#Transformers brave au
compaculaaa · 1 year
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How the Prime siblings got their names (from Uncle Kup!!!)
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stardust948 · 18 days
Considering their canonical relationship, i could more easily see a Brave AU with Ozai in the Merida role. Not with him having Zuko as a dad, but him trying to change his son.
Yes, I can see that happening. Except in this AU, Ozai's genuinely concerned for Zuko when he transformed instead of tossing him aside like he would do in canon.
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saturnniidae · 4 months
I think we should have more httyd or rotbtd horror
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ang-900 · 8 months
I wanted this to be done before 2024, oh well...
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His kids made him very ugly.
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This was a very experimental piece.
This idea was born through the fact my siblings and I noticed Dash Max poses physical similarities to Sunstreaker and Sideswipe.
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So we joked the Lambros are his kids.
And their personalities are similar, too. >:)
This took way too long. 🫠
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tokimeki167 · 2 months
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Dumbo Au doodles bc it is my fav movies.
Anyway, The Gossip Predacon are surprised that the baby wasn't even a maximal or predacon. Hellbat on the other hand, wanted to touch the little sparkling, But Lian of course, denied it since he didn't want his son to get hurt. While Gossip Predacon discussed, Scorponok said "Starkids?.. Don't you mean GunKid?" which all Predacon laugh at the baby. This make Lian angry. While Gunkids who seem to quiet happy, then Lian close the window of the Gossip Predacon.
After that, Gunkid laid on Lian's arm before he wrapped him in blanket then cradling him.
Au belongs to me
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If I had ridiculous amounts of time and energy (and also a working tablet) I'd totally be making tons of QSMP animatics to songs from old 90s / 80s movies.
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pinkyhaert · 1 year
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Hollyberry's Very Big Sisters.
Ghostwire and Phantasma don't usually tag along on Hollyberry's Adventures, as they mostly leave him and the rest of the guardian cores to their own devices. But every now and then, they'll show up and traumatize- er... I mean "meet" all his friends as good big sisters would lol
Hunter belongs to @speedartist-skyliner
Tchaik belongs to @wooahiexist
Ghostwire & Phantasma belong to @cyberghost-scout
Hollyberry belongs to me :3c
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igknightedart · 11 months
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Don't think I ever posted these but the other day I wanted to design my OC Dreadringer in the TFAUs of a few different friends!
The one on the left and on the right are both the @lost-world-of-gaea incarnation of Dread, envisioned as an Autotrooper captain turned Black Leopard in @necromastersdomainstuff's Brave New World AU and the one dead center belongs to @agathaarts' WaR (Wreck and Rule) AU!
I think the leading idea with that one now is that he's a Shockwave clone that achieved singularity and remolded himself after Optimus to do...a lot of things to try and make right in his progenitor's name, tbh. WaR Shockwave is the /worst/
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Monster Universe AU Short Story: Monster Morty TF
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Note: Like I said, I’ll also do monster au stories other than Solar Opposites, because that’s just how I do. But don’t worry, I’ll still do Solar Opposites/Mighty Solars stuff! Just this idea came in mind thanks to this artwork that got me intrigued! I decided to do something amazing based on one of my favorite shows, since it was created by the same people that created Solar Opposites! This show came out when I was still a kid, and I found out about it when I saw the Season 2 Premiere on YouTube back in 2015, which got me interested once I was old enough to watch it at the age of 16! And after seeing the loving but dysfunctional relationship between Rick and his grandson Morty, I decided to add Rick’s Papa Wolf-Syndrome in this one! Hope you Rick and Morty fans enjoy this!
On the planet, known as Galaxbeast-9, Rick and Morty were running for their lives by a group of monstrous aliens known as the Galaxbeasts. Thanks to Rick’s fucked bullshit of stealing a strange serum, the Galaxbeasts are now hot on the duo’s assses. Morty screams as the beasts attempt to grab him, but he luckily kicks one away from him as he catches up with his grandpa.
Morty: Great plan Rick!
Rick: Hey now, belches Morty! Those fucking Galaxbeasts deserve it, with their toxic messes up venom and intoxicating bullshit roaming around space!
Morty: Well not your plan is about to fuck us!
Rick: Oh shit!
The duo are then surrounded by the Galaxbeasts as their leader, BoDawn approaches them savagely.
BoDawn: monster gibberish (what he’s saying in the dialogue is “You two guys have fucked up our planet long enough! This time, your asses are about to whooped! Prepare for our deadly venomous saliva you bitches!”)
Rick: Dude, the fuck are you saying? You aliens are real dummies man!
Morty: screaming voice Rick! Look out, their right hand is about to goop us!
The monsters then grabbed Rick and Morty by the goop from the right tentacle hands as Morty screams. The monsters then take the duo a strange palace, where BoDawn looks at them menacingly. BoDawn then orders his fellow Galaxbeasts to take Morty to another room as Morty began to realize in horror what is happening.
Morty: Wait?! What the hell is going on now?! What’s happening?! Where are these assholes taking me? Turns to Rick as he began to panic even more Rick! Rick, do something! screaming out Help!
Rick: Morty! struggling to break free Where you snarling bastards taking him?!
BoDawn: monster gibberish (what he is really saying is: “To our testing chamber for a painful experiment on humans who dare fuck with the Galaxbeasts! This kid is gonna get fuck man!)
Rick: What?! What the fuck are you guys even saying?! Where you taking my grandson?! kicks a Galaxbeasts in the shin as he escapes and uses a portal gun to find Morty
Meanwhile, in the chamber, Morty is struggling to break free as the Galaxbeasts scientists prepare to inject a needle into him.
Morty: Let me go you motherfuckers! You’re crazy! What are you guys going to do to me?!
Galaxbeasts Scientist #1: monster gibberish (what he is really saying is: “Administrate the serum into that whiney bitch!”)
The needle is injected into Morty as he screams in pain.
Morty: Ugh! Son of a bitch! clings to his arms and holds it as he began to feel pain inside of his body
Galaxbeast Scientist #2: monster gibberish (what he is really saying is “What the fuck is wrong with that kid”)
Morty: screaming in pain as he then suddenly sees a group of octopus-like succulents on his hands Grrrrrrr! What the hell is happening to me?!
Morty then gets down on the floor as he kneels down and the floor as he started snarling and his eyes began to green just like the travel portal’s color! His body began to grow muscular and bigger as it started to tear his whole clothes into shreds! His left hand grows some sharp claws! His forehead grew three glowing monstrous eyes as Morty continues to scream as his voice begans to grow deeper! His skin became monstrous and scaley like a dinosaur’s skin! His hair falls apart as it grows forehead spikes on it! His stomach grows very strong biceps and abs! His right arm became a tentacle hand as it has purple goop on it! As Morty began to complete his transformation as tears burst from his eyes, his teeth became razer sharp and monstrous with fangs! What stood before the Galaxbeasts was no longer the 14-year old boy Morty who is always the trusty lackey of his grandfather Rick in portal travel, but now a giant Galaxbeast looking furiously and monstrously at the aliens who did this to him.
Monster Morty: ROAR!
Rick: rushed right in the chamber with the portal gun Morty! Hang on, I got the portal gun, we can get outta he-
Rick then stops talking and gasp in horror once he saw his beloved grandson now a giant monster, but to make matters worse, Morty is too hard to be recognized with his monstrous appearance. Any traits that Morty ever have is gone as Rick struggles to get a weapon, only to be stop by BoDawn.
BoDawn: finds a translation device and zaps himself with it Ah, much better. Now, what was I gonna say, oh yeah? Got ya now Sanchez! You are about to now join your grandson and-
Rick, not listening, kicks the leader in his face and later beats up some of the Galaxbeasts. Then, he pummels Morty with burning rage as he prepare to demand the beast, where is his own grandson is.
Rick: I’m gonna fucking kill you if you do anything to hurt- suddenly began to look closely at Morty’s eyes as a flashback of him holding baby Morty ensues and it ends as it shifts back to the present as Morty started snarling Holy shit….. Morty?!
Monster Morty: roars as he began to attack Rick
Rick: Oh my God! It is you! Morty! Calm down! Everything’s gonna be okay! Just stay calm and we’ll get you home safely! gets swat by Morty in the tentacle hand Morty!
Monster Morty: growls and roars as berserk tears burst out of five eyes
Rick: Morty, no! Stop! It’s me, your grandpa Rick! Morty then doesn’t move and continue to snarl at his grandpa It’s gonna be okay! Please, stay calm and-
Suddenly, the Smith family’s travel ship burst in and it opens as it shows Beth, Space Beth, Jerry and Summer running up to Rick in concern.
Beth: Dad, what’s happening?!
Space Beth: Rick, what the fuck is happening?!
Jerry: Holy shit, what the hell happen?!
Summer: Grandpa Rick, where’s Morty?!
Suddenly, the family sees Morty and screams by his monstrous appearance, but luckily, Beth got out a grapple hook and ties up Morty as he struggles to break free.
Beth: Oh my God, what the hell happen to my son?
Summer: Oh my God! Is that Morty?!
Jerry: What have they done to our son?!
Space Beth: We must get him back! Who knows what effects can happen?!
Rick: Don’t worry, I got this! Once we get back!
The Sanchez-Smith family heads back to their ship and flies it back home while Rick looks back in worry and concern at Morty, who is struggling to break free from the net as he roars. The family then made it back to Earth as Rick kept Morty in the garage three hours later that night as Beth, Space Beth, Jerry and Summer wait worriedly. Rick then does some data on Morty with his technology scanner as Morty began to tear the grapple hook apart.
Monster Morty: growling
Rick: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Morty, stop! No! You’re out of control!
Monster Morty: roars as he breaks free and was about to attack Rick until Rick puts his hands gently on Morty’s head despite it having three eyes on the forehead
Rick: softly Hey, hey. Morty. Morty. It’s okay. You’re safe now. I’m here with you. Those Galaxbeasts are not gonna get you anymore. We’re gonna get through this, we’ll figure out a way to cure you from this fucked up condition. It’s gonna be okay. Grandpa Rick is here.
As Rick continues to soothe Morty by the forehead, part of Morty’s personality resurfaces as he began to talk again, but with a deep monstrous voice.
Monster Morty: R-Rick? What’s going on? Oh my God, I-I- what have I done? I did this? What’s happening to me…. Rick…. what am I gonna do…. I am so scared…. breaks down crying as Rick continues to make sucking sounds softly
Rick: soothes Morty Hey now, it’s okay Morty. You’re safe. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here for you…
As Rick places his hand on Morty’s right tentacle hand, Morty continues to cry as Rick continues to soothe him. Morty suddenly thens turns back to normal but naked as Rick gasp and places a blanket on Morty to cover him up. Morty continues to cry as Rick comforts him.
Morty: Rick, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I-My mind went crazy and I-
Rick: softly Hey, it’s gonna be okay Morty. We’ll find a way to fix this and- suddenly sees a portal open with two Galaxbeasts appearing What the fuck?! How did you guys get a portal gun?
Morty: Oh no! Rick?! What do we do now?! Rick gets pummeled by two of the Galaxbeast RICK!
All Morty can now see is neon yellow-green visions in his eyes as he growls and turns back into his monster form and roars loudly that the whole neighborhood hide in fear. Morty then gets into a fight with two of the Galaxbeasts. Morty stops the first one by clawing him by the back. But then, the Galaxbeasts slash Morty by the back as he screams.
Rick: Morty!
Morty gets back up and grabs the Galaxbeast by the back with his tentacle right hand as he slams it to the ground. Morty then sees the second Galaxbeast prepare to wack him with a light pole, right after Morty grabs the pole and roars in fury by slamming the Galaxbeast as he roars. Morty breaths in and out as he calms down once he sees the two now dead Galaxbeasts and Rick comes up to him worriedly as Morty starts to weep.
Monster Morty: weeping Rick, I’m so scared… why is this happening to me?!
Rick: I don’t know Morty, but don’t worry. We’ll figure out a way to fix this. I’ll be here every step of the way.
Rick places his forehead softly on Morty. Then later that night, in the garage, Morty is seen ready for bed since he is now forced to be controlled before he gains control of his form. Morty then hears his parents and Rick talking behind the closed door, discussing how is this whole thing gonna be handled.
Beth: muffling Dad, this horrible. I can’t have a monster for a son. Poor Morty is just a kid.
Rick: muffling I know Beth, but right now, Morty needs me. He has to stay put before anyone finds out about this. He’ll be in danger.
Jerry: muffling But this is bullshit! Morty doesn’t deserve this. He’s just fourteen years old! Why would any aliens do this to a child?
Rick: muffling and sighs I don’t know Jerry, but if this is the only way to protect Morty, so be it. No one can see him like this.
As Morty continues to hears his loved ones discussing how they are gonna handle this, tears burst from his eyes as he weeps silently and turns back into his monster form as he cries silently. Rick comes into the room and sees his grandson crying. Rick wipes Morty’s away softly and then puts his lab coat on Morty as he smiles back to him without making a sound. As Rick began to work, he looks back to his transformed grandson Morty with a determination on his face.
Rick: Don’t worry Morty, this transformation may be a but difficult. But, we’ll help you gain control of it. I promise. Because, no one fucks with my grandson
The end?
Credit goes to Edimay/SuperMonsterfan for the drawing of Monster Morty!
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seraphim-seeker · 7 months
I gonna rewatch Iron Leaguer then Brave Police then TFA at some point to make a Crossover AU of pure Hell
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... do you think a vehicon has ever commissioned an artist vehicon to draw them a pin up Megatron like the women drawn on bomber planes?
(Or straight up asked them to draw porn of Megs because i fucken love the idea of Megan being considered highly attractive)
Oh Tarn's certainly thought of it but I'm unsure if he's ever followed through with that thought
But on the vehicon to vehicon side? Yes. Yes they have. We already know they write RPF of their superiors (and sometimes use self inserts), so they very definitely have made suggestive or outright porny art of Megatron. Though, these tend to differ in the downstairs category with an interesting amount of variety
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compaculaaa · 2 years
*give Sentinel a cape * go be Mangus you little guy
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All in his dreams 💤💤
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stardust948 · 17 days
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This is why you don't leave cursed cake laying around, Ozai.
Brave AU written with @waterfire1848
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chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
Shazam identity reveal AU where the league knew Captain Marvel was a child named Billy since day one but he stubbornly refuses to transform or tell his full name for the whole 4 years he’s been on the team and everyone’s so confused because they know like. 95% of his identity already why is he hiding this specific part?
They start thinking he’s some kind of criminal or had a dark past he’s hiding from them. They know so much about him, though. They know he’s homeless, they know he’s had bad foster homes, they know his parents died tragically and his uncle stole his inheritance. he shares everything. Everything except the one thing that would show he truly trusts them. Why? What have they done to convince him they weren’t trustworthy?
Then. He accidentally transforms back during a battle. Batman instantly scans his face with the facial scanner that’s built into his mask because he’s paranoid as hell of course he has one of those. And he sees exactly why he hid it for so long.
The tension in the air is so palpable that the entire league feels it and they look back and forth between them waiting for the bomb to drop.
Cyborg is the one who blurts it out (he IS a facial scanner)
“Your last name is BAT SON??”
Billy groans into his hands in defeat and Batman sighs, finally understanding why the secret was kept so desperately.
From then on the league refuses to call Billy anything other than Big Red Robin or just Big Robin. Robin but big. they call Batman Captain Dad at every possible opportunity. Whenever Billy does something wrong someone threatens to tell his dad on him then call Batman. The robins last names may as well not exist because from then on they are only ever called Damian Bat-son or Red Hood Bat-son or Stephanie Bat-daughter, except for Red Robin who’s called Little Red Robin or, if they’re feeling brave, the Little Red Cheese. The bat children and Billy’s nicknames become so confusing and meshed together that conversations get very confusing and the names just become interchangeable. The press is convinced that Captain Marvel is Batman’s secret love child within a week.
It gets so chaotic so fast, no one knows how this happened but names mean nothing anymore and Batman is getting a DNA test. So much opportunity for chaos!
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edenesth · 6 months
TWTHH Bonus: Honeymoon Avenue
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Pairing: general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
AU: arranged marriage au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Life has been hell ever since your mother's passing many years ago. Despite being from a prominent family, you've never received the privileges associated with it. It only got worse with the arrival of your stepmother and her daughters. When the intimidating General Park was in search of a wife, your father seized the opportunity to dispose of you, simultaneously securing a connection with the powerful general—killing two birds with one stone.
A/N: This picks up directly from the final part of TWTHH, and takes place before the events of Wooyoung's spinoff.
Fic Masterlist | Star of the Show
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You let out a small groan as you woke up from your slumber, feeling a familiar pair of arms tightening their hold around you. Your heart skipped a beat as you remembered where you were, blinking a few times to clear your vision and take in the surroundings you recognised as Seonghwa's private quarters.
Warmth rushed to your cheeks as you felt your husband's steady breath against the bare skin of your shoulder from behind. Shyness washed over you when you realised you were both still completely bare beneath the fabric of his comforter.
Memories of the intimacy from the previous night flooded your mind, and you buried your face in the pillow. It was as if you could still feel every touch, every kiss, and every moment of pleasure he had given you. So, this was how it felt to be loved so passionately. You hoped for nothing more than for him to be your first and last.
"Good morning, my love. I see you're up," his deep voice greeted, sounding even deeper than usual as he had only just woken up. He leaned in to whisper sensually into your ear before planting a soft kiss on your cheek, "Did you sleep well?"
Turning to face him, you nodded meekly, biting your lip, "I did, Hwa. Good morning to you too," you replied, feeling your breath hitch as his gaze focused solely on your lips.
He nodded in response, "Good, so did I." Without hesitation, he cupped your cheek and pressed his lips firmly against yours.
Your eyes fluttered shut the moment his familiar lips met yours. Kissing him back as if it were second nature, you wished for this moment to last forever as his larger frame enveloped yours, the skin-to-skin contact creating an intimacy that made you feel closer than ever. His ability to make you feel vulnerable yet safe at the same time still filled you with wonder. At that moment, his presence was all-encompassing; he was all you could see and think of.
I can't believe this man is all mine.
Seonghwa, equally content, felt his heart swell with affection for you. Caressing your cheek, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, struggling to control his breathing when you bravely reached up to run your fingers through his hair, gently tugging at it. Despite witnessing your growing boldness since his return from war, your reciprocation of his affections still stirred his heart.
I'm yours and only yours, my love.
As you finally broke the kiss to catch your breath, he grinned and murmured, "Damn, Lady Park, who would've thought you'd be such an excellent kisser." Despite the blush creeping up your cheeks, you scoffed playfully. Moving to lay your head on his chest, you traced patterns on his skin with your finger, "What do you know, General Park? You speak as though you've kissed anyone other than me."
His pride swelled as he nodded in defeat to your response. Day by day, you were increasingly embodying the essence of the general's wife with your newfound demeanour. It wasn't that you needed to change for him; rather, it was remarkable to witness your transformation into a confident woman who knew her worth, having shed the old shell crafted by your so-called family. Reflecting on his time away at war, he began to see it as a blessing in disguise. Perhaps it was necessary for you to undergo further personal growth.
Nestling into the curve of his neck, you pulled the comforter up higher to conceal your front. A shiver raced down your spine as his hand traced gentle patterns on your bare back beneath the fabric, making you feel slightly bashful at being so exposed to him. He smirked, placing a kiss on your neck and teasing, "Are you getting shy now, my wife? There's no need to cover up or hide from me; I've already seen everything."
"You can be so annoying, you know that?" Rolling your eyes, you playfully pushed at his chest, but he easily resisted, his strength overpowering your feeble attempts. With feather-light kisses dancing across your skin, he tickled you, eliciting a giggle. Chuckling, he remarked, "Oh, come on. I miss the bold Lady Park who took charge last night."
Blushing, you let out an embarrassed squeal, "Oh, quit it! Stop reminding me!" He chuckled, hugging you close against him, his voice teasing as he whispered in your ear, "Remember how badly you wanted me to undo your hanbok?"
"Shut up, Park Seonghwa, or else—"
"Or else what, my dear Lady Park?"
Your husband's smug grin only fueled your frustration. Summoning a surge of determination, you swiftly flipped him onto the bed, looming over him as you straddled his hips, "I'll make you regret it," you declared, a playful glare in your eyes.
His heart skipped a beat as he looked up at you, struck by your beauty with your long hair framing your face like a curtain.
"Go ahead, my love. Make me regret."
Unbeknownst to the two, Eunsook and the group of maids assigned to bathe the couple all exchanged sheepish glances. The head maid cleared her throat, shooting a stern look at the young maids to silence them for fear of alerting you both, ordering in a soft voice, "We'll come back later. It seems the master and mistress are not quite prepared to begin their day just yet."
Jongho was taken aback to see the elderly woman return with the maids she had brought along, supposedly to get the couple ready for the day, "Huh? Are you all finished already? That was fast."
Dismissing the maids, Eunsook offered the assistant a knowing smile, "It appears the master and mistress are, um... still occupied at the moment. We'll come back later to check on them. For now, please ensure no one disturbs them."
His ears turned red as he registered what she meant by that, nodding quickly, "Y-yes, of course! I'll make sure no one passes through."
As half a day slipped away, you and Seonghwa finally emerged from his quarters, ready to receive your baths. The maids couldn't contain their giggles as they noticed the new marks adorning your skin, evidence of the passionate night—and morning—you and the general had shared. These marks were different from your old scars—they spoke of love and affection rather than pain. You pouted at their laughter, but they only laughed harder, "Enough, you meanies."
Eunsook softened as she washed your hair, "We're just happy for you, mistress. You are happy, aren't you?"
You bit your lip, nodding, "I am happy. The happiest woman on earth, if possible."
"Then that's all that matters to us."
Their hearts warmed at the beautiful smile that graced your face, wishing for nothing more than for you to remain content for as long as possible. You, the miracle who had brought so much light into the once sombre halls of the general's estate, truly deserved all the happiness in the world.
On the other side of the room, while assisting his master with the final touches of his outfit for the day, Jongho couldn't help but notice Seonghwa's dreamy expression and the persistent little smile on his handsome face.
"You seem to be in a good mood, sir," the assistant remarked as he focused on fastening the ribbons on the general's attire. Your husband nodded, "I am. Who would've thought married life isn't half as bad as we initially believed. In fact, it's pretty damn amazing. You should try it too, Jongho."
Blinking rapidly, the younger man raised a brow, "Try what? Marriage? Sir, I have no time for that. I'd make a terrible husband."
Seonghwa sighed, "See, that's your problem. You're always too dedicated, never making time for yourself. As much as I value your dedication, I want you to find happiness too."
"I am content, sir."
"Oh, come on, that's not what I meant—"
"Your outfit is ready, sir. You're all set."
Shaking his head in resignation, the general rubbed his temples, "Wooyoung was right about you. You need to get a life."
"He said what? The audacity—"
Heaving a deep sigh, Seonghwa rubbed his eyes after going over all the reports Mingi had prepared detailing every aspect of the recent war with Ruhon—the strategies employed and areas for improvement. The documents required his stamp of approval before they were shipped off to be stored in the palace archives. The military strategist had provided such detailed explanations that they were now giving him a headache.
"Gosh, I can't decide whether I love or hate Officer Song for these long ass reports. They're thorough to the point of being exhausting," he said with a shake of his head, "Is that everything, Jongho?"
The assistant nodded, gathering the completed scrolls to be delivered to San for a final vetting, "Yes, sir. That was the last of it. You're finished for the day. If that is all, I should probably hand these over to Royal Secretary Choi immediately."
"Oh, thank god. Go ahead, Jongho."
With a respectful bow, the younger man did not waste another second making a beeline for the exit, his mind focused on nothing else but his task. The general stared after him with a defeated huff, wishing for his aide to be a little less uptight and to live a little, "I should probably find him a wife."
Speaking of wives, he was reminded of his own. Suddenly, all concerns for Jongho's love life were pushed to the back of his mind and forgotten. Excitedly rising from his seat, his heart raced with anticipation as he set off to find you. He felt bad for leaving you alone for most of the day due to his work, but now he couldn't wait to have you all to himself.
Oh, it would feel like paradise.
He frowned, his steps faltering when he found you nowhere in the House of Lotus. Hastening his pace, he headed to the garden, where you often spent time tending to the flowers with Eunsook and the maids, only to find it empty. As a last resort, he even checked Yunho's quarters, torn between relief at finding the physician alone and frustration at not finding you.
Could you be upset with him for not spending time with you all day? No, that didn't seem like you at all. You were literally the most understanding person he knew. So, where could you be hiding? The wildest scenarios began to creep into his mind when he couldn't find you. What if his enemies had somehow infiltrated the estate? What if you were kidnapped? What if—
His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of you in the living hall, seated with Hongjoong and Wooyoung, seemingly engrossed in something. The two men watched you intently, particularly the investigator, who seemed more focused on your face than whatever you were doing. With a clearing of his throat, Seonghwa crossed his arms over his chest, "What are you three up to?"
Turning to glare at him, the dressmaker hushed him, "Keep it down, you doofus! She's trying to concentrate!"
Feeling offended, your husband narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to finally see what you had been up to; you were focused on learning embroidery. It dawned on him that Hongjoong must be teaching you a bit about his craft. He softened as he observed the deeply immersed look on your face, with your tongue poking out of the corner of your lips in concentration.
Good lord, she looks adorable.
In his attempt to move closer to you, he was met with yet another warning glare, causing annoyance to bubble within him. While he was grateful for the company Hongjoong and Wooyoung provided you in his absence, a part of him couldn't shake the irritation of seeing you accompanied by other men, even if they were his friends.
At that moment, he questioned why the guys were still around. The dressmaker, physician, and investigator had only been summoned while he was away at war to watch over you. Now that he was back home, he realised their presence was no longer necessary. It was then that he made a firm decision. From now on, he was determined to spend this time after your wedding alone with you.
The general wasted no time gathering his three friends that evening as soon as your embroidery lesson came to an end. With a polite yet firm tone, he explained his desire to have some alone time with you, dismissing them from the estate. Hongjoong and Yunho exchanged knowing glances, understanding the importance of the honeymoon period for passionate newlyweds like yourselves. Although Wooyoung was reluctant to go, he ultimately knew he had no choice but to comply with Seonghwa's request.
In a matter of days, the trio officially left the estate, returning to their own lives. This left you and your husband alone at last, ready to begin this new chapter of your lives together.
True to his expectations, the weeks that followed were pure bliss. He requested time off from work, and His Majesty was happy to oblige. He spent nearly every waking hour glued to you. By this point, everyone in the estate knew better than to interrupt when the master and mistress wanted privacy, ensuring the couple had all the intimate moments they needed. There were even jokes among the staff that a little Park might be on the way soon at this rate.
And perhaps their predictions weren't so far-fetched after all. It was on a fine day when you were spending another lovely afternoon in the House of Lotus practising embroidering, or at least tried to, with your husband seated behind you, his arms encircling your frame, that you began to show signs of sickness.
Leaving kisses all over your neck, he tickled you endlessly, causing you to giggle and push him away, "Hwa, please, I can't focus when you keep—" Before you could finish your sentence, a sudden wave of nausea hit you, and you let out a small gasp, pressing a hand to your chest to contain it.
Concerned, he immediately stopped and turned you around gently, "What is it, my love? Are you alright?"
"I-I'm fine... the feeling's gone, maybe it was something I ate," you reassured him when he suggested summoning the physician. Eventually, he relented and left you alone.
The second time occurred during dinner, with the kitchen having prepared one of your favourite dishes. Instead of savouring it as you normally would, you pressed a hand to your nose, "You okay, my wife?" you nodded and attempted to eat, only to end up retching from the smell of the dish.
Once again, you insisted you were fine and refused to see the doctor. He let you be, telling himself that if anything else were to happen, he wouldn't hesitate to call Yunho over. You convinced him that you must have caught the cold or something, seemingly fine after some rest.
The breaking point came during a leisurely stroll together in the garden. He tightened his hold on you when he noticed you swaying slightly. Smiling up at him, you reassured him, "I'm fine, Hwa. You worry too much." To ease his worries, you pressed your lips against his. For a moment, it worked, and he lost himself in the sweet kiss.
However, when you pulled back, seemingly out of breath, his heart lurched in his chest as your eyes rolled back, and he didn't waste a second catching your limp form in his arms.
"Jongho! Get Physician Jung here now!"
The sense of terror hit Seonghwa like a tidal wave as he found himself cradling you, unconscious, on his bed. Seeing you like this scared him more than any war ever could. Yunho rushed in shortly after, and the general reluctantly stepped aside to let the doctor examine you. Gently, he held your wrist, reading your pulse, after ensuring you were physically alright.
A few tense moments later, the taller man turned around with a smile, and your husband held his breath, "Congratulations, General Park. Your wife is with child."
Emotions surged within your husband as he released a sigh of relief, tears gathering in his eyes. The realisation dawned on him—of course, you were pregnant. How had he not considered that sooner? Slowly, the significance of it all began to sink in. The love of his life was carrying his child.
I'm going to be a father.
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Y'all, I was sleep-deprived asf writing the second half part of this bonus part HAHA I hope it didn't seem rushed or anything.
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list (1/3): @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @ssrnghwa @yunnieo @sunnyhokyu @lynnsqueendom @frobin4ever @chwesuh-imnida @thunderous-wolf @itstheghostofmypast @professormingisglasses @deltamoon666 @avantalem @famishalll @yungilia @soobiverse @joongified @scuzmunkie @http-gyu @mentoslol @atinyreads @angel-hyuckie @anxiousskylar @onedumbho3 @narashii @ddaeing @sansaurora9904 @sohnfile @scarfac3 @dreamingofyeo @puppyminnnie @tinyteezer @vantediary @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @aliona124754 @bts-army380 @lilactangerine @atinyniki @pay13 @1117promises @xoxkii @st4rhwa @hikarii02 @nescaffei @xdolls-crownx @ashrocker123 @skzline @minkiflwr @starssongs98 @baeksofty @skz1-4-3 @kawaiikels @madnpan @en-happiness @cheolliehugs @persnyako @startinystay @fatspecimen @christinerose380 @stfu-rina @kyukyustar @taytayy178 @appleschre @brielle-in-the-galaxy @laurenwidjaja @yangwonielvrs @n1k1mura @idkwgoh @loveateez @linosllvr @idfkeddieishot
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bylerween · 15 days
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Announcing the daily themes for BYLERWEEN 2024! 🎃🦇👻
Each day has three themes: a Halloween theme, a show theme, and a one-word theme. Feel free to use inspiration from just one, two, or all three themes for each day!
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Day 1: Sunday, October 27:
Horror AU
Demo Creatures
Day 2: Monday, October 28:
Turn it Upside Down
Day 3: Tuesday, October 29:
Graveyard & Zombies
Young Byler & Old Byler
Day 4: Wednesday, October 30:
Pumpkins & Skeletons
The Party
Day 5: Thursday, October 31:
Costume Contest
Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02)
Day 6: Friday, November 1:
Movie Night
Hawkins Lab
Day 7: Saturday, November 2:
Fortune Telling
Season 5 Era
Extra prompts and ideas for these themes are under the Read More cut!
amazing art by @magentamee!!!
Here are some additional ideas that you can use as inspiration for each day's themes! You don't need to follow these prompts at all, but feel free to jump off of these ideas.
Day 1: Sunday, October 27:
Horror AU: Make an AU of your favorite horror movie, show, video game, or book. Feature Mike and Will as the villains, or as the final ones standing.
Demo Creatures: Demogorgans, Demodogs, and Demobats, oh my! Revisit our favorite creatures from the Upside Down. Will Dustin’s beloved D’Artagnan make a reappearance? Or create a brand new kind of Demo Creature!
Summon: Will the Wise and the brave paladin Michael are summoned to complete a quest! Or maybe at a spooky sleepover, Mike and Will accidentally summon a demon.
Day 2: Monday, October 28:
Masquerade: Will kisses someone handsome at the masquerade ball, but they had a mask on - was it Mike or someone else? The party shows up to the ball to have a good time, but are surrounded by enemies in masks. Hidden identities, lots of dancing, and a raucous good time!
Turn it Upside Down: Explore the Upside Down, whatever that means to you! Will and Mike go through a gate into the Upside Down, or flip the whole ship on its head: Willow and Michelle around Halloween, underexplored AU’s, flipped ship dynamics. Go crazy with it.
Spell: Enchantments, curses, and magic. Has Hawkins been placed under a spell this Halloween? Will the Wise casts a spell, or has to undo one.
Day 3: Tuesday, October 29:
Graveyard & Zombies: Buried bodies, graveyard shifts, and ghosts. Will and Mike work at the graveyard and have to stop an undead army from rising, or maybe that’s just where they share their first kiss. The “Zombie Boy” nickname still stings Will when it’s thrown around at school, or maybe not so much after Mike fights their bullies.
Young Byler & Old Byler: What did Mike and Will get up to on their first, second, third Halloween together? How do Mike and Will celebrate Halloween once in college, or in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s? How are they spending Halloween in 2024?
Haunt: What still haunts Mike and Will all these years later? Mike searches for Will who is haunting him while still stuck in the Upside Down. Mike and Will bravely face the Hawkins Haunted House, or move into an actual haunted house as adults.
Day 4: Wednesday, October 30:
Pumpkins & Skeletons: Will and Mike carve pumpkins together, make a pumpkin pie, or investigate the mystery of the rotten pumpkin fields in Hawkins. The party fights against skeletons come to life, or a mystery in Hawkins begins when an unlikely skeleton is found.
The Party: Any and all Party Halloween shenanigans! Explore party dynamics during the spooky season, from pranks to trick or treating. What was the party’s first Halloween together like? The party attends or hosts a Halloween party.
Transform: Transformations of any kind! Werewolves, vampires, Frankenstein, or just the kind of transformation that happens when you are stuck in the Upside Down for a week.
Day 5: Thursday, October 31:
Costume Contest: The party is going all out for costumes this year! Or is it just an AU? Dress Mike and Will up in historical clothes, clothes from your other favorite fandom, or anything else! No matter what, Mike and Will are dressed to impress this year.
Trick or Treat, Freak: A perfect day to appreciate our beloved season 2 Halloween episode. Ghostbusters, Max Mayfield has joined the party, Will sees a shadow in the sky. Crazy together.
Sweet: What’s Halloween without candy? Mike and Will share their favorite candies, or maybe they’re just being extra sweet to each other this Halloween.
Day 6: Friday, November 1:
Movie Night: Whether it’s the whole party or just Will and Mike, at the movie theater or just hanging out in the basement: Byler is cozied up and watching their favorite Halloween movie. Or, what if the party is making an amateur horror flick?
Hawkins Lab: What goes on there, and how are Will and Mike involved? Mad scientists, dangerous experiments, and kids with powers.
Fire: Bonfires to keep our boys warm on a chilly October night, the fire under a wizard’s cauldron, Will the Wise casts Fireball, or a dark night lit only by candlelight.
Day 7: Saturday, November 2:
Fortune Telling: Look into the crystal ball and tell me what you see! Will or Mike get their fortune read and things go awry! Horoscopes, tarot reading, palm reading, tea leaves: does knowing the future make things easier, or so much worse?
Season 5 Era: Time to daydream about our season 5 era! Speculate about what spooky things will happen based on the behind the scenes pictures. What does the next Halloween after season 4 look like for Mike and Will? Is there still time to trick or treat when the world is ending?
Shiver: “He’s right behind me, isn’t he?” What has Mike and Will shivering with fright: a supernatural creature, something ancient and mysterious, or a strange deadly virus that has the whole town shivering? Mike and Will get trapped somewhere cold. Will insists that “he likes it cold.” Or maybe there’s just a chill in the air - it is autumn after all.
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