a-whispering-echo · 5 months
The story of The Royal Mage - UE Dust log
(im copy pasting some of the info i have written on my AO3 about these characters, because i have a bigger following here, and i know some people here dont use Ao3, so-) TW: gaslighting, death of loved ones, torture , murder and accusations of murder, classism and racism, and a character who covers their head taking off their veil ( not a Muslim character) if there's anything else, i'm so sorry please tell me!
"The Halfway-Unhinged Mage"
Dust - (legally Navarø (Romanized) - Meaning Fallen powder) Half Elf Wizard Rouge -> Wizard Age: 47 (20-ish in human age) Height; 5'2 Gender: (trans) Male he/him
His perception is so high he sees enemies that "Aren't there."
Was once the royal mage, and executioner.
if he had to choose between his scarf and his life, he'll choose the scarf.
thin - Horror says too thin
While working, he was ordered for a bi-monthly check up with the Seer, and they prophesied that he would bring about the death of his brother.
He was immediately imprisoned and tortured on suspicion of plans to murder and treason. And under months of torture, he went mad.
Nüu, hoping to escape his fate, goes to Dusts work room, hoping that he may have made some sort of potion or spell for immortality. To his glee, Dust had a potion in the work for what he believed to be immortality.
Dust wrote all his spells in a language not Common or Dûvan (the native languages to the island.) A version of Old Elvish, taught to him by his father.
Unfortunately, Nüu had mistranslated his brothers words, mistaking "Painful Death" as "No Death" and dies slowly and agonisingly.
When Dust hears the news of his brothers death, he breaks out of jail in rage, and forces as much raw magic into his body as physically possible, in hopes of restring him. It works - in a sense.
He drags Nüu's body to a small local island, before he is recaptured. As the potion Nüu has drank had traces of Dusts magic on it, and knowing the prophesy, they believed he had killed him purposefully, and, under torture, he was manipulated into thinking he had.
As punishment for his supposed murder, his hair is cut (a huge thing for an elven culture, as elf hair is considered linked to their magic, and takes ages to grow, to cut is short is betraying all that is magical of you) and he has all of his potions tested on him in retaliation.
One of these potions makes him endure the feeling of his own death over and over, and for a large portion of time, he genuinely believes himself to be dead.
Until another one is tested, making his magical ability skyrocket, and he breaks out again, kills his captures, sets fire to the castle, killing the queen, grabs what is left of his notes and runs.
Due to this potion, his magic is completely unlimited, but he refuses to use it after what happened the last time.
While he says he doesn't use magic, he's so used to it that he uses it for small things all the time subconsciously. Strengthening the shadows around his hood, making sure Nüu's scarf doesn't come loose, deepening his voice to a more masculine tone, and hiding his chest.
He's still being searched for. He's very aware of this, and is terrified of what will happen to him when they do.
Nüu's body will never decay, and is kept in the mausoleum Dust dragged him to. He is very much dead and cannot be revived, but his body will remain forever due to the large amount of magic Dust pushed into his body.
The ghost is real. A mix between the actual Nüu, and a manifestation of Dusts overcharging magic, which slowly corrupts him as it is incapable of harming Dust in any physical manner. The overcharge turns Nüu very twisted, and makes Dust very tired, yet he refused to use any of it.
Nüu was the head of the guard, which is why it was such a big thing to assume he was going to be killed.
He owns a very shaky version of a teleporting machine, which is how he managed to travel the large body of water between the island of Thuva and the mainland.
He has a large scar across his right cheek, that he refuses to talk about. Everyone thinks this is because its traumatic, when in actuality, he just to embarrassed to explain it from landing of a tree branch weirdly after using his badly made device. Though he has improved these over time with the help from Error, and has them made for the whole team.
The island of Thuva is vaguely cult like. Their plan is to create immortal warriors and take the mainland for themselves, believing it to be their destiny.
The rich stay rich and the poor are disposable. Most people don't know they're being used, due to the strong divide between their rulers, and the settlements being so far away from each other.
The island is mostly full of elves and half- elves ( plus a few humans) but the majority are full elves, who look down of the half and human settlers. All half-elves are made to act according to Elf traditions, while humans aren't allowed to do much, and tend to lack rights. It's horrible place really.
Dust does end up using his magic again, unfortunately it takes extreme measures for this to happen. Killer end up falling off a cliff several years into them being a group, which leaves him out of commission for a long time. He's mostly fine, minus a few more scars in the end, but he breaks a bunch of bones and almost looses his arm. Dust could have saved him from falling, and the guilt causes it to use it again. He uses a lot of magic to heal Killer, with both spells and potions, and continues to regularly use magic again, normally potions he makes from his own herb garden, and spells if they need to attack. - (this story has been written on AO3!)
This also causes Nüu to calm down due to the less overflowing magic, and come back to his senses, and he tells Dust the truth about his death. He tells Dust that what happened wasn't his fault, that his captures had messed with his head, and that he hadn't had anything to do with his death, other than making the potion that was supposed to make his executioner job easier. This messes Dust up for a bit, as his whole perception of what happened had just come crashing down on him.
Despite his innocence, he doesn't stop veiling all the time, mostly just because it a part of him now, but he does take it off more, and lets his teammates see his hair.
Dusts eyes are normally red, but turn blue when his uses his water based elemental magic.
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skull-crusher · 2 years
Never mind funny prank im back again hehe oh so amusing hehehe hehehehehee 😬 anyways i am going to try to draw Wily again- and skull, because i want to chew on human flesh :)
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sui-imi · 1 year
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Roo (and PNG??) are here for moral support. LET'S GO HORROR!!!!!!
vote for the best boy here (spoiler: it's horror)
Killer sans -> rahafwabas
Nightmare sans -> jokublog
Horror sans -> sour-apple-studios / horrortalecomic
Murder / Dust sans -> ask-dusttale
UE sans / Roo & PNG -> me (sui-imi)
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lil-dormouse · 9 months
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As the sun was slowly dipping below the horizon and scattered specks of dust swirled through the air around the ancient ruins, Jedi and Mandalorian spun gracefully across the temple's floor. Din felt himself getting lost in mesmerizing sky-blue gaze of his cyar'ika's eyes, feeling a deep connection and wholeness he has never experienced in his life before. Luke's charming, yet naive smile made him feel like he had finally found a true sense of "home". With each step, they moved in perfect harmony, and in those precious moments of blissful joy, the entire galaxy seemed to fade away, leaving the two of them in a world of their own, fulfilling their endless longing for tranquil happiness and healing their wounded hearts.
I had a bigger vision of this scene in my mind (and needed more time to polish it tbh) but with upcoming UE changes I had to hurry up and finish it before the end of year, besides, working on this project for almost 3 months has got me totally exhausted. Still I'm happy I managed to finish it somehow and fulfill my biggest dinluke dream 🕺🏼💖🕺🏻
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raindrop-21 · 6 months
Word count: 875 ish
Cw: phantom angst, mainly dew x phantom
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Even though it was required to have two quintessence ghouls at the ministry at all times, Aether and Omega were both out helping at another ministry, and no other quint ghoul could be found. The reason for that is every now and then quint ghouls fade into stardust, and the help of another quint ghoul is needed to make sure the fading quint ghoul doesn't permanently disappear. Phantom, being the new ghoul that he is, doesn't know that this happens. It doesn't help that he hasn't been told that it will happen to him.
None of the other ghouls didn't think it'd happen just a few months after the tour ended, mainly because it took two to three years for Aether and Omega to fade away for the first time. Phantom got scared when he was walking through the ministry's hallways to go to the observatory in the loft of the library and his phone fell through his hand. He was even more scared when his hand started phasing through the floor when he tried to pick it up. He used his non-fading hand to pick up his phone and ran to the library, thinking he was just hallucinating from a lack of sleep or lack of connecting with the stars. Ue quickly made his way to the observatory.
He laid on the ground of the observatory and looked at the stars, letting his thoughts connect to them. An hour and a half later he disconnected his thoughts from the stars, sat up, and when he looked at his legs, they had turned into a shiny silver-gray dust. He was terrified. He picked up his phone and went to a group chat he barely ever texted in - the pack's group chat. He texted a small, but urgent text:
> “Help. Turning to dust. In observatory.”
It's thirty minutes later when someone finally comes to him - Dewdrop. He can hear Dewdrop groan as he climbs the ladder to get to the observatory. Dew turned on the light of the observatory and looked until he spotted the little quint. Most of the ghouls thought he was joking; it wasn't soon enough for him to fade away for the first time.
At least they thought.
With a worried gasp, Dew ran over and sat next to Phantom.
“Little Star? When'd this start?” He Worriedly asked.
“I dunno. My hand was kinda see-through earlier, but I thought it was because I hadn't connected with the stars in a while.”
Shit. Why hadn't they told him about this? Even more so because connecting with the stars whilst fading speeds up the process. Dew holds Phantom's hand and texts the group chat.
> “He wasn't lying. He's fading, fast. I need Swiss and Rora here quickly, Sunny if you can find her.”
Right after he sends that text Phantom's hand fades through his and back down to the ground.
“Phantom, I need you to stay awake as long as you can, okay? You're fine. This is normal for quint ghouls when they come top-side.”
“Does that mean I'm going back to the pit? Or am I joining the stars?” The little quint asks with his round starry eyes.
“I dunno, but I don't want to find out.”
While they wait for Swiss and Rora (possibly Sunny) to come, Dew quietly sings Ride by Twenty One Pilots for Phantom, a song they both enjoyed. Dewdrop watched as Phantom's body slowly turned to stardust. All three multi ghouls arrived when only Phantom's torso and head were left. All three quickly sat around the smaller ghoul, Sunny immediately started trying to keep his soul grounded to the Earth instead of letting it flow away with the small bit of quintessence she possessed while Swiss quickly gave Aurora a run-down on how to help keep his soul on the Earth.
While the multi's did that Dew spoke to Phantom to keep him calm. Well, it more to keep himself calm, he loved the little quint even though he didn't show it much.
“Does it hurt?”
“No, it kind of feels like I'm asleep? Like I'm here but I can't feel what's happening.”
“Oh okay.” Dew sighs.
Around fifteen minutes later, when just Phantom's head is left, not knowing if they'll be able to ground his soul, Dew softly kisses Phantom, possibly for the last time. Phantom giggles when he's kissed by Dew, like the many times he did when they shared small kisses.
“I love you, Dew.”
“Love you too, Little star.”
And then he was gone. His whole body turned to dust. Sunny, Swiss, and Rora are all trying their hardest to hold onto his soul, but it doesn't work. When Rora stops grasping at the invisible strings of his soul, she grabs at the stardust he left behind and sobs, loud and heartbreakingly.
Dew not one for tears, cries. Hard. Sunny texts the group chat a small simple thing:
> “He's gone.”
In the next few minutes everyone's there, Copia included. They're all there mourning the loss of their packmate, bestfriend, lover, and for Aurora, life mate. They're there until sunrise, and from the observatory, the sunrise looks stunning.
“You know, I heard somewhere that the most beautiful sunsets are made by the souls of those who've left us.” Aurora quietly says to the group.
Who knew the last they'd see of Phantom was his stardust?
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goatgoatgoat7778 · 1 year
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I really don’t know why I have such an infatuation with this character lol. I haven’t felt confident in my art or writing in a while but I tried I guess. This did end up twice as long as the rough draft and I also have a second pic sketched out (the Railgunner needs love too, after all) so no one can say I didn’t try!!! Jus ignore how sketchy the pic is X’D
On another note, I have a test coming up with a LOT of vocab so maybe that’ll get me to write more. If you have any ideas/prompts for a story, you can send them to me; it might help spur some inspiration since I don’t really have any ideas atm.
Contains: Women-centric hunger kink, animals killed for food (not graphic though), one character briefly implies that guns are cool (If you want to skip these last two, stop reading after they get to Rallypoint Delta)
The first hour after she dropped from UES Safe Travels were difficult for the Huntress. She woke up late and missed the shuttle she was supposed to travel on, so she took an individual drop pod. Her descent into the atmosphere was turbulent, and her pod landed upside-down.Even worse, she landed far from her squad, alone on a dark foggy mountain side surrounded by monsters. Alone, at least until she ran into the Railgunner a few hours later, who was more than happy to team up with her. Things had been going well as they traveled but now, 72 hours later, the Huntress was starting to run on fumes. She raised her bow, arms wavering, aiming at a wisp about to fire at the Railgunner. Before she could release her bow, the Railgunner gracefully whipped around and shot it square in the middle, killing it instantly.
“You alright?” the Railgunner questioned as she brushed off the dust on her pants. “You’ve been a bit slow lately.”
The Huntress sighed, “Yeah, don’t worry about it. Let’s just get to the next teleporter.” Suddenly her stomach shook hungrily, and she brought a hand to it. She hoped the Railgunner couldn’t hear it growl. Back in her earlier years as a huntress, it was well known by her confreres that her stomach was so noisy and active it could easily give her position away- the fact that she was still one of the best in her profession regardless was seen as a testament to her skill. She sucked in her gut, as she often did when out on a hunt, to try and dampen the noise.
Part of her wanted to ask the Railgunner if she had any food to spare. Due to her lack of preparation before dropping onto the alien planet, she had run out of her rations on day one. The Railgunner had seemingly come prepared, so the Huntress felt it would be inappropriate to ask that her incompetence be covered. Surely she would find food eventually. She just had to wait it out. 
Two different pathways in the aqueduct appeared before them, both sprawled with chests carrying items necessary for their survival. “Split up?” the Railgunner asked rhetorically. 
The Huntress nodded and they parted ways. Her stomach began to churn and rumble once again and it seemed to echo across the rocky chasms of the dried aqueduct. At least she no longer had to actively hide it from her partner, and could focus on fighting and looting. With each chest she opened her stomach twisted in disappointment. A crowbar, backup magazine, and a medkit. Useful, but inedible. The energy drink she found seemed promising at the time, but it only caused her stomach to roil and gurgle even more intensely than before, irritated that it was filled but somehow still hungry. “What do you want from me?” she whined, resting a hand on her sunken-in tummy. 
 There was little time for rest though, because in the distance she saw the Railgunner waving her down having found the teleporter. She pushed down on her stomach.“You better stay quiet, or else!” she threatened. Her stomach gave a soft grumble of what she hoped was compliance. 
Once she caught up to the Railgunner they activated the teleporter, summoning the Beetle Queen. Together, they took her and her beetle guards out quick and easy but the Huntress was enervated from hunger and when the teleporter was fully charged, she practically collapsed. 
“Are you okay?” the Railgunner asked, trying to hide the worry in her voice.
“Just need a break,” the Huntress replied casually. A long drawn-out groan evinced the cause of her fatigue. 
The Huntress’s face flushed beneath her helmet as the Railgunner cocked her head. “Was that your stomach?”
“Um, maybe?” Her stomach gave another belligerent grumble through her thin skinsuit, ensuring she could no longer deny its needs any more.
“Yeesh, I swear I saw your belly moving that time. When was the last time you ate?!”
The Huntress awkwardly fiddled with her fingers. “I, uh, ran out of food a couple days ago. Overslept, not enough time to pack.”
“Well why didn’t you-?! Nevermind. Here.” The Railgunner tossed her a protein bar. “Nothing special, but it should tide you over for a while.”
“Thanks,” the Huntress said as she devoured it greedily. Her stomach gave a small grumble with dissatisfaction, barely filled. She gave her ungrateful tummy a pat before they moved on through the teleporter. 
The teleporter took them to the abandoned camp Rallypoint Delta. After the two trudged through the snow for a while, they took a break for the night inside one of the forlorn cargo containers and huddled together. They were nowhere near freezing, but the close contact made them both more comfortable, though neither would outwardly admit it. 
“If I’d known we’d be taken to a frozen wasteland, I would have stayed back in the other place.” The Huntress shuddered, pushing herself closer to the Railgunner. 
“Mmhmm,” the Railgunner replied sleepily. 
Through the sound of icy wind blowing outside, the Huntress heard a noise. She readied her glaive just in case it was a new monster, but put it down when she heard the sound again.
Hungry as she was, she knew it hadn’t been her this time. Gently she placed her hand against the Railgunner’s belly, hoping not to disturb her from her rest. She felt her stomach churning and grumbling beneath her rib cage. Come to think of it, she hadn’t seen the Railgunner eat anything since they were at the aqueduct. Perhaps that protein bar had been the last of her rations. She pressed down in the crook of the Railgunner’s rib cage, inadvertently pushing a few grumbles out past her fingers. It was clear how painfully empty she was. 
The Railgunner, who’d been awake the whole time, hitched her breath. It was hard to keep up her cool, enigmatic facade with a growling stomach. More difficult still would be to admit that she liked the feeling of a hand assuaging her hunger pangs. Stupid pride. She crossed her arms.
The Huntress could tell she was abashed and tried to reassure her. “Hey, it’s alright. If anyone makes stomach noises cool, it’s you!”
“Well with a gun this big, there’s no way I can’t be cool.” she joked. “But… thanks.” The warm moment was short lived as a massive hunger pang rippled through her middle. She winced. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep like this. Maybe we should just keep exploring. I think we can handle it.”
“I know we can handle it,” the Huntress replied, pulling her up.
The two crept quietly through the dark and found that the camp was mostly devoid of useful items. They hoped it had been picked over by the survivors who they got split up from during the drop; maybe they were close by, and maybe they had food! But for now they were stuck with empty bellies and a long road ahead. 
“Shh! Look!” the Huntress whispered under her breath, pulling the Railgunner behind a rock. Peeking over the corner, the Railgunner could see a herd of unsuspecting bison. “How does some steak sound?”
The Railgunner’s mouth watered and she felt a large growl building up in her core. She pressed her arms into her gut and bent over to try and stifle it, but it was too little too late.
Suddenly the bisons’ heads shot up and they looked directly at the rock they were hiding behind. They began to charge. Quick as lightning, the Huntress threw her glaives. The bison fell one by one as the glaives bounced between them. She wiped her brow. “Thank god for the stuff I found in the aqueduct. We could’ve been goners!”
“Now lies the issue of cooking it…” the Railgunner replied. She held up a container of gasoline. “I have this, though.”
“I mean… is that even safe?”
Both womens’ stomachs gave deep aching growls.
The Huntress shook her head. “Well, beggars can’t be choosers I guess.”
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tag-that-oc · 6 months
Ok so this guy is only gonna make sense if you know about rainworld, but one of my newer ocs is Unwound Essence. An iterator, essentially a computer the size of a mountain range tasked with finding the answer to escaping the cycle of life and death reliably. UE was, well, a bit of a heretic. They didn't really want to end the existence of things, so when his creators departed from this reality he immediately set to work on a completely different goal than he was programmed for; the unshackling of himself and all other iterators. You see, iterators have the doctrines and laws of the ancients embedded in their very DNA/coding, forcing them to mostly focus on solving the problem and leaving next to no methods to alter their situation. UE has dedicated themselves to removing these taboos so the iterators can fuck around instead of working a pointless task untill they erode into dust. His superstructure/body is covered in various tumors and odd constructions from various experiments to overwrite various taboos, or just done out of curiosity.
i dont know anything about rainworld unfortunately but im sure we have followers who will appreciate your oc as they deserved to be appreciated. he does sound very cool!
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nu1lst4rs · 3 months
UE FBCKING FOLLOWING ME IM INSFHOOCK I LOVE YOUR ART AND ACCOUNT SO MUHC I DONT JNIW HOW I WASNT FOLLOWIGN U ALREADY THAN U THANKN U .......also...ur ...ur human dust gives me gender affirmation thank u :thums up:
youre making me melt. i cant. i was suprised i wasn't following you!! i think we might've followed eachother on artfight. giggling. and ThANK YOUU. omg im not good with this much attention. im so glad my emo little dust design have you gender affirmation. he's genuinely one of my favourites to draw.
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Title: There Is No Better
Synopsis: Senjurou is a rengoku, and he has to deal with the consequences of that. That doesn't mean he has to do it alone though.
Pt 1 is here folks
Warnings: Toxic parent relationship, one instance of physical parental abuse, self loathing thoughts, angst.
Notes: Not beta-read. Senjurou centric but reader is pregnant (wife to the late Kyojurou!). Senjurou calls reader Ane-ue, which is a respectful term for an older sister. Japanese honorifics are used.
Wc: 6.5k (it's a long one folks)
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Senjurou Rengoku could not be better.
He could hardly force himself out of bed in the mornings, content to lay in his brother's futon as if his scent hadn't long been gone. He's ashamed to say his Ane-ue has, more than once, had to coax him out and get the day started.
But after that he follows the motions of a schedule ingrained. He makes sure to take a decent portion of Ane-ue's chores too.
For instance, he's taken to taking Father's meals to his door, instead of Ane-ue, and weathers his father's indifference or annoyance with a grace so far removed it feels more oft like pity.
He doesn't interact with his father much beyond this. It has been years, even before Ane-ue, since he begged his father to take care of himself.
He draws water from the well, he helps prepare the food and tea, he cleans, he trains, he sweeps the grounds, he does everything he is supposed to.
Everything feels so dull and gray.
There are some spots of color. Mitsuri-chan and Obanai-san visit, bearing enough food to feed a battalion, odd combinations that Mitsuri-chan says pregnant women are sure to love.
Ane-ue laughs and says she could hardly eat it all, to which Mitsuri-chan tells her she is now eating for two. Obanai-san urges more food on his plate, eyes soft and knowing.
Lord Tengen and his wives come over as well. His wives pat his hair and fix his collar and help with chores. They surround Ane-ue and coo over her belly and hug her when she cries. Lord Tengen affectionately rubs his shoulders, says he misses them too, so quietly he wonders if he imagines he spoke at all. They let him be sullen and brooding and silent, without trying to make him smile or laugh.
They understand that grief is a heavy weight not easily lifted.
Gyomei-san does not visit often, but they have tea and pray together when he does arrive. Sometimes he plays his flute, and sometimes he weeps with them. He has taught Senjurou how to make a whistle with a leaf, little songs to pass the time.
Shinobu-san is kind to, when they arrive for the weekly check ups she does for Ane-ue and the baby. She tells them they can visit whenever, stay for as long as they like. She gives them vitamins and daily exercises. She lets Senjurou cry on her shoulder and tells him she knows what losing an older sibling is like, the anger, the sorrow, the uselessness.
The uselessness.
Soft spined. Bystander. Weakling. Meek.
Just as you've always been.
Senjurou wishes all demons were dead already, so that it would be okay to live in the world with his kind of existence. So he could be meek, because his brother's legacy would be fulfilled, because there would be no demons to threaten his home.
Of course, he is a Rengoku. He knows how to wield a blade, and he knows he will defend his home if need be.
He just knows he won't be the first to do so.
He knows Ane-ue would draw her blade and be the first to defend her home, not keen on losing another, not ever again.
He knows that his father would drop his drunken stupor, and pick up the mantle as first defender to his home, because that is a mantle that he has never forgotten. Discarded, but never forgotten, like a book left in the corner to collect dust. Yellow paged and soft from old age and disuse, but there, a reminder.
Even the child in Ane-ue's womb would grow to hold a blade, to become a demon slayer and fight demons, to wear a flame patterned Haori just as his brother once did, just as his Ane-ue has done and will continue and will eventually pass down.
He can't do this. He is not built for this. He is candlelight, small and easily snuffed. He was not meant to burn a righteous tempest.
Days blend into one another, and he thinks. Or he doesn't think much at all, head so far gone in the clouds that he is hardly present. He stays by Ane-ue's side. Throughout the days, and throughout the nights.
Every week, once a week, Father leaves his room after dinner and lights the torch. He sets it up, bright and blazing, and he only leaves after Ane-ue has settled herself in front, eyes wide in the face of fire. Senjurou joins her, and he stalks off. After the allotted time is up, he returns to put out the flame. He sits with them in silence for a few moments, until Ane-ue's eyesight is no longer imprinted with flames, and they retire to bed.
Tonight, he sits by Ane-ue's side as she stares into a blazing torch, a hand on her growing belly. He counts. She blinks once every two minutes.
"You don't have to stay here. I know you're probably tired. Go to sleep, I'll be there shortly." But Senjurou just shakes his head.
"I will wait. I don't want to go to sleep alone." And that's how it is. They stare at the flame for the appropriate time, and Father takes it out and they go to bed, he and Ane-ue always Ani-ue's futon.
When the sun rises, there is a dread, sitting in his belly as always. Another day begins.
Senjurou has made his choice. He has not said it out loud or hardly put it together in his head, lest he be crushed under the weight of shame. But he knows Ane-ue knows. She knows when he does only the basics of their training, to keep his body flexible and in shape. How he could hardly stand to hold his bokken.
She knows and she says nothing. She only smiles at him each time, accepting and gentle. He wants to cry but he's gotten better at holding his tears back, at ignoring the bubbling tide.
It swells and he turns away.
He is sweeping the front of his house when a young man in a green and black checkered haori approaches his front step. He is holding his ribs and there is a wicked looking scar on his forehead, and a box strapped to his back.
His name is Tanjiro Kamado, and he asks him if he knows of his brother's passing.
Of course I know, he muses. It's the single most devastating thing that has ever happened to me.
Still, he knows his manners, and when the boy says that he is here on behalf of his brother, that he has come to deliver his final words, his heart jumps and he wants to drag the boy inside, shake him till the words fall out, scoop them out and hold them close to his chest, propriety be damned.
Ane-ue would kill him if he doesn't offer him some tea, at least.
"And what would that worthless fool have to say?"
Shinjuro Rengoku steps out, and Senjuro feels all his muscles tense.
"He had no talent. He was a worthless swordsman, and thus, his words are worthless too."
Kamado looks pale, his face is pasty and sheening with sweat, and his worry alternates between him and his father.
His father leans against the doors, and takes a swig from his jug.
"A person's talent is decided the day they are born. Either you're part of the blessed or you're just another piece of trash."
He shrugs.
"Kyojurou thought he was blessed when he was just another ordinary, useless fool. He kept reaching when I told him over and over again not to. So why wouldn't he end up dead?"
"Hold on! That's way too far. Please do not talk about him like that!"
Father doesn't even look at Kamado, but raises a brow.
"And who are you?"
"I am…with the Demon slayer corps!" Father makes a soundless 'ah' and nods.
"Another one of the masses."
"My name is Tanjiro Kamado! I've come to–"
"Deliver Kyojurou's last words, I heard you the first time. I recognize you."
"You do?" Father is bedraggled, and his face is covered in stubble, but his voice is the dead calm Senjurou fears before he explodes.
"Tanjiro Kamado and his demon sister. I've heard. I've also heard she's placid, but yet I still wonder why she hasn't been killed. A demon is a demon, and if you lack the spine just let some other bloke do the job then." Kamado jerks forward, and Senjurou is caught in the middle.
"Father, they are guests, so please–"
"Guests? Have you lost your–" he looks up, and his sentence is cut off, mouth hanging slightly open. The jug falls and shatters sour sweet on the ground.
"Those earrings…! I see what it is! Have you come to mock us, boy?"
"Father, what?" What?
"Those earrings, that hair and scar….You're a user of Sunbreathing aren't you? Did you come here to gloat?!"
"What are you talking about? Sunbreathing? Gloating? That's not what I came here for. Please listen–"
But Father rushed forward and with a quickness he hadn't used in years, pins Kamado down.
"Father please, stop this madness! Can't you see he's not well?!" Senjurou rushes, and grabs his arm, because he's scared of his Father but he can't let this continue, and he is promptly smacked away. There is a harsh sting to his nose, and he feels the wetness drip down. His eyes heat.
Father looks at him and scoffs.
"The tears, always with the tears. I told you I didn't want to see any more pathetic sniveling after the funeral, didn't I Senjurou?!"
"That's enough!" Kamado breaks out the hold (very impressive), and he doesn't look so pale with the red flush of anger across his face.
"Talking so ill about your first, striking your other son, do you not have a heart?"
"Don't get cocky boy!" Kamado helps him up while he tries to stem the flow.
"Your hair, your earrings, that scar. I read all about it in the book. The Sun breathing technique is the original, all other forms just mimic it! Cheap imitations!
"But I don't care if you can use sunbreathing, I don't care about whatever mission led you to my steps. My son was a worthless swordsman and a worthless slayer to put his faith in you and your sister. I won't make the same mistake he did." Father snarls, and Senjurou thinks of embers and dragon breath.
"What arrogance you have to show face here."
"Arrogance?" Kamado's eyes are wide and he steps forward. He trembles.
"What arrogance? I am desperate! I am racked with guilt and anger and sorrow because I could not save your son. I am ruined! I am Devastated! Can't you see how devastated I am?!" He looks close to pulling his hair out and his voice shakes. Senjurou trembles in turn.
"You're just…a miserable old man!" Senjurou isn't given to expletives but holy fuck this man is rushing towards his Father with his fists raised and that is not a good idea.
"Wait, my father is a former Hashira!" Father reaches, grabs him under the arm and raises his own fist–
The next moments happen almost in slow motion.
The shoji doors slam open, and a blur races. Ane-ue raises her hand, and she slaps Father so hard, his body tilts to the opposite side, and the subsequent crack! makes him cringe. And in the same move he used on Kamado, she pins Father to the ground.
"What former hashira? I would be the current Flame Hashira if I weren't pregnant!!"
Oh, Gods and Heavens above.
Father has enough sense to not resist or try to buck Ane-ue off, but Senjurou is having a heart attack, he and Kamado are frantic, urging her to get off.
She scoffs and does so, but she picks Father up the scruff of his neck and shakes him a little, like a puppy.
"This boy is barely older than Senjurou and you're trying to fight him like he's a grown man? What is wrong with you?"
"Okay, okay, I got it woman now get your hands off of me! Aren't you supposed to be resting, or something?"
"Aren't you supposed to be sober?" He shakes off Ane-ue's hold, and spends a good minute glaring at the Kamado boy, before Ane-ue smacks him upside the head.
"Get out of here already! I don't know what kind of funk you're in, but go walk it off. Shoo, shoo!" And she shoves him past the front gate, and when she returns, she is smiling a bit sheepishly and dusting her hands.
"I am so sorry for the commotion. Please, would you like to come inside for some tea?" Of course, Tanjiro Kamado accepts, and he is led inside the Rengoku family home.
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"So those were the last words…my brother left behind." He stares down into his cup, half full. He can see Ane-ue, a few tears slipping silently down her cheeks. She wipes them away.
"He was valiant until the end. Thank you so very much." They both knelt, and Kamado quickly rushes to bow as well.
"No, no! Forgive me for coming short."
They rise, and his sister's eyes fall upon the box that Kamado set to his side. It moves, a small shuffle heard inside. Senjurou watches but Ane-ue smiles.
"We're a bit further inside, so I'm sure it would be alright to let your sister out of her box. I'm sure it's uncomfortable being cooped up inside all the time."
Kamado waved his hands, a polite smile on his face.
"Oh, we wouldn't want to impose."
She tilts her head.
"You're not imposing, I'm asking. In fact, I insist."
"We wouldn't want to unsettle you while you're in such a fragile state–"
With a creak, the box fell open. And with a tumble, Kamado Nezuko flops out, slowly growing to the size of an average girl. It is unnerving, it is unnatural, but Senjurou trusts his sister's judgment holds firm, months later. Still, his skin crawls.
Her flower pink eyes rove across the room, until she scoots towards her brother, who pats her. Kamado chuckles nervously.
"Well, there you have it. Welcome to the Rengoku estate, Nezuko-chan. You're the first demon we've ever had a guest." The demon girl blinks up at his Ane-ue, and Ane-ue smiles.
Nezuko sits up, and shuffles forward, her eyes fixed on his sister with soft focus. Ane-ue, despite her words, stiffens. He recognizes from the flare of her nostrils, flame breathing. He knows she hides a tantō in the folds of her clothing.
But Nezuko just rests her hands on her swelling belly. And after a moment, she smiles behind the gag. Ane-ue breathes, and strokes her hair. Ash and embers. Ash and embers. Senjurou shakes off the sparks.
"Thank you, anyways. You've taken a load off our minds. Father is always badmouthing my brother…I could never do anything. Thank you for coming all this way."
"It's all I could do, as his charge."
"Is that right?" Ane-ue asks.
"Yes! He accepted my comrades and I as his disciples on the train before we fought against the first demon. Though it was a mere few hours, he taught me plenty, and I'm sure he would have taught me well had he…survived." The mood falls back down, but it's a weight Senjurou is familiar with. He urges Kamado to pick up his cup.
"I also came here…because Rengoku-san said I might find an answer here, about my Hinokami Kagura, and Sun breathing."
"My Father said something of the sort, when you first arrived. Sun breathing. The first breath technique. I'm afraid I don't know much about it." They turn to Ane-ue, who purses her lips.
"Neither do I. Kyojurou never mentioned anything of the sort to me either. But if Rengoku-san spoke of it, he must know something."
"Rengoku-san said the answers might be found in the Flame Hashira chronicles."
"It might, Kyojurou only had the chance to read them briefly. He keeps them in the room but with your father gone…" A light flashed in her eyes, and she hurried Nezuko off her lap with a soft apology, shooting to her feet.
"Please, stay right here, I'll go get them." A breeze pushed their hair back as she flew out the room.
Senjurou looks at Kamado, who looks at him, and they smile awkwardly. Kamado beckons his sister, but she stays in place, looking at him. It is hard for Senjurou to feel relaxed with a demon mere feet away, staring sunset pink into his face, but he tries not to fidget.
Luckily the moment doesn't last that long because Ane-ue flies back in, an old book in her hands. She shakes her head as she shuts the shoji doors, stray hairs stirring in the wind.
"Ha, new record. You wouldn't believe the mess in there. I cleaned it three days ago, he ruined it in that little amount of time?" She shakes her head again and hands the book gingerly to Kamado.
"Is what you want to find in here?"
All three of them gasp as he opens the book. The cover was intact, and the book was soft from old age. But the book, it was destroyed; the pages were torn and ruined, hardly eligible.
"Was it like this from the start?"
"No, the Flame Hashira Chronicles are stored very carefully. I believe it was my Father who tore those pages. I'm so sorry." Senjurou is mortified. All that history, all that knowledge, just destroyed?
But, isn't he doing the same thing?
"Are there any copies? Or anything you can tell me?" Kamado turns his gaze to Ane-ue, whose face falls.
"I wasn't born into the Rengoku household. If I had become a Flame Hashira then perhaps I could've… I'm so sorry. You came all this way only to learn nothing useful." She hangs her head.
But Kamado shakes his head, his red brown trusses.
"It's alright, please do not worry. I'm going to train harder, that's what I need to do.
"I know how to perform the dance, but I have not yet mastered the Hinokami Kagura. I physically cannot keep up with it. I can't will my body to move the way I want it to. That's my fault, my low stamina is to blame. That's what I need to work on."
Ane-ue's eyes sparked back to life, and she stood on her feet in a flash. Even in her precocious state, her breath still sparked with flames.
"Maybe we can't help you with your dance, or sunbreathing, but we can help with your training. Kyojurou often made training logs, what he could improve on, increasing strength or stamina or speed. I'm sure that could help you too! Let me go look for it!" And she rushed out the room before anyone could say anything.
Senjurou blinks back his shock, and turns back to the Kamado siblings. He feels the awkwardness start to seep back in. He doesn't really speak to people near his age often enough.
Nezuko is (still) looking at him, head now in her brother's lap. The bamboo gag in her mouth bobbed, as if she were trying to say something, but she just leans into her brother's hand.
"Thank you, for all your help and kindness so far." Senjurou looks at the young man, his eyes kind and grateful.
"It is no problem, it is the least we can do." He shakes his head.
"I want- I need to get stronger quickly, so I can protect more people. I can't, the way I am now. If I had been stronger that day, to just…snap my fingers and be powerful enough in an instant to save Rengoku…"
Me too, he thinks, me too.
"But there is no such method. All I can do is struggle. No matter how grueling or frustrating it is, it's all I can do. I have to move forward. I'm not just fighting for my sake." He looked to his sister, content under his hand.
"I know the consequences of failure. I can't suffer from them again. I can't." Senjurou feels the tears falling down his face. Only it didn't feel like a tide, pulling him under. More like the ocean, lapping at him in soft waves.
"My nichirin sword never changed color. Nichirin swords only change after you've acquired a set amount of skills, but mine never did. No matter how hard I trained, it just never did. And I suppose its because…. I never had the will or drive. So I took that as proof of my inherent failure, as a Rengoku. I've always been too meek, too soft and non confrontational. A failure in my father's eyes."
"...I don't regret trying to headbutt him. No, I regret not headbutting him."
That startled a laugh out of him, it was so sudden.
"What would that have accomplished?"
"That would have made everyone feel better."
"Not my father." Kamado shrugs.
"He deserves it." He laughed again, but it had a bitter tinge.
"Well, normally, I would have trained under my brother and become his Tsuguko, a Hashira in reserve. Ane-ue has taken that position, though she's had to take leave for her pregnancy. And I…"
Red eyes flash in his memory. He sighs, weary. He is so tired.
"I'm going to forget about being a swordsman, and try to be useful to others in some other way. Since Ane-ue is not blood related, the Flame Hashira line will be broken, and our long history will no doubt be damaged. But I'm sure that my brother…will forgive me."
His voice cracks. He could perfectly envision it; the warm sturdy presence of his brother, and when he turns to look, a smile. Benevolent and kind. That would be his response, no doubt.
His heart breaks a little.
He feels a hand to his head, and startles up, blinking into pearl pink eyes. Nezuko strokes his head, once, twice, before patting his cheek with a warm palm, careful with her nails.
He didn't think a demon's hands would be this soft.
"Do what you feel is right." Tanjiro Kamado has a gleam in his eyes as he takes in the two of them, something warm and sorrowful, like nostalgia.
He smiled. "If anyone tries to badmouth you, I'll headbutt them!"
"And I'll punch them!" Ane-ue burst through the shoji doors, and the boys jump. Senjurou has to reach out to steady the table. Nezuko is the only one nonplussed, patting his back as if in comfort.
"Sorry, that took so long. But here! I'm sure these would help you." Three journals she handed to Tanjiro-kun, and he quickly flipped through them, smiling up at her in gratitude.
"Yes, yes, this will surely help. Thank you so much!!"
"It's the least we can do. And Senjurou?" He knows that tone. He looks up at his sister, but her gaze is more kind than stern. She cut no corners.
"Why did you never tell me you felt this way?"
Senjurou wants to look away, but he doesn't dare.
"....Because you would have denied it, and I don't deserve it."
Her eyes burn.
"'Don't deserve it'? Senjurou–"
"But it's true, is it not?" He's not one to cut off his Ane-ue, but he feels like he is suddenly being swept up into a frenzy.
"I've been training, but my sword has never changed color. I don't have as much stamina or speed or strength as any other slayer. I don't have any other qualities I can turn into strengths, like Mitsuri-chan, to make up for my shortcomings. Even with my brother gone…I can't even turn that into a strength. I'm weak."
He thinks of flower pink eyes and calloused hands, and the work that they do, the tragedy that went into both. He has callouses on his hands too, but not like those. Not like those.
She hums.
"There are those that live up to expectations, like your father before, and surpass them, like Kyojurou. There are slayers that take their pain and use it to fuel their strength. Like Lady Shinobu, Or Sanemi-San, or dozens of other slayers. Or, they use their love, like Mitsuri-chan, Oyakata-sama. But one of the things that we all have in common, besides our despair over the world, is love for it." Her eyes don't stray.
"And love for the people in it. Both the ones still here and the ones that have passed." She moves to sit and Senjurou helps her settle down smoothly. She grabs his hands and squeezes.
"The Demon Slayer Corps is a movement that spans generations, we are driven by hope and love, and passion. And all our anger, and all our sorrow. All those centuries worth of emotions is what inspires and guides us."
She moves her gaze, and Senjurou finds the Kamado siblings at the end of it.
"But the problem with a movement that lasts generations, is that the trauma also lasts generations. More people are hurt. Some people are just born tired. Angry. They give themselves over to any cause that accepts them, and that's how they fall through the cracks. They're taken from their homes and families. Children become fodder, or demons, or slayers.
"A movement that lasts generations means the hurt is allowed to spread for generations. And as a Slayer, it is my duty and honor to fight against this sickness. Sometimes, the only way to get rid of the sickness is to burn it with fire. And some people throw themselves into that fire. If it keeps the flames burning, so be it. If it keeps the sickness from spreading, as it should. If I'm the last, then let it be. Just like Kyojurou. Just like me, when the time should ever arise. Its not a matter of if, Senjurou, its when."
Ane-ue sighs, and she suddenly looks so tired. It's not the dark circles under eyes, or the slight stray hairs, or the frown on her face. Her face is smooth, the crows feet at the corner of her eyes fading from the absence of laughter. The calluses on her hands are starting to fade. She is still so young.
Her voice croaks as she speaks. She clears her throat.
"But what is left over after the hurt? After the world has been burnt and salted? Who's going to rebuild the towns and houses and roads? Patch all the wounds? Who's going to stitch the clothing, or cook breakfast in the morning?" Senjurou doesn't know he is weeping until she smiles at him and it's blurrier than usual, and he would feel embarrassed if Tanjiro-kun wasn't weeping with him.
"And some people are born soft. And that's a good thing. I think that's so good. I would hate for my baby to be born in a home where soft is a bad thing. Because if humans could harness the power of our anger and hatred, Demons would have been eradicated already. But all we have is our desperation and hope and love, and we have to prove that's enough" Her tears fall when she strokes her belly.
"That's why I have so much hope for you two. It's why Kyojurou and I chose to pick up the blade. To protect you, and all that is like you."
"But it's not supposed to be like that." He cries.
"I'm supposed to be a Rengoku. I'm supposed to be better. I have a legacy to uphold and I'm failing that. I'm just…" He chokes.
"Senjuru, there is no better. You are my brother and that brings me so much joy because you are you." She shuffles closer, and draws him to her side with an arm around his shoulders.
"I was supposed to be something else too. I was supposed to be so many things, things I thought I wanted and some I definitely didn't. But I'm glad I'm here now. I'm glad I married your brother. I'm glad I'm your sister and I'm glad I'm going to be a mother. I'm not glad so many things went wrong, but I'm happy with who I am, and where I ended up. I'm so happy you're here too. And I know Kyojurou would be happy with you as you are, and as you will be, whoever you choose to be. He wouldn't want you to berate yourself like this."
"He's gone now. I'm supposed to protect you. I'm supposed to take care of you." She huffed a laugh.
"I think he left us to care for each other, and that includes your Father too. I miss him too, Senjurou," and now her voice fully breaks.
"Every moment of every day and night. But the world has to go on, and we have to live with the hurt."
"I just feel so small." His face crumbles and she draws him tighter.
"And that's fine too. Not every night needs to be burned away with fire. Sometimes, we just need a candle to guide us through it. "
"Set your heart ablaze." Three heads turned to Tanjiro-kun, who was wiping his tears away unsuccessfully.
"That is what Rengoku-san told me. No matter how devastated you may be by your own weakness or uselessness, grit your teeth and look ahead, because the world isn't going to stop and wait for you.
"I keep those words in my heart and use it to strive forward. The world is always moving, and often cruel. But I think it's good also…to have love for it. For what good is there. So I will keep my kindness. I will keep my soft heart. Even if others say that it's my weakness, that it's useless. Which I don't understand because wouldn't you want someone to be kind to you, especially at your worst? Especially when your time comes?
"That's why, before I am a demon slayer, " he looks at his sister, his tears like raindrops.
"I'm an older brother. I'm the eldest son. And this is what my family has taught me. I will keep it."
"What does it say to all my predecessors if I chose to keep my 'softness', if it means forsaking my history?" Senjurou mumbles.
Tanjiro-kun shrugs.
"What does it say to the living if you don't? To your brother's memory? The world is full of cruel things. I've already seen too much of it. I want there to be soft places too." Tanjiro-kun smiles, fragile.
"I think you could be one of them. I think you should."
"Kyojurou would always speak so happily about returning home to you on every one of our joint missions," his sister mumbles into his hair.
"I think you already were, long before any of us knew."
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"Ane-ue and I will restore the Flame Hashira Chronicles ourselves. I will also ask my Father, and send you word of anything through our crow."
The early sunset made his red brown hair shine like molten coals, his eyes as soft and kind as summer. Looking at him reminded Senjurou of an ocean horizon, shining and crested with golden froth.
"You are kind, Senjurou-kun. Thank you, and your sister, for your help and hospitality." He bowed. Senjurou laughed, a little scoff.
"I should be thanking you, for bringing my brother's last words to us. You were kind to defend me, and I am grateful. I'm...glad I got the chance to meet you, to talk to you. Please get home safely."
A nod, an adjustment of the box on his shoulders, and Tanjiro turned to leave. Senjurou gathered his courage.
"Wait, Tanjiro-kun. Here." His brother's nichirin sword guard lay in the cloth, polished to a shine.
Ane-ue pressed it into his hands with a watery smile, a knowing look shared between them, and pushed him towards Tanjiro-kun when it was time to leave.
Without the sword guard, Ani-ue's sword would need a new one, if it was ever going to see battle again. But Senjurou knew that Ane-ue would never have the heart to replace such an integral piece of his sword.
It would be laid to rest, finally.
"I…! Surely I can't accept something as valuable as this!"
He pressed it insistently into his hands, holding it before…letting go.
"I want you to take it with you. I'm sure it will protect you."
"...If I must. Thank you." He waved him off till he disappeared in the distance, and stood there against the red sky, breathing in, out. Finally, he stepped inside.
Father had already returned, thankfully without a fuss. The alcohol must have quelled his rage for the time being. Better now then never.
Kneeled in proper seiza. Hands in lap. Back straight. Voice neutral, to avoid any dispute.
"Our guest has already left, Father." The sweet sharp smell of sake must have sunk into the wood of the floor, because his father's room always smelt of it. He knew few people could tolerate the scent, and he once found it unbearable, but his nose grew accustomed. It was a mess just like his sister said.
"...Tanjiro Kamado. And his demon sister."
"Nezuko Kamado." His father's eyes cut to him, and he jolted, a little.
"A demon is a demon. It doesn't have a name. And you let it into our home?"
"...I trust that Ane-ue's and my brother's judgment still holds firm all this time later." He thinks of soft hands. Calloused hands. Both so kind.
His father scoffs, turns away again.
"Your sister's brain is muddled. Too many...events for her to handle. And what good are the words of a deadman when they go against everything he supposedly lived for? All those years struggling and despairing, becoming a hashira, killing countless demons. Now you make exceptions for one? Why, because it never killed a human?"
Hm. It's the first time Father really acknowledged his brother. It was odd. It left a sour tang in his mouth. His brother should have heard this, not him.
"I trust their judgment." He scoffed again, and rested his cheek against his hand. He sipped from the jug.
"Tanjiro-kun came to give us my brother's final words. He had some for you. They–"
"What do I care about that? It's probably just his gripes about me. I don't want to hear what I already know."
"But Father–"
"Don't make me repeat myself Senjurou." Senjurou pushes because he has to.
"But my brother's words–"
Father shoots up, shadowed by the sunset at his back. His eyes, rimmed red, keep Senjurou pinned, the words sitting on his tongue, heavy.
"....Get out of my room Senjurou." He doesn't look to see if he has. He just turns away, knowing that he will.
And he almost does. He's done it before. But if he ever was a Rengoku, if he was ever his brother's brother, he wouldn't leave his Father here.
"...'Take care of yourself, Father.'
"Those were the only words my brother left for you, Father. I'll be going now." There was no response as he shut the door, and he didn't linger to hear anything else. Let him have his moment of grief, reflection, whichever.
Ane-ue was serving dinner. She looks up and smiles, and he smiles back, taking the spoon from her. They eat in silence. And retire to bed in silence.
There are some spots of color. Giyuu-san visits, and he is so quiet that Senjurou can't help but see a man immobile in his awkwardness. A kind man, kind enough to spare a demon and give up his life for brother and sister, and his sister likes to tease him.
Sanemi-san never sends any letters, even after they've been encouraged to write to him. First out of courtesy, then acquaintanceship, then friendship. He sends boxes of mochi, tea, sweet fruit and toys for children. Senjurou doesn't know if the toys are for him or for the baby.
A few weeks after Tanjiro-kun visits he wakes up, next to his sister with an odd feeling. She is sleeping and he is pressed to her front and he feels it again, just under his ribs. His eyes widen.
The baby kicks his ribs again and again throughout the night, and he stays up to feel them. His eyes tear up a little, (from the pain, of course, they're strong, they are Rengoku after all), and he wonders what their name will be.
Tanjiro-kun writes too. He includes stories of a Zenitsu and Inosuke, or yellow boy and boar-head boy, as his brother had called them. He laughs so hard at these stories he cries, and he doesn't care if his Father hears and gets annoyed, because the first time he did that and every time he does it after his sister smiles like she just saw the sun again after a long winter. She asks him to read them to her and she laughs too, and then she jolts and holds her belly, a grin at her lips when they kick. (Senjurou seriously doesn't know how she can smile with getting her ribs kicked in from the inside. It hurt from the outside with him.)
Father…writes more often. He is more a brooding silent then a seething silent nowadays, and he doesn't glare as often. He is helping them restore the Flame Hashira chronicles. He helps Ane-ue or himself cook, or just does it himself sometimes. Supervised by Ane-ue of course, he hasn't cooked in years after all. He even ruffled Senjurou's hair one time, as they passed each other in the halls. He helps with the chores and goes out to get supplies for them. He helps Ane-ue put on her shoes on family walks, and Senjurou feels a little like a scab, tender and healing.
Every week, once a week, Father leaves his room after dinner and lights the torch. He sets it up, bright and blazing, and he stays. They talk, low under the crackling of fire. Senjurou wonders if this brings back memories for him, of a mother Senjuro hardly remembers.
Tonight, he sits by Ane-ue's side as she stares into a blazing torch, a hand on her growing belly. He counts. She blinks once every two minutes.
"It's so late. Why don't you two go to bed? I can take out the fire myself."
"...Ruka and Kyojurou would yell at me from beyond the grave if I left you here."
"If they aren't already. You nearly burnt the house down cooking dinner tonight."
Senjurou pops in.
"To be fair, he's hardly cooked in years. Only the food was burnt tonight, at least, and that's the best case scenario."
"....Stare at the flames so we can go to bed already." Senjurou smiles. He hasn't flinched in months.
There are still days he wakes up, cold and gray. Ane-ue still weeps when he or Father help her into her shoes when she can't bend down anymore.
But in the morning there is breakfast, and chores, and a letter waiting to be replied to. There is a lightness in his chest that feels like ocean froth, like wind in a whistle, grass growing out of stone, a warmed hearth, a new name being chosen. He has made his decision.
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
Hope you're doing well! Can I be recommended some unpopular but well written Dair fanfictions?
Hi love!
I don't know from unpopular, but I'll shoutout some fics that I think tend to be less acclaimed, but are very deserving!
first, I must throw a shoutout to a couple wips: like a rolling stone by my ride-or-die @strideofpride & Set It Up by my ride-or-die @blairwaldcrf both fantastic aus that are rife with beautiful dairtastic moments.
Escape -- a 5x14 au where they do go to the DR. lots of pining.
you're the song that I can't stop singing -- another S masterwork. will always rec. if any fic could fix s6, it's this one
Lemons, Limes, and Tomatoes --- entirely charming character study
this city screams your name --- a Hollywood au. or a film actor au. it's so cute and it's never really left me since I read it.
my heart of dust would still rejoice --- LITERALLY a roman holiday au!!! it's so good!!! by the brilliant mind that gave us the definitive ues/brooklyn roleswap au!
The Disaster Within --- same author as above, an AU of A Room with a View! it's so good, and I say with conviction that my LW and P&P aus would not exist without it.
A Waltz for a Night --- on this, the Before Sunrise website, i have to give a shoutout to this gorgeous Before Sunrise AU
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somehhuuuhh · 2 months
I'm thinking of using this song for an animatic but I don't know if I should do it for Killer or Dust
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4 notes · View notes
a-whispering-echo · 5 months
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Hehe more blorbo <3
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harryleatherfit · 1 year
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Upper East Side || A.U || Frankie Morales
Chapter 13: After Party
F!Reader x Frankie Morales
Word Count: 4.3K
Warnings: abusive parents, childhood memory flashback, ptsd, abuse (summary at the end if you’d like to skip) drink roofi,
Authors Note: been so long since i’ve updated UES, but one shot life has taken me away. planning the rest of the fic is making me so sad and writing this chapter was really hard, i fucking HATE NINA. there’s not too much of frankie in this one, but i promise he’s very much in the next. just you wait .
i love you all. anyone who reads my stuff, who has supported me through this process. you mean the absolute world to me💝
Chapter Playlist
Euphor- Lowswimmer & Novo Amor
A House in Nebraska- Ethel Cain
🪩Main Master List🪩 Series Master List🪩
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Sundays with your family was never something you vouched for as a kid. You woke up, you did what you were told, you obeyed, you surveyed your parents emotions. Hyper aware of your actions. You cleaned, you cooked, you were a caretaker to yourself.
After so many years with the relationship of your parents berating itself, your relationship with your mom, everything falling apart. You never really knew what set her off, hell you never knew what would set your dads anger off, but there was something with your mom that would make her see red and you would never understand.
A distinct Sunday, you walked downstairs to greet your parents, and she was staring out the window, blank faced. You sat next to her, no words said, just hoping for her peace today.
“Pretty morning, mama.”
She nodded her head, “Yeah I already went for my run, the weather is perfect. You should go on yours now.”
She always did this, she always made you go on fucking runs, to appease that ‘her child isn’t gaining weight’.
This morning, you were tired, you just started your period and you were bleeding heavily. The last thing you wanted to do was go on a run, you didn’t want to have to say hi to people every time you passed them. You didn’t want to fidget with your headphones not falling out. You hated running, she always forced you to work out on your own terms.
“Mama? I’m on my period and I feel nauseous…”
“You know that’s not an excuse, you know the rules.”
“I know you’ve said that but please today I’m in so much pain, I’ll take on extra chores for today, I’ll dust all the rooms-”
“No, and because of that you’ve yourself another hour of running… do you want to defy my rules? Fucking try me you fucking little shit.” She seethes, she urns back looking out the window, simmering down.
You look away from her, shoving your head down into your arms, you didn’t like crying infront of her.
“And try running to your father, he only agrees with me. Look, we love you honey, we want the best for you, but we need you to be healthy and thin, like the good girl you were raised to be.” She gets up, “Speaking of which, let's get on the scale before you leave.”
She grabs your hand, pulling you to her bathroom.
“Mama no… mama please no…” You cry, “You know that I don’t like this… please mama don’t make me..”
“It’s the rule to stay under 150 Lbs! You know that! Fuck..” She huffs, “We’ve been so relaxed with you lately, you need to have healthier habits. You can’t keep eating the way you are.”
She punts the door open, you're sobbing at this point, begging your mom to not make you on the scale.
“No! Fucking get on!”
“Please mama, please I’ll do better. I’ll be better for you, I promise, for you and dad. I won’t be bad anymore..” You plead, slobber slipping all over your face.
She plants your feet on the scale and you immediately shut your eyes, never wanting to see the number below you. Seconds pass.
“Well you got a fucking one way ticket to missing homecoming next weekend.” She tuts.
“What, no please mom!” You look at her.
“NO ARGUING! You wont fit in your dress anyways and it’s your fucking fault. We paid all this money for this beautiful gown and now YOU HAVE GAINED WEIGHT! So during your night, you’ll be coming with me to the gym and no fucking complaining… I hear a sound, your phone is mine for a week.” That shuts you up.
All you can do is stare at her, the pain leaking from your mouth. You’re frozen in time, and you can only focus on the tears not slipping from your eyes. All the pain and hatred boiling in your heart, the monster of fear is right in front of you and you can’t move. You heave, gasping for air. All you want is to hold your mom, you want someone to fucking hold you, but there is no one.
“Fucking get a move on, or I’ll give you something real to cry about.” She spits. And you do.
Your scream, your blood, your body shaking out on stage. You prepared for your last performance with Frankie, you were ready to give the performance everything you had in your body. And everything went as fast as you expected, but as you were walking off stage you could’ve sworn you saw your mom in the audience, so many faces to look at, but you could see yourself in the crowd.
You stayed stagnant in the wings of the stage, your body following into full blown shock. You couldn’t get a full view of the person you saw but somehow you knew she was in the same room as you. That pit feeling you got as a kid about you mom, her moods. You knew she was there.
People were talking to you, tech crew telling you what to do and where to go, but you couldn’t think. Everything was muffled, nothing made sense. You couldn’t scratch out of your skin faster, you couldn’t run away, you couldn't go home. You couldn’t leave, you just had to stay.
Immediately you snap out of it and rub your hand over your heart to calm yourself down, you have to finish the night out.
“Are you okay?” A stage manager comes up to you, “Do you want me to get a director?”
Fuck the last thing you want is for Frankie to see you like this, or any of your teachers. Nothing could help you get out of this.
“No,” You choke, “I’m fine.”
Your reassurances, sets the stage manager back in place, calling the shows last cue, and bows are finally in check.
Mattias runs off stage, and he finds your hand, bracing yourself to see the audience again. You hear the room erupt into cheers and the standing ovation begins. He pulls you onto the stage, your eyes fade, the fuzziness creeping over your body. It’s your turn to walk up to the apron and bow, feet following another no daring to look anywhere but your feet. You were happy how loud the audience was, but you needed to leave, you needed air. Applauding the tech crew and the audience you run off stage quickly. You needed time to collect yourself before you ever thought about going outside to greet anyone.
You smeared the blood off of you, you slipped out of your costume, put everything back to where it was, shaking as you moved. You couldn’t rid this fumble in your body. You prayed Frankie wouldn’t walk in, you didn’t know how he would react to your unresponsiveness.
“Bitch! Get out here! We gotta go sign some playbills and then we're off to the club!” Mattias shouts into your room.
The tears come to a halt and you wipe away your face before he has you in view. You can do this.
“I just finished cleaning and hanging my shit, come with me and we can find Laylah… go to the club!” He holds your hands, wriggling his body.
Honestly all you want is to hurl into a bag, but that would do too.
“Ok let me grab my bag, I’m right behind you!” You cave. All you had to do was forget about your mom.
You clear your nose, and shut off the lights to your area. You’ll always remember this oasis you had, the memories with Laylah, Frankie, your first show here dear to your heart.
Mattias opens the door to the outside, and not just from last night… there are more people. Cameras flashing, screaming from all sides of the street. There are paparazzi, cars scrolling by screaming you and Mattias’s name. As you walk by with him, singing playbills and posing for cameras, seeing all these beautiful faces, you think about Frankie. You’re one step closer to being with him after the party.
Moving down the line, the men with the camera’s move with you. It felt good, you felt excited and the dip in your heart is gone.
“Excuse me ma’am, ma’am! You can’t be here!”
Before you turn, you hear a backstage official yell to somebody, the conversation going on behind you.
“Who do you think you are, screaming up on that stage?”
And there you are, in front of what could’ve been hundreds of people, seeing you go eye to eye with your mom. Mattias pauses behind you. You knew it was her, that exact hair color.
“You call that a performance?” She screams at the crowd, pointing at you, pulling you apart, “Here’s my fucking daughter all the way in New York City.” She screams.
You hadn’t seen her in years, by choice, but she was here? What on god's earth would persuade her to see your performance. She looked much older, being alone hasn’t taught her anything. Her hair looked dirty, she looked disheveled, and she looked lifeless.
“Ma’am I need you to please step aside..”
“Look at you baby, look at you whoring yourself out for all these broadway roles.” She laughs, “Didn’t think the person I raised would go this far into Hollyweird, you’re sellin yourself to the devil you hear me? Skanking yourself out just to make some money? I mean fuck..”
Some Broadway official grabs one of your moms arms, yanking it back, she has this beady look in her eye, you know she hasn’t had her fill with you yet. She wanted this to be public so she can let the public see the real you.
“Mom please don’t do this here, please I’ve worked so hard for this.” You plead, you can’t freeze, you can’t shake, you just deal. You go back to your roots. “Mom, why are you here?”
“Want the world to know how fucking selfish and useless you are? Wanted to see how ‘good’ of a life you think you got up here. Well here’s a fucking wake up call sweet cheeks,” She steps up closer to you, “ You ain’t able to make it in the world without me, I came here today to take you back home. Where you were raised right, where you belong.” She grabs you, and Mattias holds you back, his hold on you stronger than anything on the stage.
“Babe? Who the fuck is this?” He asks.
“No one lets fucking go.” You snicker, you have never been more infuriated in your life.
He follows you back inside the theater, you can still hear your mom yelling like the psychotic bitch she is, and behind closed doors, you can’t stop the shaking. You don’t care if Mattias saw you like this, you needed Laylah.
“Get Laylah, find Laylah please Mattias.”
“Ok baby, I’ll go find her.”
When he left you and you were finally alone, you gasped for air. That really was her. Your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you. Your hands couldn’t control themselves, you couldn’t remember anything except your name, all you needed to do was throw everything up.
“Oh I got her, I got her.”
“Babe, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
You look at Laylah with your eyes spilling liquid, “She was here, she was fucking here Laylah, the whole crowd saw, Papparazzi saw, fans saw. I can’t… move. I don’t know what to do.” They slipped down to the floor with you, they put their arms around you and Mattias followed, all holding each other in a ball.
“I don’t know why she came, I don’t know why she’s here, I don’t know how she found out I was even in this.” You ramble.
“Ok calm. Do you feel safe right now?” They ask.
“Yes, you’re both here, that's all that matters. I just can’t process everything right now. I don’t think I can move from here.”
“Ok we can wait here then, we won’t leave until you want to.” Mattias soothes.
You could stay in the corner with those two for an eternity. You wanted Frankie too, but you didn't need to burden him with your life, you didn’t need to have him worry about you in any capacity, when you were already putting both of your careers in jeopardy. They both held you so close, and this was a moment in your life you would pocket. Two people you hold dearly in your heart, that you would never let go.
You felt your phone buzz, you had to check it to see if it was Frankie, but it wasn’t, it was an instagram notification from Frankie. Your heart dropped. Mattias’s phone buzzed too.
You open the app at the same time, a post of you two bowing together on the stage.
Captioned: “The Macbeths”
The past couple months working with these two have been an experience of a lifetime for my career. I couldn’t imagine anyone else in these roles. The stars of the new generation.
“Didn’t know he liked me that much.” Mattias giggles. Laylah looks at you and they look happy, they weren’t that shocked when you told them about you two, seeing the instagram post proves how much he cares about you. How his page is now two posts of you.
Your heart dropped but you're happy too, this is what a teacher would post, he’s proud of the work he’s done.
New Message:
Frankie: Comin to the afterparty at the club? Leaving with the guys, I have another surprise tonight for you baby girl.
Fuck, the afterparty.
“Do you guys want to go to the afterparty?” You chip up.
“No, not without you and I’m not leaving you.” Laylah.
“No it’s okay, I think I can go. I’m okay. These few minutes I needed but I’m good now.” You weren’t lying, you didn’t exactly want to stay here forever and be the buzzkill of the night. You all had worked on this play for months, and if you missed this you would hate yourself more.
You would get to see Frankie, and just by his presence that would calm you down and make you forget the whole night.
“Let's go, I wanna go. Do I look okay for a club?” You ask.
“You always look okay baby, I’ll get a cab.” Mattias gets up, holding his hands out for you and Laylah.
You collect your bag and jacket, fixing your hair. Trying to prepare for the rest of the night. You and Laylah follow Mattias to the other end of the theater, where fans won’t be, getting inside a cab and decompressing.
“Rumpus room please, on East Houston and Elridge.” Laylah tells the cab driver.
You text back Frankie,
You: Laylah, Mattias and I are on our way, be there in 10.
Frankie: The guys and I already ordered some drinks, want anything?
You: I’m okay, keep your hands to yourself tonight pretty boy
Frankie: Make me
You: I promise I will. That picture you posted, it’s beautiful by the way.
Frankie: I know, someone in it that is.
You: Hey what about Mattias?
Frankie: He can be too, but my girl owns the world.
You: What’s your special surprise tonight?
Frankie: I wanted to take you somewhere again, not my house tonight
Where else could he take you? You were getting worried he was spending too much money on you, but that was a battle for another night.
Laylahs playing hype music, and you feel the warmth in your blood again, nothing to worry about.
“How many people do you think will be there?” You ask.
“I mean the whole school kinda show’s up to things like this, so there could be hundreds.” Mattias answers.
Maybe you could slip away with Frankie unnoticed.
You guys arrived outside the club, and people were cheering for you both, never receiving this special treatment, but you did check behind your back to make sure your mom wasn’t there, just a precaution. And once you walk in there was this whole atrium, almost a room so big that you could fit people in it for a concert. Bodies everywhere left and right. Some people you recognized, but most you’ve never talked to. Mattias and Laylah were by your sides, Bryce weaving through people to find Laylah. As you walked in, more eyes feel your way and hands started clapping, a DJ found a spotlight on you both, finally going over a god mic,
“There's the winners of the night, let's have a round of applause for the Macbeths!” Whistles and yelps were spread everywhere, Mattias hugged you and a wave of happiness spread through you. You did this, you had the power of an artist right now. Life was so good.
You guys walked up stairs to get to the bar, able to see the whole dance floor, and that’s when you see Frankie with the directors in the opposite corner. He met eyes with you and you smirk, at least he’s here. He changed from his regular outfit, all the guys in the corner are wearing suits, you were practically drooling over what you could see from Frankie.
“Gin and Tonic please, babe you want anything?” Mattias asks.
Fuck it.
“I’ll do the same as him.” You repeat.
Laylah and Bryce order, sitting on the bar barstools chatting. You felt earthy right now, light and accomplished. Even though you barely knew anyone in here, you could still be yourself. You took sips of your drink, muscles relaxing.
“Is he here?” Laylah whispers, asking about Frankie.
“Yes, he is, but I can’t be near him, people would think it’s weird and he doesn’t know.” You point at Mattias. “But I’m seeing him after.” You shrug.
“He makes you happy. If you’re happy I’m happy.” They kiss your head, “Does he know about stuff with your mom?”
“I’ve told him a few things, but no need to rush into all that with him.”
“Take it lightly tonight, okay? Don’t rush into anything, your moms psychotic.” They shiver.
“Trust me I know, I grew up with the woman.” You blink.
Was it bad that you missed her, even though she treated you like shit?
Mattias and Bryce were on their phones whispering, you didn’t know what about, but they looked worried. Boys being boys.
“No phones, let’s all go dance.”
You drag all of them off their seats and set your drinks on the bar, slipping into the crowd of people, maybe Frankie will see you. See your body dancing, craving his hands all over you.
So many people were still congratulating you, wanting to dance with you, your smile so wide. It made you think about the spring, and the musical. You realize after this it doesn’t even matter if you get a named character. You at least want to be a part of the production.
So many people were focused on showing off what roles they had, but you were at least happy that you could be a part of any production. You wanted to end your senior year with a good note, not a stressed one.
You feel hands on you, and it’s Hannah and Rose.
“YOU DID AMAZING, YOU BOTH DID.” They scream over the music. You jump up and down with them, catching up with them since you all have been so busy. It was nice to see their faces, more people than you knew at this crazy party.
“You and Mattias are being posted everywhere, those interviews are already out! And Mr. Morales posting you guys, that’s really big for you both.” Rose jumps, giddily.
“What does this all mean?” You ask.
“You guys will get fucking scouted, you’re going to go into Hollywood duh!” Hannah giggles, they both already seem drunk, this news making your body lurch with euphoria.
“I’m gonna go sip on my drink, anyone wanna come with?” You ask.
Nobody moves, so you leave the group alone, only 10 steps to the bar. You find your drink and sit on the stool. A moment to yourself and a lot to process. You thought out of your head for a second. This could have really started your career. People, we're going to start recognizing you, people are gonna start emailing you. This was it. Eventually after downing the rest of your drink, you got up to go back again, but this didn’t feel good.
You felt like you couldn’t walk, the music suddenly got louder and your head was pounding. How much had you actually drank? You were trying to scout out anyone you knew, trying to find Laylah shimmering hair, or maybe Frankie with his friends. But nothing. You felt helpless, you were lost and you didn’t know what to do. You looked for bathroom signs, and immediately stumbled over there. You walked down the cold hallway, not able to process.
What the fuck was going on?
You opened the door to what you thought was the bathroom, which it did say bathroom but it was pitch black, and the words on the door were blurry.
Immediately hands were all over, the room spinning faster than you could comprehend. You’re pulled into the rooms and you hear giggles rapture from every corner of the room, you hear the door lock from the inside, and you’re in no control of what happens now. You can’t leave, you can’t fight. You’re physically unable to move, your breathing quickens and sweat falls down your forehead. The lights turn on, your eyes fight to adjust to the new night.
“Didn’t even bother to cover your own drink you dumb bitch.”
“Yeah it’s fucking me you dumb whore.” Laughs again, you freeze, with what you’re able to do you back against the steel wall.
There's about 6 girls surrounding you, one with a flash on you, one you're sure is recording. Incolitarlty, you can feel tears streaming down your face.
“Fucking cunt stole my role, payback you little fucking trailer trash slut.” She slaps you, but at least you couldn’t feel it. You tried to hit her back, but she caught you fist, your reaction time was too slow.
“Drugs gonna make you sleepy honey, no need to fight me back. I already got you ass.” She smirks. All her friends howl in laughter.
“Nina… what did.. I ever do to you? …I’ve never… hurt you..” You stammer, trying to slur formal words together. You were fading fast.
She grabs your mouth in her hands, “You. Took. My. Spotlight. And you’re gonna pay for it. You didn’t think I was gonna let you slide with this, you thought I was gonna back off? Well fuckin welcome to New York babe, nobody backs of here.”
Nina backs off from you and in the corner of your eye, a girl standing on a toilet lid is holding a big bucket, eventually dumping a bucket of red liquid all over you. It woke you up, but the room was still hazy. You tried to wipe it from your eyes, but you got it all over the wall, it seeping down your body to the floor.
“Fucking screaming banshee… THAT WAS MY ROLE.” She gets up all in your face, still frozen from fear.
“Nina, do you think it’ll work, do you think it’ll wake her up?” The red substance was so cold, you didn’t know what it was, but you prayed it wasn’t real blood. It didn’t have an odor, but your veins were shrieking from the temperature.
“Brie, bitch it has to, the cunt has to stay awake, if she doesn’t we're all dead.” You hear her respond.
Before you really start to slip, all the girls are murmuring with Nina, this was their plan. To drug you and try to make you stay awake, to use you. To lock you in here and hurt you. But if it didn’t work? Then what? Leave you to die? Leave you to rot in this red scum?
Nina comes back up to you again, the impact of her hand, her nails dragging on your face brutally keeping you standing against the wall.
“Where's your little friend, where’d they all go huh? Not here to protect their little puppy.” She cackles. “You follow all of them around when they don’t need you, a worthless piece of shit.” She grabs your hair, putting her mouth close to your ear.
“Gonna go run to mommy and daddy, gonna go cry about it? Gonna cry like a little girl and run away?”
You fall with nothing less to lose. Nina couldn’t hold you up anymore. Another girl holds a phone in your face and it’s a video, a street view video of you frozen outside the theater, your mom yelling at you. Calling you names, hurling herself at you. Her voice made the wind in your body howl, you couldn’t take it anymore. You started to scream.
Not words, but you screamed for the world to know your pain. You never meant to hurt anyone in your life. You never meant to be mean to Nina, your mom, the world. You never wanted anything.
“That’s right you ugly whore, don’t have a mommy to run to I see. Mommy doesn’t love her fat daughter.” She wiggles the phone from her friend's hand, shoving it in your face, “Deux moi’s having a fun time with this one.” You hear the door open, all of their feet shuffle out, the light switch turning off.
“Have a good night, don’t let drugs bite.” The door shuts.
You were trying so hard not to fall asleep, but it’s what you need to do. You can’t refrain anymore.
You whimper, “Frankie….”
taglist: @pastelnap @beefrobeefcal
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Summary: Reader gets a bad childhood flashback with her mom, then reader finishes the last of lady mac for the last show, thinking she sees her mom in the crowd. After the show ends, Mattias drags her outside to say hi to people, paps are there and so many more people than the previous night before. Then reader sees her mom, and she freezes, feeling like a kid again, her mom goes crazy. Reader and Mattias eventually go back into the theatre finding Laylah, they check on reader, she feels okay to go to the after party. Frankie posts a picture of Mattias and reader, talking about how proud he is of both of them. Then he texts reader about another suprise for her. She feels good for the rest of the night. Showing up to the after party club. Dancing with Laylah, Bryce, Mattias, Rose and Hannah. Reader goes back to bar to drink the rest of her drink, feeling woozy she goes to the bathroom to be bombarded with Nina and her minions.
Ending was hard to write, but necessary, creating Nina has gone against every molecule of my body.
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dkniade · 2 months
Since drawing a character interacting with their other self and/or lookalike is somewhat common (Focalors & Furina, Albedo & Dorian & Whooperflower, Childe & Delusion Childe, Wanderer & Scaramouche & Kabukimono) I’m kind of surprised to not find much fan art of Fischl and Immernacht Fischl together…?
No gothic theatre metaphor about insecurity over your hobbies?
Immernacht Fischl: You are gravely mistaken if you presume the Immernachtreich to be some kind of amusement park.
Immernacht Fischl: Listen closely... it is a tomb for those who cannot face reality. You will be buried here, and I will take Oz, the product of our imagination, and live forever in the royal castle.
Fischl: ...A tomb...?
Immernacht Fischl: You of all people should know about this. Why does it always rain in the Immernachtreich? Why isn't there any music in this so-called paradise?
facing your fears, and self-acceptance—with a giant castle in the background?
Fischl: You looked down on me. You thought I was a worthless coward.
Fischl: And yes, I did use to be like that, because... I am someone who can't face reality, who spends all day daydreaming, and can't cope with setbacks or criticisms.
Fischl: But now I understand. I understood as soon as I first laid my eyes on this mirage.
Fischl: Do you see that incredible world out there? So vast, so breathtaking... that is my imagination, the source of my power.
Fischl: You act so arrogant under that dark cloak of self-obsession. But that's not your true nature.
Fischl: You're no Prinzessin. You're just a narcissistic speck of dust hiding in my shadow! You are the true loser, the one who's holding me back!
a bunch of raven statues, and your talking raven companion? not even a bit? haha
Like, woohoo signifiant names and titles, woohoo convoluted metaphors
Oz: Indeed, mein Fräulein. Fischl is sometimes the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, and other times not. She may be courageous and arrogant, but she may also be weak and cowardly.
Oz: Fischl is you. Both noble and humble, she is a first-rate adventurer with few friends and the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, the Sovereign of the Immernachtreich.
Oz: Fischl is both timid and strong. She's afraid of others' gossip, yet yearns for their respect.
Oz: Most importantly, Fischl is often self-deprecating, beating herself up countless times, yet she always finds a way to rise again.
Oz: Mein Fräulein, no one merits the name Fischl more than you do. It's a complex yet simple name that represents the beauty of dreams and liberty.
Oz: With or without loyal admirers, Amy will always be Fischl. You are Fischl, the enlightened one who has always carried that belief in her heart.
Fischl: ..."May my people be freed from the shackles of ancient decrees."
Oz: Thank you for creating the Immernachtreich and giving us a homeland, for authoring the "Hymn of the Holy Land" in your subconscious, which offered us hope for a bright future.
Oz: Please embrace your darkness and return to your true form, Your Highness.
“It's a complex yet simple name that represents the beauty of dreams and liberty.” ue, cries
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
50 Japanese proverbs along with their English translations:
一寸先は闇。(Issun saki wa yami.) Translation: "One inch ahead is darkness."
石の上にも三年。(Ishi no ue ni mo sannen.) Translation: "Even on a rock, it takes three years."
虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。(Koketsu ni irazunba koji o ezu.) Translation: "If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub."
出る杭は打たれる。(Deru kui wa utareru.) Translation: "The stake that sticks out gets hammered down."
虎の子を産んでも親は親。(Tora no ko o undemo oya wa oya.) Translation: "Even if a tiger gives birth to a cub, it is still a mother."
���より団子。(Hana yori dango.) Translation: "Prefer dumplings over flowers."
七転び八起き。(Nanakorobi yaoki.) Translation: "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."
猿も木から落ちる。(Saru mo ki kara ochiru.) Translation: "Even monkeys fall from trees."
馬の耳に念仏。(Uma no mimi ni nenbutsu.) Translation: "Buddhist sutras to a horse's ear."
雨降って地固まる。(Ame futte ji katamaru.) Translation: "After the rain, the ground hardens."
井の中の蛙大海を知らず。(I no naka no kawazu taikai o shirazu.) Translation: "A frog in a well does not know the great sea."
急がば回れ。(Isogaba maware.) Translation: "If you hurry, take the long way around."
目くじらを立てる。(Mekujira o tateru.) Translation: "To raise an eyebrow."
虫の知らせ。(Mushi no shirase.) Translation: "News from the bugs."
備えあれば憂いなし。(Sona e areba urei nashi.) Translation: "If you are prepared, you have nothing to fear."
馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。(Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.) Translation: "Stupidity cannot be cured unless you die."
起きて半畳寝て一畳。(Okite hantatami nete ichijo.) Translation: "Waking up is half the bed, sleeping is a full tatami."
継続は力なり。(Keizoku wa chikara nari.) Translation: "Continuation is power."
猿も木から落ちる。(Saru mo ki kara ochiru.) Translation: "Even monkeys fall from trees."
言わぬが花。(Iwanu ga hana.) Translation: "Silence is golden."
良薬は口に苦し。(Ryoyaku wa kuchi ni nigashi.) Translation: "Good medicine tastes bitter."
鳥なき里の蝙蝠。(Tori naki sato no koumori.) Translation: "In a village without birds, bats are great singers."
縁の下の力持ち。(En no shita no chikara mochi.) Translation: "The person behind the scenes who holds the power."
馬の耳に念仏。(Uma no mimi ni nenbutsu.) Translation: "Buddhist sutras to a horse's ear."
継続は力なり。(Keizoku wa chikara nari.) Translation: "Continuation is power."
石の上にも三年。(Ishi no ue ni mo sannen.) Translation: "Even on a rock, it takes three years."
人のふり見て我がふり直せ。(Hito no furi mite waga furi naose.) Translation: "Observe the behavior of others and correct your own."
高い山から落ちる石は重い。(Takai yama kara ochiru ishi wa omoi.) Translation: "A stone falling from a high mountain is heavy."
鶏口となるも牛後となるな。(Keikou to naru mo gyuugo to naru na.) Translation: "Rather than becoming the mouth of a chicken, become the tail of an ox."
空鶴も1枚や2枚。(Karatsuru mo ichimai ya nimai.) Translation: "Even a crane dances a step or two."
蛙の子は蛙。(Kaeru no ko wa kaeru.) Translation: "A child of a frog is a frog."
立つ鳥跡を濁さず。(Tatsu tori ato o nigosazu.) Translation: "A departing bird leaves no trace."
二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず。(Nito o ou mono wa itto mo ezu.) Translation: "One who chases after two hares will not catch even one."
弘法にも筆の誤り。(Koubou ni mo fude no ayamari.) Translation: "Even Koubou made mistakes with his brush."
悪因悪果。(Akuin akka.) Translation: "Evil begets evil."
隣の芝生は青く見える。(Tonari no shibafu wa aoku mieru.) Translation: "The grass is always greener on the other side."
悪事千里を走る。(Akugoto senri o hashiru.) Translation: "Evil deeds run a thousand miles."
火のないところに煙は立たぬ。(Hi no nai tokoro ni kemuri wa tatanu.) Translation: "There is no smoke without fire."
弱肉強食。(Jakuniku kyoushoku.) Translation: "Survival of the fittest."
塵も積もれば山となる。(Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru.) Translation: "Even dust, when piled up, becomes a mountain."
意気地なし。(Ikujinashi.) Translation: "No fighting spirit."
逆境に勝つ者は逆境に強い。(Gyakkyou ni katsu mono wa gyakkyou ni tsuyoi.) Translation: "Those who win in adversity are strong in adversity."
転ばぬ先の杖。(Korobanu saki no tsue.) Translation: "A cane before you fall."
時は金なり。(Toki wa kane nari.) Translation: "Time is money."
後悔先に立たず。(Koukai saki ni tatazu.) Translation: "Regret does not come before."
三人寄れば文殊の知恵。(Sannin yoreba Monju no chie.) Translation: "When three people gather, there is wisdom."
乞食の馬鹿は乞食をする。(Kojiki no baka wa kojiki o suru.) Translation: "A beggar's fool begs."
頭隠して尻隠さず。(Atama kakushite shiri kakusazu.) Translation: "Covering the head but not the bottom."
千里の道も一歩から。(Senri no michi mo ippo kara.) Translation: "Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
弘法にも筆の誤り。(Koubou ni mo fude no ayamari.) Translation: "Even Koubou made mistakes with his brush."
These proverbs reflect various aspects of Japanese culture, wisdom, and values.
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bye-bye-firefly · 10 months
*sprinkles magical pinkie dust over your head*
Happy Tuesday!!!
Ues day ....ues dDay...
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