#Trekking guides
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whatcha-thinkin · 1 year
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alatariel-galadriel · 7 months
I love Spock so much. I’m constantly thinking about “‘Vulcan’s do not lie,’ Spock lied,” and “one of my ancestors married a human” (his DAD he’s talking about his DAD marrying his MOM, king shit)
He never leaves my head I am rotating him like a rotisserie chicken in the microwave. I love him.
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mylittleredgirl · 20 days
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i thought that was a normal, even expected amount of trekkie behavior actually
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thegroovyarchives · 1 month
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1960's-1980's Star Trek TV Guide advertisements
1. December 2nd-8th, 1967, New England 2. September 26th-October 2nd, 1970, Central VA/North Carolina 3. September 20th-26th, 1969, Northern California 4. August 21st-27th, 1982, Vermont 5. April 1st-7th, 1972, Ohio (via: archive.org/Pinterest)
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circleturk · 1 year
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P. Stew just throwing thee sluttiest pose for TV Guide cir. early-mid ‘90s
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humanoidhistory · 27 days
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DeForest Kelley, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek on the cover of TV Guide, August 24-30, 1968.
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lisamarie-vee · 2 months
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dragons-in-spaceee · 28 days
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clockwork-reveries · 9 months
What happens when you microwave AI/Robots
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Honorable mentions to other AIs that I don't know much about.
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2-59-amwater · 8 months
I want a sci-fi/space opera TV show with real plot and character development, and more that 2 seasons that's free to watch
have you tried Babylon 5?
I want a space opera with no filler episodes, every episode should have something relevant to the plot
have you tried Babylon 5?
I want a space opera that is respectful to other cultures and religions and shows conflicts between different cultures and how they are resolved
have you tried Babylon 5?
I want a space opera where actions (and inaction) have real consequences that the characters must navigate and deal with
have you tried Babylon 5?
I want a space opera that deals with mystical-like things but remains realistic
Have you tried B5?
I want a space opera where women are actively involved and not treated as a damsel or a plot device I want a show where you see multiple sides to a story I want a show that talks about the harm of colonization and slavery I want a show that shows PTSD and the effects of war I want a show that talks about genocide and racism I want a show with an explicitly LGBTQ+ person, I want a show with fucking fantastic 90's fashion that's 'futuristic' I want a show where every actor is a good actor, I want a show where the main cast is expanded on realistically, I want a show that deals with alcohol, drug abuse, and how it effects those around you I want a show where love is both safety and danger I want a show with a fantastic plot twist that I would never see coming I want a show with excellent quotes I want I want a show with movies that are relevant and expand upon the universe I want-
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Literally the only downsides:
most of the main cast is white, there are many side characters and extras that are POC but most of the cast is white
the LGBT+ character is not expanded upon much
while B5 does have 5 seasons the 4th was supposed to be the end until they got more funding, I personally recommend not watching the 5th season
*correction, original was intended to have 5 seasons but was worried about funding getting cut so season 4 is jam packed and season 5 is flat. they both suffer but personally I find season 5 worse. thanks to @purronronner for the correction!
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favvn · 2 months
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Mm-hmm. Ok. Quick question here, Jimmy: This you?
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The Return of the Archons (s1 ep21)
The first instance of the Prime Directive! In this episode, Kirk justifies interference due to the cult keeping the society stagnant. Certain members of the planet also aid Kirk and the crew in their plot to overthrow the computer Landru, thinking of them as fulfillment of a prophecy (which is its own issue, the idea that salvation must come from an outsider rather than an inhabitant of the planet itself). Also of note: Gene Roddenberry wrote this one himself! In addition to The Omega Glory! Perhaps the shelved first episode of Star Trek should have gotten a proper editing treatment before making its debut in SEASON 2.
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A Taste of Armageddon (s1 ep23)
The crew was in danger of dying for Eminiar VII's war count in order to satisfy the terms of their centuries long war with Vendikar. Kirk interfered not only to save his crew but to also force peace talks between the two planets at the risk of a violent escalation of the war. (The other issue is: no one was supposed to beam down to Eminiar VII because of their war! Ambassador Fox orders the crew to do so anyways.)
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The Apple (s2 ep5)
Yet again the crew is in danger yet Kirk chooses to do all he can to free them. Kirk himself says, "We owe it to them to interfere," after Spock warns of violating the Non-Interference Directive in doing so. Kirk may have been justified owing to the cult that is present on the planet, but Kirk and Spock both call their decision for what it is.
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A Private Little War (s2 ep19)
One of McCoy's finest moments, only for Kirk to be at his absolute worst--the soldier trained for war, the opportunist who will risk an endless and unpredictable war on a planet that neither the Federation nor the Klingon Empire holds rights to and justify it as good and necessary for the inhabitants' survival. The episode itself flat out calls for Kirk to not interfere at the very beginning, yet he does so anyways.
There are more than these episodes that one can argue as violations of the Prime Directive, but these are the most glaringly obvious instances to the point of the show itself naming them as acts of interference.
The T in James T Kirk's name might as well not stand for Tiberius but “The Prime Directive is just a guideline"
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muiromem · 5 months
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Kathryn Janeway - "The Fates"
The Moirai of Greek myth. The youngest, Clotho - the spinner who controlled life, choosing when a person was born and weaving their thread of existence. The middle one, Lachesis - the allotter who measured out the length of this thread and decided a person's destiny. And the eldest, Atropos - she who was inevitable that ended a mortal's life, cutting the thread and choosing the manner of their death.
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t0mashek · 3 months
Mini character guide for my fellow McSpirk fanartists!
I feel like I finally have a satisfying level of muscle memory down for how I draw each of our guys in a recognizable way! My portrayals of Kirk, Spock and Bones aren't usually drawn with a reference, and they definitely don't look all that realistic, but I figure at least one of you out there might like to have a peak into what I do to try and make them recognizable!
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Before I show the specific lines I always like to use, I would like to shoutout all the artists out there with same face syndrome. I had very bad same face syndrome before I started drawing Star Trek fanart, the variety of characters in Star Trek REALLY helped me draw better characterizations of people! BUT, if same face syndrome is something you currently struggle with do NOT let it deter you from posting your beautiful art!
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Even when drawn with the same basic face structure like I did here, it's still very easy to tell who's who, just with the use of colors, hairstyles and facial lines!
Now, for anyone who is wanting to pinpoint what I try to keep consistent in my drawings of the boys, I highlighted the lines I find most important in my drawings of each of them. I try to keep my style slightly cartoony, so I like to exaggerate!
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The roundness of Jim's face is what I always try to make the most pronounced in all of my art of him. The contrast to the harsher angles of the faces of Spock and McCoy is one of my favorite things to include in my art. He has a button nose in combination with those apple cheeks, they're my favorite thing about Jim to overexaggerate!
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McCoy on the other hand? Give him his TRIANGLES. I try to go for a much more square face when drawing Bones, but for the lines and features within his face we love our good old friend the triangle. That man's eyebrows are pointy, and I love to give him his mouth lines. I like to balance out the sharper lines I draw on his face with the round lines of his hair.
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Spock has the bangs, ears and eyebrows that play a great advantage to us, no other bro serves like Spock. While I love the pointy sideburns on all of the boys, Spocks sideburns help me play into the length of his face. He's got a straighter face and straighter nose compared to his human boyfriends. And while he and Bones both have those handsome mouth lines, you can differentiate the shape of the crease to fit their faces! When I'm drawing McCoy's mouth lines, there's more of an angle, I draw Spock's lines straighter, similar to his face and nose.
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I hope this might help some of my fanartist brethren out there! Or at the very least give you a little peak into my art process! If anyone finds this helpful and uses it to draw some art, I'd love to see it! The variety of styles and character potrayals I see in all of the Star Trek fanart I browse on here never fails to warm my heart. These goofy little guys never fail to stand out from one another, no matter how they're drawn, and that is just so special to me.
Live long and draw fanart, little gay people in my computer!!! 💛🩵💙🖖
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Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax) and Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) in TV Guide
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kryptonbabe · 5 days
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It's funny how fiction has this power to transport you to moments of your own life and make you feel like you completely get what the characters are going through, even though their circumstances are so (sometimes literally) alien
This scene of Amok Time took me back to my early teens when my parents used to send me on church summer camps and holiday events to make my queer punk ass behave, I was very rebellious as a kid. At the same time I was very shy and it was hard making friends with people with whom I had so little in common in those places... until in one of these summer camps I met this boy, he was a drummer at the church, and this was way before his transition, so he was afab and treated like a girl by everyone, although very androgynous looking
I knew I was attracted to boys already and was not bothered by it, but it was a surprise to feel myself drawn to a person who "presented as female" (which I think he had to). He would not say he was a boy and I don't even know if thought about it in these terms, it's been a while. I just know we used to talk for hours, however the camp had strict rules about "boys and girls" proximity and would forbid longer conversations or touches so we would talk with our hands behind us and with a huge space between us, other teens used to mock us because we would basically exaggerate the rules and be even more restrict, I don't think we ever touch, but we were always together and constantly yapping, obviously attracted to each other and obviously queer
I always hated most, if not all, of those compulsory christian days in summer camps, but I'll always remember fondly of this drummer boy and our confusing attraction for each other and our restrained behavior together. It's funny because for most people we would look like a "straight couple", but we knew it was more complicated than that so we would look exactly like Kirk and Spock in that scene above. When we're going through some complex emotional stuff our body will behave like that
Scene from Star Trek TOS S2E1 Amok Time (1967)
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