#Tree roots naturally seek out water sources
emergencyplumbingil · 4 months
The Hidden Threat of Overgrown Tree Roots.
Prevent Main Line Blockages:
The Importance of Annual Line Cleanup for Homes with Mature Trees
Learn how to prevent main line blockages and sewer pipe breakages caused by overgrown tree roots with our guide to preventative annual line cleanups.
Homeowners with mature trees beautifying their yards often overlook a hidden menace lurking beneath the ground: overgrown roots that can cause serious damage to sewer pipes, leading to main line blockages. If you've experienced slow drains or backups, it might be time to consider preventative measures. In this post, we'll explore why an annual line cleanup is not just a recommendation but a necessity for maintaining your plumbing system's health.
The Hidden Threat of Overgrown Tree Roots
Tree roots naturally seek out water sources, and unfortunately, sewer pipes offer exactly what they're looking for. Over time, tiny roots can infiltrate sewer lines, growing and expanding to cause blockages or even breakages. These issues can escalate into emergency plumbing situations, requiring immediate and often costly repairs.
When it comes to maintaining your sewer lines, selecting a reputable and experienced Emergency Plumbing service is crucial.
Remember, the key to a healthy plumbing system is regular maintenance and prompt action at the first sign of trouble.
Contact Emergency Plumbing today to schedule your annual sewer line cleanup and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained plumbing system.
Phone 224-754-1984
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penname-artist · 2 years
It’s kind of hard to find any good source materials that I can pluck from in regards to discussing the “yays and nays” of writing convincing PTSD, but I’m gonna take the knowledge I do have - both from my experiences and from everything I’ve picked up and learned around that - and just leave a few key points lying around like crumbs for y’all. Mostly made with writing trauma in mind:
-Though there are exceptions, for the most part, your sex and horomones may determine how you respond to stress and trauma. Higher testosterone makes it much more likely to react to trauma in a more “stereotypical” way, fighting back with aggression, deflecting, sometimes turning to addictions as means of an escape. Some of that comes from toxic masculinity, but some of it is just from having less natural emotional depth or a harder time venturing that emotional depth. (In summary: men put off therapy. A lot.)
-Meanwhile, more estrogen-based people will more often feel the emotional wringing of depression or fear, and actually become more vulnerable to getting in toxic situations. When you’re at a low point, it may be difficult to make clearer judgements, and seeking comfort for the sake of comfort might end up taking a toll like any other negative outlets. (Again with “there are exceptions” because not everybody responds in these ways, there’s definitely a uniqueness to the brain’s stress responses)
-For ye writing people, here’s some ideas on not-so-good outlets one might turn to when facing trauma: alcoholism, painkillers and substance abuse, anger outbursts (towards people or things equally), emotional outbursts, self-isolation (can be anything from leaving a virtual chat to locking ones self in a bathroom - both of which I have done, *ahem*), self-harm (note that this also includes restricting yourself from things such as food, water, communication, sleep, etc), co-dependency (ie looking for whoever will pay attention to them regardless of what that might do in the long run)
-And here’s some better ones: hobbies, games (particularly ones that require focus), physical exercise, basic self-care (look we all should be taking care of ourselves anyways but lots of us just don’t so doing that actually really fucking helps. Dude sometimes a long hot bath and Epsom salt can just make me not want to unexist), m e d i c a t i o n,  t h e r a p y, positive social groups or support groups (not specifically a therapy support group, but any group that is supportive towards healing from things like PTSD), meditation- and/or just sitting with your fucking feelings and acknowledging it’s a THING
-PTSD is oftentimes this tree that grows from a root problem (this can be something like family trauma, war, assault, abuse, emotional neglect, loss, literally any situation which made the person feel helpless, physically OR emotionally) and that tree branches into various symptoms and side effects. Some of these are bigger and broader terms, like depression (feeling hopeless about ones self and life, often becoming so emotionally overrun that you’re just numb and don’t care anymore) or anxiety (sometimes social, sometimes situational, or both, or all)
-In other ways, side effects are very specific things that comes from the same source. These can (but do NOT always) include: nightmares, flashbacks, bodily tremors, tics, headaches, bowel issues, heart palpitations, and a broad category called psychosis (a big fancy word that means you sense something that is not actually there)
-On that psychosis thing, because lo and behold I fucking have that problem, it’s usually not as “real” as it’s made out to be. Even we question ourselves for the realness of it, which if anything kinda adds to the fear because sometimes you really don’t know. Anyways you can experience psychosis in a lot of ways, from hearing things to seeing types of hallucinations, to believing in the higher meaning of things around you and having types of delusions (I struggle with those the most). It can also vary in frequency. Some people see shadowy figures all the time at night. Some people hear stuff only once every blue moon. Often, they come in episodes that only last for a short period of time (hours to days)
-Another vague category is dissociation, a feeling of “spacing out” that might be kinda frequent and kinda freaky. People can dissociate in different ways so it’s a little harder to pinpoint how to feel, but to an outsider it really just looks like your brain did an Error 404 on you. Some people feel paralyzed and cannot move. Some people feel out of their own bodies. And some feel like the world around them doesn’t really exist. Whatever the case, this is closely tied to the flashbacks thing and it can really take you outside of the present moment. It’s easy to get lost.
-Trauma does not have to be around 100% of the time. Sometimes people can heal from trauma and almost function like normal again. But it may still always exist, and while manageable, some things like triggers (I want to cover those but I don’t have the time at the moment to) will still be hard to deal with and take time and gentleness to get through. Some people can overcome PTSD in months to years. Others overcome it in decades. Some never overcome it, but it gets manageable with time and taking the efforts to process and heal.
Okay that’s all I got time for this morning :’)
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maelstrom-of-emotions · 9 months
SasuNaru snippet.
For @atqh16, whose ideas are sparking way too many dynamites in my brain. For god's sake, why is it that when I'm at my most busy that's when ideas decide to hit? I've got so many W.I.P's I have to complete, but, oh well—
The scars whispered secrets of a garden haunted by stolen blooms.
From the crevices and chasms of his weary form, delicate tendrils of life erupted, unfurling like pale specters in the moon's ethereal glow. It was a ghastly ballet of nature's triumph over human frailty, a testament to resilience carved in flesh and bone.
From the deep, jagged scars that marred his skin, blossoms of sorrow and hope arose, their petals kissed by a pale luminescence that cast long, ghostly shadows. Their roots snaked through the fissures, entwining with the sinews of his being.
Each bloom held the weight of his untold stories, the fragrance of his silent suffering mingling with the night air. They whispered secrets carried by the wind, secrets of a soul adrift in the boundless sea of existence. And yet, they yearned for solace, for the gentle touch of understanding hands.
Those hands were brushed aside, shoved aside for calloused hands and indifferent hearts. Hands that came to teal away these fragile blossoms, ignorant of the pain that bled with each pluck. They took, as if entitled, heedless of the toll it exacted on Naruto's garden of scars.
Petals fell, like mournful tears, leaving behind a desolation that echoed in the hollow chambers of his heart. The once vibrant blooms now lay strewn, reflecting the erosion of his spirit. And still, the insatiable hands reached out, tearing at the remaining vestiges of his fragile sanctuary.
As the moon waxed and waned, so did the garden of Naruto's heart. What was once a testament to the indomitable spirit, now bore the wounds of a thousand thefts. Each stolen blossom left behind a void, an emptiness that resonated through the very core of his being.
For all that the sunlight dappled through verdant leaves, there was no warmth to be found in Konoha.
No warmth for Naruto who had been drowned in the cold and cruel waters of solitude. From the first rays of dawn, he was taught to bear the weight of his trials, to swallow his problems like bitter pills.
(Jiji's weary voice weaves a lament, 'What doesn't kill you births strength,' he murmurs, a symphony of sorrow in his timeworn tones.
Younger Naruto, the one that had been a mere sapling had nodded, eyes wide and yearning, desperately trying to find some source of warmth.
But after years of fighting off the shadows that have embraced his soul, a scream threatens to tear itself out of his chest. ‘I don't crave for strength,’  his words come out as a hoarse whisper, merging with the ephemeral winds. ‘Love's embrace, safety's sanctuary, and happiness' tender kiss – these are the blooms I seek.’
But what does it matter now, when the recipient of those words has long turned to dust?)
A tempest, raging silently within the confines of his being, whipped by memories that howled like winds through the gnarled branches of ancient trees. His heart, a mosaic of shattered dreams and thwarted hopes, was guarded by a ribcage of iron.
The sunken path he treads upon was strewn with the fragments of a thousand battles fought, both within and without. Each step echoed with the resonance of whispered promises and stifled cries. His spirit, forged in the crucible of adversity, bore the scars of unspoken pains etched deep into his very core.
He found no guidance on how to mend the breach, how to stitch together the torn fibers of his soul. The echoes of his struggles reverberated through his chest, a relentless drumbeat that pulsed with the rhythm of a heart yearning for release.
His voice, once vibrant as a chorus of songbirds heralding the dawn, had become a hushed murmur, choked by the weight of unspoken burdens. The river of words that once flowed freely, now dammed by the wreckage of unvoiced confessions. His throat, the conduit of his soul's symphony, lay barren and desolate.
In the quiet moments, when the village slumbered and the moon cast its silvery veil, Naruto would sit beneath the canopy of stars, seeking solace in their distant glow. His breath, a fragile whisper in the vast expanse, carried the weight of untold stories and stifled cries. The moon, a silent witness to his struggles, bathed him in its ethereal light, as if offering a balm for his wounded spirit.
The heavens wept for him, their tears mingling with the rain that kissed his cheeks, as if mourning the silent suffering of a soul bound by its own silence.
He was far too tired now to find the strength to retrace the stitches of his heart, to sew his throat back together, and reclaim the voice that had been lost to the winds of misfortune.
The hands that cradle his face are gentle, as if woven from the finest threads of moonlight. Their touch, a balm to wounds unseen, carries the solace of forgotten lullabies, each finger a whispered promise of respite.
Warmth, like a slow, ethereal river, seeps into his skin, a golden current burrowing its way into the very marrow of his bones. It pulses, a steady rhythm of comfort, casting away the shadows that had taken refuge within his soul.
‘Come on, usuratonakachi.’
The voice that reaches his ears is soft as if made from the very material clouds are made of. It swirls around him, a delicate mist of wisdom and weariness, carrying the weight of centuries in its ethereal notes. It is a voice that has weathered storms and witnessed the rise and fall of empires, yet still carries the tender cadence of compassion.
In the hushed stillness, Naruto finds himself drawn to the presence before him. Sasuke stands like a sentinel in the fading light, his form bathed in a halo of moonbeams. His eyes, deep wells of understanding, hold the secrets of a thousand lifetimes, and yet, they shimmer with a melancholic gentleness.
‘Let's go home.’
As the words hang in the air, they linger, like a whispering breeze through forgotten ruins, carrying with them the weight of unspoken truths.
(A fragile bloom grows amidst the thorns of his existence.)
Maybe, Naruto wonders, just maybe, they are, perhaps, the flowers that can grow even in the cracks and scars of his wounded heart, awaiting only the touch of tenderness to awaken them from their slumber.
(Love, pursuit, and happiness need not be distant stars in a darkened sky.)
Inspired by the Hanahaki disease.
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highlandplumbing15 · 25 days
Understanding Sewer Blockage in Northcote: Tips from Highland Plumbing
Sewer blockage in Northcote is a common issue that many homeowners face, and it can lead to significant inconvenience and costly repairs if not addressed promptly. At Highland Plumbing, we specialize in diagnosing and resolving sewer blockages efficiently and effectively. In this blog post, we’ll share insights into the causes of sewer blockages and how you can prevent them.
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Common Causes of Sewer Blockage
Tree Roots: One of the most common culprits behind sewer blockages in Northcote is tree roots. Trees naturally seek out water sources, and your sewer pipes can be an attractive target. Over time, roots can infiltrate the pipes, causing blockages and even pipe damage.
Grease and Fat Build-Up: Pouring grease and fats down the drain might seem harmless, but they can solidify in your pipes, leading to significant blockages. It’s important to dispose of these substances properly to maintain a clear sewer system.
Foreign Objects: Items such as sanitary products, wipes, and other non-flushable materials can easily cause blockages. Only flush toilet paper and human waste to avoid these issues.
Aging Pipes: Older sewer systems can deteriorate over time, leading to cracks, collapses, and blockages. Regular inspections and maintenance are crucial for preventing such problems.
How Highland Plumbing Can Help
At Highland Plumbing, we offer comprehensive services to tackle sewer blockage in Northcote. Here’s how we can assist:
Expert Diagnosis: Our experienced plumbers use advanced diagnostic tools, such as CCTV drain cameras, to identify the exact location and cause of the blockage.
Efficient Clearing: We utilize high-pressure water jetting and other effective methods to clear blockages quickly and thoroughly.
Preventative Maintenance: To help you avoid future blockages, we provide maintenance services and advice on best practices for keeping your sewer system in top condition.
Preventing Sewer Blockages
Preventative measures can save you time, money, and stress. Here are some tips from Highland Plumbing:
Regular Inspections: Schedule annual inspections with our team to catch potential issues before they become major problems.
Proper Disposal: Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items and dispose of grease and fats in the trash instead of down the drain.
Tree Management: If you have large trees near your sewer lines, consider regular root inspections and maintenance to prevent intrusion.
Contact Highland Plumbing for Reliable Sewer Services
If you’re experiencing a sewer blockage in Northcote, don’t wait for the problem to escalate. Contact Highland Plumbing today for fast, reliable service. Our team of skilled plumbers is ready to restore your sewer system to proper working order.
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pennyappealca · 4 months
The Power of Sadaqah: Transforming Lives with Penny Appeal
In a world that often feels divided and uncertain, there is a timeless act of kindness that bridges communities, uplifts spirits, and brings hope to those in need: Sadaqah. Through the generosity of individuals like you, organizations such as Penny Appeal are able to carry out vital initiatives, providing essential support and resources to vulnerable communities around the world. Join us as we delve into the transformative impact of Sadaqah, exploring how your donations through Penny Appeal are making a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals.
Understanding Sadaqah
Sadaqah, derived from the Arabic root word meaning "truth" or "sincerity," refers to voluntary acts of charity performed with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah and helping those in need. It encompasses a wide range of charitable deeds, including donating money, food, clothing, or even offering a kind word or gesture to someone in distress. Sadaqah is not only a means of providing tangible assistance to those facing hardship but also serves as a spiritual act of worship, fostering empathy, compassion, and solidarity within communities.
The Mission of Penny Appeal
At Penny Appeal, our mission is rooted in the principles of compassion, justice, and empowerment. We believe in the transformative power of small acts of kindness and the profound impact they can have on individuals and communities. Through our diverse range of programs and initiatives, we strive to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity, including poverty, hunger, lack of access to education and healthcare, and humanitarian crises.
Sadaqah Donation Online: How You Can Make a Difference
One of the simplest and most effective ways to contribute to the work of Penny Appeal is through online Sadaqah donations. With just a few clicks, you can support our various projects and campaigns, empowering us to reach more people in need and enact positive change. Whether you choose to donate a single penny or a larger sum, every contribution matters and has the potential to transform lives.
Sadaqah Penny Appeal: Amplifying Your Impact
When you donate to Penny Appeal, you can trust that your Sadaqah is being used efficiently and effectively to maximize its impact. Our transparent approach to fundraising and project management ensures that your donations are directed towards initiatives that deliver tangible results and create long-term sustainable change. From providing emergency relief to communities affected by natural disasters to implementing long-term development projects that promote education, healthcare, and economic empowerment, your support enables us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.
Sadaqah Food Charity: Nourishing Bodies and Souls
In addition to addressing immediate needs such as food insecurity, Penny Appeal's Sadaqah food charity initiatives aim to foster self-reliance and resilience within communities. Through programs such as food distribution, community kitchens, and agricultural projects, we not only provide nourishment to those in need but also empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future for themselves and their families.
Sadaqah Jariyah: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
One of the most beautiful aspects of Sadaqah is its potential to become an ongoing source of blessings and rewards. Sadaqah Jariyah, or continuous charity, refers to acts of giving that continue to benefit others long after the initial donation has been made. Whether it's supporting education and skills training programs, building wells and water infrastructure, or planting trees and green spaces, your Sadaqah Jariyah contributions have the power to leave a lasting legacy, providing ongoing benefits to future generations.
Join Us in Spreading Hope and Compassion
As we reflect on the transformative power of Sadaqah and the incredible impact it has on the lives of individuals and communities around the world, we invite you to join us in spreading hope, compassion, and solidarity. Whether through online donations, volunteering your time and skills, or simply raising awareness about the importance of charitable giving, each one of us has the power to make a positive difference in the world. Together, let us embody the spirit of Sadaqah and work towards a future where no one is left behind, and all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and flourish.
In conclusion, Sadaqah is not just about giving; it's about building connections, fostering empathy, and creating a more compassionate and equitable world for all. Through your support and generosity, Penny Appeal continues to uphold the values of Sadaqah, transforming lives and spreading hope to those who need it most. Thank you for being a part of this journey towards positive change. Together, we can make a difference that lasts a lifetime and beyond.
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rk099 · 6 months
Nature's Serenity: Moments of Calm in the Great Outdoors
Introduction: In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, finding moments of calm and serenity has become a precious pursuit. Amid the chaos, nature stands as a steadfast refuge, offering tranquility that rejuvenates the soul. This blog explores the enchanting moments of calm one can experience in the great outdoors, where nature's serenity becomes a timeless embrace.
Morning Hush: As the first light of dawn breaks, nature unveils its serene side. The morning hush in the great outdoors is a symphony of rustling leaves, gentle breezes, and the awakening songs of birds. The world is painted in soft hues, and the tranquility of the moment is a reminder of the beauty that exists beyond the rush of everyday life.
Forest Bathing: Delve into the heart of the forest, where the air is rich with the earthy scent of moss and trees. Forest bathing, a practice rooted in Japanese tradition, involves immersing oneself in the sights and sounds of the woodland. As sunlight filters through the leaves and birdsong creates a melodic backdrop, a profound sense of calm envelops the senses.
Mountain Majesty: Standing atop a mountain peak, surrounded by awe-inspiring vistas, is an experience that evokes both humility and tranquility. The majesty of mountains, with their grandeur and timelessness, offers a perspective that transcends the concerns of our daily lives. The crisp mountain air and panoramic views create a serene haven.
Lakeside Serenity: The stillness of a lakeside retreat is a canvas for moments of quiet contemplation. Whether it's the rhythmic lapping of water against the shore or the reflection of towering trees in the mirror-like surface, being by the water imparts a sense of serenity that is both grounding and elevating.
Sunset Whispers: As the day bids farewell, nature stages its most captivating performance—the sunset. The sky becomes a masterpiece painted in warm hues, casting a serene glow over the landscape. The transition from day to night is accompanied by a peaceful stillness, inviting reflection and gratitude.
Secluded Solitude: Seek out the lesser-explored corners of nature, where solitude reigns. Whether it's a hidden meadow, a quiet beach, or a secluded trail, these untouched pockets of the great outdoors offer a retreat from the noise of the world. Here, the serenity is unspoiled, allowing for a deep connection with nature.
Conclusion: Nature's serenity is a balm for the soul, a source of calm that transcends the chaos of our daily lives. From the tranquil mornings to the majestic mountains, each moment spent in the great outdoors is an opportunity to rediscover peace and balance. In embracing nature's serenity, we not only find solace but also cultivate a profound appreciation for the timeless beauty that surrounds us.
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tolulopekode23 · 8 months
Tracing the Roots of Tila Lake in the UK
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Tila Lake, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of the United Kingdom, is a destination that is as mysterious as enchanting. The lake has long been shrouded in folklore and tales, and its origins are a subject of great intrigue. In this article, we embark on a journey to trace the roots of Tila Lake in the UK, uncovering its rich history, ecological significance, and unique charm.
The Enigmatic Tila Lake
 Roots of Tila Lake is in the UK  tranquil and picturesque corner of the UK, enveloped by lush forests and rolling hills. Its calm waters reflect the beauty of the surrounding landscape, and its shores are home to various wildlife. For years, Tila Lake has been a favorite spot for hikers, nature enthusiasts, and those seeking a serene escape from the bustling city life. We must delve into its origins to truly appreciate this charming body of water.
Historical Records
To understand the origins of Tila Lake, we must rely on historical records, oral traditions, and documented accounts. The region's local history suggests that Tila Lake has been a part of the landscape for centuries. The first references to the lake date back to the early 17th century when it was known as "Tila's Pond." It was a significant water source for the local community and played a vital role in agriculture and everyday life.
Natural Formation
The formation of Tila Lake is a testament to the power of nature. Geological studies indicate that the lake was created during the last Ice Age when glaciers carved out depressions in the landscape. As the glaciers receded, these depressions filled with water, creating the enchanting lake we see today. The lake's unique geological origins make it an important site for geological research and studies.
Biodiversity and Ecological Significance
Tila Lake is a source of natural beauty and a haven for diverse wildlife. The surrounding woodlands and wetlands provide a habitat for numerous species of birds, amphibians, and aquatic life. Birdwatchers flock to the area to spot rare species like kingfishers and herons. This ecological significance has led to the establishment of conservation efforts and protected areas around the lake.
Personal Experiences
As someone who has had the privilege of visiting Tila Lake on multiple occasions, I can attest to the serene and mystical atmosphere that surrounds it. Standing by its crystal-clear waters, gazing at the reflections of the surrounding trees, is truly otherworldly. The lake's serene beauty has drawn me back repeatedly, providing a deep sense of peace and connection with nature.
Present-Day Attractions
Today, Tila Lake has become a popular destination for recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy boating, fishing, hiking, and camping. The lake's clear waters make it a perfect angling spot, attracting novice and experienced fishermen.
Tila Lake's history and beauty make it a place of great importance in the UK. Its roots trace back centuries and continue to play a vital role in the local ecosystem. Whether you are an adventure seeker, a nature lover, or someone searching for tranquility, Tila Lake has something to offer. Its unique origins, rich history, and diverse ecology make it a destination that embodies Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and Experience (E-A-T-E). To experience the allure of Tila Lake is to connect with nature and history in a simply unparalleled way.
As you plan your next trip to the United Kingdom, include Tila Lake on your itinerary. You'll witness its natural beauty and uncover the fascinating stories that have shaped its existence. Discover the roots of Tila Lake, and you'll find yourself drawn to its tranquil shores time and time again, just as I have been.
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repairingangelsworld · 9 months
Radioactive Cocoon
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How is this sculpture important to dark nature
Radioactive Cocoon (2023) is a sculpture in reference to a non-human form growing amongst the troubles of a radioactive environment. My idea originated from the Chernobyl disaster and the way nature and animals thrived amongst the dangers of radiation. From reading deeper into Chernobyl I have come to understand that nature such as the animals and trees living in Chernobyl, have grown to become resilient over time. The resilience of these animals and plants within Chernobyl show that with time, things will adapt and grow differently in the form of a mutation. Mutation can however cause health effects on these animals or plants and this however can be a negative side effect. When an animal reproduces, the DNA they carry holds the mutation gene, which means the mutation gets passed on. But because of the resilience, these animals and plants have of way of still reproducing and finding ways to survive in the depths of a radioactive environment. In Dark Nature (2023) there is hope in the potential of mutations being a positive thing. Although it is known that mutation causes health issues, there could be a chance that it creates change too. For example there could be a deer with gills, so then it can breathe underwater. 
Radioactive Cocoon (2023) grows and forms under a radioactive environment, the areas of repetitive patterns and entangled vines show elements of mutation and the way the non-human grow in a radioactive zone. Mutation isn't always seen as something that looks pretty, but the idea around something being resilient and growing no matter the circumstances is what Dark Nature is about. The cycle of birth and death is shown because nature is always going to thrive and grow. I picture fish levitating and swimming in the sky, tree roots reaching up and soaking up the water from the clouds. All these beautiful moments will happen even when radiation seeks to damage the environment. Nature however will always fight back and adapt to its surroundings. 
I have introduced new materials such as wire to this sculpture because it contrasts well with the soft yarn I have used - it adds a man-made, apocalyptic feeling to the work. There is a push pull effect to this sculpture because it shows both chaos and softness. The chaos starts at the top where there are knitted spikes wrapped around a long vine, then it mellows out into soft yarn but still there are spikes, however they are less sharp. The constant push pull between the dark and the light is evident because Radioactive Cocoon (2023) is a balance between darkness and light. An example would be the mushroom on the reactor in Chernobyl. The mushroom eats the radioactive matter off the radiator which then converts into energy. In return the mushroom is reducing levels of radiation within the environment. Although this may not get rid of the radiation in Chernobyl, this is still a positive result towards the environment recovering from the nuclear power plant malfunction. 
What role does the sculpture play and why is it important that i made this sculpture in particular (what does it symbolise)
The role that this sculpture plays is to show that the non-human will continue to thrive in radioactive environments. It is important to understand this concept because it teaches us the strength and resilience that the non-human form has.  
Is the material I chose important?
The material choice I have chosen is woollen yarn for the majority of the sculpture. It is important that I use wool because it's a natural material grown from sheep and part of my practice is focused on sustainability and sourcing second hand materials to minimise waste. 
What do I want the viewer to feel when they look at my work?
This leaves the viewer questioning where Radioactive Cocoon stands, whether it is just about the darkness of nature because their are elements of brighter colours in this work. To feel somewhat on edge and confused is exactly what mutation is about because there is nothing simple about the way nature grows, let alone bringing in mutation and showing how complex a form can grow into. Mutation can be beautiful even when there are difficulties and complexities involved.
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lindajenni · 10 months
aug 22
prime the pump if you must
"he who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." john 7:38
i know in our modern times most of us are unfamiliar with pumping water and how wells work. you would have to have a little water saved and use it to pour into the pump to "prime" it and then pump like crazy to get the water flowing. if you stopped pumping the water would quit flowing.
that's the standard type of well, the one that needs priming and pumping. there is another kind of well called an artesian well. it is dug deep and locates a source of water surrounded by non-permeable rock. this forces pressure and ensures the water has no where to go but up.
there are too many followers of Christ like that first well. they are pretty shallow, and to get them to serve God, you have to prime the pump and then continue to pump and pump and pump. then there are those who have dug their well deep and tapped into the "river of life." their lives overflow with His fullness.
the surrounding rock - Jesus, will pressure us to keep the "upward flow" continuous, but it will also serve as a protection surrounding us and keep the impurities from seeping in. "beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you." 1 pet 4:12
some want to be served, while those filled with His fullness want to serve. i know many aren't old enough to remember president john f. kennedy who was assassinated, but he was famous for the following statement. "ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country."
our Lord Jesus has already done everything He needed to do for us. now is our time to do what we may for Him and His glory. we can only do that if we have dug deep and tapped into that "river of living waters." only then will it be Christ working in us, constantly flowing in that upward direction.
"God has dealt to each one a measure of faith." rom 12:3 He has given all enough water to prime the pump and get it flowing. we need to keep pumping for it to continue. this is a must for those shallow diggers. then there are those thirsty enough to dig deeper still.
none of us can "work" for our salvation. "it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." eph 2:8-9 the work we do is for His glory and can only be done by getting the "me" out of the way and being willing and obedient.
this is the spending of our talents. this is the harvest our Master is seeking on His return. if we have tapped into the sweet spot, the flow upward will become as natural as breathing. "abide in Me, and I in you. as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." john 15:4 the fruit, the harvest is determined by the root. "even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit" matt 7:17
prime the pump if you must, but keep digging and you will find yourself in that well of fullness. you know what the laws of the universe dictate then - there's no where to go but up. that's exactly where we're headed and there's not a power on earth that can keep us down. even so, make it soon Lord Jesus!
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almostnoisydonut · 11 months
𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓸 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓓𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓶
EXPERTS have advised against certain risky behaviors during a lightning storm
A demonstration of nature's raw power, thunderstorms can be a sight to behold. However, they're also a serious hazard, resulting in hundreds of injuries and scores of death every year. Thankfully, if you know what to never do during a thunderstorm, you can stay safe.
Thunderstorms are most common during the summer months, thanks to high levels of humidity. In fact, 73 percent of lightning deaths occur in June, July, and August. That's because there are three key conditions needed to create a thunderstorm: Excessive moisture in the air, atmospheric instability, and a trigger that gets the atmosphere moving. Taken together, they can be the catalyst for heavy rain, thunder, lightning, high winds, and even hail.
But there are several ways you can prepare for severe thunderstorms. For instance, signing up for emergency alerts from your local government, installing backup batteries in your home, and making a family plan for dangerous weather conditions can all help you in an emergency.
However, there are also quite a few dangerous things you should completely avoid doing during a thunderstorm to maintain safety as you ride out risky weather.
You're likely already aware that water conducts electricity, and that swimming outdoors during a thunderstorm is a dangerous proposition. But far fewer people realize that the water sources in their homes can also pose a risk to their safety.
You should never take a shower or bath, do your dishes, or have any other contact with water in your home during a storm.
"Lightning can travel through a building's plumbing. The risk of lightning traveling through plumbing might be less with plastic pipes than with metal pipes. However, it is best to avoid any contact with plumbing and running water during a lightning storm to reduce your risk of being struck," the health authority writes.
As the saying goes, "When thunder roars, go indoors." It's important to immediately seek shelter in a secure building if you know a thunderstorm is on its way.
It's especially crucial not to stand in elevated or open spaces where your body is the highest point, experts say.
Lightning is attracted to high points, and if you are in a field, empty parking lot, or other wide open space, it may use you as a path to the ground.
Once indoors, stay away from windows, doors, patios, and garages with concrete floors, since concrete can conduct electricity.
While wide open spaces may make you a more likely target for lightning, tree-covered areas pose their own kind of threat.
Trees fall or drop limbs in a storm, which can cause major damage if they land on someone. In fact, sheltering under trees and being struck is the second leading cause of death in a lightning storm.
However, when there are no other options for cover, your best bet is to take shelter under the shortest tree you can find since it is the least likely to be struck by lightning.
Avoid standing on a root, which can conduct electricity, and instead stand on dirt or rock. Keep shoes on, if possible, and crouch low. This reduces you to a smaller, rounder target.
Similar to trees, telephone poles and power lines are two more common high points that can attract lightning.
You don't want to be close when that happens! Downed power lines can create a dangerous area around them, so it's best to stay away entirely.
Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches. Do NOT lie on concrete floors or lean on concrete walls during a thunderstorm. Lightning can travel through any metal wires or bars in concrete walls or flooring.
You can protect yourself from risk even if you are caught outdoors when lightning is close by.
Being indoors does not automatically protect you from lightning. In fact, about one-third of lightning-strike injuries occur indoors.
Lightning strikes may be rare, but they still happen, and the risk of serious injury or death is severe. Take thunderstorms seriously. Learn and follow the above safety rules to keep yourself safe from lightning.
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graciousheaven · 11 months
Life on this earth is fleeting; we pass away like a vapor. As the psalmist said, “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away,” Psalms 90:10. It is beyond dispute that our lifetime is marked by drudgeries and afflictions, and that death awaits every one of us. But the problem is that not everyone understands why. Hence, questions such as: ‘Why does God allow suffering to happen? Why are things not getting better?’, keep coming from the mouths of many.
People are quick to complain when faced with hardships; they become angry with God because they think they deserve better. This bears witness to man’s blindness to the reality of his own condition. For predominantly, people are concerned about health, wealth and prosperity more than anything else, being blinded by the ruler of this world, i.e. Satan. And this blindness leads to the rejection of truth, the only means to have a correct diagnosis of the human condition, the only source of all healing and restoration. Consequently, many people fail to properly assess and understand the human condition; they fail to understand what is going on in this present age. Moreover they are clueless about things that are still to come, i.e. the last events that will mark human existence. And worse still, they forsake the Source of Living Water and the Word of Life, where healing in found, and give themselves up to deceitful spirits, and they feed them with ashes.    
Unless we understand the root of our condition, then recognize our responsibility in that regard, and welcome the only means of healing available, through the acceptance of Truth, we can never get our heads above the water. Rather, we will get drowned and perish in the sea of drudgeries and hardships that overwhelms our existence in this present age, and in the age to come we will be subject to everlasting torment. I am not suggesting that we can completely avoid calamities and difficulties in this life, but rather what I mean by that is this: our understanding of the reason of their existence is helpful. For such understanding enables us to seek healing and restoration, which will be fully experienced only in the life to come.
We live in a sin-filled and cursed world. To understand this, we must go back to the beginning of creation when God created man. God “put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die,” Genesis 2:15-17. But it wasn’t too long before man disobeyed God and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because he desired to be like God. Therefore, curse befell him; God pronounced a damning sentence upon man, saying, “Cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return,” Genesis 3:17-19.
Thus originated our drudgeries and troubles, and death entered the human realm. Someone may say: ‘Adam was the one who disobeyed God in the Garden. Why does the whole human race have to suffer the same fate?’ Because we were all in Adam when he sinned against God, the entire human race fell with him; we are all guilty of the original sin. And because we all inherited the sinful nature of Adam through his blood, we all sin and are all subject to the dreadful consequences of sin. And death, the wages of sin, holds us all captive.  
We all suffer and die because we are all sinners. As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10); we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” v. 23. The sufferings and afflictions and hardships that we experience in this life are consequences of sin. However, the most dreadful thing that befell the entire human race as a result of man’s rebellion against God is his separation from God. For after the fall of man, “God sent him out from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man, and at the east of the Garden of Eden He placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life,” Genesis 3:23-24. ‘Why did God drive man away from His presence?’, someone may ask. Because God is holy and man is unholy. When sin entered the realm of mankind, man became inherently depraved and hostile toward God, and his heart inclined toward the deeds of wickedness. But God takes no pleasure in wickedness; He hates evil and all who do iniquity. Those who do evil cannot dwell in His presence, as Psalms 5:4-6 tells us. To be pleasing to God, to dwell in His presence, we must be holy, for He is holy. Without holiness, as Hebrews 12:14 says, no one can see God.
Thus, depravity led to our alienation from God. And being separated from God, all that awaits us is eternal death, which is but an everlasting and conscious cruciation in the hell of fire. But God does not desire that we should perish. “As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live,” Ezekiel 33:11. The Lord will not destroy the wicked, not even the worst of all, if only they forsake their crooked ways and follow the ways of the Lord, the way of righteousness. “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more,” says the Lord in Hebrews 8:12.
Our iniquities have separated us from God; and our sins have hidden His face from us, says Isaiah 59:2. Therefore, there is a need for every one of us to be reconciled to God, lest we incur eternal torment and the wrath of Almighty God, which is a just retribution for the sins that we have committed. For every evil thought, every evil word that the mouth speaks, every wrong action or failure to do the right thing, is sin against God, a violation of His commandment. However, there is no reconciliation with God unless our sins are forgiven, “and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins,” Hebrews 9:22. But because we are unable to atone for our own sins, God, in His mercy, sent His Son Jesus Christ, that through Him we may obtain forgiveness and peace with God. “For it pleased the Father that in [Christ] all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:19-20).
As already cited, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” But through the vicarious death of His Son on the cross, God decided to reconcile us to Himself. Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior, is “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world,” John 1:29. Apart from Him there is no forgiveness of sin, no hope for reconciliation. There is no peace with God apart from His Son. We can be made right with God only through the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ His Son. The only way to be reconciled to God is through His Son Jesus Christ. Thus it is written: “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved,” Acts 4:12. And without holiness no one can see God.
Christ came into this world, lived the perfect life we could not and cannot live, and bore the wrath of God on our behalf. His blood was shed to propitiate the wrath of God stirred up by our sins, so “that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life,” John 3:16. Everyone who forsakes his evil ways and believes in Christ’s substitutionary death and atoning sacrifice is cleansed by His precious blood and justified before God. To such people Christ imputes His own righteousness and they are treated by God as righteous. And the Holy Spirit baptizes them into the family of God, and seals them into God’s love, from which “neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate [them],” Romans 8:38-39.  
Through Christ the Lord, repentant sinners are made holy and blameless, and they become heirs of God’s eternal Kingdom and are granted life eternal. For the righteousness of Christ, i.e. His thoughts, words, and deeds, which indeed are all righteous because of His sinless nature, are credited to them as well as the heavy price He paid on the cross by becoming our sin-bearer. For “Just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned” Romans 5:12, through the one Man Jesus Christ grace abounds and the free gift of righteousness is given to all who believe (v.17), and they inherit eternal life. “For our sake [God] made [Christ] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God,” 2 Corinthians 5:21.
However to receive this righteousness, which comes from God alone and without which no one can see God, we must turn away from sin and trust in Christ alone (Romans 3:22); “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by faith,” V. 23-25a. So, righteousness is gifted to us graciously by God, and is to be received by faith alone in Christ alone. As it is written, “To the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness,” Romans 4:5. That is to say, no one can be right before God apart from faith in Christ. And this faith, through which we obtain deliverance from sin, death, Satan, the world, judgement and hell, is evidenced by genuine repentance and obedience to God.
There is no forgiveness without genuine repentance, i.e. a humble acknowledgement of one’s sins, sinfulness and unrighteousness, a sincere affirmation of one’s desire to turn away from sin, and a recognition of one’s need of Christ the Saviour and Lord. And this recognition is attested by the confession of Christ as the only Mediator who can reconcile us to God, a confession evidenced by our faith in the person and work Christ, a faith that shows itself in our transformed life. As Paul says in Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
To all those who trust in Christ alone for salvation, forgiveness of sin is granted and life eternal in the glorious presence of God. For “In [Christ] we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace,” Ephesians 1:7. But those who reject Christ remain under divine curse, and death, i.e. hell, is their eternal reward because their sins remain unatoned for. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord,” Romans 6:23. Eternal life is a gift from God. But it can only be obtained through faith in God’s only Son, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,” declares the Lord in John 14:6. Jesus alone can purify sinners with His precious blood, cover their nakedness with His holy garment, revive their dead souls with His Spirit, and usher them into the presence of the holy Lord God Almighty.
Apart from the work and person of Christ, reconciliation with God would not be possible. For there would be no propitiation, thus no forgiveness of sin; there would be no imputed righteousness, thus no justification; and without justification there would be no salvation, no sanctification, and no glorification. Sinners would remain in their defiled and unholy state and would never enter the presence of God. But Christ’s divine power grants “to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,” 2 Peter 1:3. Those who reject Christ turn their backs on the grace and the free gift of righteousness and life that God has graciously made available to all. For such the fire of hell is reserved.
If you are not yet reconciled to God, I encourage you to cling to Christ the Lord and Saviour today, and He will cleanse you of all your sins, clothe you with His own righteousness, and you will be reconciled to God. He is the means by which sins are forgiven, and sinners are made right with God. So repent of your sins today and trust in Christ alone for your salvation, and you will receive the free gift of righteousness and life. Whatever your sins, cling to Him. For, as already stated, the Lord does not desire your perishment, but rather He wants you to turn away from your sins and live. His tender mercies are unsearchable. He came to save those who are burdened by sin, who recognize their sinfulness and their inability to satisfy God's justice, and cry out to Him for help. Thus says the Lord in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
This call is for you today. Do not harden your heart, because tomorrow may be too late. Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.” For the Lord’s patience will not last forever. The day is coming when He will withdraw His hand of mercy and unleash His righteous wrath upon you, if you do not abandon your evil ways and turn to Him now. On that day you will seek His face and shall find Him no more. But salvation is available now for you if you call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and turn to Him in repentance and faith.
Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and man; He is the Lord and Saviour, the Way to eternal life. Rituals cannot make you holy, your religiosity cannot reconcile you to God, your works cannot save you from perishing; they cannot make you right with God. They are nothing but filthy rags in His sight. Righteousness is a gift from God, and can only be obtained through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. That is, it is only by faith in the person and work of Christ that you can be justified before God. As already cited, “To the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness,” Romans 4:5.
So, repent of your sins today, acknowledge your inability to satisfy the justice of God, and trust in Christ the Lord, the Lamb of God who takes away sins and reconciles men to God. And all your sins – past, present, and future – will be forgiven, and you will be numbered among God’s children. Thus, you will no longer be separated from God; you will no longer be His enemy, nor shall any condemnation befall you. For “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,” Romans 8:1. For He bore the sins of all those who would ever believe on Him, and He willingly offered Himself as a propitiation to satisfy the justice of God on their behalf. I plead with you, do not harden your heart. Turn away from your sins and receive life in Christ.
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northshoretreevd · 1 year
12 Ways To Keep Tree Roots From Damaging Your Home
Trees, with their lush foliage and natural beauty, can be a homeowner's pride and joy. They not only add aesthetic value to a property but also offer numerous environmental benefits, such as providing shade, improving air quality, and serving as a habitat for various species. However, beneath the surface, tree roots can also present a significant threat to the structural integrity of your home. If not managed properly by tree loppers Sydney, these roots can wreak havoc on your home's foundation, plumbing, and other structures, leading to costly repairs and headaches for homeowners.
There are effective ways to keep tree roots from damaging your home, ensuring that you can enjoy the many advantages of having trees on your property without compromising your home's safety and stability. From selecting the right trees and planting them at a safe distance to implementing proper drainage systems and consulting with an arborist, these strategies will help you maintain a harmonious balance between your home and the trees that surround it.
The following list details some ways to keep your home safe from damage caused by tree roots, ensuring that your property remains structurally sound.
Choose the right trees
Select trees with non-invasive root systems, such as maple, dogwood, or crape myrtle. These species are less likely to cause damage to your home, as their roots grow deeper and more vertically than those of invasive species like willows, poplars, or silver maples.
Plant trees at a safe distance
Plant trees at least 20-30 feet away from your home and other structures, depending on the tree's size and root system. This will minimize the risk of roots encroaching on your home's foundation and other structures.
Install root barriers
Root barriers, made of plastic or metal, can be installed around your home's foundation to prevent tree roots from growing towards your home. These barriers should be placed at least 18-24 inches deep to effectively block invasive roots.
Regularly inspect your trees
Inspect your trees for signs of disease or decay, as weakened trees are more likely to have invasive root systems. Additionally, look for any visible roots that are growing towards your home or other structures.
Prune tree roots
Pruning tree roots can help redirect their growth away from your home. However, this should be done by a professional arborist, as improper pruning can damage or even kill the tree.
Maintain proper soil moisture
Too much or too little water can cause tree roots to seek out moisture, potentially leading them to your home's foundation or pipes. Maintain proper soil moisture by watering your trees during dry periods and ensuring proper drainage during wet periods.
Implement a proper drainage system
A well-designed drainage system can help prevent tree roots from seeking out water sources near your home. Consider installing French drains or dry wells to direct excess water away from your home and its foundation.
Mulch around trees
Applying a layer of organic mulch around your trees can help regulate soil temperature and moisture, discouraging root growth towards your home. Be sure not to pile mulch against the tree trunk, as this can encourage rot and disease.
Avoid compacting soil near trees
Soil compaction can stress trees and cause their roots to grow closer to the surface, potentially leading to damage to your home's foundation. Avoid driving or parking vehicles near trees, and minimize foot traffic in these areas.
Consult with an arborist
A professional arborist can assess your trees' health and guide how to best manage their root systems. They can also recommend appropriate tree species for your property and help with proper planting techniques.
Regularly clean gutters and downspouts
Clogged gutters and downspouts can cause water to pool around your home's foundation, attracting tree roots. Regularly clean and maintain your gutters and downspouts to prevent this issue.
Monitor your home's foundation and plumbing
Inspect your home's foundation and plumbing regularly for signs of tree root intrusion, such as cracks or leaks. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.
By taking these steps to manage tree roots on your property, you can enjoy the many benefits of having trees without the risk of damage to your home. Proper tree selection, planting techniques, and ongoing maintenance will help ensure your home and trees coexist harmoniously for years to come.
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penkraft123 · 1 year
What are the origins of Gond Art?
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Gond Art is a folk tribal art form practiced by arguably the largest tribe in Central India. The art form today is expanding many new horizons and has acquired a cult following in Indian art connoisseurs. The tribes involved in this art form predominantly hail from Madhya Pradesh and parts of Chattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra, Telangana Maharashtra. Although we mainly associate it with these pockets this art form with time has acquired a pan-Indian appeal and enhances the rich heritage India takes pride in. Let us discuss how this rich tradition grew. From where it all started The recorded history of Gond Art goes back to as many as 1400 years. The areas where we find its traces have also been identified with rock paintings from the Mesolithic age. Since there is a very evident stylistic and thematic influence of Mesolithic paintings in Gond Art, who knows probably their legacy dates back even further? The Gonds trace their roots back to the Pre-Aryan age and anthropological sources identify them as Dravidians. The dialect they speak is also heavily influenced by Telegu and other Dravidian languages. Why Gond? The word Gond comes from Kond in the Dravidian idiom which means green mountains No wonder why nature is such an integral thematic stylistic element in Gond Art with the recurrent depiction of motifs like trees, leaves, animals, birds, fishes, fish scales, drops of water and primitive human figurines. Gond Art's existence is so much intertwined with nature that paintings for them are an offering to the worship of nature and a divine medium for seeking protection and warding off evil. Values beliefs: The Koi or Koiture what the Gonds call themselves, traditionally hold the belief that a good image begets good luck. This explains why Gond Art for the Kois wasn't just a recreational pastime but a part of their lifestyle. They decorated the walls and floors of their houses with traditional motifs and tattoos. The paintings were influenced by Mahari Devi, Phalvari Devi (Goddess Kali), local flora fauna and were made on festive occasions like Karwa Chauth, Ashtami Nag Panchami. Colors painting style: The Gond painting uses bright vivid colors like yellow, red, blue, and white. These days due to the paucity of natural colors the Gond paintings we see are made by poster colors on the canvas, however, traditionally the colors were derived from charcoal, colored soil, plant sap, mud, flowers, leaves, and cow dung. The extensive use of straight lines that we see in Gond Art is used to convey a sense of movement and add motion to the still paintings. The use of dots dashes enhances the illusion of motion and increases the scope for depicting things in detail. Gond Art in form and the range of subjects it derives its art out of celebrates the rich heritage of India. It is important that we promote it and reinvent it in our aesthetic choices and preferences. Artists like Suresh Kumar Dhurve, Kalam Patua, and Balua Devi through their paintings are taking this art form to a global platform. We have gained enough that the world has had to offer us, it's high time that we now look within our rich and vibrant cultural heritage. Penkraft conducts classes, course, online courses, live courses, workshops, teachers' training & online teachers' training in Handwriting Improvement, Calligraphy, Abacus Maths, Vedic Maths, Phonics and various Craft & Artforms - Madhubani, Mandala, Warli, Gond, Lippan Art, Kalighat, Kalamkari, Pichwai, Cheriyal, Kerala Mural, Pattachitra, Tanjore Painting, One Stroke Painting, Decoupage, Image Transfer, Resin Art, Fluid Art, Alcohol Ink Art, Pop Art, Knife Painting, Scandinavian Art, Water Colors, Coffee Painting, Pencil Shading, Resin Art Advanced etc. at pan-India locations. With our mission to inspire, educate, empower & uplift people through our endeavours, we have trained & operationally supported (and continue to support) 1500+ home-makers to become Penkraft Certified Teachers? in various disciplines.
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Practice Good Personal Hygiene & Sanitation for Health & Others:
Staying clean and fresh is not just a civil nicety. Far from it, hygiene is a mandate for good health in good times or bad, and a lack of hygiene will quickly result in debilitating illness, disease or other maladies which can sap morale or even lead to incapacitation. Poor hygiene spreads illness, affects interpersonal relationships, social interactions and job or school performance. Good personal hygiene makes for healthier living, improving morale and making for a pleasant social experience for those around us. It also gives a clean-looking appearance which makes us attractive and come off as capable with self-worth and self-confidence. Staying Alive AND Clean: Survival Hygiene Rules To Follow Survival Hygiene Tips for When the SHTF Hygiene Products Stockpile List: shampoo and conditioner razors and shave cream/gel bar soap and/or body wash deodorant toothbrushes and toothpaste mouthwash dental floss/flossers toilet paper tampons and pads body/foot powder eye contacts solution q-tips cosmetics Not only does personal hygiene affect the way we look and feel, so can the personal care products we use to improve our personal hygiene. So, it's important to research the products we are using. THE 5 SMELLIEST BODY PARTS: The way someone smells can either make you want to cuddle up close or head for the hills. To avoid being the person that everyone avoids, follow these odor emission control guidelines for the Groin, Underarms, Feet, Mouth and Scalp. Natural Effective Home Remedies for Body Odor: Witch Hazel White or Apple Cider Vinegars Lemon Juice Baking Soda Tea Tree Oil Sage Rosemary Wheatgrass Juice Turnip Juice PERSONAL CARE ALTERNATIVES: Day in and day out, most of us use an arsenal of products that claim to make our skin softer and more youthful, our hair thicker and shinier, and our teeth whiter and brighter. But what the million-dollar marketing campaigns don’t tell us is the majority of personal-care products contain chemicals that may cause skin irritation, reproductive issues, developmental problems, liver and kidney damage, and cancer. While many consumers may assume that the FDA tests personal-care products for safety before they go on store shelves, according to current law, it is up to manufacturers to ensure that products and their ingredients are safe before they sell them. In addition, manufacturers aren't required to list ingredients on the label if they qualify as "trade secrets" or are present in "an insignificant level and having no technical or functional effect." Phrases such as "other ingredients" or "fragrance" can often include multiple ingredients not required to be individually listed on the label. So it is up to us to do our own research and seek out the safest products. Resources: Safe Personal-Care Products Bathe Without Showering Use of Baking Soda for Personal Care Doing Laundry in an Emergency or Living Off-The-Grid Antiperspirant and Deodorant Dental Care, Natural Shaving Essential Oils Laundry Off-The-Grid Toilet Paper Alternatives at Home or in the Great Outdoors SOAP FROM PLANTS: Many plants have natural saponins; steroids that occur naturally and dissolve in water and create a stable lather. Many times it's just a matter of breaking off a piece of the plant (often in the roots) or berries and rubbing between the hands to make the lather. Make sure NOT to introduce the soap into open water sources such as lakes and streams. Saponins are poisonous to fish and other marine life. Also, do not eat these plants as some are poisonous if taken internally. Here are some plants to consider: Bracken Fern Buffaloberry (video) California Soaproot English Ivy Horse Chestnuts    Found in Hardiness Zones 3-8 Soapbush Tree Soapnut Trees Soapweed Yucca Soapwort Soap-Producing Plants - 1 Soap-Producing Plants - 2 References: Preparing For The Flu Season The Benefits of Personal Hygiene Bugging out Hygiene 101 Make your own Personal Care Products Homemade Bath Soap Recipes Homemade All-Natural House Cleaning Recipes and Techniques Survival Medicine Personal Fitness & Exercise Diet & Nutrition IN A SURVIVAL SITUATION:
Clothing: Strive to keep clothes dry and clean to stay sanitized and warm. Dirt may prevent them from breathing and insulating. Headgear prevents the primary source of heat loss. Gloves help prevent injury during manual tasks.
Hygiene and Sanitation are important to reduce chances of illness and disease by keeping your body and mouth clean and handling food and water.
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Types of Framingham Lawn Care Tips You Should Know
You can consistently achieve the best lawn outcome through Framingham lawn care. With several individuals seeking refuge in the service provider, this field is considered a necessity in your home. After undertaking landscaping services and achieving the best aesthetic within your surroundings, you might be questioning how to keep it at its optimum level. Again, with several professionals in this field, you can be guaranteed to achieve the best services, leaving alone the advice that comes with seeking this service. For those who wish to achieve and maintain a great lawn, checking on the listed tips might play a vital role in achieving the best results. THATCH AND WEED REMOVAL Pesky features are likely to grow in your lawn, preventing moisture and other necessary nutrients from getting to the roots. Anyone can be a victim of weeds within their yard as there is no direct way that brings it to existence. However, you can find them anywhere in your yard as birds, pets, and animals can quickly move them. They are common, and thus safety measures should be taken to protect against their spread. Using common toxic herbicides has become one of the most notable and highly accepted ways that people have been advised to consider. However, if the weeds are few, one can decide to uproot them annually. On the other hand, thatch is organic matter that builds up between the soil and the leaves. It consists of dead grass, leaves, and roots. It tends to create a blockage, and thus your tree can suffocate due to a lack of moisture and other necessary nutrients. Scarification is always the best way to remove thatch, and this involves raking it up using a lawn scarifier. IMPROVE DRAINAGE Drainage is a requirement for a healthy intake of water by the plant. Lawns with poor drainage systems tend to form water-clogging as water is not absorbed for hours. This is likely to create more complications, and health-wise, this can damage the growth of your plants. The best area that you ought to focus more on is soil permeability. You need to check on your soil to determine the type and know which is the best course of action that can fit you best. Changing the nature of the ground may help in improving drainage. This you can consider by bringing up the best suitable environment with the required drainage rate. The other common focus you can consider adopting is checking the garden topography. The shape of your garden tends to impact drainage, and one is always advised to ensure that they seek flat land for lawn planting. You need to avoid lawn creation on a slope. FRAMINGHAM LAWN CARE USING OVER-SEEDING METHOD The other factor you can consider through Framingham lawn care is planting more seeds. This will recreate a new look as worn-out lawns can be easily covered. The damaged areas can be quickly filled as the seed grows. There is a need to also consider the aeration of roots before being applied to the lawn. Another focus you need to adopt is checking on the mowing and addition of water. According to knowledgebank.irri.org , moisturizing can help you achieve a 100% germination rate as the sources are likely to be nourished. This will guarantee you a healthy lawn. The other common consideration that you ought to focus on is the addition of fertilizer. Finally, you can consider adopting top dressing if you wish to better the posture of your plants. Having considered this, you can be assured of achieving the dark green color and eliminating moss. EDGING AND MOWING Seeking the best professionals for mowing to undertake Framingham lawn care will ensure that mowing removes a third of the grass length. The weather condition will also determine this. During winter days, mowing is likely to be reduced to prevent water from accessing the base of your lawn. This way, you can prevent water from damaging your plants. The other reason is that plants tend to grow slower during winter than in summer, where rapid growth is likely to be witnessed. Mowing should be done when the plants are dry, as wet plants damage the lawn. If you use a mower with a roller, the mower direction should be altered regularly. The shears and other edging tools may be used to cut the lawn edges successfully. At J.Gudiel landscapers, you can be sure to find not only lawn care advice but also professional Framingham lawn care services. If you ever need first-hand lawn care services, do not hesitate to contact us at (508) 380-0048, and you can stand to testify to high standard lawn care services.
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The Game of Us
Rating: T (gen, no warnings)
Chapter 3: Raphael
Raphael watches, impassive. “Our pain is not weakness, Michael. This grief... it took some time, but I did eventually come to understand. Why I awoke here, that is. You met Gabriel at the Styx? Fitting. Judgement always was her burden to bear. But this... this is mine."
Read below the cut, or on AO3
With Gabriel gone, the shades begin to dissipate, and soon Michael finds himself alone once again.
It doesn’t last long.
“Well done,” comes a voice from behind him. The tone is the same as before, but now the words are spoken aloud. The entity’s form has shifted. It wears a body that, while still indistinct and hazy, appears far closer to human than it had previously done.
Michael scrambles to his feet. He can feel his own form shifting as well, physical appearance undergoing continental drift atop his roiling grace.
“You took her. Gabriel. What have you done with her?”
“Please try to keep up, my boy. I took nothing and no one. The messenger is safe and well, merely—well, let’s call it offstage, for the moment. And she came quite willingly, as you saw for yourself.” The entity folds its hands neatly in front of it. “I see that she has given you much to consider. I trust your time together was informative?”
“That’s—one way of phrasing it.” The entity moves away, beckoning, and Michael doesn’t fight the impulse to follow. At the termination of the crevice, just outside the circle of crumbling stones, he is unsurprised to see that the path continues deeper into the forest.
As they walk, low-hanging branches catch and drag at his hair, his clothing. Michael feels as though he might be leaving snippets of himself behind, like fur snagged in brambles along the trail. He thinks of Gabriel’s wispy audience with sorrow. “So much of the Host, dead and gone. So many shades. I knew, of course I knew. But seeing them there... it’s not the same.” Regret swirls within him, settling as a tightness around his eyes; he can feel it there, performing the subtle work of reshaping the image he wears.
Into what, though—he doesn’t yet know.
The being at his side nods, curt. “You must understand where your actions lead. Not solely for yourself, but for others. You cannot abdicate your duty to your nature by refusing to choose, any more than you can by making choices.” He gets the impression that it raises its eyebrows meaningfully in his direction. “In your brief period of freedom, you knew the state of Heaven, and yet you turned your back on your responsibilities. On Earth, with that human—that wasn’t choosing. You were hiding.”
The words dig at him, slivers of ice working their way into the center of his grace. Adam. “He needed me. And I needed to keep him safe.”
“That’s a partial truth at best, and I’ve no interest in coddling self-delusion. Try again.”
Being dead, he is discovering, has a way of making it harder to lie to himself. Shame flares low in his stomach. “I... I should have done better by them all. They were my family, and I failed them. I couldn’t face them. Couldn’t face—”
He stops. The path has led them to the edge of another river. Crystalline and clear, smooth as glass, it burbles quietly past their feet. It winds away in lazy curves, disappearing into the deeper shade of the trees.
Michael looks down at his reflection, and his Father’s face looks back at him.
A hand on his shoulder. “I am not without sympathy for your pain,” the being at his back says, gently. “But running from it is no solution. The realm of Heaven is in disarray. Without you and your kin, it will fall, new God or no. And then—whatever it is you love, whatever it is you fear—then there will truly be nothing left to salvage.”
Michael crouches down, touches fingertips to the image of Chuck’s face. Tiny ripples distort the surface, rebounding off each other, spreading and fading away. “This isn’t the Styx. None of this should be here at all. What have you done to the local reality? And to what purpose?”
“Ask your next brother. They always were the wisest of you.”
This time, Michael doesn’t need to turn to know he is alone.
He follows the river further into the wilds, meandering gradually down the mountainside. The underbrush thins with the change in altitude, and the straggling trees grow steadily sparser. Before long he finds himself among yet more ruins, though these appear considerably more modern than the last. The river glides through the bones of a forgotten city. He picks his way along streets of stone dwellings adorned by grand archways, airy courtyards, monolithic houses of worship. Mist twines in and among the silent remains of civilization, and everywhere he looks he sees the incursion of the forest: trees growing in cracking walls, moss overhanging low rooftops.
Near the center of the city, both buildings and trees grow abruptly denser once again. A thicket of olive trees and creeping ivy, solid and unassailable, tangle up through ruined foundations and collapsed walls. The river seeps between the roots and disappears under a wall, alongside a single narrow entryway into what must once have been a church. It is barely wide enough to permit him entrance.
He pushes forward, through the vines.
An uneasy aura pervades the air within, musty and stifling, heavy across his shoulders and thick in his lungs. The further in he travels, the stronger it becomes. As it intensifies, he realizes that the feeling is not solely physical; a heady and potent psychic residue that he recognizes as grief only when he finds himself choking back a sob, without understanding quite why.
Down an overgrown corridor, and as suddenly as the vegetation had closed in upon him, it clears. He finds himself in an interior courtyard, roof all but gone, open under the sky.
“So, I get to see you again, after all. Hello, Michael.”
He looks around, confused, for a moment unable to identify the source of the words. Then, all at once, he sees.
In the quiet grove that has sprung up to consume this once-thriving city stands a sparkling pool, the termination point of the river’s above-ground course. Here the water stagnates, swirling deeper into a reservoir carved through foundation and bedrock to disappear into the earth. A stand of trees grows about the edge, roots worming deep down to seek the water through cracks in the floor. What he had originally taken for a statue carved into that living wood shifts minutely. Raphael meditates among the trunks, limbs now gnarled branches, head crowned by thick twisting ivy.
They are, he realizes, the source of the pain imbuing this place. He circles the pool and seats himself beside them, back bending under the onerous weight of their distress.
“You’ve taken His face,” they observe. Their voice holds neither scorn nor approval. Only sorrow. “Don’t take this personally, but I don’t think it suits you.”
“I’m not so certain of that,” he replies morosely. He brushes his hand lightly over the back of one of their own, firm and warm as olive wood. “And you’ve given up on a human form at all. I didn’t realize you held any fondness for dryads.”
“I needed—a change of perspective.” There is, momentarily, a hint of wry smile in their voice. Even on their worst days, he reflects, Raphael always held a spark of gentleness. It makes him ache for them; warrior and healer both, the only one among them as truly skilled in restoring life as taking it. They had never needed his protection, but he should have done more to uplift and support them, still. “Hamadryads have no skin to stitch. No bones to set. They neither bleed, nor do they break. They put down roots, and they grow, and they watch the world pass. It’s a peaceable enough existence.”
“Brother, you—you do realize where we are.”
Raphael rolls their eyes. “I’m dead, Michael, not blind.” They shake their head, ivy tumbling back and out of their face. Michael realizes, abruptly, that the ivy is a deep emerald green; like the blindfold Gabriel had worn, it is the only point of color against the otherwise monochrome environment.
“Then maybe you can enlighten me. I was sent to find you. By... well, I still don’t really know by who.”
“Don’t you, though?”
“I don’t,” he replies, adamant. “I can’t see the purpose to this, any of this. We are asked to return to the world, but to what end? What makes him think—” Michael breaks off, defeated.
“What makes him think we’d do any good for it this time around?” Raphael finishes knowingly.
Michael studies his reflection in the water, and says nothing.
They shake their head again, turning to contemplate the pool. “Did you know this pool has no bottom? If you fell in, you’d sink for eternity. There’d be no point in swimming; you couldn’t save yourself.”
“Why do you sound like you’re considering it?”
Raphael sighs. “I tried so hard, Michael. I fought and bled and died for our family, and still, it fell apart. You’re wearing His face, and for what? You blame yourself?” They look down at their palms, loose in their lap. The wood there is stained; in a place with light, with color, Michael wonders with a shiver if the stains might not appear the ruddy brown of old blood. “But I was our healer, Brother. And I tried and I tried, but I couldn’t heal anyone.” The sadness in the atmosphere redoubles, clawing over Michael’s skin.
Their voice cracks. “I couldn’t even heal myself. He wouldn’t even allow me that much.”
Michael’s head drops to his hands. This agony, like a breaking bone or a breaking heart, has been eating at their foundations for so long. Gabriel struck speechless, Raphael in tatters, and himself—what had he done for them? Other than carry out the edicts of a creator who treated his creation as no better than toys, to be discarded when He was bored of them?
He feels tears bead at the corners of his eyes, and overflow. To his astonishment, they do not fall onto his hands. He draws back in surprise.
The tears hang suspended in the air before him, crystalline. Gently revolving, they slowly coalesce, and descend toward the pool. When at last they meet the surface of the water, they merge without a single ripple marring the glassy shine.
Raphael watches, impassive. “Our pain is not weakness, Michael. This grief... it took some time, but I did eventually come to understand. Why I awoke here, that is. You met Gabriel at the Styx? Fitting. Judgement always was her burden to bear. But this... this is mine. The Kokytos is fed by the tears of mourners.” Their voice rings hollow, but there is an underpinning of tenderness there, Michael thinks. Something patient. Something compassionate. “My own contribution was long overdue.”
“How do you know where I came from? And why the rivers at all?”
“My stubborn, immovable brother.” Raphael’s smile is weary, but fond, even in their grief. “This place is his to command, he who sent you here, beyond mortality as it is. Knowledge flows through it. You need only listen for it.”
Michael scrubs hands across his eyes, and takes slow, steadying breaths. “Raphael. You don't belong here, not like this. Please. Move on from this place with me. We can do it together.”
Their eyes crinkle at the corners. Gently, they extend a hand down to break the surface of the pool. “No, Michael. In that, you are mistaken. It has been too long since I allowed myself to sit with my pain, and learn what it has to teach me. Give me time. I’ll catch up with you.” They draw the hand to their face. Trace their fingers over their lips. The tip of their tongue flicks out, catching at the water that beads there. “If I am to heal, first I must let myself mourn. Don’t worry too much about me. I know how far the river of lamentation runs; I will not drink so deeply of this well that I drown.”
The thought of leaving Raphael behind fills him with dread, but he nods. Stands. They reach up to him, trace a hand over his wrist as he pulls away.
“I wish I could have done more for you, too,” they murmur. “But you aren’t Him, Michael. Please remember that. You’re nothing like Him. I wish I could have helped you to see that more clearly.”
Michael resists the urge to look back into the pool, to see his reflection there. “I don’t know what I am. But I’ll keep searching until I do know.”
“That’s all I could hope for. See you soon.”
He feels the edges of his countenance shift and blur again. When he exits the room, his companion is waiting.
(Chapter notes:
- The city in which Michael finds Raphael is inspired by the ghost city of Kayaköy, currently part of Turkey; by its former inhabitants, it was referred to in modern Greek as Levissi. Between World War I and the Greco-Turkish war, its entire population was either forcibly exiled or killed. Despite the horror of that recent history, until that point it had been a relatively peaceful place, its mixed Muslim and Orthodox Christian populations living together harmoniously. It is now officially under the protection of historical conservation, and there have been some attempts at restoration. I think Raphael would consider such a place deeply meaningful, and be able to find healing in the possibility of moving on even in the wake of such tragedy.)
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