#Tony Rebel
prnanayarquah · 1 year
Newcomers to veterans REBEL SALUTE delivers for all
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/newcomers-to-veterans-rebel-salute-delivers-for-all/
Newcomers to veterans REBEL SALUTE delivers for all
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Rebel Salute 2023 is exactly what the doctor ordered.  The 29th staging of Jamaica’s staple event was a balance of upcoming artists and veteran acts.  As one journalist described it, “it was a potpourri of musical treats and even the Sound Clash added flavour.”
Stalwarts such as Queen Ifrica, Bounty Killer and Beenie Man delivered their signature tunes, as well as newcomer Jahshii, and GRAMMY-nominated hitmaker Kabaka Pyramid whose performances shed positive spotlights on younger generation acts.
Stonebwoy, the guest artist from Ghana, occupied every inch of the stage and fans loved it.  After his performance, Stonebwoy said “I loved every moment on the Rebel Salute stage.  This year showed the importance of bridging Caribbean and African people through performance.”
The rebel himself, Tony Rebel also graced the stage delivering his classic hits to welcoming fans.
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curryvillain · 2 years
Everton Blender's "Ghetto People Song" Sampled On @FrenchMontana's "Montega" Album!
Everton Blender’s “Ghetto People Song” Sampled On @FrenchMontana’s “Montega” Album!
On Friday June 24, New York Rapper French Montana released his new album, “Montega“. The 12 track project would further solidify French’s place in Hip Hop, and he brought along new hits and collaborations. While fans would be excited about the new project, a familiar sound was heard on “Higher“, the 6th track on the album. On the opening of “Higher”, Everton Blender’s 1994 single, “Ghetto People…
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sereinreality · 2 years
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Good Morning.
Remember what they took from us.
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Tony: Remind me to teach you some common sense
Peter: I had common sense until you started teaching me!
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iintervallum · 10 months
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sketch of beau because I miss her
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infinitepunches · 2 years
I can finally say it.
Andor season 1 is the best piece of Star Wars media ever produced.
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darth-memes · 1 month
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So, I had some hours and I am learning After Effects. And since several people have now mistaken Chopper the mass murderer droid with Tony Tony Chopper the cute doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates who has saved thousands from One Piece in my memes. So I did this. sure that if they ever meet the ratio of people killed/people saved would be 0.
Thanks @poneshyay for the inspiration.
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mndvx · 5 months
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— Our civilization has lived and thrived for 10,000 years with honor and charity as its most valued tenets... — Yes. Yes, honor and charity. Do you see that? That ship is named the King’s Gaze. It was named to honor our slain father. So… Honor, I understand. Charity, I do not. REBEL MOON – PART ONE: A CHILD OF FIRE December 21st 2023 | dir. Zack Snyder ››› Tony Amendola as King Levitica ››› Ed Skrein as Atticus Noble
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hacked-wtsdz · 2 years
Mon Mothma is really interesting to me because she is willing to get her hands dirty for a cause. In comparison to Padme, for example, she is a completely different sort of person, rebel, senator, partner. This isn’t about putting them against each other to say who is better, they were, according to canon, very good friends and co-creators of the rebellion, but the way they work to get to their ends is different. Mon admits that she has learned from the Emperor, she has learned how to lie, how to betray, how to be a wolf in a sheep’s skin, the things that Palpatine is the best at. Padme, who has been Palpatine’s friend and, in a way, student would not do the things Mon does. She puts the Rebellion, freedom, politics, war first, but she wouldn’t marry her daughter off to achieve something. She wouldn’t betray Anakin, first of all, because their love is true, compared to Mon and her husband. But also because framing somebody isn’t morally correct in her opinion. Ideals are extremely important to Padme. She is the golden side of the rebellion: honest, honourable. That is inherently why Anakin fell in love with her, that kid from Tatooine where those words meant less than dust. And that nature passed on to Luke, which is why he was able to save Vader and defeat the Empire in the end. That golden side is crucial to the rebels. That’s not to say that Padme isn’t willing to lie or spy or kill, but sacrificing her morals for a greater cause would be near impossible to her imo. Becoming Luthen would never have been an option. And that doesn’t make her bad or useless. Like I said, people like her were the ones who built the Rebellion in the first place, without them it wouldn’t have thrived. Padme is Nemik. Padme is the Jedi. Padme is Luke refusing to fight Vader, refusing to become like him even to save his friends. In the end, that’s exactly what saves them. But Mon, oh Mon is Luthen. Mon is Cassian himself. Mon is the sacrifice of Kreegyr. Mon is shading faces like masks and lying without shame. Mon is all those people who gave up their conscience for a cause. Mon is the shaded side of the rebels, no less crucial than Padme to their eventual victory. Mon is willing to do the things Padme is not, and by that she is unable to be moral and good like Padme, unable to be the golden side. Doomed to use her enemies’ weapons against him. They are two sides of the same coin, one shiny, one rusted, both make up its value, both a heart with which the rebellion beats. Only before we saw more gold than rust, and now Andor really got to show us the black side of the Rebellion.
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swan-orpheus · 2 years
What is Luthen Rael?
I can’t stop thinking about this episode, but seriously, who did Luthen lose??? Who and what is Luthen Rael? Saw remarked in Ep 8 that he never says what he is and what he ultimately stands for. Why is he a coward? Did he watch someone die, powerless to stop it?? 
Does he have survivor’s guilt?
“I share my dreams with ghosts.”
Who are these folks and are they people that he lost fifteen years ago? It would make sense given his other statements such as the one about the equation. 
“I wake up every day to an equation that I wrote fifteen years ago from which there’s only one conclusion, I’m damned for what I do.”
He speaks like a man who has lost and/or broken his Faith and is doomed to some sort of hell as a result. 
This is a man who wears or wore a kyber crystal around his neck, hidden underneath his clothes. I did not think before that Luthen was a former Jedi or force sensitive, but what if he is? if not it is sure looking like someone close to him was. Was he a temple guardian like Chirrut or something else similar? I also found it interesting how he chastised himself for being angry and violent like it went against his own personal code of conduct, apart from the sacrifices he’s had to make. He speaks of losing balance when he says: 
“I’ve given up all chance of inner peace.” 
“My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they’ve set me on a path from which there is no escape.”
He’s talking about falling to the Dark Side whether he’s force sensitive or not. Anyone can compromise themselves to the point of losing themselves which is really what the Dark Side is a metaphor for. The Force exists in and around everyone. Just the language that he is using is so particular, that it’s difficult to ignore. 
He urges others to fight, but he never gets involved himself. Is attacking against his belief system? The Evil attack, the Good defend is sort of a mainstay of many stories. He feels guilty because he propels other people to what some view as acts of terrorism, even if it is for the sake of saving all that is good. 
Will he retrench and get involved anyway, at Spellhaus or whatever is about to go down on Ferrix? We see him in his ship in the previews fighting so clearly he is not going to live in the shadows forever and whenever he emerges, I think it will be for the memory of whoever those ghosts are, those that he lost when the Empire came into power.
I believe that Luthen lives to S2 and that we are going to get some mentions of The Force though in a way consistent with Rogue One, subtle and in keeping with the narrative. 
I’ve always felt that “May the Force be with you.” was a bit of a Rebellion slogan. You see it in the original trilogy and throughout Rogue One, before battles especially. In a galaxy where the Jedi were destroyed and believing in the Force is heresy, where you can be arrested for being even mildly force-sensitive or for knowing someone who is, where an acknowledgement that all beings are connected which is antithetical to the Empire and the to the Dark is dangerous, saying that to someone, mentioning it, is an act of rebellion. 
Vel says to Mon Mothma, “We’re fighting against the dark.”
Perhaps Luthen Rael is the one thing you are not allowed to mention, something that never gets mentioned. 
“He is something that we shall never discuss.” 
Vel likely doesn’t know much about his background, but this line surely is there for a reason, for the audience to note. It could just be about his position as an axis for rebellious activity or it could have a double meaning. The question of his origin is highlighted again and again in this show. He says that his ego has no mirror. He is not strictly alone. He has Kleya and other human connections, such as they are. Or is he alone because there is no one like him?  Because he lost his family, the only ones who really understood him? 
I think that Luthen believed in what the Jedi stood for, was closely connected to them, or was one himself, and I am certain that if any of this comes to pass, this team of writers will do it justice and make it work in a way that is not going to steal anything from the narrative or the tone of the show or compromise their vision of what Andor is. Then again, I’ve always thought that the Force was a lot more fluid and varied and sophisticated than just, you can float rocks or not. It’s about every sentient being. It is life itself. (Also. I’ve always wanted to see regular people who are connected to the Force. You don’t choose it, it chooses you. You could be a Jedi or you could help your neighbors with their garden or warn the village of danger. But I digress.)
I certainly neither need these things to happen nor find them desirable or undesirable. I observe patterns and draw conclusions. But okay, ngl, that would be extremely compelling and building towards it for an entire season, layer upon layer, is totally their style. Certainly the nature of his sacrifice is very Jedi-like. He gives hope and light to others in dark times, but keeps none for himself. 
“So what do I sacrifice? Everything!” 
...just as the Jedi were sacrificed on the altar of the Empire.
The Force has been there hiding in the folds of this show the entire time. it doesn’t need to be name dropped to be real. And I LOVE that. 
I trust these writers. They waste nothing. Each line, every scene, every self-reference has a place, mirrors something else. Impeccably. 
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sereinreality · 2 years
i am 100% serious when i say the irondad community carried their relationship that the actual studio didn’t need to do much.
it’s when they’re gone i realize how much we’ve been robbed of tony/rhodey/pepper’s interactions with peter that would have made infinity war/endgame so much more heart shattering
it pisses me off that they claimed these two had a familial relationship but then did absolutely jack shit to actually show us! not even bare minimum!
tony and peter’s relationship could have been really sweet especially post nwh had they had actual VISUAL CANON proof that they were close
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mysteryonearth52 · 15 years
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R.E.B.E.L.S. 23 (2011) by Tony Bedard & Claude St Aubin 
Cover: Francis Portela
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frentique · 2 years
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nervouswreck-96 · 1 year
One of the biggest traps a fandom can fall into is idolizing a single creator to the point where they demnd that the creator be given complete control over every aspect of the franchise. Sometimes that actually happens and then the increased exposure leads the rest of the fandom to see the flaws in that creator's work that were previously ignored.
Star Wars fandom begged for Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau to basically be handed the keys to the entire Star Wars franchise mainly due to disatisfaction with the sequel trilogy which they were not involved with. Since then, as far as I'm aware, the two have helmed several SW series for Disney Plus which have seen diminishing returns in critical reception to the point where some are saying the new season of the Mandalorian was WORSE than the sequel trilogy. And now the title of "franchise savior" has been passed on to Tony Gilroy, the producer of Star Wars Andor, proving that nobody learned a damn thing.
Oh, and don't get me started on Ian Flynn and the rollercoaster of fan reception to his work with the Sonic franchise.
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jasvvy · 2 years
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mooncustafer · 2 months
I was forty minutes into this modern-art satire starring Tony Hancock and I was already shipping Tony with his fellow-artist Paul when the following exchange happened:
Tony (sitting on his bed and taking off his shoes): Oh— will you give me a shape, please? Paul: Shape? Tony: Well I can’t sleep unless I’m thinking of a shape, see? It’s for tomorrow. I want to start painting as early as possible tomorrow morning. Shape, please? Paul: Triangle? Tony: Triangle yes that’s good…uh.. yes— and a colour please? Paul: Pink? Tony: A pink triangle. Yes. I think I’ll add a fish skeleton to that! (Pause) With a watch hanging on it! (Lies back on the bed, smiling thoughtfully to himself)
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