#Twin Engines of Destruction
the-gershomite · 2 months
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Star Wars: Boba Fett -Twin Engines of Destruction- November 2011
written by Andy Mangels
pencils by John Nadeau
inks by Jordi Ensign
lettering by Michael Taylor
colors by Cary Porter
cover by John Nadeau
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on of the greatest panels in the history of the comic book medium, from " STAR WARS -- Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction," published by Dark Horse Comics in 1997. It was a comic originally printed in the "STAR WARS Galaxy" Magazine.
DENGAR: "So, did Cas Yllek get booged out by your Sarlacc scars? Those things'll probably never go away. No wonder you never show your face."
BOBA FETT: "This is my face."
Story/script by Andy Mangels
Pencils by John Nadeau
Inks by Jordi Ensign
Colors by Cary Porter
Yup, the Fett went pretty fuckin' hard on this one, and all it took was four simple words. Spoken like a true badass, and easily one of the most savage one-liners ever uttered within the pages of the narrative art form. The Expanded Universe lives on.
Source: www.pinterest.com/pin/mothdust--423056958718132723.
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tathrin · 1 year
I just need you to know your tags on that post about Boba Fett made me realize HOW MUCH of Legends-era Boba Fett I didn't know about and now it is my goal to hunt every book and story down because dear gods he's even more amazing than I realized
Ahhhh omg yes he's the best and worst in all the best ways. Thank you for giving me another excuse to talk about him!
Okay so start with the Twin Engines of Destruction comic by Andy Mangels and John Naedeau, that is THE epitome of Boba Fett. (#he had no face just the helmet that WAS his face #he canonically gives money from successful jobs to orphanages WHAT #when he found out someone was impersonating him AND BOTCHING JOBS he set that fucker up SO GOOD #he literally took the man apart physically spiritually and emotionally and left him paralyzed staring at his own about-to-explode jetpack #and put the antidote to the neurotoxin in front of him said ''you may survive if you have the will to move...like i would'' and WALKED AWAY) Genuinely just...this is it, this is him, this is everything anyone ever needs to know about how to write Boba Fett.
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After that I'll recommend moving onto the Boba Fett: Death, Lies, and Treachery comics (consisting of "Bounty on Bar Kooda," "When the Fat Lady Swings," and "Murder Most Foul") by John Wagner and Cam Kennedy (probably my favorite Fett comic artist; their style is wonky yes but it fits so well!). Boba Fett: Agent of Doom is another one drawn by Kennedy that is excellent, although it's written by John Ostrander (who did the best Clone Wars comics btw) instead of Wagner. Also I personally like to headcanon the last one actually being about Ailyn Vel, but that's neither here nor there. Your best bet to find these is probably the Star Wars Legends — Epic Collection: The New Republic vol 7 tpb but Marvel is shit about keeping their SW comics in print, so good luck.
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Also definitely worth reading are K.W. Jeter's Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy of novels (#he surgically removed his olfactory pleasure sensors so he wouldn't be affected by space pollen shit  #he'd drop an entire mine on top of himself to get his mark if he had to and then just dig his way back out #he once used the dying body of the closest thing he had to a friend as a laser canon to kill some tin-can hutts  #he had his fucking SKIN DISSOLVED and still sat up to shoot a bitch #he walked onto an exploding star destroyer just to have a conversation AND THEN FLEW IT RIGHT BACK OUT AGAIN) but I will say that the quality of them varies wildly between different sections...but it's one of those "even the bad parts are good, despite being terrible" books, if you know what I mean!
No Disintegrations, Please! is a short-story from the Tales of the New Republic collection, and that's the one that features Fett walking through an Imperial Garrison to get his mark that I was thinking of when I made the post (although it seems that tag didn't save? or I just can't find it again amidst all the unhinged shrieking of the rest of them lol) although he also took on a garrison in one of the comics and in another comic he went through a wrecked Star Destroyer full of murder-droids and TIE patrols so like...not an out-of-the-ordinary endeavor for him lol.
Payback: The Tale of Dengar, also from one of the short-story collections, in this case Tales of the Bounty Hunters, is where Dengar gets Fett to be his best man, although alas the wedding itself is never depicted anywhere, at least not that I've seen. (Although if you'll permit an extremely immodest self-rec, I did write about it once in a fic...) My favorite moment in this story, though, is when Boba Fett pulls a straw out to drink without removing his helmet. Too bad no one apparently ever mentioned that features to Din Djarin; would have made his life considerably easier. And yes, I was the person shouting "use a straw you idiot!" at the screen several times, to the vast amusement of those watching with me.
And of course, Susejo a.k.a. the Sarlacc mentioned in the original post is from A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett from the short-story collection "Tales From Jabba's Palace."
For new stuff that still feels like classic Fett, Age of Rebellion: Boba Fett by Greg Pak and Bria LaVorgna is really the only thing that comes to mind, but it's quite a lovely little one-shot.
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*If you have trouble finding Twin Engines of Destruction let me know. I have the whole thing saved on my computer because I love it so much, although I will say that the digital format/coloring does it no favors.
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rosieleej · 22 days
It’s crazy that the twins are turning 25 today because at this moment probably Dipper has already finished his degree in engineering and is doing a masters and maybe a PHD, Mabel having finished hers in art. At this rate they’re old enough to drink, and drive, and vote and reflect on what-the-f happened to them as kids. Right now they’re probably celebrating their birthday in a small private party in the shack. Now the grunkles are 80 yrs and too old to sail at sea. Maybe now Greta is about to marry that duke; she’s as confident and beautiful as she’s ever been. Maybe Candy has some interesting stuff going on. Soos has a child with Melody, and the grandma has passed away, Waddles as well. Wendy is probably not working at the Mystery Shack ( she still cuts wood in her free time). The Weirdmagedon was so much time ago that all of Gravity Falls now can laugh about it. No one really talks about Bill, or the monsters, or the destruction, death and fear that came with them. For more than a decade the town has been at peace. For more than a decade Ford hasn’t feel like a freak. For more than a decade Stan has had what he had wanted for the most part of his life. For more than a decade the Pines twins, both sets, have been loved.
Mabel is now longer afraid of growing up. She already has, and she’s thriving. Dipper doesn’t fears he’s not good enough. Maybe their parents divorced, maybe they didn’t, but each year instead of going home in summer break from college they go to the same small town that opened their arms to them so so many years ago, and they feel like children again.
They. The children that taught me that growing up maybe is not so bad.
Happy Birthday indeed Mabel and Dipper Pines
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phecdasolar · 1 month
Tumblr I need your help I am in dire need of feral/unhinged Disaster Twins fics pleaseeee (and maybe Mikey as a bonus) I’m just in love with the idea of Raph being the impulse control for once with this iteration, and just the second he’s out of commission the other three go insane.
Weapons of War, Bioengineered Killing Machines, Manufactured Supersoldiers Rottmnt turtles my BELOVEDS
And maybe just like,,, set Leo and Donnie loose on one of the other dimensions and have them absolutely horrifically annihilate their counterparts’ villains while they watch on in horror
(B.E.A.S.T. was SUCH a good fic you guys oh my GOSH go read it I’m begging you-)
I NEED to have it addressed in fic form that the Rise turtles are fundamentally different than all their other counterparts, because their counterparts? They were accidents. Just a couple of turtles splashed with mutagen and oh look now they’re people but Green. (Huge oversimplification I’m aware but hear me out okay-)
But the Rise boys were created. They were specifically designed to be weapons of mass destruction. They were built with the intent to cause harm which means they were bioengineered to be stronger, smarter(?), faster, to heal quicker, to have the capacity to take hard hits while dishing out even harder ones, they were literally forged with a purpose to kill.
Add on their mystic powers? Then their unlocked Ninpo? You can’t honestly tell me that these four aren’t the strongest and potentially deadliest version of themselves out there.
Yes they still had to learn things, as did the other iterations, they weren’t immediately good (that much is obvious, like c’mon it’s IN the name) but I don’t think the other iterations possess the same instincts as these guys do. They’re just so. Unhinged. They’ve all had their moments in the show I think where it’s obvious they’re not really,,, stable. I love them.
In a plain fists only, maybe weapons, no powers fight, I do think some of the other iterations would win, but purely because they have way more experience than these guys do. (If I did any crossovers I’d say 2003 and 2012 are definitely older than these guys, especially if we’re basing this at the end of their shows) But put them against each other when they’re still at the same level? Rise is whooping butt, I know where I’m placing my bets. It’s called RISE of the TMNT for a reasonnnnnn they’re not there yet but they WILL BE, and as of the end of s2 and the movie I say they’re finally THERE.
I have no idea how this turned into a headcanon rant this was just supposed to be me asking for fic recs hsgdjdjdk it’s almost 3 am tho so whatever sorry if none or some of this is incoherent o7 o/
Editing this with a list of fics I have been graciously recommended below the cut:
Firefight by remrose [42/43 chapters 208k words] (edit: JUST FINISHED READING ch38-42 WATCH ME BAWL MY EYES OUT I was rotating them in my brain all morning at work) less on the feral side, more on the gut-wrenching angst side, still Disaster Twins and still super good
In Which Donnie and Leo Make Themselves Everyone Else's Problem in an NYC That Isn't Even Their Own by YukiSkyes [7/? chapters, 18k words] the CLASSIC “the Disaster Twins are unapologetically causing chaos” fic, always a delight to read
The Lemon Leak by TurtleSoupSwimmer [27/37 chapters, 143k words] I’m being told it’s very true to the theme here, and it’s very angsty, a suspenseful psychological thriller, and will make you scream at your phone. I for one am very intrigued
Eschatology by aenor_llelo, Alderous, ConcoctionsFromHell, izziel_galaxy, Jaybird314, Otakuforlife19, and Rocket999 [17/17 chapters, 344k words] “HEAVY on the boys being biologically engineered to destroy the world, it also delves into so much character building and worldbuilding that we never got in canon, and it gives even super minor characters the chance to shine” Sounds intriguing, AND it’s a BNHA crossover which I am a big fan of :D
The Hunter’s Bible also by TurtleSoupSwimmer [2/2 chapters, 15k words] Rated Mature, contains themes of SA and c@nnibalism so PLEASE keep that in mind!! Not a fic for the faint of heart this is a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat! The SA is only attempted, and never shown, only implied, and it’s only in ch 1, but the other stuff is fairly descriptive and takes place in ch 2. All that being said, flipping UNHINGED, just about lost my mind in ch 2, it was entertaining in a surreal kinda way if you get what I mean. Funky little feral creatures
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teabunnee · 5 months
Emesis Blue actor au
Transcripts from the interviews after the immense success of indie film EMESIS BLUE
Clip 1 
Fritz: It was interesting to do horror, not too dissimilar to my former roles, except without the comedy. One of the most difficult was simply staring at the camera, I had to create an immense amount of emotions with no words, or facial movements while Tavish was around, making silly faces. I had to pretend I was an owl. 
Clip 2: 
Jeremy: you should’ve seen my Ma when I told her about the part she got. She was so psyched! Though the head bust they made of her was freaky as hell. She keeps hiding it in the weirdest places-
Ma(offscreen): You laughed! 
Jeremy: After I almost peed my pants! You left it on a plate! 
Ma: That wasn’t me! That was Tavish! 
Jeremy(muttering): Of course it was. 
Clip 3: 
Ma: My son actually played two roles! He’s the man with the long arms and hands. Not sure what that was about, to be honest.
Jeremy: Oh man, the prop hands! You know, they look creepy in the movie, but walk around with massive sausage fingers in the daylight? I looked like a monkey! Got a few laughs out of everyone at least. 
(Jeremy looks at the camera and holds out his massive sausage hands, grinning) 
Clip 4: 
Ma: Mr Murnau was a dear to work with on the set, such a gentleman, even with all of those burn prosthetics they put on him! All of that heavy makeup and thick scars…He looked like a different person! 
Murnau: I’m used to playing the suave gentleman, but the detective in the film is a savage character. Savage, and complex. I drew a lot from old noir films. He was an interesting role. A man who engineers his own destruction. 
Clip 5: 
Dell: You can say this was a family production, especially for me. But that just meant we all hung out together more. I’m glad my brothers had the chance to shine, not to mention I liked the tux they got me.  
Fritz: the cognagher twins were quite the marvel to watch on set, one minute they were the men who offered to fix my car, the second they were this…terrifying murderous duo! 
Murnau: They were very well spoken individuals, and they play off each other very well. They always seemed to know exactly what the other was planning. 
Clip 6:
Dell: Yeah, they loved the Shining, why you ask? 
Clip 7:
Tavish: My best mate? Doe! We had a lot of fun on set together. We still go bar hopping! 
Doe: Tavish was our prankster on set! Always hiding things or spooking us during cuts. Course, I was there to help him out! 
(Clip of the famous frozen Demo scene, only once soldier leans again demo’s chest, Demo suddenly comes to life and screams, startling soldier.) 
edit: Drawings start here!
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the-jade-jester27 · 3 months
Decided to make another one of these cause the other one got buried so
✨ TF2 ship name list ✨
A little more gun, brokeback mountain, Hoe-Down, OSHA violation - Engie x engie
Science party, glasses and' goggles, genetic engineering, German engineering - Engie x medic
Heavy metal, brains n' brawns - Engie x heavy
Trucks n' vans, outback steakhouse - Engie x sniper
Quick study, scatterbrains, Texas two step - Engie x scout
Short fuse, brains n' bombs - Engie x demo
Helmet party, rocket science - Engie x soldier
Texas toast, three rubber gloves, firetrucks, fire forged - Engie x pyro
Napoleon complex, practical espionage, knives n' knowledge - Engie x spy
Science party, glasses and' goggles, genetic engineering, German engineering - Medic x engineer
Double dosage, emergency room - Medic x medic
Red Oktoberfest, birds n' bears - Medic x heavy
Bush medicine, vanbulance, hearts n' headshots, piss sample - Medic x sniper
Blunt trauma, quick fix - Medic x scout
Scotchtoberfest, jagerbomb - Medic x demo
Fruit scones, ethics violation, rabies shot - Medic x soldier
Burn ward, hot pocket - Medic x pyro
Gentle surgery, poison dagger - Medic x spy
Heavy metal, brains n' brawns - Heavy x engineer
Red Oktoberfest, birds n' bears - Heavy x medic
Russian front - Heavy x heavy
Vegemite sandwich, vodka shots - Heavy x sniper
Heavy hitters, mice n' men - Heavy x scout
Big bang, red bombs - Heavy x demo
Cold war, red scare - Heavy x soldier
Hot n' heavy, roasted sandvich - Heavy x pyro
Iced wine, Russian roulette - Heavy x spy
Trucks n' vans, outback steakhouse - Sniper x engineer
Bush medicine, vanbulance, hearts n' headshots, piss sample - Sniper x medic
Vegemite sandwich, vodka shots - Sniper x heavy
Necklace o' teeth, two Aussies one jar - Sniper x sniper
Speeding bullet, quick scope, coffee n' cola - Sniper x scout
Swordvan, bloody drunk, kaboomerang - Sniper x demo
American aviators, mutually assured destruction - Sniper x soldier
Bushfire, campfire, hot shots - Sniper x pyro
Knife party, bloody suit, French kisses, down under, great barrier thief - Sniper x spy
Missed shots, piss mauling - Sniper x miss pauling
Quick study, scatterbrains, Texas two step - Scout x engineer
Blunt trauma, quick fix - Scout x medic
Heavy hitters, mice n' men - Scout x heavy
Speeding bullet, quick scope, coffee n' cola - Scout x sniper
A headache, brats n' bats - Scout x scout
Hop scotch - Scout x demo
All American offense, batting helmet - Scout x soldier
Flash fire, weenie roast - Scout x pyro
Swing and a miss - Scout x miss pauling
Short fuse, brains n' bombs - Demo x engineer
Scotchtoberfest, jagerbomb - Demo x medic
Big bang, red bombs - Demo x heavy
Swordvan, bloody drunk, kaboomerang - Demo x sniper
Hop scotch - Demo x scout
Double dynamite, 2020 vision - Demo x demo
Boots n' bombs - Demo x soldier
Firebomb, Molotov cocktail - Demo x pyro
Bomb voyage, Scottish wine, detonators and daggers - Demo x spy
Helmet party, rocket science - Soldier x engineer
Fruit scones, ethics violation, rabies shot - Soldier x medic
Cold war, red scare - Soldier x heavy
American aviators, mutually assured destruction - Soldier x sniper
All American offense, batting helmet - Soldier x scout
Boots n' bombs - Soldier x demo
Screaming eagles, rockethoppers - Soldier x soldier
Fireworks, fourth of July - Soldier x pyro
Freedom fries - Soldier x spy
Texas toast, three rubber gloves, firetrucks, fire forged - Pyro x engineer
Burn ward, hot pocket - Pyro x medic
Hot n' heavy, roasted sandvich - Pyro x heavy
Bushfire, campfire, hot shots - Pyro x sniper
Flash fire, weenie roast - Pyro x scout
Firebomb, Molotov cocktail - Pyro x demo
Fireworks, fourth of July - Pyro x soldier
Twin flames - Pyro x pyro
French toast, French fries - Pyro x spy
Missfire, Cesium - Pyro x miss pauling
Napoleon complex, practical espionage, knives n' knowledge - Spy x engineer
Gentle surgery, poison dagger - Spy x medic
Iced wine, Russian roulette - Spy x heavy
Knife party, bloody suit, French kisses, down under, great barrier thief - Spy x sniper
Bomb voyage, Scottish wine, detonators and daggers - Spy x demo
Freedom fries - Spy x soldier
French toast, French fries - Spy x pyro
Double agent, cloak & dagger, double entendre - Spy x spy
Miss. Pauling
Missfire, Cesium - Miss Pauling x Pyro
Swing and a miss - Miss Pauling x scout
Missed shots, piss mauling - Miss Pauling x sniper
Kentucky fried femslash, hits and misses - Miss Pauling x fried chicken lady
This is an ongoing list that I will be adding to when I find more ship names/ whenever people give me names to add
As an extra note, I will likely not be putting poly ships on the list purely because of the fact that it would get even more difficult to find ship names within the list as it already is
In the future I might make a separate list or section of this post but not right now
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engalaazaqout · 10 days
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My house, my car, my twin daughter, Alma, and my life before and after 🙏
Pictures that summarize the devastation and destruction of my life, from a man aspiring to a doctorate in engineering, to a man searching for food, water, and safety for his family.
My friends, please, for My Twins Alma and Lama of the children who have no fault, do not leave us alone and help us evacuate from Gaza 🍉🙏❤️
Save my family and my twin girls, Alma and Lama, from genocidal war🆓🇵🇸🥺
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
Do you think that the Dance is also meant to be a foreshadowing for the books like D vs fA or Jon? Because I feel like with how the story is centered to the Starks, whoever gains their support (obv Jon if he joins 😂) will win and we get to have a second hour of the wolf
Let's put it this way: The main novel series is the point, and the Dance of Dragons is a result of its existence, it is fictional historical backstory that is meant to inform, illustrate and foreshadow the events of the main series.
The first book of the main novel series was published in 1996. It already contained references to the Dance of the Dragons, and they reappear sprinkled through the series, increasing in detail and relevance.
What is interesting is that the thing most emphasized about the Dance in the main series is the intra-family strife. Brother v. sister - and transcribed into the kingsguard: brother against brother, metaphorical and literal.
Bran was going to be a knight himself someday, one of the Kingsguard. [...] Bran knew all the stories. [...] The twins Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk, who had died on one another's swords hundreds of years ago, when brother fought sister in the war the singers called the Dance of the Dragons. (AGOT, Bran II)
It's a popular, high-culture piece of music that plays on the multiple perspectives of the historical event.
Later, while Sansa was off listening to a troupe of singers perform the complex round of interwoven ballads called the "Dance of the Dragons," Ned inspected the bruise himself. (AGOT, Eddard VII)
A Clash of Kings (1998) contains no reference, though you could consider the entire developing civil war to be an answer to that first reference.
A Storm of Swords (2000) picks it up again in much greater detail.
Stannis - notably having killed his brother over the throne - emphasizes the aspect of treason while discussing the fate of his wife's uncle Alester Florent.
"It has always been so. I am not . . . I am not a cruel man, Ser Davos. You know me. Have known me long. This is not my decree. It has always been so, since Aegon's day and before. Daemon Blackfyre, the brothers Toyne, the Vulture King, Grand Maester Hareth . . . traitors have always paid with their lives . . . even Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was daughter to one king and mother to two more, yet she died a traitor's death for trying to usurp her brother's crown. It is law. Law, Davos. Not cruelty." (ASOS, Davos IV)
The song makes another appearance at Joffrey's wedding, once again emphasizing that it is a complex story from multiple perspectives. Also setting up the inter-Lannister collapse that has been brewing for a while and explodes with Joffrey's murder.
Collio began with his version of "The Dance of the Dragons," which was more properly a song for two singers, male and female.  (ASOS, Tyrion VIII)
Jaime brings it back around to the kingsguard pseudo-brotherhood, which mirrors the inter-family aspect of the civil war.
The old and the new. Jaime wondered if that meant anything. There had been times during its history where the Kingsguard had been divided against itself, most notably and bitterly during the Dance of the Dragons. Was that something he needed to fear as well? (ASOS, Jaime VIII)
Given the mess that is made of the kingsguard in the coming book in KL and in Dorne... yes, Jaime.
By AFFC (2005) GRRM firmly establishes the Dance as a historical reference for destructive civil war over feuding siblings.
And the songs he chose . . . He sang of the Dance of the Dragons, of fair Jonquil and her fool, of Jenny of Oldstones and the Prince of Dragonflies. He sang of betrayals, and murders most foul, of hanged men and bloody vengeance. He sang of grief and sadness. (AFFC, Sansa I)
It also turns the focus on Criston Cole as an alleged external engineer of such strife. Interestingly, his arms resemble a ladybug, Targaryen colors but not Targaryen.
"Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best." "The best and the worst." So one of us is like to live in song. "And a few who were a bit of both. Like him." He tapped the page he had been reading. "Who?" Ser Loras craned his head around to see. "Ten black pellets on a scarlet field. I do not know those arms." "They belonged to Criston Cole, who served the first Viserys and the second Aegon." Jaime closed the White Book. "They called him Kingmaker." (AFFC, Jaime II)
Contrasting to Stannis, Arianne uses the Dance as an example of treason from the other side, trying to manipulate kingsguard Arys Oakheart into supporting her coup against her father and brother, even though by Dornish custom her role would more rightly resemble that of Aegon II because she is the legal heir and believes her father to favor second-born Quentyn. Notably, Criston Cole is blamed over all Targaryen's involved. Ridiculous but probably significant.
Ser Criston Cole. Criston the Kingmaker had set brother against sister and divided the Kingsguard against itself, bringing on the terrible war the singers named the Dance of the Dragons. Some claimed he acted from ambition, for Prince Aegon was more tractable than his willful older sister. Others allowed him nobler motives, and argued that he was defending ancient Andal custom. A few whispered that Ser Criston had been Princess Rhaenyra's lover before he took the white and wanted vengeance on the woman who had spurned him. "The Kingmaker wrought grave harm," Ser Arys said, "and gravely did he pay for it, but . . ." (AFFC, The Soiled Knight)
Quite fittingly, Arianne's own little "dance" ends with horror and death and deep regret on her side, while poor Quentyn is busy on the other side of the planet.
Meanwhile, GRRM keeps the subject current in ADWD (2011) after Tyrion joins the entourage of "Young Griff", mixing in a reminder of different perspective on historical events. And some dragonslaying. Clearly, he has compiled a lot of detailed backstory for this civil war by now.
Haldon was unimpressed. "Even Duck knows that tale. Can you tell me the name of the knight who tried the same ploy with Vhagar during the Dance of the Dragons?" Tyrion grinned. "Ser Byron Swann. He was roasted for his trouble … only the dragon was Syrax, not Vhagar." "I fear that you're mistaken. In The Dance of the Dragons, A True Telling, Maester Munkun writes—" "—that it was Vhagar. Grand Maester Munkun errs. Ser Byron's squire saw his master die, and wrote his daughter of the manner of it. His account says it was Syrax, Rhaenyra's she-dragon, which makes more sense than Munken's version. Swann was the son of a marcher lord, and Storm's End was for Aegon. Vhagar was ridden by Prince Aemond, Aegon's brother. Why should Swann want to slay her?" (ADWD, Tyrion III)
Dragonslaying comes up again in the context of Hazzea and the effects of dragons in general.
If I look back, I am doomed, Dany told herself … but how could she not look back? I should have seen it coming. Was I so blind, or did I close my eyes willfully, so I would not have to see the price of power? Viserys had told her all the tales when she was little. He loved to talk of dragons. She knew how Harrenhal had fallen. She knew about the Field of Fire and the Dance of the Dragons. One of her forebears, the third Aegon, had seen his own mother devoured by his uncle's dragon. And there were songs beyond count of villages and kingdoms that lived in dread of dragons till some brave dragonslayer rescued them. At Astapor the slaver's eyes had melted. On the road to Yunkai, when Daario tossed the heads of Sallor the Bald and Prendahl na Ghezn at her feet, her children made a feast of them. Dragons had no fear of men. And a dragon large enough to gorge on sheep could take a child just as easily. (ADWD, Daenerys II)
In a telling twist on the name that pulls it directly into the present and likely future, we look at burned Quentyn:
After the girl was gone, the old knight peeled back the coverlet for one last look at Quentyn Martell's face, or what remained of it. So much of the prince's flesh had sloughed away that he could see the skull beneath. His eyes were pools of pus. He should have stayed in Dorne. He should have stayed a frog. Not all men are meant to dance with dragons. (ADWD, The Queen's Hand)
Which echoes again with Arianne in her TWOW sample chapters (2010-ish), which (interestingly) also flesh out her relationship with Daemon Sand, an intentional reference to a prominent character in the dance linked to Rhaenyra.
"Once we know beyond a doubt whether these be friends or foes, my father will know what to do," the princess said. It was then that pasty, pudgy Teora raised her eyes from the creamcakes on her plate. "It is dragons." "Dragons?" said her mother. "Teora, don't be mad." "I'm not. They're coming." "How could you possibly know that?" her sister asked, with a note of scorn in her voice. "One of your little dreams?" Teora gave a tiny nod, chin trembling. "They were dancing. In my dream. And everywhere the dragons danced the people died."
Much like with Daenerys, this reference emphasizes the destructive effects of the dragon-based civil war.
Since Arianne's little stint as pseudo-Rhaenyra went nowhere, but the Dance references remain thick and strong, we can likely look at her upcoming connection to Aegon as the point of it all.
Incidentally, GRRM has already set up their future conflict:
Now, how do you suppose this queen will react when you turn up with your begging bowl in hand and say, 'Good morrow to you, Auntie. I am your nephew, Aegon, returned from the dead. I've been hiding on a poleboat all my life, but now I've washed the blue dye from my hair and I'd like a dragon, please … and oh, did I mention, my claim to the Iron Throne is stronger than your own?' " (ADWD, Tyrion VI)
This places Tyrion into the role of a Cole-figure, hilariously, having pushed Aegon into changing direction to claim the throne directly without Dany.
There's the strife between family members, kingsguards, factions, and manipulative third parties, all over a throne that really isn't worth it, told from multiple perspectives, bringing misery and destruction to the smallfolk.
All the extra material on the Dance of Dragons was published after ADWD, from A World of Ice and Fire (2014) to the novellas (2013-2024) to Fire and Blood (2018), with one small reference to the extinction of the dragons after the Dance in The Mystery Knight (2010). So all this backstory was compiled and built up in the service of of the main story GRRM is telling.
You rightfully bring up Jon, Daenerys and Aegon all together, but it's extremely unlikely that Jon Snow is going to be a driving factor in a Dance of Dragons 2.0 because he will only just find out that he has Targaryen ancestry, and in a way that puts him it in conflict with her Stark ancestry.
No, this war is going to be between two established family members who both have claims and means alongside the ambition to ascend the Iron Throne. Not quite brother v. sister but aunt v. nephew. Tragic, destructive, self-destructive. Much like what the Baratheon brothers have served us before. Only with dragons involved on Dany's side, while Aegon mixes it up by simultaneously representing the Dornish side of the story, through his mother Elia - which is a whole different kettle of fish.
Jon's presence in there is probably going to be a very interesting complicating factor that might go in many different directions, with mirrors to Robb's Will and Stannis' offer of legitimization (another theme in the Dance), to accusations of manipulation and ambition (Criston Cole). The role of the prophecy is also going to be explored in all its myopic self-destructive emptiness.
This won't be a copy of the first Dance, though.
If there is an Hour of the Wolf, it's going to preside not over scarred survivors, but over the ashes and corpses of King's Landing and the Targaryen legacy in Westeros.
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floweroflaurelin · 1 year
So Pixlriffs’ finale is a masterpiece and I’m experiencing a lot of emotions right now ✨🌻✨
For my own reference I made a transcript of the monologue and thought I might as well share it! It's under the cut to avoid spoilers but the whole first 8ish minutes of his video are typed out. I recommend watching at least that much, if you haven’t yet, because it’s really something worth hearing.
We are not done.
Not yet.
Our stories do not begin here, and neither do they end. But before they fade into obscurity, as so many events do, there is one more story left to be told.
[It is the Story
the World.]
It’s important to remind ourselves that history is an account of events remembered—and there are so few left who remember, so it mingles with myth and hearsay, folklore and fireside stories. This is the account of just one man, and others may recall the tale differently. Others still may decide to change the narrative to suit their own ends. And this, it must be said, is no bad thing. So it goes.
[Sun setting
our Creation.]
In a long-lost age before records truly began, our world was built by Titans (or so it is said). The lands they created became home to people who would seek to emulate and even to surpass that act of creation, and that would eventually bring about their destruction. But destruction is simply part of a cycle. Nothing is ever truly lost.
Those who foresaw the destruction fled before it could bring the walls of their homes down around them. And many who had been downtrodden and overlooked saw it as their chance to find a new life for themselves.
Thus began a great migration, leaving behind the old nations of the world and striking out for somewhere new, a life untethered from the follies of their former state. And though the road was long and treacherous, and many fell behind in the wake of such an awful endeavour, new bonds were forged in the fires of adversity.
As time passed, and more joined the great caravan, the host became a nation of its own, a glorious congregation sharing one purpose, singing the same resolute song. Though the road was long, they were homeward bound.
And a home they found nestled in a mountainous landscape, one that might have been carved by the very bones of the gods themselves. There they planted roots, drank deep from the water, and continued to grow. The farmers sowed new fields and raised new flocks. The work of many hands turned to building a new city. And together the architects conceived a castle upon a great plateau that would stand as a monument to their past apart and their future together. To them, the castle itself would tell the Story of the World.
Stone-whisperers from Mythland and the Grimlands, well-versed in masonry of all kinds, sculpted its walls from the abundant rock of the nearby mountains quarried for the glory of their new capital. They wrought rock and iron, carved and timbered their great halls, and raised mighty towers to stand atop the grand cliff.
The mages of the Crystal Cliffs brought knowledge of magic and the beauty of gemstones, and theirs was the sanctum at the heart of the castle, ever-seated at the Ruler’s left hand: their shield and protector.
A tribute was raised to Gilded Helianthia, whose ruler was still revered in the hearts and minds of many, and in time she became their warden against the spectres of the past, carrying the twin burdens of light and shadow on her shoulders; a burden with which the people of Rivendell were all too familiar.
And below, far below, the engineers of Pixandria sought to reproduce the jewel of their empire. A mechanism that would surpass the work of the Copper King himself.
Not all who came to found the Ancient Capital remained for long. Like dandelion seeds, the people of the Overgrown were scattered on the wind, alighting on the mountaintops and valleys. The vast majority of them came to settle in the rolling meadows of Chromia, which was renowned for the richness and beauty of its dyes for lifetimes after.
In the absence of their king, the nation of Mezelea resettled in new badlands, establishing laws and ordinances of their own. Many of them had been armour stands before the king imbued them with life, and some found this a hard habit to shake.
The people of the Cod and Ocean empires, bereft of the waters that gave them life, took to diving in the rocky pools of vast caverns and their affinity for stone grew. Over many generations they adapted, becoming the green-skinned race that folk came to know as goblins—their pointed ears the only remaining vestige of the fins they had once had.
For the gnomes of the Undergrove, this was a homecoming! They had long dwelled here before their exodus through the Nether and the fairy circles of the Evermoore welcomed them with open arms.
And the villagers of the Lost Empire, hiding in plain sight amongst the caravan of peoples, sought to find a place where they would be unburdened by this facade of humanity, standing at last on their own two feet.
But the boundaries of this land were ever-changing, and the nations soon found the cataclysm they had left behind had weakened the walls between their world and others. Waters rose and fell unpredictably; incursions from other realms were possible, bringing chaos in their wake. The tide of history churned and rippled.
None now remember how the Capital fell, only that its remains have lasted: an epitaph to all they had achieved together.
And just like before, new nations would arise. The pirates of Eversea ruled the waters from their secret cove. The inventors of Cogsmeade arrived sailing in from the air on their skyships—only to find whole buildings floating in the golden kingdom of Stratos. Rumours abounded of a Sanctuary hidden in the deepest jungle for those who knew the way.
Their tales are better told by those who knew them well. Our stories do not begin here, and neither do they end. But for this tired historian, it is perhaps best to leave these things in the past and begin to look towards the future.
For whatever comes next, we who have sown the seeds can only hope for a bountiful harvest.
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astrosky33 · 2 years
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[READ] People often question why there’s so many meanings for each planet/house and the reason is so that you can learn more than just one thing about yourself through each placement. Otherwise astrology would be very vague and boring. These are all meanings that I’ve learned from my astrology classes at Kepler College
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THE SUN: your ego, your identity, your vitality, attention, spotlight, leadership, creativity, authority, royalty, pride, generosity, individuality, development, dignity, consciousness, things that make you happy, festivals, validation, and self expression
THE MOON: your inner emotions, emotional responses, emotional instincts, care, your comfort zone, femininity, your mother/motherly figure, family, your childhood, your nurturing instincts, fertility, baking, maternal instinct, adaptability, nursing, menstruation, pregnancy, boobs, the ocean, habits, and comfortability
MERCURY: communication, speaking, the mind, health, perception, lower education (pre-k, elementary, middle, and high school), writing, social media, cell phones, short trips, transportation (not flights only ground transportation), mannerisms, twins, gestures, reason, change (in general), forgetfulness, clumsiness, the press, trading, publishing, correspondence, profanity, gossiping, literary works, daily routine, mathematics, youth, and printing
VENUS: love, attraction, romance, who you fall in love with/who you’re attracted to, your love languages, beauty, sympathy, pleasures, art/artistry, self love, harmony, femininity, rhythm, sentimentality, compromise, sharing, cooperation, aestheticism, dancing, entertainment, values, festivities, possessions, luxury items, cheerfulness, sloth/laziness, jewelry, your vagina, and sensuality
MARS: passion, desire (in general), confidence, ambition, lust and sexual desire, sexual preferences, sex style, anger/aggression/aggressiveness, competitiveness, athletics, temper, impulse, courage, fire, self-assurance, tasks, masculinity, assertion, dominance, activity, physical energy, heat, sexuality, enthusiasm, forcefulness, friction, combativeness, war, your dick, tattoos, motivation, and violence
JUPITER: luck, abundance, wealth, success, opportunity, popularity, expansion, knowledge, honesty, wisdom, travel, air travel, ease, blessings, philosophy, higher education (college/uni), optimism, religion, justice, the law, exploration, profit, vision, devotion, study, growth, faith, fulfillment, speculation, and gambling
SATURN: hard work (and rewards), achievement and mastery, challenges, struggles, karma/karmic lessons/karmic debts, your father/fatherly figure, work (in general), fears, guilt, delay, longevity, old age, limitations, discipline, responsibility, your work ethic, contraction, the past, deficiency, bones, skinniness, practicality, confinement, effort, self-control, stability, endurance, maturity, detachment, consistency, grudges, and history
URANUS: friends/socialization, technology, film, unplanned/sudden changes, uniqueness, ups and downs, fluctuation, rebellion, independence, invention, freedom, originality, the unexpected/surprises, freaks/freakiness, p*rnography, shock, chaos, natural disasters, science, engineering, fans/followers, and electricity
NEPTUNE: kindness, compassion, creativity, glamour, sensitivity, selflessness, escapism, intuitiveness/intuition, the hidden, dreams, imagination, deception/lies, delusion, mysteries, hallucination, disguise, confusion, disappearance, evasion, divinity, spirituality, inspiration, mysticism, transcendence, hypnotism, prophecy, fascination, and idealism
PLUTO: transformation, power, sex, orgasms, destruction (ending in renewal), rebirth, intimacy (not just sexual), death, intensity, magnetism, regeneration, infatuation, obsession, black magic, seduction, manipulation, sexual organs, evolving/evolution, extremes, and purging
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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mysticfoxdesigns · 4 months
Barnacles design and backstory!
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Mask version
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Captain Barnacles did not start as a captain of an armed crew, but as a captain of crate ships. Him and his twin spark sister Bianca combine together to form a larger mech, which allowed them to lead this squad of crate ships.
When Megatron's forces arrived on the planet, chaos ensued. Captain Barnacles took up the mantle as captain of a war squadron, leading several hundred mechs. However as the conflict tore on, he was separated from Bianca in a blast that killed most of his crew. Now he had to navigate his remaining crew to safety, not allowing him to find his sister.
Struck with the guilt of losing majority of his crew, he leaves his position on a rampage against the Deceptions. During this rampage he is heavily injured, leading him to meet Peso and Tweak, a medic and engineering team who had been going around helping Aquanautians who had been injured by the destruction of the Decepticons. Upon being fixed by the duo, they formed a small team as Peso wanted to keep an eye on Barnacles. As they traveled around, they found one of Barnacle's old friends, Inkling, a submarine with an outlier mass shifting spark. Inkling knew Barnacles from his days as a cargo liner, when Inkling would be in the same areas as Barnacle's routes.
Overtime the team grew, but as it did so did the war with the Decepticons. Eventually they had to evacuate the planet, through the help of a cargo shuttle named Dashi. Barnacles by this point had been named the captain of the team. The coordinates set in Dashi's navigation, Earth.
And here is the concept work
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
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OUGH OKAY uhm!!! @rowanthefierce
all of the gang works for valka's dragon sanctuary!! valka in my au is more like valhallarama from the books in that she's moreso absent for long periods of time & when she's there she's relatively detached but!! hiccup takes over the sanctuary (at like. age 15 but shhhh. valka & stoick still pay for everything but hiccup runs it rlly)
so from like, 15 to 17 the gang are learning abt dragons & begin education programs to help ppl understand dragons better!!! the dragon academy does become a thing!!!! after they graduate high school tho (yes this is all while they're juggling high school!!!) they all start kinda going separate ways (and obv eventually come back together full time but!!! it's uncertain for a while!!)
more under the cut bc this is gonna be LONG!!
hiccup, astrid, fishlegs, & the twins get into the same university.
snotlout doesn't, he gets denied (it's a whole Thing™️ for the gang)
however they all pursue different things
hiccup, as like, predictable as this is, pursues engineering & tries to get as many certifications as possible. he's doing AS MUCH as he can, as hands on as he can. he wants to learn to be able to help make the world a better place for toothless (and all dragons!!) once he graduates he's back at the santuary full time & helps design new parts as they expand & get bigger! also new stuff for dragon care & just!! yeah!!!
in his free time, hiccup has a motorcycle he rebuilt from the ground up, loves zipping around town, he also draws, & ofc spending as much time with toothless as he can (maybe sneaking toothless out of the sanctuary.... a lot)
fishlegs goes into environmental science with minors in plant pathology & geology!!! this also ties back into dragons & their care through their environments best suited for them as well as dealing with climate change & stuff!!!! he applies what he learns to the berk sanctuary!!! he also goes back to the academy but he also works at the berk public library part time!!
fishlegs also collects so so much music, so many records, tapes, cds, 8tracks, u name it!!! he also has a rock collection ofc!!! he also spends as much time with meatlug as possible (maybe sneaks her out)!! he also gardens!! & does yoga on saturdays with astrid!!!!
astrid gets a double major of kinesiology & nutrition!!! this is more human oriented obv HOWEVER she's constantly trying to remind everyone around her to take better care of themselves for the love of everything!!! although she still is able to apply what she learns to dragon training!! u can not move the ways dragons do but motor skills are still important as well as eating right!!!! either way, dragons gotta learn this stuff to but in their own way!! she graduates & goes back to the sanctuary & helps with that!!
astrid does axe throwing in my modern au. she goes & practices often to blow off steam. also a track & field person FOR SURE!! like, discus throwing, hammer throwing, the godt damn works!! she's a weight lifter too!! i need astrid to be buff so bad!!! also yoga with fishlegs on saturdays!! she wouldn't call it "sneaking" but she does like to take stormfly out & about :)
ruffnut is pre-med and does go into veterinary school. she stays in school the longest out of the gang which shocks EVERYONE but it's what sounded interesting & it gave her a challenge. plus working at the sanctuary, u end up caring for a lot of sick & injured dragons. fishlegs helps her BUT she becomes The Medical Expert™️ & even uses the sanctuary for her dissertation & specializes in dragon veterinary medicine!!!
as for hobbies, ruff is still a chaotic being who loves destruction & explosions. she & tuff do mythbuster type shit!! she also is very much into theater!! she sometimes participates in local theater & did a performance or two in college!! i also think she longboards!! loves sneaking barf and belch out of the sanctuary!!
tuffnut gets his degree in theatre with a minor in chemistry!! the minor was more of an accident. he took the classes bc he thought they were interesting & ended up getting enough credit for the minor!! after he graduates he works at a few local theaters part time to help with either cast or crew (he acts but also sometimes he will do costuming, stage production, etc!!) but he also goes back to the sanctuary after he graduates!!
tuff's hobbies overlap with ruff's in that they do mythbuster type shit LOL!! but also he's in a little sewing club with snotlout!! he also longboards with ruff!! AND ofc, he raises chickens on the side :) loooves getting barf and belch out of the sanctuary.
snotlout. snotlout, snotlout, snotlout. this boy's got it kinda rough. he gets denied from the university everyone else goes to & it hits him hard, so he keeps working at the sanctuary full time while going to community college & trying out classes that interest him, but he feels lost. he finds himself doing a lot of music oriented classes & just gets a two year degree in music. later he'll go on to be a high school band & choir director of all things but that's down the line :) before then while working at the sanctuary he works part time at a local biker bar (once he's old enough)
snotlout's hobbies are a bit of a mish mash. he plays guitar, has a harley davidson motorcycle (goes riding with hiccup!!), is in the sewing club with tuff (has an etsy store on the side shhh), & loves sneaking hookfang out of the sanctuary!! also loves american football & sometimes does hammer throwing with astrid.
do they all have one big mutual thing they all share & do besides sneaking their dragons out of the sanctuary? yes. yes they do. they have a long running dungeons & dragons game & they also love multiplayer video games in ANY capacity. any way to be competitive!!!!!!! minecraft, smash brothers, mariokart, marioparty, runescape, call of duty, halo, ANYTHING they can get their hands on, old and new.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
How do you think Delta would react if he learned that his gadgets were being used for evil? If he found out someone used his gadgets to kill someone, would he take it personally out of guilt or would the others comfort him so he wouldn't?
I think he initially would take it personally. I think it’d crush him completely and the guilt of it all would even tempt him into trying to give up mechanics and engineering completely, especially if he’s ever confronted face-to-face by the destruction his gadgets brought in others’ hands or by any of the victims or their families/friends.
Especially if any of them blame him specifically, like what happened to Tony Stark by the mother who lost her kid in the fall of Sokovia. And the Maximoff twins losing their parents and home due to Tony’s missiles.
But I don’t think Beta, Color, and Epic and maybe even Ink (would supports and encourages art and creation in any form) would allow him to give it up completely. Not only because mechanics and engineering make him so completely happy and overjoyed—always ready to share some new gadget his made or sprout any fact about mechanics and engineering—but because he’s good at it, and he doesn’t just make weapons of war. He makes medical devices, armor, shields, disability aids.
His work helps people still, as he always intended. It isn’t his fault that others used what he made for intentions and goals he doesn’t agree with. As soon as his gadgets go into hospitals and the military and armories and garages, what happens from there is out of his hands.
And more bad would come if he stopped making entirely. So once Delta manages to fight his way out of the overwhelming guilt and sense of self betrayal, and steady his resolve, I think he will at least temporarily stop making weapons or gadgets that can be used for war or harming people—at least until he’s able to find a way to get and possibly keep them off the black market.
He will focus on creating things that help, while the Epic Sanses, potentially with help from the Star Sanses, and help from Killer and Cross, hunt down anywhere his weapons and gadgets might be currently used and sold.
This will be very hard, but similar to the way Killer came up with the idea to sell Delta’s gadgets to operative cells in Nightmare’s organization to fuel war and generate negativity, he can also turn on them all and rat them out to each universe’s local authorities and national governments. Convince people to help hunt them down and retrieve or destroy them.
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nanomooselet · 8 months
Episode One: No Man's Land
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He's so fluffy. <3
Man, the fact that Vash ran out to greet all those people by name and he's not even a minute into it when the ships begin to explode is really everything about him you need to know. The first time we see his face and it's after he's been thrown off his feet as cascading destruction is unleashed around him. The face that crashed a thousand ships? Vash of Troy? My poor sweet boy.
Young children can sometimes have trouble with cause and effect, assuming events relate more to their own actions than they really do and blaming themselves. So Vash asking Rem if the sleepers will be okay... There's simply no time to explain he isn't responsible. All the dominos are being set up in Vash's little head. Nai is the one to knock them down.
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And then Rem and Nai wearing identical expressions. It's not surprising that even after her death she's his most enduring ideological opponent. Every time I watch it's just more obvious how enormous the effect she had on Nai was, and how he hates it. (By the way, I keep hearing that Rem told Nai to protect Vash - but as far as I can tell that's a conclusion Nai came to on his own without Rem's intervention? Rem said she'd protect the twins herself and didn't anticipate the crash. Did I miss something?)
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I've talked extensively about this part, but to recap: feelings. And look, Rem's got purple eyes! Apart from the colour motif (purple = red + blue, so it represents the unity of humanity and the Plants that was her dream) she would have had to get gene-modded for them, which is a fun detail. Rem, of all people, was a little bit vain. I dunno, I find that endearing.
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"Real people don't look like that./Real people aren't such caricatures." More of Orange's composition choices making me foam at the mouth.
We don't know how long Vash has been dangling there, but I doubt it was less time than it would take for a human to die of deprivation or exposure. I really don't think Vash actually needs to eat or drink, nor does he hate being a Plant - it's himself that he hates, as a person. If anything Knives is the one in denial that he's just as human? I don't know.
Anyway personally I like to think that the reporters really are caught up in all this nonsense by sheer happenstance. No one's pulling their strings; they're out to write a meaningless gossip piece and Meryl is taking it too seriously. It's worth noting that focused pursuit of the "dangerous fugitive" (read: Vash) is apparently pretty recent, not to mention unusual.
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...I'm guessing my girl doesn't play a lot of poker. Meryl's faces. <3
I've said it before, but the show doesn't cheat. Roberto doesn't pull his conclusions out of his ass; he tallies up incongruities and puts them together into insights. He's obviously experienced, but I think of Sam Vimes, a recovering alcoholic, complaining there aren't meetings you can attend for being a suspicious bastard. Roberto drinks because, too often, his suspicions have been proven right. (I suspect Roberto also suffers from a state of being naturally knurd i.e. he's short of sobriety in the opposite direction to being drunk, and has to down a few before he's on par with the rest of us. But I also think his tolerance is good and he plays up drunken mannerisms when it suits him.)
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Huh, the man looks good in a tie. I wonder how recent that photo is.
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Anyway, Roberto sees Vash's big honkin' gun, but Vash insists he's "not a fighter". He notes aloud that Vash doesn't look like a Plant engineer and Vash dodges explaining. Then he sees this face Vash is making, and it's scared. He's sweating. This is before the MPs barge in, so it's something about the Plant he's afraid of.
Right, thinks Roberto, we'll tuck that nugget of info away, along with how that piece in his holster sure ain't no damn novelty backscratcher. And when an opportunity arises to test the insight, Roberto takes it.
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Uh, never mind what I said about cheating. (Although this is an animation cheat, not a narrative one.) I love that they didn't even pretend like he was maybe hiding it somewhere. Also hilarious, though more darkly so, is the complaint that this turn is "bad writing" because the captain was professional, as if he didn't beat the shit out of a suspect in the process of surrendering, stick his gun in random faces, and agree to a duel with deadly weapons against a bounty head he's meant to bring in alive because some random drunk asshole made slightly mean comments.
("Are you are a man, or a yellow-bellied baby who needs his mommy?" Background info implies the captain has reason to be sensitive about the accusation he's hiding behind his parents. I wonder if the dub writers knew?)
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Meanwhile Vash is unwilling to fight until his opponent does something absolutely batshit that imperils everyone around him. He's also bizarrely calm about a cluster of missiles being launched and heading right for him. Roberto's right that he isn't afraid of the MPs.
"A fight should be a show!/We've got an audience, we might as well give them a show!" <- Orange says you're goddamn right about that, crazy captain dude. And it's exactly what they did.
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Dweeb. <3 He probably left his ammo behind in his bag on purpose, but didn't expect the captain to do something so recklessly violent and suddenly realised he hasn't had time to restock any of his aces in the hole. Nevertheless, I suspect he's still playing up how hard he's freaking out here. The helpless and pathetic act is very much an act; it's only when he's faced with Knives that it isn't.
It's so sweet that Rosa knows him well enough to have faith he'd pull it off with a single bullet. She put a lot of trust in him. I like to think she kept a stock on hand. She also meant it when she said "a friend of Vash's is a friend of mine," so Meryl makes the throw. And she makes it good. Which all helps what's coming to be more devastating, naturally.
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LOL at how clearly this is an animation/particle flex, but it's celebratory too, like fireworks on opening night. Over a decade since Vash did his thing on our screens. Here he is returning with a bang!
Wow, I somehow completely and utterly failed to realise Meryl and Roberto's conversation with Vash about Knives takes place the next day until this time around. Of course they would have had to wait until the captain was conscious enough to ride out of town. All the details I pick up and "the sun is setting" or maybe "unconscious people can't ride birds" missed me entirely. What I'm saying is that I'm very smart.
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Hi Zazie!
I don't expect an answer to this question, but I have to wonder. Did Zazie wait to report to Knives until now to be absolutely certain it was Vash after seeing him draw that exact gun and do something impossible? Or does Zazie have some awareness of the fourth wall, knew when they'd cut away to show Knives, and acted so as to achieve a "speak of the devil" effect when Vash finally mentioned his full name?
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Regardless, I really like the dub, but it's a shame they couldn't keep the ambiguity of whether Knives is talking about Vash or the red Plant when he says he'll rescue [someone] from the "parasites".
I do like the impression he's talking to the Plant husks (even if it's probably really Zazie he's talking to). My man's always open to constructive criticism when his interlocuter isn't capable of making any.
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marunalu · 1 year
One of my absolute favorite vader/luke "moments" happens in one standalone comic. At this point vader already knows that luke is his son, but luke still doesnt. Because in the new canon comics vader finds out about lukes existence shortly (between 1 or 2 weeks) after the destruction of the death star.
So in this comic vader and luke happen to be on the same planet and same place at the same time out of poor concidence of course (the force). Luke is there with r2 because of rebels alliance business, while vader is there for empire business and because he is on the search for 2 antik twin sith lightsabers who once belonged to a powerful sith lord. Vader and luke come in the possession of one of the lightsabers each and luke gets under the control of the one he has which makes him use the dark side and kill some stormtroppers, but he is able to shake it off shortly after. Long story short, the place is flooted with stromtroppers and luke is forced to get the hell away from this planet as fast as possible. He and r2 get seperated on the way. Meanwhile vader is still searching for the other lightsaber.
At the same time all of this happens, there is a podrace about to start any moment. Luke borrows (steals) one of the podracers to get away from the stromtroppers and is all like "flying that thing cant be that more different than a landspeeder, right?!" So luke does his first ever podracing competition despite that it isnt even his entention to take part in it, he just wants to get away.
Meanwhile vader stops in front of a big screen showing the race and because of the big podracing nerd he still is, he stops and watches in interest, while everyone around him freaks out when they see him and run away. At one point the commentator of the race mentions that it seems that a human pilot is on the lead and goshs about how great of a pilot he is. Vader watches on in fascination and is deeply impressed by the human pilots skills not knowing that it is his own son.
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At the same time while everyone is impressed by lukes piloting skills he sits in the podracer freaking all out like "ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit! Not.like.an.landspeeder.at.all! NOT.LIKE.AN. LANDSPEEDER.AT.ALL!!!" In other words while eveyone is impressed by him even vader, luke has absolutely no idea what he is even doing nor does he realize that he is about to win the race and just trys his best not to end as a splash on the next rock wall.
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Then while vader still watches in awe the race commentator makes a remark about how never before a human managed to survive that long in a podrace and had even good chances to win it. Because of that vader gets all pissy that nobody knows or remembers that HE was the first human ever who won a podrace (at the age of 9). And because of the petty and jealous idiot he is, he uses the force to sabotage the race and makes one of the engines of lukes podracer explode. Because if nobody remembers HIS archivments in the sport then no other human should ever get the praise instead.
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So vader almost accidently killed his own son (its the third time by now) who was about to win a podrace just like his dad before him, because vader is a petty walking human disaster. Of course luke survives the crash uninjured and is all like "I will NEVER do that again!", because the force loves his grandkid and likes to make fun of his bratty son instead. Then r2 arrives with lukes x-wing and they take off to leave the planet.
The last page is vader looking after the vanishing x-wing, realizing in that very moment that his son was not only at the same place as him the whole time, but it was also him piloting the podracer. So, not only did he fail to capture luke when he was directly under his nose, he also almost accidently killed him out of pettiness over a sport. The comic ends with vader destroying the sith lightsaber (luke lost his one earlier) out of rage for missing the best oppunity ever to catch his kid. Destroying the very object he came for to this planet in the first place.
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