doesn’t really say it and would rather him be happy, even if it’s the expense at himself. And Gai’s like no one’s better than my eternal rival Kakashi!! They’re selfless for each other like that. Like, my point is I don’t think Kakashi would be willing to fight over her if he was really serious about her. He’d much more likely not want to force anything or play with her feelings.
But otherwise, they (read: Gai) have a tendency to turn competing for her affection in to one of their dumb rival challenges. And she’s either endeared by it or irritated by it, probably both. Like, maybe Gai wants to see who can take her on the better date. But it might be something dumb like, I heard Y/N likes men who cook! And Gai suggests a cooking challenge and Kakashi’s like you know what, whatever, I’m down. Because if anyone brings out Kakashi’s silly side it’s him.
And poor girl has to eat whatever concoction Gai creates - think that time when Sakura made those black medicine balls - and that um, goes about as well as you’d expect. Kakashi doesn’t even put half the effort Gai puts into his meal but it turns out better much to Gai’s infuriation.
Honestly the challenges take centre stage and the girl quickly becomes an afterthought. Seriously, homegirl is getting delegated to referee without even understanding how it happened lol. Maybe she’s a good sport and she’ll join in and have fun in their having fun, or she’ll be bothered and confused by the whole thing. Like they’re having a race cuz Idk how Gai got in his head that is the way to win Y/N’s heart, but he did, and then when it’s over he asks her who won and she’s just like um… I didn’t see… and he’s like YOU WEREN’T WATCHING ?!WHAT ?! And then he and Kakashi argue about who won ad nauseam. Or maybe she was watching and she’s like… I gotta give it to Gai this time and Kakashi is like … 😒 I thought we had something Y/N… and maybe she feels bad and begins to change her mind and Gai is like wtf how dare.
But still she’ll probably be ticked off or exhausted or maybe she escaped somewhere and they didn’t notice till later or maybe she’s having fun and laughing at them the whole time… But no one really *wins* her over cuz they fucking forgot about her if I’m 100% honest.
Either way, it’s probably a fun/infuriating time for all of them, but I think if either of them actually wanna get anywhere with her they would probably know it’s best to be up front with her, or get to know her separately and let her come to a decision herself.
Another scenario that mayyybeee could happen is them competing over her is in a wingman kinda way. Like maybe Kakashi knows Gai likes this girl, or maybe Gai knows Kakashi likes her, but in either situation they’re both not doing anything about it. So this might encourage them to take things into their own hands and help their buddy out by trying to make a move themselves.
Like, Kakashi might try to turn on the charm which’ll probably infuriate Gai into getting involved or forcing him to actually do something about his crush. Gai would try to do a similar thing to Kakashi but it wouldn’t really work on the girl lmao but it would probably drive Kakashi up the wall.
Or maybe Gai like ropes her into TRAINING and then when the girl doesn’t perform to his standards Gai is like I’m sorry you’re just not tough enough for my rival 😔 you must train harder. And the girl is like what. I don’t want to be his rival.
Or something sadder, like whilst Kakashi is flirting with Y/N and it’s working, but then she’s kinda snobby/callous about Gai? Like she’s so visibly offended by him liking her or she’s rude about him and yeah it annoys Kakashi and he’s pretty much done by that point, he tries to turn Gai off of her but Gai is like impossible to offend but I think Kakashi would feel fairly protective over Gai in situations like that.
Anyway…. That’s all I got for the minute. Really hope I meet your expectations but I don’t think these were that hilarious or that sweet T.T
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redbeanboi · 5 years
same anon for mista and i love your hcs! 💖 is it ok if i ask again but this time with him pining after you for so long and just wants to be out with it and sweep you off your feet and call you his if thats alright?
AHHH!!! I love pining. And I think Mista would be such a sweet sweet doofus in love so I have fun imagining these kinds of things for him. I’m going to do a hybrid between a fanfic and an hc post, so expect like… a story, but in bullet form??? hopefully that makes sense (and hopefully this is ok!!). Here’s some Mista pining for the longest time ever… FT. the members of the Bucci gang (and Trish), who collectively decide to meddle a bit so you can just start going out already.
absolutel y LOVIng the enthusiasm for our italian marksman,,,, so if you like this ask for more Mista because writing him is actually really fun for me
also i purposely made my grammar and spelling and my voice and such very silly for this thing so please excuse that. i’m having some fun too
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**mostly written from Mista’s POV**
wordcount: 3.0k
it’s been a few years now that Giorno’s been the boss
and you joined the gang a couple years ago
haven’t really climbed up the ranks, but!! Bucciarati took notice of your good work and so did Giorno
so you were assigned to work with Bucci’s team
and you’ve been there for the past year and a half
and for the past year or so, mista has had the fattest crush on you
narancia and trish took an immediate liking to you when bruno introduced you
so they introduced you to mista
anyway it’s just
so easy to fall in love with you
you’ve got the heartiest and dorkiest laugh he’s ever heard and he loves it
face of an angel 
loves how you know when to crack a joke and when to get serious
beautiful lips!!! pretty and soft looking and he just wants to kiss you!!
beautiful eyes!! he has no idea how many times he’s gotten lost in them, but he’s stared at them pretty often
very very intelligent, always seen with a book when the team has downtime
mista reads a lot too, but he’s been picking up more books now that he’s seen you read
that way he can do something together with you
sometimes you’ll recommend books to him
he THOUGHT he would hate the philosophy book you recommended to him
he hates philosophy and hates overthinking anything
but it turns out, the course of love was right up his alley like you suggested
and now mista is more convinced than ever that you’re his soulmate
he’s like
dead sure
you’re perfect to him
sweet, funny, caring–the entire package
unfortunately guido’s convinced that you’re wayy out of his league
usually he’ll ask someone out regardless
the possibility of being shot down never scared him before
“ya win some ya lose some”
thaT used to be his mindset
but with you?!! no
he’s definitely not risking that
he’s already got something pretty good going on with you
doesn’t want to wreck the current relationship you have with each other
you’re friends and you have fun with each other
it’s basically perfect!!
mista obviously wants a little more than that
kisses and cuddles and maybe some other stuff too if you’re up to it
but what if you don’t want that??
and if he asks you out or tells you how he really feels
what happens???
if you say no, what’ll happen to your friendship after that??
god now he’s overthinking everything again!!
anyway it’s valentine’s day
and the entire team celebrates together because none of you have any plans
and you’re all just hanging around giorno’s big fancy house in the posillipo district of napoli
everyone’s just lounging around one of the sitting rooms when mista gets up and excuses himself to get a drink from the kitchen
Trish notices he’s been in the kitchen for way too long tho (and isolating yourself from the rest of the company is NOT party behavior)
so she goes there, sees Mista feeding the Sex Pistols a bunch of snacks and decides to take action
“mhm” Mista feeds number 5 another chip, looks up at trish and then goes back to feeding his babies again
final straw for trish
“oh look it’s y/n” trish points over his shoulder and mista immediaTELY scrambles around the counter and starts to stutter “I was just joking, calm down”
at least he’s snapped out of it
“don’t make jokes like that!!” mista huffs and smooths his sweater down before like, triple checking to make sure you’re not actually within earshot
“what’s the matter with you? you always get so jumpy when someone mentions y/n” she starts wagging her finger at him. “is it because you think y/n’s cute?? or is it because you have a crush on--”
“i don’t–i don’T have a crush on y/n!!” he starts digging around giorno’s fridge for a drink and just settles on cracking open a peroni
yes, mista
drink some beer
that will totally solve your problems
anyway he does like you
the thing is
he’s not sure if you like him back
and usually he’s ok with people knowing if he has a crush on someone
but now that it’s you he wants to keep it to himself
he’s always considered bucciarati, abbacchio, narancia, fugo, giorno and trish like family, but he’s not about to admit he has a crush on you
because he knows 100% that they’ll all tease him, 
((ok maybe not giorno so much, but guido definitely wouldn’t put it past the other five))
he’s just not about that lifestyle
especially because narancia and trish would definitely end up letting it slip to you
and he can’t have that
no sir
when someone even slightly suggests that what mista feels for you is more than just plain old friendship he just goes pffFFfffTT me? no. no crush. i don’t do dating. or crushing. too busy for that crap
but like
everYONE knows
it’s pretty damn obvious he has a crush on you
always being the first to volunteer to get paired up with you on missions
always the first to shoo away any creep who tries to flirt with you
also he definitely throws longing glances at you whenever you’re not looking
has stared at your lips
and bruno’s caught him doing that MORE than once
((seven times now, if you must know. bruno’s been counting))
“are you going to talk to y/n tonight?” trish asks, nudging him. “neither of you have said a word to each other” 
mista’s cheeks flare up immediately
now everyone knows you’re single
even mista
it’s the only reason why he’s letting himself daydream about you
but just the thought of asking you out makes him want to piss himself
he’s part of a gang, yes
he’s also part of bucciarati’s team
he’s been through life or death scenarios
he’s been at death’s doorstep more times than you can probably count
he has a place among these hardened criminals
but you just make him SO so nervous
he can’t look at you straight in the eye for more than three seconds before he starts blushing and looking away
and either you’re too dumb to notice or he’s just so so out of your radar that you ignore all his obvious feelings
“was wondering where you guys went” narancia came to get a drink too, cracks open a beer too and sits on the counter. “what’re we talking about”
“we’re talking about how much mista loves y/n”
“oh i love talking about that–wait” narancia coughs on his beer.
mista knows EXACTLY where this is going. “don’t–”
“you and–” narancia claps a hand over his mouth and starts laughing “i KNEW IT”
and soon enough everybody else (minus you) has joined them in the kitchen
everyone’s teasing mista about you (minus giorno, who’s just shaking his head), narancia’s making kissy noises
abbacchio keeps making these “just ask her out already, you idiot”
Bruno is saying “you’ll never know what happens if you don’t say anything, and we all know you want to say something–”
fugo is telling him “if you don’t take your shot now, you might not get your chance”
mista wants to SCREECH
“shut up! what if y/n hears you idiots”
and fugo goes “has anyone else noticed that thing that mista does, where he feeds y/n a bite of his food ALL the time, but he never does it with us unless we ask”
“or the one time mista took a bullet for y/n”
“or that one time he broke y/n’s umbrella so they’d HAVE to share his umbrella”
“it was broken, idiots! that’s why I shared mine”
“mmmmhm sure it was”
and fugo nudges mista a little too hard and mista spills beer on himself
“fuck you guys” and mista grumbles and shoves past them to go to the bathroom upstairs
everyone exchanges glances
giorno just jams his thumb into his temple and sighs. “how have they not gotten together yet?”
literally everyone in that room has actively tried to push you two together
none of it has worked, obviously
 you aren’t making a move
neither has mista
you two are adults but you’re acting like teenagers
except most teenagers prob would’ve acted on their feelings now
and just two minutes after, you stroll into the kitchen super grumpy
“why did everyone ditch me in the sitting room?”
“oh we were just talking about you” bruno hums and pops a biscotto into his mouth
“yeah? what about?”
“talking about how wimpy you and mist–MmmP” Abbacchio claps a hand over Narancia’s mouth before he finishes
“want anything to drink?” fugo asks. his eyes are darting around like crazy and you think its  s u s p i c i o u s !!!
“it’s alright I’ll get something later”
giorno wants to conduct a little experiment
mista doesn’t want to talk about his feelings for you
and you haven’t said anything really, but he has a feeling you’re not going to deny any of this 
“oh, there you are mista”
and immediately you just duck under the counter behind giorno and start fixing yourself–hair, shirt, EVERYTHING
giorno just stares at you
so do the others
god its official–you and mista were made for each other
“god help me,” abbacchio gives you a hand. “what’s up with you? slip on a wet patch or something?”
you glare at all of them. “Why the hell did you do that?” 
giorno smiles. you’re all pretty familiar with each other so cussing and acting a little friendly isn’t an issue.
but now bruno wants to go upstairs and dunk mista’s head into some water and tell him to just ask you out already
it’s so infuriating for them
everyone knows how much you like each other
everyone except you and mista anyway
and you’ve liked mista for almost the same amount of time he’s liked you
it’s not your fault!!!
Mista is beautiful
the most beautiful face in the world!!! and the body of a greek god
sculpted like some fancy statue
he’s sweet, can be very polite
does his job so well
best, dreamiest smile you’ve ever seen
great taste in food
the best person to talk to–never too serious, but you always know he’s listening
always super super protective and considerate towards civilians and is TOTALLY against getting normal people wrapped up into their fights and work
and he’s so perfect
also not to be a pig, but you can definitely appreciate what a great ass he has
“you like mista, don’t you?” trish asks
you shrugged. “so what if I do? lots of people like mista”
“but you LIKE like him”
you’re not going to flat out deny it
otherwise giorno might take it as “oh y/n doesn’t want to be paired up with mista anymore for missions, so blah blah blah”
and nope, can’t have that
you can at least tell your new friends about your feelings
not that you’ll act out on them of course
and you’re shy about it still so you’re not going to even tHINK about telling mista
it’s fine you can just read books next to him forever
and then just watch when he finally finds someone he likes and goes out with them instead
speaking of mista
where is he
“so,… where’s mista?”
“he’s in the bathroom, but he’ll be coming down soon” fugo just points to the staircase
giorno just adds “i was thinking of taking us all out for dinner too”
so half an hour later you’re at libeccio
which is great, service and food are sublime
except you’re seated across the table from mista
and he’s not looking at you
so you just decide to talk to abbacchio and bruno since mista’s ignoring you
and mista gets a little nervous and sees how you’re talking away with abbacchio
and fair enough, abbacchio’s a great guy to talk to once he’s warmed up to you
and he’s smart and good looking
and mista’s convinced that maybe you’re just into older guys!! and bad boys!!
abbacchio’s got that aesthetic nailed down
mista starts wondering if he can pull it off
and he looks at abbacchio’s get up and gets pretty depressed
yeah, that’s not happening
you’d definitely make fun of him if you caught him dressing up like abbacchio
and he kinda stares into the bottle of mineral water on the table and spaces out
fuck this he’ll just pretend he’s on a date with you and zone everyone else out
and all of a sudden giorno looks at his watch and gets up from his seat
“I’m sorry, it looks like I’m going to have to leave early–I forgot about an appointment I was supposed to have”
mista looks confused
so do you
everyone else though is like “yeah that makes total sense giorno”
and you’re looking at them all like ??? “It’s night time”
and Bruno, the underboss gets up too
“I should probably go with you actually,”
and then Abbacchio quirks a brow…. and then a couple of seconds later sighs and adds “actually I think I have to go home and water some plants”
and you’re getting annoyed at this point “I thought you guys wanted to celebrate valentine’s day together!! I could’ve stayed home and watched movies or something tonight, jerks”
and then fugo leaves because he’s suddenly got some errands to do
and narancia and trish leave when they realize they’ve “suddenly got mani-pedi appointments” even though…. all the salons are closed at this hour
and you’re PISSED
mista stays behind though, and you’re actually really really happy about that
“thank god, at least I have you, right?”
and mista just laughs nervously
“yeah,,, I’m here for you”
but thankfully you just smile and clap your hands excitedly and lean over and share a menu with him
“ok !! let’s order some really expensive food and have them send the bill to the almighty ‘Don Giorno,’ huh???” and mista’s heart melts because
that is such a a brilliant idea
god you’re perfect
“yeah let’s do that,” and he just kinda basks in the proximity and lets himself get comfortable
and you both order some really tasty stuff!!!
affetati misti and burrata affumicata for appetizer (the pistols love it), risotto al pescatore and spaghetti alla carbonara for the first course, gamberoni alla griglia and filetto alla brace for the second course
and then you guys leave libeccio and find some gelateria
and you’re not really up for getting your own gelato because you’re so stuffed
but mista’s still a little hungry
and after that he offers to walk you home
the weather’s pretty nice anyway so you’re like “!! yes that sounds perfect”
and then halfway thru you ask if you can try some of his gelato and he’s like
“yeah,,, totally fine haha”
and he’s NOT screaming when you start helping yourself to his hazelnut gelato
and he kinda gestures at your mouth when some of it gets plastered to the corner of your lip
and you’re about to wipe it off yourself when he swipes his thumb around your lip
and he just kinda looks away and mutters “yeah, all good now”
the rest of the walk is super silent
so silent
not that either of you mind really
and then suddenly you’re at your apartment
and you’re about to say bye to mista
and it’s just you two and no one’s around and it’s Valentine’s Day so
why not give him a hug
so you lean in to give him a hug and mista’s like thinking ok this is happening and i am actually very fine with this
and he just kinda meets you halfway and hugs you
except he trips and all his weight kinda pushes you up against the door to you apartment
and it takes you a good minute to realize that
you’re kissing him
mista’s lips
your lips
and you wanted it to happen, yes but 
oh no now everything’s RUINED
and mista just scrambles away when he realizes what he’s done and bows his head
and all of a sudden he’s babbling a bunch of nonsense and he’s so nervous
oh god it’s ruined
everything’s ruined
and he’s just moving his hands around and talking way too fast
and he’s so so full of remorse
and he tries to like lay a hand on your shoulder or like hold your hand or something but you’re staring at him like he’s grown five EXTRA heads
and maybe they’re all very attractive heads because he swears you’re blinking and babbling and looking away bashfully
and it’s so cute but he fucked up
he fucked up real bad
this is all his fault
“oh god, i’m so sorry” and he’s speaking so quickly. “please don’t leave. or you can i guess, i messed up–”
and you’re really confused because??? you thought he like flinched away because he DIDN’T like you
“i don’t understand what you’re saying mista–”
“it’s fine ! don’t worry about me, just–” he’s like shaking his head because he already messed up by kissing you, he doesn’t want to say something stupid “please just tell me what you want me to do? I know I fucked up”
and you’re just staring at him and he wants to be swallowed up by the ground right about now
“do you want me to leave you alone? i can ask giorno to transfer you to another team or something, please just–”
“I didn’t mind it”
mista just stops talking and looks at you … what
“I… actually liked it”
and he’s blinking
this can’t be real
you’re way way wayy out of his league
does this mean
“this is probably the worst time to say it, but I like you”
mista’s silent now
and then you have to swat him in the shoulder
“I said that i like you, you idiot”
and mista just gets this cheesey smile on his face and starts repeating it “you like me?? really???”
“i said it twice now, mista” and you’re just standing in front of him, hands on your hips. “at least say something back or-or SOMETHING”
and he does
he says everything
he just lets it all out
he’s liked you ever since he met you
he thought you were pretty cool already at first
and then he just got the biggest crush on you the more he got to know you
and basically
“do you…. want to keep doing this?? dinner and stuff”
and you nod so much your head might fall of your shoulders
and yes
it’s official
guido mista is now your boyfriend
when you guys come to work the next day and are chatting up a storm and mista just leans on you and has this big goofy grin on his face
everyone’s watching and noticing
and bruno just smiles and shakes his head 
and you’re just glowing!! and smiling ear to ear
abbacchio just goes
“took you guys long enough”
ok but
im so sorry this was long--
but i love mista he’s my son and i want him to be in LOVE!!!!
best boy in the world, point blank.
fr though guys, if you want more fic/hc hybrids like this
let me know…. this was actually really fun and like
super stress free,,,, no pressure at all,,,, just all fun and laughs!!!
sidenote: that book i linked, “the course of love” is actually a very good book…. and if you’re a total romantic or just love the idea of love… then I highly recommend that you read it. i know mista would love it.
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cobblepottantrum · 4 years
PPG edition
so me and my friends on a server were discussing about how the powerpuff girls and rowdyruff boys would play the game, and i took it upon myself to write it all down. This isnt every single one and all of these were created in a mixture of mine, @empress-lulu-of-mischief and @toxicovee minds (possibly other so if i left you out im sorry!!!) Just something fun and silly to think about. 
its long so ill break it up. Let me know if you have any others :) 
Blossom: She had played New Leaf and loved being the mayor so only being a resident was a low blow for her. In that case her island is always 5 star because she would have nothing less. When it comes to how her island looks, it's perfect. It's symmetrical and her villagers have a cute little town that looks oddly like Townsville. She prefers the natural looking stone compared to Bubbles bright pathways. Her favorite thing is the museum and she will donate everything one by one so that Blathers will tell her everything, it's kind of insane. She does this with Celeste too and has little information signs everywhere. She doesn’t really like doing the custom designs for clothes but will occasionally.
When it comes to the flowers, she only likes the red, pink and white ones. She only plants those and if any colorful ones come up, she gives them to Bubbles or has giveaways on her island. She has giveaways on her island where up to five people can come and ask her questions like a little meet and greet.
She doesn’t time skip too often but she did go back in April for the cherry blossom DIYs which her entire house is pink and cute. When it comes to her outfits, she wears the red bow and Bubbles made their old school dresses so she usually has on her pink dress. Her villagers are all pink and she likes having the snooty ones best. She won’t hesitate to complain to Isabell and she will take a net to them.
Game Name: Blossom Island Name: The Good Place (Was Townsville but Bubbles told her no) Fav Characters: Blathers, Celeste and Tom Nook Fav Villagers: Flora, Merengue, Pinky, Whitney, Audie, Raymond Fruit: Cherry Flag: Her iconic red bow with a pink background Tune: The ppg theme song (it's actually mine too)  
Bubbles: The queen of custom design and the hybrid hoarder. Her custom kiosk is constantly being used as everyone wears and uses her designs. Her island is filled with pastel blue pathways and the cutest decor ever. She mostly has small parks and cafes and is still trying to get past her 4 star ranking for KK Slider. She loves the hamster and small villagers and refuses to hit them with nets (except for the monkey who was mean but that's ok). She revolves around her flower gardens and she will yell at you if you try to steal her golden roses. No time skipping for her because she likes the slow pace of the game.
Every morning she goes to every villager and talks with them and sends them gifts. The Able Sisters is her favorite place and she mostly buys things for her villagers. Her musem isn’t even close to being complete because she is scared of the bugs except for the butterflies. The fish she is okay with but the moment she saw the tarantula she closed her game. If one of the girls or boys is on her island, they will catch everything for themselves. Her terraforming skills are off the charts since she likes design so much and everywhere you turn there is a waterfall covered with flowers but absolutely no weeds.
She loves having people come to her island. She sends out Dodo Codes for flower watering and trading. Everyone brings her gifts and it's now a running gag to bring blue flowers. Her player is always changing styles and hair colors but she always has custom heart cheeks.
Game Name: Bubbs Island Name: Sugar Shore Fav Characters: Leif, All the Able Sisters Fav Villagers: Bunnie, Cookie, Merry, Bubbles because duh Fruit: Apples Flag: Intricate bubble pattern with flowers Tune: She changes it from one disney song to the next
Buttercup: She wasn’t too thrilled about the game as she never played the other ones before. However she does start to like it as it's relaxing and helps with her anxiety. She's a grinder and always has money. She designed her island to have different areas based on her favorite movies and sport areas. She likes the jock and lazy villagers and will not hesitate to smack them with her nets. She hates how long dialogue takes and smashes the buttons violently.
She breeds the black flowers and her house is surrounded by them. She likes to catch the fish and every night she goes to as many islands as possible for taratuna hunting. She only allows her best friends to come to her island because the log screens are a pain. Her island is nice and cool and she time skips like crazy and likes the turnip stock market. Other than that she's not too obsessed with it and her villagers get upset when she leaves them for days at a time. The only custom thing she makes is movie posters and band album covers. Hidden around the island are magical summoning circles and fake blood, Bubbles hates it.
She likes CJ’s fish challenges and half her island is covered in bugs for Flick. Her player has the bandages and custom fake blood as well as spooky outfits that she gets from other people's codes.
Every time she catches a snail, she sends it to Butch with a message “its you” attached.
Name: BC Island Name: Spice Shack Favorite Villagers: Kid Cat, Bam, Phil, Bruce Fav Character: Cj and Flick Fruit: Orange Flag: Green skull with a black background (bubbles made it) Tune: Opening to “Welcome to the Black Parade)
Brick: Stock Market King, Mr. Richie Rich, Snob. After Boomer told him to play and gave it to him, he became obsessed with the stock market. Every Sunday is turnip day and he spends the week finding the highest selling price, usually his twitter followers will invite him and he will leave them a bunch of Nook Tickets. He time skips like crazy, cheats and he wears the crown without hesitation. His island is 5 star spotless and shows off the rarest items. If you wanna come to his island then you must pay up. He is the person who you hate because you wanna be him. He has only the top tier villagers and will call you poor. He doesn’t bother with custom designs and if he wants something then Bubbles is the one to go too. He used an island planner beforehand to make sure everything was in place. The moment something new comes out, he's on top of it. He doesn’t really care if a villager is ugly or cute, if they are highly wanted, he gets them.
If you happen to be dating him, you must wear the matching crown to prove that you are the best because it's what you deserve.
Name: Lord Brick Island Name: Bricktopia Favorite Villagers: Audie, Marshall, Raymond, Bob Fav Character: Redd, Daisy Mae (He is her bitch and sets his alarm) Fruit: Peaches Flag: Red flag with a crown on it (made by bubbs of course) Tune: He doesn't know and he doesn’t care because he plays on mute.
Butch: Disater. His island is always messy and he doesn't care too much about the atmosphere but he does like the bugs and is a simp for Isabell. He saves all the snails BC gives him and puts them in his snail room or the army room. He becomes serious about the game a little later and sooner follows Brick with all the cheats. They dominate the stock market like bosses
He doesn't talk that much with the villagers but spends time hitting them with nets if they are ugly. He keeps Butch without a doubt and moves his house next to his cause they are bros but all of his villagers are cats only for the reason to make jokes. (pussy island)
His island is like a living meme as he has random images in the sand. His house is simple but a punk rock domain and he wont tell anyone that he spent hours making the green day album covers for his wall. He doesn't have too many flowers but prefers the bamboo look more. His favorite item to wear is the hockey mask and he put fake blood face paint on. His island is like a horror game instead and Bubbles refuses to come to his island because it's scary. He also likes to make mazes out of hedges.
After a while he restarts his island and son time travels and has the island buffets where people pay to come get materials and objects. He becomes an AC king in no time and likes that he can make money. (the only people allowed on his island without payment is the girls, his brothers and his friends, other than that, pay up)
Name: Butch Island Name: Butch Pad Fav Villagers: Butch, Bob, Olivia, Stinky, Tom (litrally just cats and Butch) Fav Character: Cj and Kicks Fruit: Pears Island flag: A snail with a skull on its shell Island tune: Mr. Brightside opening
Boomer: This boi right here is the AC King. He's played every single game since he was little (always made fun of by his brothers but look at you Brick). He knows all the AC lore and will go into detail about Tom Nook and Redds past plus he is the biggest shipper of Flick and Cj. His island is terraformed perfectly and he has literally everything you could want. He time skipped for a little bit but never cheats.
He is a twitch streamer and everyone tunes in the moment Boomer is on. He allows for five people to come on his island a day to play games and get DIYs that he already has. He's a humble player who knows his way around everything. He doesn’t care too much about which villagers come and go but Audi is his favorite as the back story suggests. He just wants to complete it all except he will never be able to catch wasps, he sucks at it. However he rarely misses a fish and also has piles for Flick and CJ.
He is an avid hybrid flower person and any extras, he gladly gives away. Bubbles gets the first pick. He is surprisingly good at custom designs and makes everything himself. His island has little cafes and band areas as well as a perfect view of KK Slider because he is a 5 star island for sure.
He owns AC Merch and buys fanart from other people because he is obsessed. He got Brick Daisy Mae socks and he catches him wearing them every Sunday for good luck.
His player looks like him but also wears the crown (he got it first anyways). His house has all the instruments and has a nod to all his past houses.
Name: Boomer Island Name: Big Blue Fav Villagers: Boomer, Bubbles, Audi, Tad Fav Character: Isabell, Timmy and Tommy, Cj he loves them all. KK SLIDER Fruit: Cherry Flag: His flag changes weekly as his subscribers have flag comps each week and he uses the winner as his flag Tune: He is an Og and didn’t change the song.
Ships and how they play:
Reds: Museum dates. They love walking through the museum while talking on the phone and wandering around. Brick brings her a pink rose each visit and Blossom places them around her house. Usually when they are on each other's islands they are facetiming or talking and they just kinda run around and don't do much before getting off and focusing on each other. Blossom brings him gold flowers because he is a snob but he secretly appreciates it. Blossom has to take off the bow and wear the crown because only the best can be on his island. She makes him wear a red hat when he comes onto her island. Sometimes they have fishing competitions and whoever wins gets to brag on the bulletin board.
Blues: Dates!! When they visit the other islands, they go back and forth all day, exchanging hybrid flowers and catching butterflies. Bubbles talks to every villager he has and they each made a secret picnic spot on their islands for them. If he is streaming, she is mostly likely watching and or playing with him. They can spend hours just talking and running around and they just craft and decorate together. She helps him fix his house up and “I love bubbles Is written in the sand that can clearly be seen from the plane loading screen. They always give things and write love notes on their boards. Together they host games on their island and it's always on a certain day. There's at least a queue of 100 people each time.
Greens: They hit each other with nets and axes for five minutes before switching to a fighter game and hopping on with the boys. But if they manage to stay on longer, Butch and Buttercup just cuss consatntly and leave eachother gross notes on the bultin boards. The play hide and seak and Butch likes to dig up her flowers and make a mess of her island before she does the same to his.
Brick x Bubbles: He constantly is paying off her debut because she doesnt time skip or grind for her money. She never asks him to but she opens her mailbox to find bags of money and rare items. She makes his red sweater and when he goes to her island that's the only time he removes his expensive outfits. In the back of his island he grows hybrid flowers for her. She makes his custom designs and shows him how to boost his flower production and villager points.
Brick x Buttercup: He likes calling her poor. He is insulted by her island being boring and gives her gifts but she sells them to piss him off. They are the most competitive pair when it comes to fishing and she likes to dig in random places and drop items to make him mad. He’ll walk around and find thirty sticks everywhere and call her. It's about teasing with them and good fun. They are also the turnip couple overlords and constantly are looking for the best princes.
Boomer x Blossom: Boomer knows everything about AC and Blossom loves learning about the stories. He gives her tours of the museum and everytime she has a new villager, he explains their past. He gifts her pink flowers and she helps him complete his museum with fossils. He will have people come to his island and she even has meet and greets with people. It's simple and fun.
Boomer x Buttercup: Boomer gets BC addicted to the game. No other person can make her care so much about these animals than her soft boyfriend. He shows her all the secrets and how to make her island amazing. She becomes obsessed and is soon rivaling Brick for best island, Blossom knows hers is better. Buttercup likes to grind and travel for materials and anytime Boomer says he needs to find some more wood, she has it sent to his island in no time.
Butch x Blossom: Sir is a simp for Pinky. He enjoyed listening to her talk about the fossils in the museum and when she flew to his island “Blossom is Hot” was written on the ground. Even though her island is thriving , he constantly sends her gifts and things. His favorite thing to do is to run on her island and leave a random heart patch for her to find. She doesn’t exactly approve of his methods of making people pay money to get stuff but him allowing her to get whatever she wants, she turned the other cheek because if people want to spend money so be it.
Butch x Bubbles: He hits her villagers and she yells at him. He also likes to take her flowers one by one and replace them with normal one. He tried taking her golden rose but she cried and he called her to make sure she was ok. Now he doesn't mess with her but finds himself growing her flowers. She doesn’t come to his island because it's spooky but he made a little spot on the beach and “Bubble Safe Zones”. She tends to have the best items for sale so whenever he visits he shops a lot. They like to fish together and she shows him how to plant flowers and make his island nice. After he decides to restart and make his island a shopping paradise, Bubbles gets anything she wants especially since she doesn’t time skip. If there's something rare that he only has one of, she gets it.
Bonus: (doesn’t matter which ship)
-Blossom once had turnips for 800 bells and did not let Brick come on her island because he said something about the bow being dumb. He instantly regretted and called her and begged, the man begged over the phone for her to open the gates. She did at the last second.
-Butch once stole Bubbles gold rose and the entire city heard her sonic scream. He put it back and waters it daily. (She screamed cause she saw a spider on the wall but it got him to but the rose back)
-Boomer and Blossom know about the AC lore and often have long discussion on his stream about different
-Nintendo contacted the girls and for a new event they made the powerpuff girls as villagers you could have. Blossom is a preppy wolf named Blossom, Bubbles is a sisterly duck named Bubbles and Buttercup is a jock cat named Butters. Each of them are themed to their signature color and each offers a special diy. (they sent the girls amiibos and codes to get their own) Big Bow Bookshelf (Bow shaped bookshelf with blossoms signature), Heroes Bedtime(replica of the childhood bed), Hotline Phone, Heavenly Hearts Rug (the heart ending screen rug), Bubbly vanity (three giant blue bubbles that look like a mirror with bubbles signature), BC Bean Bag (bean bag that is green with Buttercups signature). Crime Fighters wallpaper (wallpaper that has the famous pink, blue and green streaks), Pink Poster, Green poster, and Blue poster, PPG Poster (has all three girls on it)
-Each girl has a special memorial on their island for Bunny. It is just a patch of Purple roses and all of them are near their house.
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writingwife-83 · 5 years
Accidental Research, ch 7- A Conclusive Study in Marriage
Sherlolly Appreciation Week, day 7- Favorite HC
“Don’t even think about it.”
Sherlock’s brow lifted. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yes you do. You were thinking about how long till Anderson returns to the morgue and whether you have time to kiss me.”
He smirked. “If we bother discussing it, of course there won’t be any time.”
Molly lifted a warning finger as she saw him take a step closer, clearing her throat as she heard Anderson returning. Sherlock rolled his eyes and motioned for her to follow him.
“You! Keep working,” Molly instructed Anderson gruffly. “We’ve got to get some supplies out back.”
They’d barely rounded the corner before Sherlock had her in his arms, pressing a kiss to as much of her mouth as he could manage around the inconvenience of the mustache.
“Mr Holmes, that is quite enough,” she whispered. “You cannot take these sort of risks!”
“I agree, but these two months have been absolute torment!”
“It’s been six weeks.”
“Actually, it’ll be seven weeks tomorrow, which is very nearly two months.”
Molly laughed, shaking her head as she caressed his face. “It’s endearing, the way you can’t endure this process.”
Sherlock very intentionally dropped his voice to a low rumble, leaning in to whisper in her ear as his hand perched on her waist.
“And you can?”
Pulling back to see her half lidded eyes staring back at him with pupils blown wide, he gave her a smug little smile.
Molly licked her lips, squaring her shoulders in an attempt to maintain composure. She gave him a somewhat playful glare.
“The fact is that you and I both need to endure if we want to do this right.”
Something hit him at her wording, like a bolt of lightning, and suddenly...he knew.
Sherlock grasped her hands, staring at her intently. “What if we already have?”
Molly’s expression was definitely one of confusion. “Pardon? Already have...what?”
“You said we needed to do this right. Well, what if we already have? For us! Perhaps for us, courtship has long since been done and over with!”
“Holmes, do be serious,” she laughed.
“I have never been more so,” he replied, and by the shift in her features, she was beginning to believe it.
“Marry me,” Sherlock added, soft but insistent. “Come to the courthouse with me this evening. Or tomorrow.”
“Wh-what?” Molly stammered, her jaw hanging open and cheeks getting pink. “Marry you?!”
Sherlock paused, pressing his lips together in thought for a moment. “Forgive me, I forgot the question aspect. Don’t think I’ve forgotten your instructions after that case some months ago,” He cleared his throat. “Miss Molly Hooper...will you marry me?”
Molly lifted their joined hands and kissed his knuckles. “Holmes, you know I want to marry you. But...rushing off? Just like that?”
“Just like that!” His eyes brightened with the thrill of it, and if he wasn’t mistaken, he saw that light reflecting in hers as well. “What more do the two of us need to know of one another? How many more weeks and months of agonizing chaperoned dinners at the Watson’s?”
Molly snorted a little laugh.
“Have we not learned more about each other even before courting than most do after two years of these silly little rituals?” Sherlock dropped his voice. “I know I want you, I know I want to make you happy, I know the rest of my living days will be better having you with me,...and I know I love you.”
Molly swiped at her eyes. “Good heavens, I never thought I’d be proposed to while looking like this.”
“Well?” he prompted, peering at her, feeling on the edge of his seat. “What do you say?”
She drew a deep breath and released it, smiling at him. “What else can I say but that I echo every one of your sentiments. I love you too, so so dearly. And yes...let’s get married.”
Molly rolled over, squinting at the unrelenting sunshine streaming in through the uncovered window. She wasn’t the only one offended by its intrusion.
She smiled to herself, hearing Sherlock curse softly under his breath before standing from the bed and pulling the drapes tightly together, once again wrapping the room in the comfort of darkness.
When he climbed back under the covers, she shifted over, sliding an arm over his middle and letting out a contented little groan as she settled her cheek against his chest.
“Forgive me, I didn’t think to shut the drapes last night,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her rumpled hair.
Molly tilted her head up, lifting a brow at him. “I can’t imagine what else commanded your rapt attention before falling asleep.”
“Oh, can you not, Mrs. Holmes?”
Molly let out a little squeal of laughter as she found herself very suddenly shifted to her back as her husband’s lips descended to the side of her neck. Not just anywhere of course, but the exact right spot. Because of course it had taken Sherlock Holmes less than three bloody days to pinpoint what turned her to absolute mush in his arms.
“Mm, that’s right...now I remember,” she murmured.
Sherlock left the side of her neck, instead bringing his lips to hers, slanting one way and then the other, kissing and releasing over and over again in a teasing little dance. Unable to endure a moment more, Molly’s fingers threaded into his hair, closing in a fist as she brought him in for a much more substantial kiss. All evidence taken into consideration, he seemed to very much appreciate her initiative.
Molly smiled inwardly, thinking she might just be learning how to turn him into mush as well.
As quickly as their passion had ignited though, a blanket was thrown over the flame when they both heard footsteps on the creaking steps up to 221B.
Sherlock inclined his head a bit, still hovering over her as he listened carefully. After a moment of subtle noises, followed by then descending footsteps back down the creaking steps, he turned back to his wife and smiled.
“Just Mrs. Hudson, bringing the morning post and tea.”
“Ah,” Molly breathed in relief. “I admit some tea sounds delightful.”
“Ask and you shall receive!” Sherlock proclaimed, pressing a kiss to her forehead before throwing his dressing gown on and leaving the bedroom.
Molly stretched languidly in Sherlock’s- well, their bed. It still felt unreal and almost as if she were doing something wrong, having spent the past three nights in this bed with him, doing things that made her blush to remember. But she kept reminding herself with a smile that this really was now her bed, her husband, and the celebration of their new life together.
Sherlock returned quickly, balancing the tray of tea and the post.
“I believe Mrs Hudson is taking things a bit too sentimentally, since she’s included flowers on the tray.”
“I think that’s sweet!” Molly leaned in and took an appreciative sniff as he set it down on the bed.
As she poured the tea, Sherlock was silent for a moment, sitting next to her and thumbing through the post.
“Anything interesting?” Molly asked, taking the first warm sip.
Sherlock didn’t respond at first, his eyes riveted to one particular envelope. Finally, he grinned, holding it out to her.
“Actually yes. It seems you’ve received your first post. And I do believe it’s someone who has decided to send us, and especially you, a gift.”
“Really?” Molly cocked her head. “I thought only your family and the Watsons and Mrs. Hudson knew.”
“Yes, that’s right. This gift is, strangely enough I believe, from my brother.”
“Oh! How lovely of him.”
“It is, yes,” Sherlock agreed, nodding and handing the envelope over.
Her eyes first took in the name written meticulously on the front- Mrs. Molly Holmes.
Sherlock set the post aside and scooted over as Molly opened it up and took out the paper to begin reading, seeing that the heading read, “a gift, dear sister.” She began scanning the words, barely getting through the first paragraph before clasping a hand over her mouth. What she read was far too good to be true.
“Can this really be?” Molly questioned in ecstatic disbelief. “I’ll be working at St Bart’s hospital? Really me!”
“Congratulations,” Sherlock replied softly, giving her a little kiss on the cheek.
“Did you do this?”
He pursed his lips. “Not exactly. But a few days ago when we decided to marry, I did go to my brother and explain that living as a married couple would make your current professional situation considerably more difficult. I told him this was a concern of ours, and if it was possible to remove that concern completely, starting married life might be much improved. I suggested that perhaps he try to speed things along regarding your employment.”
Molly’s smile spread slowly, and she managed to carefully place the letter from Mycroft and the tea tray aside before leaping back onto the bed and practically tackling her husband back against the pillows, sprinkling words between kisses.
“If I thought...I couldn’t love you...more than I already did...I was wrong! And I definitely need to thank your brother!”
“In a very different way, I hope.”
Molly laughed, curling up against him, her hand comfortably nestled inside his dressing gown and atop his heart.
“A week ago I never would have believed this would be my life,” she whispered.
“It does all seem rather sudden I suppose,” Sherlock admitted, his arms locking around her and fingers nestling in her undone hair.
“Though...in a way I feel as if we’ve been building up to this for quite some time. Even before we knew it. As if the evidence was slowly gathering around us until suddenly it all just pointed to one undeniable conclusion.”
“Undeniable indeed,” Sherlock agreed, turning to kiss her soundly.
One kiss led to another, and then another, and very soon they sunk back down into the world of pillows and covers together. Both husband and wife found they were in complete agreement, albeit nonverbal, that despite a conclusion having been most certainly reached...there was always plenty more research to be done.
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recklessrex · 4 years
Jellicle-ho did this and now I also want to rank my favorite Cats. So I wrote this instead of writing about Sullivan.
Long Post Warning
To start with I don't hate/dislike any of them. The ones toward the bottom of the list tend to be ones I just think about less often, or don't feel like I connect to as well. Based on 1998 for simplicity's sake.
1) Munkustrap
My baby. Munk's always been my favorite from the very start. It's not just the hero thing, it's not just that Michael Gruber's a handsome mf, it's how he interacts with the others. He's so loving and protective, but at the same time so done with everyone's bullshit (when bullshittery occurs). And then there's the underlying anxiety issues we're all pretty sure he deals with that makes me just want to hug him. He just so clearly wants everyone to be happy and safe. It melts my heart how much joy he gets from seeing his tribe happy. Watch when Deuteronomy shows up in 1998, after he greets him himself (before which he steps aside so others can greet him first cuz he's a sweetheart), he spends most of the walk to the stairs soaking in how happy all the others are and being utterly overjoyed. Add to that his deep, devoted love for his father and how diligently he looks after him, his clear affection for his little brother Tugger despite being more done with his bullshit than anyone else's (Tugger don't touch the bagpip. Tugger no), his strong, tender bond with Alonzo and how smoothly they work together in a crisis, and his sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so-subtle crush on Demeter (notice that she's the only one other than Alonzo that HE approaches right before the Gumbie Cat and the only one he uses both hands to reach out to during that). Also his snark and sass, when he lets it out, is an utter joy. And I love the way he can assert his dominance with just a glance if the situation calls for it (watch him with Cassandra in Grizabella's first scene), but still rarely ever pulls rank like that. Overall he's a really fun character to watch for me, as well as to think about and (if I get around to it) write about.
2) Demeter
My other baby. (I'm so happy my two babies love each other). She's such a complex character. Her backstory of abuse and her current dealings with PTSD as a result are only the jumping off point. I love her moments of bravery, like jumping on Mac to protect the tribe despite everything she's been through. Courage isn't about not being afraid, it's about doing what needs to be done despite your fears. She's the most courageous member of the tribe and I love her so much. As for her relationships with the others, she has a much less subtle crush on Munk than he does on her, but she's so shy about it (and he's so damn polite) I doubt they'd ever get off the ground without a little help. She's so adorable in the way she looks at him, in 1998 she has a particular smile different from her other smiles that seems to be just for him. I also love her connection with Bomba, I feel like if she and Munk ever got off the ground it would be with Bomba's encouragement. Bomba is always there to hold her up when she feels small. While Munk makes her feel safe, Bomba makes her feel strong. So this is why Demelustrap is my OT3 thank you for coming to my TED talk.
3) Mungojerrie
Acts like a dumbass, is actually a genius. (Fight me). I love characters like this. Contradictions. Like brave strong Munk who is actually more emotionally vulnerable than he lets on, or nervous timid Demeter who bravely confronted the person she fears most. Mungo seems fundamentally clueless in most situations but I think he's just a carefree goofball, at least when the stakes are low. He and Teazer are both clever enough to get away with all sorts of mischief, and I don't think it's a "Teazer is the smart one" situation. I mean Teazer is probably smarter, but they need smarts on both sides. I also love how smoothly they work together as a team. Mungo ranks higher for those adorable "clueless" moments and for being a lovable goof.
4) Rumpleteazer
Acts like a bimbo, is actually a genius. To a lesser extent than Mungo in that she acts way less clueless than he does, and her antics are usually more obviously silliness rather than dumbassery. Would be higher but I just like Mungo's goofy aesthetic a bit more. I'd also like to take this time to note I do NOT think they are siblings. (Fight me. Again)
5) Mistoffolees
Another of those contradictions I love. He's simultaneously shy and showy, bold and insecure. He doesn't quite know who he is yet, but he knows who he wants to be. He's also adorable to watch, with his little hops and poses. His relationship with Tugger is adorable, whether you see them as mates or BFFs (both? both. both is good), and his obvious crush on Victoria is equally adorable (more NOT siblings!). The way he melts when she smiles at him toward the beginning of 1998 *sigh* so cute
6) Alonzo
Sorry @jellicle-ho I do love him lots, but he doesn't make the top five simply because I feel closer to Misto and the Chaos Twins (just an expression, not siblings!) on a spiritual level. He's still one of the best characters. He has his "contradiction" element of being cocky but somewhat insecure, and I especially love that he's just as serious as he is playful. He's also a slinky, sassy bastard and a blast to watch on stage.
7) Victoria
Woo boy. Okay first of all, since it seems to be a major factor, the contradiction element. She seems like a shy, reserved, almost demure young lady at first, but she's actually that quietly sassy serene girl at the Alpha bitch's lunch table, the one that's actually nice and doesn't participate in putting down the weird kid no one likes. But she's still gonna judge you. I love every moment of Victoria-sideeye in the 1998 video. And of course there's her whole side plot which basically revolves around her being extremely DTF, which is quite the opposite of "demure." Also her obvious crush on Misto is also adorable, the way she smiles at him, ugh like the only reason she danced with Plato instead is because Misto was too shy to approach her (also Plato has much better upper body strength so hey ho, hey hue, let's go Pas de Deux). She's also so very graceful and elegent and then there's her "omg why!?" flexibility which make her fascinating to watch.
8) Pouncival
Precious child. Precious little jackass brat. No but really I love him so much he's such a brat but also like he's tiny? And he wants to be cool sooo bad! The way he runs in for his "and bright!" all excited, I just can't. He has this sort of quiet, but enthusiastic demeaner of someone that knows he's not the star, but hopes to be, and he's bursting with energy in a pseudo-controlled way that I find more compelling than Etcetera's brand of enthusiasm. I love his acrobatics, whether they're super smooth, adorably clumsy, or straight up pratfalls. I love how 14-years-old he is. You can see him getting bored in that teenage "okay grampa you've told this story forty times already" kind of way during part of Gus's song. I love how adorably menacing he looks during the Naming of Cats. I just love the baby. He is very baby.
9) Bombalurina
She's beauty. She's grace. She'll smack you in the face. She's sexy and she knows it. She's such a confident, strong woman, and while she's the most overtly sexualized character, I kind of find it's even more empowering, you know? Like the idea that a woman can be both sexy and strong, she doesn't have to pick one. Bomba is walking proof that being strong, bold, and tough is not inherently "masculine," nor is protecting others. Don't get me wrong, I love strong female characters of all varieties, I'm not here to knock the tomboy trope, but when a strong female character is also sexually liberated it's just a different level of empowerment. Not just the deconstruction of "masculine/feminine" lines, but also in the "my body, my life, my choice" kind of way. Further, I absolutely love her relationship with Demeter. I personally support the mates, bffs, and siblings hcs because they honestly work so well as any of these (but as mentioned above, Demelustrap is my OT3, despite not always getting strong Bombastrap vibes). Her protectiveness and desire to comfort Demeter is so beautiful. Maybe it's the contradiction thing that I love so much. Strong, bold Bomba has her most tender moments when looking after Demeter. Idk. Moving on!
10) Rum Tum Tugger
He's beauty. He's… grace? He probably won't smack you in the face. He's sexy and he SO knows it. Tugger is walking proof that certain stereotyped "feminine" traits aren't inherently feminine, or to put it another way, he breaks down what it means to be "masculine." Think about it. Cares about his looks, beautiful luxurious long hair, wiggles his hips, wiggles his hips more, wiggles his hips when he walks, struts like a model on a runway, shakes his chest to be sexy, idolizes a cute boy, fashionable clothes (knee-bandana ftw!), all stereotypical "girly" traits, but would anyone describe Tugger as "girly"? Anyway, that's not even what I love most about him. I actually used to dislike him as a kid, but these days I can't get enough of him. Most of the time he just oozes positive vibes in one way or another, be it party vibes or laid back vibes. Most of his screentime in 1998 is such a good time because of that. He has such an energy and ferocity to him during his dance numbers, especially the second half of the Jellicle Ball in 1998. And then there's his quiet moments, especially the affection he shares with Munk while singing about their dad (omg the respect and affection he feels for both of them, coming from such a self-loving bastard it just ahhhhhh), and then after Deuteronomy comes back I just can't he's so sweet omg. Not to mention his whole relationship with Misto. Aside from the whole idolizing thing, which is adorable, he also is so supportive and encouraging. He just naturally bleeds confidence and good vibes, but he deliberately offers that confidence to Misto when he needs it. It's so beautiful and I'm gonna cry. I used to ship him with Bomba, but these days I hc them as friends with occasional benefits that like to place bets on how far interactions between Munk and Deme will go before one of them chickens out or gets awkward, and on which one will be the awkward chicken this time.
Wow I talked a lot about Tugger and he's only #10. Okay well, you folks ready to get controversial?
11) Macavity
I know I know, hear me out. I know most people interpret him as a total bastard with no redeeming qualities but like, I don't read him that way? Anyway I have complicated feelings about Mac but I'll get more into it in another post. As a character in the show I do really like him as a villain, I love his laugh, I love his "no look guys it's okay I brought him back see he's over there heheheh" gesture before he shows up in disguise, I love how show-boaty and "totally hyped for this" he is when he reveals himself, I love his "no wait please don't hurt me it's cool I'm leaving" gesture at Alonzo after the Jellicles start ganging up on him, he's just a blast of a character really, whether he's redemable or not.
12) Old Deuteronomy
Sweetest man you'll ever know. His compassion for the entire tribe is so sweet it hurts. He even feels love and understanding for Griz, and (futiley) tries to persuade the others to accept her, even subtley scolding them after the first "Memory" with his "Moments of Happiness." He loves his sons especially, and I adore every moment he interacts with either of them. He also can bring the sass, see his 'chin up' posture before Tugger bows to him, which I always read as them playfully teasing each other, or his little eye-roll when Munk gets a bit extra talking about the fire brigade. On that note, how into Munk's little play he is, even though it's going wrong. He keeps making encouraging gestures at Munk and reacting with surprise at the right moments (when Munk is looking at least lol). Anyway he's great moving on.
13) Jennyanydots
Jenny is that cool aunt that hangs out and has fun but also won't put up with your nonsense. She's so great I love her so much. She's honestly just a blast all the time I love her so much what can I say? I hc her as teaching Tumblebrutus how to sew. I don't know why.
14) Electra
Ah the "quiet" kitten. I read her as the tough tomboyish one of the girl kittens, and I hc her as sort of in training as a protector, and that's why she's more serious than the others. In 1998 she seems to look up to Munk, being the first to greet him before Gumbie Cat, and nuzzling him during Old Deuteronomy. 1998 Electra also has a lot of little adorable motions like licking her paws during Old Deuteronomy and retrieving the Peke paw from the middle of stage and than posing/playing with it during the Pekes and the Pollicles. I also love her freckles and her pink arm warmer. Massively underrated character.
15) Tumblebrutus
SPINNY. BALLET. BOI. Nuff said. But I'm gonna say more. He keeps up with Misto in ballet and exceeds Pounce in acrobatics, and as such is fascinating to watch. Also Brutus's struggle between his playful instincts and his desire to impress his elders is so adorable.
16) Admetus/George
First of all I first knew him as Admetus long long ago, and he will always be Admetus to me. Sorry. Second, omg this lovely, happy, wonderfully expressive boi. His face at literally any point in 1998 is such a gem.
17) Jemima
Speaking of great expressions, how bout Jemima? She's so cute and sweet! I love her whole deal of understanding Griz's pain and trying to get the rest of the tribe to understand. The only reason she's not higher up is because I somehow don't emotionally connect with her like I do some of the other kittens.
18) Coricopat
The more laid-back and playful half of the mystic twins. The twins in general are cool af, but Corico ranks higher for being more relatable.
19) Skimbleshanks
BUBBLY. TRAIN. DAD. Nuff said. Buttttt I'm gonna say more! Skimble is your best friend's dad that is always chaperoning on field trips but that's okay because he's actually pretty fun to be around most of the time. I love his cheerful expressions and his little jigs. His song is so much fun. And I love the relationship between him and Spara in 1998. More on that below
20) Asparagus
Okay so Spara is your other best friend's dad (or your best friend's other dad) who sometimes tries too hard to be cool and connect with the kids but that's okay because he's so nice and besides it's kind of adorable? What I find most adorable about Spara though is how hard he's crushing on Skimble. Like even if you hc them as already in a relationship, he really just can't get enough of Train Dad. Look at how Spara smiles at Skimble ALL THE DAMN TIME. He's practically blushing at multiple points during Skimble's song. And Skimble tends to gravitate towards Spara quite a bit, and omg that big grin he gives him during the line "sleeping car exprrrrreeesss!" I'm dead. In conclusion I need more Asparashanks content thank you for coming to my TED talk
21) Cassandra
I WANT to like Cassandra better than I do. I really really want to. But I feel like she's just so hard to get to know. I do enjoy her on stage, but as a character with backstory and motives she's a bit hard to work with. That being said she's by no means a flat character. I do hc her as one of the deputy protectors along with Alonzo, and more recently as part of the BFF power trio of her, Alonzo, and Munk, since Alonzo and much more subtley Munk are the only ones she shows any physical affection toward, aside from occasionally hanging out with T-brutus but we'll shelve that for now. I do really enjoy watching her though, she has some really interesting movements and expressions. And she does radiate a sort of "try me, I fucking dare you" vibe that I love a lot.
22) Tantomile
I have the same problem with Tanto that I do with Cass. I just don't feel like I know her very well. She is cool as a mystical psychic character, but that's part of what makes the twins in general cool. So far I haven't been able to connect to her as an individual without her brother, otherwise she would be much higher on this list. She's still cool though.
22) Plato
*Deep breath* okay. I don't dislike Plato. I just.. okay look out of the male kittens/young adults, he's my least favorite. He does have qualities that I really like, like how he's a shy reserved boy on the outside and a fiery passionate soul on the inside. That's cool. Also those intense expressions are pretty cool I guess. I guess I might have less positive feelings about him because everyone assumes Victoria's magically in love now because of the Pas de Deux even though they barely interact otherwise. Which is unfair of me to feel that way. I hc him as struggling with internalized anger and anxiety and having difficulty expressing himself.
23) Etcetera
I'll be honest, I used to find her annoying. This one's pretty much entirely on me, because she has a superficially similar demeanor to a girl that used to bully me in school. But since graduating Cety's grown on me a lot, not in small part due to her wonderful enthusiasm for literally everything. While less compelling to me than Pounce's quieter, more controlled flavor of energetic enthusiasm, her bouncy jubilance still makes me grin and giggle along with her, so that's a major plus.
24) Jellylorum
Jelly is your other cool aunt that worries too much about your safety but also has cool stories to tell and is always doing like art and stuff in her garage. I hc her as the tribe nurse. Would be higher if not for slight Karen-ness.
25) Gus
Only on stage for a short time but he shines. The way he starts out all helpless looking like he doesn't even know where he is and slowly blossoms into singing about his old days with enthusiasm, and then breaking down into tears. He's a great character for the scene that he's in, but unfortunately there's not a lot else to him, so he gets a low spot on the list
26) Grizabella
Oof. Okay so. I get it. She messed up. My hc is… well, complicated, but short version is she never planned on being a mom and has no idea how to be a mom, and so she just let Deut raise Munk and visited occasionally (ahem rarely), but she does end up later spending some time as his primary caregiver, and she fucks up royally, like massive neglect and mild emotional manipulation, and ends up emotionally damaging Munk more than if she'd left him alone. SO with this hc in mind, is she redemable? Idk. But the tribe forgave her so that's what matters. Do I feel sorry for her? Yes. Do I believe she honestly regrets her past actions? …kind of? Yes. Let's go with yes. Does any of this make her my favorite character? Not by a long shot. I have mixed feelings about Grizabella. I don't dislike her I just… don't know how to feel about her.
27) Bustopher Jones
Walking fat joke, but a pleasant walking fat joke. Wish we could have got to know him better than "that cultured fat guy all the toms want to impress." He's fun though. I love his expressions throughout his song, and that toodle-pip! is so adorable.
28) Exotica
Oh Exotica. Who even are you. We don't know you at all. I do like the moment in Old D's song when she's reaching from the outside of the crowd hoping to get to touch him, and he reaches out so she can, and immediately after touching him she drops her hand and backs away, which I read as shy fangirl overload flee the scene omg he touched me omgomgomg. So that was cute. Ummm. I wish she'd stop changing colors every three seconds so I could keep track of her. Other than that, I don't dislike her, I just don't know her well enough to like her.
Omg I made it to the end. Did I forget anybody? I don't think so... Phew, that was so hard! Thanks for reading if you made it this far! :)
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