#Fear Tactics
iamnotyourbabe · 2 years
Piggybacking on a recent post I reblogged, one thing I don't think most people in the USA realize is that cops are strategically brainwashed and given PTSD as a part of their training. The point of police training is to make every single officer believe "anyone can kill you at any time." This is not to excuse them or defend them in any way, but simply to explain why they act the way that they do.
Police departments use the same tactics that cults do to indoctrinate new hires, including isolation, us vs them mentality, and (this is hard to find online sources for because law enforcement has their own walled garden internet spaces to talk about internal stuff so it doesn't leak easily, but I've read and heard accounts from multiple police officers describing it) showing trainees psychologically distressing videos in an attempt to further break them down mentally.
Fear tactics are heavy stuff. They essentially create a fast-track pathway for thoughts to take through your amygdalae, which are the most accessible parts of the limbic system (the 'lizard brain' part of our brain - this phrasing is a gross oversimplification, but serves perfectly well in this example) and regulate emotional (knee-jerk) responses like fear, anxiety, and aggression. Emotional reactions are also addictive, they give you a burst of adrenaline and other brain chemicals to help you fight off whatever lion is supposedly attacking you (your brain doesn't know whether you're panicking over a predator stalking you or you forgetting to pick up a birthday present for your mom day-of) and unsurprisingly, this has a feedback effect.
The amygdalae are heavily involved in PTSD - they regulate fear response, threat assessment, avoidance, and episodic memory which consists of the sensory and emotional responses to past events. I don't want the most heavily-armed people in any area to also be the highest-strung. That sounds like -and is- a recipe for a bad time and bad interactions with the public.
I see a lot of internet leftists crafting conspiracy-style theories about why this is such an overarching problem throughout police departments but the truth is that it's simply convenient for authoritarian groups like them to traumatize people under their service. They see trauma-bonding as an extremely effective method of control and they don't care about the well-being of their peons beyond them being able to perform their job duties: win-win!
It's very easy to get conspiratorial about authority figures but it's important to remember that they are just as dumb, unorganized, and human as us.
Fuck cops.
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Don’t let your (Human!!!) Mechanic make Mixtapes
Writing Prompt: A pirate ship boards, the human crewmate uses the coms to blast music trough the ship as a terror tactic.
Prompt Source: user fire-sword; subreddit Humans Are Space Orcs
The Captain had listened to this remix exactly once in its entirety and labeled it a terroristic weapon of mass morale destruction before locking it in a drawer.
To be honest, the human crewmate was perhaps a touch more thrilled than she strictly should have been to be given permission to actually use it.
It was horror-rock, falling into that delightful "creep" tune category with synthetic violins that wailed between high and low notes and a bass strumming heartbeat that artificially raised the pulse rate of the listening parties. Aliens... well, she'd found out aliens responded to that unconscious cue WAY more than humans did.
The fact that she knew every beat and bounce and hitch of it, well, that was where the morale destruction came in.
The pirates had boarded in a specific hallway- and they had been subtly guided to this door for a reason.
It was the maintenance crew hallway. The entire floor had holes big enough to reach through or climb through, and the human crewmate? She fit through them, being lanky, tall, and double-jointed. The ceiling had the same grates on either side of the walkway, to allow for access when the gravity was turned off, making it a catwalk surrounded by bolt holes.
The voice was soft at first- only someone who knew the song would know the words. But Human Jazz played them out perfectly to make the Pirates regret ever trying to raid this ship.
The first set of verses were about "burying" something, and every time it said "buried it" Jazz dropped uninterrupted from the ceiling to the floor. Just at the edge of vision, without touching the holes or making a sound, timing her catch of the bars below to the thump of the drum.
And once they were good and spooked, on edge...
She added her voice to the ship speakers, a roar that made the walkway vibrate under their feet for the chorus.
Screaming from above and plasma lighting up the walls told her it was working.
What a shame for them- the pursuit would continue until morale improved. Her morale, or course. All that light would make this more troublesome until it cooled.
The next verse was about what had been buried coming back to bury the singer- it was time to change tactics anyway.
Now her hands reached up through the tiny holes and grates throughout the verse, grabbing and yanking on legs, tentacles, weapon barrels, whatever was in reach, heedless of the burns she was getting or the catch of nails on fabric and skin. Her fake-claw nails were just acrylics, she'd replace them after this, and some bloodstains from a ripped cuticle or two would really sell the idea that something dead and gross was trying to get at them on top of the “detached fingertips”.
As they were coming up on the second chorus, she pulled both hands back down and put them on a panel instead, directing one of the repair-bots with their dozens of arms to dance to the tune, the lyrics printed on it's glowing screen that loomed up out of the dark.
She already knew what she was going to do with the bridge- it talked about disease and parasites, so she was going to yank body parts under the grate and "bite" them with needles full of weak general anesthetics from the first aid kit. She didn't need to actually like, poison or paralyze them, the imagery from the song would make their minds do that for her.
Except-- the thunder of movement, out of sync with the music, headed back up the catwalk at an honestly dizzying speed, and suddenly it was absolutely quiet except her, the repairbot who had now started the fix the plasma damage to the walls, and the music on the ship speakers.
Poking her head up from the nearest access hole, the pirates were gone- with the exception of one, who'd been hog-tied with their own tentacles and blinded with their Captain's hat. Left as a sacrificial offering to the monster for leading their crew into a deathtrap, probably. Well, Jazz didn't want them to think they were too hasty and come back...
She bared all her teeth in the widest, meanest grin, including her sharper-than-normal canines, and whipped the pirate's hat off, the light of the repairbot's torch illuminating her from behind in only brief flashes.
"Buried what I thought would die, don't got no alibi, I buried it," she sang at the alien's horrified face, "I FUCKING BURIED IT!"
The pirate's scream was a noise she couldn't have replicated in a million years. Yeah, driving it home was a good idea.
"RUN! AWAY! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, THE MONSTER'S ALREADY INSIDE! THOUGHT IT WAS DEAD! AND GONE! BUT I WAS SO WRONG cuz it had been so long and life went on thought it was done I never thought I'd live to see THE DEAD WALK!"
"I still don't think you needed to render the enemy so terrified they entered an involuntary coma state," the Captain scowled at the human crewmate, who was slung sideways in her work chair. Again.
"It's not like I knew their species can even DO that, Cap! Besides, it was a bloodless battle that successfully repelled the enemy, right? And we haven't been bothered by pirates in that entire sector since!"
The Captain squinted angrily with all their eyes.
"We're a terror-tale in that sector now," they replied flatly.
"Wait, shit, did I accidentally Flying Dutchman our ship?! Aw fuck, Captain, I’m sorry."
The Captain sighed- finally, she understood the gravity of the iss--
"If I'd known that was gonna happen I'd have picked a better song! Dead Walk is kinda underground, how are other ships supposed to lean on the legend with an obscure Earth song?"
The Captain gave up and left to go drink their 400-year old heirloom spirits. They had never worried they were going to be the Onelle to finish off the 'drink in case of headache-inducing disaster' bottle but it looked more likely by the day.
Song: Dead Walk by RedHook Note: the remix featured here doesn't actually exist because I can't make it. Will update and link if that ever changes!
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Another Harumi plot post because I’m so sad she gets portrayed in a psychopath/ heartless light.
TW: Mentions of Pedophilia and intense trauma.
An essay:
(TLDR at bottom)
Harumi is not a psychopath! Or a sociopath or a sadistic person fueled by genetic villainy and violence.
Harumi is actually a traumatized kid who’s found a way to cope with her trauma by trying to stop the carnage that faces Ninjago almost yearly. Her stated goal for SOG was to bring Garmadon back because he stopped the devourer. She didn’t wanna bring back a horrible person that would cause carnage and destruction, she wanted to bring back a protector who she saw as been more capable than the ninja.
She traumatizes Lloyd, yes, that’s obvious. Yet only because she sees him as being a narcissistic, ego child who doesn’t deserve to be seen as the grand protector that he’s portrayed as. Remember in her journal she states that she saw Lloyd, terrified, during the assault by the devourer. She idolized him incredibly before this, but after seeing him cower just like her she began to think that the ninja only portrayed themselves as being grand protectors, while actually taking credit for what others do.
She was stuck in a Palace for years! From S2-S8 she was trapped in the grand palace. She never saw the ninja defeat the Overlord, or Chen, or Morro, etc. As well, put yourself in Harumi’s shoes; if you only ever heard that your personal enemies are actually hero’s but never saw their heroics in action besides the time their incompetence killed your parents would you believe that they were actually being hero’s?
She hates the ninja and especially Lloyd. She had a Lloyd action figure that was either homemade or bought, both things that require money that a working class family doesn’t have, Lloyd was her favorite! And she saw him fail to save her parents!! It would be the same feeling as a favorite actor or YouTuber turning out to be a content thief or pedophile.
After brining back Garmadon she slowly became shocked and frightened by his ruthlessness and fear tactics. You can see her shock when Garmadon rips apart Mr.E in front of her. She didn’t think she would bring back a cold blooded killer and she never wanted to. She wanted to bring back the hero she remembered saving the city
She shows her true colors when the apartment building she’s in starts to collapse. A sea of traumatic memories would be going through her head in that moment as this is just like the day her parents died. She could’ve chosen to run down the stairs to save herself but she decided to help a family who could’ve been separated, instead of saving herself.
She only revived herself after death because the overlord promised her that he could be the protector that Garmadon failed to be. Her catered to her desire to help Ninjago like any manipulative person would’ve. He didn’t promise her self serving power or the opportunity to kill the ninja, he promised her the opportunity to be a savior again.
So I really don’t understand why people say she’s a psychopath dead set on hurting Lloyd. She’s traumatized, with good reason to be, but unlike a psychopath she realizes that when she’s doing something wrong she changes her ways. When she sees that Lloyd is a good person who only wants to help she realizes she still has feelings for him as he’s the protector that she’s always wanted Ninjago to have. When she sees that the Overlord is a force of evil that caused the death of her parents she defects and helps Lloyd and Garmadon finish him.
Harumi isn’t a villain for villains sake, or for revenge sake. She’s an anti-hero, who was misled and manipulated into fighting for the bad guys.
TLDR: Harumi is incredibly traumatized, saw the ninja fail, never got to see the Ninja be the good guys, and only saw Garmadon actually be heroic. She states blatantly that she wants to stop the yearly destruction Ninjago faces. She also shows herself to be empathetic, and heroic, saving the family in the apartments from being crushed like hers were. She only fights for a villain when they promise her, or she believes, that they’ll make Ninjago a better place.
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news4dzhozhar · 9 months
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soulinkpoetry · 1 year
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This is for all those brainwashed, religious fanatics that try to impose their beliefs on everyone else. The ones who go from door to door, or online and don’t accept No for an answer. Just fucking STOP and respect the fact that some people don’t need to worship a god , or fear of not ending up in heaven when they don’t act ethically and morally in a society.
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lunarwildrose · 11 months
Isaiah Saldivar EXPOSED: TRUE Gospel vs FEAR Tactics |  What is the ACTUAL Gospel Explained?
I thank Jesus for saving me from the false teachings of Isaiah Saldivar; I would sometimes watch his videos. Sadly he is very engaging, and it draws you in. This is why we need to read our Bibles, I speak from my own laziness and brain fog of not making the time to do so. Forgive me, God, and reach others through this video, and Saint AVS. 🙏🏻
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
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Let's show them what this baby can DO!
A surprisingly good idea, my dearest brother
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hijinxinprogress · 6 months
Yj takes to mocking their mentors behavior after being lectured for being irresponsible and the public’s perception of YJ
Bart is going on about science that no one would understand even if he wasn’t talking at Mach 3 and popping out of no where going ‘flash fact-’ or starting a fight with a villain while eating an entire large pizza
Tim’s whaling on some fucking rogue and dude is 🤏🏾 close to being unconscious and tim goes “😡 now talk” (it doesn’t make it better that the rest of yj is in hysterics)
Anita mimicks the powers of whichever magic user she’s seen or heard most recently unless she gets bored and decides to act out horror movies which just leads to a villain cutting the power but they realize Anita showed up and they’re frantically trying to turn the power back on bc everyone thinks she’s actually possessed
Kon goes full on ‘Fear not, citizen! For I have arrived, a lone kryptonian with naught but justice in his heart’ along with saving one specific reporter first in every disaster (it’s linda and she thinks this is hilarious) he does hero landings and he says all the cheesy hero lines just bc he knows sometimes the medias perception of Clark annoys him (there’s a clip of a fan confessing and Kon goes on about how his only love is justice)
Greta before retirement is saying the lanterns oath before every attack and clowning Tim any chance she gets but Greta after retirement occasionally does crowd control which is just Greta doing finger guns and saying shit like totally tubular and gnarly while leading civilians away from danger or going on long winded rants about planes
Cissie is telling every person she saves that’s at least five years younger than her that she’s adopting them and then paying off some random debt and never speaking to them again or flirting with whichever member of yj is closest/has already taken down their opponent this doesn’t change much when Cissie retires, she just starts filing paperwork to adopt whoever gets second place and she will tell everyone that she’s married to the yj member on the news no matter where she is or what she’s doing
Cassie has a battle axe, a shield, and a lasso and somehow manages to use all three every fight while mimicking Diana’s speech patterns and demolishing anyone that gets a hit on yj (the only thing ww takes offense to is Cassie’s over the top feigned ineptness when it came to technology ‘Suffering Sappho! What is this strange contraption?!’ ‘🤨 my fucking phone??’)
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drconstellation · 11 months
The Ineffable Ducks
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What's with all the ducks in Good Omens that Crowley seems to be inordinately fond of? Turns out, they do have a narrative purpose, they're not just in there as a running joke about Crowley's fondness for the animals of Earth.
They appear in both S1 and S2, and get mentioned in several seemingly random places. Like, really random. There are quite a few in St James Park, where the ducks live, where the international spies also clandestinely meet, where Aziraphale and Crowley meet on several occasions, and where Crowley and Shax have a meeting, exchanging information in S2E1.
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Ducks also get referred to here, when Aziraphale suggests they use humans to search and spy out the missing Antichrist, but Crowley insists it will be near impossible because suspicion slides off the boy like water off, what ever water slides off, because he has an automatic defense system.
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The he remembers the ducks(!) later in the Bentley when they discuss using their respective networks of highly trained human operatives (Shadwell and the Witchfinder army), and Aziraphale asks if Crowley has a better idea than his. "Ducks!" Crowley suddenly utters.
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The ducks that are always there, that you see but don't see, gathering bread crumbs, when any kind of surveillance or secret spy work is being discussed.
Nah, I thought, it couldn't be a sly ref to this famous cartoon by Larson, could it?
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Aziraphale and Crowley are always afraid that someone is watching, or listening to everything they do, from both sides. I mean isn't that partly why we got the ending we did in S2, because they have had to be so covert with their communication to each over the centuries they've forgotten how to speak plainly to each other?
Heaven has definitely been watching...
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And Hell certainly noticed Crowley's act of kindness in the Edinburgh cemetery, swiftly summoning him to Hell for punishment after his kind deed on behalf of Elspeth.
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Then when the duo meet in again 1867 Crowley wonders if "ducks have ears" before declaring they must do - that's how they hear other ducks. So its no surprise that when Crowley asks Aziraphale for holy water that he writes the request on a piece of paper to hide it from those invisible ever-present watchers they know are never far away.
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When we come to the start of S2, where Crowley is slouched in St James Park once more, reading the Tadfield Advertiser, and yelling at the Azerbaijani secret agents for feeding the ducks bread. Crumbs, it was alright to do this in the book, and S1, why is wrong now? Has Crowley suddenly become woke and caring for the ducks? Nah.
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There's a lot more to it than that. I realized this is the missing Grain offering from my post about altar offerings (see The Altar of Eccles Cakes) in S2. A Grain offering represents a voluntary expression of devotion to God - or the other side you're supposed to be aligned with, in this case.
Shax is part of this scene, discussing the latest news from below, and she mentions some special intel that Hell has received, from their own secret squirrel network. Of course they would meet in St James Park to discuss this, along with all the other spies. While Shax tries to get some intel out of Crowley about what might be going on in Heaven, because she knows he has contact with a certain angel who owns a book shop, Crowley responds by refusing to show any devotion to his former side at this point, and isn't going to give any information away that could be useful. He also doesn't have any intel at this point, anyway, but he's not going to give that away either! Heaven and Hell are toxic, and no one should be going anywhere near them, in his opinion. So stop feeding them that devotional bread!
After Shax asks what they should be feeding the ducks, he eventually says "Frozen Peas. It's good for them, they like it."
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The short period of "peas" since they stopped the impending Apocalypse has been enjoyable, and good for Crowley and Aziraphale, but the forced meeting with Beelzebub later that day soon jolts Crowley out of any complacency when they indicate that the "generalized understanding" Crowley thought they had with Heaven and Hell after the body swap to leave them alone, the one Aziraphale-as-Crowley negotiated, while asking for a rubber duck, no less, was looking very shaky and fragile indeed.
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And one more random duck ref to discuss.
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I was inspired to write this section by lalalunamoth's post calling Muriel a duckling imprinted on Crowley, and of course I did not save it, did I, and a search does not bring it back up again (found it!), so if you're reading this, or know that post, please let me know! I read it, and thought, cute, but nah, then realized that Muriel was sent on a surveillance mission to Whickber St to ascertain the truth of Aziraphale's 25 lazurii miracle. And she did act as the eyes of Heaven, writing up some reports, called Crowley "grice," then followed him around during his escapade in Heaven just like a duckling following a grumpy gander drake while he did his own surveillance measures in a Tactical Turtle neck, channeling his best imitation Sean Connery voice (have you noticed that as well, people?)
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No, no, the op wasn't wrong - those big cross ducks, er grice geese, they make good guard dogs, no?
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With special mention to Crowley acting as a surveillance duck just prior to this, and Mr Brown doing his own "spying out" of Aziraphale.
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To finish this meta, there is one other figure who notably offered the ducks bread, in the book. This passage, which is surely relevant to S3, but didn't appear in S1, shows another character still devoted to God in a way. Lets give Death the final word:
Crowley: "Maybe it's it's all part of a great ineffable plan. All of it. You, me, him, everything. Some great big test to see if what you've built all works properly, eh? You start thinking: it can't be a great cosmic game of chess, it has to be just very complicated Solitaire. And don't bother to answer. if we could understand, we wouldn't be us. Because it's all - all - "
INEFFABLE, said the figure feeding the ducks.
"Yeah. Right. Thanks."
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doctormori · 5 months
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Posting some more of my nasty man for 4/13.
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sciderman · 6 months
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Avatar of Fear
Prompt: "Come to me! Face your fear mortal!" "I fear NOTHING!" "Then I will show you true nothingness!" A few moments pass and the warrior before you is a crumpled mess. Your turn. "Come to me! Face your fear mortal!"
Prompt Source: user IlikethequietZeppo; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
"Which one do you want first?" I asked cautiously.
"Your FEAR!"
I reflected idly that there something familiar about the horned, hulking figure's shape, though I couldn't pin it down.
"I am up an' heard you fine, you do speak so's my damaged auriculars can catch your holy word, but my question remains valid. Your, uh, Grandness? Which one you all up and want me to face first?"
I stepped closer, and if I 'kicked the previous guy' out of my way it put him outside easy stomping range until he had some time to grapple his head back together.
"I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION," the being rumbled. Somehow their quiet tone was more bone-quivering than the yelling.
"I got at least three or four high-level fears, an' all up an' dozens o' the smaller fears, and I gots the AnXiEtY," I sang the last word a little, bobbing my head as I listed. "So like. You want I should start with the itty bitty fears n' work up? Or go straight for the BigNasty? Cuz like. I already don't know what you up and get outta making other people face their terrors, but I got fear n' terror t'SpArE."
The sound of shifting, and the sense he had leaned his chin onto one massive fist as those eyes narrowed in glowing consideration.
"Sometimes," I admitted. "Talk in too much detail and it can up n' spread. Do it matter?"
So I did. I gave him my consuming terror that no matter how hard I work or how much I try, I will never be able to make an impact on the world I lived in. How I was afraid of failing those who depended on me, not even necessarily by failing, but by ceasing to be there. My deep-rooted, frightening sadness that I might not be missed, or known, or equally, that my loss might destroy my loved one's vital supports and stability. My fear that, on the other side of mortality, floats /nothing/, that a person simply ceases at death, and all that remains is memories for a generation and a few heirlooms, all of which will be lost to time sooner or later, and if that means what miniscule impact exists then too disappears without being felt-
I blinked. "I ain't even got to any other fears, that's just th'one that tends ta up and bother me worst," I protested.
I made an offended noise. "I go outta my way to NOT put the fear in peoples! But you up and ASKED!"
"Yes. And now that I know where my Champion all up and be, I can go back to bed. Resume my nap. Oh- and you clean up these cultists, would you? Tell the next bunch you're an acceptable substitute for me so they don't wake me early again."
"They woke you from a fuckin nap?! Rude," I growled, and he laughed before fading away, and I realized I was in a room full of those purple-robed folks, who I now remembered dragged me and fifty others in here intending to watch us scream and die.
Their fears... I knew what they all were. Every last one of them, written in glowing purple above their heads.
I stepped over the crumpled forms of the others brought in with me; most were dead of shock already except for the three before me, and one of the three living including the guy I'd shoved to the side. I made a note to check back on him- his fear was turning from purple to sorta pinky, like fushia near the middle, and at the start of the word it had begun to glow red as forge coals. Something in me told me he needed privacy, or at least to not be disturbed, as he finished conquering his fear with stubborn grit and Blood, so I stepped over him to put myself between him and the cultists.
My head felt weirdly heavy- then again I remembered one of these fools cracking me upside the skull earlier so I didn't pay it no mind as I picked up two of the decorations they scattered around the desecrated altar.
And as I began to heft them in my hands, flip them, watching the stripes flash before discarding the one for another with a different color but the same weight as the one I still held, I saw their fears grow.
"Grand High don't like bein woken up afore it's time," I said, in a strange, slow, drawling voice. It felt like it was deeper than it should be. With extra growl in it.
"But he up an' said you found his Champion for him, and that save him some work. Might all see the Ticket-Taker after all."
And now their fears were harmonizing, all singing the same tune despite their individual notes, and my lips tilted up into a grin without my permission. Something... sharp, in my mouth, where it shouldn't be sharp, hung over my lip and scraped as my grin stretched a lot wider than I thought it should go. I couldn't worry about it or concentrate, though, not with them singing such a pretty harmony of horror and knowing at me.
"Anybody ever told you," I sighed, and my weight shifted to the balls my bare feet, "if you gonna lay out a right feast, don't be surprised when somebody up an' drops by t'take a bite? And all this fear you laid out up in this room?"
I inhaled deeply, and watched their fear grow one more time.
"This is all up an' lookin fuckin’ DELICIOUS."
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fruit-kick · 10 months
the foundation offers arcanists the right to exist as long as they follow the foundation as martyrs, while manus offers humans the right to exist as long as they follow them as monsters. neither side is looking for equality. st pavlov seems like it, but their relationship with arcanists is conditional and controlled. their goal is less "humans and arcanists living together in harmony" and more "lessen the threat and utilize the power of arcanists for humans"
its easy to think of the foundation as the hero since we're experiencing the story as a member; surrounded by other members taught by the foundation, but at some point, it becomes clear they're not interested in the lives of arcanists
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the-woman-upstairs · 4 months
It’s just…so painful to watch Armand readily submit in order to obtain the love he so desperately craves. And while it’s most assuredly a manipulative tactic, it’s still one borne out of fear and desperation. He cannot lose this person he’s come to love and so will become whatever they want, do whatever they want just so they’ll stay with him. But it won’t be enough. No matter how much he acquiesces or seeks to control (himself, others, the environment), he won’t be able to make Louis stay with him in the perfect life, perfect self he built in the hopes of finally being loved. It will all crumble with Armand left alone in the rubble of what he created, the author of his own abandonment.
#this unfortunately hits way too close to home for me#let’s not even get into Claudia’s anger at never being enough#iwtv spoilers#interview with the vampire#armand#this is just me speaking from personal experience…but there is definite manipulation at play here from Armand#and I don’t necessarily mean that pejoratively- when you’re desperate for people to like/love you you’ll become whatever they want#or whatever you think they’d want and you give it to them so they’ll want to keep you around#I’ve done it so often with the people in my life- and make no mistake it’s also a survival tactic#you give someone what they want they won’t hurt you#and when that’s how you survive for years and years it becomes the default method of interacting with others#even with normal people who genuinely mean you no harm you revert to that people pleasing mode#as a means of control both external and internal#this is what i see armand doing- his way of surviving that he’s never truly broken out of#armand ceding coven control to Louis and curating the Dubai penthouse for Louis are part of the same pattern of behavior#and even tho it’s ultimately harmful and will only end badly for armand and Louis’ relationship#idk if armand knows how to not exist that way with someone he loves/desires#all of this also ties into louis and daniel#because of course Armand will lose it over Louis finding connection and interest with someone else aside from him#someone HUMAN no less#and I can see Armand taking out his anger on Daniel as a way of expressing his own frustration at still not being enough for Louis#breaking daniel’s mind in a desperate attempt to understand why this human could reach Louis in ways he couldn’t#not saying any of this to excuse Armand and his behavior obviously (I’m very upset and worried over the trial looming on the horizon)#but I do understand this impulse and how you’ll throw ANYONE under the bus in order to preserve your place with loved ones#it’s all horrifying but unfortunately I empathize#like even if Louis is right to walk out on him when he learns/remembers the truth of what happened to Claudia#I’ll probably still find myself saddened by Armand’s fate because I’ve absolutely been there myself#it’s a tragedy of his own making- his fear and desperation birthing manipulative and controlling behaviors#that ultimately result in your own abandonment#god this fucking show
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“Feelings buried alive never die.”
Karol Truman
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randomname3 · 8 months
The statements from the second and third episode has the statement giver be happy/thankful with the grotesque supernatural change that happened to them
At the same time the third episode highlighted the fact that our main characters are very much not happy with their life from the start
Is this something?
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