#Titans (2018)
supercap2319 · 3 months
Y/N: "Raphael, this is my boyfriend, Dick." *Points to him*
Raphael: "So, he's a dick. With a dick. And his name is Dick?"
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jessmalia · 10 months
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"I've missed this."
HANK HALL & DICK GRAYSON Titans | 2.13 “Nightwing”
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bastardlybonkers · 9 months
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this meme is exactly titans jason and rose
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disco-troy · 4 months
It really sucks when an adaptation recolors everyone’s perspective on your favorite characters, from spaces to talk about the characters being invaded, to the actual source material starting to warp under the weight on the new adaptation. However, adaptations can engage and enhance interpretations of the source material through providing different perspectives and mirrors on chacarters core themes and stories.
As a result, the perfect adaptation has to be both objectively bad as to not create enough fans to warp the source material, but coherent enough to provide a mirror to the comics. In this essay I will show that titans (2018) -
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I’m normal about Dick and Jason and sibling relationships and stopping your younger sibling from making the same mistakes you did and from become what you are because they still have a chance to be better and ‘protecting’ them from your parents even if said parents do genuinely want what is best for them
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sleepingontheclouds · 5 months
I’ve been getting more and more attached to Jason’s character so please indulge me. I will be having to section these off cause I’m gonna be talking about two pieces of media </3
I’m watching season three of Titans right now and, it’s a wonder. There’s a few aspects that bother me but overall I’m in love so far.
The season makes a bold choice by literally opening on Jason- a hero- doing drugs. Sure in season two it mentions Hank doing drugs because of Hawk and it does show him in the act of snorting a substance, but the difference is, he’s an adult. Hank is a thirty something year old man who has probably most likely killed people, Jason isn’t.
Yes, Jason is violent. Yes, he did assault police officers, but he never killed anyone. Jason may legally be an adult but he still acts like a teenager because he is one. He’s a traumatized teen having to deal with the fact that he’s repressing so much from everyone he loves. He never gets an outlet to discuss what’s happened to him with people he trusts.
A great example of this is when he’s about to jump off the the Titans tower in season two. He tries talking to Dick, he says how he feels and he try’s expressing himself, he tries so hard to get his brother figure to understand what he’s going through. What does Dick do? He flips it around and unintentionally makes it about himself.
The closest we get to him actually opening up is when he starts trusting Rose, telling her about his upbringing and starting to get comfortable with her, comfortable loving her. Then she reveals that she only met him because she was trying to manipulate him.
The impact of him turning to drugs hits so much harder. He’s just scared, he turns to anything he can to help. It’s so much deeper when it’s shown that the drug he takes isn’t heroine or coke or anything like that. It’s a drug that stops fear.
He literally felt so weak that he took drugs to repress his emotions to the point where he felt nothing, he felt nothing and thought he was better because of it. There’s no doubt that at this point in the story he’s addicted. Jason started using before he died and the madman who gave him the drugs started using them to manipulate him. I’m really interested in where the story is gonna go with it, I really hope it actually dives into withdrawal and how Jason would cope with everything going on around him without the help of drugs.
Overall with every piece of media I see regarding Jason and the batfam, it never really manages to depict Bruce and Jason’s relationship accurately, one of the good ones was that single episode of Titans. (in my opinion).
Me personally, I see Bruce and Jason’s relationship in a very complicated light.
When he first gets adopted, Jason views Bruce as a nurturing figure. He sees him like every child sees their parents, perfect. It’s like he can do no wrong. He’s Batman! And he made Jason Robin! It’s a perfect opportunity, he was being helped, he finally had a dad, one that loved him.
Before Jason died, he still very much idolized Bruce but not to the point of thinking he was perfect. He knew Bruce wasn’t perfect, he just couldn’t bring himself to actually say it. Jason couldn’t face the fact that Batman didn’t need a Robin, he didn’t accept that he could still be Bruce’s son without being Robin.
After he died and came back, there was resentment. He hated Bruce, despised him with every fiber of his being. Depending on what canon you’re watching/reading, there’s different reasons for why. Either Jason is mad that Bruce took Robin away from him before he died, effectively taking away his only coping mechanism, therefore resulting in his death. Or, he hates Bruce for not killing Joker. His father didn’t avenge him, he could care less about Batman having an obligation to avenge Robin as his sidekick—fuck Robin. He cares that Bruce, as a father, didn’t kill the Joker to avenge his son. He let his sons killer roam free, putting the psycho in Arkham won’t do anything. Or or, he holds resentment that Bruce couldn’t save him. He couldn’t save his sidekick, his son, his Robin. He failed.
No matter what happens between the duo, Jason always holds self loathing in his heart because of Bruce.
Across all forms of media, he always develops the thought that Bruce hates him. He always thinks that he’s the ‘least favorite/most hated child’ even though it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Bruce loves him, Jason is undoubtedly the favorite child.
(Sneaking a Titans reference in here—) The fact of Bruce caring for Jason more than his other children, (cough cough DICK) is solidified when he takes the Robin mantle away from Jason. He’s trying to protect his son in a way he thinks is best. He saw and heard what being Robin did to Dick, he doesn’t want to put Jason through that. Even the line where Bruce says “I don’t want to make the same mistakes.” Jason perceives it as Bruce calling him a mistake. He lashes out and gets angry because he thinks that he’s being called a mistake. It’s not true, the sentence itself with the context of the episode and the episode before show that it’s not true. Bruce is calling Dick his mistake, not Jason.
Throughout everything, Jason sees anything negative that Bruce says or does as a direct attack on him, when he’s the only one Bruce actually tried to parent. Dick was treated like a weapon. Jason, as a child.
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this-vs-that · 2 months
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This question was sent to our inbox. If you’d like for us to post a This or That poll for you, send the 2 things you want to see against each other to our inbox and we’ll let the people decide which one they prefer. Everything will be anonymous.
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wisteria15 · 7 months
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My Kori outfits + Titans 2018
PICREW (NOT MINE) - hellosunnycore
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variant-nightwing16 · 4 months
i am in a mood and i need time travel fics of Titans (2018):
Dick goes back and decides Gremlin time™, he confuses everyone by disappearing one day only to return with a curly haired boy who practically melts at every touch and nickname Dick gives him.
his name is Jason and he bites, hard but only hank, donna, and dawn suffer that and Dick doesn't believe them when they tattle (he does)
and then Dick brings home more kids and introduces them to Jason who teaches them to also bites hank, donna, and dawn.
He continues his fuckery onto Sl*de and his kids, snatching them up and refusing to return them no matter how many threats are thrown his way. (Sl*de learned the hard way why that was)
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 4 months
remember how I said I had a dream that I made a presentation about Titans?
I just remember this from my dream:
during that presentation, I spoke about how each character has their own unique colour palette which shows up around them in their wardrobe, the hues in which the show is edited, and even the cars they drive. and Kory specifically has a really interesting journey with her clothing
(imo, they all do, but I remember this specifically because this was an observation about the show that I had made for the first time in my fucking dream)
Kory's colour palette reflects a period of emotional depression and identity loss in Season 2
when Kory first comes onto the show, she has one of the most unique visual styles. she wears intensely bright colours that are often complimented by shiny metallic fabrics, and even though she is supposed to be a 'covert' mission on earth, she is the farthest thing from blending in as just another earthly person (it's great).
and then in season 2, her look is so toned down. instead of wearing her usual bright purple, she keeps wearing these very dark plum colours and even black - and this started around Trigon, when she wore Donna's black body suit during the final confrontation. and to me, it seems like the heavy responsibilities that came with getting her memories back actually caused her to lose her sense of identity.
ironically, when she gains her memories back, her sense of identity is more confused than ever.
so she goes from being incredibly vibrant and bright and unique to wearing very dull clothing in a very generic style.
and then in S3 when she goes back to being part of the Titans family, knowing that her role is with them, it gives her a new sense of identity, and her outfits in S3 are back to being that bright shade of purple, along with being unique and stylish again.
similarly to how she wears red - a colour very contrasting to purple - when she is someone very not-herself when being held under the influence of Trigon in that weird little town.
so yeah - I am literally making Titans observations in my dreams now. cause I never thought about this or considered it until I pointed it out to myself in that dream I had
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beginnerblueglass · 5 months
I finished Titans S3 and it's everybody's problem!
No, I have not yet seen S4, I just felt that seasons 1-3 formed a perfect little three-part story, and I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS
About six years ago I was a staunch Marvel fan living in a Marvel household, and I was in deep. DC was not spoken of in my home, EXCEPT for a little annoying cartoon called Teen Titans GO! that my younger siblings were obsessed with. I never liked it very much, but I was forced to watch.. a lot of it. At the time I had a habit of going onto IMdB every day and watching all the new trailers. Imagine my surprise when I noticed a new trailer for a show called Titans. "Oh, they're making a live-action show about the Teen Titans? How interesting!" Then I watched it. I was horrified. Horrified. Why is it so dark? Why is it so violent? Why does it look so scary? Why is there so much blood? Why is Starfire killing someone? Did that grown man dressed as Robin, covered in blood, just say "f*ck Batman"? What is happening? I decided right then that I never wanted anything to do with this show, and for the next several years I heard nothing more about it. What happened since then? I don't know. I grew up and became interested in DC? After I saw it while browsing Netflix, I looked it up. Most of the reviews were meh to negative, but I decided to give it a try, just starting with a few episodes.
And oh my goodness?????
This show surprised me so hard.
Season one is rough. It's very dark and gritty and violent. Like the creators are saying, "Look at me!! I'm edgy!" The subject matter is extremely dark, there is minimal music and almost no soundtrack, the language is coarse, and the colour scale is ✨grey✨. At first, this was very offputting, especially since seasons two and three have a completely different tone. The Doylist explanation is just that the creators were doing the cliche "kid's media adapted for adults, and make it unmistakably for adults," thing. But the Watsonian explanation? Ooh boy, that's interesting.
One thing that I found so captivating about this show is how the audience's viewpoint is halfway inside the main character's head. So much of this show is Dick Grayson's internal mental landscape presenting itself onscreen. We see his dreams, visions, flashbacks, memories, and hallucinations. Whole episodes take place inside his head, and the things going on in his head regularly escape. This happens at times on some level with the other characters, but when Dick is onscreen it's like he pulls the audience in and we see things the way he sees them. This show does "immersive" very well.
Why is the first season so dark, Watsonian-ly speaking? (Watsonian-ly?) Because this is set during the darkest time in Dick's life. He's depressed and suffering from an identity crisis, he doesn't feel like a human being and has cut himself off from everyone who cares about him. Why is there no soundtrack? Because pop songs aren't really going through Dick's head right now. Why is there little to no humour? Well, Dick isn't really feeling the jokes at the moment. Why is there so little colour? He's seeing everything in bleak shades of grey (of course, Kori comes into his life in a pop of colour 🥰). He is completely immersed in a cycle of violence and bloodshed that he doesn't know how to get out of, and it's torturous. The tone of the season matches his mental state perfectly. It is easy to watch? No, but if we're looking at it this way, it shouldn't be easy.
Dick begins the healing process starting in season two, and the tone immediately shifts. There's colour and a soundtrack!! There's humour and even some happiness! The Doylist explanation, of course, is that audiences didn't want more seasons like S1, so they made the tone a little more friendly. But the Watsonian explanation is that Dick is in a better place, mentally and emotionally, so his surroundings respond in kind. This continues through season three.
Now, the action-centred plot lines in seasons 1-3 range from being really interesting, to really boring, to being absolutely riddled with plot holes. Don't watch this show for that reason. Watch it for the character-centred emotional arcs. They don't disappoint. Seasons one, two, and three form a three-act story, centred on Dick's emotional journey expressed in his relationships with Bruce Wayne on one side, and Jason Todd on the other. Dick's journey of blame, anger, running away, self-examination, and forgiveness is repeated in each season, but it doesn't feel repetitive, it feels symmetrical.
(I already made a post about how I feel that they dropped the ball right at the end of season two in this regard, so the "forgiveness" aspect of the cycle didn't really land, but that's why God gave me an imagination.)
In season one, Dick blames Bruce Wayne for making him into what he is (a killer, someone who is capable of terrible things, who has hurt people, and will continue hurting people, as he doesn't know any other way to live). He is so steeped in that anger that he has become someone he barely recognizes. A year ago, he ran away, cutting himself off from everyone and everything. After being thrust into a mission to protect a young girl who needs his help, Dick is forced to do some self-examination. In the end, he realizes that healing for himself will only begin if he takes some responsibility for his own actions and forgives Bruce.
In season two, since he is no longer blaming Bruce for all his problems, Dick is blaming himself. Again, the resulting anger causes problems, he tries to run away, and he ends up being forced to take a hard look at himself. He realizes that his running away is selfish and isn't fixing anything and that healing, both for himself and the people he's hurt, will only come once he takes responsibility for his actions and forgives himself.
In season three, there's a three-way system of blame between Dick, Bruce, and Jason. Jason blames Bruce and Dick for setting him up to be Robin and then (as he sees it, and he's not totally off-base) giving up on him and casting him aside. Bruce blames himself for failing first Dick, then Jason. And Dick, having learned to stop blaming either Bruce or himself, blames Jason for turning evil. Whew! The cycle I was talking about comes to a crescendo in this season, and the resolution is so satisfying. This time, it's Jason who lashes out in anger and it's Bruce who runs away. Dick still has to do the "self-examination" thing though. In the end, he comes to realize that (you guessed it) healing for all the people involved will only begin when each party takes responsibility for their actions and forgives each other. Dick begins with himself; he realizes that he is partly responsible for the way Jason turned out, so he is the first to extend his hand in both an apology and forgiveness, which begins the healing process, which literally cleanses Gotham City. It's beautiful, ok?
The themes of fatherhood and family trauma are so subtly interwoven throughout the story, but it's powerful. The show shines a spotlight on the effects of all the father/son relationships and makes them the beating heart of the storyline. It's actually beautiful how Dick's final internal battle ends with a vision of both his past and his future: he sees himself as a little boy with his birth father, who announces that he will always love Dick no matter what, and then he sees his own future daughter. Father/child relationships are a powerful force in this show. They are the source of great pain, harm, and damage, as well as great strength, hope, and love.
This show has changed my brain chemistry.
One more thing. Dick is portrayed by Brenton Thwaites. Do you know who he is? Let me now confess that he was my first celebrity crush. I saw him in The Giver and I was gone, but I don't think I'm biased when I say that he is such a good Dick Grayson it isn't funny. He plays "internally haunted" extremely well, as well as all the other things Dick Grayson needs to be. Now Iain Glen as Bruce Wayne really threw me at first, but I have to admit he has grown on me. He's an older Bruce Wayne, kind of the spiritual successor of Adam West, minus the campiness. Not the best Bruce Wayne in cinematic history, but give him a chance. His scenes with Dick and Jason are *chef's kiss.*
There's more to the show than Just Dick, Bruce, and Jason, but like I said, they're the beating heart of the show. I could go on, but I have to go eat dinner now, and get started on season four. Happy ending, here I come!!
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supercap2319 · 9 months
"Y/N, I dare you to–" Hank began.
"–To kiss Dick on the fuckin lips." Jason finished with a grin.
It was guy's night at the Tower. Kory, Rachel, Dawn, and Donna were out for the day, so it was just the guys hanging out with some beer and harmless fun. For the most part.
Y/N's crush on Dick was no secret, that's why Jason was poking at it with this dare. The other guys waited to see what he would do. Would he go for it, or not?
"Is that all? Too easy. Next time, try daring me to blow everyone in the Tower." Y/N stood and walked towards Dick before he straddled his hips. There whooping sounds coming from Conner and Garth.
Y/N cupped Dick's face into his hands as he leaned down and kissed him on the lips.
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jessmalia · 4 months
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"This is how it was always gonna end."
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ferrouswheel11 · 7 months
Titans killed off Deathstroke AND the Joker AND Lex Luthor I fucking love this show
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disco-troy · 2 years
I feel like people who don't watch titans don't understand what its like to watch titans. like "its bad" no you don't understand
Jason kills a man and then roleplays with prostitutes to apologize
amazing ms anne diop STEALS THE SHOW
You get to a scene where you're expecting a big final confrontation and then Dick's just hit by a car. end scene. he spends 5 minutes in the hospital, moving on -
made me sad about HANK FUCKING HALL dying not ONCE BUT TWICE!! HANK HALL!!
raven leaves for an ENTIRE season to bring Donna back to life, has an episode where she comes to term with Donna death THE B-PLOT OF THE SAME EPISODE IS DONNA DECIDING TO COME BACK TO LIFE
The reason Donna decides to go back to life is that Tim's mad his death wasn't cool enough he wants to try again
Tim proceeds to spend every other fight scene curled up in a corner or hiding behind a strong woman preferably both
The have the literal most comic accurate Joey I've seen in my life in an adaptation an extremely relatable version of Kom that is super sympathetic to her, they work with themes like family and shared trauma and change things to make parallels between characters
Gar turns into a bat and dunks Dicks body into the lazurus pit
superboy mpreg
The cutest possible DickKory and THE BEST GAR I LOVE U SO MUCH
15 year old pretending to be the red hood and its funny but its also so sad
we interrupt this show to tell you that DICK IS A BOTTOM WHO WAS IN A MASOCHISTIC DOM/SUB RELATIONSHIP WITH JINX. okay u can continue
Babs and Joey are played by disabled actors
Donna dies by an electrical cable falls on her. Amazonian strength? never heard of her
They hype up trigon for all of season one and then spend 5 dollars on his CGI
Deathstroke comes back as a zombie and gets decapitated ❤️🥰🥰. Proceeds to stick his head back on 👎👎
Dick's legal name is Dick. Richard? never heard of her
an incredibility nuanced view of Kom and Kory's relationship in a way that pulls from the comics and changes a lot while keeping much of the same themes in a way that makes this show act like an excellent foil that enriches the original source material, especially in relation to their parents and mirroring countless side plots
at some point scarecrow gets jason high and dances an u just... watch i guess
Gar can only turn into a tiger for 3 seasons but then the show feels bad so he turns into a virus
There is no god or coherency in titans, the quality fluctuates widely from seconds of the show, its the best adaptation of the titans that has ever come out they tease a road trip EVERY SEASON and we have not had A SINGLE ROAD TRIP EPISODE
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every other word that comes out of Jason’s mouth is how much he loves bring Robin, “bro”, a swear, or some other unintelligible-to-Dick thing
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