#Transwomen and misogyny
coochiequeens · 2 years
Trigger warning: discusses the sexual assault and murder of a child
A social media account harassing, impersonating, and threatening women critical of gender ideology appears to belong to a trans-identified male convicted of the brutal torture and murder of a 13-year-old child.
On October 24, Reduxx reported that Synthia China Blast had been discharged from his parole with the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision on July 30, quietly marking the end of his sentence and release conditions.
Blast, born Luis Morales, was sentenced in 1996 for the horrific murder of 13-year-old Ebony Nicole Williams. Blast, along with his boyfriend Carlos Franco, were sentenced to 25 years for the crime, one that had both sexist and racist motivations.
Blast and Franco, members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation gang, targeted the young girl less than 24 hours after she had run away from home. Williams taken to an apartment in Hunts Point where she was held captive.
According to case investigators at the time, Blast and Franco tortured the young girl before stabbing her repeatedly. Realizing she was still alive after having been slashed by Blast, Franco then stomped on the child’s neck until it was broken. Prior to being killed, Blast had reportedly sexually assaulted the girl.
Following her death, Blast and Franco packed the girl’s naked body into a box and dumped it near the Sheridan Expressway. Finally, they doused the box in gasoline, and set it ablaze. A passenger on a nearby train saw the flames and called 911. Blast and Franco were apprehended shortly after the body was retrieved by police.
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During the trial, Bronx Prosecutor William Hrabsky said of the crime: “The suffering that this poor child went through is beyond belief and puts this crime in the category of monstrous and barbarous.”
Despite pleading innocence in court and to media in later interviews, Blast had reportedly “bragged” about committing the crime to friends, some of whom would later testify against him on this basis. 
While a rape conviction was never pursued, as the girl’s body had been too severely mutilated for authorities to collect a DNA sample, Blast and Franco both received 25-to-life for the murder of Williams.
One week after the publication of the Reduxx article reporting on Blast’s discharge from parole, Reduxx received an email from an account infuriated that the piece had mentioned the allegations that Blast had raped Williams. The email was sent from an address beginning with the number ‘4300.’
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The same day, a Twitter account surfaced with the handle @Code4300, impersonating Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz, using her photo and Reduxx branding. 
While posting highly disturbing, sexualized comments on Slatz, the account began following women’s rights advocates on Twitter in a clear effort to get their attention.
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While posing as Slatz, the @Code4300 account claimed to be in a relationship with a trans-identifying male and called for a boycott against, and the banning of, Reduxx. The owner of the account also made several references to Blast and asserting his innocence, using both the female pseudonym and his birth name, Luis Morales.
The account also threatened Slatz, and claimed to have her home address. Within 24 hours, it began cycling through impersonating other female contributors and supporters of Reduxx, using their names and profile photos to post disturbing content. 
Shortly after, @Code4300 was linked to an Instagram account similarly utilizing the ‘4300’ moniker — one which was quickly discovered to belong to Synthia China Blast.
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On Instagram, Blast posted about being in a women’s shelter in 2020, which would have been shortly after he was paroled. Around that same time, he advertised a bed available in his apartment for rent, requesting only “men into trans women or women into trans women” apply.
While using the @Code4300 moniker on Twitter, Blast had engaged in repeated calls for violence against women, and in particular women who are critical of the notion that men can become women. 
“TERFs are not only anti-trans they are also anti-men. We must eradicate them before their diseases spread to our young children,” read the account’s description, which has since been changed, along with the username and profile photo. 
Since being exposed as running the account on Twitter, Blast has continued to assert his innocence of the crimes he was convicted of — a trend that follows his previous claims to media that he was wrongfully accused. 
In addition to calling for violence against women, the author made statements suggesting he believes that trans-identifying males are superior to women.
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Prior to engaging in the targeted harassment of Reduxxstaff and women associated with the publication, @Code4300 claimed to be in favor of “abolishing prisons,” and celebrated both the shooting of a police officer and the stabbing of a Corrections Officer at Rikers Island.
In the following days, a second Twitter account claiming to be Blast was created using the name HuntingTERFs.
“For the record, my name is Synthia China Blast and I was wrongfully convicted of murder,” reads one post from November 10.
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The second account also boasted that another convictionwould see Blast placed in a women’s prison. “If I’m ever again arrested, I go with the females now. No more men’s prison for me,” @KillingTime1235 wrote.
The account appears primarily dedicated to posting screenshots of female-committed crimes, with the intention of proving that “cis women are extremely violent and dangerous.”
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In 2014, prominent transgender actor Laverne Cox appeared in a now-deleted promotional video produced by a trans activist prison reform lobbying organization, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP). 
In the video, Cox stated his support for the SRLP and the organization’s Prisoner Advisory Committee (PAC). He then read a letter from Blast which appealed to viewers’ sympathies and described his situation while incarcerated as a “denial of basic human rights.”
Cox later distanced himself from Blast after learning more details about the crimes he was convicted for.
In 2019, one year after Blast was first paroled, he appeared in a video posted to the SRLP’s official Facebook page, and was described as a Political Action Committee member and intern.
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I came from being in a jail cell to learning about SRLP and its mission, who Sylvia Rivera, as a person, actually was, and … about Marsha P. Johnson, and I was definitely hooked into this movement,” Blast said.
“We all have a voice. And we live in a time, today, where that voice is finally being heard. We haven’t reached that milestone yet. We are all screaming together, and now they are finally listening,” Blast says, then promoting the SRLP as a center which can help transgender people change their names and legal identity. 
“Whenever I find a transgender person, I ask them: Do you know about the Sylvia Rivera Law Project?”
Reduxx previously revealed another trans-identifying male convict who was specifically selected by the SRLP to participate in trans advocacy and prison reform campaigning. Xena Grandichelli, born Jeffrey Willsea, is a convicted child sex offender who has performed community outreach services for the SRLP. In 1994, Grandichelli pleaded guilty to 11 counts of sexual abuse involving a 3 year-old girl.
Grandichelli partnered with the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) and was designated as a Movement Building Teammember. In a 2015 letter posted to the SRLP website, Grandichelli described how team members from the organization actively worked to recruit him while he was still incarcerated for sexually abusing a child.
Despite providing advocacy for convicted child abusers, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project receives the financial support of several notable institutions and figures, including the Stonewall Community Foundation and the trans-identifying medical and pharmaceutical millionaire Martine Rothblatt. 
Blast is not the only trans-identified murderer who has been utilizing social media to threaten women critical of gender ideology. 
In 2021, it was discovered that Swedish murdererMagdala Johansson had been targeting Twitter accounts who had posted details about his grisly crime.
Johansson, born Kristoffer, was convicted in 2013 of the brutal murder of his ex-girlfriend, 20-year-old Vatchareeya Bangsuan. Johansson stabbed Bangsuan to death before dismembering her and scattering her body parts in a nearby forested area. Some sources have also reported that Johansson masturbated over Bangsuan’s mutilated corpse, spreading his semen on her body parts.
Johansson was ultimately sentenced to 14 years, which was overturned on appeal to 10. He served just 6 years before being released in 2020.
Much like Blast, on Twitter and Instagram, Johansson called himself a “TERF Hunter,” and made misogynistic posts about women critical of gender ideology, sometimes while showing off his gun collection.
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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radfemie · 2 years
Think this one speaks for itself, the misogyny is unmatched and of course it going to be posted by a male.
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hadesoftheladies · 5 months
Spot the Difference: Transwoman vs Cis man (Bear Edition)
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Trans male
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Cis male
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The reason why many people view men wearing women's clothes as perverse or weird or wrong is misogyny, btw.
They think that it's unnatural for a man to give up the privilege of presenting as masculine because on some level, consciously or otherwise, they think femininity is inferior. They think it is 'normal' for a woman to wear pants because there are advantages to wearing pants, and the historical association with masculinity is a positive. They think it is 'abnormal' for a man to wear skirts and dresses because they think the historical association (in Western culture) with femininity is a negative. Muting this and never checking the notes but I think some people need to realize where their bias comes from.
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vegfam · 2 years
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got told to go back to the kitchen to make a sandwich, told to kill myself, told women are not oppressed, then got blocked
@jack-the-possum-boy being a misogynist doesn't make your male roleplay more believable
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caracoloco · 7 months
it's really frustrating to see gay/trans people on this site completely fail to understand the concept of transmisogyny
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 2 months
Transandrophobia is such a ridiculous word, like, transmisogyny is about the overlap of transphobia and misogyny and how that makes transwomen particularly vulnerable. But there isn't any 'androphobia,' that's not a systemic force, and you can't draw a circle around the overlap there. That's just doing transphobia to a transman, it's not the same.
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trans activists on this platform have like the same ten talking points
we (whoever we is, certainly not us centric) have gay rights because a transwoman threw the first brick at stonewall (not even true)
that analogy about how transphobes see a tree and a chair made of wood and say its the same when its clearly not which means trans real and valid
some animals can change sex which somehow means humans can too
woke non-western cultures with nonbinary and trans gender identities (which usually turn out to be just a result of homophobia and/or misogyny)
transwomen are women, transmen are men (why cant they be acknowledged as their own thing? nobody knows)
„terfs“ are truly misogynistic because they reduce women to our genitals/ability to birth children or because they point out differences between the sexes or want women only leagues or whatever the fuck
„terfs“ are fascist because they uphold nazi gender ideology because nazis burned books by a jewish gay man
something about bodily autonomy that is not actually about bodily autonomy because its someone else doing something to you (prostitution, surgeries, etc)
nothing anybody does is anybodys business because apparently despite popular belief we do NOT live in a society
ooga booga wah wah
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f1minist · 6 months
Feminist Youtube Videos for Every Topic
A collection of feminist content, organized topically for ease.
on separatism and heterosexuality
why separatism is good
we're gonna die sometime. might as well be separatists.
stop choosing patriarchy
separatism is a choice
biggest impact, but most won't do it
on vetting men
the benefits of separatism are endless
men cannot be rehabbed
of course the slave is full of rage for her slave master
Lesbian Stuff:
who can use the word 'lesbian'?
on defending gay rights and spaces
what are lesbians supposed to do about het women?
gender critical lesbophobia
the constant rage for gold star lesbians
Political Lesbian Critique:
a simple breakdown of political lesbians
political lesbians... are you ok?
political 'lesbians' are not actually lesbians
i didn't 'come to lesbianism'. i was always here.
homosexuality is not a choice
for those who confuse polilez vs febfem
Comp Het Critique:
comp het isn't a thing
lesbihonest-art (RIP) on comp het
on lesbian experience, by @sunlight-beauty
on comp het, by @rakastiikeri
sespursongles (RIP) on comp het
Preferred Pronouns:
on 'cis' and other language
pronouns are rohypnol
preferred pronouns? no.
what are your pronouns?
Anti Make-Up / Beauty / Femininity:
3 years without makeup: 5 benefits i've experienced
sephora girls: why are ten year olds wearing make-up?
marked women
makeup isn't empowerment
why i stopped wearing makeup
bimbofication: a dangerously idiotic trend
empowerment? no.
give the middle finger to patiarchy
radfems in eyeliner
makeup infinity
on makeup and radical feminism
maintaining the status quo hurts all women
the audacity of the bare-faced woman
critiquing is not shaming
why do women do beauty?
choice feminism is a lie
actually gender critical
Anti Surogacy / Natalism / Procretion:
about mothers
forced pregnancy is involuntary servitude
egg "donation" is exploitation
on sperm giveaways
motherhood is not untouchable
homosexuality does not include reproduction
why i don't want kids
why i'm childfree
on procreation and patriarchy
Porn / Sex Work Commentary:
instagram vs porn
'sex-positive feminism' benefits men (and hurts women)
the influence of porn on the trans trend
on 'sex work'
speaking out on prostitution
'sex work is work'? no, not really.
let's stop acting like 'sex work' is empowering
is porn 'for women' okay?
porn is apocalyptical
'ethical porn' cannot exist
stop glamourizing 'sex work'
porn is the pinnacle of evil
is r/antiwork pro exploitation?
Trans Critical:
mainstream, revisionist, queer nonsense
why transwomen don't have 'female brains', from @ilistened2transwomen
why the hate?
why i decided to stop using the term 'transwoman'
on trans rights activists
TRAs loooove white men
the untouchable male creep - AGPs on parade, from @ilistened2transwomen
'intersectional' does not mean 'trans inclusive'
non-binary is deeply rooted in misogyny
25 questions for trans activists
women's sports are not a dumping ground for mediocre men
on "identifying as" women
stacia samaya on 'non-binary'
why sex is binary
trans rights, or trans privileges?
always chasing the dragon
27 ways in which trans activism is harmful
the actual human rights law
on 'trans women are women'
is transitioning ever 'the best' option?
autogynephilia - a brief overview
the rise of the heterosexual queer
phobia indoctrination
transing away the gay
5 tips for talking gender critical, by @runawaysiren940
the transing of language
autogynephilia, not dysphoria
rainbow-washed progressivism
transwomen are not women
how i became gender critical
autogynephilia explained
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burningtheroots · 1 year
The idea that women deny "transwomen" their womanhood is ridiculous, and also proves our point further.
You can‘t deny someone something that is innate to them. When you‘re actually a woman — female —, you don’t need anyone else‘s validation or approval. People may treat you better or worse based on the stereotypes and misogyny they believe in, but your womanhood remains innate & independent. Your womanhood is simply you being an adult female human being. Womanhood isn‘t something you "achieve", and it certainly isn’t a choice, or a "gender" (—> social construct).
"Transwomen" aren’t denied womanhood by anyone — they‘ve been denied womanhood in the moment they were conceived. As male.
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pillarsalt · 7 months
hi um
I was? transmasc but recently I’ve been seeing a lot of really misogynistic sexist transphobic stuff from trans community and it’s just been totally accepted, even by other transmascs. It’s been going on for a while but recently there was a murder of a nonbinary afab person and yet the whole trans community here has been silent, instead screaming about a transfem user being banned or something? This isn’t the first time an afab trans persons suffering has been dismissed, but now right after this awful death, i see transfems making posts about how transmascs talking about their oppression are terfs.
I didn’t want to think about it but all i could think about was that it was weird how despite everyone claiming trans men have all this privilege, trans women always come first…they get the most representation, they get the fame the admiration and the opportunities, their voices are always the loudest and their problems always always come first no matter what.
But despite popular belief trans men’s issues aren’t actually less significant, in some cases we suffer far more than trans women especially in regard to sexual violence. Yet we are silenced. We are frequently left poor, we are discriminated against for our sex we are discriminated against for being trans we are discriminated against for being perceived as lesbians. Yet we are made to be silent?
Why are our voices less important than trans women’s?
And all I could think about was that this is how females are treated in every other area.
I don’t know what else to say… I tried so hard not to reach that conclusion because I don’t want to be transmysogynist but I kept coming back to it and I couldn’t find an argument against it. This is how females are treated. This is what male privilege look like. And if trans women have male privilege, then why the fuck am I sitting here letting them talk over me?
I just feel really really angry. Your a blog who I liked your art but I blocked you when I discovered you were a radfem, but I sort of had you in the back of my mind for some reason and now I feel lost and confused, and I don’t think I want to be part of the trans community anymore.
Hey anon, firstly I really appreciate your willingness to have an open discussion with me. This must be weighing on you pretty heavily.
Secondly, holy shit, you're right. While the entire website is treating this user's ban as a national travesty, I haven't seen a single person talking about Nex's murder despite how much they claim to care about trans people. That's really fucking low, and this situation does very much encapsulate the state of misogyny within the trans community.
And you're right, this IS how females are treated in every other area. Throughout history, the suffering and injustice women face is minimized, laughed at, ignored, and when we want to talk about it, we're shut down and told we're making people uncomfortable and our pain isn't that bad. And here we are again, with a female person's death outweighed by a male person's inconvenience.
The denial of sex-based oppression that permeates trans spaces is a blatant lie that can only be held together if nobody is allowed to acknowledge it, and those who do are punished. If the trans community truly stood behind what they say, discussion would be encouraged! The foundation of their movement would be backed up with facts and replicable science! But instead, they'll call you a bigot for pointing out systems of oppression you can see with your own eyes. Because if you do, transwomen's position as Most Oppressed, and therefore the final authority on what's right and wrong, collapses. You are correct when you say that it seems like transwomen always come first; I don't remember who said it first, but just look at magazine covers featuring trans people -- the transwomen are fully clothed CEOs, athletes, movie stars, but transmen mostly get on magazine covers for... being pregnant and half naked. Misogyny is built into every society on earth, and individuals simply calling themselves something else doesn't change that. And when you give male people free reign to be as misogynistic as they want without consequence, they'll grab that opportunity and hold on like their lives depend on it. The way they weaponize transmen's sex against them is indistinguishable from what 'cis' men do to 'cis' women, but if you ever speak out about it, somehow YOU'RE the one hurting THEM. They do not want transmascs to find solidarity with other female people, because then they would have to face the reality of their own place in a patriarchal world, and face the fact that there are experiences exclusive to female people and that we have the right to speak about it. I mean you see shit like this and the motives become completely transparent:
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I do find it funny how hard the trans community and their allies work to prevent anyone from hearing what radfems have to say in case they "corrupt" you with mere words. A lot of the time, it's simply listening to transwomen themselves that sparks the feeling of "something's not right here" in your brain. That's what happened with me too. I'll tell you that most of us also used to be proponents of trans activism, many formerly identifying as trans too. You are seeing through manipulation, and I know it's quite shocking to realize. Even when I first started having doubts about trans rhetoric, I thought "well everyone else agrees about this, so I need to shut up and be nice about it even if I don't agree." It's an unpleasant place to be in. The cognitive dissonance is exhausting though, and it becomes impossible to ignore.
The mistreatment of transmasc people in the trans community by transfems is brutal, and It's hard to watch from the outside because I just want to say "Hey, you know you don't have to take this shit, right?" And you really don't. You are not at all a bad person for recognizing the frankly absurd amount of misogyny in the trans community. Feeling lost and confused is shitty, but it's normal for this situation. The best thing you can do is keep observing, keep reading, form your own opinions, and never let anyone tell you to shut up. Above all, prioritize yourself and your mental wellbeing. If you need to remove yourself from gender-related spaces and discussion for a while, that's totally alright. Just know you're not evil or a bigot for not blindly agreeing with everything the trans community has told you. Your opinions and experiences are worthwhile too.
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butch-reidentified · 7 months
misogyny is the least serious oppression, ppl are saying
yet misogyny is the ONLY form of oppression for which we have invented words when it intersects with other forms: misogynoir, lesbophobia, even what was intended with "transmisogyny," misguided though I believe it to be (the people enacting it don't hate transwomen as misogyny, but as products of homophobia, hatred of gender nonconformity, etc). no one has created a word for the intersection of, say, ableism and homophobia, as far as I'm aware. but misogyny and homophobia? lesbophobia. misogyny and antiblack racism? misogynoir.
if it's barely a real thing, and we don't really need feminism anymore, why do these words exist? and why are they so recent in their creation?
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redditreceipts · 1 year
Random thought but have you ever noticed that breadtube is...misogynistic? Idk, as someone who used to watch a lot of breadtube (still a leftist, but as I've learned more about leftist politics and movements I find that breadtube often lacks substance - just seems like a lot of rambling without critical thinking/analysis).
Like, I can't help but notice that the lot of them shy away from topics around sex based oppression, male/female socialization, sexploitation etc (and if they're not ignoring it, they're saying that none of it is real and that those are just conservative talking points).
Idk. I just feel like a lot of people would rather watch transwomen talk about how important feminist works are actually bigoted to justify violent, misogynistic feelings toward radical feminists who discuss these things. It feels like they want to intellectualize misogyny and uphold a strawman of radical feminism so that they can validate telling women to shut the fuck up about our oppression. Am I making sense?
yes, you're totally making sense, and I decided to look into that. so I made an Excel list with the most prominent Bread Tubers, the number of their subscribers, their biological sexes and their gender identities:
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if you just look at gender identity, the subscribers seem to be quite evenly distributed between men, women and non-binary people:
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looks kinda fair, right?
but if we look into biological sex...
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it's suddenly clear that biological males gather about 77 percent of the total subscribers, while biological females gather only about 24 percent.
doesn't seem that fair anymore, right?
but it gets even worse when you take into account the male's gender identities...
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there are more subscribers to biological males with female or non-binary gender identities than subscribers to biological females???
I guess there is your answer on why bread tube does not cover issues of sexism and sex-based oppression.
...and that is why an analysis based on biological sex is important and trying to erase it will let us believe that we are closer to equality between the sexes than we actually are
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sunlitmcgee · 6 months
being transmasc on tumblr rn rlly does suck because I'll experience some form or another of misogyny at work and maybe come on here to vent and bitch and people will either jump to say "See? They don't hate you for being a Man, it's because you're a woman to them!" either that or they'll spin it as me somehow speaking over transwomen meanwhile there's also terfs that'll crawl outta the woodworks to latch onto the post like a swarm of flies and all the while I just sit here unable to even start t or anything because the government of my state sees me as a fertile future mother who shouldn't be allowed to spoil my womb
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