#Tony ridinger
im-fairly-whitty · 5 years
Caught in the Riptide – Riptide!Incredibles AU
I said this story was dead, but then I wrote another chapter for whatever reason and didn’t feel like it was fair not to post it for you guys. I suppose it’s more of an indefinite hiatus instead of completely dead.
[Chapter 1: The Offer] [Chapter 2: Old Friendships]
Chapter 3: Introductions
 When Tony had called Agent Gibbons to tell him he wanted to join the Taskforce he hadn’t known what to expect, maybe showing up at a nearby police station to fill out some forms or something, but certainly not being escorted in an unmarked vehicle to an undisclosed location. 
The car had seemed normal enough when it had pulled up outside of Tony’s house, but once he’d gotten in he’d realized that the interior was much roomier than it looked, with the middle row of seats facing the wrong way like a limo. As they’d driven the windows seemed to get darker and darker too, as if the tint was getting stronger, eventually keeping Tony from being able to tell where they were at all, no matter how hard he squinted through the glass.
“We’ll be at the base soon.” Agent Gibbons said, looking up from the device he was typing on as he sat across from him, some kind of slick portable computer that Tony had only seen the likes of in secret agent films, “You’ll want to have looked through your orientation packet before we arrive.” he said with a smile, nodding at the thick manila envelope he’d handed Tony at the beginning of the drive that Tony was still absently clutching to his chest.
“Oh sure, sorry.” Tony said with a nervous smile, looking up from the darkly tinted windows and getting a good look at the packet for the first time.
The thick manilla paper had a circular wave symbol stamped on the outside. Tony ripped the seal off the top and tipped the contents into his lap. A sheaf of papers, a lanyard with an ID card attached, several pamphlets, and a thin dark grey folded up jumpsuit. The last item to fall out was a black piece of flexible plastic with two holes...no, it was a mask.
Just like Supers always wore.
“You’ll want to get used to the mask.” Gibbons said, seeing him looking at it, “From now on your civilian identity will be under wraps, even during training. You’re to wear that mask at all times while on the base, don’t ever take it off, not even around the other recruits. While you’re working with other Taskforce members you’ll get to know and befriend them, which is fantastic, we want you all to be able to work with each other, but try to keep details like your name, address, and other personal details to yourself, alright?”
“Yes sir.” Tony said, nodding even though he wasn’t quite sure how you were supposed to be friends with someone if you didn’t even know their real names. He looked closer at the mask, which didn’t seem to have any strings... “How...?” he asked hesitantly, looking up.
“You just stick it on.” Gibbons said, not looking up from his tablet.
“Won’t it fall off?” Tony asked a little sheepishly. He tried to think but couldn't actually remember seeing any kinds of strings or straps on Supers’ masks in history books, he’d never really thought about it before.
“Trust me kid,” Gibbons said, tapping his screen, “Supers have been wearing cling masks for years, they’re old tech. I’ve never had one fall off my face, promise.”
“Wait, you’re a Super too?” Tony asked in surprise.
“Mask.” Gibbons said, looking up at him pointedly.
Tony obediently put it on, surprised to feel how secure it felt on his face, as if it were somehow sticky. He looked up and down, shaking his head side to side, but it stuck. He took it off easily, then put it back on. Well how about that.
He suspected the mask wasn’t going to be the only unexplainable thing he saw today.
“I used to be a Super,” Gibbons said, nodding in approval at Tony’s mask, “but I retired before Supers were outlawed. I saw things were getting out of control and I wanted to help in a bigger way than flying around stopping crooks, so I hung up my mask and got a job with the government. That’s how I’ve been able to help the Taskforce get started, I’ve got experience on both the Super and the Government side, which means I can bring them together.”
“That’s amazing,” Tony said, “what powers do you have?” he flinched a little at his own question. He might be on his way to be trained as a Super, but asking someone about their powers still felt dangerously taboo, like he was crossing a line, “I mean, if that’s okay to ask. Is that okay to ask?” he added hurriedly.
“Pyrokinesis.” Gibbons said, casually holding up his hand, which was now covered in flame.
The thin flickering orange and yellow light danced up and down the man’s skin with apparently no damage, even though Tony could feel the heat very clearly from where he sat.
“A cousin of your power actually, ability to manipulate fire at will, just like you can with water.” Gibbons said with a smile, curling his fingers into a fist of flame that blazed an intense blue before suddenly snuffing out, leaving a slightly singed smell in the air, “I just have to be much more careful with mine in enclosed spaces than you do.” he said with a chuckle, “Does mean I’ve never had so much as a sunburn before though, which is a perk.”
“I always burn really easy, I have to wear sweaters and sunscreen all the time.” Tony said, “That’s incredible.”
“I prefer ‘amazing’.” Gibbons said, looking back to his screen.
His device made a pinging noise and Gibbons smiled, “We’re here. Remember, keep your mask on, no real names, and keep your lanyard on. That’s how you’ll get in and out of all the doors in this place that you have clearance for. We run a pretty tight ship here so be sure to keep your wits about you.”
“What should I use as my name then?” Tony asked, slipping on his lanyard. His eyes got wide, “Do I get to choose my Super name?”
“No need,” Gibbons said, pointing to the lanyard’s card as Tony felt the car roll to a stop.
Tony flipped over the card, which had the same wave icon from the envelope printed on it, as well as the word RIPTIDE in all capital letters.
Agent Gibbons got out of the car, holding the door open for Tony as he stepped into the gravel yard of what looked like a high tech military base.
To his left were enormous metal hangers and warehouses, to his right a group of people in army camo jogged by in neat lines. Ahead of him was a cement path that looked freshly laid, leading to a brand new building that was all clean lines and impressive steel.
“Welcome to the Taskforce, Riptide.” Agent Gibbons said with a smile.
The kid was nervous, William could see that from the way he kept glancing around him as they entered the sleek new Taskforce training center, but Riptide also seemed to be intent on making a good impression, sticking right to his side and smiling at everyone they passed.
He really seemed like he was a good kid, which was perfect, William could use a kid like that. William would have normally had some other agent under him take care of a new recruit’s orientation, but Riptide was different. William had scouted the boy out himself and he had big plans for him.
“Pretty much all of your training will take place right here in this building.” William said, shepherding Riptide toward a door and demonstrating how to unlock it with a tap of his own lanyard, “We have state of the art classrooms, training facilities, and living arrangements for recruits who stay overnight during parts of their training, like how you’re staying the weekend. Everything you need will be provided to you which why you were told not to pack anything. If there’s something you need just ask any of the staff and they’ll arrange it for you.”
“That’s really kind of you.” Riptide said, staring as they passed a group of recruits, the masked teenagers in dark grey jumpsuits smiling and waving to him as they passed each other, “Say, am I supposed to be wearing jumpsuits like them? I got one in my packet right?” he asked as he waved back to them, then glanced down at his street clothes.
“You young people are our most valuable resource,” William said, “we’d be idiots not to treat you well. And yes, in the future you’ll wear your training uniform whenever you’re on the Taskforce campus. There’s special sensors woven into the fabric of each suit that will track your vital signs as well as readings from your power set that will help your trainers record your progress and help you reach your peak performance as you become more familiar with your powers.
“Today we’ll be meeting one of your coaches and then you’ll have a chance to change before having a meal with the rest of the recruits before your first round of training this evening. Which is why...” William led Riptide through another door into a huge room, the scent of chlorine washing over them, “we’re starting you in here.”
William had never been in the pool room, but the olympic sized monstrosity was every bit as bad as he’d expected. Riptide however lit up at the sight of all the water, an unconscious smile creeping onto his face as the kid stared at the crystal blue water eagerly.
“New kid!” came a cheery voice, and they both turned to see a slender hispanic woman with a whistle hanging around her neck walking toward them, “About time you showed up, been expecting you. Call me Coach Maralin.”
“Ton-” Riptide started to say as he walked over and shook her hand, but quickly caught himself, “I mean, Riptide. My name’s Riptide.”
“Power?” Coach Maralin asked.
“Aquakinesis.” Riptide said, standing up a little straighter.
“That’s right, Agent Gibbons has been making you out to be the next Splashdown.” Coach Maralin said, glancing over at where William was still standing near the doorway, as far away from the pool’s edge as possible, “The water won’t bite, Will.” she called with a smile.
William gave a dry smile, “I’m perfectly fine right here.” he called back, “I assume I’m safe to leave him in your care?”
“Sure thing.” Coach Maralin said cheerfully, walking Riptide to the edge of the pool and taking the papers and things he was still holding from the packet, “Now Riptide, we’ll get you all measured and tested tonight, but for now-”
William shivered as she unceremoniously shoved Riptide into the deep end of the pool, street clothes, shoes and all. And as a special training pool, suitable even for scuba training, that was a deep end that was a purely indecent twenty meters deep. Just the thought made William’s skin crawl.
Riptide’s head broke the surface of the water as he came back up, sputtering a little, but with a bright smile on his face, like he was actually enjoying it.
“There’s so much water!” Riptide cried excitedly, he dipped his face back into the water for a moment to look down, then looked back up, not even wiping at his eyes, “I’ve never seen a pool this deep, it’s amazing!”
“Can you breathe underwater?” Coach Maralin called.
“I...I don’t know, I’ve never tried.” Riptide said, sounding curious.
“We’ll save that for tonight then.” Coach Maralin said, making a note on her clipboard and pulling out a stopwatch, “For now I want you to get out of that pool without touching the walls or the edge. You’re only allowed to use your power and the water to get out.”
“Oh gosh, I don’t think I can do that.” Riptide said, sounding a little nervous as he looked around, “I can only move a little bit of water before I get tired and-”
“Less chat, more water. Timer starts now.” Coach Maralin called, clicking her stopwatch.
William waited for another minute, watching Riptide at first tread water in confusion, then get a determined look as he started swooping his arms through the water, moving much more than a normal person could possibly splash. It wasn’t anywhere near to what would be required to launch himself out of the pool, but the kid was clearly ready to thrash around until he figured out how to obey the coach’s command.
That was all that William needed to see.
He ducked out of the pool room and back into the hallway, able to breathe a little easier away from the cloying scent of chlorine. Let Riptide handle playing in water, after all, he’d need all the training her could get before his public debut, and he had a long way still to go if he was going to be ready.
Tony had been trapped in the pool for an entire hour before Coach Maralin had let him struggle up the side ladder like a normal person, leaving him trembling with exhaustion.
He’d known that launching himself out of the pool was beyond his ability, but had given his all while trying anyway, seeing that Coach wasn’t going to take no for an answer, only shouting him sharp encouragement the one time he’d tried to ask to stop. He loved swimming, being surrounded by water always made him feel electrified with energy, but today had shown him exactly how useless he was without training. 
After half an hour in the pool he’d started letting himself sink under the surface just to try and feel the water in a way he never had before, knowing that if he could just figure out how to grab the energy in the water just right he could tell it how to do exactly like he wanted. If he could just learn how to speak to it.
But for now he might as well have been trying to speak Chinese for all the good it did him, when he was finally allowed to climb out of the pool he’d glared back down at the water rippling innocently beside him. 
He knew he could figure it out. He hadn’t expected joining the Taskforce to be easy, and if this was what he had to figure out how to do in order to be the best Super and example possible for the Taskforce, then that’s exactly what he’d do.
But...not at this exact moment...
Tony ached all over as he tapped his lanyard card against the door he’d been pointed to, sighing in relief when the mechanical sliding door opened to reveal the bustling cafeteria. More than a dozen recruits scattered around the tables with their trays of food, even some of the staff eating at other tables.
Despite being exhausted (he hadn’t even had the energy to dry off before changing into his jumpsuit, having to use a towel the old fashioned way) Tony felt a buzz of nervousness as he headed to the buffet counter, taking a tray and loading it up with food as he glanced around the cafeteria
“Hey, new guy.”
Tony looked over as an African America girl elbowed him. She looked about his age and was wearing the same jumpsuit and mask that he was.
“First day right?” she asked, scooping some macaroni and cheese onto her tray as she blew some of her hair, of which she had a lot, out of her face.
“Uh, yeah, is it that obvious?” Tony asked with a small laugh.
“I know you’re a new face, the masks aren’t that good.” she said, rolling her eyes, “But no, we saw you in your normal clothes earlier. You can come sit with us if you want.”
“Sure, that’d be great!” Tony said, a little unsure, but following her over to one of the small tables where there were already three other kids. One huge boy who looked like he was barely able to fit in his seat despite looking only fifteen or sixteen, and two thirteen or fourteen year old looking asain kids who looked like they could be twin brother and sister.
They waved as Tony followed the girl over, but Tony hesitated to see there was only one open seat at the table.
“I could grab another chair?” Tony asked, looking around.
“No need,” the girl said, walking over to where the asain boy was sitting, looming over him with her tray, “Ollie, move it, you’re hogging chairs.”
“Aw come on, just make him pull up a chair.” Ollie said, huffing dramatically, “We don’t want to move.”
Ollie’s sister rolled her eyes and reached out to grab his wrist, and suddenly his seat was empty.
Tony blinked, not at all sure what had just happened. One moment there had been two siblings in two chairs, and now there was only one kid in one chair, and unless Tony was very mistaken they were a brand new sibling, looking just like the other two. They had a messier version of the sister’s pigtails and the brother’s bangs, and Tony couldn’t quite say whether they were a boy or a girl...
“We only need one chair.” the kid said, eating a cookie of their tray as if nothing particularly interesting had just happened, “We’re Double Vision, what’s your name?”
“I...Uh, Riptide.” Tony said, trying and failing not to stare as he sat down in the empty seat.
“Thanks DV.” said the girl who had brought him over, sitting down too, “My name’s Aura, and you’d better get ahold of yourself Riptide. If you’re gonna be staring at everyone new like that it’s gonna be a long day.”
“Sorry, I just, I’ve never seen anything like that.” Tony said, blushing a little and scratching the back of his head, “I’ve never really been around other people with powers before, I think it’s really cool, but well, what was that?”
“We’re twins!” Double Vision said brightly, taking another cookie off of Aura’s tray, ignoring her glare, “At least, we think we’re twins, no one really knows. We’re Ollie and Allie sometimes too.” As they mentioned the two names Double Vision’s appearance changed to look like the boy and then the girl again before settling back at the inbetween version.
“Built in back-up and disguises.” said the huge boy sitting on the other side of Double Vision through a mouthful of chicken, “Not to mention the telepathy.”  
“Yeah, well, back up isn’t always so great when you’re both small.” Double Vision said, smacking the huge boy’s arm, “You don’t need back up when you can knock down a whole building by yourself. We wish we could do that.”
“Are you...super strong?” Tony guessed, starting to eat his roll instead of continuing to sneak glances at Double Vision.
The boy chuckled, his laugh actually making the table vibrate beneath their trays. Even though Tony didn’t think it was that loud he could still feel the noise in his bones.
“Nah, my name’s Reverb, I do sound waves.” Reverb said, taking a bite out of one of the three hamburgers on his two trays, “I’m just big, I’ve only got normal person strength for my size. I knock stuff down by yelling instead, it’s way more fun that way anyway.”
“And what do you do?” Tony asked, turning to Aura, excited despite his exhaustion.
“I’d show you but it’s too bright in here.” Aura said, taking a drink of her orange juice, “Yall’d go blind or else I’d get in trouble from blowing out the lights.”
“She makes energy!” Double Vision said excitedly.
“More like types of light.” Aura said coolly, “All colors, all frequencies, all brightnesses. If a lightbulb can do it so can I.”
“Show him the purple light trick.” Reverb said, scooting a napkin across the table toward her.
“I’m not making blacklight in the cafeteria.” Aura said, ignoring the napkin.
“Pleaaaaaaase?” said Double Vision, splitting back into Allie and Ollie, presumably to maximize their pleading as they both balanced on half of their chair.
“Do it. Do it.” Reverb chanted, pounding his fists on the table, making all their trays jump.
“Will you guys shut up?” Aura hissed, but she let out a growly sigh and hovered her hand over the napkin on the table. The dark brown skin of her hand took on a muted purple white glow, and the white napkin underneath glowed a vivid bright white-blue color.
The others cheered and clapped as Aura rolled her eyes and scrunched up the napkin, tucking it under her tray. She looked over at Tony, “And lemme guess, you’ve got something to do with water, right Riptide?”
“Can you talk to fish?” Reverb asked, leaning hard enough on the table to make it creak.
“I have hydrokinesis.” Tony said, taking an overly aware sip from his glass of water, “I can move water with my mind.”
“Do it. Do it.” Reverb said, taking up his table banging chant again, Allie and Ollie joining him as Aura glared at them.
“I would, but I’m super tired right now.” Tony said quickly, moving to set his glass back on the table but thinking better of it as the trays kept jumping from the other’s banging, “It would just spill everywhere, I’m really not that good at it yet, I’ve never really practiced with it before now.”
“Booo.” Reverb said, giving Tony a thumbs down before starting into another hamburger, “You’d better catch up then Rippy, Aura and I’ve already got a few months head start on you. But yeah, they’ll keep you tired around here with how hard they work us, that’s for sure.”
“We’ve been practicing for years.” Allie said proudly, taking a handful of fries off one of Reverb’s trays, “Ever since we were kids.”
“How did you keep a power like yours secret from your parents?” Tony asked, looking over at them curiously, “My parents figured out I had powers when I was still a kid, I threw a tantrum and blew all the water pipes in the house.”
His parents had never exactly made him feel bad about having powers, but they’d never really talked about it either. It had just felt like an unspoken secret between them when he’d been growing up.
“Don’t got any parents.” Ollie said, taking fries from his sister, “We grew up with the NSA, that’s why we get to practice all the time.”
“That’s also why they get to use their real names, even if they’re not supposed to.” Aura said a little dryly, she glanced over at Tony, “Not a lot of parents want to deal with a super kid, let alone not knowing if they’ve got one child or two. You’d be surprised how many super kids end up left at police stations or in dumpsters. Those stories never quite make it to the news, but over half the recruits here were abandoned when they were still babies.”
Tony swallowed, glancing around the cafeteria again. That boy had horns, another had bright purple skin, a girl over there had wings and a scaly tail if he wasn’t mistaken. Were those the kids that had been abandoned at birth? Their parents too overwhelmed by a child who was obviously a Super when they lived in a society that had outlawed them?
Who had raised kids like Allie and Ollie then? Government agents like Mr. Gibbons?
“That’s why the Taskforce is going to fix stuff.” Ollie said, leaning in to his sister until they became Double Vision again, “That way Supers can do whatever they want! We’ll even be able to go to the beach!”
“You know, Supers are legal again.” Tony said, he knew that for sure after the research he’d been doing after Mr. Gibbons’ first visit, “You can go to the beach whenever you want, even if you’re using your powers.”
“Well, the Taskforce is what’s going to keep it that way.” Aura said, ruffling Double Vision’s hair, “With our example and everyone on the registration program everyone will stay safe and follow the rules and we’ll never have to hide again.”
Tony nodded, then started focusing on his food as the others drifted into much less serious chatter and gossip. He’d known in an abstract kind of way why helping the Taskforce was important, but actually meeting other Supers had made it far more solid.
He’d never even realized how lucky he’d been growing up. There were real people with real lives that had been really hurt the last time Supers had messed things up by letting things out of control, and there was no way that his own generation could mess things up a second time. In the future Tony wanted there would never be another child abandoned by their frightened parents just because they were born with powers like he was.
But he wasn’t going to be able to help anyone if he couldn’t even get out of a pool by himself.
Tony started shoveling his food into his mouth faster.
“Slow down, the food ain't gonna run away.” Aura said, glancing over at him.
“I need to get back to training,” Tony said, wiping his mouth, “Like Reverb said, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
(Credits: The Riptide AU was started by @edorazzi​‘s lovely art. For this fic extra thanks goes to @mistrel-fox​ as well for brainstorming help.)
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dudepng · 6 years
the biggest bisexual mood of 2018 so far is being in love with violet AND tony
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agentianlegend · 6 years
So I just started watching Incredibles 2 for the first time...
Is the government totally okay with just mind-wiping every teenager in the country??? I mean, first Kari, now Tony....
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jessalynlearns · 6 years
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Meanings Behind the Names - The Incredibles (2004), Incredibles 2 (2018) THE (LITERAL) GOLDEN TRIO - Bob / Robert: [Germanic] “Bright fame” (BehindTheName); “famed, bright, shining” (SheKnows); derived from the Germanic elements hrod “fame” and beraht “bright” - Helen: [Greek] “Bright, shining light” (Nameberry); cognate of the Greek Helenē, which is derived from the root ēlē, “light, torch, bright” (BabyNameWizard) - Lucius: [Roman] “Light,” derived from Latin lux “light” (BehindTheName) THE OXYMORON - Robert Parr: Robert means “bright fame,” but Parr is a play on the phrase “on par” meaning “average.”
THE CHILDREN - Violet: [English] “of the purple flower” (BehindTheName); in addition to her purple-hued hair and eyes, the name can either be thought of as descriptive of Violet’s shy nature (i.e.: a “shrinking violet”) or of her forcefield powers which seem to manifest themselves from the ultraviolet side of the light spectrum. - Dashiell: [English] Anglicization of French surname de Chiel, meaning unknown. There is no hidden meaning to Dashiell beyond justifying the name “Dash” - John Jackson “Jack-Jack”: [English] John means “God is gracious,” and Jack is a diminutive of John. Many people have speculated that Jack-Jack is either a reference to JFK’s son, John F. Kennedy, Jr. (born 1960, one year before Jack-Jack) who was known as “John-John.  Others have said that his name is a reference of his being a ”Jack of all trades“ with his many powers, but Brad Bird has maintained that "Jack-Jack” was simply the nickname of his own son, Jack.
THE ALLIES - Edna Mode: [Irish], Anglicized form of Eithne, meaning “kernel, grain,” or [Hebrew], meaning “pleasure.”  Her name was likely chosen based on its similarity to Edith, as costume designer Edith Head served as Edna’s inspiration. (BehindTheName, Wikipedia); Mode is a German word for “fashion”
- Richard “Rick” Dicker: [German, English] “Strong ruler” from ric“ruler, leader” and hard“strong, brave” (Wikipedia); Dicker is an English occupational name for a digger of ditches or a builder of dikes (Ancestry.com)
- Kari McKeen: [Norwegian] Norwegian short form of Katarina, cognate of Katherine, related to the Greek name Aikaterine, whose meaning is unknown, but who in the early Christian era became associated with the Greek work katharos, meaning “pure.” (BehindTheName); McKeen and its related forms are anglicized forms of the Gaelic Mac Iain “Son of Ian.”
- Tony Rydinger: [English] “Highly praiseworthy” (SheKnows, OhBabyNames), “priceless” (Baby Center), “of inestimable worth” (BabyNameWizard); a form of the Roman name Antonius (Behind the Name); Rydinger/Ridinger is a habitational name for someone from any of several places in Bavaria named Riding or Rieding (Ancestry.com)
- Honey Best: [English] from the Old English hunig; original a nickname for a sweet person. Best is an English surname meaning “the beast,” and may refer to one employed as a herdsman (Wikipedia) THE VILLAINS - Buddy Pine: [English] clearly a nod to the character’s desire to attach himself to Mr. Incredible as a buddy or sidekick; Pine is of Anglo-Saxon origin meaning a resident near or in a pine forest (Surnamedb.com), but it’s also a play on the verb “to pine” (to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable they still pined for their lost wealth), referring to Buddy’s relationship to Mr. Incredible. - Syndrome: likely a play on “Hero Syndrome”, a mental disorder in which a person seeks recognition by secretly creating dangerous situations and then publicly resolving them, thereby setting him/herself up as a hero (i.e. starting a fire, then coming back to “heroically” put it out). Syndrome’s plan is to establish himself as a superhero by creating a destructive robot that he alone has the means to defeat, unleashing the robot on the city, and then flying in to “save the day”. (found on IMDB Trivia) - Mirage: an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions; something that appears real or possible but is not in fact so. - Operation Kronos: Syndrome’s master plan is based on the ancient Greek myth of Kronos, king of the Titans and father of many Greek gods and goddesses. After hearing a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him, Kronos eats all of his children so that he can remain the only king. This is similar to Syndrome’s plan to murder all the superheroes in the world so that he can become the ultimate superhero. - The Underminer: an (ingenious!) pun encompassing the two meanings of the verb “to undermine,” 1) to erode the base or foundation of, 2) to damage or weaken (someone or something), especially gradually or insidiously.
THE SETTINGS - Nomanisan Island: a play on the phrase “No man is an island”, which means that a person cannot work alone, they need help. (IMDB Trivia) - Municiberg: another play on Metropolis, both roughly meaning “hometown” (IMDB Trivia). This is where Bob, Helen, and Lucius spend their glory days before the Superhero Relocation initiative. This is the city saved at the end of the movie, and the location of Lucius and Honey Best’s apartment.  - Metroville: a combination of Metropolis and Smallville, which are, respectively, the cities where Superman lives and where he was raised (IMDB Trivia). This is where Bob and Helen move to after the Superhero Relocation. Since Lucius’ apartment is in the city of Municiberg, it can be inferred that Metroville is a nearby suburb of the larger Municiberg.
THE SEQUEL - Winston: [Old English] “joyful stone” from wynn “joy” + stan“stone” (Ancestry.com, Think Baby Names). - Evelyn: Of course, the primary meaning behind this character’s name is the pun on the phrase “Evil Endeavor.” For the name in general, there are several alternate and uncertain origins:  1) A combination of Eve [Hebrew] “life” and Lynn (Baby Center) 2) [English] “wished for child” (Nameberry) 3) [Old French] from aveline meaning “hazelnut” (SheKnows) 4) [Old Irish] “beauty” or “radiance” (Wikipedia) 5) [German] “little bird”
- Deavor: Members of the Deavor family originally reached English shores as they migrated following the Norman Conquest of 1066. The Deavor family lived in Essex, but the family can trace their roots much farther back. They were originally from Ver, near Bayeux, Normandy where it was from the local form of this place-name, de Ver. Their surname literally translates as from Ver (House of Names)
- Karen: [Danish] Danish form of Katherine, a cognate of the Greek Aikaterinē, the root of which is katharos“pure, unsullied” (BabyNameWizard)
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goodlorditsafire · 6 years
Alright, so I know Incredible's 2 came out a while ago, but I just wanted to say that Tony Ridinger (if that's how you spell it) is the epidimy of best boy. I mean, not only did he ask shy Violet out, but was nice to her after losing his memory. When she confronted him at his locker, he never once undermined her, made her feel stupid, at least not on purpose, and was kind to her after the incident at the restaurant. After all her accidental blunders concerning him, he still was nice to her, got to know her (again), and finally, Violet got her date. Even when he was with Dicker, he was like, "It's not her fault superheroes are illegal. And it's not like I don't like strong girls, I'm pretty secure... manhood wise." TONY IS BEST BOY, YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE!!
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jinkies-binx · 6 years
incredibles 3 b-plot idea: tony ridinger catches the parrs masks off again and has to have his memory wiped over and over until they decide that it aint worth it anymore and leave him be on his merry way
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byelart · 6 years
tony ridinger . jewish
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conforted · 6 years
im not getting haircuts anymore my dad just said i looked like incredibles 1 tony ridinger
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years
Eva Longoria Height Weight Measurements
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Eva Longoria Height Weight Measurements
Eva Longoria Biography
Eva Jacqueline Longoria born on March 15, 1975 is an American performing artist, maker, executive, dissident and agent. Longoria’s profession started in 1998, when she won the title of Miss Corpus Christi, and later started participate in ability challenges that drove her to Los Angeles; not long after, she was spotted and marked by a dramatic operators. Eva started to raise her profile subsequent to having parts as Isabella Braña on the CBS cleanser musical show The Young and the Restless from 2001 to 2003. In 2004, she marked as Gabrielle Solis on the ABC TV arrangement Desperate Housewives. For her work on Desperate Housewives, she got a Golden Globe Award selection for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy and five Screen Actors Guild Awards assignments, winning two. She has additionally featured in movies, for example, Harsh Times (2005), The Sentinel (2006), and Over Her Dead Body (2008). Other than acting, Longoria has wandered into business. She has composed and distributed different books. Longoria is likewise known for her philanthropy work establishing her own philanthropy the Eva Longoria Foundation and was named the ‘Giver of the Year’ by The Hollywood Reporter. Longoria has been hitched twice. She wedded on-screen character Tyler Christopher in 2002, and the pair were separated by 2004. She wedded French ball player Tony Parker in 2007; the pair separated in 2011. Longoria was conceived in Corpus Christi, Texas, the most youthful of four girls destined to ninth-era Mexican-American (Tejano) folks Ella Eva (Mireles) and Enrique Longoria, Jr. She was raised Roman Catholic. While in secondary school, she worked at a Wendy’s eatery low maintenance for a long time. Longoria got her Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology at adjacent Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Amid this time, she won the title of Miss Corpus Christi USA in 1998. In the wake of finishing school, Longoria entered an ability challenge that drove her to Los Angeles; soon after, she was spotted and marked by a showy specialists. While trying out for parts, Longoria filled in as a headhunter for a long time. Eva Longoria Height Weight and Body Statistics Below.
Eva Longoria Personal Info.
Full Name: Eva Jacqueline Longoria
Nick Name: Eva Longoria Christopher, Eva Longoria Parker
Family: Enrique Longoria, Jr – (Father) Ella Eva – (Mother) Esmeralda Josephina Longoria – (Older-Sister) Elizabeth Judina Longoria – (Older-Sister) Emily Jeannette Longoria – (Older-Sister)
Education: Eva Longoria went Roy Miller High School, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA took after by Marvin P. Bread cook Middle School. A short time later, she finished a degree in Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Study of life structures, physiology and body development) from Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Texas, USA in 1998. Eva at long last selected herself to California State University, Northridge and finished a graduate degree in Chicano Studies in May 2013.
Date of Birth: 15 March, 1975
Birthplace: Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Religion: Roman Catholic
Ethnicity: Multiracial
Nationality: American
Profession: Television producer, Film producer, Activist, Voice Actor, Film director, Philanthropist, Dancer, Model, Restaurateur, Businessperson
Measurements: 35-25-35 in or 87-63.5-89 cm
Bra Size: 32C
Height: 5′ 2″ (157 cm)
Weight: 117 lbs (53 kg)
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Dress Size: 06
Shoe Size: 06
Friends: Victoria Beckham (singer), Loren Ridinger (entrepreneur), Maria Bravo (actress), Mario Lopez (tv personality), Amaury Nolasco (actor), Roselyn Sanchez
Boyfriend/Dating History:
Eduardo Cruz (2011-2012) – Eva Longoria started dating Spanish vocalist Eduardo Cruzin February 2011. After her detachment from Tony Parker, she was seen with Cruz eating. After that moment, the couple has wandered out together conventionally. “I am blessed to have found love afresh” says Eva Longoria. In the wake of having an ON-OFF relationship, the couple finally mellowed up June 2012. She is 10 years (10 years) more settled than him.
Mark Sanchez (2012) – American football player, Mark Sanchez had a 4 month included colleague with Longoria. The couple was unreasonably associated from July 2012 until late October 2012.
Ernesto Arguello (2013) – Miami (American) based specialist and altruist, Ernesto Arguello dated Eva rapidly from July to August 2013. They truly met in 2012 interestingly, when Ernesto was given a part as a solitary officer in an unscripted TV program Ready for Love, the same show of which Eva is a producer. It got the chance to be one of the speediest detachments of 2013.
Jose Antonio Baston (2013-Present) – Mexican agent, Jose Baston is at present seeing Longoria since October 2013. They were seen kissing and holding hands of one another in New York City in late October. On December 13, 2015, she declared her engagement to Jose.
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Tyler Christopher (2002-2004) – Eva Longoria wedded General Hospital (American TV Series. Till now it has delivered 49 seasons) star Tyler Christopher from 20 January, 2002 to 19 January, 2004. They were separated.
Tony Parker (2007-2011) – Then, in November, 2004 Longoria met Parker (Professional Basketball Player) and on 30 November, 2006 the couple locked in. In Paris city corridor, on 6 July, 2007, they wedded in a common administration. On 17 November, 2010 Longoria recorded a separation and they were isolated on 28 January, 2011 formally.
Known For: She is best known for his excellent performance in “Desperate Housewives” (2004-12) as “Gabrielle Solis”.
Active Year: 1999 (present)
Favorite Food: Salads and Strawberry Yogurt
Favorite Drink: Pepsi Next
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Basketball Team: The San Antonio Spurs
Favorite Basketball player: Tony Parker (Eva’shusband from 2007-2011)
Favorite Restaurant: Katsuya (in Los Angeles, USA)
Favorite Video Game: Pac-Man
Favorite Body Part: Butt (She revealed us about her fave body part during Cosmopolitan Magazine issue in December 2005)
Favorite Actor: Kiefer Sutherland
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Author: Isabel Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Favorite Books: The House of the Spirits, Eva Luna, Daughter of Fortune (All books written by Isabel Allende)
Favorite Designer: Cadile, Body Language, Stop Staring, Victoria Beckham
Official Twitter: Twitter Account
Official Facebook: FB Account
Eva Longoria Filmography:
Year Title 2003 Snitch’d 2004 Señorita Justice 2004 Carlita’s Secret 2005 Hustler’s Instinct 2005 Harsh Times 2006 The Sentinel 2007 The Heartbreak Kid 2008 Over Her Dead Body 2008 Lower Learning 2010 Without Men 2011 Arthur Christmas 2012 For Greater Glory 2012 Foodfight! 2012 The Baytown Outlaws 2012 Crazy Kind of Love 2013 A Dark Truth 2013 In a World… 2013 Out of the Blue 2014 Frontera 2015 Any Day 2015 Visions 2016 Low Riders
Year Title 2000 Beverly Hills, 90210 2000 General Hospital 2001–2003 The Young and the Restless 2003–2004 Dragnet 2004 The Dead Will Tell 2004–2012 Desperate Housewives 2005 Saturday Night Live 2006 George Lopez 2008 Children’s Hospital 2010 The Next Food Network Star 2010 MTV Europe Music Awards 2010 2013 Masterchef 2013 Welcome to the Family 2013 The Simpsons 2013–2014 Mother Up! 2014 Brooklyn Nine Nine 2015–present Telenovela
Year Title 2010 The Harvest 2013–present Devious Maids 2013–2014 “Mother Up” 2014 John Wick 2014 Food Chains 2015 “Go, Sebastien, Go! 2015–present Telenovela
See Also: Jessica Biel Body Measurements
Search Terms Eva Longoria Height Weight:
Eva Longoria Age. Eva Longoria And Fiance. Eva Longoria And Husband. Eva Longoria And Sister. Eva Longoria Antonio Baston. Eva Longoria Sisters. Eva Longoria Height Weight. Eva Longoria Spouse. Eva Longoria Series. Eva Longoria Dating. Eva Longoria Dress. Eva Longoria Dating History. Eva Longoria Fiance. Eva Longoria Family. Eva Longoria First Husband. Eva Longoria Facebook. Eva Longoria Height Weight. Eva Longoria Filmography. Eva Longoria Husband. Eva Longoria John Wick. Eva Longoria Wedding. Eva Longoria Engaged. Eva Longoria Ellen. Eva Longoria Restaurant. Eva Longoria Relationship. Eva Longoria Twitter. Eva Longoria Tv Series. Eva Longoria Tv. Eva Longoria Is Married To. Eva Longoria Height Weight. Eva Longoria Parents. Eva Longoria Producer. Eva Longoria Profile. Eva Longoria Biography. Eva Longoria Movies.Eva Longoria Married. Eva Longoria Marriage. Eva Longoria Mom. Eva Longoria Height Weight. Eva Longoria Movies List. Eva Longoria Mother.
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napoleonborntoparte · 7 years
So @we-are-cosmic and I are making Gay Headcanons about The Incredibles and here's what we have -elastigirl is bisexual and she used to have a girlfriend before she married Mr incredible -that ex gf was Mirage -tony Ridinger is a closeted trans boy -violet is a closeted lesbian and had a crush on Tony because she thought he was a girl bc he wasn't out yet -edna is ace and aro -edna has a superpower that's never mentioned and it's that she can control textiles which is why she made a living out of making super suits (not gay but still a good headcanon) -violet and Tony become best friends later in life -violet marries a super girl and they become a gay super duo
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entmtbiz · 7 years
Market America|SHOP.COM 2017 International Convention & 25th Anniversary Celebration Takes Over The Greensboro, North Carolina Coliseum This Week With 25,000 Global Entrepreneurs
Greensboro, North Carolina-based Internet retailing powerhouse and celebrity guests will showcase the company's continuing success through digital advancements, new product offerings and its revolutionary Shopping Annuity program
GREENSBORO, North Carolina, Aug. 10, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- "Converting Spending Into Earning" (a/k/a The Shopping Annuity) is the predominant message that Market America|SHOP.COM will deliver to approximately 25,000 eager entrepreneurs at its 2017 International Convention & 25th Anniversary Celebration. This year's event, to be held August 10th through 13th at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC, will showcase the latest developments in Market America|SHOP.COM's high-tech, high-touch approach to retailing and ecommerce.  The event will also highlight the company's meteoric rise over the past 25 years from its austere beginnings in its home town of Greensboro. 
"I don't ever recall being more excited about one of our events than I am for our International Convention & 25th Anniversary Celebration this week in Greensboro," said Market America|SHOP.COM Chairman and CEO JR Ridinger. "People everywhere are succeeding more and more rapidly through the Market America UnFranchise® business.  The pace continues to quicken as entrepreneurs enthusiastically adopt our "Shopping Annuity" concept which includes analyzing consumer spending habits with our online tools, using SHOP.COM's comparison shopping engine to find the best prices and earning up to 50% Cashback on qualifying purchases," he said.  "This event will be our most historic event ever as we disclose new technologies, new products, new methodologies and new opportunities that will allow the world to Convert Their Spending Into Earning."
During Ridinger's multiple presentations at the event, he will convey the latest enhancements to the Shopping Annuity program and how its rapid adoption in the marketplace is improving thousands of lives. The event will also feature the Market America|SHOP.COM executive team, successful entrepreneurs from at least 10 countries and celebrity guests, including Fat Joe, La La Anthony and Scottie Pippen.  Previous events have been attended by superstars Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Lopez, Alicia Keys, Serena Williams, Alejandro Sanz, Khloe Kardashian, Gloria and Emilio Estefan, Tony Romo, Swizz Beatz, Paulina Rubio and Marc Anthony, among many others.  Additional surprise celebrity appearances are expected this week. 
Grammy-nominated rap artist and entrepreneur Joseph "Fat Joe" Cartagena, the company's President of Urban and Latino Development, will be on hand to convey the excitement and explosive growth within that market sector. He will discuss Market America|SHOP.COM's core value of living a life that is "All the Way Up."   
Kevin Hinterberger, President & CEO of Better Business Bureau serving Central North Carolina, will be on hand to welcome attendees to this year's event and acknowledge the company's long and positive association with the BBB over the years.  Market America|SHOP.COM has an A+ rating and is also a prior Torch Award Winner; company President & COO Marc Ashley recently served as Chairman of the Board of the BBB and is a long time Board member. 
The award-winning Motives by Loren Ridinger cosmetics line created by Market America|SHOP.COM Senior Executive Vice President Loren Ridinger is anxiously awaiting the launch of its new Fall/Winter 2017 campaign titled "Beyond Beauty." This collection goes beyond basic with a palette dominated by vibrant earth tones in hues of red and orange, grounded by shimmering metallic. Alongside the launch of the campaign, Motives will also be unveiling new products that every Motives lover will be obsessed with, including a new foundation line, new powders and a truly iconic color palette. These up-and-coming products are available for purchase exclusively at SHOP.COM and motivescosmetics.com.  Loren's ongoing collaboration with actress and entrepreneur La La Anthony in the creation of Motives for La La will also be featured with La La on hand to discuss "How To Engage Your Motives Customer."   
Loren will open the four day event with a powerful address followed by additional presentations wherein she will use her vast experience as one of today's most influential entrepreneurs to help attendees define their 'why' and develop the passion necessary to reach their goals, succeed and live The American Dream. 
"Through social media, the Motives team has been able to combine our passion for and expertise in beauty to best serve our customers' needs.  The growth and success of Motives has been truly gratifying," said Ridinger.
The company will announce several enhancements to SHOP.COM including the newest and most cutting edge version of its digital deals assistant -- SHOP Buddy, additional participating merchants in its SHOP Local program, as well as some great new user-friendly enhancements to make the user experience even better.
"Our suite of services is focused on creating the best user experience possible through an easy-to-use interface, fast checkouts and blazing speed, among other things," said Steve Ashley, President & COO of SHOP.COM. "Through innovation, our suite of products -- which include web, mobile and apps -- and emerging technologies we are positioned for explosive growth in the marketplace." 
DNA Miracles™ and DNA Miracles Natural, created by Amber Ridinger-McLaughlin and Duane McLaughlin, provide the highest quality body and wellness products designed for babies, children and expectant mothers.  DNA will unveil several new additions to the DNA Miracles Line. Recently launched products include: DNA Miracles Natural Kids Shampoo + Body Wash, DNA Miracles Natural Kids Conditioner, DNA Miracles Natural Kids Bubble Bath, DNA Miracles Natural Kids Detangler and DNA Miracles Natural Kids Lotion. The company has partnered with leading health professionals and scientists who follow the highest standards in ingredient selection to create the most effective skin, hair and health solutions.
Furthermore, NBA Hall-of-Famer Scottie Pippen will be on hand to spotlight the impressive results and success of his Market America-exclusive product, Prime™ Joint Support by Isotonix®.
Additional exciting new announcements will headline this year's event, including enhancements to SHOP.COM's shopping website that will be introduced and discussed in detail by Market America|SHOP.COM President & COO Marc Ashley.
"Even after 25 years of continuous growth, I'm still amazed at how the company continues to shine brighter," said Ashley.  "We are stronger than we have ever been and continue to fill voids in the marketplace," he said.  "It's always exciting to be here in Greensboro, which is where it all started for the company over 25 years ago.  I look forward to seeing the Greensboro Coliseum full of talented and dedicated entrepreneurs as we continue to change the way people shop by converting their spending into earning." 
For up-to-the minute International Convention updates, visit the Market America blog (http://ift.tt/PhPUtL) or follow the conversation on Facebook (http://ift.tt/1v5pwRU; http://ift.tt/1v5pvNB) and Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/marketamerica; http://www.twitter.com/shopcom; or search #MAIC2017).
Market America, Inc. is a product brokerage and Internet marketing company that specializes in One-to-One Marketing. Its mission is to provide a robust business system for entrepreneurs, while providing consumers a better way to shop.  Headquartered in Greensboro, NC, the company was founded in 1992 by Chairman and CEO JR Ridinger and has generated $7.6 billion in accumulated sales.  Market America employs nearly 900 people globally with operations in the United States, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, United Kingdom, Mexico, Spain and Singapore (Malaysia is opening in September 2017).  Through the company's shopping website, SHOP.COM, consumers have access to over 40 million products, including Market America exclusive brands and thousands of top retail brands. Internet Retailer has ranked SHOP.COM #66 in the 2017 Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide and the 18th fastest growing Internet Mobile Retailer.  By combining Market America's entrepreneurial business model with SHOP.COM's powerful comparative shopping engine, Cashback program, Hot Deals, ShopBuddy™, social shopping integration and countless other features, the company has become the ultimate online shopping destination.
For more information, please visit http://ift.tt/P1brOA or http://www.SHOP.COM
Media Contact: Jason Geller 212-920-0398 [email protected]
Logo - http://ift.tt/2ftchyw  Logo - http://ift.tt/2vQsgNU   
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