bingoboingobongo · 2 years
my kaleidoscope thoughts/review
(spoilers under the cut. also im still shocked so this shit makes no sense)
holy shit okay so um Jesus Christ I'm fucking fahahsh that was easily the best experience I've ever had omg that's giving money heist a run for their money holy crap okay um
alright so ngl when i heard the concept of showing episodes in random order I was hyped and i wanted it to be hype but tbh i kinda expected it to be ass and omfg damn this show was so good wtf. that being said, the episodes in random order didn't exactly have much impact on the story but it was a fun idea and i liked it in the end. at first i was worried, especially when i got to the after the heist episodes (which showed right before the white episode for me) bc in my mind i was like okay but like ik the outcome so like what's the point but damn was i wrong bc oml the twists Jesus Christ that shit had me in a damn pretzel.
alright so like my thought process. So i saw the pink episode right before the white one, and first can I just say that even tho i didn't like bob im glad he got to see his pink sand beaches even tho it was technically blood but whatever. anyways omfg tho did judy ditch Stan? I think so idek anyways that's irrelevant rn. okay so i was literally devastated when ava died i love her but also it definitely wasn't as bad as money heist so I'll live. BHT OMFG LEO'S DEATH BRUH I THOUGHT RJ KILLED HIM BUT IT WAS SALAS' SON BRAD?????? WTF THAT SHIT CAME OUT SO OUT OF LEFT FIEKD OMG JSHSJSJS
like ngl in the beginning I wasn't vibing with judy but then she killed rj and i really wasn't vibing BUT THEN SHE KILLED BOB AND MAYBE I WAS VIBING????
also her hair and her black suit in that one outfit remind me of natasha Romanoff so bad omfg
ngl tho idek if it actually randomizes the order u watch it in i started out with the jail episode with stan and ray tho so idk tell me if u guys get anything different
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sour-leminies · 2 months
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Paring: James Hook x F!RoyalReader
Summary: Parents suck. That was something you had come to learn. You hated their expectations of you. You hated about how they controlled every aspect of your life. The only thing that they didn’t see coming nor you — was a pirate with an offer.
Warnings: Intense kissing. Drinking, cussing and even mentions of smoking.
Taglist: @unhealthy-obessions @4ng3l-ch1ld @herondale-lightworm @astrynyx @snixx2088 Just ask to be added!
3.7k WC
Navigation — other works!
I really, and I mean really hate today. I’ve gotten yelled at already from my parents for not wearing my tie, not a single kid in this school wears a uniform, but my parents still decided it was the biggest thing in the world. I was late to class, simply because people couldn’t walk faster in the halls. And now I was listening to this kid go on and on about himself.
For an assignment we paired up, teacher choice, and now while I did the work I had to listen to this boast about his castle. To be honest I wasn’t really listening, only zoning back in for a sentence or two before zoning back out.
My parents are visiting today, and that was all I could focus on. They showed up out of the blue as I was about to head to class. It’s not like them to show up at random – they always try to put distance between us ever since they declared I was a disappointment. Something I was grateful for.
At first being called a disgrace from my mother hurt, and being called a sorry excuse of a princess from my father burned. Now though hearing that from them made me happy, because I wanted to be nothing like them.
Then why was I still trying so hard to be perfect?
The loud laughs of kids snapped me back to reality and away from my thoughts. “Ugh, James Hook and his stupid crew.” My partner had said, clearly annoyed they were laughing and talking over him.
James Hook, a ruthless cut throat pirate who took rules and shoved them up people's asses. A man who did what he wanted, and didn’t give a damn about the consequences. He was everything I wanted to be.
“Excuse me?!” I looked to my partner – my eyes widening at the sound of him calling out to the loud group of pirates. “Can you shut up?” My jaw dropped at him, not only was he going to get himself in trouble he didn’t want, he was going to get me in it too.
“He didn’t mean that!” I said to the pirates who started to make their way over to our table. “He’s clearly not gotten enough sleep, and he’s very sorry.” Where was the teacher? I didn’t see her step out of the class, but she wasn’t at her desk or in the room.
The boy beside me went to speak again, but I stomped on his foot, drawing his attention while he whined about his ‘pretty toes.’
“You know this man, Lass?” My breath got caught in my throat at the sound of Captain Hook’s voice. I had heard him before, obviously I had, but this was the first time he talked to me. The first time he looked at me for so long.
I shook my head, my heart pounding as he got closer to me, walking around the table. “You can speak.” I knew that, but every time I tried my mouth got too dry for me to even say a word. Say the wrong word and who knows he may make me walk the plank and drown.
I nodded again, I couldn’t hear or see anyone else besides James Hook. I never even fully met him and he had already had a hold on me, a hold I desperately wanted back. “What’s your name?”
A sharp feeling on the bottom of my chin caused me to look up at the captain, while he used his hook to ensure I didn’t look away. His brown eyes remind me of a puppy, but the glint in them reminded me of a lion. Ready to snap. His eyeliner enhanced and deepened the color, a thought crossed my mind. One I immediately snapped out of my head.
Who knew men in eyeliner were so handsome.
“Y/N.” My answer was short, and direct. What I had wanted this interaction to be, but nothing was ever that simple was it?
“Hm.” He removed his hook, letting me let out a sigh of relief. “Take your things, and go work at my table while I have a little chat with your friend.”
Don’t listen to a pirate. My mother’s voice echoed in my head, and I finally didn’t give enough of a damn to listen.
I opened my dorm door, seeing my parents snooping through my things, making me sigh out. Today had been stressful enough. Hook never went back to his table, nor did the rest of his crew, but they had taken my partner out of the class and he didn’t come back at all.
“What are you two doing here?” I was tired of this, them. Wanting parents who will never want me back. Trying so hard, and getting nothing in return. Caring for them, when they didn’t give a shit about me.
“Always so quick to jump, Y/N. I didn’t raise you to be that.” You didn’t raise me at all. I wanted to scream that to them. That the daughter they were so disappointed in, was because they couldn’t raise her. Some people weren’t meant to be parents – and I had really wished they had enough self awareness before having me.
“What do you want mom?”
She released an annoyed sigh, while my father reached into his shirt before pulling out a scroll. “You're getting engaged.”
Time stopped. I couldn’t hear anything besides my heart thumping in my ears. What? I looked to my mom, seeing nothing there. This wasn’t my mother. I looked to my father – seeing nothing but boredom. As if coming to tell his daughter they are selling her away was nothing but a daily task. This wasn’t my father. These weren’t my parents, because I never had any.
“No.” My voice was raw, and rigged, like I was an animal in a cage waiting to bite. My mothers jaw set, before she grabbed the scroll from my father and threw it to me.
I caught it, and opened it briefly. “You will be married to king Midas son. You will sign this contract.” I threw it to the side before snapping my gaze back to the people in front of me. “I said no. Get over it! I’m not your little fucking pet fish you sell off to when you get tired of feeding it.”
“You insolent–”
“I’m not done!” I cut my father off. “You don’t like me? Too bad, you had me. I’m not marrying anyone. You want to cut me off, go ahead.” They think I’m some rebellious teenager, then that’s who I’ll be.
They sent ferocious glares my way and I knew that mean look in my fathers eye. He never once hit me, but he would hit maids, or anyone who annoyed him. He took a step closer to me, and I felt panic start to spread.
“You heard the lady.”
I looked to my right as James Hook walked in front of me, in between me and my father. “I think it’s best if you leave.” Was he mad? That was a king. And he didn’t care.
My father and James started – or more accurately glared at each other before my father, brushed past us and walked out through the wide open door.
I looked back to my mother, who was looking between us. Disgust in her eyes. “You have four months to sign that contract, or else–”
“Leave.” Hook cut her off, and made a point to grab the sword hilt that was attached to his hip. She shook her head before also storming out, slamming the door.
I looked back to James who started at me, eyes full of wonder, interest, and mischief. “You didn’t have to do that.” I felt my eyes water, this whole thing draining me. I didn’t do anything wrong, and yet I’m always punished.
A tear dropped down my cheek but was quickly wiped away by a warm, and rough hand. “Don’t cry. You were so strong.” He stepped closer to me, his voice surprisingly in a low, deep and soft whisper. “Don’t give them the satisfaction of breaking you.”
I looked down to the floor where I had thrown the stupid scroll, “They hate me.” And I didn’t even know why.
“So make them hate you even more.” I looked back to the pirate, confusion all across my face. “It’s a lot easier to get someone to hate you than love you.” Yet I had a strong feeling that it was easy for James Hook to get people to love him.
He gave my head a pat before making his way out of my room, before I even had a chance to ask what he was doing in my room in the first place.
I took a seat on the outskirts of the campus, the image of a certain contract stuck in my head. I didn’t burn it, I couldn't, I was too afraid. Yesterday was suppose to be my push, but fuck it seemed like I need a bigger one. How much bigger could you get?
I had basically told my parents to go f themselves. Now I don't know what to do, I’m at a loss. I grabbed one of the over salted fries and stuck it in my mouth. Food was my comfort, and I loved salt but even I knew these were way too salty.
“Hello Lassie!” I looked over my shoulder to see a pirate dressed in red making his way over to me. What was he doing over here? He was a popular if not the most popular guy in school, Hades would be his only contest in bad boy charm.
“Hook.” He leaned down, plucking a fry off my plate before pulling me up as well. “Mmm, those are perfectly salted. Okay now I know he’s crazy.
“I have an idea for you.” Before I could even question him, or say ‘any idea of yours is mad’ his voice started to pick up.
He moved me away from where my food was now being eaten by ants and more over to the flower filled field.
“I know what you want from me, I know what you want from me.”
He bent down, picking a deep red rose.
“So if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them. Show them you're all grown up.”
He handed me the rose, and twirled me around.
“If long hair, and tattoos are what attract you. Baby you’re in luck.”
He grabbed me and gave me a slight twirl.
“And I know it’s just a phase. You’re not in love with me.”
Setting me back on the ground, he lowered his voice, letting it fade out.
“You wanna piss off your parents, baby piss off your parents. That’s alright with me.”
“You're actually mad.” I scoffed at him, but couldn’t help the slit tilt of my lips. “I prefer bloody genius.” I lightly shook my head before handing him back his rose that smelled devine. “Thanks for your help with my parents yesterday. But it’s my problem not yours.” Just because I’m a princess doesn't mean I need someone to be my knight in shining armor.
“And I’m offering you a solution, love.” He tilted the rose back to be, encouraging me to take it, and his idea. “What's the worst that can happen? You’ll fall in love?”
I grabbed the rose, only because I knew he couldn’t take care of it. “Sorry pirate, I’d never love you.”
“Sounds like my cup of tea.”
I pushed the pillow further on my head at the constant knocking of the door. I was silently pleading for my roommate, Belle, to get the door. However as I looked up and over to her bed, I noticed her absent presence.
The knocking started up again, causing me to scream out into my pillow in frustration. It was a weekend, a very rare, and free weekend where I could relax. Slugging myself out the bed, I muttered every curse word I knew before yanking my door open.
“Hello, love, good day to hit the woods no?” I rested my head on my door, slightly whining. “What do you want, Hook?”
“How about a smile.” Oh my god he’s actually a dick. “I want you to get change, wear black – or red –” He smirked at that before continuing his list of demands. “Then you're going to come with me, and I’m going to show you what fun actually looks like.”
“That’s all?” My eyes felt swollen shut from dreariness. “That's all, now chop chop, off ya go.” I hate pirates.
Correction, I hate James Hook.
He took me to a party. Though he was such a gentleman about it, I’ll have to say. Located in the black forest, where it always looked night – he made sure to help me walk. That was the only redeeming quality about this party.
People were doing all sorts of things, from dancing, to drinking, to making out, etc. Definitely a villain kind of party. “Hook, I don't think this is my scene.” I rubbed my arms nervously, I felt like a needle in a haystack.
“No, this isn’t your parents' scene. I promise once you calm down you’ll have fun. Trust me.” Everyone was taught not to trust a pirate, but I couldn’t help but do so.
He reacted to his jacket before pulling out a flask, “here, don’t drink anything besides what I give you.” I nodded, engraving his words to my brain to not forget them. I twisted off the cap, taking a sip and immediately feeling the burn going down my throat causing me to cough. “The hell is that?”
I never had liquor before, but that tasted like acid with a twinge of something else.”Rum, the best.” I couldn’t help the laugh leaving me – finally letting out a sigh, and my discomfort. “You stupid pirate.”
I think I’m drunk. I’m not sure, but I can’t really see or more accurately focus.
“Alright lass time to get you home.” I looked over to where the voice came from, my eyes finally focusing on a very handsome man. “Hiii.” I gushed, my cheeks red. This man had a very attractive laugh, I thought as he laughed in my ear while bending down – picking me up.
“I’m a princess!” I said, loudly, as we walked out this stupid sea carcass thing. Why would they hang out in a dead sea fish? Not very sanitary. “Aye lass, a very pretty one.” This handsome man thinks I’m pretty.
Over the next three months Hook and I continued to “date”. It was surprising how easy it was to hang out with his friends. I had expected Hades to burn me alive or something with one of his cigarettes, but everyone – even the sea witch Uliana was pretty welcoming.
After I woke up the next morning from that first party Hook took me too. I had decided I hated drinking, and would not be doing it again. Something James laughed at. Tonight the vk’s were throwing some kind of party, I don’t know why – but I had opted out.
Usually James and I would spend late nights together, if not at my dorm than at his. We would lay on the bed, and it was weird – because our dating was supposed to be fake and to piss off my parents, but even when no one was around he’d hold my hand. Or we would cuddle, even though our roommates were out. He’d kiss my hand at random times – hug me at others and it all felt real.
We had felt real and I had realized I was falling for him. Hard.
A knock at the door pulled my attention from the fire crackling in my fireplace and to the dark oak door. Belle was having a date with her beast, but even then she had a key to get in.
Standing I opened the door, prepared to laugh at Belle for being forgetful but instead I was met with a Handsome pirate that I had actually wanted to call mine. “James.” He ditched his coat, and had his sleeves rolled up. Exposing his forearms, where his veins were showing. He had ditched his hook and replaced it with a guitar.
“Mind if I come in?”
No, not at all. Instead of saying it though I just moved out the way and opened the door more. The captain walked past me and sat on my bed. I closed the door, before I too made my way to my bed.
This would be normal for us, him playing piano, or even guitar while I listened. Though he would never leave a party that he needed to be there for. I’m pretty sure it was something about it being a blood moon or something to do with the moon.
His finger danced across the strings, and his deep rich voice started to fill the silence while the orange of the fire highlighted his skin.
“I met you in the dark. You lit me up. You made me feel as though I was enough.”
My breath hitched at the sound of his voice. I could feel my heart in my ears, but it was in the best way possible.
“We danced the night away, we drank too much.”
I didn’t know who he was singing about, but at the same time everything he said felt so familiar.
“I held your hair back when you were throwing up.”
He finally looked back up at me, his eyes achingly beautiful. In this moment I knew I had loved him. I loved him more than the world can even express itself.
James Hook POV
“Then you smiled over your shoulder. For a minute I was stone cold sober.”
The night I knew I fell in love with her played through my head and out into the song. The first night I took her to a party and she got black out drunk.
“I pulled you closer to my chest, and you asked me to stay over. I had already told ya; I think you should get some rest.”
This woman has made me question every single moral, this woman has made me question who I am. Was I still a ruthless villain – yes, just not to her. I couldn’t be.
Y/N L/N was the definition of my saving grace, and I loved her like I breathed. Naturally, effortlessly, and most of all needing.
“I’m so in love with you, and I hope you know.”
God I couldn’t wait another moment. I needed her to know that I truly love her, that she made this darkened heart beat.
“Darling, your love is more than its weight in gold.”
When the final strings of my guitar played out, I was ready to pour my heart out to her. Ready to tell her how she taught me how to love. How love wasn’t enough to describe how I felt about her.
But this damn woman beat me to it.
Normal POV
“I love you.” I said the second he stopped playing. Fear struck my heart, he might not love me back – but I’ll be damned if he doesn't know how much I care for him. “I know I told you that I could never love a pirate, but the truth is you have stolen my heart and I don’t want it back. I know you might not feel–”
My words fell, and his lips absorbed them. I didn’t know when he threw down the guitar, but he was kissing me.
His lips were soft, gentle, and his kiss was full of love.
“I’d go to the end of the earth for you. I love you so much, and don’t you for a damn second consider that I don’t.” I smiled at him. I was happy – finally so happy. Tears laced my eyes, and I let them fall, because James Hook didn’t only want my strength, he wanted my weakness as well. He wanted all of me. Just as I wanted all of him.
I pulled his face back to mine, kissing him desperately. This one was rougher, sexier. Full of things I didn’t even know but wanted to explore with him.
His hand pushed through my hair, as he slightly gripped it and tugged. Causing me to gasp. He took that as an invitation, his tongue brushing against mine. He pushed himself forward, pushing me back onto the bed, using his other hand to keep him from crushing me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, sighing out as he kissed down my neck. Everything in this moment felt right. It was cut short by the sound of the door opening, and the sound of Belle screaming out sorries.
James let out a groan of pure annoyance, while I laughed – giving him a peck. His gaze softened, and he hugged me. Letting him fall into me caused me to release a groan while he laughed.
Belle had run back out the door, and so I pulled him up off me and led him over to the fireplace. I opened a box placed on top of it, and grabbed a scroll out of it.
“This is a marriage contract that, if I signed, would marry me to King Midas' son, and grant me royal immunity.”
James swallowed thickly, fear laced in his eyes, and I swore his eyes glazed over with water.
“Burn it.”
The fear was replaced with confusion as he looked at me lost. “What?” He asked. I placed the scroll in his hand before pressing a kiss to his lips.
“The only man I’ll ever marry is a pirate that goes by Captain Hook and has a drinking problem.” He wasted no time in throwing the scroll into the hot flames before he picked me up and twirled me. “Marry you I shall.”
A/N: I’m actually really proud of this one.
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reccyls · 3 months
Beyond the Merging of Then and Now (Azel story)
Azel's 4th anniversary story sale, where child Azel is brought into the future to meet Emma and current Azel.
As I made my way towards Prince Azel's sanctuary as usual, I came across a small figure.
Emma: This child was all alone in the middle of the desert. Emma: His hair and eye color are exactly like yours, so is he your secret son?
Azel: Not that I can recall. Azel: And don't just bring any random child from who knows where to my sanctuary. Azel: Send him away.
Emma: Don't you have any heart at all!?
Azel: A god has no such thing.
???: God...
Emma: ...That's right. This man here is a god.
(He finally said something.) (He seems to be really anxious around strangers. On the way here, he barely spoke at all. And...) (He's been gripping at the hem of his clothes almost like he's scared of something. And his expression is so stiff.)
Emma: If there's anything troubling you, this man can help you.
Azel: No I won't.
???: O holy god...
Azel: Did you not hear what I just said?
???: Please help me...
Azel: And what would you offer in return? I care not for destitute believers.
???: I... I...
Emma: H-hey, don't cry! Were you scared of this mister? Emma: I know he has a bad personality, but he's not a bad person.
Azel: How disrespectful. Your ability to keep adding onto your debt remains unchanged.
Emma: Prince Azel, please don't bully a child, especially not one this young.
Azel: I would have been merciful had he been just an ordinary child. Azel: But this boy is no "ordinary child". Azel: Just looking at him is enough to make me sick. If you won't throw him out, I will.
Emma: No, no, no, absolutely not!
???: ...if even god has forsaken me... then what should I do...?
Emma: It'll be okay! He's been- um, this was all a divine joke!
Azel: .......A what.
Emma: Anyway! Could you tell me your name? Emma: I've been wondering what I should call you.
???: ........
(Uh oh... He doesn't seem to want to talk to me.)
Azel: Call him whatever you want. How does 'Brat' sound?
Emma: Well then, I'll just borrow part of your name. We'll call him El.
Azel: What kind of hideous naming system is that? No.
Emma: El, won't you tell me what's bothering you?
El: ........
Emma: Did you get lost? If you can't find your parents, we'll look for them together.
El: ........
(Hmm, still nothing. He's just been crying silently, but I feel like there's something he wants to say.) (But he doesn't sob and wail like a regular kid. It's like he's still trying to hold everything back...) (Like his heart is a bowl full of water with a little crack in it, and his tears are slowly leaking out.) (It really hurts to see.)
Azel: Anyway, I shall be leaving now. I leave things here to you.
Emma: No you aren't!
Azel: Ugh... Let go of me.
Emma: Between the two of us, you're the only one that El will talk to. Emma: He doesn't trust me, so please stick around for his sake.
Azel: I don't care.
Emma: ........
Azel: What?
Emma: ........
Azel: Don't just look down and stand there silently.
Emma: ........
Azel: What, are you crying?
Emma: ........
Azel: No, a woman as impudent as you wouldn't-
Emma: ........
Azel: There's no way.
Emma: ........ Emma: ........ *sniffle*
Azel: Agh, damn it, fine. Fine! What do you want me to do? Just tell me.
Emma: Thank you for your kindness, Prince Azel! You aren't just using the title of god for show after all! Emma: --ow, ow, ow, don' pull my cheeks!
Azel: This is your punishment for blasphemy.
El: .....
Azel: You're crying too much, brat. Stop.
El: Because... because I'm still--- I'm not...
Azel: Watch what you say. Don't say anything unnecessary.
El: .......
Azel: At any rate. Brat. It appears as though this woman will be your playmate.
El: ...I can't play.
Azel: God himself speaks before you, and you dare to defy me?
El: ...It's really okay?
Emma: You've never played any games before, El?
El: Never.
(Whatever circumstances El is in must be even worse than I thought.)
Azel: Well then, I've done my part, so now--
Emma: Let's all play together!
Azel: Are you trying to give me an ulcer?
Emma: Oh, I'm sure won't be that bad, come on!
Azel: ...You are definitely the worse person compared to me.
Emma: I didn't hear that! Now come on, let's all play hide and seek!
scene change - now at an oasis
El: Hmmm.... he's not here.
Emma: Who would have thought that Prince Azel was so good at hide and seek...
(It is kind of petty how he's hidden himself away.)
El: Of course we can't find him. He's god, so he has to be good at everything.
Emma: ...You think so?
El: Yes.
Emma: Then it must be really tough, being god.
El: ...Yes. It's tough. El: Um, no, wait. It's not tough at all. El: That's just how a god is.
Emma: ...
El: ...What's wrong?
Emma: It's nothing. I just thought that you looked more relaxed, that's all.
(He was pretty closed off at first, but I think El's warmed up to me while we were searching for Prince Azel.) (Playing like this, he seems just like a normal child.)
El: ...I'm sorry.
Emma: What are you apologizing for?
El: I'm not supposed to let anything show on my face. El: People change how they act if I change my expression. El: If I don't keep things the same, it makes people start unnecessary conflicts. El: Actually... I shouldn't have cried before. I'm not good enough yet.
(So that's why he was so closed-off.) (...I don't know El's full circumstances, but that's probably what the adults around him told him.)
Emma: El, right now, there's nobody here aside from you and me, right? Emma: I don't know who told you that, but here, it doesn't matter. Emma: I promise I'll keep it a secret, so it's okay to let your emotions show, all right?
El: ...... El: ....Miss... What do you think about me?
Emma: Hmmm... I suppose I think you're a young boy who has a lot of difficult things to worry about.
El: A boy... El: ....... El: ...Okay. Then, just for now is okay... El: I'll stop holding back... because for now, I'm just a boy.
(He smiled! What a little angel!)
Emma: Great! So let's play a lot more, okay?
El: Okay. I'll wake up from this dream eventually, but until then, I want to play a lot.
Emma: Dream?
El: My grown up self who became a real god is here, so this must be a dream.
Emma: ...Your grown up self?
El: Huh...? El: Oh, miss, you didn't realize? El: My name is--
Azel: It's El, is it not? Though I think "Brat" suits you better. "Stupid Brat" even more.
El: Mmph!?
Emma: Wha- Prince Azel!? Where did you come from-- wait before that, stop covering El's mouth!
Azel: I don't know. Keeping his mouth shut seems like the better-- ack!
(El bit him!)
El: ...Miss.
Emma: Leave it to me! Just say the word and I'll give Prince Azel a good slap--
El: No, it's not that. We found god.
Emma: ...Oh, that's true.
(I forgot we were in the middle of hide and seek.)
El: I knew you didn't want to let her know, but...
Azel: ...
El: The bait really worked. Even though you're an actual god.
Azel: ...All right. Time to do what I should have done from the start. I'm tossing you out to the far end of the desert.
Emma: Wait! You're not really going to take him away!?
Prince Azel picked up the struggling El under one arm and began walking. Perhaps it was due to how I desperately chased after the god who really did began walking out into the dunes, But the burning pain in my chest lingered for a long while after that.
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m1ssunderstanding · 26 days
Notes on Nowhere Boy
Finally posting the long version of the close-watch I did for @sleeper9's Fete zine. The bad thing about me is I hate spending money and love pirating shitty quality versions of movies. The good thing about the Beatles fandom is we're used to dealing with grainy pics. Anyways, here goes!
The opening ten seconds really do set the tone for the film, and here's why. It's the opening of A Hard Day’s Night where the boys are running from a hoard of screaming fans and George biffs it. John sees him go down, laughs, and keeps running. Only here, it's just John. George’s fall has been erased, making John into a cocky, if slightly insane, little lone hero. 
Mimi: do I ignore you? No. So please don't ignore me. Me: ummm, yeah you do ignore him, Mimi. Enough to leave deep psychological scars. But it's fine. Moving on.
Ugh, Uncle George is so sweet! I wonder how much of John's sweetness he learned from him. I wish we knew more about him.
Actually that was Jim that set up a cord running into Paul's room from the radio downstairs. But it fits Uncle George's character, so it works. 
Why did they make Mendips look a lot more working class than it actually was? No fancy iron fence, no pretty hexagonal outcropping, no stained glass veranda? 
Aaron Taylor Johnson is nailing it though. The laugh sounds very John, and this posture? Perfect. 
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Okay but if that doesn't heartbreakingly encapsulate John and Mimi I don't know what does. Uncle George has just died. John goes to Mimi, wraps her from behind in a tight embrace and lets out a sob. Her response is to push him away. “Please, let's not be silly. If you want to do that, go to your room.” Alright, it's making me feel things, it's winning me over. 
John making his cousin Stan go and ask Mimi where Julia is is also extremely accurate. Always had someone to do the dirty work for them, all of them. 
Mimi's concern as John's going to visit his mother in the “bad” part of town is very good to have in too. “And you will be careful, hmm? Careful who you talk to.” And John's response, “it's only Blackpool, Mimi.” It's true. It could've been Speke, or the Dingle. Which Quarryman did I read saying Mimi didn't like John even leaving Woolton?
John's hurt little face when he finds out his mum, all this time, has been less than a bus ride away is a very clever way to show us his painful confusion about the whole situation. 
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Trying to remind myself that this is a very anti-Julia pro-Mimi movie that will try to make me think she's crazy. But it sure is doing a hell of a good job. She hasn't seen him in years and suddenly she's hand feeding him desserts, kissing him every chance she's got, flirting all over the place. “Do you know what it means? Rock and Roll? Sex.” “Don't tell Mimi, alright? This is our little secret. Promise me.” And to a poor affection-starved boy, that's going to feel good. That's going to put thoughts in his head like “this is how it should be”. I mean I know she was wild and fun and sexy and irresponsible. And I know John did have weird thoughts about her. But I hope she wasn't actually this crazy. 
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But the weird Freudian thing aside, he's got to be so terribly confused hearing the woman who effectively abandoned him declaring her love for him. Between Mimi and Julia, John would've had such a messed up idea of what that word meant. 
The Daily Howl, my absolute beloved!!
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Nowhere Boy John watching Elvis: damn I've gotta get the girls screaming for me like that! Actual John watching Elvis: he's so beautiful! He's perfect! I'm in love!
Also I do not think sixteen year old John was that good at fingering. Just saying. 
This part always drops my heart cold into my stomach. Poor John. Poor poor baby. You can hear his little boy voice calling, “mum? It's me.” And she mutters, very annoyed, “go away.” Again. I have to remind myself that this is a purposely negative portrait of Julia. But then. It is true that she was a mostly absent and wholly undependable figure in John's life. 
Sometimes dialogue is absolutely perfect. Like this – “Aw, why couldn't God make me Elvis Presley?” “Cause he was saving you for John Lennon.” “Aw I'll get you back for that, God!” And this – “you haven't told Mimi, have you?” “No point going through her bullocks if I don't have to.” “Why? She has to go through yours.” “Yeah well I never asked her to, did I?”
Ugh this whole movie just hurts so bad! How he looks to Julia as Mimi is ordering him out of her house, just begging her to claim him this time. And she doesn't until he makes a stand for himself. And then, later. “How long can I stay?” Is met with nothing. Not even a fake “long as you want, love.” It really plays into the title of the film. This boy's got nowhere to call home. And then, the final straw. Look at his face as he hears Julia agree that he does in fact need to go back to Mimi's. If I did that kind of thing, I'd actually be crying right now. Fuck, why was I knit-picking, this movie is working so well. 
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 As he's announcing he's leaving Julia's, John wants her to tell him to stay. To at least pretend it's not what she wants. And she doesn't even look at him. Imagine if they did something like this in the John biopic mirrored with a scene with Paul in the breakup?
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He's just so adorable looking at that guitar like he can't believe it's real.
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John's gathered the og Quarrymen in the bathroom and Pete goes “I take it we're not here for a communal crap.” Idk Pete, wouldn't put it past him. It's not far off what you all do already.
It's making the Quarrymen look kinda cool here, and I really want them all to be shit except John, just because that's what I get from Paul's description. Not that he's biased or anything. He could've been watching John play with Elton John and David Bowie and he'd still say everyone faded into the background. 
Also Mimi would Not have been there. Not on her life. 
Okay now we're sort of seeing them from Paul's perspective. Bunch of losers surrounding this inimitable shining star. 
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Accurate that the first thing John says to Paul is about jerking off. 
The dynamic in general is just so well-done in this first scene. John instantly testing Paul. How much shit will he put up with? And Paul instantly having none of it, showing off, and winning John over. 
All the other Quarrymen just know it's time to dust off the ole resume. 
But! Paul's fete “audition” is so toned down for this film. Although of course, accounts vary. He did 20 flight rock, yeah. But he also did it on someone's borrowed right hand guitar turned upside down. And he did little Richard and played the piano, and tuned John's guitar for him. In one telling of it, John says he asked him to be in the group right there on the spot. So. Yeah. 
But either way, watching John watch Paul is just gorgeously gay. It's giving extreme “Oooooh, he likes hiiiiiim!” It's actually illegal not to queerbate using Lennon/McCartney and I'm glad all moviemakers seem to understand the law.
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Cut to “John, your little friend's here!” Can you imagine if they'd showed the “chalk and cheese” whirling dervish moment? Or Mimi making Paul use the back door? Those might change some thoughts and feelings in this movie. 
And then we get the reciprocated “Oooooh, he likes hiiiiiim!” Moment as Paul's too busy checking out John’s buddy Holly Look to remember where he is, let alone what cord they're on. And it's so sweet because Paul's the first person who gives John the idea that his real self is actually cooler than his tough-guy act. 
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The little matching feet tapping?? Eee it's so cute! 
But why miss the opportunity for them to sing in harmony here?
Sometimes the dialogue is extremely inaccurate. “So mummy’s cool about baby Paul wanting to be Elvis?” “Oh she would've loved it.” Like hell she would've. She would've been as disapproving as Mimi. Then again, maybe it is accurate for Paul to be lying about that.
“Well she – she sort of – died. You know, em. If we're gonna do this we should write our own stuff.” Okay yep there he is. That's Paul. 
Also love how John gets his first calluses after Paul the bossy taskmaster comes into his life. (You know. And the reason to push himself and a person who cares enough to take the time to show him things and it makes John all dreamy staring at the stars that night etc) Anyway. It's perfect. 
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And the first gig we see after Paul joins is in a venue on a real stage with a much bigger audience, and the matching suits of course. 
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Mimi selling John's guitar because of a bad report card is like the lighter, kinder translation of what happened in reality when she had his dog put down while he was staying at Julia's. 
So they kinda make up for not letting Paul sing etc by having him nail the guitar instead of screw up at this gig like he did irl. 
And he's stealing Julia's attention, which is clearly Not okay with John. Reminds me of that quote of Paul's about how they were both in love with John's mum. 
George is appropriately infantile. Good. Cutie. 
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The Quarrymen playing “That's Alright, Mama” as John's making up with Julia since she bought his guitar back for him. Okay. Very clever. 
Paul does Not like John disrespecting his mother after the show for obvious reasons. (“I said something wrong now I long for yesterday.”) But clearly he doesn't have the full picture here. I wonder at what point irl Paul got a full run-down from John on his messed-up family life. Or did he just have to pull it together piece by piece over the years?
And of course he jumps to light Julia's cigarette. Boy was patting his pocket for a lighter like it was the race of his life. Mister steal your mum.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, Paul McCartney’s number two complaint about this movie: John was Not taller than him. How dare they? Slander.  
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That's one hell of a jacket.
At the party, John's of course pissed to find Paul serenading Julia in the kitchen. But Paul just wants a mommy so bad, John. Why can't you just let him have yours since you clearly don't want her? Right, because you really, really do. More than anyone can understand. But when you showed her that – how bad you wanted her to be your mum, not just a friend – she hurt you. Forced you to go through your abandonment all over again. So now you can't show that anymore. 
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The washboard over Pete's head is almost exactly accurate, isn't it? John does not handle people leaving him well. 
Ugh his little voice cracking on the word “mum.” John Lennon is a poor poor baby and I will die on that hill.
I wonder how John did find out about Victoria and the real story of why he was with Mimi. No matter how, though, that's certainly a lot of mess for a young man to be carrying around with him all the time in his head. 
“When your father came back from the merchant Navy, he wanted to try and save the marriage, but your mother would have none of it.” I do feel like we're going with Alf’s version of events here, the one he sold John in order to get into his good graces after he was famous. Which is, again, not fair to Julia. I wonder how little Julia feels about this movie. 
In fact, I think this part –  “who do you wanna be with, John? Do you wanna be with me or do you wanna be with your mum?” – has been categorically disproven. But it certainly does make for some high drama. And John himself did believe his father's story, so there has to be at least some emotional truth there. 
Nowhere Boy John: There's no point in hating someone you love. I mean really love. IRL John: How do you sleep, you cunt?!
There he is. Art School John. Though he fell in love with every iteration of John, I think this one never left his head because he was one of the earliest Johns, and he was a John Paul had to fight for, you know, with all the Stu business and dead mother anger.
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He really does an excellent job of playing John, though, when he's written right. “Woman took her kit off and we painted her breasts. Not actually physically. I got my eye on you two.” Ridiculous. Charming. Off- putting. Adorable. 
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Ignoring the fact that I prefer to think of “Hello, Little Girl” as being about Paul (“you never seem to see me standing there”) and they're making it about Julia, this is a lovely scene. With John somewhat unsure still of his songwriting abilities and Paul looking up at him from the floor full of admiration. 
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Oh he's gonna murder someone. To be fair, I think playing Julia's banjo at her funeral is exactly the type of insensitive thing Paul would do, because he just thinks and feels in music and it makes Sense to him even though of course it's going to piss John off. 
Hilarious, and probably accurate tbh, that Paul's pissed John off so he gives Pete a bloody nose.
But here we go, the number one complaint about this movie from Paul, which I think is actually valid. John never hit him and that was important to both of them and it's disrespectful to portray it and play into the myth of their rocky, angry relationship. 
But maybe in 2009 that's what it took for them to be able to show John Lennon and Paul McCartney in a genuine, loving embrace, crying into each other's necks about mothers. It has to be preceded by John punching Paul in the mouth. 
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If I was John's writing partner, my biggest beef with this movie would actually be the scene where they're recording ISOATD and making it look like John wrote it and played the guitar solo. But Paul's never even mentioned it. Which I guess really shows he cares far more about the legacy of his relationship with John than his career legacy. Which. If you mean more to Paul McCartney than his fucking music? Well then you must be just about important enough to have your own movie. 
This is really the Vote for Mimi Smith campaign, isn't it? Putting across the screen the fact that John called Mimi every week until he died as “Mother” plays in the background is brutal. Ouch. But it's true. “It's Mimi time.”
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nerdygoth77 · 3 months
Some of my favorite Porter Gage lines!
“Keep your irradiated ASS away from me” 
“Piss me off and I’ll still kick your ass from here to the Atlantic.” 
“Sure was fun! Huh Boss?” 
“I ain’t got the brains for mazes” 
“How's it go? “This town ain't big enough for you and me?” Awh nevermind :(“ 
“Ain't no way people paid for this shit, I refuse to believe it.” 
“Who the hell's idea of fun was this shit?”
“Ever feel the tiniest bit hurt that the institute hasn’t tried to replace you with a synth? I mean c’mon! I’m important. I-I’m worth replacing......” 
“Think about it…. If beer is still good after two hundred years.. Is it really something worth drinking?” 
“Personally, wouldn’t ever trust anyone to knock me out with gas or whatever, even if they claimed they were going to help.” 
“Can you imagine… having so much extra shit you’d need someplace to store it all” 
“Not paying ATTENTION-” (I fuck up a lot and trigger traps LOL)
“Not a big fan of being underground, so the sooner we wrap this up the better.” 
“Once upon a time, I suppose folks had nothing better to do than sit around outside”
“Greeaaat, because I ain’t seen enough trees and grass.” 
“Like I hadn’t already seen enough glowing shit to last a lifetime.” 
“Believe it or not, this is more civilized than some places i've lived”
"One of these bugs ever takes me down you tell people I died from trippin’ over my gun, fallin’ off a cliff, anything! It would be less embarrassing.” 
“Places like this….Makes me realize life was mostly shit before the bombs fell” 
“God…. Being in here is soul sucking.” 
“I hope you know where you’re going, I forgot my map.” 
“Least we ain't gotta worry about being hit by a train…..Right?”
“No question that shit was made to last…Maybe the wrong shit but still.”
“Me? I like night time. Something about it just feels right.” 
“You’re a real stunner, ya know that?”
“Are you shittin’ me” 
“Ever seen a dust angel? Bettin’ I could make one.” 
“Shiiiiitt I hate getting weeettt” 
“I’ve got a strong stomach, but ewwugh.” 
“You’re my kind of crazy boss.” 
“Boy do I love watching you work.” 
“Anyone ever tell you….your ass looks great in that vault suit.” 
“Don’t know about you, but I can’t see in the dark.” 
“You’ll always be the overboss of my heart- Hehehehe I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t keep a straight face.”
“Don't mind me, just throwing up a bit in my mouth here.” 
“Damn, I hate insects. Like I needed something else to wipe off my fucking shoes” 
Everything. Just everything he says is wonderful. His voice is so fucking sexy.
"I'm not that big of a dick"
"Bullshit. Without me I'd be scraping your guts off the floor"
"Before you start pissing all over the plan, why don't you take a minute to hear me out."
"You ready to listen?"
"You're one ruthless son of a bitch aren't ya?"
"Awwwhh C'mon :("
"Just give this a chance, you might even have a little fun."
"Tell yuh whut."
"Everything all peachy with our friendly neighborhood psychopaths?"
"Welcome home, boss."
"I knew you had it in you."
"Next, the fun stuff."
"You look like shit."
He refers to getting high as "Getting blitz." LOL
"Well that oughta make things more interesting"
"hehehe OOPS."
"The fun we can have in this thing!"
"That one have pictures in it?"
"I like a good haul as much as the next guy-"
"You sure you got everything? There's a few more rocks you haven't picked up."
"I never had the hands for that kind of shit. Glad you do."
"You got some nimble fingers there huh?"
"You okay?" (When he shows concern?? UGH)
"Well now, would you look at that."
"Oh for the love of-"
"You gonna build me something nice?"
"Lookin good, Boss."
"oooh, gutsy."
"Pretty tough mutt you got there." (Any dialogue about Dogmeat is great)
"Aww, look at how nice and clean this is, and I here am, dirtying the place up." (one of my favorites)
There's so so many more but I didn't want this to get crazy long
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lozchi · 3 months
I was looking around and I was wondering. What if Taehun had a loser girlfriend who's literally the complete opposite of him. Like she's wayyy nicer then him (too nice), probably a push over, and not that smart. But she's the comfort he wants ykyk I'M SORRY I'M THAT LOSER GF I JS WANT A MAN LIKE TAEHOON
A/N: worry not, anon. I'm that loser GF too. 😭 This'll be shorter than my usual, forgive me. I loved writing this so much though. 🫀🥹
Pairing: Taehoon Seong x F!Reader
Themes: reader being an idiot. if you're familiar with my writing, there is always swearing.
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To some, it’s baffling how one could fall for Taehoon Seong out of all people. He’s a pretty guy with captivating eyes and graceful movements, nghhh~ he's undeniably irresistible, isn't he? Every girl around him would think the same, swooning left and right due to his insane visuals -- Tsk! He's gorgeous! And you weren’t any different. In fact, you were his biggest simp.
It was a curious pairing, to say the least—Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Too-Good-For-Your-Own-Good.
Taehoon strode into the room with the kind of attitude that made people step aside. His arrogance and aggression were palpable. “Do I look like a fuckin’ bank to ya? I ain’t lending 7000, got it? Now scram before I beat the shit outta ya.”
You, on the other hand, were the epitome of kindness and generosity. “Sure! You can borrow 200,000 won from me! Just pay it as soon as you can!” Yeah, incredibly dumb too, unfortunately.
Taehoon had an uncanny ability to read people like an open book. “You think I’m stupid enough to fall for that?” He’d snap, seeing through deceptions with ease.
Meanwhile, “Always happy to help!” You remained blissfully unaware of how people took advantage of you.
Taehoon lived by his own rules, always favoring his own brand of logic. “I’m doing this my way. It’s more efficient.” he would declare, unyielding in his methods.
And then there was you, grappling with concepts that seemed beyond your grasp. “Fuck this shit, I don’t understand a thing!”
“It’s math.” He'd say, almost bemused.
“I hate it.” you’d retort, your frustration evident.
“Those are just numbers.” he would explain.
“Fuck numbers, bruh!” you’d respond, exasperated.
“WHAT THEOREMS!?!” you’d cry out in desperation.
In physical prowess, he was unmatched, while you... Uhh... “How many more laps? It’s been ages!” you’d complain during your grueling training sessions.
“It’s been 5 fucking minutes, y/n,” he’d respond, barely breaking a sweat.
You were expressive, a fucking drama queen. While he remained, well, Taehoon.
When you’d proclaim, “I love you!” your heart on your sleeve, he’d respond with a gruff, “Of course I feel the same, dummy.”
A small injury would elicit your dramatic reaction: “Ouch! That stings!” while he’d barely bat an eye and say, “Be careful next time, you dimwit.”
You might sob over a movie, your emotions spilled out loud, and he’d- “Boooo. 0 stars. Too many plot holes. ”
Sometimes, vulnerability hits you, “Ugly crying in my bed right now,” and he’d cut through the sadness with an - “Alright, who the fuck hurt you?”
Happiness flowed from you like a river when you were with him. “I’m so happy when I’m with you~” To which he’d retort, “Same-- Ugh! Will you wipe that grin off?”
When you voiced how something hurt you, he’d reply bluntly, “Sometimes we just have to suck it up.”
“Can’t you be a little more sensitive?” But he'd always try. “I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from.”
And in the wake of betrayal, you’d lament, “Aughh, I just didn’t expect her to backstab me like that, I’m so stupid!” He’d offer a rough kind of comfort, “Want me to kick her in the ass?”
But beneath all these differences—your gentleness against his toughness, your warmth melting through his cold exterior—there was balance.
There was love.
There was harmony.
If it wasn’t already clear, he needed you just as much as you needed him.
From time to time, Taehoon shows his vulnerable side. You have to remember, he's just a human being and he can't always keep up his tough guy persona.
He grapples with uncertainties, worried that without caution, he could distance himself from you and ultimately be left alone.
He carries a burden of past mistakes that weighs heavily on his shoulders. It's an injury he seldom recognizes, yet it impacts all his decisions in a subtle way.
The thought of his previous mistakes coming back to trouble him and harming his loved ones worries him deeply.
However, despite feeling clearly insecure, Taehoon, being Taehoon, decides to never address it openly.
These ideas, though, are simply possibilities. He always puts in the effort to avoid making mistakes.
You understand there’s more beneath the surface and always offer him gentle reassurance.
“Taehoon, you’re here now, and that’s what matters. I’m with you, no matter what.”
In his own way, he cherishes the balance you bring to his life.
After all, even a bad boy needs a good girl to keep him grounded.
As you look at him, with all his imperfections and flaws, you smile and say, “I love you.”
And he looks back at you with a rare, genuine smile and replies, “Yeah, I love you too, dummy.”
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Okay so normally I’d do this off anon, but honestly I’m really hurt by it and just wanna submit something for your writing pleasure if you’d like to write something like it. So recently I was meant to meet up with someone that I thought was so different than other dudes I talked to and he just completely ghosted me. He used to wake me up with good morning beautiful messages and now I’m left with absolutely nothing. I was hoping you could make on where that happens but it’s like a mess up with the towers or something and then Eddie or Steve shows up with flowers and everything like days later when they realize the readers not gotten any of their messages. They explain it and show them how they didn’t go through and reader just throws themselves into their arms crying and saying that they didn’t think they were good enough for them but the boys just prove to them how amazing and wonderful they are.
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AN | This would feel so terrible! Luckily, Eddie is not the type of guy to just ghost someone 🥰
Warnings | Mild Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.3k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You're doing it again," you looked up from your phone and found Alicia watching you with a knowing little smile. Your entire face flushed with warmth as you locked your phone and tucked it away, "mhmm, just like I thought."
"Shut up," you groaned, throwing her the middle finger as you walked to the kitchen. She might have been your best friend and your roommate, but damn. She read you too well sometimes, "mind your business."
"How am I supposed to mind my business when you're pining over some boy?" She sang the last word and you business yourself with making some tea, "a certain boy that calls you princess and beautiful and angel. Now that's like romance novel level shit."
"I…no, ugh. Stop," you pleaded with her, trying to hide the fact that you were grinning widely and flushed like crazy, "he doesn't do that."
"I've seen the texts," she tutted and you hid your face behind your hands, "its alright, babe! I think it's really sweet actually. He's totally into you."
"Maybe," you sighed softly, "but I do like him a lot. He's really sweet."
"Are you going to see him again?" Yeah, you sure hoped you would. The first date with Eddie had been nothing short of magical. You didn't believe in love at first sight or anything of the sort…but Eddie definitely had you questioning that. And that was scary in and of itself, "I feel like you need to. I'm personally invested."
"I will," you promised, tummy swirling with butterflies. The mere thought of seeing his pretty face again made your heart flutter, "I want to see him again. Alicia, ugh, I really like him already."
"So romantic," she agreed as you put a little honey in your tea. You stirred it thoughtfully before taking a long, slow sip. You hoped the tea and its magical powers would cause your head to remain straight and your thinking in order. Before you could say anything else your phone lit up with an incoming FaceTime call, "speak of the devil."
Your heart started to pitter patter excitedly as you contemplated whether or not to answer it. Obviously you wanted but you didn't want to seem too desperate. You looked at Alicia and she just pushed the phone towards you. 
With a groan you grabbed your tea and phone and rushed to your room, accidentally slamming the door behind you.
"Sorry!" You called out before taking a moment to catch your breath before answering the call. Your heart almost stopped when you saw his pretty face beaming at you through the screen, "hi."
"Hey pretty girl," oh no. His voice was soft and smooth like honey and velvet. He was definitely going to be the death of you, "how're you?"
"Hi handsome," you set the tea down and flopped onto your bed, trying to act calm and casual, "I'm alright! Just got home a little bit ago. Work was…rough. Just one of those days I guess. How are you?"
"Ahh, you know, same old, same old. Got some pretty rad ideas for DnD for the next time the kids are in town," he waved his hand around, causing you to giggle. He was always so expressive, and it was a quality you enjoyed about him, "but my day is much better now that I've gotten to see your pretty face."
"Stop," you buried your face into your pillows, groaning loudly as Eddie laughed. He loved getting you all flustered and shy, "you're being gross and mushy!"
"I'm only being honest," when you allowed yourself to look back at your phone you found him smiling softly, "I've got a question for you, if I may."
"Of course…"
"Will you," he paused for dramatic effect, leaning in closer, "go on another date with me? Maybe this Saturday if it's not too crazy of an ask?"
"Yes!" Your answer was given without hesitation, so excited that it caught both of you off guard. Eddie's cheeks pinked as you gnawed on your bottom lip, "I mean.. yeah, that'd be cool. Totally works for me. I'm so cool and calm about all of this."
"Such a little dork," he leaned back, stretching and taking a moment to collect himself. He didn't want to seem too desperate, and the fact that you were so eager made him feel so good. He'd never had someone make him feel this way before; but he'd known from the start that you were special, "I like it - you."
"Me too," you promised softly, "what did you have in mind?"
"Let me surprise you," he suggested and your curiosity parked up, "I'll pick you up and we can go on an adventure. Whaddaya say?"
"Sounds like you've got yourself a date," the two of you exchanged shy smiles, the anticipation buzzing between the two of you, "now, tell me about these DnD ideas!"
Eddie was so easy to listen to and got so excited that it made you excited. You didn't really understand much of what he was saying, but you still enjoyed listening to him talk about his passions.
This was going to be a problem. You really liked Eddie Munson. It was almost scary how fast and easily it all happened. 
Just like that. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had a couple of days before you were going out with Eddie again and you'd been buzzing with energy the whole time. You were so excited to see him again. You'd only known him for a little over a month but it felt like you'd known him forever. Everything came so easily with him, so naturally. It was like your heart had been waiting for something all this time and you'd finally found that in Eddie.
And it all felt so great. 
Until it didn't. 
It was Wednesday morning, and when you checked your phone after you got up, you didn't have anything from Eddie. Which was odd considering you'd woken up to good morning texts from him for the last month. You tried to push down your disappointment and figured that maybe he was just really busy. He wouldn't ignore you purposefully. 
You went about your morning routine and headed out to work, still without having heard from Eddie. By the time you went to grab lunch, you decided to text him. You'd been getting nervous and wanted to make sure he was alright. It was so strange not to hear from him at all, especially when you'd grown so used to talking to him throughout the day. 
Unfortunately your text went unanswered. By the time you got home, you were both worried and mildly annoyed. He could have spared you at least a quick text or something.
"What's got you so upset?" Alicia clocked your mood as soon as she walked in the door. You were leaning against the kitchen counter, clutching a glass of wine as you stared off in thought. You thought you were hiding your dour attitude a little better than that. Apparently you were very wrong.
"Nothing," you drained the rest of your glass and shrugged your shoulders. Alicia grabbed the glass and set it onto the counter, raising an eyebrow at you, "fine. Eddie hasn't texted me all day."
"What?" Her mouth formed a small o in surprise as you nodded, feeling pathetic, "how…why. That doesn't make sense! He's practically in love with you."
"Okay, that's dramatic but yeah," you let out a long, heavy sigh, "its just weird. He's not normally radio silent. He says something at least but I haven't heard a thing today. I hope nothing is wrong and he's okay."
“Let’s not go to that extreme either,” she gently nudged your side, “I’m sure everything’s fine. Maybe he forgot to hit send on his text or he’s just really busy. You’ll have a good night or good morning text tomorrow for sure.”
“I hope so,” you grabbed the bottle of wine and poured the last of it into your glass. Drinking wasn’t the answer, but it did cut through some of your nerves, “I don’t think he’s the type to just suddenly ghost me, but I guess nothing these days is that surprising.”
“He wouldn’t,” she promised softly, “and if he did, we’ll track him down and make him suffer. I got you, babe.”
“Thanks,” you couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up and escaped your lips. You were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. You just hoped he wouldn’t disappoint you. 
You contemplated sending him a good night text night, going back and forth on it for way too long before deciding fuck it. You highly doubted that you would come off as clingy and even if you did, you didn’t care. After over a month and a half of constantly talking, this was such a strange change of pace. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next morning your texts remained unanswered and there was nothing new. The only notifications you had were the usual ones from your friends. You weren’t sure if you should be annoyed or worried. Your second date was supposed to be the following day but at this point you weren’t so sure that was going to happen. 
In a spur of the moment decision, you decided to try and call him. But as soon as you hit the green button to call him, the call went straight to voicemail. Alright…so more than likely his phone was dead. That wasn’t so strange, right? Eddie was a self-confessed scatterbrain so he’d probably neglected to charge his point the night before. You hadn’t left a voicemail, instead shooting him a text to find later asking if he was okay. 
All you could now was wait…and hope that you heard something from him. You had been so sure and convinced that Eddie was one of the good ones and hated the idea that you had been wrong all this time. 
But as the time wore on, your phone remained drier than the sahara. You hated that every time you received any sort of notification you scrambled to grab your phone, hanging onto the last bits of hope that you were going to hear from Eddie. Your abysmal hopes were crushed by the end of the night as you crawled into bed and went to sleep. You didn’t bother to try and reach out to him again. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Saturday rolled around and you felt absolutely crushed. You were supposed to have your second date with Eddie that evening but didn’t even hold out any hope for it considering that he’d been mia for over two days now. The outfit you’d picked for your date tonight was hanging against your closet door, taunting you. You’d thrown it together as soon as you’d ended your last facetime call with Eddie.
With a heavy heart you pulled off the back of the door and set the hanger back among your other clothes. You’d decided to busy yourself with doing some of the chores around the apartment that you’d been putting off including going through and organizing your makeup and closet. Anything to keep your mind off the fact that you’d been ghosted, stood up, whatever you wanted to call it. 
Alicia worked this weekend, so at least you had the place to yourself to wallow around and be sad in peace. Despite the fact that you’d basically been dodging her as much as possible, she knew what was up; she was your best friend after all. She’d already started planning a girls’ date night for a few days from now when she was off to surprise you and hopefully cheer you up. She was such a kind spirit and you loved her a lot.
You decided to text Eddie one more time, probably a desperate attempt. You wanted to see if he was at least willing to give you some sort of explanation for his sudden disappearance. You felt like you were owed that much at the very least, right? After all those sweet words and plans you were left with nothing. A small part of you was still worried that something had happened to him, but it was unlikely that something that bad had happened. 
You spent the day working yourself to the bone before taking a hot shower and calling it a night early. At least if you were sleeping your thoughts wouldn’t keep wandering everywhere. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Sunday came and you were up bright and early. Your body really didn’t want you to get any extra rest despite it being the weekend. You stared at the ceiling for a while before getting up to start getting around to doing things. You felt so pathetic being so hung up over a boy but you know, the heart wants what it wants or whatever that expression was. 
You’d taken the time to make some breakfast and coffee and sat at the kitchen counter, scrolling through your social media feeds as you ate. It was a random knocking on the door that caused you to startle. You set down your coffee as you slid off the stool with a grumble as you walked to the door. You didn’t even bother to see who was at the door before cracking it open. 
“Yes?” you asked, brushing some of your wild bed head out of the face.
“Hiya,” you knew that voice. You knew that voice. You looked up and there was Eddie Munson standing in front of you, pink cheeks and a boutique of your favorite flowers in one hand. He held up his hand in a weak little wave as you opened and closed your mouth like a fish out of water.
“Hi?” you asked as he scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly, “Eddie, what are you doing here?”
 “Umm, well, I hadn’t heard from you in a few days so I figured I’d come say hi,” he sounded so nervous as confusion marred your face, “that sounds so pathetic and I feel like some weird stalker. It was just that we’d agreed on a second date and then I hadn’t heard from you and it just felt off. I thought we’d been getting along so well and I, umm, I…I really like you. I also just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“What are you talking about?” you weren’t totally tracking what he was saying but he seemed so genuine and sincere, “Eddie, I haven’t gotten any texts or anything in days from you.”
“What are you talking about?” he was shaking his head, a few curls falling out of his messy bun, “i’ve been texting you and everything.”
He looked so crestfallen at your words that it did make your heart stumble for a few beats. But then you remembered the upset you had gone through the last couple of days and you shook your head. The tension flowing between the two of you was palpable, “that’s such a bullshit story, Eddie. Did you come here because you got bored or something?”
“I mean it,” in his haste to show that he wasn’t lying, he almost shoved the flowers into your hands as he reached into his back pocket to pull out his phone. He fumbled around for a moment, hands shaking with nerves as he tried to pull up the messages that he’d been sending to you…allegedly. Eventually he pulled up your message string and turned his phone around to show you everything.
You made a small sound of surprise when you saw a slew of texts that he had sent to over the last few days. For whatever reason your texts hadn't gone through to him….just as his hadn’t sent to you. You Sighed heavily, letting out a breath of exasperation as you shook your head. You blinked back a few tears as he let out a nervous laugh, “Eddie…”
“I don’t know what happened,” he said softly, “but umm, I didn’t want you to think that I just ignored you and I wanted to make sure nothing happened. It just was weird not hearing from you again. You can look through my phone i-if you want. I’m not talking to anyone else or anything, only you.”
“I don’t know what happened,” you set the flowers down gently on the granite countertop before taking his hand and pulling him into the apartment. You closed the door and handed him back his phone before grabbing your own and showing him the same thing on your end. You watched his eyes widen in surprise, “but I was worried about you too.”
“Yeah?” his big brown eyes lit up with excitement as you nodded, “umm, I can go if you’d like. I’m not sure where to go from here or even if you’d still want to-”
You knew he was a nervous rambler, it had been one of the first endearing qualities you’d noticed about him. But this time, you cut him off by taking his face in your hands and kissing him. That seemed to shut him up immediately and his hands found your waist as he pulled you closer to him. Neither of you wanted to let go, only pulling apart when you both needed a breath of air. 
“Umm, does that mean you don’t want me to go?” his cheeks were a dark pink and you couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up and escaped your lips. You put your hand on his face and gently brushed your thumb over his cheek. 
“I don’t want you to go,” you confirmed softly. Relief flooded throughout your body and all the worry and anxiety you’d been experiencing were slowly leaving. You hadn’t been imagining that Eddie really liked you - he did. He did. 
“Cool,” he gnawed on the inside of his cheek for a moment, “I don’t want to go either. I was hoping you hadn’t totally decided you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. ‘Cause I kinda really like you already.”
“I kinda really like you too,” you promised, the two of you exchanging shy smiles and nervous chuckles. You didn’t know why your texts hadn’t gone through to him and vice versa but it really didn’t matter. You were just thankful, among many other things, that he had cared enough to come and find you. Eddie Munson really hadn’t turned out to be one of those guys, “thank you for coming, and the flowers. That was really sweet of you.”
“Of course,” he smiled softly, “I know this is short notice but would you want to go out with me today? We can still do what I had planned for last night.”
“Right now?” you grew excited as you rocked back and forth on your heels.
“Right now,” he confirmed as you nodded, “but I can let you change first. I mean, you look gorgeous even in pajamas, but you might want some real shoes at least.” 
“Oh,” you just realized that you were still in sleep shorts and a tank top with messy hair, “oh. Yeah, changing might be a good idea first. But then I’d love you to go out with you, Eddie.”
“Rad,” he whispered more to himself than anything else, “one more thing since I hadn’t been able to say it in a few days - good morning, sweetheart.”
“Good morning handsome,” you leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” he stole another kiss from you, “me too.”
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viaoverthemoon · 1 year
Three Assholes
Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Summary: You were sure this grocery trip would be like any other. But of course, everything goes awry.
Tw: Harassment, fear, slight panic, ugh men, hurt/comfort
Please be careful reading this if you're easily triggered by these things and still want to read.
☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.
"Okay, baby please don't let us forget anything on that list..."
Your boyfriend, Leon, scoffs. "How are we gonna forget if I have the list right here- Ah, shit. Where'd it go?"
You sigh and bring a hand to your forehead as Leon feels his pockets before whipping around in a circle. He then spots the paper on the ground and swipes it up, offering an embarrassed smile. "Don't worry, angel. I've got it."
You smile at him, shaking your head as you push the cart forward.
For a while, everything goes normally. He helps you stay on track when you begin to stray to miscellaneous things. And you help him in remembering the things you'd both put on the list.
Until the last item was located all the way across the Supermart, while another was closer by.
Leon plucks the paper from your fingers. "I'll go and get the far one. You get the closer one."
He's already backing away but you're unsure. "Are you sure you can handle it, Lee?"
He eyes you over his shoulder. "I've got the list, don't I?"
And with that, he's gone.
You move on, rolling the cart to the aisle that held what you needed.
You stroll down until the heavy item catches your eye. You pick it up, smiling in triumph, before crouching down to put it at the bottom of the cart.
Suddenly a low whistle catches your attention.
You instantly turn around and are met with three men. They each smirk at you, eyeing you up and down.
A chill rolls down your spine and you circle around the cart to get back to the handle. One of them calls out to you. "Damn, ma. You real fine-"
You immediately cut him off, pulling the cart back. "Sorry, I'm taken."
You turn the cart around, walking in the opposite direction as your heart pounds so loud you hear it in your ears.
You walk into an open area of the store, breathing out a sigh of relief.
A piece of clothing catches your eye and you're pulled in by it.
You admire each sweater for a few minutes, until that same chill runs down your spine again.
You take a peek over your shoulder, sweat blooming on your brow.
They're following you.
You swivel the cart, moving in another direction. And then another. And another.
You peek.
Still. There.
Your breathing accelerates.
Still keeping a steady pace, you pull out your phone and dial Leon's number. He picks up instantly. "I told you I could do it on my own-"
He goes silent.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" His tone abandoned its playfulness, now slightly panicked and serious.
You try not to show fear, steadying your breathing and whispering into the phone. "Where are you?"
"At the back of the store- What's. Wrong."
You hear the footsteps behind you getting louder and whimper. "They're following me..."
He curses and you hear the sound of rustling through the phone. "Who? Who's following you (Y/N)?"
One of them laughs and you flinch. "I-I don't know! There's- Three. Three guys- Just, get over here, please..."
You turn into an aisle and stop short, one of the men standing in front of your cart. You turn to go back, but the other two are there, blocking your path.
Your hands shake, nearly dropping the phone. "Leon..."
One of them steps forward, the same one that spoke earlier. "Hey, dumplin'. We were being real kind before..." He steps closer and you back up against the cart.
Where the hell is everyone?!
The man smirks at you. "Me and my buddies didn't really appreciate how you cut me off earlier-"
He cuts himself off this time, slightly choking as a large hand holds him by the back of his neck. "Well, it's a good thing neither of us care about what you, or your crew, appreciate."
You breathe a sigh of relief.
Leon tosses the guy back, stepping toward you and placing a hand on the small of your back. "Are you alright?"
You nod, catching your breath and trying to stop the shaking in your hands.
A crowd has begun to form, whispering among themselves with pitying looks on their faces.
The shortest one steps forward, holding out his hands. "Hey man, we don't want any trouble-"
Leon steps forward, towering over him. "Well then step away because if you're not out of my sight in the next 5 seconds, trouble is exactly what you're gonna get, asshole."
Your boyfriend isn't huge, but he definitely isn't small either. He towers over each of the guys by at least a head. His shirt tightens over his muscles, showing off just how much he works on his physique.
His glare nearly burns a hole in their backs as all three of the men scamper away like dogs with their tails between their legs.
The crowd begins to dissipate as quickly as it came, noises of approval and disgust slowly fading away with it.
Leon turns to you, cupping your cheeks and checking over your face and body for any signs of injury. "Fuck, I'm so sorry it took me so long. I should've never left you in the first place- Are you sure you're alright princess-"
You stop his rambling, gently placing your fingers over his lips. You smile gently as you proceed to wrap your arms around his waist.
He freezes for a second, before slowly hugging you back.
"Thank you, Leon."
He shakes his head. "There's no need to thank me." He inhales the smell of your hair. "Jesus I was so worried..."
You pull away, looking to your cart and grimacing. "Next time, we should shorten our list..."
He chuckles, brushing the hair from your face. "I'm just glad you're okay..."
The rest of the trip ends peacefully.
Leon stays by your side every second, glaring at any guy who looks at you for longer than a second.
You're glad you have him.
☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.
If you ever feel unsafe, don't be afraid to reach out for help! Whether that be from a stranger, or calling someone you know on the phone. This is for boys, girls, and everyone in-between!
You're all beautiful people and I'd hate if anything happened to any of you :(
Be careful out there pls! <3
-Via 💕
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bigdsgirl · 15 days
Thoughts on LND Episode 8
spoilers ahead! and screams! because ya know. this damn show.
"do you really not know? from morning until night, from child hood until now, it's been my fate and my task" - bye, i am going to combust now
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the piano music has me rolling, i'm sorry lol
love that he is giving her time, especially after just shocking her with that announcement lol
the birthday card with no note. jfc. and the REPEAT GIFT??? omfg. i have so many feelings. and he goes back to the hospital!! oh it hurts!
the flashback at the pool -- oh she liked him first. "the feelings are still so vivid" - hate to say it but i think they never left babe.
his panic has me fucking cackling. "it was good, I did great" YES YOU DID BABY!!!!!!
alright the knife to head transition was kind of sick. i loved it.
throw the rock queen i dare you. NO YOU GO DO IT!!!!
I am just going feral waiting for them to open them at the same time - PUHLEAAASE! ugh boo.
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aw momma & son moment - oh shit you are pretending to FORGET. SIR. oh this some bullshit. just communicate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE TIE! THE TIE! AHHHHHHHHH. no don't give it back, just keep it <3 let's start our shrine to him.
oh god mom thinks it's the ex but you would be WRONG!
this girl just does not know how to respond, she is flustered as fuck and i love it
pick an expiration date to decide how much time she has lol and he is like PERISHABLE GOODS PLEASE I WANT YOU NOW!
hearts thumping let's gooooooooooooooo (and of course she bolts)
bahah this man gets sassed by the staff (i love it! you tell him!)
okay sir let's do the special! lets go! and of course we gotta start with his fave paramedic <3
the push ups oh girl, I am the same, we are just poor girls weak for our man
not the showing how they met please nooooooooo (or how mama imagines it?? lol)
i want this ex to GO AWAY PLEASE. idc what's happening, leave them alone! now!
her dad just standing right in front the CLEAR DOOR, in front of her and she doesn't see, god i love kdramas
ONLY 11 DAYS???? Girl, it's 11 days too many, just kiss him, <3
oh goodness, mom and dad got things to say. and i am sat for it!
"I don't want her to be a failure and live like me" well fuck that's a sucker punch. yikes.
these two men are hilarious i love that they are just such a mess together <3
"soaked in my feelings of inferiority" well holy fuck sir. "well mine is bone dry" OP--
dad acting like a 3-year old with his "why"
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awww shit, i was hoping to see him be drunk with her. ugh instead we just got hung over.
teeeheee flash back of the drunk daddios! hehe!!
the mountain stfu, this is the humor i need in life -- phenomenal, oscar worthy performance
the way this son rolls is just like my middle brother lol, the amount of times he has tried to get family members to try crypto, oh sirrr. i am with you seok-ryu!
oh the hole in the heart, the babying. my goodness. "see if you can treat your sick child that way" --> look i know what's coming and fuck that hurts.
seung-hyo you DOG, "there are 10 days left"
also sir, where do you get your work bag from? I need it <3
tae-hui!!!! baby girl!!! ily.
ugh ruined. freaking ex-poophead is here.
look i get it, they were cute its all cute. but it's the wrong person, so I don't care.
okay they be laying it on thick with the digestive health shit - i know what's happening and i do not like it.
omfg her shock that he told her! he told seok-ryu how he felt!
okay look sir, the way your hands be clasped? the suit? the watch? it is a felony and you need to be taken to jail. it looks too damn good.
tae-hui, her outfit. ma'am the woman you are.
wait shit. i just realized -- she said she doesn't drink if I remember right? or am I wrong.
oh babe while are you pulling out so much cash. oh no oh no. mom is finding out about the cooking class. i am not excited for this.
WAIT BABE DONT TRASH EM!!! give them to me. no don't waste them!
omg the bag, not the bag. oh no. not mom.
omg yay! they are interacting <3 i love it! NO WAIT NO ITS A RUSE WHY IS MOM DOING THIS.
the eldest daughter in me is fucking quaking. I hated this growing up. the expectations. the disappointment for finding out something she loves that isn't what they want. omg.
oh i am so glad he is here stepping up for her. thank god.
this fucking hurts. oh lord. my heart is shattering for her.
he immediately goes after her, my heart, my heart. oh it's breaking.
he has a spot to comfort someone in case something happened. STOP IT WAS FOR HER.
I am having worries. every time he is a few steps behind, i worry that he has to follow her in death too (i don't want this to happen but fuck the gut is so sure)
he offered his kitchen for her!!!! ah!!!!!! hell yeah hell yeah!
he just cannot take his eyes off of her. and the nine days left, you TURD I LOVE IT.
it's observation day!!! me when I see them together like this:
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oh my man look good in the uniform! <3 and they gave him a locker too??? how nice of them!!!
i freaking love the alarm music they use. the best thing ever.
oh wait. oh wait girl you gonna eat the side dishes??? hehe i love that. ope moment over. wait. he is being nice ish..... ish............ the joys of marriage lol.
oh no, oh no. is he asking for a divorce???? oh NO.
oh goodie, i hope the man is not allergic to bees. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. oh he might be. oh he is lol.
paramedics are the backbone, i always have such immense respect for them.
i also need to get this off my chest working in healthcare/public health -- never in a MILLION YEARS would a hospital actually allow the possible legal risk of having the man help with these calls. okay, now im back to la la land.
love the posters in the background of all the dramas 😭
the popcorn -- omfg. no no sir don't you dare. i will combust.
fuck he did.
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girl why you pause. why you be like this what is happening. oh god it's him. and of course he is a new client. of course!
the way my man seung-hyo be acting like a child with the ex here. i am eating this shit up.
LOL of course he needs to leave leaving the two together.
lol me - both get out, leave my girl to cook. these two are too much, i'm cackling.
THE POPCORN YES GIRL. he is so happy about this, he is just lapping it up. and same king. same. "have some" you MENACE.
lol this man is gonna faint it's so much work. YAY CELEBRATORY DINNER! lol the bladder infection, brother TMI!!!!
"we end up dating each other" man is gonna become a paramedic to make sure he and mo-eum are gonna be together forever and no one can come between them 🤭🤭🤭
BAHAHAHAHA THE MUDFLATS MAN RETURNS!!!!!!!! I am SCREAMING!!!!!! they both just panic. wait no hold hands down there, pls <3
wait shit girl, you don't look good. girly no.
oh damn oh damn. seok-ryu. i get it but oh. oh it hurts so bad.
oh sweetie no. oh i get it, my hear hurts for you.
the WAY I KNEW - his and her secret. oh my.
now i must wait FOR MY BABIES TO RETURN.
and i will be sobbing <3
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eternalera · 8 months
Some problems i had with the finale in hazbin hotel
now before i start i just wanna say that i absolutely love and adore this show with all of my heart but with that being said i can still recognize its flaws and god does it have some
lets get one of the most obvious things out of the way first. charlie did literally nothing. she hit adam once or twice and he beat the shti out of her which was just a dumb excuse to have lucifer show up nad beat the shit out of him.
but more on that later. charlie is the main character and she only gets the motivation to go full 'god mode' when sir pentious dies? even then she didnt do anything. dazzle ends up dying but oh well its fine (or razzle i cant remember). she stabs adam once and even then he beats her up more than anything. hes powerful yes but charlie couldve put up more of a fight
she even has a song in episode 7 about taking charge but honestly... she doesnt really do that. actually sir pentious had a better arc than her and we hardly see him throughout the entire show
sir pentious' death was fine we see him gearing up and it was kinda leading onto the big scene where he would take on adam but...
bro got obliterated in less than like a second and then adam made a joke off of it. tbh at this moment i started laughing so hard because goddamn was it hilarious but then you have charlie and the hotel mourning it like not even five seconds after- like half a second after the joke.
the tonal whiplash of that scene was just... ugh-
like i didnt care about it being serious because guess what? im already laughing at the joke like everything that i cared for about him just thrown into the gutter because guess what? haha funny :)
but for that to be what makes charlie go into her full form still makes me mad- ugh
adams death was fine. he was killed by nifty so like- okay i guess. honestly i didnt really care for it. it was funny but then ONCE AGAIN you have lute cry over him and actually i cared more for that than nifty-
but its just like- nifty?
dont get me wrong its funny asf but... nifty? they treated both of what was meant to be serious deaths in this show as a goddamn joke and expect me to not call them out on it? like okay nifty shes a funny character but her killing adam just made me go though 3 different stages in the span of like- five seconds
bro just got stabbed wait what-
omg its nifty thats kinda funny
actually i dont really care for nifty so wtf-
like huh?
the death just kinda felt like... nothing to me. like i get thats its funny misogynistic asshole gets stabbed by crazy straight small bug woman. but i didnt really care for it. nfitys fine but i dont care about her enough for me to laugh out loud at this moment
lucifer's entrance was horrible. bro can open portals, he knew what they were doing, he knew what was coming yet he comes in like- halfway through the fight only when charlie's getting hurt
all im sayin is that if he was in it at the start the final episode wouldve been like half the amount of time it actually was...
oh yeah and pentious would be alive, but no they needed him to die to show that the hotel works so why not just hold him off.
im sorry but lucifer stole all of charlies glamour in this scene like charlie was getting choked after hitting adam once and then boom. daddy to the rescue ig
like are you kidding me? at least make it fucking vaggie or smth. not lucifer and why was he late? we've pretty much established that man doesnt do shit so like-
its fucking pointless it a quick and pretty damn cheesy ending. if he wasnt there at the start we dont need him at the end. or at least have him arrive earlier not at a convenient ass time
going back to the fact that NOT A SINGLE DEATH WAS TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
i know that sir pentious was coming back so its fine to make it a joke but like adam? bro thats your main villain right there. a show is only as good as its villain and honestly his death just wasnt satisfying (as i mentioned before)
like seriously wtf?
this all being said though i really enjoyed this show with my whole heart and i do love it and some of the things that it did. the fact that this show even got out is a goddamn miracle <3
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
hiii!!! first time anon and silent fan and follower of ALL ur fics!!! ive reread GH a billion times its so damn good your characterisation is impeccable and the way u write angst UNPARALLELED i live for it! every update from you makes MY day i live in australia so i wake up every Tuesday morning and allocate the first 20mins of my morning to a new chapter☺️☺️☺️
ANYWAYS decided i need to show my appreciation FOR CHAPTER 6 as it is 1000+/10 so here is my long review:
- Love love love all the description around the wedding details - to be known is to be loved and it’s only been a year…how could Olivia possibly know Paige the way azzi does. She really never stood a chance🫢
- Drew being “sick” and later saying “so she’s not stopping the wedding” - so endearing he just wants his pookie sister in law😭😭 i NEED an angsty scene with him and azzi in present time (how old would he be? Teens/early 20’s) where he’s clearly resentful about how everything went down
- Man Tim and Katie🥹🥹🥹 the NECKLACE my heartttttt. So gracious and supportive..would love to know if there was a part of them crushed by Paige not ending up their daughter in law
- Finding out on instagram about the pregnancy is insane i would have to be put down. Surely azzi did not find out about the wedding over instagram…surely……pls…..
- “the first thing you’re gonna see is your smile. And you’re gonna think it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. Just like I do” Paige’s way with words…Paige just can’t help it but ur heart breaks for azzi having to hear such beautiful things from her EX
- Paige crying alone in the tent crushed under the weight of both Azzi and Stephie in her heart ugh
- MAYBE MY FAVOURITE DIALOGUE YOUVE WRITTEN: Why is your daughter like this?” Paige demands, “how is she gonna make me cry and then send somebody else to wipe my tears.” “Why couldn’t she just have stayed?” the blonde questions, “why does she always have to overthink things and make it more complicated? Why can’t she just listen to her heart once in her fucking life? Why can’t she just let herself live? Why is it always no with her and never just yes?” - it’s v poetic but you’ve somehow managed to write it in a way that isn’t clunky but feels SO REALISTIC I can literally see the regressed 20 something version of Paige complaining to her defacto MIL about her girl problems. AMAZING
- NVM best dialogue you’ve ever written: “it’s the same one Tim had when he first met Azzi.” how does ur brain work like this?!!???????
- Steph guest appearance YAY! I wonder whether Steph ever makes fun of Azzi for how she named her child, or if they were already closer at that point. UNCLE TWIN☺️
- Naur Paige falling to her knees to catch Stephie - down astronomically bad it’s literally been a day i love them sooooooo much
- And then I yelled at Mama and it made Mama cry too and I hate making Mama cry.” - Paige and Stephie have so many similarities (purple, mint icecream etc) but the biggest thing - they BOTH love Azzi so much 🥺🥺🥺 what a privilege and simultaneously a terrifying prospect… that you are two people on the planet that can have the greatest capacity to impact her (both positive and negative)
- “that’s okay ‘cause I don’t miss.I’m Azzi Fudd’s daughter. Right Mama?” “Right baby,” This made me clucky fr! Stephie is spectacular give me 14 rn 👩‍🍼👩‍🍼👩‍🍼👩‍🍼👩‍🍼
- The constant theme of Azzi being content, having enough but not having everything she wants💔 she’s sacrificed so so much it hurts me how scared she is to accept that she could be happier
- I am a SUCKER for the trope where person 1 cannot stand seeing person 2 having a meltdown and person 2 goes to leave but person 1 cannot bear the thought of letting them go and hugs them ugh this story is like a MOVIE
- “You want me to say that I flew to Dallas once to tell you that I fucked up but then I saw you with Olivia and decided you deserved better than me-” the parallels to the UCLA fic and Paige seeing Azzi with Zoe..need to see this scene written PLEASE
- “It’s never too late for us,” Paige whispers before crashing her lips against the woman” Oh Lord here we go. This lowkey shocked me cannot lie - was NOT expecting this. V v curious about the aftermath of this….before day 1 of practise is CRAZY.
ANYWAYS WOW v v long review but i just needed to show my appreciation for this masterpiece! please know that this fic brings me infinitesimal joy and i cannot wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
OMG HI FRIEND (or I guess I should say mate like Australians lol?)!! Welcome to my inbox!
No one knows Paige the way Azzi does because Paige won't let anyone see her the way she lets Azzi see her
Drew is so absolutely done with these two dumbasses and had to make it very clear. I think Paige-Azzi were such an example to him and to have that taken has really made him cautious about love at the very raw age of 20 (that's how old he'd be in 2033 right?)
Paige always says the right things, the timing just isn't always the right one.
AH omg honestly it means much to me that you think my dialogues are realistic. Especially ones like that one where it's kinda heavy, I'm always a little self-conscious that maybe it sounds too speech-y and fake so I'm so glad it doesn't come off that way.
I think Steph and Azzi grew pretty close before Stephie because he was already her mentor but once she actually got to Golden State, he really took her under her wing and became more family than just mentor (Steph possibily teared up at the idea of Azzi naming her daughter after him)
Quite LITERALLY down bad lmao
The thing with Azzi, I think, is that she's a little scared to be loved. Like Azzi holds both Paige and Stephie's hand in the palm of her hands, and she's scared that she'll accident hold them too hard and crush them.
I do think there will be a flashback to Azzi flying to Dallas but tbd which chapter!
LMAO they're not very good at the taking it slow thing are they?
You are so very sweet and I appreciated this so very much!
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What season of SPN makes you the most feral? What are your headcanons about it?
Hi Anon!
Sorry it took me so long to answer, usually I’m quicker with asks. First, I needed to think about my answer. Then, my internet went down (ugh). Now, I’m on a work trip.
I don’t tend to have a lot of headcanons for SPN, and the ones I have, I mostly think of in the moment as I’m watching or they are pretty common (for example, Ben is Dean’s kid).
Anyways, after thinking about it, I think the season(s) thst makes me the most feral is the Season 2 & 3 combo. I have to put them together because of the reversal of brother worry that flows so well: Dean worrying obsessively about Sam (and being alone) until the worst happens and Sam actually dies, so Dean sells his soul for Sam because he can’t bear to be without him, so Sam worries obsessively about Dean (and being alone) until he starts throwing some of his morals out the window (metaphorically selling his soul) to try and save him, but the worst happens and Dean dies. These seasons have so many brother feels, then being mistaken for a couple (which I always find amusing), and pain. It all hurts so good.
There are a couple of things that make me feel especially “feeral” in this era.
In “In My Tine of Dying” Sam can sense Dean’s soul (love this), they talk to each other using a “talking board,” and Sam tried so damn hard find a way to save (in a short window of time) Dean, and Dean (who worries that he needs Sam more than Sam needs him) never remembers how worried Sam was for him and how much he watered to save him. I hate that he doesn’t remember. As far as I can tell, when Tessa returns his memories of that time (in Season 4), she only returned the parts involving her, not the parts where Dean saw how much Sam loved him (This is up there with Sam and Dean not knowing the phone call was tampered with in Season 4, for me).
“What is and What Should Never Be” pretty much twists my heart from start to finish. Dean having everything “apple pie” he could want, but none of it being worth it if Sam doesn’t love him (beyond in the “he’s my brother so I have to love him” but NOT like him sort of way). The acting in this one is good too. We get a very different Sam, and Jared plays how different he is from normal Sam and how weirded out he is by Dean trying to show any affection towards him really well. We get to see Jensen play a cute and happy Dean, then we see his heart breaking when he realizes he can’t stop hunting if it means people will die, and I love/hate the more subtle heartbreak of him seeing Sam back away from him. I just … love this episode. (Also, … “What are you calling me bitch for?”).
Everything about Meg!Sam, and Dean saying he’d rather die than kill Sam. Pure gold.
“Mystery Spot,” the whole episode is just fantastic. A tiny hesdcanon I have for this episode is that there was at least a day where Sam tackled Dean to the bed (non-romantically) and just refused to let him up, clinging to him like a koala in desperation because Dean dies every time he leaves the room, or does basically anything. Dean struggles at first but then just lays there and takes it, maybe awkwardly patting Sam’s arm. He is both kinda weirded out, but also secretly happy with how much Sam obviously cares about him. But, of course, it being Mystery Spot, Sam probably accidentally kills him somewhere in there.
One last thing I think of often is, I wish I could see Sam succeeding and saving Dean in the Season 3 finale. It bothers me so much that he couldn’t do it after how hard he tried, and the lengths he was willing to go to, and it hurts seeing how much his “failure” and losing Dean tortured him. Dean ended up inflicting the exact pain on Sam that their Dad did on him by selling his soul for him and dying for him, except worse. Also, I actually like the Angel story line in Seasons 4 to 6, but I loath it after that, except for a few exceptions. So, if Sam had saved Dean, we might have been spared angel politics thst went on for too long, as well.
Anyway, I’ll stop it there because my answer is getting away from me.
Thank you for your question, Anon ❤️.
What season(s) make you feral?
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demvalhaken · 2 months
Disclaimer: Self Harm, S-icidal topics, Threats + me unintentionally being salty
Br00me goes by They/Them and has a big following on Tiktok and Gamejolt. They have two accounts on Tiktok, Br00m.e and Mushr00med_beauty.
Why am I coming out about this so suddenly? They cannot commit such heinous acts and go unnoticed.
I will be showing Discord screenshots, and tiktok screenshots.
READ: Yumiiii is also someone I know, they are also a friend of Br00me. Br00me’s will be shortened to Broom/Br
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Dem: Me
I only have this screenshot because Broom had sent me a death threat but the server it was sent in had been deleted. The threat was basically “I have weapons in my garage, and will follow you home and kill you.” I am not joking, this seemingly harmless goober scared the shit out of me at the time. I feel like the threat hasn’t even been talked about, its like the worst thing they’ve done
The screenshot Yumi sent was basically just Broom saying “Fuck Dem”
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: This has also been confirmed
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Yumi called Broom an “attention seeker.” There’s not much to say other than it probably has underlying motives. All I can say is “Why would you pretend to be drunk?”
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: This has also been confirmed
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Guilt tripping. Broom has threatened both me and Yumi with self harm and s-icide. Keep Broom’s SH in mind as it will come up a lot. Why do I say guilt tripping? Because Broom has been known to use this to make someone feel guilty like Yumi
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: This has been confirmed by the big Broom themself.
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Maybe guilt tripping? I was having words shoved down my throat. Even I know that me saying malicious things like that is completely crazy. Yeah sure, I’d call someone a bitch, but I wouldn’t say “You deserve to cut yourself”
It’s still a big “wtf” memory for me to this day
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: Apparently I actually did say that… uh… thanks Dem… FUCK MY BRAIN FOR MAKING ME BELIEVE I DIDNT SAY IT WHEN I DID, UGH SOMETIMES I WISH I HAD INFINITE MEMORY… Just know that the lying was unintentionally because my brain is blocking things from me and I can’t remember shit. Damn, I was butthurt back then, it hurts looking back at my old self, I was quite literally a tornado of insecurity, hatred, edginess, and hurt. That doesn’t justify anything cus like I was also a bad person back then, like forget everything, bitch, and just hate things for no reason bad.
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I had basically told Broom that making your entire profile another person’s oc was wrong. The oc in question was Sky Heart’s black cat on youtube, a pretty big animator. Instead of doing anything else, I was promptly called a “dipshit” and told to fuck off
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: Uhhhhhh I don’t remember what I was gonna say here, just watch their recent apology cus yk
Let’s talk about Br00me’s TikTok as well
Br00m.e is their TikTok along with Mushr00med_beauty.
They have constantly used their self harm and issues as content, gaining massive amounts of sympathy from people. I understand posting like four videos talking about it but they have MORE THAN 11 videos talking about it.
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: My fingers hurt. Erm… Uh… Embarrassing! That’s just me being bitchy, but still what I was trying to say was there’s a point where the vent post get kinda overwhelming from the sheer amount. Apologies on my part, thank you past Dem for stirring the pot of drama with your salty hatred for someone, WHY TF- Nvm
Their content is mainly about their sans ocs and regretevator ocs
Broom is an offender of using the ai image to create a fursona
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The AI image - Their fursona
It’s quite blatantly obvious. Shame on you.
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: Bleep blorp gleep glorp, WTF WAS THAT, anyways they were gonna make change to it, I was being a bitch here and I don’t know why. Damn this post is salty, past Dem was on some hate drug or somethin
Broom also on Gamejolt is no better. This includes the same as their TikTok. On both TikTok and Gamejolt, Broom had said that everyone cancelled on their birthday party and that they were going to kill theirselves. I am probably a part of that group as I couldn’t come due to inconveniences + I didn’t want to go
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: Idk why I interpreted the post like that but, uh, I was not apart of it… Well that’s embarrassing…
Broom also states their mental problems in their gamejolt description. Since they’ve been distrustful in my opinion, I would believe they’re doing it for attention purposes. They supposedly have ADD, BPD, and Autism? Broom is also a therian/fictionkin and has a third TikTok that goes by .Vintage48
FURTHER INFORMATION NOTE: Ugh, I was being a skeptical person, but yes, they do have diagnosed ADD. BPD and Autism are suspected.
But .vintage48 has been deleted/unable to be found
Broom also has another Gamejolt account that goes under the user SatanSavedMe. I have no hate against those who practice this type of religion. The account hasn’t been active since 2024/March 3rd
This is all I have to say but please don’t show any hate to Broom. I’m only coming out with this because it’s really been bothering me for a year and I can’t just stay quiet about. I do not mean any ill intentions with this post and I only wish we can learn from this onward.
This is a hard post, I know, but spread the word if you want to. I love you guys. You can comment if you want to
Edit: On Gamejolt, Broom posted a make me blush chart despite saying they’re asexual
When confronted with “They’re replies are false” Broom went ballistic. It shows that Alex also had a horrible way of dealing with criticism/accusations.
FUTURE INFORMATION NOTE: The post was from 2023 not 2024, Broom was not asexual at that time, I apologise as this was inquired by Purpsie. But this is also my fault for not checking the goddamn date as I was quite literally having a panic attack writing this post in its original state (Unedited version)
Edit 2: The server was deleted, thought I should mention that. Do not show hate to Alex guys, they made dumb decisions and are learning from their past mistakes. Their page has a response post and I suggest you read that before saying anything.
Edit 3: I’m too tired to change this post, I wrote this while I was tired last night and like idk what happened? Even though Alex isn’t their real name, never call them that, apologies. I knew the consequences of making this post and now I feel like an idiot, I will not be making any further drama as to not do something I will regret. Changes to the name have been made
Edit 4: What about the death threat I got sent? Are we just gonna ignore that you completely avoided anything about one of the main problems?
Edit 5: Do not talk to me, I’m eating every potato in the world with ranch
Edit 6: Might leave this in the past and start a new life. More art coming soon, I swear. I wish to be left alone. I didn’t expect for this to be taken to TikTok, the worst place to share stuff
Edit 7: Get help, and also fuck you kindly. YOU LITERALLY USE ALEX AS USERNAME 😭 I’m changing it back lol
Edit 8: Erm what the sigma? Shhhh I’m too tired to talk to you Br00me, I SAW THAT APOLOGY POST IF YOURE READING THIS NEW EDIT. So uh, yeah I was being salty cus I get bitchy sometimes, apologies for being a dick. I’m just hurt cus you know I literally don’t have any friends anymore yay. Ugh, I’m just like tired of this, I regret making this post but the damage is already fucking done. Also I might’ve lied on accident because my brain has blocked most of the memories out, and some of the stuff was said by my partner in crime, Purpsie. I will be making slight changes, If you need to message me Br00me, my alt tiktok is NotAnAnkleBiter, please and thank you.
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lou-iz-stat · 6 months
5 more weeks and I am starting to loose my mind a little bit haha. I am in my rewatch of episode 3 and I do have to say that I adore this episode. Once again there will be book spoilers and spoilers for the rest of season 1 as well as maybe some theorizing so be warned.
I’m excited! Let’s go!
IWTV S1 E3: Is My Very Nature That of the Devil
This episode starts with Louis and Lestat sitting at their bench in the park. ❤️
And it kind of acts as Louis trying to convince Lestat to only kill bad people. But in the book that is how Lestat actually kills so I wonder if this will come back when he finally tells his side of the story.
This episode definitely brings the comedy with Lestat quips and him just tackling that guy. 😂
Not the cat Louis!
I’ll tell you what Lestat can be such an asshole but just like the scene where he calls out the piano player at first he’s sour then he’s sweet. Yep Lestat is a sour patch kid.
I love how Daniel uses the recording from 1973 as that’s a callback to the first interview where Louis is just ragging on Lestat just like he did in the book.
The “Oddity of recollection” scene is great. I’m sure that is to come back in full force next season. I’m just excited thinking about what we are about to uncover.
When Louis realizes that Lestat didn’t kill Antoinette he looks so disappointed. Ugh I feel so bad for Louis here. 😩
And Lestat uncontrollably laughing when it’s the worst possible moment to do so is sooooooo Lestat it’s killing me…
But I just EAT UP the instant regret in Lestat’s eyes when Louis wants to fuck other people even he was the one who suggested it! He is just his own worst enemy all of the time.
When I first watch this episode I was so scared that Lestat was going to kill Jonah.
The look Louis gives Armand! “Your lingering Rashid” what sick game are they playing!!!!??? I’m going insane.
Lestat is doing the most this episode! But on second thought he always does the most lol.
“ I HEARD YOUR HEARTS DANCING!!!!!!!” It’s such an iconic scene!!!! “You watched the whole thing like some CREEPER!” The writing is everything
We have the iconic gif of Louis putting the “Colored Only, No Whites Allowed” that gif has gotten more people to watch the show than any promo amc has done.
I LOVE the scene where Louis kills that racist ass Alderman! Jake the dog gets his guts ripped out!” Some great quotes include. “Why’s your heart beating so fast?” And “ You said I’m arrogant!? Maybe I am arrogant! I’m a vampire” so goood!
It hurts just so much more after reading The Vampire Lestat when Louis tells him “It’s why you’re always gonna be alone.” 😭 Louis doesn’t know Lestat’s past yet but damn!
And finally yay it’s time for my girl Claudia!
I made it through another episode for my rewatch! If you are still reading this thank you for your support.
I’ll hopefully be back next week.
Until then 5 weeks! It’s going by fast!
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lutawolf · 2 years
Between Us Episode 6 Commentary and Review
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For my previous episode commentary can be found here.
If you aren't ready for the pain. Well, you're in good company because me either. Why do you guys do this to me? Why do you always want me to review the most painful shows? I think I'm surrounded not only by brats, but Sadists. I can't even take enjoyment in knowing that you all will suffer with me. No! Because all of you like this sort of shit. I hate it here.
Okay, enough eternal distractions. Let's do this. You ever wonder what it would be like to watch yourself on TV. No? Yeah, me either. Yes, this is absolutely me continuing to try and distract from what's about to happen. Ahhhh, no. Team. Oh, thank god for Win. It's the Hia that brings Win from concern to now angry. Oh, the chin grab is very Dom. It not only allows you to control the motion of the face, but dish out punishment as well. The bite of fingers into the face can be painful, but not necessarily overly harsh. It gets results and is something you can do in public with few recognizing what's going on. I personally am a huge fan of facial control.
I really feel for both of them At this moment. I get where are both coming from. Ah, there's that fist. I'm really glad that he didn't actually hit him, but I can for sure see why he was so pissed. Plus, being scared on top of that, who wouldn't lose control? But a Dom who fully loses control and actually swings on their submissive can go fuck themselves. You don't have what it takes to be a Dom then. The object is to have control, not lose it. It's like the shitty Doms who brag about making their submissive use their safe word. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works, shitheads.
The moment he is standing there with his fist up and team is just waiting, says so much about him as a sub. The way Win pulls him into a hug and then communicates through his pain. Ugh, my heart. Team finally comes out of his shock and hugs him back. "My heart is torn apart." "What would happen to me if something happened to you?" You guys are destroying me and that kissed did not help. Fuck, but the acting is top tier.
Oh, silence as punishment. Ugh, can't say I blame him, though. I hate using it for discipline, but sometimes it's for the Doms benefit besides being an effective punishment. Use it too often, and it's abusive, but so is saying shit out of anger. Sometimes silence is needed to figure out your own feelings. The first thought you think isn't just instinct, but it can also be about your conditioning and how you are raised. It's your thoughts after that first instinct that are actually you versus upbringing. So yeah, it's only natural that sometimes it takes longer to sort all that out.
Shit guys! We just started and I've written an essay. Sorry new followers. Run for the hills! Okay, not cool Win, you interrupted. He was trying to explain himself, and you really lost an opportunity to learn here. Are you listening, Win. Can you pull out of your anger long enough to hear? You're going to be a shitty Dom if can't. Because that boy is going to need patience and understanding. Oh look, he is. Good. Awe poor baby. All punishment and no kisses, but look at him bringing you to his home and caring for you.
Oh, you shithead. Telling him that you should have let him drown. If he has a full-blown panic attack, I'm not forgiving you!!! You better fucking apologize! Don't, nobody, give me shit. He is past the point in which it is acceptable to make painful verbal strikes. What Team did was wrong, but he wasn't intentionally trying to hurt someone, whereas Win is. He is lucky that Team is so damn forgiving, unlike him. They both love each other so much.
Oh boy, she just said friend. She told you that Win brought a friend with him, and you're just going to jump on the bed. 🤣🤣🤣 Poor Team, he is getting so abused. They were cuddling under those covers, I just know it. Team like, yeah, who am I. I’m dead. Their facial expressions are hilarious. Okay little bro, you really grew on me last episode but this episode, you are sliding home. You are such a little sibling. Not that I did this shit At All. Nope. Never.
Look at him showing off his grades, it's so cute. If not, fucking sad as fuck. You don't show your paper and grades to your siblings unless they are the ones to raise you. Bless it. Fuck, shit, I called it. I knew I did, but that's besides the point! Fucking episode, you could stop killing me any time now. Ohhhh, I love this kid. He is so fucking astute. He knows exactly who Team is to Win, and he just accepts him. Invites him to come too. Don't know Team as well as you thought you did, huh, Win. I did notice that he calls him P' Team.
Okay... The whole calling out Prince's name had me laughing. That shit was funny. That was super cute. Dean and Win's friendship is bro goals. I adore them. If you guys only knew the amount of distractions I have going on around me right now. Oh damn, Win dealing with some flashbacks. Oh damn, the fear of losing something you love. Oh damn, the insecurities. Tell him Dean!!! I mean, Win you are relatable in your stupidity, but damn. You think you wouldn't feel it if something happened to Dean or your family? And he left. You are going to be real lucky if Team isn't petty.
Okay now they are cringy. Is he really dancing around, why spraying that on himself? WTF. Okay Steve!!! Look at you finally not being a third wheel. Win picked you for support? Are we about to see some redeeming qualities? Oh, thank god, his brother came. We might actually get some decent advice. Sorry, Steve, I mean T. rex. You're back to being the third wheel. Look on the bright side, you get to stare at your crush.
Oh, you are a couple, dumbass. Don't go getting twisted just because your panties are. Look, Steve isn't so bad. At least he gives good caring facial expressions. Poor Win, though, he's so fucking relatable. Okay, I need one of you guys to pull some good advice out your ass. I know he is having a moment, but to not pick up when your sub calls is just not done. I like Dean and Pharm and all, but I'm going to forward because I comment a lot about them in my UWMA reviews.
Just the two of us. Look, no offense, but I don't blame him for ditching you guys. My homework assignment for the two of you is to find some friends and learn to give advice. And I mean friends where you aren't the third wheel to, Steve. filler, filler, and more filler. They pretty though. I'll give them that.
Oh, damn. I really didn't want to see that. I could have done without so much details. Now I'm a little grateful for the respite of the filler. "Yeah, do it, I like it." That was cute. I also like how they constantly looked at each other. That's one of my favorite things. Okay, so is the snuggling. NO! I'm not crying. Your crying. If anybody actually reads all this, I'm going to be shocked. Anybody else want to punch, Win right now? Like not really because he is still a favorite character, but damn! I'm all up in my feels right now.
The product placement video!!! Loved it!!! Well, hope that those of you who were able to get through this long ass thing enjoy. As a reward, I give you the link to my newest smut scene.
Enjoy 💜💜💜
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papillondenuit-marth · 7 months
[In his unconscious state, the moth's mind relayed picture shows and feverish visions to him. Memories new and old were mixed and matched like that of a bag of jellybeans he remembers... someone... giving to him. Who was it again?]
[There were voices, muffled like on the radio yet so clear. It was like he could see deformed blobs of colour, coming in and out of focus, moving as if they were people they could never be.]
["Keep those peepers shut!"]
["I am too old for this."]
["Nahhh. No such thing."]
["Are we really going to do this in an abandoned smith's abode?"]
["Where else do you expect to do this durin' war, Marth?"]
["Nowhere. You do not celebrate birthdays in the middle of war."]
["Well, I beg to differ! Gotta find somethin' to smile about it. Hate sitting in dreary dumps. You like to sit in your sorrow and I'm not standin' for it."]
["Alright, alright. Open those eyes!"]
["Congrats for makin' it to the ripe old age of 26, brother of mine!"]
["That is an unusual way of saying Happy Birthday."]
["Weren't you just complaining about celebrating this not even ten seconds ago? Now you wanna critique my methods?"]
["I am difficult."]
["You're a pain in the ass. I'm glad you made it to 26."]
["I do not imagine you will make it past 23."]
["Say somethin' nice, I did somethin' nice for you! What, are you gonna ask if I poisoned the cake next?"]
["Did you poison the cake, ------?"]
["Yes. You'll die in five minutes."]
["Ah. Should have told me after I took a bite of the cake. Now I can just toss the whole thing and not die."]
["I'm JOKIN'!! Please eat the cake, this was not easy to put together. Appreciate it. Savour it. Happy god damn birthday."]
["Yes, ah.... Thank you. It was... nice of you to do this. You did not have to."]
["I don't normally do things that I'm told I have to do. I do things 'cuz I want to. And you know what I want to do? Celebrate my beeewoved big bwother, the absolute saint..."]
["Get off me before I throw this cake in your face."]
["Hey, Marth?"]
["Wake up."]
["Marth. Wake up. WAKE UP."]
[Something shifted. His heart was racing.]
["Wake up!"]
[It didn't sound like his voice anymore.]
[Who was that?]
["You have to wake up!"]
["Come on!"]
["You're okay!"]
["Please, Marth, come on!"]
[He wanted to go back to the abandoned blacksmith shack. He wanted to eat that cake. Instead he found himself staring at nightmarish spirals of abstract imagery and figures. He stood facing a mountain of bodies, the bodies all of the same man.]
[No. No. No. No.]
[Then he was rushing through a crowd. Nobody would move out of the way for him. No matter how much he pushed and screamed, it was like he was wading through the sea trying to go forward. He had to keep moving. His heart was pounding against his chest as if begging to be set free like a bird from a cage. He felt like he was drowning.]
[The yelling didn't stop. It got louder. It was all he could hear, echoing back and forth through where he was.]
["Stay with me, okay?!"]
[And then it roared like a siren. Someone grabbed his hand from within the crowd, gripping it tightly, digging his claws into Marth's palm.]
["WAKE UP!"]
[Groggily, Marth found his eyes opening. He could barely manage to keep them open, and they were barely open at that. It was all hazy. He was... awake. But not fully conscious. He's not super... present.]
[Perhaps he overdid it this time. Everything hurts! Yeowch!]
[What happened, again? Where was he? There was... some sort of fight, yeah.]
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