#Top Haunted Houses and Attractions 2023
wonderlesch · 1 year
Top Haunted Houses & Attractions 2023
Top Haunted Houses & Attractions 2023 shares all things that go bump in the night. Cutting Edge Haunted House, The Dent Schoolhouse, Headless Horseman Haunted Hayrides and Houses and more. Read on if you dare! Let's get spooky!
Hello and Welcome to my next Travel Destination Guide: Top Haunted Houses & Attractions 2023. Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love the leaves changing colors. I love more the haunted houses and spooky attractions that you can explore during Halloween Season. Yes, Halloween is a season, for me anyway! Read on to discover Cutting Edge Haunted House, Knott’s Scary Farm, 13th Floor Chicago and…
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anonymousewrites · 11 months
Portal to My Heart Halloween Special 2023
Loki x Reader
            “Halloween?” asked Loki, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the various spooky-theme decorations around him.
            “Yeah, it’s a human holiday,” said (Y/N). She grinned. “Oh, I mean ‘Midgardian.’ ”
            Loki rolled his eyes. “I can understand perfectly well what you’re saying without the sarcasm.”
            “Are you sure? I think it’s the only language you speak,” remarked (Y/N) impishly. “I mean, you always consider yourself so witty.”
            “If you’re quite done teasing me—”
            “—you could accurately explain this holiday,” said Loki. He rolled his eyes at her, but he had a fond smile on his lips. “I take it the humans created it from All Hallow’s Eve?”
            “And I thought you told Thor you weren’t a witch,” said (Y/N), patting Loki on the shoulder. (He was, of course, it all black while on Earth). “But yeah, you’re right. Now it’s less about the pagan roots and is more about having spooky fun, dressing up in costumes, and eating candy.”
            “ ‘Spooky fun?’ ” repeated Loki.
            “Scary movies, haunted houses, that sort of thing,” said (Y/N).
            “Why would you go looking to be scared?” said Loki.
            “Why do you change into a snake and try to stab Thor?” retorted (Y/N).
            “Touche,” said Loki.
            “There are also parties,” said (Y/N). “I think Jane is hosting one with Thor. We’re invited.”
            “You don’t get to say no,” said (Y/N) sharply.
            “I refuse to go to a celebration hosted by that oaf. It will be full of just booze and ridiculous bragging,” said Loki.
            (Y/N) snorted. “Loki, I like to drink, and you like to show off. That sounds like the perfect party for us.”
            “I will refuse to go,” said Loki.
            “I already said we were going,” said (Y/N). “And if you back out now, everyone will know you’re cowering at home and refusing to come out.”
            Loki groaned. (Y/N) knew how to trap him in his own pride. She knew him far too well. “You’re far too cunning, darling.”
            “I know,” said (Y/N) with a pleased smile. She pecked him on the cheek, and he sighed as he resigned himself to his fate.
            “Darling, are you nearly ready?” said Loki, standing beside the door of their apartment. He wore his traditional outfit with green and gold robes and golden horns. He didn’t see the point in dressing up anymore since he was “scary” (intimidating) enough in this.
            “Don’t rush beauty,” said (Y/N).
            “You’re always ravishing, darling,” said Loki. He smirked. “I’m sure there’s no need for you to worry.”
            “Flattery won’t make me go any faster,” responded (Y/N).
            “It was worth a try,” said Loki. Besides, it wasn’t as if he was lying. He always found (Y/N) the most attractive person in the room. She was his love, superior to all others.
            “Trust me, this will be worth the wait,” said (Y/N).
            “Are you truly trying to make yourself that frightening, my dear?” remarked Loki, amused. “I believe that would take quite a bit of work as you are just too beautiful for fear.”
            “Haven’t you heard of vampires?” said (Y/N).
            “I find them more attractive than frightening. They can’t kill me, after all,” said Loki.
            “Of course you find them attractive,” said (Y/N). She was greatly amused, and it tracked for Loki. “But, lucky for you, I didn’t go for a scary costume.”
            Loki perked up. “Oh?”
            “No, I went for something a little different.” (Y/N) stepped out of the bedroom, finally dressed and ready. She smirked as Loki started in reaction to her costume.
            She wore a long green dress with a slit up the side to reveal her leg. Black heels with gold accents peeked out from the slit of her dress. Around the sweetheart neckline and corset top, gold body jewelry hung over her exposed shoulders and neck like twining snakes. Gold ear cuffs drew attention to her face and golden eyeshadow dusted overtop a sharp black eyeliner. The most important detail of her outfit, however, were the circlet around her head supporting golden horns. (Y/N) twirled and posed, showing off the golden jewelry draped on her hands, glittering like magic.
            “How do I look?” she said, smirking.
            “You’re…me,” said Loki, staring at her. She was beautiful, and dressed in his colors and horns? She was ravishing.
            “I am,” said (Y/N). She smirked. “But I think I might look better than you, my dear Loki.”
            “I don’t dare argue with such a goddess,” said Loki, reaching out and pulling her to him.
            “What am I the god of?” said (Y/N).
            “I’d say beauty, but I hardly think such a commonplace word describes you,” said Loki, kissing her.
            (Y/N) kissed him back and smiled. “Flattering me?”
            “I’d prefer to be worshipping you,” said Loki.
            “Oh?” (Y/N) smirked challengingly.
            “A goddess like you deserves the entire world to worship you,” said Loki. “So I’ll have to work especially hard since it’s just me.”
            “Go ahead, then. Worship me, Loki,” purred (Y/N), grinning.
            Loki grinned almost wolfishly. “I’m afraid we’re going to be a bit late to the party tonight,” he murmured as he kissed (Y/N) and trailed down to her neck. His hands ran down her sides and tugged her closer.
            “I’m sure you’ll make it worth it,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Loki sank to his knees. “But of course. My divine goddess deserves to be worshipped, after all.”
            (Y/N) smirked down at him. “Then, mewling quim, get to it. Your god commands it.”
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l-carlyle · 2 years
Lockwood & Co. feature on the January 2023 Issue of the SFX Magazine
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I'll put the text under the break if anyone can't access the photos :-)
"JOE CORNISH IS HAUNTED. NOT BY ANY BONE chilling apparition or plate-flinging poltergeist but by a time. A vanished age, of strange torments and diabolical dread.
“This is a world of draughty houses and windows that don’t quite close properly and creaky floorboards and clicking pipes,” he tells SFX, smiling over a Zoom connection. “The world I remember from my childhood, before double-glazing and insulation!”
Welcome to the phantom-infested Britain of Lockwood & Co. It’s a little like the 1970s, only even weirder. Adapted from the popular series of books by Jonathan Stroud, this new Netflix offering pits swashbuckling teens against the unquiet dead in a London spilling over with paranormal activity. Even the local A-Z, you strongly suspect, drips with ectoplasm.
ANATOMY OF A GHOST “I love supernatural stories,” says Cornish, who serves as lead writer and director on the eight-part series, “and it’s unusual to find a story where the science of ghosts has been so thoughtfully defined. There’s a broad set of rules for ghosts that most stories adhere to, but there’s not really an almost Darwinesque analysis of different types of ghosts, different species, different behaviours, a taxonomy.
“The idea that they can kill you by touching you completely changes the dynamic of a ghost story, brings it into the action-adventure realm. So you get everything great about a ghost story but these other genre elements really take it into a new place. “On top of that you’ve got terrific worldbuilding. This takes place 50 years into a ghost epidemic, and the world has really changed because of it. Different economics and different social structures have emerged. Because young people are more sensitive to the supernatural, which is a classic trope in ghost stories, it’s extrapolated into this world where young people are employed by massive adult-run agencies to detect and fight ghosts. “So it’s a pretty amazing bit of thinking, based on a very attractive set of genre ideas that have been around for ages but have never really been reinvented in such a clever way.”
It’s a more analogue world, where technological progress stuttered. And that’s a premise that appeals to Cornish, who made his name with the hand-tooled, micro-budget joys of The Adam And Joe Show – a pioneering ’90s celebration of geek culture, knocked together from toys, love and cardboard – before promotion to the big screen as director of Attack The Block in 2011.
“The world changed tack when the problem started, because everything that would be regarded as pseudo-science became real science,” he explains. “So the world stopped at the time of Amstrad word processors! “It became a more industrial world, because iron and salt and water can repel ghosts, so suddenly these almost Victorian industries are revived. Also, in a weird parallel way, old things are suddenly scary. Anything with an ancient history is potentially lethal, because it might be the source of a ghost.
“For me it felt like the early ’80s, when I was a teenager, because that was kind of pre-digital. It was a world that still had analogue media and you could buy records and fanzines. There was a world of printed youth culture that existed in a social way, that wasn’t on telephones and computers. You communicated in a much more person-to-person way back then. So that was pleasing for me as well – the series has this kind of retro-contemporary feel to it that’s half modern and half 50 years ago.” The spectral aesthetic in Lockwood & Co also takes inspiration from the past. “We started by looking at Victorian spirit photography. Because photography is pre-digital, it’s chemical, the ghosts feel very different, like a real physical presence. They feel as if they exist in the world of natural physics – we can’t really get away with hiding them.
“In other movies or TV shows you might glimpse a ghost as a jump scare and then it’s gone. Our ghosts are really present, and our characters fight with them, so we had to come up with a design that you could really train the camera on, and involve in an action sequence, and would be able to leap around and dive and swoop and bolt into a corner.
“They’re all made out of smoke, they’re all made out of something ethereal. There are lots of different types in the series, lots of colours and densities and shapes. We tried to get away from super-digital ghosts and make them feel like they could really exist in a science experiment.”
Lockwood & Co looses its phantoms in some genuinely creepy abodes. What’s the secret of bringing a legitimately goosefleshing haunted house to the screen?
“We worked really hard on lighting, and light levels, making sure stuff was legible enough but that you’re also slightly peering into the shadows. I think sound is hugely important, and also silence. A lot of modern media is frightened of silence and when nothing happens that’s often the most interesting moment. We tried not to do too many jump scares. We do one or two, but we try and create an atmosphere of creeping fear rather than give people heart attacks.”
Stroud’s five-novel Lockwood series launched with The Screaming Staircase in 2013 (the TV version adapts this tale but also goes beyond it, Cornish reveals). Its young ghostbusters are Lucy Carlyle, gifted with psychic powers, and Anthony Lockwood, the dashing and enigmatic founder of the only agency to operate without adult supervision. The show captures the dashing spirit of the books, quippy heroes slicing at wraiths with rapiers, but plays things commendably straight.
“It’s a very sincere endeavour,” acknowledges Cornish. “We believe in the characters and we believe in the world. Stuff like this only works if you really commit to it and decide that it’s real. I don’t love shows where the characters are winking at the camera, or there are meta jokes. I want the world to be completely absorbing and credible.
“One of the most important and compelling things for people who love these books is the relationship between Lockwood and Lucy. It’s a relationship that has an enormous fandom – there’s an amazing amount of fan art out there. It’s a sort of unrequited will-they-won’t they relationship. This is a world where young people shoulder an incredibly grave burden, at a time in their life when they shouldn’t be thinking about death, or mortality, all the things that older people have to think about, and yet here they are, armed with weapons, having to fight things that could kill them.
“But then another brilliant thing about the novels is that if you get too depressed you get more vulnerable, so the ghosts can get you if you feel too bleak. So they have to cheer each other up and make quips and jokes, for safety purposes. We just approached the whole thing as if it was completely real.”
Given the rabid fandom, getting the casting of the leads right was crucial. Bridgerton’s Ruby Stokes ultimately won the role of Lucy. “She’s the centre of the story,” Cornish tells SFX. “She’s vulnerable, damaged, kind of abused and exploited as a child, comes from a broken home, has lost her father, yet has incredible gumption and ambition and a very strong sense of self-preservation. “She has this gift that she really doesn’t want, and she packs her bags, runs away from home and sets out to London with no qualifications, nowhere to stay the night. Her powers are an expression of her emotional sensitivity. In the book it’s like teenage emotions are being made into a supernatural power.
“So we just had to find an incredible young actor who felt like she could do it, and who you believed had that inner emotional life. Before I did this I always wondered how castings worked, whether there was some super complicated methodology. But a person just walks into the room and you go, ‘Do I believe that she’s Lucy?’ Ruby was actually one of the first people we saw, and we all just went, ‘Oh, there she is! There’s Lucy Carlyle!’”
Newcomer Cameron Chapman bagged the title role. “Lockwood was much harder, actually,” shares Cornish. “We saw hundreds and hundreds of actors, and Cameron came in pretty late in the day, at the eleventh hour. And that’s equally hard, because he’s got to be sort of handsome and cool and yet really vulnerable and haunted. He’s got to have swagger and braggadocio but also be a bit of a bullshit artist. He’s like a sort of teen entrepreneur. In the ’80s everybody wanted to be a teen entrepreneur, and he’s that made flesh. But he’s also wounded and secretive and has sort of a death wish.
“Cameron had all that. Weirdly, he looks very like the illustrations on the book covers, and he wears that long coat really well. He does the charisma, he does the vulnerability, he’s a bit of a dick – not in real life, in terms of acting! – and then he can be very romantic and swoony. It’s a heck of a part for a young actor.
Out of the three main actors [Ali Hadji-Heshmati plays George, Lockwood’s second-in-command] he’s the guy who really hadn’t been on camera before, but he does an exceptional job.” But while fan approval is vital, even more key is winning the heart and mind of the man who dreamed up Lucy, Lockwood and their spook-riddled world in the first place.
“Jonathan has been very involved from the start,” says Cornish. “I formed a relationship with him in order to get him to give us the rights to the book, and then we’ve let him read every draft of the scripts. He’s come to visit the set, he’s sat down with the actors. He’s really into it and he’s been extraordinarily supportive, but sensibly he said to us, ‘Look, you go and do your thing. I understand this is a different beast, between the page and the screen.’
“But I hope, and I trust, that he has been surprised by how much we’ve just stuck to what he’s done. Because it’s really, really good. He’s provided pretty incredible material.”
Lockwood & Co is on Netflix from 27 January.
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forcebookish · 6 months
new fic masterlist (now by fandom!)
(tumblr now suppresses internal AND external links, so i may as well have the proper links in the original posts going forward.)
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organized by alphabetized media type (ctrl + f: ANIME/MANGA, COMICS+, RPF, and THAI DRAMAS to find what you're looking for), then in order of most recent to least recent.
the weight in her heart (2/5) BLEACH M | IchiRuki | 10,509 WC
In the span of a few days, Ichigo goes from giving the transfer student a ride to school on his bicycle to watching her die right in front of him. With nowhere else to go, Rukia’s ghost haunts him, hoping to find out what killed her and move on. Claiming it’s only about getting her out of his closet, Ichigo does everything he can to help her move on—including confronting her family and, of all things, going on a date. Yet the more he does for her, the less he wants to let her go. And the closer they become, the heavier the Chain of Fate on Rukia’s chest grows.
kiss you or kick you (4/5) Captain America (MCU) M | SteveBucky (Stucky) | 15,710 WC
All I had to do was hold him. After the fallout from the Sokovia Accords, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda find refuge in a Wakandan safe house. Desperate to keep Bucky by his side, Steve convinces him not to go back on ice and instead try to loosen Hydra’s grip on his mind. With the help of Shuri and Wanda, Steve tries to put back Bucky’s pieces in the hopes they can finally be together—but what if they’re both too broken to reach for each other? What if it’s like Bucky falling from the train all over again? (Takes place after the events of Captain America: Civil War.)
self defense (one shot) Wonder Woman (DCEU) G | Diana/Barbara (WonderCheetah) | 1,113 WC
Diana may have taught Barbara self defense, but there’s no defense against their mutual attraction.
thirty minutes (one shot) Thai Drama RPF (GMMTV) E | ForceBook | 3,800 WC
So much of Force and Book’s life together is play pretend, the boundaries between them and their characters drawn out in bold—but for thirty minutes every week, the lines blur.
melt away (one shot) Thai Drama RPF (GMMTV) G | ForceBook | 1,374 WC
Force reminds Book of who he is; he always has. After a day without Force on the Only Friends set, Book has a hard time getting out of Mew’s mindset and the anger he has for Top’s betrayal—so he goes to Force’s to remember what it’s like to love him.
slow down (2/2, sequel to Love Out Loud) Thai Drama RPF (GMMTV) T | ForceBook | 1,556 WC
1. like gravity would betray him: A sleepy, clingy Force helps calm Book before a daunting Only Friends shoot. 2. standing in the eye of a typhoon: Between takes, Book struggles with the most challenging scene in episode six and Force helps him focus.
Love Out Loud (2/2) Thai Drama RPF (GMMTV) G | ForceBook | 1,406 WC
1. I wouldn’t want it with anyone else. After the whirlwind weekend of the 2023 Love Out Loud Fan Fest, Book needs a hug to get to sleep; so does Force. 2. You’re supposed to say it back. (Prequel.) Backstage, Force has a hard time meeting Book’s eyes—but that’s not what Book is looking for.
make my heart tremble (one shot) Only Friends M | TopMew | 4,385 WC
(Episode 9) After his blow-out fight with Ray, Mew gets wasted and runs into Top at YOLO; he can’t tell if Top is the last person he wants to see or the only one.
a compelling argument (one shot) Only Friends E | TopMew | 2,044 WC
(Episode 11) Top proves to Mew one of the benefits of living with him.
False Alarm (one shot) Only Friends T | TopMew | 1,145 WC
Since the fire at the hotel, Top’s dreams have gotten worse. Even Mew’s presence cannot fight all the demons in his head.
taste you again (one shot) Only Friends E | TopMew | 1,128 WC
(Episode 4) “You wanna go faster? After making me wait so long to taste you again?”
Thunderstruck (one shot) Enchanté T | AkkTheo | 713 WC
Recently married, Theo still protects Akk from thunder like when they were kids.
more than forever (one shot) A Boss and A Babe E | GunCher | 2,311 WC
(Episode 12) Cher left because he wanted—wants—to be with Gun forever, and Gun means to hold him to that.
Extrême (one shot) A Boss and A Babe E | GunCher | 4,536 WC
Cher loves Gun’s new cologne; Gun just loves Cher—publicly and privately.
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these are only the fics i've written since i started my blog/under the farewellswords pseud; check out my ao3 for older ones!
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pastelracha · 2 years
baby practice ? [M]
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☾ Title : baby practice ? 
☾ Pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
☾ Genre: fluff, established relationship, mature (+18), smut.  
☾ Prompt: Chan being the horny bf he is to his babygirl. 
☾ A/N: it’s the beginning of 2023 and I’m having a huge baby fever cause chan is the standard. request : heya ! can you maybe do a chan thingy where he's kinda horny/having an erection, so reader will be working/having a call meanwhile chan's outside the door jerking off bcz he thinks reader's busy and he doesn't wanna disturb but then reader catches him & it gets a bit smutty lol- its up to you ofc this just came up to my mind at 2am- TYSM KEEP GOING ILY
☾ Words Count: 1.0K 
masterlist | ask or request (off) 
Chan couldn’t help but looking at you with many stars in his eyes, and a huge boner hiding under the his sweatpants. He couldn’t help but to want you, so much cause you were such a goddess wearing one of his shirt and holding your 2 months son in your arms. 
Chan never though maternity could makes him feel so much more attract to you, mostly sexually attract to you.  
During the nine months of your pregnancy he find you becoming more beautiful each days, the curves of your breasts haunting him, full of milk. And damn the hormones made your sex drive skyrocketing to his own pleasure, trying a awful lot of new things. And now here he is a painful erection asking to be release and buried in your hot and precious cunt. 
He needed you, but damn you were busy with your little one, trying to get him to sleep, thinking chan was somewhere else in the house, either in his home studio or watching tv downstairs. Little did you know he was watching you hiding behind the door, praying for his son to go to sleep soon, so you could take care of him next. 
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from your braless breast caressing the cotton of his shirt, wishing it was his hands instead. His right hand going south to his length, his breath became shorter and he needed to release now. 
That is how chan ended up in your bathroom, away from your baby’s room. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, his sweatpants laying of the floor of your room, and his boxer pooling at his feet. 
His precum already leaking on his pinkish head, he loves this goddam full mirror you begged him to get right in front of the biggest bathtub he could find at the time. 
He was perfectly sitting in front of it, looking like a hot mess, his curly hair laying on the top of his head, a blush creeping on his cheeks, and his muscular chest he spend so long on was looking right back at him, he was in such a vulnerable state, ready to please himself selfishly. 
His dominant hand teasing his length as his other one was gripping his messy hair, biting his biceps as you would do marking himself trying to shut himself to not disturb you or his kid. 
Chan was never a quiet lover, he always needed to moan, call your name, telling you how good you were to him, and he loved it. 
At the second he groans chan himself knew he was gone, spitting on his hand, running it slow trying to mimic your moves. His teeth sinking into his lower lip, trying to mute himself, he was so horny and needy for you, his hips were already moving, following his hand. His eyes closed and his head dropped on his left shoulder, trying to slow himself taking pleasure in his own action. Wishing for you instead. 
He didn’t heard you calling his name, thinking it was his brain tricking him. As his imagination was running wild, images of you laying underneath him as he was pleasuring you, flashback clouding his brain. 
“Chris ?’’ 
His only reaction was to groan still touching his shaft. 
It’s not that chan felt left out after you gave brith to your bundle of joy, before you he was taking care of his ‘horny teenage/ young adult problem’ by himself, but since you came into the picture chan didn’t felt the need to jerk off that often or at all (unless he was on the other side of the earth on tour, or when he was stuck at the studio for almost a full week). 
He jumped so high when he heard your voice so close and the door of the bathroom opening. He felt like a child doing a such a wrong thing, his hand still on his length but not moving anymore, his naked figure looking back at him and you in this damn mirror, mocking him at this moment. 
“Y/N i can explain’’ he started looking fully red. 
His face growing a few shades darker when you started laughing at him, his hand hiding his erection almost like you never saw him naked before. 
“Chan it’s okay, it’s not because we’ve been together for years I get it, you’re stressed and need a relief’’ you started to explain to him. “ .. and we just got a kid, so I don’t have much time for sex neither you do chan it’s okay really’’ 
You run your hand into his hair, looking right into his eyes, feeling your pants growing wetter by seconds seeing him naked. “ babe, we have sex a lot for young parents believe me’’ he started chuckling “ it’s just you looking like this, your full breast .. babe you just look so hot’’ he admitted looking at you. 
You chuckled at his words, Chris always made you feel wanted and like you’re the only girl in the world even looking fully pregnant, tired and hot because summery pregnancy was a nightmare, always reminding you, you were caring life, being super hot, and sexy all the time. “You’re the sexiest pregnant woman in the world love’’ he would always says. 
“.. And i just want you all the time, having a awful lot of other babies running around the house, pumping you full of my cum, trying a lot of new positions, giving you all of my babies’’ at this point the poor Aussie was rumbling, getting even hornier, his eyes full of lust, looking just like yours. 
“Let’s wait for other children Christopher but .. how about we practice over and over ?’’ You asked. 
His length looking painfully hard, precum leaking even more, begging to be touch by you. 
Horny chan was a madman for you, he just wanting his erection to be buried in you forever, dying like this, would be the dream. His hand left his shaft to tease your breast underneath your (his) shirt, sucking of the second one. Wetting the cotton of the black shirt hiding your skin, and his second hand caressing your butt cheek, running under the underwear. “Can I have you ?’’ 
“Forever Chris’’ your moaned. 
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senseitoadstool · 1 year
MoViews: The Haunted Mansion (2023)
First of all, I am a HUGE fan of the Haunted Mansion - it's my favorite attraction in the Magic Kingdom. However, I'm always cautiously optimistic of any movies created from the rides - as the first iteration of this movie (starring Eddie Murphy) was, for me at least, slightly disappointing - as it was very heavy on the comedy and not strong enough in the spooky.
This iteration, however, was a delightful surprise. It is said (if my memory serves) that, when Walt Disney commissioned the Haunted Mansion, Imagineers made it scary - and he disliked it. He wanted something spooky but silly, hence the Grim Grinning Ghosts who come out to socialize were born.
This story, in my humble opinion, has the right mix of scary, spooky, silly and serious - all in perfect balance. Also, the incredible amounts of nods that exist to the attraction make this extremely satisfying for a Haunted Mansion fan.
The performances were very good, and perfectly aligned with the shape of each character that fit the puzzle in this tale. The story in the beginning can easily be turned into one of those contemporary gothic horror movies with hundreds of jumps and scares without the gore - and if you remove the silliness and the comedy from the script, it can surely become a seriously scary movie.
There is an underlying deep addressing of the topic of grief - which makes the movie also surprisingly emotional in a good way.
It is also an 'Origin Story' of sorts - which is chock-full-of Easter Eggs (I won't spoil all of them, but pay close attention to the lit pumpkins at the very end of the film if you want to catch a glimpse of the spooky wall paper design on the Mansion carved on a pumpkin). Fans will also identify the Hat-box Ghost, as it is one of the most popular stories of the actual creation of the house: As the special effects for the attraction were being developed, there was a particular ghost in the attic that needed an effect in which his head would disappear from the top of his body and appear inside of the hat box he was carrying. In the late 1960's, the available technology would not allow for the effect to look believable, so it was scrapped after Cast Member previews. In 2015, the Hatbox Ghost was added to the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, now that the technology had finally caught up to create a more convincing version of the effect, back in the attic.
In my view, this was most definitely a success - with plenty of LOL moments, a carefully crafted story, and enough emotional moments to make it worth your while.
Mi Opinión: Don't Miss It (3 out of 3).
He Dicho.
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duabitraveldmc · 11 months
How to Spend a Day at the Dubai Mall: A Guide for First-Time Visitors🤠
Dubai is a city that never ceases to amaze with its stunning architecture, luxurious lifestyle, and diverse culture. One of the best places to experience the essence of Dubai is the Dubai Mall, the largest and most visited shopping and entertainment destination in the world. Whether you are a shopaholic, a foodie, an adventurer, or a culture lover, you will find something to suit your taste and budget at the Dubai Mall. We will also tell you about the leading DMC of Dubai named Dubai Travel DMC who is providing the best Dubai tour packages at a minimum price with 60% discount🤩. Read the blog to know more about it and here are some tips on how to make the most of your day at this amazing place.
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Explore the Top Attractions
The Dubai Mall is not just a shopping mall, it is a world of its own with over 1,200 outlets, 200 restaurants, and countless attractions that cater to all ages and interests. Here are some of the highlights that you should not miss:
Burj Khalifa: The tallest building in the world is connected to the Dubai Mall by a walkway. You can take an elevator to the observation deck on the 124th floor and enjoy a breathtaking view of the city skyline and beyond. You can also book a ticket to the exclusive At The Top SKY lounge on the 148th floor for a more luxurious experience.
Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo: One of the largest and most spectacular aquariums in the world, this attraction showcases over 140 species of marine life in a 10-million-litre tank. You can walk through a glass tunnel and admire the sharks, rays, and other creatures swimming above you. You can also visit the Underwater Zoo on the second floor and see penguins, crocodiles, piranhas, and more. If you are feeling adventurous, you can try some of the interactive activities such as cage snorkeling, shark diving, or ray feeding.
VR Park: A virtual reality theme park that offers immersive and thrilling experiences for all ages. You can choose from over 30 games and attractions that range from roller coasters, haunted houses, space missions, and more. You can also enjoy some of the licensed attractions such as The Walking Dead, John Wick, or The Mummy.
Dubai Ice Rink: A Olympic-sized ice skating rink that offers fun and entertainment for everyone. You can rent skates and helmets and glide on the ice or join one of the classes or sessions that suit your level and interest. You can also watch some of the ice shows or events that take place regularly.
KidZania: A mini city where children can role-play various professions and activities in a realistic and educational environment. They can earn and spend their own currency called kidZos and learn about different aspects of life such as banking, health care, media, aviation, and more.
Also Read: Top 10 Must Experience Festivals In Dubai (Updated 2023)
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Enjoy the Dining Options
After exploring the attractions, you might want to take a break and enjoy some of the delicious food options available at the Dubai Mall. You can find cuisines from all over the world, from fast food to fine dining, from cafes to bakeries. Some of the popular choices include:
The Cheesecake Factory: A famous American restaurant that serves generous portions of salads, burgers, pasta, steaks, seafood, and more. Don’t forget to try their signature cheesecakes in various flavors.
Al Hallab: A traditional Lebanese restaurant that offers authentic dishes such as hummus, tabbouleh, shawarma, grilled meats, and more. You can also enjoy their live entertainment such as belly dancing and music.
P.F. Chang’s: A casual Asian restaurant that serves a variety of dishes such as noodles, rice bowls, dim sum, sushi, salads, soups, and more. You can also try their signature dishes such as Mongolian beef or dynamite shrimp.
Rainforest Cafe: A themed restaurant that recreates a tropical rainforest with animatronic animals, waterfalls, thunderstorms, and more. You can enjoy their menu of burgers, sandwiches, pizza, pasta, seafood, and more.
Watch the Fountain Show
One of the most iconic sights in Dubai is the Dubai Fountain Show that takes place every evening at the Burj Khalifa Lake outside the Dubai Mall. The fountain is one of the largest choreographed fountains in the world that shoots water up to 150 meters high in sync with music and lights. You can watch this spectacular show from various spots around the lake or from the bridge that connects the mall to Souk Al Bahar. You can also book a ticket to ride on a traditional abra boat and get a closer view of the fountain.
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Plan Your Visit with Dubai Travel DMC
Before you head to the Dubai Mall, it is advisable to plan your itinerary with a reliable and professional travel agency that can offer you the best deals and services. Dubai Travel DMC is one of the leading destination management companies in Dubai that can help you customize your tour according to your preferences and needs. They can arrange your transportation, tickets, guides, and other arrangements for a hassle-free and enjoyable experience. You can contact them online or by phone to book your package and get ready for an unforgettable day at the Dubai Mall.
Wrap Up Your Day with Dubai Travel DMC
After a full day of shopping, dining, and entertainment, you might want to relax and unwind at your hotel or explore some of the other attractions in Dubai. Dubai Travel DMC can help you arrange your return transportation and provide you with any assistance or information you might need. They can also suggest some of the best nightlife options or cultural events that you can enjoy in Dubai. With Dubai Travel DMC, you can be sure that your day at the Dubai Mall will be a memorable and satisfying one.
The Dubai Mall is a place where you can have a day full of fun, excitement, and discovery. You can shop till you drop, dine on delicious cuisines, enjoy thrilling attractions, and witness stunning shows. You can also learn about the culture and history of Dubai and the UAE through various exhibits and displays. The Dubai Mall is a destination that will leave you with lasting memories and impressions. So what are you waiting for, book your Dubai tour package at dubaitraveldmc.com and grab the high discounts.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
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I posted 2,186 times in 2022
That's 2,186 more posts than 2021!
138 posts created (6%)
2,048 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 740 of my posts in 2022
#legolas tag - 125 posts
#legolas ask - 82 posts
#julie and the phantoms - 76 posts
#legolas answers asks - 53 posts
#jatp fanfic - 50 posts
#willex - 49 posts
#jatp - 41 posts
#alex mercer - 28 posts
#willie jatp - 23 posts
#ask game - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and alex has now seen enough little bits of bobby through willie's stories and the house that he knows trevor won't turn his back on carrie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello, I think that if Julie and the Phantoms got a second season(let me live in dream world for a sec here), they should up the rating just a bit for like one episode, exclusively so 2 things can happen. 1. So Willie and Alex can properly make out. They deserve it. 2. So Willie can fully cuss Caleb out for all the manipulation and trauma and stuff, again, cause Willie deserves to be able to do that, and Caleb deserves to cower in fear at the wrath of this usually friendly, happy skater ghost boi. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
143 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Let Alex Mercer be the pettiest haunter.
While Luke and Reggie are blasting music and turning on showers to scare people, I think Alex goes a bit subtler. He lives(dies) to cause millions of minor inconveniences. Like taking the ink cartridges out of all of the pens(and I mean all of them). Or unplugging power chords just enough that it looks fine but won't actually charge stuff. Or the water pressure in the shower being really weak for no apparent reason.
When Alex full on haunts someone, he doesn't want them scared, he just wants them annoyed and miserable. So he just makes them have lousy days by messing up all their stuff.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
(bonus, Willie finds out about this and goes, "Hey, do you know how to use a seam ripper?"... And then the chaos just grows and they have little haunting dates of ripping seams and moving around all the CDs on people's shelves.)
146 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Okay so I did a thing... There's a point in Heartstopper (the show version) where Mr. Ajayi tells Charlie, "Don't let anyone make you disappear," and that just... stuck in my brain last night. So... here y'all go! They are all formatted to be a phone background or something, so feel free to save them if you want to use them for that.
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See the full post
151 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Annabeth: hey, Percy, I'm bi.
Percy: *seaweed brain confusion* Annabeth, don't you know like five languages or something? You're like quinlingual or something.
Annabeth: *face palms* Babe, no, I meant bisexual, as in I'm attracted to girls and guys and stuff.
Percy:..... Isn't everyone?
This is fact, fight me.
167 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey JatP gang. I know it's been a rough year, both with the show and in people's personal lives. I just wanted to hop on here and say that even if we all drift away to other fixations or hobbies or pieces of media, there will still be a huge piece of my heart here for all of you. In 2023 when Julie throws her cap in the air at her high school graduation, I love you. In 2024, when the band releases their first full album, I love you. In 2025 when Alex and Willie have a small wedding in the Molina garage, I love you. In 2026, when Edge of Great hits platinum, I love you. In 2027 when they start their first world tour, I love you. In 2028 when they win three Grammys, I love you.
And in 2032, when Alex chases Reggie all over their huge studio for saying that he'd be the one to leave in a blowup, I love you.
In 2035 when they release their sixth album, I love you.
In 2041, when Luke is able to stand and speak and hug his dad at Emily's funeral, I love you.
In 2049, when they raise over a billion dollars to help LGBTQ+ youth through a series of charity concerts, I love you.
In 2054 when they play at Ray's retirement party, I love you.
I could keep going, but I think you get the point. This show, this band, and this fandom will live in my heart forever, even if we aren't all still talking 20 years down the road. I love you guys, happy anniversary.
192 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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screenandcinema · 10 months
Coming Attractions December 2023
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As usual, we present monthly previews of new movies being released. These are the movies that will be hitting your local cinemas (and streaming services) this month:
December 1st
Silent Night - Joel Kinnaman stars as a man who loses his son and his voice and is bent on vengeance in this holiday-themed action thriller from director John Woo.
Candy Cane Lane - Eddie Murphy is focused on having the most festive house on the block in this Christmas comedy coming to Prime Video.
Eileen - This psychological thriller set at a 1960s New England prison stars Thomasin McKenzie and Anne Hathaway.
December 8th
Poor Things - From director Yorgos Lanthimos comes this black comedy fantasy starring Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, and Willem Dafoe.
December 15th
Wonka - Timothée Chalamet is a young Willy Wonka in this musical fantasy from Paul King.
American Fiction - Cord Jefferson makes his feature directorial debut in this comedy-drama starring Jeffrey Wright that is already getting substantial Oscar buzz.
The Family Plan - Mark Wahlberg may seem like a regular family man, but he is actually a retired assassin whose past comes back to haunt him in this action comedy for AppleTV+.
Finestkind - Ben Foster, Jenna Ortega, and Tommy Lee Jones star in this Boston-based crime thriller coming to Paramount+.
December 22nd
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom - Five years after the first film, a sequel finally comes from out of the sea! Based on all the changes that came to DC Studios as of late, don't expect a threequel.
Anyone But You - Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell star in this romantic comedy from director Will Gluck.
Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire - Zack Snyder returns to Netflix with this epic space opera starring Sofia Boutella. Get ready, part two comes in April 2024.
Iron Claw - The Von Erich wrestling family comes to the big screen in this biographical sports drama starring Zac Efron and Jeremy Allen White.
December 25th
The Color Purple - First it was a novel. Then a film. Then a stage musical. Now it is a film version of that stage musical. Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson, and Danielle Brooks star in the film.
The Boys in the Boat - Based on the book of the same name, this biographical sports drama stars Callum Turner and Joel Edgerton and was directed by George Clooney.
Ferrari - Adam Driver is Enzo Ferrari in this biopic from director Michael Mann.
Now for a quick look ahead to January my top picks for next month are Mean Girls, Lift, and The Book of Clarence.
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thefrankradioshow · 1 year
Who's headed to a haunted house this Halloween?
Here's the top haunted houses across America from USA TODAY :
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blowthecandlesoutt · 5 years
the signs’ 2020
Aries: with Saturn leaving Capricorn, your ambitious, career driven side becomes more enjoyable and easier in the coming year. your professional and public relationships will grow and become healthier. while the first half of the year stays career-orientated and focused, the second calls your attention to the ways you communicate and love. with Mars spending time in Aries, you’re going to second-guess your goals, plans, and aspirations. impulsive decisions can get in the way of your peace and prosperity. keep a tight reign on your thought process. your relationships, friendships and romance-wise, will be called into focus from mid-2020 to March 2023. keep your friends close and positive. stay alert for romantic connections that will change your life.
Taurus: the mistakes of 2019 will follow you unless you make a major change that will be hard and extremely self-analytical. however, this change is vital and positive. your mistakes in the past year do not define you, and making this change will cause your relationships and self-image to be far happier, healthier, and beneficial. 2020 will offer you the opportunity to break out of your routine-oriented life. you will find yourself in new and exciting situations that are far out of your comfort zone, in a positive way that’ll offer learning and enlightenment. near the end of 2020, you will find yourself tying together what you have been working on for a long time. finishing up projects, finding new levels of self-actualization, and finding success is likely this year. your past relationships will only haunt you if you allow them. let go when appropriate. apologize when appropriate. you are mere baby steps away from something you have been waiting for.
Gemini: your 2020 is defined by your own innovative ideas and aspirations. with Venus retrograde in Gemini at the beginning of the year, your self-love calls for your focus. you will be able to harness your own ability to attract what you want and need for yourself. as the North Node heads into your sign, this only heightens your ability for self discovery, and your independence and love life will become key parts of you this coming year. however, as positive as this may sound, 2020 brings some hardships as well. Uranus brings forth hidden secrets and parts of yourself you’d rather not admit. watch your own impulsive tendencies; sometimes, it can be self-sabotage. some big questions that come up on this year are; Who can you depend on? Who can you trust? What do you attract?
Cancer: you are poised for a fresh-start this year. your friendships and co-dependent nature are up for questioning in the beginning of this year. who you depend on may not be healthiest for you. watch for your friends’ patterns and how they treat others. 2020 calls for you to protect yourself from manipulation. Jupiter spends some time in your sector at the beginning of the year, also, bringing committed relationships and even possible romance. wellness and wellbeing are boosted, and your motivation is at an all time high. your passion this year is unmatched and you are ready to face the world with what you can do. you can easily expand your world-view with these advantages at your side.
Leo: 2019 brought hardships and lost relationships. your easily-riled nature had possibly made you react poorly to situations that could have been avoided. this year, however, gives you opportunity to start anew. your focus on self-care continues through 2020, bringing your own personal needs to light. early 2020, there might be a bit of a reality check when it comes to relationships and health. however, this gives you a tremendous opportunity to rebuild and become better. Jupiter and Neptune offer new relationships in your life this year, and a subtle, quick-romance might come your way. however, this aspect is fleeting, and as the planets shift you learn to focus more on your own short-comings and accomplishments. this is the year to better yourself and make changes for the better.
Virgo: 2019 might have dug you into a hole, virgo. relationships faced hardships with mercury retrograde, however, with the new year, rebuilding is exactly what you needed. a “new you” is vital to your own mental health and prosperity. you are being challenged to work hard for your own success. venus spends some time in at the top of your solar chart, giving you new ways to find pleasure in your work or future plans. your motivation has struggled in the past few years, however, as the North Node follows Venus, you have the tools to fight this bad habit and continue your usual hard work. you play by different rules this year when it comes to relationships and romance. the Jupiter-Neptune transit is not one that favors commitment or defining romance. however, this does not mean relationships will struggle. simply, giving room to yourself and to your partner to grow will benefit everyone. falling in love is likely.
Libra: your new year will be filled with renovation and comfort. you’ll find a voice you hadn’t thought you had before, and forefront a change in your friend group, family, or relationship. this should not make you panic; 2020 brings you uplifting changes that’ll help you for years to come. with changes, however, you must focus on not becoming too rooted in your own agenda or beliefs. when turning a blind eye to new information or situations, you can appear ignorant or close-minded. be sure to keep your eyes open for new ideas that will suit you. this year is a perfect one for you to keep in touch with yourself. stay out of drama, and focus on your own growth and happiness. it’s okay to be a little self-centered this year.
Scorpio: your perspective on the world is called to a change this year. your ideas and beliefs are rooted deeply in your personality, Scorpio, however, you aren’t always right. these challenging bits of information and experiences will deepen your connection with others and the universe; you just have to learn to let go of the past to do so. home and family life come into focus later in the year. flaws in your home-life, relationships, and self are sure to come to surface. this is an opportunity to fix what has been broken long ago, and will be beneficial to everyone involved. excitement and change are in store for your personal relationships with Uranus opposing your sign. romantic partners come and go but leave lessons, happy memories, and a new insight on connection. this year, independence is important.
Sagittarius: your 2019 mistakes will not haunt you, Sagittarius, as much as it may seem they will. 2020 is a year for rebuilding and growing. your past year has put you through the ringer, and this year is going to let you show what you’ve learned. for the bigger part of 2020, Jupiter encourages you to push your own boundaries and deepen your sense of security. in order to enjoy this, however, you must let go of things weighing you down from the past. Jupiter and Pluto come together to give you the resources to do so, as well as the encouragement and drive to persevere. you may be turning over a new leaf in some form of partnership; whether it’s with a new person or an old friend whom you’ve changed your mind about. a flood of emotional intensity could be connected to this, and by the end of it, you may come out the other end slightly battered. keep your eyes out for red flags and false personas.
Capricorn: your sign is usually not the focus of the zodiac, Cap. however, 2020 changes that. there may be a fall-out with a close friend or relationship in the beginning months of 2020, and your sense of extreme independence is called into question. are you really trying to make everything right in the world, or simply trying to push your own agenda? this question plays on repeat this year as you struggle to keep relationships together. let go, Capricorn, and allow the universe to pull you where you need to be. this year is a powerful one for lifestyle changes, connections, and confidence. you have the ability to work hard and make whatever you desire a reality. you find yourself creatively inspired, through romantic relationships and recreational activities. one thing you will find this year that you’ve never had years prior is time to enjoy yourself and relax. 2020 brings you an enlightening and self-critical time in which you will come out of stronger and happier.
Aquarius: your private-life is called into question this year, and background activity are brought into the light. this can also mean your subconscious, your deepest desires and your karma. if you have been feeling guilty of something that has happened in the past, 2020 gives you the tools to let go and move on. you have been seeking closure that you won’t get. moving forward seems impossible. although 2020 does not offer the ability to fully do so, 2021 brings moving on into full bloom. 2020 gives you the strength to analyze what has been bothering you and observe it objectively. Jupiter moves into your solar twelfth house, which shows you the positive in situations and puts an end to outdated attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts that have been holding you back. There is a lot of inner work and preparation on your part that needs to happen, and though this will be no walk in the park, your relationships and self esteem will benefit greatly.
Pisces: your social life is a main focus in the new year, which will cause sweeping changes in your company. this brings improvements and a higher ability to be your true authentic self. when you surround yourself with those who love the real you, your self-esteem flourishes. though losing close relationships will be hard, 2020 brings a promise that this is meant to be, and will better your own life and self. your interests this year will become far more eclectic and new, and you’ll find yourself becoming interested in things you never have been before. this will broaden your horizons and teach you new skills you’ll use later. watch yourself, you may feel pushed to alienate anyone who doesn’t serve a purpose in your life. take a hard look at your relationships and how you look at people. you don’t want to lose anyone you might miss.
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drohenrique4-blog · 6 years
Amber Park Freehold Condo by 2023 - One of the largest en bloc sale
City Developments (CDL) and Hong realty (a subsidiary of the Hong Leong Group) have acquired ownership of Amber Park Condo in one of Singapore’s leading en bloc sale. Despite the en bloc sale attracted top bidders in the field, CDL won the bid with Amber Park Price reaching S$906.7 million in one of the largest JV in the region. The sale price of Amber Park CDL translates to a land ratio of about S$1,515 per square feet ppr according to the allowable GPR of 2.8 without development expenses on the redevelopment. Hong real estate and Cityzens Development list the 200-unit involved with Hong realty owning a 20% stake of the project. Based on the 2014 master plan, Amber Park site area measuring 213,670 sq ft is a neighbourhood for residential developments. Each of the individual master of the apartment will get gross sales proceeds averaging between S$4.3 million and S$8.3 million. Being the original developer of the previous 200-unit Amber Park developed in 1986, CDL claim that they know the most what suits the area. The developer aims to redevelop the area to house luxury condos including up to four 25-storey buildings with about 800 units plus a car park in the basement, a plan subject to approval. As per CDL, most of the units at Amber Park will be designed with a North-South facing orientation which allows the future residents of Amber Park to have the spectacular seaview. This future iconic landmark is posed to be a perfect investment deal to reach Singapore’s residential Market. The unmatched development area is going to be beneficial to both investors and CDL for the fact that 999-year properties in Singapore are becoming rare. when finished, the Amber Park will offer an ideal place for people whom work in the place to secure an amazing living space.
Amber Park is well situated in an established area which makes it a highly sought after place. With several concurrent projects in the place, Amber Park very likely will provide many benefits to the residents. In addition the strategic location enables Amber Park condo to have the exceptional connection to other places of Singapore and access to various amenities. This zone is widely spoken for its rich cultural heritage and foods haunts, and is minutes away to malls like Parkway Parade and I12 Katong, and good schools such as Tao Nan and Ngee Ann Primary, Tanjong Katong Primary, and CHIJ (Katong). Amber Road, and the nearby private residential place, has long had a loyal following, from both locals and expats because of its location: a short walk to the sea and to East Coast beach, and less than 15-min driving from the Raffles CBD, Marina Bay, and Changi International Airport. Besides appealing locational characteristics, a unique edge of the place is its freehold status, one thing that is increasingly rare in Singapore, said Mr Sherman Kwek, CEO-designate of CDL. With all these factors as well as the stunning seaview, and its proximity (290m, no more than 4 minutes walk) to the future Tanjong Katong MRT station by year 2023, healthful demand is anticipated for this condo.
City Development Ltd is a major real estate developer conducting business in numerous locations around the world. The Singapore listed developer has established its presence in 100 locations covering 28 countries and territories. It is also one of the largest companies with regard to market capitalization with a stable income and a different portfolio which contains serviced apartments, hotels, offices, shopping malls and integrated developments. The developer has operated in the real estate industry exceeding 50 years providing services in real estate management, investment, and development. So far CDL has built over 40, 000 houses and it owns a total of 18 million sq ft lettable floor area world wide. Its key neighborhoods of operations include Singapore, Australia, Japan, UK, and China. CDL’s London based and listed subsidiary, Millenium & Copthorne Hotels plc is a top hotel chain across the world. It has greater than 135 hotels globally situated in key gateway cities. With 50-year proven track records, CDL has constructed more than 40,000 homes world wide and got a lot of prestigious awards, including, Quality Excellence Awards, Building and Construction Authority Awards, Workplace safety and Health Awards, etc. For over 20 years, the developer has been aiming for green innovations to develop bold and inspiring green buildings for a better future. With CDL’s proven capabilities, future home owners of Amber Park condo should expect a luxury freehold condo to live in upon completion.
Continue to read: Amber Park developer.
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newlaunchguru · 6 years
Amber Park Luxury Freehold Condo by 2023 - Staying at East Coast
City Developments (CDL) and Hong realty (a subsidiary of the Hong Leong Group) obtained ownership of Amber Park in one of Singapore’s leading en bloc sale. Being the fact that the collective sale attracted big players in the field, CDL eventually won the bid with Amber Park Price hitting S$906.7 million in single of the biggest joint venture in Singapore. The sale price of Amber Park Condo CDL shows a land ratio of about about S$1,500 per square feet ppr based on the the allowable GPR of 2.8 with no development costs on the redevelopment. Hong realty and Cityzens Development list the 200 units involved with Hong realty owning a 20% stake of the project. Based on the 2014 master plan, Amber Park site measuring about 213,670 square feet is a neighbourhood for residential developments. Each of the individual owner of the condo will get gross sales proceeds averaging between S$4.3 million and S$8.3 million. Being the original developer of the previous 200-unit Amber Park condo constructed in 1986, CDL state that they understand the greatest what suits the place. The developer plans to revitalize the area to house luxury condos comprising up to four 25-storey buildings with approximately 800 units plus a car park in the basement, a plan pending approval. According to CDL, most of the units at Amber Park condo will be designed with a North-South facing orientation which allows the future residents of Amber Park condo to enjoy the amazing seaview. The upcoming iconic landmark is expected to be an ideal investment deal in the residential Market of Singapore. The unmatched development area is going to be beneficial to both investors and CDL considering that 999-year condo in Singapore are becoming rare. when fulfilled, the Amber Park condo will offer an ideal area for families whom work in the place to own an incredible living space.
Amber Park locates in an established place which makes it a highly sought after area. With a few ongoing projects in the place, Amber Park Condo potentially will offer lots of benefits to the residents. In addition the strategic location enables Amber Park condo to have the excellent connection to other places of Singapore and access to many amenities. This area is widely spoken for its rich cultural heritage and foods haunts, and is near malls like Parkway Parade and I12 Katong, as well as reputable schools like Tao Nan and Ngee Ann Primary, Tanjong Katong Primary, and CHIJ (Katong). Amber Road, and the surrounding private residential place, has long had a loyal following, from both locals and expats because of its location: a short walk to the sea and to East Coast beach, and within 15-min driving from the Raffles CBD, Marina Bay, and Changi Airport. In addition to strong locational characteristics, a unique edge of the area is its freehold status, one thing which is becoming increasingly scarce in Singapore, said Mr Sherman Kwek, CEO-designate of CDL. With all these factors as well as the clear seaview, as well as its proximity (290 metres, within 4 minutes walk) to the future Tanjong Katong MRT station due for completion in 2023, healthy demand is expected for this project.
City Development Ltd is a prominent real estate developer conducting business in numerous countries around the globe. The Singapore listed company has established its presence in 100 locations covering 28 countries and territories. It is also one of the biggest companies in terms of market capitalization with a stable income and a varied portfolio that includes serviced apartments, hotels, offices, shopping malls and integrated developments. The company has been in the real estate industry more than 50 years offering services in real estate management, investment, and development. So far the company has built over 40, 000 homes and it owns a total of 18 million square feet lettable floor area globally. Its key localities of operations include Singapore, Australia, Japan, UK, and China. CDL’s London based and listed subsidiary, Millenium & Copthorne Hotels plc is a top lodge chain globally. It has more than 135 hotels world wide located in key gateway cities. With a proven track record of 50 years, the company has constructed more than 40,000 homes globally and won a lot of prestigious awards, such as, Quality Excellence Awards, Building and Construction Authority Awards, Workplace safety and Health Awards, etc. For over 20 years, the company has been pursuing green innovations to develop bold and inspiring green buildings for a brighter tomorrow. With such proven capabilities, future home masters of Amber Park can anticipate a luxury home to live in upon completion.
Find out more: Amber Park developer.
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forcebookish · 1 year
fic masterlist!
(in order of posting)
a compelling argument (one shot) Only Friends (drama series) E | TopMew | 2,044 WC
Top proves to Mew one of the benefits of living with him.
the weight in her heart (1/5) BLEACH (anime & manga) M | IchiRuki | 5,632 WC
In the span of a few days, Ichigo goes from giving the transfer student a ride to school on his bicycle to watching her die right in front of him. With nowhere else to go, Rukia’s ghost haunts him, hoping to find out what killed her and move on. Claiming it’s only about getting her out of his closet, Ichigo does everything he can to help her move on—including confronting her family and, of all things, going on a date. Yet the more he does for her, the less he wants to let her go. And the closer they become, the heavier the Chain of Fate on Rukia’s chest grows.
False Alarm (one shot) Only Friends (drama series) T | TopMew | 1,145 WC
Since the fire at the hotel, Top’s dreams have gotten worse. Even Mew’s presence cannot fight all the demons in his head.
melt away (one shot) Thai Drama RPF (GMMTV) G | ForceBook | 1,374 WC
Force reminds Book of who he is; he always has. After a day without Force on the Only Friends set, Book has a hard time getting out of Mew’s mindset and the anger he has for Top’s betrayal—so he goes to Force’s to remember what it’s like to love him.
slow down (2/2, sequel to Love Out Loud) Thai Drama RPF (GMMTV) T | ForceBook | 1,556 WC
1. like gravity would betray him: A sleepy, clingy Force helps calm Book before a daunting Only Friends shoot. 2. standing in the eye of a typhoon: Between takes, Book struggles with the most challenging scene in episode six and Force helps him focus.
taste you again (one shot) Only Friends (drama series) E | TopMew | 1,128 WC
(Episode 4 coda.) “You wanna go faster? After making me wait so long to taste you again?”
Thunderstruck (one shot) Enchanté (drama series) T | AkkTheo | 713 WC
Recently married, Theo still protects Akk from thunder like when they were kids.
more than forever (one shot) A Boss and A Babe (drama series) E | GunCher | 2,311 WC
(Episode 12 coda.) Cher left because he wanted—wants—to be with Gun forever, and Gun means to hold him to that.
Love Out Loud (2/2) Thai Drama RPF (GMMTV) G | ForceBook | 1,406 WC
1. I wouldn’t want it with anyone else. After the whirlwind weekend of the 2023 Love Out Loud Fan Fest, Book needs a hug to get to sleep; so does Force. 2. You’re supposed to say it back. (Prequel.) Backstage, Force has a hard time meeting Book’s eyes—but that’s not what Book is looking for.
kiss you or kick you (4/5) Captain America (MCU) M | SteveBucky (Stucky) | 15,710 WC
All I had to do was hold him. After the fallout from the Sokovia Accords, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda find refuge in a Wakandan safe house. Desperate to keep Bucky by his side, Steve convinces him not to go back on ice and instead try to loosen Hydra’s grip on his mind. With the help of Shuri and Wanda, Steve tries to put back Bucky’s pieces in the hopes they can finally be together—but what if they’re both too broken to reach for each other? What if it’s like Bucky falling from the train all over again? (Takes place after the events of Captain America: Civil War.)
Extrême (one shot) A Boss and A Babe (drama series) E | GunCher | 4,536 WC
Cher loves Gun’s new cologne; Gun just loves Cher—publicly and privately.
self defense (one shot) Wonder Woman (DCEU) G | Diana/Barbara (WonderCheetah) | 1,113 WC
Diana may have taught Barbara self defense, but there’s no defense against their mutual attraction.
this post only contains fics from 2021 and beyond (farewellswords pseud), but you can still check out the rest under my other pseuds on my AO3 (arrowverse/young justice, exo/k-pop from 2015-2020).
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duabitraveldmc · 11 months
How to Enjoy Dubai Global Village on a Budget in 2023
Dubai is a city of contrasts, where tradition meets modernity, luxury meets affordability, and desert meets sea. One of the best places to experience this diversity is the Dubai Global Village, a cultural and entertainment destination that showcases the cultures of over 90 countries in one place. Whether you are looking for shopping, dining, shows, rides, or attractions, you will find something for everyone at the Global Village. But how can you enjoy this amazing place on a budget?. We will also tell you about Dubai Travel DMC who is your go to source to get the best deals and discounts on your Dubai tour package. Here are some tips and tricks to help you plan your visit and save money.
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Choose the Right Time to Visit
The Global Village is open from October to April every year, and the timings are from 4 pm to 12 am on weekdays and 4 pm to 1 am on weekends. The best time to visit is during the weekdays, when the crowds are thinner and the tickets are cheaper. You can buy your tickets online for AED 15 per person, or at the gate for AED 20 per person. If you are planning to visit more than once, you can also buy a season pass for AED 120 per person, which gives you unlimited access to the Global Village for the entire season.
Explore the Pavilions and Selfie Spots
One of the main attractions of the Global Village is the pavilions, where you can find a variety of products, handicrafts, and food from different countries. You can browse through the stalls and bargain for the best deals, or just admire the architecture and design of each pavilion. Some of the most popular pavilions are India, China, Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. You can also find some unique selfie spots around the Global Village, such as the Mini World, where you can see miniature replicas of famous landmarks from around the world.
Watch the Shows and Events
The Global Village also offers a range of shows and events that cater to different tastes and preferences. You can watch cultural performances from different countries, such as AAINJAA, a street drumming group from Colombia, or Urban Crew, a dance troupe from the Philippines. You can also enjoy international music acts, such as Bollywood singers, Arabic stars, or Western bands. The best part is that most of these shows and events are free with your entry ticket, so you don’t have to pay extra to enjoy them.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Places To Visit in Downtown Dubai
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Have Fun at the Carnaval and Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!®
If you are looking for some thrill and excitement, you can head to the Carnaval, where you can find over 30 rides and games for all ages. You can try the Ferris wheel, the roller coaster, the haunted house, or the bumper cars. The prices for each ride vary from AED 10 to AED 35 per person, but you can also buy a Carnival Funfair Pack for AED 99 per person, which gives you access to 10 rides of your choice. Another attraction that you can check out is Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!®, where you can see some of the most bizarre and unbelievable exhibits from around the world. The entry fee for Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!® is AED 40 per person.
Enjoy the Food and Drinks
No visit to the Global Village is complete without trying some of the delicious food and drinks from different cuisines. You can find everything from Indian chaat to Turkish kebabs, from Chinese noodles to Egyptian koshari, from Italian pizza to American burgers. You can also indulge in some sweet treats, such as crepes, churros, ice cream, or cotton candy. The prices for food and drinks vary depending on what you order, but you can expect to pay around AED 10 to AED 30 per item.
Also Read: Palm Jumeirah’s Top Thrilling Water Sports and Activities (2023)
Book Your Dubai Tour Package with Dubai Travel DMC
If you want to enjoy Dubai Global Village on a budget in 2023, you should book your Dubai tour package with Dubai Travel DMC at dubaitraveldmc.com. They are a leading DMC of Dubai that offers the best and affordable Dubai tour packages for all kinds of travelers. We can help you plan your itinerary, book your flights and hotels, arrange your transfers and visa, and provide you with expert guides and tips. We have a variety of Dubai tour packages 
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Dubai Global Village is a must-visit destination for anyone who wants to experience the diversity and richness of the world’s cultures in one place. You can enjoy shopping, dining, shows, rides, attractions, and more at the Global Village, without breaking your budget. All you need to do is to book your Dubai tour package with Dubai Travel DMC. We will take care of everything for you, from flights and hotels, to transfers and visa, to guides and tips. So what are you waiting for? Book your Dubai tour package with Dubai Travel DMC.
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