jjelliacee · 6 months
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she was such a small, inoffensive toad and such a small, inoffensive human
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carmillapixel · 3 months
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Little sketchy painting of Toadling from Thornhedge by @tkingfisher . I sketched her originally as soon as I finished the book when it first came out, but I redid it digitally with some colour recently after spotting it in my sketchbook. I really love her, she’s so sweet.
I can’t recall if she has clothes in the book, but in my head she didn’t when she was watching over the castle in the thorns, as she was mostly in toad mode, and you don’t need clothes when you’re a toad. I couldn’t easily picture what clothes she would even want to wear. I have another (the original) version without the tasteful lily pads, which I prefer, but I guess this one is less risky to post!
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drowninginabactatank · 6 months
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Thornhedge by T Kingfisher is such a mood 🐸
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a-ramblinrose · 1 month
“She was neither beautiful nor made of malice, as many of the Fair Folk are said to be. Mostly she was fretful and often tired.”
― T. Kingfisher, Thornhedge
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Review: Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher.
Meet Toadling. On the day of her birth, she was stolen from her family by the fairies, but she grew up safe and loved in the warm waters of faerieland. Once an adult though, the fae ask a favor of Toadling: return to the human world and offer a blessing of protection to a newborn child. Simple, right? If only. Centuries later, a knight approaches a towering wall of brambles, where the thorns are as thick as your arm and as sharp as swords. He's heard there's a curse here that needs breaking, but it's a curse Toadling will do anything to uphold…
I honestly read this ARC more than once, because I loved it so much - I am coming fast to the conclusion that T. Kingfisher could never make a bad book, and this is another good example of that.
I can't explain how much I love Toadling. When all the pages were done, all the filled up 89 pages of this book of my copy, I was not ready to leave her. I need more of Toadling, she's such a wonderful character who really delivers on every page. I want a play of this book, it would be so good (in fact a play of this book with the Horrible Histories cast, don't at me).
The plot moves well and leaves you wanting more. I loved every page as this story develops and it takes its twists and turns. What I really love about it is how Halim's and Toadling's characters develop and how their relationship blooms throughout this story. I wanna talk about this book to so many people. I wanna force it in people's hands.
I loved this book, I will read T. Kingfisher's work as soon as they appear.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!
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geeklyinc · 1 year
Thornhedge Review: What Can Eternal Lie
Thornhedge Review: What Can Eternal Lie
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Based purely on growing up in the Disney era of fairy tales, at one point I would have said that Sleeping Beauty is the lamest of heroines. Problematic, of course, but also just boring. Clearly just a tale invented by a parent who really, really wanted to go to bed! But I’m so glad that …
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elitadream · 10 months
Here's a funny scenario i just thought about💡
So basically Mario and Peach were visiting the baby toads and they all decided that they wanted to play a game and the game they want to play is wedding. The baby toads elected Peach and Mario as the bride and groom.
Both their faces went pink at that suggestion but they went along with it anyway. On their "wedding" they had one of the baby toad as the officiant and the rest as guests. The baby toads even made them a make shift ring out of paper.
And at the end the "officiant" said "you may now kiss the bride" Mario started blushing like crazy 😳 and stumbling on his words. As much as he wanted to kiss the princess, he doesn't feel like he is worthy or that this is a perfect time for that. Peach, with her cheeks as pink as her dress, just giggles and kisses Mario on the forehead 🤭
The baby toads cheer and as this was happening, Luigi walks in and says "whoah, bro! You're getting married and you didn't tell me?"
Oh, they would! 😄
There was a piece I made a little while back where a toadie bluntly asks them whether they will get married and have children, to which Mario and Peach react by recoiling and blushing furiously; not knowing how to answer this question at all. 🤣
I just LOVE the idea of kids being included in scenarios that involve these two! There's so much that can be done with this concept (such as the scene you've described^^) and it's always guaranteed to be adorable thanks to these small helpers. 😁💕
And Luigi showing up at the end is a fun touch! Thanks for sharing! :D
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freckles-and-books · 1 year
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Halfway through this one and LOVING it so far.
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aucitic-monkay213 · 4 months
Wilderlore theory (Crazy theory)
What if Toadles is the reincarnation of Conley Murdock? First, Toadles bonded with Tadg and not the other way around. Second, Toadles is an undiscovered beast meaning he could be new (Not to mention in TWT paperback page 76 Ulick said that he lived in the Sea his whole life and had not seen a beast like Toadles before shows that Toadles is a new beast). Third, he bonded with Tadg at Conley's house which was also Tadg's. Fourth, he isn't any other beast as he can come out of his mark without being summoned. Fifth, he can feel Tadg's feelings (TES hardcover page 238). Tadg says that he thinks Toadles can read his thoughts and he always leaves his mark when Tadg feels angry or annoyed or something. What do y'all think?
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kaypanda · 11 months
Made a little tadg comic
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salmonseagull · 6 months
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Toadles!! My guy!
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rocket-220 · 8 months
I just realised that Tadg, poor, poor Tadg, has had two beasts bond with him because they felt like it.
Viola has two beasts she wanted, and sure, Barclay didn't want to bond with Root but it certainly worked out well for him, and it's not like he was going to bond with any kind of beast anyhow.
But Tadg grew up in the Lorekeeper world, and so he would've probably been thinking what kind of beast he wanted (seeing as he was 10/11-ish) when he watched his father get murdered and then have his father's beast bond with him. And he did call Mar-Mar a monster.
And then he got Toadles, whom he also didn't want, and while that is working out fine enough, he still has never had the opportunity to bond with a beast he actually wants- he just got whatever was shoved his way.
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nampisutti · 1 year
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These are mobile games I played that are obscure and I find most of them underrated. Some I remembered and some I played a few years ago. I was about to do the second part of this, but then I lost my motivation and never finished. So here's a rough sketch of this. lol
After I lost interest in playing well-known mobile games for years such as Angry Birds and so forth. I thought myself to play these obscure games from 2020 til' 2023 including some of them I remembered and wanted to play again from start to finish. Since these games are short-lived and better than most mobile games nowadays where they include 'pay-2-win', annoying pop-up ads, and such. The last mobile game I ever played (not in both drawings) was "MADChef"; a bootleg GHS game before I made my decision to quit playing mobile games altogether. And this was also part of the reason to improve my health since quarantine I struggled with.
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
Really felt the difference in the latest Joe episode ngl
You know when you're trying to nap and your thoughts are somewhat conscious but it's starting to become dream-like and make no sense? That's exactly how I felt when i realized him transporting frogs has passed the 20 minutes mark but it felt like only 5 minutes had passed
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glassamphibians · 1 year
obsessed with these green things called trees
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