#Too Close
prajjna · 11 months
The booba pic inspired me to think; there is no way in hell heavy and medic are not secretly thinking about each others boobs but heavy is more secretive while medic like;
"I wear sunglasses so no one can see what I'm looking at" stares at heavy boobs
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9n9rchist · 26 days
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rabbotspg · 6 months
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Too close upgrade!
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
In which you and Leon get married - Too Close One Shot.
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Today was the day. 
In exactly six hours, you would officially be married to Leon.
You would officially be Mrs Kennedy. 
Leon felt another wave of nervousness wash over him at that. He wasn’t nervous about marrying you. No, not at all. He was worried about what it meant when you would officially be tied to him. 
You would become an even bigger target to the many enemies he had made over the past decade. But you knew the risks, and he had given you many outs leading up to this day. Not even that could make him feel at ease.
Still, he was overjoyed at finally tying the knot with you. And he would spend the rest of his life making sure you were happy, and most importantly, safe. 
God knows he’d die a happy man, simply because he got to spend a portion of his life with you, the love of his life and the very reason he was here now.
He had pretty much given you full control over the wedding, insisting that he would gladly go along with anything you wanted and planned. You wanted something simple, small and quiet, and he couldn’t be more on board with that.
Leon only had a few people that he wanted there, some being Chris, Harvey, Claire, Jill and his mom. He was glad to hear that your guest list was small as well.
Since your dad pretty much controlled everything you did before you met Leon, you only had a handful of friends you were still in contact with from high school. 
Despite your relationship not being a “normal” one since it started, you insisted that you do the whole ‘we’re not allowed to see each other the day before the wedding’ thing. Leon really didn’t care for tradition, that was obvious, but he went along with it just because you asked him to.
If you asked, he would deliver, and it was as simple as that. 
God, he was whipped, and he had been since the day you opened the door in your shorts and fuzzy socks. 
Leon found himself reaching for his phone from his place on the bed of your shared house, the quietness that surrounded him unfamiliar. Growing up, Leon had to listen to his dad scream at both him and his mom for hours on end, so he wasn’t used to being submitted to a large amount of calmness. 
It was eerie, and he only was granted the bittersweet life of silence when he moved out and was forced to live on his own for a few years. That was way before he met you, and ever since you entered his life, you had successfully flipped his world back to the chaotic blur it was before. 
That was probably why he couldn’t stop himself from calling you. 
He needed to hear your voice, even though he’d be seeing you in just a few hours. He missed you. 
“Leon?” You sounded both confused and excited, and he closed his eyes at the sound of your sweet voice. 
“Hi, pretty girl,” he said quietly and opened his eyes, ignoring the ache in his chest at how badly he wanted to be with you right now. Just a few more hours…
“Hi,” you say back and he could hear some rustling in the background. Leon begged you to just let him stay in the guest room for a day and text you to let you know when he needed to go grab food or whatever so you could leave the room, but you insisted on staying at a hotel with your friend, Kim. 
He hadn’t seen you in over sixteen hours, and he was briefly reminded of how it was like to be with you while you were still living with your dad. 
Leon was selfish now and could barely make it a day without needing to see you. He couldn’t believe he used to be able to go weeks without so much as a phone call from you.
“What’s up?” Your voice brought him back and out of his own head. “Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts.” You were joking, but he could still hear the small bit of nervousness in your voice. 
He shook his head, despite you not being able to see him. “No, never,” he answered and heard you sigh in relief. “I just missed you. Needed to hear your voice.”
Leon could picture the pretty smile that most likely took over your face at his words. “I miss you, too, baby,” you nearly whisper. “In a couple of hours, I’ll officially be yours forever. Or for as long as you want me.”
“Forever sounds good to me,” came his instant reply. “I love you, pretty girl. I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I love you,” you say back. “Now, let me get back to making myself look presentable for you.”
Five and a half hours went by and it was considered a miracle that Leon had managed to make it that long, on top of the previous sixteen hours. 
The sun was beating down on him, but he didn’t mind it one bit. 
It was the middle of October, so the air wasn’t exactly hot, and it was shaping out to be the perfect day for a wedding. While you had been planning out your dream wedding since you were a little girl, Leon hadn’t put much thought into it.
A few months back when you were going over the beginning process of the planning, you had asked him what his ideal wedding would be like, and after pressing him with a few more questions, he simply said, “The only time I ever thought about getting married was when I was nine years old, and all I wanted was a Halloween themed wedding,” 
While his words had been the truth, he had never expected you to take his idea and run with it. 
Your dream wedding was relatively simple; a beach wedding with a small guest list and good catering. 
Leon wasn’t sure how you could’ve possibly been able to combine the two, but you did. 
An autumn themed wedding on the beach. 
He was pretty much hooked after that. 
Your friends and the venue workers had spent countless hours setting the whole thing up, and Leon knew you would fall in love with how it turned out. 
He had given you full control over the flower choice, because come on, and you had chosen roses. Red, orange and yellow roses were scattered around the beach, and petals lined the aisle right up to the small platform he was currently standing on. 
Leon didn’t know that orange and yellow roses were even a thing until now, but he was quickly becoming fond of the flower, simply because you had chosen it. 
Dark red ribbons lined the backs of the chairs and wrapped around the pillars of the dining section, and black lanterns were placed on the middle of the tables. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, this was pretty much exactly how his nine year old self pictured his future wedding, minus the zombies and chocolate milk fountain. 
You had somehow managed to take his idea, mash it with yours and create the perfect wedding. 
The arch behind him was littered with the roses and pinecones, and a few feet behind that was the ocean. Even the waves were calm today, creating the perfect backdrop to your unitement. 
From where he stood, Leon could see yours and his house, and he couldn’t wait to take you back there once you were married. Beside Leon stood Chris, and Harvey was next to him, as he waited for your arrival. 
While Leon didn’t have very many friends from high school, and he’d like to think that was because he dropped out not even halfway through it, the few he managed to make and somewhat keep in contact with were sitting on the right side of the aisle. Claire and Jill were in the second row, the two barely being able to stay seated due to their excitement. The friend he had stayed with for a while after moving out of his parents house, Mitch, was there, too, as well as his mom, who looked nothing short of beautiful as she gazed up at him with unshed tears in her eyes. 
It was so like her to cry before anything actually happened, and Leon found himself smiling at that fact.
The smile was instantly wiped from his lips when she suddenly stood up, licked her thumb as she stepped up onto the platform, and began wiping at his face. “Jesus, mom,” he groaned as he put his hands on her hips and gently pushed her away. He swiped the back of his hand over his now wet cheek with a grimace as Chris and Harvey snorted beside him. “Was that necessary?”
She grabbed a tissue from her clutch and ran it along his face before stepping back off the platform. “Sorry, Leon, but I won’t let my son get married with a sand covered face,” she smiled at him as she sat down again, the seat next to her empty. 
While Leon still didn’t care for his dad, he let his mom know that he could come if he felt the need to, and she assured him that she would pass the message along. He wasn’t surprised to see that his father had passed on the opportunity to see his only kid get married, and he was also somewhat glad. 
On the left side of the aisle were some of your childhood friends, as well as your highschool friends. Towards the back rows were a few older men and women, all being friends of your mother who had stayed in touch with you long after she passed. 
Sometimes Leon believed you didn’t know just how many people had your back and cared for you, and this was just further proof. You had sent out the invitations, completely convinced that they wouldn’t show up, but here they were, more than happy to share this day with you when your mom couldn’t. 
Towards the front of the row was your grandparents, both on your mom and dad’s side. As far as they knew, you and your dad had a fallout after your mom passed, and that was why he wasn’t here to walk you down the aisle. 
In his place was your mothers dad, his features much like hers but aged, and Leon was glad you would have at least a piece of your mom here with you. 
Nearly half an hour passed when Leon was informed that you were here and that the ceremony was about to begin. At that, Chris turned to face his friend, straightened out his tie, then slapped him on the back. “You ready for this?”
“Beyond ready,”
It was only a few seconds after that when Alyssa, a friend of yours, walked down the aisle with a bouquet of red and orange roses. She wore a peach colored dress and silver heels, her ability to walk on sand in them being more than impressive. 
She stood off to the left of the officiant, followed by Kim, another friend from high school, and the one who had stayed at the hotel with you the night prior. Kim wore a knee high dress that matched Alyssa’s, but her bouquet held red and yellow roses. 
Then there was you. 
You, who looked effortlessly beautiful in your long sleeved dress that looked like a modernized version of the one he saw your mom wearing in the photos at your old house. 
The sleeves were lace, as was the skirt part of the dress, while the chest part of it was a solid white. Your veil was lace, too, and looked so pretty from its place above your low bun. Curled side bangs frame your face, and Leon felt his heart get caught in his throat when your eyes finally met his.
While he originally felt weird about the formal tux he was not used to wearing, the sight of you wearing something just as, if not more, formal had his thoughts and doubts put to rest.
In the hand that wasn’t holding onto your grandfather was a bigger bouquet, filled with all three colored roses, and he could see the way your ring sparkled in the sun as you made your way down the aisle. 
A permanent smile was on your lips as you held eye contact with him the whole way down, only breaking it when you turned your head so your grandfather could kiss your cheek. 
Then he handed you off.
Kim took your bouquet as you held Leon’s hands in yours, blinking away oncoming tears as you waited for the okay to begin saying your vows. He glanced down and smiled at the sight of your necklace, the one he had given you seven months into the relationship. 
Unable to stop himself, Leon tugs you forward and presses his lips to your forehead in a lingering kiss, one that left you grinning up at him when he pulled away. It was then time for him to say the words he had memorized months ago, “Y/n,” he began, and the rest of the world quickly washed away as his eyes met your tear filled ones. “I would say I don’t know where to begin, but something tells me I’m not allowed to lie at a time like this.”
You laughed, the sound making his face heat up and his ears ring at how sweet you were in all definitions of the word. 
“I remember the exact moment I fell in love with you. Your hair was messy and you looked so caught off guard when this random guy showed up at your house. Even though I looked a lot worse than I do now, you still welcomed me with open arms, which is something you should never do, by the way,” his eyes strayed from yours for only a second to cast a wary glance at the guests, who all just laughed quietly. “We talked for hours and you had me thinking about things I hadn’t thought about in years by the end of the night. You had me thinking that love was real and that I might’ve just experienced it for the first time in my life. I can tell you now that I was yours from that night on.”
Your eyes filled with more tears, and Leon reached one hand up to caress the side of your face. 
“I fell in love with you from the second I met you, and every minute I’ve spent with you since then has been a dream. Growing up, I didn’t think I could ever get out of my own head and put myself out there enough to be able to find someone and settle down. You proved me wrong with one look, and I am forever grateful for that. I’m grateful for you and everything you are,” his thumb wiped away a tear that fell from your eye as you gazed up at him as if he was your entire world. “You’re my person, my better half and the reason I’m able to stand in front of our friends and family today as a changed man.”
From behind him, Harvey quietly cleared his throat and if he could see his face, Leon was sure the brunet was holding back tears of his own. 
“You changed every negative thing about me and turned them into positives. Every outlook I have on life has been altered because of you, and I find myself excited for every new day ahead of me as I know you’ll be right there to spend it with me. I love you more than I ever thought was possible, and I can’t thank you enough for the man I’ve become since I met you,” he took your hand in his again as he finished up, “I promise to spend every second of every day of our lives making you as happy as you make me. No time in the world will ever be long enough, but I will spend the rest of my life cherishing you and continuing to love everything you are. I promise that I will take care of you and protect you for as long as I live.”
Leon wanted to ensure you that as long as you were with him, he would do everything in his power to make sure you were safe. He was still nervous about the whole idea of you becoming his wife, because of his past, but he was also prepared to give up everything to keep you in his life, his own safety be damned.
When he is done, you take a shaky inhale as you fight off more tears. “Wow, Leon, I’m supposed to top that?” You ask under your breath. He just smirks at you and shrugs, his thumb running over your knuckles as you try to compose yourself. “Leon, I was a shell of a person when I met you. I tried so hard to be the person others expected me to be, and along the way I lost sight of who I really was. Who I am. Not only did you bring me back, but you helped me become the best version of myself. Because of you, I know who I am and what I’m meant to do. I’m convinced I was supposed to meet you, fall head over heels in love with you, and stand before you today, where it’s acceptable to brag about just how good I have it in front of everyone we know.”
Leon couldn’t hold back the grin that took over his face, and he tugged you even closer. 
“And it’s true. You are, by far, the best person in my life, and you have been since the minute I met you. You are everything I could ever want in my life, and there aren’t enough words in the world that are strong enough to describe just how much you mean to me, and just how much I love you,” you pause for a second to quickly take a breath before you started full on sobbing in front of your friends and family. “My future looks bright when I know I’ll have you by my side every step of the way. Nothing else matters when I’m with you.”
You adjust your hands so your fingers are laced with his.
“I’ve never had this much fun, never been this excited about anything before I met you. You’re everything, Leon Kennedy. You’re my world, my soulmate and the one person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you today, tomorrow and forever, which looks amazing as long as it’s with you,” you needed to wrap it up before you weren’t able to hold back your tears any longer. “I vow to spend the rest of our lives being your number one supporter, your greatest fan, and the person you turn to when things get tough. I can only hope I am able to make things even a little bit easier for you, because loving you has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
In a rare sight, Leon’s eyes were lined with tears as he locked his jaw to stop his lip from quivering. He tears his eyes away from yours and looks over at the officiant, who gestures for Chris to hand him the rings. Leon takes the band from him and slides it onto your finger, the sight of it matching your engagement ring making a warm feeling fill his body. “I love you,”  
“I love you,” you say back as you slide the bigger band onto his finger. 
The ceremony wrapped up with a few words shared by the officiant, and when Leon was told he was allowed to kiss his bride, he went all in. His hands found either side of your face as he leaned down to place a searing kiss to your lips. Your arms wrap around his middle as the sounds of cheers erupted around you. 
Leon’s hands slid down your body and grip your waist as he deepened the kiss, taking you with him as he stood to his full height. He lifted you off the ground just slightly, making you wrap your arms around his shoulders with a small laugh against his mouth. 
He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours for a few seconds before guiding you into two more quick kisses. When he set you back down on the ground, he took your hand in his as he led you back up the aisle.
After signing a few papers, Leon was leading you towards the dining tent. You had promised him you had gotten into contact with the best catering company possible, and had given them both yours and his lists of what you wanted. 
Keeping true to your untraditional wedding, you skipped over dinner and went to cut the cake first. You always had a bit of a sweet tooth, so Leon wasn’t all that surprised to feel your hand tug on his as you led him over to the table.
His arms were wrapped around you as he helped you cut the biggest cake he had ever seen in his life, his body gently swaying against yours. The flavor was still a mystery to him, but just the outside of the cake had him eager to find out what was hidden inside it. 
It was wrapped in white fondant and had little red, orange and yellow roses made out of icing placed delicately on each tier. As you cut into it, he caught sight of the peach colored cake. He hummed as he dipped his head down so his lips were brushing against the side of your neck, “Let me guess,” he trailed off, gently sucking your skin, but not hard enough to leave a mark. He would save that for when he took you home. “Peach?”
You shake your head with a grin. “That’s not a very fall flavor, is it?” 
Oh, so you had really taken his one idea and ran with it. 
He guided you towards one of the tables, pulling you down so you were sitting on his lap instead of the chair beside his. Harvey, Chris, Kim, Alyssa, Jill and Claire were sitting at the table as well, but Leon barely glanced in their direction as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against his chest. 
You snuggled against him as you held the plate in your hand, bringing the fork up to his mouth and grinning when he ate the cake without question. After you set the fork down, you raise your hand to wipe away some frosting from his lip with your thumb. “Any guesses?” 
Leon shook his head, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. “No idea,” he answered, licking the frosting from your thumb. “But it tastes good.” 
You grin again and open your mouth when he takes the fork and feeds you a bite of the cake. Humming, you press a kiss to his lips, “It’s apple and hazelnut,” 
Leon kisses you again in response. “I love it,”
You set the plate down on the table and wrap your arms around his neck. “Just wait until you try the pumpkin cheesecake,” you whisper against his mouth, the quiet groan that left his lips making your body react with need. “And the ginger cupcakes. And the caramel squares.”
Another groan escapes his mouth as he pulls you even closer to him. “Are you trying to turn me on, pretty girl?” 
You laugh quietly, tangling your hands in his hair and making it messy. “Is it working?”
He nods and kisses you again. “All of that sounds amazing, baby,” he says in between kisses. “But there’s something else I’m dying to taste, too.”
Your face heats up and you give him another chaste kiss before pulling away and sitting up. “Sorry,” you managed to say as you felt yourself beginning to feel flustered. “But that’s just going to have to wait until we get home, husband.”
Yet another groan leaves him as he runs his hands up and down your sides. “Say that again,” 
Grinning, you eat another forkful of cake before murmuring, “Husband,” and holding up your left hand, wiggling your fingers as your rings reflected off the string lights.
Leon runs the tip of his nose along your jaw. “I have one more hour in me, at most,” he warns, only half serious. “Then I’m taking you home, wife.”
Stating again that this is based off the events that took place in the Too Close series �� | This is not a stand alone imagine.
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
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too close (i might just burn you whole) || c.hv
summary: you’ve got your crush on your friend vernon under control… that is until he shows up for a costume party dressed like your favorite superhero
pairing: vernon x fem reader
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, smut (18+ ; mdni) additional warnings under the cut
word count: 8.6k
a/n: a late birthday present for @fuckvernon <3
additional warnings: fingering, fat cock!vernon, unintentional cockwarming, praise, dacyrphilia, kink discovery, m + f orgasms, implied round two so no aftercare (but it does happen off the page)
“Are you going to tell her tonight?”
Vernon cocks his head to the side and takes a sip of his beer, feigning disinterest. “Who?”
“You’re looking right at her.”
“What am I going to tell her?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
Vernon finally yanks his gaze away from you to glare at Joshua, who had taken the barstool beside him. 
“Haven’t we been over this?”
“We have, and we’ll keep going over it until you come to your senses.”
“There are no senses to come to,” Vernon argues. “I don’t want-”
“Don’t give me that bullshit about not ruining your friendship with her.”
“I don’t!”
“You really think she’s the kind of person that’ll stop being friends with someone just because she doesn’t return their feelings?”
“Well, no,” Vernon admits. “But it will definitely change our dynamic.”
Joshua rolls his eyes. “You’re just using that as an excuse to be a coward.”
Vernon clenches his jaw and brings the bottle to his lips again. “I don’t feel like talking about this right now.”
“I can tell,” Joshua mutters.
Chan joins them at the bar a moment later and orders a lemon drop. 
“What’d he say?” he asks Joshua. 
“That he’s a pussy,” Shua answers. 
“Did you tell everyone about this?” Vernon cries, cringing at the whine he hears in his voice. 
“No one had to tell me,” Chan corrects him. “You’re super obvious about it.”
“Who else knows?”
“Who doesn’t?” Joshua and Chan say in unison. 
Vernon groans and drops his head to the bartop. 
“Don’t worry, no one’s going to say anything to her.”
“They might, if you don’t man up and tell her yourself,” Joshua amends.
“He’s kidding.”
“I’m not.”
Chan chuckles nervously and gives Vernon a reassuring pat on the back. 
“If you don’t tell her tonight you should at least tell her at Soonyoung’s party.”
“I’m not telling her, period! I’m good with being friends, you guys.”
They side-eye each other. 
“So you’re good with her dating other people?”
Vernon lifts his head again. “What?”
“I mean if you’re not going to ask her out, someone else is going to,” Joshua points out, holding his hands up in surrender when Vernon glares at him. “I’m not saying that to be an asshole! I’m saying it because...” he trails off, looking at Chan who unsubtly signals Joshua to stop talking. 
“What? What is it?”
“Well, because we heard Kun is going to ask her out at Soonyoung’s party on Friday.”
“Qian Kun?”
Chan nods hesitantly. “But it’s not like it’s a sure thing! It’s just a rumor, after all.”
“It’s a sure thing,” Joshua counters. “I overheard him talking to Minghao about it.”
“We don’t know if she’ll say yes, though,” Chan offers, desperately trying to keep his friend from spiraling. 
���That’s true,” Joshua agrees. Finally. “He’s a good-looking guy, though.”
“What? It’s the truth!”
 “Can I have a word with you over here?”
They shuffle over to the side, leaving Vernon to sulk as they bicker. He can vaguely hear Joshua muttering but he tunes out the words, not needing to hear any more about your potential prospects and his lack thereof. 
The thing is, Vernon could have plenty of said potential prospects if he put himself out there. But unfortunately, he only has eyes for you. And he’s a coward. 
He hadn’t always had feelings for you, that he was aware of. You were Seungkwan’s friend first. He introduced you to the group later and you’d fit right in. Seungkwan wasn’t surprised but he was a bit protective over you, constantly reminding everyone that you were his first. That didn’t bother Vernon- until it did. 
 He knew Seungkwan was mostly joking but after a while, he assumed you’d been a part of the group for long enough that you were everyone’s friend. The hierarchy of who knew you best or longest shouldn’t matter. Unless Vernon was at the top of it. 
These thoughts never even occurred to Vernon until he started hanging out with you one-on-one. You were always fun to have around but he hadn’t realized just how much he liked spending time with you. You were funny, you liked a lot of the same things he liked, you were pretty— that wasn’t a thought you should be having about a friend. God damn it. God damn it.
That’s when he knew he was fucked. He tried to deny it to himself. He didn’t have feelings for you. That would be ridiculous. He was just confused.
He assumed it would pass. He tried to avoid you, only seeing you at group events. That didn’t last long. 
You managed to corner him at a brunch thing and confronted him about why he had been ignoring you. He made up some excuse about how he’s been busy lately, lying straight to your face as he told you he hadn’t been ignoring you. 
Vernon had learned to live with his feelings, peksy as they were. He just suppressed them. The healthy thing to do. 
But now he was forced to make a choice. He had to either tell you how he felt and potentially ruin your friendship, or let someone else beat him to it. 
“We can get ready together at my place around four and then pregame a little bit,” you suggest, your voice sounding muffled through the speaker. 
Vernon’s got his phone balanced between his ear and his shoulder which makes it even harder to hear you. He’s trying to straighten up his and Seokmin’s apartment before some of the guys come over for DND but it isn’t going very well. He can’t figure out where Seokmin put the fucking Swiffer Wet Jet. 
“Who else is going to be there?” he asks. 
“Oh, just the two of us.”
He freezes. “What? Why?”
“Everyone else is pregaming at Mingyu’s,” you explain, and suddenly it all makes sense. “We’ll be so late if we try to get ready there. There’ll be too much going on.”
“You’re right,” Vernon agrees. “That’s a good idea.”
“Are you sure? You can go with them if you want.”
“No!” he exclaims, maybe a little too quickly. “No, um, I’d rather do what you said.”
He hates that he can hear the smile in your voice, hates that he can picture the exact scrunch of your nose and crinkle of your eyes, hates that he knows just how cute you look right now. 
“I know I said four, but you can come over whenever,” you continue. “And we can listen to our music while we get ready. No one else has good taste like we do.”
“Mingyu’s probably going to play trap remixes of Disney songs the whole night,” Vernon sighs.
“Either that or Justin Bieber’s entire discography,” you laugh. 
“Yeah, we’re definitely making the right choice.”
Friday rolls around way too fast. Vernon spent the whole week panicking over what to say to you and he still hasn’t decided. He doesn’t even know if he’ll work up the courage to tell you at all, even if Kun is going to ask you out. Sure, he’ll beat himself up forever if that happens, but at least he’d save himself the embarrassment of rejection. 
He shows up to your apartment in his street clothes, having packed his outfit for tonight in his backpack. 
You answer the door with your makeup half-done, ushering him in before any of your neighbors could see you in your pajamas. 
The door to your bedroom is open, faint music spilling out into the foyer. 
“My roommate’s out,” you explain as he follows you inside. “She’s flying home to visit her parents so we have the place to ourselves.”
For some reason, Vernon’s heart skips a beat when you say that. You don’t mean it like that but his mind goes there automatically and he has to clear his throat awkwardly to shake the thought. 
You lead him to your room and tell him he can sit on the bed while you finish your makeup, and he does so very gingerly. It’s not like he’s never been in your room or sat on your bed before so there’s no reason for him to be acting so weird (aside from the big fat crush he’s had on you for months). He hopes you don’t notice his strange behavior. Or if you do, he hopes you chalk it up to him just being Vernon. 
“I was listening to our combined playlist but you can change it to whatever you want,” you offer, throwing him your phone. 
It lands next to him on the mattress. 
“No, this is good,” he says but picks up your phone anyway. “Can I scroll through your Twitter, though?”
“Go ahead.”
He makes a noise of contentment and settles more comfortably on your bed. He grabs your stuffed Appa and holds it close to his chest as he scrolls down your timeline, humming along to the song that’s playing on your PC.
You’re silent as you apply the rest of your makeup. Vernon doesn’t know the first thing about makeup but he knows that you’re good at it. You always look so pretty. One time you had made your eyeliner look like the wings of a monarch butterfly. He remembers being so transfixed by your eyes that you had to keep asking why he was staring. 
Today, your eyeliner looks like little clouds to go with your angel outfit. You’d done it in white with a touch of glitter to make them shimmer. 
“I can’t believe Soonyoung picked a costume party,” you grumble. 
“I can. How much do you want to bet he’s going to be Tony the Tiger again?”
“You never know, maybe he’ll be Raja from Aladdin. Or that tiger from The Jungle Book? I don’t remember that one’s name, though.”
“I guess we’ll see,” Vernon muses, not looking up from your phone. 
“I guess we will.”
He’s reading the replies to a tweet about one of your favorite animes when you get a text. He’d ignored all of the other notifications you’d received while he was in control of your phone thus far but it’s impossible to ignore this one. 
Qian Kun: can’t wait to see u tn!
Vernon nearly chokes, knuckles turning white as he grips the phone tighter. 
So Joshua hadn’t been fucking with him. He hadn’t just used Kun as an excuse to kick Vernon’s ass into gear. He was actually serious and was trying to help him. Go figure. 
Vernon stands from your bed abruptly, drawing your attention to him. 
“You got a text,” is all he can mutter as he thrusts your phone out to you. You give him a weird look as you take it but before you can say anything about it he’s grabbing his backpack and telling you that he’s going to go change. 
He makes his way to your bathroom and shuts the door behind him, slumping against it as he tells himsef to get it together. He splashes some cold water on his face and runs a still-wet hand through his hair in an attempt to style it. The water does little to cool him down but he starts taking off his clothes anyway. If he’s gone for too long you’ll begin to wonder if something’s wrong but he’s still sweating and his costume is made entirely out of spandex. 
He manages to wrestle the material onto his body and get the zipper up. He takes another look at himself in the mirror and grimaces. It didn’t look bad on him, but it was defintely tight and left little to the imagination.
And now he had to go back out and face you like this. Tonight was already going so well. 
You’re not in your room when he comes out of the bathroom. He searches the hallway briefly before finding you in the kitchen. You’re bent over with your head in the fridge, looking for... something, but all Vernon can focus on is the way your legs look in the white tights you’re wearing. He averts his eyes as soon as he catches himself staring at your calves, cheeks burning with what can only be a mixture of shame and embarrassment.  
“Do you need help?” he asks, startling you.  
You jolt up, nearly bumping your head on the freezer door. 
“Sorry,” he apologizes sheepishly. 
“Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Can’t help it, it’s part of my spidey powers.”
Your eyes light up in recognition as soon as he says that. He tries not to feel too self-conscious as your eyes take in his costume, your gaze traveling down his body and then back up to his face. 
“Your costume!”
“Do you like it?” 
“I love it!” you exclaim, taking him by the shoulders. “I can’t believe you kept this a secret from me!” You know how much I love Peter Parker!”
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Vernon mumbles, trying to hide a smile. 
“God, you look incredible! Do you have the mask?”
“I do, should I wear it?”
“Keep it off,” you decide. “Your face is too pretty to be hidden.”
“You heard me,” you double down, smirking. 
You’re teasing him, but Vernon can’t tell if it’s in a flirty way or a joking way. He hopes it’s the first way but he’s also too scared to confront what that would mean if it was. 
“Maybe you can put it on for the group picture or something, but you should leave it off for the party, that way people can find you.”
“Good idea,” Vernon agrees. “So, what were you looking for?”
You seem to remember you’re still standing in the middle of your kitchen with your refrigerator open at that very moment.
“Oh, right. I was looking for stuff for us to drink before we go over to Soonyoung’s but I couldn’t find what I wanted. I bought strawberry soju for us tonight but my friend’s boyfriend drank it all so we only have regular.” 
Vernon knits his eyesbrows together in confusion. “Joshua drank all your soju?”
“No, different friend. You don’t know her. I would’ve just said Joshua drank all my soju’ if it was him.”
“Yeah, that makes more sense.”
“I thought I had lemonade we could use as a mixer but I can’t find it.”
“We can just do shots,” Vernon suggests, laughing when you make a face. “Fine, fine, here let me help.”
You trade places with him and watch as he looks through the same shelves you had just been looking through. He is also unable to find the lemonade.
“You have gingerale,” he points out.
“Do you think that would be good?”
“Only one way to find out.”
It was, in fact, not good. But you powered through it together, neither of you willing to show up to Soonyoung’s sober. 
“I’ll call an Uber,” you shout from you room where you had gone to grab your purse. “By the way, do you want me to do any makeup on you real quick? I think some dark circles under your eyes or some black eyeliner would look really good.”
“Sure,” Vernon agrees before really thinking about it. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
That’s how you end up straddling him on your bed, your face mere inches from his as you apply... eyeliner? Eyeshadow? Some sort of makeup to his eyes. 
Vernon holds his breath, putting every ounce of concentration he has into not getting hard. You’re sitting right on top of him and as previously established, the Spider-Man suit is very, very thin. 
Your costume doesn’t offer a lot of coverage either, something Vernon tries not to think about while you’ve got your thighs on either side of his waist. You’re warm, so warm. He can feel the heat of your skin through your tights, can feel the seam of your leotard underneath your tutu, and if he shifts even just a little bit he’d be able to feel-
“There, done!” you announce and climb off of him. 
Vernon breathes a sigh of relief and takes a moment to recover before sitting back up. He’s a little stiff, both in body and in spirit, but he hopes you didn’t notice. 
“Hey, the Uber’s here, but take a look at yourself first to make sure you like it.”
You hand him a compact mirror and wait patiently as Vernon checks out your handiwork. You didn’t do much but it had made a big difference. He looks exhausted. His eyes appear sunken, the dark circles you’d drawn underneath somehow making them look sharper. 
“Oh my god, I look just like him,” he whispers. 
“Right? I thought that would tie it all together! Very Peter Parker-esque.”
“You’re incredible, thank you.”
You laugh and stare down at the floor, seeming shy all of a sudden. “It was easy. Anyone could have done it.”
Then, your phone vibrates on your desk. You grab it immediately like you’re thankful for the interruption. Vernon purses his lips but tries not to come off as deflated. 
“Shit, we shouldn’t keep him waiting,” you say. 
“You’re right. Let’s go.”
You sling the strap of your purse over your shoulder and make for the front door but Vernon calls out after you before you can reach it. 
“Wait! Don’t forget your halo, angel.”
He grabs the headband off of your dresser and brings it to you, smiling to himself when you bend down automatically so that he can put it on for you. 
“Okay, now we’re ready,” he amends. 
The drive to Soonyoung and Jihoon’s apartment doesn’t usually take long but your Uber got lost on the way so you were a few minutes late. Thankfully, you weren’t the last to arrive. That honor went to Boo Seungkwan and Yoon Jeonghan who trailed in together a whole thirty minutes after you and Vernon, much to Soonyoung’s displeasure. 
He greets you at the door with Jihoon in tow, clearly already drunk. 
“You made it!” he screeches, throwing his arms around the two of you. 
“Of course we made it, idiot,” you tease, pushing his shoulder playfully. 
Vernon pretends not to notice and he also pretends it doesn’t bother him.
“Who are you supposed to be, Soonie?” you ask.
“Tony the Tiger,” he says, sounding a little offended that you didn’t guess right away. 
“You can’t go wrong with a classic,” Soonyoung mutters. “Right, Jihoon?”
“Right,” his best friend parrots obediently, rolling his eyes behind his back. 
“Wait, what are you supposed to be?” Vernon asks, directing the question at Jihoon this time. 
“I’m the box of Frosted Flakes,” he grumbles, so low Vernon almost doesn’t catch it. 
“Wow, you guys are so creative,” you gush. “Nonnie and I both took the easy way out.”
The affectionate nickname catches Vernon off guard and he can’t help but crack a smile, ignoring the knowing glance from Jihoon. 
“Well you guys look great,” Soonyoung assures you. “Especially you, Vernon! Since when is Peter Parker so sexy?”
“Since always,” Vernon scoffs. “Have you seen the movies?”
Soonyoung opens his mouth to respond but Jihoon nudges him in the side before he can. Headlights flash in the windows, distracting all four of you from what you’re talking about. 
“Oh, I think some more people just pulled up. I should be a good host and say hello to them too. Help yourselves to drinks or whatever. You know where everything is.”
Vernon nods and claps Soonyoung on the back as he passes him. “Thanks, Hosh, we’ll catch you later.”
You follow Vernon into the kitchen, saying hi to the people you know on the way. It was quieter in the kitchen, even though Mingyu and Chan were arguing over something undoubtedly unimportant by the sink. 
They stop only briefly to acknowledge you both before jumping right back into it. 
“What do you want to drink?” Vernon asks you.
“What do they have?”
“All the usual stuff, and it looks like Joshua brought some nice whiskey.” 
“Of course he did,” you chuckle. “Um, I’ll just have whatever you’re having. I usually like what you like.”
It’s true, you have so much in common, Vernon thinks to himself happily.
“Why are you smiling like that?” 
Vernon freezes. “Huh?”
“You’re like grinning to yourself about something. What is it? Are you laughing at me?”
“No, no, I’m not laughing at you. I just… like that you trust me to make something that will taste good.”
“I mean it’s not like you have to cook it,” you joke. “If that were the case I might feel differently.”
“Very funny.”
“I know, thank you.”
You watch Vernon pour a shot of vodka into each cup, balancing your chin in your hands, elbows resting on the countertop. He finds a half-empty bottle of lemonade in the fridge and mixes it with the vodka, topping the drinks off with some ice from a cooler on the ground. 
“Aren’t you supposed to add the ice first?” you ask. 
“Oh, so you are going to judge my bartending skills? I thought that was reserved for my cooking.”
“I am first and foremost a hater. You should know that by now. No one is safe, not even you.”
Not even him... did that mean he was getting special treatment otherwise? Was it because you saw him as more than a friend? Or was it that you didn’t feel close enough to him to roast him unabashedly? 
You had procured a butter knife from one of the drawers while Vernon was lost in thought and were now using it to mix the drinks he’s made. 
You throw the knife in the sink, the clattering disrupting Chan and Mingyu’s arguing once again. 
“Cheers,” you say, offering him one of the cups. 
He takes it and clinks it against yours.
“If Soonyoung plays one more Justin Bieber song I’m going to lose it,” you mutter, making Vernon chuckle into his vodka lemonade. 
“I’ll see if I can talk Jihoon into hijacking the playlist.”
“No, don’t do that, you know he’ll only play Bruno Mars!”
But Vernon’s already walking away to find him, saying something about ‘the lesser of two evils’.
You watch him go, unable to stop yourself from glancing at his ass and noting how good it looks in the Spider-man suit. When he’d appeared in your kitchen wearing it you thought you might melt through the floor.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to rip it off of him or jump him while he was still wearing it. You did neither of those things, of course, but it was all you’d been able to think about all night. 
Peter Parker was your favorite comic book character. You couldn’t believe that was the costume he chose. 
You were delusional to think you were getting over your crush on him in the first place but all of the supposed progress you had made on that went out the window as soon as he had called you angel earlier. 
The other guys seemed to think your attraction was mutual but Vernon was so goddamn hard to read that it was really anyone’s guess. 
Was he awkward around everyone, or was it just you? Sometimes you think there’s something there, on those rare nights you spend alone together, watching movies at your apartment or playing a card game you only kind of know the rules to. On nights like those, when you’re more touchy with each other than usual, when his gaze lingers on your lips a little too long, it’s easy to think that maybe everyone is right. Maybe the feelings are mutual. 
But then he’ll start acting weird, like he was tonight, and you don’t know how to take it. Are your feelings for him that obvious that he can see right through them? Do your attempts at flirting make him uncomfortable? Sometimes he flirts back though which is why it’s all so confusing.
“I need another drink,” you say to no one in particular before turning around and trekking back to the kitchen.
You’re gone when Vernon returns to where he’d left you. It had taken him a while to track down Woozi and plead his case, longer than he expected, but he didn’t think it was that long. 
Jihoon was more than happy to change the music but he told Vernon that he’d have to go distract Soonyoung in order to do so. It was like a series of side quests he had to complete to move to the next level and by the time he was finished you had disappeared. 
It’s not a big place but there are a lot of people in attendance which makes it  so he has to push through the crowds in his search for you. There are people inside and on the deck and in the yard so he has his work cut out for him. 
“Want another drink?” It’s Joshua with two cups in his hand. Vernon takes a glance at his empty solo cup and shrugs, trading for the full one. 
“Thanks. What is it?”
“Where’s your date?” Joshua asks, looking around. 
“She’s not my date, and I don’t know,” he admits. “I left her right there and she’s gone.”
“Dude, you left her alone in the middle of a party and expected her to just sit there and wait for you?”
“I wasn’t gone for that long!”
“Did you tell her you were coming back?” Vernon purses his lips. “How long were you gone for?” 
“Just a few minutes...” he mumbles. 
Joshua sighs. Vernon knows he’d be pinching the bridge of his nose if he could but his hands are full. 
“Go find her.”
“That’s what I was doing before you walked up to me!”
“Don’t waste time by arguing with me, just go.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Vernon nods sullenly before brushing past his friend into the next room. 
He finds you in the dining room talking to someone else. He relaxes until he realizes that ‘someone else’ is Kun. Qian Kun. Can’t wait to see u tn! Kun. You’re leaning against the wall, laughing at something he’s saying and Vernon’s blood runs cold. 
Before he can fully process what’s happening in front of him, he’s downing the rest of his beer and approaching you both. 
“Y/n, I was just looking for you,” he exclaims and throws an arm around your shoulders. The gesture is a bit possessive for his taste, but knowing what he knows about what the guy’s going to tell you tonight, he can’t help it. 
Kun gives Vernon a look, sizing him up as he takes a sip from his own drink. Vernon nearly scoffs. 
“Sorry, I went looking for you but I didn’t know where you’d gone off to,” you explain apologetically. 
“Jihoon made me keep Soonyoung busy so that he could change the music.” He points at the ceiling as if to prove his point, even though the music was coming from speakers on the walls. You all stop to listen to the Silk Sonic song filtering in from the other room. Vernon turns to you. “Anyway, I don’t mean to interrupt, but could I talk to you for a second?”
Kun can’t even hide the look of annoyance on his face. “We were kind of in the middle of something-”
“Yeah, sure- oh...”  you trail off awkwardly. You had spoken at the same time, unintentionally contradicting each other. Vernon has to fight to suppress his smile. “I’ll be right back, Kun,” you say, taking Vernon by the hand to drag him away. “This shouldn’t take long.”
She won’t be back, Vernon thinks to himself as he follows you through the house. Unless you reject him, then you probably will be. 
He almost runs into you when you stop in front of Soonyoung’s bedroom door. “Is here good or do we need somewhere more private?”
“Um, it’s still kind of loud out here, do you think we could go in there?”
“Yeah, I’m sure Soonyoung won’t mind.”
The room is unlocked, because of course it is, and you let yourselves inside. Vernon’s surprised to see Soonyoung’s bed is made, but he figures that he must have straightened up because company was coming over. 
You take a seat on the floor in front of the bed instead of on it and Vernon joins you, groaning as he struggles to cross his legs. 
“So, what’d you need to tell me?” you ask. 
He blinks and swallows hard. He wasn’t prepared for this at all. He hadn’t even thought about what to say or how to say it... he honestly thought he would chicken out and let the night play its course without intervening. He had been acting on instinct when he saw you with Kun. Zero thoughts, just action. And now he had you alone and you were looking at him so expectantly and-
“Why’d you want to talk to me? Or were you just trying to be a good friend and get me away from that guy, because I know him and he’s cool. You didn’t have to do that.”
“No, actually I did want to tell you something,” he confesses. “I’m just a little nervous.”
“Oh, is everything okay?”
Vernon takes a deep breath and stares at the floor. “Yeah, um, everything’s fine. Kind of.” He pauses again, hating the way his voice sounds. His words are coming out shaky and uncertain (because they are) and this was not how he pictured this moment going. He sneaks a glance at you and sees your expression soften. 
“Take your time,” you whisper, placing your hand over his. 
“I just don’t want you to look at me differently,” he mumbles. “I don’t want to... ruin our friendship- god, that sounds so corny.”
“Vernon,” you say his name again, firmer this time to get him to look at you. “I think I know what you’re trying to say.”
His eyes widen in surprise. “You do?” 
You nod. “But I still want to hear you say it.”
Vernon groans into his hands. “Why! Do you want me to humiliate myself even more?”
“No, dummy, because I think I deserve to hear it. Don’t you?”
He can’t disagree with that. Even if it means risking the possibility of ruining everything.
“I think you’re really pretty,” he says stupidly, as if that encompasses everything he’s been feeling and thinking about you these past few months. 
You blink. “Is that it?”
“NO- sorry, shit. I- that didn’t come out the way I wanted it to. I do think you’re really pretty, though. Obviously. Honestly, I think you’re fucking gorgeous. I think... I think about you in a lot of ways that a friend probably shouldn’t.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “What kind of ways?”
“Are you really going to make me say it?” Vernon whines, hoping you can’t see the pink flush of his cheeks in the dark room. 
“No,” you relent with a chuckle. “I was just being annoying. But for the record, I also think about you in ways that friends probably shouldn’t.”
“Wait, really?”
“Mhm, do you want to know what kinds of ways?”
Vernon finds himself nodding even though his ears have started ringing and he’s not sure he’ll be able to hear your response. It’s hard to focus on anything other than the fact that you like him back. 
“Well, for one, I think you look very good in this Spider-man suit,” you say, running your fingers over the lycra. 
“You do?”
“It’s been driving me crazy all night,” you admit. “I was going to touch myself to the thought of you in it when I got home tonight.”
“Y-you were?” Vernon is apparently only capable of asking questions at the present moment but you don’t seem to mind. 
“I’ve been trying not to stare, but it fits you so well. You picked this on purpose, didn’t you? You wanted me to suffer because you know Spider-man is my favorite.”
“I didn’t think it would be so tight!”
“I’ll pretend to believe you,” you muse, and god, you’re so close to him...Vernon feels like he can’t breathe. 
Just like before, he lets his instincts lead him. No thoughts, just action.
He closes his eyes and leans forward, meeting you where you were waiting for him.  He presses his lips to yours lightly, savoring the surprised gasp you let out against his mouth. Your lips are so soft, just as soft as the rest of you. 
You’re the first to part your lips, inviting Vernon to slip his tongue into your mouth. He’s happy to do so, and he’s even happier when you moan in response. 
You start to lean forward, chasing the kiss even though Vernon hasn’t pulled away. It must still not be enough for you because, in the next breath, you stumble to your knees and climb onto his lap. 
Vernon’s hands automatically attach themselves to your hips to keep you steady as you straddle him. He shifts you awkwardly on top of him, trying to keep you off of his-
“Fuck, I’m so sorry,” he mumbles, freezing in place. 
He can’t bring himself to look you in the eye. 
Why, god why, did this suit have to be so tight? He should’ve stopped you when you climbed onto his lap. He knows the effect you have on him, of course he’d be hard the second you started kissing him. Hell, he’s been fighting a boner the entire night. Just watching you walk around in your angel outfit was doing it for him. 
Sure, you were making out with him, and you’d made that dirty comment earlier, but that didn’t mean you were ready to fuck him. He would never assume that’s where the night was going but you might assume that he was assuming because you can feel how hard his fucking dick is under you...
“Why are you sorry?” you ask softly.
Vernon cringes at himself. “Because,” is all he says before you seem to get it. 
“Oh, that. I’m flattered.”
“Stop,” he whines, “I really didn’t mean to. You weren’t supposed to-”
“I know, baby,” you soothe him. Vernon doesn’t get the chance to melt at the pet name you’ve just called him because he’s still mid-panic, but he files it away for later. “But don’t worry. I think it’s really hot.”
“You do?”
You nod. “And I bet if you were able to feel me under my costume too, you’d know that you aren’t alone.”
“Wait, what?” he breathes. 
You lean forward again, chest pressed against his, to whisper in his ear. “I’ve been wet since you kissed me. Probably longer.”
You’re smirking when you pull back and Vernon is left to stare at you in shock. 
“See for yourself,” you say, repositioning yourself on his lap so that he has access to you. “Touch me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you going to make me beg for it?” you tease. Vernon goes stiff under you again, making you chuckle. “Maybe another time, then? Just slip your fingers under my leotard. I’ve soaked through my tights already.”
“Jesus Christ, I’m going to cum if you keep saying things like that,” he warns you. 
“Oh no whatever would we do?” you lament. “You can just get hard again if that happens, right?”
“Then come on, touch me. You’ve made me wait long enough.”
“I won’t waste any more time, then,” he assures you, gathering his confidence. 
He frees one of his hands by releasing your hip and brings it in between your legs, fingers trailing across your thigh in a way that makes you suck in a sharp breath. He ghosts his fingers over the material of your costume first, deciding it’s only fair to tease you back, at least a little. Then, he wiggles two of them under the elastic hem of your costume, where your hip meets your thigh. 
“Fuck, you weren’t kidding.”
“I... told you.”
He moves his fingers experimentally, offering you a little friction. “Does that feel good?”
You push yourself into his touch and nod. “Yeah, feels so good.”
“I really want to finger you,” he admits. 
“Oh, you do?”
“Is that okay? I mean, can I?”
“Totally, let me just—” 
You stand and wiggle out of your tutu, leaving you in your wings, leotard, and tights. The wings go next. You toss them on Soonyoung’s bed and then slip the straps of your leotard off your shoulders. You hesitate, looking a little nervous all of the sudden.
“I’m not wearing a bra under this,” you say. “Is that okay?”
Vernon almost laughs at the perpostuous question but he doesn’t. He almost says ‘are you kidding me, I’ve only been thinking about this exact moment for months now, please take it off,’ but he doesn’t. 
“Of course it’s okay,” is what he says instead, like a normal person. “But only if you feel comfortable with that.”
“I do, it’s just… I feel like after this we really won’t be able to go back.”
“I don’t want to go back,” Vernon insists. “I want this. I want you.” 
That seems to put you at ease. So much so, that you walk back over to where Vernon is still sitting on the floor and lean down to kiss him again. 
“You know, you have to take yours off too if you want to finger me,” you point out. 
Vernon wiggles his fingers inside the suit’s gloves and grins. “What, you don’t want these inside of you?”
“I don’t particularly want a yeast infection so, no. I don’t. And how are we supposed to do anything else if you’ve got that thing on anyway?” 
He pretends to pout. “I thought you liked the suit.”
“I do, but I can’t fuck you in it.” Vernon chokes on his own saliva when you say that but you don’t acknowledge it. “Unless there’s like a zipper for your dick or something?” 
“There’s not,” he mumbles hoarsely. “Had to take the whole thing off just to pee.”
“Then off. Unless you don’t want to-”
He’s already up and unzipping the back of the suit. 
It’s almost comical, the way you’re both struggling out of your tight costumes on opposite sides of the room. Vernon was able to get the zipper down but getting himself out of the material that clung to him like a second skin is a little more difficult. 
On your side, you’re tripping over your tights and shouting expletives to no one in particular. 
Finally, you’re both undressed. You’re left in just your panties and Vernon only had his briefs on. He’s usually a boxers guy but the spidey suit had called for something a little more snug.
You meet him back at the foot of the bed, smiling with apprehensive excitement. Immediately, his gaze falls to your boobs. He told himself he wouldn’t stare but god damn it, he’s only human. 
Once he’s done being blinded by your tits he takes in all of you. The soft lines and gentle curves of your body. The fullness of your lips. The delicate flutter of your eyelashes.
You still look like an angel in the white panties you’d chosen to wear under your costume— probably so they wouldn’t show through the other material. He could feel how wet you were before but now he can see it. The cotton is completely soaked through, making the white look translucent against you.
“Okay, I know you said you wanted to finger me, but I really want to fuck you.”
Vernon almost chokes again. “What?”
“I want you to fuck me.”
He’s the one to smirk this time, pulling you onto his lap. 
“I will fuck you,” he promises, “after I finger you.”
“I don’t wanna wait,” you whine as he kisses your neck. 
“I’ve got to prep you first, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“But you felt how wet I was earlier! I can take it.”
Vernon takes your hand and places it over his bulge, making you gasp. It’s hard to think with your warm hand wrapped around him, even through his underwear, but he pushes through it.
“I’m not trying to brag or be an asshole about it, I swear. It’s just, I really don’t want to hurt you. Okay?”
“Okay,” you repeat. 
Vernon resumes kissing your neck as one of his hands travels back in between your thighs. The other rests on your stomach, holding you in place. 
He slips his fingers beneath the waistband of your panties and teases you some more before finally slipping one of them inside you. You go practically limp in relief and Vernon can’t help but tease you some more. 
“You were aching for it, weren’t you?” he coos. You nod. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“I tried!”
“Aw, baby. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”
He adds another finger and nips lightly at a spot just beneath your jaw when you sigh happily. 
“Can I leave marks?” he asks, praying you’ll say yes because he’s pretty sure that bite will turn into a small bruise. 
“Yeah, do whatever you want,” you breathe. “I’ll wear turtlenecks to work. I don’t give a fuck.”
So he sucks at that same spot to make sure there will definitely be a hickey there in the morning. The idea of you walking around with visible proof of what he’s done to you makes Vernon’s cock twitch in his boxers. He sucks another hickey into your skin right below the first one, just for good measure. 
“C-can you put another one in?” you plead. 
How could he ever say no to you when you look so pretty and you sound so desperate? 
He adds a third and finds your clit with his thumb. He tests out a few patterns to see which you like best, settling on the one that has you chanting his name like a prayer. He thinks you might be getting close with the way you’re repeatedly clenching around his fingers but you reach out to stop him just when he has you on the edge. 
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I’m good, I’m good,” you assure him. “I didn’t want to cum yet.”
“Because I want my first time with you to be on your cock,” you explain. “Is that dumb?”
Vernon shakes his head so hard he makes himself dizzy. “No, not at all!” 
“Then can we fuck now?”
“Do you think you’re stretched enough?”
“Only one way to find out.”
You had gotten your underwear off and Vernon’s underwear off before realizing you needed a condom. Now you were both searching around Soonyoung’s room for one completely naked. 
“Found them!” Vernon exclaims, holding up a handful of assorted contraceptives.
They’d been in the bedside drawer of Soonyoung’s nightstand. Go figure. He lays them out on the bed and sighs loudly. 
“Doesn’t he have any normal ones?”
“What do you mean?” you ask and crane your neck to look over Vernon’s shoulder. 
“These are all... either flavored or textured! And this one fucking glows in the dark.”
“That could be fun,” you giggle.
“Yeah, I bet you’d love to ride a neon green dick, you little monster fucker.”
“Hey! Now is not the time to use my kinks against me.”
“Sorry, you’re right. But I think I’ll have to indulge that side of you another time when we’re not fucking in one of our best friends’ rooms.”
“Then what about this one?”
“That’s a joke, right?”
“Obviously,” you scoff. “I’m not trying to kill you.��
“Who thinks of making a peanut butter and jelly flavored condom in the first place?”
“Sick people, that’s who,” you answer, going back to sifting through the pile on the bed.
“I don’t think it’d kill me,” Vernon adds. “It’d probably just make my dick swell up really big- so maybe it wouldn’t be all bad.”
“No, because then we’d have to go to the ER and explain what happened.”
“Here, this one’s probably our best bet.” Vernon holds up the package for you to see. “Do you have any qualms against strawberry?”
“Nope. But it does make me want to suck your dick to see if it actually tastes like strawberry.”
“As much as I’d love that, I definitely won’t last if you do. And I really want to fuck you right now.” You pout. “What if I promise to buy more for us so you can try it another time?”
“I’ll get a variety pack so you can suck me off to any fruit you want.”
“Wow, such a romantic.”
“You know me,” he jokes. 
You gather up the rest of the condoms and deposit them back in the drawer while Vernon rips open the foil and rolls the condom on. He’s still incredibly hard despite the small setback so it goes on without any trouble. 
There’s a blanket folded at the end of Soonyoung’s bed that you take and lay out on the floor. 
“I wouldn’t want my friends fucking on my bed,” you explain. 
“I don’t think he’d care,” Vernon replies. “He’d probably be happy for us. But you’re right, it’s the respectful thing to do.”
The respectful thing to do would be to wait until you get home, but you’ve already made it this far so....
Vernon sits on the floor with his back against the bed. He motions for you do join him and you do, slowly lowering yourself onto his lap. He’s careful to hold you up when he pushes the tip of his cock inside of you. He doesn’t want you to get overwhelmed and accidentally sink all the way down, making it even harder to adjust. 
“Fuck,” you whimper. 
“Is it too much?”
“N-no, feels good,” you assure him. “You’re just... fucking huge.”
He tries not to smirk when you say that. He knows he isn’t the biggest out there, especially where length is concerned, but he likes to think he’s pretty well off when it comes to girth. That’s why he was so insistent on fingering you before he fucked you. Why you’re having trouble taking just the tip. It’s certainly a stroke to his ego. Although, his ego might also be shattered in a few seconds if you don’t stop clenching around the head of his cock. 
“Take some deep breaths,” Vernon tries, using one of his hands to rub your back soothingly. 
It’s ironic coming from him, the guy who could barely flirt with you without having an existential crisis. 
But it seems to help because he feels you relax, some of the tension easing from your form. You sink down a little further, biting your lip to stifle any involuntary noises you might make. You’re so wet, so unbelievably turned on, your arousal is literally dripping down the shaft of Vernon’s cock, but you’re still struggling to fit him. 
“Are you still okay? We can stop if it’s hurting.”
You shake your head stubbornly. “No, I want to keep going.”
“Okay, well take your time. We’re not in a rush.”
“You might not be,” you mutter, “but I’m impatient.” 
Vernon laughs. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, baby, just take it easy. You’re doing so good for me.” 
He cranes his neck to kiss you, pulling your bottom lip from between your teeth with his own. Again, you relax a little more. 
“Can you-” you start to ask, still kissing him. 
He pulls away to be able to hear you. “Hm?”
“Can you rub my clit? I think that’ll help... oh, fuck.”
“There we go, angel. My angel.” 
His words make you moan and arch your back which pushes your tits into his face. Instinctively, he takes one of them into his mouth, using his free hand to play with the other. He works his tongue around your nipple, feeling the other harden against his palm.
“God, Vernon,” you mumble, “can I please move?”
He releases your boobs to nod and answer you. “Fuck yes.”
He has to close his eyes as you start to bounce on his cock because it already feels too good. Seeing your face contorted in pleasure would make him lose it. 
Then, there’s movement from outside the door, footsteps. Both of you freeze. Vernon’s eyes fly open to see yours wide with panic. He puts a finger to his lips and you nod in understanding. 
He can’t tell how many voices are in the hall, nor can he tell what they’re talking about, but he knows they’re right outside because he can see silhouettes of their shoes blocking the light coming in from under the door. 
It’s almost impossible for the two of you to stay still. You’re still so goddamn tight around his cock. And you’re still so fucking warm and wet and your cunt is pulsing around him uncontrollably-
Vernon whimpers. He fucking whimpers into your shoulder and you hear it. He can’t even focus on being mortified because he has to put all of his focus into not rutting into you and not cumming super fucking fast. 
He needs whoever’s outside to leave and he needs them to leave now. Thankfully, they must hear his internal pleas- or maybe they heard his external whimper, because the voices disappear down the hall a couple of beats later. 
He lets out a sigh of relief thinking he’s in the clear when he hears you sniffle, almost like you’re crying... then he jerks his head up to see that’s exactly what’s happening and panics. 
“Oh my god, what’s wrong? What hurts?” He’s frantic, hands all over you. 
“Nothing hurts-”
“Don’t lie to me! You’re crying! Here, lift up. I’m so sorry-”
“Vernon!” you shout. 
“I wasn’t lying.”
He cocks his head to the side, trying to understand. “But...”
“It just happens sometimes. It’s involuntary but it means I’m feeling good. I promise.”
“This has happened to you before?”
“Yeah, mostly when I’m alone.”
He wants to know more. Wants to know what it is that triggers it. But now isn’t exactly the best time so he files the questions away for later and concentrates on... making you cry harder. 
It doesn’t take him long to figure out that he actually really likes watching you cry (in this context specifically). He’s never elicited such an extreme reaction from someone before. 
He catches a tear on his thumb and sucks it off, making your hips stutter. You cup his face and kiss him hard. It’s messy and salty and Jesus Christ, Vernon has never been so hard in his fucking life. 
“I’m close,” you warn him. 
“Thank god,” he laughs, kissing you again. 
He starts rubbing your clit to help you get there and you’re falling apart in a matter of seconds. You bite his shoulder to muffle a scream as you cum, sending him over the edge with you. 
You’re both breathless when you finally come down from your highs. Your legs are shaky as you climb off of his lap. They’re still trembling when you collapse next to him on the blanket. 
“Shit, that was good.”
“Yeah? Wanna go again?”
“Of course.”
“Give me like... ten minutes,” Vernon sighs as he lays down beside you. “Maybe fifteen.”
You laugh. “But doesn’t Spider-man have a super short refractory period?”
He gives you a look. “Not in this universe.”
happy birthday bestie i hope you enjoyed mwah &lt;3
forever tags: @haven-cove @tantofaz123-blog @lee-hjyjn @ateez-star @baesgyus @likexaxdaydream @sunniesoobin @thefairwhitelight @pretty-thoughts @yutayoongi @hoe4wonwoo @yeostars @i-might-be-in-love-with-hao @camrenrodrigoswift1 @nichobins @bfwonu @arikimtanapon @ammcg0119 @redspider267 @fwess @horangipowerr @soobzao @kuleo26 @k00kiemonster99 @poutypoutybin @jeonghanspinkhair @jadiekinzz @yo0nspoon @djj6112 @drama-1998-girl @5xiang @yeritheloml @slut4seokjin @nc-teen @jungkookswife24069 @tannieflix @romromthedeer @urvashi435 @aurumness @sunghoonth @y00nzin0 @ksy-horanghae @haogyuslut @crushonwoo @rinshabitat @ivivz @cixrosie @princessofallthatsweird @friseealamode @candidupped @joshuahongnumbers @bxby-bloom @guavagyu @enhacolor @zhangyixingxing1 @foxdaisy @emotionalwreckkk @imonanotherlebel @vern0nsworld @cyjsfairy @jihoonliker @freakyfriedrice @yeosayang @myaerii @lenireads @itbtoblikethatsometimes @vernonburger @soonhoonietrash @tinkerbell460 @shmoooooo @tweetiebirb @junhui-recs @sluttywoozi @aishidaishi @sieunflrtz @laylasbunbunny @niyuzh @nanaspalette
add yourself to my taglist(s) here!
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Too late Kudo Onee-san you're one of the girls now. There is no escape now
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freckled-moss · 1 year
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First Meeting
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alwyswnadie · 1 year
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bro back up
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hydroelectricjaya · 11 months
The Administration. I have some things to say about this monstrosity.
DR spoilers under the cut:
LOL that Zane was the one who was the most knowledgeable about the Administration and proceeded to inform the audience about this new entity. Did not see that coming.
First clue something was off - when the portal that Lloyd and Arin jumped through disappeared, it turned into bubbles.
Then we get a first glimpse of this bureaucratic hell in the cubical maze. The multi-generation line for a permit made my blood pressure spike. Too close. 😭 You don’t know bureaucratic hell until you’ve tried getting permits for a project that turns into a multi month long process, massive fees and tons of back and forth and revisions and (pulls out hair) could have been handled internally between departments. (I’m looking at you City of LA). Not to mention driving into downtown LA is an equally soul crushing experience. But I digress. . .
Lloyd and Arin get their mini Matrix adventure “following the white rabbit” (except it is following the white ninja - haha get it?) which leads them to Zane (and be honest, we all thought it was going to be Jay).
Zane then gives us the low down on the Administration. Extreme power paired with gross incompetence. Managers sound like department heads, and the top dog is the Administrator (who we have yet to meet). And it used to be in the realm of madness before the merge. Interesting.
They somehow knew he was attempting to open a monastery portal (did it connect to the Administration?), teleported directly into the monastery and took Zane. Wow, they have powerful tech and surveillance.
The three ninja figure out that the Administration has immense power, yet all of their paperwork is pointless busywork and doesn’t really do anything. Ooofff if that’s not a dig on modern government and large corporations.
“It is impossible to tell the difference between mass incompetence and intentional malice.”
I predict that will be the theme of the Administration: it will be impossible to tell if they’re that stupid or that evil. Unfortunately, that’s how most governments and large corporations are. And they will have an important role in season two. Why go through all the effort to introduce this new land merged with a Ninjago if it doesn’t show up again? Will the top leader, the Administrator, be linked to Raz’s master?
Then we finally see Jay and it looks like he has figured out how to climb the ladder of the Administration’s strict hierarchy. Good for him. Get that executive suite! Get close to the Administrator so when your memories come back you can help your ninja team.
I am excited to see more of the Administration and Jay’s shenanigans next season. I hope he is a total dick to the cubical wagies.
What are your thoughts on the Administration? 
I’m looking forward to seeing how many references to The Office, Office Space, Dilbert, etc. Welcome to government work and corporate life. 😂😭
89 notes · View notes
Copper top encounter with B part 3
~Copper new magic battery was finished and ready to be installed.~ Copper B, it's finished race yeah your on, "Copper and B started running to see who's faster." it's a tie. Copper your new magic battery is one of a kind now none like it either. Ooooo what's so special about it? Well, unlike you, other batteries that i used to build this battery, but this new battery is equipped with special features. like? "Copper asked interested." Well, this new battery it tells you when you need a tune-up or a part is broken on you, plus this battery takes more magic and saves the storage magic, good, huh? Can my body take an upgrade like that? Yes, it can copper. I checked while you were powered down. I see. ok, I'm ready, but you gotta be shut off for this to work and be completely drained of magic so night night "as blood said that copper stumbled again, powering down."
"Weeks went by. Copper was still adjusting to the new battery her armor was still forming around the battery, and she never knew how, but her armor was stretching, and it hurt somehow, but B stayed by copper no matter what copper didn't mind but B was getting to close copper was thinking B was trying to make her unfocused on what her dad was saying. duck copper, "copper ducked as B was get beamed with a wrench." Now copper, did you understand anything I told you? Be honest now? a little sir, ok B out now, no "blood teleported B out of Reds office"
Oh, come on, dad, let me in. I'll be good please copper listen close be yourself, now forget about us. we're not normal. You still have more things to do. We'll only lead away from what you really want in life. Copper, like god says to her followers, follows where you want to be and never looks back now. i can't make you choose what you want copper, but you choose what you want, not what others want. Remember that copper but sir, your family is interesting. My record says Pinkie Pie is dead for 20 years. Was that word "was" but how? If I tell you I'll have to kill you, "blood smiled, disappearing. Then B came in. " damn you dad, hey B? Are there any spare rooms because I have to do some research, huh? Research? Uh yeah, the castle is full of rooms. Just pick one, or you can sleep with me. "Copper battery started to heat up, making her glow lime green." Uh, hold that thought heh......
Mod pie: i think B hit something with copper. Now, she is glowing lime green. hmmmm, interesting
Tag: @ask-coppertop
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
Fuck it Friday!
I was tagged by @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @cowboy-buck @daffi-990 thank you 💜💜💜
Imma be honest, I opened the most recent document, scrolled down a bit, and just copied an amount that made sense lol, so have this bit of the eddie begins fic where they are being soft in the hospital while waiting for test results lol prev snippet
"Hey, no sleeping," Buck says, shaking him gently, and Eddie blinks, slowly looking around to find out they're alone again.  "Sorry," he mumbles, eyes finding Buck again, "on the bright side, I don't feel like I'm freezing from the inside out anymore."  "That's good."  "Yeah," Eddie yawns, and Buck's eyes widen with worry while looking at him.  Were his eyes always this blue?  "Okay, am I gonna have to be annoying to keep you awake?" He jokes, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes.  "You're never annoying, Buck," he says, blinking against the sleep that's now threatening to take over and something flashes on Buck's expression but it's gone before Eddie can figure it out. "Not what it seems like when you throw pillows at me in the bunk room," Buck jokes, poking his arm and he chuckles. "That's just to remind you that we're there to sleep." "A pillow to the face is supposed to get me to sleep?"  "One can hope," Eddie mumbles, shifting around trying to get comfortable without being too comfortable, before looking back at Buck, worry creeping up his spine, "you know I don't mind the talking, right? I feel bad falling asleep on you, so if you're talking I'm not going to sleep, hence the pillows," he says and Buck's expression circles through multiple complicated emotions before he nods.  "It's just harder falling asleep on the bunks sometimes," he shrugs and Eddie chuckles. "I know." "But I will have to annoy you into staying awake for now," Buck says, adjusting in his chair. "You're not annoying." "You know what I mean." "Still not annoying." "Not even this conversation?" "No." "You sure?" "Positive."
no pressure tagging <3: @bucks118 @eddiebabygirldiaz @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck @captain-hen @giddyupbuck @try-set-me-on-fire
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1introvertedsage · 3 months
I don’t know if I’ve ever shared my current poetry. As when I’m writing it. When I’m going through it. Seems like letting others too close lol..
Most I share are at least a few to several months out.
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raayllum · 1 year
if the season releases in either june or july we’re 99% going to get said release date in may i’m
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Aiden, kiddo! Calm down, you’ll be fine. You’ll be fine…
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
In which Leon reconnects with his mom - Too Close One Shot.
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“If you need more time, that’s okay,” you say quietly as you rest your chin on Leon’s shoulder. “You know that, right? No pressure.”
Leon stayed in his seated position at the end of your shared bed. God, he loved how you shared pretty much everything in this house, your house. Yours and his. Deciding to decline Chris’ offer and buy a house near the beach was one of the best decisions of his life, the first one being his acceptance of the job of working for your dad that allowed him to meet you. 
He leans back against the front of your body, his eyes closing as you begin to gently massage his shoulders. “I know,” he hummed and leaned further back to be able to run the tip of his nose along the edge of your jaw. “But I think I’ve waited long enough. She deserves closure.”
You nod and wrap your arms around him from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of his head as you murmured a quiet, “Yeah,” you smoothed down the fabric of his shirt as he turned his head to look down at his phone, the seven digits and call button staring back up at him. “Do you want to do this alone?” You offered and shifted so you were able to stand up. 
Leon shook his head, “No,” he mumbled and grabbed your wrist, gently tugging you back onto the bed. “Stay, please. I want you to be here for this or else I might talk myself out of it.”
You laugh quietly and press another kiss to his cheek before returning to your spot behind him. “Okay,” you say softly then add, “Are you ready?” 
Leon nodded and took your hand in his before he clicked on the call button and brought the phone up to his ear. You rested your cheek against his back as you listened to the low hum of the ringing sound as he waited to see if she would even pick up. 
As it got to the third ring, Leon turned his head so he could glance back at you with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. “I knew this would happen,” he muttered. “If she doesn’t recognize the number, she won’t pick up.”
You smile and shake your head, pressing a kiss to his shirt covered shoulder. “Something about that sounds familiar,” you teased, referring to all the times he told you to never answer numbers you don’t recognize. 
He laughed quietly at that, pulling the phone away from his ear. “Maybe I’ll call again later-”
As soon as he went to hang up he heard the distant sound of his mother’s distinct voice as she answered after the fourth call. “Hello?” 
Leon froze at the all too familiar voice, one he hadn’t heard in years. 
You heard her, too, and pulled away from him with a quiet squeal and a light shove to his back. “I knew she’d pick up,” you say before grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand up so his phone was next to his ear again. “Talk to her.”
He gave you a small smile of disbelief before opening his mouth to talk to the one person who made his childhood bearable, all while keeping his hand locked with yours. “Hi, mom,”
Leon was stressed out. After having nearly a two hour long phone call with his mother, a plan for her to visit was scheduled for the end of the week. 
The days passed by in a blur, and though he tried to hide how nervous he was, you saw right through him. Of course you did. After living together for a couple of months and being together for over a year, you were able to read him like an open book, much like he could with you. 
On the day she was set to visit, Leon had spent most of the morning on the beach, running along the shore in an attempt to calm his nerves. He, regretfully, hadn’t seen his mother in years, and the fact that he would be greeting her in his own home in a few hours felt surreal. 
He had so much to talk about, so much to say to her, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get it all out during the three days she would be spending with him. One thing he knew he would leave out was his job, and he knew you wouldn’t say anything about it, either. 
She didn’t need to know what he did for a living, but everything else was fair game.
It was nearing noon when he finally returned home and found that you had cleaned damn near every single room. It was then when he realized that you, too, were nervous to see his mom. 
After a quick shower, he dressed himself in a black tee and dark blue jeans, taking after your casual outfit of black tights and a cropped tank top. 
She would be arriving any minute now, and both you and Leon were standing by the front door. Well, he was standing - leaning, actually, on the frame that connected to the living room - and you were pacing. He watched you with an amused smile on his lips, the smile only growing when you turned to face him. “Are you as nervous as I am?” 
Leon shook his head and laughed. “I don’t think so,” he answered and you whined as you stepped towards him. 
“What if she doesn’t like me? What if I’m not what she wants for her only son? Her only child?”
He reached out when you neared him and pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapping protectively around you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Baby, she’s going to love you,” he assured you and grinned when he felt you relax against him. “She’ll probably love you more than me, seeing as I’m the one who shut her out for a decade.”
You sighed and wrapped your arms around his middle. “I’m sure she understands why you left,” you murmur, pressing your cheek against his chest. “Your dad is to blame for that.” You didn’t know much about all that Leon endured during the years he spent at home with his parents, but you did know that the first time he had ever felt physical pain was at the hand of his father. 
Leon forced out a laugh, resting his chin on the top of your head. “Yeah,” he agreed. “I guess we both had really fucked up fathers growing up.”
The topic of your dad was still a sore one, so he didn’t bring up his old boss more than he needed to. He knew you missed him, despite how things went down the last time you saw him, but you assured him that you were better off staying far away from the man who kept so much from you.  
“Tell me about it,” you say and open your mouth to continue the conversation, but shut it quickly when the sound of knocking was heard next to you. “She’s here.” You step away from him and stand off to the side as Leon hesitantly approaches the door. 
You give him a comforting smile when he turns to glance back at you, his hand hovering over the doorknob. Before he could talk himself out of it, Leon pulled the door open and was met with the gracefully aged face of his mother. Her blonde hair was a few shades lighter than it was ten years ago, and her green eyes sported years of fatigue, but still held a glimmer of light he saw in them during his childhood years.
She hadn’t faded away completely, and Leon could’ve cried at the way she smiled at him when he opened the door. Her own eyes filled with tears as she stepped forward and gently placed her hands on his biceps, feeling just how much he had grown up in the years she’s spent away from him. 
He was towering over her at the age of seventeen and had only increased in his height since then. He was almost convinced she had shrunk a few inches as she looked him up and down before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
Leon had to bend down considerably for him to be able to wrap his own arms around her middle. The size difference was undeniable as they embraced, with his body covering hers almost entirely. 
You stay silent as he buries his face in her light hair, your eyes stinging slightly at the sweet reunion. “My, God, you’ve grown,” she observed in a teasing tone and Leon’s breath hitched at hearing his mom’s voice in person again. 
“Maybe you’ve just shrunk,” he teased back and held her tighter as she laughed quietly. A few more seconds pass before the pair pull away from one another and take in each other’s appearances. “Hi.”
“Hi,” she says back when Leon stepped aside, that was when you were met with the face of the woman who gave life to the single most important person to you. Your mind briefly went back to the first time you had ever seen her, back in his trailer and in the form of a photograph. That same photo was placed on the side table in the hallway that led to your bedroom, while the one with him and his dad was tucked away in a box in the closet. “Well, hello.”
You smile at her and hesitantly wave your hand. “Hi,”
Leon wraps his arm around his mom’s shoulder, similar to the way he had it draped around her in the picture that was taken when he was still a teen. “Mom, this is Y/n,” he introduced you. “The love of my life.”
You blush at that as you extend your hand out to her. “It is so unbelievably nice to meet you,” you start as she steps towards you. “I’ve been pestering him about this for a while now, so to finally meet you is-”
She cuts you off by wrapping her arms around you. You stand still for a second or two, completely speechless at the feeling of her warm embrace. You thought back to all the times your own mother hugged you, the way she made you feel so loved and safe. Those feelings came flooding back to you as you returned the hug, meeting Leon’s eyes from over her shoulder. 
Your eyes burned once again as you blinked back tears, refusing to be the first person to cry in this situation. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/n,” she said quietly as she pulled back and gave you a kind smile, one that mirrored all the ones Leon flashed at you during the time you’ve been with him. “Thank you for helping bring us back together.”
Shaking your head, you bring your hand up to press against your face as you wipe away a single tear that managed to escape. “Oh, I can’t take credit for that,” you dismiss her words and drop your hand, missing the way her eyes followed it all the way down and lingered on the ring on your finger. “He’s been wanting to reach out to you for a long time now, I just gave him a bit of support, that’s all.”
His mom stared at your hand for a few more seconds before meeting your eyes once again. “Thank you all the same,” she smiled and you returned it before looking behind her. Leon had been watching the whole exchange with a content grin on his lips, his heart full at the sight of his two favorite people getting along so well. 
“Um, I’ll go make drinks or something,” you offer and step past her, your hand reaching for Leon’s as you approach him. “Let you two catch up.”
Leon gently squeezed his hand in yours until it fell from his grasp as you made your way to the kitchen. “Do hurry back,” his mom called out after you. “I want to hear all about the woman who stole my son’s heart.”
After that, Leon led her into the living room. They sat across from each other on the adjacent armchairs as they talked about everything and anything that came to mind; what he’s been up to since he moved out, his newfound hobbies, Harvey - anything, really.
While his mom was curious as to how the two of them met, seeing as Leon left that out when he mentioned his close friend, she was glad he found someone he could rely on and who would be there, and has been there, for her son.  
A moment of silence goes by before he asks the question that had been plaguing his mind since the minute she arrived. “You’re still with dad,” he nodded towards her left hand, where her gold engagement ring and wedding band rested on her finger. 
“I am,” she confirmed and folded her hands on her lap. “I know you two never got along, but he’s been in my life since I was fifteen. It’s hard to let someone you’ve known for so long go.”
Leon shrugged and gave her a semi-forced smile. “I get it,” he said before asking, “How’s he doing?” 
His mom sighed before leaning back in the chair. “He’s really smartened up in the years you’ve been gone,” she started, her tone quiet as she relived the first few months she spent without Leon after he left. “I think he thought you weren’t serious when you said you were leaving. He didn’t believe that you were really gone until a few months went by, and then it hit him. He drank so much one night and ended up passing out on your bed, completely wasted. It must’ve dawned on him when he woke up that you were never coming back, and I haven’t seen him touch an ounce of alcohol since.”
His dad giving up drinking? Leon thought he’d never see the day that would happen. Well, he supposed he had yet to see it actually happen, as the last time he set his eyes on his father was when he was five bottles deep into a pack of eight. It was only twenty four hours after that when he left.
He wasn’t sure what to say, so he settled on just nodding. 
Luckily, his mom was great at changing the subject. “But enough about that old man,” she waved off her previous words and leaned forward, holding her hand out to him. “Tell me all about your Y/n.”
Leon felt his face heat up at the mention of you, and he reached out to allow his mother to grab his hand. “She means everything to me,” he nearly whispered as he refused to meet her eye. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before in my entire life. I feel like I can’t breathe whenever we’re away from each other. I’m pretty sure I’d find a way to give her the world if she asked for it.”
His mom smiled at that, a warm feeling filling her heart as she listened to him. “Sounds like you found the one who makes you happy,” she replied quietly. “I saw the ring.”
Leon lifted his head at that and watched as a knowing look formed on her face. 
“Tell me about it,” she grinned as she sat back. “How did it all go down? Did you do some big grand gesture? Did you take her out to a fancy restaurant? Cook her favorite food?”
Leon’s face fell as she listed the various proposal ideas, realizing that his wasn’t nearly as romantic as any of those. He was sure you were content with the way he proposed, or else you wouldn’t have said yes, but he found himself wishing that he could’ve given you a better memory of it, whether that be by a grand gesture or putting aside his inability to cook to make you your favorite food.
Giving her an embarrassed smile, he shook his head. “No, nothing at all like that,”
She nodded once and leaned closer to him. “So..”
“Um,” he pulled his hand from hers and sat back, scratching the back of his neck as he replayed his proposal in his head. “It wasn’t really romantic at all. It kind of just happened.”
She raised her brow as she gestured for him to continue, not understanding how the two of you just randomly came to be engaged.
“Well, she came over to my trail-house, one night,” he cleared his throat before continuing, hoping she didn’t catch on to his slip of words. Another thing she didn’t need to know about was his prior living situation. That was for another time. “She had gotten into an argument with her dad and came to me for comfort as he said some things that really upset her. I was holding her and then I just realized that every minute I spent with her could be the right moment to ask her to marry me, so I did it then.”
His mom raised both brows as a teasing grin formed on her lips. “That’s my boy,” 
It was then when you finally came out of the kitchen, balancing three mugs in your arms. “I didn’t know what you like, but Leon mentioned something about green tea once, so I just went off of that,” you say with a laugh as you hand her the mug. “I hope that’s okay, Mrs. Kennedy.”
She took it from you with a grateful smile. “That’s perfect,” she said. “And, please, Grace is just fine. Though, I see I won’t be the only Mrs. Kennedy in the family for much longer.” She gestured to your left hand as Leon tugged on your hips and guided you backwards to sit on the armrest of his chair. 
You blush as you sit down and hand Leon the second mug, his being a simple black coffee you still couldn’t believe he was able to drink without a problem. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,”
“Congratulations, honey,” she said and held her hand out to you. 
“Thank you, Grace,” you replied as you rested your hand in hers. “I hope you you know just how crazy I am about your son. He’s a really amazing guy, and he’s helped me out of some pretty dark places.”
Grace smiles as she watches Leon wrap his arm around your waist. “He is quite amazing, I agree,” she says and takes a sip of the tea before setting it down and sitting back against the chair. “Now, tell me about how you two decided on this beautiful house. I can tell you right now that Leon had no input on how it’s been decorated as he has never had one interior designing bone in his body.”
Later, after the three of you got comfortable in the living room and put on a movie that Leon and his mom used to watch when he was a kid. Grace was settled on the recliner, while you and Leon were sprawled out on the couch, a blanket thrown over your bodies. Your back was pressed to his chest and his arms were wrapped around your middle, your fingers laced together and resting on your stomach. 
He couldn’t think of a time when he had felt this content and happy. He had his mother back in his life and she got along so well with you and treated you the same way she treated him all his life. He could tell that having a motherly figure back in your life was a lot to handle at first, and he was sure his mom reminded you of yours, but you didn’t show her any signs of hostility or made her feel unwelcomed. 
Instead, you invited her into your life with open arms, and he couldn’t be more grateful for you. 
Halfway through the movie, Leon felt your body relax completely against his and he knew you had fallen asleep. The realization had him smiling slightly as he thought back to last night. You had a hard time sleeping and were clearly more nervous about his mom’s arrival than he was, so to discover that you had accidentally dozed off wasn’t all that surprising. 
He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head just as his mom turns to glance over at the two of you. She smiles when she sees just how gentle her son is with his future wife, and couldn’t wait to hear more about you the following day. “You found a good one,” she says quietly, not wanting to wake you up. “I like her.”
Grace couldn’t deny how good the two of you looked together. Leon had grown up from an athletic, young teen to a well-built man. She saw a lot of his dad in him, especially in the face. They had the exact same shade of blue eyes, and she remembered the way his dad had a very strong jawline when he was Leon’s age, and Leon had also lost the baby fat in his face to reveal a matured, sharp jawline as well. 
And you…well, you were beautiful and kind and so right for her son. 
Leon meets his mom’s eye, more than happy to have her approval of the girl he had chosen to spend the rest of his life with. “Thank you for coming over, mom,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. “And thank you for answering.” 
“Thank you for calling,”
After that the movie ended and Leon gently slid himself out from under you. He leads his mom out of the living room and towards the guest room, stopping by the front door to grab her bag for her. He sits with her for a few minutes before they hug one more time, much longer than the one they shared earlier, and say goodnight. 
Once the door was closed, Leon made his way back to the living room, finding you still fast asleep on the couch. He bends down to brush away the fallen strands of hair that covered your face before pressing a final kiss to your forehead. 
He pulls the blanket off you and picks you up with no effort at all, heading towards your bedroom at the end of the hall. You had woken up in the middle of him getting you ready for bed, and allowed him to finish helping you. 
As you lay in bed together, you brush your lips against his as you ask, “Did you have a good day?” 
Leon hummed and pressed his lips to yours in a proper kiss before pulling you against him. “The best,”
Stating again that this is based off the events that took place in the Too Close series <3 | This is not a stand alone imagine.
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badnewsmouse · 11 months
tagged by @orla-mccoolgirl!!
Three Ships: Marceline/Princess Bubblegum, Sonic/Amy, Peach/Toadette
First Ship: Ash/Misty
Last Song: "The Deal" by Mitski
Last Movie: "The Faculty"
Currently Reading: "Mexican Gothic" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia; "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" by Kanehito Yamada & Tsukasa Abe
Currently Watching: someone playing "Super Maro Maker 2"
Currently Consuming: water
Currently Craving: breakfast sandwich
I'm tagging @foxgirlmilf, @its-wormtrain, @koopadumpling, @jhenne-bean, & whoever else wants to do this!
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