#True Gospel
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Let Any Who Preaches a Different Gospel be Accursed
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—  which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Godʼs curse! — Galatians 1:6-8 | The Books of the Bible NT (BOOKS) The Books of the Bible NT Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ® All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: 1 Kings 13:18; Jeremiah 23:16; Jeremiah 23:36; Acts 15:24; Romans 8:28; Romans 8:30; Romans 9:3; Romans 16:17; 2 Corinthians 2:17; 2 Corinthians 11:4; Galatians 2:4; Galatians 5:10
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judahmaccabees · 5 months
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psalmonesermons · 8 months
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The one and only true Gospel of Jesus Christ
according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
The Apostle Paul came to preach the gospel to the Roman church to a society much like ours today in terms of the unrighteous lifestyles as described in Romans chapter 1.
The Gospel was the only answer to the downward spiral of human activities in Rome and is still the same answer to the same problem in the modern world today,
which is the preaching of the one true Gospel.
So what is the Gospel according to Paul?
Romans 1:1 Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God 2 which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, 3 concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. 5 Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name, 6 among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ.
We find in the above passage in Paul’s own words,• the message he preached is the gospel of God (verse 1)• the good news Paul preached, the gospel of God, was foretold by the holy prophets long before Paul lived (verse 2)• the gospel message focuses on Christ Jesus, a descendant of King David according to the Scriptures (verse 3)• though born of a woman and, thus, being fully man, Jesus was also fully God and divine in nature; His Sonship was indisputably established by the Holy Spirit through His bodily resurrection (verse 4)• Paul’s authority as an apostle, being called to preach the gospel of God, was granted to him by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ (verse 5)• those called of God, having heard and believed the gospel of God, now belong to the Lord Jesus (verse 6).
Romans 2:16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
Paul speaks of the gospel message he proclaimed as “my gospel” in Romans 2:16 and 16:25. What, then, is the “gospel of Paul”?
Does it differ from the true gospel, the gospel the other apostles preached?
Paul also lays out the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.
3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,
According to this passage,
• there is only one gospel: it is the gospel of God that Paul preached and in which the redeemed
have taken their stand (verse 1)• this is the gospel that saves, the gospel Paul delivered, and the gospel that must never be forgotten or discarded (verse 2)• according to the Scriptures, the Lord Jesus died for our sins. His sacrifice paid our sin debt (verse 3)• after His lifeless body was taken from the cross and laid to rest in a borrowed tomb, Jesus miraculously walked away from where He lay, as foretold by the holy prophets, proving His absolute power over sin and death (verse 4)
This is the Gospel truth!
Paul’s gospel teachings are in harmony with the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets, his New Testament contemporaries, and, most importantly, the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those who accuse Paul of having strayed from the gospel have no evidence to support themselves.
Scripture proves that, rather than teaching a “different gospel,” he gave the church greater insight into the only true gospel, the gospel of God (Romans 1:1).
The following passage gives ample evidence that Paul’s prime motive was not in making a name for himself, but in furthering the cause of Christ:
1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.
This is the one and only true gospel that will save your soul -have you believed it?
For further reading see also Romans 10:9-10
Personal Prayer
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idealog · 10 months
Jesus The Christ,
In Partnership with Ma Mary
And baby James
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Go With God.
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lunarwildrose · 11 months
Isaiah Saldivar EXPOSED: TRUE Gospel vs FEAR Tactics |  What is the ACTUAL Gospel Explained?
I thank Jesus for saving me from the false teachings of Isaiah Saldivar; I would sometimes watch his videos. Sadly he is very engaging, and it draws you in. This is why we need to read our Bibles, I speak from my own laziness and brain fog of not making the time to do so. Forgive me, God, and reach others through this video, and Saint AVS. 🙏🏻
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take-note-of-this · 1 year
Jumping Off Bridges
Photo by Nate Hess on Unsplash This sermon was preached for Capital Pres Fairfax on October 1, 2023 as a part of our series through the book of Galatians. Below is a manuscript of the message I preached, along with an extended reflection and application I didn’t have time for on Sunday. A recording of this sermon will be available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.   * * *  In 2015 I worked at a…
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biblenewsprophecy · 1 year
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oneslimybastard · 4 months
Ghetsis facts:
>At least two grunts are scared of him (musharna being able to spook them off with visions of being scolded by Ghetsis)
>His speeches does in fact convince some people to release their pokémon or at least second-guess their view on the trainer-pokémon relationship
>Tells the grunts to give Bianca's Munna back
>Persuasive enough to essentially wiggle some of his Guys out of arrest in Driftveil, even if Clay does it reluctantly
>Knows Reshiram and Zekrom would not fuck with him so he picks up a miracle child from the forest to do it for him instead. Raises said child kind of like his own but also kind of not, there's a deliberate distance put between them
>Did make this wonderchild who can speak to pokémon and are clearly very empathetic towards them hang out with pokémon who had been mistreated for the purpose of instilling an ideology in him.
>Randomly has 3 ninjas who are just ride or die until the end of time for some reason
>Lots of team plasma is ride or die for him actually, otherwise Neo Team Plasma wouldn't have been a thing
>He rubs the death of Alder's partner pokémon in the mans face. All cheeky beaky like. Because he can.
>He will tell the teenager his Adopted I Swear Not Related Promise son is fixated on as a rival all about how he basically groomed say son into doing all of this dragon bullshit while having them cornered on a bridge. Then just casually walks off. His ninjas are there too.
>Will also happily tell said teenager they probably aren't that special or chosen or whatever, lol lmao, seems like ur dragon haven't woken up yet, dw maybe it will, lol.
>Cannot take an L to save his fucking life. Will lash out at everything and everyone around him and build a stupid airship with a stupid laser powered by the crinkly old grandpa of the dragon trio and do a terrorism before taking an L
>Refers to himself as being PERFECT while inhaling massive amounts of copium
>Needs a cane in bw2 and is only ever seen using one of his hands, so probably physically disabled to some degree
>Strong enough to jam the butt of that cane into the solid frozen earth of a cave. Probably just kind of a visual metaphor for him being threatening but also Hear Me Out What If He's Fucking Built-
>N is ride or die for him enough to still try and get through to him during the bw2 climax despite having been utilized as a silly little pawn yet again. This does not work, because as previously mentioned, man just cannot take that L
>When faced with literally no other option but to take an L, he passes out. His ninja squad punctuates this with him probably not being a threat anymore.
Ghetsis interpertation:
I think all of these things weave together into just a very fascinating person when you look at them a little deeper. Someone who's clearly charismatic enough to acquire that much loyalty, love, and fear — but also not equipped to handle the shame of failure in the god damn slightest. When threatened he devolves from a calculated cult leader above it all to a snarling animal fighting for its life, because he's probably rotted away behind a mask of perfectionism for years rather than done any significant growth as a person. He's clearly intelligent, probably highly emotionally intelligent because if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to pull this shit, but all of that shatters and breaks and splinters with one (1) crucial failure. He tries to recuperate but can't, the survival instinct is breathing down his neck because to him the shame of being a human like the rest of them rather than the perfect ideal he's been forging is scarier than anything that could actually physically kill him. He blames N, he blames MC, Colress, just about anyone and anything that doesn't end up pointing back to his own shortcomings.
And still! N probably loves him! And it's probably genuine! He wants to connect with him and breach that gap and give him ibuprofen because even if he's shown himself to be cringe, that's still his father, which is something he values enough to try and hold on to. And the ninja guys remain ride or die, so there's clearly something to him other than schemes and trickery, something genuine and beautiful that might not in practice be worth fighting for but it sure feels like it.
A beautiful man who's warped himself into a demon because he couldn't stand his own humanity because he's probably autistic and traumatized from his undefined childhood, and when he's beat down, rather than taking that L at long last, he'll curl up in his little cage, continue to snarl and tell himself over and over that this is what he is. What he will always be. He couldn't become god so he resigns to dying a devil. Because even still, that is preferable to him over taking that L, admitting to himself he is just a little guy like other little guys with problems he couldn't cope with, and that it caused hurt and destruction.
Devils don't feel regret or shame, humans do. And he'd have a loooot of that to chug through if he decided to face it. So he won't.
which is just very sexy and milfy and babygirl of him i think. this is my "why ghetsis is like so sexy actually" manifesto, without even tapping into the juice that is him going "nuh-uh" over his own dang disabilities but that too ties into how he can't cope with his own imperfect humanity so u know. Also that he's just kinda sassy and petty. Amazing. 10/10 best written character not in the games but in my brain.
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atbussysparks · 3 months
Last Scout headcanons I prommy 🥺 LETS GET IT BITCH 🔥🔥🎉💯🗣️🗣️
He believes that theater is cringe. EXCEPT ROCK OPERAS. he flips the fuck out when they do anything.
He needs his tonsils out so bad. Genuinely a medical anomaly how decrepit they are
He pushes his body too far occasionally and has some pretty bad joint pain. Most of the time when he's off the clock he uses forearm crutches
He sleeps on a bunk bed. Top bunk. No one else sleeps on the bed with him.
If someone walked into his room at home the only decoration would be a magic eye wallpaper
Sharp canines
He doesn't remember anything from the troubled teen's camp bc he was dissociated the whole time
He found out how to make things explode with a rock covered in copper wire and a power line
Every time he talks about what's wrong with him he says it like it's completely normal. It's never normal. Your bones shouldn't go squishy.
He's a dog guy, but he has a kitten that he treats like his own baby. They have very similar actions. The cat is orange
If he was a teen in the 2000s he'd have an edgy wolf OC named dragonspark
He bought an "illegal firework" that was just a straight up pipe bomb
He gets stuck in a well regularly and pyro has a hard time communicating with others to help him
Favorite mode of exiting a room? Jumping outta the window!
Scout doesn't think that moles are real. The animals.
Unrelated but Medic uses a wheelchair because he was serving in the American army in WW2. That's how he got his citizenship! He'd lived in America for two years before that. He caught shrapnel in his knees during a battle and they pop out of socket. He also has joint pain. Just like me!
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Micah: So, how is it working with Vera at the store?
Ash: Good, she keeps me on my knees.
Micah: ...
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chungledown-bimothy · 8 months
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Since it took them a couple moths to reject Lapin Cadbury but accepted Lapin in a day, I can only assume that someone watched A Crown of Candy before deciding that it wasn't "family friendly".
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my mom read one or two articles with supposed "statistics" that say sleeping in a bra or even just frequently wearing a bra causes breast cancer and like I cannot believe that she's fearmongering to me about "would you rather wear a bra to bed because 'it's so uncomfortable without it' and have to fight breast cancer, or would you rather get your priorities fixed?"
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٤ اثبتوا فيَّ وانا فيكم. كما ان الغصن لا يقدر ان يأْتي بثمرٍ من ذاتهِ ان لم يثبت في الكرمة كذلك انتم ايضًا ان لم تثبتوا فيَّ. ٥ انا الكرمة وانتم الاغصان. الذي يثبت فيَّ وانا فيهِ هذا يأْتي بثمرٍ كثير. لانكم بدوني لا تقدرون ان تفعلوا شيئًا.
Abide in me, and I will abide in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. — John 15:4-5 | Arabic Bible (Smith & Van Dyke) and The Text-Critical English New Testament (TCENT) The Arabic Bible, Translated by Smith & Van Dyke (1865) is in the public domain and the Text-Critical English New Testament an edition of the Byzantine (Majority) Greek text edited by Robinson and Pierpont Copyright © 2022 Robert Adam Boyd. Cross References: Matthew 12:33; Matthew 13:21; John 6:56; John 15:16; 1 John 2:6
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What Did Jesus Mean When He Said "Abide in Me"?
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mariliva-mello · 5 months
Aquilo que não falarmos como verdade, o mundo irá contar como mentira!
M a r i l i v a Mello
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vulcanmulti · 2 months
Need to have a crazy smoke sesh with Snufkin Wander and Clancy Gilroy
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